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Chinese Essay Diary Format
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Chinese Essay Diary Format Chinese Essay Diary Format
A Report On Bombardier Canada
Name, location of head office, location of subsidiary offices
The company researched in this report is Bombardier Canada. Bombardier has three headquarters; the
Aerospace Administrative center is in Dorval, the Transportation Engineering site and divisional
headquarters, and the Bombardier Inc. headquarters are both in Montreal (Bombardier Canada Sites
and contacts, 2014).
Bombardier has 79 production and engineering sites in 27 countries, and service centers in all
continents (Planes. Trains. Worldwide.). Its main subsidiary offices are:
Investor relations, Montréal Québec, Senior director Shirley Chénier
Media Relations, Montréal Quebec, Director Isabelle Rondeau
Bombardier Capital Inc (aerospace, transportation), Colchester, ... Show more content on
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The president and CEO is Pierre Beaudoin, he has been a director since 2004. He is also on the board
of directors of Power Corporation of Canada.
The vice chairman of the board is J.R André Bombardier.
Joanne Bissonnette holds the position of corporate director since 2012.
Martha Finn Brooks holds the position of corporate director since 2009, and is also on the Boards of
Directors of Harley Davidson, Inc., Jabil Circuit Inc. and Algeco Scotsman Holding S.
Denis Desautels holds the position of corporate director since 2003. He is a member of the Board of
directors of Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) Inc. and he also sits on the Boards of Governors of the
International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the University of Ottawa.
The honorary chairman of the board of directors is Thierry Desmaret and has been a director since
2009. He also sits on the boards of directors of sanofi, air liquide and renault.
Jean Louis Fontaine is the Vice Chairman of the Board and has been a director since 1975, he also
serves on the Board of Directors of Héroux Devtek Inc.
Sheila Fraser holds the position of corporate director and has been on the board since 2012, she also
sits on the Boards of Directors of Manulife Financial Corporation and The
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Analysis Of One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest
Film Analysis Paper: One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest
Summery I The Story takes place in a state mental hospital in Oregon, 1963. 38 year old Randel
Patrick Mc Murphy Mac played by Jack Nicholson is being transferred from a prison work farm to the
hospital for mental evaluation. Mac is trying to avoid the work required by his sentence of statutory
rape of a 15 year old girl by claiming (he is a marvel of modern science) insanity. The hospital is
overseen by Nurse Ratched, who according to Mac does not play fair . She has a dominating
personality with a passive aggressive way of handling the patients. Her humiliation of the patients
combined with her senseless control bring her and Mac to a test of wills that challenges each other
throughout the movie. Mac makes friends with the other patients and soon he is looked up to and seen
as the leader of the group and a father figure. His group is made up of some very strong well
developed characters like Cheswick, childlike tantrum thrower, Mr Harding (Hard on), an intellectual
man struggling with his own sexuality, Billy, a stuttering very insecure young man, Martini, always
smiling and very simple minded, and Chief, an enormous Indian who everyone is fooling everyone
into thinking he is deaf and dumb when in actuality he is normal. Throughout the film Mac and
Ratched bump heads while trying to achieve the goal of making everyone think he is insane. By trying
to prove this he refuses to sit there like a vegetable , so he
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Comparing Two Text Structures
Text structure is how a text is organized. Text structure is grouped into five main categories. In,
Another reason to flip the off switch: light pollution by, Catherine Hours, and in, N.C. drinking water
tainted with chemical byproducts for decades by, C.B.S news, the author used many text structures.
There are many similarities in the text structures of these two articles. The first similarity in the text
structures is when C.B.S news states, The plant is situated on a 2,100 acre property on the Cape Fear
River in Fayetteville. It is there where a chemical called GenX a potentially cancer causing substance
that is a byproduct of DuPont and Chemours manufacturing processes is produced. This can be
compared to the article written
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San Andreas Fault Earth Earthquake
1906 San Andreas Fault Earth Quake: A Catalyst to Scientific Understanding In 1906 a geological
event occurred that has impacted not only the United States, but also the global scientific community.
The 1906 San Andreas earthquake devastated thousands of people and left parts of California in
shambles for nearly 300 miles (Galvin). People were capable of feeling the seismic activity as far
north as Oregon, southern California, and reports of vibrations were even felt in Nevada. This paper
will discuss what exactly happened on April 18, 1906, why the earthquake occurred, why the
earthquake has historical significance, and how similar earthquakes impact the environment and
people. Finally, this paper will conclude with a discussion on how information obtained from the San
Andreas earthquake helped to educate scientist about the earthquake and future earthquakes. 1906
marked six years after the turn of the century where the world was experiencing technological
breakthroughs throughout all disciplines of science. Earthquakes, up until that time were a
phenomenon that many didn t know much about. Scientists didn t know the causes and hadn t
experienced an event as drastic as the earthquake caused by the San Andreas fault s shifting. The
severity of the earthquake is recognized in history due to the human toll which left nearly a thousand
dead. The aftermath left fires burning due to damage to public buildings and residences left in the
debris. It is thought that many
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A Brief Biography of Walt Disney
Walt Disney was more than just the creator of the Disney Company. Walt Disney made theme parks,
animations, screenplays, and other businesses. He was a very influential icon in the 1900 s for his
works that impacted all walks of life. He had a 64 year life full of glory but eventually he died from
chain smoking complications. (He was never seen smoking in public though.) Walt Disney was one of
the most influential entertainers in the 1900 s for his numerous awards, his work in popularizing
animation, and his use of propaganda to attract all age groups. Walt Disney has a timeless appeal,
which is what makes him so influential throughout the 1900 s and beyond.
Walt Disney was born on December 1st, 1901, in Chicago. His family was not very into education so
Disney wasn t educated formally until he was ten. His first job was delivering newspapers with his
brother. As a teenager, he had visions to follow in his family s footsteps and join the army. He got
rejected from the army so he decided to join the Red Cross. After serving for a year, he moved to
Kansas in order to start his artistic career. He wanted to be an actor at first, but he decided that he
would enjoy drawing comics much more. Disney then created his laugh o gram studio, and his life
took off from there. Walt Disney was successful, and he had more than just money to show for it. He
is the most decorated academy award winner ever. His first award is best short which he won for his
animation of Mickey Mouse. Most of
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The Supply Of Water In The Roman Republic
The Roman republic provided many for the city of rome The Roman republic provides roads and they
make the best kinds Roman republic uses these roads for trade, The Postal service Etc. The Roman
Republic big city needs a supply of water. Water was provided by springs in the mountains the
aqueducts were the ones who brought it down from the mountains. The water provided the public
baths, men and women had separate public baths also used it for drinking water. Postal service was
used for many things in Roman, for example, sending letters to the army in case of someone coming
in threatening to kill them if not joining their team and much more dangers. The Roman republic had
rights and some Romans did not have any rights at all I would give
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Eveline Persuasive Essay
As a child, Eveline had to step up in order to keep her family fed and functioning after her mother s
passing. Her mother died young, and her father soon turned to alcohol to help cope with the situation.
Even though Eveline had to work hard, she still continued to take on the responsibility of caring for
her family. Now, however, Eveline begins to question whether or not she still wants this
overwhelming responsibility. Eveline thinks she might have found love and a way to start a new,
better life, but she is hesitant to take this chance due to her fear of the possible risks and consequences.
Lacking the courage to flee from her domineering father and seek out her own happiness, Eveline
must find the courage to leave Frank.
When Eveline s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Even though it may have appeared that Eveline lacked courage, either decision she made would have
to be a courageous one. Not only would it take courage to leave her father and pursue her life with
Frank, it would also take courage to give up the possibility of a better life to remain at home and to
continue keeping her home and family together. Eveline may not have had enough courage to stand up
to her father, but she had enough courage to go to a train station, planning to leave with Frank, and
leave him standing there alone. She had the courage to listen to her heart and stay behind with her
family. Choosing to stay meant Eveline gave up what could have been an amazing new life, as a
sacrifice for her family. In the beginning, Eveline gave in to her fears, but by the end, she had to
overcome some of those and choose which passageway of courage she wanted to
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Growth of the Automobile Industry in India
The automobile industry is the fastest growing sector in India. Growth in consumption patterns has
encouraged tremendous improvement in manufacturing sector and the auto industry has been growing
at a rapid pace recording over 2.06 million four wheelers (passenger cars, light, medium and heavy
commercial vehicles, multi utility vehicles such as jeeps), and over 9 million two and three wheelers
(scooters, motorcycles, mopeds, and three wheelers) in 2006 07. (SBH India, 2008)
It was this promising outlook for Indian auto industry that forced Fiat into a collaboration with Tata
Corporation India in 2007. However within few months, troubles were reported and by 2010, it was
officially considered an unfortunate venture since Fiat was losing in terms of sales and profits so
rapidly that it made Fiat and Tata rethink their Joint venture. In 2011, the two companies decide to
reorganize their distribution channels to allow separate distribution facilities.
Fiat Motors had initially planned to sell through Tata dealers but the channel tie up did not prove
profitable as evidenced by sagging sales and in 2011 it was decided that separate dealerships might
work better.
The joint venture agreement with Tata Motors stands. We are altering our marketing strategy. We have
identified 20 cities where Fiat cars will now be sold separately and independently, said Ranjeev
Kapoor, CEO of Tata India. (BS reporters 2011)
Interestingly while Fiat sales were falling by 15 percent in India,
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Romani The Second Largest Part Of The European Union Essay
Romania being the seventh largest part of the European union has come along way over the years to
develop a strong foundation to rebuild its name and their people. Romania is located on the
southeastern side of Europe bordering the black sea between Bulgaria and Ukraine. With their
outstanding geography, Romania is full of land, mountains, hills and valleys that attract many tourists
from all around the world. The word may tend to travel about relaxing waters that act as healing
remedies for many illnesses that come past the roman grounds. The temperate climate can make the
seasons easy to come and go, but ideal for people to enjoy while visiting. With the strong presence of
the Hungarian people accenting the medieval towns that still exist. These towns are filled with
monuments, galleries, tombs, and other exciting cultural and historical remains. There are very few
natural resources that help to structure and support the imports and exports set up. Some of those
natural resources are petroleum, timber, natural gas, coal, iron ore, salt, and arable land. Most of these
resources are also available in the surrounding counties. Exports have been the main driver of the
recent improvement in the current account balance. The growth of exports translated into strong gains
in export market shares. In the past two decades Romania s Market shares have grew amazingly 4.6%.
But, In 2013 Romania landed one of the top performers in exports with a 15% increase in the year
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As Social Beings, The Innate, Evolutionary Instinct Of
As social beings, the innate, evolutionary instinct of human beings is to conform to the greater societal
norms. To be a nonconformist means that one not only turns their back against society, but they also
go against evolution. In other words, to be a nonconformist is to reject the benefits of having the
support of a group, thus rejecting better chances at survival. But what happens when the greater
societal norms are based on inhumane, monstrous ideas of a crazed political leader? What happens
when the greater societal norms ultimately lead to the demolition of an ancient civilization rooted in
rich cultural tradition? What happens when the societal norms do not align with an individual s mental
condition? The complexity of a well ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, when one of the men declined to take part in what would be later known as the Jozefow
Massacre, his captain was not pleased. According to Browning, Captain Hoffmann, who had arrived in
Jozefow directly from Zakrzow with the Third Platoon of Third Company and had not been apart of
the officers meetings in Bilgoraj the day before, was furious that one of his men had been the first to
break ranks. Hoffman began to berate Schimke... (Browning 57). Browning shows through the
account of the men s initiation into mass murder that the stigma of not participating in massacres
meant that the individual would be a coward, less of a man, or someone who does not support his
country made the choice of conformity a tough one. Many of the men stayed silent when the option
was presented. However, Browning shows that the one man who chose to decline his participation
because he would in in no case participate in such an action, in which defenseless women and children
are shot (Browning 56) prompted about a dozen or so men to follow his lead and also decline to take
part in the massacre. Only when one man acted alone and publicly chose to be a nonconformist,
another dozen men were prompted to turn their back against the group and join him. At the end of
World War II, it has been found that these men would make up less than twenty percent (Browning
168) of the Reserve
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Should Human Cloning Ever Be Pursued In The Future
I do not think that human cloning should ever be a field that is pursued in the future by scientists.
There are a multitude of problems that arise with the idea of cloning. Even if doctors were able to
eliminate those risks, the process of cloning a human being would remain an odd one. The human
population would cease diversity and uniqueness in all areas. Since the cloning process involves
taking genes and creating identical ones, all beings would begin to look and be the same. With a lack
of differentiation throughout the human race, might lead to higher competition in areas like school,
careers, athletics, etc., and could infringe on a person s freedoms and rights of being individualistic. I
agree with many other people that the genetic
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Social Interaction In Human Society
Social interaction is what make up our human society. Through interaction, we socialize with our
family, friends, people in the community to strengthen our relationship with each other. Through
socialization, human society is established and become the foundation for everything inside the
society. Our society is more complex than any society found in nature, but it s not perfect nor ideal for
every member inside the society. Thus, the thought of an ideal society as well as how to achieve that
society is very fascinating among sociologists, whose role is to solve social problems and develop this
theory. Human society is composed of multiple factors: individuals who work together in the same
environment and contribute to the society; cultures which were passed down by previous generations
and become the foundation for the future in spirituals, values, beliefs and norms; materials that people
consume or use to develop society and improve their live (agriculture, infrastructure...); social
organizations and institutions which regulate the behavior of people like laws, religions, government,
religions...to help guide them down the path accepted by the majority. All these components work
together to maintain order, and thrive human society forward, eventually lead to an ideal society
where every individual can have their need fulfills, and most of the social problems solved. As human
society advance forward, so will the structure of the society. There have been many type of societies
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The Company s Supply Chain Management Processes
Before suggesting new initiatives for Air Products, this study will first discuss the company s Supply
Chain Management processes, processes that could be greatly improved by BPR. A business process is
a collection of linked tasks that result in the delivery of a service or product to a client. A business
process is also understood to be a set or activities and tasks that once completed, will accomplish an
organizational goal. A business is an organizational system in which economic resources (input) are
transformed by various business processes (processing) into goods and services (output). Business
processes include marketing, developing, producing, and delivering products and services that support
customers (O Brien, 2011).
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Through its SCM, Air Products delivers its LNG in bulk (in liquid or gaseous form) by tanker or tube
trailer and usually stored in its liquid state, in equipment designed and installed typically by the
company at the customer s site for vaporizing into gaseous state needed. Liquid of the world.
I will make recommendations for how this business process can be reengineered in accordance to the
company s values of quality, innovation, and service through Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
(Hammer, 110). BPR is a management approach involving a fundamental rethinking and radical
design of the business process to achieve dramatic improvements in critical contemporary measures of
performance such as cost, quality, service and speed. BPR elevates efficiency and effectiveness of the
company s processes that exist within and across the organizations. The key to BPR is for the
company to examine its business processes from a clean slate perspective and determine how they can
best construct these processes to improve how they conduct business. This perspective enables the
designers of the business processes to dissociate themselves from the current process and focus on
developing a new process.
The goals BPR seeks to accomplish can be achieved by taking steps such as 1) subsuming information
processing work into the real work that produces the information; 2) Treat
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Mary Shelley s Frankenstein And The Modern Prometheus
The title of Mary Shelley s novel is Frankenstein; or the Modern Prometheus. So it shouldn t come as
a shock that Mary Shelley was actually influenced by this tale. Her husband Percy Shelley had
actually begun composing his own tale of Prometheus in the form of poetry entitled, Prometheus
Unbound. He began composing this piece around the same time that his wife was publishing
Frankenstein. Mary Shelley included The Modern Prometheus as part of her title for the novel and she
attempts to compare Victor Frankenstein, and the Monster with Prometheus. (www.enotes.com)
Frankenstein and Prometheus are both epic stories and they are alike in many ways, including: Victor
and Prometheus both created life, their creations were abandoned by ... Show more content on
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Frankenstein used science to create the Creature which would be an incredible leap into the realm of
higher learning and science. (answers.yahoo.com)
Both Prometheus and Frankenstein abandoned their creations because of a particular circumstance.
When Prometheus created the human race, he sought to aid humanity in every way possible. However,
due the punishment Zeus gave him for stealing fire, Prometheus was unable to aid humanity, and thus
humanity was deserted. In Frankenstein, Victor was immediately horrified by what his work had
created, and sought to avoid the monster by any means possible. (https://sisenegger2.wordpress.com)
He believed that if he was creating a being made of the most beautiful parts that the product would be
beautiful, but again, when the monster wakes up, Victor sees what he has created and knows that what
he has done is wrong. The creation of an unnatural being, by unnatural means disgusts Victor and that
causes him to flee. (www.enotes.com) It can be argued that Prometheus was more loyal to his
creatures that Victor Frankenstein, who abandoned his monster
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The Advantages Of Value Chain
The Advantages of Value Chain Analysis
1. A big advantage is that the value chain is a very flexible strategy tool for looking at your business,
your competitors and the respective places in the industry s value system.
2. The value chain can be used to diagnose and create competitive advantages on both cost and
differentiation. I ve written about this in Using the Value Chain to Create Competitive Advantage.
3. It helps you to understand the organisation issues involved with the promise of making customer
value commitments and promises because it focuses attention on the activities needed to deliver the
value proposition.
4. Comparing your business model with your competitors using the value chain can give you a much
deeper understanding of your strengths and weaknesses to be included in your SWOT analysis.
5. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These happen because the use of individual goals, targets and incentives can lead to actions that harm
the bigger business goals.
We can use this method on buyers of our company who is targeted with getting the lowest cost when
the business has an overall differentiation strategy of fast lead times and reliable due date supply to
customers. Something has to give it may be the service promise or inventory levels are forced to rise
and may create as many costs as the buyer hopes to save.
Using the Value Chain for Focused Improvement of Processes
In value chain analysis we can broke down most critical processes value generating activities for more
detailed analysis of what our business is trying to achieve and how it is currently operating so that we
can achieve a greater harmony in oor accounting process. That opens the opportunity for focused
process improvement in our organization on the areas of constraint which offer most return and add
value to our
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Positive Benefits Of Positive Thinking
Positive thinking is a center of many good benefits. There are many ways to use positive thinking to
change a person s life. It is not just for making one feel happy or experience a positive attitude; it is a
source that he or she uses to benefit oneself. It is a source that an individual uses to create a happier
and meaningful life.
According to Clear, (using a real life scenario) details of a kid that naturally have became an athlete
from engaging in activities that are active with friends. He continue that simple activity such as
playing outside with friends, the kid is building upon a well adjusted cooperation with others, more
developing in physical movements and openness to exploring peers opinions. The joy memories that
the kid has felt inspires him or her to do something that involves similar experiences to his or her
childhood and, in this case, a profession athletic. This real life scenario is affected by integrating
emotions. Clear analyzes emotions in ways that can impact an individual ways of thinking. In the kid s
case, the kid uses emotions to assess what he or she enjoys and bases that to making his or her choice
of things in life. The kid action is more based on emotions than with intuitive decision making.
Another thing, this scenario is considered as a hasty generalization fallacy due to implications to a
smaller group of individuals and not to a larger population. There are many kids that grow up playing
outside with friends, but as adults, their job is
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Muslim Innovations That Changed The World
Wow! The Muslims had a lot of innovations that we still use today. These innovations affected the
world because we use these things in our everyday lives. The most important Muslim innovations that
changed the world today are mathematics, medicine, and geography. One of the innovations is
mathematics. Mathematics changed the world because we use it in our everyday lives. We use
mathematics when we count 1,2,3...etc. We also use mathematics for math classes, 124+200= 324.
Numbers are also used when we tell our age. When people are construct houses or building, they use
mathematics. According to Muslim Achievements Al Khwarizmi also made ground breaking advances
in the field of algebra. It also says In facts, the word algebra comes from
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The Importance Of Culture In Western Europe
Merriam Webster defines culture as the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial,
religious, or social group; the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depend
upon the capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations. There are five
major components to a culture: Language, norms, values, symbols, and physical objects. Language
refers to the language or languages that a culture speaks. Norms are rules defining acceptable and
unacceptable behavior for a given culture. Values are broad ideas about what is good or desirable
shared by people in a group. Symbols are things that stand for or represent something else and have a
shared meaning. Physical Objects are concrete objects of a culture you can touch them; the French
flag is both a physical object and a symbol.
Described by Julius Caesar as being occupied by people renowned of courage in war, the French
people and their military history spans over two millennia into what we know as modern day France.
The success and failure of many battles and invasions within its borders have heavily impacted the
outcome of both World Wars and a litany of smaller incursions, as a direct result of its military
strengths and weaknesses as well as geographical location in Western Europe.
The centralized placement of the largest nation state in Western Europe and general topography of
France has played a part in the country s military successes and failures
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Alcohol And Tobacco Use In Disney Movies
As a child, I watched several Disney movies over and over, and as I have entered college and taken
women s studies classes, I began to start questioning the influences Disney movies may have on
children. Without knowing it, we are constantly being sent messages in society, including television
and movies, like Disney movies. Disney movies are often shown to children at a young age and almost
always, results in children watching these movies over and over. Disney films have several underlying
messages that are often unconscious, but exposing children to these messages can lead children
making unconscious connections and form stereotypes constructed on the movies they are exposed to.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss under what conditions (if any), children should be shown
Disney movies. First, I will summarize main points and findings ... Show more content on
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These instances expose children to harmful substances in a comical fashion with zero explanations of
the harmful effects associated with the drug use. The Disney movies that portray these instances are
older, but still, have the potential of being watched several times by children. For instance, Beauty and
the Beast had 116 exposures of alcohol in the film and 101 Dalmatians had 21 instances of tobacco
use. It is difficult to say that Disney movies lead to children trying alcohol and tobacco, but this is one
example where these Disney films should be talked to with kids and explain the harmful effects of the
substances children are being exposed to. I remember 101 Dalmatians having a lot of smoking
references and wonder if these exposures have any impacts on the decision people make. These films
are still important to discuss with children especially if it is an older Disney movie and a lot of alcohol
or tobacco exposures occur in a film, so the child can begin to understand the negative consequences
of those actions from a younger
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Notes from the Underground by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821 1881) was a Russian novelist, journalist, and short story writer that
discussed the psychological state of the human soul in many of his works, one in particular is Notes
from the Underground; which was published in 1864. Notes from the Underground, had a great
influence in the 20th century; the novel takes a man s inability to communicate with society and uses
it to teach readers about the importance of other humans in our daily lives and how that affects the
way we think, live, and learn. Although the narrator has alienated himself from society, Dostoyevsky
uses his knowledge of diction, style, grammar, and many other literary devices to show the reader that
the narrator is lacking the knowledge to communicate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
But never, never have I ceased to love that one, and even on the night I parted from him I loved him
perhaps more poignantly than ever. (Fyodor Dostoyevsky Page 87). This quote from the novel has
multiple uses of diction, Dostoyevsky uses vocabulary such as poignantly and extinguished to
describe his feelings in an intelligent manner and then the grammar of Dostoyevsky is a great way to
learn how to write because his words flow together like a river thus giving the character attitude and
passion for what he writes. The overall theme of Notes from the Underground is alienation; however
the novels theme is more complex than that. The novel gives readers an ethic to take into account
when they are feeling alienated. It takes all sides of alienation and establishes the cons of it, an
example of this is the way Underground Man deliberately arranges to be in a place where he is going
to meet the officer just to refuse to move aside, allowing himself
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Us Auto Industry Back on Top
Valerie Lieber
MGT 2500 Human Resource Management
February 11, 2015
Executive compensation has been at the forefront of discussion for a long period of time. Analyzed by
academics, highlighted by the media, questioned by Congress, and scrutinized by the general public,
the topic warrants much debate. In the 1990 s, total executive compensation increased substantially as
companies began offering stock option programs; CEO s of S amp;P 500 saw an average increase of
150%. While many top U.S. executives continued to receive enormous compensation options
throughout the economic downturns of 2001 and 2008, none was more apparent than those in the
automotive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They stated that CEO compensation should not be ranked by how much an executive is paid, but how
they are paid. A CEOs whose wealth was tied to a change value of shareholder wealth had a better
compensation that a CEO who had a higher monetary compensation. This analysis led to the increase
of stock options for CEOs and top corporate executives. However, this type of compensation structure
has unintended consequences tied to it. Stock options create incentives for executives to participate in
risk seeking activities. It creates a positive gain if the price of stock goes up, but no downside risk. So
what value do CEOs offer companies and their shareholders? Just as the NFL places value on a stellar
athletic performance and so called super human ability, so does corporate America. In extremely
competitive markets of CEO headhunting, the stakes could never be higher. Companies today are
facing lightening fast technological advances, corporate espionage, global competition, extremely
tight profit margins, innovative startups and an indiscriminate number of other issues that need to be
managed by top executives. Companies not only need leaders, but also visionaries, innovators and
calculated risk takers. This combination of person can be extremely difficult to find, employ and
retain. When it comes to the question as to whether or not CEOs and top executives are overpaid, the
question can irrevocably be answered
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Additional Needs of Individuals
Additional Needs of individuals Challenging stereotypes and understanding what exactly an additional
need is.
What exactly does the term additional need mean?
The term additional need or disability refers to an individual who either/or has a physical, cognitive or
a sensory impairment. An individual with any form of disability may need or have specific needs in
certain settings and environments i.e. School, home or work.
There are many causes as to why a person may have an additional need or disability and they are
categorized into the following groups: Genetic, Developmental, environmental.
A condition or disease that is hereditary and is passed from blood relatives of the individual caused by
a defective or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The impact of disability to services provided:
Service providers such as businesses and Organizations since October 2004 are legally specified to
make reasonable adjustments to the physical features of their premises to overcome physical barriers
to access. Therefore equal opportunities are offered to those of which that have a disability, this
promotes anti discriminatory practice and therefore working towards a fairer more equal society.
Barriers experienced by those with additional needs:
It is common that at some point or another that Individuals who have additional needs may experience
discrimination in some form. A person who is experiencing discrimination whether it be a situation
where the individual is refused a job or bullied because of their disability they could be severely
affected emotionally by this mistreatment of others. Discrimination can lead to the said person
suffering from low self confidence, low self esteem, and low self worth and potentially conditions
such as depression and anxiety could occur as a result.
Employment Opportunities:
A barrier that an individual may have is that they are refused employment because of their, disability
or condition. The individual my not be suited to a certain job because of the nature of the job or if the
individual is physically and mentally suited to the job they have
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Analysis of Differnt Forms of Liberty
The concept of liberty is important to this very day. Liberty initially means to be fundamentally free
within ones society from any types of oppression, either from higher authority or from having
different form ideologies that can be political or social. Liberty is a form of power that lets one act on
their sets and values. In this paper, concept of liberty will be discussed on behalf of two philosophers,
John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau. Although liberty provides one to act as they please, there can
be different forms of liberty, which are developed naturally by the state of nature and socially through
development of human reasoning; state of nature is based on absolute freedom, while socially liberty
is restricted. Firstly, John ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One may destroy an individual if he takes away ones liberty where he makes him into a slave. This
compels the individual to hurt or kill that person because that individual is taking the individual
preservation, where they do not want to be controlled by any one and have their own way of life. For
one not to kill another individual that individual also has to demonstrate that he is not enforcing power
over him. For example, Locke claims, But when the actual force is over, the state of war ceases
between those that are in the society, and are equally subjected to fair determination of the law.
(Locke, 1690, p. 15). For this reason, in a civil society if the force to kill by both parties is over and
one has conducted a crime, they can be prosecuted for the crime they have done, and prevent future
occurrence of this type of event to happen again. Thus, state of war generally means state of conflict,
where if one is threaten by any way they have the right to protect themselves by any means necessary
even killing. If the conflict has stopped between either conflicting individuals or groups they have the
right to have a trail to prosecute that individual or group that was threatening their liberty and
preventing this type of conflict to take place again.
There are two different forms of liberty one is the natural liberty that is provided by nature to be free
from any type of power or authority. The second liberty is in a civil
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Compatibilism Essays
There are 3 basic views that can be taken on the view of determinism, (1) deny its reality, either
because of the existence of free will or on independent grounds; (2) accept its reality but argue for its
compatibility with free will; or (3) accept its reality and deny its compatibility with free will.In this
paper I am going to be defending the view compatibilism, specifically W. T. Stace s view of
Compatibilism is the idea that determinism is true, every event in the world is caused, and that free
will still exists. Stace defends this view by saying the problem is the definition of free will. The
current definition of what free will is a completely and wholly uncaused action. However this
obviously would be completely ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are a few criticisms that are brought up against this compatibles view; in fact Stace brings up
possible objections himself. The first that I will consider is that there are some cases that are
borderline. For example, if somebody has a gun and puts it to your head and commands you to do
something it seems that you would have to do it even though the person with the gun is not physically
forcing you to do it. However I do not believe this to be a borderline case at all, even if someone is
holding a gun to your head you are still making the decision to do whatever it is that they are telling
you to do. It is still of your own mental state that you will do it out of your own perceived state that
whatever they are asking you to do would be preferable to your own death. The second objection that
he presents is that if you could somehow know that somebody was going to do an action before they
did it (even though this itself is very hard to believe) then how could they have done otherwise.
However I do not understand how this is detrimental to this argument of compatibilism. Obviously if
someone somehow new 100% for sure that you were going to do something then to even ask if the
person could have done otherwise is completely absurd, they obviously would have, as in the first part
of the statement its said that they couldn t. Basically saying that hypothetically you will do an action
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Religious Beliefs Of Islam In Islam, Islam And Islam
Islam is a widespread religion in the world and probably the only religion which has a set of laws that
are followed by its members to the book. Likewise, the Islamic religion focuses on the preservation of
self and community to follow moral values, the Shari ah was introduced by Prophet Mohammad as a
guideline to be a true and devout Muslim. Furthermore, Shari ah or the path to religious beliefs will be
discussed further in detail in reference to its definition, origins, sources, and its relevance in the
contemporary world. On the other hand, Tariqa is defined as leading those who obeyed Shari ah to
walk on God s path which is considered as a leader who can take you to a path closer to God which
will also be discussed in further detail. This essay will discuss in detail the two different aspects, Shari
ah and Tariqa in further details and their connections to each other.
Shari ah in other words, is known as Islamic law. Shari ah means right path in Arabic and it refers to
the essential principle which guides all aspects of Muslim life such as daily routines, familial and
religious obligations, and financial dealings. Shari ah s origin is from the Quran and the Sunna
(sayings, practices, and teachings of the prophet). Therefore, the Muslim legal scholars interpreted
them and named it as Shari ah or Islamic law. Moreover, it is believed by many Muslims that Allah
revealed his true will to Muhammad who passed it on from generations to generations through the
Quran. In
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Pro-American War Essay
During the 1970s a man named Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was leading Islamic fundamentalists to
oppose the pro American Iranian government that was in charge by Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi.
Protests were more often as time went on, but on February 14, 1979 Ayatollah took it to an extreme
when armed Iranians took siege of a United States embassy. 102 Americans were taken hostage during
the event and would stay there for a while.
When news of the event came light to the United States they imminently went to action to fly 4,099
people out of the country. Throughout the year tensions were still at a high, but when the United States
Allowed Shah to travel to the united states for cancer treatment. The Iranians were out raged at the
action of the United States so in doing so the Iranians again seized control of the embassy. 66 U.S.
personnel were taken hostage, later 13 were let go leaving only 53 to remain in the embassy. All
through President James E. Carter, Jr. term he tried varies attempts to release the U.S. hostages but
none were successful. Soon afterwards President ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The combat controllers were in charge of making sure the air strip, which the MC 130s would land on,
were clear and no one was on them. A passenger bus blocked the air strip, then a fuel tanker came
down a road and was told to stop but did not. Then the Americans fired a light anti tank weapon which
then caught the tanker on fire causing a big mess for the Americans to clean up, but they decided to
continue with the operation. After the MC 130s aircraft arrived the RH 53 helicopters, which was on
route to the MC 130s, two helicopters were forced to abort due to flight instrument and mechanical
problems. The third helicopter continued on with the mission. Then to make matters worse the RH 53
helicopters were faced with a desert storm, which would later cause more problem, but the helicopters
finally reached there dentition at Desert
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Revolutionary Mothers Analysis
Revolutionary Mothers: Women in the Struggle for America s Independence, retells the story of
women s role in establishing a new nation through the words and actions of individual women.
However, not all of these stories end in triumph. Rather, the book highlights the struggles women had
to overcome despite their willingness. Berkin tells the stories through the eyes of the women who
found themselves in the middle of a prolonging conflict. Today, Carol Berkin is a Presidential
Professor at Baruch College and teaches early American and women s history. Revolutionary Mothers
is only one example of the collection of books Berkin has published, including Women of Colonial
America, Odyssey of an American Loyalist, and Civil War Wives: The Life and Times of Angelina
Grimke Weld, Varina Howell Davis, and Julia Dent Grant. Along with these achievements, she also
has been involved with numerous PBS documentaries containing Scottsboro Boys, which was
nominated as the best documentary in 2000 for an Academy Award. Those who are particularly
intrigued by the women involved in American history are ones to whom this book appeals. Her book
attracts the readers who are interested in hearing the American Revolution from the women s
perspective. Also, Berkin separates each chapter into its own group of women affected by war. By
doing so, this makes it easier for readers to comprehend her ideas. Therefore, this book can be targeted
towards young adults because of the way this book is
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Canadian Shield Research Paper
The Canadian Shield is a landform Region that covers almost half of Canada, including Nunavut,
Quebec, Labrador, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. The Canadian Shield is a landform that is composed
of igneous and metamorphic rocks. It has a huge boreal forest ecosystem, hence, a lot of lands in the
Canadian Shield are covered with trees. Due to the amount of trees and the boreal forest ecosystem, a
number of animals such as horned owls, black bears and geese liked to live in the lands of the
Canadian Shield. The Canadian Shield is covered with small lakes, this makes fishing a great
recreation for human to do. The letter A , C , A , N , E and D reflects the information above. The
Canadian Shield provided many natural resources for
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Physical Contact In Olympic Hockey
Did you know that woman can t check or have any physical contact in olympic hockey! Hi I will be
showing you guys some similarities and differences between NHL hockey and Olympic hockey.
Here is some history about the sport of hockey, hockey is the oldest ball and stick game, it dates back
to 2000 BC in persia, the name hockey comes from the french hocquet or shepards crook which is a
crooked stick used to hit a ball, ice hockey was introduced into the olympics in 1920, the first all
women s team played in the 1998 olympics. Man that was some interesting background history now
we will move on to some events that are different between the two. In the NHL there is no 1st, 2nd, or
3rd there can only be 1 winner unlike the olympic hockey you can win 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. The awards
are different too like in the NHL you win MVP(Most valuable player), Stanley Cup, and the Conn
Smythe Trophy, the player awarded for the conn smythe trophy is the most valuable player for the
season. There are 21 total trophies players can get awarded arranging from MVP to the National cup.
Did you know that Canada has won 8 gold medals and is the current holder for most hockey medals in
the olympics. Now i will be telling you the differences in the rules ... Show more content on
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Also both ice rinks are different, the NHL rinks are 200 feet long and 85 feet wide, but olympic rinks
are 210 feet long and 98 feet wide. In the NHL teams can dress 18 players and 1 goalie on the ice, but
in the Olympics you can have 2 goalies on ice and dress 20 players, another weird rules are goalies
can t play the puck behind the net, if they do they will get a 2 minute minor for goaltender infraction,
but in the olympics goalies can play the puck behind the net. Now we will move on to some famous
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Queer Is Not A Queer
I was walking to my house from the bus stop one day with my neighbor, Michael, and I was joking
about how I have a girl crush on Selena Gomez. I asked Michael, Hey, what male celebrity do you
have a man crush on? He responded ferociously with, None. I m not a freaking queer. This is the exact
type of mindset that transforms innocent words into ones dripping with negativity and spite. Language
is one of the most powerful tools a person could have, and the way they utilize it reveals their
character. As time progresses, words and their meanings can change. For my great aunt s generation,
the word queer just simply meant weird or strange. However, as gay activism has become much more
prominent in society, the word queer is now mainly used to describe someone s sexual orientation.
Queer is not a derogatory term unless used as such, and it is instead a term of equality and acceptance
that should reverberate positive feelings. Sadly, this is not the only way people translate it, instead
morphing it into a shameful word and a cutting insult.
Until recently, queer had been primarily used to describe something odd. There was nothing
derogatory about the word, it was just a normal, everyday adjective. Queer originally originated in
Germany in the sixteenth century, meaning perverse. From there its use broadened to the term, not
straight. This did not mean sexual identity necessarily, but it did mean out of character or not totally
normal. Since then it evolved
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Lactose Intolerant People Research Paper
Who is a lactose intolerant person? This is a person who cannot digest lactose when ingested into his
body. How do you know that you are lactose intolerant? If you take fresh dairy products and diarrhoea
or get stomach upsets like bloating, pain, or cramps, regurgitation, flatulence, or gas, borborygmi
rumbling and gurgling in the stomach, nausea sometimes accompanied by vomiting, you could most
likely be a victim.
All is not lost if you still like dairy products, only in this case you may need to take tem in a different
Milk has several components although many people take it as a source of protein, well it has 3.5%
protein but more than that it has a 2 8% of carbohydrates which majorly is lactose or what we call
milk sugar. This is what that gives the fresh milk a sweet taste.
In the digestion process, carbohydrates are digested from the mouth by the enzyme by salivary
amylase, in the stomach there isn t much further break down until when it gets to the small intestines.
Every sugar requires its enzyme to digest it, for example maltose requires maltase so lactose requires
lactase. Lactase enzyme is naturally produced by cells in the small intestine lining; it breaks lactose
into its simple sugars which are glucose and galactose. It cannot be absorbed in its complex state. ...
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Same way herbivores digest green forage while carnivores cannot. Lactase is present in babies but
wears off in some people as they grow older, mostly from the age of six. Premature babies may have
less lactase and they may be lactose intolerant to a significant amount. There is also a congenital
lactose intolerance in some people all together, though rare it cannot be ruled out. There are other
factors that can cause intolerance of fresh milk as well as fresh dairy products, these include
gastroenteritis and
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Organization s Model Of Health Care Performance, Quality...
The purpose of this paper is to discuss my organization s model of health care performance, quality
assessment, and management. Improving the quality of health care in the United States is necessary
(Sherwood Zomorodi, 2014). According to Huber (2014), based on measurable criteria, health care
quality is knowing whether care resulted in expected clinic outcomes. Health care quality and safety
are part of Saint Mary s Medical Center s mission, vision and culture. For instance, the organization s
vision statement includes delivering high quality health care services in compliance with all applicable
rules, regulations, and standards, which calls for system wide quality improvement (SMMC, 2016).
Furthermore, the organization stresses that all employees are responsible for identifying opportunities
for improvement (SMMC, 2015). Moreover, it is important to note, nurses are bound by their Code of
Ethics to protect the health and safety of patients (Huber, 2014). Organizational Quality Program,
Goals, and Structure Saint Mary s Medical Center s quality goals include patient centered care that
improves patient outcomes, patient safety, and reduces health care cost (SMMC, 2015). The
organization s mission, vision, and quality improvement goals ensure accountability of all employees,
for examples reducing falls, pressure ulcers, and central line associated bloodstream infections
(SMMC, 2015). The organization not only focuses on accreditation and regulatory compliance
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Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy
Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy
Abdominal pain is common in pregnancy. Most of the time, it does not cause harm. There are many
causes of abdominal pain. Some causes are more serious than others and sometimes the cause is not
known. Abdominal pain can be a sign that something is very wrong with the pregnancy or the pain
may have nothing to do with the pregnancy. Always tell your health care provider if you have any
abdominal pain.
Do not have sex or put anything in your vagina until your symptoms go away completely.
Watch your abdominal pain for any changes.
Get plenty of rest until your pain improves.
Drink enough fluid to keep your urine clear or pale yellow.
Take over the counter or prescription
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  • 9. Growth of the Automobile Industry in India The automobile industry is the fastest growing sector in India. Growth in consumption patterns has encouraged tremendous improvement in manufacturing sector and the auto industry has been growing at a rapid pace recording over 2.06 million four wheelers (passenger cars, light, medium and heavy commercial vehicles, multi utility vehicles such as jeeps), and over 9 million two and three wheelers (scooters, motorcycles, mopeds, and three wheelers) in 2006 07. (SBH India, 2008) It was this promising outlook for Indian auto industry that forced Fiat into a collaboration with Tata Corporation India in 2007. However within few months, troubles were reported and by 2010, it was officially considered an unfortunate venture since Fiat was losing in terms of sales and profits so rapidly that it made Fiat and Tata rethink their Joint venture. In 2011, the two companies decide to reorganize their distribution channels to allow separate distribution facilities. Fiat Motors had initially planned to sell through Tata dealers but the channel tie up did not prove profitable as evidenced by sagging sales and in 2011 it was decided that separate dealerships might work better. The joint venture agreement with Tata Motors stands. We are altering our marketing strategy. We have identified 20 cities where Fiat cars will now be sold separately and independently, said Ranjeev Kapoor, CEO of Tata India. (BS reporters 2011) Interestingly while Fiat sales were falling by 15 percent in India, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Romani The Second Largest Part Of The European Union Essay Romania being the seventh largest part of the European union has come along way over the years to develop a strong foundation to rebuild its name and their people. Romania is located on the southeastern side of Europe bordering the black sea between Bulgaria and Ukraine. With their outstanding geography, Romania is full of land, mountains, hills and valleys that attract many tourists from all around the world. The word may tend to travel about relaxing waters that act as healing remedies for many illnesses that come past the roman grounds. The temperate climate can make the seasons easy to come and go, but ideal for people to enjoy while visiting. With the strong presence of the Hungarian people accenting the medieval towns that still exist. These towns are filled with monuments, galleries, tombs, and other exciting cultural and historical remains. There are very few natural resources that help to structure and support the imports and exports set up. Some of those natural resources are petroleum, timber, natural gas, coal, iron ore, salt, and arable land. Most of these resources are also available in the surrounding counties. Exports have been the main driver of the recent improvement in the current account balance. The growth of exports translated into strong gains in export market shares. In the past two decades Romania s Market shares have grew amazingly 4.6%. But, In 2013 Romania landed one of the top performers in exports with a 15% increase in the year 2013 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. As Social Beings, The Innate, Evolutionary Instinct Of As social beings, the innate, evolutionary instinct of human beings is to conform to the greater societal norms. To be a nonconformist means that one not only turns their back against society, but they also go against evolution. In other words, to be a nonconformist is to reject the benefits of having the support of a group, thus rejecting better chances at survival. But what happens when the greater societal norms are based on inhumane, monstrous ideas of a crazed political leader? What happens when the greater societal norms ultimately lead to the demolition of an ancient civilization rooted in rich cultural tradition? What happens when the societal norms do not align with an individual s mental condition? The complexity of a well ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, when one of the men declined to take part in what would be later known as the Jozefow Massacre, his captain was not pleased. According to Browning, Captain Hoffmann, who had arrived in Jozefow directly from Zakrzow with the Third Platoon of Third Company and had not been apart of the officers meetings in Bilgoraj the day before, was furious that one of his men had been the first to break ranks. Hoffman began to berate Schimke... (Browning 57). Browning shows through the account of the men s initiation into mass murder that the stigma of not participating in massacres meant that the individual would be a coward, less of a man, or someone who does not support his country made the choice of conformity a tough one. Many of the men stayed silent when the option was presented. However, Browning shows that the one man who chose to decline his participation because he would in in no case participate in such an action, in which defenseless women and children are shot (Browning 56) prompted about a dozen or so men to follow his lead and also decline to take part in the massacre. Only when one man acted alone and publicly chose to be a nonconformist, another dozen men were prompted to turn their back against the group and join him. At the end of World War II, it has been found that these men would make up less than twenty percent (Browning 168) of the Reserve ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Should Human Cloning Ever Be Pursued In The Future I do not think that human cloning should ever be a field that is pursued in the future by scientists. There are a multitude of problems that arise with the idea of cloning. Even if doctors were able to eliminate those risks, the process of cloning a human being would remain an odd one. The human population would cease diversity and uniqueness in all areas. Since the cloning process involves taking genes and creating identical ones, all beings would begin to look and be the same. With a lack of differentiation throughout the human race, might lead to higher competition in areas like school, careers, athletics, etc., and could infringe on a person s freedoms and rights of being individualistic. I agree with many other people that the genetic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Social Interaction In Human Society Social interaction is what make up our human society. Through interaction, we socialize with our family, friends, people in the community to strengthen our relationship with each other. Through socialization, human society is established and become the foundation for everything inside the society. Our society is more complex than any society found in nature, but it s not perfect nor ideal for every member inside the society. Thus, the thought of an ideal society as well as how to achieve that society is very fascinating among sociologists, whose role is to solve social problems and develop this theory. Human society is composed of multiple factors: individuals who work together in the same environment and contribute to the society; cultures which were passed down by previous generations and become the foundation for the future in spirituals, values, beliefs and norms; materials that people consume or use to develop society and improve their live (agriculture, infrastructure...); social organizations and institutions which regulate the behavior of people like laws, religions, government, religions...to help guide them down the path accepted by the majority. All these components work together to maintain order, and thrive human society forward, eventually lead to an ideal society where every individual can have their need fulfills, and most of the social problems solved. As human society advance forward, so will the structure of the society. There have been many type of societies ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Company s Supply Chain Management Processes Before suggesting new initiatives for Air Products, this study will first discuss the company s Supply Chain Management processes, processes that could be greatly improved by BPR. A business process is a collection of linked tasks that result in the delivery of a service or product to a client. A business process is also understood to be a set or activities and tasks that once completed, will accomplish an organizational goal. A business is an organizational system in which economic resources (input) are transformed by various business processes (processing) into goods and services (output). Business processes include marketing, developing, producing, and delivering products and services that support customers (O Brien, 2011). In the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Through its SCM, Air Products delivers its LNG in bulk (in liquid or gaseous form) by tanker or tube trailer and usually stored in its liquid state, in equipment designed and installed typically by the company at the customer s site for vaporizing into gaseous state needed. Liquid of the world. I will make recommendations for how this business process can be reengineered in accordance to the company s values of quality, innovation, and service through Business Process Reengineering (BPR) (Hammer, 110). BPR is a management approach involving a fundamental rethinking and radical design of the business process to achieve dramatic improvements in critical contemporary measures of performance such as cost, quality, service and speed. BPR elevates efficiency and effectiveness of the company s processes that exist within and across the organizations. The key to BPR is for the company to examine its business processes from a clean slate perspective and determine how they can best construct these processes to improve how they conduct business. This perspective enables the designers of the business processes to dissociate themselves from the current process and focus on developing a new process. The goals BPR seeks to accomplish can be achieved by taking steps such as 1) subsuming information processing work into the real work that produces the information; 2) Treat ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Mary Shelley s Frankenstein And The Modern Prometheus The title of Mary Shelley s novel is Frankenstein; or the Modern Prometheus. So it shouldn t come as a shock that Mary Shelley was actually influenced by this tale. Her husband Percy Shelley had actually begun composing his own tale of Prometheus in the form of poetry entitled, Prometheus Unbound. He began composing this piece around the same time that his wife was publishing Frankenstein. Mary Shelley included The Modern Prometheus as part of her title for the novel and she attempts to compare Victor Frankenstein, and the Monster with Prometheus. (www.enotes.com) Frankenstein and Prometheus are both epic stories and they are alike in many ways, including: Victor and Prometheus both created life, their creations were abandoned by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Frankenstein used science to create the Creature which would be an incredible leap into the realm of higher learning and science. (answers.yahoo.com) Both Prometheus and Frankenstein abandoned their creations because of a particular circumstance. When Prometheus created the human race, he sought to aid humanity in every way possible. However, due the punishment Zeus gave him for stealing fire, Prometheus was unable to aid humanity, and thus humanity was deserted. In Frankenstein, Victor was immediately horrified by what his work had created, and sought to avoid the monster by any means possible. (https://sisenegger2.wordpress.com) He believed that if he was creating a being made of the most beautiful parts that the product would be beautiful, but again, when the monster wakes up, Victor sees what he has created and knows that what he has done is wrong. The creation of an unnatural being, by unnatural means disgusts Victor and that causes him to flee. (www.enotes.com) It can be argued that Prometheus was more loyal to his creatures that Victor Frankenstein, who abandoned his monster ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. The Advantages Of Value Chain The Advantages of Value Chain Analysis 1. A big advantage is that the value chain is a very flexible strategy tool for looking at your business, your competitors and the respective places in the industry s value system. 2. The value chain can be used to diagnose and create competitive advantages on both cost and differentiation. I ve written about this in Using the Value Chain to Create Competitive Advantage. 3. It helps you to understand the organisation issues involved with the promise of making customer value commitments and promises because it focuses attention on the activities needed to deliver the value proposition. 4. Comparing your business model with your competitors using the value chain can give you a much deeper understanding of your strengths and weaknesses to be included in your SWOT analysis. 5. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These happen because the use of individual goals, targets and incentives can lead to actions that harm the bigger business goals. We can use this method on buyers of our company who is targeted with getting the lowest cost when the business has an overall differentiation strategy of fast lead times and reliable due date supply to customers. Something has to give it may be the service promise or inventory levels are forced to rise and may create as many costs as the buyer hopes to save. Using the Value Chain for Focused Improvement of Processes In value chain analysis we can broke down most critical processes value generating activities for more detailed analysis of what our business is trying to achieve and how it is currently operating so that we can achieve a greater harmony in oor accounting process. That opens the opportunity for focused process improvement in our organization on the areas of constraint which offer most return and add value to our ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Positive Benefits Of Positive Thinking Positive thinking is a center of many good benefits. There are many ways to use positive thinking to change a person s life. It is not just for making one feel happy or experience a positive attitude; it is a source that he or she uses to benefit oneself. It is a source that an individual uses to create a happier and meaningful life. According to Clear, (using a real life scenario) details of a kid that naturally have became an athlete from engaging in activities that are active with friends. He continue that simple activity such as playing outside with friends, the kid is building upon a well adjusted cooperation with others, more developing in physical movements and openness to exploring peers opinions. The joy memories that the kid has felt inspires him or her to do something that involves similar experiences to his or her childhood and, in this case, a profession athletic. This real life scenario is affected by integrating emotions. Clear analyzes emotions in ways that can impact an individual ways of thinking. In the kid s case, the kid uses emotions to assess what he or she enjoys and bases that to making his or her choice of things in life. The kid action is more based on emotions than with intuitive decision making. Another thing, this scenario is considered as a hasty generalization fallacy due to implications to a smaller group of individuals and not to a larger population. There are many kids that grow up playing outside with friends, but as adults, their job is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Muslim Innovations That Changed The World Wow! The Muslims had a lot of innovations that we still use today. These innovations affected the world because we use these things in our everyday lives. The most important Muslim innovations that changed the world today are mathematics, medicine, and geography. One of the innovations is mathematics. Mathematics changed the world because we use it in our everyday lives. We use mathematics when we count 1,2,3...etc. We also use mathematics for math classes, 124+200= 324. Numbers are also used when we tell our age. When people are construct houses or building, they use mathematics. According to Muslim Achievements Al Khwarizmi also made ground breaking advances in the field of algebra. It also says In facts, the word algebra comes from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Importance Of Culture In Western Europe Merriam Webster defines culture as the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group; the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depend upon the capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations. There are five major components to a culture: Language, norms, values, symbols, and physical objects. Language refers to the language or languages that a culture speaks. Norms are rules defining acceptable and unacceptable behavior for a given culture. Values are broad ideas about what is good or desirable shared by people in a group. Symbols are things that stand for or represent something else and have a shared meaning. Physical Objects are concrete objects of a culture you can touch them; the French flag is both a physical object and a symbol. Described by Julius Caesar as being occupied by people renowned of courage in war, the French people and their military history spans over two millennia into what we know as modern day France. The success and failure of many battles and invasions within its borders have heavily impacted the outcome of both World Wars and a litany of smaller incursions, as a direct result of its military strengths and weaknesses as well as geographical location in Western Europe. The centralized placement of the largest nation state in Western Europe and general topography of France has played a part in the country s military successes and failures ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Alcohol And Tobacco Use In Disney Movies As a child, I watched several Disney movies over and over, and as I have entered college and taken women s studies classes, I began to start questioning the influences Disney movies may have on children. Without knowing it, we are constantly being sent messages in society, including television and movies, like Disney movies. Disney movies are often shown to children at a young age and almost always, results in children watching these movies over and over. Disney films have several underlying messages that are often unconscious, but exposing children to these messages can lead children making unconscious connections and form stereotypes constructed on the movies they are exposed to. The purpose of this paper is to discuss under what conditions (if any), children should be shown Disney movies. First, I will summarize main points and findings ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These instances expose children to harmful substances in a comical fashion with zero explanations of the harmful effects associated with the drug use. The Disney movies that portray these instances are older, but still, have the potential of being watched several times by children. For instance, Beauty and the Beast had 116 exposures of alcohol in the film and 101 Dalmatians had 21 instances of tobacco use. It is difficult to say that Disney movies lead to children trying alcohol and tobacco, but this is one example where these Disney films should be talked to with kids and explain the harmful effects of the substances children are being exposed to. I remember 101 Dalmatians having a lot of smoking references and wonder if these exposures have any impacts on the decision people make. These films are still important to discuss with children especially if it is an older Disney movie and a lot of alcohol or tobacco exposures occur in a film, so the child can begin to understand the negative consequences of those actions from a younger ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Notes from the Underground by Fyodor Dostoyevsky Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821 1881) was a Russian novelist, journalist, and short story writer that discussed the psychological state of the human soul in many of his works, one in particular is Notes from the Underground; which was published in 1864. Notes from the Underground, had a great influence in the 20th century; the novel takes a man s inability to communicate with society and uses it to teach readers about the importance of other humans in our daily lives and how that affects the way we think, live, and learn. Although the narrator has alienated himself from society, Dostoyevsky uses his knowledge of diction, style, grammar, and many other literary devices to show the reader that the narrator is lacking the knowledge to communicate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But never, never have I ceased to love that one, and even on the night I parted from him I loved him perhaps more poignantly than ever. (Fyodor Dostoyevsky Page 87). This quote from the novel has multiple uses of diction, Dostoyevsky uses vocabulary such as poignantly and extinguished to describe his feelings in an intelligent manner and then the grammar of Dostoyevsky is a great way to learn how to write because his words flow together like a river thus giving the character attitude and passion for what he writes. The overall theme of Notes from the Underground is alienation; however the novels theme is more complex than that. The novel gives readers an ethic to take into account when they are feeling alienated. It takes all sides of alienation and establishes the cons of it, an example of this is the way Underground Man deliberately arranges to be in a place where he is going to meet the officer just to refuse to move aside, allowing himself ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Us Auto Industry Back on Top UNITED STATES AUTO INDUSTRY BACK ON TOP . . . OF CEO PAY Valerie Lieber MGT 2500 Human Resource Management February 11, 2015 INTRODUCTION Executive compensation has been at the forefront of discussion for a long period of time. Analyzed by academics, highlighted by the media, questioned by Congress, and scrutinized by the general public, the topic warrants much debate. In the 1990 s, total executive compensation increased substantially as companies began offering stock option programs; CEO s of S amp;P 500 saw an average increase of 150%. While many top U.S. executives continued to receive enormous compensation options throughout the economic downturns of 2001 and 2008, none was more apparent than those in the automotive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They stated that CEO compensation should not be ranked by how much an executive is paid, but how they are paid. A CEOs whose wealth was tied to a change value of shareholder wealth had a better compensation that a CEO who had a higher monetary compensation. This analysis led to the increase of stock options for CEOs and top corporate executives. However, this type of compensation structure has unintended consequences tied to it. Stock options create incentives for executives to participate in risk seeking activities. It creates a positive gain if the price of stock goes up, but no downside risk. So what value do CEOs offer companies and their shareholders? Just as the NFL places value on a stellar athletic performance and so called super human ability, so does corporate America. In extremely competitive markets of CEO headhunting, the stakes could never be higher. Companies today are facing lightening fast technological advances, corporate espionage, global competition, extremely tight profit margins, innovative startups and an indiscriminate number of other issues that need to be managed by top executives. Companies not only need leaders, but also visionaries, innovators and calculated risk takers. This combination of person can be extremely difficult to find, employ and retain. When it comes to the question as to whether or not CEOs and top executives are overpaid, the question can irrevocably be answered ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Additional Needs of Individuals Additional Needs of individuals Challenging stereotypes and understanding what exactly an additional need is. What exactly does the term additional need mean? The term additional need or disability refers to an individual who either/or has a physical, cognitive or a sensory impairment. An individual with any form of disability may need or have specific needs in certain settings and environments i.e. School, home or work. There are many causes as to why a person may have an additional need or disability and they are categorized into the following groups: Genetic, Developmental, environmental. Genetic: A condition or disease that is hereditary and is passed from blood relatives of the individual caused by a defective or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The impact of disability to services provided: Service providers such as businesses and Organizations since October 2004 are legally specified to make reasonable adjustments to the physical features of their premises to overcome physical barriers to access. Therefore equal opportunities are offered to those of which that have a disability, this promotes anti discriminatory practice and therefore working towards a fairer more equal society. Barriers experienced by those with additional needs: Discrimination: It is common that at some point or another that Individuals who have additional needs may experience discrimination in some form. A person who is experiencing discrimination whether it be a situation where the individual is refused a job or bullied because of their disability they could be severely affected emotionally by this mistreatment of others. Discrimination can lead to the said person suffering from low self confidence, low self esteem, and low self worth and potentially conditions such as depression and anxiety could occur as a result. Employment Opportunities: A barrier that an individual may have is that they are refused employment because of their, disability or condition. The individual my not be suited to a certain job because of the nature of the job or if the individual is physically and mentally suited to the job they have ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Analysis of Differnt Forms of Liberty The concept of liberty is important to this very day. Liberty initially means to be fundamentally free within ones society from any types of oppression, either from higher authority or from having different form ideologies that can be political or social. Liberty is a form of power that lets one act on their sets and values. In this paper, concept of liberty will be discussed on behalf of two philosophers, John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau. Although liberty provides one to act as they please, there can be different forms of liberty, which are developed naturally by the state of nature and socially through development of human reasoning; state of nature is based on absolute freedom, while socially liberty is restricted. Firstly, John ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One may destroy an individual if he takes away ones liberty where he makes him into a slave. This compels the individual to hurt or kill that person because that individual is taking the individual preservation, where they do not want to be controlled by any one and have their own way of life. For one not to kill another individual that individual also has to demonstrate that he is not enforcing power over him. For example, Locke claims, But when the actual force is over, the state of war ceases between those that are in the society, and are equally subjected to fair determination of the law. (Locke, 1690, p. 15). For this reason, in a civil society if the force to kill by both parties is over and one has conducted a crime, they can be prosecuted for the crime they have done, and prevent future occurrence of this type of event to happen again. Thus, state of war generally means state of conflict, where if one is threaten by any way they have the right to protect themselves by any means necessary even killing. If the conflict has stopped between either conflicting individuals or groups they have the right to have a trail to prosecute that individual or group that was threatening their liberty and preventing this type of conflict to take place again. There are two different forms of liberty one is the natural liberty that is provided by nature to be free from any type of power or authority. The second liberty is in a civil ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Compatibilism Essays There are 3 basic views that can be taken on the view of determinism, (1) deny its reality, either because of the existence of free will or on independent grounds; (2) accept its reality but argue for its compatibility with free will; or (3) accept its reality and deny its compatibility with free will.In this paper I am going to be defending the view compatibilism, specifically W. T. Stace s view of compatibilism. Compatibilism is the idea that determinism is true, every event in the world is caused, and that free will still exists. Stace defends this view by saying the problem is the definition of free will. The current definition of what free will is a completely and wholly uncaused action. However this obviously would be completely ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are a few criticisms that are brought up against this compatibles view; in fact Stace brings up possible objections himself. The first that I will consider is that there are some cases that are borderline. For example, if somebody has a gun and puts it to your head and commands you to do something it seems that you would have to do it even though the person with the gun is not physically forcing you to do it. However I do not believe this to be a borderline case at all, even if someone is holding a gun to your head you are still making the decision to do whatever it is that they are telling you to do. It is still of your own mental state that you will do it out of your own perceived state that whatever they are asking you to do would be preferable to your own death. The second objection that he presents is that if you could somehow know that somebody was going to do an action before they did it (even though this itself is very hard to believe) then how could they have done otherwise. However I do not understand how this is detrimental to this argument of compatibilism. Obviously if someone somehow new 100% for sure that you were going to do something then to even ask if the person could have done otherwise is completely absurd, they obviously would have, as in the first part of the statement its said that they couldn t. Basically saying that hypothetically you will do an action with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Religious Beliefs Of Islam In Islam, Islam And Islam Islam is a widespread religion in the world and probably the only religion which has a set of laws that are followed by its members to the book. Likewise, the Islamic religion focuses on the preservation of self and community to follow moral values, the Shari ah was introduced by Prophet Mohammad as a guideline to be a true and devout Muslim. Furthermore, Shari ah or the path to religious beliefs will be discussed further in detail in reference to its definition, origins, sources, and its relevance in the contemporary world. On the other hand, Tariqa is defined as leading those who obeyed Shari ah to walk on God s path which is considered as a leader who can take you to a path closer to God which will also be discussed in further detail. This essay will discuss in detail the two different aspects, Shari ah and Tariqa in further details and their connections to each other. Shari ah in other words, is known as Islamic law. Shari ah means right path in Arabic and it refers to the essential principle which guides all aspects of Muslim life such as daily routines, familial and religious obligations, and financial dealings. Shari ah s origin is from the Quran and the Sunna (sayings, practices, and teachings of the prophet). Therefore, the Muslim legal scholars interpreted them and named it as Shari ah or Islamic law. Moreover, it is believed by many Muslims that Allah revealed his true will to Muhammad who passed it on from generations to generations through the Quran. In ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Pro-American War Essay During the 1970s a man named Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was leading Islamic fundamentalists to oppose the pro American Iranian government that was in charge by Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi. Protests were more often as time went on, but on February 14, 1979 Ayatollah took it to an extreme when armed Iranians took siege of a United States embassy. 102 Americans were taken hostage during the event and would stay there for a while. When news of the event came light to the United States they imminently went to action to fly 4,099 people out of the country. Throughout the year tensions were still at a high, but when the United States Allowed Shah to travel to the united states for cancer treatment. The Iranians were out raged at the action of the United States so in doing so the Iranians again seized control of the embassy. 66 U.S. personnel were taken hostage, later 13 were let go leaving only 53 to remain in the embassy. All through President James E. Carter, Jr. term he tried varies attempts to release the U.S. hostages but none were successful. Soon afterwards President ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The combat controllers were in charge of making sure the air strip, which the MC 130s would land on, were clear and no one was on them. A passenger bus blocked the air strip, then a fuel tanker came down a road and was told to stop but did not. Then the Americans fired a light anti tank weapon which then caught the tanker on fire causing a big mess for the Americans to clean up, but they decided to continue with the operation. After the MC 130s aircraft arrived the RH 53 helicopters, which was on route to the MC 130s, two helicopters were forced to abort due to flight instrument and mechanical problems. The third helicopter continued on with the mission. Then to make matters worse the RH 53 helicopters were faced with a desert storm, which would later cause more problem, but the helicopters finally reached there dentition at Desert ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Revolutionary Mothers Analysis Revolutionary Mothers: Women in the Struggle for America s Independence, retells the story of women s role in establishing a new nation through the words and actions of individual women. However, not all of these stories end in triumph. Rather, the book highlights the struggles women had to overcome despite their willingness. Berkin tells the stories through the eyes of the women who found themselves in the middle of a prolonging conflict. Today, Carol Berkin is a Presidential Professor at Baruch College and teaches early American and women s history. Revolutionary Mothers is only one example of the collection of books Berkin has published, including Women of Colonial America, Odyssey of an American Loyalist, and Civil War Wives: The Life and Times of Angelina Grimke Weld, Varina Howell Davis, and Julia Dent Grant. Along with these achievements, she also has been involved with numerous PBS documentaries containing Scottsboro Boys, which was nominated as the best documentary in 2000 for an Academy Award. Those who are particularly intrigued by the women involved in American history are ones to whom this book appeals. Her book attracts the readers who are interested in hearing the American Revolution from the women s perspective. Also, Berkin separates each chapter into its own group of women affected by war. By doing so, this makes it easier for readers to comprehend her ideas. Therefore, this book can be targeted towards young adults because of the way this book is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Canadian Shield Research Paper The Canadian Shield is a landform Region that covers almost half of Canada, including Nunavut, Quebec, Labrador, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. The Canadian Shield is a landform that is composed of igneous and metamorphic rocks. It has a huge boreal forest ecosystem, hence, a lot of lands in the Canadian Shield are covered with trees. Due to the amount of trees and the boreal forest ecosystem, a number of animals such as horned owls, black bears and geese liked to live in the lands of the Canadian Shield. The Canadian Shield is covered with small lakes, this makes fishing a great recreation for human to do. The letter A , C , A , N , E and D reflects the information above. The Canadian Shield provided many natural resources for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Physical Contact In Olympic Hockey Did you know that woman can t check or have any physical contact in olympic hockey! Hi I will be showing you guys some similarities and differences between NHL hockey and Olympic hockey. Here is some history about the sport of hockey, hockey is the oldest ball and stick game, it dates back to 2000 BC in persia, the name hockey comes from the french hocquet or shepards crook which is a crooked stick used to hit a ball, ice hockey was introduced into the olympics in 1920, the first all women s team played in the 1998 olympics. Man that was some interesting background history now we will move on to some events that are different between the two. In the NHL there is no 1st, 2nd, or 3rd there can only be 1 winner unlike the olympic hockey you can win 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. The awards are different too like in the NHL you win MVP(Most valuable player), Stanley Cup, and the Conn Smythe Trophy, the player awarded for the conn smythe trophy is the most valuable player for the season. There are 21 total trophies players can get awarded arranging from MVP to the National cup. Did you know that Canada has won 8 gold medals and is the current holder for most hockey medals in the olympics. Now i will be telling you the differences in the rules ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also both ice rinks are different, the NHL rinks are 200 feet long and 85 feet wide, but olympic rinks are 210 feet long and 98 feet wide. In the NHL teams can dress 18 players and 1 goalie on the ice, but in the Olympics you can have 2 goalies on ice and dress 20 players, another weird rules are goalies can t play the puck behind the net, if they do they will get a 2 minute minor for goaltender infraction, but in the olympics goalies can play the puck behind the net. Now we will move on to some famous olympic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Queer Is Not A Queer I was walking to my house from the bus stop one day with my neighbor, Michael, and I was joking about how I have a girl crush on Selena Gomez. I asked Michael, Hey, what male celebrity do you have a man crush on? He responded ferociously with, None. I m not a freaking queer. This is the exact type of mindset that transforms innocent words into ones dripping with negativity and spite. Language is one of the most powerful tools a person could have, and the way they utilize it reveals their character. As time progresses, words and their meanings can change. For my great aunt s generation, the word queer just simply meant weird or strange. However, as gay activism has become much more prominent in society, the word queer is now mainly used to describe someone s sexual orientation. Queer is not a derogatory term unless used as such, and it is instead a term of equality and acceptance that should reverberate positive feelings. Sadly, this is not the only way people translate it, instead morphing it into a shameful word and a cutting insult. Until recently, queer had been primarily used to describe something odd. There was nothing derogatory about the word, it was just a normal, everyday adjective. Queer originally originated in Germany in the sixteenth century, meaning perverse. From there its use broadened to the term, not straight. This did not mean sexual identity necessarily, but it did mean out of character or not totally normal. Since then it evolved ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Lactose Intolerant People Research Paper HELP FOR LACTOSE INTOLERANT PEOPLE Who is a lactose intolerant person? This is a person who cannot digest lactose when ingested into his body. How do you know that you are lactose intolerant? If you take fresh dairy products and diarrhoea or get stomach upsets like bloating, pain, or cramps, regurgitation, flatulence, or gas, borborygmi rumbling and gurgling in the stomach, nausea sometimes accompanied by vomiting, you could most likely be a victim. All is not lost if you still like dairy products, only in this case you may need to take tem in a different state. Milk has several components although many people take it as a source of protein, well it has 3.5% protein but more than that it has a 2 8% of carbohydrates which majorly is lactose or what we call milk sugar. This is what that gives the fresh milk a sweet taste. In the digestion process, carbohydrates are digested from the mouth by the enzyme by salivary amylase, in the stomach there isn t much further break down until when it gets to the small intestines. Every sugar requires its enzyme to digest it, for example maltose requires maltase so lactose requires lactase. Lactase enzyme is naturally produced by cells in the small intestine lining; it breaks lactose into its simple sugars which are glucose and galactose. It cannot be absorbed in its complex state. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Same way herbivores digest green forage while carnivores cannot. Lactase is present in babies but wears off in some people as they grow older, mostly from the age of six. Premature babies may have less lactase and they may be lactose intolerant to a significant amount. There is also a congenital lactose intolerance in some people all together, though rare it cannot be ruled out. There are other factors that can cause intolerance of fresh milk as well as fresh dairy products, these include gastroenteritis and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Organization s Model Of Health Care Performance, Quality... The purpose of this paper is to discuss my organization s model of health care performance, quality assessment, and management. Improving the quality of health care in the United States is necessary (Sherwood Zomorodi, 2014). According to Huber (2014), based on measurable criteria, health care quality is knowing whether care resulted in expected clinic outcomes. Health care quality and safety are part of Saint Mary s Medical Center s mission, vision and culture. For instance, the organization s vision statement includes delivering high quality health care services in compliance with all applicable rules, regulations, and standards, which calls for system wide quality improvement (SMMC, 2016). Furthermore, the organization stresses that all employees are responsible for identifying opportunities for improvement (SMMC, 2015). Moreover, it is important to note, nurses are bound by their Code of Ethics to protect the health and safety of patients (Huber, 2014). Organizational Quality Program, Goals, and Structure Saint Mary s Medical Center s quality goals include patient centered care that improves patient outcomes, patient safety, and reduces health care cost (SMMC, 2015). The organization s mission, vision, and quality improvement goals ensure accountability of all employees, for examples reducing falls, pressure ulcers, and central line associated bloodstream infections (SMMC, 2015). The organization not only focuses on accreditation and regulatory compliance ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy Abdominal pain is common in pregnancy. Most of the time, it does not cause harm. There are many causes of abdominal pain. Some causes are more serious than others and sometimes the cause is not known. Abdominal pain can be a sign that something is very wrong with the pregnancy or the pain may have nothing to do with the pregnancy. Always tell your health care provider if you have any abdominal pain. HOME CARE INSTRUCTIONS Do not have sex or put anything in your vagina until your symptoms go away completely. Watch your abdominal pain for any changes. Get plenty of rest until your pain improves. Drink enough fluid to keep your urine clear or pale yellow. Take over the counter or prescription ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...