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Citrix MDX   Feature Brief

Mobile app
containers with
Citrix MDX

Citrix MDX    Feature Brief                                                                 2

Enterprises of every size and across every industry
have made mobility an important IT initiative. While
most mobility strategies started with mobile device
management to address the device lifecycle needs
of bring-your-own (BYO) or corporate-owned mobile
devices, organizations are now expanding their plans
to address mobile application lifecycle and mobile
application performance. While BYOD programs
make employees happier and more productive, many
organizations are counting on the increased business
efficiency, competitiveness and top-line gains that they
can realize from truly mobilizing their workers. Enterprise
mobile applications and mobile data management are
at the heart of such enterprise mobility programs.

It’s all about the apps
Consumer apps are quickly moving into the enterprise. Furthermore, enterprises are
developing and adopting in-house mobile apps that change the way they do business.
These range from productivity apps such as Evernote and QuickOffice to purpose-built
applications to optimize the guest check-in process at restaurants, control the logistics
of pilot scheduling at air freight companies or reduce customer wait times through
quicker valet vehicle retrievals at luxury hotels. The mobile information management
capabilities afforded by such enterprise apps are giving businesses new ways to take
advantage of corporate data and achieve greater operational efficiencies.

                   CloudGateway MDX Technologies
                 Wrap                      Deliver                Secure
             MDX Packager                 MDX Access      MDX Vault & Interapp
         • Wrap naƟve mobile apps   • App-specific VPN     • Secure and encrypt
         • Deployed CloudGateway    • Only trusted apps   • Isolate Enterprise data
                                                          • Only MDX apps interact

The power of MDX
The MDX mobile application management capabilities in Citrix® CloudGateway™
enable completeDomanagement, security and control over native mobile apps and their
  © 2012 Citrix | Confidential – Not Distribute

associated data. With MDX, corporate apps and data reside in a container, separated
from personal apps and data on the user’s mobile device. This allows IT to secure any
custom developed, third-party or BYO mobile app with comprehensive policy-based
controls, including mobile DLP and the ability to remote lock, wipe and encrypt apps
and data.

Citrix MDX           Feature Brief                                                              3

              Citrix MDX technologies include three features:

              •	 MDX Access: Provides granular policy-based management and access
                 controls over all native and HTML5 mobile apps. In addition, MDX Access
                 offers an application-specific micro VPN for mobile apps accessing an
                 organization’s internal network, avoiding the need for a device-wide VPN
                 that can compromise security.

              •	 MDX Vault: Separates business mobile apps and data from personal apps on
                 mobile devices in a secure business container. The business apps and data in
                 MDX Vault can be secured with encryption and other mobile DLP technologies
                 and can be remotely locked and wiped by IT.

              •	 MDX Interapp: Controls the communications between mobile enterprise
                 applications on users’ devices to ensure a seamless, yet secure, user
                 experience. With MDX Interapp, IT can ensure that data only moves between
                 MDX-wrapped applications, ensuring that it remains under IT control.

              In this paper, you will learn about these MDX features and how to use them
              to secure and manage your native mobile apps and data.

              MDX Access
              MDX Access provides the industry’s first application-specific VPN access to a
              company’s internal network via the Citrix NetScaler Access Gateway™ feature.
              When a user tries to access a company’s internal network remotely, an app-
              specific VPN tunnel is created just for the mobile apps in use.

              Consider the situation where an employee wants to access the following resources
              within the secure enterprise network from a mobile device: the corporate email
              server, an SSL-enabled web application hosted on the corporate intranet and
              documents stored on a file server or Microsoft® SharePoint®. MDX enables access
              to all these enterprise resources from any device through an application-specific
              micro VPN. Each of these apps is provided with its own dedicated micro
              VPN tunnel.

              Micro VPN functionality does not require a device-wide VPN that can compromise
              security on untrusted mobile devices. As a result, the internal network is not
              exposed to viruses or malware that could infect the entire corporate system,
              and corporate mobile apps and personal mobile apps are able to co-exist on
              one device. MDX Access with micro VPN technology fills a significant gap left by
              traditional secure remote access technologies.

                    Receiver                                                               CloudGateway

              Figure 1. MDX Access provides policy-based management and access controls over all app types.

© 2012 Citrix | Confidential – Do Not Distribute
Citrix MDX   Feature Brief                                                            4

MDX access policies
MDX technologies enable IT to require strong authentication and endpoint analysis
before even permitting users to download and install applications on their devices.
Once these apps are installed, Citrix Receiver™, a universal software client that
provides access to desktops, apps and data, ensures that the desired policies are
continuously enforced, always keeping IT in control of the enterprise content on
users’ devices. Additionally, with MDX Access policies working in conjunction with
the Citrix @WorkWeb™ secure browser, IT can control how the application traffic is
routed: the application can use either the micro VPN tunnel (to access resources
within the corporate network) or the device’s network connection (to access SaaS
applications hosted by a third party).

Figure 2 provides a screenshot and a description of each of the security policies
that can be applied to any mobile application delivered through CloudGateway.

App Interaction
•	 Cut and copy
   Blocks, permits or restricts
   clipboard cut/copy operations
   for this application. When set to
   Restricted, the copied clipboard
   data is placed in a private clipboard
   that is only available to MDX apps.

•	 Paste
   Blocks, permits or restricts clipboard
   paste operations for this application.
   When set to Restricted, the
   pasted clipboard data is sourced
   from a private clipboard that is only
   available to MDX applications.

•	 Document exchange (open-in)
   Blocks, permits or restricts
   document exchange operations
   for this application. When set to
   Restricted, documents may only
   be exchanged with other MDX

•	 App URL schemes
   iOS applications can dispatch URL
   requests to other applications that
   have been registered to handle
   specific schemes (such as “http://”),
   providing a mechanism for one
   application to pass requests for help
   to another. This policy serves to        Figure 2
   filter the schemes that are actually
   passed into this application for
   handling (that is, inbound URLs).

Citrix MDX   Feature Brief                                                                5

•	 Allowed URLs
   iOS applications can dispatch URL requests to other applications that have been
   registered to handle specific schemes (such as “http://”). This facility provides a
   mechanism for an application to pass requests for help to another application.
   This policy serves to filter the URLs that are passed from this application to other
   applications for handling (that is, outbound URLs).

App restrictions
•	 Location services
   When set to On, this policy prevents an application from utilizing location
   services components (GPS or network).

•	 AirPrint
   When set to On, this policy prevents an application from printing data to
   AirPrint-enabled printers.

•	 Camera
   When set to On, this policy prevents an application from directly utilizing the
   camera hardware on the device.

•	 SMS compose
   When set to On, this policy prevents an application from utilizing the SMS
   composer feature used to send SMS/text messages from the application.

•	 Email compose
   When set to On, this policy prevents an application from utilizing the email
   compose feature used to send email messages from the application.

•	 iCloud
   When set to On, this policy prevents an application from utilizing Apple® iCloud
   features for cloud-based backup of application settings and data.

•	 Microphone recording
   When set to On, this policy prevents an application from directly utilizing the
   microphone hardware on the device.

•	 Reauthentication period (hours)
   Defines the period before a user is challenged to authenticate again. If set
   to zero, the user is prompted for authentication each time the app is started
   or activated.

•	 Maximum offline period (hours)
   Defines the maximum period an application can run offline without
   requiring a network logon for the purpose of reconfirming entitlement
   and refreshing policies.

Citrix MDX    Feature Brief                                                                   6

•	 Authentication
        —  nterprise logon required
           The app requires the user to log on and will permit online usage only

         —  ffline access permitted after challenge
           The app prompts the user to log on but allows offline usage after PIN/
           passcode/password challenge

         —  ffline challenge only
           The app challenges the user for an offline PIN/passcode/password

         —  ot required
           The app does not require the user to log on

Device security
•	 Black jailbroken and rooted devices
   When set to On, the application is locked when the device is jailbroken or
   rooted. If Off, the application can run even if the device is jailbroken or rooted.

  This policy determines whether an application will be allowed to run on a
  jailbroken device.

•	 Enable database encryption
   When set to On, this policy ensures that the data held in local database files is
   encrypted. When set to Off, the data held in local databases is not encrypted.

•	 Encryption keys
   When Online access only is selected, secrets used to derive encryption keys
   may not persist on the device. Instead, they must be recovered each time they
   are needed from the key management service of CloudGateway. When Offline
   access permitted is selected, secrets used to derive encryption keys may
   persist on the device.

  When set for Online access only, then the Authentication policy is assumed to
  be “Network logon required” regardless of the authentication policy setting that
  is actually configured for this app. When set to Offline access permitted, it is
  recommended (but not required) that the authentication policy be set to enable
  an offline password challenge to protect access to the keys and associated
  encrypted content.

Miscellaneous access
•	 Erase app data on lock
   When set to On, when an application is locked, any persistent data maintained
   by the app is erased, effectively resetting the app to its just-installed state. If Off,
   application data is not erased when the app is locked.

  An application can be locked for any of the following reasons: loss of app
  entitlement for the user, app subscription removed, Citrix Receiver account
  removed, Citrix Receiver uninstalled, too many app authentication failures,
  jailbroken or rooted device detected without policy permitting app to run on
  jailbroken/rooted devices or device placed in lock state by administrative action.

Citrix MDX   Feature Brief                                                                7

•	 Auth failure before lock
   This sets the number of consecutive failed offline authentication attempts that
   will cause an app to become locked. Once locked, apps can only be unlocked
   through a successful enterprise logon.

•	 App update grace period (hours)
   Defines the grace period for which an app may be used after the system has
   discovered that an app update is available.

•	 Active poll period (minutes)
   When an application starts, the MDX framework polls CloudGateway in
   an attempt to determine current application and device status. Assuming
   CloudGateway is reachable, it will return information about the lock/erase status
   of the device and the enable/disable status of the application that the MDX
   framework will act on. Whether CloudGateway is reachable or not, a subsequent
   poll will be scheduled based on this interval. After this period expires, a new poll
   will be attempted.

Network access
•	 Network access
   Prevents, permits or redirects application network activity. If Unrestricted
   is selected, no restrictions are placed on the network access. If Blocked,
   all network access is blocked. If Tunneled to the internal network is
   selected, a per-application VPN tunnel back to the internal network is used for
   all network access.

Network requirements
•	 Require internal network
   When set to On, the app is allowed to run only from inside the company
   network. The application will be blocked when the device is not connected to an
   internal network as determined by CloudGateway beacons. If Off, the app can
   run from an external network.

•	 Require Wifi
   When set to On, the app is locked when the device is not connected to a Wifi
   network. If Off, the app can run even if the device does not have an active Wifi
   connection such as 4G/3G or a LAN connection.

•	 Internal Wifi networks
   Allows a comma separated list of allowed internal Wifi networks. From inside the
   company network, app access is blocked unless the device is associated with
   one of the listed network SSIDs. If this field is empty, any internal Wifi network
   may be used. If logged on from an external network (or not logged on), this
   policy is not enforced.

  The app requires a connection to one of the wireless networks specified.

  Here, you provide a list of SSIDs representing trusted internal network names
  and the application will only be allowed to launch if the device is connected to
  one of the defined wireless networks.

Citrix MDX   Feature Brief                                                                  8

MDX Vault
The MDX Vault secure mobile container technology separates and isolates mobile
business applications and data from personal content on any mobile device. Now,
IT can remotely manage, control, lock and wipe critical business applications and
data without touching the employee’s personal content or device.

To create a complete, secure container using MDX Vault, three additional
technology pieces should be used:

    1) Citrix Receiver, the universal client, provides both MDX and HDX
       technologies to enable both a beautiful user experience and full IT
       security and control over mobile apps and data.

    2)  ative mobile apps that have been properly “wrapped” with policies using
       the MDX App Prep Tool are published to the AppController component
       of CloudGateway.

    3) For mobile data management and control, Citrix strongly recommends
       ShareFile, which is integrated with CloudGateway to secure corporate data
       on the device.

Mobile apps: locally installed while fully controlled
To manage native mobile applications, over-the-air distribution files (.ipa files for iOS
or .apk files for Android) must be wrapped using the MDX App Prep Tool. There
is no requirement to modify the original .ipa/.apk source files to use the MDX App
Prep Tool. During the wrapping process, security and usage policies are applied to
each individual mobile app.

Policies can include preventing the user from taking screenshots, copying and
pasting content, requiring the mobile device to be connected to a secure wireless
network / denying access to content while connected via a cellular network,
forcing authentication at every app launch, disabling iCloud for app backup,
disabling content being sent via SMS or native email for a secured application
and disabling the camera.

In preparation for app distribution to mobile devices, the wrapped applications
are uploaded to CloudGateway. These properly wrapped apps are then
contained within MDX Vault. If users download an app from a source other than
CloudGateway (e.g., public Apple or Android store) IT cannot make that app
part of the secure container. To prevent unauthorized usage, access rights to
each application are managed by assigning user groups from Microsoft® Active
Directory® to the application. Applications will not be visible to any user who is not
part of the Active Directory user group(s) authorized within CloudGateway to use
the specified application.

Citrix MDX      Feature Brief                                                                                  9


Figure 3: MDX Vault keeps corporate applications and data separate from personal apps in a secure container.

Citrix Receiver enables users to subscribe to any application for which they
are authorized based on their role. These applications are then deployed from
CloudGateway into a secure container enabled by MDX Vault on the mobile device.
These secure containers are invisible to employees, who can seamlessly exit the
application to use their own consumer apps without risking data leakage.

In addition to mobile application management, IT can manage and secure mobile
data using Citrix ShareFile®. ShareFile gives people secure access to files on
their device of choice while giving IT complete security and control over corporate
data. To deploy a shared secure container for both apps and data and allow
seamless interaction between ShareFile docs and native mobile apps such as
Citrix @WorkMail™, IT must deliver ShareFile using CloudGateway. Downloaded
files as well as locally installed apps are secured “at rest” on the device using AES
256-level encryption. Data in motion is secured with SSL 3 encryption. In this vault,
IT can apply the following comprehensive policy-based controls over corporate data:

•	 Mobile data leakage prevention (DLP)

           — Disable copy/paste

           — Disable iCloud

           — Disable “Open In” functionality

           — Disable emailing of corporate docs

•	 AES 256 encryption when data is at rest and SSL 3 encryption when data
   is in motion

•	 Mobile application management enforcement, such as store logon requirement,
   device requirements, network requirements

•	 Lock and wipe apps and data remotely

•	 Mobilization of any iOS or Android app

•	 App and data control via policies

•	 Open attachments only with MDX-enabled apps

Citrix MDX   Feature Brief                                                             10

•	 Enable MDX-enabled apps to seamlessly integrate with each other

•	 Control communication between MDX-enabled apps

•	 Disable iCloud backup

•	 Allow @WorkMail to open attachments in any MDX-enabled app

•	 Enable @WorkWeb to open files and mailto links in any MDX-enabled app

MDX Interapp mobile security and control
MDX Interapp ensures that all MDX-enabled apps can interact with each other for
a seamless experience. For example, clicking a link in @WorkMail on an iOS device
automatically opens @WorkWeb, not Safari. A Microsoft® Word document from
ShareFile can be opened with a published app from Citrix XenApp® while online
and with a locally installed native mobile application when offline. This is done by
offering only applications secured with CloudGateway in the “Open with…” dialog
that pops up when a user clicks on a Word document. In all cases the application
and its data will be executed inside the secure container on the mobile device. No
application residing outside the MDX container will be able to access the data. With
@WorkMail secured by MDX Interapp users can attach docs to emails and save
attachments using ShareFile, open attachments and send calendar invites with
Citrix GoToMeeting® using the free/busy information of attendees provided by @
WorkMail, all inside the secure container on the mobile device.

                                             MDX Interapp

                                           Citrix Receiver

                                                Open with…

                                                Deny access
                                                to insecure

                                                              private data

                     Figure 4: MDX Interapp allows MDX-enabled apps to communicate.

@WorkMail supports Microsoft® ActiveSync® and Microsoft® Exchange and
offers security features such as encryption for email, attachments and web links,
including internal sites, @WorkWeb enables simple, secure access to internal
corporate web, external SaaS, and HTML5 web applications. @WorkWeb
leverages MDX technologies such as MDX Access to create a dedicated VPN
tunnel for accessing a company’s internal network and encryption for the browser
cache, bookmarks, cookies and history.

Citrix MDX        Feature Brief                                                                                                                        11

           In addition, MDX Interapp controls the communications between apps so that IT
           can enforce policies related to activities such as cut-and-paste between apps;
           for example, allowing cut-and-paste between MDX-enabled apps but not apps
           unprotected by MDX, or by preventing use of a camera when using a specific
           MDX-enabled app.

           CloudGateway with MDX technologies gives IT the power to separate business
           and personal applications inside a secure mobile container. In this container,
           employees are free to be productive while on the go. More importantly, the
           container prevents security from being compromised. MDX technologies provide
           granular, policy-based management and access controls over all native and
           HTML5 mobile apps. IT can centrally control and configure policies based on
           users’ identity, device, location and connectivity type so to restrict malicious usage
           of corporate content. In the event a device is lost or stolen, business applications
           and data can be disabled, locked or wiped remotely. The overall effect is a solution
           that increases employee satisfaction and productivity, while ensuring security and
           IT control.

           Corporate Headquarters                         India Development Center                          Latin America Headquarters
           Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA                       Bangalore, India                                  Coral Gables, FL, USA

           Silicon Valley Headquarters                    Online Division Headquarters                      UK Development Center
           Santa Clara, CA, USA                           Santa Barbara, CA, USA                            Chalfont, United Kingdom

           EMEA Headquarters                              Pacific Headquarters
           Schaffhausen, Switzerland                      Hong Kong, China

           About Citrix
           Citrix (NASDAQ:CTXS) is the cloud computing company that enables mobile workstyles—empowering people to work and collaborate from
           anywhere, accessing apps and data on any of the latest devices, as easily as they would in their own office—simply and securely. Citrix cloud
           computing solutions help IT and service providers build both private and public clouds—leveraging virtualization and networking technologies
           to deliver high-performance, elastic and cost-effective services for mobile workstyles. With market-leading solutions for mobility, desktop
           virtualization, cloud networking, cloud platforms, collaboration and data sharing, Citrix helps organizations of all sizes achieve the kind of speed
           and agility necessary to succeed in an increasingly mobile and dynamic world. Citrix products are in use at more than 260,000 organizations
           and by over 100 million users globally. Annual revenue in 2012 was $2.59 billion. Learn more at www.citrix.com.

           ©2013 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Citrix®, CloudGateway™, XenApp®, GoToMeeting®, ShareFile®, Citrix Receiver™, @WorkMail™,
           @WorkWeb™ and NetScaler Access Gateway™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Citrix Systems, Inc. and/or one or more of its
           subsidiaries, and may be registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other trademarks and registered
           trademarks are property of their respective owners.

0213/PDF   citrix.com

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Citrix MDX Technologies Feature Brief

  • 1. Citrix MDX Feature Brief Mobile app containers with Citrix MDX citrix.com
  • 2. Citrix MDX Feature Brief 2 Enterprises of every size and across every industry have made mobility an important IT initiative. While most mobility strategies started with mobile device management to address the device lifecycle needs of bring-your-own (BYO) or corporate-owned mobile devices, organizations are now expanding their plans to address mobile application lifecycle and mobile application performance. While BYOD programs make employees happier and more productive, many organizations are counting on the increased business efficiency, competitiveness and top-line gains that they can realize from truly mobilizing their workers. Enterprise mobile applications and mobile data management are at the heart of such enterprise mobility programs. It’s all about the apps Consumer apps are quickly moving into the enterprise. Furthermore, enterprises are developing and adopting in-house mobile apps that change the way they do business. These range from productivity apps such as Evernote and QuickOffice to purpose-built applications to optimize the guest check-in process at restaurants, control the logistics of pilot scheduling at air freight companies or reduce customer wait times through quicker valet vehicle retrievals at luxury hotels. The mobile information management capabilities afforded by such enterprise apps are giving businesses new ways to take advantage of corporate data and achieve greater operational efficiencies. CloudGateway MDX Technologies Wrap Deliver Secure MDX Packager MDX Access MDX Vault & Interapp • Wrap naƟve mobile apps • App-specific VPN • Secure and encrypt • Deployed CloudGateway • Only trusted apps • Isolate Enterprise data • Only MDX apps interact The power of MDX The MDX mobile application management capabilities in Citrix® CloudGateway™ enable completeDomanagement, security and control over native mobile apps and their © 2012 Citrix | Confidential – Not Distribute associated data. With MDX, corporate apps and data reside in a container, separated from personal apps and data on the user’s mobile device. This allows IT to secure any custom developed, third-party or BYO mobile app with comprehensive policy-based controls, including mobile DLP and the ability to remote lock, wipe and encrypt apps and data. citrix.com
  • 3. Citrix MDX Feature Brief 3 Citrix MDX technologies include three features: • MDX Access: Provides granular policy-based management and access controls over all native and HTML5 mobile apps. In addition, MDX Access offers an application-specific micro VPN for mobile apps accessing an organization’s internal network, avoiding the need for a device-wide VPN that can compromise security. • MDX Vault: Separates business mobile apps and data from personal apps on mobile devices in a secure business container. The business apps and data in MDX Vault can be secured with encryption and other mobile DLP technologies and can be remotely locked and wiped by IT. • MDX Interapp: Controls the communications between mobile enterprise applications on users’ devices to ensure a seamless, yet secure, user experience. With MDX Interapp, IT can ensure that data only moves between MDX-wrapped applications, ensuring that it remains under IT control. In this paper, you will learn about these MDX features and how to use them to secure and manage your native mobile apps and data. MDX Access MDX Access provides the industry’s first application-specific VPN access to a company’s internal network via the Citrix NetScaler Access Gateway™ feature. When a user tries to access a company’s internal network remotely, an app- specific VPN tunnel is created just for the mobile apps in use. Consider the situation where an employee wants to access the following resources within the secure enterprise network from a mobile device: the corporate email server, an SSL-enabled web application hosted on the corporate intranet and documents stored on a file server or Microsoft® SharePoint®. MDX enables access to all these enterprise resources from any device through an application-specific micro VPN. Each of these apps is provided with its own dedicated micro VPN tunnel. Micro VPN functionality does not require a device-wide VPN that can compromise security on untrusted mobile devices. As a result, the internal network is not exposed to viruses or malware that could infect the entire corporate system, and corporate mobile apps and personal mobile apps are able to co-exist on one device. MDX Access with micro VPN technology fills a significant gap left by traditional secure remote access technologies. Receiver CloudGateway Figure 1. MDX Access provides policy-based management and access controls over all app types. citrix.com © 2012 Citrix | Confidential – Do Not Distribute
  • 4. Citrix MDX Feature Brief 4 MDX access policies MDX technologies enable IT to require strong authentication and endpoint analysis before even permitting users to download and install applications on their devices. Once these apps are installed, Citrix Receiver™, a universal software client that provides access to desktops, apps and data, ensures that the desired policies are continuously enforced, always keeping IT in control of the enterprise content on users’ devices. Additionally, with MDX Access policies working in conjunction with the Citrix @WorkWeb™ secure browser, IT can control how the application traffic is routed: the application can use either the micro VPN tunnel (to access resources within the corporate network) or the device’s network connection (to access SaaS applications hosted by a third party). Figure 2 provides a screenshot and a description of each of the security policies that can be applied to any mobile application delivered through CloudGateway. App Interaction • Cut and copy Blocks, permits or restricts clipboard cut/copy operations for this application. When set to Restricted, the copied clipboard data is placed in a private clipboard that is only available to MDX apps. • Paste Blocks, permits or restricts clipboard paste operations for this application. When set to Restricted, the pasted clipboard data is sourced from a private clipboard that is only available to MDX applications. • Document exchange (open-in) Blocks, permits or restricts document exchange operations for this application. When set to Restricted, documents may only be exchanged with other MDX applications. • App URL schemes iOS applications can dispatch URL requests to other applications that have been registered to handle specific schemes (such as “http://”), providing a mechanism for one application to pass requests for help to another. This policy serves to Figure 2 filter the schemes that are actually passed into this application for handling (that is, inbound URLs). citrix.com
  • 5. Citrix MDX Feature Brief 5 • Allowed URLs iOS applications can dispatch URL requests to other applications that have been registered to handle specific schemes (such as “http://”). This facility provides a mechanism for an application to pass requests for help to another application. This policy serves to filter the URLs that are passed from this application to other applications for handling (that is, outbound URLs). App restrictions • Location services When set to On, this policy prevents an application from utilizing location services components (GPS or network). • AirPrint When set to On, this policy prevents an application from printing data to AirPrint-enabled printers. • Camera When set to On, this policy prevents an application from directly utilizing the camera hardware on the device. • SMS compose When set to On, this policy prevents an application from utilizing the SMS composer feature used to send SMS/text messages from the application. • Email compose When set to On, this policy prevents an application from utilizing the email compose feature used to send email messages from the application. • iCloud When set to On, this policy prevents an application from utilizing Apple® iCloud features for cloud-based backup of application settings and data. • Microphone recording When set to On, this policy prevents an application from directly utilizing the microphone hardware on the device. Authentication • Reauthentication period (hours) Defines the period before a user is challenged to authenticate again. If set to zero, the user is prompted for authentication each time the app is started or activated. • Maximum offline period (hours) Defines the maximum period an application can run offline without requiring a network logon for the purpose of reconfirming entitlement and refreshing policies. citrix.com
  • 6. Citrix MDX Feature Brief 6 • Authentication — nterprise logon required E The app requires the user to log on and will permit online usage only — ffline access permitted after challenge O The app prompts the user to log on but allows offline usage after PIN/ passcode/password challenge — ffline challenge only O The app challenges the user for an offline PIN/passcode/password — ot required N The app does not require the user to log on Device security • Black jailbroken and rooted devices When set to On, the application is locked when the device is jailbroken or rooted. If Off, the application can run even if the device is jailbroken or rooted. This policy determines whether an application will be allowed to run on a jailbroken device. Encryption • Enable database encryption When set to On, this policy ensures that the data held in local database files is encrypted. When set to Off, the data held in local databases is not encrypted. • Encryption keys When Online access only is selected, secrets used to derive encryption keys may not persist on the device. Instead, they must be recovered each time they are needed from the key management service of CloudGateway. When Offline access permitted is selected, secrets used to derive encryption keys may persist on the device. When set for Online access only, then the Authentication policy is assumed to be “Network logon required” regardless of the authentication policy setting that is actually configured for this app. When set to Offline access permitted, it is recommended (but not required) that the authentication policy be set to enable an offline password challenge to protect access to the keys and associated encrypted content. Miscellaneous access • Erase app data on lock When set to On, when an application is locked, any persistent data maintained by the app is erased, effectively resetting the app to its just-installed state. If Off, application data is not erased when the app is locked. An application can be locked for any of the following reasons: loss of app entitlement for the user, app subscription removed, Citrix Receiver account removed, Citrix Receiver uninstalled, too many app authentication failures, jailbroken or rooted device detected without policy permitting app to run on jailbroken/rooted devices or device placed in lock state by administrative action. citrix.com
  • 7. Citrix MDX Feature Brief 7 • Auth failure before lock This sets the number of consecutive failed offline authentication attempts that will cause an app to become locked. Once locked, apps can only be unlocked through a successful enterprise logon. • App update grace period (hours) Defines the grace period for which an app may be used after the system has discovered that an app update is available. • Active poll period (minutes) When an application starts, the MDX framework polls CloudGateway in an attempt to determine current application and device status. Assuming CloudGateway is reachable, it will return information about the lock/erase status of the device and the enable/disable status of the application that the MDX framework will act on. Whether CloudGateway is reachable or not, a subsequent poll will be scheduled based on this interval. After this period expires, a new poll will be attempted. Network access • Network access Prevents, permits or redirects application network activity. If Unrestricted is selected, no restrictions are placed on the network access. If Blocked, all network access is blocked. If Tunneled to the internal network is selected, a per-application VPN tunnel back to the internal network is used for all network access. Network requirements • Require internal network When set to On, the app is allowed to run only from inside the company network. The application will be blocked when the device is not connected to an internal network as determined by CloudGateway beacons. If Off, the app can run from an external network. • Require Wifi When set to On, the app is locked when the device is not connected to a Wifi network. If Off, the app can run even if the device does not have an active Wifi connection such as 4G/3G or a LAN connection. • Internal Wifi networks Allows a comma separated list of allowed internal Wifi networks. From inside the company network, app access is blocked unless the device is associated with one of the listed network SSIDs. If this field is empty, any internal Wifi network may be used. If logged on from an external network (or not logged on), this policy is not enforced. The app requires a connection to one of the wireless networks specified. Here, you provide a list of SSIDs representing trusted internal network names and the application will only be allowed to launch if the device is connected to one of the defined wireless networks. citrix.com
  • 8. Citrix MDX Feature Brief 8 MDX Vault The MDX Vault secure mobile container technology separates and isolates mobile business applications and data from personal content on any mobile device. Now, IT can remotely manage, control, lock and wipe critical business applications and data without touching the employee’s personal content or device. To create a complete, secure container using MDX Vault, three additional technology pieces should be used: 1) Citrix Receiver, the universal client, provides both MDX and HDX technologies to enable both a beautiful user experience and full IT security and control over mobile apps and data. 2) ative mobile apps that have been properly “wrapped” with policies using N the MDX App Prep Tool are published to the AppController component of CloudGateway. 3) For mobile data management and control, Citrix strongly recommends ShareFile, which is integrated with CloudGateway to secure corporate data on the device. Mobile apps: locally installed while fully controlled To manage native mobile applications, over-the-air distribution files (.ipa files for iOS or .apk files for Android) must be wrapped using the MDX App Prep Tool. There is no requirement to modify the original .ipa/.apk source files to use the MDX App Prep Tool. During the wrapping process, security and usage policies are applied to each individual mobile app. Policies can include preventing the user from taking screenshots, copying and pasting content, requiring the mobile device to be connected to a secure wireless network / denying access to content while connected via a cellular network, forcing authentication at every app launch, disabling iCloud for app backup, disabling content being sent via SMS or native email for a secured application and disabling the camera. In preparation for app distribution to mobile devices, the wrapped applications are uploaded to CloudGateway. These properly wrapped apps are then contained within MDX Vault. If users download an app from a source other than CloudGateway (e.g., public Apple or Android store) IT cannot make that app part of the secure container. To prevent unauthorized usage, access rights to each application are managed by assigning user groups from Microsoft® Active Directory® to the application. Applications will not be visible to any user who is not part of the Active Directory user group(s) authorized within CloudGateway to use the specified application. citrix.com
  • 9. Citrix MDX Feature Brief 9 CloudGateway Figure 3: MDX Vault keeps corporate applications and data separate from personal apps in a secure container. Citrix Receiver enables users to subscribe to any application for which they are authorized based on their role. These applications are then deployed from CloudGateway into a secure container enabled by MDX Vault on the mobile device. These secure containers are invisible to employees, who can seamlessly exit the application to use their own consumer apps without risking data leakage. In addition to mobile application management, IT can manage and secure mobile data using Citrix ShareFile®. ShareFile gives people secure access to files on their device of choice while giving IT complete security and control over corporate data. To deploy a shared secure container for both apps and data and allow seamless interaction between ShareFile docs and native mobile apps such as Citrix @WorkMail™, IT must deliver ShareFile using CloudGateway. Downloaded files as well as locally installed apps are secured “at rest” on the device using AES 256-level encryption. Data in motion is secured with SSL 3 encryption. In this vault, IT can apply the following comprehensive policy-based controls over corporate data: • Mobile data leakage prevention (DLP) — Disable copy/paste — Disable iCloud — Disable “Open In” functionality — Disable emailing of corporate docs • AES 256 encryption when data is at rest and SSL 3 encryption when data is in motion • Mobile application management enforcement, such as store logon requirement, device requirements, network requirements • Lock and wipe apps and data remotely • Mobilization of any iOS or Android app • App and data control via policies • Open attachments only with MDX-enabled apps citrix.com
  • 10. Citrix MDX Feature Brief 10 • Enable MDX-enabled apps to seamlessly integrate with each other • Control communication between MDX-enabled apps • Disable iCloud backup • Allow @WorkMail to open attachments in any MDX-enabled app • Enable @WorkWeb to open files and mailto links in any MDX-enabled app MDX Interapp mobile security and control MDX Interapp ensures that all MDX-enabled apps can interact with each other for a seamless experience. For example, clicking a link in @WorkMail on an iOS device automatically opens @WorkWeb, not Safari. A Microsoft® Word document from ShareFile can be opened with a published app from Citrix XenApp® while online and with a locally installed native mobile application when offline. This is done by offering only applications secured with CloudGateway in the “Open with…” dialog that pops up when a user clicks on a Word document. In all cases the application and its data will be executed inside the secure container on the mobile device. No application residing outside the MDX container will be able to access the data. With @WorkMail secured by MDX Interapp users can attach docs to emails and save attachments using ShareFile, open attachments and send calendar invites with Citrix GoToMeeting® using the free/busy information of attendees provided by @ WorkMail, all inside the secure container on the mobile device. MDX Interapp Citrix Receiver Open with… Deny access to insecure applicaƟons private data Figure 4: MDX Interapp allows MDX-enabled apps to communicate. @WorkMail supports Microsoft® ActiveSync® and Microsoft® Exchange and offers security features such as encryption for email, attachments and web links, including internal sites, @WorkWeb enables simple, secure access to internal corporate web, external SaaS, and HTML5 web applications. @WorkWeb leverages MDX technologies such as MDX Access to create a dedicated VPN tunnel for accessing a company’s internal network and encryption for the browser cache, bookmarks, cookies and history. citrix.com
  • 11. Citrix MDX Feature Brief 11 In addition, MDX Interapp controls the communications between apps so that IT can enforce policies related to activities such as cut-and-paste between apps; for example, allowing cut-and-paste between MDX-enabled apps but not apps unprotected by MDX, or by preventing use of a camera when using a specific MDX-enabled app. Conclusion CloudGateway with MDX technologies gives IT the power to separate business and personal applications inside a secure mobile container. In this container, employees are free to be productive while on the go. More importantly, the container prevents security from being compromised. MDX technologies provide granular, policy-based management and access controls over all native and HTML5 mobile apps. IT can centrally control and configure policies based on users’ identity, device, location and connectivity type so to restrict malicious usage of corporate content. In the event a device is lost or stolen, business applications and data can be disabled, locked or wiped remotely. The overall effect is a solution that increases employee satisfaction and productivity, while ensuring security and IT control. Corporate Headquarters India Development Center Latin America Headquarters Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA Bangalore, India Coral Gables, FL, USA Silicon Valley Headquarters Online Division Headquarters UK Development Center Santa Clara, CA, USA Santa Barbara, CA, USA Chalfont, United Kingdom EMEA Headquarters Pacific Headquarters Schaffhausen, Switzerland Hong Kong, China About Citrix Citrix (NASDAQ:CTXS) is the cloud computing company that enables mobile workstyles—empowering people to work and collaborate from anywhere, accessing apps and data on any of the latest devices, as easily as they would in their own office—simply and securely. Citrix cloud computing solutions help IT and service providers build both private and public clouds—leveraging virtualization and networking technologies to deliver high-performance, elastic and cost-effective services for mobile workstyles. With market-leading solutions for mobility, desktop virtualization, cloud networking, cloud platforms, collaboration and data sharing, Citrix helps organizations of all sizes achieve the kind of speed and agility necessary to succeed in an increasingly mobile and dynamic world. Citrix products are in use at more than 260,000 organizations and by over 100 million users globally. Annual revenue in 2012 was $2.59 billion. Learn more at www.citrix.com. ©2013 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Citrix®, CloudGateway™, XenApp®, GoToMeeting®, ShareFile®, Citrix Receiver™, @WorkMail™, @WorkWeb™ and NetScaler Access Gateway™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Citrix Systems, Inc. and/or one or more of its subsidiaries, and may be registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners. 0213/PDF citrix.com