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Chromatography(gc ms & lc ms)


• Chromatography is the science which is studies
the seperation of molecules based on
differences in their structure and/or
• Chromatography was first developed and
defined by the Russion Botonist Mikhail
Tswett in 1903. He produced a colourful
seperation of plant pigments using a column of
calcium carbonate(chalk).


 Charged molecules or molecular fragments are
generated in a high vacuum or immediately prior to a
sample entering a high vacuum using a variety of
methods for ion production.
 magnetic fields to enable the determination of their
molecular weight (m/z).The history of mass
spectroscopy (MS) started in 1912 when Thomson obtd.


 Combining the two processes reduces the possibility of error, as it is extremely
unlikely that two different molecules will behave in the same way in both a gas
chromatograph and a mass spectrometer.
 Therefore, when an identifying mass spectrum appears at a characteristic retention
time in a GC-MS analysis, it typically lends to increased certainty that the analyte
of interest is in the sample.


 Gas Chromatography was first described in 1952 by James
and martin with the separation of a mixture of small
carboxylic acids.
 The power of GC was substantially enlarged by the
introduction of open capillary columns in 1958 by Golay.
 The introduction of the fused-silica capillary column in
1976 by Dandeneau and Zerner can be considered as a
breakthrough in the development of GC.
 The use of a mass spectrometer as the detector in gas
chromatography was developed during the 1950s by
Roland Gohlke and Fred McLafferty.


Chromatography(gc ms & lc ms)


• It is an instrumental method for the seperation and
identification of chemical compounds.
• Gas chromatography is a chromatographic
technique that can be used to separate volatile
organic compounds.
• The organic compounds are seperates due to
differences in their partitioning behaviour between
the mobile phase and the stationary phase in the


 The sample solution is injected into the GC inlet
where it is vaporized and swept onto a
chromatographic column by the carrier gas (usually
 The sample flows through the column and the
compounds comprising the mixture of interest are
separated by interaction with the coating of the
column (stationary phase) and the carrier gas
(mobile phase).
 The latter part of the column passes through a
heated transfer line and ends at the entrance to ion
source where compounds eluting from the column
are converted to ions.


 The GC-MS is composed of two
major building blocks: the gas
chromatograph and the mass
 Carrier Gas, N2 or He, 1-2 mL/min
 Injector
 Oven
 Column
 Detector


 Inert
 Helium (hydrogen/ nitrogen).
 Choice dictated by detector, cost, availability
 Pressure regulated for constant inlet pressure(
below 0.3MPa).
 Flow controlled for constant flow rate
~20ml/min for packed column
~1ml/min for open capillary column
 Chromatographic grade gases (high purity)


 Organic compounds must be in solution for injection into the
gas chromatograph.
 The solvent must be volatile and organic.
 Depending on the ionization method, analytical sensitivities of
1 to 100 pg per component are routine.
 Sample preparation can range from simply dissolving some of
the sample in a suitable solvent .


Purge and Trap
(Aqueous and Soils / Volatiles Preparation)
Courtesy of Environmental Conservation


(Soils, Solids / Semivolatiles)
Courtesy of Environmental Conservation


Solid Phase Extraction
(Aqueous / Semivolatiles)
Courtesy of Stanford


Typical GC setup –
courtesy of Waters,


Chromatography(gc ms & lc ms)


 Capillary Columns
 Packed Columns


 Made of the highest purity fused silica obtained
with an external polyimide coating
 Length-10 to 100 m -depends on application.
 For fast analysis shorter column are applied e.g.-
for heat sensitive and for high boiling compound.
 Large columns are required for high resolution


 A more polar stationary phase is applied for the analysis
of more polar compounds.
 So least polar column- CP-Sil 5 and CP-Sil 8 applied.
 For high resolution more polar stationary phase have to
be applied.
 In GC-MS low bleed columns are applied.


Chromatography(gc ms & lc ms)


 These columns, less commonly used today, have
diameter of 1.6 to 9.5mm and a length of
between 1–3m.
 Manufactured from steel or glass, the internal
wall of the tube is treated to avoid catalytic
effects with the sample.
 They can withstand a carrier gas flow rate
within the range 10–40 mL/min.
 They contain an inert and stable porous support
on which the stationary phase can be
impregnated or bounded (between 3 and 20 per


Chromatography(gc ms & lc ms)


 Two capillary tubes aligned with a small
space between them. (1 mm)
 A vacuum is created between the two tubes
using a rotary pump.
 The GC effluent enters the vacuum region,
those molecules which continue in the same
direction enter the second capillary tube and
continue to the ion source.


 The carrier gas molecules are more easily
diverted from the linear path by collisions.
 The analyte molecules are much larger and
carry more momentum.
 The surface of the separator must be inactive
and a reasonably even temperature.


packed columns
capillary columns


The insides of the GC-MS, with the column of the
gas chromatograph in the oven on the right.


• The gas chromatograph utilizes a capillary column
which depends on the column's dimensions (length,
diameter, film thickness) as well as the phase properties.
• The difference in the chemical properties between
different molecules in a mixture will separate the
molecules as the sample travels the length of the column.
• The molecules take different amounts of time (called the
retention time) to come out of (elute from) the gas
chromatograph, and this allows the mass spectrometer
downstream to capture, ionize, accelerate, deflect, and
detect the ionized molecules separately.
• The mass spectrometer does this by breaking each
molecule into ionized fragments and detecting these
fragments using their mass to charge ratio.


 Electron impact ionisation
 Chemical Ionisation


 The physics behind mass spectrometry is that a charged
particle passing through a magnetic field is deflected along a
circular path on a radius that is proportional to the mass to
charge ratio, m/e.


• Used to confirm molecular weight.
• Known as a “soft” ionisation technique.
• Differs from EI in that molecules are ionised
by interaction or collision with ions of a
reagent gas rather that with electrons.
• Common reagent gases used are Methane ,
Isobutane and Ammonia.
• Reagent gas is pumped directly into ionisation
chamber and electrons from Filament ionise
the reagent gas.


 The most common type of mass spectrometer (MS)
associated with a gas chromatograph (GC) is the
quadrupole mass spectrometer, sometimes referred
to by the Hewlett-Packard (now Agilent) trade name
"Mass Selective Detector" (MSD).
 Another relatively common detector is the ion trap
mass spectrometer.
 Other detectors may be encountered such as time of
flight (TOF), tandem quadrupoles (MS-MS).


Chromatography(gc ms & lc ms)


Chromatography(gc ms & lc ms)


• A mass spectrometer is typically utilized in one of two ways:
• Full Scan or Selective Ion Monitoring (SIM).
• The typical GC/MS instrument is capable of performing both
functions either individually or concomitantly, depending on
the setup the particular instrument.


GC/MS Data Processing
Important to Review Peak Integration
information content)
Final Report


Environmental Monitoring and
GC-MS is becoming the tool of choice for
tracking organic pollutants in the
environment. The cost of GC-MS
equipment has decreased significantly, and
the reliability has increased at the same
time, which has contributed to its increased
adoption in environmental studies. There
are some compounds for which GC-MS is
not sufficiently sensitive, including certain
pesticides and herbicides, but for most
organic analysis of environmental samples,
including many major classes of pesticides,
it is very sensitive and effective.


• GC-MS can analyze the particles from a human body in order
to help link a criminal to a crime. The analysis of fire debris
using GC-MS is well established, and there is even an
established American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM)
standard for fire debris analysis.
• GCMS/MS is especially useful here as samples often contain
very complex matrices and results, used in court, need to be
highly accurate.


Law Enforcement
GC-MS is increasingly used for detection of illegal narcotics, and may
eventually supplant drug-sniffing dogs. It is also commonly used in forensic
toxicology to find drugs and/or poisons in biological specimens of suspects,
victims, or the deceased.
Food, Beverage and Perfume Analysis
Foods and beverages contain numerous aromatic compounds, some naturally
present in the raw materials and some forming during processing. GC-MS is
extensively used for the analysis of these compounds which include esters, fatty
acids, alcohols, aldehydes, terpenes etc. It is also used to detect and measure
contaminants from spoilage or adulteration which may be harmful and which is
often controlled by governmental agencies, for example pesticides.


• Several GC-MS have left earth. Two
were brought to Mars by the Viking
program.Venera 11 and 12 and Pioneer
Venus analysed the atmosphere of Venus
with GC-MS.
• The Huygens probe of the Cassini-
Huygens mission landed one GC-MS on
Saturn's largest moon, Titan.The material
in the comet 67P/Churyumov-
Gerasimenko will be analysed by the
Rosetta mission with a chiral GC-MS in


• It is the combination of liquid
chromatography and the mass
• In LC-MS we are removing the detector
from the column of LC and fitting the
column to interface of MS.
• In the most of the cases the interface used
in LC-MS are ionization source.




To reduce separation time to achieve fast analysis. (
From hours to minutes)
The solutes must move faster through stationary phase MEANS
By increasing the mobility of the liquid mobile phase.


The MIGRATION VELOCITY of the liquid mobile phase should be
We can achieve faster migration velocities of liquid mobile
phase by-
1.Applying vacuum at the other end of the chromatographic column
2.Applying high pressure on the liquid mobile phase.
Application of higher pressure on liquid mobile phase
seems to be an easier and more practical way for achieving
fast analysis.


 Sample preparation generally consists of concentrating
the analyte and removing compounds that can cause
background ion or suppress ionization.
 Example of sample preparation include:-
 (1) on –column concentration to increase analyte
 (2) desalting to reduce the sodium and potassium
adduct formation that commonly occurs in electro
 (3) filtration to separate a low molecular-weight
drug from proteins in plasma, milk, or tissue.


• Column type:-
• Specialized mode:-
• The use of di-functional or tri-functional silanes
to create bonded groups with two or three
attachement points leading to phases with higher
stability in low or higher pH and lower bleed for
• Most widely used columns for LCMS are:-
(1) fast LC column.
the use of short column. (15-50mm)
(2) Micro LC column.
the use of large column. ( 20-150mm)


• Glass is normally the choice for chromatographic
column material due to its chemical inertness towards
stationary phase, mobile phase and solutes being
• We could not increase the pressure of a glass column?
• Hence glass will not be able to withstand high
pressures of liquid mobile phase because glass has
relatively small mechanical strength.


• Which IDEAL MATERIAL should be selected in place of
• STAINLESS STEEL due to its chemical inertness &
mechanical strength.


Previous condition :- Liquid mobile phase moving
across the stationary phase in a glass column under
atmospheric pressure.
Present condition :- Liquid mobile phase with high
migration velocity moving across the stationary
phase in a stainless steel column under high
Will the column separation efficiency of the
latter be good?


With the increase in the liquid mobile
phase velocity under high pressures,
solute molecules will not get enough
time to interact with the stationary phase
and separation efficiency will be reduced
and we will not be able to achieve good
separation of solutes.


How can we achieve good column separation
1. By reducing the Particle size of the stationary phase
2. By reducing the width of chromatographic column.


We use Narrow bore (3mm, id) SS columns filled
with small particles of stationary phase support (5µ)
will give us high separation efficiency with low
analytical time when liquid mobile phase moves
through the column under high pressures of the
order of 500 –5000 psi.


Can the physically coated stationary phases used
in GC be used in narrow bore SS columns through
which liquid mobile phase moves under high
Obviously… NO


Because under high pressures of liquid mobile phase,
physically coated liquid stationary phases will be
removed physically or by dissolution in liquid mobile
We need physically&chemically stable stationary phase.


Chemically treated inert (not strictly) particles have
free silinol group at their surface.
Si - OH
Si - OH
Si - OH
Free silinol


Early attempts were then made to chemically bonded long chain
aliphatic alcohols with the free silinol groups present on the
surface of silica particles.
Si - OH + HO - R
- H2O
Si - O - R


However these chemically bonded phases with
Si - O - C bonds are stable only in acidic media.


We cannot restrict our separation work always in acidic
In basic media Si– O- C bond undergoes hydrolysis.
Si - O - R basic medium Si - OH + R - OH


We therefore would like to use chemical bonding
with ‘ Si ’ of free silinol groups which will be
hydrolytically stable over a wide acidic to basic
pH range.


Attempts were then made to carry out chemical
reactions with substituted silane ( Si H4) having
suitable long chain of hydrocarbons attached to it.


Si - OH
1 2 18
+ Cl – Si – C – C C - H
Substituted siliane
1 2 18
– Si – C – C C - H
Si - O
-H Cl


This chemically bonded phase ( Si-O-Si bond )
is therefore mechanically strong and hydrolytically
stable over a wide pH range (2-9).


When the liquid mobile phase is moving
under high pressures through
chromatographic columns, introduction of
a sample on to the column will require
some specially designed injection system.


The most popular and commonly used
injector system, is the syringe –loop
injector type.
It is a fixed volume universal injector
which allows introduction of micro
litres of samples on to the
chromatographic column.


Thus so far with we have achieved the
following attributes with LC
 Fast Analysis
 Small Sample Size
 Versatility
 Efficiency
 Non-destructive


• It is difficult to interface a liquid
chromatography to a mass-spectrometer
cause of the necessity to remove the solvent.
• The commnly used interface are:-
(1) Electrospray ionization (ESI)
(2) Thermospray ionization (TSI)
(3) Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization
(4) Atmospheric pressure
(5) Partical beam ionization.


Chromatography(gc ms & lc ms)


Chromatography(gc ms & lc ms)


Chromatography(gc ms & lc ms)


As soon as the solutes are eluted they should be
detected and quantitated with sensitive and
specific or universal detectors.


With specific and universal detectors we have achieved the
following attributes:
High sensitivity
High reliability and accuracy


Thus in place of glass column liquid
chromatography now we have
1 4 5
1- Pumping system
2- Universal injector
3- Column
4- Detector
5- Recorder


 They deflects ions down a curved tubes in a
magnetic fields based on their kinetic energy
determined by the mass, charge and velocity.
 The magnetic field is scanned to measure
different ions.
Types of mass analyzer:-
 (1) Quadrapole mass filter.
 (2) time of flight
 (3) Ion trap
 (4) Fourier transform ion cyclotron
resonance (FT-ICR or FT-MS)


Chromatography(gc ms & lc ms)


1.Pumping system capable of giving
pulseless flow of liquid mobile phase under
high pressures of the order of 500 to
*This makes fast analysis.


2.Universal injector which allows to introduce
samples in microlitres.
*This reduces sample size


3.Narrow bore SS columns with suitable chemically
bonded phases with small particle size (3-5µ), desired
polarity and pore size and hydrolytically stable over a
wide acidic to basic pH range.
*This gives high separation efficiency , high
versatility in separating solutes with diverse


4.Sensitive and Specific or Universal detector
*This gives high sensitivity , reliability and
accuracy of detection and quantitation of


5.Computing system allows to record and
compute chromatographic results.


All the above factors add
“High Performance” to normal Liquid
It is therefore known as
“High Performance Liquid Chromatography”
abbreviated as HPLC.


 Molecular weight determination
 Determining the molecular weight of green
fluorescent proteins
 Structural determination e.g. structural
determination of ginsenoside.
 Pharmaceutical application e.g. identification
of bile acids metabolites.
 Biochemical application e.g. rapid protein
identification using capillary lc/ms/ms.


Food application e.g. identification of aflatoxin
in food determination of vitamin D3 in poultry
feed supplement using MS3
Environmental application e.g. detection of
phenyl urea herbicides, detection of low level
of carbaryl in food.






 Volatile or stable
compounds can be used
as samples.
 All gases are
 Mobile phase used is
 inner wall of the column
is lined with a thin layer
of support material such
as diatomaceous earth.
 Non-volatile compounds
can be used as samples.
 Can be used for all salts &
 Mobile phase used is
 a column that is packed
with a stationary phase
composed of irregularly or
spherically shaped
particles, a porous
monolithic layer, or a
porous membrane


1. Principles and Intrumentation of gas chromatography-mass
spectroscopy by W. M. A. Niessen, hyphen MassSpec
Counsultancy,Leiden,The Netherlands.
2. gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy from Wikipedia ,The free
3. Gas chromatography by U. A. Devkate Sir.
4. Encyclo pedia of Chromatography – Jack Cazes
5. Gas chromatography by Ian A[1]. Fowlis 2nd Edition
6. hollas_J.M._ modern _Spectroscopy
7. Handbook of Instrumental Technique for Analytical Chemistry by
Frank Settle.
8. Moderm Instrumentation Methods and Techniques by Francis Rouessac
and Annick Rouessac.
9. Instrumental methods of Analysis by Willard,Merritt,Dean,Settle,7th


10. W. Paul & H. Steinwedel; Zeitschrift für
Naturforschung, 8A; 1953, p448.
11. W. Paul; Agewandte Chemie - International
Edition, 29; 1990, p739.
12. G. C. Stafford et al.; International Journal of
Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes, 60; 1984,
p85 and Analytical Chemistry, 59; 1987, p1677.


Chromatography(gc ms & lc ms)


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Chromatography(gc ms & lc ms)

  • 2. • Chromatography is the science which is studies the seperation of molecules based on differences in their structure and/or composition. • Chromatography was first developed and defined by the Russion Botonist Mikhail Tswett in 1903. He produced a colourful seperation of plant pigments using a column of calcium carbonate(chalk).
  • 3.  Charged molecules or molecular fragments are generated in a high vacuum or immediately prior to a sample entering a high vacuum using a variety of methods for ion production.  magnetic fields to enable the determination of their molecular weight (m/z).The history of mass spectroscopy (MS) started in 1912 when Thomson obtd.
  • 4.  Combining the two processes reduces the possibility of error, as it is extremely unlikely that two different molecules will behave in the same way in both a gas chromatograph and a mass spectrometer.  Therefore, when an identifying mass spectrum appears at a characteristic retention time in a GC-MS analysis, it typically lends to increased certainty that the analyte of interest is in the sample.
  • 5.  Gas Chromatography was first described in 1952 by James and martin with the separation of a mixture of small carboxylic acids.  The power of GC was substantially enlarged by the introduction of open capillary columns in 1958 by Golay.  The introduction of the fused-silica capillary column in 1976 by Dandeneau and Zerner can be considered as a breakthrough in the development of GC.  The use of a mass spectrometer as the detector in gas chromatography was developed during the 1950s by Roland Gohlke and Fred McLafferty.
  • 7. • It is an instrumental method for the seperation and identification of chemical compounds. • Gas chromatography is a chromatographic technique that can be used to separate volatile organic compounds. • The organic compounds are seperates due to differences in their partitioning behaviour between the mobile phase and the stationary phase in the column.
  • 8.  The sample solution is injected into the GC inlet where it is vaporized and swept onto a chromatographic column by the carrier gas (usually helium).  The sample flows through the column and the compounds comprising the mixture of interest are separated by interaction with the coating of the column (stationary phase) and the carrier gas (mobile phase).  The latter part of the column passes through a heated transfer line and ends at the entrance to ion source where compounds eluting from the column are converted to ions.
  • 9.  The GC-MS is composed of two major building blocks: the gas chromatograph and the mass spectrometer.  Carrier Gas, N2 or He, 1-2 mL/min  Injector  Oven  Column  Detector
  • 10.  Inert  Helium (hydrogen/ nitrogen).  Choice dictated by detector, cost, availability  Pressure regulated for constant inlet pressure( below 0.3MPa).  Flow controlled for constant flow rate ~20ml/min for packed column ~1ml/min for open capillary column  Chromatographic grade gases (high purity)
  • 11. State  Organic compounds must be in solution for injection into the gas chromatograph.  The solvent must be volatile and organic. Amount  Depending on the ionization method, analytical sensitivities of 1 to 100 pg per component are routine. Preparation  Sample preparation can range from simply dissolving some of the sample in a suitable solvent .
  • 12. Purge and Trap (Aqueous and Soils / Volatiles Preparation) Courtesy of Environmental Conservation
  • 13. Sonication (Soils, Solids / Semivolatiles) Courtesy of Environmental Conservation
  • 14. Solid Phase Extraction (Aqueous / Semivolatiles) Courtesy of Stanford Cartridge Sample
  • 15. Typical GC setup – courtesy of Waters, Inc.
  • 17.  Capillary Columns  Packed Columns
  • 18.  Made of the highest purity fused silica obtained with an external polyimide coating  Length-10 to 100 m -depends on application.  For fast analysis shorter column are applied e.g.- for heat sensitive and for high boiling compound.  Large columns are required for high resolution seperation.
  • 19.  A more polar stationary phase is applied for the analysis of more polar compounds.  So least polar column- CP-Sil 5 and CP-Sil 8 applied.  For high resolution more polar stationary phase have to be applied.  In GC-MS low bleed columns are applied.
  • 21.  These columns, less commonly used today, have diameter of 1.6 to 9.5mm and a length of between 1–3m.  Manufactured from steel or glass, the internal wall of the tube is treated to avoid catalytic effects with the sample.  They can withstand a carrier gas flow rate within the range 10–40 mL/min.  They contain an inert and stable porous support on which the stationary phase can be impregnated or bounded (between 3 and 20 per cent).
  • 23.  Two capillary tubes aligned with a small space between them. (1 mm)  A vacuum is created between the two tubes using a rotary pump.  The GC effluent enters the vacuum region, those molecules which continue in the same direction enter the second capillary tube and continue to the ion source.
  • 24.  The carrier gas molecules are more easily diverted from the linear path by collisions.  The analyte molecules are much larger and carry more momentum.  The surface of the separator must be inactive and a reasonably even temperature.
  • 26. The insides of the GC-MS, with the column of the gas chromatograph in the oven on the right.
  • 27. • The gas chromatograph utilizes a capillary column which depends on the column's dimensions (length, diameter, film thickness) as well as the phase properties. • The difference in the chemical properties between different molecules in a mixture will separate the molecules as the sample travels the length of the column. • The molecules take different amounts of time (called the retention time) to come out of (elute from) the gas chromatograph, and this allows the mass spectrometer downstream to capture, ionize, accelerate, deflect, and detect the ionized molecules separately. • The mass spectrometer does this by breaking each molecule into ionized fragments and detecting these fragments using their mass to charge ratio.
  • 28.  Electron impact ionisation  Chemical Ionisation
  • 29.  The physics behind mass spectrometry is that a charged particle passing through a magnetic field is deflected along a circular path on a radius that is proportional to the mass to charge ratio, m/e.
  • 30. • Used to confirm molecular weight. • Known as a “soft” ionisation technique. • Differs from EI in that molecules are ionised by interaction or collision with ions of a reagent gas rather that with electrons. • Common reagent gases used are Methane , Isobutane and Ammonia. • Reagent gas is pumped directly into ionisation chamber and electrons from Filament ionise the reagent gas.
  • 31.  The most common type of mass spectrometer (MS) associated with a gas chromatograph (GC) is the quadrupole mass spectrometer, sometimes referred to by the Hewlett-Packard (now Agilent) trade name "Mass Selective Detector" (MSD).  Another relatively common detector is the ion trap mass spectrometer.  Other detectors may be encountered such as time of flight (TOF), tandem quadrupoles (MS-MS).
  • 34. • A mass spectrometer is typically utilized in one of two ways: • Full Scan or Selective Ion Monitoring (SIM). • The typical GC/MS instrument is capable of performing both functions either individually or concomitantly, depending on the setup the particular instrument.
  • 35. GC/MS Data Processing Important to Review Peak Integration Chromatogra m (maximum information content) Final Report GC/MS
  • 36. Environmental Monitoring and Cleanup GC-MS is becoming the tool of choice for tracking organic pollutants in the environment. The cost of GC-MS equipment has decreased significantly, and the reliability has increased at the same time, which has contributed to its increased adoption in environmental studies. There are some compounds for which GC-MS is not sufficiently sensitive, including certain pesticides and herbicides, but for most organic analysis of environmental samples, including many major classes of pesticides, it is very sensitive and effective.
  • 37. • GC-MS can analyze the particles from a human body in order to help link a criminal to a crime. The analysis of fire debris using GC-MS is well established, and there is even an established American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) standard for fire debris analysis. • GCMS/MS is especially useful here as samples often contain very complex matrices and results, used in court, need to be highly accurate.
  • 38. Law Enforcement GC-MS is increasingly used for detection of illegal narcotics, and may eventually supplant drug-sniffing dogs. It is also commonly used in forensic toxicology to find drugs and/or poisons in biological specimens of suspects, victims, or the deceased. Food, Beverage and Perfume Analysis Foods and beverages contain numerous aromatic compounds, some naturally present in the raw materials and some forming during processing. GC-MS is extensively used for the analysis of these compounds which include esters, fatty acids, alcohols, aldehydes, terpenes etc. It is also used to detect and measure contaminants from spoilage or adulteration which may be harmful and which is often controlled by governmental agencies, for example pesticides.
  • 39. Astrochemistry • Several GC-MS have left earth. Two were brought to Mars by the Viking program.Venera 11 and 12 and Pioneer Venus analysed the atmosphere of Venus with GC-MS. • The Huygens probe of the Cassini- Huygens mission landed one GC-MS on Saturn's largest moon, Titan.The material in the comet 67P/Churyumov- Gerasimenko will be analysed by the Rosetta mission with a chiral GC-MS in 2014.
  • 40. • It is the combination of liquid chromatography and the mass spectrometry. • In LC-MS we are removing the detector from the column of LC and fitting the column to interface of MS. • In the most of the cases the interface used in LC-MS are ionization source.
  • 42. To reduce separation time to achieve fast analysis. ( From hours to minutes) HOW? The solutes must move faster through stationary phase MEANS By increasing the mobility of the liquid mobile phase.
  • 43. The MIGRATION VELOCITY of the liquid mobile phase should be HIGH. We can achieve faster migration velocities of liquid mobile phase by- 1.Applying vacuum at the other end of the chromatographic column 2.Applying high pressure on the liquid mobile phase. Application of higher pressure on liquid mobile phase seems to be an easier and more practical way for achieving fast analysis.
  • 44.  Sample preparation generally consists of concentrating the analyte and removing compounds that can cause background ion or suppress ionization.  Example of sample preparation include:-  (1) on –column concentration to increase analyte concentration.  (2) desalting to reduce the sodium and potassium adduct formation that commonly occurs in electro spray.  (3) filtration to separate a low molecular-weight drug from proteins in plasma, milk, or tissue.
  • 45. • Column type:- • Specialized mode:- • The use of di-functional or tri-functional silanes to create bonded groups with two or three attachement points leading to phases with higher stability in low or higher pH and lower bleed for LCMS • Most widely used columns for LCMS are:- (1) fast LC column. the use of short column. (15-50mm) (2) Micro LC column. the use of large column. ( 20-150mm)
  • 46. • Glass is normally the choice for chromatographic column material due to its chemical inertness towards stationary phase, mobile phase and solutes being separated. • We could not increase the pressure of a glass column? • Hence glass will not be able to withstand high pressures of liquid mobile phase because glass has relatively small mechanical strength.
  • 47. • Which IDEAL MATERIAL should be selected in place of glass? • STAINLESS STEEL due to its chemical inertness & mechanical strength.
  • 48. 48 Previous condition :- Liquid mobile phase moving across the stationary phase in a glass column under atmospheric pressure. Present condition :- Liquid mobile phase with high migration velocity moving across the stationary phase in a stainless steel column under high pressure.. Will the column separation efficiency of the latter be good? NO
  • 49. With the increase in the liquid mobile phase velocity under high pressures, solute molecules will not get enough time to interact with the stationary phase and separation efficiency will be reduced and we will not be able to achieve good separation of solutes. 49
  • 50. How can we achieve good column separation efficiency? 50 1. By reducing the Particle size of the stationary phase support. 2. By reducing the width of chromatographic column.
  • 51. We use Narrow bore (3mm, id) SS columns filled with small particles of stationary phase support (5µ) will give us high separation efficiency with low analytical time when liquid mobile phase moves through the column under high pressures of the order of 500 –5000 psi. 51
  • 52. Can the physically coated stationary phases used in GC be used in narrow bore SS columns through which liquid mobile phase moves under high pressures? 52 Obviously… NO
  • 53. Because under high pressures of liquid mobile phase, physically coated liquid stationary phases will be removed physically or by dissolution in liquid mobile phase. We need physically&chemically stable stationary phase. 53
  • 54. Chemically treated inert (not strictly) particles have free silinol group at their surface. 54 Silica particle CCC CCC Si - OH Si - OH Si - OH Free silinol groups
  • 55. Early attempts were then made to chemically bonded long chain aliphatic alcohols with the free silinol groups present on the surface of silica particles. 55 Si - OH + HO - R - H2O Si - O - R
  • 56. However these chemically bonded phases with Si - O - C bonds are stable only in acidic media. 56
  • 57. We cannot restrict our separation work always in acidic media 57 In basic media Si– O- C bond undergoes hydrolysis. Si - O - R basic medium Si - OH + R - OH
  • 58. We therefore would like to use chemical bonding with ‘ Si ’ of free silinol groups which will be hydrolytically stable over a wide acidic to basic pH range. 58
  • 59. Attempts were then made to carry out chemical reactions with substituted silane ( Si H4) having suitable long chain of hydrocarbons attached to it. 59
  • 60. 60 Si - OH 1 2 18 + Cl – Si – C – C C - H CH3 CH3 H H H H H H Substituted siliane 1 2 18 – Si – C – C C - H CH3 CH3 H H H H H H Si - O -H Cl
  • 61. This chemically bonded phase ( Si-O-Si bond ) is therefore mechanically strong and hydrolytically stable over a wide pH range (2-9). 61
  • 62. 62 When the liquid mobile phase is moving under high pressures through chromatographic columns, introduction of a sample on to the column will require some specially designed injection system.
  • 63. 63 The most popular and commonly used injector system, is the syringe –loop injector type. It is a fixed volume universal injector which allows introduction of micro litres of samples on to the chromatographic column.
  • 64. 64 Thus so far with we have achieved the following attributes with LC  Fast Analysis  Small Sample Size  Versatility  Efficiency  Non-destructive
  • 65. • It is difficult to interface a liquid chromatography to a mass-spectrometer cause of the necessity to remove the solvent. • The commnly used interface are:- (1) Electrospray ionization (ESI) (2) Thermospray ionization (TSI) (3) Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) (4) Atmospheric pressure photoionization(APPI) (5) Partical beam ionization.
  • 69. 69 As soon as the solutes are eluted they should be detected and quantitated with sensitive and specific or universal detectors.
  • 70. 70 With specific and universal detectors we have achieved the following attributes: High sensitivity High reliability and accuracy
  • 71. 71 Thus in place of glass column liquid chromatography now we have 1 4 5 2 3 1- Pumping system 2- Universal injector 3- Column 4- Detector 5- Recorder
  • 72.  They deflects ions down a curved tubes in a magnetic fields based on their kinetic energy determined by the mass, charge and velocity.  The magnetic field is scanned to measure different ions. Types of mass analyzer:-  (1) Quadrapole mass filter.  (2) time of flight  (3) Ion trap  (4) Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR or FT-MS)
  • 74. 74 1.Pumping system capable of giving pulseless flow of liquid mobile phase under high pressures of the order of 500 to 5000psi. *This makes fast analysis.
  • 75. 75 2.Universal injector which allows to introduce samples in microlitres. *This reduces sample size
  • 76. 76 3.Narrow bore SS columns with suitable chemically bonded phases with small particle size (3-5µ), desired polarity and pore size and hydrolytically stable over a wide acidic to basic pH range. *This gives high separation efficiency , high versatility in separating solutes with diverse nature.
  • 77. 77 4.Sensitive and Specific or Universal detector *This gives high sensitivity , reliability and accuracy of detection and quantitation of solutes.
  • 78. 78 5.Computing system allows to record and compute chromatographic results.
  • 79. 79 All the above factors add “High Performance” to normal Liquid Chromatography. It is therefore known as “High Performance Liquid Chromatography” abbreviated as HPLC.
  • 80.  Molecular weight determination  Determining the molecular weight of green fluorescent proteins  Structural determination e.g. structural determination of ginsenoside.  Pharmaceutical application e.g. identification of bile acids metabolites.  Biochemical application e.g. rapid protein identification using capillary lc/ms/ms.
  • 81. Food application e.g. identification of aflatoxin in food determination of vitamin D3 in poultry feed supplement using MS3 Environmental application e.g. detection of phenyl urea herbicides, detection of low level of carbaryl in food.
  • 84. GC-MS LC-MS  Volatile or stable compounds can be used as samples.  All gases are determined.  Mobile phase used is gas.  inner wall of the column is lined with a thin layer of support material such as diatomaceous earth.  Non-volatile compounds can be used as samples.  Can be used for all salts & macromolecules.  Mobile phase used is liquid.  a column that is packed with a stationary phase composed of irregularly or spherically shaped particles, a porous monolithic layer, or a porous membrane
  • 85. 1. Principles and Intrumentation of gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy by W. M. A. Niessen, hyphen MassSpec Counsultancy,Leiden,The Netherlands. 2. gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy from Wikipedia ,The free encyclopedia. 3. Gas chromatography by U. A. Devkate Sir. 4. Encyclo pedia of Chromatography – Jack Cazes 5. Gas chromatography by Ian A[1]. Fowlis 2nd Edition 6. hollas_J.M._ modern _Spectroscopy 7. Handbook of Instrumental Technique for Analytical Chemistry by Frank Settle. 8. Moderm Instrumentation Methods and Techniques by Francis Rouessac and Annick Rouessac. 9. Instrumental methods of Analysis by Willard,Merritt,Dean,Settle,7th
  • 86. 10. W. Paul & H. Steinwedel; Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, 8A; 1953, p448. 11. W. Paul; Agewandte Chemie - International Edition, 29; 1990, p739. 12. G. C. Stafford et al.; International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes, 60; 1984, p85 and Analytical Chemistry, 59; 1987, p1677.