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Citrix CloudPlatform
Powered by Apache CloudStack

June 2012

Customer References – For Sales Presentations
Hokkaido University
• Build a cost-effective, private cloud to enable university researchers
  unlimited access to academic IT resources
• Improve IT utilization
• Reduce cost and control power consumption                            “Through the collaboration
Solution                                                              with Hitachi, Ltd. We chose
                                                                       Cloudstack because of its
• Citrix CloudPlatform and Citrix XenServer hypervisor
                                                                       open source structure and
Results & Benefits                                                    innovation, in addition to its
• Reduced operational cost and power consumption per server by up to
                                                                     ability to deliver the capability
  20 percent                                                             to build and deploy this
                                                                     compute cloud, the first of its
• Provided a more agile environment for consuming IT resources
                                                                              kind in Japan.”
• Equipped faculty members a cost-effective, secure, ways to share,
                                                                           -Dr. Masaharu Munetomo, Associate
  collaborate and store academic data
                                                                                Professor, Hokkaido University

  © 2012 Citrix | Confidential – Do Not Distribute
Korea Telecom
• Provide clients with high-performance, easily scale technology at a
  fraction of the cost
• Find a partner who can help to ensure enterprises are able to make the
  most efficient IT investment using KT ucloud product
                                                                           “Cloudstack’s flexible yet
• Acquired a solution that can integrate with existing infrastructure       performance-enhancing
                                                                         architecture allows ucloud to
Solution                                                                  deliver stability, security and
• Citrix CloudPlatform, Citrix XenServer                                   convenience that make it
                                                                           more agile and usable at a
Results & Benefits                                                       price that is 40 percent lower
• Achieved performance-proven, cost effective platform that is 40% lower than Amazon Web Services.”
  than Amazon Web Services
                                                                           - JS Suh, senior vice president of KT
• Decreased time-to-market with a production-ready system that
  differentiate itself by tailoring solution to their customer’s needs
• Minimized overhead integration costs and complex deployment
  © 2012 Citrix | Confidential – Do Not Distribute
Tata Communications
• Acquire a cloud solution that can easily integrated into existing
  infrastructures technologies, Dell and Zoura.
• Find a partner who can help to roll out an ambitious and innovative
  offering, InstaCompute
                                                                                    “Tata Communications
• Decrease time to market                                                          chose Citrix Cloudstack
Solution                                                                         because of its ability to get
                                                                                the organizations to market
• Citrix CloudPlatform, XenServer
                                                                                  with highly scalable and
Results & Benefits                                                               reliable cloud platform that
• Accelerated go-to-market launch, from production to market in less than         enables it to address the
  nine months                                                                        growing demand for
• Provided an affordable cost that meet the price sensitive market in India     affordable and global cloud
• Build a highly reliable and secure cloud service, InstaCompute that                computing services.”
  allows IT managers to maintain control and flexibility to differentiate and         - Mara McMahon, Director of Product
                                                                                       Management, Tata Communications
  tailor solutions to their customers needs
  © 2012 Citrix | Confidential – Do Not Distribute
1-800-Hosting, Instance Cloud
• Increase business agility to enhance competitiveness
• Built a cloud offering that provided customers with an easy-to-use,    “The cost savings CloudStack
  easy-to-build, reliable and flexible platform                           delivers are realized on day
• Stringent time-to-market                                               one, as we are able to ensure
Solution                                                                    extreme cost savings are
                                                                           delivered to our customers
• Citrix CloudPlatform
                                                                        without compromising reliability
Results & Benefits                                                           or performance,” stated
• CloudPlatform integrated solution makes it easy to build, deploy       Cunningham. “CloudStack has
  and manage multi-tier and multi-tenant cloud services                  enabled us to deliver a highly
• CloudPlatform centralized management helps reduce time spent          available, highly flexible solution
  on server deployments and troubleshooting hardware issues and         at a fraction of the cost it would
  overall costs                                                            have been with other cloud
• CloudPlatform platform allows 1-800-Hosting customers with                       companies.”
  diverse options of supported systems (multiple hypervisors and                - John Cunningham, CEO, 1-800-Hosting
  OS),high level of redundancy and high availability
  © 2012 Citrix | Confidential – Do Not Distribute
• Find a partner who can help with evolving business needs and growing
  customer demands                                                                 “Citrix completely
• Acquire a solution that can provide a clean user interface to their          understands the needs of
  customers and the backend technologies, such as billing and metering        service providers,” We can
• Minimize operational costs and accelerate time-to-market                     give our customers what
Solution                                                                           they need without
• Citrix CloudPlatform, XenServer
                                                                              compromising what we as
                                                                                  a company need to
Results & Benefits                                                               succeed. CloudStack
• Provided real-time visibility and reporting capabilities within the cloud       provides us with the
  environment to ensure compliance, security, billing and chargebacks         visibility to ensure security
• Decreased time-to-market and provided the company with a clear               efforts are being met and
  product roadmap to ensure its future needs would be met                          billing is efficient.”
• Gained an easy-to-use user interface for customer self-service                 - Brian Patrick Donaghy, CEO, Appcore
  administration that have resulted in freeing IT resources for more
  business-critical needs
  © 2012 Citrix | Confidential – Do Not Distribute
Pathway Communications
• Select a cost-effective technology that can deliver scalability and flexibility
  to its customers                                                                   “CloudStack’s ability to
• Integrate with existing infrastructure technologies                              integrate into our exisiting
• Decrease costs and accelerate time-to-market                                    enviroment was a huge plus
                                                                               for us in terms of decreasing
Solution                                                                             time-to-market and
• Citrix CloudPlatform                                                             improving overall cost
Results & Benefits                                                               savings. By enabling us to
• Enjoyed considerable cost savings by consolidating its internet and           manage all of our layers on
  managed services infrastructure into a separate, but unified, high-           one platform, we have been
  availability management platform                                                able to save on manual
• Reduced manual effort and costs: e.g. deployment of servers and SAN             effort and costs, like the
  storage                                                                       deployment of servers and
• Decreased in provisioning time from days to minutes                                   SAN storage”
• Provided clients with more granular choices for infrastructure control         - Ashok Kalle, CEO and Founder of Pathway
  based on the CloudPlatform Management Interface
  © 2012 Citrix | Confidential – Do Not Distribute

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Cloud platform customer references

  • 1. Citrix CloudPlatform Powered by Apache CloudStack June 2012 Customer References – For Sales Presentations
  • 2. Hokkaido University Challenge • Build a cost-effective, private cloud to enable university researchers unlimited access to academic IT resources • Improve IT utilization • Reduce cost and control power consumption “Through the collaboration Solution with Hitachi, Ltd. We chose Cloudstack because of its • Citrix CloudPlatform and Citrix XenServer hypervisor open source structure and Results & Benefits innovation, in addition to its • Reduced operational cost and power consumption per server by up to ability to deliver the capability 20 percent to build and deploy this compute cloud, the first of its • Provided a more agile environment for consuming IT resources kind in Japan.” • Equipped faculty members a cost-effective, secure, ways to share, -Dr. Masaharu Munetomo, Associate collaborate and store academic data Professor, Hokkaido University © 2012 Citrix | Confidential – Do Not Distribute
  • 3. Korea Telecom Challenge • Provide clients with high-performance, easily scale technology at a fraction of the cost • Find a partner who can help to ensure enterprises are able to make the most efficient IT investment using KT ucloud product “Cloudstack’s flexible yet • Acquired a solution that can integrate with existing infrastructure performance-enhancing technologies architecture allows ucloud to Solution deliver stability, security and • Citrix CloudPlatform, Citrix XenServer convenience that make it more agile and usable at a Results & Benefits price that is 40 percent lower • Achieved performance-proven, cost effective platform that is 40% lower than Amazon Web Services.” than Amazon Web Services - JS Suh, senior vice president of KT • Decreased time-to-market with a production-ready system that differentiate itself by tailoring solution to their customer’s needs • Minimized overhead integration costs and complex deployment schedules © 2012 Citrix | Confidential – Do Not Distribute
  • 4. Tata Communications Challenge • Acquire a cloud solution that can easily integrated into existing infrastructures technologies, Dell and Zoura. • Find a partner who can help to roll out an ambitious and innovative offering, InstaCompute “Tata Communications • Decrease time to market chose Citrix Cloudstack Solution because of its ability to get the organizations to market • Citrix CloudPlatform, XenServer with highly scalable and Results & Benefits reliable cloud platform that • Accelerated go-to-market launch, from production to market in less than enables it to address the nine months growing demand for • Provided an affordable cost that meet the price sensitive market in India affordable and global cloud • Build a highly reliable and secure cloud service, InstaCompute that computing services.” allows IT managers to maintain control and flexibility to differentiate and - Mara McMahon, Director of Product Management, Tata Communications tailor solutions to their customers needs © 2012 Citrix | Confidential – Do Not Distribute
  • 5. 1-800-Hosting, Instance Cloud Challenge • Increase business agility to enhance competitiveness • Built a cloud offering that provided customers with an easy-to-use, “The cost savings CloudStack easy-to-build, reliable and flexible platform delivers are realized on day • Stringent time-to-market one, as we are able to ensure Solution extreme cost savings are delivered to our customers • Citrix CloudPlatform without compromising reliability Results & Benefits or performance,” stated • CloudPlatform integrated solution makes it easy to build, deploy Cunningham. “CloudStack has and manage multi-tier and multi-tenant cloud services enabled us to deliver a highly • CloudPlatform centralized management helps reduce time spent available, highly flexible solution on server deployments and troubleshooting hardware issues and at a fraction of the cost it would overall costs have been with other cloud • CloudPlatform platform allows 1-800-Hosting customers with companies.” diverse options of supported systems (multiple hypervisors and - John Cunningham, CEO, 1-800-Hosting OS),high level of redundancy and high availability © 2012 Citrix | Confidential – Do Not Distribute
  • 6. Appcore Challenge • Find a partner who can help with evolving business needs and growing customer demands “Citrix completely • Acquire a solution that can provide a clean user interface to their understands the needs of customers and the backend technologies, such as billing and metering service providers,” We can • Minimize operational costs and accelerate time-to-market give our customers what Solution they need without • Citrix CloudPlatform, XenServer compromising what we as a company need to Results & Benefits succeed. CloudStack • Provided real-time visibility and reporting capabilities within the cloud provides us with the environment to ensure compliance, security, billing and chargebacks visibility to ensure security • Decreased time-to-market and provided the company with a clear efforts are being met and product roadmap to ensure its future needs would be met billing is efficient.” • Gained an easy-to-use user interface for customer self-service - Brian Patrick Donaghy, CEO, Appcore administration that have resulted in freeing IT resources for more business-critical needs © 2012 Citrix | Confidential – Do Not Distribute
  • 7. Pathway Communications Challenge • Select a cost-effective technology that can deliver scalability and flexibility to its customers “CloudStack’s ability to • Integrate with existing infrastructure technologies integrate into our exisiting • Decrease costs and accelerate time-to-market enviroment was a huge plus for us in terms of decreasing Solution time-to-market and • Citrix CloudPlatform improving overall cost Results & Benefits savings. By enabling us to • Enjoyed considerable cost savings by consolidating its internet and manage all of our layers on managed services infrastructure into a separate, but unified, high- one platform, we have been availability management platform able to save on manual • Reduced manual effort and costs: e.g. deployment of servers and SAN effort and costs, like the storage deployment of servers and • Decreased in provisioning time from days to minutes SAN storage” • Provided clients with more granular choices for infrastructure control - Ashok Kalle, CEO and Founder of Pathway Communications based on the CloudPlatform Management Interface © 2012 Citrix | Confidential – Do Not Distribute

Editor's Notes

  1. Customer quotes predate the name change to Citrix CloudPlatform and instead talk about the commercial Citrix CloudStack product.