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Clock Synchronization: Physical Clocks Paul Krzyzanowski [email_address] [email_address] Distributed Systems Except as otherwise noted, the content of this presentation is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
What’s it for? Temporal ordering of events produced by concurrent processes Synchronization between senders and receivers of messages Coordination of joint activity Serialization of concurrent access for shared objects
Physical clocks
Logical vs. physical clocks Logical clock keeps track of event ordering among related (causal) events Physical clocks keep time of day Consistent across systems
Quartz clocks 1880 : Piezoelectric effect Curie brothers Squeeze a quartz crystal & it generates an electric field Apply an electric field and it bends 1929 : Quartz crystal clock Resonator shaped like tuning fork Laser-trimmed to vibrate at 32,768 Hz Standard resonators accurate to 6 parts per million at 31° C Watch will gain/lose < ½ sec/day Stability > accuracy: stable to 2 sec/month Good resonator  can  have accuracy of 1 second in 10 years Frequency changes with age, temperature, and acceleration
Atomic clocks Second is defined as 9,192,631,770 periods of radiation corresponding to the transition between two hyperfine levels of cesium-133 Accuracy: better than 1 second in six million years NIST standard since 1960
UTC UT0 Mean solar time on Greenwich meridian Obtained from astronomical observation UT1 UT0 corrected for polar motion UT2 UT1 corrected for seasonal variations in Earth’s rotation UTC Civil time measured on an atomic time scale
UTC Coordinated Universal Time Temps Universel Coordonné Kept within 0.9 seconds of UT1 Atomic clocks cannot keep mean time Mean time is a measure of Earth’s rotation
Physical clocks in computers Real-time Clock: CMOS clock (counter) circuit driven by a quartz oscillator battery backup to continue measuring time when power is off OS generally programs a timer circuit to generate an interrupt periodically e . g., 60, 100, 250, 1000 interrupts per second (Linux 2.6+ adjustable up to 1000 Hz) Programmable Interval Timer (PIT) – Intel 8253, 8254 Interrupt service procedure adds 1 to a counter in memory
Problem Getting two systems to agree on time Two clocks hardly ever agree Quartz oscillators oscillate at slightly different frequencies Clocks tick at different rates Create ever-widening gap in perceived time Clock Drift Difference between two clocks at one point in time Clock Skew
Sept 18, 2006 8:00:00 8:00:00 8:00:00
Oct 23, 2006 8:00:00 8:01:24 8:01:48 Skew = +84 seconds +84 seconds/35 days Drift = +2.4 sec/day Skew = +108 seconds +108 seconds/35 days Drift = +3.1 sec/day
Perfect clock UTC time,  t Computer’s time,  C
Drift with slow clock UTC time,  t Computer’s time,  C skew
Drift with fast clock UTC time,  t Computer’s time,  C skew
Dealing with drift Assume we set computer to true time Not good idea  to set clock back Illusion of time moving backwards can confuse message ordering and software development environments
Dealing with drift Go for  gradual  clock correction If fast: Make clock run slower until it synchronizes If slow: Make clock run faster until it synchronizes
Dealing with drift OS can do this: Change rate at which it requests interrupts e.g.: if system requests interrupts every 17 msec but clock is too slow: request interrupts at (e.g.) 15 msec Or software correction: redefine the interval Adjustment changes slope of system time: Linear compensating function
Compensating for a fast clock UTC time,  t Computer’s time,  C Linear compensating function applied Clock synchronized skew
Compensating for a fast clock UTC time,  t Computer’s time,  C
Resynchronizing After synchronization period is reached Resynchronize periodically Successive application of a second linear compensating function can bring us closer to true slope Keep track of adjustments and apply continuously e.g., U NIX   adjtime  system call
Getting accurate time Attach GPS receiver to each computer ± 1 msec of UTC Attach WWV radio receiver Obtain time broadcasts from Boulder or DC ± 3 msec of UTC (depending on distance) Attach GOES receiver ± 0.1 msec of UTC Not practical solution for every machine Cost, size, convenience, environment
Getting accurate time Synchronize from another machine One with a more accurate clock Machine/service that provides time information: Time server
RPC Simplest synchronization technique Issue RPC to obtain time Set time Does not account for network or processing latency client server what’s the time? 3:42:19
Cristian’s algorithm Compensate for delays Note times: request sent:  T 0 reply received:  T 1 Assume network delays are symmetric server client time request reply T 0 T 1 T server
Cristian’s algorithm Client sets time to: = estimated overhead   in each direction server client time request reply T 0 T 1 T server
Error bounds If minimum message transit time (T min ) is known: Place bounds on accuracy of result
Error bounds server client time request reply T 0 T 1 T server accuracy of result  = T min T min Earliest time message arrives Latest time message leaves range = T 1 -T 0 -2T min
Cristian’s algorithm: example Send request at 5:08:15.100 ( T 0 ) Receive response at 5:08:15.900 ( T 1 ) Response contains 5:09:25.300 ( T server ) Elapsed time is  T 1  - T 0 5:08:15.900 - 5:08:15.100 = 800 msec Best guess: timestamp was generated 400 msec ago Set time to  T server +  elapsed time 5:09:25.300 + 400 = 5:09.25.700
Cristian’s algorithm: example If best-case message time=200 msec server client time request reply T 0 T 1 T server 800 Error = T 0  = 5:08:15.100 T 1  = 5:08:15.900 T s  = 5:09:25:300 T min  = 200msec 200 200
Berkeley Algorithm Gusella & Zatti, 1989 Assumes no machine has an accurate time source Obtains average from participating computers Synchronizes all clocks to average
Berkeley Algorithm Machines run  time dæmon Process that implements protocol One machine is elected (or designated) as the server ( master ) Others are  slaves
Berkeley Algorithm Master polls each machine periodically Ask each machine for time Can use Cristian’s algorithm to compensate for network latency When results are in, compute average Including master’s time Hope: average cancels out individual clock’s tendencies to run fast or slow Send offset by which each clock needs adjustment to each slave Avoids problems with network delays if we send a time stamp
Berkeley Algorithm Algorithm has provisions for ignoring readings from clocks whose skew is too great Compute a  fault-tolerant average If master fails Any slave can take over
Berkeley Algorithm: example 1. Request timestamps from all slaves 3:25 2:50 9:10 3:25 2:50 9:10 3:00
Berkeley Algorithm: example 2. Compute fault-tolerant average: 3:25 2:50 9:10 3:25 2:50 9:10 3:00
Berkeley Algorithm: example 3. Send offset to each client -0:20 +0:15 -6:05 +0.15 3:25 2:50 9:10 3:00
Network Time Protocol, NTP 1991, 1992 Internet Standard, version 3: RFC 1305
NTP Goals Enable clients across Internet to be accurately synchronized to UTC despite message delays Use statistical techniques to filter data and gauge quality of results Provide reliable service Survive lengthy losses of connectivity Redundant paths Redundant servers Enable clients to synchronize frequently offset effects of clock drift Provide protection against interference Authenticate source of data
NTP servers Arranged in strata 1 st  stratum: machines connected directly to accurate time source 2 nd  stratum: machines synchronized from 1 st  stratum machines … S YNCHRONIZATION  S UBNET 1 2 3 4
NTP Synchronization Modes Multicast mode for high speed LANS Lower accuracy but efficient Procedure call mode Similar to Cristian’s algorithm Symmetric mode Intended for master servers Pair of servers exchange messages and retain data to improve synchronization over time All messages delivered unreliably with UDP
NTP messages Procedure call and symmetric mode Messages exchanged in pairs NTP calculates: Offset  for each pair of messages Estimate of offset between two clocks Delay Transmit time between two messages Filter Dispersion Estimate of error – quality of results Based on accuracy of server’s clock  and  consistency of network transit time Use this data to find preferred server:  lower stratum & lowest total dispersion
NTP message structure Leap second indicator Last minute has 59, 60, 61 seconds Version number Mode (symmetric, unicast, broadcast) Stratum (1=primary reference, 2-15) Poll interval Maximum interval between 2 successive messages, nearest power of 2 Precision of local clock Nearest power of 2
NTP message structure Root delay Total roundtrip delay to primary source (16 bits seconds, 16 bits decimal) Root dispersion Nominal error relative to primary source Reference clock ID Atomic, NIST dial-up, radio, LORAN-C navigation system, GOES, GPS, … Reference timestamp Time at which clock was last set (64 bit) Authenticator (key ID, digest) Signature (ignored in SNTP)
NTP message structure T 1 : originate timestamp Time request departed client (client’s time) T 2 : receive timestamp Time request arrived at server (server’s time) T 3 : transmit timestamp Time request left server (server’s time)
NTP’s validation tests Timestamp provided ≠ last timestamp received duplicate message? Originating timestamp in message consistent with sent data Messages arriving in order? Timestamp within range? Originating and received timestamps ≠ 0? Authentication disabled? Else authenticate Peer clock is synchronized? Don’t sync with clock of higher stratum # Reasonable data for delay & dispersion
SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol Based on Unicast mode of NTP Subset of NTP, not new protocol Operates in multicast or procedure call mode Recommended for environments where server is root node and client is leaf of synchronization subnet Root delay, root dispersion, reference timestamp ignored RFC 2030, October 1996
SNTP Roundtrip delay: d = (T 4 -T 1 ) - (T 2 -T 3 ) server client time request reply T 1 T 2 T 4 T 3 Time offset:
SNTP example Offset =   ((800 - 1100) + (850 - 1200))/2 =((-300) + (-350))/2 = -650/2 =  -325 Set time to  T 4  + t = 1200 - 325 =  875 server client time request reply T 1 =1100 T 2 =800 T 4 =1200 T 3 =850 Time offset:
Cristian’s algorithm Offset =   (1200 - 1100)/2 =  50 Set time to  T s  + offset = 825 + 50 =  875 server client time request reply T 1 =1100 T 2 =800 T 4 =1200 T 3 =850 T s =825
Key Points: Physical Clocks Cristian’s algorithm & SNTP Set clock from server But account for network delays Error: uncertainty due to network/processor latency: errors are additive ±10 msec and ±20 msec = ±30 msec. Adjust for local clock skew Linear compensating function
The end.

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Clock Synchronization (Distributed computing)

  • 1. Clock Synchronization: Physical Clocks Paul Krzyzanowski [email_address] [email_address] Distributed Systems Except as otherwise noted, the content of this presentation is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
  • 2. What’s it for? Temporal ordering of events produced by concurrent processes Synchronization between senders and receivers of messages Coordination of joint activity Serialization of concurrent access for shared objects
  • 4. Logical vs. physical clocks Logical clock keeps track of event ordering among related (causal) events Physical clocks keep time of day Consistent across systems
  • 5. Quartz clocks 1880 : Piezoelectric effect Curie brothers Squeeze a quartz crystal & it generates an electric field Apply an electric field and it bends 1929 : Quartz crystal clock Resonator shaped like tuning fork Laser-trimmed to vibrate at 32,768 Hz Standard resonators accurate to 6 parts per million at 31° C Watch will gain/lose < ½ sec/day Stability > accuracy: stable to 2 sec/month Good resonator can have accuracy of 1 second in 10 years Frequency changes with age, temperature, and acceleration
  • 6. Atomic clocks Second is defined as 9,192,631,770 periods of radiation corresponding to the transition between two hyperfine levels of cesium-133 Accuracy: better than 1 second in six million years NIST standard since 1960
  • 7. UTC UT0 Mean solar time on Greenwich meridian Obtained from astronomical observation UT1 UT0 corrected for polar motion UT2 UT1 corrected for seasonal variations in Earth’s rotation UTC Civil time measured on an atomic time scale
  • 8. UTC Coordinated Universal Time Temps Universel Coordonné Kept within 0.9 seconds of UT1 Atomic clocks cannot keep mean time Mean time is a measure of Earth’s rotation
  • 9. Physical clocks in computers Real-time Clock: CMOS clock (counter) circuit driven by a quartz oscillator battery backup to continue measuring time when power is off OS generally programs a timer circuit to generate an interrupt periodically e . g., 60, 100, 250, 1000 interrupts per second (Linux 2.6+ adjustable up to 1000 Hz) Programmable Interval Timer (PIT) – Intel 8253, 8254 Interrupt service procedure adds 1 to a counter in memory
  • 10. Problem Getting two systems to agree on time Two clocks hardly ever agree Quartz oscillators oscillate at slightly different frequencies Clocks tick at different rates Create ever-widening gap in perceived time Clock Drift Difference between two clocks at one point in time Clock Skew
  • 11. Sept 18, 2006 8:00:00 8:00:00 8:00:00
  • 12. Oct 23, 2006 8:00:00 8:01:24 8:01:48 Skew = +84 seconds +84 seconds/35 days Drift = +2.4 sec/day Skew = +108 seconds +108 seconds/35 days Drift = +3.1 sec/day
  • 13. Perfect clock UTC time, t Computer’s time, C
  • 14. Drift with slow clock UTC time, t Computer’s time, C skew
  • 15. Drift with fast clock UTC time, t Computer’s time, C skew
  • 16. Dealing with drift Assume we set computer to true time Not good idea to set clock back Illusion of time moving backwards can confuse message ordering and software development environments
  • 17. Dealing with drift Go for gradual clock correction If fast: Make clock run slower until it synchronizes If slow: Make clock run faster until it synchronizes
  • 18. Dealing with drift OS can do this: Change rate at which it requests interrupts e.g.: if system requests interrupts every 17 msec but clock is too slow: request interrupts at (e.g.) 15 msec Or software correction: redefine the interval Adjustment changes slope of system time: Linear compensating function
  • 19. Compensating for a fast clock UTC time, t Computer’s time, C Linear compensating function applied Clock synchronized skew
  • 20. Compensating for a fast clock UTC time, t Computer’s time, C
  • 21. Resynchronizing After synchronization period is reached Resynchronize periodically Successive application of a second linear compensating function can bring us closer to true slope Keep track of adjustments and apply continuously e.g., U NIX adjtime system call
  • 22. Getting accurate time Attach GPS receiver to each computer ± 1 msec of UTC Attach WWV radio receiver Obtain time broadcasts from Boulder or DC ± 3 msec of UTC (depending on distance) Attach GOES receiver ± 0.1 msec of UTC Not practical solution for every machine Cost, size, convenience, environment
  • 23. Getting accurate time Synchronize from another machine One with a more accurate clock Machine/service that provides time information: Time server
  • 24. RPC Simplest synchronization technique Issue RPC to obtain time Set time Does not account for network or processing latency client server what’s the time? 3:42:19
  • 25. Cristian’s algorithm Compensate for delays Note times: request sent: T 0 reply received: T 1 Assume network delays are symmetric server client time request reply T 0 T 1 T server
  • 26. Cristian’s algorithm Client sets time to: = estimated overhead in each direction server client time request reply T 0 T 1 T server
  • 27. Error bounds If minimum message transit time (T min ) is known: Place bounds on accuracy of result
  • 28. Error bounds server client time request reply T 0 T 1 T server accuracy of result = T min T min Earliest time message arrives Latest time message leaves range = T 1 -T 0 -2T min
  • 29. Cristian’s algorithm: example Send request at 5:08:15.100 ( T 0 ) Receive response at 5:08:15.900 ( T 1 ) Response contains 5:09:25.300 ( T server ) Elapsed time is T 1 - T 0 5:08:15.900 - 5:08:15.100 = 800 msec Best guess: timestamp was generated 400 msec ago Set time to T server + elapsed time 5:09:25.300 + 400 = 5:09.25.700
  • 30. Cristian’s algorithm: example If best-case message time=200 msec server client time request reply T 0 T 1 T server 800 Error = T 0 = 5:08:15.100 T 1 = 5:08:15.900 T s = 5:09:25:300 T min = 200msec 200 200
  • 31. Berkeley Algorithm Gusella & Zatti, 1989 Assumes no machine has an accurate time source Obtains average from participating computers Synchronizes all clocks to average
  • 32. Berkeley Algorithm Machines run time dæmon Process that implements protocol One machine is elected (or designated) as the server ( master ) Others are slaves
  • 33. Berkeley Algorithm Master polls each machine periodically Ask each machine for time Can use Cristian’s algorithm to compensate for network latency When results are in, compute average Including master’s time Hope: average cancels out individual clock’s tendencies to run fast or slow Send offset by which each clock needs adjustment to each slave Avoids problems with network delays if we send a time stamp
  • 34. Berkeley Algorithm Algorithm has provisions for ignoring readings from clocks whose skew is too great Compute a fault-tolerant average If master fails Any slave can take over
  • 35. Berkeley Algorithm: example 1. Request timestamps from all slaves 3:25 2:50 9:10 3:25 2:50 9:10 3:00
  • 36. Berkeley Algorithm: example 2. Compute fault-tolerant average: 3:25 2:50 9:10 3:25 2:50 9:10 3:00
  • 37. Berkeley Algorithm: example 3. Send offset to each client -0:20 +0:15 -6:05 +0.15 3:25 2:50 9:10 3:00
  • 38. Network Time Protocol, NTP 1991, 1992 Internet Standard, version 3: RFC 1305
  • 39. NTP Goals Enable clients across Internet to be accurately synchronized to UTC despite message delays Use statistical techniques to filter data and gauge quality of results Provide reliable service Survive lengthy losses of connectivity Redundant paths Redundant servers Enable clients to synchronize frequently offset effects of clock drift Provide protection against interference Authenticate source of data
  • 40. NTP servers Arranged in strata 1 st stratum: machines connected directly to accurate time source 2 nd stratum: machines synchronized from 1 st stratum machines … S YNCHRONIZATION S UBNET 1 2 3 4
  • 41. NTP Synchronization Modes Multicast mode for high speed LANS Lower accuracy but efficient Procedure call mode Similar to Cristian’s algorithm Symmetric mode Intended for master servers Pair of servers exchange messages and retain data to improve synchronization over time All messages delivered unreliably with UDP
  • 42. NTP messages Procedure call and symmetric mode Messages exchanged in pairs NTP calculates: Offset for each pair of messages Estimate of offset between two clocks Delay Transmit time between two messages Filter Dispersion Estimate of error – quality of results Based on accuracy of server’s clock and consistency of network transit time Use this data to find preferred server: lower stratum & lowest total dispersion
  • 43. NTP message structure Leap second indicator Last minute has 59, 60, 61 seconds Version number Mode (symmetric, unicast, broadcast) Stratum (1=primary reference, 2-15) Poll interval Maximum interval between 2 successive messages, nearest power of 2 Precision of local clock Nearest power of 2
  • 44. NTP message structure Root delay Total roundtrip delay to primary source (16 bits seconds, 16 bits decimal) Root dispersion Nominal error relative to primary source Reference clock ID Atomic, NIST dial-up, radio, LORAN-C navigation system, GOES, GPS, … Reference timestamp Time at which clock was last set (64 bit) Authenticator (key ID, digest) Signature (ignored in SNTP)
  • 45. NTP message structure T 1 : originate timestamp Time request departed client (client’s time) T 2 : receive timestamp Time request arrived at server (server’s time) T 3 : transmit timestamp Time request left server (server’s time)
  • 46. NTP’s validation tests Timestamp provided ≠ last timestamp received duplicate message? Originating timestamp in message consistent with sent data Messages arriving in order? Timestamp within range? Originating and received timestamps ≠ 0? Authentication disabled? Else authenticate Peer clock is synchronized? Don’t sync with clock of higher stratum # Reasonable data for delay & dispersion
  • 47. SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol Based on Unicast mode of NTP Subset of NTP, not new protocol Operates in multicast or procedure call mode Recommended for environments where server is root node and client is leaf of synchronization subnet Root delay, root dispersion, reference timestamp ignored RFC 2030, October 1996
  • 48. SNTP Roundtrip delay: d = (T 4 -T 1 ) - (T 2 -T 3 ) server client time request reply T 1 T 2 T 4 T 3 Time offset:
  • 49. SNTP example Offset = ((800 - 1100) + (850 - 1200))/2 =((-300) + (-350))/2 = -650/2 = -325 Set time to T 4 + t = 1200 - 325 = 875 server client time request reply T 1 =1100 T 2 =800 T 4 =1200 T 3 =850 Time offset:
  • 50. Cristian’s algorithm Offset = (1200 - 1100)/2 = 50 Set time to T s + offset = 825 + 50 = 875 server client time request reply T 1 =1100 T 2 =800 T 4 =1200 T 3 =850 T s =825
  • 51. Key Points: Physical Clocks Cristian’s algorithm & SNTP Set clock from server But account for network delays Error: uncertainty due to network/processor latency: errors are additive ±10 msec and ±20 msec = ±30 msec. Adjust for local clock skew Linear compensating function