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CNIT 127: Exploit Development

Ch 1: Before you begin
Updated 1-21-18


Basic Concepts


• A flaw in a system that allows an attacker
to do something the designer did not
intend, such as
– Denial of service (loss of availability)
– Elevating privileges (e.g. user to
– Remote Code Execution (typically a remote


• Exploit (v.)
– To take advantage of a vulnerability and
cause a result the designer did not intend
• Exploit (n.)
– The code that is used to take advantage of a
– Also called a Proof of Concept (PoC)


0Day and Fuzzer
• 0Day
– An exploit that has not been publicly
– Sometimes used to refer to the vulnerability
• Fuzzer
– A tool that sends a large range of unexpected
input values to a system
– The purpose is to find bugs which could later
be exploited


Memory Management
• Specifically for Intel 32-bit architecture
• Most exploits we'll use involve
overwriting or overflowing one portion of
memory into another
• Understanding memory management is
therefore crucial


Instructions and Data
• There is no intrinsic difference between
data and executable instructions
– Although there are some defenses like Data
Execution Prevention
• They are both just a series of bytes
• This ambiguity makes system exploitation


Program Address Space
• Created when a program is run, including
– Actual program instructions
– Required data
• Three types of segments
– .text contains program instructions (read-
– .data contains static initialized global
variables (writable)
– .bss contains uninitialized global variables


• Last In First Out (LIFO)
• Most recently pushed data is the first popped
• Ideal for storing transitory information
– Local variables
– Information relating to function calls
– Other information used to clean up the stack
after a function is called
• Grows down
– As more data is added, it uses lower address


• Holds dynamic variables
• Roughly First In First Out (FIFO)
• Grows up in address space


Program Layout in RAM
• From link Ch 1a (.bss = Block Started by Symbols)


CNIT 127 Ch 1: Before you Begin




Assembly Language
• Different versions for each type of
• x86 – 32-bit Intel (most common)
• x64 – 64-bit Intel
• SPARC, PowerPC, MIPS, ARM – others
• Windows runs on x86 or x64
• x64 machines can run x86 programs
• Most malware is designed for x86


• Mnemonic followed by operands
• mov ecx 0x42
– Move into Extended C register the value 42
• mov ecx is 0xB9 in hexadecimal
• The value 42 is 0x42000000
• In binary this instruction is
• 0xB942000000


• Big-Endian
– Most significant byte first
– 0x42 as a 64-bit value would be 0x00000042
• Little-Endian
– Least significant byte first
– 0x42 as a 64-bit value would be 0x42000000
• Network data uses big-endian
• x86 programs use little-endian


IP Addresses
•, or in hex, 7F 00 00 01
• Sent over the network as 0x7F000001
• Stored in RAM as 0x0100007F


• Immediate
– Fixed values like 0x42
• Register
– eax, ebx, ecx, and so on
• Memory address
– Denoted with brackets, like [eax]




• General registers
– Used by the CPU during execution
• Segment registers
– Used to track sections of memory
• Status flags
– Used to make decisions
• Instruction pointer
– Address of next instruction to execute


Size of Registers
• General registers are all 32 bits in size
– Can be referenced as either 32bits (edx) or 16
bits (dx)
• Four registers (eax, ebx, ecx, edx) can
also be referenced as 8-bit values
– AL is lowest 8 bits
– AH is higher 8 bits


CNIT 127 Ch 1: Before you Begin


General Registers
• Typically store data or memory addresses
• Normally interchangeable
• Some instructions reference specific
– Multiplication and division use EAX and EDX
• Conventions
– Compilers use registers in consistent ways
– EAX contains the return value for function


• EFLAGS is a status register
• 32 bits in size
• Each bit is a flag
• SET (1) or Cleared (0)


Important Flags
• ZF Zero flag
– Set when the result of an operation is zero
• CF Carry flag
– Set when result is too large or small for
• SF Sign Flag
– Set when result is negative, or when most
significant bit is set after arithmetic
• TF Trap Flag
– Used for debugging—if set, processor executes
only one instruction at a time


EIP (Extended Instruction Pointer)
• Contains the memory address of the next
instruction to be executed
• If EIP contains wrong data, the CPU will
fetch non-legitimate instructions and
• Buffer overflows target EIP


CNIT 127 Ch 1: Before you Begin


Simple Instructions


Simple Instructions
• mov destination, source
– Moves data from one location to another
• Intel format is favored by Windows
developers, with destination first


Simple Instructions
• Remember indirect addressing
– [ebx] means the memory location pointed to
by EBX


CNIT 127 Ch 1: Before you Begin


lea (Load Effective Address)
• lea destination, source
• lea eax, [ebx+8]
– Puts ebx + 8 into eax
• Compare
– mov eax, [ebx+8]
– Moves the data at location ebx+8 into eax


CNIT 127 Ch 1: Before you Begin


• sub Subtracts
• add Adds
• inc Increments
• dec Decrements
• mul Multiplies
• div Divides


• Does nothing
• 0x90
• Commonly used as a NOP Sled
• Allows attackers to run code even if they
are imprecise about jumping to it


The Stack
• Memory for functions, local variables, and
flow control
• Last in, First out
• ESP (Extended Stack Pointer) – top of stack
• EBP (Extended Base Pointer) – bottom of
• PUSH puts data on the stack
• POP takes data off the stack


Other Stack Instructions
• All used with functions
– Call
– Leave
– Enter
– Ret


Function Calls
• Small programs that do one thing and
return, like printf()
• Prologue
– Instructions at the start of a function that
prepare stack and registers for the function
to use
• Epilogue
– Instructions at the end of a function that
restore the stack and registers to their state
before the function was called


CNIT 127 Ch 1: Before you Begin


CNIT 127 Ch 1: Before you Begin


• test
– Compares two values the way AND does, but
does not alter them
– test eax, eax
• Sets Zero Flag if eax is zero
• cmp eax, ebx
– Sets Zero Flag if the arguments are equal


• jz loc
– Jump to loc if the Zero Flag is set
• jnz loc
– Jump to loc if the Zero Flag is cleared


C Main Method
• Every C program has a main() function
• int main(int argc, char** argv)
– argc contains the number of arguments on
the command line
– argv is a pointer to an array of names
containing the arguments


• cp foo bar
• argc = 3
• argv[0] = cp
• argv[1] = foo
• argv[2] = bar


Recognizing C Constructs in


int number;
number dw 0
mov eax, number
inc eax
mov number, eax
•dw: Define Word


int number;
if (number<0)
number dw 0
mov eax, number
or eax, eax
jge label
label :
•or compares numbers,
like test (link Ch 1b)


int array[4];
array dw 0,0,0,0
mov ebx, 2
mov array[ebx], 9


int triangle (int
width, int height)
int array[5] =
int area
area = width *
return (area);


CNIT 127 Ch 1: Before you Begin

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CNIT 127 Ch 1: Before you Begin

  • 1. CNIT 127: Exploit Development
 Ch 1: Before you begin Updated 1-21-18
  • 3. Vulnerability • A flaw in a system that allows an attacker to do something the designer did not intend, such as – Denial of service (loss of availability) – Elevating privileges (e.g. user to Administrator) – Remote Code Execution (typically a remote shell)
  • 4. Exploit • Exploit (v.) – To take advantage of a vulnerability and cause a result the designer did not intend • Exploit (n.) – The code that is used to take advantage of a vulnerability – Also called a Proof of Concept (PoC)
  • 5. 0Day and Fuzzer • 0Day – An exploit that has not been publicly disclosed – Sometimes used to refer to the vulnerability itself • Fuzzer – A tool that sends a large range of unexpected input values to a system – The purpose is to find bugs which could later be exploited
  • 6. Memory Management • Specifically for Intel 32-bit architecture • Most exploits we'll use involve overwriting or overflowing one portion of memory into another • Understanding memory management is therefore crucial
  • 7. Instructions and Data • There is no intrinsic difference between data and executable instructions – Although there are some defenses like Data Execution Prevention • They are both just a series of bytes • This ambiguity makes system exploitation possible
  • 8. Program Address Space • Created when a program is run, including – Actual program instructions – Required data • Three types of segments – .text contains program instructions (read- only) – .data contains static initialized global variables (writable) – .bss contains uninitialized global variables (writable)
  • 9. Stack • Last In First Out (LIFO) • Most recently pushed data is the first popped • Ideal for storing transitory information – Local variables – Information relating to function calls – Other information used to clean up the stack after a function is called • Grows down – As more data is added, it uses lower address values
  • 10. Heap • Holds dynamic variables • Roughly First In First Out (FIFO) • Grows up in address space
  • 11. Program Layout in RAM • From link Ch 1a (.bss = Block Started by Symbols)
  • 14. Assembly Language • Different versions for each type of processor • x86 – 32-bit Intel (most common) • x64 – 64-bit Intel • SPARC, PowerPC, MIPS, ARM – others • Windows runs on x86 or x64 • x64 machines can run x86 programs • Most malware is designed for x86
  • 15. Instructions • Mnemonic followed by operands • mov ecx 0x42 – Move into Extended C register the value 42 (hex) • mov ecx is 0xB9 in hexadecimal • The value 42 is 0x42000000 • In binary this instruction is • 0xB942000000
  • 16. Endianness • Big-Endian – Most significant byte first – 0x42 as a 64-bit value would be 0x00000042 • Little-Endian – Least significant byte first – 0x42 as a 64-bit value would be 0x42000000 • Network data uses big-endian • x86 programs use little-endian
  • 17. IP Addresses •, or in hex, 7F 00 00 01 • Sent over the network as 0x7F000001 • Stored in RAM as 0x0100007F
  • 18. Operands • Immediate – Fixed values like 0x42 • Register – eax, ebx, ecx, and so on • Memory address – Denoted with brackets, like [eax]
  • 20. Registers • General registers – Used by the CPU during execution • Segment registers – Used to track sections of memory • Status flags – Used to make decisions • Instruction pointer – Address of next instruction to execute
  • 21. Size of Registers • General registers are all 32 bits in size – Can be referenced as either 32bits (edx) or 16 bits (dx) • Four registers (eax, ebx, ecx, edx) can also be referenced as 8-bit values – AL is lowest 8 bits – AH is higher 8 bits
  • 23. General Registers • Typically store data or memory addresses • Normally interchangeable • Some instructions reference specific registers – Multiplication and division use EAX and EDX • Conventions – Compilers use registers in consistent ways – EAX contains the return value for function calls
  • 24. Flags • EFLAGS is a status register • 32 bits in size • Each bit is a flag • SET (1) or Cleared (0)
  • 25. Important Flags • ZF Zero flag – Set when the result of an operation is zero • CF Carry flag – Set when result is too large or small for destination • SF Sign Flag – Set when result is negative, or when most significant bit is set after arithmetic • TF Trap Flag – Used for debugging—if set, processor executes only one instruction at a time
  • 26. EIP (Extended Instruction Pointer) • Contains the memory address of the next instruction to be executed • If EIP contains wrong data, the CPU will fetch non-legitimate instructions and crash • Buffer overflows target EIP
  • 29. Simple Instructions • mov destination, source – Moves data from one location to another • Intel format is favored by Windows developers, with destination first
  • 30. Simple Instructions • Remember indirect addressing – [ebx] means the memory location pointed to by EBX
  • 32. lea (Load Effective Address) • lea destination, source • lea eax, [ebx+8] – Puts ebx + 8 into eax • Compare – mov eax, [ebx+8] – Moves the data at location ebx+8 into eax
  • 34. Arithmetic • sub Subtracts • add Adds • inc Increments • dec Decrements • mul Multiplies • div Divides
  • 35. NOP • Does nothing • 0x90 • Commonly used as a NOP Sled • Allows attackers to run code even if they are imprecise about jumping to it
  • 36. The Stack • Memory for functions, local variables, and flow control • Last in, First out • ESP (Extended Stack Pointer) – top of stack • EBP (Extended Base Pointer) – bottom of stack • PUSH puts data on the stack • POP takes data off the stack
  • 37. Other Stack Instructions • All used with functions – Call – Leave – Enter – Ret
  • 38. Function Calls • Small programs that do one thing and return, like printf() • Prologue – Instructions at the start of a function that prepare stack and registers for the function to use • Epilogue – Instructions at the end of a function that restore the stack and registers to their state before the function was called
  • 41. Conditionals • test – Compares two values the way AND does, but does not alter them – test eax, eax • Sets Zero Flag if eax is zero • cmp eax, ebx – Sets Zero Flag if the arguments are equal
  • 42. Branching • jz loc – Jump to loc if the Zero Flag is set • jnz loc – Jump to loc if the Zero Flag is cleared
  • 43. C Main Method • Every C program has a main() function • int main(int argc, char** argv) – argc contains the number of arguments on the command line – argv is a pointer to an array of names containing the arguments
  • 44. Example • cp foo bar • argc = 3 • argv[0] = cp • argv[1] = foo • argv[2] = bar
  • 46. Incrementing C int number; ... number++; Assembler number dw 0 ... mov eax, number inc eax mov number, eax •dw: Define Word
  • 47. If C int number; if (number<0) { ... } Assembler number dw 0 mov eax, number or eax, eax jge label ... label : •or compares numbers, like test (link Ch 1b)
  • 48. Array C int array[4]; ... array[2]=9; Assembler array dw 0,0,0,0 ... mov ebx, 2 mov array[ebx], 9
  • 49. Triangle C int triangle (int width, int height) { int array[5] = {0,1,2,3,4}; int area area = width * height/2; return (area); }