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Consumer Choices
              Selecting clothes for toddlers, ages 1 to 3

                    Toddlers learn to talk, walk, and develop self-            child may not be the right size for that
                    awareness between the ages of one and three.               clothing when the season arrives.
Toddlers need       Clothing helps please the important people in a            • A large, varied wardrobe is not important
clothes that will   toddler’s life, and dressing is a skill to conquer.        to a toddler. Having just a few items and
                                                                               buying as size needs change will help keep
keep up with
                    How toddlers look                                          clothing costs down.
them in their
active lives.                                                                How toddlers think and feel
                    As toddlers grow, their body proportions change.
                    The body grows comparatively more to fit the
                    head, but the body remains broad compared to             Developing self-awareness
                    its length. The shoulders are narrow and                 As a toddler, your child will begin to recognize
                    sloping; hands and feet grow fast. A child may           himself or herself in the mirror or in photo-
                    gain about 10 pounds and grow 9 inches taller            graphs. He or she is developing self-awareness
                    during the two-year period. Girls may be                 —becoming a separate person from you. When
                    slightly shorter and weigh less than boys.               toddlers approach their second birthday they
                                                                             will use their own name to talk about them-
                    Remember the toddler’s physique when                     selves. At about age three they start using
                    choosing clothing:                                       pronouns to refer to themselves.
                      • The neck is still short. Look for rib knit
                      necklines or single-thickness collars that lie flat.   At this time your child also develops an
                      • The shoulders are sloping. Shoulder                  interest in clothing. Your toddler learns that
                      straps will fall down unless crossed in back           his or her appearance can cause people to
                      or anchored together.                                  respond in a certain way. Your toddler will
                      • Diapers are still worn. Pants need fullness          notice if you are pleased when he or she is
                      in the seat. Crotch openings make changing             dressed up for a birthday party or unhappy
                      easier.                                                about clothes getting dirty.
                      • Toilet training is beginning. Pull down
                      styles of pants with elastic waists will help
                                                                             Table 1. Growth features in clothing
                      both boys and girls learn to manage this
                      important task.
                                                                             • Fabrics that stretch
                      • The toddler is still crawling. Crotch
                      length of pants should be long enough not to
                                                                             • Two-piece outfits

                                                                             • Long tails on blouses and shirts
                    A toddler needs clothes that fit. Clothes that
                    are too big hinder movement and play.
                                                                             • Raglan, kimono, or set-in sleeves with
                    Clothes that are too big also can become
                                                                             deep-cut armholes
                    caught on play equipment and lead to injury.
                    Table 1 shows growth features you can look
                                                                             • Adjustable shoulder straps
                    for in clothing.

                                                                             • Garments without waistlines
                    Also remember these tips.
                     • Don’t plan to save money by buying
                                                                             • Cuff elastic that doesn’t bind
                     clothing on sale for the next season. Your

                                                                                                      PM1105 Revised July 2003
provide everything needed to take care of the
Dealing with fears
Toddlers may develop fears and will need           problems, such as clean underwear, clothing,
your help to understand and dissolve them.         and washcloths. For more information on toilet
They may be afraid of certain people, noises       learning, refer to 1 2 3 Grow (Pm-1071).
such as thunder, lightening, strange places, the
dark, animals, or taking a bath. Toddlers are      Your toddler will feel great satisfaction in the
not all alike, and they may or may not experi-     ability to undress and dress. The first step of
ence these common fears. But the fears they        undressing often is removing shoes, socks,
experience are real to them.                       hats, coats, and mittens. By beginning the pro-
                                                   cess, your toddler is showing independence.
You can help make your child feel secure.
Physical security grows when warm, dry, well-      Don’t be surprised when, at about age two,
fitting clothing and personal care are provided.   your toddler undresses completely. Children
A favorite blanket or T-shirt may help the         like appearing nude and might express
child develop emotional security.                  independence this way when you least expect
                                                   it. But remember that undressing/dressing is a
                                                   skill that will take a while to perfect.
Showing strong reactions
One- and two-year-olds often begin to express
                                                   What toddlers can do
strong emotional reactions—either positive or
negative—to events, objects, or decisions. For
example, a child might have a temper tantrum       Undressing/dressing
if told to wear a particular outfit.               Your toddler gradually will become more
                                                   cooperative during dressing and learn to
Remember that each child is different and may      extend legs and arms to help put on coats and
require different handling during such tan-        pants. Between 19 and 24 months of age, your
trums. One method is to ignore the tantrums        child will be quite cooperative.
because your child will outgrow them in time.
Other methods are discussed in the Iowa State      At age two, he or she usually will be able to
University Extension 1 2 3 Grow (Pm-1071)          pull on simple clothing. During the next year,
newsletter series. (The series is available by     toddlers become fairly skilled dressers, asking
subscription. Ask for it at your county ISU        for occasional help. But, this ability to dress does
Extension office.)                                 not always mean your child will dress accurately
                                                   or want to do it all the time. Clothes may be put
                                                   on backwards and shoes on the wrong feet.
Showing independence
A toddler’s self-awareness is one of the first
signs of developing independence. His or her       While your child is learning to dress, use a
favorite word often is “no.” Fortunately, this     teamwork approach so he or she does not get
negative stage doesn’t last long. By the second    discouraged. Toddlers often want to carry out
birthday a toddler will be learning to talk, be    a task that may be impossible for them to
proud of personal accomplishments, and seek        complete. They should be able to save face and
approval for actions.                              have successful experiences.

Toddlers can express feelings and indepen-         You soon will learn the dressing tasks that
dence through clothing choices. You can            frustrate your child. But you can prevent some
provide two outfits that are suitable for the      of these situations. For example, if your child
weather and occasion and let your toddler          can’t take off overalls because of the buttons,
choose which to wear.                              unbutton the overalls first and then let your
                                                   child do the rest.
Your child may say “me do it.” As thinking
skills increase, toddlers show interest and        Shirts with expandable necks, pants with
ability in solving mental problems. Children       elastic waists, socks, underpants, and under-
need to learn to dress themselves. You can         shirts are clothes your child may find easy to
provide clothing that is easy to put on and take   put on. Large buttons, grippers, or zippers
off; such clothing will be helpful during toilet   with large tabs (not separating zippers) are
learning. Disposable pull-ups will promote a       easiest for small hands to manage.
child's independence and ease cleanup prob-
lems for both children and parents.                Another way to help make dressing easier for
                                                   your toddler is to lay clothes out in the order
During toilet learning, accidents will happen.     they are to be put on. Face each item in the
To help your child become independent,             direction that it will first be placed on the body.
A toddler may not be able to tell the back from        and get caught. Avoid safety pins as tempo-
the front. You can teach your child to remember        rary fasteners.
the “doggie” design goes in front, for example.
Or, you can mark clothing with a dot or X on           When shopping, keep an eye on your toddler
the back and teach your child where it goes.           at all times and never let toddlers wander near
                                                       an escalator.
Remember that children differ in their growth
patterns. Some may master an activity, such as         Clothes and fire safety
dressing, earlier or later than developmental          Since your toddler always is on the move,
charts indicate. A six-month range of differ-          consider how to protect him or her from fire.
ence in abilities is common.                           In today’s homes candles, playing with matches,
                                                       and lighted cigarettes can cause clothing fires.
                                                       Nearly all daytime clothes will burn easily if
In motion
Toddlers are always on the move. They are              ignited.
learning to coordinate their large muscles to
run, walk up stairs, jump, and climb. They also        Burns are among the most painful injuries.
are refining the use of their small muscles as         Moreover, burns involving clothing are
they build, grasp, and scribble.                       usually deeper than other burn injuries and
                                                       affect a larger area of skin surface.
Clothes must allow for movement and protect
knees, shins, and elbows from abrasions from           Children’s sleepwear (sizes 0-14) is governed by
falls. Choose pants or overalls that have extra        flammability standards of the U.S. Consumer
padding in the knee area. Long-sleeve shirts or        Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Recently
blouses (when possible) can protect elbows.            the standards were changed to allow non-flame-
                                                       resistant fibers and fabrics, such as cotton and
Check the size of your child’s clothing often.         blends, to be used in tight-fitting children's
Clothing that is too small or too large can restrict   sleepwear. The CPSC provided exact measure-
your child’s movement and be uncomfortable.            ments for each size in the standard. However,
                                                       children's sleepwear may not fit tight enough
                                                       and it is known that loose-fitting clothing is more
Toddlers are learning to talk and will imitate         likely to catch fire. The CPSC monitors burn
sounds. They understand directions quite well.         injury data and may reverse its decision about
The vocabulary range for ages one and two is           flame-resistant fibers if it finds that the fitting-
three to 900 words. Toddlers use two- to three-        based standard leads to more burn injuries in
word phrases. Their language finally may be            children.
understood by others outside your family.
                                                       Flame resistant fibers do not guarantee that
By teaching your child to name clothing items,         children will not be burned if their clothing
their colors, and the part of the body they are worn   catches fire, but flame resistant or flame
on, you help increase his or her vocabulary.           retardant fabrics do not catch fire as easily,
Your child can learn to follow directions as you       burn more slowly, and provide a margin of
give suggestions during dressing. For example,         safety—a little more time—to put out the fire
tell your child to put the head through the T-         before it surrounds the body, causing severe
shirt first, next place each arm in an armhole,        burn injury. For more information about the
and then pull the T-shirt down over the body.          children's sleepwear flammability standards
                                                       see: http://www.cpsc.gov.
The younger the child, the shorter the direc-
tion should be. Explain one step at a time.            Clothes that are considered fire hazards include:
                                                         • loose-fitting styles;
                                                         • full, loose sleeves, ties and sashes;
Toddlers don’t understand that they can be hurt          • ruffles; and
by things in their near environment. They still          • fuzzy, airy fabrics.
like to explore by putting things in their mouths.     Clothes that reduce chances of catching fire
Check clothing fasteners to be sure they can’t         include items that:
come off to get swallowed or cause choking.              • fit close to the body,
Clothes should fit close to the body so that             • have narrow sleeves with cuffs, and
they don’t interfere with a child’s movement             • are constructed of tightly woven or knitted
or cause him or her to trip and fall. Avoid              fabric.
drawstrings or long ties that can trail behind
When your toddler can understand simple                                            Toddlers love to imitate tasks their parents do
                            instructions, teach him or her what to do if                                       in the home. One favorite is imitating house-
                            clothes catch fire:                                                                work, beginning with dusting. Eventually,
                              • stop—don’t run!                                                                with some guidance, your child will be able to
                              • drop to the ground, and                                                        participate in tasks such as dusting, mopping,
                              • roll over and over to smother the fire.                                        sweeping, and putting away groceries. He or
                                                                                                               she may even attempt a kitchen activity a
                                                                                                               parent or sibling is doing. Guide your child by
                            Clothes for sun safety
                            Outdoor play is encouraged, but children                                           helping and giving him or her a chance to
                            should be dressed for sun safety when out-                                         work along with you.
                            doors—especially between the hours of 10 a.m.
                            and 4 p.m. when the sun's ultraviolet rays are                                     Practical play clothes include coveralls, slacks,
                            most dangerous. Too much sun exposure in                                           overalls, shirts, and knit tops. Coveralls look
                            childhood not only causes temporary uncom-                                         neat, but may be quickly outgrown. Shorts and
                            fortable sunburn, but also is associated with                                      sun suits are practical for warmer weather.
                            skin cancer in adulthood. The American
                            Cancer Society says there is no safe suntan and                                    Wear and tear
                            that any tanning is evidence of skin damage.                                       Toddlers live an active life and this can be very
                            Light-skinned children are particularly at risk                                    hard on their clothing. Clothes with the following
                            but skin cancer occurs in all races.                                               characteristics may be easier for you to care for:
                                                                                                                 • machine washable—to remove food spills
                            Parents can help their children by following                                         and soil easily;
                            the skin protection ABCs.                                                            • durable to withstand abrasion from
                            A = Apply sunscreen lotion SPF 15 or above                                           climbing, crawling, and laundering;
                                  ⁄2 hour before exposure and reapply                                            • jersey t-shirt knits that stretch for comfort;
                                 frequently;                                                                     • sweatshirt fleece for warmth and softness
                            B = Bask in the shade—just stay out of the sun;                                      in cool weather;
                                 and                                                                             • additional fabrics that need no ironing,
                            C = Cover up with clothes                                                            such as seersucker, corduroy, terry cloth,
                                                                                                                 quilted fabrics, and stone-washed denims;
                            Children in strollers often have their heads                                         • fabrics with printed patterns that show soil
                            shaded, but their bare legs and feet exposed—                                        less than plain-colored ones: and
                            they should be protected with sun-screen or                                          • smooth-textured nylon, polyester, or
                            clothing that covers their legs and feet.                                            cotton/polyester blend outerwear which tends
                                                                                                                 to be water repellent to resist rain or snow.
                            How toddlers play
                                                                                                               Clothing construction features that provide
                                                                                                               durability are:
                            Learning through play
                            Children play by exploring the world around                                          • seams sewn with small stitches, flat and
                            them. Toddlers take play very seriously and                                          pliable;
                            usually are fully absorbed in play. However,                                         • finished seam and hem edges;
                            they play alone or alongside other children,                                         • satin-stitch reinforcement at points of
                            not with them in an interactive way. They find                                       strain such as ends of zippers and pockets.
                            it hard to share things, but they like to watch
                            older children play.                                                               Above all, children want clothing that is
                                                                                                               comfortable and easy to get on and off. Select-
                            Your child will enjoy nesting toys, blocks,                                        ing a few clothes that are easy care and that
                            books, and crayons. Household items also will                                      will take hard wear will let your child enjoy
                            interest your child. Make sure any household                                       active play and become more independent.
                            items you give to your child are safe.

File: Family life 4         Prepared by Janis Stone, professor and extension specialist, textiles and clothing, and Laura Sternweis,
Textiles and clothing 9     extension communication specialist. Revised from a previous publication by Tabitha Aanonson, former
                            extension home economist; Barb Abbott, extension communication specialist; Rae Reilly, former extension
                            specialist, textiles and clothing; and Randy Weigel, former human development specialist.

                            . . . and justice for all                                                          Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC
                            The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its      20250-9410 or call 202-720-5964.
                            programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender,
                            religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or   Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June
             Printed on     family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Many materials    30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Stanley R.
           Recycled Paper   can be made available in alternative formats for ADA clients. To file a            Johnson, director, Cooperative Extension Service, Iowa State University of
                            complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W,       Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa.

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Clothes For Toddlers

  • 1. Consumer Choices Selecting clothes for toddlers, ages 1 to 3 Toddlers learn to talk, walk, and develop self- child may not be the right size for that awareness between the ages of one and three. clothing when the season arrives. Toddlers need Clothing helps please the important people in a • A large, varied wardrobe is not important clothes that will toddler’s life, and dressing is a skill to conquer. to a toddler. Having just a few items and buying as size needs change will help keep keep up with How toddlers look clothing costs down. them in their active lives. How toddlers think and feel As toddlers grow, their body proportions change. The body grows comparatively more to fit the head, but the body remains broad compared to Developing self-awareness its length. The shoulders are narrow and As a toddler, your child will begin to recognize sloping; hands and feet grow fast. A child may himself or herself in the mirror or in photo- gain about 10 pounds and grow 9 inches taller graphs. He or she is developing self-awareness during the two-year period. Girls may be —becoming a separate person from you. When slightly shorter and weigh less than boys. toddlers approach their second birthday they will use their own name to talk about them- Remember the toddler’s physique when selves. At about age three they start using choosing clothing: pronouns to refer to themselves. • The neck is still short. Look for rib knit necklines or single-thickness collars that lie flat. At this time your child also develops an • The shoulders are sloping. Shoulder interest in clothing. Your toddler learns that straps will fall down unless crossed in back his or her appearance can cause people to or anchored together. respond in a certain way. Your toddler will • Diapers are still worn. Pants need fullness notice if you are pleased when he or she is in the seat. Crotch openings make changing dressed up for a birthday party or unhappy easier. about clothes getting dirty. • Toilet training is beginning. Pull down styles of pants with elastic waists will help Table 1. Growth features in clothing both boys and girls learn to manage this important task. • Fabrics that stretch • The toddler is still crawling. Crotch length of pants should be long enough not to • Two-piece outfits bind. • Long tails on blouses and shirts A toddler needs clothes that fit. Clothes that are too big hinder movement and play. • Raglan, kimono, or set-in sleeves with Clothes that are too big also can become deep-cut armholes caught on play equipment and lead to injury. Table 1 shows growth features you can look • Adjustable shoulder straps for in clothing. • Garments without waistlines Also remember these tips. • Don’t plan to save money by buying • Cuff elastic that doesn’t bind clothing on sale for the next season. Your PM1105 Revised July 2003
  • 2. provide everything needed to take care of the Dealing with fears Toddlers may develop fears and will need problems, such as clean underwear, clothing, your help to understand and dissolve them. and washcloths. For more information on toilet They may be afraid of certain people, noises learning, refer to 1 2 3 Grow (Pm-1071). such as thunder, lightening, strange places, the dark, animals, or taking a bath. Toddlers are Your toddler will feel great satisfaction in the not all alike, and they may or may not experi- ability to undress and dress. The first step of ence these common fears. But the fears they undressing often is removing shoes, socks, experience are real to them. hats, coats, and mittens. By beginning the pro- cess, your toddler is showing independence. You can help make your child feel secure. Physical security grows when warm, dry, well- Don’t be surprised when, at about age two, fitting clothing and personal care are provided. your toddler undresses completely. Children A favorite blanket or T-shirt may help the like appearing nude and might express child develop emotional security. independence this way when you least expect it. But remember that undressing/dressing is a skill that will take a while to perfect. Showing strong reactions One- and two-year-olds often begin to express What toddlers can do strong emotional reactions—either positive or negative—to events, objects, or decisions. For example, a child might have a temper tantrum Undressing/dressing if told to wear a particular outfit. Your toddler gradually will become more cooperative during dressing and learn to Remember that each child is different and may extend legs and arms to help put on coats and require different handling during such tan- pants. Between 19 and 24 months of age, your trums. One method is to ignore the tantrums child will be quite cooperative. because your child will outgrow them in time. Other methods are discussed in the Iowa State At age two, he or she usually will be able to University Extension 1 2 3 Grow (Pm-1071) pull on simple clothing. During the next year, newsletter series. (The series is available by toddlers become fairly skilled dressers, asking subscription. Ask for it at your county ISU for occasional help. But, this ability to dress does Extension office.) not always mean your child will dress accurately or want to do it all the time. Clothes may be put on backwards and shoes on the wrong feet. Showing independence A toddler’s self-awareness is one of the first signs of developing independence. His or her While your child is learning to dress, use a favorite word often is “no.” Fortunately, this teamwork approach so he or she does not get negative stage doesn’t last long. By the second discouraged. Toddlers often want to carry out birthday a toddler will be learning to talk, be a task that may be impossible for them to proud of personal accomplishments, and seek complete. They should be able to save face and approval for actions. have successful experiences. Toddlers can express feelings and indepen- You soon will learn the dressing tasks that dence through clothing choices. You can frustrate your child. But you can prevent some provide two outfits that are suitable for the of these situations. For example, if your child weather and occasion and let your toddler can’t take off overalls because of the buttons, choose which to wear. unbutton the overalls first and then let your child do the rest. Your child may say “me do it.” As thinking skills increase, toddlers show interest and Shirts with expandable necks, pants with ability in solving mental problems. Children elastic waists, socks, underpants, and under- need to learn to dress themselves. You can shirts are clothes your child may find easy to provide clothing that is easy to put on and take put on. Large buttons, grippers, or zippers off; such clothing will be helpful during toilet with large tabs (not separating zippers) are learning. Disposable pull-ups will promote a easiest for small hands to manage. child's independence and ease cleanup prob- lems for both children and parents. Another way to help make dressing easier for your toddler is to lay clothes out in the order During toilet learning, accidents will happen. they are to be put on. Face each item in the To help your child become independent, direction that it will first be placed on the body.
  • 3. A toddler may not be able to tell the back from and get caught. Avoid safety pins as tempo- the front. You can teach your child to remember rary fasteners. the “doggie” design goes in front, for example. Or, you can mark clothing with a dot or X on When shopping, keep an eye on your toddler the back and teach your child where it goes. at all times and never let toddlers wander near an escalator. Remember that children differ in their growth patterns. Some may master an activity, such as Clothes and fire safety dressing, earlier or later than developmental Since your toddler always is on the move, charts indicate. A six-month range of differ- consider how to protect him or her from fire. ence in abilities is common. In today’s homes candles, playing with matches, and lighted cigarettes can cause clothing fires. Nearly all daytime clothes will burn easily if In motion Toddlers are always on the move. They are ignited. learning to coordinate their large muscles to run, walk up stairs, jump, and climb. They also Burns are among the most painful injuries. are refining the use of their small muscles as Moreover, burns involving clothing are they build, grasp, and scribble. usually deeper than other burn injuries and affect a larger area of skin surface. Clothes must allow for movement and protect knees, shins, and elbows from abrasions from Children’s sleepwear (sizes 0-14) is governed by falls. Choose pants or overalls that have extra flammability standards of the U.S. Consumer padding in the knee area. Long-sleeve shirts or Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Recently blouses (when possible) can protect elbows. the standards were changed to allow non-flame- resistant fibers and fabrics, such as cotton and Check the size of your child’s clothing often. blends, to be used in tight-fitting children's Clothing that is too small or too large can restrict sleepwear. The CPSC provided exact measure- your child’s movement and be uncomfortable. ments for each size in the standard. However, children's sleepwear may not fit tight enough and it is known that loose-fitting clothing is more Talking Toddlers are learning to talk and will imitate likely to catch fire. The CPSC monitors burn sounds. They understand directions quite well. injury data and may reverse its decision about The vocabulary range for ages one and two is flame-resistant fibers if it finds that the fitting- three to 900 words. Toddlers use two- to three- based standard leads to more burn injuries in word phrases. Their language finally may be children. understood by others outside your family. Flame resistant fibers do not guarantee that By teaching your child to name clothing items, children will not be burned if their clothing their colors, and the part of the body they are worn catches fire, but flame resistant or flame on, you help increase his or her vocabulary. retardant fabrics do not catch fire as easily, Your child can learn to follow directions as you burn more slowly, and provide a margin of give suggestions during dressing. For example, safety—a little more time—to put out the fire tell your child to put the head through the T- before it surrounds the body, causing severe shirt first, next place each arm in an armhole, burn injury. For more information about the and then pull the T-shirt down over the body. children's sleepwear flammability standards see: http://www.cpsc.gov. The younger the child, the shorter the direc- tion should be. Explain one step at a time. Clothes that are considered fire hazards include: • loose-fitting styles; • full, loose sleeves, ties and sashes; Safety Toddlers don’t understand that they can be hurt • ruffles; and by things in their near environment. They still • fuzzy, airy fabrics. like to explore by putting things in their mouths. Clothes that reduce chances of catching fire Check clothing fasteners to be sure they can’t include items that: come off to get swallowed or cause choking. • fit close to the body, Clothes should fit close to the body so that • have narrow sleeves with cuffs, and they don’t interfere with a child’s movement • are constructed of tightly woven or knitted or cause him or her to trip and fall. Avoid fabric. drawstrings or long ties that can trail behind
  • 4. When your toddler can understand simple Toddlers love to imitate tasks their parents do instructions, teach him or her what to do if in the home. One favorite is imitating house- clothes catch fire: work, beginning with dusting. Eventually, • stop—don’t run! with some guidance, your child will be able to • drop to the ground, and participate in tasks such as dusting, mopping, • roll over and over to smother the fire. sweeping, and putting away groceries. He or she may even attempt a kitchen activity a parent or sibling is doing. Guide your child by Clothes for sun safety Outdoor play is encouraged, but children helping and giving him or her a chance to should be dressed for sun safety when out- work along with you. doors—especially between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when the sun's ultraviolet rays are Practical play clothes include coveralls, slacks, most dangerous. Too much sun exposure in overalls, shirts, and knit tops. Coveralls look childhood not only causes temporary uncom- neat, but may be quickly outgrown. Shorts and fortable sunburn, but also is associated with sun suits are practical for warmer weather. skin cancer in adulthood. The American Cancer Society says there is no safe suntan and Wear and tear that any tanning is evidence of skin damage. Toddlers live an active life and this can be very Light-skinned children are particularly at risk hard on their clothing. Clothes with the following but skin cancer occurs in all races. characteristics may be easier for you to care for: • machine washable—to remove food spills Parents can help their children by following and soil easily; the skin protection ABCs. • durable to withstand abrasion from A = Apply sunscreen lotion SPF 15 or above climbing, crawling, and laundering; 1 ⁄2 hour before exposure and reapply • jersey t-shirt knits that stretch for comfort; frequently; • sweatshirt fleece for warmth and softness B = Bask in the shade—just stay out of the sun; in cool weather; and • additional fabrics that need no ironing, C = Cover up with clothes such as seersucker, corduroy, terry cloth, quilted fabrics, and stone-washed denims; Children in strollers often have their heads • fabrics with printed patterns that show soil shaded, but their bare legs and feet exposed— less than plain-colored ones: and they should be protected with sun-screen or • smooth-textured nylon, polyester, or clothing that covers their legs and feet. cotton/polyester blend outerwear which tends to be water repellent to resist rain or snow. How toddlers play Clothing construction features that provide durability are: Learning through play Children play by exploring the world around • seams sewn with small stitches, flat and them. Toddlers take play very seriously and pliable; usually are fully absorbed in play. However, • finished seam and hem edges; they play alone or alongside other children, • satin-stitch reinforcement at points of not with them in an interactive way. They find strain such as ends of zippers and pockets. it hard to share things, but they like to watch older children play. Above all, children want clothing that is comfortable and easy to get on and off. Select- Your child will enjoy nesting toys, blocks, ing a few clothes that are easy care and that books, and crayons. Household items also will will take hard wear will let your child enjoy interest your child. Make sure any household active play and become more independent. items you give to your child are safe. File: Family life 4 Prepared by Janis Stone, professor and extension specialist, textiles and clothing, and Laura Sternweis, Textiles and clothing 9 extension communication specialist. Revised from a previous publication by Tabitha Aanonson, former extension home economist; Barb Abbott, extension communication specialist; Rae Reilly, former extension specialist, textiles and clothing; and Randy Weigel, former human development specialist. . . . and justice for all Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its 20250-9410 or call 202-720-5964. programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June Printed on family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Many materials 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Stanley R. Recycled Paper can be made available in alternative formats for ADA clients. To file a Johnson, director, Cooperative Extension Service, Iowa State University of complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa.