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College Autobiographical Essay Example
Crafting a college autobiographical essay can be both a challenging and rewarding task. The
difficulty lies not just in narrating personal experiences but in presenting them in a way that
captivates the reader and effectively communicates your unique identity. It requires
introspection, self-awareness, and the ability to select and articulate experiences that are both
relevant and compelling.
One of the challenges is striking the right balance between humility and confidence. It's a
delicate dance between showcasing achievements and acknowledging personal growth, all while
avoiding sounding boastful or self-deprecating. Finding the right tone can be a nuanced task, as
you aim to make a positive impression without coming across as arrogant.
Additionally, the essay demands a keen understanding of the audience. Tailoring your story to
resonate with college admissions officers requires not only a personal touch but also an
awareness of the values and characteristics that institutions seek in their prospective students.
The process of drafting such an essay involves numerous revisions and self-reflection. It's not
just about telling a chronological story but about weaving a narrative that highlights your
individuality and potential contributions to the academic community. Selecting the right
anecdotes, reflecting on their significance, and connecting them cohesively can be a formidable
However, despite the challenges, the essay offers an opportunity for self-discovery and growth.
It prompts you to reflect on your life, goals, and values, fostering a deeper understanding of who
you are and what you hope to achieve. The difficulty lies not just in the writing process itself but
in the vulnerability that comes with sharing personal stories with a discerning audience.
In conclusion, while crafting a college autobiographical essay may pose its challenges, it is
ultimately a valuable exercise in self-expression and self-discovery. The difficulty lies in
navigating the delicate balance of humility and confidence, tailoring the narrative to the
audience, and presenting a compelling story that sets you apart. It's a journey that requires
patience, introspection, and a commitment to showcasing your unique identity.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, various resources,
including professional writing services like HelpWriting.net, can provide valuable support and
guidance in the essay-writing process.
College Autobiographical Essay ExampleCollege Autobiographical Essay Example
Racism Against Indigenous People
Racism Against Indigenous People
If racism to the Canadian Indigenous is over, how is it that 50.7% of Indigenous
peoples have reported moderate, or high levels of psychological stress, while sadly,
22% commit suicide. As we very much know, racism is a big problem in our world
today. It may sometimes be confused that one can only be racist to another with a
different skin colour. Not only can racial ideas be affected or shaped through skin
colour, but also religion and culture alike. That is why it is commonly misconceived,
that there was no wrongdoing or discrimination towards the Indigenous peoples back
when the Europeans first arrived. I believe that the Canadian government is not
doing nearly enough to provide our natives with proper the sympathy they re entitled
to, causing them to fall ever deeper into the hole of racism and misunderstanding.
Using our history, I will explain what happened to the Indigenous peoples of Canada
and why they should be given more of a chance in their lives to command authority
and leadership, concluding with how we can help.
As the 16th century began, the Indigenous peoples were living happy and peaceful
lives, respecting the environment and the creatures within it. But with about 5 years
time passing, the europeans came, commencing what would eventually be the cause
of all our Indigenous problems now a days... so, what did they do? As the europeans
crossed the border, they introduce many things into the first nations daily lives. Firstly,
Volusia County Internship Scenarios
*Although the Interns will be primarily recruited from the eight (8) feeder colleges
and universities within Volusia County, the County s Internship Program will also
accept students whose primary residence is Volusia County but attending school in
another city/state, or full time degree seeking student from a local college or
university who s major will contribute to the enhancement of County services. This
will allow Volusia County s very own home grown students an opportunity to give
back to the community in which he/she was raised by interning for the County.
Intern Positions
The County will employ no more than 16 paid Interns and up to 32 non paid (college
credit) interns per calendar year.
Internships Compensation
Paid Internship Positions ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In cases where the internship is not for course credit, the internship coordinator may
be the educational institution s career center staff or a member of the faculty in the
student s school of study.
Intern Supervisor Responsibilities
The Intern Supervisor is the person responsible for providing direct on the job
supervision of the Intern. The duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
1.Review and maintain all program forms (e.g. Applications, Internship Coop
Agreements, evaluations, etc.);
2.Schedule the Intern for New Employee Orientation;
3.Review the job duties and outcomes with the Intern;
4.Orient the Intern to the County and Departments/Divisions structure and operation;
5.Orient the Intern to the Departments/Divisions policies and procedures;
6.Introduce the Intern to the appropriate professional and clerical staff;
7.Provide the Intern with adequate resources necessary to accomplish job objectives
and meet established outcomes;
8.Afford the Intern the opportunity to participate in meetings, conferences, projects,
and other relevant
Opal Card Essay
The Opal card is a contactless smartcard that is the new centrepiece of the new
electronic ticketing system implemented by Cubic Transportation Systems (CTS).
It allows the user to top up a balance either through manual loading (via Opal top up
machines), or linked to a credit card. This balance is used against Opal card readers
to scan where the trip begins and ends, automatically calculating the fare and
deducting it from the balance on the card. In the event that the trip has been started,
but not finished (scanned only once within a day), a default fare will be charged to
the card. The Opal card needs to abide by the Identification cards Contactless
integrated circuit cards (ISO/IEC 14443) standard, depicting its physical dimensions
(85.60mm Г— 54.00mm Г— 0.76 mm), radio frequency (13.56 MHz), anti collision
processes (bit collision detection protocol) and transmission protocols (half duplex
block transmission protocol). This new ticketing system would be gradually
introduced throughout the greater Sydney region, across all 190 stations of the
Sydney train network by 28th March 2014 and then further extended to include 52
more stations on the South Coast Line to Wollongong, Port Kembla and
Bomaderry, as well as the Southern Highlands Line to Goulburn by April 4.
(McKenny, 2014). It will need to accommodate more than 304 million passengers
per year, averaging at about 1.5 million trips each working day (PRWEB, 2014) IS
Risks Information System (IS) Risks can exist in
Porter s Five Forces Industry Competition
Porter s Five Forces
Industry Competition / Intensity of Rivalry:
As with every industry and business, there is competition. In the case of the craft beer
industry, the competition is medium and growing. From challenging the big macro
breweries, to battling against new incoming brewery businesses, the craft beer
industry is absolutely on the radar for competition. Macro breweries are still the
largest competitors with craft breweries. The major player in the craft beer
industry, according to IBISWorld, is The Boston Beer Company. It holds a market
share in the overall beer industry of only 2.7%, and a revenue of $885.5 million in
2014. In comparison to the major players in the overall beer industry, Anheuser Busch
InBev and MillerCoors ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If consumers prefer a specific beer and keep asking for it at bars, which only have a
specific amount of taps, will put that beer on more often to suit the increased demand.
This makes the beer and the brewery more popular, all the while intensifying the
rivalry for bar space.
The suppliers for craft beer include the source of the ingredients and the source of the
materials used in production. The craft beer industry relies on responsible,
dependable, fresh supplies from different industries to make production and
distribution possible. The suppliers for production include various industries for the
basic ingredients; wheat, barley, soybean, corn, yeast, malt, nuts, sugar and water.
Other suppliers for distribution include the packaging industry, which consists of
aluminum, glass, cardboard, and containers. Smaller companies face a financial
barrier here when attempting to make flavorful beers that require high priced raw
The lofty prices of high quality ingredients often act as a barrier to newcomers
seeking to establish a niche in the market. Lastly, the printing industry also plays a
role as a supplier by printing labels. Due to the uniqueness craft brewing methods, not
all batches turn out the same, so the industry may have to charge higher prices based
on the cost of production. Since each craft beer style has a unique measuring and
brewing method, there is a large variety
Superman And Batman And The Great Depression
3 6 page essasy
U.S History ComicsArial Mcclanahan Superman and batman and the great depression
More than 70 years ago, the very first superheroes debuted in the dire times of the
Great Depression and the early years of World War II. Their names became legend
Superman and Batman or as he was then known, the Bat Man), Wonder Woman,
Captain America and they re still with us today. A new exhibit at the Skirball
Cultural Center in Los Angeles celebrates these icons from the Golden Age of
Comic Books. Through a collection of rare original artwork and comics, the
exhibit explores how a group of mostly Jewish artists created the costumed heroes
who came to symbolize the hopes of a beleaguered nation. ln the 1930s, the
American Dream had become a nightmare, and I think comic books and superheroes
in particular provided an escapist form of entertainment that allowed the American
public to go into a fantasy world where all the ills of the world were righted by these
largerВ than life heroes, says Erin Clancy, a curator at the Skirball. Guest curator
Jerry Robinson not only organized the exhibit, he s a part of it. The comic book
pioneer created Batman s arch enemy, The Joker, and named the caped crusader s
sidekick Robin.
We were just emerging from the Depression, Robinson recalls. Superman started in
1938. Batman started in 1939. So, we were just recovering. Robinson says the
villains changed with the times. The first villains in the comic books were
Final Essay
Public lands that allow us to easily access natural amenities have received more
attention recently in the sense that they provide quality of life for residents and
recreational opportunities for tourists. These characteristics of public lands provide
economic benefits for communities adjacent to public lands. These communities
refer to gateway communities, which have economic ties to public lands and
provide necessary services for visitors to public lands (Kurtz, 2010; U.S. House of
Representatives, 2005). Examples include towns abut to national and state forests,
monuments, parks, wildlife refuge, lakeshores, scenic riverway, and recreation area
(Kurtz, 2010). These communities generally have a smaller population base and yet
are hotspots that experience rapid population and economic growth (Hester, 2013).
In addition, they have characteristically relied on relatively few or even a single
source to drive the local economy(Kurtz, 2003).
Traditionally, most gateway communities have economically depended on resource
extraction industries. However, advocates of the preservation of public lands,
incited through a rise in environmental awareness and movement, urged elected
officials to establish strong resources protection laws (Foresta, 1984; Wirth, 1980).
From the 1960s through 1980, congress responded and passed a variety of acts such
as the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (Public Law 91 135; 16 U.S.C 1531 1544, 87
Stat. 884), Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976
Essay on Media and the Antifeminist Agenda
Media and the Antifeminist Agenda
The cinema conveys representations of race, gender, and class that indicate the
development and cultural ideologies of society. Motion pictures illustrate and are
depicted from real life settings, and it is for this reason that the cinema plays a vital
role in shaping and sustaining cultural normalcies. Socialization of gender and identity
are mirrored through sexist media depictions that convey the relative positions of
women and men in modern western democracies. There are substantial quantities of
motion pictures that ascribe traditional gender roles to both men and women that
continue to perpetuate social constructs of inequality. Contemporary media places
men and women in defined categories, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
On a lighter note, Disney s animated feature Tangled (a take on Grimm s fairytale
Rapunzel) is funny and visually stunning; however, it rekindles the same plot and
recurring theme across all genres. As a woman, you can be one of two things, either a
princess awaiting rescue from her prince or an evil stepmother (witch). On the
contrary, as a man, you get all the action, and in many aspects, the world is handed
to you. Rapunzel, imprisoned within the tower since a child, is a meek like female
with green eyes, blonde hair, and a teeny waist who sings about doing chores and
wonders when her life will begin. Rapunzel is stereotypically overly emotional,
swinging from one end of a mood swing to another, overly preoccupied with being
saved, and of course, is beautiful. Beauty, with respect to this context, equals white,
blonde, thin and young. In a modern day perspective, this is problematic because her
body represents the celebration of White femininity and disregards other ethnicities.
Not only does this movie portray females from a stereotypical frame work, but it
induces a false perception of beauty, one that we must all attain or strive for.
Carrying on Disney s tradition of problematic representations of race, of the 15
Disney princess s movie franchise ever produced, only four have been non white
The Game Of Golf Vs. Golf
As Rickie Fowler once wisely said, All you can do is really the prep work and make
sure you re ready to hit each golf shot. Outside of that, you re not sure really what s
going to happen. It s a funny game, but I think that s why I love it. You never
know, one day to the next; you could go shoot 62, and the next day you re going to
shoot 78, and you can t predict it. The game of golfis one of the most challenging
games offered today. It s interesting that so many amateur golfers, when they think
of improving their games, think of only one thing: improving their golf swing.
Certainly, it s great to develop a technically sound golf swing and to hit the ball
higher, longer, and straighter. However, the golfer who accomplishes this has
improved only part of what is needed in order to become a complete player. The
other half of the game is psychological; golf is one of many sports that requires
mental toughness. One way to achieve mental toughness is to have a rigorous
process leading up to your shot. There is a procedure that needs to be followed
before hitting every single shot on the course, especially when attempting to hit an
approach shot. Follow these six steps to properly be prepared to execute the best golf
swing possible.
1.Evaluate the lie of the ball
Walk up to the golf ball and observe the surface it is lying upon. Determine whether
the ball is lying on an uphill, downhill, or sidehill. Next, examine the surface the ball
is lying on. Conclude whether
History Of The Silk Road
Have you ever wondered where a lot of the food we eat today and medicine and items
we use today that can be important to our religion or race or has been important to
our life growing up can be from the silk road. Food such as plums, melons, peaches,
and pears and items such as silk, pills, and color dye. The silk road has done many
thing to help us all around now let s get into how they could ve played an role in our
The first thing we ll be talking about is the culture, I got my information from The
language most used in the silk road is Khotanese, Tocharian, Sogdian, and Chinese.
Some food there is lamb, mutton, dried fruits, and of course noodles. Some of the
famous most used animals over there in the silk road are Camels, sheep, and yaks.
Some of their clothing options were woolen wraps and silk clothes which they later
on dyed for patterns and color. Finally on our way to ideas they had on the silk road.
The second thing we ll be talking about is Technology/Innovations. I got my
information from both these sites Some things that came from the silk road were
gunpowder, compass, printing, glassware, crossbow, and some knowledge about
silkworm breeding and silk spinning. Some more items they made that were cool
were snow white ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some of the more rare, interesting plants over there were a plant called the
metasequoia, cherry blossoms trees, and even the china cypress, all these cultures
could be why we have some of the things today. China only traded at first because
the warhorses of the Kurga. If it wasn t for Kurga we mave have never had the silk
road heck it would probably take us a lot of years to trade something and come up
with the
Correlation between Cost Reduction and Manufacturing...
(Manoj Dora, 2014)[1] Encountered The key barriers by Food SMEs in the
implementation of lean manufacturing practices result from the special
characteristics of food sector, such as highly perishable products, complicated
processing, extremely variable raw material, recipes and unpredictable demand. In
addition, lack of knowledge and resources makes it difficult for food processing
SMEs to embark on the lean journey One of the research studies in 2010 has found
that the editorial board of Trends in Food Science Technology barbed out The food
manufacturing industry needs improvement on various methods when it comes to
production such as lean manufacturing for operational effectiveness (Mahalik, 2010).
In academia, the majority of the operations management literature focuses on the
application of lean manufacturing in large discrete organizations (Moreno Luzon,
1993). [3] Few academic articles even started to raise interests over the
straightforward application of lean manufacturing in processing industries
(Abdulmalek and Rajgopal, 2007 ; Melton, 2005) [4]. The specific characteristic of
goods and/or processes in processing industries offers a great demand to the
application of lean manufacturing (Abdulmalek et al., 2006; Van Donk and Van
Dam, 1996) [5]. (Cox and Chicksand, 2005)[6] Believed Some works show that a
straightforward acceptance of lean manufacturing in the food manufacturing
industries might not bring the desirable
The Importance Of Food Culture
Most people want to find out who they really are. We can first start by looking at
their food culture. Food culture is a very important element that makes us who we
are. From a young child to an adult most people have developed their food culture
by trial and error or simply by their preference. Food culture is different for every
ethnicity from the holidays to the meals themselves. Araceli is someone important to
me and hands down her foodculture is very different from my own. Nicaraguan food
is very different from my culture which is Mexican food getting to know about her
food culture helped me get to know Araceli that much more. My food culture is
based off my Mexican roots, which most people might think it is just beans and
rice. Although that is partially true, most known dishes revolve around parties and
holiday dinners. During these events we usually have tamales which is a popular
dish and is served with sides of rice and beans of course. Food around this time is
special because food gathers everyone together. Tamales take hours to prepare and
usually my family gets a day to prepare for our feast. Tamales are very popular, and
most people make them the same way. I recently found out that Mexicans are not the
only ones who make their style of tamales. For Aracelis culture, although the dishes
are familiar the preparation itself is completely different. Tamales are still eaten for
holidays and special events, but they are called Nacatamal. Nacatamals have the
Olaudah Equiano And The Abolitionist Movement
One example of a black individual who was a significant influence on the
abolitionist movement was Olaudah Equiano (also known as Gustavus Vassa) a
freed slave that spoke about his terrifying life story which helped contribute towards
the end of the slave trade. Equiano was born in 1736 and bought his freedom as a
slave in 1767. Equiano began his involvement in the abolitionist movement in the
1780 s when he published his best selling book The Interesting Narrative of the Life
of Olaudah Equianoor Gustavus Vassa, the African in 1789. At the time, many
Britons thought Africans were illiterate but Equiano proved them wrong as he could
wield the English language well and learnt several skills whilst still a slave.
Furthermore, his book... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Douglass was introduced to the movement in 1841 when a man named William
Coffin heard one of his speeches at an anti slavery meeting and was so impressed
with his oratorical skills that Coffin invited him to share his story as a slave in a
convention organised by the Massachusetts Anti Slavery Society (MAS). This
therefore supports my previous discussion that black people could contribute to
society and live normal lives without white people diminishing their human rights and
privileges and making them slaves.
Douglass got his passion to promote freedom for all slaves after he escaped from
slavery and ultimately had an end goal to abolish slavery in all its forms and
aspects, and promote the moral and intellectual improvement of the coloured people
and hasten the day of freedom to the three million of enslaved fellow countrymen .
He also wrote several autobiographies describing his experiences as a slave. One of
the autobiographies in particular, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an
American Slave published in 1845 was a best selling and was extremely influential
for promoting the cause of abolition. The narrative shows a compelling argument to
basic human rights thus making it extremely influential as the narrative clearly
possesses features and linguistic skills, which for most white people, negated their
common perception of black people being illiterate in the 19th century.
Black people s contribution
A Whole New Mind Sparknotes
A WHOLE NEW MIND BY Daniel H Pink is a concept which examines the
working of left brain and right brain and how right brain traits are more important in
this age of information then the left brain, it is an obstinate and to some extent
unconvincing metaphorical framework which has to some extent un necessarily
polarisation . The book can be divided into two sections first explaining the
functionality or L brain and R Brain and a shift to the conceptual age and the second
part which I found more interesting is about the six senses and how to cultivate them
to get success. The book starts with the Chapter Right Brain Rising describing
hemisphere of left brain and right brain. According to Pink the left brain hemisphere
is consistent of logistic, literal and analytic personal whereas right brain is for holistic
reasoning, body language, patterns recognitions and emotions. He carefully pointed
out that the term L Brain... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Which is resulting in more applicants for MFA than MBA it can be because of
supply and demand. In the second part of this chapter he explans the idea of six
senses of design. Last sense is Meaning Which is a mixture of happiness and
spirituality . So what I conclude from the book THE WHOLE NEW MIND is
about being intelligent and smart to survive or be successful in this conceptual
age only the harness of both left brain and R brain cognitive abilities. Left Brain
activities are obsolete and susceptible to the threats of conceptual age as work
function if shipped, automated or to be terminated by globalization and right brain
has more chances of endurance he explains the creativity will be more beneficial for
the companies then outdated L brain logistics . But the victory will be for those who
will master both L Brain And R Brain So this book is all about being intelligent to
survive this era of conceptualisation
Sport Organization Assessment
MMS100 Sport Organisation
Assessment 1: Event Analysis
Reserve Grade, Local Australian Rules Football Match in the Eastern Football League
Blackburn Football Club v Balwyn Football Club
Australians are renowned for their passion for sport, in particular, the four main
football codes (Australian Rules football, Rugby League, Rugby Union and Soccer).
In terms of the participation rate among these four codes, Australian Rules Football
ranks second behind outdoor soccer, with 419 000 individuals or 2.6 % of the
population participating in the sport. (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2009)
The majority of the individuals who participate in Australian rules football,
participate at the local level, as Australia adopts a community club based system for
all sports. This ensures that everyone that has a desire to partake is very much able
to at a local level which includes clubs like the Blackburn and Balwyn Football
Clubs. (Shilbury, Deane, Kellett 2006, p. 19)
Thus, the purpose of this report is to analyse different aspects and contributions to a
local game of Australian Rule Football, to determine areas of praise and improvement.
Description of Sport
J.W. Loy Jr describes sport as an activity of play like in nature, involves an element
of competition, is based on physical prowess, involves elements of skill, strategy and
chance and has an uncertainty of outcome. (Loy 1968, pp.2 8) All such elements are
satisfied by the sport of Australian rules
The Transcontinental Railroad And The Gilded Age
By the middle of the 19th century, the Industrial Revolution was changing the face
and culture of the United States. Demand for raw materials and new inventions was
increasing. From 1800 1850, territories claimed by the United States had grown to
stretch from the East Coast to the West Coast. The spirit of Manifest Destiny , the
California Gold Rush, and the promise of rich new land, ripe with raw materials and
opportunity drew settlers ever westward. Following the invention of the steam
engine, trains were becoming very important to the expansion of civilization and its
infrastructure. Trains and the railroads they ran on soon became the lifeblood of
industrialized economic development across the country. Public and private
partnerships were formed with railroad companies to provide them with vast amounts
of investment funding. Within a few decades, the railroad companies and their
transcontinental railroads ushered in the Gilded Age and changed American society
forever. The significance of the transcontinental railroads and the impact they made is
quite profound. The first transcontinental line s construction was chartered by the
government in the Pacific Railroad Act. Construction of the line, which ran between
Omaha Nebraska to Sacramento California, began in 1863 and it was completed in
1869. By 1900, other transcontinental lines, like the Southern Pacific Railroad and the
Great Northern Railway, were in place and connected by numerous feeder lines,
junctions, and
Miscommunication At School For The Homework
Everybody has gone through that worry when you are not sure what the teacher is
trying to say about the homework, trust me you are not alone. One part of you
feels that you might know what they are saying and what they want you to do but
another part that has no clue. You want to ask them to clarify but you re too scared
to raise your hand because in your mind everybody will think you are dumb and
can t figure anything out on your own. Even if you do build up the courage and
ask for clarification and have the teacher repeat the steps and say you finally
understand but actually you are even more lost then before. So you go home almost
ripping your hair out and almost in tears fearing you are going to do something
wrong and get a bad grade on the assignment or not even turn it in. There is always
going to be some type of miscommunication at school for the homework or by the
lesson itself; however, that should not stop you from pushing through and getting
your workdone. There are different ways to get the right information.
Speaking in front of a class is the most frightening thing to me and having my work
shown to others as well, especially if it does not relate to what they have done. For
me to have to speak in front of a class is the most terrifying thing I have to do, my
hands get sweaty I feel like everybody can hear the beat of my heart getting faster,
my face getting red due to embarrassment and waiting for me to say something
stupid. I need to learn to get over that
My First Time Hearing About The People s Mind
When somebody says a microaggression to somebody else they don t know how it
effects the other person s mind, and that can go two ways in people s mind, either
they can laugh it off and act like they don t care or it can hurt them bad and make
them want to cry. Most of the time if people hold it in they really care but their pride
is too high for them to say anything to the person. So that can end up messing up their
mindby causing them to have bad thoughts about every little thing somebody says
to them. When people let out how the microaggression hurt them, I believe they
get a sense of relief because they don t have to keep it on their mind for forever. If
you keep it on your mind forever, it s just going to bring you down every day you
don t say anything. During my first time hearing about microaggressions, I thought
it was a small issue around the United States. But to my surprise, I found that
microaggressions were a worldwide issue. When I learned the full meaning of
microaggressions it made think of all the things I ve ever said that could go in that
category. I thought to myself dang that was pretty messed of me to say. As I looked
into them more I saw that there were a lot of elements that tie into microaggressions
such as trigger warnings and political correctness. Microaggressions, brought up
unknowingly or on purpose can cause a lot chaos to college students and around
college campuses by causing a lot of arguments and debates on what is and isn t right
to say.
Sci 275 Couse Syllabus
I 275Course Design Guide SCI/275 Version 5
Axia College/College of Natural Sciences SCI/275 Version 5 Environmental Science
Copyright 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006 by University of Phoenix. All rights
Course Description This course focuses on the causes of, impacts of, and solutions to
environmental issues. Students identify global environmental issues as well as
develop and critique environmental action plans. Topics include ecosystems, energy,
populations, resources, pollution, and sustainability. Policies Faculty and students
/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies
contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be
logged into the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Upon your return, you wanted to share the knowledge you learned with your
students. Review Ch. 7 of Visualizing Environmental Science, which discusses the
benefits and challenges of urbanization and how the conference gave awards for
urban development projects that improved human settlements. Read summaries of
the 1996 winners of the Dubai awards on their websites: o o o o o o Institutionalizing
Community Based Development: http://www.unesco.org/most/africa17.htm A
Women s Self help Organization for Poverty Alleviation in India: SEWA: http:/
/www.unesco.org/most/asia1.htm Shelter Upgrading in Agadir: http:/
/www.unesco.org/most/africa3.htm City Management in Tilburg: Past, Present and
Future: http://www.unesco.org/most/westeu14.htm The Bronx Center Project Don t
Move, Improve : http://www.unesco.org/most/usa1.htm Project of Sites and Services
for Low Income Family Groups: http://www.unesco.org/most/southam1.htm
В® В®
Create a 7 to 10 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that describes environmental
benefits and challenges of urbanization. Include descriptions of two award winners,
discussing how they overcame a challenge mentioned in your presentation. Include
detailed speaker notes. Review the PowerPoint Tutorial if
Thin Layer Chromatography Lab
Thin layer chromatography is the separation of substances using different solvents
that run up the TLC plate to find different materials and colors in the sample. Three
solvents in this test were one hundred percent acetone, one hundred percent isopropyl,
and distilled water. In this test we timed the speed of each solvent and recorded the
best color content.
PACE Introduction
Thin Layer Chromatography is a commonly used experiment in forensics, and is the
separation of substances using different solvents. What I want to find out is what the
fastest solvent is, but keeps the best color on the TLC plate. The three solvents in the
experiment are one hundred percent acetone, one hundred percent isopropyl, and
distilled water. Acetone is nail polish remover and isopropyl is rubbing alcohol. In
the experiment, it required distilled water because it is purified and is always the
same substance in the container. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
TLC was invented in 1941 for forensics, but wasn t perfected on paper until
1944(chromatography online.org). Schaiber was the one who invented TLC and he
was a German scientist. Some other facts are that there are many other ways to do
TLC and that it s not a very old process.
Forensic scientists use this in cases dealing with a lot of drugs or explosives. They
use much more complicated equipment though to perform their tasks. Many
explosives can be tested and most common drugs can be tested too. Some reasons to
test these substances are, one the government doesn t want people to have drugs or
explosives, and two, and people might find out and get really concerned. All in all
this is very important to society. The hypothesis is what would be the fastest solvent
that will keep the best color
The Causal Between Physical And Mental
Our entire existence, both physical and mental are based on causally connected
events (Mackie, 1974). A causality is assumed when two contiguous events
generate an effect. It is when a cause gives rise to an effect, a relationship between
the two events is presumed as all events must occur through causes. Searching for a
cause provides an explanation and an understanding of why events occur (Salmon,
1984). We are continually seeking a cause for physical events, in order to make
sense of them. Understanding the causal relations between events has its advantages;
allowing us to plan actions to achieve goals. It prompts us to behave in a way we
expect to get our desired outcome. The underlying mechanism of causal inferences is
unclear, some suggest it is embedded in our cognition (Sloman 2005), whilst others
believe causalityis all an illusion caused by visual perception (Mitchotte, 1945).
Hume s (1739) regularity theory of causation began the debate of physical events
and mental inferences. Hume reasoned that if we perceive a causal relationship
between two events, then one will be a cause which in turn will lead the other; the
event. These connections are known as prioritistic rationalism, as Hume quoted By
experience only that we can infer the existence of one object from that of another .
Causal relationships are based on three factors; resemblance, contiguity and causality.
The cause and effect of an event is governed by physics, for example; a ball striking
Faith, Belief and Human Experience in Song of Solomon
For this particular research paper, a question to be answered was: What role does
myth plays in Song of Solomon? This particular question had posed the most
important and significant part of the novel. Was really myth or the truth that had
helped the novel to progress to in its ending? The answer for these questions will be
answered as this paper moves on with its pages focusing on the myths and events that
had transpired in the whole novel.
Song of Solomon was a novel written by Toni Morrison that is probably biblical in its
aspects. It was very much alike to the book of the Bible Songs of Solomon for its
aspects and facets of love, romance and being changed. Song of Solomon by Toni
Morrison had touched faith, belief and human experience. ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
A lot of critics had said that Morrison s novel was greatly influenced by Bible and
the Greek Mythology. In most of the characters that Morrison has on her novel, the
names were mostly gotten either from the bible and the Greek myth. The
interesting part is that even their roles as somewhat similar in context. For example
would be Circe who was a great storyteller in the novel of Morrison, whom
encourages and charms the protagonist with words to do her bidding. It was same
with the Circe in Homer s stories that was very significant in the story of Odysseus
(Fletcher 407).
Critics had said that it was Morrison s compelling trait to revise myths and folktales
and used it for her own novels. It was this very characteristic of her that the readers
should clearly understand in order to fully internalize the correspondence of
Morrison s words and the way she use classical texts. It was Morrison s variety of
ways to used myths and folktales on her accord which the readers should read and
understand (Fletcher 407).
Understanding Song of Solomon
Like what Odyssey and the Bible had featured, the novel Song of Solomon was a
complex narrative structure with several mixtures of tales which had sufficiently
filled the past but left the present in seemingly confusing state. It was this very
contradiction that was loved by the readers of Toni Morrison s literary works. It was
Morrison s usage of names that hides the real identity of her
The Wood Is A Coming Of Age Story
The Wood
The movie, The Wood is a coming of age story about three friends, Roland, Slim,
and Mike, who grew up in Inglewood The Wood , California and the memories they
made as children all the way into adulthood. Inglewood was filled with middle class
people. Together the boys experience the struggles of being a teenage boy. The
journey of the three boys friendship is depicted through a series of flashbacks
between past and present tense, starting from the moment they met up until the
moment they send Roland off into a new life with his bride to be. The movie focuses
immensely on the theme of love, the love they have for each other as brothers, the
love they have for the women in their lives, and the love they have for The Wood.
Back when they were in middle school the three boys met, after Mike s family
moved there from North Carolina. From the beginning, Roland and Slim picked
on Mike and singled him out for being new. Mike did not play ball or gang bang so,
fit right in for the fact that he was not of the norm in Inglewood according to Slim
and Roland. Asking Mike numerous of questions Roland and Slim eventually took
Mike under their wing and showed him how to survive life in The Wood using a
series of rules. From that day forth the three made that brotherly bond and were
inseparable. With the help of Roland and Slim, Mike soon came out of his shell and
started to get the hang of how everyday life went in Inglewood, California went.
Their brotherhood was powerful in
Analysis Of George Elliot s Middlemarch
Middlemarch Essay
Sarah Gorda
Olympic College
ENGL328 British Literature July 24, 2015 Middlemarch Essay Middlemarch, a
Victorian novel written by George Elliot, is a story of a conventional society in the
eighteenth century. Named Middlemarch, the town in England where the setting of
the novel takes place, the novel embodies many characters affected by the social
world where they live. The novel focuses on many of the characters and their
relationships as part of a whole in a human social web. The concept of relationships
and marriage in Middlemarch is displayed through many couples. For the purposes of
this essay the focus will be on a few main characters, as their relationships are
intertwined. This essay will share these relationships and the theme of love,
relationship, and social status as a summary of the novel. One theme that is
apparent is everyone seems to be marrying the wrong partner. They are unaware of
the mate that would be a perfect match for them and chose a person based on
unrealistic ideals. In a time that people commonly married for obligation rather
than love, everyone is marry for love and yet end up lacking love in marriage. If
trust is a foundation for marriage than it can certainly destroy it as we can see in
Middlemarch. Casaubon believes that Dorothea will make a good wife because he
sees her as submissive. Her intellect and interest in him is misunderstood as idolizing.
Her stubbornness wears on him, and his lack of romance and
Write An Essay On The Mayans
Over two hundred years ago, a civilization was formed in Mexico and Central
America called the Maya. The journey of the Mayan people was difficult but made
them who they are today. Without technology and all the supplies we have today
they survived on their own. Let s see just how they did it. It all started in 1800 BC
when the Maya civilizationstarted. They began by finding land that had all their
needs. Mayans built permanent villages which formed the roots of everything. The
Maya made great strides in mathematics and in astronomy. They developed one of
the first solar calendars and three others. Capan was the Mayans capital where
there was a trading center and had rich agriculture. When not growing crops men
were expected to work on construction projects or train for the military. Otherwise
farming was their lives. During this time period the kings and queens ruled the
land but they never formed a unified nation. Kings could have several wives, but
women weren t allowed to have more than one husband. Commoners we never
treated as good as royalty. In fact, they had no vote or say in law decisions and
when they were caught wearing green quetzal, feathers, or shell jewelry were
punished. But for someone who did the crime of theft all they had to go was pay or
give it back... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Sac Actun was the most reliable source of water and still is today. Cenotes
provided water as well as the Sac Actun and they both played a major part in Maya
lives. Not only did the Maya hunt and eat animals but they were also targeted by
animals. Jaguars were their biggest predator because they would chase the people
and try to get into their lands. The Maya jungle has 8,000 species of plants, 800
birds, 250 mammals, and millions of insects. Plants also played a big part in the
lives, they used them to make medicines. Ceiba trees are tall, thin, and rise 230 feet
above forest floors. Mayans still use all these resources
Synopsis Of An Tie Shoes
Jordan Banta
English 1101
Mr. Snelgrove
23 December 2014
To Tie Shoes Good shoes take you good places. Seo Min Hyun knew what he was
talking about when stating this unutterable fact. With a good pair of shoes and a
hop in your step, anything is possible! However, what happens when your laces are
flapping about uncontrollably and suddenly, you find yourself hopping right into
a freefall towards the unforgiving ground? Nothing good I can assure you! So in
order to safely secure your mischievous laces, some simple precautions must be
taken so no more embarrassing fumbles and stumbles trip up your path. First, you
will need to procure a pair of tie up shoes, preferably with nice even laces for proper
bow tying, as well as a stable foot or two to attach these fabulous shoes to. Next, the
task of uniting the laces of your shoes together in a glorious two eared bow, much
which familiarize with bunny ears or a bright Christmas ribbon faces you. And
finally, show off those perfect fastened shoes to the world with as much swagger and
confidence as peacock flaunting its beautiful feathers. Before learning to tie your
shoes, however, you must learn the basics of selecting the right shoe for you and the
correct size of shoe for your unique foot. Tying your shoes can be quite entertaining.
You can always learn new knots and ties to boast to your friends. Or, you might
prefer the old fashioned, classic sneaker bow tie. Whatever the case, choose your
bow style to match you! As Forrest
Marquis De Condorcet
The belief that societal progress is necessary to remedy public ills has maintained its
popularity over the course of many years, but different thinkers have taken various
approaches as to the best means for this development. The Enlightenment thinker the
Marquis de Condorcet and former Soviet Union ruler Vladimir Lenin were two men
of drastically different backgrounds who possessed dissimilar views about the nature
of social evolution. Whereas Condorcet remains optimistic about the capability of
democratic progress throughout his work The Progress of the Human Mind, Lenin
insists in his State and Revolution that only socialistic evolution will be able to aid
society, which ultimately suggests that social development is not limited to one path
but rather is shaped by the desires of the people.... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
This optimistic view of indefinite improvement helps to establish his firm belief that
achieving this particular political system is the best goal for society. Condorcet has
faith in the idea of the human race, emancipated from its chains proceeding forth
with all his efforts to assist the progress of reason and the establishment of liberty
(Condorcet 460). A key component of democracy is the notion that people should
have the liberty to participate in their government and embrace their human rights, so
by striving to establish liberty and reason, mankind is therefore spreading democracy.
Although this system will take time to develop, Condorcet is just as optimistic about
the certainty of progress as he is about democracy s role in the
Poison Gas Research Paper
On April 1915, The first poison gas attack began when the German forces shocked
the Allied forces along the Western Front by firing more than 150 tonnes of lethal
chlorine gas against two French colonial divisions at Ypres, Belgium (History.com
Staff, 2010). Poison gas was the most feared of all weapons in World War One.
Poison gas was used in the trenches even when there was no attack going on. If a
Soldiers got trapped with poison gas, it would mean that soldiers have to put a
crude gas mask (Figure 1) on because it helped protect the soldiers from inhaling
airborne pollutants and toxic gases. Poison gas can leave the victim in agony for
days and weeks before they succumbed to their injuries. The purpose for poison gas
was to disable
Why Does Henry V Continue to Be Such a Famous and
King Henry V, son of Henry IV, forged his legend in a little over nine years. He
made England one of the strongest kingdoms in Europe and academic KB
McFarlane even described him as the greatest man who ever ruled England . Even
though Henry V was said to be brave, fair, likeable and a great warrior, he was also
arrogant, ruthless, cruel on campaign and organised massacres. So, how did such a
man come to be a national hero? Henry s fame started to build when he was a
teenager after showing his abilities on the battlefield by taking part in the Battle of
Shrewsbury, in Wales. In that battle, he was wounded in the face by an arrow but
refused to leave combat, fighting until the end. The King s army was victorious
against the Welsh rebels and Young Henry was recognised throughout England for
his courage. Despite his early entry into public life, Henry was well educated.
Henry V was the first King of England since Norman invasion to use English as his
primary language and who could both read and write in the vernacular language.
Henry s accession to the throne was broadly welcomed by the population of
England because they were desperate for a strong monarch, something England had
lacked since the reign of Edward III. And he did not disappoint them. Henry fulfilled
every criteria by which kings were judged: good justice, sound finance, true religion,
political harmony, accepting consel and nobility. Only one remained: success in war
but it was no long before he fulfilled that
Themes In The Yellow Birds By Kevin Powers
In the novel, The Yellow Birds by Kevin Powers, several major themes and
illustrations present themselves throughout the storyline and strongly connect to
previous readings and films from class. The purpose of this book review will be to
identify these illustrations, explain why they are important, identify how these
themes are connected to previous materials, and then determine if a movie could
accurately represent the book. As such, I argue that this book illustrates ideas of the
lossof innocence, loss of faith in humanity, and dust symbolizing the war these
soldiers are fighting and how it consumes all. I will then further my argument by the
identification of themes such as neorealism, heroism, and PTSD. However, it is first
important to identify the special narrativestructure of the book, which is used to
create these illustrations and themes. The narrative structure that Kevin Powers uses
is the first person from Private Brandon Bartle s point of view. However, the
structure of the story doesn t follow a classical narrative, but instead follows an
alternative narrative where it bounces back and forth between Private Bartle s time
in Al Tafar, Iraq and when he is on leave at home in Richmond, Virginia (Corrigan,
2015). This narrative style allows various illustrations and themes to present
themselves with the first being the loss of innocence is the path to salvation in war.
This illustration is vital because it shows that because Bartle lost his innocence he
Ascorbic Acid ( Aa )
Ascorbic acid (AA), also known as vitamin C, was discovered 88 years ago. AA is
not only used in the food industry as a food additive, it is also known to provide
many benefits to our health. It is an essential vitamin for humans and its deficiency
causes scurvy. AA is a water soluble vitamin, highly polar, naturally occurs as L
ascorbic acidand is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) to be used as a food
additive by the FDA. It can come from natural sources (food derived) and synthetic
(made in lab). AA has been one of the most popular chemicals with many nutritional
and pharmaceutical properties. Some companies producing at national and
international level, chemistry of AA, applications in food and controversies related to
this additive will be discussed in further detail in this paper.
National and International level companies
Two companies that produce AA at the national level are AIDP and Watson
Incorporated. AIDP is a mid sized company located in City Of Industry, CA and was
founded in 1996. They are distributors of AA, for food and beverages but they mainly
focus on distributing dietary supplements (www.aidp.com). Watson is another
company which was founded in 1939. Its headquarters are located in West Haven,
Connecticut and a second location is located in Taylorville, Illinois. They provide
ingredients for the food and supplement industries. (www.watson inc.com). Two
companies that produce AA at the international level are Naturex and Prinova.
Naturex produces
Alternative Cars And Its Effect On The Environment
Background Conventional vehicles burn fossil fuels and emit exhaust fumes to the
atmosphere. Not only have gasoline vehicles depleted natural resources, they also
have caused severe environmental pollutions, especially in some populous nations
such as China and India. [1] CO2 is the main contributor of the greenhouse effect.
97% of greenhouse emission is carbon dioxide. And in turn, road transportation has
become the largest sector in producing carbon dioxide. [2] Because of the decreasing
natural resources and the increasing environmental pollution, scientists focus more on
new technologies that can help reduce those consequences. However, even though
scientists hope hybrid cars could substitute traditional cars in order to reduce... Show
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The most apparent difference is that hybrid cars have an internal combustion engine
accompanied by an electric motor. When a car is moving at a low speed, the ICE
(internal combustion engine) only provides power to the electric motor and the
motor drives the entire vehicle. Thus, an electric motor helps reduce fuel
consumption as well as car emission. Moreover, a smarter management of power
called the regenerative braking system is introduced to hybrid vehicles. It converts
kinetic energy to electrical energy during braking so that heat energy due to
friction will not be wasted. The electrical energy can be used to charge the storage
battery. [4] In addition, the aerodynamics and weight of the car body are carefully
considered so the power supplied to drive the car can be lower than usual. Hybrid
cars also have an adaptive strategy at traffic stops and idle periods. The engine shuts
down so that exhaust will not accumulate at places such as traffic stops.
Apart from technical aspects, governments also take efforts to popularize hybrid
cars for home use. In March 2013, the Chinese government extended the subsidy on
electrical and hybrid cars for three more years. [3] And in certain traffic crowded
cities such as Beijing and Hangzhou, electrical and hybrid cars have privileges on
traffic restriction days. Nevertheless, customers still won t buy hybrid cars because
they do not believe that the technology is mature enough to replace traditional ICE
cars with new energy
Analysis Of The Film Samson And Delilah
The movie Samson and Delilah directed by Warwick Thornton deservedly won the
Cannes Film Festival Camera d Or award for best first feature film in 2009. Melissa
Gibson who plays Delilah takes on a role of the hero in the movie, Rowan
McNamara who plays Samson takes on a role who petrol sniff and he also seems
to be the lost soul who needs to be saved. Samson and Delilah are 2 Aboriginal
teenagers who falls in love and lives in an Aboriginal remote community in the
central of Australia who embarks on a journey to Alice Springsas tragedy strikes in
their community, they also encounter to a more hardship situations in Alice Spring.
The viewers would see the reality of what most Aboriginal people go through in
their life. Samson and Delilah goes through abusement and racism , although life
isn t fair for them they have they have the love for each other. It s love story that
gives you an insight into a hidden world, it is a raw and confronting movie that
leaves you speechless. Therefore it is a must see movie.
As Delilah wakes up one morning, she gets beaten up with sticks by the other
elders in the community and telling her how she didn t take care of her Nana well
enough. They show you a close up of her face with blood and bruises all over her
face. Although there was no actual shot of Delilah being sexually abused, the
viewers assumes that she has been. When Samson and Delilah was taking a walk in
Alice Springs a couple of boys abducted Delilah, it shows you a long
Narrative Voice In Stand By Me
Stand By Me plummets us into a world of four naГЇve and rebellious children on the
brink of adolescence as they expand their world, discover themselves and find
where their friendships and loyalties lie. The gang consists of Gordie Lachance
(Wil Wheaton), Chris Chambers (River Pheonix), Teddy Duchamp (Corey
Feldman) and Vern Tessio (Jerry O Connell) and with some outstanding acting, we
find ourselves in the shoes of Gordie as he recounts his past. After recently finding
out about the untimely demise of his best friend Chris, we are taken back in time to
when he was twelve going into thirteen when I first saw my first dead human being
as the narrative voice puts it. As Gordie flashes back we are straight away taken into
a tree house where... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The narrative voice brings our attention to how small their world is when Gordie
says we lived in Castle Rock, but to us, it was the whole world which is
representing him looking back and explaining how life has changed. This notion
of discovering a new world returns at the end of the film when again, the narrative
voice says we were only away for two days but it felt like the small town we lived
in had changed and it is trying to convey how much people can change in just a
small amount of time, and it is reinforced by the idea of the coming of age and how
time flies at such a young age. The movie puts these ideas in our heads with some
scenes that are placed throughout the movie with no connection to the plot but go
very deep into the characters. One of which is a scene where Gordie is sitting
peacefully on the train tracks and a young deer walks into view. This deer is
representing the man motif throughout the movie and how they are coming of age on
this journey because it symbolizes youth and innocence. The narrative voice then
enforces this by saying I didn t tell the others about the deer which shows that Gordie
was having a moment of understanding, which the others wouldn t think of the same
way, and what it
Global Warming And Increasing Greenhouse Gases
With all the talk of global warming and increasing greenhouse gases, many
corporations and individuals are attempting to integrate cleaner power sources into
their way of life. Power companies are erecting huge wind turbine farms in order to
harvest more clean energy. Other companies are attempting to lower their
dependence on oil and coal reserves. Many individuals are even getting the Green
bug. Homeowners around the country are installing solar panels to gather solar
power to supplement their home electricity needs. Federal laws even give incentives
to install solar panels or wind turbines. But in the State of Oklahoma, homeowners are
penalized for installing these green power collectors.
Oklahoma Senate Bill 1456 states that the power companies can increase rates or
charge a surcharge no greater than the full cost to serve customers that install
distributed generation devices on the customer side of the meter, unless that device is
owned by the power company. (Griffin) In other words, the homeowner is charged
extra for implementing a green alternative to fossil fuel generated power sources.
This bill took effect on November 1, 2014. The sooner we are able to diversify into
sources of power other than fossil fuels the better off our planet will be and the
longer the human race can sustain our lives on this planet. Oklahoma should repeal
this bill because homeowners should be allowed to pursue alternative forms of
power in order to safeguard the planet, if
Modern State Of The People s Republic Of China
Since 1949, the developed intrusive modern state of the People s Republic of China
or PRC has increasingly incorporated rule from Beijing over the autonomous region
of Xinjiang, an area that used to be populated with over 95% Muslim Turkic
speaking residents known as the Uyghurs . Though the Uyghurs speak and practice
their own language and culture, they are politically citizens of the PRC and the use
of terms such as Han and Uyghur people, are only used as constructions to generalize
groups that are contradictory. With migration of Han Chineseflowing into this area
and conductive extraction of rich natural resources, the state of Xinjiang has become
a transnational bridge to bring in both globalization and diversity to the Uyghur...
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The PRC has recurrently emphasized the importance of interethnic integration of the
Uyghurs into a Han dominated society. Regardless, the Uyghurs see this as otherwise
a way of being oppressed and undermined by the central government. Compared to the
Muslims that are living in eastern and central China, the Uyghurs face more
restrictions on their religious expression and way of life (Poh) such as praying in
schools, women being criticized on wearing headscarves, and even studying the Qur
an in Arabic is controlled. Furthermore, since more Han Chinese have been moving
into the Xinjiang area, economic contingencies as well as the dominant use of Han
Chinese has been gradually phased out in most educational institutions in Xinjiang
(Poh). While Beijing has incessantly asserted that the developments made to the area
has significantly improved the Uyghur s livelihood, the minority group cannot help
but to still resonate the deep seated bitterness stemmed from decades worth of
discrimination, perceived religious and cultural suppression, and economic disparities
(Poh). These increasing ethnic tensions have resulted in significant inter ethnic
violence in Xinjiang such as the 2009 riot in Urumqi where fights against the
Uyghurs and the Han Chinese police force broke out all from protesting the equality
for Uyghur working institution. Another deliberate event which the police have been
criticizing it as a terrorist attack is the
Bristol-Myers Squibb Vrio Analysis Essay
VRIO Analysis
Bristol Myers Squibb and other pharmaceutical companies have very limited space
for the development of competitive advantage. This is due to the limitations set in
patents available for new pharmaceuticals. Most chemicals in pharmaceutical
products have an equivalently functional substitute making it possible to have
multiple products on the market that have identical uses and outcomes. This being
the case, pharmaceutical companies can t rely on one particular product to provide
competitive advantage.
Resources and Competencies| Value| Rarity| Imitability| Organized| Competitive
Advantage?| R D| Yes| Yes| Yes| Yes| Sustained| Brand Name| Yes| No| No| No| Parity|
Product Diversification| ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Since Bristol Myers Squibb s is organized in this way, it has been able to keep the
pace very well making it one of the largest research based pharmaceutical company in
the world.
Brand Name
Bristol Myers Squibb s gains competitive parity from its brand name in that it has a
good reputation for creating products that work well and are safe. This provides
value to the customer because they know that the product was heavily researched
before it was marketed to the general public.
However, this is not rare among firms in this industry as all new products must be
cleared by the Food and Drug Administration before it can be marketed which gives
consumers a certain amount of security when choosing a product regardless of
who produced it. This also means that it is somewhat easy to imitate. Once you get
past the start up costs, if you produce a product that is not already patented and is
approved by the FDA, your product is just as good as the competitors. The reason
for the lack of rarity and ease of imitability of the brand name is that, like other
pharmaceutical companies, Bristol Myers Squibb does not push the brand name but
rather the name they have assigned to their product. The company s name does not
appear in any of its product s advertisements. This being the case they must diversify
their product line.
Product Diversity
Since researching new pharmaceutical products takes a great deal of time, the only
way to keep the
Artificial Intelligence ( Ai )
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is portrayed in many science fiction films such as I,
robot, The Terminator, Ex Machina, etc., or novels as the future that holds evil in
our society. Engineers all over the world are currently developing and making AI a
reality. I know that my major is involved with the project intending to bring AI into
reality which is interesting, but it still has me wondering if this is a good idea. I
imagine AI as the future such that we will have them at school, in our house and
even our workplace. It is a possibility that AI will be used to help students and
professors by solving critical equations faster than ever or helping them out in the
subjects they are struggling with. They can help clean around the house and
neighborhood, implement future ideas to companies, and even join the police force
to stop crime. They do not necessarily need arms, legs, or eyes to commit such
actions. As a Computer Engineer, I believe that AI will have the capability to protect
and serve us, but if they are given the freedom to think and act, then they can also
harm us. I assume the engineers working with AI, will program them to restrict
actions that can harm this society and inspect them weekly to accomplish this
restriction. We should keep an open mind towards any consequences and benefits AI
may bring to this world. I can see drones roaming around freely while having the task
to protect us, android devices advising and having a normal conversation with a
person, and
Conservatism, By Moises Kaufman And The Tectonic
Conservatism, at its Best. Merriam Webster defines change as to become different
. It happens in different ways and for various reasons. It can alter people s
perceptions of the world and even define who they are, like the Emancipation
Proclamation redefined the lives of millions of African Americans. However, there
are those who oppose it to preserve a detestable status quo. The play The Laramie
Project by Moises Kaufman and the Tectonic Theater Project introduces some of
those people who live in the quiet town of Laramie, Wyoming. It has been 18 years
since the brutal murder of Matthew Shepard, a gay resident of Laramie. After that
tragedy, has anything changed? One answer comes from Laramie resident Rebecca
Hilliker who states in The... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The ideologies that are the foundations of the US, like Christianity, are so ingrained
in people s beliefs that they can t imagine others not following the same ideals and
thus they respond harshly against all transgressions. As the TFP Student Action
organization writes, gay marriage should be opposed because It Violates Natural
Law (TFP Student Action). The fact that many Americans are so narrow minded that
they want to deny the happiness of others goes against the American values of living
freely and our society needs to solve this problem before more Americans suffer.
This prejudice evoked me to discover what people are doing to fight the
discrimination associated with homosexuality. I was optimistic, at first, about
finding people who want to change societal prejudice directed at homosexuals, since
there had to be some souls who wished to change their community for the better.
But, in my search, I found relatively few such people; one of them is Jonas
Slonaker, a gay resident of Laramie.
Slonaker is a pivotal character in the movement for change within the conservative
structure of Laramie. His goal is to make Laramie and Wyoming come out of the
Matthew Shepard case with something lasting, like legislation. As he says, You know,
it s been a year since Matthew Shepard died, and they haven t passed shit in
Wyoming... nobody anywhere, has passed any kind of laws (Kaufman 97). Slonaker
champions anti discrimination
Homelessness And The Tampa Bay Area
Homelessness is a prevalent social issue that many countries are trying to resolve.
One area that has a high rate of homelessness is the Tampa Bay Area in Florida.
According to a homeless count carried out by the Tampa Hillsborough Homeless
Initiative (THHI) in 2016, in Hillsborough County alone, there are, at least 1,817
homeless men, women, and children who have to resort to unorthodox housing, such
as spaces behind buildings, encampments, sidewalks, and cars ( About Homelessness
). Moreover, homelessness is important because anyone can lose his or her home due
to unexpected situations. Also, every citizen needs a home so that his or her
physiological and safety needs can be satisfied. Whether these people are left without
homes because of domestic violence, neglect, financial troubles, or other
circumstances beyond their control, efforts should be made to improve their living
conditions. Therefore, homelessness in the TampaBay Area is an important social
issue that needs to be resolved. This problem of homelessness can be solved by the
solutions that service organizations, social workers, and advocates propose.
Since the 1980 s, the number of American people, sleeping in public places increased
substantially (Quigley et al. 38). In other words, the amount of people left without
homes in the United States has increased drastically within the past three decades.
The increase in homelessness is exemplified in the Tampa Bay Area. According to the
National Alliance to
A Pleasurable Fabliau In The Miller s Tale
The Miller s Tale: A Pleasurable Fabliau Pilgrims of the Tabard Inn, it is with great
pleasure to announce that the winning of the story telling contest is The Miller.
After hearing all of the tales told on our adventure, which can also be found in The
Canterbury Tales, By Geoffrey Chaucer, the answer to the question, who told the
best tale, seemed quite evident to me. A story consisting of good moral and great
pleasure was my initial criteria, which The Miller s tale met and exceeded through
several literary elements. This story does not have an overall moral, but instead,
several morals found singularly within each characterbased off of their actions. The
Miller successfully delivers his tale through a third person limited point of view,...
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Instead, the Miller scatters several morals throughout the story, each one applying
to a different characters situation. John s moral is slightly ironic, in that it s
idealogy stems from a philosopher Nicholas is studying. The Miller has already
disclosed that this is not something John believes in. A Roman philosopher, Cato
believed that people should not marry outside of their age range, something John
did. Alison is, therfore, unfaithful. In fact, he [John] was jealous and kept close
watch upon her, for she was wild and young, while he was old and thought himself
likely to be cuckolded . (Chaucer, pg. 67) Because of John s overbearingness and
old age, Alison is driven to cheat with a younger man. For Nicholas, however, the
moral lesson he walks away with is different. When Absolon returned to where he
was tricked into kissing Alison s butt, he was ready with his hot iron and he smote
Nicholas in the middle of his ass (Chaucer, Pg. 79) Nicholas, being the ringleader
of the events leading up to this, had his trick backfire on him. Nicholas walks away
with the moral lesson that the trickster is the one who gets burned in the end. While
these two morals are wholly different and the experiences leading up to them do not
parallel in the slightest, the multilayered morals that The Miller dispersed in his tale
truly allow for it s utter
Mercantilism Analysis
Adam Smith and David Hume were the founding fathers of anti mercantilist thought.
There were number of scholars who found many limitation of mercantilism even
before Adam Smith developed his theory that could fully substitute it. The criticism
made by Dudley North, David Hume, and John Locke eroded much of mercantilism
and because of which it uncertainly lost its favour during the 18th century. In the
year 1969, John Locke made an agreement that prices differ in proportion to the
quantity of money. The second treatise made by John Locke also pointed out towards
the heart of the anti mercantilist, the critique was that the wealth of the world is not
fixed, but is created by human labor (represented by John Locke in his unformed labor
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Adam Smith noted at the core of the mercantile system was the, popular folly of
confusing wealth with money, bullion was just same as other any commodity, so
there was no reason to give it any special treatment. . More recently, scholars have
discounted the accuracy of this critique. They believe Mun and Misselden were not
making this mistake in the 1620s, and point to their followers Josiah Child and
Charles Davenant, who, in 1699, wrote: Gold and Silver are indeed the Measure of
Trade, but that the Spring and Original of it, in all nations is the Natural or Artificial
Product of the Country; that is to say, what this Land or what this Labour and
Industry Produces. The critique that mercantilism was a form of rent seeking has also
seen criticism, as scholars such Jacob Viner in the 1930s point out that merchant
mercantilists such as Mun understood that they would not gain by higher prices for
English wares abroad.
The first school to completely reject mercantilism was the physiocrats, who
developed their theories in France. Their theories also had several important
problems, and the replacement of mercantilism did not come until Adam Smith
published The Wealth of Nations in 1776. This book outlines the basics of what is
today known as classical economics. Smith spends a considerable portion of the book
rebutting the arguments of the mercantilists,
Conspiracy Theories Of The American Conspiracy
Conspiracy has been deeply rooted into American culture since before the
Constitution. Many Americans still believe that there are secret societies of the
elite that exert great influence in not just the American government, but events on
an international scale as well. These conspiracy theories appeal to a populist
perspective, one that says that there are people much more powerful than the
average American and they are knowingly infringing on American liberties, with
the goal to either control or harm the country. These supposed conspiracy groups
are well known because they have become engrained in America s culture for
hundreds of years; elite groups such as the Illuminati and the Freemasons are
known for stirring political anxiety in the early years of the American Republic.
Some of this anxiety would be justified early on, but much of it would later prove
to be hysteria and paranoia. As those Masonic groups would die down in relevance
as the years went on, the paranoia that they created in conspiracy theorist s minds
would be replaced by other branches of secret societies for the elite that were
focused on wealth, political power, and globalist visions. Elite invite only groups,
such as the Bilderbergs, the Skull and Bones, and the Bohemian Club are all looked
at by some conspiracy theorists as organizing a New World Order that is outside of
the public s eyes. Furthermore, other conspiracy theorists believe that it is not the
secret societies that Americans should be
The Struggles of a Gifted Student in And Still We Rise, ...
A state that undertakes custody of a child is declaring that it can do a better job
providing protection. This system is a powerful agent of support, providing positive
nurturing environments that enable a child to reach his or her potential. Nonetheless,
when children suffer additional abuse in the system, this government intervention
should be questioned.
In And Still We Rise, Miles Corwin chronicles the daily struggle of gifted students in
1997 s South Central L.A. Even with abundant street temptations and challenging
peer experiences, these students find refuge in a school system that affords them both
happiness and hope. Everyday is a challenge, and yet, they continue to strive for
The novel offers insight into a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Experiencing further unstable environments, these children are forced to move from
one foster home to another. They rarely develop meaningful relationships and
constantly endure lack of care and protection by adults. Sabreen, another gifted
student, was able to excel in school despite her unstable environments. She, too,
became a ward of the county battling to find a stable home, constantly being placed
in unstable environments, environments that do not encourage any achievement.
When her situation becomes untenable, she goes AWOL, like Olivia, refusing to
return to county supervision. Corwin masterfully frames the problem that wards,
like Olivia and Sabreen, face when they feel that going back into the system is not
an option. The additional struggles can be seen through Olivia and Sabreen
accepting jobs with long hours in order to make enough to pay their bills. The
responsibility on taking care of themselves financially detracts from their studies,
which quickly can become a vicious, never ending cycle.
Most of the foster families that Olivia and Sabreen encounter have no genuine care,
and offered mostly a stressful living situation. Abundant studies have shown stressful
living environments to have a negative effect on children s development (McLoyd,
Hill Dodge). Throughout the novel, the foster homes were located in the city s
poorest neighborhoods, and contained awful conditions. Thus, the combination of a
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Smartphones
In today s era smartphone plays vital role and affect our lives enormously. Mobile
phones were invented to answer long distance calls and at the same time its
portability doesn t bound the user to one place. The basic functions of any
smartphone and a mobile phone is to answer calls and it can be used to send text
messages. However, what makes smartphones different from a regular mobile
phone is its capability of providing interface between extra functions or apps for its
users. For example; todays smartphones can help user find directions that is by
using GPS, it also helps users to operate their bank accounts without having them
to go to bank and many more. Smartphones offers diverse benefits which lead
majority of population to invest in it. Smartphones are not only limited to youth
but it has something to offer for a person of every age. However, smartphones
capture a huge market in today s world and they are being produced and sold solely
by giant corporations. For example, there are smartphones only sold by Google
which uses an Android operating system to interface with their users and
respectively, Apple produces an iPhone which uses IOS operating system to
interface with their users. Smartphones have gained a huge popularity among
majority of population because of its portability and usage advantages, but as the
saying goes Every coin has two Sides there are some people who believe that
smartphones are bane to the society rather than boon. The following piece of
Blacktip Shark Research Paper
The Blacktip shark The blacktip sharks is one of the most beautiful sharks in the
ocean. The blacktip shark gets its name because it s fins and tail have a blacktip.
The blacktip shark is one of the few sharks that have a different color on its fins or
tail. There is many interesting facts about the blacktip shark.
The blacktip sharks can live worldwide in different oceans. Unlike a great white
shark that like to live in cooler water or unlike a greenland shark that lives only in
greenland, a blacktip sharks lives Atlantic ocean,Indian ocean,and both Western and
Eastern Pacific. Because of living in different places fishers catch blacktip shark for
their fins to sell with a high piece. It is a con and pro for the blacktip sharks to live
The Effect Of Two Multicomponent Lifestyle Interventions...
The objective of the PREMIER research was to study the effect of two
multicomponent lifestyle interventions on estimated coronary heart disease (CHD)
risk compared to advice alone intervention.1 The study also evaluated whether the
differences can be detected in the effects of the lifestyle interventions among
subgroups defined by baseline variables.1 The results from the study can help future
researches to focus on the intervention that has proven to be effective in reducing the
heart diseaserisk.
The PREMIER study was a National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
sponsored, multicenter, 3 group, parallel arm randomized trial conducted in the
United States.1 For the study, a total of 810, of which 62% were women and 34%
were black, healthy adults with untreated prehypertension or stage 1 hypertension
who met the Joint National Committee on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of
High Blood Pressure criteria for a 6 month trial of nonpharmacological BP treatment,
were recruited.1 The participants were randomized to 1 of 3 intervention groups: An
advice only group, an established group (EST) that used established lifestyle
recommendations for blood pressure control (reduced sodium intake, weight loss,
and increased physical activity), or an established plus DASH group (EST+DASH)
that combined established lifestyle changes with the DASH (Dietary Approaches to
Stop Hypertension) diet.1 The mean age of the participants were 50 years, the mean
Summary Of The Overcoat By Nikolai Gogol
In a time of large, corrupt, and ineffective bureaucracy, Nikolai Gogol looks
provide a humorous perspective on life in Tsarist Russia. Through both The Nose
and The Overcoat, Gogol reveals his true nature as a comical humorist with the
intention of giving readers a laugh but also of mocking human vanity. From the
very beginning of The Overcoat, it becomes clear the story has a comedic nature.
While explaining to the reader the touchiness of departments in Russia, Gogol
gives the district police chief as an example: He plainly demonstrated that all the
imperial institutions were going to the dogs, and that the Czar s sacred name was
being taken in vain; and in proof he appended to the complain a romance, in which
the district chief of police is made to appear about once in every ten pages, and
sometimes in a downright drunken condition (Gogol 1). The scenario Gogol
describes is one of absurdity. How could someone get so worked up over a book
that has no intent of offending them? No normal person would ever become so
hysterical over a piece of literature that indirectly offends them. Claiming that the
whole political system of Russia is being destroyed and that royalty had been
disgraced because of a simple character in a book that resembles oneself is
preposterous. To a rational mind, the police chief s over emotional reaction is clearly
insane, as a normal person does not have the narcissism to take minute details
personally. This laughable situation
Good And Evil In The Monty Python Holy Grail
The struggle between good and evil is a common theme seen throughout the
medieval period. The Monty Python Holy Grail movie was a satire and parody. It
mocked King Arthur s reign. The medieval literature theme of good vs evil is
mocked or satirized in the film and is disln the novel Beowulf. To begin with, King
Arthur and his recruited knights defeat many obstacles on their quest. King Arthur
exterminates a Black Knight in his way in a sword fight. Another example of good
and evilin the film was with Sir Bedevere and the accused witch, who weighed the
same as a duck. Witches are representations of evilso Sir Bedevere, a wise and ethical
knight, defeated the bad. In like manner, Beowulf demonstrates the theme of good vs
evil. Beowulf, is
Hippie Movement
Habiba Hussein
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Her Kozmic Blues music attracted many Hippies and became a living legend.
Joplin later died due to her excessive drug use and she will always be remembered as
the woman who made Woodstock a bigger success than it would have been in her
The Beatles were also extremely influential and fought to save Vietnam. They sang
songs in honor of those dying and they held concerts to motivate people to join the
Hippies. The most influential of the Beatles was probably John Lennon. Lennon
was one of the loudest voices fighting the war and he had a massive effect on people.
He grew his beard and hair for Hair
Peace and he was a major icon for Hippies worldwide.
Another icon, although a bit controversial, was Prof. Dr. Timothy Leary of Harvard.
Leary said drugs were a form of mind expansion , meaning that he encouraged the
use of drugs recreationally. Examples of the drugs he encouraged are Marijuana or
Hash/Hashish, LSD, and
Psychedelic Mushroom. This arouses a fraction of the controversy revolving around
The Hippie
To some people the Hippie Movements regime was one that was a negative for the
country and for the world as a whole. Hippies had many characteristics including
long hair, sandals instead of shoes, tie dye and colorful clothing were worn and the
use of drugs was present. The use of drugs was one of the main
Type B Personality Essay
Can personality type make a person more susceptible to certain health problems?
According to psychologists there are 3 main types of personality, type A, type B,
and type C. Type A individuals (McLeod, 2011) tend to have traits of
competitiveness, time urgency, and hostility. This increased competitiveness of
which leads them to experience a lesser sense of joy upon achieving the goals
which they have set for themselves. Due to this high work involvement Type A
individuals are easily wound up and tend to overreact in potentially hostile
situations, they also happen to have high blood pressure (hypertension). Type A
individuals also experience a constant sense of urgency and seem to be in a
continuous rush against the clock, this trait of which causes them to become quickly
impatient and attempt to carry out more tasks than what is possible in their
schedule. When hostile behavior occurs from these individuals for example,
through physical behavior, it usually involves some kind of aggression and
potential bullying (Forshaw, 2012). This hostility seems to be the main factor
linked to heart disease. In comparison individuals with type B personality
(McLeod,2011) tend to be more relaxed than type A individuals and as a result are
generally more tolerant of others, experiencing lower levels of anxiety and displaying
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Their study followed 3154 healthy men, aged between thirty nine and fifty nine for
eight and a half years (McLeod,2011). They found (Freidman Rosenman, 1976) that
more than twice as many Type A individuals as Type B individuals developed
coronary heart disease and that even when the figures were adjusted for smoking,
lifestyle etc. it still displayed that Type A individuals were nearly twice as likely to
develop heart disease as individuals with the type B personality
Autobiography Of Ruth Brown
Ruth, as I say that name many memories come to my mind. Ruth brown a single
mom with three kids, one in the military, and one growing with a family, of his
own. The youngest just moved out the house and trying to find, his way in this big
world. Ruth has been through a lot in her forty five years on this earth, God has
deliver her from all the evil Ruth has faced. Ruth was born in Topeka, Ks at the
house she now own at 537 Se Colfax Pl.
Ruth was raised, In a family of six with four sisters an two brothers. Jackie, was the
youngest of them all, Frankie, Tiana and Cindy they were the girls. Ruth brothers
was Eddie an Mark both were football players in high school, mark was the second
oldest in the family an was mostly in charge in watching Ruth ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Chris was her first born, at the age of seventeen, Chris was the smartest out of the
three kids. Chris did everything, Ruth asked him to do with no backtalk just what a
mother can ask for. Chris was soon to be the first child of the first generation to
graduate, Chris then went off to Washburn University to get his master degree in
business. Chris is now thirty years old with a family of two, a nice house, and a
beautiful wife. Erin was the second to the oldest, Erin was also the only girl out of
the three. Erin was the most disrespectful out of the three, Ruth an Erin bumped
heads a lot. Erin got out of hand a lot growing up as a teenager, Erin wanted to do
whatever she want but Ruth did not like that. Erin got so tired of Ruth, getting on
to her that she enlisted into the Navy on May 18. Erin is now in the military and is
enjoying her life, Ruth and Erin get along much better now since she older. Shawn,
was the youngest out of the three, and a soon to be star. Growing up Shawn, was
bounced around from parent to parent, because Ruth was Going through something
dealing with Shawn dad or her crazy boyfriends, Shawn was often mistreated as a
child because of his weight, but he never let any of that talk to get to his head.
Shawn just ignored all the talk about how he would never make it or he wasn t good
enough to get to the next level. Shawn is now in college and nobody
Synthetic Phonics Instruction Essay
Introduction Since the mid 1600 s, the efficacy of phonics instruction has been a
controversial and contentious topic in the field of education. Originating from the
creation of synthetic phonics (sound by sound approach) by Blaise Pascal in 1655,
educators began indoctrinating their pupils in the recognition of sound symbol
correspondences required to decode unfamiliar words (Rodgers, 2001). From that
time, the pendulum has swung from phonics first to phonics last. The debate has
continued from synthetic phonics to analytic phonics (utilizing a whole word
approach) as to what clinicians consider best practice for reading instruction.
Consequently, over the past 300 years, its teaching methods have fallen out of favor
with educators, only to return to the forefront as reading achievement has floundered.
The issue that confronts educators today is not the choice to incorporate phonics
instruction into their curriculum, but how.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Camilli, Vargas, Yurecko (2003) found that students in grades K 2 show greater early
reading success with the inclusion of rigorous, structured phonics lessons. Reading
proficiency in the early elementary grades continues to be critically important as it is
linked to achievement well into high school. Cunningham and Stanovich s landmark
study (1997), concluded that early literacy success is a future predictor of academic
achievement, which still holds true today. Sparks, Patton, Murdoch (2013) echoed
those findings as they detailed a productive correlation between strong early literacy
skills and academic growth through the tenth
The Kite Runner Essay
Khaled Hosseini s The Kite Runner is a remarkable coming of age novel describing
and revealing the thoughts and actions of Amir, a compunctious adult in the United
States and his memories of his affluent childhood in the unstable political
environment of Afghanistan. The novel showcases the simplistic yet powerful
ability of guilt to influence decisions and cause conflict which arises between Amir
s childhood friend and half brother, Hassan; Amir s father, Baba; and importantly,
himself. Difference in class The quest to become good again causes a reflection in
Amir to atone for his sins and transform into the person of which he chooses to be.
The difference in social class causes discrimination and conflict between individuals
and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Dog meat for the dogs (277). Viewing the Hazaras as subhuman, allows Assef and the
Taliban, the group he identifies with, to easily attempt to annihilate them, in the ways
Hitler, a man with a vision, attempted to rid Germany of the Jews (40). Moreover,
wealthy Pashtuns are privy to an education while Hazaras are mostly prone to menial
and simple household chores. As a Pashtun living in the wealthy neighborhood
known as Wazir Akbar Khan district of Kabul, Amir has the privilege of receiving an
education and gaining literacy, while Hassan remains illiterate, cooking and
cleaning with his father Ali, in Baba s home. In spite of illiteracy, Hassan s
shrewdness can be seen when he finds a plot hole in one of Amir s short stories.
Amir himself acknowledges, however, the superior and cold voice within which
states, What does he know, that illiterate Hazara? He ll never be anything but a cook.
How dare he criticize you (34)? The discrimination between Pashtuns and Hazaras is a
strong undertone which advertently and inadvertently affects the relationship
between Amir and Hassan. The conflict seen in Hassan and Amir s relationship of
based, sadly, on unilateral love and exploitation which leads to the terrible crime
committed against Hassan. The childhood of both boys is incomplete without the
inclusion of the other. From their nativity, their lives have been defined by the
presence of the other. Fed from the same breast Amir and Hassan share a
Abraham Maslow Hierarchy Of Hierarchy
Abraham Maslow, who was a humanistic psychologist, argued that needs are
arranged in a ladder like steps. He proposed a rising order of needs from the level
of physiological to self transcendence. The order of needs starts from basic survival
or lower order needs to higher order needs. As one level of need is satisfied another
higher order need will emerge and assume importance in life. The hierarchy is
shown in Fig. Physiological needs: The most potent and lowest level of all the
needs are physiological needs. Thus the needs of hunger, thirst, sex, temperature
regulation and rest occupy the lowest step in the ladder. According to Maslow, when
these physiological needs are deprived for a long period, all other needs fail to appear
We must eat... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Safety needs are mainly concerned with maintaining order and security, to feel
secure, safe and out of danger. Love and Belongingness needs: These are the needs
of making intimate relationship with other members of the society. People want to
become an accepted member of an organised group, need a familiar environment
such as family. These needs are dependent on the fulfilment and satisfaction of
physiological and safety needs. The Esteem needs: Esteem needs are divided into
the following two categories: (a) Needs related to respect from others like
reputation, status, social success and fame. The need of self evaluation occurs in
those persons who are comfortably situated and satisfied with the fulfilment of
lower order needs. For example, a competent professional who has established a
high reputation and does not have to worry about getting a job, may become quite
choosy about what type of work he/she would accept. (b) Self esteem, self respect
and self regard. The other type of esteem needs include need to achieve, to be
competent, to gain approval and to get recognition. The need to feel superior to
others also falls under this category. For fulfilling this, a person may buy good
quality and costly
Online Occupational Database Analysis
ONET is an online occupational database tool developed for the U.S. department
of Labor by the National Center for O*Net Development. The database is filled
with occupational information on the skills, abilities, knowledges, work activities,
and interests related to different occupations. The site provides educational
requirements, local and national salary information, and a link to job openings for
each occupational category. The database is free for public use and regularly
updated by surveying a wide range of workers from each occupation. The site is a
valuable tool for student careerexploration and workers wanting to make a career
change. In addition, it assists managers and human resource professionals with
writing job descriptions... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There is a list of industries to choose and each industry search displays occupations
with similar activities, products and services. For example, the construction industry
lists all the different types of occupations related to that industry such as roofers,
brick masons, painters, and electricians. Green Economy Sector lists occupations
that will require new or changing skills and requirements due to the increased
pressure from environmentalist and companies to develop new technologies,
business services and practices that are more environmentally friendly. Green sector
occupations are listed by categories such as energy efficiency, recycling and waste
production, and transportation. All occupations listed on ONET that will be
effected by the emerging green economy have a green leaf icon displayed next the
occupation title. Job Family lists groups of occupations based upon work performed,
skills, education, training and credentials. For example, if you choose Business and
Financial Operations, a list of occupations will display such as accountants,
compliance officers, personal financial advisors and other jobs related to

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College Autobiographical Essay Example.pdf

  • 1. College Autobiographical Essay Example Crafting a college autobiographical essay can be both a challenging and rewarding task. The difficulty lies not just in narrating personal experiences but in presenting them in a way that captivates the reader and effectively communicates your unique identity. It requires introspection, self-awareness, and the ability to select and articulate experiences that are both relevant and compelling. One of the challenges is striking the right balance between humility and confidence. It's a delicate dance between showcasing achievements and acknowledging personal growth, all while avoiding sounding boastful or self-deprecating. Finding the right tone can be a nuanced task, as you aim to make a positive impression without coming across as arrogant. Additionally, the essay demands a keen understanding of the audience. Tailoring your story to resonate with college admissions officers requires not only a personal touch but also an awareness of the values and characteristics that institutions seek in their prospective students. The process of drafting such an essay involves numerous revisions and self-reflection. It's not just about telling a chronological story but about weaving a narrative that highlights your individuality and potential contributions to the academic community. Selecting the right anecdotes, reflecting on their significance, and connecting them cohesively can be a formidable task. However, despite the challenges, the essay offers an opportunity for self-discovery and growth. It prompts you to reflect on your life, goals, and values, fostering a deeper understanding of who you are and what you hope to achieve. The difficulty lies not just in the writing process itself but in the vulnerability that comes with sharing personal stories with a discerning audience. In conclusion, while crafting a college autobiographical essay may pose its challenges, it is ultimately a valuable exercise in self-expression and self-discovery. The difficulty lies in navigating the delicate balance of humility and confidence, tailoring the narrative to the audience, and presenting a compelling story that sets you apart. It's a journey that requires patience, introspection, and a commitment to showcasing your unique identity. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, various resources, including professional writing services like HelpWriting.net, can provide valuable support and guidance in the essay-writing process. College Autobiographical Essay ExampleCollege Autobiographical Essay Example
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  • 3. Volusia County Internship Scenarios *Although the Interns will be primarily recruited from the eight (8) feeder colleges and universities within Volusia County, the County s Internship Program will also accept students whose primary residence is Volusia County but attending school in another city/state, or full time degree seeking student from a local college or university who s major will contribute to the enhancement of County services. This will allow Volusia County s very own home grown students an opportunity to give back to the community in which he/she was raised by interning for the County. Intern Positions The County will employ no more than 16 paid Interns and up to 32 non paid (college credit) interns per calendar year. Internships Compensation Paid Internship Positions ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In cases where the internship is not for course credit, the internship coordinator may be the educational institution s career center staff or a member of the faculty in the student s school of study. Intern Supervisor Responsibilities The Intern Supervisor is the person responsible for providing direct on the job supervision of the Intern. The duties include, but are not limited to, the following: 1.Review and maintain all program forms (e.g. Applications, Internship Coop Agreements, evaluations, etc.); 2.Schedule the Intern for New Employee Orientation; 3.Review the job duties and outcomes with the Intern; 4.Orient the Intern to the County and Departments/Divisions structure and operation; 5.Orient the Intern to the Departments/Divisions policies and procedures; 6.Introduce the Intern to the appropriate professional and clerical staff; 7.Provide the Intern with adequate resources necessary to accomplish job objectives and meet established outcomes; 8.Afford the Intern the opportunity to participate in meetings, conferences, projects, and other relevant
  • 4. Opal Card Essay The Opal card is a contactless smartcard that is the new centrepiece of the new electronic ticketing system implemented by Cubic Transportation Systems (CTS). It allows the user to top up a balance either through manual loading (via Opal top up machines), or linked to a credit card. This balance is used against Opal card readers to scan where the trip begins and ends, automatically calculating the fare and deducting it from the balance on the card. In the event that the trip has been started, but not finished (scanned only once within a day), a default fare will be charged to the card. The Opal card needs to abide by the Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit cards (ISO/IEC 14443) standard, depicting its physical dimensions (85.60mm Г— 54.00mm Г— 0.76 mm), radio frequency (13.56 MHz), anti collision processes (bit collision detection protocol) and transmission protocols (half duplex block transmission protocol). This new ticketing system would be gradually introduced throughout the greater Sydney region, across all 190 stations of the Sydney train network by 28th March 2014 and then further extended to include 52 more stations on the South Coast Line to Wollongong, Port Kembla and Bomaderry, as well as the Southern Highlands Line to Goulburn by April 4. (McKenny, 2014). It will need to accommodate more than 304 million passengers per year, averaging at about 1.5 million trips each working day (PRWEB, 2014) IS Risks Information System (IS) Risks can exist in
  • 5. Porter s Five Forces Industry Competition Porter s Five Forces Industry Competition / Intensity of Rivalry: As with every industry and business, there is competition. In the case of the craft beer industry, the competition is medium and growing. From challenging the big macro breweries, to battling against new incoming brewery businesses, the craft beer industry is absolutely on the radar for competition. Macro breweries are still the largest competitors with craft breweries. The major player in the craft beer industry, according to IBISWorld, is The Boston Beer Company. It holds a market share in the overall beer industry of only 2.7%, and a revenue of $885.5 million in 2014. In comparison to the major players in the overall beer industry, Anheuser Busch InBev and MillerCoors ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If consumers prefer a specific beer and keep asking for it at bars, which only have a specific amount of taps, will put that beer on more often to suit the increased demand. This makes the beer and the brewery more popular, all the while intensifying the rivalry for bar space. Suppliers: The suppliers for craft beer include the source of the ingredients and the source of the materials used in production. The craft beer industry relies on responsible, dependable, fresh supplies from different industries to make production and distribution possible. The suppliers for production include various industries for the basic ingredients; wheat, barley, soybean, corn, yeast, malt, nuts, sugar and water. Other suppliers for distribution include the packaging industry, which consists of aluminum, glass, cardboard, and containers. Smaller companies face a financial barrier here when attempting to make flavorful beers that require high priced raw materials. The lofty prices of high quality ingredients often act as a barrier to newcomers seeking to establish a niche in the market. Lastly, the printing industry also plays a role as a supplier by printing labels. Due to the uniqueness craft brewing methods, not all batches turn out the same, so the industry may have to charge higher prices based on the cost of production. Since each craft beer style has a unique measuring and brewing method, there is a large variety
  • 6. Superman And Batman And The Great Depression 3 6 page essasy U.S History ComicsArial Mcclanahan Superman and batman and the great depression More than 70 years ago, the very first superheroes debuted in the dire times of the Great Depression and the early years of World War II. Their names became legend Superman and Batman or as he was then known, the Bat Man), Wonder Woman, Captain America and they re still with us today. A new exhibit at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles celebrates these icons from the Golden Age of Comic Books. Through a collection of rare original artwork and comics, the exhibit explores how a group of mostly Jewish artists created the costumed heroes who came to symbolize the hopes of a beleaguered nation. ln the 1930s, the American Dream had become a nightmare, and I think comic books and superheroes in particular provided an escapist form of entertainment that allowed the American public to go into a fantasy world where all the ills of the world were righted by these largerВ than life heroes, says Erin Clancy, a curator at the Skirball. Guest curator Jerry Robinson not only organized the exhibit, he s a part of it. The comic book pioneer created Batman s arch enemy, The Joker, and named the caped crusader s sidekick Robin. We were just emerging from the Depression, Robinson recalls. Superman started in 1938. Batman started in 1939. So, we were just recovering. Robinson says the villains changed with the times. The first villains in the comic books were
  • 7. Final Essay Public lands that allow us to easily access natural amenities have received more attention recently in the sense that they provide quality of life for residents and recreational opportunities for tourists. These characteristics of public lands provide economic benefits for communities adjacent to public lands. These communities refer to gateway communities, which have economic ties to public lands and provide necessary services for visitors to public lands (Kurtz, 2010; U.S. House of Representatives, 2005). Examples include towns abut to national and state forests, monuments, parks, wildlife refuge, lakeshores, scenic riverway, and recreation area (Kurtz, 2010). These communities generally have a smaller population base and yet are hotspots that experience rapid population and economic growth (Hester, 2013). In addition, they have characteristically relied on relatively few or even a single source to drive the local economy(Kurtz, 2003). Traditionally, most gateway communities have economically depended on resource extraction industries. However, advocates of the preservation of public lands, incited through a rise in environmental awareness and movement, urged elected officials to establish strong resources protection laws (Foresta, 1984; Wirth, 1980). From the 1960s through 1980, congress responded and passed a variety of acts such as the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (Public Law 91 135; 16 U.S.C 1531 1544, 87 Stat. 884), Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976
  • 8. Essay on Media and the Antifeminist Agenda Media and the Antifeminist Agenda The cinema conveys representations of race, gender, and class that indicate the development and cultural ideologies of society. Motion pictures illustrate and are depicted from real life settings, and it is for this reason that the cinema plays a vital role in shaping and sustaining cultural normalcies. Socialization of gender and identity are mirrored through sexist media depictions that convey the relative positions of women and men in modern western democracies. There are substantial quantities of motion pictures that ascribe traditional gender roles to both men and women that continue to perpetuate social constructs of inequality. Contemporary media places men and women in defined categories, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On a lighter note, Disney s animated feature Tangled (a take on Grimm s fairytale Rapunzel) is funny and visually stunning; however, it rekindles the same plot and recurring theme across all genres. As a woman, you can be one of two things, either a princess awaiting rescue from her prince or an evil stepmother (witch). On the contrary, as a man, you get all the action, and in many aspects, the world is handed to you. Rapunzel, imprisoned within the tower since a child, is a meek like female with green eyes, blonde hair, and a teeny waist who sings about doing chores and wonders when her life will begin. Rapunzel is stereotypically overly emotional, swinging from one end of a mood swing to another, overly preoccupied with being saved, and of course, is beautiful. Beauty, with respect to this context, equals white, blonde, thin and young. In a modern day perspective, this is problematic because her body represents the celebration of White femininity and disregards other ethnicities. Not only does this movie portray females from a stereotypical frame work, but it induces a false perception of beauty, one that we must all attain or strive for. Carrying on Disney s tradition of problematic representations of race, of the 15 Disney princess s movie franchise ever produced, only four have been non white
  • 9. The Game Of Golf Vs. Golf As Rickie Fowler once wisely said, All you can do is really the prep work and make sure you re ready to hit each golf shot. Outside of that, you re not sure really what s going to happen. It s a funny game, but I think that s why I love it. You never know, one day to the next; you could go shoot 62, and the next day you re going to shoot 78, and you can t predict it. The game of golfis one of the most challenging games offered today. It s interesting that so many amateur golfers, when they think of improving their games, think of only one thing: improving their golf swing. Certainly, it s great to develop a technically sound golf swing and to hit the ball higher, longer, and straighter. However, the golfer who accomplishes this has improved only part of what is needed in order to become a complete player. The other half of the game is psychological; golf is one of many sports that requires mental toughness. One way to achieve mental toughness is to have a rigorous process leading up to your shot. There is a procedure that needs to be followed before hitting every single shot on the course, especially when attempting to hit an approach shot. Follow these six steps to properly be prepared to execute the best golf swing possible. 1.Evaluate the lie of the ball Walk up to the golf ball and observe the surface it is lying upon. Determine whether the ball is lying on an uphill, downhill, or sidehill. Next, examine the surface the ball is lying on. Conclude whether
  • 10. History Of The Silk Road Have you ever wondered where a lot of the food we eat today and medicine and items we use today that can be important to our religion or race or has been important to our life growing up can be from the silk road. Food such as plums, melons, peaches, and pears and items such as silk, pills, and color dye. The silk road has done many thing to help us all around now let s get into how they could ve played an role in our life. The first thing we ll be talking about is the culture, I got my information from The language most used in the silk road is Khotanese, Tocharian, Sogdian, and Chinese. Some food there is lamb, mutton, dried fruits, and of course noodles. Some of the famous most used animals over there in the silk road are Camels, sheep, and yaks. Some of their clothing options were woolen wraps and silk clothes which they later on dyed for patterns and color. Finally on our way to ideas they had on the silk road. The second thing we ll be talking about is Technology/Innovations. I got my information from both these sites Some things that came from the silk road were gunpowder, compass, printing, glassware, crossbow, and some knowledge about silkworm breeding and silk spinning. Some more items they made that were cool were snow white ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some of the more rare, interesting plants over there were a plant called the metasequoia, cherry blossoms trees, and even the china cypress, all these cultures could be why we have some of the things today. China only traded at first because the warhorses of the Kurga. If it wasn t for Kurga we mave have never had the silk road heck it would probably take us a lot of years to trade something and come up with the
  • 11. Correlation between Cost Reduction and Manufacturing... 2. LITERATURE REVIEW (Manoj Dora, 2014)[1] Encountered The key barriers by Food SMEs in the implementation of lean manufacturing practices result from the special characteristics of food sector, such as highly perishable products, complicated processing, extremely variable raw material, recipes and unpredictable demand. In addition, lack of knowledge and resources makes it difficult for food processing SMEs to embark on the lean journey One of the research studies in 2010 has found that the editorial board of Trends in Food Science Technology barbed out The food manufacturing industry needs improvement on various methods when it comes to production such as lean manufacturing for operational effectiveness (Mahalik, 2010). [2] In academia, the majority of the operations management literature focuses on the application of lean manufacturing in large discrete organizations (Moreno Luzon, 1993). [3] Few academic articles even started to raise interests over the straightforward application of lean manufacturing in processing industries (Abdulmalek and Rajgopal, 2007 ; Melton, 2005) [4]. The specific characteristic of goods and/or processes in processing industries offers a great demand to the application of lean manufacturing (Abdulmalek et al., 2006; Van Donk and Van Dam, 1996) [5]. (Cox and Chicksand, 2005)[6] Believed Some works show that a straightforward acceptance of lean manufacturing in the food manufacturing industries might not bring the desirable
  • 12. The Importance Of Food Culture Most people want to find out who they really are. We can first start by looking at their food culture. Food culture is a very important element that makes us who we are. From a young child to an adult most people have developed their food culture by trial and error or simply by their preference. Food culture is different for every ethnicity from the holidays to the meals themselves. Araceli is someone important to me and hands down her foodculture is very different from my own. Nicaraguan food is very different from my culture which is Mexican food getting to know about her food culture helped me get to know Araceli that much more. My food culture is based off my Mexican roots, which most people might think it is just beans and rice. Although that is partially true, most known dishes revolve around parties and holiday dinners. During these events we usually have tamales which is a popular dish and is served with sides of rice and beans of course. Food around this time is special because food gathers everyone together. Tamales take hours to prepare and usually my family gets a day to prepare for our feast. Tamales are very popular, and most people make them the same way. I recently found out that Mexicans are not the only ones who make their style of tamales. For Aracelis culture, although the dishes are familiar the preparation itself is completely different. Tamales are still eaten for holidays and special events, but they are called Nacatamal. Nacatamals have the
  • 13. Olaudah Equiano And The Abolitionist Movement One example of a black individual who was a significant influence on the abolitionist movement was Olaudah Equiano (also known as Gustavus Vassa) a freed slave that spoke about his terrifying life story which helped contribute towards the end of the slave trade. Equiano was born in 1736 and bought his freedom as a slave in 1767. Equiano began his involvement in the abolitionist movement in the 1780 s when he published his best selling book The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equianoor Gustavus Vassa, the African in 1789. At the time, many Britons thought Africans were illiterate but Equiano proved them wrong as he could wield the English language well and learnt several skills whilst still a slave. Furthermore, his book... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Douglass was introduced to the movement in 1841 when a man named William Coffin heard one of his speeches at an anti slavery meeting and was so impressed with his oratorical skills that Coffin invited him to share his story as a slave in a convention organised by the Massachusetts Anti Slavery Society (MAS). This therefore supports my previous discussion that black people could contribute to society and live normal lives without white people diminishing their human rights and privileges and making them slaves. Douglass got his passion to promote freedom for all slaves after he escaped from slavery and ultimately had an end goal to abolish slavery in all its forms and aspects, and promote the moral and intellectual improvement of the coloured people and hasten the day of freedom to the three million of enslaved fellow countrymen . He also wrote several autobiographies describing his experiences as a slave. One of the autobiographies in particular, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave published in 1845 was a best selling and was extremely influential for promoting the cause of abolition. The narrative shows a compelling argument to basic human rights thus making it extremely influential as the narrative clearly possesses features and linguistic skills, which for most white people, negated their common perception of black people being illiterate in the 19th century. Black people s contribution
  • 14. A Whole New Mind Sparknotes A WHOLE NEW MIND BY Daniel H Pink is a concept which examines the working of left brain and right brain and how right brain traits are more important in this age of information then the left brain, it is an obstinate and to some extent unconvincing metaphorical framework which has to some extent un necessarily polarisation . The book can be divided into two sections first explaining the functionality or L brain and R Brain and a shift to the conceptual age and the second part which I found more interesting is about the six senses and how to cultivate them to get success. The book starts with the Chapter Right Brain Rising describing hemisphere of left brain and right brain. According to Pink the left brain hemisphere is consistent of logistic, literal and analytic personal whereas right brain is for holistic reasoning, body language, patterns recognitions and emotions. He carefully pointed out that the term L Brain... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Which is resulting in more applicants for MFA than MBA it can be because of supply and demand. In the second part of this chapter he explans the idea of six senses of design. Last sense is Meaning Which is a mixture of happiness and spirituality . So what I conclude from the book THE WHOLE NEW MIND is about being intelligent and smart to survive or be successful in this conceptual age only the harness of both left brain and R brain cognitive abilities. Left Brain activities are obsolete and susceptible to the threats of conceptual age as work function if shipped, automated or to be terminated by globalization and right brain has more chances of endurance he explains the creativity will be more beneficial for the companies then outdated L brain logistics . But the victory will be for those who will master both L Brain And R Brain So this book is all about being intelligent to survive this era of conceptualisation
  • 15. Sport Organization Assessment MMS100 Sport Organisation Assessment 1: Event Analysis Reserve Grade, Local Australian Rules Football Match in the Eastern Football League Blackburn Football Club v Balwyn Football Club 5/4/2014 Introduction Australians are renowned for their passion for sport, in particular, the four main football codes (Australian Rules football, Rugby League, Rugby Union and Soccer). In terms of the participation rate among these four codes, Australian Rules Football ranks second behind outdoor soccer, with 419 000 individuals or 2.6 % of the population participating in the sport. (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2009) The majority of the individuals who participate in Australian rules football, participate at the local level, as Australia adopts a community club based system for all sports. This ensures that everyone that has a desire to partake is very much able to at a local level which includes clubs like the Blackburn and Balwyn Football Clubs. (Shilbury, Deane, Kellett 2006, p. 19) Thus, the purpose of this report is to analyse different aspects and contributions to a local game of Australian Rule Football, to determine areas of praise and improvement. 1. Description of Sport J.W. Loy Jr describes sport as an activity of play like in nature, involves an element of competition, is based on physical prowess, involves elements of skill, strategy and chance and has an uncertainty of outcome. (Loy 1968, pp.2 8) All such elements are satisfied by the sport of Australian rules
  • 16. The Transcontinental Railroad And The Gilded Age By the middle of the 19th century, the Industrial Revolution was changing the face and culture of the United States. Demand for raw materials and new inventions was increasing. From 1800 1850, territories claimed by the United States had grown to stretch from the East Coast to the West Coast. The spirit of Manifest Destiny , the California Gold Rush, and the promise of rich new land, ripe with raw materials and opportunity drew settlers ever westward. Following the invention of the steam engine, trains were becoming very important to the expansion of civilization and its infrastructure. Trains and the railroads they ran on soon became the lifeblood of industrialized economic development across the country. Public and private partnerships were formed with railroad companies to provide them with vast amounts of investment funding. Within a few decades, the railroad companies and their transcontinental railroads ushered in the Gilded Age and changed American society forever. The significance of the transcontinental railroads and the impact they made is quite profound. The first transcontinental line s construction was chartered by the government in the Pacific Railroad Act. Construction of the line, which ran between Omaha Nebraska to Sacramento California, began in 1863 and it was completed in 1869. By 1900, other transcontinental lines, like the Southern Pacific Railroad and the Great Northern Railway, were in place and connected by numerous feeder lines, junctions, and
  • 17. Miscommunication At School For The Homework Everybody has gone through that worry when you are not sure what the teacher is trying to say about the homework, trust me you are not alone. One part of you feels that you might know what they are saying and what they want you to do but another part that has no clue. You want to ask them to clarify but you re too scared to raise your hand because in your mind everybody will think you are dumb and can t figure anything out on your own. Even if you do build up the courage and ask for clarification and have the teacher repeat the steps and say you finally understand but actually you are even more lost then before. So you go home almost ripping your hair out and almost in tears fearing you are going to do something wrong and get a bad grade on the assignment or not even turn it in. There is always going to be some type of miscommunication at school for the homework or by the lesson itself; however, that should not stop you from pushing through and getting your workdone. There are different ways to get the right information. Speaking in front of a class is the most frightening thing to me and having my work shown to others as well, especially if it does not relate to what they have done. For me to have to speak in front of a class is the most terrifying thing I have to do, my hands get sweaty I feel like everybody can hear the beat of my heart getting faster, my face getting red due to embarrassment and waiting for me to say something stupid. I need to learn to get over that
  • 18. My First Time Hearing About The People s Mind When somebody says a microaggression to somebody else they don t know how it effects the other person s mind, and that can go two ways in people s mind, either they can laugh it off and act like they don t care or it can hurt them bad and make them want to cry. Most of the time if people hold it in they really care but their pride is too high for them to say anything to the person. So that can end up messing up their mindby causing them to have bad thoughts about every little thing somebody says to them. When people let out how the microaggression hurt them, I believe they get a sense of relief because they don t have to keep it on their mind for forever. If you keep it on your mind forever, it s just going to bring you down every day you don t say anything. During my first time hearing about microaggressions, I thought it was a small issue around the United States. But to my surprise, I found that microaggressions were a worldwide issue. When I learned the full meaning of microaggressions it made think of all the things I ve ever said that could go in that category. I thought to myself dang that was pretty messed of me to say. As I looked into them more I saw that there were a lot of elements that tie into microaggressions such as trigger warnings and political correctness. Microaggressions, brought up unknowingly or on purpose can cause a lot chaos to college students and around college campuses by causing a lot of arguments and debates on what is and isn t right to say.
  • 19. Sci 275 Couse Syllabus I 275Course Design Guide SCI/275 Version 5 1 Syllabus Axia College/College of Natural Sciences SCI/275 Version 5 Environmental Science Copyright 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course focuses on the causes of, impacts of, and solutions to environmental issues. Students identify global environmental issues as well as develop and critique environmental action plans. Topics include ecosystems, energy, populations, resources, pollution, and sustainability. Policies Faculty and students /learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Upon your return, you wanted to share the knowledge you learned with your students. Review Ch. 7 of Visualizing Environmental Science, which discusses the benefits and challenges of urbanization and how the conference gave awards for urban development projects that improved human settlements. Read summaries of the 1996 winners of the Dubai awards on their websites: o o o o o o Institutionalizing Community Based Development: http://www.unesco.org/most/africa17.htm A Women s Self help Organization for Poverty Alleviation in India: SEWA: http:/ /www.unesco.org/most/asia1.htm Shelter Upgrading in Agadir: http:/ /www.unesco.org/most/africa3.htm City Management in Tilburg: Past, Present and Future: http://www.unesco.org/most/westeu14.htm The Bronx Center Project Don t Move, Improve : http://www.unesco.org/most/usa1.htm Project of Sites and Services for Low Income Family Groups: http://www.unesco.org/most/southam1.htm В® В® Create a 7 to 10 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that describes environmental benefits and challenges of urbanization. Include descriptions of two award winners, discussing how they overcame a challenge mentioned in your presentation. Include detailed speaker notes. Review the PowerPoint Tutorial if
  • 20. Thin Layer Chromatography Lab Thin layer chromatography is the separation of substances using different solvents that run up the TLC plate to find different materials and colors in the sample. Three solvents in this test were one hundred percent acetone, one hundred percent isopropyl, and distilled water. In this test we timed the speed of each solvent and recorded the best color content. PACE Introduction Thin Layer Chromatography is a commonly used experiment in forensics, and is the separation of substances using different solvents. What I want to find out is what the fastest solvent is, but keeps the best color on the TLC plate. The three solvents in the experiment are one hundred percent acetone, one hundred percent isopropyl, and distilled water. Acetone is nail polish remover and isopropyl is rubbing alcohol. In the experiment, it required distilled water because it is purified and is always the same substance in the container. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... TLC was invented in 1941 for forensics, but wasn t perfected on paper until 1944(chromatography online.org). Schaiber was the one who invented TLC and he was a German scientist. Some other facts are that there are many other ways to do TLC and that it s not a very old process. Forensic scientists use this in cases dealing with a lot of drugs or explosives. They use much more complicated equipment though to perform their tasks. Many explosives can be tested and most common drugs can be tested too. Some reasons to test these substances are, one the government doesn t want people to have drugs or explosives, and two, and people might find out and get really concerned. All in all this is very important to society. The hypothesis is what would be the fastest solvent that will keep the best color
  • 21. The Causal Between Physical And Mental Our entire existence, both physical and mental are based on causally connected events (Mackie, 1974). A causality is assumed when two contiguous events generate an effect. It is when a cause gives rise to an effect, a relationship between the two events is presumed as all events must occur through causes. Searching for a cause provides an explanation and an understanding of why events occur (Salmon, 1984). We are continually seeking a cause for physical events, in order to make sense of them. Understanding the causal relations between events has its advantages; allowing us to plan actions to achieve goals. It prompts us to behave in a way we expect to get our desired outcome. The underlying mechanism of causal inferences is unclear, some suggest it is embedded in our cognition (Sloman 2005), whilst others believe causalityis all an illusion caused by visual perception (Mitchotte, 1945). Hume s (1739) regularity theory of causation began the debate of physical events and mental inferences. Hume reasoned that if we perceive a causal relationship between two events, then one will be a cause which in turn will lead the other; the event. These connections are known as prioritistic rationalism, as Hume quoted By experience only that we can infer the existence of one object from that of another . Causal relationships are based on three factors; resemblance, contiguity and causality. The cause and effect of an event is governed by physics, for example; a ball striking into
  • 22. Faith, Belief and Human Experience in Song of Solomon by... For this particular research paper, a question to be answered was: What role does myth plays in Song of Solomon? This particular question had posed the most important and significant part of the novel. Was really myth or the truth that had helped the novel to progress to in its ending? The answer for these questions will be answered as this paper moves on with its pages focusing on the myths and events that had transpired in the whole novel. Song of Solomon was a novel written by Toni Morrison that is probably biblical in its aspects. It was very much alike to the book of the Bible Songs of Solomon for its aspects and facets of love, romance and being changed. Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison had touched faith, belief and human experience. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A lot of critics had said that Morrison s novel was greatly influenced by Bible and the Greek Mythology. In most of the characters that Morrison has on her novel, the names were mostly gotten either from the bible and the Greek myth. The interesting part is that even their roles as somewhat similar in context. For example would be Circe who was a great storyteller in the novel of Morrison, whom encourages and charms the protagonist with words to do her bidding. It was same with the Circe in Homer s stories that was very significant in the story of Odysseus (Fletcher 407). Critics had said that it was Morrison s compelling trait to revise myths and folktales and used it for her own novels. It was this very characteristic of her that the readers should clearly understand in order to fully internalize the correspondence of Morrison s words and the way she use classical texts. It was Morrison s variety of ways to used myths and folktales on her accord which the readers should read and understand (Fletcher 407). Understanding Song of Solomon Like what Odyssey and the Bible had featured, the novel Song of Solomon was a complex narrative structure with several mixtures of tales which had sufficiently filled the past but left the present in seemingly confusing state. It was this very contradiction that was loved by the readers of Toni Morrison s literary works. It was Morrison s usage of names that hides the real identity of her
  • 23. The Wood Is A Coming Of Age Story The Wood The movie, The Wood is a coming of age story about three friends, Roland, Slim, and Mike, who grew up in Inglewood The Wood , California and the memories they made as children all the way into adulthood. Inglewood was filled with middle class people. Together the boys experience the struggles of being a teenage boy. The journey of the three boys friendship is depicted through a series of flashbacks between past and present tense, starting from the moment they met up until the moment they send Roland off into a new life with his bride to be. The movie focuses immensely on the theme of love, the love they have for each other as brothers, the love they have for the women in their lives, and the love they have for The Wood. Back when they were in middle school the three boys met, after Mike s family moved there from North Carolina. From the beginning, Roland and Slim picked on Mike and singled him out for being new. Mike did not play ball or gang bang so, fit right in for the fact that he was not of the norm in Inglewood according to Slim and Roland. Asking Mike numerous of questions Roland and Slim eventually took Mike under their wing and showed him how to survive life in The Wood using a series of rules. From that day forth the three made that brotherly bond and were inseparable. With the help of Roland and Slim, Mike soon came out of his shell and started to get the hang of how everyday life went in Inglewood, California went. Their brotherhood was powerful in
  • 24. Analysis Of George Elliot s Middlemarch Middlemarch Essay Sarah Gorda Olympic College ENGL328 British Literature July 24, 2015 Middlemarch Essay Middlemarch, a Victorian novel written by George Elliot, is a story of a conventional society in the eighteenth century. Named Middlemarch, the town in England where the setting of the novel takes place, the novel embodies many characters affected by the social world where they live. The novel focuses on many of the characters and their relationships as part of a whole in a human social web. The concept of relationships and marriage in Middlemarch is displayed through many couples. For the purposes of this essay the focus will be on a few main characters, as their relationships are intertwined. This essay will share these relationships and the theme of love, relationship, and social status as a summary of the novel. One theme that is apparent is everyone seems to be marrying the wrong partner. They are unaware of the mate that would be a perfect match for them and chose a person based on unrealistic ideals. In a time that people commonly married for obligation rather than love, everyone is marry for love and yet end up lacking love in marriage. If trust is a foundation for marriage than it can certainly destroy it as we can see in Middlemarch. Casaubon believes that Dorothea will make a good wife because he sees her as submissive. Her intellect and interest in him is misunderstood as idolizing. Her stubbornness wears on him, and his lack of romance and
  • 25. Write An Essay On The Mayans Over two hundred years ago, a civilization was formed in Mexico and Central America called the Maya. The journey of the Mayan people was difficult but made them who they are today. Without technology and all the supplies we have today they survived on their own. Let s see just how they did it. It all started in 1800 BC when the Maya civilizationstarted. They began by finding land that had all their needs. Mayans built permanent villages which formed the roots of everything. The Maya made great strides in mathematics and in astronomy. They developed one of the first solar calendars and three others. Capan was the Mayans capital where there was a trading center and had rich agriculture. When not growing crops men were expected to work on construction projects or train for the military. Otherwise farming was their lives. During this time period the kings and queens ruled the land but they never formed a unified nation. Kings could have several wives, but women weren t allowed to have more than one husband. Commoners we never treated as good as royalty. In fact, they had no vote or say in law decisions and when they were caught wearing green quetzal, feathers, or shell jewelry were punished. But for someone who did the crime of theft all they had to go was pay or give it back... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Sac Actun was the most reliable source of water and still is today. Cenotes provided water as well as the Sac Actun and they both played a major part in Maya lives. Not only did the Maya hunt and eat animals but they were also targeted by animals. Jaguars were their biggest predator because they would chase the people and try to get into their lands. The Maya jungle has 8,000 species of plants, 800 birds, 250 mammals, and millions of insects. Plants also played a big part in the lives, they used them to make medicines. Ceiba trees are tall, thin, and rise 230 feet above forest floors. Mayans still use all these resources
  • 26. Synopsis Of An Tie Shoes Jordan Banta English 1101 Mr. Snelgrove 23 December 2014 To Tie Shoes Good shoes take you good places. Seo Min Hyun knew what he was talking about when stating this unutterable fact. With a good pair of shoes and a hop in your step, anything is possible! However, what happens when your laces are flapping about uncontrollably and suddenly, you find yourself hopping right into a freefall towards the unforgiving ground? Nothing good I can assure you! So in order to safely secure your mischievous laces, some simple precautions must be taken so no more embarrassing fumbles and stumbles trip up your path. First, you will need to procure a pair of tie up shoes, preferably with nice even laces for proper bow tying, as well as a stable foot or two to attach these fabulous shoes to. Next, the task of uniting the laces of your shoes together in a glorious two eared bow, much which familiarize with bunny ears or a bright Christmas ribbon faces you. And finally, show off those perfect fastened shoes to the world with as much swagger and confidence as peacock flaunting its beautiful feathers. Before learning to tie your shoes, however, you must learn the basics of selecting the right shoe for you and the correct size of shoe for your unique foot. Tying your shoes can be quite entertaining. You can always learn new knots and ties to boast to your friends. Or, you might prefer the old fashioned, classic sneaker bow tie. Whatever the case, choose your bow style to match you! As Forrest
  • 27. Marquis De Condorcet The belief that societal progress is necessary to remedy public ills has maintained its popularity over the course of many years, but different thinkers have taken various approaches as to the best means for this development. The Enlightenment thinker the Marquis de Condorcet and former Soviet Union ruler Vladimir Lenin were two men of drastically different backgrounds who possessed dissimilar views about the nature of social evolution. Whereas Condorcet remains optimistic about the capability of democratic progress throughout his work The Progress of the Human Mind, Lenin insists in his State and Revolution that only socialistic evolution will be able to aid society, which ultimately suggests that social development is not limited to one path but rather is shaped by the desires of the people.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This optimistic view of indefinite improvement helps to establish his firm belief that achieving this particular political system is the best goal for society. Condorcet has faith in the idea of the human race, emancipated from its chains proceeding forth with all his efforts to assist the progress of reason and the establishment of liberty (Condorcet 460). A key component of democracy is the notion that people should have the liberty to participate in their government and embrace their human rights, so by striving to establish liberty and reason, mankind is therefore spreading democracy. Although this system will take time to develop, Condorcet is just as optimistic about the certainty of progress as he is about democracy s role in the
  • 28. Poison Gas Research Paper On April 1915, The first poison gas attack began when the German forces shocked the Allied forces along the Western Front by firing more than 150 tonnes of lethal chlorine gas against two French colonial divisions at Ypres, Belgium (History.com Staff, 2010). Poison gas was the most feared of all weapons in World War One. Poison gas was used in the trenches even when there was no attack going on. If a Soldiers got trapped with poison gas, it would mean that soldiers have to put a crude gas mask (Figure 1) on because it helped protect the soldiers from inhaling airborne pollutants and toxic gases. Poison gas can leave the victim in agony for days and weeks before they succumbed to their injuries. The purpose for poison gas was to disable
  • 29. Why Does Henry V Continue to Be Such a Famous and Popular... King Henry V, son of Henry IV, forged his legend in a little over nine years. He made England one of the strongest kingdoms in Europe and academic KB McFarlane even described him as the greatest man who ever ruled England . Even though Henry V was said to be brave, fair, likeable and a great warrior, he was also arrogant, ruthless, cruel on campaign and organised massacres. So, how did such a man come to be a national hero? Henry s fame started to build when he was a teenager after showing his abilities on the battlefield by taking part in the Battle of Shrewsbury, in Wales. In that battle, he was wounded in the face by an arrow but refused to leave combat, fighting until the end. The King s army was victorious against the Welsh rebels and Young Henry was recognised throughout England for his courage. Despite his early entry into public life, Henry was well educated. Henry V was the first King of England since Norman invasion to use English as his primary language and who could both read and write in the vernacular language. Henry s accession to the throne was broadly welcomed by the population of England because they were desperate for a strong monarch, something England had lacked since the reign of Edward III. And he did not disappoint them. Henry fulfilled every criteria by which kings were judged: good justice, sound finance, true religion, political harmony, accepting consel and nobility. Only one remained: success in war but it was no long before he fulfilled that
  • 30. Themes In The Yellow Birds By Kevin Powers In the novel, The Yellow Birds by Kevin Powers, several major themes and illustrations present themselves throughout the storyline and strongly connect to previous readings and films from class. The purpose of this book review will be to identify these illustrations, explain why they are important, identify how these themes are connected to previous materials, and then determine if a movie could accurately represent the book. As such, I argue that this book illustrates ideas of the lossof innocence, loss of faith in humanity, and dust symbolizing the war these soldiers are fighting and how it consumes all. I will then further my argument by the identification of themes such as neorealism, heroism, and PTSD. However, it is first important to identify the special narrativestructure of the book, which is used to create these illustrations and themes. The narrative structure that Kevin Powers uses is the first person from Private Brandon Bartle s point of view. However, the structure of the story doesn t follow a classical narrative, but instead follows an alternative narrative where it bounces back and forth between Private Bartle s time in Al Tafar, Iraq and when he is on leave at home in Richmond, Virginia (Corrigan, 2015). This narrative style allows various illustrations and themes to present themselves with the first being the loss of innocence is the path to salvation in war. This illustration is vital because it shows that because Bartle lost his innocence he
  • 31. Ascorbic Acid ( Aa ) Ascorbic acid (AA), also known as vitamin C, was discovered 88 years ago. AA is not only used in the food industry as a food additive, it is also known to provide many benefits to our health. It is an essential vitamin for humans and its deficiency causes scurvy. AA is a water soluble vitamin, highly polar, naturally occurs as L ascorbic acidand is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) to be used as a food additive by the FDA. It can come from natural sources (food derived) and synthetic (made in lab). AA has been one of the most popular chemicals with many nutritional and pharmaceutical properties. Some companies producing at national and international level, chemistry of AA, applications in food and controversies related to this additive will be discussed in further detail in this paper. National and International level companies Two companies that produce AA at the national level are AIDP and Watson Incorporated. AIDP is a mid sized company located in City Of Industry, CA and was founded in 1996. They are distributors of AA, for food and beverages but they mainly focus on distributing dietary supplements (www.aidp.com). Watson is another company which was founded in 1939. Its headquarters are located in West Haven, Connecticut and a second location is located in Taylorville, Illinois. They provide ingredients for the food and supplement industries. (www.watson inc.com). Two companies that produce AA at the international level are Naturex and Prinova. Naturex produces
  • 32. Alternative Cars And Its Effect On The Environment Background Conventional vehicles burn fossil fuels and emit exhaust fumes to the atmosphere. Not only have gasoline vehicles depleted natural resources, they also have caused severe environmental pollutions, especially in some populous nations such as China and India. [1] CO2 is the main contributor of the greenhouse effect. 97% of greenhouse emission is carbon dioxide. And in turn, road transportation has become the largest sector in producing carbon dioxide. [2] Because of the decreasing natural resources and the increasing environmental pollution, scientists focus more on new technologies that can help reduce those consequences. However, even though scientists hope hybrid cars could substitute traditional cars in order to reduce... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The most apparent difference is that hybrid cars have an internal combustion engine accompanied by an electric motor. When a car is moving at a low speed, the ICE (internal combustion engine) only provides power to the electric motor and the motor drives the entire vehicle. Thus, an electric motor helps reduce fuel consumption as well as car emission. Moreover, a smarter management of power called the regenerative braking system is introduced to hybrid vehicles. It converts kinetic energy to electrical energy during braking so that heat energy due to friction will not be wasted. The electrical energy can be used to charge the storage battery. [4] In addition, the aerodynamics and weight of the car body are carefully considered so the power supplied to drive the car can be lower than usual. Hybrid cars also have an adaptive strategy at traffic stops and idle periods. The engine shuts down so that exhaust will not accumulate at places such as traffic stops. Apart from technical aspects, governments also take efforts to popularize hybrid cars for home use. In March 2013, the Chinese government extended the subsidy on electrical and hybrid cars for three more years. [3] And in certain traffic crowded cities such as Beijing and Hangzhou, electrical and hybrid cars have privileges on traffic restriction days. Nevertheless, customers still won t buy hybrid cars because they do not believe that the technology is mature enough to replace traditional ICE cars with new energy
  • 33. Analysis Of The Film Samson And Delilah The movie Samson and Delilah directed by Warwick Thornton deservedly won the Cannes Film Festival Camera d Or award for best first feature film in 2009. Melissa Gibson who plays Delilah takes on a role of the hero in the movie, Rowan McNamara who plays Samson takes on a role who petrol sniff and he also seems to be the lost soul who needs to be saved. Samson and Delilah are 2 Aboriginal teenagers who falls in love and lives in an Aboriginal remote community in the central of Australia who embarks on a journey to Alice Springsas tragedy strikes in their community, they also encounter to a more hardship situations in Alice Spring. The viewers would see the reality of what most Aboriginal people go through in their life. Samson and Delilah goes through abusement and racism , although life isn t fair for them they have they have the love for each other. It s love story that gives you an insight into a hidden world, it is a raw and confronting movie that leaves you speechless. Therefore it is a must see movie. As Delilah wakes up one morning, she gets beaten up with sticks by the other elders in the community and telling her how she didn t take care of her Nana well enough. They show you a close up of her face with blood and bruises all over her face. Although there was no actual shot of Delilah being sexually abused, the viewers assumes that she has been. When Samson and Delilah was taking a walk in Alice Springs a couple of boys abducted Delilah, it shows you a long
  • 34. Narrative Voice In Stand By Me Stand By Me plummets us into a world of four naГЇve and rebellious children on the brink of adolescence as they expand their world, discover themselves and find where their friendships and loyalties lie. The gang consists of Gordie Lachance (Wil Wheaton), Chris Chambers (River Pheonix), Teddy Duchamp (Corey Feldman) and Vern Tessio (Jerry O Connell) and with some outstanding acting, we find ourselves in the shoes of Gordie as he recounts his past. After recently finding out about the untimely demise of his best friend Chris, we are taken back in time to when he was twelve going into thirteen when I first saw my first dead human being as the narrative voice puts it. As Gordie flashes back we are straight away taken into a tree house where... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The narrative voice brings our attention to how small their world is when Gordie says we lived in Castle Rock, but to us, it was the whole world which is representing him looking back and explaining how life has changed. This notion of discovering a new world returns at the end of the film when again, the narrative voice says we were only away for two days but it felt like the small town we lived in had changed and it is trying to convey how much people can change in just a small amount of time, and it is reinforced by the idea of the coming of age and how time flies at such a young age. The movie puts these ideas in our heads with some scenes that are placed throughout the movie with no connection to the plot but go very deep into the characters. One of which is a scene where Gordie is sitting peacefully on the train tracks and a young deer walks into view. This deer is representing the man motif throughout the movie and how they are coming of age on this journey because it symbolizes youth and innocence. The narrative voice then enforces this by saying I didn t tell the others about the deer which shows that Gordie was having a moment of understanding, which the others wouldn t think of the same way, and what it
  • 35. Global Warming And Increasing Greenhouse Gases With all the talk of global warming and increasing greenhouse gases, many corporations and individuals are attempting to integrate cleaner power sources into their way of life. Power companies are erecting huge wind turbine farms in order to harvest more clean energy. Other companies are attempting to lower their dependence on oil and coal reserves. Many individuals are even getting the Green bug. Homeowners around the country are installing solar panels to gather solar power to supplement their home electricity needs. Federal laws even give incentives to install solar panels or wind turbines. But in the State of Oklahoma, homeowners are penalized for installing these green power collectors. Oklahoma Senate Bill 1456 states that the power companies can increase rates or charge a surcharge no greater than the full cost to serve customers that install distributed generation devices on the customer side of the meter, unless that device is owned by the power company. (Griffin) In other words, the homeowner is charged extra for implementing a green alternative to fossil fuel generated power sources. This bill took effect on November 1, 2014. The sooner we are able to diversify into sources of power other than fossil fuels the better off our planet will be and the longer the human race can sustain our lives on this planet. Oklahoma should repeal this bill because homeowners should be allowed to pursue alternative forms of power in order to safeguard the planet, if
  • 36. Modern State Of The People s Republic Of China Since 1949, the developed intrusive modern state of the People s Republic of China or PRC has increasingly incorporated rule from Beijing over the autonomous region of Xinjiang, an area that used to be populated with over 95% Muslim Turkic speaking residents known as the Uyghurs . Though the Uyghurs speak and practice their own language and culture, they are politically citizens of the PRC and the use of terms such as Han and Uyghur people, are only used as constructions to generalize groups that are contradictory. With migration of Han Chineseflowing into this area and conductive extraction of rich natural resources, the state of Xinjiang has become a transnational bridge to bring in both globalization and diversity to the Uyghur... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The PRC has recurrently emphasized the importance of interethnic integration of the Uyghurs into a Han dominated society. Regardless, the Uyghurs see this as otherwise a way of being oppressed and undermined by the central government. Compared to the Muslims that are living in eastern and central China, the Uyghurs face more restrictions on their religious expression and way of life (Poh) such as praying in schools, women being criticized on wearing headscarves, and even studying the Qur an in Arabic is controlled. Furthermore, since more Han Chinese have been moving into the Xinjiang area, economic contingencies as well as the dominant use of Han Chinese has been gradually phased out in most educational institutions in Xinjiang (Poh). While Beijing has incessantly asserted that the developments made to the area has significantly improved the Uyghur s livelihood, the minority group cannot help but to still resonate the deep seated bitterness stemmed from decades worth of discrimination, perceived religious and cultural suppression, and economic disparities (Poh). These increasing ethnic tensions have resulted in significant inter ethnic violence in Xinjiang such as the 2009 riot in Urumqi where fights against the Uyghurs and the Han Chinese police force broke out all from protesting the equality for Uyghur working institution. Another deliberate event which the police have been criticizing it as a terrorist attack is the
  • 37. Bristol-Myers Squibb Vrio Analysis Essay VRIO Analysis Bristol Myers Squibb and other pharmaceutical companies have very limited space for the development of competitive advantage. This is due to the limitations set in patents available for new pharmaceuticals. Most chemicals in pharmaceutical products have an equivalently functional substitute making it possible to have multiple products on the market that have identical uses and outcomes. This being the case, pharmaceutical companies can t rely on one particular product to provide competitive advantage. Resources and Competencies| Value| Rarity| Imitability| Organized| Competitive Advantage?| R D| Yes| Yes| Yes| Yes| Sustained| Brand Name| Yes| No| No| No| Parity| Product Diversification| ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Since Bristol Myers Squibb s is organized in this way, it has been able to keep the pace very well making it one of the largest research based pharmaceutical company in the world. Brand Name Bristol Myers Squibb s gains competitive parity from its brand name in that it has a good reputation for creating products that work well and are safe. This provides value to the customer because they know that the product was heavily researched before it was marketed to the general public. However, this is not rare among firms in this industry as all new products must be cleared by the Food and Drug Administration before it can be marketed which gives consumers a certain amount of security when choosing a product regardless of who produced it. This also means that it is somewhat easy to imitate. Once you get past the start up costs, if you produce a product that is not already patented and is approved by the FDA, your product is just as good as the competitors. The reason for the lack of rarity and ease of imitability of the brand name is that, like other pharmaceutical companies, Bristol Myers Squibb does not push the brand name but rather the name they have assigned to their product. The company s name does not appear in any of its product s advertisements. This being the case they must diversify their product line. Product Diversity Since researching new pharmaceutical products takes a great deal of time, the only way to keep the
  • 38. Artificial Intelligence ( Ai ) Artificial Intelligence (AI) is portrayed in many science fiction films such as I, robot, The Terminator, Ex Machina, etc., or novels as the future that holds evil in our society. Engineers all over the world are currently developing and making AI a reality. I know that my major is involved with the project intending to bring AI into reality which is interesting, but it still has me wondering if this is a good idea. I imagine AI as the future such that we will have them at school, in our house and even our workplace. It is a possibility that AI will be used to help students and professors by solving critical equations faster than ever or helping them out in the subjects they are struggling with. They can help clean around the house and neighborhood, implement future ideas to companies, and even join the police force to stop crime. They do not necessarily need arms, legs, or eyes to commit such actions. As a Computer Engineer, I believe that AI will have the capability to protect and serve us, but if they are given the freedom to think and act, then they can also harm us. I assume the engineers working with AI, will program them to restrict actions that can harm this society and inspect them weekly to accomplish this restriction. We should keep an open mind towards any consequences and benefits AI may bring to this world. I can see drones roaming around freely while having the task to protect us, android devices advising and having a normal conversation with a person, and
  • 39. Conservatism, By Moises Kaufman And The Tectonic Theater... Conservatism, at its Best. Merriam Webster defines change as to become different . It happens in different ways and for various reasons. It can alter people s perceptions of the world and even define who they are, like the Emancipation Proclamation redefined the lives of millions of African Americans. However, there are those who oppose it to preserve a detestable status quo. The play The Laramie Project by Moises Kaufman and the Tectonic Theater Project introduces some of those people who live in the quiet town of Laramie, Wyoming. It has been 18 years since the brutal murder of Matthew Shepard, a gay resident of Laramie. After that tragedy, has anything changed? One answer comes from Laramie resident Rebecca Hilliker who states in The... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The ideologies that are the foundations of the US, like Christianity, are so ingrained in people s beliefs that they can t imagine others not following the same ideals and thus they respond harshly against all transgressions. As the TFP Student Action organization writes, gay marriage should be opposed because It Violates Natural Law (TFP Student Action). The fact that many Americans are so narrow minded that they want to deny the happiness of others goes against the American values of living freely and our society needs to solve this problem before more Americans suffer. This prejudice evoked me to discover what people are doing to fight the discrimination associated with homosexuality. I was optimistic, at first, about finding people who want to change societal prejudice directed at homosexuals, since there had to be some souls who wished to change their community for the better. But, in my search, I found relatively few such people; one of them is Jonas Slonaker, a gay resident of Laramie. Slonaker is a pivotal character in the movement for change within the conservative structure of Laramie. His goal is to make Laramie and Wyoming come out of the Matthew Shepard case with something lasting, like legislation. As he says, You know, it s been a year since Matthew Shepard died, and they haven t passed shit in Wyoming... nobody anywhere, has passed any kind of laws (Kaufman 97). Slonaker champions anti discrimination
  • 40. Homelessness And The Tampa Bay Area Homelessness is a prevalent social issue that many countries are trying to resolve. One area that has a high rate of homelessness is the Tampa Bay Area in Florida. According to a homeless count carried out by the Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative (THHI) in 2016, in Hillsborough County alone, there are, at least 1,817 homeless men, women, and children who have to resort to unorthodox housing, such as spaces behind buildings, encampments, sidewalks, and cars ( About Homelessness ). Moreover, homelessness is important because anyone can lose his or her home due to unexpected situations. Also, every citizen needs a home so that his or her physiological and safety needs can be satisfied. Whether these people are left without homes because of domestic violence, neglect, financial troubles, or other circumstances beyond their control, efforts should be made to improve their living conditions. Therefore, homelessness in the TampaBay Area is an important social issue that needs to be resolved. This problem of homelessness can be solved by the solutions that service organizations, social workers, and advocates propose. Since the 1980 s, the number of American people, sleeping in public places increased substantially (Quigley et al. 38). In other words, the amount of people left without homes in the United States has increased drastically within the past three decades. The increase in homelessness is exemplified in the Tampa Bay Area. According to the National Alliance to
  • 41. A Pleasurable Fabliau In The Miller s Tale The Miller s Tale: A Pleasurable Fabliau Pilgrims of the Tabard Inn, it is with great pleasure to announce that the winning of the story telling contest is The Miller. After hearing all of the tales told on our adventure, which can also be found in The Canterbury Tales, By Geoffrey Chaucer, the answer to the question, who told the best tale, seemed quite evident to me. A story consisting of good moral and great pleasure was my initial criteria, which The Miller s tale met and exceeded through several literary elements. This story does not have an overall moral, but instead, several morals found singularly within each characterbased off of their actions. The Miller successfully delivers his tale through a third person limited point of view,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Instead, the Miller scatters several morals throughout the story, each one applying to a different characters situation. John s moral is slightly ironic, in that it s idealogy stems from a philosopher Nicholas is studying. The Miller has already disclosed that this is not something John believes in. A Roman philosopher, Cato believed that people should not marry outside of their age range, something John did. Alison is, therfore, unfaithful. In fact, he [John] was jealous and kept close watch upon her, for she was wild and young, while he was old and thought himself likely to be cuckolded . (Chaucer, pg. 67) Because of John s overbearingness and old age, Alison is driven to cheat with a younger man. For Nicholas, however, the moral lesson he walks away with is different. When Absolon returned to where he was tricked into kissing Alison s butt, he was ready with his hot iron and he smote Nicholas in the middle of his ass (Chaucer, Pg. 79) Nicholas, being the ringleader of the events leading up to this, had his trick backfire on him. Nicholas walks away with the moral lesson that the trickster is the one who gets burned in the end. While these two morals are wholly different and the experiences leading up to them do not parallel in the slightest, the multilayered morals that The Miller dispersed in his tale truly allow for it s utter
  • 42. Mercantilism Analysis Adam Smith and David Hume were the founding fathers of anti mercantilist thought. There were number of scholars who found many limitation of mercantilism even before Adam Smith developed his theory that could fully substitute it. The criticism made by Dudley North, David Hume, and John Locke eroded much of mercantilism and because of which it uncertainly lost its favour during the 18th century. In the year 1969, John Locke made an agreement that prices differ in proportion to the quantity of money. The second treatise made by John Locke also pointed out towards the heart of the anti mercantilist, the critique was that the wealth of the world is not fixed, but is created by human labor (represented by John Locke in his unformed labor ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Adam Smith noted at the core of the mercantile system was the, popular folly of confusing wealth with money, bullion was just same as other any commodity, so there was no reason to give it any special treatment. . More recently, scholars have discounted the accuracy of this critique. They believe Mun and Misselden were not making this mistake in the 1620s, and point to their followers Josiah Child and Charles Davenant, who, in 1699, wrote: Gold and Silver are indeed the Measure of Trade, but that the Spring and Original of it, in all nations is the Natural or Artificial Product of the Country; that is to say, what this Land or what this Labour and Industry Produces. The critique that mercantilism was a form of rent seeking has also seen criticism, as scholars such Jacob Viner in the 1930s point out that merchant mercantilists such as Mun understood that they would not gain by higher prices for English wares abroad. The first school to completely reject mercantilism was the physiocrats, who developed their theories in France. Their theories also had several important problems, and the replacement of mercantilism did not come until Adam Smith published The Wealth of Nations in 1776. This book outlines the basics of what is today known as classical economics. Smith spends a considerable portion of the book rebutting the arguments of the mercantilists,
  • 43. Conspiracy Theories Of The American Conspiracy Conspiracy has been deeply rooted into American culture since before the Constitution. Many Americans still believe that there are secret societies of the elite that exert great influence in not just the American government, but events on an international scale as well. These conspiracy theories appeal to a populist perspective, one that says that there are people much more powerful than the average American and they are knowingly infringing on American liberties, with the goal to either control or harm the country. These supposed conspiracy groups are well known because they have become engrained in America s culture for hundreds of years; elite groups such as the Illuminati and the Freemasons are known for stirring political anxiety in the early years of the American Republic. Some of this anxiety would be justified early on, but much of it would later prove to be hysteria and paranoia. As those Masonic groups would die down in relevance as the years went on, the paranoia that they created in conspiracy theorist s minds would be replaced by other branches of secret societies for the elite that were focused on wealth, political power, and globalist visions. Elite invite only groups, such as the Bilderbergs, the Skull and Bones, and the Bohemian Club are all looked at by some conspiracy theorists as organizing a New World Order that is outside of the public s eyes. Furthermore, other conspiracy theorists believe that it is not the secret societies that Americans should be
  • 44. The Struggles of a Gifted Student in And Still We Rise, ... A state that undertakes custody of a child is declaring that it can do a better job providing protection. This system is a powerful agent of support, providing positive nurturing environments that enable a child to reach his or her potential. Nonetheless, when children suffer additional abuse in the system, this government intervention should be questioned. In And Still We Rise, Miles Corwin chronicles the daily struggle of gifted students in 1997 s South Central L.A. Even with abundant street temptations and challenging peer experiences, these students find refuge in a school system that affords them both happiness and hope. Everyday is a challenge, and yet, they continue to strive for success. The novel offers insight into a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Experiencing further unstable environments, these children are forced to move from one foster home to another. They rarely develop meaningful relationships and constantly endure lack of care and protection by adults. Sabreen, another gifted student, was able to excel in school despite her unstable environments. She, too, became a ward of the county battling to find a stable home, constantly being placed in unstable environments, environments that do not encourage any achievement. When her situation becomes untenable, she goes AWOL, like Olivia, refusing to return to county supervision. Corwin masterfully frames the problem that wards, like Olivia and Sabreen, face when they feel that going back into the system is not an option. The additional struggles can be seen through Olivia and Sabreen accepting jobs with long hours in order to make enough to pay their bills. The responsibility on taking care of themselves financially detracts from their studies, which quickly can become a vicious, never ending cycle. Most of the foster families that Olivia and Sabreen encounter have no genuine care, and offered mostly a stressful living situation. Abundant studies have shown stressful living environments to have a negative effect on children s development (McLoyd, Hill Dodge). Throughout the novel, the foster homes were located in the city s poorest neighborhoods, and contained awful conditions. Thus, the combination of a
  • 45. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Smartphones In today s era smartphone plays vital role and affect our lives enormously. Mobile phones were invented to answer long distance calls and at the same time its portability doesn t bound the user to one place. The basic functions of any smartphone and a mobile phone is to answer calls and it can be used to send text messages. However, what makes smartphones different from a regular mobile phone is its capability of providing interface between extra functions or apps for its users. For example; todays smartphones can help user find directions that is by using GPS, it also helps users to operate their bank accounts without having them to go to bank and many more. Smartphones offers diverse benefits which lead majority of population to invest in it. Smartphones are not only limited to youth but it has something to offer for a person of every age. However, smartphones capture a huge market in today s world and they are being produced and sold solely by giant corporations. For example, there are smartphones only sold by Google which uses an Android operating system to interface with their users and respectively, Apple produces an iPhone which uses IOS operating system to interface with their users. Smartphones have gained a huge popularity among majority of population because of its portability and usage advantages, but as the saying goes Every coin has two Sides there are some people who believe that smartphones are bane to the society rather than boon. The following piece of
  • 46. Blacktip Shark Research Paper The Blacktip shark The blacktip sharks is one of the most beautiful sharks in the ocean. The blacktip shark gets its name because it s fins and tail have a blacktip. The blacktip shark is one of the few sharks that have a different color on its fins or tail. There is many interesting facts about the blacktip shark. The blacktip sharks can live worldwide in different oceans. Unlike a great white shark that like to live in cooler water or unlike a greenland shark that lives only in greenland, a blacktip sharks lives Atlantic ocean,Indian ocean,and both Western and Eastern Pacific. Because of living in different places fishers catch blacktip shark for their fins to sell with a high piece. It is a con and pro for the blacktip sharks to live worldwide
  • 47. The Effect Of Two Multicomponent Lifestyle Interventions... The objective of the PREMIER research was to study the effect of two multicomponent lifestyle interventions on estimated coronary heart disease (CHD) risk compared to advice alone intervention.1 The study also evaluated whether the differences can be detected in the effects of the lifestyle interventions among subgroups defined by baseline variables.1 The results from the study can help future researches to focus on the intervention that has proven to be effective in reducing the heart diseaserisk. The PREMIER study was a National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) sponsored, multicenter, 3 group, parallel arm randomized trial conducted in the United States.1 For the study, a total of 810, of which 62% were women and 34% were black, healthy adults with untreated prehypertension or stage 1 hypertension who met the Joint National Committee on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure criteria for a 6 month trial of nonpharmacological BP treatment, were recruited.1 The participants were randomized to 1 of 3 intervention groups: An advice only group, an established group (EST) that used established lifestyle recommendations for blood pressure control (reduced sodium intake, weight loss, and increased physical activity), or an established plus DASH group (EST+DASH) that combined established lifestyle changes with the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet.1 The mean age of the participants were 50 years, the mean systolic/diastolic
  • 48. Summary Of The Overcoat By Nikolai Gogol In a time of large, corrupt, and ineffective bureaucracy, Nikolai Gogol looks provide a humorous perspective on life in Tsarist Russia. Through both The Nose and The Overcoat, Gogol reveals his true nature as a comical humorist with the intention of giving readers a laugh but also of mocking human vanity. From the very beginning of The Overcoat, it becomes clear the story has a comedic nature. While explaining to the reader the touchiness of departments in Russia, Gogol gives the district police chief as an example: He plainly demonstrated that all the imperial institutions were going to the dogs, and that the Czar s sacred name was being taken in vain; and in proof he appended to the complain a romance, in which the district chief of police is made to appear about once in every ten pages, and sometimes in a downright drunken condition (Gogol 1). The scenario Gogol describes is one of absurdity. How could someone get so worked up over a book that has no intent of offending them? No normal person would ever become so hysterical over a piece of literature that indirectly offends them. Claiming that the whole political system of Russia is being destroyed and that royalty had been disgraced because of a simple character in a book that resembles oneself is preposterous. To a rational mind, the police chief s over emotional reaction is clearly insane, as a normal person does not have the narcissism to take minute details personally. This laughable situation
  • 49. Good And Evil In The Monty Python Holy Grail The struggle between good and evil is a common theme seen throughout the medieval period. The Monty Python Holy Grail movie was a satire and parody. It mocked King Arthur s reign. The medieval literature theme of good vs evil is mocked or satirized in the film and is disln the novel Beowulf. To begin with, King Arthur and his recruited knights defeat many obstacles on their quest. King Arthur exterminates a Black Knight in his way in a sword fight. Another example of good and evilin the film was with Sir Bedevere and the accused witch, who weighed the same as a duck. Witches are representations of evilso Sir Bedevere, a wise and ethical knight, defeated the bad. In like manner, Beowulf demonstrates the theme of good vs evil. Beowulf, is
  • 50. Hippie Movement THE CONTROVERSY OF THE HIPPIE MOVEMENT Habiba Hussein ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Her Kozmic Blues music attracted many Hippies and became a living legend. Joplin later died due to her excessive drug use and she will always be remembered as the woman who made Woodstock a bigger success than it would have been in her absence. The Beatles were also extremely influential and fought to save Vietnam. They sang songs in honor of those dying and they held concerts to motivate people to join the Hippies. The most influential of the Beatles was probably John Lennon. Lennon was one of the loudest voices fighting the war and he had a massive effect on people. He grew his beard and hair for Hair Peace and he was a major icon for Hippies worldwide. Another icon, although a bit controversial, was Prof. Dr. Timothy Leary of Harvard. Leary said drugs were a form of mind expansion , meaning that he encouraged the use of drugs recreationally. Examples of the drugs he encouraged are Marijuana or Hash/Hashish, LSD, and Psychedelic Mushroom. This arouses a fraction of the controversy revolving around The Hippie Movement.
  • 51. To some people the Hippie Movements regime was one that was a negative for the country and for the world as a whole. Hippies had many characteristics including long hair, sandals instead of shoes, tie dye and colorful clothing were worn and the use of drugs was present. The use of drugs was one of the main
  • 52. Type B Personality Essay Can personality type make a person more susceptible to certain health problems? According to psychologists there are 3 main types of personality, type A, type B, and type C. Type A individuals (McLeod, 2011) tend to have traits of competitiveness, time urgency, and hostility. This increased competitiveness of which leads them to experience a lesser sense of joy upon achieving the goals which they have set for themselves. Due to this high work involvement Type A individuals are easily wound up and tend to overreact in potentially hostile situations, they also happen to have high blood pressure (hypertension). Type A individuals also experience a constant sense of urgency and seem to be in a continuous rush against the clock, this trait of which causes them to become quickly impatient and attempt to carry out more tasks than what is possible in their schedule. When hostile behavior occurs from these individuals for example, through physical behavior, it usually involves some kind of aggression and potential bullying (Forshaw, 2012). This hostility seems to be the main factor linked to heart disease. In comparison individuals with type B personality (McLeod,2011) tend to be more relaxed than type A individuals and as a result are generally more tolerant of others, experiencing lower levels of anxiety and displaying ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Their study followed 3154 healthy men, aged between thirty nine and fifty nine for eight and a half years (McLeod,2011). They found (Freidman Rosenman, 1976) that more than twice as many Type A individuals as Type B individuals developed coronary heart disease and that even when the figures were adjusted for smoking, lifestyle etc. it still displayed that Type A individuals were nearly twice as likely to develop heart disease as individuals with the type B personality
  • 53. Autobiography Of Ruth Brown Ruth, as I say that name many memories come to my mind. Ruth brown a single mom with three kids, one in the military, and one growing with a family, of his own. The youngest just moved out the house and trying to find, his way in this big world. Ruth has been through a lot in her forty five years on this earth, God has deliver her from all the evil Ruth has faced. Ruth was born in Topeka, Ks at the house she now own at 537 Se Colfax Pl. Ruth was raised, In a family of six with four sisters an two brothers. Jackie, was the youngest of them all, Frankie, Tiana and Cindy they were the girls. Ruth brothers was Eddie an Mark both were football players in high school, mark was the second oldest in the family an was mostly in charge in watching Ruth ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Chris was her first born, at the age of seventeen, Chris was the smartest out of the three kids. Chris did everything, Ruth asked him to do with no backtalk just what a mother can ask for. Chris was soon to be the first child of the first generation to graduate, Chris then went off to Washburn University to get his master degree in business. Chris is now thirty years old with a family of two, a nice house, and a beautiful wife. Erin was the second to the oldest, Erin was also the only girl out of the three. Erin was the most disrespectful out of the three, Ruth an Erin bumped heads a lot. Erin got out of hand a lot growing up as a teenager, Erin wanted to do whatever she want but Ruth did not like that. Erin got so tired of Ruth, getting on to her that she enlisted into the Navy on May 18. Erin is now in the military and is enjoying her life, Ruth and Erin get along much better now since she older. Shawn, was the youngest out of the three, and a soon to be star. Growing up Shawn, was bounced around from parent to parent, because Ruth was Going through something dealing with Shawn dad or her crazy boyfriends, Shawn was often mistreated as a child because of his weight, but he never let any of that talk to get to his head. Shawn just ignored all the talk about how he would never make it or he wasn t good enough to get to the next level. Shawn is now in college and nobody
  • 54. Synthetic Phonics Instruction Essay Introduction Since the mid 1600 s, the efficacy of phonics instruction has been a controversial and contentious topic in the field of education. Originating from the creation of synthetic phonics (sound by sound approach) by Blaise Pascal in 1655, educators began indoctrinating their pupils in the recognition of sound symbol correspondences required to decode unfamiliar words (Rodgers, 2001). From that time, the pendulum has swung from phonics first to phonics last. The debate has continued from synthetic phonics to analytic phonics (utilizing a whole word approach) as to what clinicians consider best practice for reading instruction. Consequently, over the past 300 years, its teaching methods have fallen out of favor with educators, only to return to the forefront as reading achievement has floundered. The issue that confronts educators today is not the choice to incorporate phonics instruction into their curriculum, but how.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Camilli, Vargas, Yurecko (2003) found that students in grades K 2 show greater early reading success with the inclusion of rigorous, structured phonics lessons. Reading proficiency in the early elementary grades continues to be critically important as it is linked to achievement well into high school. Cunningham and Stanovich s landmark study (1997), concluded that early literacy success is a future predictor of academic achievement, which still holds true today. Sparks, Patton, Murdoch (2013) echoed those findings as they detailed a productive correlation between strong early literacy skills and academic growth through the tenth
  • 55. The Kite Runner Essay Khaled Hosseini s The Kite Runner is a remarkable coming of age novel describing and revealing the thoughts and actions of Amir, a compunctious adult in the United States and his memories of his affluent childhood in the unstable political environment of Afghanistan. The novel showcases the simplistic yet powerful ability of guilt to influence decisions and cause conflict which arises between Amir s childhood friend and half brother, Hassan; Amir s father, Baba; and importantly, himself. Difference in class The quest to become good again causes a reflection in Amir to atone for his sins and transform into the person of which he chooses to be. The difference in social class causes discrimination and conflict between individuals and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Dog meat for the dogs (277). Viewing the Hazaras as subhuman, allows Assef and the Taliban, the group he identifies with, to easily attempt to annihilate them, in the ways Hitler, a man with a vision, attempted to rid Germany of the Jews (40). Moreover, wealthy Pashtuns are privy to an education while Hazaras are mostly prone to menial and simple household chores. As a Pashtun living in the wealthy neighborhood known as Wazir Akbar Khan district of Kabul, Amir has the privilege of receiving an education and gaining literacy, while Hassan remains illiterate, cooking and cleaning with his father Ali, in Baba s home. In spite of illiteracy, Hassan s shrewdness can be seen when he finds a plot hole in one of Amir s short stories. Amir himself acknowledges, however, the superior and cold voice within which states, What does he know, that illiterate Hazara? He ll never be anything but a cook. How dare he criticize you (34)? The discrimination between Pashtuns and Hazaras is a strong undertone which advertently and inadvertently affects the relationship between Amir and Hassan. The conflict seen in Hassan and Amir s relationship of based, sadly, on unilateral love and exploitation which leads to the terrible crime committed against Hassan. The childhood of both boys is incomplete without the inclusion of the other. From their nativity, their lives have been defined by the presence of the other. Fed from the same breast Amir and Hassan share a
  • 56. Abraham Maslow Hierarchy Of Hierarchy Abraham Maslow, who was a humanistic psychologist, argued that needs are arranged in a ladder like steps. He proposed a rising order of needs from the level of physiological to self transcendence. The order of needs starts from basic survival or lower order needs to higher order needs. As one level of need is satisfied another higher order need will emerge and assume importance in life. The hierarchy is shown in Fig. Physiological needs: The most potent and lowest level of all the needs are physiological needs. Thus the needs of hunger, thirst, sex, temperature regulation and rest occupy the lowest step in the ladder. According to Maslow, when these physiological needs are deprived for a long period, all other needs fail to appear We must eat... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Safety needs are mainly concerned with maintaining order and security, to feel secure, safe and out of danger. Love and Belongingness needs: These are the needs of making intimate relationship with other members of the society. People want to become an accepted member of an organised group, need a familiar environment such as family. These needs are dependent on the fulfilment and satisfaction of physiological and safety needs. The Esteem needs: Esteem needs are divided into the following two categories: (a) Needs related to respect from others like reputation, status, social success and fame. The need of self evaluation occurs in those persons who are comfortably situated and satisfied with the fulfilment of lower order needs. For example, a competent professional who has established a high reputation and does not have to worry about getting a job, may become quite choosy about what type of work he/she would accept. (b) Self esteem, self respect and self regard. The other type of esteem needs include need to achieve, to be competent, to gain approval and to get recognition. The need to feel superior to others also falls under this category. For fulfilling this, a person may buy good quality and costly
  • 57. Online Occupational Database Analysis ONET is an online occupational database tool developed for the U.S. department of Labor by the National Center for O*Net Development. The database is filled with occupational information on the skills, abilities, knowledges, work activities, and interests related to different occupations. The site provides educational requirements, local and national salary information, and a link to job openings for each occupational category. The database is free for public use and regularly updated by surveying a wide range of workers from each occupation. The site is a valuable tool for student careerexploration and workers wanting to make a career change. In addition, it assists managers and human resource professionals with writing job descriptions... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There is a list of industries to choose and each industry search displays occupations with similar activities, products and services. For example, the construction industry lists all the different types of occupations related to that industry such as roofers, brick masons, painters, and electricians. Green Economy Sector lists occupations that will require new or changing skills and requirements due to the increased pressure from environmentalist and companies to develop new technologies, business services and practices that are more environmentally friendly. Green sector occupations are listed by categories such as energy efficiency, recycling and waste production, and transportation. All occupations listed on ONET that will be effected by the emerging green economy have a green leaf icon displayed next the occupation title. Job Family lists groups of occupations based upon work performed, skills, education, training and credentials. For example, if you choose Business and Financial Operations, a list of occupations will display such as accountants, compliance officers, personal financial advisors and other jobs related to