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Chicago Turabian Style Example
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Chicago Turabian Style Example EssayChicago Turabian Style Example Essay
The Importance Of The Foster Care System
The foster care system has been around for generations, constantly adjusting the system to
modernize it. But there s been a loss of protection in the system through these last few years. The
foster care system needs to change because children are being placed in unsafe environments,
funding is going in unnecessary places, the adoptionprocess has some discouraging qualifications,
and education in the system doesn t have a huge importance. Children in the foster caresystem are
being put in unsafe environments on a daily basis, such as abusive, drug using, or alcoholic
foster parents. This has become a pattern, a large number of adults who grew up in the foster
care system, have experienced one, if not more of these unsafe environments. An article by
Brittany Hines Clark about her experience in the foster care system, she says. I went to a long
term placement when I was 7 years old. I stayed there for about five years, but they weren t the
most pleasant years. At first, I was the only girl in the home, with three boys. By the time I was
moved, five years later, there were six boys there, and I was still the only girl. Only one of the
boys was my biological brother. During my time in that home, I was physically and sexually
manipulated. So many things went on there, but only my outbursts were reported to my social
worker. I even was put in the home of a different member of that familyso that the foster parent
would continue getting paid (Clark).
Also in an article by
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Costa Cruise Crisis Essay
Carnival Corporation PLC is the largest passenger cruise ship company owning over one
hundred vessels across the globe. Costa Cruise is one of ten cruise line brands owned by
Carnival Corporation PLC. Costa Cruise operates out of Genoa Italy and operates the vessel
named the Concordia. On January 13, 2012 at 10:00 pm the Costa Concordia cruise ship began
to sink after hitting a rock off the west coast of Italy. The ship was only hours into its trip when
its Captain Federico Schettino took the vessel off course to sail close to a small Italian island
named Giglio. According to Squires (2014), Schettino wanted to salute a retired naval officer and
his head waiters family on the island, and to provide a spectacle to passengers. By the time... Show
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It lets others control the story and suggests the organization has yet to gain control of the
situation (p. 4). On January 19, 2012, Carnival posted on Facebook saying Hi, everyone. Out of
respect for all those affected by the recent events surrounding our sister line, Costa cruises, we
are going to take a bit of a break from posting on our social channels. We will still be actively
listening and answering any questions you have about your past or upcoming cruises, but for
now, the majority of our time will be spent focusing on all those affected by this event. We thank
you again for all your support (Facebook, 2012, para. 1). On January 23, 2012, four days after
ceasing from updating social channels Carnival corporation suffered false accusations in articles
published in the New York Post, The Daily News, and the Huffington Post regarding the
compensation plan for victims on the Concordia. In The Huffington Post, Dolan (2012), claimed
that a memo sent from Costa Cruise to travel agents offered thirty percent discount on future
cruises and was valid for eighteen months. Kennedy (2012), also said that a spokesperson from
Costa Cruise told the New York Daily that a thirty percent discount was offered to victims who
were willing to stay loyal to the company. In the New York Post, Bennett (2012) said,
representatives of Carnival
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Summary Of The Walking Dead
Lenny Tolentino Brad Flis English 114
08 December 2015
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead is a television series which follows the story of a disease causing infection
that caused the Earth to be dominated by a zombie apocalypse. A group of survivors gets forced
to fight for their lives against man/eating zombies. The main character in the show is Rick
Grimes, a Sheriff Deputy who had been shot prior to the apocalypse event. Rick was later taken to
a local hospital before the zombie epidemic. Rick awakens from a coma in which he finds himself
in a hospital alone. He noticed that he is in a world that is different than anything he has ever seen
before. Throughout the series Rick shows authority, and strength which shows his machismo over
the group. The series exemplifies how masculinity, femininity, and values are represented in the
relationships of the surviving characters and how these individualities are especially inflated
throughout the show. In the first few episodes of the Walking Deadseries you see the relationships
between a few survivors, and how they ethically help each other overcome the adversities in the
zombie prophetic world. As Rick and his group travel through a series of terrains they are forced to
make serious decisions in which impact everyone in the group, especially, those whom Rick feel an
obligation to lead (masculinity role). As a group they have a strong positive moral direction, even
though masculinity (independent, non emotional,
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Ike Ikea s Business Plan
Introduction IKEA was founded and established by Ingvar Kamprad, born in SmГҐland Sweden.
Within 6 decades that is from 1943 to 2016, IKEA has grown from the woods of southern
Sweden to the largest furniture retailer in the world; also IKEA is rated as fifth most valuable
retailer and most valuable furniture brand in the world. IKEA designs and retails ready to
assemble furniture directly to its customers with a network of total 328 stores located in 28
different countries and supported by 978 external suppliers from 50 different countries. IKEA is
valued over 18 billion US dollars and generated a global revenue of 32 billion Euros in 2015 that
is 11.2% more than 2014. In total IKEA employees 155,000 co workers located in different parts
of the world and also ranked 62nd out of the 100 best employers to work for in 2005. Vision
IKEA vision is To create a better everyday life for the many people [www.ikea.com] that is the
idea behind the IKEA business plan is to design and provide a wide variety of home furnishing
products to its customers at as low cost as possible which will ultimately increase the affordability.
The company aims at building long term relations with its suppliers and also investing into more
automated production which ultimately help them to produce better quality products at lower cost.
Whereas for human resource practices IKEA vision is to give straightforward people an
opportunity to grow, that is both professionally and individually so that together
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Speech On Diversity In India
Harmony means the quality of forming a pleasing and consistent whole. Unity in diversity means
oneness in the varieties. India is a best country proving this concept for many years. India is a
country where it is very clear to see unity in diversity because people of many religion, race, culture
and tradition live together without affecting each other s feelings and believes to their religion.
Unity in diversity focuses on the existence of unity even after lots of differences of cultural, social,
physical, linguistic, religious, political, ideological, psychological, etc. More number of diversities
makes more complex unity. People in Indiaare united in spite of the much diversity of races,
religions, castes, sub castes, communities, languages... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Harmony in diversity boosts morale of people at workplace, organization, and community. It
helps in enhancing esprit de corps, relationships, teamwork among people thus improve
performance, quality of work, productivity and lifestyle. It makes communication effective even
in bad situation. Harmony do keeps people away from social problems and help to manage
conflicts easily. Live in harmony do improve healthy human relations and protects equal human
rights for all. Harmony in diversity in India provides source of tourism. People of diverse
cultures, traditions, cuisines, religions and clothing attract more visitors and tourists from all
across the world. It gives rise the habit of national integration among people of the country even
after being diverse in various ways. It also gives value to the rich heritages of country as well as
strengthens and enriches the cultural heritage of India. It helps to be rich in agricultural area
through different crops and thus economy growth. Harmony is the source of skilled and advance
professionals in various areas to the
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Reactions To Evil In Watership Down By Richard Adams
Evil takes a prominent role in the classic adventure novel Watership Down, and the author, Richard
Adams, introduces many old and new reactions to evil as the story progresses. Richard Adams
makes his point very clear, there is evil everywhere on Earth, and it can even be present the downs
of the English countryside. Richard Adamsexplores this idea of evil through many different forms:
foxes, badgers, birds, humans, and the earth itself. The novel shows the readers these responses so,
in turn, the reader knows the correct way to respond to evil accordingly. In Watership Down, while
running away was the easiest way to respond to evil, the rabbits looked to the natural world and
fought back as well.
Running away is the most noticeable and explainable reaction to evil in Watership Down. Being
the most common reaction to anything intimidating or frightening in the world of humans,
readers can assume the rabbits will do the same. After all, are they not just rabbits? One quote
from the book explains this perfectly, Oh, Hazel! This is where it comes from! I know now
something very bad! Some terrible thing coming closer and closer....We have to leave (27 30). The
whole novel essentially revolves around the rabbits running away from their warren. Although the
rabbits have other reaction events occur, everything all comes back to the novel s core reaction;
running away. Another quote explaining this reaction is one from Captain Holly, I got away with
what I did (154). However,
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Wgu Accreditation Audit Aft2 Task 3
Tracer Patient Audit
AFT2 Accreditation Audit
October 10th, 2014
Tracer Patient Audit
With an audit by the Joint Commission (JC) in the near future, Nightingale Community Hospital
(NCH) is performing a tracer patient survey to measure our compliance and identify issues that
are in need of remediation. The practice of this type of survey tracks a patient s care for the
duration of their stay starting from the admission process and ending when they are discharged.
This system allows us to assess our strengths and weaknesses concerning policy, procedures, and
systems in place to provide quality care in conjunction with the standards set forth by the JC.
Summary of Tracer Patient Audit Findings This particular... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
The portion of the action plan consists of two main parts 1. Give all personnel a written update to
this policy as soon as it is updated 2. Nurse supervisors will conduct group training sessions to go
over this new policy and procedure, and accompanying forms a. Have all employees sign an
acknowledgement form that they understand the new policy and corresponding procedures, and
received training within 14 days of establishment of the new policy The third part of the action plan
will be to assess the progress of changes. This requires measuring current and future performance
against past performance, which will need to be assessed more in depth than the initial tracer
patient audit. The last portion of the corrective action plan not only assesses the change, but might
also include further revisions to the change in policy and procedures if it is found that performance
is inconsistent with the standards set forth by the Joint Commission. The part of the plan has four
parts that consist of: 1. Conduct a randomized audit of the past 60 days prior to policy change to
ascertain the percentage of compliance before the change in policy for future comparative analysis
2. Follow up over the course of 30 days for
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Asexual Reproduction Vs. Desert Grasslands Whiptail Lizard
Asexual or Sexual Reproduction There are many methods of reproduction, but the two main
methods are sexual and asexual, but which one is more efficient or beneficial. Sexual reproduction
is the fusing of two gametes to produce an offspring. This form of reproduction is used by a lot of
organisms, including us. Asexual reproductionis reproduction that only involves one parent. (
Pros and cons of sexual and asexual reproduction ). I am going to focus on asexual reproduction
and the Desert Grassland Whiptail Lizard. This unique lizard uses asexual reproduction. Asexual
reproduction is better for this species of lizards because it only requires one parent, it is less risky,
and the population is only female.
The Desert Grasslands Whiptail Lizard
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Why Surveillance Is Important
Surveillance occupies a major portion of the typical private investigator s day, and is one of their
most important tasks. Here are a few hints and tips for any new or aspiring private investigator to
help improve their surveillance skills:
It s not exactly thrilling sitting all night in your car checking on someone who says his recent
accident means he is house bound, while the insurance company suspects the claimant is still
running a night time taxi business from home. A colleague who specializes in this type of
investigation says that, instead of sitting up all night waiting to see if the person is working nights
on the taxis, he places a small coin on the top of the rear tyre of the car, then goes home to bed. If
the coin is still there ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
But don t do this too regularly, in case the technique actually draws the attention you seek to avoid.
Investigators in quiet areas like villages and parks will find a dog a useful ally. After all, a man
out walking his dog can retrace his route, walk off the beaten track, and stop and stand still for a
couple of minutes, without making anyone curious.
The successful investigator never looks his subject in the eye; not for long periods, that is.
Sunglasses even if they are a bit of a clichГ© in detective movies are a good idea in appropriate
places and at particular times, as they mean you can look without giving the game away. At night or
in the middle of winter, however, they are certain to attract suspicion!
On a similar theme, never point your car directly at a subject. Park facing the other way, and watch
your subject through the rear view mirrors.
Finally, be patient. Softly, softly, catchee monkey Charlie Chan advised. And a large American
detective agency adds to its promotional literature: We do nothing quickly .
Article Source:
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Structural And Precipitant Causes Of Terrorism
A necessary condition is a condition needed in order to meet and obtain a certain goal. Whereas
sufficient condition is a condition that if this condition is met, then it guarantees that the goal will
be achieved. They relate to structural and precipitant causes of terrorism by structural and
precipitant causes being the influencing aspect of both the necessary and sufficient condition.
Three structural causes of terrorismare environmental, political and cultural. Three precipitant
causes of terrorism are social, cultural or historical facilitation, organizational development or split,
and support be it financial, training, intel, weapons, and recruits. Environment, political and culture
are all three necessary conditions and that is because growing up in an environment or society that
has a strong influence for terrorist organizations does not necessarily warrant that an individual will
join an organization but instead adds an influence that would otherwise not have been there. There
is also the aspect that a place can be very political but it not have forms of terrorist organizations.
The precipitant causes act more as... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They need money because without it they cannot get weapons and their men don t work. They need
intel and the only way they can achieve collecting such information is through having the support of
others that are willing to put themselves out there. Then organization development or split is
important because without being orderly, no one person leads the group and the group quickly falls
apart. Whereas the precipitant causes are sufficient conditions the structural causes seem to fall
more along the lines of necessary conditions. They are necessary because without them, a terrorist
organization cannot work but having them does not necessarily negate having a terrorist
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Charlie Chaplin s View Of Marxist Ideas In Modern Times
What I Think about Modern Times From the movie Modern Times, which is the masterpiece of
Charlie Chaplin, a Famous English comic actor, we can find lots of not only funs but also
philosophy in it. Yes, Chaplin is a greatest comedy master, and he makes his movies humorous
vividly with his funny personality and actions, especially in the movie Modern Times.
However, if you think Chaplin s movie only talks about humor in order to make us laugh, you
will be wrong! In Chaplin s movie Modern Times, the humor in this movie that we can see is
external; as a matter of fact, this movie is internal contains philosophy that Chaplin shows us
Marxist ideas in his specific time background, which needs us observe carefully. First of all, I
agree with that point that it is important to Wartenberg s view that Chaplin s illustration of Marxist
ideas be intentional. If we observe carefully, we still can find lots of details that Chaplin wants to
tell us his thought about Marxist ideas with his humorous performance. Here are some details that I
think Chaplin illustrates Marxist ideas intentionally. At the beginning of this movie, it shows two
scenes continuously, which seems apparently that they are not related: the first scene is the sheep
are led to the slaughter; another scene is many factory workers move to work in the steal factory.
It contains philosophy; the sheep and the factory workers are related; the factory workers move to
factory and face their destiny of slaughter by the
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Character, Morals, Integrity Essay
Character, Morals, Integrity
Morals, character, integrity, what do these words mean....actually, the question is, do you have
them. A man named Dwight Moody once said, Character is what you are in the dark. You cannot
see your morals, character, or integrity, these are only shown as your values. Someone could only
show their own values, which are very important to themselves and everyone else. Integrity is the
firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values. The way you show your integrity,
character, and morals or how they are effect you in either a negative or positive way. There are
many causes to how your values are. So as you know, integrity is very important and it is important
to have it.
First of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Laura stated, integrity effects you by either being honest or not. If you are honest, then you have
integrity. People who say that they are going to do something do it. You can now see that character,
morals, and integrity are very important.
Secondly, people may think that their values may not affect them, but they re wrong, they affect
them a lot. Since character describes how you are and what your moral strengths are, having bad
character could make people dislike you because of how you are. On the other hand, if you have
good character, then more people would see how good of a person you are and even more
people would like you. Morals sort of describe the way you make decisions, so having bad morals
could guide your life down the drain, while having good morals could guide your life minute by
minute toward noble goals. Integrity is also very important. Having bad integrity could make you
very non trustworthy to others. Having good integrity would make you very trustworthy to others.
Knowing how important they are, you should always have good or even better character, morals,
and integrity.
Also, there are many causes for how your character, morals, and integrity are. One cause could of
course be yourself. By hanging out with the right people and making good decisions, you could
have good values. Yet hanging out with the wrong people and making bad decisions would be
having bad values. Another cause may
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Essay On Human Genome Sequencing
1.Current challenges in human genome sequencing
Technologies in sequencing are highly accurate but have limitations in read depth and read length.
Read depth refers to sequencing the highly repetitive regions of DNA with few to no errors.
Illumina HiSeq and PacBio have allowed geneticists to fill in the gaps of the human genome saving
time and money. In the scope of the read depth issue, researchers are still having issues with
undetectable structural variants (SV) including copy number variants (CNV) and small nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNP). (Bickhart, et al. 2017).
Illumina HiSeq is one of the more accurate forms of DNA sequencing technology, about 99%
accurate. The newest version of HiSeq is TruSeq nano and NEBNext Ultra. Sequencing ... Show
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New approaches to sequencing include Illumina, PacBio SMRT Chip technology and the nanopore
minION. Illumina is accurate about 99.9% of the time. PacBio is by far the most accurate of the
three sequencing technologies. Although the nanopore minION is not as accurate as PacBio SMRT
and Illumina, this technology is able to detect anomalies in the genome. All of these sequencing
technologies have a cost associated with them, but the Oxford Nanopore minION is the most
Illumina is a less expensive way to sequence. At 99.9% accuracy, Illumina is able to provide short
read lengths to be analyzed using Phred. Phred is a base calling algorithm that calculates the
location of a fluorescent peak and records the base for that particular fluorescent label. This
technology is not ideal due to portability and sequencing prep. The DNA still has to be amplified to
create a cDNA library using bridge amplification. Illumina requires a polymerase and fluorescently
labeled dideoxynucleotide triphosphates (ddNTPs) followed by Sequencing by synthesis (SBS).
This is the final step in generating the wavelength reading of nucleotide bases. (White, et al. 2016)
The Oxford Nanopore minION sequencer is able to produce reads up to 300kb. Unlike Illumina and
PacBio, Nanopore technology can detect structural variants and cytosine modifications including
hydroxymethylcytosine, formylcytosine and methylcytosine. The purpose of this
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Parenting Observation
Previously, I was aware that infants require a relationship with their caregiver in order to be
healthy. Infants are not able to provide themselves with their basic needs, but they also require a
secure attachment to be mentally sound. In the past, we theorized that allowing infants to cry
without providing them attention, or only allowing a wet nurse to care for them, increased their
ability to be self reliant later in life. Now, we understand that individuals who are self reliant are
able to be independent because they have their emotional and physical needs met. According to
Erikson once children have established trust, they can feel secure enough to develop autonomy.
This means that the Victorian era concept of refusing care for infants is not the most effective
parentingtactic. However, infants and toddlers are not the sole product of their environment. Nature
and nurture work... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Infants require a stable relationship with their parents or caregivers to develop a sense of trust,
self esteem and autonomy later in life. When it comes to social and emotional development the
relationships that children form with their parents are the primary context for learning (Parlakian,
5.) My youngest niece Elizabeth with be turning two this Sunday. She is at the point where she is
developing a sense of self, and learning to communicate. As a toddler she will begin to develop
autonomy, and start testing limits. She has already begun testing some limits by getting into things
she shouldn t, but she is still very attached to her mother. I am glad to know that this is common,
as shown on the Terrific Two Year Olds slide. Two year olds are in a transitioning stage, and it s
normal for them to crave both independence and an attachment to their
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Dental Hygiene Reflection
In elementary school, one of my favorite days in grade school would be when my mom came in
for her oral hygiene lessons. Even though my mom could have easily demonstrated proper
techniques on how to brush and floss teeth with a dental model for my classes, she knew how
excited I would always get when she called on me to personally demonstrate. I would brush in
confidence those tooth surfaces, at a 45 degree angle and with small circular strokes. Promptly
in the lesson, I would put the toothbrush vertically for those inside surfaces of my front teeth. My
mom would end the brushing technique with a friendly reminder to brush for a full two
minutes, twice a day. She also told the kids to think of triangles and to floss along the mesial and
distal surfaces of their teeth, rather than straight down and cutting their gums. With every
upcoming yearly demonstration, I honed that routine of mine, ensuring to my classmates the
best way to keep the plague out. Even to this day, I have still got my middle school sketchbook
in my desk drawer, where I had illustrated the cover as, Dr. Pham, DDS . Starting in my high
school summer, I had my first shot to assist my parents with what I have always known to be as,
The Office. In the day to day, I strove to follow my dad s office procedures. Imagine, my young,
impressionable self holding onto the large suction and water syringe as a patient s wisdom were
extracted; gums cut, that red blood flowing throughout the procedure. However, as I
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Lymph Nodes Number Of Postoperative Total Mesorectal...
Lymph node number in postoperative total mesorectal excision specimen
Abdrabou N Mashhour
Cairo University, Faculty of medicine, General surgery department
Background: proper rectal cancer staging is a vital step in management and prognosis of the disease
depending on the tumour, nodal state and distant metastasis (TNM). Sufficient number of lymph
nodes detected in postoperative TME specimen is a corner stone in staging. Lymph node number
detected should not be less than 12 lymph nodes.
Material and methods: 37 Egyptian patients diagnosed with rectal carcinoma were included in this
retrospective study. 28 patients received neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy while the remaining 9
cases did not. Total mesorectal excision was done by the same colorectal surgeon. The specimens of
TME were examined to retrieve the lymph nodes. Results: lymph nodes harvested in the
neoadjuvant group, maximum number was 23, minimum number was 1 while the median was 7. In
the group which did not receive neoadjuvant therapy the maximum number was 34, minimum
number was 11 while the median was 11. The P value was statistical significant less than 0.000.
Conclusion: lymph nodes number detected in TME specimen post neoadjuvant rectal cancer
decreased markedly so it is not the standard number of LN (12). A new staging system should be
developed for the prognosis.
Key words: Rectal carcinoma, neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy, lymph nodes and total mesorectal
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Toquepala Cave Paintings
This archeological study will define the symbolism of tribal hunter society in the mural paintings of
the Toquepala Caves. These paintings depict the methods of hunting that early human beings
utilized to trap animals as a food source. The prehistoric elements of the paintings define the use of
wool brushes and red ochre paints, which define one of the earliest cave paintingdepictions of
hunting rites. The Collawa tribal group created these paintings as part of a celebration of the
hunting traditions that sustained the tribe. The method of corralling and controlling a herds of
guanaco that provided an efficient means of gathering food without the strenuous efforts of chasing
the animal. These paintings depict a mode of hunting society... Show more content on
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These cave paintings define some of the earliest human paintings that have been preserved showing
the hunting behaviors of early human beings. These methods of hunting involve the collective
entrapment of the animals through the chaco method of hunting, which is still practiced in modern
day indigenous communities in Southern Peru. The use of red colorations for animals and the
depiction of hunters partaking in these scenes reveal the intensive detail that the artist presents. The
weapons and other tools, such as fencing, in these paintings define the exact nature of hunting
methods that created a sustainable food source and way of life for the Collawa peoples during
these ancient times. The Toquepala Cave paintings provide archeologists with some of the detailed
observational methods of the artist, which provide extremely insightful awareness of hunting
culture in the prehistoric world. More so, the cave murals of the Toquepala Caves define the
anthropological development of art as a means of recording history in these ancient methods of
drawing and painting in the region of Southern
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Final Test Essay
CMIT 321: Ethical Hacking Final Examination This timed final exam will consist of 100 multiple
choice questions, and you will have four hours to complete it. Carefully note the information
provided in the yellow box below. An error occurred while attempting to insert your grade into the
WebTycho Gradebook. Your instructor has been notified to insert the grade manually. No further
action is required on your part. Your answers to this activity have been submitted to your instructor.
You may review your submitted answers at any time through the My Submissions link in the left
menu. 1.__________ is a method in which a sniffer is used to track down a conversation between
two users. a. A man in the middle (MITM) attack b. Session... Show more content on
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a. odbcping b. ASPRunner c. FlexTracer d. DbEncrypt 20.__________ viruses search all drives
and connected network shares to locate files with an EXE or SCR extension. a. W32/Madang
Fam b. W32/Hasnot A c. W32/Fujacks AK d. W32/Fujacks E 21.With the __________ tool, you
can ping multiple IP addresses simultaneously. a. Fping b. Nmap c. Nessus d. Unicornscan 22.A
__________ is a program that produces its own source code as its output. a. query b. script c.
bot d. quine 23.In order for traffic to get back to the attacker during session hijacking, a process
called __________ is used that allows the sender to specify a particular route for the IP packet to
take to the destination. a. desynchronization b. source routing c. spoofing d. TCP routing
24.__________ is a worm for Windows XP that downloads and executes malicious files on the
compromised computer and spreads through removable storage devices. a. HTTP W32.Drom b.
W32/VBAut B c. W32/QQRob ADN d. W32/SillyFDC BK 25.The __________ service is
responsible for sending a response packet that contains connection details to clients who send a
specially formed request. a. SSRS b. OSQL c. ODBC d. SQLP 26.__________ involves plotting
the tables in the database. a. Database enumeration b. Database footprinting c. Table footprinting d.
Table enumeration 27.__________ occurs when hackers break into government or corporate
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A Short Note On Non Disclosure Agreement ( Nda )
4.708 International Business Law assignment1
Wang anqi 20142345
Summaries of non disclosure agreement
A non disclosure agreement (NDA), also known as a confidentiality agreement (CA), is a legitimate
contract between no less than two that frameworks secret material, learning, or information that the
parties wish to impart to each other for specific purposes, yet wish to limit access to or by
outsiders. It is an agreement through which the parties concur not to unveil information secured by
the assertion. A NDA makes a classified relationship between the parties to secure any sort of
private and exclusive information or prized formulas. In that capacity, a NDA remedies nonpublic
business information. (Non disclosure agreement, 2015)
Non disclosure is made under the will of the organizations and contracted between no less than two
parties. For the most part, parties comprise of a boss and a worker, however there could be more
unpredictable parties, for example, such as partners, subcontractors or even the Board of the
company. The context are connected changes from job to ensuring privacy of mergers and
acquisitions, joint endeavors and different business exchanges.
The most common and obvious is a non disclosure agreement. A non disclosure agreement, also
known as confidentiality agreement, confidential disclosure agreement, proprietary information
agreement, or secrecy agreement, is an agreement between an employer and a former employee that
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Greek Culture and its Influences Today Essay
Greek civilization is alive; it moves in every breath of mind that we breathe; so much of it remains
that none of us in one lifetime could absorb it all. Ancient Greeks are known to be one of the
greatest and most advanced people and have left behind a legacy that helped define the Western
civilization. Cultural diffusion helped spread Greek culture all over the world, and its effects can
still be felt today in almost every aspect. Greek culture has greatly affected different parts of my
daily life including architecture, food, government, inventions, music, religion, and education.
Modern day architecture in America is greatly influenced by ancient Greek architectural styles,
which include columns and decorative elements such as... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In this speech, he outlined the constituents of democracy: If we look to the laws, they afford
equal justice to all in their private differences...if a man is able to serve the state; he is not
hindered by the obscurity of his condition. The freedom we enjoy in our government extends
also to our ordinary life. There, far from exercising a jealous surveillance over each other, we do
not feel called upon to be angry with our neighbor for doing what he likes... Greek democracy
helped inspire the creation of modern democracy, including the government of America. The
Greeks made several inventions, most notably in the subject of math, which are still studied
today and taught in school. Mathematician Euclid is often credited as the Father of Geometry for
all his work and studies in this subject, which are compiled in his books called The Elements. He
organized known geometrical statements called theorems and logically proved all of them. He
proved the theorem of Pythagoras (another Greek mathematician), which stated that the equation
(c2 = a2 + b2) is true for every right triangle. Music played a significant role in the lives of ancient
Greeks. They believed that music fostered one s relationship with the gods, and some instruments,
such as the lyre, were created by the gods. Music and dance were also taught
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James Baldwin s View On Religion
Works of all genres contains religious references and allusions, many of which criticize or
critique certain religious practices, and James Baldwin, an author in the 1950s, served as a major
contributor to this group of works. He wrote several books, plays, and essays that served as major
pieces of religious commentary during the 1950s. His writing explored topics that criticized strict
religion, opening up a new outlook on relationships with God. Baldwin experienced many facets of
religion in his life, creating autobiographical tendencies in his writing that filled his works with his
own opinions about religion. James Baldwin s religious experiences, some harsh and some
pleasant, explain the apparent and diverse descriptions of varied... Show more content on
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The autobiographical nature of Baldwin s writings, coupled with the common appearance of
Christian ideas in his stories, suggests that he led a largely Christian life. Stanley later validates
this notion in saying that Baldwin himself worked as a teenage preacher (Stanley). Confirming
his Christian childhood, Baldwin s status as a preacher strengthens the importance of religion in
his life. Lloyd states that Baldwin s father often recited Joshua 24:25, saying as for me and my
house, we will serve the Lord (Lloyd 5). Lloyd furthers the idea that Baldwin s early life
contained a strong Christian presence, as this Bible quote highlights the prominence of religion
in Baldwin s life. In addition to Baldwin s status as a teenage preacher, his residence in a house
dedicated to serving God explains the religious presence in his works and confirms the idea that
he often discussed important concepts of his life in his writing. Baldwin s Go Tell It on the
Mountain begins with [he] would be a preacher when he grew up, just like his father. This shows
not only the religious nature of Baldwin s writing but also provides evidence of his
autobiographical tendencies. The main character s status as a preacher reveals that Baldwin wrote
characters possessing very similar qualities to his own and that his works contained a strong
religious presence. Baldwin s religious lifestyle serves as a gateway for the establishment of strong
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Sound Waves Affecting The Brain s Perception Of Sound
The normal range that humans are able to hear from is 20 hz to 20kHz. The average human can
hear up to 20 hertz, After using the resources provided in Physics class I discovered I can hear
between 19hz and 20hz. I could sometimes hear the 20hz but sometimes I could not. I am about
average for the highest frequencyI could hear. Soundis made of pressure waves which when they
travel oscillate or vibrate. Each wave travels at a certain frequency based on how much the sound
moves. Sound is created when air molecules are pushed in a certain direction causing them to
vibrate. This creates sound waves. Sound moves by vibrations and are caused by compression or
some form of pressure. The higher frequency at which the wave oscillates the higher the... Show
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Based on the second resource in Physics, I could not district between frequencies as well as I
should. My issue was could tell there was a difference in pitch I just could not tell if it was higher
or lower once they got super similar to one another. The biology behind it is that once a pitch has
traveled through the ear and the cochlea has transferred it to the brain, the arcuate fasciculus
produces the process of distinguishing which pitch is higher or lower than another. Some people
can do this better than others based on the way their brain works. But it is all pitch recognition in
your brain. Tiny sound waves inside your ear help you tune the pitch and pick up sound waves.
They take the sound waves and turn them into nerve signals causing the brain to interpret sound.
The enter form the outer ear and travel through the passage of the ear canal. It then reaches the
eardrum where the vibrations translate into the sound we hear. It then goes to the cochlea, a snail
shaped structure that contains fluid in the ear. The sound causes the liquid inside to ripple. The
wave goes across to the basilar
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Banana Yoshimoto s Kitchen Summary
Through the conversation yesterday about the book Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto my
understanding of the novel was changed drastically. I felt that by everyone in the group talking
and sharing their thoughts on the book really opened up my mind to different views and
perspectives of the questions asked. The main question that I had a different view on after the
oral was In what way is Eriko being transgender in Japan during this time period different from in
America today? . Before the oral, I believed that the difference was that in Japan, people who
consider themselves transgender preferred to be told they had a disorder Meanwhile,in America
being transgender is not considered a disorder and they didn t like calling it one.... Show more
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Throughout the book Kitchen By Banana Yoshimotothe reader follows a girl named Mikage who
struggles with the death of her loved ones and tries to overcome them. The reader learns the
methods she uses to persevere through with the problems in her life and the way she and her
friends try to get through it. Banana Yoshimoto uses the motif of lightand darkness in her work to
contrast the characters outward expressions with their internal emotions.
The usage of the motif of light in the book is vast enough to be spoken about on its own in the
first paragraph, which will prove the thesis by giving an example of how with the motif of light
can relate to the characters emotions shown greatly. The significance of this point is to give a
clear example of what some of the motifs of light are in the book. The quote is said by Mikage.
At this point of time in the book, Yuichi had just come to visit her after her grandmother had
passed away. When was it I realized that, on this dark and solitary path we all walk, the only way
we can light is our own (pg.21) The literary device being used in the first quote is imagery due to
the fact that the author is creating an image in the reader s head like when she said dark and
solitary path we all walk . This literary device enhances the main idea by giving the reader a
physical description of what is going on.
This paragraph will discuss one more example of the motif of light in Yoshimoto s work. This will
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Adolp Coors Case Study Essay
no. 1 0028
Adolph Coors Company (B)
The following is the complete transcript of a speech given by Shirley Richard, director of corporate
communications, at the International Association of Business Communicators annual conference
on May 12, 1983.
The winds of change are blowing, and as we progress into the information age, investigative
journalism is something which will affect all of us either as consumers, members of special interest
groups, business persons, or members of the general public. Organizations and especially
businesses will be forced in the years ahead to deal with investigative reporters in an open and
forthright manner. Adolph Coors Company, the nation s sixth largest brewer, has changed its news
media ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth
Adolph Coors Company (B)
no. 1 0028
We established some message objectives which were based upon overall corporate objectives and
identification of image problems in the market. These are extremely important in any interview
situation. These are key points we would make if we had free air time. This is the heart of dealing
successfully with investigative reporters. The message objectives we established were:
Coors has fair hiring practices and is a good place to work. The boycott is unfair and is carried on
by a few rejected union officials. Coors cares about its employees, its products, its community, and
its country. Coors is not anti union. Coors makes a unique quality beer.
Plan Elements:
Make sure certain officers were adequately prepared prior to the Wallace interview. Maintain an
open door policy with 60 Minutes throughout the investigation. Perform informal and formal
research to measure results of the broadcast. Share 60 Minutes with employees and distributors
after the show s airing.
We established a budget which was spent primarily for professional telecommunications training.
Establishing a budget is essential for all PR programs.
Execution (by the Corporate Communications
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Relation Between Science and Religion Essay
on What is the Relation between Science and Religion
William Lane Craig
Examines several ways in which science and theology relate to each other.
Back in 1896 the president of Cornell University Andrew Dickson White published a book entitled
A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom. Under White s influence, the
metaphor of warfare to describe the relations between science and the Christian faith became very
widespread during the first half of the 20th century. The culturally dominant view in the West even
among Christians came to be that science and Christianity are not allies in the search for truth, but
To illustrate, several years ago I had a debate with a philosopher of science at Simon Fraser ... Show
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They were remarkably successful in pushing through their agenda. But philosophers of science
during the second half of the 20th century have come to realize that the idea of a warfare between
science and theology is a gross oversimplification. White s book is now regarded as something of a
bad joke, a one sided and distorted piece of propaganda.
Now some people acknowledge that science and religion should not be regarded as foes, but
nonetheless they do not think that they should be considered friends either. They say that science
and religion are mutually irrelevant, that they represent two non over lapping domains. Sometimes
you hear slogans like Science deals with facts and religion deals with faith. But this is a gross
caricature of both science and religion. As science probes the universe, she encounters problems and
questions which are philosophical in character and therefore cannot be resolved scientifically, but
which can be illuminated by a theological perspective. By the same token, it is simply false that
religion makes no factual claims about the world. The world religions make various and
conflicting claims about the origin and nature of the universe and humanity, and they cannot all be
true. Science and religion are thus like two circles which intersect or partially overlap. It is in the
area of
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The Greed In Edith Wharton s The House Of Mirth
Throughout society, people tend to have something that they are obsessed with, and willing to do
anything for. Some people fawn over power, and those who possess it, attempting to join their
forces in the hopes of syphoning off some of that power for themselves. Others focus on wealth,
and the ability to be control the economic wealth of everyone around you. Some may feel that they
are obsessed with love, attempting to find the perfect personto spend the rest of their life with. In
Edith Wharton s The House of Mirth, the character of Lily focuses on love, which is the main
reason for her downfall throughout the story. Through this character, Edith Wharton attempts to
convey to the reader that society was developed and raised to discriminate... Show more content on
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She was able to see many inferior humans be looked at as lesser people solely because of who
they were, and not due to some legitimate factor. As a woman, she experienced this herself.
Throughout her life, despite being a very good poet and writer, she was forced to write under an
alias, due to a woman writer looking improper for the time. Her family, despite supporting her,
still wanted to make sure that the family name was not besmirched with a potential scandal
resulting from their daughter s writing. As time went on and people slowly began to get rid of
their Social Darwinism ways, she was able to write as herself, and eventually was rewarded for
her writings, winning a Pulitzer Prize as well as being nominated multiple times for the Nobel
Prize in Literature. Despite all that she was able to do for women during her time, she still could
see the problems that women had to face, being unable to make all of the decisions that a man
could make at the time, and not being as well recognized for her success. Even during her
successes, much help was needed to obtain the awards, as some people did not believe that she was
worthy, due to her being a woman. Throughout her life, Edith Wharton faced many of the issues
that Lily Barth faced, and that resulted in a better understanding of the Social Darwinian
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My Millionaire Mentor Video Analysis
Money can make a man move, in the sense that a man is fascinated by money which opens up
different opportunities and becomes the ultimate source for majority of people for survival. Not
that it is not true, without any doubt majority of people are attracted to money and it becomes a
necessity when the needs of an individual are not met. In today s world, with exceedingly high
standards of living most people would like to have a job that is stress free, moneythat comes easily,
without having to struggle, or at the least have a piece of mind that there is always money
available for them. To solve this issue and not to face any problem with cash in hand they look for
options which can make them rich, live a better and stress free life and when needed take a break
and plan for vacation.
A social media website, a webpage that is titled My Millionaire Mentor, a privately owned
company relayed a 40 min video that explains how to transform into a millionaire within a short
period of time by just following very easy few easy steps. The 40 minute video ... Show more
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that law enforcements do not use enough evidence and therefore should think broadly and explore
ways to prove when they are making a decision. Life of every individual is very precious; thereby,
careful thinking and observation is a necessity while making a decision and not accusing innocents
which can destroy their whole life. After learning the key findings of warning signs it got easier for
them to differentiate science from pseudoscience which could help them think broadly in different
directions and not just be biased on their own opinions, assumptions and judgement. Similarly,
online hearing or watching claims should particularly be paid attention, which can be proven with
evidence and do not ever believe that making money easy can solve
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Women Should Be Allowed For The Military Combat Just Like...
Woman should be allowed to serve in the military combat just like the men. The year 1994 was
the year they banned women from being in military combat. Ever since January 2013 they have
tried to find ways to lift the ban. In January 2016 they had to decide whether women should or
should not be in combat. Women have performed in combat some have even died in defense of our
county. The woman served regardless the problem.
It was recommended by the marine corps to open up positions to women regardless of the results.
The Woman have tried to pass tests as individuals but the infantry officer course failed in the past
years.Two females have been in training for the army and have passed it and are now qualified to
be in the army in combat with men. The two woman are serve as rangers in the military. One thing
that kept them motivated was they wanted to do their best to prove that other woman can meet the
same standards as men. Many women were motivated and capable to join the marines.
Months later and are now in training to be evaluated. The rangers had to complete three courses
to become part of the combat.The rangers have a fitness course and they have to run an obstacle
course, hike twelve miles carrying a 47 pound backpack all done under three hours. One of the
phases is called the Mountain phase. It was made so the mountain would exhaust the rangers while
they are under mental health plus they have very little food and very little sleep. They added a knot
test, so they would
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Essay On Charles Guiteau
Charles Guiteau
Charles Julius Guiteau, writer, lawyer, preacher. He was born in Freeport Illinois September 8,
1841, the fourth of six children. After failing his attempt to go to the university of Michigan, he
joined the controversial religious sect his father was also in but soon left. After also failing to
become a writer he went back to theology and then to politics. Also, he is the assassin who killed
James Garfield, President of the United States.
In 1850 he and his family moved to Wisconsin where he lived for 5 years until his mother died. He
moved with his father back to Freeport. While he was a young man he got $1,000 of inheritance
money from his Grandfather and went to Michigan in an attempt to join the University of Michigan.
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He did not know much about guns but did know that he would need a high caliber gun. He
decided to get a .442 Webley caliber British Bulldog revolver and decided he wanted to get one
with ivory grips as opposed to wooden ones so it would look good in the museum. The gun cost
$16 but the store owner gave him it for $15. The first time Charles fired the gun the recoil almost
knocked him over so he spent a few weeks practicing his aim and stalking Garfield.
On July 2, 1881 Charles waited for Garfield at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station. He
got his shoes shined, paced, and engaged a cab to take him to jail. Garfield entered the station
expecting a vacation, he was shot twice. The second bullet pierced the lumbar vertebra but missed
his spinal cord. Charles cried out I am a Stalwart of the Stalwarts. ... [Chester A.] Arthur is
president now!
On september 19,after a long and painful 11 weeks fighting infections (which were most likely
from the doctor using unwashed hands and non sterilized equipment) Garfield died. Many
modern Physicians say that if Garfield had been treated with clean equipment, he would not have
died. Candice Millard even goes as far as to say that if he had been left alone by the doctors, he
would have lived.
Guiteau pleaded not guilty to the murder charges. The trial that took place on November 14 in
Washington D.C. was one of the first high profile cases where the defense of insanity was
considered. Charles claimed that he wasn t
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Weavetech Case Summary
Downsizing or layoffs at a company, whether it is in WeaveTech or any other company have its
legal risks that are associated with the exercise. The potential legal risks associated with the
downsizing situation would be discrimination, such as how to select the employees that will be
laid off (Benn, Dunphy, Griffiths, 2014). This could bring about discrimination claims as some of
the employees may argue that they were terminated because of their gender, age, race among
others. Also, there could be legal issues if the WeaveTech did not give a sixty day notice since it
has more than a hundred employees as this is a requirement by the law under the Worker
Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN). Other legal issues that could get WeaveTech
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Each employee, whether a manager or a subordinate employee will have to face the changes that
occur at WeaveTech and they should be prepared to face the change so as to focus on achieving
the company s goals and objectives. Employees will be able to manage the change on a personal
level, which the management will be able to do so on an organizational level. ADKAR model
provides a platform for a new philosophy, innovative models for change and fresh frameworks and
mechanisms that will enable the even execution of the preferred change (Coghlan, Rashford, de
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Student s Name
The Watergate Scandal was considered one of the most of disturbing political scandals in the
history of America. This Scandal brought down a President and his administration, also made the
American public distrust the government which still goes on today. In 1972 there were two
break ins at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee, located in the Watergate
office and apartment complex located in Washington D.C. The first was 27, 1972 and was
performed by G. Gordon Liddy the leader of the group called The Plumbers , E. Howard Hunt, and
James W. McCord along with six members of a group known as the Plumbers . The break in was
used to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
James McCord and G Gordon Liddy stood trial and were convicted of conspiracy. The Watergate
Scandal was broke to the public by Reporters for the Washington Post Bob Woodward and Carl
Bernstein, from information passed to them by a Member of the White House code name as
Deep Throat (Mark Felt). With the information that was given to the reporters it showed that
many of the President s staff was involved to include the President. It was revealed that President
Nixon had a voice activated taping system installed in the Oval office for all his conversations and
phone calls. Confirmed to the Senate in July 1973 by White House aide Alexander Butterfield,
after it was revealed it was dismantled and put in Alexander Haig s custody. Earlier that year
Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox and the Senate Committee issued subpoenas for the tapes. Which
President Nixon refused claiming executive privilege, when the President finally turned ove r the
tapes it was found that to have a 181/2 minute gap in the tapes. Rose Mary Woods, President Nixon
secretary admitted that while reviewing and transcribing the tapes that for the Senate committee she
accidentally hit the record button while answering a phone call and erased about 5 minutes, she
claims that she had nothing to do with the other 13 minutes. The contents of the missing 18 ВЅ
minutes may never be known, although it is believed to contain a conversation between President
Nixon and Chief of
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Structural Formula Of Lexapro
Health Professionals make crucial decisions for prescriptions regarding pharmaceutical
information. Drug company promotional material is used by medical professionals to expand the
knowledge of certain prescriptions to their patients to secure a plan of action to treat their illness.
The active ingredient in Lexapro is Escitalopram oxalate. Escitalopram oxalate is an antidepressant
in a drug group called SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.
The chemical name of Lexapro is Escitalopram. The IUPAC name is (1S) 1 [3 (dimethylamino)
propyl] 1 (4 fluorophenyl) 3H 2 benzofuran 5 carbonitrile, and the molecular formula is
C20H21FN2O.2 Lexapro is used for treating major anxiety and depression in adolescents and adults.
When diagnosed with depression, you lack the chemical serotonin. Serotonin is made in both the
brain and intestines, linking
Figure 1: Structural formula of Lexapro. https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound
/Escitalopram_oxalate#section=Top with your control of your mood and other functions of your
body. Lexapro works to boost the chemical activity of Serotonin in your brain to mentally battle
depression. The balancing act is created when serotonin is released from one nerve cell and
becomes available to the next. During this process, some of the serotonin released is reabsorbed
by the first nerve cell. Lexapro will block the re absorption of serotonin into the first cell, which
will eventually lead to an increased amount of serotonin to become available.7
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Biko Essay
How to make Biko at home, two ways
There aren t many dishes that are so perfectly balanced in terms of flavor and texture that they
can actually be eaten as snacks as well as desserts. Biko is one of those dishes. A traditional
Filipino delicacy, Biko is a rice based dish that tastes amazing and is very easy to make.
At first glance, you may think making it is a lot of work, but in reality, this dish is fairly simple
to put together. Also, it uses some very basic ingredients that are easy to find. It is so delicious
and sumptuous that it makes for the perfect dessert to bring to a potluck or even serve as a tasty,
sweet snack at tea. Now the main question is how to make Biko? Well, like we said, the process is
fairly easy to grasp and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The cream is easily available in stores and online.
Brown Sugar: The third ingredient you need to make Biko is brown sugar. While brown sugar is
essentially white sugar with added molasses it is healthier than white sugar and also has a different
texture. Although unprocessed sugar is also brown in color, usually brown sugar refers to the one
with added molasses.
Brown sugar is available easily and in many varieties. You can even make it at home or buy it
How to make Biko
Now that you have all the ingredients at hand, let s get to the actual recipe for cooking Biko.
There are actually two ways you can cook Biko; one method asks you to cook the rice over a
stove in an open pot, the other one asks you to use a rice cooker for the same purpose. You can
make delicious Biko with both methods, but the rice cooker method is quicker. Here we will relay
both the methods so you can choose the one you are more comfortable with:
Method 1
Glutinous rice, 4 cups
Coconut milk 14 ounce cans, 3
Brown sugar (divided), 2 cups
Coconut cream, 1 cup
Soak the rice in 8 cups of water
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Ethical Dilemma of Overshooting Airports
Ethical Dilemma of Overshooting Airports
Jason Miller
Oklahoma State University Tulsa
AVED 3433 Aviation Ethics
December 1, 2012
Dr. Jerry McMahan
Ethical Dilemma of Overshooting Airports
On October 21, 2009 Pilot Timothy Cheney and Co pilot Richard Cole of Northwest Airlines
flight 188 had overshot Minneapolis International Airport by 150 miles, which carried 147
passengers because the pilots had been busy using their laptops. The pilots had only received a
slap on the wrists from the FAA; however their punishment should have been a bit harsher because
the lives of everyone on that flight were put at risk because of irresponsible pilots.
Ethical Dilemma of the Pilots
The Flight Control tower at Minneapolis International ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Northwest Airlines pilots who were grounded after overflying the Minneapolis airport by
150 miles are trying to get their licenses back. National Transportation Safety Board spokesman
Ted Lopatkiewicz said Thursday that Captain Timothy Cheney of Gig Harbor, Washington, and
First Officer Richard Cole of Salem, have filed appeals. The FAA revoked the licenses of the
pilots last month. Cole and Cheney had 10 days to appeal to the three member National
Transportation Safety Board, the same agency that investigates air crashes and makes safety
recommendations. If their appeal fails, they can apply for a new license after one year. The Federal
Aviation Administrationsaid the pilots had violated numerous regulations, including failing to
comply with air traffic control instructions and clearances and operating carelessly and recklessly.
But the pilots said they had been so engrossed in a complicated new crew scheduling program on
their laptops a cockpit violation of airline policy that could cost them their licenses that they lost
track of time and place for more than an hour, until a flight attendant on an intercom got their
attention. By then, the Airbus A320 with its 144 passengers and five crew members had cruised on
autopilot past its Minneapolis destination and was over Wisconsin, at 37,000 feet. It turned out the
plane s radio was still tuned to a frequency used by Denver controllers, even though the aircraft had
flown beyond
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Service Request SR-rm-022 Final Essay
Service Request SR rm 022 Final
Sharon Foreman, PhD.
Trisha Carter
Service Request Part 1
With having plastic manufacturer facilities in areas such as China, Michigan, and Georgia;
Riordan Manufacturing has produced annual earnings over forty six million. Riordan also has a
research and development department over in San Jose California. Riordan Industries are the sole
owner of Riordan Manufacturing and they are one of the Fortune 1000 enterprises with their worth
being more than one billion. With having facilities in areas all over the US and even China,
Riordan proves that they are a successful business.
Key Stakeholders
CEO Dr. Michael Riordan is one key stakeholders within the company who is also the founder ...
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Project Scope
The effect of integrating a new system, agreeing, and understanding a new project in the
company or a new system is project scope. It is mandatory that everyone understands how and
why the company will improve from upgrading to a new system. Agreeing what is best for the
company and why it is important to update the system is also a must. It is important to a company
for project scope because it can deal with everyone that is in the company and make sure that
everyone is on the same page.
Service Request Part 2
Riordan Manufacturing wants to integrate its existing HR information system tools to a single
integrating application. This request of service is interested in defining business requirements for
completion of the HR system for obtaining the objective. Security controls that we recommend for
the design for the HR systems, process design, and application architecture are the requirements for
this project.
Application Architecture
Three fundamental application architectures are client server based architecture, client based
architecture, and server based architecture. Riordan Manufacturing HRIS is going to implement
will be 3 tier client server architecture. This will encompass the 3 groups of computers; database
server, application server, and clients. The client is responsible for the presentation login and the
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Vietnam Essay Outline
Vietnam Essay Outline
(Growing protest in america) protest grew during nixons presidency due to his media coverage
famous protesters such as John Lennon rilled up more Americans against the war
in march 1971 the conviction of lieutenant William L Calley jr. For war crimes raised some of the
most famous and main moral issues. His unit was behind the massacre of more then 500 civilians in
south Vietnam which of all were unarmed women and children and old men which none offered
any resistance to the u.s: war critics used this trial to bring attention to the large number of civilians
it was the first American war to be televised
The movement against U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War began small among peace activists...
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13.7 billion gallons of fuel were used the U.S. forces between 1966 and 1972.
This total is enough to heat 10,800,000 American homes for an entire year, and it does not include
the billions of gallons used in transporting troops and equipment from the U.S. and U.S. bases to the
$132.7 billion Budgeted War Costs (1965 1972)
$28.5 billion Military and economic aid to Saigon regime (1953 1975)
$2.4 billion Military and economic aid to Laotian regime (1953 1975)
$2.2 billion Military and economic laid to Cambodian regime (1953 1975)
$0.3 billion Aid to French war effort 1949 1952
$2.0 billion Approximate cost of the war FY 1975
(Results of war ) about 58,000 American military personal died in the war and about 300,000 were
south Vietnamese military loses were approximately 224,000 killed and 1 million wounded.
North Vietnamese and Vietnam cong losses totalled about 1 million dead and 600,000 wounded
in 1976 north and south Vietnam lwere united into a single nation which was renamed the socialist
republic of Vietnam. North Vietnamese leaders then forced their own ridged political views on the
south. They inprisoned thousands who had held responsibility in the south Vietnamese army or
The chemical most used for Operation Ranch Hand was known as Agent Orange. In 1969 alone,
1,034,300 hectares of forest was destroyed
Agent Blue was sprayed on crops in an effort to deprive the North of its food supply. Between 1962
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The Digital Record Label For The Edm Artist Essay
Sine Records will be a Scottish record label for the EDM artist who is looking for a reliable and
approachable company to release their music through. Our aim is to forge long lasting and personal
relationships with our artists and our consumers. A strong online presence will form the foundation
of the company and the form in which our products will be sold.
Not only will Sine Records release music, but we will also market sample packs and synthesiser
presets that come straight from our artists. Extra marketing tools such as competitions will stem
from this and result in a more engaging experience. Online content such as blogs, mini interviews,
and music videos will keep the audience engaged.
In today s music industry, the majority of recorded music is consumed through digital means
mainly via streaming such as Apple Music and Spotify. To get an idea of its popularity we can
see that in 2014, streaming usage increased by 39%, and in 2015, streaming officially took over
both downloads and CD sales. (RIAA, 2015) (IFPI, 2015, pp. 8 9) Starting a label in this present
time may be challenging. However, with an adaptable and versatile business plan and an intelligent
use of marketing, there is ample opportunity for a company to flourish. See appendix (i) for a
graphical breakdown of the industry.
With this knowledge, our label will focus on streaming and downloads. A report by Nielsen that
shows EDM performs well in streaming. In
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The War Against Terror and China s Treatment of the...
The War Against Terror and China s Treatment of the Uigher Ethnic Minority
In the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States, President George W. Bush
reached out to the world to back the U.S. in a war to eradicate terrorism. One of the more surprising
participants in this coalition, China, had until that point been at odds with U.S. policy but seemed to
find sufficient common ground with the U.S. to support the war. In recent months however, China
has not been lauded for unprecedented cooperation with its strategic competitor but has instead
been criticized for using the war on terror as carte blanche to step up its Strike Hard campaign in the
Uigher Xinjiang Autonomous Region in the northwest, resulting in ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Between 1944 and 1949 the Turkic Islamic Republic of Eastern Turkestan was established; this
short lived period of impendence came to an end when the Communist Party formerly incorporated
the province into the PRC with the agreement of the leaders of the Eastern Turkestan Republic.
[1]The agreement of the leadership did not, however, quell the movement for independence; a
number of political and religious leaders refused to accept Beijing as the legitimate authority over
the region. In the midst of the widespread upheaval of the Cultural Revolution, the separatist
movement was able to organize into the Eastern Turkestan People s Party, although fear of Red
Guard attacks were pervasive and prevented any significant expression of minority or separatist
sentiment.[2] The demise of the Maoist era, however, would bring reforms and consequently new
justifications and opportunities for expression of separatist sentiment among the Uigher population.
Deng Xiaoping s accession to power brought with it reform and opening policies intended to bring
about the modernization and industrialization of China. This brought about serious demands on
natural resources such as oil, in which Xinjiang is abundant. The arrival of companies to extract
these natural resources brought an influx of Han Chinese and a noticeable distinction between the
lifestyles and opportunities
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The American Army in the Mexican War
During the 19th century, the United States had two armies. Authorized by congress in 1789, the
first was the standing army called as U.S. army. This force consisted of officers commissioned
by Congress and men who joined for a five year period. In 1792. Congress created an auxiliary
army called as militia. The U.S. army was a national force while the militia was the armies of
various states. The militia could be called for federal service: to execute the laws, to suppress
insurrections, and to repel invasions. This two level arrangement formed the basis of military
establishment during the war. The U.S. army was not prepared for the war. The congress
authorized 8613 men and officers for the war but, the actual number was fewer than 5500.... Show
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An 11000 man force was commanded by General President Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. It was an
amalgamation units of central Mexico, Army of the north and remnants of defeated Veracruz
garrison. Acapulco to Mexico City was guarded by 3000 man army of the south. A 3800man
contingent rounded out the valley campaign s force structures. Lacking established government
depots, the Mexican soldiers got supplies from nearby communities. The soldier s wives and
girlfriends accompanied the campaign. They helped the army by sewing, cooking and ministering
to the sick and wounded of the both the armies.
The war between United States and Mexico witnessed use of technological innovations at the
strategic level. This was more evident in communication. Mounted couriers carried battle reports
and were dispatched safely inside sandbags. In the period from 1821 to 1854, steamboats, railroads,
and telegraphs advanced critical communications at speed beyond imagination. Tactical
communications for armies remained unchanged. Drums and flags marked the progress of units.
Unit at distant places received written or verbal orders delivered by the officers. The volunteer
messenger formed the critical link between the commander and his command.
A typical Mexican newspaper followed a standard format during the war. The local, national and
international news were covered in various sections. Letters written by the public to the editors and
an editorial page were
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Meno Essay
There is not a great deal of context that is crucial to understanding the essential themes of the
Meno, largely because the dialogue sits nearly at the beginning of western philosophy. Socrates
and Plato are working not so much in the context of previous philosophies as in the context of the
lack of them. Further, this is very probably one of Plato s earliest surviving dialogues, set in about
402 BCE (by extension, we might presume that it represents Socrates at a relatively early stage in
his own thought). Nonetheless, in order to understand the aims and achievements of the dialogue, it
helps to keep in mind some details about this lack of previous philosophies.
Since neither virtue nor any other concept has yet been defined in the way ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
If Meno is something of a dummy for aristocratic Sophist sympathizers, Anytus is even more clearly
a stand in for the somber, unconsidered values of the Athenian political elite. An actual historical
politician of the time, he s grumpy, largely closed to new ideas, and insistent on inherited, class
based customs as the vehicle for virtue he suggests that any quot;gentleman quot; on the streets of
Athens is a fine example of virtue. Anytus, an Athenian conservative, despises the Sophists. Like
other prominent Athenians at the time, he is probably suspicious of the Sophists cleverness with
words and their tendency to lead young followers away from success in worldly matters. Socrates
encounters this idea that philosophy is a corrupting influence in many of his dialogues, and that
perception will eventually lead to his trial and execution for quot;corrupting the youth. quot; Thus,
Plato is all the more determined to highlight Socrates profound differences from the Sophists.
We should note briefly the basic form of the Platonic dialogues: Plato, Socrates student, has written
a kind of play, re enacting the way in which Socrates practiced his philosophy (he did not write it
down, but simply argued on the streets). In reading the summary contained on this site, it may not
always be clear that Socrates is constantly asking questions of Meno, and only rarely offering
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Examples Of Christianity In Beowulf
Beowulf started as an oral tradition, passed down from generation to generation until translated into
written form by a Christian monk. Therefore, the values, culture, and traditions from the ancient
times mix with the new Christian values and melt with other cultures to create the Anglo Saxon
society. In this piece, the Anglo Saxon culture is revealed through the depiction of the values
Christianity, loyalty, and bravery. Though once a pagan culture, the Anglo Saxonswere brought the
message of Christianity by the Romans and blended those beliefs into their culture. References to
Christianity made in Beowulfdepict the culture at the time as well as the author who scribed
Beowulf, a Christian monk. The first reference in the text comes from Grendel, the descendant of
Cain, the first murderer in Biblical tradition (Raffel 20 22). This allusion connects a character of
the story with Biblical tradition, therefore further defining the Christian influence in the culture.
Other references acknowledge the presence of a higher being, of God, in the text. Hrothgar s
throne, protected by God (Raffel 84) shows their reverence of a higher being. They acknowledge
His greatness and splendor: Surely the Lord Almighty could stop his madness, smother his... Show
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Epic poetry recognizes larger than life heroes, strong and mighty. Beowulf exemplifies bravery
from the minute he shows up at Herot, decided on killing Grendel and saving the Danes.
Beowulf, bravery pulsing through his veins, competes with sea monsters and defends himself in
the open sea (Raffel 277 290). He kills Grendel, saves Herot, and defeats Grendel s mother before
he is ultimately defeated. The culture praises risk and bravery for the sake of glory, victory, or
revenge. Beowulf seeks out battles and risk with the vision of all three values in mind, and that
exemplifies the Anglo Saxon value of
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How Did Klimt Make The Kiss
Gustav Klimt created his oil on canvas painting The Kiss between 1907 and 1908 using oil with
layers of gold leaf. This piece also uses mosaic techniques as well as fresco. Just as the title
suggests, the painting is a depiction of a couple embraced in a kiss. The man is kissing and
embracing the woman, the woman in return is accepting the kissand leaning up to him (Cruz 34).
The paintingis exhibited at the Osterrelchische Galerie Belvedere in Vienna, Austria. The Kiss is
a large piece measuring 180 x 180 cm, roughly a square of 6 x 6 (Nerit 1). There are several
elements of style that make The Kiss captivating. The subject is in the middle, the bright yellow
color shows the emphasis of the subject. The skin of the couple, their
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Purpose Of A Political Party
The purpose of a political party is to WIN the governing office. The United States has only two
major parties that are eligible to be voted into the president s position. Why is there only two
dominant parties? Shouldn t there be more options for American citizens? Two main political
parties alone seem to dominate the American political system. Although, no one can stop a third
party from joining a presidential race the support from the plurality system. It can usually ruin its
chances of winning. Third parties may have statistically significant support (maybe 15 percent of
voters in every district supports a third party). Will this ever change? In fact, since 1852, a
candidate from the Republican or a Democratic parties has placed either
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...

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Chicago Turabian Style Example Essay. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. Chicago Turabian Style Example Essay 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help fromHelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Chicago Turabian Style Example EssayChicago Turabian Style Example Essay
  • 2. The Importance Of The Foster Care System The foster care system has been around for generations, constantly adjusting the system to modernize it. But there s been a loss of protection in the system through these last few years. The foster care system needs to change because children are being placed in unsafe environments, funding is going in unnecessary places, the adoptionprocess has some discouraging qualifications, and education in the system doesn t have a huge importance. Children in the foster caresystem are being put in unsafe environments on a daily basis, such as abusive, drug using, or alcoholic foster parents. This has become a pattern, a large number of adults who grew up in the foster care system, have experienced one, if not more of these unsafe environments. An article by Brittany Hines Clark about her experience in the foster care system, she says. I went to a long term placement when I was 7 years old. I stayed there for about five years, but they weren t the most pleasant years. At first, I was the only girl in the home, with three boys. By the time I was moved, five years later, there were six boys there, and I was still the only girl. Only one of the boys was my biological brother. During my time in that home, I was physically and sexually manipulated. So many things went on there, but only my outbursts were reported to my social worker. I even was put in the home of a different member of that familyso that the foster parent would continue getting paid (Clark). Also in an article by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Costa Cruise Crisis Essay Carnival Corporation PLC is the largest passenger cruise ship company owning over one hundred vessels across the globe. Costa Cruise is one of ten cruise line brands owned by Carnival Corporation PLC. Costa Cruise operates out of Genoa Italy and operates the vessel named the Concordia. On January 13, 2012 at 10:00 pm the Costa Concordia cruise ship began to sink after hitting a rock off the west coast of Italy. The ship was only hours into its trip when its Captain Federico Schettino took the vessel off course to sail close to a small Italian island named Giglio. According to Squires (2014), Schettino wanted to salute a retired naval officer and his head waiters family on the island, and to provide a spectacle to passengers. By the time... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It lets others control the story and suggests the organization has yet to gain control of the situation (p. 4). On January 19, 2012, Carnival posted on Facebook saying Hi, everyone. Out of respect for all those affected by the recent events surrounding our sister line, Costa cruises, we are going to take a bit of a break from posting on our social channels. We will still be actively listening and answering any questions you have about your past or upcoming cruises, but for now, the majority of our time will be spent focusing on all those affected by this event. We thank you again for all your support (Facebook, 2012, para. 1). On January 23, 2012, four days after ceasing from updating social channels Carnival corporation suffered false accusations in articles published in the New York Post, The Daily News, and the Huffington Post regarding the compensation plan for victims on the Concordia. In The Huffington Post, Dolan (2012), claimed that a memo sent from Costa Cruise to travel agents offered thirty percent discount on future cruises and was valid for eighteen months. Kennedy (2012), also said that a spokesperson from Costa Cruise told the New York Daily that a thirty percent discount was offered to victims who were willing to stay loyal to the company. In the New York Post, Bennett (2012) said, representatives of Carnival ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Summary Of The Walking Dead Lenny Tolentino Brad Flis English 114 08 December 2015 The Walking Dead The Walking Dead is a television series which follows the story of a disease causing infection that caused the Earth to be dominated by a zombie apocalypse. A group of survivors gets forced to fight for their lives against man/eating zombies. The main character in the show is Rick Grimes, a Sheriff Deputy who had been shot prior to the apocalypse event. Rick was later taken to a local hospital before the zombie epidemic. Rick awakens from a coma in which he finds himself in a hospital alone. He noticed that he is in a world that is different than anything he has ever seen before. Throughout the series Rick shows authority, and strength which shows his machismo over the group. The series exemplifies how masculinity, femininity, and values are represented in the relationships of the surviving characters and how these individualities are especially inflated throughout the show. In the first few episodes of the Walking Deadseries you see the relationships between a few survivors, and how they ethically help each other overcome the adversities in the zombie prophetic world. As Rick and his group travel through a series of terrains they are forced to make serious decisions in which impact everyone in the group, especially, those whom Rick feel an obligation to lead (masculinity role). As a group they have a strong positive moral direction, even though masculinity (independent, non emotional, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Ike Ikea s Business Plan Introduction IKEA was founded and established by Ingvar Kamprad, born in SmГҐland Sweden. Within 6 decades that is from 1943 to 2016, IKEA has grown from the woods of southern Sweden to the largest furniture retailer in the world; also IKEA is rated as fifth most valuable retailer and most valuable furniture brand in the world. IKEA designs and retails ready to assemble furniture directly to its customers with a network of total 328 stores located in 28 different countries and supported by 978 external suppliers from 50 different countries. IKEA is valued over 18 billion US dollars and generated a global revenue of 32 billion Euros in 2015 that is 11.2% more than 2014. In total IKEA employees 155,000 co workers located in different parts of the world and also ranked 62nd out of the 100 best employers to work for in 2005. Vision IKEA vision is To create a better everyday life for the many people [www.ikea.com] that is the idea behind the IKEA business plan is to design and provide a wide variety of home furnishing products to its customers at as low cost as possible which will ultimately increase the affordability. The company aims at building long term relations with its suppliers and also investing into more automated production which ultimately help them to produce better quality products at lower cost. Whereas for human resource practices IKEA vision is to give straightforward people an opportunity to grow, that is both professionally and individually so that together ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Speech On Diversity In India Harmony means the quality of forming a pleasing and consistent whole. Unity in diversity means oneness in the varieties. India is a best country proving this concept for many years. India is a country where it is very clear to see unity in diversity because people of many religion, race, culture and tradition live together without affecting each other s feelings and believes to their religion. Unity in diversity focuses on the existence of unity even after lots of differences of cultural, social, physical, linguistic, religious, political, ideological, psychological, etc. More number of diversities makes more complex unity. People in Indiaare united in spite of the much diversity of races, religions, castes, sub castes, communities, languages... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Harmony in diversity boosts morale of people at workplace, organization, and community. It helps in enhancing esprit de corps, relationships, teamwork among people thus improve performance, quality of work, productivity and lifestyle. It makes communication effective even in bad situation. Harmony do keeps people away from social problems and help to manage conflicts easily. Live in harmony do improve healthy human relations and protects equal human rights for all. Harmony in diversity in India provides source of tourism. People of diverse cultures, traditions, cuisines, religions and clothing attract more visitors and tourists from all across the world. It gives rise the habit of national integration among people of the country even after being diverse in various ways. It also gives value to the rich heritages of country as well as strengthens and enriches the cultural heritage of India. It helps to be rich in agricultural area through different crops and thus economy growth. Harmony is the source of skilled and advance professionals in various areas to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Reactions To Evil In Watership Down By Richard Adams Evil takes a prominent role in the classic adventure novel Watership Down, and the author, Richard Adams, introduces many old and new reactions to evil as the story progresses. Richard Adams makes his point very clear, there is evil everywhere on Earth, and it can even be present the downs of the English countryside. Richard Adamsexplores this idea of evil through many different forms: foxes, badgers, birds, humans, and the earth itself. The novel shows the readers these responses so, in turn, the reader knows the correct way to respond to evil accordingly. In Watership Down, while running away was the easiest way to respond to evil, the rabbits looked to the natural world and fought back as well. Running away is the most noticeable and explainable reaction to evil in Watership Down. Being the most common reaction to anything intimidating or frightening in the world of humans, readers can assume the rabbits will do the same. After all, are they not just rabbits? One quote from the book explains this perfectly, Oh, Hazel! This is where it comes from! I know now something very bad! Some terrible thing coming closer and closer....We have to leave (27 30). The whole novel essentially revolves around the rabbits running away from their warren. Although the rabbits have other reaction events occur, everything all comes back to the novel s core reaction; running away. Another quote explaining this reaction is one from Captain Holly, I got away with what I did (154). However, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Wgu Accreditation Audit Aft2 Task 3 Tracer Patient Audit AFT2 Accreditation Audit October 10th, 2014 Tracer Patient Audit With an audit by the Joint Commission (JC) in the near future, Nightingale Community Hospital (NCH) is performing a tracer patient survey to measure our compliance and identify issues that are in need of remediation. The practice of this type of survey tracks a patient s care for the duration of their stay starting from the admission process and ending when they are discharged. This system allows us to assess our strengths and weaknesses concerning policy, procedures, and systems in place to provide quality care in conjunction with the standards set forth by the JC. Summary of Tracer Patient Audit Findings This particular... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The portion of the action plan consists of two main parts 1. Give all personnel a written update to this policy as soon as it is updated 2. Nurse supervisors will conduct group training sessions to go over this new policy and procedure, and accompanying forms a. Have all employees sign an acknowledgement form that they understand the new policy and corresponding procedures, and received training within 14 days of establishment of the new policy The third part of the action plan will be to assess the progress of changes. This requires measuring current and future performance against past performance, which will need to be assessed more in depth than the initial tracer patient audit. The last portion of the corrective action plan not only assesses the change, but might also include further revisions to the change in policy and procedures if it is found that performance is inconsistent with the standards set forth by the Joint Commission. The part of the plan has four parts that consist of: 1. Conduct a randomized audit of the past 60 days prior to policy change to ascertain the percentage of compliance before the change in policy for future comparative analysis 2. Follow up over the course of 30 days for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Asexual Reproduction Vs. Desert Grasslands Whiptail Lizard Asexual or Sexual Reproduction There are many methods of reproduction, but the two main methods are sexual and asexual, but which one is more efficient or beneficial. Sexual reproduction is the fusing of two gametes to produce an offspring. This form of reproduction is used by a lot of organisms, including us. Asexual reproductionis reproduction that only involves one parent. ( Pros and cons of sexual and asexual reproduction ). I am going to focus on asexual reproduction and the Desert Grassland Whiptail Lizard. This unique lizard uses asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction is better for this species of lizards because it only requires one parent, it is less risky, and the population is only female. The Desert Grasslands Whiptail Lizard ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Why Surveillance Is Important Surveillance occupies a major portion of the typical private investigator s day, and is one of their most important tasks. Here are a few hints and tips for any new or aspiring private investigator to help improve their surveillance skills: It s not exactly thrilling sitting all night in your car checking on someone who says his recent accident means he is house bound, while the insurance company suspects the claimant is still running a night time taxi business from home. A colleague who specializes in this type of investigation says that, instead of sitting up all night waiting to see if the person is working nights on the taxis, he places a small coin on the top of the rear tyre of the car, then goes home to bed. If the coin is still there ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But don t do this too regularly, in case the technique actually draws the attention you seek to avoid. Investigators in quiet areas like villages and parks will find a dog a useful ally. After all, a man out walking his dog can retrace his route, walk off the beaten track, and stop and stand still for a couple of minutes, without making anyone curious. The successful investigator never looks his subject in the eye; not for long periods, that is. Sunglasses even if they are a bit of a clichГ© in detective movies are a good idea in appropriate places and at particular times, as they mean you can look without giving the game away. At night or in the middle of winter, however, they are certain to attract suspicion! On a similar theme, never point your car directly at a subject. Park facing the other way, and watch your subject through the rear view mirrors. Finally, be patient. Softly, softly, catchee monkey Charlie Chan advised. And a large American detective agency adds to its promotional literature: We do nothing quickly . Article Source: ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Structural And Precipitant Causes Of Terrorism A necessary condition is a condition needed in order to meet and obtain a certain goal. Whereas sufficient condition is a condition that if this condition is met, then it guarantees that the goal will be achieved. They relate to structural and precipitant causes of terrorism by structural and precipitant causes being the influencing aspect of both the necessary and sufficient condition. Three structural causes of terrorismare environmental, political and cultural. Three precipitant causes of terrorism are social, cultural or historical facilitation, organizational development or split, and support be it financial, training, intel, weapons, and recruits. Environment, political and culture are all three necessary conditions and that is because growing up in an environment or society that has a strong influence for terrorist organizations does not necessarily warrant that an individual will join an organization but instead adds an influence that would otherwise not have been there. There is also the aspect that a place can be very political but it not have forms of terrorist organizations. The precipitant causes act more as... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They need money because without it they cannot get weapons and their men don t work. They need intel and the only way they can achieve collecting such information is through having the support of others that are willing to put themselves out there. Then organization development or split is important because without being orderly, no one person leads the group and the group quickly falls apart. Whereas the precipitant causes are sufficient conditions the structural causes seem to fall more along the lines of necessary conditions. They are necessary because without them, a terrorist organization cannot work but having them does not necessarily negate having a terrorist ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Charlie Chaplin s View Of Marxist Ideas In Modern Times What I Think about Modern Times From the movie Modern Times, which is the masterpiece of Charlie Chaplin, a Famous English comic actor, we can find lots of not only funs but also philosophy in it. Yes, Chaplin is a greatest comedy master, and he makes his movies humorous vividly with his funny personality and actions, especially in the movie Modern Times. However, if you think Chaplin s movie only talks about humor in order to make us laugh, you will be wrong! In Chaplin s movie Modern Times, the humor in this movie that we can see is external; as a matter of fact, this movie is internal contains philosophy that Chaplin shows us Marxist ideas in his specific time background, which needs us observe carefully. First of all, I agree with that point that it is important to Wartenberg s view that Chaplin s illustration of Marxist ideas be intentional. If we observe carefully, we still can find lots of details that Chaplin wants to tell us his thought about Marxist ideas with his humorous performance. Here are some details that I think Chaplin illustrates Marxist ideas intentionally. At the beginning of this movie, it shows two scenes continuously, which seems apparently that they are not related: the first scene is the sheep are led to the slaughter; another scene is many factory workers move to work in the steal factory. It contains philosophy; the sheep and the factory workers are related; the factory workers move to factory and face their destiny of slaughter by the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Character, Morals, Integrity Essay Character, Morals, Integrity Morals, character, integrity, what do these words mean....actually, the question is, do you have them. A man named Dwight Moody once said, Character is what you are in the dark. You cannot see your morals, character, or integrity, these are only shown as your values. Someone could only show their own values, which are very important to themselves and everyone else. Integrity is the firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values. The way you show your integrity, character, and morals or how they are effect you in either a negative or positive way. There are many causes to how your values are. So as you know, integrity is very important and it is important to have it. First of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Laura stated, integrity effects you by either being honest or not. If you are honest, then you have integrity. People who say that they are going to do something do it. You can now see that character, morals, and integrity are very important. Secondly, people may think that their values may not affect them, but they re wrong, they affect them a lot. Since character describes how you are and what your moral strengths are, having bad character could make people dislike you because of how you are. On the other hand, if you have good character, then more people would see how good of a person you are and even more people would like you. Morals sort of describe the way you make decisions, so having bad morals could guide your life down the drain, while having good morals could guide your life minute by minute toward noble goals. Integrity is also very important. Having bad integrity could make you very non trustworthy to others. Having good integrity would make you very trustworthy to others. Knowing how important they are, you should always have good or even better character, morals, and integrity. Also, there are many causes for how your character, morals, and integrity are. One cause could of course be yourself. By hanging out with the right people and making good decisions, you could have good values. Yet hanging out with the wrong people and making bad decisions would be having bad values. Another cause may ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Essay On Human Genome Sequencing 1.Current challenges in human genome sequencing Technologies in sequencing are highly accurate but have limitations in read depth and read length. Read depth refers to sequencing the highly repetitive regions of DNA with few to no errors. Illumina HiSeq and PacBio have allowed geneticists to fill in the gaps of the human genome saving time and money. In the scope of the read depth issue, researchers are still having issues with undetectable structural variants (SV) including copy number variants (CNV) and small nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP). (Bickhart, et al. 2017). Illumina HiSeq is one of the more accurate forms of DNA sequencing technology, about 99% accurate. The newest version of HiSeq is TruSeq nano and NEBNext Ultra. Sequencing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... New approaches to sequencing include Illumina, PacBio SMRT Chip technology and the nanopore minION. Illumina is accurate about 99.9% of the time. PacBio is by far the most accurate of the three sequencing technologies. Although the nanopore minION is not as accurate as PacBio SMRT and Illumina, this technology is able to detect anomalies in the genome. All of these sequencing technologies have a cost associated with them, but the Oxford Nanopore minION is the most expensive. Illumina is a less expensive way to sequence. At 99.9% accuracy, Illumina is able to provide short read lengths to be analyzed using Phred. Phred is a base calling algorithm that calculates the location of a fluorescent peak and records the base for that particular fluorescent label. This technology is not ideal due to portability and sequencing prep. The DNA still has to be amplified to create a cDNA library using bridge amplification. Illumina requires a polymerase and fluorescently labeled dideoxynucleotide triphosphates (ddNTPs) followed by Sequencing by synthesis (SBS). This is the final step in generating the wavelength reading of nucleotide bases. (White, et al. 2016) The Oxford Nanopore minION sequencer is able to produce reads up to 300kb. Unlike Illumina and PacBio, Nanopore technology can detect structural variants and cytosine modifications including hydroxymethylcytosine, formylcytosine and methylcytosine. The purpose of this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Parenting Observation Previously, I was aware that infants require a relationship with their caregiver in order to be healthy. Infants are not able to provide themselves with their basic needs, but they also require a secure attachment to be mentally sound. In the past, we theorized that allowing infants to cry without providing them attention, or only allowing a wet nurse to care for them, increased their ability to be self reliant later in life. Now, we understand that individuals who are self reliant are able to be independent because they have their emotional and physical needs met. According to Erikson once children have established trust, they can feel secure enough to develop autonomy. This means that the Victorian era concept of refusing care for infants is not the most effective parentingtactic. However, infants and toddlers are not the sole product of their environment. Nature and nurture work... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Infants require a stable relationship with their parents or caregivers to develop a sense of trust, self esteem and autonomy later in life. When it comes to social and emotional development the relationships that children form with their parents are the primary context for learning (Parlakian, 5.) My youngest niece Elizabeth with be turning two this Sunday. She is at the point where she is developing a sense of self, and learning to communicate. As a toddler she will begin to develop autonomy, and start testing limits. She has already begun testing some limits by getting into things she shouldn t, but she is still very attached to her mother. I am glad to know that this is common, as shown on the Terrific Two Year Olds slide. Two year olds are in a transitioning stage, and it s normal for them to crave both independence and an attachment to their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Dental Hygiene Reflection In elementary school, one of my favorite days in grade school would be when my mom came in for her oral hygiene lessons. Even though my mom could have easily demonstrated proper techniques on how to brush and floss teeth with a dental model for my classes, she knew how excited I would always get when she called on me to personally demonstrate. I would brush in confidence those tooth surfaces, at a 45 degree angle and with small circular strokes. Promptly in the lesson, I would put the toothbrush vertically for those inside surfaces of my front teeth. My mom would end the brushing technique with a friendly reminder to brush for a full two minutes, twice a day. She also told the kids to think of triangles and to floss along the mesial and distal surfaces of their teeth, rather than straight down and cutting their gums. With every upcoming yearly demonstration, I honed that routine of mine, ensuring to my classmates the best way to keep the plague out. Even to this day, I have still got my middle school sketchbook in my desk drawer, where I had illustrated the cover as, Dr. Pham, DDS . Starting in my high school summer, I had my first shot to assist my parents with what I have always known to be as, The Office. In the day to day, I strove to follow my dad s office procedures. Imagine, my young, impressionable self holding onto the large suction and water syringe as a patient s wisdom were extracted; gums cut, that red blood flowing throughout the procedure. However, as I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Lymph Nodes Number Of Postoperative Total Mesorectal... Lymph node number in postoperative total mesorectal excision specimen Abdrabou N Mashhour Cairo University, Faculty of medicine, General surgery department Abstract: Background: proper rectal cancer staging is a vital step in management and prognosis of the disease depending on the tumour, nodal state and distant metastasis (TNM). Sufficient number of lymph nodes detected in postoperative TME specimen is a corner stone in staging. Lymph node number detected should not be less than 12 lymph nodes. Material and methods: 37 Egyptian patients diagnosed with rectal carcinoma were included in this retrospective study. 28 patients received neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy while the remaining 9 cases did not. Total mesorectal excision was done by the same colorectal surgeon. The specimens of TME were examined to retrieve the lymph nodes. Results: lymph nodes harvested in the neoadjuvant group, maximum number was 23, minimum number was 1 while the median was 7. In the group which did not receive neoadjuvant therapy the maximum number was 34, minimum number was 11 while the median was 11. The P value was statistical significant less than 0.000. Conclusion: lymph nodes number detected in TME specimen post neoadjuvant rectal cancer decreased markedly so it is not the standard number of LN (12). A new staging system should be developed for the prognosis. Key words: Rectal carcinoma, neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy, lymph nodes and total mesorectal excision. Introduction: ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Toquepala Cave Paintings This archeological study will define the symbolism of tribal hunter society in the mural paintings of the Toquepala Caves. These paintings depict the methods of hunting that early human beings utilized to trap animals as a food source. The prehistoric elements of the paintings define the use of wool brushes and red ochre paints, which define one of the earliest cave paintingdepictions of hunting rites. The Collawa tribal group created these paintings as part of a celebration of the hunting traditions that sustained the tribe. The method of corralling and controlling a herds of guanaco that provided an efficient means of gathering food without the strenuous efforts of chasing the animal. These paintings depict a mode of hunting society... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These cave paintings define some of the earliest human paintings that have been preserved showing the hunting behaviors of early human beings. These methods of hunting involve the collective entrapment of the animals through the chaco method of hunting, which is still practiced in modern day indigenous communities in Southern Peru. The use of red colorations for animals and the depiction of hunters partaking in these scenes reveal the intensive detail that the artist presents. The weapons and other tools, such as fencing, in these paintings define the exact nature of hunting methods that created a sustainable food source and way of life for the Collawa peoples during these ancient times. The Toquepala Cave paintings provide archeologists with some of the detailed observational methods of the artist, which provide extremely insightful awareness of hunting culture in the prehistoric world. More so, the cave murals of the Toquepala Caves define the anthropological development of art as a means of recording history in these ancient methods of drawing and painting in the region of Southern ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Final Test Essay CMIT 321: Ethical Hacking Final Examination This timed final exam will consist of 100 multiple choice questions, and you will have four hours to complete it. Carefully note the information provided in the yellow box below. An error occurred while attempting to insert your grade into the WebTycho Gradebook. Your instructor has been notified to insert the grade manually. No further action is required on your part. Your answers to this activity have been submitted to your instructor. You may review your submitted answers at any time through the My Submissions link in the left menu. 1.__________ is a method in which a sniffer is used to track down a conversation between two users. a. A man in the middle (MITM) attack b. Session... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... a. odbcping b. ASPRunner c. FlexTracer d. DbEncrypt 20.__________ viruses search all drives and connected network shares to locate files with an EXE or SCR extension. a. W32/Madang Fam b. W32/Hasnot A c. W32/Fujacks AK d. W32/Fujacks E 21.With the __________ tool, you can ping multiple IP addresses simultaneously. a. Fping b. Nmap c. Nessus d. Unicornscan 22.A __________ is a program that produces its own source code as its output. a. query b. script c. bot d. quine 23.In order for traffic to get back to the attacker during session hijacking, a process called __________ is used that allows the sender to specify a particular route for the IP packet to take to the destination. a. desynchronization b. source routing c. spoofing d. TCP routing 24.__________ is a worm for Windows XP that downloads and executes malicious files on the compromised computer and spreads through removable storage devices. a. HTTP W32.Drom b. W32/VBAut B c. W32/QQRob ADN d. W32/SillyFDC BK 25.The __________ service is responsible for sending a response packet that contains connection details to clients who send a specially formed request. a. SSRS b. OSQL c. ODBC d. SQLP 26.__________ involves plotting the tables in the database. a. Database enumeration b. Database footprinting c. Table footprinting d. Table enumeration 27.__________ occurs when hackers break into government or corporate computer ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. A Short Note On Non Disclosure Agreement ( Nda ) 4.708 International Business Law assignment1 Wang anqi 20142345 Summaries of non disclosure agreement A non disclosure agreement (NDA), also known as a confidentiality agreement (CA), is a legitimate contract between no less than two that frameworks secret material, learning, or information that the parties wish to impart to each other for specific purposes, yet wish to limit access to or by outsiders. It is an agreement through which the parties concur not to unveil information secured by the assertion. A NDA makes a classified relationship between the parties to secure any sort of private and exclusive information or prized formulas. In that capacity, a NDA remedies nonpublic business information. (Non disclosure agreement, 2015) Non disclosure is made under the will of the organizations and contracted between no less than two parties. For the most part, parties comprise of a boss and a worker, however there could be more unpredictable parties, for example, such as partners, subcontractors or even the Board of the company. The context are connected changes from job to ensuring privacy of mergers and acquisitions, joint endeavors and different business exchanges. The most common and obvious is a non disclosure agreement. A non disclosure agreement, also known as confidentiality agreement, confidential disclosure agreement, proprietary information agreement, or secrecy agreement, is an agreement between an employer and a former employee that forces ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Greek Culture and its Influences Today Essay Greek civilization is alive; it moves in every breath of mind that we breathe; so much of it remains that none of us in one lifetime could absorb it all. Ancient Greeks are known to be one of the greatest and most advanced people and have left behind a legacy that helped define the Western civilization. Cultural diffusion helped spread Greek culture all over the world, and its effects can still be felt today in almost every aspect. Greek culture has greatly affected different parts of my daily life including architecture, food, government, inventions, music, religion, and education. Modern day architecture in America is greatly influenced by ancient Greek architectural styles, which include columns and decorative elements such as... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In this speech, he outlined the constituents of democracy: If we look to the laws, they afford equal justice to all in their private differences...if a man is able to serve the state; he is not hindered by the obscurity of his condition. The freedom we enjoy in our government extends also to our ordinary life. There, far from exercising a jealous surveillance over each other, we do not feel called upon to be angry with our neighbor for doing what he likes... Greek democracy helped inspire the creation of modern democracy, including the government of America. The Greeks made several inventions, most notably in the subject of math, which are still studied today and taught in school. Mathematician Euclid is often credited as the Father of Geometry for all his work and studies in this subject, which are compiled in his books called The Elements. He organized known geometrical statements called theorems and logically proved all of them. He proved the theorem of Pythagoras (another Greek mathematician), which stated that the equation (c2 = a2 + b2) is true for every right triangle. Music played a significant role in the lives of ancient Greeks. They believed that music fostered one s relationship with the gods, and some instruments, such as the lyre, were created by the gods. Music and dance were also taught ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. James Baldwin s View On Religion Works of all genres contains religious references and allusions, many of which criticize or critique certain religious practices, and James Baldwin, an author in the 1950s, served as a major contributor to this group of works. He wrote several books, plays, and essays that served as major pieces of religious commentary during the 1950s. His writing explored topics that criticized strict religion, opening up a new outlook on relationships with God. Baldwin experienced many facets of religion in his life, creating autobiographical tendencies in his writing that filled his works with his own opinions about religion. James Baldwin s religious experiences, some harsh and some pleasant, explain the apparent and diverse descriptions of varied... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The autobiographical nature of Baldwin s writings, coupled with the common appearance of Christian ideas in his stories, suggests that he led a largely Christian life. Stanley later validates this notion in saying that Baldwin himself worked as a teenage preacher (Stanley). Confirming his Christian childhood, Baldwin s status as a preacher strengthens the importance of religion in his life. Lloyd states that Baldwin s father often recited Joshua 24:25, saying as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (Lloyd 5). Lloyd furthers the idea that Baldwin s early life contained a strong Christian presence, as this Bible quote highlights the prominence of religion in Baldwin s life. In addition to Baldwin s status as a teenage preacher, his residence in a house dedicated to serving God explains the religious presence in his works and confirms the idea that he often discussed important concepts of his life in his writing. Baldwin s Go Tell It on the Mountain begins with [he] would be a preacher when he grew up, just like his father. This shows not only the religious nature of Baldwin s writing but also provides evidence of his autobiographical tendencies. The main character s status as a preacher reveals that Baldwin wrote characters possessing very similar qualities to his own and that his works contained a strong religious presence. Baldwin s religious lifestyle serves as a gateway for the establishment of strong ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Sound Waves Affecting The Brain s Perception Of Sound The normal range that humans are able to hear from is 20 hz to 20kHz. The average human can hear up to 20 hertz, After using the resources provided in Physics class I discovered I can hear between 19hz and 20hz. I could sometimes hear the 20hz but sometimes I could not. I am about average for the highest frequencyI could hear. Soundis made of pressure waves which when they travel oscillate or vibrate. Each wave travels at a certain frequency based on how much the sound moves. Sound is created when air molecules are pushed in a certain direction causing them to vibrate. This creates sound waves. Sound moves by vibrations and are caused by compression or some form of pressure. The higher frequency at which the wave oscillates the higher the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Based on the second resource in Physics, I could not district between frequencies as well as I should. My issue was could tell there was a difference in pitch I just could not tell if it was higher or lower once they got super similar to one another. The biology behind it is that once a pitch has traveled through the ear and the cochlea has transferred it to the brain, the arcuate fasciculus produces the process of distinguishing which pitch is higher or lower than another. Some people can do this better than others based on the way their brain works. But it is all pitch recognition in your brain. Tiny sound waves inside your ear help you tune the pitch and pick up sound waves. They take the sound waves and turn them into nerve signals causing the brain to interpret sound. The enter form the outer ear and travel through the passage of the ear canal. It then reaches the eardrum where the vibrations translate into the sound we hear. It then goes to the cochlea, a snail shaped structure that contains fluid in the ear. The sound causes the liquid inside to ripple. The wave goes across to the basilar ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Banana Yoshimoto s Kitchen Summary Through the conversation yesterday about the book Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto my understanding of the novel was changed drastically. I felt that by everyone in the group talking and sharing their thoughts on the book really opened up my mind to different views and perspectives of the questions asked. The main question that I had a different view on after the oral was In what way is Eriko being transgender in Japan during this time period different from in America today? . Before the oral, I believed that the difference was that in Japan, people who consider themselves transgender preferred to be told they had a disorder Meanwhile,in America being transgender is not considered a disorder and they didn t like calling it one.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Throughout the book Kitchen By Banana Yoshimotothe reader follows a girl named Mikage who struggles with the death of her loved ones and tries to overcome them. The reader learns the methods she uses to persevere through with the problems in her life and the way she and her friends try to get through it. Banana Yoshimoto uses the motif of lightand darkness in her work to contrast the characters outward expressions with their internal emotions. The usage of the motif of light in the book is vast enough to be spoken about on its own in the first paragraph, which will prove the thesis by giving an example of how with the motif of light can relate to the characters emotions shown greatly. The significance of this point is to give a clear example of what some of the motifs of light are in the book. The quote is said by Mikage. At this point of time in the book, Yuichi had just come to visit her after her grandmother had passed away. When was it I realized that, on this dark and solitary path we all walk, the only way we can light is our own (pg.21) The literary device being used in the first quote is imagery due to the fact that the author is creating an image in the reader s head like when she said dark and solitary path we all walk . This literary device enhances the main idea by giving the reader a physical description of what is going on. This paragraph will discuss one more example of the motif of light in Yoshimoto s work. This will ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Adolp Coors Case Study Essay no. 1 0028 Adolph Coors Company (B) The following is the complete transcript of a speech given by Shirley Richard, director of corporate communications, at the International Association of Business Communicators annual conference on May 12, 1983. Introduction The winds of change are blowing, and as we progress into the information age, investigative journalism is something which will affect all of us either as consumers, members of special interest groups, business persons, or members of the general public. Organizations and especially businesses will be forced in the years ahead to deal with investigative reporters in an open and forthright manner. Adolph Coors Company, the nation s sixth largest brewer, has changed its news media ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth 2 Adolph Coors Company (B) no. 1 0028 We established some message objectives which were based upon overall corporate objectives and identification of image problems in the market. These are extremely important in any interview situation. These are key points we would make if we had free air time. This is the heart of dealing successfully with investigative reporters. The message objectives we established were: Coors has fair hiring practices and is a good place to work. The boycott is unfair and is carried on by a few rejected union officials. Coors cares about its employees, its products, its community, and its country. Coors is not anti union. Coors makes a unique quality beer. Plan Elements: Make sure certain officers were adequately prepared prior to the Wallace interview. Maintain an open door policy with 60 Minutes throughout the investigation. Perform informal and formal research to measure results of the broadcast. Share 60 Minutes with employees and distributors after the show s airing. Budget:
  • 26. We established a budget which was spent primarily for professional telecommunications training. Establishing a budget is essential for all PR programs. Execution (by the Corporate Communications ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Relation Between Science and Religion Essay on What is the Relation between Science and Religion William Lane Craig Examines several ways in which science and theology relate to each other. Back in 1896 the president of Cornell University Andrew Dickson White published a book entitled A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom. Under White s influence, the metaphor of warfare to describe the relations between science and the Christian faith became very widespread during the first half of the 20th century. The culturally dominant view in the West even among Christians came to be that science and Christianity are not allies in the search for truth, but adversaries. To illustrate, several years ago I had a debate with a philosopher of science at Simon Fraser ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They were remarkably successful in pushing through their agenda. But philosophers of science during the second half of the 20th century have come to realize that the idea of a warfare between science and theology is a gross oversimplification. White s book is now regarded as something of a bad joke, a one sided and distorted piece of propaganda. Now some people acknowledge that science and religion should not be regarded as foes, but nonetheless they do not think that they should be considered friends either. They say that science and religion are mutually irrelevant, that they represent two non over lapping domains. Sometimes you hear slogans like Science deals with facts and religion deals with faith. But this is a gross caricature of both science and religion. As science probes the universe, she encounters problems and questions which are philosophical in character and therefore cannot be resolved scientifically, but which can be illuminated by a theological perspective. By the same token, it is simply false that religion makes no factual claims about the world. The world religions make various and conflicting claims about the origin and nature of the universe and humanity, and they cannot all be true. Science and religion are thus like two circles which intersect or partially overlap. It is in the area of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. The Greed In Edith Wharton s The House Of Mirth Throughout society, people tend to have something that they are obsessed with, and willing to do anything for. Some people fawn over power, and those who possess it, attempting to join their forces in the hopes of syphoning off some of that power for themselves. Others focus on wealth, and the ability to be control the economic wealth of everyone around you. Some may feel that they are obsessed with love, attempting to find the perfect personto spend the rest of their life with. In Edith Wharton s The House of Mirth, the character of Lily focuses on love, which is the main reason for her downfall throughout the story. Through this character, Edith Wharton attempts to convey to the reader that society was developed and raised to discriminate... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She was able to see many inferior humans be looked at as lesser people solely because of who they were, and not due to some legitimate factor. As a woman, she experienced this herself. Throughout her life, despite being a very good poet and writer, she was forced to write under an alias, due to a woman writer looking improper for the time. Her family, despite supporting her, still wanted to make sure that the family name was not besmirched with a potential scandal resulting from their daughter s writing. As time went on and people slowly began to get rid of their Social Darwinism ways, she was able to write as herself, and eventually was rewarded for her writings, winning a Pulitzer Prize as well as being nominated multiple times for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Despite all that she was able to do for women during her time, she still could see the problems that women had to face, being unable to make all of the decisions that a man could make at the time, and not being as well recognized for her success. Even during her successes, much help was needed to obtain the awards, as some people did not believe that she was worthy, due to her being a woman. Throughout her life, Edith Wharton faced many of the issues that Lily Barth faced, and that resulted in a better understanding of the Social Darwinian ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. My Millionaire Mentor Video Analysis Money can make a man move, in the sense that a man is fascinated by money which opens up different opportunities and becomes the ultimate source for majority of people for survival. Not that it is not true, without any doubt majority of people are attracted to money and it becomes a necessity when the needs of an individual are not met. In today s world, with exceedingly high standards of living most people would like to have a job that is stress free, moneythat comes easily, without having to struggle, or at the least have a piece of mind that there is always money available for them. To solve this issue and not to face any problem with cash in hand they look for options which can make them rich, live a better and stress free life and when needed take a break and plan for vacation. A social media website, a webpage that is titled My Millionaire Mentor, a privately owned company relayed a 40 min video that explains how to transform into a millionaire within a short period of time by just following very easy few easy steps. The 40 minute video ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... that law enforcements do not use enough evidence and therefore should think broadly and explore ways to prove when they are making a decision. Life of every individual is very precious; thereby, careful thinking and observation is a necessity while making a decision and not accusing innocents which can destroy their whole life. After learning the key findings of warning signs it got easier for them to differentiate science from pseudoscience which could help them think broadly in different directions and not just be biased on their own opinions, assumptions and judgement. Similarly, online hearing or watching claims should particularly be paid attention, which can be proven with evidence and do not ever believe that making money easy can solve ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Women Should Be Allowed For The Military Combat Just Like... Woman should be allowed to serve in the military combat just like the men. The year 1994 was the year they banned women from being in military combat. Ever since January 2013 they have tried to find ways to lift the ban. In January 2016 they had to decide whether women should or should not be in combat. Women have performed in combat some have even died in defense of our county. The woman served regardless the problem. It was recommended by the marine corps to open up positions to women regardless of the results. The Woman have tried to pass tests as individuals but the infantry officer course failed in the past years.Two females have been in training for the army and have passed it and are now qualified to be in the army in combat with men. The two woman are serve as rangers in the military. One thing that kept them motivated was they wanted to do their best to prove that other woman can meet the same standards as men. Many women were motivated and capable to join the marines. Months later and are now in training to be evaluated. The rangers had to complete three courses to become part of the combat.The rangers have a fitness course and they have to run an obstacle course, hike twelve miles carrying a 47 pound backpack all done under three hours. One of the phases is called the Mountain phase. It was made so the mountain would exhaust the rangers while they are under mental health plus they have very little food and very little sleep. They added a knot test, so they would ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Essay On Charles Guiteau Charles Guiteau Charles Julius Guiteau, writer, lawyer, preacher. He was born in Freeport Illinois September 8, 1841, the fourth of six children. After failing his attempt to go to the university of Michigan, he joined the controversial religious sect his father was also in but soon left. After also failing to become a writer he went back to theology and then to politics. Also, he is the assassin who killed James Garfield, President of the United States. In 1850 he and his family moved to Wisconsin where he lived for 5 years until his mother died. He moved with his father back to Freeport. While he was a young man he got $1,000 of inheritance money from his Grandfather and went to Michigan in an attempt to join the University of Michigan. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He did not know much about guns but did know that he would need a high caliber gun. He decided to get a .442 Webley caliber British Bulldog revolver and decided he wanted to get one with ivory grips as opposed to wooden ones so it would look good in the museum. The gun cost $16 but the store owner gave him it for $15. The first time Charles fired the gun the recoil almost knocked him over so he spent a few weeks practicing his aim and stalking Garfield. On July 2, 1881 Charles waited for Garfield at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station. He got his shoes shined, paced, and engaged a cab to take him to jail. Garfield entered the station expecting a vacation, he was shot twice. The second bullet pierced the lumbar vertebra but missed his spinal cord. Charles cried out I am a Stalwart of the Stalwarts. ... [Chester A.] Arthur is president now! On september 19,after a long and painful 11 weeks fighting infections (which were most likely from the doctor using unwashed hands and non sterilized equipment) Garfield died. Many modern Physicians say that if Garfield had been treated with clean equipment, he would not have died. Candice Millard even goes as far as to say that if he had been left alone by the doctors, he would have lived. Guiteau pleaded not guilty to the murder charges. The trial that took place on November 14 in Washington D.C. was one of the first high profile cases where the defense of insanity was considered. Charles claimed that he wasn t ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Weavetech Case Summary Downsizing or layoffs at a company, whether it is in WeaveTech or any other company have its legal risks that are associated with the exercise. The potential legal risks associated with the downsizing situation would be discrimination, such as how to select the employees that will be laid off (Benn, Dunphy, Griffiths, 2014). This could bring about discrimination claims as some of the employees may argue that they were terminated because of their gender, age, race among others. Also, there could be legal issues if the WeaveTech did not give a sixty day notice since it has more than a hundred employees as this is a requirement by the law under the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN). Other legal issues that could get WeaveTech ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Each employee, whether a manager or a subordinate employee will have to face the changes that occur at WeaveTech and they should be prepared to face the change so as to focus on achieving the company s goals and objectives. Employees will be able to manage the change on a personal level, which the management will be able to do so on an organizational level. ADKAR model provides a platform for a new philosophy, innovative models for change and fresh frameworks and mechanisms that will enable the even execution of the preferred change (Coghlan, Rashford, de Figueiredo, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Watergate Watergate Student s Name Professor Course Institution Date The Watergate Scandal was considered one of the most of disturbing political scandals in the history of America. This Scandal brought down a President and his administration, also made the American public distrust the government which still goes on today. In 1972 there were two break ins at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee, located in the Watergate office and apartment complex located in Washington D.C. The first was 27, 1972 and was performed by G. Gordon Liddy the leader of the group called The Plumbers , E. Howard Hunt, and James W. McCord along with six members of a group known as the Plumbers . The break in was used to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... James McCord and G Gordon Liddy stood trial and were convicted of conspiracy. The Watergate Scandal was broke to the public by Reporters for the Washington Post Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, from information passed to them by a Member of the White House code name as Deep Throat (Mark Felt). With the information that was given to the reporters it showed that many of the President s staff was involved to include the President. It was revealed that President Nixon had a voice activated taping system installed in the Oval office for all his conversations and phone calls. Confirmed to the Senate in July 1973 by White House aide Alexander Butterfield, after it was revealed it was dismantled and put in Alexander Haig s custody. Earlier that year Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox and the Senate Committee issued subpoenas for the tapes. Which President Nixon refused claiming executive privilege, when the President finally turned ove r the tapes it was found that to have a 181/2 minute gap in the tapes. Rose Mary Woods, President Nixon secretary admitted that while reviewing and transcribing the tapes that for the Senate committee she accidentally hit the record button while answering a phone call and erased about 5 minutes, she claims that she had nothing to do with the other 13 minutes. The contents of the missing 18 ВЅ minutes may never be known, although it is believed to contain a conversation between President Nixon and Chief of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Structural Formula Of Lexapro Health Professionals make crucial decisions for prescriptions regarding pharmaceutical information. Drug company promotional material is used by medical professionals to expand the knowledge of certain prescriptions to their patients to secure a plan of action to treat their illness. The active ingredient in Lexapro is Escitalopram oxalate. Escitalopram oxalate is an antidepressant in a drug group called SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. The chemical name of Lexapro is Escitalopram. The IUPAC name is (1S) 1 [3 (dimethylamino) propyl] 1 (4 fluorophenyl) 3H 2 benzofuran 5 carbonitrile, and the molecular formula is C20H21FN2O.2 Lexapro is used for treating major anxiety and depression in adolescents and adults. When diagnosed with depression, you lack the chemical serotonin. Serotonin is made in both the brain and intestines, linking Figure 1: Structural formula of Lexapro. https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound /Escitalopram_oxalate#section=Top with your control of your mood and other functions of your body. Lexapro works to boost the chemical activity of Serotonin in your brain to mentally battle depression. The balancing act is created when serotonin is released from one nerve cell and becomes available to the next. During this process, some of the serotonin released is reabsorbed by the first nerve cell. Lexapro will block the re absorption of serotonin into the first cell, which will eventually lead to an increased amount of serotonin to become available.7 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Biko Essay How to make Biko at home, two ways There aren t many dishes that are so perfectly balanced in terms of flavor and texture that they can actually be eaten as snacks as well as desserts. Biko is one of those dishes. A traditional Filipino delicacy, Biko is a rice based dish that tastes amazing and is very easy to make. At first glance, you may think making it is a lot of work, but in reality, this dish is fairly simple to put together. Also, it uses some very basic ingredients that are easy to find. It is so delicious and sumptuous that it makes for the perfect dessert to bring to a potluck or even serve as a tasty, sweet snack at tea. Now the main question is how to make Biko? Well, like we said, the process is fairly easy to grasp and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The cream is easily available in stores and online. Brown Sugar: The third ingredient you need to make Biko is brown sugar. While brown sugar is essentially white sugar with added molasses it is healthier than white sugar and also has a different texture. Although unprocessed sugar is also brown in color, usually brown sugar refers to the one with added molasses. http://www.my.all.biz/img/my/catalog/57821.jpeg Brown sugar is available easily and in many varieties. You can even make it at home or buy it online. How to make Biko Now that you have all the ingredients at hand, let s get to the actual recipe for cooking Biko. There are actually two ways you can cook Biko; one method asks you to cook the rice over a stove in an open pot, the other one asks you to use a rice cooker for the same purpose. You can make delicious Biko with both methods, but the rice cooker method is quicker. Here we will relay both the methods so you can choose the one you are more comfortable with: Method 1 Ingredients: Glutinous rice, 4 cups Coconut milk 14 ounce cans, 3 Brown sugar (divided), 2 cups Coconut cream, 1 cup Process: Soak the rice in 8 cups of water
  • 36. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Ethical Dilemma of Overshooting Airports Ethical Dilemma of Overshooting Airports Jason Miller Oklahoma State University Tulsa AVED 3433 Aviation Ethics December 1, 2012 Dr. Jerry McMahan Ethical Dilemma of Overshooting Airports On October 21, 2009 Pilot Timothy Cheney and Co pilot Richard Cole of Northwest Airlines flight 188 had overshot Minneapolis International Airport by 150 miles, which carried 147 passengers because the pilots had been busy using their laptops. The pilots had only received a slap on the wrists from the FAA; however their punishment should have been a bit harsher because the lives of everyone on that flight were put at risk because of irresponsible pilots. Ethical Dilemma of the Pilots The Flight Control tower at Minneapolis International ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Northwest Airlines pilots who were grounded after overflying the Minneapolis airport by 150 miles are trying to get their licenses back. National Transportation Safety Board spokesman Ted Lopatkiewicz said Thursday that Captain Timothy Cheney of Gig Harbor, Washington, and First Officer Richard Cole of Salem, have filed appeals. The FAA revoked the licenses of the pilots last month. Cole and Cheney had 10 days to appeal to the three member National Transportation Safety Board, the same agency that investigates air crashes and makes safety recommendations. If their appeal fails, they can apply for a new license after one year. The Federal Aviation Administrationsaid the pilots had violated numerous regulations, including failing to comply with air traffic control instructions and clearances and operating carelessly and recklessly. But the pilots said they had been so engrossed in a complicated new crew scheduling program on their laptops a cockpit violation of airline policy that could cost them their licenses that they lost track of time and place for more than an hour, until a flight attendant on an intercom got their attention. By then, the Airbus A320 with its 144 passengers and five crew members had cruised on autopilot past its Minneapolis destination and was over Wisconsin, at 37,000 feet. It turned out the plane s radio was still tuned to a frequency used by Denver controllers, even though the aircraft had flown beyond ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Service Request SR-rm-022 Final Essay Service Request SR rm 022 Final Sharon Foreman, PhD. BSA/375 3/13/15 Trisha Carter Service Request Part 1 With having plastic manufacturer facilities in areas such as China, Michigan, and Georgia; Riordan Manufacturing has produced annual earnings over forty six million. Riordan also has a research and development department over in San Jose California. Riordan Industries are the sole owner of Riordan Manufacturing and they are one of the Fortune 1000 enterprises with their worth being more than one billion. With having facilities in areas all over the US and even China, Riordan proves that they are a successful business. Key Stakeholders CEO Dr. Michael Riordan is one key stakeholders within the company who is also the founder ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Project Scope The effect of integrating a new system, agreeing, and understanding a new project in the company or a new system is project scope. It is mandatory that everyone understands how and why the company will improve from upgrading to a new system. Agreeing what is best for the company and why it is important to update the system is also a must. It is important to a company for project scope because it can deal with everyone that is in the company and make sure that everyone is on the same page. Service Request Part 2 Riordan Manufacturing wants to integrate its existing HR information system tools to a single integrating application. This request of service is interested in defining business requirements for completion of the HR system for obtaining the objective. Security controls that we recommend for the design for the HR systems, process design, and application architecture are the requirements for this project. Application Architecture Three fundamental application architectures are client server based architecture, client based architecture, and server based architecture. Riordan Manufacturing HRIS is going to implement will be 3 tier client server architecture. This will encompass the 3 groups of computers; database server, application server, and clients. The client is responsible for the presentation login and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Vietnam Essay Outline Vietnam Essay Outline (Growing protest in america) protest grew during nixons presidency due to his media coverage famous protesters such as John Lennon rilled up more Americans against the war in march 1971 the conviction of lieutenant William L Calley jr. For war crimes raised some of the most famous and main moral issues. His unit was behind the massacre of more then 500 civilians in south Vietnam which of all were unarmed women and children and old men which none offered any resistance to the u.s: war critics used this trial to bring attention to the large number of civilians killed. it was the first American war to be televised The movement against U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War began small among peace activists... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 13.7 billion gallons of fuel were used the U.S. forces between 1966 and 1972. This total is enough to heat 10,800,000 American homes for an entire year, and it does not include the billions of gallons used in transporting troops and equipment from the U.S. and U.S. bases to the War. $132.7 billion Budgeted War Costs (1965 1972) $28.5 billion Military and economic aid to Saigon regime (1953 1975) $2.4 billion Military and economic aid to Laotian regime (1953 1975) $2.2 billion Military and economic laid to Cambodian regime (1953 1975) $0.3 billion Aid to French war effort 1949 1952 $2.0 billion Approximate cost of the war FY 1975 (Results of war ) about 58,000 American military personal died in the war and about 300,000 were wounded south Vietnamese military loses were approximately 224,000 killed and 1 million wounded. North Vietnamese and Vietnam cong losses totalled about 1 million dead and 600,000 wounded in 1976 north and south Vietnam lwere united into a single nation which was renamed the socialist republic of Vietnam. North Vietnamese leaders then forced their own ridged political views on the south. They inprisoned thousands who had held responsibility in the south Vietnamese army or government. The chemical most used for Operation Ranch Hand was known as Agent Orange. In 1969 alone, 1,034,300 hectares of forest was destroyed Agent Blue was sprayed on crops in an effort to deprive the North of its food supply. Between 1962 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The Digital Record Label For The Edm Artist Essay SINE RECORDS PORTFOLIO Industry: Sine Records will be a Scottish record label for the EDM artist who is looking for a reliable and approachable company to release their music through. Our aim is to forge long lasting and personal relationships with our artists and our consumers. A strong online presence will form the foundation of the company and the form in which our products will be sold. Not only will Sine Records release music, but we will also market sample packs and synthesiser presets that come straight from our artists. Extra marketing tools such as competitions will stem from this and result in a more engaging experience. Online content such as blogs, mini interviews, and music videos will keep the audience engaged. In today s music industry, the majority of recorded music is consumed through digital means mainly via streaming such as Apple Music and Spotify. To get an idea of its popularity we can see that in 2014, streaming usage increased by 39%, and in 2015, streaming officially took over both downloads and CD sales. (RIAA, 2015) (IFPI, 2015, pp. 8 9) Starting a label in this present time may be challenging. However, with an adaptable and versatile business plan and an intelligent use of marketing, there is ample opportunity for a company to flourish. See appendix (i) for a graphical breakdown of the industry. With this knowledge, our label will focus on streaming and downloads. A report by Nielsen that shows EDM performs well in streaming. In ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The War Against Terror and China s Treatment of the... The War Against Terror and China s Treatment of the Uigher Ethnic Minority In the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States, President George W. Bush reached out to the world to back the U.S. in a war to eradicate terrorism. One of the more surprising participants in this coalition, China, had until that point been at odds with U.S. policy but seemed to find sufficient common ground with the U.S. to support the war. In recent months however, China has not been lauded for unprecedented cooperation with its strategic competitor but has instead been criticized for using the war on terror as carte blanche to step up its Strike Hard campaign in the Uigher Xinjiang Autonomous Region in the northwest, resulting in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Between 1944 and 1949 the Turkic Islamic Republic of Eastern Turkestan was established; this short lived period of impendence came to an end when the Communist Party formerly incorporated the province into the PRC with the agreement of the leaders of the Eastern Turkestan Republic. [1]The agreement of the leadership did not, however, quell the movement for independence; a number of political and religious leaders refused to accept Beijing as the legitimate authority over the region. In the midst of the widespread upheaval of the Cultural Revolution, the separatist movement was able to organize into the Eastern Turkestan People s Party, although fear of Red Guard attacks were pervasive and prevented any significant expression of minority or separatist sentiment.[2] The demise of the Maoist era, however, would bring reforms and consequently new justifications and opportunities for expression of separatist sentiment among the Uigher population. Deng Xiaoping s accession to power brought with it reform and opening policies intended to bring about the modernization and industrialization of China. This brought about serious demands on natural resources such as oil, in which Xinjiang is abundant. The arrival of companies to extract these natural resources brought an influx of Han Chinese and a noticeable distinction between the lifestyles and opportunities ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The American Army in the Mexican War During the 19th century, the United States had two armies. Authorized by congress in 1789, the first was the standing army called as U.S. army. This force consisted of officers commissioned by Congress and men who joined for a five year period. In 1792. Congress created an auxiliary army called as militia. The U.S. army was a national force while the militia was the armies of various states. The militia could be called for federal service: to execute the laws, to suppress insurrections, and to repel invasions. This two level arrangement formed the basis of military establishment during the war. The U.S. army was not prepared for the war. The congress authorized 8613 men and officers for the war but, the actual number was fewer than 5500.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... An 11000 man force was commanded by General President Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. It was an amalgamation units of central Mexico, Army of the north and remnants of defeated Veracruz garrison. Acapulco to Mexico City was guarded by 3000 man army of the south. A 3800man contingent rounded out the valley campaign s force structures. Lacking established government depots, the Mexican soldiers got supplies from nearby communities. The soldier s wives and girlfriends accompanied the campaign. They helped the army by sewing, cooking and ministering to the sick and wounded of the both the armies. ROLE OF MEDIA The war between United States and Mexico witnessed use of technological innovations at the strategic level. This was more evident in communication. Mounted couriers carried battle reports and were dispatched safely inside sandbags. In the period from 1821 to 1854, steamboats, railroads, and telegraphs advanced critical communications at speed beyond imagination. Tactical communications for armies remained unchanged. Drums and flags marked the progress of units. Unit at distant places received written or verbal orders delivered by the officers. The volunteer messenger formed the critical link between the commander and his command. A typical Mexican newspaper followed a standard format during the war. The local, national and international news were covered in various sections. Letters written by the public to the editors and an editorial page were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Meno Essay There is not a great deal of context that is crucial to understanding the essential themes of the Meno, largely because the dialogue sits nearly at the beginning of western philosophy. Socrates and Plato are working not so much in the context of previous philosophies as in the context of the lack of them. Further, this is very probably one of Plato s earliest surviving dialogues, set in about 402 BCE (by extension, we might presume that it represents Socrates at a relatively early stage in his own thought). Nonetheless, in order to understand the aims and achievements of the dialogue, it helps to keep in mind some details about this lack of previous philosophies. Since neither virtue nor any other concept has yet been defined in the way ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If Meno is something of a dummy for aristocratic Sophist sympathizers, Anytus is even more clearly a stand in for the somber, unconsidered values of the Athenian political elite. An actual historical politician of the time, he s grumpy, largely closed to new ideas, and insistent on inherited, class based customs as the vehicle for virtue he suggests that any quot;gentleman quot; on the streets of Athens is a fine example of virtue. Anytus, an Athenian conservative, despises the Sophists. Like other prominent Athenians at the time, he is probably suspicious of the Sophists cleverness with words and their tendency to lead young followers away from success in worldly matters. Socrates encounters this idea that philosophy is a corrupting influence in many of his dialogues, and that perception will eventually lead to his trial and execution for quot;corrupting the youth. quot; Thus, Plato is all the more determined to highlight Socrates profound differences from the Sophists. We should note briefly the basic form of the Platonic dialogues: Plato, Socrates student, has written a kind of play, re enacting the way in which Socrates practiced his philosophy (he did not write it down, but simply argued on the streets). In reading the summary contained on this site, it may not always be clear that Socrates is constantly asking questions of Meno, and only rarely offering ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Examples Of Christianity In Beowulf Beowulf started as an oral tradition, passed down from generation to generation until translated into written form by a Christian monk. Therefore, the values, culture, and traditions from the ancient times mix with the new Christian values and melt with other cultures to create the Anglo Saxon society. In this piece, the Anglo Saxon culture is revealed through the depiction of the values Christianity, loyalty, and bravery. Though once a pagan culture, the Anglo Saxonswere brought the message of Christianity by the Romans and blended those beliefs into their culture. References to Christianity made in Beowulfdepict the culture at the time as well as the author who scribed Beowulf, a Christian monk. The first reference in the text comes from Grendel, the descendant of Cain, the first murderer in Biblical tradition (Raffel 20 22). This allusion connects a character of the story with Biblical tradition, therefore further defining the Christian influence in the culture. Other references acknowledge the presence of a higher being, of God, in the text. Hrothgar s throne, protected by God (Raffel 84) shows their reverence of a higher being. They acknowledge His greatness and splendor: Surely the Lord Almighty could stop his madness, smother his... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Epic poetry recognizes larger than life heroes, strong and mighty. Beowulf exemplifies bravery from the minute he shows up at Herot, decided on killing Grendel and saving the Danes. Beowulf, bravery pulsing through his veins, competes with sea monsters and defends himself in the open sea (Raffel 277 290). He kills Grendel, saves Herot, and defeats Grendel s mother before he is ultimately defeated. The culture praises risk and bravery for the sake of glory, victory, or revenge. Beowulf seeks out battles and risk with the vision of all three values in mind, and that exemplifies the Anglo Saxon value of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. How Did Klimt Make The Kiss Gustav Klimt created his oil on canvas painting The Kiss between 1907 and 1908 using oil with layers of gold leaf. This piece also uses mosaic techniques as well as fresco. Just as the title suggests, the painting is a depiction of a couple embraced in a kiss. The man is kissing and embracing the woman, the woman in return is accepting the kissand leaning up to him (Cruz 34). The paintingis exhibited at the Osterrelchische Galerie Belvedere in Vienna, Austria. The Kiss is a large piece measuring 180 x 180 cm, roughly a square of 6 x 6 (Nerit 1). There are several elements of style that make The Kiss captivating. The subject is in the middle, the bright yellow color shows the emphasis of the subject. The skin of the couple, their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Purpose Of A Political Party The purpose of a political party is to WIN the governing office. The United States has only two major parties that are eligible to be voted into the president s position. Why is there only two dominant parties? Shouldn t there be more options for American citizens? Two main political parties alone seem to dominate the American political system. Although, no one can stop a third party from joining a presidential race the support from the plurality system. It can usually ruin its chances of winning. Third parties may have statistically significant support (maybe 15 percent of voters in every district supports a third party). Will this ever change? In fact, since 1852, a candidate from the Republican or a Democratic parties has placed either ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...