It’s been 10 years since the Web 2.0 conference launched 2004. We were talking MySpace back then as the behemoth, but there were plenty of emerging social tools: Flickr, Delicious, Blogs, Wikis. And I was a beta tester a few years later on a platform called TWTTR that would go on to become the engine of revolutions around the world. I knew it would be big when we experienced our first ‘twitter quake’.
We’re now in an age where it’s pretty much a given that every business needs a social presence. To not have one would be as ludicrous as not having a webpage…or a phone number even. [A stat about the adoption of online - spending, etc]
Year after year, the technology advances. Today, 30% of the world (and 56% of Americans AND Canadians) are on smart phones and that is growing by 20% each year. MySpace was left in Facebook’s wake years ago and who knows what tomorrow’s hot new platform will be.
And as the technology advances, I get really excited, but I also get really worried. Because the technology is moving quickly, but the culture is not. Or, to be clear, there IS a culture - or rather multiple cultures - that have grown and been catalyzed through the democratization of the web, but not everyone understands what is really going on here:
The web isn’t about the tools or the technology, it is about the culture.
There are 5 new rules for Digital Culture:
1. There is no mass.
2. Listening is more valuable than talking
3. When you see a parade, get in front of it!
4. Trust is the most valuable currency. To earn AND give.
5. Invest in the long term.
I gave this on June 3, 2014, in Toronto, ON, Canada at the Social@Scale Summit hosted by Air Canada, organized by Sprinklr
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Collaboration and Tales of Digital Culture from the Social@Scale summit by Sprinklr
3. The first Web 2.0 Conference, popularizing the term Web 2.0 is celebrating its 10 year
anniversary this year.
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4. That’s when this guy seemed to rule the world. Nobody thought it could be beat.
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5. Just a few of the darlings of the early Web 2.0 era.
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6. In 2006, a funny little service without vowels launched. Everyone thought it was the
stupidest thing they’ve ever hear of.
7. I knew it was going to be big on August 2, 2006, when after a small tremor, people on
Twitter checked in on each other ON Twitter first, before anything else.
Tweet to: @missrogue
8. Of course, we all know how the rest of the story goes. Twitter has been the go-to source
for many earthquakes, tsunamis, revolutions, billboard hashtags and more!
Tweet to: @missrogue
9. Mobile usage is growing in leaps and bounds.
Tweet to: @missrogue
26. We crave connection. The social web has fed that need. Now we demand it from
Tweet to: @missrogue
27. "I want them to know that I'm human, that I have flaws,
and I want to be relatable, which is why I still film in my
bedroom and haven't upgraded to a studio. I want them
to feel like we're having a sleepover.” Miss Lynn, 300k Subs
Tweet to: @missrogue
28. diGital is a cultUral Change.
soCial Is an approaCh, not A plaTform.
Tweet to: @missrogue
41. 3 ruleS for collAboratiOn:
1. Influence that’s transactional is fleeting. You can’t
buy influence, but you can certainly build a
relationship with it.
2. These relationships are symbiotic. The new saying
goes: to go faster, go together, to go further, go
3. Don’t be “that guy” that crashes the party and just
talks about himself. You’re more likely to be
heard if you listen first (see previous rule)
Tweet to: @missrogue
42. rulE #4. trUst iS the most valuAble
CurrenCy. to earn *and* Give.
Tweet to: @missrogue
43. 3 peopLe thaT *yOu* must learN to
Trust befoRe yoU can earn It:
Tweet to: @missrogue
44. organically
whEn yoU deePly uNdersTand A Digtal cultuRe, and
PartiCipatE witH the flow of it, your messAge wIll bE
Tweet to: @missrogue
45. rulE #5. inveSt in the Long teRm. Tweet to: @missrogue
46. Luxy Hair is the #1 Consumer Goods Brand Channel and number 4 overall – with 1.8
million subscribers. It’s a weekly, long term investment and they’ve never had to buy
advertising. Just consistent great content + engagement.
Tweet to: @missrogue