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The term child abuse has come to mean any
intentional act of physical, emotional, or sexual
abuse, including acts of negligence, committed by a
person responsible for the care of the child.
According to UNICEF violence against children
can be "physical and mental abuse and injury,
neglect or negligent treatment, exploitation and
sexual abuse. Violence may take place in homes,
schools, orphanages, residential care facilities, on
the streets, in the workplace, in prisons and in
places of detention." Such violence can affect the
normal development of a child impairing their
mental, physical and social being. In extreme cases
abuse of a child can result in death.
Child Abuse
Parental factors:
• Parent has already abused a child
• Pregnancy was not wanted
• Young, unsupported mother often with low
• Parents have unrealistic expectations of the child
and lack parenting knowledge
• Parent is isolated and has few supports
• Parent has a mental illness or is abusing drugs or
Environmental factors:
• Overcrowding in the house
• Poverty or lack of opportunity to improve the
family’s resources
• Family violence is present
• A non biological adult living in the house
• Family is experiencing multiple stresses
Child factors:
• Baby is sickly, or unwanted
• Child has a physical or developmental disability
• Child is the product of an abusive relationship
• Lack of attachment between child and parent
Child abuse has long-term as well as immediate
effects. The abused child may be hyperactive; may
exhibit angry, antisocial behaviour; or may be
especially withdrawn. When child abuse is
suspected or confirmed, the child may be removed
from the home or separated from the family for
protection. Abusive parents often were abused
themselves as children; thus, the problem of child
abuse continues in a cyclical fashion from
generation to generation.
Child abuse has many forms:
• Physical,
• Emotional,
• Sexual,
• Neglect
Any of these that are potentially or actually harmful
to a child's health, survival, dignity and
development are abuse. This definition is derived
from the W.H.O.
Physical abuse may occur when the caregiver is
unfamiliar with normal child behaviour.
Inexperienced caregivers may not know what is
normal behaviour for a child and become frustrated
when the child does not respond in the way they
Physical abuse is when a child has been physically
harmed due to some interaction or lack of
interaction by another person, which could have
been prevented by any person in a position of
responsibility, trust or power.
Shaken baby syndrome occurs when a small child is
shaken by the arms or shoulders in a repetitive,
violent manner. When the child is shaken, a
whiplash type injury occurs to the neck. In
addition, the child may have edema to the brain
stem and retinal or brain haemorrhage's. Loss of
vision, mental retardation, or even death may occur
in these children.
Clinical manifestations may include lethargy,
irritability, vomiting, and seizures, but often this
form of child abuse does not have easily noted
signs and can be missed on examination of the
child. Internal symptoms are detected by the use of
computed tomography (CT) and magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI).
Child Abuse
In Munchausen syndrome by proxy, one person
either fabricates or induces illness in another to get
attention. When a caregiver has this syndrome, he
or she frequently brings the child to a health care
facility and reports symptoms of illness when the
child is actually well.
Child’s illness fabricated or induced by the parent
(usually the mother) Mother develops a dependent
relationship with her child’s doctor / medical staff.
This situation is frustrating for health care
personnel because it is difficult to catch the suspect
in the act of endangering the child.
Close observation of the caregiver’s interactions
with the child is necessary. For instance, if episodes
of apnea occur only in the presence of the
caregiver, be alert for this syndrome. The caregiver
who suffers from this syndrome must receive
psychiatric help.
Injury from emotional abuse can be just as serious
and lasting as that from physical abuse, but it is
much more difficult to identify. Injury from
emotional abuse can be just as serious and lasting
as that from physical abuse, but it is much more
difficult to identify.
Emotional abuse can be seen as a failure to provide
a supportive environment and primary attachment
figure for a child so that they may develop a full
and healthy range of emotional abilities.
Several types of emotional abuse can occur,
• Verbal abuse, such as humiliation, scapegoating,
unrealistic expectations with belittling, and erratic
• Emotional unavailability when caregivers are
absorbed in their own problems
• Insufficient or poor nurturing, or threatening to
leave the child or otherwise end the relationship
• Role reversal in which the child must take on the
role of parenting the parent and is blamed for the
parent’s problems
Sexual abuse is engaging a child in any sexual
activity that he/she does not understand or cannot
give informed consent for or is not physically,
mentally or emotionally prepared for. Abuse can be
conducted by an adult or another child who is
developmentally superior to the victim. This
includes using a child for pornography, sexual
materials, prostitution and unlawful sexual
Sexual abuse of children has existed in all ages and
cultures, but it seldom has been admitted when
perpetrated by parents or other relatives in the
The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and
Treatment Act defines sexual abuse as “the
employment, use, persuasion, inducement,
enticement, or coercion of any child to engage in,
or assist any other person to engage in, any sexually
explicit conduct”.
The Indian government backed a survey of 125000
children in Thirteen states. Of the children
interviewed, more than half (53%) said that they
had been subjected to one or more forms of sexual
abuse. Over 20% of those interviewed said they
were subjected to severe forms of abuse. Of those
who said they were sexually abused, 57% were
boys. (2007)
Neglect or negligent treatment is purposeful
omission of some or all developmental needs of the
child by a caregiver with the intention of harming
the child. This includes the failure of protecting the
child from a harmful situation or environment
when feasible.
Child neglect is failure to provide adequate hygiene,
health care, nutrition, love, nurturing, and
supervision needed for growth and development.
Neglect takes many forms and can be classified
broadly as physical or emotional maltreatment.
• Physical neglect involves the deprivation of
necessities ; such as food, clothing, shelter,
supervision, medical care, and education.
• Emotional neglect generally refers to the failure to
meet the child’s needs for attention, affection,
and emotional nurturance.
• Anxiety, Fear by child related to history of abuse
and fear of abuse from others.
• Ineffective Coping by the no abusive parent
related to fear of violence from abusive partner
or feelings of powerlessness.
• Impaired Parenting related to situational
stressors or poor coping skills.
• Disabled Family Coping related to unrealistic
expectations of the child by the parent.
Child Abuse
Child Abuse
Relieving the Child’s Anxiety and Fear
• Observe the child for behaviour that indicates
anxiety or fear, such as withdrawal, ducking or
shying away from the nurse or caregivers, and
avoiding eye contact.
• Use a calm, reassuring, and kind manner, and
provide a safe atmosphere in which the child has
an opportunity to express feelings and fears.
Supporting the No abusive Caregiver
In some cases, one caregiver in the family may be
an abuser while the other is not. The non abusive
caregiver is a victim, as is the child.
Give the non abusive caregiver an opportunity to
express fears and anxieties. He or she may feel
powerless in the situation. Support the passive
caregiver in deciding whether to continue the
relationship or leave it.
• Try to preserve the caregiver’s self-esteem
because this is not an easy decision to make.
Remember that confidentiality is essential when
discussing such problems.
Observing Interaction Between the Caregiver
and Child
While caring for the abused child when the
caregiver is present, take the opportunity to
observe how the caregiver relates to the child and
how the child reacts to the caregiver.
Give the caregiver the same courtesy extended to
all caregivers. Offer a compliment when the
caregiver does something well in caring for the
• Give the caregiver an opportunity to discuss in
private any concerns; during this time, you may
be able to gain his or her confidence.
Promoting Parenting Skills and Coping
• Often abuse occurs when a caregiver is
unfamiliar with normal growth and development
and the behaviours common to a particular stage
of development.
• Help the caregiver develop realistic expectations
of the child. To help accomplish this goal, design
a teaching plan and include the caregiver in
caring for the child.
• Teach the caregiver the child’s expected
responses and help him or her learn about
normal development.
• Praise the caregiver for displaying positive
behaviours. Point out specific behaviours of the
child and explain them to the caregiver.
• Explore the reasons for the caregiver’s absence
when he or she does not visit regularly.
Goal: The child will exhibit decreased signs of
anxiety and fear.
Expected Outcomes: The child’s play, facial
expressions, and posture are relaxed; the child
displays no withdrawal or guarding during contacts
with the nursing staff.
• Goal: The no abusive caregiver will begin to
cope with fears and feelings of powerlessness.
• Expected Outcome: The no abusive caregiver
expresses fears and concerns and makes plans to
resolve problems.
• Goal: The caregiver will exhibit positive
interaction with the child.
• Expected Outcomes: The caregiver talks with
the child, is sensitive to his or her needs, and
refrains from making unreasonable demands on
the child.
• Goal: The caregiver will be involved in the
child’s care and will verbalize examples of
normal growth and development and ways to
handle the child’s misbehaviour.
• Expected Outcomes: The caregiver states age
appropriate behaviour for the child, discusses
ways to handle the child’s irritating behaviour,
and is involved in counselling or other discharge
In child labour cases, boys were abused as
frequently as girls according to the 2007 study
conducted along with the Ministry of Women and
Child Development.
488 cases saw the victim raped by grandfathers,
brothers, fathers and even sons. At 55% and 49%
respectively, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat reported the
highest number of child workplace sexual abuse
The number of cases registered for child abuse
raised from 8,904 in the year 2014 to 14,913 in the
year 2015, under the POSCO(Protection of
Children Against Sexual Offences) Act. Sexual
offences and kidnapping account for 81% of the
crimes against minors.
• POSCO: State wise cases –
• Uttar Pradesh led the highest number of child
abuse cases (3,078) followed by
• Madhya Pradesh (1,687 cases),
• Tamil Nadu (1,544 cases),
• Karnataka (1,480 cases) and
• Gujarat (1,416 cases).
Along with workplace cases, here are other findings
of rapists being known to children:
94.8% of rape cases saw children being raped by
someone they knew, not strangers.
These acquaintances include neighbours (3,149
cases) who were the biggest abusers (35.8%).
10% of cases saw children being raped by their own
direct family members and relatives.
How the government is working
against child abuse?
POSCO (Protection of Children Against Sexual
Offences) Act
The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences
Act (POCSO Act) 2012 was formulated in order to
effectively address sexual abuse and sexual
exploitation of children. The Protection of
Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 received
the President’s assent on 19th June 2012 and was
notified in the Gazette of India on 20th June, 2012.
How the government is working
against child abuse?
The 2012 POCSO act enables fast tracking and
efficient prosecution in rape law (Section 376),
which previously allowed child molesters a legal
POCSO lays down a seven years prison term that
can extend to life imprisonment. The act
necessitates cases to resolve in 60 days .
How the government is working
against child abuse?
• From harassment to gang-rape, all sexual crimes
against children fall under POCSO, which takes
the child’s verdict as the final word.
• POCSO makes it illegal to witness and not
report abuse, either by phone or in person, and
police officers must bring cases to the attention
of Child Welfare Committee with in 24 hrs.
How the government is working
against child abuse?
• Operation smile is a special initiative of the
Union home ministry (headed by Rajnath Singh),
and organizes regular rescues and rehabilitation
of children pushed into prostitution and bonded
child labor to ill-treatment by parents.
1. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Broadrib’s Introductory Paediatric
Nursing 7th edition
2. Wong's Essentials of Pediatric Nursing
3. http://www.childlineindia.org.in/child-abuse-child-violence-india.html
4. http://www.hindustantimes.com/delhi-news/delhi-govt-launches-poster-
5. https://www.savethechildren.in/resource-centre/articles/how-the-
6. https://www.savethechildren.in/resource-centre/articles/recent-statistics-

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Child Abuse

  • 2. CHILD ABUSE The term child abuse has come to mean any intentional act of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, including acts of negligence, committed by a person responsible for the care of the child.
  • 3. CHILD ABUSE According to UNICEF violence against children can be "physical and mental abuse and injury, neglect or negligent treatment, exploitation and sexual abuse. Violence may take place in homes, schools, orphanages, residential care facilities, on the streets, in the workplace, in prisons and in places of detention." Such violence can affect the normal development of a child impairing their mental, physical and social being. In extreme cases abuse of a child can result in death.
  • 5. FACTORS AFFECTING CHILD ABUSE Parental factors: • Parent has already abused a child • Pregnancy was not wanted • Young, unsupported mother often with low education. • Parents have unrealistic expectations of the child and lack parenting knowledge
  • 6. FACTORS AFFECTING CHILD ABUSE • Parent is isolated and has few supports • Parent has a mental illness or is abusing drugs or alcohol
  • 7. FACTORS AFFECTING CHILD ABUSE Environmental factors: • Overcrowding in the house • Poverty or lack of opportunity to improve the family’s resources • Family violence is present • A non biological adult living in the house • Family is experiencing multiple stresses
  • 8. FACTORS AFFECTING CHILD ABUSE Child factors: • Baby is sickly, or unwanted • Child has a physical or developmental disability • Child is the product of an abusive relationship • Lack of attachment between child and parent
  • 9. EFFECTS THE FAMILY Child abuse has long-term as well as immediate effects. The abused child may be hyperactive; may exhibit angry, antisocial behaviour; or may be especially withdrawn. When child abuse is suspected or confirmed, the child may be removed from the home or separated from the family for protection. Abusive parents often were abused themselves as children; thus, the problem of child abuse continues in a cyclical fashion from generation to generation.
  • 10. FORMS OF CHILD ABUSE Child abuse has many forms: • Physical, • Emotional, • Sexual, • Neglect
  • 11. FORMS OF CHILD ABUSE Any of these that are potentially or actually harmful to a child's health, survival, dignity and development are abuse. This definition is derived from the W.H.O.
  • 12. PHYSICAL ABUSE Physical abuse may occur when the caregiver is unfamiliar with normal child behaviour. Inexperienced caregivers may not know what is normal behaviour for a child and become frustrated when the child does not respond in the way they expect. Physical abuse is when a child has been physically harmed due to some interaction or lack of interaction by another person, which could have been prevented by any person in a position of responsibility, trust or power.
  • 13. SHAKEN BABY SYNDROME Shaken baby syndrome occurs when a small child is shaken by the arms or shoulders in a repetitive, violent manner. When the child is shaken, a whiplash type injury occurs to the neck. In addition, the child may have edema to the brain stem and retinal or brain haemorrhage's. Loss of vision, mental retardation, or even death may occur in these children.
  • 14. SHAKEN BABY SYNDROME Clinical manifestations may include lethargy, irritability, vomiting, and seizures, but often this form of child abuse does not have easily noted signs and can be missed on examination of the child. Internal symptoms are detected by the use of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
  • 16. MUNCHAUSEN SYNDROME BY PROXY In Munchausen syndrome by proxy, one person either fabricates or induces illness in another to get attention. When a caregiver has this syndrome, he or she frequently brings the child to a health care facility and reports symptoms of illness when the child is actually well. Child’s illness fabricated or induced by the parent (usually the mother) Mother develops a dependent relationship with her child’s doctor / medical staff.
  • 17. MUNCHAUSEN SYNDROME BY PROXY This situation is frustrating for health care personnel because it is difficult to catch the suspect in the act of endangering the child. Close observation of the caregiver’s interactions with the child is necessary. For instance, if episodes of apnea occur only in the presence of the caregiver, be alert for this syndrome. The caregiver who suffers from this syndrome must receive psychiatric help.
  • 18. EMOTIONAL ABUSE Injury from emotional abuse can be just as serious and lasting as that from physical abuse, but it is much more difficult to identify. Injury from emotional abuse can be just as serious and lasting as that from physical abuse, but it is much more difficult to identify. Emotional abuse can be seen as a failure to provide a supportive environment and primary attachment figure for a child so that they may develop a full and healthy range of emotional abilities.
  • 19. EMOTIONAL ABUSE Several types of emotional abuse can occur, including:- • Verbal abuse, such as humiliation, scapegoating, unrealistic expectations with belittling, and erratic discipline • Emotional unavailability when caregivers are absorbed in their own problems
  • 20. EMOTIONAL ABUSE • Insufficient or poor nurturing, or threatening to leave the child or otherwise end the relationship • Role reversal in which the child must take on the role of parenting the parent and is blamed for the parent’s problems
  • 21. SEXUAL ABUSE Sexual abuse is engaging a child in any sexual activity that he/she does not understand or cannot give informed consent for or is not physically, mentally or emotionally prepared for. Abuse can be conducted by an adult or another child who is developmentally superior to the victim. This includes using a child for pornography, sexual materials, prostitution and unlawful sexual practises.
  • 22. SEXUAL ABUSE Sexual abuse of children has existed in all ages and cultures, but it seldom has been admitted when perpetrated by parents or other relatives in the home. The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act defines sexual abuse as “the employment, use, persuasion, inducement, enticement, or coercion of any child to engage in, or assist any other person to engage in, any sexually explicit conduct”.
  • 23. SEXUAL ABUSE The Indian government backed a survey of 125000 children in Thirteen states. Of the children interviewed, more than half (53%) said that they had been subjected to one or more forms of sexual abuse. Over 20% of those interviewed said they were subjected to severe forms of abuse. Of those who said they were sexually abused, 57% were boys. (2007)
  • 24. NEGLECT Neglect or negligent treatment is purposeful omission of some or all developmental needs of the child by a caregiver with the intention of harming the child. This includes the failure of protecting the child from a harmful situation or environment when feasible.
  • 25. NEGLECT Child neglect is failure to provide adequate hygiene, health care, nutrition, love, nurturing, and supervision needed for growth and development.
  • 26. NEGLECT Neglect takes many forms and can be classified broadly as physical or emotional maltreatment. • Physical neglect involves the deprivation of necessities ; such as food, clothing, shelter, supervision, medical care, and education. • Emotional neglect generally refers to the failure to meet the child’s needs for attention, affection, and emotional nurturance.
  • 27. DIAGNOSIS • Anxiety, Fear by child related to history of abuse and fear of abuse from others. • Ineffective Coping by the no abusive parent related to fear of violence from abusive partner or feelings of powerlessness. • Impaired Parenting related to situational stressors or poor coping skills. • Disabled Family Coping related to unrealistic expectations of the child by the parent.
  • 30. IMPLEMENTATION Relieving the Child’s Anxiety and Fear • Observe the child for behaviour that indicates anxiety or fear, such as withdrawal, ducking or shying away from the nurse or caregivers, and avoiding eye contact. • Use a calm, reassuring, and kind manner, and provide a safe atmosphere in which the child has an opportunity to express feelings and fears.
  • 31. IMPLEMENTATION Supporting the No abusive Caregiver In some cases, one caregiver in the family may be an abuser while the other is not. The non abusive caregiver is a victim, as is the child. Give the non abusive caregiver an opportunity to express fears and anxieties. He or she may feel powerless in the situation. Support the passive caregiver in deciding whether to continue the relationship or leave it.
  • 32. IMPLEMENTATION • Try to preserve the caregiver’s self-esteem because this is not an easy decision to make. Remember that confidentiality is essential when discussing such problems.
  • 33. IMPLEMENTATION Observing Interaction Between the Caregiver and Child While caring for the abused child when the caregiver is present, take the opportunity to observe how the caregiver relates to the child and how the child reacts to the caregiver. Give the caregiver the same courtesy extended to all caregivers. Offer a compliment when the caregiver does something well in caring for the child.
  • 34. IMPLEMENTATION • Give the caregiver an opportunity to discuss in private any concerns; during this time, you may be able to gain his or her confidence.
  • 35. IMPLEMENTATION Promoting Parenting Skills and Coping • Often abuse occurs when a caregiver is unfamiliar with normal growth and development and the behaviours common to a particular stage of development. • Help the caregiver develop realistic expectations of the child. To help accomplish this goal, design a teaching plan and include the caregiver in caring for the child.
  • 36. IMPLEMENTATION • Teach the caregiver the child’s expected responses and help him or her learn about normal development. • Praise the caregiver for displaying positive behaviours. Point out specific behaviours of the child and explain them to the caregiver. • Explore the reasons for the caregiver’s absence when he or she does not visit regularly.
  • 37. EVALUATION Goal: The child will exhibit decreased signs of anxiety and fear. Expected Outcomes: The child’s play, facial expressions, and posture are relaxed; the child displays no withdrawal or guarding during contacts with the nursing staff.
  • 38. EVALUATION • Goal: The no abusive caregiver will begin to cope with fears and feelings of powerlessness. • Expected Outcome: The no abusive caregiver expresses fears and concerns and makes plans to resolve problems.
  • 39. EVALUATION • Goal: The caregiver will exhibit positive interaction with the child. • Expected Outcomes: The caregiver talks with the child, is sensitive to his or her needs, and refrains from making unreasonable demands on the child.
  • 40. EVALUATION • Goal: The caregiver will be involved in the child’s care and will verbalize examples of normal growth and development and ways to handle the child’s misbehaviour. • Expected Outcomes: The caregiver states age appropriate behaviour for the child, discusses ways to handle the child’s irritating behaviour, and is involved in counselling or other discharge plans.
  • 41. RECENT STATISTICS OF THE CHILD ABUSE In child labour cases, boys were abused as frequently as girls according to the 2007 study conducted along with the Ministry of Women and Child Development. 488 cases saw the victim raped by grandfathers, brothers, fathers and even sons. At 55% and 49% respectively, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat reported the highest number of child workplace sexual abuse cases.
  • 42. RECENT STATISTICS OF THE CHILD ABUSE The number of cases registered for child abuse raised from 8,904 in the year 2014 to 14,913 in the year 2015, under the POSCO(Protection of Children Against Sexual Offences) Act. Sexual offences and kidnapping account for 81% of the crimes against minors.
  • 43. RECENT STATISTICS OF THE CHILD ABUSE • POSCO: State wise cases – • Uttar Pradesh led the highest number of child abuse cases (3,078) followed by • Madhya Pradesh (1,687 cases), • Tamil Nadu (1,544 cases), • Karnataka (1,480 cases) and • Gujarat (1,416 cases).
  • 44. Along with workplace cases, here are other findings of rapists being known to children: 94.8% of rape cases saw children being raped by someone they knew, not strangers. These acquaintances include neighbours (3,149 cases) who were the biggest abusers (35.8%). 10% of cases saw children being raped by their own direct family members and relatives. RECENT STATISTICS OF THE CHILD ABUSE
  • 45. How the government is working against child abuse? POSCO (Protection of Children Against Sexual Offences) Act The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO Act) 2012 was formulated in order to effectively address sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children. The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 received the President’s assent on 19th June 2012 and was notified in the Gazette of India on 20th June, 2012.
  • 46. How the government is working against child abuse? The 2012 POCSO act enables fast tracking and efficient prosecution in rape law (Section 376), which previously allowed child molesters a legal loophole. POCSO lays down a seven years prison term that can extend to life imprisonment. The act necessitates cases to resolve in 60 days .
  • 47. How the government is working against child abuse? • From harassment to gang-rape, all sexual crimes against children fall under POCSO, which takes the child’s verdict as the final word. • POCSO makes it illegal to witness and not report abuse, either by phone or in person, and police officers must bring cases to the attention of Child Welfare Committee with in 24 hrs.
  • 48. How the government is working against child abuse? OPERATION SMILE • Operation smile is a special initiative of the Union home ministry (headed by Rajnath Singh), and organizes regular rescues and rehabilitation of children pushed into prostitution and bonded child labor to ill-treatment by parents.
  • 52. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Broadrib’s Introductory Paediatric Nursing 7th edition 2. Wong's Essentials of Pediatric Nursing 3. http://www.childlineindia.org.in/child-abuse-child-violence-india.html 4. http://www.hindustantimes.com/delhi-news/delhi-govt-launches-poster- campaign-to-educate-kids-about-sexual-abuse/story- IZwV4PtFtErh5HIdCzbiJK.html 5. https://www.savethechildren.in/resource-centre/articles/how-the- government-is-working-against-child-abuse 6. https://www.savethechildren.in/resource-centre/articles/recent-statistics- of-child-abuse