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Cnr 2012 108
The views and opinions expressed here reflect the authors’ point of view and 
not necessarily those of CASE Network. 
This paper has been prepared within the agenda of FP7 funded project (Grant 
Agreement No. 244578) on “Prospective Analysis for the Mediterranean Region 
Keywords: Infrastructure, Region, Investment, GDP, Trade, Benefit ratio 
JEL codes: F150, O180, O240, R420 
© CASE – Center for Social and Economic Research, Warsaw, 2012 
Graphic Design: Agnieszka Natalia Bury 
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The CASE Network is a group of economic and social research centers in Po-land, 
Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, and Belarus. Organizations in the 
network regularly conduct joint research and advisory projects. The research co-vers 
a wide spectrum of economic and social issues, including economic effects of 
the European integration process, economic relations between the EU and CIS, 
monetary policy and euro-accession, innovation and competitiveness, and labour 
markets and social policy. The network aims to increase the range and quality of 
economic research and information available to policy-makers and civil society, 
and takes an active role in on-going debates on how to meet the economic chal-lenges 
facing the EU, post-transition countries and the global economy. 
The CASE network consists of: 
 CASE – Center for Social and Economic Research, Warsaw, est. 
1991, www.case-research.eu 
 CASE – Center for Social and Economic Research – Kyrgyzstan, 
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 Center for Social and Economic Research – CASE Ukraine, est. 
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 Foundation for Social and Economic Research CASE Moldova, est. 
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 CASE Belarus – Center for Social and Economic Research Belarus, 
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 Center for Social and Economic Research CASE Georgia, est. 2011
Robin Carruthers 
Abstract .................................................................................................................. 7 
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 8 
2. Transport infrastructure benchmarking ....................................................... 11 
2.1. Transport infrastructure and economic and social development .............. 11 
2.2. Benchmarking ........................................................................................... 11 
2.3. Transport infrastructure benchmarks for MED11 countries ..................... 14 
2.4. Summary of additional transport infrastructure for each scenario ........... 20 
3. Transport infrastructure investment costs and affordability ...................... 22 
3.1. Quantities of transport infrastructure ........................................................ 22 
3.2. Types of transport infrastructure investment ............................................ 22 
3.3. Unit costs of infrastructure investment ..................................................... 26 
3.4. Results of the cost analysis ....................................................................... 31 
3.5. Affordability of total transport investments ............................................. 36 
3.6. International comparisons of transport investment ................................... 37 
3.7. Conclusions .............................................................................................. 40 
4. GDP and trade growth impacts of transport investment ............................. 42 
4.1. Investment in transport infrastructure and economic growth ................... 43 
4.2. Infrastructure investment and international trade ..................................... 51 
4.3. Economic growth and international trade impacts of the four scenarios .. 53 
4.4. Conclusions .............................................................................................. 58 
References............................................................................................................. 59 
CASE Network Reports No. 108 4
List of Tables 
Table 1. Methodologies available to estimate transport investment needs ............ 13 
Table 2. Transport Infrastructure Benchmark values ............................................ 18 
Table 3. Summary of additions to transport infrastructure for each Scenario ....... 21 
Table 4. Total transport infrastructure for each Scenario ...................................... 23 
Table 5. Unit costs of improvement of transport infrastructure ............................ 28 
Table 6. Unit Costs of Upgrading of categories of transport infrastructure .......... 29 
Table 7. Unit costs of New Infrastructure ............................................................. 29 
Table 8. Unit Costs of Periodic Maintenance ........................................................ 30 
Table 9. Investment total and shares by type of activity ....................................... 32 
Table 10. Country shares of total investment, % ................................................... 33 
Table 11. Mode shares and investment by mode for MED-11 countries for each 
scenario .................................................................................................................. 34 
Table 12. Transport investment as a share of GDP, % .......................................... 37 
Table 13. Projected transport infrastructure investment for Sub-Saharan Africa, 
% of GDP .............................................................................................................. 39 
Table 14. Four stage model: Infrastructure thresholds (in km per worker) and 
elasticities (in GDP per worker in US dollars) ...................................................... 49 
Table 15. Paved Road and Railway densities (km per worker) ............................. 50 
Table 16. Road and Rail Investment impacts on annual GDP growth .................. 54 
Table 17. LPI 2009 and its component values ....................................................... 56 
Table 18. Changes in LPI attributable to transport infrastructure investment, % . 57 
Table 19. Increase in trade balance (Exports-Imports) as % of GDP .................... 58 
5 CASE Network Reports No. 108
Robin Carruthers 
The author 
Until recently Robin Carruthers was a Lead Transport Economist in the 
World Bank, responsible for the quality of its evaluation of transport projects and 
its transport research, and is the principal author of its Toolkit on Transport Corri-dors 
and a major contributor to its guide to Trade and Transport Facilitation. He is 
now a consultant to several international lending institutions on transport, trade 
and infrastructure, and their interrelationships. Before joining the World Bank 
about 20 years ago he spent a decade as partner of a transport consultancy in Bue-nos 
Aires and before that, ten years with a transport and civil engineering consul-tancy 
in London and Australia. He started his career with the governance of urban 
planning and transport in London, and the evaluation of airport development pro-posals 
for the precursor of UK Civil Aviation Administration. 
CASE Network Reports No. 108 6
Lack of adequate infrastructure is a significant inhibitor to increased trade of 
the countries of the Mediterranean region. Bringing their transport infrastructure to 
standards comparable with countries of a similar per capita GDP will be costly but 
We compare the current quantities of six types of transport infrastructure with 
international, and estimate the additional quantities needed to reach the bench-marks. 
We also estimate the cost of that infrastructure and express it as a percent-age 
of GDP. Finally we make tentative estimates of how much trade might be 
generated and how this might impact on GDP. All the estimates are made for each 
MED11 country and for each of four scenarios. 
The highest need for additional infrastructure will be for airport passenger ter-minals 
(between 52% and 56%), whereas the lowest need was for more unpaved 
roads (between 7% and 13%). The investment (including maintenance) cost would 
be between 0.9% of GDP and 2.4% of GDP, although the investments in some 
countries would be between 1.4% and 4.5% of GDP. 
The impact on non-oil international trade would be substantial, but with differ-ences 
between imports and exports. The overall trade balance of the MED11 re-gion 
would be an improvement of between 5.4% and 17.2%, although some coun-tries 
would continue to have a negative balance. 
A final assessment was of the benefit ratio between the increase in GDP and 
the cost of transport investment. This varied between about 3 and 8, an indication 
of the high return to be expected from increased investment in transport infrastruc-ture. 
7 CASE Network Reports No. 108
Robin Carruthers 
1. Introduction 
The objective of the analyses described here is to provide estimates of the costs 
to the MED11 countries of bringing their transport infrastructure to specified 
standards, and of the macro-economic benefits of those investments. The twin 
objectives of investment in transport infrastructure are to provide a basis for the 
transport and logistics services that will be needed to support the projected GDP, 
and volume of international trade that is associated with that growth. The infra-structure 
investments and associated transport and logistics services will also con-tribute 
to further increases in GDP and trade above those assumed for the base 
The report is in three Parts. The first provides a description of the basic bench-marking 
approach to estimate the current deficiencies in transport infrastructure of 
the MED11 countries. In the second there is description of how the costs of mak-ing 
good on the transport infrastructure deficiencies are estimated for each of the 
four “Sessa” framework scenarios (see Ayadi and Sessa, 2011). The method and 
results of estimating the macro-economic benefits of the indicted investments are 
provided in the third and final part. 
The Report is centered on specifications of transport infrastructure for four 
scenarios based of those of the “Sessa framework”, defined below. The quantities 
and qualities of transport infrastructure appropriate for each of the scenarios are 
based on a benchmarking approach. In this, the current quantities of transport in-frastructure 
(measured on an average of a per area, per capita and per unit of GDP 
basis) were estimated from a database of current transport infrastructure and mac-roeconomic 
and social data for 139 countries. Then average benchmark values 
were derived for the various country combinations indicated in the specifications 
of the four scenarios. These averages were then extended up to 2030 by taking 
account of the population and GDP projections provided in other MED11 reports. 
The first scenario is compatible with the Sessa Reference or “Business as Usu-al” 
scenario. For the purposes of estimating the necessary transport infrastructure 
that would be associated with this scenario, the current quantities and qualities of 
transport infrastructure are compared with the global average benchmark values. 
For the second scenario (compatible with the Common Development Scenario of 
the Sessa Framework) the necessary transport infrastructure is related to that cur-rently 
found in the countries of the EU27. For the third scenario (compatible with 
CASE Network Reports No. 108 8
the Polarized Development Scenario) the benchmark infrastructure provisions are 
the average of those of the countries that comprise the same per capita income 
group as each of the MED11 countries. A different approach was used for estimat-ing 
the infrastructure provision for the final scenario (compatible with the Failed 
Development Scenario of the Sessa Framework). Instead of using quantity and 
quality benchmarks as the standards, the average investment in transport infra-structure 
(as a % of GDP) of each of the MED11 countries over the last decade 
was assumed to continue for the whole of the twenty year assessment period. 
Basis of Scenario Infrastructure Benchmarks 
Scenario Benchmark Infrastructure Standard 
Reference Global average network density 
Common Development Based on EU27 network density 
Polarized Development Average density of country per capita income group 
Failed Development National average infrastructure investment of last decade 
The estimated total investment costs described in the second part of the report 
cover four transport modes: 
 inter-urban roads (including both paved and unpaved roads); 
 railways; 
 port berths; 
 airports (including runways and terminals); 
and four types of investment expenditure: 
 improving the condition of current transport infrastructure to bring it 
up to the standards compatible with the relevant scenario; 
 upgrading the category of existing infrastructure (such as expanding 
the capacity of some two lane roads to four lanes) to achieve the 
standards of the relevant scenario; 
 expanding the capacity of infrastructure facilities or extending the 
length of transport networks so as to provide the capacities and quanti-ties 
indicate by the benchmark values for each of the scenarios, and; 
 maintaining the improved, upgraded and expanded facilities and net-works 
in the condition indicated in the scenario benchmarks. 
Part of the justification for proposed transport infrastructure investments is that 
they will contribute to increases in GDP and international trade. The base level 
projections of GDP are based on those made in other MED11 reports. We report 
here only the projected increases above these levels for each Scenario. As a check 
that the proposed investments are financially feasible, they are also expressed as 
9 CASE Network Reports No. 108
Robin Carruthers 
percentages of the base level GDP projections. Similarly, estimates of additional 
international trade are expressed as increases above the base levels of international 
trade (also expressed as percentages of GDP) derived from other MED11 reports. 
These GDP and trade projections are the subject matter of the third part of the 
CASE Network Reports No. 108 10
2. Transport infrastructure 
2.1. Transport infrastructure and economic and social development 
Roads, railways, ports, and airports deliver economic and social benefits by 
connecting agricultural, mining and manufacturing producers to international and 
regional markets. Without reliable and competitively priced freight transport infra-structure 
and services to connect to international markets, nations have little hope 
of trading their goods on the most advantageous terms. If they cannot transport 
products to domestic markets, growth of GDP will be difficult if not impossible. 
Adequate transport infrastructure and services are needed to make both interna-tional 
and domestic markets work. 
When infrastructure is absent or degraded, it no longer fulfills its connective 
functions, and the economy suffers. As essential transactions and movements are 
delayed or disrupted, transport costs rise, individuals lose time in unremunerated 
commuting, and firms must fight harder to compete. To restore the connections, 
new infrastructure must be built, and existing infrastructure restored or improved. 
Transport infrastructure is expensive. The huge investments required to build 
highways, railways, airports and ports must be well planned. If regularly main-tained, 
transport infrastructure can be long-lived. But without maintenance, these 
valuable assets can deteriorate in a matter of a few years. Too often, the same 
roads end up being rebuilt over and over again, at a cost several times higher than 
if the appropriate maintenance measures had been taken on time. 
2.2. Benchmarking 
Comparisons of current transport infrastructure 
Country transport infrastructure comparisons are used to assess whether the 
quantity and quality of provision of transport infrastructure are compatible with 
those of similar countries. If the comparison values show that the quantity and 
11 CASE Network Reports No. 108
Robin Carruthers 
quality are less than the benchmark standards, a second stage of analysis is to es-timate 
how great is the deficiency and how much additional infrastructure (and/or 
upgrading and improvement of already existing infrastructure) would be needed to 
bring the quantity and quality up to the benchmark levels. The third stage of the 
analysis is to see what public expenditure (or combination of public and private 
investment) is needed to finance this expansion, upgrading and improvement, and 
whether that amount is compatible with the funding likely to be available. To fa-cilitate 
these analyses the investments are expressed in absolute amounts and as 
percentages of GDP. The last stage is to look at the social and economic impacts 
of these investments to see if they are worthwhile, that is, whether the value of the 
additional GDP and international trade is greater than the cost of the investments. 
Benchmarking compared to other infrastructure comparison methods 
Several factors complicate the estimation of transport investment needs, includ-ing 
the geographical specificity of the transport network and the existence of mul-tiple 
modes of transport that both substitute for and complement one another. The 
literature contains several methodological approaches, including macroeconomic 
models, benchmarking, demand models, and planning-based models that empha-size 
concepts of connectivity. The various approaches differ substantially in their 
strengths and weaknesses, as well as in their data requirements (Table 1). As might 
be expected, those that are least data-intensive also tend to give very general or 
aggregated conclusions. A more disaggregated estimation of the composition of 
investment requirements generally demands detailed modeling to reflect the geo-graphical 
specificities of a given country’s transport network. 
Macroeconomic models typically exploit cross-country panel datasets to esti-mate 
the relationship between infrastructure stocks and a handful of basic social 
and economic parameters, such as population and GDP. This approach is exempli-fied 
by the work of Kohli, Walton and Mody (1994), which estimated the transport 
investment requirements of the larger East Asian economies at 2–3 percent of 
GDP. Canning’s (1999) seminal paper linked this approach to a Cobb-Douglas 
production function framework and became the basis for a series of adaptations 
that were applied by the World Bank (Fay and Yepes, 2003; Calderon and Serven, 
2004; and Chatterton and Puerto, 2005). The average transport spending require-ment 
for the MED11 countries that emerged from a review of this literature is 3.2 
percent of GDP, including both investment and maintenance. This is higher than 
the shares of GDP that are indicated by our analyses (see Table 12). 
CASE Network Reports No. 108 12
Table 1. Methodologies available to estimate transport investment needs 
Strengths Weaknesses 
Econometrically grounded 
Exploits variation across countries 
and time 
High level of aggregation 
Limited explanatory factors 
Not location specific 
Benchmarking Relative simplicity No clear theoretical foundation 
Choice of benchmark is arbitrary 
and may affect results signifi-cantly 
Not location specific 
Demand models Explicitly models demand–supply 
relationship in a framework that 
reflects specificities of country’s 
transport network 
Can be location specific 
Data intensive 
Planning models Based on detailed geographical 
model reflecting specificities of 
country’s transport network 
Can be location specific 
Driven by planning goals rather 
than by economic trade-offs 
Source: Carruthers et al. (2008). 
A further refinement of the macroeconomic approach incorporated threshold 
effects (Hurlin, 2006). This study found that in the early stages of infrastructure 
network development, the marginal impact of more investment had productivity 
effects similar to those of investments elsewhere in the economy, but once the 
network had passed its “threshold size,” additional investment in the network be-came 
much more productive. Then, once the network passed a second threshold, 
the impact of further investment fell back to the level of other investments. 
The benchmarking approach, is methodologically much simpler than the mac-roeconomic 
approach, and devises normalized indicators of infrastructure perfor-mance 
(such as road density or road condition) and compares them across coun-tries, 
with countries divided into groups having broadly similar characteristics 
(Bogetic and Fedderke, 2006), or simply compares infrastructure spending across 
countries. Benchmarking imposes fewer data requirements than macroeconomic 
models, other than requiring data for many countries to establish comparable 
benchmarks. The choice of indicators and normalizations is somewhat arbitrary 
and can significantly affect the results. 
Transport demand models have been used by sector specialists for more than 
40 years. A detailed microeconomic model of an individual country’s transport 
sector is created and used to project aggregate demand for transport based on an-ticipated 
economic growth. The model allocates that demand across transport 
modes, compares demand with the capacity of each segment of the network, and, 
13 CASE Network Reports No. 108
Robin Carruthers 
on that basis, estimates the additional transport infrastructure needed. Successful 
recent applications include the World Bank’s assistance to the government of Chi-na 
for the development of its transport strategy and the European Union’s devel-opment 
of the trans-European transport network. The main drawback of the ap-proach 
is that it is very data-intensive. 
In addition to the three economic approaches just described, it is also possible 
to estimate transport investment needs using a planning-based approach that sets 
targets for geographical connectivity and estimates the cost of reaching them. The 
approach, applied in World Bank advisory work in Argentina, China and Africa, 
has the advantage of reflecting the specificity of each individual country’s 
transport network. However, unlike the previous methodology, the planning ap-proach 
is very subjective, driven by political choices, and the targets are rarely 
grounded in an economic balancing of costs and benefits. 
Given the lack of data needed for a macroeconomic, transport demand of plan-ning 
based approach, the analyses presented here are based on a benchmarking 
2.3. Transport infrastructure benchmarks for MED11 countries 
There are two methods of deriving benchmark standards for quantities of 
transport infrastructure. The first compares densities of infrastructure with those of 
comparable countries, while the second uses international best practice infrastructure 
provision or performance standards. The first method is preferable as it is less sub-jective, 
the second method being subject to interpretation as to what is best practice. 
Data was available to use the first method for only four of the infrastructure 
types, albeit those with the highest expected investment costs (paved roads, unpaved 
roads, railways and airport runways). For two other types of infrastructure (airport 
passenger terminals and port berths) we used the second method as there is no data-base 
of global infrastructure densities that includes these types of infrastructure. 
Using the first method, we have estimated benchmark values for paved roads, 
unpaved roads, railways and airport runway infrastructure, and applied those val-ues 
to the MED11 region and to each of the countries of the region. The data for 
the benchmarks comes from a new transport and macroeconomic database of 139 
countries using data for 2008. Most of the data comes from the World Bank Data 
Development Platform time series database. The database excludes all small island 
states and some small land based and island states (such as Qatar and Singapore) 
that were considered sufficiently atypical not be used in the estimation of bench- 
CASE Network Reports No. 108 14
marks. It also excludes Zimbabwe and Somalia for which macro-economic data 
was not available. 
First benchmarking method 
Using the first benchmarking method, the infrastructure measures used were: 
 Km of paved road; 
 Km of unpaved road; 
 Km of railway in operation; 
 Number of runways at airports that have regular passenger services. 
Base parameters 
Three parameters were used for the compilation of the final benchmarks: 
 land area; 
 population; and 
 total GDP. 
So benchmark values were calculated per km2 of land area, per million popula-tion1 
and per US$ of GDP. 
Normalized benchmark values 
Previous applications of the benchmarking method have used only one of the 
three parameters for defining infrastructure density (as per km2 of area, per capita 
or per unit of GDP), so have not dealt with the issue of combining multiple 
benchmarks into a single measure. Using different parameters to define infrastruc-ture 
density gives significantly different outcomes. Countries that perform well 
using one parameter can perform much less well using one or both of the others. 
There are few if any conceptual indications to prefer one parameter over another. 
One of the few indications that can be applied is that area, being non-time de-pendent, 
gives more consistent results than either population or GDP. Using area it 
is not so important to determine a base year for its measurement, and for a given 
quantity of infrastructure the benchmark is constant over time. For either popula-tion 
or GDP, the choice of base year influences the measure of the benchmark and 
for a given quantity of infrastructure the measure changes over time as the value of 
the parameter changes. Despite this advantage of area as a parameter for estimat- 
1 A different population parameter (number of cities) was used for the airport runway 
15 CASE Network Reports No. 108
Robin Carruthers 
ing benchmarks, some types of infrastructure (such as airport runways or port 
berths) are not dependent on area, so it is not necessarily the most appropriate 
parameter to use. 
To overcome problems associated with the choice of a single benchmark, 
which implies that, the density of a particular type of infrastructure in dependent 
only (or principally) on that single parameter, we have estimated benchmarks for 
each of the three parameters, then combined them into a single index of infrastruc-ture 
density. Since the dimensions of the three parameters are different, simply 
adding the benchmarks for each of them give more weight in the total to those 
with a higher value than those with a lower value. So each of the three benchmark 
values was normalized to a value of 100 (based on the global average density for 
that type of transport infrastructure) before they were added together to give a total 
(and by dividing by three, an average based on an index value of 100). A normal-ized 
index value greater than 100 indicates a higher than global average density 
over all three parameters, a value less than 100 indicating a lower than global av-erage 
density over all parameters. 
Benchmarks for four Scenarios 
An important choice in benchmarking is what to use as the standard of compar-ison. 
In our analysis this is the choice of what other countries to use for compari-son 
with the MED11 countries. We have analyzed four Scenarios and assessed the 
transport investment outcomes for each of them in terms of the affordability meas-ured 
in terms of the required share of GDP to achieve them over the period of 
analysis (up to 2030). 
Each of the four Scenarios has different benchmark standards and costs of 
achieving them. The different standards will also have different impacts on the 
GDP and international trade of each of the MED-11 countries. Each Scenario is 
defined in terms of the density of its transport infrastructure and the standards to 
which it is maintained. 
The first Scenario (compatible with the Sessa Reference scenario) uses a single 
set of standards, the global averages for each of the types of infrastructure. The 
premise of this scenario is that the influence of the integration between the MED- 
11 countries and the EU would not influence their development, and that the 
MED-11 countries would continue their integration with the rest of the world. 
The second Scenario (compatible with the Sessa Common Development sce-nario 
in which the MED11 and EU27 countries become more economically and 
socially integrated) was designed to bring the transport infrastructure of the MED- 
11 countries to the same as the average of the EURO-27 in 2008. These are very 
high standards and have been achieved in the EU-27 after more than a century of 
CASE Network Reports No. 108 16
investment in modern transport infrastructure and several decades of implementa-tion 
of the EU Transport Strategy and policy of development of the TEN transport 
networks. In working through the costs of this scenario we determined that it was 
unaffordable within the twenty year horizon to 2030 of the MED11 study. 
In these circumstances there are two choices (which in practice have a similar 
effect). The first is simply to extend the time period beyond 2030 for achievement 
of the scenario benchmarks, the second is to lower the benchmark values that can 
be achieved by 2030. We chose the second alternative as this would at least define 
the benchmark values that could be achieved by 2030, whereas the first alternative 
would only provide an estimate of the future year in which the original benchmark 
values could be reached. After reviewing several versions of this alternative, we 
determined that it would be feasible to reduce the difference between the current 
infrastructure standards and the EU benchmark values by one third by 2030. So 
this is how the benchmark standards for the second scenario (Common Develop-ment) 
have been defined. This standard is still significantly higher than those of 
any of the other scenarios. 
The third Scenario (compatible with the Sessa Polarized scenario is in which 
the MED11 countries become polarized in terms of the economic and social de-velopment) 
was based on rather lower standards, those of the average of the coun-tries 
that are in the same per capita income range as each of the MED-11 coun-tries. 
Under this Scenario, the MED-11 countries with higher incomes are set ra-ther 
higher standards to achieve than those with lower per capita incomes. The 
income groups are based on the World Bank classification of countries by per 
capita income into four groups: Low Income, Low Middle Income, High Middle 
Income and High Income. 
Table 2 shows the benchmark values for each type of transport infrastructure 
and based on each of the three denominator parameters. First are the densities of 
transport infrastructure per unit of area, second are the densities per capita and 
third the densities per unit of GDP. The last set of values (“Normalized values”) is 
a weighted average of the first three sets of values. The last column of Table 2 
shows the current benchmark values for the MED11 countries taken as a whole, 
giving an indication of the deficiencies compared to each of the benchmarks and 
each Scenario. 
Second benchmarking method used for port container berths and airport 
passenger terminals 
This method involves estimating the demand for the type of infrastructure, and 
then the quantities of infrastructure needed to satisfy this demand, assuming that 
17 CASE Network Reports No. 108
Robin Carruthers 
such infrastructure utilizes best practice design and/or operating efficiency stand-ards 
appropriate to the specific scenario (Table3). 
Table 2. Transport Infrastructure Benchmark values 
Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 
Countries EU-27 Low 
Per unit of land area (1,000 km2) 
roads 170 1,054 20 182 66 363 61 
roads 75 195 76 100 58 77 58 
Railways 8 50 3 7 6 15 4 
Runways 0.05 0.18 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.10 0.02 
Per unit of population (million) 
roads 3,261 8,928 336 1,451 2,941 11,636 1,494 
roads 1,440 1,650 1,294 799 2,609 2,466 1,419 
Railways 76 425 44 54 270 487 86 
Runways 0.97 3.81 0.29 0.31 1.46 3.15 1.56 
Per unit of GDP (US$ million) 
roads 352 243 589 655 368 293 260 
roads 156 45 2,271 361 326 62 247 
Railways 17 12 77 24 34 12 15 
Runways 0.11 0.04 0.51 0.14 0.18 0.08 0.10 
Normalized value 
roads 100 301 60 107 75 209 49 
roads 100 132 540 138 155 104 110 
Railways 100 311 169 85 145 183 61 
Runways 100 234 185 81 127 199 48 
Note. Paved roads, unpaved roads and railways are measured in kms, and runways in number. 
Source: Author’s estimates based on Author’s database. 
Port berths 
Port berths are conventionally classified as being for general, containerized, dry 
bulk and liquid bulk freight. We have only estimated the demand for container 
berths and assumed that no additional general freight berths will be required. Dry 
CASE Network Reports No. 108 18
and liquid bulk berths are usually provided to complement specific agricultural, 
mining or industrial projects. Since we have not looked at specific investments 
outside of the transport sector, we did not have a basis on which to project the 
needs for additional bulk solid and bulk liquid berths, so in that respect the pro-jected 
overall investment requirements are underestimated. 
While there are many efficiency parameters for the use of container berths, one 
of the simplest and most applicable to our analytical method is the number of con-tainers 
moved per year per berth. Port efficiencies measured by this parameter 
have improved significantly in the last decade, but this has mostly been through 
inefficient ports coming closer to the best practice efficiency than there being in-creases 
in the best practice efficiency. Using the standard measure of a TEU2, the 
efficient capacity of a standard berth of 300 meters length varies between about 
175,000 TEU per year and 400,000 TEU per year depending on the scenario. 
We have no reliable and consistent data on the current number of container 
berths in the ports of the MED11 countries, and even less data on the proportion of 
this capacity that is taken up by transshipment movements (the transfer of a con-tainer 
from one ship to another via intermediate land storage). So we have as-sumed 
that existing container berth capacity is equivalent to the current demand, 
and have only estimated the additional capacity to deal with increases in demand 
over the analysis period. 
The number of additional container berths needed for each scenario is based on 
the number of import and export containers. This is in turn is based on the total 
share of trade that is for imports and exports, the share of that trade between land 
transport, ro-ro shipping (that does not use containers) and bulk solid and bulk 
liquid freight (also that do not use containers), the average value of the contents of 
a container, and the balance between import and export containers (as an estimate 
of the number of empty containers to be returned). While the projections of GDP 
do not yet take account of the differences between the scenarios, the estimates of 
the share of trade between imports and exports, and the share of ro-ro and land 
transport all have minor differences for some of the scenarios. 
Although Scenario 4 has a lower demand for container movements than the 
other scenarios, its lower efficiency of use of its container terminals is more than 
enough to offset this apparent advantage in the number of additional berths need- 
2 TEU is an acronym signifying a twenty foot equivalent unit. It is an inexact unit of cargo 
based on the volume of a 20-foot-long (6.1 m) container. While 20ft long containers were 
until recently the most frequently used (although their other dimensions were less 
standardized) they have now been superseded by 40ft long containers, sometimes referred 
to as FEUs. However, the TEU is still the standard measure of capacity used in maritime 
19 CASE Network Reports No. 108
Robin Carruthers 
ed. The Reference Scenario has a need for more container terminals than either the 
Common Development or Failed Development scenarios, but not as many as the 
Polarized Development. The Polarized Development scenario needs more berths 
because of the higher share of intra-Arab country trade and this needs a large 
number of berths for feeder vessels. 
Airport passenger terminals 
For many airports the critical capacity constraint is no longer the number of 
runways but the capacity of the passenger terminals. We have projected the num-ber 
of air passenger movements in each of the MED11 countries, (taking account 
of projections of GDP and FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) as the basis for busi-ness 
passenger growth and where available, national projections of increases in 
tourism as the basis for non-business passenger growth) and translated that de-mand 
into that for airport passenger terminals. A commonly used design parameter 
for airports is that the terminal space for each peak period air passenger. With an 
estimate of the number of peak period air passengers, we have used this design 
parameter to estimate the area of air passenger terminals that are needed for each 
Since we have no reliable and consistent data on the area of passenger termi-nals 
in each country, we have adopted a similar analytical method to that for con-tainer 
berths – assuming that the current terminal space exactly matches the cur-rent 
demand. We then apply the design benchmark parameters only to the project-ed 
increase in demand. 
The quantities of new air passenger terminals are more consistent between 
countries than for most other types of infrastructure. While business passengers 
to/from lower income countries tend look for the same standards in air passenger 
terminals as in developed countries, non-business passengers tend to tolerate a 
slightly lower quality of terminal infrastructure. So in our Scenario analysis, the 
parameter for the provision of area of air passenger terminals is the same for all 
Scenarios, but the unit cost per m2 is slightly lower than the global standards to 
take account of the slightly lower infrastructure quality tolerated by non-business 
passengers to MED11 countries. 
2.4. Summary of additional transport infrastructure for each scenario 
The quantities of all types of additional infrastructure are summarized in Table 
3. These are the infrastructure needs that are taken forward into Part Two of this 
CASE Network Reports No. 108 20
report where we estimate the costs of improving, upgrading, expanding and main-taining 
the infrastructure networks. 
The Common Development scenario is the most demanding for paved roads, 
railways, runways and to a lesser extent, for air passenger terminals. For unpaved 
roads and container terminals, the Polarized Development scenario is the most 
Table 3. Summary of additions to transport infrastructure for each Scenario 
Type of 
Units Reference 
infrastructure Scenario 
Paved roads km 174,436 307,145 301,234 118,918 
Unpaved roads km 32,296 58,995 88,313 30,152 
Railways km 4,274 16,452 4,709 2,246 
Runways km 11 92 17 7 
Passenger terminals m2 888,062 976,869 888,062 732,652 
Container berths number 45 42 64 38 
Source: Previous Tables in this report. 
21 CASE Network Reports No. 108
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3. Transport infrastructure 
investment costs and 
In this Part of the report we describe the method of estimating the four princi-pal 
costs of operating transport infrastructure networks – bringing their condition 
to a standard that minimizes total investment costs, upgrading their category to 
provide sufficient capacity and minimizes operating costs, expanding the net-works, 
and maintaining the improved, upgraded and expanded networks in good 
condition. We express the investment costs for each of the four scenarios as abso-lute 
amounts and as a percentage of projected GDP, as this indicates whether the 
investment needed will be affordable or not. 
3.1. Quantities of transport infrastructure 
At the end of Part 1 of this Report we indicated the additional quantities of 
transport infrastructure required to meet the benchmark standards for four different 
scenarios and for six types of transport infrastructure. When added to the data or 
estimates of currently existing transport infrastructure, the totals give the quantities 
that are used in this Part of the report to estimate the investment needs. In Table 4 
we show the total quantities of each type of transport infrastructure for each Sce-nario, 
these totals being the sum of existing infrastructure and the additions needed 
for each scenario. 
3.2. Types of transport infrastructure investment 
For each of the Scenarios we estimated four different types of infrastructure 
CASE Network Reports No. 108 22
i. Improving the condition of infrastructure 
First are the costs of improving the condition of current transport infrastructure, 
so as to minimize maintenance costs of the infrastructure itself and the operating 
costs of the vehicles using it. We obtained estimates of, or made assumptions 
about, the quantity of current infrastructure in each country that is in good, fair, 
and poor condition. To estimate the cost of bringing infrastructure in fair or poor 
condition up to good condition, we multiplied the quantities of such infrastructure 
by the unit costs of improvement – a one-time cost that can be incurred at any time 
but preferably as soon as possible and before other types of investment. 
ii. Upgrading categories of infrastructure 
Second are the costs of upgrading the category of existing transport infrastruc-ture 
to a level adequate to the demands made upon it. Representative activities are 
widening existing roads or upgrading their surface, lengthening airport runways and 
expanding port berths, and increasing the permissible axle load of railways. We 
categorize infrastructure by its capacity or level of development. The essential ques-tion 
is whether a piece of infrastructure has the capacity to meet the demands made 
upon it. Some infrastructure is already adequate. For example, many of the roads 
already have at least two lanes and hard shoulders giving them adequate capacity. 
For other roads, the capacity of existing infrastructure is insufficient, such as: roads 
connecting large cities that have enough traffic to justify four or more lanes but 
presently have only two; railway networks that have not been fully updated to sup-port 
25 ton axle loads, and; airports in some medium-size cities have runways that 
are too short for mid-size aircraft such as the Airbus A320 or Boeing 737. Such 
deficiencies are found with respect to all transport modes and markets. 
Table 4. Total transport infrastructure for each Scenario 
Type of Infra-structure 
Units Reference 
Paved roads Km 590,442 723,151 717,240 534,924 
Unpaved roads Km 428,495 455,194 484,512 426,351 
Railways Km 28,895 41,073 29,330 26,867 
Runways Km 164 245 170 160 
Passenger termi-nals 
m2 1,575,407 1,664,214 1,575,407 1,419,997 
Container berths Number 126 123 145 119 
Source: Author’s estimates. 
23 CASE Network Reports No. 108
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We made our own specifications of the desirable categories of infrastructure 
that are appropriate for each mode and market, based on best practice international 
standards. Where the total transport investment costs turn out to be unacceptably 
high, it might be possible to relax some of the standards to give lower investment 
costs, but this would result in higher operating costs. 
We have used engineering estimates of the costs of upgrading each category of 
infrastructure to the next highest level, but such estimates assume that the infra-structure 
being upgraded is already in good condition. For that reason, we estimat-ed 
the cost of upgrading infrastructure in two stages – first improving its condition 
to good in its present category, and then upgrading it to the next category. In prac-tice, 
these operations often occur together, but we believe that our two-stage ap-proach 
accurately reflects the higher cost of upgrading infrastructure that is in less-than- 
good condition. 
The current condition of transport infrastructure can be assessed in several 
ways. The simplest is for the engineers responsible for maintaining the infrastruc-ture 
to make a subjective assessment, usually into some combination of the cate-gories 
very good, good regular or fair, poor and very poor. The second is to use a 
more objective method, such as the use of the international roughness index for 
roads. The IRI defines the method and equipment to be used to measure the 
roughness of the road surface, and then these measurements are used to calculate a 
roughness index for the road, with the index being scaled between one and ten. 
Sometimes equivalence between the subjective measures and the IRI is used, so 
that particular values subjective assessments are considered to be comparable to 
particular value ranges of the IRI. 
A third method, sometimes used for rail track, is to equate particular combina-tions 
of speed and axle load restrictions to subjective assessments. For example, a 
rail track with no such restrictions would be assessed to be in excellent condition, 
whereas one where a 20% speed restriction on the design speed (whether that de-sign 
speed were 150km/hr or 60km hr) would be assessed to be in good condition, 
a higher speed restriction would relegate the conditions to fair or regular, whereas 
an axle load restriction would relegate the condition to poor or very poor. So far as 
we are aware, there are no formal objective categorizations of the condition of 
airport runways, but the subjective method is sometimes used. By some subjective 
methods, runways in anything other less than fair or regular condition are unsafe 
and should not be used. 
CASE Network Reports No. 108 24
iii. Extending the length of networks or increasing the number of facilities 
Third are the costs of extending existing networks and increasing the number of 
infrastructure assets. The method of estimating the expansion of transport net-works 
to meet global intensity is described in Part 1 of this Report. The costs of 
expansion were estimated by multiplying the quantities of additional infrastructure 
indicated by this method by the unit costs of providing new infrastructure. The 
unit costs were derived from recent projects and studies in countries of the region, 
including recent EUROMED studies. 
iv. Maintaining infrastructure 
Fourth, we estimated the costs of maintaining networks and assets in their im-proved, 
upgraded, or expanded form. The poor condition of transport infrastruc-ture 
in the MED-11 countries reflects insufficient investment in maintenance. Un-less 
sufficient investment is allocated to maintenance, the benefits of improving 
the condition, upgrading the category, or expanding the quantity of transport infra-structure 
will be temporary. The belated realization of the importance of mainte-nance 
is the driving force behind the creation in some countries of road funds that 
enjoy dedicated, protected sources of funding. 
Most previous assessments of transport infrastructure investment needs made 
some attempt to include maintenance costs. The most common method is to add a 
fixed amount (often 3 percent) of the replacement cost of the infrastructure. How-ever, 
very few countries invest anywhere near this amount to keep their transport 
infrastructure in good condition, although many at least maintain it in safe condi-tion. 
The most common consequences of lower standards of maintenance are low-er 
operating speeds and higher costs of maintaining the vehicles that use the infra-structure. 
If rail track is not maintained in good condition, for example, with regular re-placement 
of ballast, sleepers, fastenings, and worn rail (broken rails that impair 
operational safety are usually replaced as necessary), the first consequence is a 
reduction in operating speeds, followed by a reduction in axle loads and possibly 
further reductions in speed. The railway company incurs higher operating and 
capital costs as well. For example, because trains take more time to cover the same 
distance, crew costs are higher. Lower axle loads mean that more cars are needed 
to transport the same quantity of freight. These higher costs may quickly come to 
exceed the savings realized by reducing investment in maintenance. 
25 CASE Network Reports No. 108
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For most transport infrastructure we considered two types of maintenance – 
annual and periodic. Annual maintenance is done to avoid or minimize the deterio-ration 
of infrastructure related to climate and weather. For example, annual 
maintenance includes the clearing of drains to ensure that water does not accumu-late 
on and eventually seep into the surface of the infrastructure, thus accelerating 
its deterioration. For a railway, annual maintenance includes the replacement of 
broken fastenings, so sleepers can continue to withstand the pressure of trains and 
maintain the correct distance between the rails. 
Periodic maintenance is usually related to the effects of infrastructure use. For 
example, the constant passage of vehicles will in time wear away the surface of a 
road. If the surface is not replaced, the subsurface will become worn and require 
rehabilitation or replacement. The passage of trains similarly causes the rails to 
wear. Worn rails increase the risk of derailments. 
We take the costs of both types of maintenance into account but convert peri-odic 
costs to annual equivalents by dividing their cost by their estimated frequen-cy. 
We estimate the frequency of periodic maintenance based on average volumes 
of traffic using the infrastructure. Although similar considerations apply to port 
berths, the time between periodic maintenance interventions is usually much long-er 
than for other transport modes and thus depends less on use than on elapsed 
3.3. Unit costs of infrastructure investment 
The total cost of each of the four types of infrastructure investment is estimated 
by multiplying the quantities of infrastructure of each type by the unit costs of 
improvement, upgrading, expansion and maintenance. The final overall total cost 
is derived by adding together the totals for each type of activity. 
Sources of unit cost information 
The unit costs are derived from various sources, and for all of them the costs 
have been adjusted to end-2010 values and expressed in US$. Where possible, unit 
costs from one source have been checked against those from another. The first 
source is the various studies undertaken between 2004 and 2006 for the EuroMed 
project. Most of these had a base year of 2004 for their costs and were pre-feasibility 
studies, for which the costs are typically about 20% to 30% lower than 
CASE Network Reports No. 108 26
those that will be incurred when (and if) the project is implemented. So for unit 
costs from these studies we have, in addition to updating the base year from 2004 
to 2010, further adjusted the costs upwards by 20% to bring them closer those that 
might actually be incurred. A second source is the World Bank ROCKS (Road 
Costs Knowledge System) database.3 This only includes costs for road projects, 
but the data is the costs actually incurred in the implementation of World Bank 
road projects. The base year for the data is 2002, so their reliability, even when 
updated to a 2010 base, is questionable. 
Unit costs of improvement of transport infrastructure 
Three other sources derive from the recent World Bank Africa Infrastructure 
Country Diagnostic (AICD). First is Background Paper 11 (BP11), Unit Costs of 
Infrastructure Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. This provides a range of unit costs 
for some rather general activities, including new construction of paved roads (the 
category of the roads is not distinguished, but the length of the project was found 
to influence the cost with longer projects having higher unit costs). As with the 
ROCKS database, the average costs in BP11 are those actually incurred in imple-menting 
projects, so no adjustment for being pre-feasibility estimates was neces-sary, 
and since the base year was 2006, the updating to 2010 prices is more relia-ble 
than that for the ROCKS data. Background Paper 14 from AICD (The Burden 
of Maintenance: Roads in Sub-Saharan Africa) also relates only to roads, but 
gives the overall cost of different types of road maintenance for each of the 44 
countries included in the Diagnostic and from these and other data provided, it is 
possible to estimate the unit costs of various maintenance activities. Unfortunately 
these average costs are for the whole road network and not just for those sections 
for which the total costs were estimated. The third and most comprehensive from 
this source is Carruthers et al. (2008). This source provides unit costs for four 
transport modes (roads, railways, ports and airports) and for each of the four in-vestment 
activities used here. 
Most of the unit costs shown in Tables 5 through 8 are based on those of the 
EuroMed studies and Carruthers et al. (2008), adjusted to take account of slightly 
different rates for some activities, for inflation and for the difference between es-timated 
and actual costs. 
3 http://www.worldbank.org/transport/roads/rd_tools/rocks_main.htm 
27 CASE Network Reports No. 108
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Table 5. Unit costs of improvement of transport infrastructure 
Type of infrastructure 
Improvement categories 
Good to very 
Fair to very 
Poor to very 
US$ per km or per unit 
4-lane road 25,000 150,000 350,000 
2-lane road 10,000 70,000 150,000 
1-lane 7,500 50,000 100,000 
Unpaved road 5,000 10,000 25,000 
Single track railway 50,000 500,000 500,000 
Double track railway 75,000 750,000 1,00,000 
Single track electric railway 125,000 750,000 1,250,000 
1500m runway 150,000 750,000 3,000,000 
3000m runway 250,000 1,500,000 6,000,000 
Container berth 2,500,000 12,000,000 12,000,000 
Bulk berth 2,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 
General berth 1,500,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 
Air passenger terminal (m2) 100 250 500 
Source: Author’s estimates. 
Unit costs of upgrading the categories of transport infrastructure 
The only source of information on the categories of transport infrastructure in 
the MED-11 countries is the EuroMed studies. Unfortunately, this data relates to 
2004 and significant upgrading of much of the infrastructure has taken place since 
then. We have used our own knowledge of specific recent upgrading projects to 
update Carruthers et al. (2008) data using that from the EuroMed studies. 
The categories used for each type of transport infrastructure are specific to that 
mode and related to the different types of infrastructure available. The categories 
usually relate to capacity but sometimes to method of construction. For example, 
for Scenario 1 at the end of the period, 10% all paved roads should be 4-lane di-vided 
highways, 20% should be 4-lane highways but without limited access, 60% 
should be 2-lane and the balance (10%) could remain as single lane highways. For 
countries in which the percentages are already met for specific types of infrastruc-ture, 
no additional investment is assumed to be needed for upgrading categories. 
There will be many instances where new investment will be needed to reduce con-gestion 
(for example, 6-lane or more divided highways in urban areas) but without 
undertaking specific demand analyses we cannot assess the needs for this addi-tional 
CASE Network Reports No. 108 28
Table 6. Unit Costs of Upgrading of categories of transport infrastructure 
Upgrade Unit Unit cost (US$) 
2- lane to 4-lane divided limited access US$/km 1,500,000 
2- lane to 4-lane divided US$/km 1,200,000 
1-lane to 2-lane US$/km 200,000 
1-lane gravel to 1-lane paved US$/km 100,000 
1-lane gravel to 2-lane SST US$/km 100,000 
Railways axle load to 25 tons US$/track km 120,000 
Non-electrified to electrified railway US$/ track km 750,000 
Single track to double track diesel US$/ track km 750,000 
Gravel runway to paved runway US$ per linear m 5,000 
1524m paved runway to 3000m runway US$ per runway 12,000,000 
1000m paved runway to 1524m runway US$ per runway 4,800,000 
Source: Author’s estimates. 
The unit costs of upgrading existing infrastructure to the higher categories is 
less than that of constructing new infrastructure to that standard, but it is more 
than the difference between constructing new to the higher and lower standards. 
Table 6 shows the unit costs of upgrading infrastructure from its current category 
to the specified higher categories. For railways, some of the upgrading requires a 
combination of unit costs, such as for electrification and increasing axle loads. 
Unit costs of new infrastructure 
The future lengths or quantities of transport infrastructure were based on the 
benchmarking method described in Part 1. The unit costs of new construction 
shown in Table 7 were applied to the difference between the benchmark 
lengths/quantities and those currently available to estimate the costs of expanding 
the networks to meet the benchmark standards. 
Table 7. Unit costs of New Infrastructure 
Type of infrastructure Unit Unit cost (US$) 
4-lane divided paved road US$/km 3,500,000 
2-lane paved road US$/km 1,000,000 
1-lane paved road US$/km 150,000 
Railway single track, 25t axle load, diesel US$/km 750,000 
Railway single track, 25t axle load, electric US$/km 1,000,000 
Railway signaling US$/km 350,000 
Airport runway, 3000m US$/m 30,000,000 
Airport passenger terminal US$/m2 500 
Container berth US$/berth of 300m 16,000,000 
Source: Author’s estimate. 
29 CASE Network Reports No. 108
Robin Carruthers 
Unit costs of maintaining transport infrastructure 
Most countries, and almost all developing countries, do not invest enough in 
maintenance of their transport infrastructure to prevent its condition deteriorating 
over time. The standards to which infrastructure should be upgraded are the same 
for the first three Scenarios, but since Scenario 4 is resource constrained (to the 
recent % of GDP that has been invested in transport infrastructure) the standards to 
which infrastructure can be maintained are less than the “very good” of the other 
Scenarios and are different for each country. 
Unit costs of routine and periodic maintenance 
There are two types of maintenance needed for most types of transport infra-structure, 
annual and periodic. The periodicity of the latter depends on the particu-lar 
infrastructure and the intensity of its use. 
For example, road pavements are usually designed for a life measured in 
equivalent axle loads (EQAs), since it is the frequency of these axle loads that 
determine when a road needs a new surface. We have derived an average frequen-cy 
measured in years based on the average traffic density and composition and 
EQAs per vehicle. 
Given a twenty year analysis period, there would on average be two and a half 
periodic maintenance activities for each paved road, three for each unpaved road, 
four reballastings for each rail track and two resurfacings for each runway. We 
have not included the cost of re-railing or re-sleepering of rail track because of 
their long periodicity and the fact that we have already included these unit costs in 
those of improving and upgrading. These costs have been applied to all transport 
infrastructure – current that will have been improved and upgraded as well as new. 
Table 8. Unit Costs of Periodic Maintenance 
Periodic activity Unit Total cost in 
US$ Periodicity Annual cost 
in US$ 
Resurfacing 4-lane road US$/km 1,000,000 8 125,000 
Resurfacing 2-lane road US$/km 50,000 8 6,250 
Reballasting railway US$/track 
km 15,000 5 3,000 
Resurfacing runway US$/runway 5,000,000 10 500,000 
Rehabilitating container berth US$/berth 10,000,000 10 1,000,000 
Refurbishing air passenger 
terminal US$/m2 200 5 40 
Source: Author’s estimates. 
CASE Network Reports No. 108 30
3.4. Results of the cost analysis 
The results of the analysis are shown in two parts. The first part reviews the to-tal 
expected investment by country and type of investment and the share of total 
investments by country. The second part reviews the investment by country and 
mode of investment, both parts covering all four scenarios. The following section 
addresses the affordability of these investments. 
Total investment costs and of types of investment 
In Table 9 we compare the total investments by type of expenditure for each 
scenario. Total investment in the Reference Scenario is almost US$675 billion 
over the twenty year analysis period, with an average of nearly US$34 billion per 
year. The Failed Development Scenario not surprisingly has the lowest total in-vestment, 
just over US$500 billion over the twenty years, or just over US$26 bil-lion 
per year, about three quarters that of the Reference Scenario. In Part 1 of this 
Report we saw that the investment demands of Common Development Scenario 
would be very high and this is confirmed in Table 9 which shows that even with 
the reduced objective (reducing the difference between current and EU27 bench-mark 
values by one third) it would need more than US1, 200 billion for the MED- 
11 countries to achieve the benchmark standards. Spread over a period of twenty 
years this would require an annual investment of more thanUS$60 billion, about 
double that of the Reference Scenario. The Polarized Development Scenario 
would require a total of more than US$900 million, equivalent to US$45 billion 
per year, about one third more than for the Reference Scenario. 
In all the scenarios the maintenance share is high, more than 45% of the total 
for the Reference and Failed scenarios, about 40% for the Polarized Development 
Scenario and more than 30% for the Common Development Scenario. Although 
the Common Development Scenario has the lowest share of investment in Mainte-nance, 
it has the highest actual investment. Despite the benchmark standards for 
the Common Development scenario having been reduced, this scenario still re-quires 
almost 50% of investment in new infrastructure. In contrast, the Failed and 
Reference scenarios need only 29% of their investment in new facilities. The 
Failed Development scenario compensates by having a high investment shares in 
upgrading (11%) the existing infrastructure. 
31 CASE Network Reports No. 108
Robin Carruthers 
Table 9. Investment total and shares by type of activity 
Scenario Maintenance Upgrading Improvement Expansion Total 
Total investment US$ billion 
Reference 306 61 112 195 674 
Common Development 381 111 133 588 1,213 
Polarized Development 362 61 137 343 903 
Failed Development 238 56 69 147 510 
Annual investment US$ billion 
Reference 15.3 3.0 5.6 9.8 33.7 
Common Development 19.0 5.5 6.7 29.4 60.6 
Polarized Development 18.1 3.0 6.9 17.1 45.1 
Failed Development 11.9 2.8 3.4 7.4 25.5 
Share of total investment (%) 
Reference 45 9 17 29 100 
Common Development 31 9 11 48 100 
Polarized Development 40 7 15 38 100 
Failed Development 47 11 13 29 100 
Source: Author’s estimates. 
Investments by country 
When the investments by country are considered, Scenario 2 (Common Devel-opment) 
is significantly different to the other three. In Scenario 2 there is little 
variation in the shares of investment allocated to Expansion, the lowest share be 
49% (Palestine) and the highest being 70% (Algeria). Given that the Expansion 
shares do not show much variation and are relatively high, the country shares of 
the other types of expenditure also show little variation. 
In the Reference Scenario and Polarized Development Scenario the ranges of 
expansion investment vary from 42% (Egypt) to 0.5% (Palestine) and from 31% 
(also Egypt) to 0% (also Palestine) respectively. Palestine has no need for invest-ment 
in Expansion for Scenarios 1, 3 and 4 as its paved and unpaved road densi-ties 
already exceed the benchmarks for those scenarios, and as it currently has no 
ports, railways or airports we do not allocate any expansion investment to those 
infrastructures. However, Palestine is currently planning to build a rail network, 
and until the second Intifada (2000 to 2005) was well advanced on plans to build 
both a port and an airport. None of these developments are included in our Scenar-ios, 
as their economic and financial viability has not been assessed. 
In the Reference Scenario, three countries (Algeria, Egypt and Turkey) would 
account for about 70% of the total investment, leaving the remaining 30% for the 
other eight countries. Turkey alone would account for one third of the total. At the 
CASE Network Reports No. 108 32
other end of the scale, Lebanon and Palestine would each require only about 1% of 
the total, with Israel and Jordan requiring only 2% each. 
Turkey accounts for the highest share of investment in all four scenarios, con-sistently 
with more than one third of the total. Algeria and Egypt have the next 
highest shares of between 10% and 20% but show more variation between scenar-ios 
and Egypt has a higher share in Scenarios 1, 3 and 4 and Algeria having a 
slightly higher share in Scenario 2. Palestine has consistently the lowest share, 
ranging only between one third and one half of one per cent of the total. Libya has 
the highest range of its investment share, from a low of just over 5% in the Refer-ence 
Scenario to more than 12% in the Polarization Development scenario. 
Table 10. Country shares of total investment, % 
Algeria 16.7 16.5 9.8 14.6 
Egypt 20.0 15.9 19.5 16.8 
Israel 2.1 2.4 1.6 2.7 
Jordan 2.3 2.0 2.2 2.0 
Lebanon 0.8 1.1 0.6 1.0 
Libya 5.5 8.9 12.6 9.7 
Morocco 9.3 8.6 8.8 8.5 
Syria 5.8 5.0 5.9 5.6 
Tunisia 4.1 3.6 2.6 3.4 
Turkey 33.0 35.7 36.0 34.9 
Palestine 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.7 
MED 11 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 
Source: Author’s estimates. 
In the Common Development Scenario, the total investment of more than 
US$3,500 billion would have a similar distribution, but Turkey would account for 
a slightly larger share and Egypt a slightly smaller share than in the Reference 
Scenario. Palestine’s share would reduce to a little more than half of the 0.5% of 
the Reference Scenario. Investment would remain heavily concentrated in Turkey, 
Algeria and Egypt, these three countries accounting for about 68% of the total. 
Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine would account for the smallest share of the 
total, only about 6% of the total between them. 
The Polarization Scenario gives Egypt and Libya their largest share of the four 
scenarios, nearly 20% for Egypt and nearly 13% for Libya. Syria and Jordan also 
have their largest shares in this Scenario, but not by with such large differences to 
the other scenarios. Part of the reason for the larger shares of these countries in the 
33 CASE Network Reports No. 108
Robin Carruthers 
Polarization Scenario is their role as transit countries for higher trade between the 
MED-11 countries rather than with the EU-27. 
Despite having the lowest total investment, the shares of that total between 
counties in the Failed Development Scenario are not very different from those in 
the Reference Scenario. Algeria and Egypt have slightly lower shares while Libya 
has a rather higher share and Turkey a slightly higher share. The shares of all the 
other countries differ from those of the Reference Scenario by less than one per 
Investment by mode 
There are two ways of looking at mode shares. The first is to see the total in-vestment 
for each mode, and this is shown in first part of Table 11 for the four 
scenarios. The second way is based on the share of investment for each mode, and 
this is shown in the second part of Table 11. Although there are significant differ-ences 
in the total investments for each mode, the shares of investment going to 
each mode are remarkably similar between scenarios with there being a 3% or 
difference in modal shares. 
Table 11. Mode shares and investment by mode for MED-11 countries for each 
Scenario Roads Railways Airports Ports Total 
Total investment, US$m 
Reference 600,018 37,111 24,585 11,859 673,574 
Common Development 1,097,044 67,509 36,398 11,585 1,212,537 
Polarized Development 826,171 37,146 25,440 13,759 902,515 
Failed Development 600,018 37,111 24,585 11,859 510,343 
Share of investment, % of total 
Reference 89 6 4 2 100 
Common Development 90 6 3 1 100 
Polarized Development 92 4 3 2 100 
Failed Development 89 6 4 2 100 
Source: Author’s estimates. 
Paved and unpaved roads 
Roads account for the highest modal investment share for all scenarios, with 
the lowest share being 89% for the References and Failed Development Scenarios 
and the highest being for the Polarized Development Scenario at 92%. With this 
very high share, there is little opportunity for the shares of the other modes to 
show much variation. 
CASE Network Reports No. 108 34
While the railways share only varies between 4% and 6% of the total, the actu-al 
investment varies between US$37billion in the Reference, Polarized and Failed 
Development Scenarios and more than US$ 67 billion in the Common Develop-ment 
Scenario. Although the rail investment is highest in the Common Develop-ment 
Scenario, its share of investment is similar to those of the Reference and 
Failed Development Scenarios. 
The pattern for airport runways and passenger terminals is similar to that of 
railways, that is a very high investment in the Common Development Scenario 
(more than US$37 billion for runways and terminals taken together) and lower but 
similar investments levels in the other scenarios (about US$25 billion). 
Port berths 
The investment needed in port berths (expansion only for container berths but 
improvement, upgrading, improvement and maintenance also for general freight 
berths) is similar for all four scenarios at about US$12 billion although the Polar-ized 
development has about US$2 billion more. The Common Development Sce-nario 
does not have much higher investments that the other scenarios, as we have 
assumed that the Scenario will include a large increase in the ro-ro share of MED- 
11 to E-27 trade and this will detract from the container share. This scenario also 
has the highest efficiency of use of container berths, also contributing to a lower 
need for investment. 
Modal investments by country 
The only three modes that display significant differences between the scenarios 
in terms the share of modal investments between countries are paved roads, un-paved 
roads and railways. For these three modes, Turkey would require more than 
one third of the total investments, except for unpaved roads and railways in the 
Polarized Development Scenario where the shares would fall to about 21% and 
26% respectively. 
For paved roads, Algeria’s share would be about 17% except for the Polarized 
Development Scenario where it would fall to about 7%. Egypt’s share would fall 
from about 20% in the Reference Scenario to 15% in the Common Development 
Scenario. Libya’s share of paved road investment is the most variable between 
scenarios, with 6% in the Reference Scenario, rising to 10% in the Common De-velopment 
Scenario and to 14% for Polarized Development, but falling to 11% in 
35 CASE Network Reports No. 108
Robin Carruthers 
the Failed Development Scenario. Israel, Jordan and Lebanon would have consist-ently 
low shares of paved road investment, at 3%, 2% and 1% respectively. Mo-rocco 
would take about 10% of the paved road investment in all scenarios, while 
Syria would require a consistent 5% and Tunisia a consistent share of between 2% 
and 4%. 
Algeria’s share of unpaved road investment would increase from an average of 
about 22% in the Reference Scenario to more than 29% in the Polarized Develop-ment 
Scenario. Egypt’s share would be about 20% in the first three Scenarios, 
reducing slightly to 16% in the Failed Development Scenario. Israel, Lebanon, 
Jordan and Palestine require little or no investment in unpaved roads, Libya and 
Tunisia about 5%, Morocco about 10% (other than in the Reference Scenario 
where it would only require 4% of the total. 
After Turkey, Algeria and Egypt would need the next greatest share of railway 
investment with about 20% each. Algeria’s share would increase to over 30% in 
the Polarized Development Scenario. Syria and Tunisia would each require about 
6% to 7% for all scenarios, the other countries sharing the remainder with between 
0% (Palestine and Libya as they currently do not have railways) and 2% (Jordan) 
For container berths we have only included the costs of the infrastructure and 
not the superstructure. The latter includes all the container handling equipment and 
is usually provided by the terminal operator, now invariably under a concession 
agreement. Superstructure is not included for any transport infrastructure. The port 
share is small as it is only container berths. We have not had opportunity to ana-lyze 
all the data for bulk solid and bulk liquid berths, but most of investment in 
these is provided by the private sector. 
3.5. Affordability of total transport investments 
While total investment in transport is an important indicator of how much in-vestment 
is needed, it does not reflect how affordable that investment would be. 
For that we look at the investment as a share of GDP. This is reflected in Table 12. 
While being an import concept, affordability in terms of investment as a share 
of income does not have any objective specification – what could be affordable to 
one country might not be to another that has different economic and social objec-tives. 
One criterion that is often used to assess affordability is to compare the in-vestment 
with what share of investment is actually incurred in other countries, and 
this comparison is made in the next Section of this Part of the Report. Anticipating 
the conclusions from this Section, investment of more than 2% of GDP has not 
CASE Network Reports No. 108 36
been maintained consistently by any country, although about one third of the re-porting 
countries have invested more than 1% for at least a decade. 
Table 12. Transport investment as a share of GDP, % 
Reference Common Polarized Failed 
Algeria 2.1 4.5 1.7 1.4 
Egypt 1.6 2.3 2.1 1.0 
Israel 0.2 0.6 0.2 0.2 
Jordan 1.5 2.6 2.0 1.0 
Lebanon 0.4 1.2 0.4 0.4 
Libya 1.3 4.3 4.0 1.7 
Morocco 2.0 3.8 2.6 1.3 
Syria 1.9 2.5 2.7 1.4 
Tunisia 1.8 3.1 1.5 1.1 
Turkey 0.9 2.1 1.3 0.7 
Palestine 1.5 3.0 1.5 1.4 
MED 11 1.2 2.4 1.6 0.9 
Source: Author’s estimates. 
The Common Development Scenario would require all countries other than Is-rael 
to invest 2% of GDP or more in transport infrastructure, while in the Refer-ence 
Scenario this level of investment would only be needed by Algeria and Mo-rocco. 
Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Morocco and Syria would need at least this level of 
investment for the Polarized Development Scenario, while none of the countries 
would need it for the Failed Development Scenario. 
The only country/Scenario combinations that would need more than 4% of 
GDP (and therefore perhaps be financially infeasible) would be Algeria and Libya 
in the Common Development Scenario and Libya in the Polarized Development 
3.6. International comparisons of transport investment 
The International Transport Forum (ITF) produces an annual report on 
transport investment as a share of GDP by those of its member countries that pro-vided 
data. About 41 countries have provided more or less complete data for at 
least three of the last ten years. 
These reports show that Western European Countries (WECs) reduced their 
transport investment share of GDP from about 1.5% of GDP in the 1970s to about 
37 CASE Network Reports No. 108
Robin Carruthers 
1% of GDP in the 1980s and had reduced the share to about 0.8% by this decade. 
By 2009, Denmark has the lowest share at about 0.5 % and Spain the highest at 
about 1.1%. 
Interpolating the available data for the last ten years, it appears that three coun-tries 
invested more than 2% of GDP in transport – Japan, Albania and Croatia. 
Japan’s high average conceals a rapid decline, from more than 3.7% in 2000 to 
less than 0.6% in 2009. A further three countries (Latvia, Italy and the Czech Re-public) 
invested between 1.5 and 2.0% of GDP. Thirteen more countries invested 
more than 1% of GDP and twenty two more countries between 0.5% and 1% of 
GDP. The average of these 41 countries was 1.0% of GDP. The only MED-11 
country included in the ITF dataset is Turkey, which invested only between 0.3% 
and 0.5% of its GDP in transport in each reported year between 2000 and 2009. 
Although the ITF data does distinguish between new investment and mainte-nance, 
within new investment it does not distinguish between investment in new 
facilities (in our terminology network expansion), improving condition and up-grading 
categories. Even for maintenance, its data is very incomplete. 
Also, most of the ITF members that do report data are developed countries that 
have been investing in their transport infrastructure for centuries, whereas most of 
the MED-11 countries are still developing and have only been investing seriously 
in transport infrastructure since their independence or since the collapse of the 
Ottoman Empire by the end of the First World War. So the ITF members do not 
have the same need to invest in basic transport infrastructure. This difference is 
reflected in the Normalized infrastructure densities for the MED-11 and EU-27 
Mode shares 
In the Western European countries, the share of investment in road infrastruc-ture 
has declined slowly with a gradual increase in rail investment. While the share 
of road investment amounted to close to 80% in Western Europe in 1975, figures 
for 2009 put it at 66% of total investment in transport infrastructure. The share of 
inland waterways has remained at a constant 2% in recent years. The rail share of 
investment is particularly high in Austria (65%), the United Kingdom (55%), Lux-embourg 
(52%), Sweden 45% and Belgium (41%). The trend observed in our data 
for Western Europe is partly a reflection of the political commitment to the rail-ways. 
Transport investment in other regions 
The transport investment shares of GDP for the MED11 countries are compa-rable 
to those of the lower middle income countries of Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA) 
CASE Network Reports No. 108 38
(Carruthers et al., 2008). The recent World Bank study on transport infrastructure 
produced broadly similar results for the 44 countries included in its study as our 
analysis of the MED-11 countries. Table 13 shows the investment shares of GDP 
projected in the AICD study for the SSA countries. The study used two scenarios. 
The standards in the Base Scenario (compatible with those used in our study but 
based on a Connectivity approach) were considered unaffordable for the lowest 
income countries, so alternative lower standards were assessed in what was called 
a Pragmatic Scenario. These lower standards are not relevant to our analyses as 
none of the MED-11 countries are low income or economically and socially frag-ile 
as defined in the AICD study. 
For the Base Scenario, the average share of GDP for the Resource-rich and 
Middle-income (all of which are low Middle-income countries) were 1.7% and 
0.7% respectively. 
Unlike the ITF countries that already have well developed transport networks, 
those of the MED-11 and SSA countries are still in the stage of development and 
so need investment particularly in upgrading and expansion. 
Table 13. Projected transport infrastructure investment for Sub-Saharan Africa, 
% of GDP 
Country group Base scenario Pragmatic scenario 
Low-income (fragile) 8.2 4.8 
Low-income (not fragile) 2.9 1.7 
Resource-rich 1.7 1.0 
Middle-income 0.7 0.4 
Average for all Sub-Saharan Africa 2.0 1.2 
Source: Carruthers et al. (2008). 
For the MED-11 countries, the share of total investment allocated to expansion 
of the transport networks is relatively small (between 20% and 40% of the total, 
overlooking the Common Development Scenario where network expansion would 
require almost 70% of the total investment, despite the quite extensive additional 
infrastructure needed to reach the benchmark targets as shown in Table 3 in the 
Part 1 Report. 
Routine and periodic maintenance expenditure would account for the largest 
share by type of activity, at 40% to 50% share However, closer examination of the 
ITF results shows that much of the maintenance expenditure is missing whereas 
that for new investment appears to be complete, so the maintenance share is under-reported. 
39 CASE Network Reports No. 108
Robin Carruthers 
When the improvement share (about 20%) which is really deferred mainte-nance, 
is added to that of routine and periodic maintenance, the share comes to 
about 60%. This is closer to the share estimated for 44 Sub-Saharan African coun-tries 
in a recent World Bank study. 
Maintenance share of transport investment in developed countries 
The balance between road maintenance and investment has remained relatively 
constant over time in many regions, with maintenance making up 30% of total 
road expenditure on average. 
The volume of maintenance for road infrastructure in WECs has increased 
slightly more rapidly than the volume of investment; the former grew by 25%, 
while the latter by around 21% from 1995 to 2008. This has resulted in an in-creased 
share of maintenance in total road expenditure; from 26% in 1997 to 30% 
in 2009. 
Similar to the growth in volume of investment, the volume of maintenance has 
grown strongly in Central and East European Countries (CEECs). The share of 
maintenance in total road expenditure has declined slightly, from 30% in 1997 to 
27% in 2009. The increase in maintenance volumes in 2006 and 2007 (Figure 4) 
was partly due to a major increase in road maintenance in Hungary during those 
In North America, the volume of maintenance has been relatively constant over 
time. The share of maintenance has declined from 33% in 1997 to 31% in 2009, 
according to preliminary estimates. As with investment data, data on maintenance 
is also prone to limitations and uncertainties (such as the allocation of spending 
between maintenance and renewals). 
3.7. Conclusions 
We have assessed the costs and affordability of providing the transport infra-structure 
necessary for the MED-11 countries to achieve their benchmark quanti-ties, 
and maintaining that infrastructure in a condition that is most likely to opti-mize 
the combination of infrastructure maintenance and vehicle (including road 
and rail vehicles) and in the case of airports and container berths, to avoid severe 
CASE Network Reports No. 108 40
The costs of providing this infrastructure expressed as a % of GDP have been 
found to be comparable to other developing countries that have reported investing 
or are expected to invest. The shares of GDP foreseen for transport investment in 
the MED11 countries are higher than in the EU27 countries over the last decade 
and comparable with those projected for 44 Sub-Saharan African countries for the 
next two decades to achieve broadly similar infrastructure quantities and qualities. 
41 CASE Network Reports No. 108
Robin Carruthers 
4. GDP and trade growth impacts 
of transport investment 
In Part three of the report we deal with the impact of investment in transport in-frastructure 
on GDP and international trade. These two impacts are linked through 
the standard definition of GDP being the total market value of all final goods and 
services produced in a country in a given year, equal to total consumer, investment 
and government spending, plus the value of exports, minus the value of imports. 
GDP = Consumption goods and services (C) + Gross Investments (I) + 
Government Purchases (G) + (Exports (X) - Imports (M)) 
Transport investment contributes directly to GDP through I (gross investments) 
and possibly through G (government purchases) and less directly through C by 
facilitating the consumption of goods and services. Although a significant part of 
those goods and services are related to transport, most of them are for other sectors 
of the economy. Transport activities typically account for between 6% and 10% of 
GDP, although this does not include transport activities undertaken on their own 
behalf by enterprises in other economic sectors. Few reliable estimates are availa-ble 
of these own account transport activities, and to a large degree their size de-pends 
on the efficiency of enterprises in the transport sector itself – the less effi-cient 
they are the greater the incentive for enterprises in other sectors to undertake 
transport activities themselves. 
In addition to these impacts of investment in transport infrastructure on the val-ue 
of final goods produced within a country, there is a secondary impact via any 
net increase in international trade (X-M). We deal first with the impact on the val-ue 
of domestic goods and services and public and private investment (I +G), and 
then separately on changes in imports and exports (X-M), and only bring them 
together at the end of the analysis. This separation follows conventional analyses 
where the two sets of impacts are treated independently of each other – the im-pacts 
on the value of output being measured quite differently to the impact on 
exports and imports. 
In respect of the impact on trade, if this increase is skewed in favor of imports 
over exports, the impact on GDP will be negative. So if the objective of the 
CASE Network Reports No. 108 42
transport investment is to bring about higher GDP (or higher GDP growth) then it 
is important to distinguish between impacts on exports and imports. 
The Part 3 of the Report has three sections. In the first we summarize previous 
studies of the impact of investment in transport infrastructure on economic 
growth; in the second we summarize previous studies of the impact of transport 
infrastructure investment on international trade; the third part comprises an appli-cation 
of the overall conclusions from these previous studies to the investments 
implied in each of the four scenarios. 
Provision and maintenance of transport infrastructure does not of itself contrib-ute 
anything to economic and social development other than through its direct 
employment and the multiplier effects of that employment. What the provision and 
maintenance of more and better infrastructure can do is to facilitate the provision 
of transport and logistics services that will have more direct economic and social 
impacts. But even better transport and logistics services are only intermediate 
products that contribute to the achievement of economic and social objectives. So 
trying to assess the impact of investment in transport infrastructure on economic 
and social outcomes requires a long and complex analysis 
The difficulties in establishing the links between transport investment and eco-nomic 
and social outcomes are part of the explanation as to why until the last dec-ade 
there had been few attempts to measure these impacts, and even fewer even 
partially successful attempts. 
4.1. Investment in transport infrastructure and economic growth 
Most of the attempts to assess the impact of transport infrastructure on econom-ic 
wealth (or of changes in transport infrastructure on changes in economic wealth) 
make use of a version of the Cobb-Douglas production function. Application of 
the function consists in estimating the parameters of an infrastructure augmented 
production function. 
If we consider countries i = 1…n at a time t = 1… t, the model is of the form: 
ܻ௜௧ ൌ ܣ௜ܭ௜௧ 
ఊ ܸ௜௧, 
where Yit is the aggregate added value, Kit is a measure of physical capital, and Hit 
of human capital, Xit is infrastructure capital and Vit is an error term. 
43 CASE Network Reports No. 108
Robin Carruthers 
Since it is the infrastructure services that impact on value added and this is dif-ficult 
to measure directly, the application of the model assumes that the quantity of 
infrastructure services is proportional to the quantity of infrastructure capital. The 
basic model also assumes constant returns to scale, so that the sum of exponents is 
one. Dividing through by Lit and taking logs, the following expression results: 
ݕ௜௧ ୀ ௔೔ାఈ௞೔೟ାఉ௛೔೟ାఊ௫೔೟ା௩೔೟ 
where yit = log (Yit) and capital stocks and outputs are in log per worker terms. 
The fixed effects ai capture all the timeless components of the total factor 
productivity. It is also possible to include in this linear specification some time 
effects to capture the common factors in the total factor productivity. This is the 
form of the model most used in assessments of the relationship between transport 
infrastructure and economic output. 
It is difficult to interpret directly the parameters of equation, since infrastruc-ture 
capital appears twice, once its own but also as a part of aggregate capital Kit. 
Consequently, the parameter  cannot be interpreted as the infrastructure elasticity. 
So the elasticity of output with respect to infrastructure is not constant and de-pends 
on the ratio of capital stocks. However, infrastructure stocks typically ac-count 
for relatively small portions of overall capital stock, so the difference be-tween 
the genuine elasticity evaluated around the sample mean and the naïve esti-mate 
should be small. 
There are two related but different approaches to estimating the impact of in-frastructure 
on economic growth – the first uses a constant elasticity model while 
the second allows for variation in elasticity, usually through a threshold approach. 
Constant elasticity models 
Canning and Bennathan approach 
While several previous studies had considered the impact on transport invest-ment 
on the economic growth of a single country (for example Aschauer, 1989), 
one of the first analyses using the constant elasticity approach and covering a large 
number of countries looked at the social rate of return on transport investment by 
estimating the effect on aggregate output (Canning and Bennathan, 2004). 
The approach to finding the benefits of infrastructure was to estimate an aggre-gate 
production function for a panel of 97 countries over a period of 40 years 
(1960 to 2000), including as explanatory variables physical capital and human 
capital as well as one transport infrastructure variable – paved roads, but also for 
CASE Network Reports No. 108 44
electricity generating capacity. The marginal product of infrastructure was meas-ured 
by its contribution to aggregate output. In contrast to an earlier analysis of the 
same data (Canning, 1999) this analysis used a translog transformation of the 
standard Cobb-Douglas production function to avoid the imposition of a declining 
marginal productivity of capital as the capital output ratio rises. This declining 
marginal product was believed by the authors to almost guarantee a high rate of 
return on physical and human capital in low income countries, which they consid-ered 
to be in conflict with observed rates of return to private capital investment. 
The authors concluded that there were diminishing rates of return to paved 
roads, and that this implied “little support for a policy of purely infrastructure led 
growth.” However, they also concluded that “infrastructure (paved roads and elec-tricity 
generation) is found to be strongly complementary with both physical and 
human capital, giving it an important role in a process of balanced growth. The 
possibility of acute infrastructure shortages if investment in other types of capital 
takes off but infrastructure investment lags behind”. 
Considering only the results for paved roads, the authors found that the rates of 
return were similar to or even lower than, those for other forms of capital. For a 
few middle income countries with an acute shortage of paved roads, there were 
very high returns on investment in this infrastructure. The authors also observed 
that these high rates of return followed a period of sustained economic growth 
during which road building stocks had lagged behind investments in other types of 
capital, and that this effect was accentuated by the low costs of road construction 
in middle income countries relative to both poorer and richer countries. 
An examination of the study results for paved roads in developing countries 
produced results that conflicted with the authors’ conclusion about the lower rate 
of return on paved roads compared to other investments. The authors only provide 
paved roads results for 41 countries and of these only 26 are developing countries. 
For these 26 countries, the average rate of return on investment in paved roads is 
27.6% while that on other capital is only 5.0%. 
Calderon and Serven approach 
One of the most authoritative and comprehensive analyses of the effects of 
transport infrastructure on economic growth is provided in Calderon and Serven 
(2004). Their panel analyses used data from 121 countries over a forty year time 
period (1960 to 2000) for four different types of infrastructure (telephone lines, 
electricity generating capacity, roads and railways and access to safe water) and 
found that the volume of infrastructure stocks has a significant positive effect on 
long-run economic growth. This conclusion is robust to changes in the infrastruc-ture 
measure used as well as the estimation technique applied. They also found a 
45 CASE Network Reports No. 108
Robin Carruthers 
positive but less robust relationship between infrastructure quality and growth, 
although they observed that this might reflect limitations of the quality measures 
available or also the fact that quantity and quality are strongly correlated, so that 
quality effects on growth are already captured by the quantity measures. The au-thors 
also investigated the impact of infrastructure (including transport) on income 
inequality (measured by the Gini coefficient) and found a statistically significant 
negative correlation, that is increasing the quantity and quality of transport infra-structure 
would reduce income inequality. Both conclusions were applicable to all 
types of infrastructure, including roads and railways. 
The authors concluded that these results were obtained in a framework that 
controlled for reverse causation (one of the greatest sources of doubt in assess-ments 
of the relationship between infrastructure and growth), and that they sur-vived 
a variety of statistical tests that failed to show any evidence of misspecifica-tion. 
From this they concluded that the results reflect causal, and not merely coin-cidental, 
effects of infrastructure on growth and inequality. 
The measures of the quantities of road and railways used in the analyses were 
not absolute measures, but were similar to one of the benchmark measures in our 
analysis of transport infrastructure demand described in Part 1 of this Report. For 
transport infrastructure the measures were length in kms per unit of total land area. 
In Part 1 of this Report we observed that using different indicators of transport 
infrastructure density (by area, per capita or per unit of GDP) produce very differ-ent 
results as the three measures are vey weakly correlated and in some cases neg-atively 
correlated. We also observed that for many countries, especially those that 
have large areas of desert or otherwise unproductive areas using total land area (as 
used by Calderon and Serven, 2004) is a less appropriate parameter to assess 
transport density than agricultural or arable land area. So if Calderon and Serven 
(2004) had used a different measure of transport intensity (using population, GDP 
or agricultural or arable land area to derive the parameter) they would have pro-duced 
different regression parameters. 
For the quality measure of transport infrastructure, the authors used the % of all 
roads that are paved. The measure of unpaved roads in the database used by Calde-ron 
and Serven (2004) is inconsistent between countries. The specification of an 
unpaved road is imprecise, with some countries including even minor paths and 
tracks while others only include those for which one the three principal levels of 
administration (national, regional and local) has a specific responsibility. So if the 
quantity of unpaved roads is unreliable, then so is the % of unpaved roads as a 
measure of road quality. 
Notwithstanding these reservations, their analysis did provide a robust conclu-sion 
of a positive relationship between economic growth and quantity of transport 
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  • 2. The views and opinions expressed here reflect the authors’ point of view and not necessarily those of CASE Network. This paper has been prepared within the agenda of FP7 funded project (Grant Agreement No. 244578) on “Prospective Analysis for the Mediterranean Region (MEDPRO)” Keywords: Infrastructure, Region, Investment, GDP, Trade, Benefit ratio JEL codes: F150, O180, O240, R420 © CASE – Center for Social and Economic Research, Warsaw, 2012 Graphic Design: Agnieszka Natalia Bury EAN 9788371785658 Publisher: CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research on behalf of CASE Network al. Jana Pawla 61 office 212, 01-031 Warsaw, Poland tel.: (48 22) 206 29 00, fax: (48 22) 206 29 01 e-mail: case@case-research.eu http://www.case-research.eu
  • 3. The CASE Network is a group of economic and social research centers in Po-land, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, and Belarus. Organizations in the network regularly conduct joint research and advisory projects. The research co-vers a wide spectrum of economic and social issues, including economic effects of the European integration process, economic relations between the EU and CIS, monetary policy and euro-accession, innovation and competitiveness, and labour markets and social policy. The network aims to increase the range and quality of economic research and information available to policy-makers and civil society, and takes an active role in on-going debates on how to meet the economic chal-lenges facing the EU, post-transition countries and the global economy. The CASE network consists of:  CASE – Center for Social and Economic Research, Warsaw, est. 1991, www.case-research.eu  CASE – Center for Social and Economic Research – Kyrgyzstan, est. 1998, http://case.jet.kg/  Center for Social and Economic Research – CASE Ukraine, est. 1999, www.case-ukraine.com.ua  Foundation for Social and Economic Research CASE Moldova, est. 2003, www.case.com.md  CASE Belarus – Center for Social and Economic Research Belarus, est. 2007, www.case-belarus.eu  Center for Social and Economic Research CASE Georgia, est. 2011
  • 4. Robin Carruthers Contents Abstract .................................................................................................................. 7 1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 8 2. Transport infrastructure benchmarking ....................................................... 11 2.1. Transport infrastructure and economic and social development .............. 11 2.2. Benchmarking ........................................................................................... 11 2.3. Transport infrastructure benchmarks for MED11 countries ..................... 14 2.4. Summary of additional transport infrastructure for each scenario ........... 20 3. Transport infrastructure investment costs and affordability ...................... 22 3.1. Quantities of transport infrastructure ........................................................ 22 3.2. Types of transport infrastructure investment ............................................ 22 3.3. Unit costs of infrastructure investment ..................................................... 26 3.4. Results of the cost analysis ....................................................................... 31 3.5. Affordability of total transport investments ............................................. 36 3.6. International comparisons of transport investment ................................... 37 3.7. Conclusions .............................................................................................. 40 4. GDP and trade growth impacts of transport investment ............................. 42 4.1. Investment in transport infrastructure and economic growth ................... 43 4.2. Infrastructure investment and international trade ..................................... 51 4.3. Economic growth and international trade impacts of the four scenarios .. 53 4.4. Conclusions .............................................................................................. 58 References............................................................................................................. 59 CASE Network Reports No. 108 4
  • 5. TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR MED11 COUNTRIES List of Tables Table 1. Methodologies available to estimate transport investment needs ............ 13 Table 2. Transport Infrastructure Benchmark values ............................................ 18 Table 3. Summary of additions to transport infrastructure for each Scenario ....... 21 Table 4. Total transport infrastructure for each Scenario ...................................... 23 Table 5. Unit costs of improvement of transport infrastructure ............................ 28 Table 6. Unit Costs of Upgrading of categories of transport infrastructure .......... 29 Table 7. Unit costs of New Infrastructure ............................................................. 29 Table 8. Unit Costs of Periodic Maintenance ........................................................ 30 Table 9. Investment total and shares by type of activity ....................................... 32 Table 10. Country shares of total investment, % ................................................... 33 Table 11. Mode shares and investment by mode for MED-11 countries for each scenario .................................................................................................................. 34 Table 12. Transport investment as a share of GDP, % .......................................... 37 Table 13. Projected transport infrastructure investment for Sub-Saharan Africa, % of GDP .............................................................................................................. 39 Table 14. Four stage model: Infrastructure thresholds (in km per worker) and elasticities (in GDP per worker in US dollars) ...................................................... 49 Table 15. Paved Road and Railway densities (km per worker) ............................. 50 Table 16. Road and Rail Investment impacts on annual GDP growth .................. 54 Table 17. LPI 2009 and its component values ....................................................... 56 Table 18. Changes in LPI attributable to transport infrastructure investment, % . 57 Table 19. Increase in trade balance (Exports-Imports) as % of GDP .................... 58 5 CASE Network Reports No. 108
  • 6. Robin Carruthers The author Until recently Robin Carruthers was a Lead Transport Economist in the World Bank, responsible for the quality of its evaluation of transport projects and its transport research, and is the principal author of its Toolkit on Transport Corri-dors and a major contributor to its guide to Trade and Transport Facilitation. He is now a consultant to several international lending institutions on transport, trade and infrastructure, and their interrelationships. Before joining the World Bank about 20 years ago he spent a decade as partner of a transport consultancy in Bue-nos Aires and before that, ten years with a transport and civil engineering consul-tancy in London and Australia. He started his career with the governance of urban planning and transport in London, and the evaluation of airport development pro-posals for the precursor of UK Civil Aviation Administration. CASE Network Reports No. 108 6
  • 7. TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR MED11 COUNTRIES Abstract Lack of adequate infrastructure is a significant inhibitor to increased trade of the countries of the Mediterranean region. Bringing their transport infrastructure to standards comparable with countries of a similar per capita GDP will be costly but worthwhile. We compare the current quantities of six types of transport infrastructure with international, and estimate the additional quantities needed to reach the bench-marks. We also estimate the cost of that infrastructure and express it as a percent-age of GDP. Finally we make tentative estimates of how much trade might be generated and how this might impact on GDP. All the estimates are made for each MED11 country and for each of four scenarios. The highest need for additional infrastructure will be for airport passenger ter-minals (between 52% and 56%), whereas the lowest need was for more unpaved roads (between 7% and 13%). The investment (including maintenance) cost would be between 0.9% of GDP and 2.4% of GDP, although the investments in some countries would be between 1.4% and 4.5% of GDP. The impact on non-oil international trade would be substantial, but with differ-ences between imports and exports. The overall trade balance of the MED11 re-gion would be an improvement of between 5.4% and 17.2%, although some coun-tries would continue to have a negative balance. A final assessment was of the benefit ratio between the increase in GDP and the cost of transport investment. This varied between about 3 and 8, an indication of the high return to be expected from increased investment in transport infrastruc-ture. 7 CASE Network Reports No. 108
  • 8. Robin Carruthers 1. Introduction The objective of the analyses described here is to provide estimates of the costs to the MED11 countries of bringing their transport infrastructure to specified standards, and of the macro-economic benefits of those investments. The twin objectives of investment in transport infrastructure are to provide a basis for the transport and logistics services that will be needed to support the projected GDP, and volume of international trade that is associated with that growth. The infra-structure investments and associated transport and logistics services will also con-tribute to further increases in GDP and trade above those assumed for the base situation. The report is in three Parts. The first provides a description of the basic bench-marking approach to estimate the current deficiencies in transport infrastructure of the MED11 countries. In the second there is description of how the costs of mak-ing good on the transport infrastructure deficiencies are estimated for each of the four “Sessa” framework scenarios (see Ayadi and Sessa, 2011). The method and results of estimating the macro-economic benefits of the indicted investments are provided in the third and final part. The Report is centered on specifications of transport infrastructure for four scenarios based of those of the “Sessa framework”, defined below. The quantities and qualities of transport infrastructure appropriate for each of the scenarios are based on a benchmarking approach. In this, the current quantities of transport in-frastructure (measured on an average of a per area, per capita and per unit of GDP basis) were estimated from a database of current transport infrastructure and mac-roeconomic and social data for 139 countries. Then average benchmark values were derived for the various country combinations indicated in the specifications of the four scenarios. These averages were then extended up to 2030 by taking account of the population and GDP projections provided in other MED11 reports. The first scenario is compatible with the Sessa Reference or “Business as Usu-al” scenario. For the purposes of estimating the necessary transport infrastructure that would be associated with this scenario, the current quantities and qualities of transport infrastructure are compared with the global average benchmark values. For the second scenario (compatible with the Common Development Scenario of the Sessa Framework) the necessary transport infrastructure is related to that cur-rently found in the countries of the EU27. For the third scenario (compatible with CASE Network Reports No. 108 8
  • 9. TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR MED11 COUNTRIES the Polarized Development Scenario) the benchmark infrastructure provisions are the average of those of the countries that comprise the same per capita income group as each of the MED11 countries. A different approach was used for estimat-ing the infrastructure provision for the final scenario (compatible with the Failed Development Scenario of the Sessa Framework). Instead of using quantity and quality benchmarks as the standards, the average investment in transport infra-structure (as a % of GDP) of each of the MED11 countries over the last decade was assumed to continue for the whole of the twenty year assessment period. Basis of Scenario Infrastructure Benchmarks Scenario Benchmark Infrastructure Standard Reference Global average network density Common Development Based on EU27 network density Polarized Development Average density of country per capita income group Failed Development National average infrastructure investment of last decade The estimated total investment costs described in the second part of the report cover four transport modes:  inter-urban roads (including both paved and unpaved roads);  railways;  port berths;  airports (including runways and terminals); and four types of investment expenditure:  improving the condition of current transport infrastructure to bring it up to the standards compatible with the relevant scenario;  upgrading the category of existing infrastructure (such as expanding the capacity of some two lane roads to four lanes) to achieve the standards of the relevant scenario;  expanding the capacity of infrastructure facilities or extending the length of transport networks so as to provide the capacities and quanti-ties indicate by the benchmark values for each of the scenarios, and;  maintaining the improved, upgraded and expanded facilities and net-works in the condition indicated in the scenario benchmarks. Part of the justification for proposed transport infrastructure investments is that they will contribute to increases in GDP and international trade. The base level projections of GDP are based on those made in other MED11 reports. We report here only the projected increases above these levels for each Scenario. As a check that the proposed investments are financially feasible, they are also expressed as 9 CASE Network Reports No. 108
  • 10. Robin Carruthers percentages of the base level GDP projections. Similarly, estimates of additional international trade are expressed as increases above the base levels of international trade (also expressed as percentages of GDP) derived from other MED11 reports. These GDP and trade projections are the subject matter of the third part of the Report. CASE Network Reports No. 108 10
  • 11. TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR MED11 COUNTRIES 2. Transport infrastructure benchmarking 2.1. Transport infrastructure and economic and social development Roads, railways, ports, and airports deliver economic and social benefits by connecting agricultural, mining and manufacturing producers to international and regional markets. Without reliable and competitively priced freight transport infra-structure and services to connect to international markets, nations have little hope of trading their goods on the most advantageous terms. If they cannot transport products to domestic markets, growth of GDP will be difficult if not impossible. Adequate transport infrastructure and services are needed to make both interna-tional and domestic markets work. When infrastructure is absent or degraded, it no longer fulfills its connective functions, and the economy suffers. As essential transactions and movements are delayed or disrupted, transport costs rise, individuals lose time in unremunerated commuting, and firms must fight harder to compete. To restore the connections, new infrastructure must be built, and existing infrastructure restored or improved. Transport infrastructure is expensive. The huge investments required to build highways, railways, airports and ports must be well planned. If regularly main-tained, transport infrastructure can be long-lived. But without maintenance, these valuable assets can deteriorate in a matter of a few years. Too often, the same roads end up being rebuilt over and over again, at a cost several times higher than if the appropriate maintenance measures had been taken on time. 2.2. Benchmarking Comparisons of current transport infrastructure Country transport infrastructure comparisons are used to assess whether the quantity and quality of provision of transport infrastructure are compatible with those of similar countries. If the comparison values show that the quantity and 11 CASE Network Reports No. 108
  • 12. Robin Carruthers quality are less than the benchmark standards, a second stage of analysis is to es-timate how great is the deficiency and how much additional infrastructure (and/or upgrading and improvement of already existing infrastructure) would be needed to bring the quantity and quality up to the benchmark levels. The third stage of the analysis is to see what public expenditure (or combination of public and private investment) is needed to finance this expansion, upgrading and improvement, and whether that amount is compatible with the funding likely to be available. To fa-cilitate these analyses the investments are expressed in absolute amounts and as percentages of GDP. The last stage is to look at the social and economic impacts of these investments to see if they are worthwhile, that is, whether the value of the additional GDP and international trade is greater than the cost of the investments. Benchmarking compared to other infrastructure comparison methods Several factors complicate the estimation of transport investment needs, includ-ing the geographical specificity of the transport network and the existence of mul-tiple modes of transport that both substitute for and complement one another. The literature contains several methodological approaches, including macroeconomic models, benchmarking, demand models, and planning-based models that empha-size concepts of connectivity. The various approaches differ substantially in their strengths and weaknesses, as well as in their data requirements (Table 1). As might be expected, those that are least data-intensive also tend to give very general or aggregated conclusions. A more disaggregated estimation of the composition of investment requirements generally demands detailed modeling to reflect the geo-graphical specificities of a given country’s transport network. Macroeconomic models typically exploit cross-country panel datasets to esti-mate the relationship between infrastructure stocks and a handful of basic social and economic parameters, such as population and GDP. This approach is exempli-fied by the work of Kohli, Walton and Mody (1994), which estimated the transport investment requirements of the larger East Asian economies at 2–3 percent of GDP. Canning’s (1999) seminal paper linked this approach to a Cobb-Douglas production function framework and became the basis for a series of adaptations that were applied by the World Bank (Fay and Yepes, 2003; Calderon and Serven, 2004; and Chatterton and Puerto, 2005). The average transport spending require-ment for the MED11 countries that emerged from a review of this literature is 3.2 percent of GDP, including both investment and maintenance. This is higher than the shares of GDP that are indicated by our analyses (see Table 12). CASE Network Reports No. 108 12
  • 13. TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR MED11 COUNTRIES Table 1. Methodologies available to estimate transport investment needs Strengths Weaknesses Macro-econometric models Econometrically grounded Exploits variation across countries and time High level of aggregation Limited explanatory factors Not location specific Benchmarking Relative simplicity No clear theoretical foundation Choice of benchmark is arbitrary and may affect results signifi-cantly Not location specific Demand models Explicitly models demand–supply relationship in a framework that reflects specificities of country’s transport network Can be location specific Data intensive Planning models Based on detailed geographical model reflecting specificities of country’s transport network Can be location specific Driven by planning goals rather than by economic trade-offs Source: Carruthers et al. (2008). A further refinement of the macroeconomic approach incorporated threshold effects (Hurlin, 2006). This study found that in the early stages of infrastructure network development, the marginal impact of more investment had productivity effects similar to those of investments elsewhere in the economy, but once the network had passed its “threshold size,” additional investment in the network be-came much more productive. Then, once the network passed a second threshold, the impact of further investment fell back to the level of other investments. The benchmarking approach, is methodologically much simpler than the mac-roeconomic approach, and devises normalized indicators of infrastructure perfor-mance (such as road density or road condition) and compares them across coun-tries, with countries divided into groups having broadly similar characteristics (Bogetic and Fedderke, 2006), or simply compares infrastructure spending across countries. Benchmarking imposes fewer data requirements than macroeconomic models, other than requiring data for many countries to establish comparable benchmarks. The choice of indicators and normalizations is somewhat arbitrary and can significantly affect the results. Transport demand models have been used by sector specialists for more than 40 years. A detailed microeconomic model of an individual country’s transport sector is created and used to project aggregate demand for transport based on an-ticipated economic growth. The model allocates that demand across transport modes, compares demand with the capacity of each segment of the network, and, 13 CASE Network Reports No. 108
  • 14. Robin Carruthers on that basis, estimates the additional transport infrastructure needed. Successful recent applications include the World Bank’s assistance to the government of Chi-na for the development of its transport strategy and the European Union’s devel-opment of the trans-European transport network. The main drawback of the ap-proach is that it is very data-intensive. In addition to the three economic approaches just described, it is also possible to estimate transport investment needs using a planning-based approach that sets targets for geographical connectivity and estimates the cost of reaching them. The approach, applied in World Bank advisory work in Argentina, China and Africa, has the advantage of reflecting the specificity of each individual country’s transport network. However, unlike the previous methodology, the planning ap-proach is very subjective, driven by political choices, and the targets are rarely grounded in an economic balancing of costs and benefits. Given the lack of data needed for a macroeconomic, transport demand of plan-ning based approach, the analyses presented here are based on a benchmarking approach. 2.3. Transport infrastructure benchmarks for MED11 countries There are two methods of deriving benchmark standards for quantities of transport infrastructure. The first compares densities of infrastructure with those of comparable countries, while the second uses international best practice infrastructure provision or performance standards. The first method is preferable as it is less sub-jective, the second method being subject to interpretation as to what is best practice. Data was available to use the first method for only four of the infrastructure types, albeit those with the highest expected investment costs (paved roads, unpaved roads, railways and airport runways). For two other types of infrastructure (airport passenger terminals and port berths) we used the second method as there is no data-base of global infrastructure densities that includes these types of infrastructure. Using the first method, we have estimated benchmark values for paved roads, unpaved roads, railways and airport runway infrastructure, and applied those val-ues to the MED11 region and to each of the countries of the region. The data for the benchmarks comes from a new transport and macroeconomic database of 139 countries using data for 2008. Most of the data comes from the World Bank Data Development Platform time series database. The database excludes all small island states and some small land based and island states (such as Qatar and Singapore) that were considered sufficiently atypical not be used in the estimation of bench- CASE Network Reports No. 108 14
  • 15. TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR MED11 COUNTRIES marks. It also excludes Zimbabwe and Somalia for which macro-economic data was not available. First benchmarking method Using the first benchmarking method, the infrastructure measures used were:  Km of paved road;  Km of unpaved road;  Km of railway in operation;  Number of runways at airports that have regular passenger services. Base parameters Three parameters were used for the compilation of the final benchmarks:  land area;  population; and  total GDP. So benchmark values were calculated per km2 of land area, per million popula-tion1 and per US$ of GDP. Normalized benchmark values Previous applications of the benchmarking method have used only one of the three parameters for defining infrastructure density (as per km2 of area, per capita or per unit of GDP), so have not dealt with the issue of combining multiple benchmarks into a single measure. Using different parameters to define infrastruc-ture density gives significantly different outcomes. Countries that perform well using one parameter can perform much less well using one or both of the others. There are few if any conceptual indications to prefer one parameter over another. One of the few indications that can be applied is that area, being non-time de-pendent, gives more consistent results than either population or GDP. Using area it is not so important to determine a base year for its measurement, and for a given quantity of infrastructure the benchmark is constant over time. For either popula-tion or GDP, the choice of base year influences the measure of the benchmark and for a given quantity of infrastructure the measure changes over time as the value of the parameter changes. Despite this advantage of area as a parameter for estimat- 1 A different population parameter (number of cities) was used for the airport runway benchmark. 15 CASE Network Reports No. 108
  • 16. Robin Carruthers ing benchmarks, some types of infrastructure (such as airport runways or port berths) are not dependent on area, so it is not necessarily the most appropriate parameter to use. To overcome problems associated with the choice of a single benchmark, which implies that, the density of a particular type of infrastructure in dependent only (or principally) on that single parameter, we have estimated benchmarks for each of the three parameters, then combined them into a single index of infrastruc-ture density. Since the dimensions of the three parameters are different, simply adding the benchmarks for each of them give more weight in the total to those with a higher value than those with a lower value. So each of the three benchmark values was normalized to a value of 100 (based on the global average density for that type of transport infrastructure) before they were added together to give a total (and by dividing by three, an average based on an index value of 100). A normal-ized index value greater than 100 indicates a higher than global average density over all three parameters, a value less than 100 indicating a lower than global av-erage density over all parameters. Benchmarks for four Scenarios An important choice in benchmarking is what to use as the standard of compar-ison. In our analysis this is the choice of what other countries to use for compari-son with the MED11 countries. We have analyzed four Scenarios and assessed the transport investment outcomes for each of them in terms of the affordability meas-ured in terms of the required share of GDP to achieve them over the period of analysis (up to 2030). Each of the four Scenarios has different benchmark standards and costs of achieving them. The different standards will also have different impacts on the GDP and international trade of each of the MED-11 countries. Each Scenario is defined in terms of the density of its transport infrastructure and the standards to which it is maintained. The first Scenario (compatible with the Sessa Reference scenario) uses a single set of standards, the global averages for each of the types of infrastructure. The premise of this scenario is that the influence of the integration between the MED- 11 countries and the EU would not influence their development, and that the MED-11 countries would continue their integration with the rest of the world. The second Scenario (compatible with the Sessa Common Development sce-nario in which the MED11 and EU27 countries become more economically and socially integrated) was designed to bring the transport infrastructure of the MED- 11 countries to the same as the average of the EURO-27 in 2008. These are very high standards and have been achieved in the EU-27 after more than a century of CASE Network Reports No. 108 16
  • 17. TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR MED11 COUNTRIES investment in modern transport infrastructure and several decades of implementa-tion of the EU Transport Strategy and policy of development of the TEN transport networks. In working through the costs of this scenario we determined that it was unaffordable within the twenty year horizon to 2030 of the MED11 study. In these circumstances there are two choices (which in practice have a similar effect). The first is simply to extend the time period beyond 2030 for achievement of the scenario benchmarks, the second is to lower the benchmark values that can be achieved by 2030. We chose the second alternative as this would at least define the benchmark values that could be achieved by 2030, whereas the first alternative would only provide an estimate of the future year in which the original benchmark values could be reached. After reviewing several versions of this alternative, we determined that it would be feasible to reduce the difference between the current infrastructure standards and the EU benchmark values by one third by 2030. So this is how the benchmark standards for the second scenario (Common Develop-ment) have been defined. This standard is still significantly higher than those of any of the other scenarios. The third Scenario (compatible with the Sessa Polarized scenario is in which the MED11 countries become polarized in terms of the economic and social de-velopment) was based on rather lower standards, those of the average of the coun-tries that are in the same per capita income range as each of the MED-11 coun-tries. Under this Scenario, the MED-11 countries with higher incomes are set ra-ther higher standards to achieve than those with lower per capita incomes. The income groups are based on the World Bank classification of countries by per capita income into four groups: Low Income, Low Middle Income, High Middle Income and High Income. Table 2 shows the benchmark values for each type of transport infrastructure and based on each of the three denominator parameters. First are the densities of transport infrastructure per unit of area, second are the densities per capita and third the densities per unit of GDP. The last set of values (“Normalized values”) is a weighted average of the first three sets of values. The last column of Table 2 shows the current benchmark values for the MED11 countries taken as a whole, giving an indication of the deficiencies compared to each of the benchmarks and each Scenario. Second benchmarking method used for port container berths and airport passenger terminals This method involves estimating the demand for the type of infrastructure, and then the quantities of infrastructure needed to satisfy this demand, assuming that 17 CASE Network Reports No. 108
  • 18. Robin Carruthers such infrastructure utilizes best practice design and/or operating efficiency stand-ards appropriate to the specific scenario (Table3). Table 2. Transport Infrastructure Benchmark values Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 All Countries EU-27 Low Income Lower Middle Income Upper Middle Income High Income MED11 Countries Per unit of land area (1,000 km2) Paved roads 170 1,054 20 182 66 363 61 Unpaved roads 75 195 76 100 58 77 58 Railways 8 50 3 7 6 15 4 Runways 0.05 0.18 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.10 0.02 Per unit of population (million) Paved roads 3,261 8,928 336 1,451 2,941 11,636 1,494 Unpaved roads 1,440 1,650 1,294 799 2,609 2,466 1,419 Railways 76 425 44 54 270 487 86 Runways 0.97 3.81 0.29 0.31 1.46 3.15 1.56 Per unit of GDP (US$ million) Paved roads 352 243 589 655 368 293 260 Unpaved roads 156 45 2,271 361 326 62 247 Railways 17 12 77 24 34 12 15 Runways 0.11 0.04 0.51 0.14 0.18 0.08 0.10 Normalized value Paved roads 100 301 60 107 75 209 49 Unpaved roads 100 132 540 138 155 104 110 Railways 100 311 169 85 145 183 61 Runways 100 234 185 81 127 199 48 Note. Paved roads, unpaved roads and railways are measured in kms, and runways in number. Source: Author’s estimates based on Author’s database. Port berths Port berths are conventionally classified as being for general, containerized, dry bulk and liquid bulk freight. We have only estimated the demand for container berths and assumed that no additional general freight berths will be required. Dry CASE Network Reports No. 108 18
  • 19. TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR MED11 COUNTRIES and liquid bulk berths are usually provided to complement specific agricultural, mining or industrial projects. Since we have not looked at specific investments outside of the transport sector, we did not have a basis on which to project the needs for additional bulk solid and bulk liquid berths, so in that respect the pro-jected overall investment requirements are underestimated. While there are many efficiency parameters for the use of container berths, one of the simplest and most applicable to our analytical method is the number of con-tainers moved per year per berth. Port efficiencies measured by this parameter have improved significantly in the last decade, but this has mostly been through inefficient ports coming closer to the best practice efficiency than there being in-creases in the best practice efficiency. Using the standard measure of a TEU2, the efficient capacity of a standard berth of 300 meters length varies between about 175,000 TEU per year and 400,000 TEU per year depending on the scenario. We have no reliable and consistent data on the current number of container berths in the ports of the MED11 countries, and even less data on the proportion of this capacity that is taken up by transshipment movements (the transfer of a con-tainer from one ship to another via intermediate land storage). So we have as-sumed that existing container berth capacity is equivalent to the current demand, and have only estimated the additional capacity to deal with increases in demand over the analysis period. The number of additional container berths needed for each scenario is based on the number of import and export containers. This is in turn is based on the total share of trade that is for imports and exports, the share of that trade between land transport, ro-ro shipping (that does not use containers) and bulk solid and bulk liquid freight (also that do not use containers), the average value of the contents of a container, and the balance between import and export containers (as an estimate of the number of empty containers to be returned). While the projections of GDP do not yet take account of the differences between the scenarios, the estimates of the share of trade between imports and exports, and the share of ro-ro and land transport all have minor differences for some of the scenarios. Although Scenario 4 has a lower demand for container movements than the other scenarios, its lower efficiency of use of its container terminals is more than enough to offset this apparent advantage in the number of additional berths need- 2 TEU is an acronym signifying a twenty foot equivalent unit. It is an inexact unit of cargo based on the volume of a 20-foot-long (6.1 m) container. While 20ft long containers were until recently the most frequently used (although their other dimensions were less standardized) they have now been superseded by 40ft long containers, sometimes referred to as FEUs. However, the TEU is still the standard measure of capacity used in maritime transport. 19 CASE Network Reports No. 108
  • 20. Robin Carruthers ed. The Reference Scenario has a need for more container terminals than either the Common Development or Failed Development scenarios, but not as many as the Polarized Development. The Polarized Development scenario needs more berths because of the higher share of intra-Arab country trade and this needs a large number of berths for feeder vessels. Airport passenger terminals For many airports the critical capacity constraint is no longer the number of runways but the capacity of the passenger terminals. We have projected the num-ber of air passenger movements in each of the MED11 countries, (taking account of projections of GDP and FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) as the basis for busi-ness passenger growth and where available, national projections of increases in tourism as the basis for non-business passenger growth) and translated that de-mand into that for airport passenger terminals. A commonly used design parameter for airports is that the terminal space for each peak period air passenger. With an estimate of the number of peak period air passengers, we have used this design parameter to estimate the area of air passenger terminals that are needed for each country. Since we have no reliable and consistent data on the area of passenger termi-nals in each country, we have adopted a similar analytical method to that for con-tainer berths – assuming that the current terminal space exactly matches the cur-rent demand. We then apply the design benchmark parameters only to the project-ed increase in demand. The quantities of new air passenger terminals are more consistent between countries than for most other types of infrastructure. While business passengers to/from lower income countries tend look for the same standards in air passenger terminals as in developed countries, non-business passengers tend to tolerate a slightly lower quality of terminal infrastructure. So in our Scenario analysis, the parameter for the provision of area of air passenger terminals is the same for all Scenarios, but the unit cost per m2 is slightly lower than the global standards to take account of the slightly lower infrastructure quality tolerated by non-business passengers to MED11 countries. 2.4. Summary of additional transport infrastructure for each scenario The quantities of all types of additional infrastructure are summarized in Table 3. These are the infrastructure needs that are taken forward into Part Two of this CASE Network Reports No. 108 20
  • 21. TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR MED11 COUNTRIES report where we estimate the costs of improving, upgrading, expanding and main-taining the infrastructure networks. The Common Development scenario is the most demanding for paved roads, railways, runways and to a lesser extent, for air passenger terminals. For unpaved roads and container terminals, the Polarized Development scenario is the most demanding. Table 3. Summary of additions to transport infrastructure for each Scenario Type of Units Reference Common Polarized infrastructure Scenario Development Development Failed Development Paved roads km 174,436 307,145 301,234 118,918 Unpaved roads km 32,296 58,995 88,313 30,152 Railways km 4,274 16,452 4,709 2,246 Runways km 11 92 17 7 Passenger terminals m2 888,062 976,869 888,062 732,652 Container berths number 45 42 64 38 Source: Previous Tables in this report. 21 CASE Network Reports No. 108
  • 22. Robin Carruthers 3. Transport infrastructure investment costs and affordability In this Part of the report we describe the method of estimating the four princi-pal costs of operating transport infrastructure networks – bringing their condition to a standard that minimizes total investment costs, upgrading their category to provide sufficient capacity and minimizes operating costs, expanding the net-works, and maintaining the improved, upgraded and expanded networks in good condition. We express the investment costs for each of the four scenarios as abso-lute amounts and as a percentage of projected GDP, as this indicates whether the investment needed will be affordable or not. 3.1. Quantities of transport infrastructure At the end of Part 1 of this Report we indicated the additional quantities of transport infrastructure required to meet the benchmark standards for four different scenarios and for six types of transport infrastructure. When added to the data or estimates of currently existing transport infrastructure, the totals give the quantities that are used in this Part of the report to estimate the investment needs. In Table 4 we show the total quantities of each type of transport infrastructure for each Sce-nario, these totals being the sum of existing infrastructure and the additions needed for each scenario. 3.2. Types of transport infrastructure investment For each of the Scenarios we estimated four different types of infrastructure cost: CASE Network Reports No. 108 22
  • 23. TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR MED11 COUNTRIES i. Improving the condition of infrastructure First are the costs of improving the condition of current transport infrastructure, so as to minimize maintenance costs of the infrastructure itself and the operating costs of the vehicles using it. We obtained estimates of, or made assumptions about, the quantity of current infrastructure in each country that is in good, fair, and poor condition. To estimate the cost of bringing infrastructure in fair or poor condition up to good condition, we multiplied the quantities of such infrastructure by the unit costs of improvement – a one-time cost that can be incurred at any time but preferably as soon as possible and before other types of investment. ii. Upgrading categories of infrastructure Second are the costs of upgrading the category of existing transport infrastruc-ture to a level adequate to the demands made upon it. Representative activities are widening existing roads or upgrading their surface, lengthening airport runways and expanding port berths, and increasing the permissible axle load of railways. We categorize infrastructure by its capacity or level of development. The essential ques-tion is whether a piece of infrastructure has the capacity to meet the demands made upon it. Some infrastructure is already adequate. For example, many of the roads already have at least two lanes and hard shoulders giving them adequate capacity. For other roads, the capacity of existing infrastructure is insufficient, such as: roads connecting large cities that have enough traffic to justify four or more lanes but presently have only two; railway networks that have not been fully updated to sup-port 25 ton axle loads, and; airports in some medium-size cities have runways that are too short for mid-size aircraft such as the Airbus A320 or Boeing 737. Such deficiencies are found with respect to all transport modes and markets. Table 4. Total transport infrastructure for each Scenario Type of Infra-structure Units Reference Scenario Common Development Polarized Development Failed Development Paved roads Km 590,442 723,151 717,240 534,924 Unpaved roads Km 428,495 455,194 484,512 426,351 Railways Km 28,895 41,073 29,330 26,867 Runways Km 164 245 170 160 Passenger termi-nals m2 1,575,407 1,664,214 1,575,407 1,419,997 Container berths Number 126 123 145 119 Source: Author’s estimates. 23 CASE Network Reports No. 108
  • 24. Robin Carruthers We made our own specifications of the desirable categories of infrastructure that are appropriate for each mode and market, based on best practice international standards. Where the total transport investment costs turn out to be unacceptably high, it might be possible to relax some of the standards to give lower investment costs, but this would result in higher operating costs. We have used engineering estimates of the costs of upgrading each category of infrastructure to the next highest level, but such estimates assume that the infra-structure being upgraded is already in good condition. For that reason, we estimat-ed the cost of upgrading infrastructure in two stages – first improving its condition to good in its present category, and then upgrading it to the next category. In prac-tice, these operations often occur together, but we believe that our two-stage ap-proach accurately reflects the higher cost of upgrading infrastructure that is in less-than- good condition. The current condition of transport infrastructure can be assessed in several ways. The simplest is for the engineers responsible for maintaining the infrastruc-ture to make a subjective assessment, usually into some combination of the cate-gories very good, good regular or fair, poor and very poor. The second is to use a more objective method, such as the use of the international roughness index for roads. The IRI defines the method and equipment to be used to measure the roughness of the road surface, and then these measurements are used to calculate a roughness index for the road, with the index being scaled between one and ten. Sometimes equivalence between the subjective measures and the IRI is used, so that particular values subjective assessments are considered to be comparable to particular value ranges of the IRI. A third method, sometimes used for rail track, is to equate particular combina-tions of speed and axle load restrictions to subjective assessments. For example, a rail track with no such restrictions would be assessed to be in excellent condition, whereas one where a 20% speed restriction on the design speed (whether that de-sign speed were 150km/hr or 60km hr) would be assessed to be in good condition, a higher speed restriction would relegate the conditions to fair or regular, whereas an axle load restriction would relegate the condition to poor or very poor. So far as we are aware, there are no formal objective categorizations of the condition of airport runways, but the subjective method is sometimes used. By some subjective methods, runways in anything other less than fair or regular condition are unsafe and should not be used. CASE Network Reports No. 108 24
  • 25. TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR MED11 COUNTRIES iii. Extending the length of networks or increasing the number of facilities Third are the costs of extending existing networks and increasing the number of infrastructure assets. The method of estimating the expansion of transport net-works to meet global intensity is described in Part 1 of this Report. The costs of expansion were estimated by multiplying the quantities of additional infrastructure indicated by this method by the unit costs of providing new infrastructure. The unit costs were derived from recent projects and studies in countries of the region, including recent EUROMED studies. iv. Maintaining infrastructure Fourth, we estimated the costs of maintaining networks and assets in their im-proved, upgraded, or expanded form. The poor condition of transport infrastruc-ture in the MED-11 countries reflects insufficient investment in maintenance. Un-less sufficient investment is allocated to maintenance, the benefits of improving the condition, upgrading the category, or expanding the quantity of transport infra-structure will be temporary. The belated realization of the importance of mainte-nance is the driving force behind the creation in some countries of road funds that enjoy dedicated, protected sources of funding. Most previous assessments of transport infrastructure investment needs made some attempt to include maintenance costs. The most common method is to add a fixed amount (often 3 percent) of the replacement cost of the infrastructure. How-ever, very few countries invest anywhere near this amount to keep their transport infrastructure in good condition, although many at least maintain it in safe condi-tion. The most common consequences of lower standards of maintenance are low-er operating speeds and higher costs of maintaining the vehicles that use the infra-structure. If rail track is not maintained in good condition, for example, with regular re-placement of ballast, sleepers, fastenings, and worn rail (broken rails that impair operational safety are usually replaced as necessary), the first consequence is a reduction in operating speeds, followed by a reduction in axle loads and possibly further reductions in speed. The railway company incurs higher operating and capital costs as well. For example, because trains take more time to cover the same distance, crew costs are higher. Lower axle loads mean that more cars are needed to transport the same quantity of freight. These higher costs may quickly come to exceed the savings realized by reducing investment in maintenance. 25 CASE Network Reports No. 108
  • 26. Robin Carruthers For most transport infrastructure we considered two types of maintenance – annual and periodic. Annual maintenance is done to avoid or minimize the deterio-ration of infrastructure related to climate and weather. For example, annual maintenance includes the clearing of drains to ensure that water does not accumu-late on and eventually seep into the surface of the infrastructure, thus accelerating its deterioration. For a railway, annual maintenance includes the replacement of broken fastenings, so sleepers can continue to withstand the pressure of trains and maintain the correct distance between the rails. Periodic maintenance is usually related to the effects of infrastructure use. For example, the constant passage of vehicles will in time wear away the surface of a road. If the surface is not replaced, the subsurface will become worn and require rehabilitation or replacement. The passage of trains similarly causes the rails to wear. Worn rails increase the risk of derailments. We take the costs of both types of maintenance into account but convert peri-odic costs to annual equivalents by dividing their cost by their estimated frequen-cy. We estimate the frequency of periodic maintenance based on average volumes of traffic using the infrastructure. Although similar considerations apply to port berths, the time between periodic maintenance interventions is usually much long-er than for other transport modes and thus depends less on use than on elapsed time. 3.3. Unit costs of infrastructure investment The total cost of each of the four types of infrastructure investment is estimated by multiplying the quantities of infrastructure of each type by the unit costs of improvement, upgrading, expansion and maintenance. The final overall total cost is derived by adding together the totals for each type of activity. Sources of unit cost information The unit costs are derived from various sources, and for all of them the costs have been adjusted to end-2010 values and expressed in US$. Where possible, unit costs from one source have been checked against those from another. The first source is the various studies undertaken between 2004 and 2006 for the EuroMed project. Most of these had a base year of 2004 for their costs and were pre-feasibility studies, for which the costs are typically about 20% to 30% lower than CASE Network Reports No. 108 26
  • 27. TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR MED11 COUNTRIES those that will be incurred when (and if) the project is implemented. So for unit costs from these studies we have, in addition to updating the base year from 2004 to 2010, further adjusted the costs upwards by 20% to bring them closer those that might actually be incurred. A second source is the World Bank ROCKS (Road Costs Knowledge System) database.3 This only includes costs for road projects, but the data is the costs actually incurred in the implementation of World Bank road projects. The base year for the data is 2002, so their reliability, even when updated to a 2010 base, is questionable. Unit costs of improvement of transport infrastructure Three other sources derive from the recent World Bank Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic (AICD). First is Background Paper 11 (BP11), Unit Costs of Infrastructure Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. This provides a range of unit costs for some rather general activities, including new construction of paved roads (the category of the roads is not distinguished, but the length of the project was found to influence the cost with longer projects having higher unit costs). As with the ROCKS database, the average costs in BP11 are those actually incurred in imple-menting projects, so no adjustment for being pre-feasibility estimates was neces-sary, and since the base year was 2006, the updating to 2010 prices is more relia-ble than that for the ROCKS data. Background Paper 14 from AICD (The Burden of Maintenance: Roads in Sub-Saharan Africa) also relates only to roads, but gives the overall cost of different types of road maintenance for each of the 44 countries included in the Diagnostic and from these and other data provided, it is possible to estimate the unit costs of various maintenance activities. Unfortunately these average costs are for the whole road network and not just for those sections for which the total costs were estimated. The third and most comprehensive from this source is Carruthers et al. (2008). This source provides unit costs for four transport modes (roads, railways, ports and airports) and for each of the four in-vestment activities used here. Most of the unit costs shown in Tables 5 through 8 are based on those of the EuroMed studies and Carruthers et al. (2008), adjusted to take account of slightly different rates for some activities, for inflation and for the difference between es-timated and actual costs. 3 http://www.worldbank.org/transport/roads/rd_tools/rocks_main.htm 27 CASE Network Reports No. 108
  • 28. Robin Carruthers Table 5. Unit costs of improvement of transport infrastructure Type of infrastructure Improvement categories Good to very good Fair to very good Poor to very good US$ per km or per unit 4-lane road 25,000 150,000 350,000 2-lane road 10,000 70,000 150,000 1-lane 7,500 50,000 100,000 Unpaved road 5,000 10,000 25,000 Single track railway 50,000 500,000 500,000 Double track railway 75,000 750,000 1,00,000 Single track electric railway 125,000 750,000 1,250,000 1500m runway 150,000 750,000 3,000,000 3000m runway 250,000 1,500,000 6,000,000 Container berth 2,500,000 12,000,000 12,000,000 Bulk berth 2,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 General berth 1,500,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 Air passenger terminal (m2) 100 250 500 Source: Author’s estimates. Unit costs of upgrading the categories of transport infrastructure The only source of information on the categories of transport infrastructure in the MED-11 countries is the EuroMed studies. Unfortunately, this data relates to 2004 and significant upgrading of much of the infrastructure has taken place since then. We have used our own knowledge of specific recent upgrading projects to update Carruthers et al. (2008) data using that from the EuroMed studies. The categories used for each type of transport infrastructure are specific to that mode and related to the different types of infrastructure available. The categories usually relate to capacity but sometimes to method of construction. For example, for Scenario 1 at the end of the period, 10% all paved roads should be 4-lane di-vided highways, 20% should be 4-lane highways but without limited access, 60% should be 2-lane and the balance (10%) could remain as single lane highways. For countries in which the percentages are already met for specific types of infrastruc-ture, no additional investment is assumed to be needed for upgrading categories. There will be many instances where new investment will be needed to reduce con-gestion (for example, 6-lane or more divided highways in urban areas) but without undertaking specific demand analyses we cannot assess the needs for this addi-tional investment. CASE Network Reports No. 108 28
  • 29. TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR MED11 COUNTRIES Table 6. Unit Costs of Upgrading of categories of transport infrastructure Upgrade Unit Unit cost (US$) 2- lane to 4-lane divided limited access US$/km 1,500,000 2- lane to 4-lane divided US$/km 1,200,000 1-lane to 2-lane US$/km 200,000 1-lane gravel to 1-lane paved US$/km 100,000 1-lane gravel to 2-lane SST US$/km 100,000 Railways axle load to 25 tons US$/track km 120,000 Non-electrified to electrified railway US$/ track km 750,000 Single track to double track diesel US$/ track km 750,000 Gravel runway to paved runway US$ per linear m 5,000 1524m paved runway to 3000m runway US$ per runway 12,000,000 1000m paved runway to 1524m runway US$ per runway 4,800,000 Source: Author’s estimates. The unit costs of upgrading existing infrastructure to the higher categories is less than that of constructing new infrastructure to that standard, but it is more than the difference between constructing new to the higher and lower standards. Table 6 shows the unit costs of upgrading infrastructure from its current category to the specified higher categories. For railways, some of the upgrading requires a combination of unit costs, such as for electrification and increasing axle loads. Unit costs of new infrastructure The future lengths or quantities of transport infrastructure were based on the benchmarking method described in Part 1. The unit costs of new construction shown in Table 7 were applied to the difference between the benchmark lengths/quantities and those currently available to estimate the costs of expanding the networks to meet the benchmark standards. Table 7. Unit costs of New Infrastructure Type of infrastructure Unit Unit cost (US$) 4-lane divided paved road US$/km 3,500,000 2-lane paved road US$/km 1,000,000 1-lane paved road US$/km 150,000 Railway single track, 25t axle load, diesel US$/km 750,000 Railway single track, 25t axle load, electric US$/km 1,000,000 Railway signaling US$/km 350,000 Airport runway, 3000m US$/m 30,000,000 Airport passenger terminal US$/m2 500 Container berth US$/berth of 300m 16,000,000 Source: Author’s estimate. 29 CASE Network Reports No. 108
  • 30. Robin Carruthers Unit costs of maintaining transport infrastructure Most countries, and almost all developing countries, do not invest enough in maintenance of their transport infrastructure to prevent its condition deteriorating over time. The standards to which infrastructure should be upgraded are the same for the first three Scenarios, but since Scenario 4 is resource constrained (to the recent % of GDP that has been invested in transport infrastructure) the standards to which infrastructure can be maintained are less than the “very good” of the other Scenarios and are different for each country. Unit costs of routine and periodic maintenance There are two types of maintenance needed for most types of transport infra-structure, annual and periodic. The periodicity of the latter depends on the particu-lar infrastructure and the intensity of its use. For example, road pavements are usually designed for a life measured in equivalent axle loads (EQAs), since it is the frequency of these axle loads that determine when a road needs a new surface. We have derived an average frequen-cy measured in years based on the average traffic density and composition and EQAs per vehicle. Given a twenty year analysis period, there would on average be two and a half periodic maintenance activities for each paved road, three for each unpaved road, four reballastings for each rail track and two resurfacings for each runway. We have not included the cost of re-railing or re-sleepering of rail track because of their long periodicity and the fact that we have already included these unit costs in those of improving and upgrading. These costs have been applied to all transport infrastructure – current that will have been improved and upgraded as well as new. Table 8. Unit Costs of Periodic Maintenance Periodic activity Unit Total cost in US$ Periodicity Annual cost in US$ Resurfacing 4-lane road US$/km 1,000,000 8 125,000 Resurfacing 2-lane road US$/km 50,000 8 6,250 Reballasting railway US$/track km 15,000 5 3,000 Resurfacing runway US$/runway 5,000,000 10 500,000 Rehabilitating container berth US$/berth 10,000,000 10 1,000,000 Refurbishing air passenger terminal US$/m2 200 5 40 Source: Author’s estimates. CASE Network Reports No. 108 30
  • 31. TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR MED11 COUNTRIES 3.4. Results of the cost analysis The results of the analysis are shown in two parts. The first part reviews the to-tal expected investment by country and type of investment and the share of total investments by country. The second part reviews the investment by country and mode of investment, both parts covering all four scenarios. The following section addresses the affordability of these investments. Total investment costs and of types of investment In Table 9 we compare the total investments by type of expenditure for each scenario. Total investment in the Reference Scenario is almost US$675 billion over the twenty year analysis period, with an average of nearly US$34 billion per year. The Failed Development Scenario not surprisingly has the lowest total in-vestment, just over US$500 billion over the twenty years, or just over US$26 bil-lion per year, about three quarters that of the Reference Scenario. In Part 1 of this Report we saw that the investment demands of Common Development Scenario would be very high and this is confirmed in Table 9 which shows that even with the reduced objective (reducing the difference between current and EU27 bench-mark values by one third) it would need more than US1, 200 billion for the MED- 11 countries to achieve the benchmark standards. Spread over a period of twenty years this would require an annual investment of more thanUS$60 billion, about double that of the Reference Scenario. The Polarized Development Scenario would require a total of more than US$900 million, equivalent to US$45 billion per year, about one third more than for the Reference Scenario. In all the scenarios the maintenance share is high, more than 45% of the total for the Reference and Failed scenarios, about 40% for the Polarized Development Scenario and more than 30% for the Common Development Scenario. Although the Common Development Scenario has the lowest share of investment in Mainte-nance, it has the highest actual investment. Despite the benchmark standards for the Common Development scenario having been reduced, this scenario still re-quires almost 50% of investment in new infrastructure. In contrast, the Failed and Reference scenarios need only 29% of their investment in new facilities. The Failed Development scenario compensates by having a high investment shares in upgrading (11%) the existing infrastructure. 31 CASE Network Reports No. 108
  • 32. Robin Carruthers Table 9. Investment total and shares by type of activity Scenario Maintenance Upgrading Improvement Expansion Total Total investment US$ billion Reference 306 61 112 195 674 Common Development 381 111 133 588 1,213 Polarized Development 362 61 137 343 903 Failed Development 238 56 69 147 510 Annual investment US$ billion Reference 15.3 3.0 5.6 9.8 33.7 Common Development 19.0 5.5 6.7 29.4 60.6 Polarized Development 18.1 3.0 6.9 17.1 45.1 Failed Development 11.9 2.8 3.4 7.4 25.5 Share of total investment (%) Reference 45 9 17 29 100 Common Development 31 9 11 48 100 Polarized Development 40 7 15 38 100 Failed Development 47 11 13 29 100 Source: Author’s estimates. Investments by country When the investments by country are considered, Scenario 2 (Common Devel-opment) is significantly different to the other three. In Scenario 2 there is little variation in the shares of investment allocated to Expansion, the lowest share be 49% (Palestine) and the highest being 70% (Algeria). Given that the Expansion shares do not show much variation and are relatively high, the country shares of the other types of expenditure also show little variation. In the Reference Scenario and Polarized Development Scenario the ranges of expansion investment vary from 42% (Egypt) to 0.5% (Palestine) and from 31% (also Egypt) to 0% (also Palestine) respectively. Palestine has no need for invest-ment in Expansion for Scenarios 1, 3 and 4 as its paved and unpaved road densi-ties already exceed the benchmarks for those scenarios, and as it currently has no ports, railways or airports we do not allocate any expansion investment to those infrastructures. However, Palestine is currently planning to build a rail network, and until the second Intifada (2000 to 2005) was well advanced on plans to build both a port and an airport. None of these developments are included in our Scenar-ios, as their economic and financial viability has not been assessed. In the Reference Scenario, three countries (Algeria, Egypt and Turkey) would account for about 70% of the total investment, leaving the remaining 30% for the other eight countries. Turkey alone would account for one third of the total. At the CASE Network Reports No. 108 32
  • 33. TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR MED11 COUNTRIES other end of the scale, Lebanon and Palestine would each require only about 1% of the total, with Israel and Jordan requiring only 2% each. Turkey accounts for the highest share of investment in all four scenarios, con-sistently with more than one third of the total. Algeria and Egypt have the next highest shares of between 10% and 20% but show more variation between scenar-ios and Egypt has a higher share in Scenarios 1, 3 and 4 and Algeria having a slightly higher share in Scenario 2. Palestine has consistently the lowest share, ranging only between one third and one half of one per cent of the total. Libya has the highest range of its investment share, from a low of just over 5% in the Refer-ence Scenario to more than 12% in the Polarization Development scenario. Table 10. Country shares of total investment, % Reference Scenario Common Development Polarized Development Failed Development Algeria 16.7 16.5 9.8 14.6 Egypt 20.0 15.9 19.5 16.8 Israel 2.1 2.4 1.6 2.7 Jordan 2.3 2.0 2.2 2.0 Lebanon 0.8 1.1 0.6 1.0 Libya 5.5 8.9 12.6 9.7 Morocco 9.3 8.6 8.8 8.5 Syria 5.8 5.0 5.9 5.6 Tunisia 4.1 3.6 2.6 3.4 Turkey 33.0 35.7 36.0 34.9 Palestine 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.7 MED 11 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Source: Author’s estimates. In the Common Development Scenario, the total investment of more than US$3,500 billion would have a similar distribution, but Turkey would account for a slightly larger share and Egypt a slightly smaller share than in the Reference Scenario. Palestine’s share would reduce to a little more than half of the 0.5% of the Reference Scenario. Investment would remain heavily concentrated in Turkey, Algeria and Egypt, these three countries accounting for about 68% of the total. Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine would account for the smallest share of the total, only about 6% of the total between them. The Polarization Scenario gives Egypt and Libya their largest share of the four scenarios, nearly 20% for Egypt and nearly 13% for Libya. Syria and Jordan also have their largest shares in this Scenario, but not by with such large differences to the other scenarios. Part of the reason for the larger shares of these countries in the 33 CASE Network Reports No. 108
  • 34. Robin Carruthers Polarization Scenario is their role as transit countries for higher trade between the MED-11 countries rather than with the EU-27. Despite having the lowest total investment, the shares of that total between counties in the Failed Development Scenario are not very different from those in the Reference Scenario. Algeria and Egypt have slightly lower shares while Libya has a rather higher share and Turkey a slightly higher share. The shares of all the other countries differ from those of the Reference Scenario by less than one per cent. Investment by mode There are two ways of looking at mode shares. The first is to see the total in-vestment for each mode, and this is shown in first part of Table 11 for the four scenarios. The second way is based on the share of investment for each mode, and this is shown in the second part of Table 11. Although there are significant differ-ences in the total investments for each mode, the shares of investment going to each mode are remarkably similar between scenarios with there being a 3% or difference in modal shares. Table 11. Mode shares and investment by mode for MED-11 countries for each scenario Scenario Roads Railways Airports Ports Total Total investment, US$m Reference 600,018 37,111 24,585 11,859 673,574 Common Development 1,097,044 67,509 36,398 11,585 1,212,537 Polarized Development 826,171 37,146 25,440 13,759 902,515 Failed Development 600,018 37,111 24,585 11,859 510,343 Share of investment, % of total Reference 89 6 4 2 100 Common Development 90 6 3 1 100 Polarized Development 92 4 3 2 100 Failed Development 89 6 4 2 100 Source: Author’s estimates. Paved and unpaved roads Roads account for the highest modal investment share for all scenarios, with the lowest share being 89% for the References and Failed Development Scenarios and the highest being for the Polarized Development Scenario at 92%. With this very high share, there is little opportunity for the shares of the other modes to show much variation. CASE Network Reports No. 108 34
  • 35. TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR MED11 COUNTRIES Railways While the railways share only varies between 4% and 6% of the total, the actu-al investment varies between US$37billion in the Reference, Polarized and Failed Development Scenarios and more than US$ 67 billion in the Common Develop-ment Scenario. Although the rail investment is highest in the Common Develop-ment Scenario, its share of investment is similar to those of the Reference and Failed Development Scenarios. Airports The pattern for airport runways and passenger terminals is similar to that of railways, that is a very high investment in the Common Development Scenario (more than US$37 billion for runways and terminals taken together) and lower but similar investments levels in the other scenarios (about US$25 billion). Port berths The investment needed in port berths (expansion only for container berths but improvement, upgrading, improvement and maintenance also for general freight berths) is similar for all four scenarios at about US$12 billion although the Polar-ized development has about US$2 billion more. The Common Development Sce-nario does not have much higher investments that the other scenarios, as we have assumed that the Scenario will include a large increase in the ro-ro share of MED- 11 to E-27 trade and this will detract from the container share. This scenario also has the highest efficiency of use of container berths, also contributing to a lower need for investment. Modal investments by country The only three modes that display significant differences between the scenarios in terms the share of modal investments between countries are paved roads, un-paved roads and railways. For these three modes, Turkey would require more than one third of the total investments, except for unpaved roads and railways in the Polarized Development Scenario where the shares would fall to about 21% and 26% respectively. For paved roads, Algeria’s share would be about 17% except for the Polarized Development Scenario where it would fall to about 7%. Egypt’s share would fall from about 20% in the Reference Scenario to 15% in the Common Development Scenario. Libya’s share of paved road investment is the most variable between scenarios, with 6% in the Reference Scenario, rising to 10% in the Common De-velopment Scenario and to 14% for Polarized Development, but falling to 11% in 35 CASE Network Reports No. 108
  • 36. Robin Carruthers the Failed Development Scenario. Israel, Jordan and Lebanon would have consist-ently low shares of paved road investment, at 3%, 2% and 1% respectively. Mo-rocco would take about 10% of the paved road investment in all scenarios, while Syria would require a consistent 5% and Tunisia a consistent share of between 2% and 4%. Algeria’s share of unpaved road investment would increase from an average of about 22% in the Reference Scenario to more than 29% in the Polarized Develop-ment Scenario. Egypt’s share would be about 20% in the first three Scenarios, reducing slightly to 16% in the Failed Development Scenario. Israel, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine require little or no investment in unpaved roads, Libya and Tunisia about 5%, Morocco about 10% (other than in the Reference Scenario where it would only require 4% of the total. After Turkey, Algeria and Egypt would need the next greatest share of railway investment with about 20% each. Algeria’s share would increase to over 30% in the Polarized Development Scenario. Syria and Tunisia would each require about 6% to 7% for all scenarios, the other countries sharing the remainder with between 0% (Palestine and Libya as they currently do not have railways) and 2% (Jordan) For container berths we have only included the costs of the infrastructure and not the superstructure. The latter includes all the container handling equipment and is usually provided by the terminal operator, now invariably under a concession agreement. Superstructure is not included for any transport infrastructure. The port share is small as it is only container berths. We have not had opportunity to ana-lyze all the data for bulk solid and bulk liquid berths, but most of investment in these is provided by the private sector. 3.5. Affordability of total transport investments While total investment in transport is an important indicator of how much in-vestment is needed, it does not reflect how affordable that investment would be. For that we look at the investment as a share of GDP. This is reflected in Table 12. While being an import concept, affordability in terms of investment as a share of income does not have any objective specification – what could be affordable to one country might not be to another that has different economic and social objec-tives. One criterion that is often used to assess affordability is to compare the in-vestment with what share of investment is actually incurred in other countries, and this comparison is made in the next Section of this Part of the Report. Anticipating the conclusions from this Section, investment of more than 2% of GDP has not CASE Network Reports No. 108 36
  • 37. TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR MED11 COUNTRIES been maintained consistently by any country, although about one third of the re-porting countries have invested more than 1% for at least a decade. Table 12. Transport investment as a share of GDP, % Reference Common Polarized Failed Algeria 2.1 4.5 1.7 1.4 Egypt 1.6 2.3 2.1 1.0 Israel 0.2 0.6 0.2 0.2 Jordan 1.5 2.6 2.0 1.0 Lebanon 0.4 1.2 0.4 0.4 Libya 1.3 4.3 4.0 1.7 Morocco 2.0 3.8 2.6 1.3 Syria 1.9 2.5 2.7 1.4 Tunisia 1.8 3.1 1.5 1.1 Turkey 0.9 2.1 1.3 0.7 Palestine 1.5 3.0 1.5 1.4 MED 11 1.2 2.4 1.6 0.9 Source: Author’s estimates. The Common Development Scenario would require all countries other than Is-rael to invest 2% of GDP or more in transport infrastructure, while in the Refer-ence Scenario this level of investment would only be needed by Algeria and Mo-rocco. Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Morocco and Syria would need at least this level of investment for the Polarized Development Scenario, while none of the countries would need it for the Failed Development Scenario. The only country/Scenario combinations that would need more than 4% of GDP (and therefore perhaps be financially infeasible) would be Algeria and Libya in the Common Development Scenario and Libya in the Polarized Development Scenario. 3.6. International comparisons of transport investment The International Transport Forum (ITF) produces an annual report on transport investment as a share of GDP by those of its member countries that pro-vided data. About 41 countries have provided more or less complete data for at least three of the last ten years. These reports show that Western European Countries (WECs) reduced their transport investment share of GDP from about 1.5% of GDP in the 1970s to about 37 CASE Network Reports No. 108
  • 38. Robin Carruthers 1% of GDP in the 1980s and had reduced the share to about 0.8% by this decade. By 2009, Denmark has the lowest share at about 0.5 % and Spain the highest at about 1.1%. Interpolating the available data for the last ten years, it appears that three coun-tries invested more than 2% of GDP in transport – Japan, Albania and Croatia. Japan’s high average conceals a rapid decline, from more than 3.7% in 2000 to less than 0.6% in 2009. A further three countries (Latvia, Italy and the Czech Re-public) invested between 1.5 and 2.0% of GDP. Thirteen more countries invested more than 1% of GDP and twenty two more countries between 0.5% and 1% of GDP. The average of these 41 countries was 1.0% of GDP. The only MED-11 country included in the ITF dataset is Turkey, which invested only between 0.3% and 0.5% of its GDP in transport in each reported year between 2000 and 2009. Although the ITF data does distinguish between new investment and mainte-nance, within new investment it does not distinguish between investment in new facilities (in our terminology network expansion), improving condition and up-grading categories. Even for maintenance, its data is very incomplete. Also, most of the ITF members that do report data are developed countries that have been investing in their transport infrastructure for centuries, whereas most of the MED-11 countries are still developing and have only been investing seriously in transport infrastructure since their independence or since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire by the end of the First World War. So the ITF members do not have the same need to invest in basic transport infrastructure. This difference is reflected in the Normalized infrastructure densities for the MED-11 and EU-27 countries. Mode shares In the Western European countries, the share of investment in road infrastruc-ture has declined slowly with a gradual increase in rail investment. While the share of road investment amounted to close to 80% in Western Europe in 1975, figures for 2009 put it at 66% of total investment in transport infrastructure. The share of inland waterways has remained at a constant 2% in recent years. The rail share of investment is particularly high in Austria (65%), the United Kingdom (55%), Lux-embourg (52%), Sweden 45% and Belgium (41%). The trend observed in our data for Western Europe is partly a reflection of the political commitment to the rail-ways. Transport investment in other regions The transport investment shares of GDP for the MED11 countries are compa-rable to those of the lower middle income countries of Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA) CASE Network Reports No. 108 38
  • 39. TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR MED11 COUNTRIES (Carruthers et al., 2008). The recent World Bank study on transport infrastructure produced broadly similar results for the 44 countries included in its study as our analysis of the MED-11 countries. Table 13 shows the investment shares of GDP projected in the AICD study for the SSA countries. The study used two scenarios. The standards in the Base Scenario (compatible with those used in our study but based on a Connectivity approach) were considered unaffordable for the lowest income countries, so alternative lower standards were assessed in what was called a Pragmatic Scenario. These lower standards are not relevant to our analyses as none of the MED-11 countries are low income or economically and socially frag-ile as defined in the AICD study. For the Base Scenario, the average share of GDP for the Resource-rich and Middle-income (all of which are low Middle-income countries) were 1.7% and 0.7% respectively. Unlike the ITF countries that already have well developed transport networks, those of the MED-11 and SSA countries are still in the stage of development and so need investment particularly in upgrading and expansion. Table 13. Projected transport infrastructure investment for Sub-Saharan Africa, % of GDP Country group Base scenario Pragmatic scenario Low-income (fragile) 8.2 4.8 Low-income (not fragile) 2.9 1.7 Resource-rich 1.7 1.0 Middle-income 0.7 0.4 Average for all Sub-Saharan Africa 2.0 1.2 Source: Carruthers et al. (2008). For the MED-11 countries, the share of total investment allocated to expansion of the transport networks is relatively small (between 20% and 40% of the total, overlooking the Common Development Scenario where network expansion would require almost 70% of the total investment, despite the quite extensive additional infrastructure needed to reach the benchmark targets as shown in Table 3 in the Part 1 Report. Routine and periodic maintenance expenditure would account for the largest share by type of activity, at 40% to 50% share However, closer examination of the ITF results shows that much of the maintenance expenditure is missing whereas that for new investment appears to be complete, so the maintenance share is under-reported. 39 CASE Network Reports No. 108
  • 40. Robin Carruthers When the improvement share (about 20%) which is really deferred mainte-nance, is added to that of routine and periodic maintenance, the share comes to about 60%. This is closer to the share estimated for 44 Sub-Saharan African coun-tries in a recent World Bank study. Maintenance share of transport investment in developed countries The balance between road maintenance and investment has remained relatively constant over time in many regions, with maintenance making up 30% of total road expenditure on average. The volume of maintenance for road infrastructure in WECs has increased slightly more rapidly than the volume of investment; the former grew by 25%, while the latter by around 21% from 1995 to 2008. This has resulted in an in-creased share of maintenance in total road expenditure; from 26% in 1997 to 30% in 2009. Similar to the growth in volume of investment, the volume of maintenance has grown strongly in Central and East European Countries (CEECs). The share of maintenance in total road expenditure has declined slightly, from 30% in 1997 to 27% in 2009. The increase in maintenance volumes in 2006 and 2007 (Figure 4) was partly due to a major increase in road maintenance in Hungary during those years. In North America, the volume of maintenance has been relatively constant over time. The share of maintenance has declined from 33% in 1997 to 31% in 2009, according to preliminary estimates. As with investment data, data on maintenance is also prone to limitations and uncertainties (such as the allocation of spending between maintenance and renewals). 3.7. Conclusions We have assessed the costs and affordability of providing the transport infra-structure necessary for the MED-11 countries to achieve their benchmark quanti-ties, and maintaining that infrastructure in a condition that is most likely to opti-mize the combination of infrastructure maintenance and vehicle (including road and rail vehicles) and in the case of airports and container berths, to avoid severe congestion. CASE Network Reports No. 108 40
  • 41. TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR MED11 COUNTRIES The costs of providing this infrastructure expressed as a % of GDP have been found to be comparable to other developing countries that have reported investing or are expected to invest. The shares of GDP foreseen for transport investment in the MED11 countries are higher than in the EU27 countries over the last decade and comparable with those projected for 44 Sub-Saharan African countries for the next two decades to achieve broadly similar infrastructure quantities and qualities. 41 CASE Network Reports No. 108
  • 42. Robin Carruthers 4. GDP and trade growth impacts of transport investment In Part three of the report we deal with the impact of investment in transport in-frastructure on GDP and international trade. These two impacts are linked through the standard definition of GDP being the total market value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given year, equal to total consumer, investment and government spending, plus the value of exports, minus the value of imports. GDP = Consumption goods and services (C) + Gross Investments (I) + Government Purchases (G) + (Exports (X) - Imports (M)) Transport investment contributes directly to GDP through I (gross investments) and possibly through G (government purchases) and less directly through C by facilitating the consumption of goods and services. Although a significant part of those goods and services are related to transport, most of them are for other sectors of the economy. Transport activities typically account for between 6% and 10% of GDP, although this does not include transport activities undertaken on their own behalf by enterprises in other economic sectors. Few reliable estimates are availa-ble of these own account transport activities, and to a large degree their size de-pends on the efficiency of enterprises in the transport sector itself – the less effi-cient they are the greater the incentive for enterprises in other sectors to undertake transport activities themselves. In addition to these impacts of investment in transport infrastructure on the val-ue of final goods produced within a country, there is a secondary impact via any net increase in international trade (X-M). We deal first with the impact on the val-ue of domestic goods and services and public and private investment (I +G), and then separately on changes in imports and exports (X-M), and only bring them together at the end of the analysis. This separation follows conventional analyses where the two sets of impacts are treated independently of each other – the im-pacts on the value of output being measured quite differently to the impact on exports and imports. In respect of the impact on trade, if this increase is skewed in favor of imports over exports, the impact on GDP will be negative. So if the objective of the CASE Network Reports No. 108 42
  • 43. TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR MED11 COUNTRIES transport investment is to bring about higher GDP (or higher GDP growth) then it is important to distinguish between impacts on exports and imports. The Part 3 of the Report has three sections. In the first we summarize previous studies of the impact of investment in transport infrastructure on economic growth; in the second we summarize previous studies of the impact of transport infrastructure investment on international trade; the third part comprises an appli-cation of the overall conclusions from these previous studies to the investments implied in each of the four scenarios. Provision and maintenance of transport infrastructure does not of itself contrib-ute anything to economic and social development other than through its direct employment and the multiplier effects of that employment. What the provision and maintenance of more and better infrastructure can do is to facilitate the provision of transport and logistics services that will have more direct economic and social impacts. But even better transport and logistics services are only intermediate products that contribute to the achievement of economic and social objectives. So trying to assess the impact of investment in transport infrastructure on economic and social outcomes requires a long and complex analysis The difficulties in establishing the links between transport investment and eco-nomic and social outcomes are part of the explanation as to why until the last dec-ade there had been few attempts to measure these impacts, and even fewer even partially successful attempts. 4.1. Investment in transport infrastructure and economic growth Most of the attempts to assess the impact of transport infrastructure on econom-ic wealth (or of changes in transport infrastructure on changes in economic wealth) make use of a version of the Cobb-Douglas production function. Application of the function consists in estimating the parameters of an infrastructure augmented production function. If we consider countries i = 1…n at a time t = 1… t, the model is of the form: ఉܺ௜௧ ఈܪ௜௧ ܻ௜௧ ൌ ܣ௜ܭ௜௧ ఊ ܸ௜௧, where Yit is the aggregate added value, Kit is a measure of physical capital, and Hit of human capital, Xit is infrastructure capital and Vit is an error term. 43 CASE Network Reports No. 108
  • 44. Robin Carruthers Since it is the infrastructure services that impact on value added and this is dif-ficult to measure directly, the application of the model assumes that the quantity of infrastructure services is proportional to the quantity of infrastructure capital. The basic model also assumes constant returns to scale, so that the sum of exponents is one. Dividing through by Lit and taking logs, the following expression results: ݕ௜௧ ୀ ௔೔ାఈ௞೔೟ାఉ௛೔೟ାఊ௫೔೟ା௩೔೟ where yit = log (Yit) and capital stocks and outputs are in log per worker terms. The fixed effects ai capture all the timeless components of the total factor productivity. It is also possible to include in this linear specification some time effects to capture the common factors in the total factor productivity. This is the form of the model most used in assessments of the relationship between transport infrastructure and economic output. It is difficult to interpret directly the parameters of equation, since infrastruc-ture capital appears twice, once its own but also as a part of aggregate capital Kit. Consequently, the parameter  cannot be interpreted as the infrastructure elasticity. So the elasticity of output with respect to infrastructure is not constant and de-pends on the ratio of capital stocks. However, infrastructure stocks typically ac-count for relatively small portions of overall capital stock, so the difference be-tween the genuine elasticity evaluated around the sample mean and the naïve esti-mate should be small. There are two related but different approaches to estimating the impact of in-frastructure on economic growth – the first uses a constant elasticity model while the second allows for variation in elasticity, usually through a threshold approach. Constant elasticity models Canning and Bennathan approach While several previous studies had considered the impact on transport invest-ment on the economic growth of a single country (for example Aschauer, 1989), one of the first analyses using the constant elasticity approach and covering a large number of countries looked at the social rate of return on transport investment by estimating the effect on aggregate output (Canning and Bennathan, 2004). The approach to finding the benefits of infrastructure was to estimate an aggre-gate production function for a panel of 97 countries over a period of 40 years (1960 to 2000), including as explanatory variables physical capital and human capital as well as one transport infrastructure variable – paved roads, but also for CASE Network Reports No. 108 44
  • 45. TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR MED11 COUNTRIES electricity generating capacity. The marginal product of infrastructure was meas-ured by its contribution to aggregate output. In contrast to an earlier analysis of the same data (Canning, 1999) this analysis used a translog transformation of the standard Cobb-Douglas production function to avoid the imposition of a declining marginal productivity of capital as the capital output ratio rises. This declining marginal product was believed by the authors to almost guarantee a high rate of return on physical and human capital in low income countries, which they consid-ered to be in conflict with observed rates of return to private capital investment. The authors concluded that there were diminishing rates of return to paved roads, and that this implied “little support for a policy of purely infrastructure led growth.” However, they also concluded that “infrastructure (paved roads and elec-tricity generation) is found to be strongly complementary with both physical and human capital, giving it an important role in a process of balanced growth. The possibility of acute infrastructure shortages if investment in other types of capital takes off but infrastructure investment lags behind”. Considering only the results for paved roads, the authors found that the rates of return were similar to or even lower than, those for other forms of capital. For a few middle income countries with an acute shortage of paved roads, there were very high returns on investment in this infrastructure. The authors also observed that these high rates of return followed a period of sustained economic growth during which road building stocks had lagged behind investments in other types of capital, and that this effect was accentuated by the low costs of road construction in middle income countries relative to both poorer and richer countries. An examination of the study results for paved roads in developing countries produced results that conflicted with the authors’ conclusion about the lower rate of return on paved roads compared to other investments. The authors only provide paved roads results for 41 countries and of these only 26 are developing countries. For these 26 countries, the average rate of return on investment in paved roads is 27.6% while that on other capital is only 5.0%. Calderon and Serven approach One of the most authoritative and comprehensive analyses of the effects of transport infrastructure on economic growth is provided in Calderon and Serven (2004). Their panel analyses used data from 121 countries over a forty year time period (1960 to 2000) for four different types of infrastructure (telephone lines, electricity generating capacity, roads and railways and access to safe water) and found that the volume of infrastructure stocks has a significant positive effect on long-run economic growth. This conclusion is robust to changes in the infrastruc-ture measure used as well as the estimation technique applied. They also found a 45 CASE Network Reports No. 108
  • 46. Robin Carruthers positive but less robust relationship between infrastructure quality and growth, although they observed that this might reflect limitations of the quality measures available or also the fact that quantity and quality are strongly correlated, so that quality effects on growth are already captured by the quantity measures. The au-thors also investigated the impact of infrastructure (including transport) on income inequality (measured by the Gini coefficient) and found a statistically significant negative correlation, that is increasing the quantity and quality of transport infra-structure would reduce income inequality. Both conclusions were applicable to all types of infrastructure, including roads and railways. The authors concluded that these results were obtained in a framework that controlled for reverse causation (one of the greatest sources of doubt in assess-ments of the relationship between infrastructure and growth), and that they sur-vived a variety of statistical tests that failed to show any evidence of misspecifica-tion. From this they concluded that the results reflect causal, and not merely coin-cidental, effects of infrastructure on growth and inequality. The measures of the quantities of road and railways used in the analyses were not absolute measures, but were similar to one of the benchmark measures in our analysis of transport infrastructure demand described in Part 1 of this Report. For transport infrastructure the measures were length in kms per unit of total land area. In Part 1 of this Report we observed that using different indicators of transport infrastructure density (by area, per capita or per unit of GDP) produce very differ-ent results as the three measures are vey weakly correlated and in some cases neg-atively correlated. We also observed that for many countries, especially those that have large areas of desert or otherwise unproductive areas using total land area (as used by Calderon and Serven, 2004) is a less appropriate parameter to assess transport density than agricultural or arable land area. So if Calderon and Serven (2004) had used a different measure of transport intensity (using population, GDP or agricultural or arable land area to derive the parameter) they would have pro-duced different regression parameters. For the quality measure of transport infrastructure, the authors used the % of all roads that are paved. The measure of unpaved roads in the database used by Calde-ron and Serven (2004) is inconsistent between countries. The specification of an unpaved road is imprecise, with some countries including even minor paths and tracks while others only include those for which one the three principal levels of administration (national, regional and local) has a specific responsibility. So if the quantity of unpaved roads is unreliable, then so is the % of unpaved roads as a measure of road quality. Notwithstanding these reservations, their analysis did provide a robust conclu-sion of a positive relationship between economic growth and quantity of transport CASE Network Reports No. 108 46