The document discusses research findings from a study in Malawi on how climate change differently impacts women, men, girls, and boys regarding food security. Key findings include:
- Women and men receive climate information from different sources and experience different challenges during droughts and floods.
- Droughts increase prostitution, decrease healthcare access, and cause family separation. Floods decrease food access and cause injury.
- Children's schooling and safety are threatened by climate events.
- Recommendations focus on livelihood support, relocation assistance, gender-sensitive disaster response, and addressing vulnerabilities in evacuation camps.
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Climate Change: Implications and Promising Practices
1. Climate Change:
How Does It Affect Women, Men, Girls and Boys
Differently in Malawi?
TOPS Research Findings and Preliminary Recommendations Presentation
Gillian McKay, Global Behaviour Change Advisor
GOAL Global
2. GOAL Malawi
In Malawi since 2002
Specialists in Long Term Development Programming
Emphasis on Community Resilience through:
Gender Focused Livelihoods & Food Security, DRR Nutrition, Community Health,
Present in Nsanje, Blantyre, Balaka, Chikwawa, Neno Districts
3. Climate Change in Malawi
Malawi’s National Adaptation
Programme of Action (NAPA)
identifies droughts and floods as
the most serious and significant
recurring climatic events.
Amount and patterns of rainfall
affect crop production which
impacts on the market i.e. food
prices and supply chain
infrastructure (Gregory, 2005).
4. Gap Identification
Due to these recurring climatic hazards the Malawian Government has put in
place disaster risk management structures from the district to village
development committee level.
GOAL Malawi supports these efforts through the DISCOVER Consortium, that
seeks to increase resilience of the most vulnerable communities to the
impacts of climate change.
GOAL Malawi observed a gap between how the Government structures
perceive their roles, and how they function within disaster affected areas.
This is particularly true in relation to how they engage in gender awareness,
gender sensitivity and gendered approaches to drought and flood response
and mitigation measures.
Therefore a research study was proposed and accepted through TOPS to study
and address this particular issue.
6. TOPS Research
To investigate the impact of gendered vulnerability to climate changes and
disasters on the food security of women, men, boys and girls.
Develop guidelines and recommendations based on the research findings for
resilience programing specific to food security which will in turn strengthen
disaster preparedness, prevention, response and mitigation measures appropriate
and relevant for women, girls, boys and men.
7. Methodology
Desk Review of Literature
FGDs with Women, Men, Boys and Girls
Case Studies of W/M/B/G in Evacuation Camps
Key Informant Interviews with Government personnel, GBV Technical Working
Feedback Meetings at National and District levels
Quantitative questionnaire with demographic information and key questions
around experience of droughts and floods
8. Findings – Communication of Impending
Women Men
Weather pattern
Extension workers
Indigenous Knowledge
Family and friends
Government Officials
NGO public awareness
Radio (more significant)
Observations from Previous Years
(inclusive of Indigenous Knowledge)
Communications from Government
9. Universal Findings: Challenges during
Food is scarce and costly
There is inadequate water
Minimized casual labour opportunities
Malnutrition for all (children and adults)
Money is scarce
Lack of necessities e.g. clothes, soap etc.
Increased insecurity due to a reduction in food and money
10. Gendered Findings: Challenges during
Women Men
• Pregnant women are forced to
consume unhealthy diets including
food that will make them ill
• Marriages break up as husbands leave
leaving women alone to raise children
• Increased difficulty in reaching
Health Centre for ANC/PNC etc given
• Increase in prostitution activities to
gain money for food
• " Many women have become
promiscuous and have changed their
way of dressing to attract men so
that they can have something to eat
at the end of the day".
• Huge interest is charged on loans that
are taken out by fathers.
• When moving away in drought times
there is a loss of belongings
• Fear of moving the family as
perception they could become ill
11. Findings Specific to Children - Droughts
Time for mothers to spend with children is reduc
ed during times of droughts as they spend their
time looking for food.
Parents may be more likely to send their children
to school as they will get fed.
Children might also drop out of school to secure
formal employment to help family, especially girl
Girl child marriage becomes more common
Schoolwork suffers as children feel hungry in
12. More Findings from the Community re.
Preparation Coping Mechanisms Recommended Support
They keep firewood to sell during drought
They plant with the first rains.
They cultivate along river banks during th
e rainy season and their others that rent f
The men use modern farming techniques,
but some are not appropriate for women.
They keep livestock to sell during the dro
ught period.
They do businesses to get extra income
They buy food in advance at a time that i
t’s cheap and they store it for their consu
mption during the drought period.
They do VSLs to have access to small loan
They do piece work and they save their in
come so that they can use it during the d
rought period
Casual labour
They eat nyika
They don’t seek health care until the
labor starts.
The men also prepare for the droughts by
planting drought resistant crops, planting
early and diversifying their crops.
They reduce the number of meals in a
Eating seeds for the following year, which
are poisonous
Capital for business
Food supply
Boreholes or wells for water supply
Job opportunities
Cash transfers
Food for work programs
Farm inputs e.g. treadle pumps, drought
tolerant seeds, fertilizer etc.
Improved infrastructure e.g. roads, stron
g homes
Drought resistant seeds, new farming
technology, new boreholes, food aid
programs and small business loans that do
not attract huge interests.
13. Universal Findings: Challenges during
Dangerous canoes that can capsize
General hunger, as it is difficult to find food and to protect it
There are no opportunities for casual labour
Sometimes they have to escape without clothes
Injury/Death during the escape from floods
Loss of Property
Separation of family members
Camps have no separate toilet facilities for W/M/G/B so there are health risks
going back to Open Defecation
People with disabilities may not be able to evacuate if they do not have famil
y who can support them
14. Gendered Findings: Challenges during
Women Men
• Due to reduction in food intake
the breastmilk dries up
• Health centres not available as
roads impassable
• Fighting, Prostitution, Greed,
Jealousy is common in the camps
causing feelings of insecurity
• “The Family cohesion becomes
less and less because of the lack
of food. Men usually desert their
families and they go to women
that have access to food or that
have not been affected by the
• Concern about wild animals
causing injury when fleeing in
• Feelings of inadequacy due to
inability to feed family
15. Findings Specific to Children - Floods
Time for mothers to spend with children is reduced during times of floods as they
spend their time looking for food.
Children are often sent away to live with relatives in areas away from flooding.
Children may be vulnerable to sexual abuse in return for food in evacuation areas
School fees cannot be paid as all money goes for basic necessities if school even
16. More Findings from the Community re.
Preparation Coping Mechanisms Recommended Support
They keep a canoe nearby
They build their houses on a higher
They move their belongs and livestock to
higher land.
They store food to eat during the floods
They practice winter cropping
They plant trees and vetiva
They construct dykes
They use box ridges (milambala) when culti
Look for extra work for extra income
Prepare canoes in the event of flooding.
They drink porridge for supper
Sometimes skip meals.
Children sent away.
Prostitution in the camps
Support to build homes in the uplands, only
use flood prone areas for cultivation-
Rescue boats
Hybrid seeds
Employment opportunities
Food aid and Cash transfers during floods
Disabled people should be permanently sup
ported to move to the uplands, and should
be given Livelihood supports
Should be provided with money, food,
beddings, treadle pumps, kitchen utensils,
soap, clothes, seeds and tents.
People should be given loans
Schooling opportunities for children
Improve safety in the camps
People with disabilities should be consulted
to see if they can be moved upland
17. Key Recommendations – Droughts -
Stakeholder Meeting
Given women’s increased vulnerabilities in drought-
prone areas, increased livelihoods and training
opportunities are required
Modern farming techniques that are appropriate for
men and women need to be promoted.
Counselling services needed for girls and their families
to help keep them in school during times of hardship
Improved market linkages that occur close to home to
enable women and men to participate equally
18. Key Recommendations – Floods -
Stakeholder Meeting
Relocation to “uplands” in the same Traditional
Authority needs to take into account women’s land
Canoes can be held in trust for especially
vulnerable people (including female-headed
households, people with disabilities and the
chronically ill) to allow for evacuation
Gendered training provided to local community
boards who make decisions around DRR
Sirens to be used to alert the community as often
vulnerable groups do not have radios or mobile
19. Key Recommendations – Evacuation
Camps - Stakeholder Meeting
Appropriate toilet facilities for M/W/G/B
NFIs including menstrual hygiene items for W/G
Improve lighting in the camps to reduce SGBV
Food within camps needs to be appropriate for all, including pregnant women
Set up temporary schools in camps to ensure boys and girls do not have to
take up work or be vulnerable to exploitation
Free condoms in toilets and other locations
22. Discussion Questions
Many of the suggested mitigation strategies are highly dependent on
government and NGO supports (i.e. handouts). How can we work with the
community to consider how to use their own strengths to mitigate these
Women and Men’s perceptions of Climate Change events like droughts and
floods are similar in many ways, but there are key challenges faced by men
and women (i.e. men – taking out big loans at high interest, women –
resorting to prostitution). How can INGOs engaging in Climate Change
programming ensure to identify these key challenges, and programme for