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Cold War 1950
The Cold War was an ideological struggle, in a popular phrase of the 1950s, for the "hearts and minds" of people throughout the world. During the
1950s, freedom became an inescapable theme of academic research, popular journalism, mass culture, and official pronouncements. National security
agencies encouraged Hollywood to produce anticommunist movies, such as The Red Menace (1949) and I Married a Communist (1950), and urged
that film scripts be changed to remove references to less–than–praiseworthy aspects of American history, such as Indian removal and racial
discrimination. Along with freedom, the Cold War's other great mobilizing concept was "totalitarianism." By the 1950s, the term had become shorthand
for describing those on the Soviet...show more content...
The idea that there are rights that are applicable to all of humanity originated during the eighteenth century in the Enlightenment and the American and
French Revolutions. The atrocities committed during World War II, as well as the Four Freedoms, forcefully raised the issue of human rights in the
postwar world. The victorious Allies put numerous German officials on trial before special courts at Nuremberg for crimes against humanity. This was
the first time that individuals were held directly accountable to the international community for violation of human rights. The trials ended up
sentencing many Nazi officials to prison terms and the execution of ten leaders. In 1948, the UN General Assembly approved the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights. It identified a broad range of rights to be enjoyed by people everywhere, including freedom of speech, religious
toleration, and protection against arbitrary government, as well as social and economic entitlements like the right to an adequate standard of living and
access to housing, education, and medical care. The document had no enforcement mechanism. However, it set the core principle that a nation's
treatment of its own citizens should be subject to outside evaluation. This slowly became part of the language in which freedom was discussed. After
the Cold War ended, the idea of human rights played an increasingly prominent role in world affairs, but during the 1950s, Cold War imperatives
shaped the
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Soviet Union And The Cold War Essay
The Cold War was a state of tension between the Soviet Union and the United States soon after WWII had ended. The war was deemed "cold' because
there was no direct fight between the two key countries. When World War II ended, there were only two super powers left and both had intentions of
spreading their incompatible ideological system across the globe. Soviet's Communism and the United States' Capitalism were the different views that
sparked the Cold War. Problems started when the USSR started its expansionism in Eastern Europe which went against the rules brought about in the
Yalta Conference. The Yalta Conference was the meeting of the heads of governments of United States, United Kingdom and the Soviet Union
(Brinkley p. 655). The conference was designed to prepare a post–war peace plan. The United States saw the Soviet's expansion as a threat so they
planned to contain the growth of communism. Under President Truman, the United States aided countries in Europe to stop the spread of communism.
This aid cost the United States approximately 400 million dollars which went to the Greek and Turkish governments. The Cold War had a massive
impact on numerous countries around the world with proxy wars occurring in places like Korea and Vietnam. While the war was pulling other
countries into conflict, the United States was being influenced as well. Fear and a shift in opinion of homosexuals were present in the time of the Cold
War and even continued when the Cold War came to an
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Narrative Essay On The Cold War
It is 1945 and some of my generation has already arrived, with more yet to come. The month is June and I just arrived. President Truman is in
office. The war in Europe just ended, and the war with Japan is about to end. The Cold War has started but it will be two years before they
officially call it the Cold War. In case you were wondering that is me in the carriage, as you can see I am not really too concerned about world
events as of yet. I'm pretty sure that the rest of my generation isn't either. It is also my guess that we won't be for a while. However, as I said history
is relevant and many world events will take place in the next nineteen years that will lead some of us toward war, and others toward what I believe to
committing the unforgivable crime of treason.
< Insert image # 3 JPEG mother and father >
These are my parents Patrick and Agnes and the benefactors who provided me with the gift of this...show more content...
On the 19th of December 1946, The Viet Minh under Ho Chi Minh leadership launched a rebellion against the French authority governing the colonies
of French Indochina. The first few years of the war were a low–level rural insurgency against French authority. However, after the Chinese communists
reached the Northern border of Vietnam in 1949 the conflict became a conventional war between two armies equipped with modern weapons. These
were supplied by the Chinese communist and Russian communist.
This war would keep Ho Chi Minh and the Vietnam Communist Party busy for the next 8 years. [N] At the beginning of the war, the U.S. was neutral
in the conflict because of our opposition to imperialism and to avoid helping colonial empires regain their power and influence, because the Viet Minh
had recently been our allies, and because most of our attention was focused on Europe where Winston Churchill argued that an iron curtain had fallen.
This was the beginning of the Cold
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Essay On The Cold War
The causes of the Cold War between America and the USSR
Abstract: The Cold War was a state of political and military tension after World War II between powers in the Western Bloc(the United States, its
NATO allies and others) and powers in the Eastern Bloc(the Soviet Union) .It is a result of multiple factors. It is a form of ideology and social
system rivalry between capitalism and socialism. It is a reflection of national interest conflict. It is also a consequence of the driving effects from
Keywords: causes, Cold war, America, the USSR
Body: The Cold War is a kind of phenomenon of all–out confrontation between the socialist camp headed by the Soviet Union and the capitalist camp
led by the United States. The confrontation not...show more content...
Then, it took a tough policy against the USSR. This action deteriorated the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union and
accelerated the outbreak of the cold war. However, in 1949, the first atomic bomb of the USSR exploded, which broke the nuclear monopoly of the
United States. Hence, the two powers interact with each other. That's why hot war didn't break out and the Cold War formed. Such as the Cuban
Missile Crisis.
Epilogue: The cold war was a microcosm of the opposition and struggle between the two camps America and the USSR, which was the consequence
of many factors. It is deeply rooted in the struggle of ideology and social system between socialism and capitalism. It stemmed straightforwardly from
the conflict of different national interests. Britain also contributed to the Cold War. That America and the USSR were neck and neck with nuclear
weapons also resulted in the Cold War. All in all, no matter what policies and actions they took, they are all for their own benefits, because maintaining
their own benefits was the basic element for them to do
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An Essay About The Cold War
Isabella Tully
US history
Cold War Essay
The cold war is considered to be a significant event in modern world history. The USSR should be help mostly responsible due to stalin's over
paranoia, soviet expansion, and the marshall plan. The United States also had some resentment towards the Soviet Union because of the Nazi–Soviet
Nonaggression Pact. Events – there were eight main events that led to the Cold War. The two most important conferences when it comes to the Cold
War were at Yalta and Potsdam.
Winston churchill introduced a well known quote about russian tactics in 1446 at Missouri USA, "From stettin on the Baltic to Trieste on the Adriatic
an iron curtain has descended"(Winston Churchill "Iron Curtain" Speech). The iron curtain was an imaginary wall that divided eastern and western
europe. It prevented the allies from knowing what the soviets were up to. It represents the Soviet's...show more content...
It successfully started economic recovery, meeting its main goal of 'restoring the confidence of the European people in the economic future of their
own countries and of Europe as a whole.' The plan is named for Secretary of State George C. Marshall, who announced it in a speech at Harvard
University on June 5, 1947. The Marshall Plan could be seen as a decisive moment of the Cold War. A different plan might have affected the result of
the countries of Eastern Europe. The Marshall Plan can be seen as a defensive reaction or an offensive action against communism
Both the US and the USSR have contributed to the start of the cold war. Overall the USSR has done more harm than the US and this resulted in the
final start of the cold war. If stalin had chosen to not me paranoid and had not expanded or stalin did not have a soviet expansion, the US would not be
threatened and the issues could have been resolved. Sadly this was not the
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Reflection On The Cold War
Cold War Project Reflection– Humanities 10
After World War II, the Cold War was another significant event that occurred in the 20th century, which had an dominant effect on many aspects in the
American society. The United States and the Soviet Nation fought as allies during Word War II against the Nazi army, however, the relationship
between the two unions were intense due to their different political perspectives. Soon after WWII, tensions between the U.S. and the USSR escalated;
being the two most powerful forces in the world, the conflict between them became a global issue. The U.S., representing capitalism and democracy,
was afraid and concerned of the spread of communism, represented by Russian leader Joseph Stalin. The entire Cold...show more content...
The Korean War also changed the U.S. domestically; it gave reasons to the U.S. to expand and increase its military power, which were the foundations
of the military industrial complex that lasted through the entire Cold War. Another positive thing that happened because of the Korean War was that it
was the first time in U.S. history that black and white soldiers fought together; this act hugely affected the American patriotism, it was also the
fundamental step of civil rights. Finally in the late 1900s, under the presidency of U.S. President George H. W. Bush, the Cold War was finally seeing
its end. On December 3rd, 1989, President Bush and USSR leader Gorbachev held meeting to issue the long–lasting problems of the Cold War at the
Malta Summit. In the meeting, Bush was optimistic about following the steps of arms control taken by the Reagen administration. On the other hand,
Gorbachev emphasized the importance of peaceful and friendly relationship between the U.S. and the USSR, "The new U.S. president must know that
the Soviet Union will not under any circumstances initiate a war. This is so important that I wanted to repeat the announcement to you personally.
Moreover, the USSR is prepared to cease considering the U.S. as an enemy and announce this openly." At the end of the meeting, both sides agreed to
work together to construct a treaty dealing with long–range nuclear weapons and conventional arms;
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Why The United States Won The Cold War?
The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union took place after the World War II until the early 1990s. Both the United States and the
Soviet Union were at the Cold War which employed nuclear arms race, space programs development race, weapons developments, counter–intelligence,
military alliances, and propaganda. This Cold War made the world fear for the possible World War III. Ally nations for both sides were divided into
either the democratic or the communism which were either on the United States side or the Soviet Union's side. This Cold War was a political and
strategic method to gain strategic territories for the military purpose and also for the economic gains. The oil abundant Middle East country Iran was
about to be turned into a communist country due to the Iranian President Mosadegh who supported communism. U.S. helped anti–communism parties
by supporting them with finances and eventually exiled President Mosadegh. United States aided the Middle East countries with weapons to oppose
against Soviet Union, so that the United States would have access to oil rich Middle East...show more content...
Both countries established their ally countries by supplying the finances, weapons, and even military actions. Consequently, many countries have
established their identity as a free country or a communist country until today. The Cold War is somewhat like a Monopoly game. Who has the most
valuable lands, who has the strongest weapons, who is the wealthiest, and who has the strongest government that is supported by their people. It seems
like it is just a competition among the nations that shares the equivalent ideology that were divided into either the United States' side or the Soviet
Union's side. At least one thing positive about the Cold War is that it was not a Hot War which could have been a World War
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Essay about The Cold War
From the years 1947 through 1965 the United States was feeling a big impact from the Cold War on their ways of life. The biggest impact of this
was seen among the middle class who were quickly rising to be the social class majority. From 1946 until 1964 births were reaching record highs with
76 million babies. This was an increase from just 44 million from 1929 through 1945. With a post–war perspective, Americans ?were better off than
ever before?. This could partly be due to the economic boom that had swept the country after World War II was over. This boom was led by the
automobile, construction, and defense industries; this boom lasted for twenty–five years. All of these changes in American culture were due to
breakout of the...show more content...
This was one of the countries that the United States had been trying to keep communism away from and the spirit of those who were fighting
communism was damaged when this occurred. Finally in June of 1950 the North Korean Communists invaded South Korea. The United States sided
with the anti–communist South Korea which eventually crumbed and was pushed south. The Korean War was now occurring in addition to the already
active Cold War. All of these problems created a ?United State? of hysteria among Americans (Manzione). Truman?s popularity continued to plummet
so it was no surprise when in 1952 a Republican named General Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected.
Eisenhower entered the White House well aware of how the Cold War had been described by the former president, Truman: Two men are in an
enclosed room. One man is sane and is wielding a revolver. The other man is a psychopath with a knife. The only thing that could be done is for the
sane man to keep showing the psychopath his revolver. This would cause both sides to not make a physical move, knowing that they would be
destroyed. In this analogy the sane man is representing the United States with the psychopath representing the Soviet Union. The weapons could be
compared to nuclear weapons. When the Cold War is seen in this aspect, it is easy to understand why this was a war that was not fought with knives
and guns (Manzione). Eisenhower decided to move with caution and hesitation,
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The cold war Essay
In 1945, most of the countries around the world are devastated further to World War II which had stroke the globe for six years. Only the United
States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, also called USSR, seem to be in a stable economic situation despite weighty losses. Both
states are considered to be the great winners of the war and this is the beginning of a confrontation between two superpowers but also the confrontation
between two distinct ideologies: communism and capitalism.
With the shock of two destructive world wars and then the creation of the United Nations, whose aim is to preserve peace, it is unconceivable for
these two nations to fight directly in order to promote their own ideology. But the US and...show more content...
Stalin who was at the head of the Soviet Bloc had the desire to spread his authority upon Eastern European countries, including specifically Rumania
and Poland. This territorial growth, qualified of expansionism, provoked an answer from the US called the strategy of containment also named The
Truman Doctrine after the American president Harry Truman who adopted it, elaborated by the American diplomat and political adviser George F.
The US attempted to keep Soviets' power within limits, without having a war. Lafeber remarks that the acquisition of control over Poland and Rumania
was the beginning of the first tensions with the US (2002, p.18–19). But according to him, the Truman Doctrine was also used in order to justify
difficulties by the communist–inspired threat and not by the system itself, so it explains some harmful effects caused by this strategy (2002, p. 63).
However, strategies of expansionism and containment seem to be partly at the origin of the Cold War, defined by the historian Peter Calvocoressi as 'a
state of affairs with mutual hostility and fears of the protagonists' (2001, p. 3). Hobsbawm adds that 'the peculiarity of the cold war was that,
speaking objectively, no imminent danger of world war existed' (1994, p. 226). Therefore superpowers were preparing themselves to a defensive war
(Hobsbawm, 1994, p. 233). He points out that both superpowers were troubled by each other, the US by the possible raise of the Soviet Bloc and the
USSR by the
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What Is The Cold War Essay
Cold War Research Paper Imagine, you're a young child living in the middle of a dark war that is cold, depressing and continues on for decades; you
are practically growing up with this war by your side. The Cold War was started in 1947 when the Soviet Union shot down a United States military
plane that was used for spying on the Soviet Union. The Soviet didn't trust the United States anymore, and thus began the Cold War. The first president
of the Cold War in 1947 was Harry S Truman, who after Franklin D Roosevelt died used an atomic bomb on Japan. Dwight D Eisenhower was the
second president of this time and was a five–star general in the Army and a Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces during World War II. Finally the
third, most effective president, was John F Kennedy who was assassinated during a parade in Dallas, Texas. All three of these presidents had one
common goal: contain communism. However, they each tried to achieve that goal differently with Truman using Economic Aid, Eisenhower used
Military Use, and Kennedy using Military Aid (Bowes).
President Truman would have rather used our diplomacy than our military troops when it came to war. President Truman said in his famous Truman
Doctrine, which allowed the U.S to give financial and military aid to...show more content...
President Harry Truman using economic aid to help the smaller countries fight against communism, President Eisenhower fought with Military Use,
and President Kennedy used Military Aid to contain communism. The Cold War eventually ended forty–three years later in 1991 when the Berlin Wall
came down (Bowes). All the presidents were very effective in their own ways and that's what really helped our country reach the end of The Cold War.
With Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy all using their own ideas to contain communism it really showed how strong the U.S. really
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Argumentative Essay On The Cold War
With the overhanging threat of nuclear war looming over the entire world, a group of brave heroes emerged. As fear began to become reality, an
unsuspecting group of cardiologists made it their mission to "clog the arteries of support for nuclear weaponry until the heart of the atomic arms race
stopped beating." Bernard Lown and Yevgeny Chazov founded the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War(IPPNW). The IPPNW, a
group of physicians determined to nuclear warfare, successfully helped influence peace treaties, subsequently ending the Cold War. While their work
was only intended to address the prevailing nuclear crisis, they inadvertently laid the framework for a nuclear–free future.
Cold War(1947–1991)
Causes of the War
Snead, David L. "Cold War."
Started at the end of WWII
After WWII, the common enemy, Germany, was removed
USA and Russia developed alliance after Germany attacked Russia
Fell apart due to mistrust
"The Cold War began when the World War II alliance between the United States, Soviet Union, and Great Britain fell apart in the face of
misunderstandings, mistrust, and at times, deliberate actions."
Different views on world government and security
U.S. and Russia had much different views on the world
U.S. wanted democracy and capitalism
Soviet Union wanted communism and prioritized internal security
The U.S. wanted to prevent the spread of communism so they strengthened their borders and military defense
"The result was the development of
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Essay on How The Cold War Helped America
The Cold War was a war that spanned from the end of WWII in 1945 until 1991 when communism influenced by the Soviet Union collapsed. The
casualties and losses of the Vietnam and Korean wars, the two major wars fought indirectly between United States and the Soviet Union during the
course of the Cold War, would seem like a disaster for both world superpowers. But in fact it was not. TheCold war brought a period of extreme
consuming by the United States especially in the nuclear arms race in order to improve the technologies that helped further evolve the power and
influence that could be used with United States technology. Over time, these technologies could be shifted more into our daily lives into electronic
chips that can be used in...show more content...
Because of the sheer size of these pacts they would lead to negative and destructive conflicts worldwide such as the Vietnam and Korean Wars. While
cultural effects of the Cold War were primarily domestic, political battles between the Soviet Union and the US were mostly fought on an international
stage. Politically speaking, the US and Soviet Union were polar opposites at the end of WWII.
NATO had 2.6 million troops, 13,000 tanks and 11,000 artillery units. The Warsaw Pact was a little bigger with 4 million troops, 43,000 tanks and
32,000 artillery units. As you can see from appendix A, NATO was made up of mostly countries in Western Europe, while the countries that were part
of the Warsaw Pact were situated in Eastern Europe and under the influence of Soviet communism. Even with these large armies at disposal the Cold
War became more of a propaganda war than a military war due to the antagonist values between the US representing democracy and the Soviet Union
representing communism, as well as the fear to whom would strike first.
The speed of technological development during the Cold War was unprecedented. Both sides utilized thousands of scientists and spent millions of
dollars developing new technologies. With this development came new military weaponry for both sides. For example, both the US and Soviet Union
produced vasts amounts of missiles. The US
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Essay on Who If Any One Won the Cold War?
The time period between 1945 and 1991 is considered to be the era of the Cold War. The Cold War, known as the conflict between the United States
and the Soviet Union, each known during this time as the "super powers". This conflict consisted of the differing attitudes on the ideological, political,
and military interests of these two states and their allies, exte nded around the globe. A common political debate covers the issue of who, if anyone
won the Cold War. Many believe the United States won the Cold War since (it) had resulted in the ultimate collapse of the Soviet Union. While others
are to believe the United States had not won it as much as the Soviet Union had lost it since they feel Reagan did not end the Cold War, but that...show
more content...
The Soviet Union was none the less held together by "В…powerful central institutions, pressure for ideological conformity, and the threat of force."
(Baylis & Smith, 2001.) Therefore, these new reforms could not overpower the previous В‘seventy years' of soviet rule. The many long–term internal
causes of the collapse of the Soviet Union centralized around weaknesses in their economy. They had an inflexible central planning system, the inability
to modernize, and the inefficiency in their agriculture production. Sometime around the 1970's the computer and automation revolution had emerged.
This revolution took over the West, but practically missed the Soviet Union, except in the military sector (Baylis & Smith, 2001.) Gorbachev's goal in
economic restructuring was to create a separation between the economic and the political. The major changes began with the legalization of private
farming and business co–operatives, and the allowing of foreign company ownership over Soviet enterprises (Baylis &Smith, 2001) All of
Gorbachev's ideas on economic restructuring backfired on him since the price levels were inconsistent, and a sense of social confusion about the future
of their state was created. The Soviet Union had realized their weaknesses, and their need for
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Cold War and Its Effects Essay
The end of the cold war signified a new era of history that has changed the entire world. The face of Europe and Asia has changed dramatically. Vast
changes have been felt socially, politically, and especially economically. Also the effect the cold war had on foreign policy was paramount. The effect
of these changes is not only felt across the ocean but can be felt here in America. The goal of this paper is to define what thecold war specifically was,
and reflect upon the various choices throughout the world as a result of the end of the cold war.
The cold war was a period of time in which the United States was the world power in the western world. The Soviet Union (now Russia) was the
leading power in the eastern world. While...show more content...
Sometimes these decisions were not for the well being of other nations that depended on the Soviet Union for support. Nations like Hungary, Bulgaria,
and Poland were under Soviet control, but were officially still independent nations.
These extreme opposite viewpoints between the two superpowers caused immense tensions between the two nations and the world. The world was
split in two in terms of who to support and which way of life was better. At the height of the cold war in the 1980's, President Reagan had vowed to
outspend the Russians. I remember as a child Reagan coming on television and strategically showed the world how we were outspending the
Russians. I did not realize at the time the importance of this news conference because two years later the wall fell in Germany and many nations such
as Lithuania that were considered part of the USSR had been freed.
Outspending the Russians had consequences both good and bad on the economy here in America. The good thing is that up until black Monday stock
prices rose sharply, as the government was spending money subcontracting military applications to private firms such as Boeing, Lockheed, and even
investing in the latest computer technology at that time, which the Soviets just could not keep up with.
Interest rates were extremely high in the early part of the 1980's due to Reagan's foreign policy efforts to get rid of communism. The amount of interest
rates was
nowhere near
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Essay On The Effects Of The Cold War
The Era of the Cold War occurred between 1947–1991 in which it wasn't a physical war but it was between the United States and The Soviet Union.
The United States was capitalists, in which their properties and businesses are owned by the citizens. The Soviet Union were communists, in which the
properties are controlled by the government. In this paper, President Ronald Regan's effects on the escalation of the Cold War will be explained and
how his effectiveness made the Cold War worse.
In 1981, President Ronald Reagan was elected as president of the United States. He made several speeches about the Soviet Union. One of his most
known speeches was the "Evil Empire Speech" where he talks about his feelings towards the Soviet Union and how he thinks they are a evil empire.
The Voices of Democracy article on "Ronald Regan, "Evil Empire Speech" it states Reagan's actual speech "So, in your discussions of the nuclear
...show more content...
The Washington Post's states "Reagan came along and brought such programs to life with an infusion of money. Defense spending hit a peak of
$456.5 billion in 1987 (in projected 2005 dollars), compared with $325.1 billion in 1980 and $339.6 million in 1981, according to the Center for
Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. Most of the increase was for procurement and research and development programs. The procurement budget
leapt to $147.3 billion from $71.2 billion in 1980". (Washington Post,2004). This means that Reagan has taken the increase on defense spending very
seriously and this has put an effect on the Soviet Union because they are trying to outspend the U.S.
In conclusion, President Reagan's strategies to end the Cold War turned into escalating it only making the war worst. He was an anti–communist so he
wanted to do things that were against the Soviet Union. Escalating the Cold War has caused the Soviets to compete with America in many
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The Causes And Consequences Of The Cold War
The Cold War In 1945, the United States and Soviet Union were allies, triumphant in World War II, which ended with total victory for Soviet and
American forces over Adolf Hitler's Nazi empire in Europe. Within a few years, yet, wartime allies became mortal enemies, locked in a global
struggle–military, political, economic, ideological–to prevail in a new "Cold War. Was it the Soviets, who reneged on their agreements to allow the
people of Eastern Europe to determine their own fates by imposing totalitarian rule on territories unlucky enough to fall behind the "Iron Curtain?" Or
was it the Americans, who ignored the Soviets' legitimate security concerns, sought to intimidate the world with the atomic bomb, and pushed to
expand their own international influence and market dominance? The tensions that would later grow into Cold War became evident as early as 1943,
when the "Big Three" allied leaders–American President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet Premier Josef
Stalin–met in Tehran to coordinate strategy. Poland, which sits in an unfortunate position on the map, squeezed between frequent enemies Russia and
Germany, became a topic for heated debate. The Poles, then under German occupation, had not one but two governments–in–exile–one Communist,
one anticommunist–hoping to take over the country upon its liberation from the Nazis. The Big Three disagreed over which Polish faction should b
allowed to take control after the war, with
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Essay On Cold War
The Cold War compromises of many significant events. The Cold War consisted of communism. Communism is the belief organizing the society in
which the government owns the production of goods. During the Cold war the Iron Curtain was developed, it was an imaginary line that divided the
communist and non–communism countries in Europe. Through out the duration of the Cold War ,Cuba became a communist country and sought
assistance from the Soviet Union. Cuba was given missiles by the Soviet Union, and the U.S grew very concerned. The US sent Cuban Exiles to try and
take over the missiles. Also, during the Vietnam War, Vietnam was divided into two parts. North Vietnam wanted to unite the country under
Communism, while South Vietnam wanted...show more content...
The Cuban Missile Crisis and the War in Iraq have some similarities, because the US was afraid of a threat. Cuba and Saddam Hussein both had
weapons of mass destruction that could be use against the US. The outcome that they have in common is that America managed to annihilate both of
their problems. The main difference between Cold War and the War on Terrorism is who was involved. During the Cold War, the US fought along side
with South Vietnam to stop the spread of communism, while during the War on Terrorism the US had different allies. On the other hand, the two wars
had completely different style of warfare and fought for different reasons. Unlike, the Cold War the US engaged into a battle with terrorist on the War
of Terrorism.
In my opinion, I believe that some parts of the War on Terrorism and the Cold War were both handled in a positive and a negative way. I'am confident
the Cuban Missile Crisis and the War in Iraq could have been avoided because I honestly believe that there wasn't much proof that Cuba and Iraq were
going to use their weapons on the US. The US should have not meddled in other country affairs. It caused millions to die and suffer. But, I trust that the
retribution American had on Afghanistan was fair, considering that Al
–Qaeda killed thousand of American
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Essay On The Cold War
The Cold War
1991, the year when the cold war between the US and USSR ended following the disintegration of the Soviet Union, has stood for the watershed of the
recent history. After the collapse of the Soviet Union ensues the domination of the US as an only superpower throughout the world, which enunciates
the collapse of communism and the rise of democracy around the world. This essay aims to establish that the end of the Cold War is a defining point of
recent history since it leads to globalization in terms of economic growth, the expansion of military alliance and technology with the rise of democracy
and the fall of communism.
First and foremost, the end of the Cold War symbolized Eastern European countries' independence and the era...show more content...
Through free trade, the enlargement of military alliances and the cutting–edge technology in terms of the rise of democracy, the world is closely
bonded. This in turns creates an interdependent global village. While several post–communist countries are still not economically competent as
Western democracies, globalization demonstrates its capability of economic growth. Even though the hegemony tends to be abused by the US, the
large–scale war now rarely happens. Although the global information era brings us a global village, it allows the transformation of terrorist attack.
Conclusion is, globalization can do us a world of good, and also put an end to our world.
Reference List
Bird, M. (2014, November 10). CHARTS: How Capitalism Has Transformed Eastern Europe Since: The Fall Of The Berlin Wall. Retrieved from https:/
Dauderstädt, M. (2009). Zur politischen ökonomie von demokratisierung und demokratieförderung. Prekäre Staatlichkeit und Internationale
Ordnung, 378–406. doi:10.1007/978–3–531–90566–2_20
Delova, G. (2009). Explaining NATO enlargement.
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The Cold War
Historical Context:
The Cold War started by the end of the Second World War. The aim of this war was to spread opposing ideologies of Capitalism and Communism by
the two world superpowers without the result of a hot war. The war was between the Capitalist West– namely: the United States of America, Britain
and France – and Communist East – known to be Russia and all the satellite states which communism had taken over. An agreement made at the Yalta
meeting of 1945 was that Germany would be divided into four sectors. One sector went to Britain, one to France, one to the USA and the last and
biggest sector to Russia. The Russian sector surrounded the Capital city. In addition to this, the German capital of Berlin was also divided into four
sectors. However by 1961, all Capitalist sectors had merged to form one independent country known as the German Federal Republic and so too, did
all the Capitalist zones in Berlin merge to form West Berlin. In the same light, the Russian Sector also formed an independent country known as the
German Democratic Republic and the Russian Sector of Berlin was thereon seen as East Berlin.
Each superpower had different agendas with regards to Germany. The West built up Germany to ensure that it would not fall to communism and to
show the rest of Europe the outcome of capitalist support. While the East completely crippled Germany by stripping the country of its commodities in
order to ensure a German attack on Russia would not be possible.
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Cold War 1950

  • 1. Cold War 1950 The Cold War was an ideological struggle, in a popular phrase of the 1950s, for the "hearts and minds" of people throughout the world. During the 1950s, freedom became an inescapable theme of academic research, popular journalism, mass culture, and official pronouncements. National security agencies encouraged Hollywood to produce anticommunist movies, such as The Red Menace (1949) and I Married a Communist (1950), and urged that film scripts be changed to remove references to less–than–praiseworthy aspects of American history, such as Indian removal and racial discrimination. Along with freedom, the Cold War's other great mobilizing concept was "totalitarianism." By the 1950s, the term had become shorthand for describing those on the Soviet...show more content... The idea that there are rights that are applicable to all of humanity originated during the eighteenth century in the Enlightenment and the American and French Revolutions. The atrocities committed during World War II, as well as the Four Freedoms, forcefully raised the issue of human rights in the postwar world. The victorious Allies put numerous German officials on trial before special courts at Nuremberg for crimes against humanity. This was the first time that individuals were held directly accountable to the international community for violation of human rights. The trials ended up sentencing many Nazi officials to prison terms and the execution of ten leaders. In 1948, the UN General Assembly approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It identified a broad range of rights to be enjoyed by people everywhere, including freedom of speech, religious toleration, and protection against arbitrary government, as well as social and economic entitlements like the right to an adequate standard of living and access to housing, education, and medical care. The document had no enforcement mechanism. However, it set the core principle that a nation's treatment of its own citizens should be subject to outside evaluation. This slowly became part of the language in which freedom was discussed. After the Cold War ended, the idea of human rights played an increasingly prominent role in world affairs, but during the 1950s, Cold War imperatives shaped the Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 2. Soviet Union And The Cold War Essay The Cold War was a state of tension between the Soviet Union and the United States soon after WWII had ended. The war was deemed "cold' because there was no direct fight between the two key countries. When World War II ended, there were only two super powers left and both had intentions of spreading their incompatible ideological system across the globe. Soviet's Communism and the United States' Capitalism were the different views that sparked the Cold War. Problems started when the USSR started its expansionism in Eastern Europe which went against the rules brought about in the Yalta Conference. The Yalta Conference was the meeting of the heads of governments of United States, United Kingdom and the Soviet Union (Brinkley p. 655). The conference was designed to prepare a post–war peace plan. The United States saw the Soviet's expansion as a threat so they planned to contain the growth of communism. Under President Truman, the United States aided countries in Europe to stop the spread of communism. This aid cost the United States approximately 400 million dollars which went to the Greek and Turkish governments. The Cold War had a massive impact on numerous countries around the world with proxy wars occurring in places like Korea and Vietnam. While the war was pulling other countries into conflict, the United States was being influenced as well. Fear and a shift in opinion of homosexuals were present in the time of the Cold War and even continued when the Cold War came to an Get more content on HelpWriting.net
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  • 5. An Essay About The Cold War Isabella Tully US history Madamales 3/22/17 Cold War Essay The cold war is considered to be a significant event in modern world history. The USSR should be help mostly responsible due to stalin's over paranoia, soviet expansion, and the marshall plan. The United States also had some resentment towards the Soviet Union because of the Nazi–Soviet Nonaggression Pact. Events – there were eight main events that led to the Cold War. The two most important conferences when it comes to the Cold War were at Yalta and Potsdam. Winston churchill introduced a well known quote about russian tactics in 1446 at Missouri USA, "From stettin on the Baltic to Trieste on the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended"(Winston Churchill "Iron Curtain" Speech). The iron curtain was an imaginary wall that divided eastern and western europe. It prevented the allies from knowing what the soviets were up to. It represents the Soviet's...show more content... It successfully started economic recovery, meeting its main goal of 'restoring the confidence of the European people in the economic future of their own countries and of Europe as a whole.' The plan is named for Secretary of State George C. Marshall, who announced it in a speech at Harvard University on June 5, 1947. The Marshall Plan could be seen as a decisive moment of the Cold War. A different plan might have affected the result of the countries of Eastern Europe. The Marshall Plan can be seen as a defensive reaction or an offensive action against communism Both the US and the USSR have contributed to the start of the cold war. Overall the USSR has done more harm than the US and this resulted in the final start of the cold war. If stalin had chosen to not me paranoid and had not expanded or stalin did not have a soviet expansion, the US would not be threatened and the issues could have been resolved. Sadly this was not the
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  • 7. Reflection On The Cold War Cold War Project Reflection– Humanities 10 After World War II, the Cold War was another significant event that occurred in the 20th century, which had an dominant effect on many aspects in the American society. The United States and the Soviet Nation fought as allies during Word War II against the Nazi army, however, the relationship between the two unions were intense due to their different political perspectives. Soon after WWII, tensions between the U.S. and the USSR escalated; being the two most powerful forces in the world, the conflict between them became a global issue. The U.S., representing capitalism and democracy, was afraid and concerned of the spread of communism, represented by Russian leader Joseph Stalin. The entire Cold...show more content... The Korean War also changed the U.S. domestically; it gave reasons to the U.S. to expand and increase its military power, which were the foundations of the military industrial complex that lasted through the entire Cold War. Another positive thing that happened because of the Korean War was that it was the first time in U.S. history that black and white soldiers fought together; this act hugely affected the American patriotism, it was also the fundamental step of civil rights. Finally in the late 1900s, under the presidency of U.S. President George H. W. Bush, the Cold War was finally seeing its end. On December 3rd, 1989, President Bush and USSR leader Gorbachev held meeting to issue the long–lasting problems of the Cold War at the Malta Summit. In the meeting, Bush was optimistic about following the steps of arms control taken by the Reagen administration. On the other hand, Gorbachev emphasized the importance of peaceful and friendly relationship between the U.S. and the USSR, "The new U.S. president must know that the Soviet Union will not under any circumstances initiate a war. This is so important that I wanted to repeat the announcement to you personally. Moreover, the USSR is prepared to cease considering the U.S. as an enemy and announce this openly." At the end of the meeting, both sides agreed to work together to construct a treaty dealing with long–range nuclear weapons and conventional arms; Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 8. Why The United States Won The Cold War? The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union took place after the World War II until the early 1990s. Both the United States and the Soviet Union were at the Cold War which employed nuclear arms race, space programs development race, weapons developments, counter–intelligence, military alliances, and propaganda. This Cold War made the world fear for the possible World War III. Ally nations for both sides were divided into either the democratic or the communism which were either on the United States side or the Soviet Union's side. This Cold War was a political and strategic method to gain strategic territories for the military purpose and also for the economic gains. The oil abundant Middle East country Iran was about to be turned into a communist country due to the Iranian President Mosadegh who supported communism. U.S. helped anti–communism parties by supporting them with finances and eventually exiled President Mosadegh. United States aided the Middle East countries with weapons to oppose against Soviet Union, so that the United States would have access to oil rich Middle East...show more content... Both countries established their ally countries by supplying the finances, weapons, and even military actions. Consequently, many countries have established their identity as a free country or a communist country until today. The Cold War is somewhat like a Monopoly game. Who has the most valuable lands, who has the strongest weapons, who is the wealthiest, and who has the strongest government that is supported by their people. It seems like it is just a competition among the nations that shares the equivalent ideology that were divided into either the United States' side or the Soviet Union's side. At least one thing positive about the Cold War is that it was not a Hot War which could have been a World War Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 9. Essay about The Cold War From the years 1947 through 1965 the United States was feeling a big impact from the Cold War on their ways of life. The biggest impact of this was seen among the middle class who were quickly rising to be the social class majority. From 1946 until 1964 births were reaching record highs with 76 million babies. This was an increase from just 44 million from 1929 through 1945. With a post–war perspective, Americans ?were better off than ever before?. This could partly be due to the economic boom that had swept the country after World War II was over. This boom was led by the automobile, construction, and defense industries; this boom lasted for twenty–five years. All of these changes in American culture were due to breakout of the...show more content... This was one of the countries that the United States had been trying to keep communism away from and the spirit of those who were fighting communism was damaged when this occurred. Finally in June of 1950 the North Korean Communists invaded South Korea. The United States sided with the anti–communist South Korea which eventually crumbed and was pushed south. The Korean War was now occurring in addition to the already active Cold War. All of these problems created a ?United State? of hysteria among Americans (Manzione). Truman?s popularity continued to plummet so it was no surprise when in 1952 a Republican named General Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected. Eisenhower entered the White House well aware of how the Cold War had been described by the former president, Truman: Two men are in an enclosed room. One man is sane and is wielding a revolver. The other man is a psychopath with a knife. The only thing that could be done is for the sane man to keep showing the psychopath his revolver. This would cause both sides to not make a physical move, knowing that they would be destroyed. In this analogy the sane man is representing the United States with the psychopath representing the Soviet Union. The weapons could be compared to nuclear weapons. When the Cold War is seen in this aspect, it is easy to understand why this was a war that was not fought with knives and guns (Manzione). Eisenhower decided to move with caution and hesitation, Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 10. The cold war Essay In 1945, most of the countries around the world are devastated further to World War II which had stroke the globe for six years. Only the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, also called USSR, seem to be in a stable economic situation despite weighty losses. Both states are considered to be the great winners of the war and this is the beginning of a confrontation between two superpowers but also the confrontation between two distinct ideologies: communism and capitalism. With the shock of two destructive world wars and then the creation of the United Nations, whose aim is to preserve peace, it is unconceivable for these two nations to fight directly in order to promote their own ideology. But the US and...show more content... Stalin who was at the head of the Soviet Bloc had the desire to spread his authority upon Eastern European countries, including specifically Rumania and Poland. This territorial growth, qualified of expansionism, provoked an answer from the US called the strategy of containment also named The Truman Doctrine after the American president Harry Truman who adopted it, elaborated by the American diplomat and political adviser George F. Kennan. The US attempted to keep Soviets' power within limits, without having a war. Lafeber remarks that the acquisition of control over Poland and Rumania was the beginning of the first tensions with the US (2002, p.18–19). But according to him, the Truman Doctrine was also used in order to justify difficulties by the communist–inspired threat and not by the system itself, so it explains some harmful effects caused by this strategy (2002, p. 63). However, strategies of expansionism and containment seem to be partly at the origin of the Cold War, defined by the historian Peter Calvocoressi as 'a state of affairs with mutual hostility and fears of the protagonists' (2001, p. 3). Hobsbawm adds that 'the peculiarity of the cold war was that, speaking objectively, no imminent danger of world war existed' (1994, p. 226). Therefore superpowers were preparing themselves to a defensive war (Hobsbawm, 1994, p. 233). He points out that both superpowers were troubled by each other, the US by the possible raise of the Soviet Bloc and the USSR by the Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 11. What Is The Cold War Essay Cold War Research Paper Imagine, you're a young child living in the middle of a dark war that is cold, depressing and continues on for decades; you are practically growing up with this war by your side. The Cold War was started in 1947 when the Soviet Union shot down a United States military plane that was used for spying on the Soviet Union. The Soviet didn't trust the United States anymore, and thus began the Cold War. The first president of the Cold War in 1947 was Harry S Truman, who after Franklin D Roosevelt died used an atomic bomb on Japan. Dwight D Eisenhower was the second president of this time and was a five–star general in the Army and a Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces during World War II. Finally the third, most effective president, was John F Kennedy who was assassinated during a parade in Dallas, Texas. All three of these presidents had one common goal: contain communism. However, they each tried to achieve that goal differently with Truman using Economic Aid, Eisenhower used Military Use, and Kennedy using Military Aid (Bowes). President Truman would have rather used our diplomacy than our military troops when it came to war. President Truman said in his famous Truman Doctrine, which allowed the U.S to give financial and military aid to...show more content... President Harry Truman using economic aid to help the smaller countries fight against communism, President Eisenhower fought with Military Use, and President Kennedy used Military Aid to contain communism. The Cold War eventually ended forty–three years later in 1991 when the Berlin Wall came down (Bowes). All the presidents were very effective in their own ways and that's what really helped our country reach the end of The Cold War. With Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy all using their own ideas to contain communism it really showed how strong the U.S. really Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 12. Argumentative Essay On The Cold War Thesis: With the overhanging threat of nuclear war looming over the entire world, a group of brave heroes emerged. As fear began to become reality, an unsuspecting group of cardiologists made it their mission to "clog the arteries of support for nuclear weaponry until the heart of the atomic arms race stopped beating." Bernard Lown and Yevgeny Chazov founded the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War(IPPNW). The IPPNW, a group of physicians determined to nuclear warfare, successfully helped influence peace treaties, subsequently ending the Cold War. While their work was only intended to address the prevailing nuclear crisis, they inadvertently laid the framework for a nuclear–free future. Cold War(1947–1991) Causes of the War Snead, David L. "Cold War." Started at the end of WWII After WWII, the common enemy, Germany, was removed USA and Russia developed alliance after Germany attacked Russia Fell apart due to mistrust "The Cold War began when the World War II alliance between the United States, Soviet Union, and Great Britain fell apart in the face of misunderstandings, mistrust, and at times, deliberate actions." Different views on world government and security U.S. and Russia had much different views on the world U.S. wanted democracy and capitalism Soviet Union wanted communism and prioritized internal security The U.S. wanted to prevent the spread of communism so they strengthened their borders and military defense "The result was the development of Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 13. Essay on How The Cold War Helped America The Cold War was a war that spanned from the end of WWII in 1945 until 1991 when communism influenced by the Soviet Union collapsed. The casualties and losses of the Vietnam and Korean wars, the two major wars fought indirectly between United States and the Soviet Union during the course of the Cold War, would seem like a disaster for both world superpowers. But in fact it was not. TheCold war brought a period of extreme consuming by the United States especially in the nuclear arms race in order to improve the technologies that helped further evolve the power and influence that could be used with United States technology. Over time, these technologies could be shifted more into our daily lives into electronic chips that can be used in...show more content... Because of the sheer size of these pacts they would lead to negative and destructive conflicts worldwide such as the Vietnam and Korean Wars. While cultural effects of the Cold War were primarily domestic, political battles between the Soviet Union and the US were mostly fought on an international stage. Politically speaking, the US and Soviet Union were polar opposites at the end of WWII. NATO had 2.6 million troops, 13,000 tanks and 11,000 artillery units. The Warsaw Pact was a little bigger with 4 million troops, 43,000 tanks and 32,000 artillery units. As you can see from appendix A, NATO was made up of mostly countries in Western Europe, while the countries that were part of the Warsaw Pact were situated in Eastern Europe and under the influence of Soviet communism. Even with these large armies at disposal the Cold War became more of a propaganda war than a military war due to the antagonist values between the US representing democracy and the Soviet Union representing communism, as well as the fear to whom would strike first. The speed of technological development during the Cold War was unprecedented. Both sides utilized thousands of scientists and spent millions of dollars developing new technologies. With this development came new military weaponry for both sides. For example, both the US and Soviet Union produced vasts amounts of missiles. The US Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 14. Essay on Who If Any One Won the Cold War? The time period between 1945 and 1991 is considered to be the era of the Cold War. The Cold War, known as the conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union, each known during this time as the "super powers". This conflict consisted of the differing attitudes on the ideological, political, and military interests of these two states and their allies, exte nded around the globe. A common political debate covers the issue of who, if anyone won the Cold War. Many believe the United States won the Cold War since (it) had resulted in the ultimate collapse of the Soviet Union. While others are to believe the United States had not won it as much as the Soviet Union had lost it since they feel Reagan did not end the Cold War, but that...show more content... The Soviet Union was none the less held together by "В…powerful central institutions, pressure for ideological conformity, and the threat of force." (Baylis & Smith, 2001.) Therefore, these new reforms could not overpower the previous В‘seventy years' of soviet rule. The many long–term internal causes of the collapse of the Soviet Union centralized around weaknesses in their economy. They had an inflexible central planning system, the inability to modernize, and the inefficiency in their agriculture production. Sometime around the 1970's the computer and automation revolution had emerged. This revolution took over the West, but practically missed the Soviet Union, except in the military sector (Baylis & Smith, 2001.) Gorbachev's goal in economic restructuring was to create a separation between the economic and the political. The major changes began with the legalization of private farming and business co–operatives, and the allowing of foreign company ownership over Soviet enterprises (Baylis &Smith, 2001) All of Gorbachev's ideas on economic restructuring backfired on him since the price levels were inconsistent, and a sense of social confusion about the future of their state was created. The Soviet Union had realized their weaknesses, and their need for Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 15. Cold War and Its Effects Essay The end of the cold war signified a new era of history that has changed the entire world. The face of Europe and Asia has changed dramatically. Vast changes have been felt socially, politically, and especially economically. Also the effect the cold war had on foreign policy was paramount. The effect of these changes is not only felt across the ocean but can be felt here in America. The goal of this paper is to define what thecold war specifically was, and reflect upon the various choices throughout the world as a result of the end of the cold war. The cold war was a period of time in which the United States was the world power in the western world. The Soviet Union (now Russia) was the leading power in the eastern world. While...show more content... Sometimes these decisions were not for the well being of other nations that depended on the Soviet Union for support. Nations like Hungary, Bulgaria, and Poland were under Soviet control, but were officially still independent nations. These extreme opposite viewpoints between the two superpowers caused immense tensions between the two nations and the world. The world was split in two in terms of who to support and which way of life was better. At the height of the cold war in the 1980's, President Reagan had vowed to outspend the Russians. I remember as a child Reagan coming on television and strategically showed the world how we were outspending the Russians. I did not realize at the time the importance of this news conference because two years later the wall fell in Germany and many nations such as Lithuania that were considered part of the USSR had been freed. Outspending the Russians had consequences both good and bad on the economy here in America. The good thing is that up until black Monday stock prices rose sharply, as the government was spending money subcontracting military applications to private firms such as Boeing, Lockheed, and even investing in the latest computer technology at that time, which the Soviets just could not keep up with. Interest rates were extremely high in the early part of the 1980's due to Reagan's foreign policy efforts to get rid of communism. The amount of interest rates was nowhere near
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  • 17. Essay On The Effects Of The Cold War The Era of the Cold War occurred between 1947–1991 in which it wasn't a physical war but it was between the United States and The Soviet Union. The United States was capitalists, in which their properties and businesses are owned by the citizens. The Soviet Union were communists, in which the properties are controlled by the government. In this paper, President Ronald Regan's effects on the escalation of the Cold War will be explained and how his effectiveness made the Cold War worse. In 1981, President Ronald Reagan was elected as president of the United States. He made several speeches about the Soviet Union. One of his most known speeches was the "Evil Empire Speech" where he talks about his feelings towards the Soviet Union and how he thinks they are a evil empire. The Voices of Democracy article on "Ronald Regan, "Evil Empire Speech" it states Reagan's actual speech "So, in your discussions of the nuclear ...show more content... The Washington Post's states "Reagan came along and brought such programs to life with an infusion of money. Defense spending hit a peak of $456.5 billion in 1987 (in projected 2005 dollars), compared with $325.1 billion in 1980 and $339.6 million in 1981, according to the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. Most of the increase was for procurement and research and development programs. The procurement budget leapt to $147.3 billion from $71.2 billion in 1980". (Washington Post,2004). This means that Reagan has taken the increase on defense spending very seriously and this has put an effect on the Soviet Union because they are trying to outspend the U.S. In conclusion, President Reagan's strategies to end the Cold War turned into escalating it only making the war worst. He was an anti–communist so he wanted to do things that were against the Soviet Union. Escalating the Cold War has caused the Soviets to compete with America in many Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 18. The Causes And Consequences Of The Cold War The Cold War In 1945, the United States and Soviet Union were allies, triumphant in World War II, which ended with total victory for Soviet and American forces over Adolf Hitler's Nazi empire in Europe. Within a few years, yet, wartime allies became mortal enemies, locked in a global struggle–military, political, economic, ideological–to prevail in a new "Cold War. Was it the Soviets, who reneged on their agreements to allow the people of Eastern Europe to determine their own fates by imposing totalitarian rule on territories unlucky enough to fall behind the "Iron Curtain?" Or was it the Americans, who ignored the Soviets' legitimate security concerns, sought to intimidate the world with the atomic bomb, and pushed to expand their own international influence and market dominance? The tensions that would later grow into Cold War became evident as early as 1943, when the "Big Three" allied leaders–American President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet Premier Josef Stalin–met in Tehran to coordinate strategy. Poland, which sits in an unfortunate position on the map, squeezed between frequent enemies Russia and Germany, became a topic for heated debate. The Poles, then under German occupation, had not one but two governments–in–exile–one Communist, one anticommunist–hoping to take over the country upon its liberation from the Nazis. The Big Three disagreed over which Polish faction should b allowed to take control after the war, with Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 19. Essay On Cold War The Cold War compromises of many significant events. The Cold War consisted of communism. Communism is the belief organizing the society in which the government owns the production of goods. During the Cold war the Iron Curtain was developed, it was an imaginary line that divided the communist and non–communism countries in Europe. Through out the duration of the Cold War ,Cuba became a communist country and sought assistance from the Soviet Union. Cuba was given missiles by the Soviet Union, and the U.S grew very concerned. The US sent Cuban Exiles to try and take over the missiles. Also, during the Vietnam War, Vietnam was divided into two parts. North Vietnam wanted to unite the country under Communism, while South Vietnam wanted...show more content... The Cuban Missile Crisis and the War in Iraq have some similarities, because the US was afraid of a threat. Cuba and Saddam Hussein both had weapons of mass destruction that could be use against the US. The outcome that they have in common is that America managed to annihilate both of their problems. The main difference between Cold War and the War on Terrorism is who was involved. During the Cold War, the US fought along side with South Vietnam to stop the spread of communism, while during the War on Terrorism the US had different allies. On the other hand, the two wars had completely different style of warfare and fought for different reasons. Unlike, the Cold War the US engaged into a battle with terrorist on the War of Terrorism. In my opinion, I believe that some parts of the War on Terrorism and the Cold War were both handled in a positive and a negative way. I'am confident the Cuban Missile Crisis and the War in Iraq could have been avoided because I honestly believe that there wasn't much proof that Cuba and Iraq were going to use their weapons on the US. The US should have not meddled in other country affairs. It caused millions to die and suffer. But, I trust that the retribution American had on Afghanistan was fair, considering that Al –Qaeda killed thousand of American Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 20. Essay On The Cold War The Cold War 1991, the year when the cold war between the US and USSR ended following the disintegration of the Soviet Union, has stood for the watershed of the recent history. After the collapse of the Soviet Union ensues the domination of the US as an only superpower throughout the world, which enunciates the collapse of communism and the rise of democracy around the world. This essay aims to establish that the end of the Cold War is a defining point of recent history since it leads to globalization in terms of economic growth, the expansion of military alliance and technology with the rise of democracy and the fall of communism. First and foremost, the end of the Cold War symbolized Eastern European countries' independence and the era...show more content... Through free trade, the enlargement of military alliances and the cutting–edge technology in terms of the rise of democracy, the world is closely bonded. This in turns creates an interdependent global village. While several post–communist countries are still not economically competent as Western democracies, globalization demonstrates its capability of economic growth. Even though the hegemony tends to be abused by the US, the large–scale war now rarely happens. Although the global information era brings us a global village, it allows the transformation of terrorist attack. Conclusion is, globalization can do us a world of good, and also put an end to our world. Reference List Bird, M. (2014, November 10). CHARTS: How Capitalism Has Transformed Eastern Europe Since: The Fall Of The Berlin Wall. Retrieved from https:/ /www.businessinsider.com.au/ capitalism–communism–transformation–economies–eastern–europe–2014–11?r=UK&IR=T#theres–a–huge–variation–in–how–countries–have–grown–po DauderstГ¤dt, M. (2009). Zur politischen Г¶konomie von demokratisierung und demokratiefГ¶rderung. PrekГ¤re Staatlichkeit und Internationale Ordnung, 378–406. doi:10.1007/978–3–531–90566–2_20 Delova, G. (2009). Explaining NATO enlargement.
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  • 22. The Cold War Historical Context: The Cold War started by the end of the Second World War. The aim of this war was to spread opposing ideologies of Capitalism and Communism by the two world superpowers without the result of a hot war. The war was between the Capitalist West– namely: the United States of America, Britain and France – and Communist East – known to be Russia and all the satellite states which communism had taken over. An agreement made at the Yalta meeting of 1945 was that Germany would be divided into four sectors. One sector went to Britain, one to France, one to the USA and the last and biggest sector to Russia. The Russian sector surrounded the Capital city. In addition to this, the German capital of Berlin was also divided into four sectors. However by 1961, all Capitalist sectors had merged to form one independent country known as the German Federal Republic and so too, did all the Capitalist zones in Berlin merge to form West Berlin. In the same light, the Russian Sector also formed an independent country known as the German Democratic Republic and the Russian Sector of Berlin was thereon seen as East Berlin. Each superpower had different agendas with regards to Germany. The West built up Germany to ensure that it would not fall to communism and to show the rest of Europe the outcome of capitalist support. While the East completely crippled Germany by stripping the country of its commodities in order to ensure a German attack on Russia would not be possible. Get more content on HelpWriting.net