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Climate Change Acts Empowering a Vision Thursday 12 th  March 2009 Phil Newcombe – Learning to Deliver Katherine Shepherd - Marches Energy Agency
Format of Workshop Stage 1 - What are the implications of this legislation for the West Midlands? Stage 2 - Which implications represent  opportunities  and which represent  threats ? Stage 3 - Which are the key  opportunities  and  threats  to act on…and why?
West Midlands population: 5.3 million CO 2   : 50 million tonnes
West Midlands population: 5.3 million CO 2   : 50 million tonnes Sources: Energy4All, WDM, IEA Nigeria population: 140 million CO 2   : 52 million tonnes
Climate Change – the Challenge “ The Government  believes that climate change is the  greatest long-term challenge  facing the world today. There is  strong and indisputable evidence  that climate change is happening and that man-made emissions are its main cause...  If left unchecked , climate change will have  profound impacts  on our societies and way of life, affecting agriculture and food security, leading to water shortages, triggering population movements and impacting on our economies, and our security.  So action is needed now .” UK Climate Change Programme, 2006
Climate Change – UK Programme 2006 Achieve UK targets of 20% CO 2  below 1990 by 2010, 60% by 2050 National & international policies & priorities for action, beyond 2000s  Annual progress reports to Parliament, continue & review existing policies Climate Change Adaptation Plan Support microgeneration, renewables & barriers Carbon abatement National Allocation Plan for EUETS  Renewables Transport Fuels Obligation (2008) Code for Sustainable Homes, smart-meters Household energy efficiency initiative Consumer product information & standards LA action, revolving loan fund, strategic targets Funding for community groups
2000 CCP 2003 Energy WP 2006 CCP UK CO 2  Emissions – Progress?
Queen’s Speech 2008 Annual event to mark State opening of Parliament  Introduces legislative programme for UK  26 th  November 2008 27 Bills to Parliament 2007 – 14 enacted into Law “ My Government has worked to protect the environment and to tackle climate change, both at home and abroad.”
Climate Change Act   “ Legislation has been enacted to make the United Kingdom the first country in the world to introduce a legally binding framework to reduce carbon emissions, by 80 per cent of the 1990 levels by 2050.”  Energy Act “ Legislation has also been enacted to provide clean and secure suppliers of energy”.  Planning Act   “ Legislation has been enacted to reform the planning system, providing for quicker and more transparent decision making, and to enable the introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy.”  Planning and Energy Act
Climate Change Act Two main aims: Improve management of carbon emissions & help transition of UK toward low carbon economy Demonstrate UK leadership to global carbon reduction internationally & its commitment to responsibility in negotiations on a post-2012 global agreement Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) Deliver UK Climate Change Programmes
Statutory targets on greenhouse gases and CO2 emissions & carbon budgeting system New reporting framework Creation of independent advisory body: Climate Change Committee Trading scheme powers Policy measures to reduce emissions Adaptation Climate Change Act - Provisions
GHG & CO 2  emissions targets & carbon budgeting system 80% cut in GHGs from 1990 by 2050 & 26% CO 2  by 2020  Beyond 60% CO 2  by 2050, 20% by 2010 & 12.5% GHGs by 2010 European Union UK target 16% CO 2 Budgeting system on net UK carbon emissions in five year periods, set three years in advance  Budgets begin 2008 (2008-12) - first in place by 1st June 2009 Set emissions trajectory to 2020 & 2050. Climate Change Act - Provisions
Creation of an independent advisory body Climate Change Committee (CCC)  Independent body to advise on reducing carbon emissions & climate change issues Advice on adaptation, trajectory to 2050, carbon budgets, emissions from international aviation & shipping, emissions trading schemes, carbon credits  New reporting framework CCC key in the annual reporting of Government progress Government must respond to Parliament First report published on 1st December 2008 Climate Change Act - Provisions
Trading scheme powers New powers to introduce secondary legislation on domestic emissions trading schemes inc Carbon Reduction Commitment Provides additional policy options to meet targets Adaptation Assessment & reporting procedure on climate change risks for UK on an at least five yearly basis Sustainable adaptation programme  New powers for Government to require risk assessments & action programmes from public bodies & statutory undertakers Climate Change Act - Provisions
Emissions Reducing Policies Amendments to Renewable Transport Fuel Obligations Powers to require a minimum charge for single use carrier bags & pilot LA financial incentive schemes for household waste Amendment to EPA on household waste collection Extension of Certified Emissions Reductions Scheme to support creation of Community Energy Saving Programme Carbon Emissions Reduction Target Guidance & by 2010 mandatory emissions reporting by companies Annual reporting on Government estate performance, emissions offsetting Climate Change Act - Provisions
Energy Act Aim: update existing legislative framework through new measures & actions, to make it more appropriate for today’s energy market Implements legislative aspects of 2007 Energy White Paper  Six parts: Renewable Electricity General Miscellaneous Decommissioning of energy installations Oil & gas Gas importation & storage
Energy Act - Provisions Gas importation & storage, CO 2  storage for permanent disposal Oil & gas licensing, infrastructure & processing Decommissioning costs of energy installations Renewable Electricity: RO amendments inc  technology banding , offshore transmission,  feed-in tariffs for small scale generation   Misc: Reporting on energy requirements,  smart meters ,  renewable heat incentives , Ofgem duties, transmission access powers & network connection costs, transfer of responsibilities for energy regulation, & nuclear security General: Secondary legislation, Act amendments & introduction
Feb 09 – Legislation to introduce banding before Parliament Form part of Renewables Obligation Order, amending RO & ROC Proposed Order implementation 1 st  April 09 Differential banding – less developed technologies receive more ROCs / MWh Banded RO lead to 13.4% of electricity from renewable sources by 2015; unbanded RO only 11.4%  Energy Act – RO Banding System
Energy Act – RO Banding System 2.0 Wave; tidal stream; advanced conversion technologies (AD, gasification, pyrolysis); dedicated biomass burning energy crops; dedicated regular biomass with CHP; PV; geothermal  Emerging technologies  1.5 Offshore wind; dedicated regular biomass  Post-demonstration  1.0 Onshore wind; hydro-electric; co-firing of energy crops  Reference  0.25 Sewage gas; landfill gas; co-firing of non-energy crop biomass.  Established  ROCs/MWh Technologies Band Proposed 'banding' of the Renewables Obligation
Energy Act – ‘Feed-in Tariffs’ Renewable Electricity Tariffs (‘Feed-in Tariffs’) Financial incentive to encourage small scale generation Guaranteed price for each kW/h produced from renewable sources & exported to grid in fixed period Payable to users generating their own renewable electricity Provisional eligible energy & technology: biomass, biofuels, fuel cells, PV, water (inc waves & tides), wind, solar power, geothermal sources, CHP with electrical capacity of 50kW or less Consultation summer 2009, introduction April 2010
subsidies for any supplier of renewable heat or renewable fuel to be used for heating purposes – including households, community projects & industry Expected to include  biomass, biofuel & biogas powered heating systems, air-source pumps, fuel cells & solar thermal systems  CHP only eligible if powered by renewable fuels Payments made by ‘designated fossil fuel suppliers’ or as a levy administered by Ofgem ‘ Banded’ system similar to for renewable electricity No cap on eligible size, proposed to include renewable heat at all scales Energy Act  ‘Renewable Heat Incentive’
Energy Act – Smart Meters Government has power to design smart meter roll-out (inc functions, installations, timetable & implementation)  Smart meters allow users to monitor their energy use & work out how much energy specific appliances are using  Roll-out to all domestic customers by end 2020 2 year design period, 10 year roll-out  Advanced metering will be rolled-out to larger business customers over five years from early 2009  Government consulted recently on requirements
New system of development consent for certain infrastructure projects in energy, transport, water, waste water & waste Aims to streamline decision-making, avoid lengthy public inquiries  Decisions taken by new Infrastructure Planning Commission (IPC) based on new National Policy Statements (NPSs) Project promoters must consult prior to submitting application, new process for examining applications  New Government power to establish Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) by regulations,  to finance facilities required as a result of developments Charged by local planning authorities on developers in respect of developments in their area Consultation on draft regulations issued spring 2009; will not enter into force before October 2009  Planning Act
Alters existing regional & local town & country planning regimes Simplifying Local Development Plan system by removing minor procedures Duty on councils to take action on climate change in development plans & have regard to the desirability of achieving good design Streamlining development control procedures Amending appeals process Adding transitional powers allowing regional assemblies to delegate planning functions to regional planning bodies   Planning Act
Enables local planning authorities to set requirements for new developments in: (a) a proportion of energy used in development in their area to be energy from renewable sources in the locality of the development (b) a proportion of energy used in development in their area to be low carbon energy from sources in the locality of the development (c) development in their area to comply with energy efficiency standards that exceed the energy requirements of building regulations Policies included in development plan documents must not be inconsistent with relevant national policies  Planning & Energy Act
Energy White Paper 2007: Meeting the Energy Challenge Free real-time electricity display devices for consumers 2008–2010 Smart metering, historic consumption info on energy bills New build requirements based on Code for Sustainable Homes Energy Performance Certificates, Zero Carbon Housing Product efficiency, inefficient bulb phase out Doubling of CERT, intro of CRC Public sector procurement guidelines Fuel poverty, heat & distributed energy Oil, gas & coal supply Increase in RO to 20%, introduction of technology banding Changes to planning system & grid connection procedures Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Nuclear power consultation Aviation in emissions trading schemes, car efficiency standards Streamlining planning policy for large scale projects
Planning for a Sustainable Future 2007 – White Paper http://www.communities.gov.uk/publications/planningandbuilding/planningsustainablefuture
Planning Policy Statements Planning Policy Statement 1: Delivering Sustainable Development (2005) Sets out Government's planning policies on the delivery of sustainable development through the planning system    Planning and Climate Change: Supplement to Planning Policy Statement 1 (2007) Sets out how planning, in providing for the new homes, jobs and infrastructure needed by communities, should help shape places with lower carbon emissions & resilient to the climate change  Planning Policy Statement 22: Renewable energy (2004) Sets out policies for renewable energy, which planning authorities should have regard to when preparing local development documents & taking planning decisions
Implications Workshop
Your Chance to Respond 12th Feb DECC & DCLG  launched three Heat & Energy Saving Strategy consultations: Heat and Energy Saving Strategy (HES): Government’s longer-term ambitions for energy use in homes & businesses, & how we generate our heating (closes 8th May) Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP): to deliver significant packages of energy efficiency measures to households in low-income communities (closes on 8th May) 20% increase to Carbon Emission Reduction Target (CERT) on major energy suppliers, driving in household energy & carbon saving by March 2011 (closes 14th April) www.decc.gov.uk/en/content/cms/consultations/consultations.aspx
Your Chance to Respond DECC is holding interactive events to present proposals to contribute to consultation process For local government, community groups, NGOs and the supply chains of energy efficiency products and services in West Midlands  16th March 2009   9:30am – 4:30pm Botanical Gardens, Westbourne Road, Edgbaston,  Birmingham, B15 3TR    To register for this event email  [email_address]   stating the name of your organisation and role
To conclude…
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?   Mary Oliver, The Summer Day
“ What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do.”   John Ruskin
Don’t just stand there, do something!
Katherine Shepherd   Phil Newcombe  [email_address]   [email_address]

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Climate Change Act Briefing

  • 1. Climate Change Acts Empowering a Vision Thursday 12 th March 2009 Phil Newcombe – Learning to Deliver Katherine Shepherd - Marches Energy Agency
  • 2.  
  • 3. Format of Workshop Stage 1 - What are the implications of this legislation for the West Midlands? Stage 2 - Which implications represent opportunities and which represent threats ? Stage 3 - Which are the key opportunities and threats to act on…and why?
  • 4.  
  • 5.  
  • 6. West Midlands population: 5.3 million CO 2 : 50 million tonnes
  • 7. West Midlands population: 5.3 million CO 2 : 50 million tonnes Sources: Energy4All, WDM, IEA Nigeria population: 140 million CO 2 : 52 million tonnes
  • 8.  
  • 9. Climate Change – the Challenge “ The Government believes that climate change is the greatest long-term challenge facing the world today. There is strong and indisputable evidence that climate change is happening and that man-made emissions are its main cause... If left unchecked , climate change will have profound impacts on our societies and way of life, affecting agriculture and food security, leading to water shortages, triggering population movements and impacting on our economies, and our security. So action is needed now .” UK Climate Change Programme, 2006
  • 10. Climate Change – UK Programme 2006 Achieve UK targets of 20% CO 2 below 1990 by 2010, 60% by 2050 National & international policies & priorities for action, beyond 2000s Annual progress reports to Parliament, continue & review existing policies Climate Change Adaptation Plan Support microgeneration, renewables & barriers Carbon abatement National Allocation Plan for EUETS Renewables Transport Fuels Obligation (2008) Code for Sustainable Homes, smart-meters Household energy efficiency initiative Consumer product information & standards LA action, revolving loan fund, strategic targets Funding for community groups
  • 11. 2000 CCP 2003 Energy WP 2006 CCP UK CO 2 Emissions – Progress?
  • 12. Queen’s Speech 2008 Annual event to mark State opening of Parliament Introduces legislative programme for UK 26 th November 2008 27 Bills to Parliament 2007 – 14 enacted into Law “ My Government has worked to protect the environment and to tackle climate change, both at home and abroad.”
  • 13. Climate Change Act “ Legislation has been enacted to make the United Kingdom the first country in the world to introduce a legally binding framework to reduce carbon emissions, by 80 per cent of the 1990 levels by 2050.” Energy Act “ Legislation has also been enacted to provide clean and secure suppliers of energy”. Planning Act “ Legislation has been enacted to reform the planning system, providing for quicker and more transparent decision making, and to enable the introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy.” Planning and Energy Act
  • 14. Climate Change Act Two main aims: Improve management of carbon emissions & help transition of UK toward low carbon economy Demonstrate UK leadership to global carbon reduction internationally & its commitment to responsibility in negotiations on a post-2012 global agreement Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) Deliver UK Climate Change Programmes
  • 15. Statutory targets on greenhouse gases and CO2 emissions & carbon budgeting system New reporting framework Creation of independent advisory body: Climate Change Committee Trading scheme powers Policy measures to reduce emissions Adaptation Climate Change Act - Provisions
  • 16. GHG & CO 2 emissions targets & carbon budgeting system 80% cut in GHGs from 1990 by 2050 & 26% CO 2 by 2020 Beyond 60% CO 2 by 2050, 20% by 2010 & 12.5% GHGs by 2010 European Union UK target 16% CO 2 Budgeting system on net UK carbon emissions in five year periods, set three years in advance Budgets begin 2008 (2008-12) - first in place by 1st June 2009 Set emissions trajectory to 2020 & 2050. Climate Change Act - Provisions
  • 17. Creation of an independent advisory body Climate Change Committee (CCC) Independent body to advise on reducing carbon emissions & climate change issues Advice on adaptation, trajectory to 2050, carbon budgets, emissions from international aviation & shipping, emissions trading schemes, carbon credits New reporting framework CCC key in the annual reporting of Government progress Government must respond to Parliament First report published on 1st December 2008 Climate Change Act - Provisions
  • 18. Trading scheme powers New powers to introduce secondary legislation on domestic emissions trading schemes inc Carbon Reduction Commitment Provides additional policy options to meet targets Adaptation Assessment & reporting procedure on climate change risks for UK on an at least five yearly basis Sustainable adaptation programme New powers for Government to require risk assessments & action programmes from public bodies & statutory undertakers Climate Change Act - Provisions
  • 19. Emissions Reducing Policies Amendments to Renewable Transport Fuel Obligations Powers to require a minimum charge for single use carrier bags & pilot LA financial incentive schemes for household waste Amendment to EPA on household waste collection Extension of Certified Emissions Reductions Scheme to support creation of Community Energy Saving Programme Carbon Emissions Reduction Target Guidance & by 2010 mandatory emissions reporting by companies Annual reporting on Government estate performance, emissions offsetting Climate Change Act - Provisions
  • 20. Energy Act Aim: update existing legislative framework through new measures & actions, to make it more appropriate for today’s energy market Implements legislative aspects of 2007 Energy White Paper Six parts: Renewable Electricity General Miscellaneous Decommissioning of energy installations Oil & gas Gas importation & storage
  • 21. Energy Act - Provisions Gas importation & storage, CO 2 storage for permanent disposal Oil & gas licensing, infrastructure & processing Decommissioning costs of energy installations Renewable Electricity: RO amendments inc technology banding , offshore transmission, feed-in tariffs for small scale generation Misc: Reporting on energy requirements, smart meters , renewable heat incentives , Ofgem duties, transmission access powers & network connection costs, transfer of responsibilities for energy regulation, & nuclear security General: Secondary legislation, Act amendments & introduction
  • 22. Feb 09 – Legislation to introduce banding before Parliament Form part of Renewables Obligation Order, amending RO & ROC Proposed Order implementation 1 st April 09 Differential banding – less developed technologies receive more ROCs / MWh Banded RO lead to 13.4% of electricity from renewable sources by 2015; unbanded RO only 11.4% Energy Act – RO Banding System
  • 23. Energy Act – RO Banding System 2.0 Wave; tidal stream; advanced conversion technologies (AD, gasification, pyrolysis); dedicated biomass burning energy crops; dedicated regular biomass with CHP; PV; geothermal Emerging technologies 1.5 Offshore wind; dedicated regular biomass Post-demonstration 1.0 Onshore wind; hydro-electric; co-firing of energy crops Reference 0.25 Sewage gas; landfill gas; co-firing of non-energy crop biomass. Established ROCs/MWh Technologies Band Proposed 'banding' of the Renewables Obligation
  • 24. Energy Act – ‘Feed-in Tariffs’ Renewable Electricity Tariffs (‘Feed-in Tariffs’) Financial incentive to encourage small scale generation Guaranteed price for each kW/h produced from renewable sources & exported to grid in fixed period Payable to users generating their own renewable electricity Provisional eligible energy & technology: biomass, biofuels, fuel cells, PV, water (inc waves & tides), wind, solar power, geothermal sources, CHP with electrical capacity of 50kW or less Consultation summer 2009, introduction April 2010
  • 25. subsidies for any supplier of renewable heat or renewable fuel to be used for heating purposes – including households, community projects & industry Expected to include biomass, biofuel & biogas powered heating systems, air-source pumps, fuel cells & solar thermal systems CHP only eligible if powered by renewable fuels Payments made by ‘designated fossil fuel suppliers’ or as a levy administered by Ofgem ‘ Banded’ system similar to for renewable electricity No cap on eligible size, proposed to include renewable heat at all scales Energy Act ‘Renewable Heat Incentive’
  • 26. Energy Act – Smart Meters Government has power to design smart meter roll-out (inc functions, installations, timetable & implementation) Smart meters allow users to monitor their energy use & work out how much energy specific appliances are using Roll-out to all domestic customers by end 2020 2 year design period, 10 year roll-out Advanced metering will be rolled-out to larger business customers over five years from early 2009 Government consulted recently on requirements
  • 27. New system of development consent for certain infrastructure projects in energy, transport, water, waste water & waste Aims to streamline decision-making, avoid lengthy public inquiries Decisions taken by new Infrastructure Planning Commission (IPC) based on new National Policy Statements (NPSs) Project promoters must consult prior to submitting application, new process for examining applications New Government power to establish Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) by regulations, to finance facilities required as a result of developments Charged by local planning authorities on developers in respect of developments in their area Consultation on draft regulations issued spring 2009; will not enter into force before October 2009 Planning Act
  • 28. Alters existing regional & local town & country planning regimes Simplifying Local Development Plan system by removing minor procedures Duty on councils to take action on climate change in development plans & have regard to the desirability of achieving good design Streamlining development control procedures Amending appeals process Adding transitional powers allowing regional assemblies to delegate planning functions to regional planning bodies Planning Act
  • 29. Enables local planning authorities to set requirements for new developments in: (a) a proportion of energy used in development in their area to be energy from renewable sources in the locality of the development (b) a proportion of energy used in development in their area to be low carbon energy from sources in the locality of the development (c) development in their area to comply with energy efficiency standards that exceed the energy requirements of building regulations Policies included in development plan documents must not be inconsistent with relevant national policies Planning & Energy Act
  • 30. Energy White Paper 2007: Meeting the Energy Challenge Free real-time electricity display devices for consumers 2008–2010 Smart metering, historic consumption info on energy bills New build requirements based on Code for Sustainable Homes Energy Performance Certificates, Zero Carbon Housing Product efficiency, inefficient bulb phase out Doubling of CERT, intro of CRC Public sector procurement guidelines Fuel poverty, heat & distributed energy Oil, gas & coal supply Increase in RO to 20%, introduction of technology banding Changes to planning system & grid connection procedures Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Nuclear power consultation Aviation in emissions trading schemes, car efficiency standards Streamlining planning policy for large scale projects
  • 31. Planning for a Sustainable Future 2007 – White Paper http://www.communities.gov.uk/publications/planningandbuilding/planningsustainablefuture
  • 32. Planning Policy Statements Planning Policy Statement 1: Delivering Sustainable Development (2005) Sets out Government's planning policies on the delivery of sustainable development through the planning system   Planning and Climate Change: Supplement to Planning Policy Statement 1 (2007) Sets out how planning, in providing for the new homes, jobs and infrastructure needed by communities, should help shape places with lower carbon emissions & resilient to the climate change Planning Policy Statement 22: Renewable energy (2004) Sets out policies for renewable energy, which planning authorities should have regard to when preparing local development documents & taking planning decisions
  • 34. Your Chance to Respond 12th Feb DECC & DCLG  launched three Heat & Energy Saving Strategy consultations: Heat and Energy Saving Strategy (HES): Government’s longer-term ambitions for energy use in homes & businesses, & how we generate our heating (closes 8th May) Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP): to deliver significant packages of energy efficiency measures to households in low-income communities (closes on 8th May) 20% increase to Carbon Emission Reduction Target (CERT) on major energy suppliers, driving in household energy & carbon saving by March 2011 (closes 14th April) www.decc.gov.uk/en/content/cms/consultations/consultations.aspx
  • 35. Your Chance to Respond DECC is holding interactive events to present proposals to contribute to consultation process For local government, community groups, NGOs and the supply chains of energy efficiency products and services in West Midlands 16th March 2009 9:30am – 4:30pm Botanical Gardens, Westbourne Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 3TR   To register for this event email  [email_address] stating the name of your organisation and role
  • 37. Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Mary Oliver, The Summer Day
  • 38. “ What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do.” John Ruskin
  • 39. Don’t just stand there, do something!
  • 40. Katherine Shepherd Phil Newcombe [email_address] [email_address]