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Codeception presentation


Why use codeception if I already know phpunit and
● fast, as each functional/integration test is wrapped into transaction using
Doctrine ORM
● scenario-driven, it means that tests are linear, described in easy to get PHP
● can be used for testing complex interactions inside functional tests.
● easy to write, as Codeception already provides bundled actions and
assertions for most popular use cases.
● combine all testing levels (acceptance, functional, unit) in one tool.


Codeception presentation


Codeception presentation


Codeception presentation


Codeception presentation


Installing and setup
composer require --dev "codeception/codeception:~2.1"
- the unit and functional tests will reside inside the bundles, so we will have
only the acceptance tests placed globally
php bin/codecept bootstrap --empty
- after running this command, we will have the “tests” folder, and the
“codeception.yml” config file, at the app folder level;
php bin/codecept g:suite acceptance
Generate setup for unit and functional tests:
php bin/codecept bootstrap --empty -c src/AppBundle --namespace AppBundle
then, generate the test suites:
php bin/codecept g:suite functional -c src/AppBundle
php bin/codecept g:suite unit -c src/AppBundle


Symfony WebTestCase test vs. Codeception version


- enable specific modules needed by the test
- provide valid app and var paths for Symfony
- specify that Doctrine's EntityManager should be taken from Symfony DIC


Acceptance Testing
- acceptance testing can be performed by a non-technical person
- if you are developing a web-application the tester needs nothing more than a
web browser to check that your site works correctly
- you can reproduce an AcceptanceTester's actions in scenarios and run them
automatically after each site change
- you will be sure that site features work after the last changes were made
- there’s no need to manually test a long or cumbersome functionality or user
scenario over and over again
- this scenario can probably be read by non-technical people or Codeception
can even 'naturalize' this scenario, converting it into plain English


PHP Browser
- is the fastest way to run acceptance tests, since it doesn't require running an
actual browser
- it uses a PHP web scraper, which acts like a browser: it sends a request, then
receives and parses the response
- note that you can't test actual visibility of elements, or javascript interactions.
- the good thing about PhpBrowser is that it can be run in any environment with
just PHP and cURL required
- you can click only on links with valid urls or form submit buttons
- you can't fill fields that are not inside a form
- you can't work with JavaScript interactions: modal windows, datepickers, etc.


Selenium WebDriver
- a nice feature of Codeception is that most scenarios can be easily ported
between the testing backends
- the PhpBrowser tests can be executed inside a real browser (or PhantomJS)
with Selenium WebDriver
- the only thing we need to change is to reconfigure and rebuild the
AcceptanceTester class, to use WebDriver instead of PhpBrowser, by
modifying the yml configuration file
- you run acceptance tests with Selenium, Firefox will be started and all actions
will be performed step by step using browser engine


- test classes use Actors to perform actions and act as a dummy user
- actor classes are not written but generated from suite configuration
- methods of actor classes are generally taken from Codeception Modules
- each module provides predefined actions for different testing purposes, and
they can be combined to fit the testing environment
- Codeception tries to solve 90% of possible testing issues in its modules, so
you don't have reinvent the wheel


Asserts Module
Checks that haystack contains needle
● param $needle
● param $haystack
● param string $message
Checks that variable is empty.
● param $actual
● param string $message
Checks that two variables are equal.
● param $expected
● param $actual
● param string $message
Checks if file exists
● param string $filename
● param string $message
Checks that two variables are same
● param $expected
● param $actual
● param string $message
Checks that condition is positive.
● param $condition
● param string $message


Doctrine2 Module
Using the Symfony2 module:
- Symfony2
- Doctrine2:
depends: Symfony2
Flushes changes to database and performs ->findOneBy() call for current repository.
● param $entity
● param array $params
Performs $em->flush();
Selects field value from repository. It builds query based on array of parameters. You can use entity associations to
build complex queries.
Without using the Symfony2 module:
- Doctrine2:
connection_callback: ['MyDb',


PHP Browser Module
Opens the page for the given relative URI.
// opens /register page
- if a fuzzy locator is given, the page will be searched for
a button, link, or image matching the locator string
- the second parameter is a context (CSS or XPath
locator) to narrow the search
// button of form
// CSS button
$I->click('#form input[type=submit]');
// link in context
$I->click('Logout', '#nav');
- checks that the current page contains the given string.
Specify a locator as the second parameter to match a
specific region
$I->see('Logout'); // I can suppose user is logged in
$I->see('Sign Up','h1'); // I can suppose it's a signup
- checks that response code is equal to value provided.
● param $code
- submits the given form on the page, optionally with the
given form values as an array
$I->submitForm('#login', [
'login' => 'davert',
'password' => '123456'


REST Module
Checks whether the last JSON response contains
provided array. The response is converted to array with
json_decode($response, true)
// response: {name: john, email: john@gmail.com}
$I->seeResponseContainsJson(array('name' => 'john'));
Checks over the given HTTP header and (optionally) its
value, asserting that are there
● param $name
● param $value @part json
● Part: xml
Checks response code equals to provided value.
@part json @part xml * param $code
Sends a POST request to given uri.
Parameters and files (as array of filenames) can be
● param $url
● param array|JsonSerializable $params
● param array $files @part json
Sends PUT request to given uri.
● param $url
● param array $params
● param array $files @part json
Sends a GET request to given uri.
● param $url
● param array $params @part json

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Codeception presentation

  • 3. Why use codeception if I already know phpunit and behat? ● fast, as each functional/integration test is wrapped into transaction using Doctrine ORM ● scenario-driven, it means that tests are linear, described in easy to get PHP ● can be used for testing complex interactions inside functional tests. ● easy to write, as Codeception already provides bundled actions and assertions for most popular use cases. ● combine all testing levels (acceptance, functional, unit) in one tool.
  • 8. Installing and setup composer require --dev "codeception/codeception:~2.1" - the unit and functional tests will reside inside the bundles, so we will have only the acceptance tests placed globally php bin/codecept bootstrap --empty - after running this command, we will have the “tests” folder, and the “codeception.yml” config file, at the app folder level; php bin/codecept g:suite acceptance Generate setup for unit and functional tests: php bin/codecept bootstrap --empty -c src/AppBundle --namespace AppBundle then, generate the test suites: php bin/codecept g:suite functional -c src/AppBundle php bin/codecept g:suite unit -c src/AppBundle
  • 9. Symfony WebTestCase test vs. Codeception version
  • 10. Configuration src/AppBundle/tests/functional.yml - enable specific modules needed by the test - provide valid app and var paths for Symfony - specify that Doctrine's EntityManager should be taken from Symfony DIC
  • 11. Acceptance Testing - acceptance testing can be performed by a non-technical person - if you are developing a web-application the tester needs nothing more than a web browser to check that your site works correctly - you can reproduce an AcceptanceTester's actions in scenarios and run them automatically after each site change - you will be sure that site features work after the last changes were made - there’s no need to manually test a long or cumbersome functionality or user scenario over and over again - this scenario can probably be read by non-technical people or Codeception can even 'naturalize' this scenario, converting it into plain English
  • 12. PHP Browser - is the fastest way to run acceptance tests, since it doesn't require running an actual browser - it uses a PHP web scraper, which acts like a browser: it sends a request, then receives and parses the response - note that you can't test actual visibility of elements, or javascript interactions. - the good thing about PhpBrowser is that it can be run in any environment with just PHP and cURL required - you can click only on links with valid urls or form submit buttons - you can't fill fields that are not inside a form - you can't work with JavaScript interactions: modal windows, datepickers, etc.
  • 13. Selenium WebDriver - a nice feature of Codeception is that most scenarios can be easily ported between the testing backends - the PhpBrowser tests can be executed inside a real browser (or PhantomJS) with Selenium WebDriver - the only thing we need to change is to reconfigure and rebuild the AcceptanceTester class, to use WebDriver instead of PhpBrowser, by modifying the yml configuration file - you run acceptance tests with Selenium, Firefox will be started and all actions will be performed step by step using browser engine
  • 14. Modules - test classes use Actors to perform actions and act as a dummy user - actor classes are not written but generated from suite configuration - methods of actor classes are generally taken from Codeception Modules - each module provides predefined actions for different testing purposes, and they can be combined to fit the testing environment - Codeception tries to solve 90% of possible testing issues in its modules, so you don't have reinvent the wheel
  • 15. Asserts Module assertContains Checks that haystack contains needle ● param $needle ● param $haystack ● param string $message assertEmpty Checks that variable is empty. ● param $actual ● param string $message assertEquals Checks that two variables are equal. ● param $expected ● param $actual ● param string $message assertFileExists Checks if file exists ● param string $filename ● param string $message assertSame Checks that two variables are same ● param $expected ● param $actual ● param string $message assertTrue Checks that condition is positive. ● param $condition ● param string $message
  • 16. Doctrine2 Module Using the Symfony2 module: modules: enabled: - Symfony2 - Doctrine2: depends: Symfony2 -dontSeeInRepository Flushes changes to database and performs ->findOneBy() call for current repository. ● param $entity ● param array $params flushToDatabase Performs $em->flush(); grabFromRepository Selects field value from repository. It builds query based on array of parameters. You can use entity associations to build complex queries. Without using the Symfony2 module: modules: enabled: - Doctrine2: connection_callback: ['MyDb', 'createEntityManager']
  • 17. PHP Browser Module amOnPage Opens the page for the given relative URI. <?php // opens /register page $I->amOnPage('/register'); click - if a fuzzy locator is given, the page will be searched for a button, link, or image matching the locator string - the second parameter is a context (CSS or XPath locator) to narrow the search <?php // button of form $I->click('Submit'); // CSS button $I->click('#form input[type=submit]'); // link in context $I->click('Logout', '#nav'); see - checks that the current page contains the given string. Specify a locator as the second parameter to match a specific region <?php $I->see('Logout'); // I can suppose user is logged in $I->see('Sign Up','h1'); // I can suppose it's a signup page seeResponseCodeIs - checks that response code is equal to value provided. ● param $code submitForm - submits the given form on the page, optionally with the given form values as an array $I->submitForm('#login', [ 'login' => 'davert', 'password' => '123456' ], 'submitButtonName');
  • 18. REST Module seeResponseContainsJson Checks whether the last JSON response contains provided array. The response is converted to array with json_decode($response, true) <?php // response: {name: john, email: john@gmail.com} $I->seeResponseContainsJson(array('name' => 'john')); seeHttpHeader Checks over the given HTTP header and (optionally) its value, asserting that are there ● param $name ● param $value @part json ● Part: xml seeResponseCodeIs Checks response code equals to provided value. @part json @part xml * param $code sendPOST Sends a POST request to given uri. Parameters and files (as array of filenames) can be provided. ● param $url ● param array|JsonSerializable $params ● param array $files @part json sendPUT Sends PUT request to given uri. ● param $url ● param array $params ● param array $files @part json sendGET Sends a GET request to given uri. ● param $url ● param array $params @part json