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College Essay: How Do You Start
A Descriptive Essay
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College Essay: How Do You Start A Descriptive Essay College Essay: How Do You Start A Descriptive Essay
Salad Bowl Analysis
The immigration is always an important issue throughout the history of the United States. The
government is struggling to assist the diversity of cultures and ethnic groups because immigrants
continuously bring their traditions into America. This raised the metaphor melting pot and salad bowl,
which described the term of assimilation and integration of the many different cultures in America.
Today, the United States society no longer matches the melting pot metaphor; it shifts to salad bowl
metaphor. This concept is different from the notion of the melting pot. The salad bowl means that the
immigrants keep their unique customs and cultures, the integration degree of immigrant merge into the
American community, and the youth immigrant generations recognize their heritage of origin culture
in the mainstream of American culture. For these reasons, the salad bowl metaphor would be more
appropriate to America society these days.
The term melting pot was generally used in the United States after it was used as a metaphor for
describing an association of cultures and ethnicities in 1908. Many different types of people blend
together as one in a society. America is always a nation of immigration, based on the history element
of the country. The generations of immigrants have mixed together. They have refused their origin
traditions and cultures to become totally assimilated into American society. That was why American
citizen considered United States was a melting pot. In contrast to the soup bowl theory, there is the
emergence of salad bowl metaphor. It asserts that the integration of the many different cultures of the
United States people combines like a big salad bowl. It means many cultures, languages, and ethic co
exist in peaceful, like all kinds of ingredients in a bowl of salad. It mixes together, but it does not
dissolve into one.
Although the melting pot theory seems to be outdated in American society today, however, there are
still a lot of conservatives to favor their views on this metaphor. They think the fusing of different
ethnic group is essential for building a cohesive society. Immigrants should give up their origin
tradition national identity, and they try to entirely assimilate
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Confessionalist Characteristics Of Allen Ginsberg And The...
Beat Generation Research Paper During the 1950s, many different literary movements came to the
spotlight. Two such movements were Confessionalism and Beat poetry. There are many
commonalities between these movements, and often, authors and works from the Beat movement
incorporate various Confessionalist characteristics. Allen Ginsberg, one such author, combined both
Confessionalism and Beat poetry in a variety of his works, including Howl and Kaddish. The
Confessionalist aspects of Allen Ginsberg and his works, such as Howl, were heavily outweighed by
the Beat aspects in his work. The Beat poetry movement began in the 1950s due to the tense political
climate and heavily conformative society. During this time, America was a policing ... Show more
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In addition to adopting peaceful religions, such as Buddhism, Beat poets attempted to connect with
their spiritual state of being by engaging in drug usage and meditating.
To distinguish themselves in literature, they picked at the flaws they perceived in romanticism,
modernist poetry, and the New Criticism. They abandoned the typical form and structure of formalist
poetry. Instead, they commonly followed the footsteps of Walt Whitman and his free verse. The free
verse allowed them to sync their words with a musical flow, especially that of jazz. In addition to free
verse, the Beat poetry contained unregulated self expression. The Beats believed that true emotions
were expressed in the moment, and often would not edit their works. They also openly discussed
sexual experimentation, specifically that directed to the gay culture. Beats also wrote about their usage
of drugs, and its ability to help perceive the truth. Their work portrayed a belief that the arts
transcended mortality.
Allen Ginsberg was born on June 3, 1926 to a schizophrenic mother. His experience with his mother
heavily affected him, as evident in his portrayal of mental illness in much of his work. Considered one
of the founders of Beat poetry, Ginsberg brought attention to the movement with his performance of
his poem Howl. Howl reflected the free verse and jazz components common to the movement. It also
reflected Jack Kerouac and the Old
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Natural Hazards In California
Natural hazards are different natural phenomena that disrupt the usual live of a population, destroy and
demolish objects of material value. They often have a negative effect on nature, and can happen
anywhere in the world. Many different types of natural hazards exist; for example, earth quakes,
landslides, floods, snow drifts, hurricanes, droughts, volcano eruptions, storms, etc. Natural hazards
can happen independently or can be related to each other. If there is an earthquake, it can lead to a
tsunami or massive fires. Some of them happen as a result of mankind s doings; construction work,
depending on the location, can cause snow drifts, or massive fires.
A simple anthropological fact, such as the instinct of survival is the main ... Show more content on
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After using maps and facts to compare the risks of a natural disaster happening in different states:
California is the state with the most natural hazards. As an example, the San Andreas fault created the
deadliest earthquake, provoking over 3,000 deaths and destroying over 80% of the city of San
Francisco in 1906. The state of California is sitting between two tectonic plates, the north american
and pacific ones, the San Andreas fault runs the entire length of the state. California is subject to
season disasters; the fires that happen when the weather gets unbearably hot. That natural hazard is not
deadly, yet it brings a lot of material and ecological damage. The south western state is know to have
many hills, it is a known fact that an abundance of rain and any elevated area of 20% or more can
provoke mud slides, that swipe anything they have on their way: people or material property.People
living in California are adapting to the way nature treats them. Construction is getting sturdier, people
are more prepared. Due to the afore mentioned facts, the population of California has been learning to
adapt to the situation of their
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Revolt of 1857
The First War of Indian Independence or The Great Revolt of 1857: The Indian soldiers in the East
India Company s army rebelled against the British in 1857. The English historians have painted this
revolt as a mutiny of the sepoys. But the Indian historians describe it as the First war of Indian
Independence. It is also known as the Great Revolt of 1857. Lord Canning was the Governor General
of India at that time. The causes of the Great Revolt were many. They may be classified as political,
administrative, economic, social, religious, military and immediate causes. 1. Political Causes : The
annexation policy of British was one of the major causes. The terms of the Subsidiary treaties signed
by Wellesley with different rulers were ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Measures like the suppression of Sati and female infanticide, remarriage of widows and the right of
inheritance to Christian converts offended the Indian orthodox sentiments. 5. Religious Causes : The
Christian missionaries were active in propagating Christianity. These activities created a sense of fear
in the minds of the Indians. They suspected that the British were out to destroy their religions and
convert India into a Christian land. This declaration created a great anger and disbelief against the
British rule. Religious sentiments were aroused when the British imposed taxes on the lands belonging
to temples and mosques. The priests and the maulvis showed their discontent against the British rule.
All these activities made the British unpopular. 6. Military Causes : The Indian soldiers were called
the Sepoys. They constituted the majority of the British army in India. In fact, the sword of the British
power rested on the loyalty and strength of these Indian Sepoys. But they were treated with contempt
and made to feel inferior by the British. They were paid less than their British counterparts. The Indian
sepoys had no chance of promotion in the army. They were prohibited from their traditional religious
practices like wearing a saffron mark on their forehead, growing beard and wearing turbans. Lord
Cannings Government passed in 1856, The General
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Comparing Beowulf And The Fellowship Of The Ring
The Fellowship of the Ring is a story written by author J. R. R. Tolkien. His story loosely based
around Anglo Saxon mythology much like the epic of Beowulf. Beowulf is a much older story than
The Fellowship of the Ring, but they share some key details. Furthermore, one could easily compare
the two stories for their epic like elements. Both stories contain epic elements, but how does The
Fellowship of the ring fit the definition of an epic? Where does it lack? If you watch the film, the first
example of an epic element is presented when Bilbo Baggins and Gandalf the the Grey are in Bilbo s
home (Jackson, The Fellowship of the Ring). The element is presented after Gandalf finds out that
Bilbo s been harboring the ring for a long time (Jackson, The Fellowship of the Ring). When this is
revealed, Bilbo gives a long speech about the ring s powers and how it has been affecting him in a
great way. Notably, the ring brings many good things to Bilbo, like youth and health. In fact,
outwardly he hasn t aged for sixty years, but he humbly recognizes there s an underlying darkness to
the ring that brings great temptation to the bearer (Jackson, The Fellowship of the Ring). ... Show
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He leaves everything he owns, including the ring, in his adopted heirs possession. Bilbo s departure
provokes the next epic element, which is a long and dangerous journey. After Bilbo leaves, Gandalf
clearly states the dangers of the rings to Frodo, the heir of Bilbo s possessions (Jackson, The
Fellowship of the Ring). Gandalf tells Frodo to leave with the ring immediately and it ends up being a
very long journey. Frodo has no idea that this journey will result in him crossing multiple nations,
which is also an epic
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Amelia Earhart Accomplishments
Amelia Earhart was more than just a female pilot, she did a lot of stuff for history that people do not
realize to this day. She set many record in flying in her short career and she proved that women can do
more than just be homemakers.She also inspired a whole new generation of aviators and dreamers ,
she helped them see that they did not have to stick to the status quo.Amelia Earhart s early life lead to
her becoming an american icon, aviation pioneer, author, and the first women to fly across the Atlantic
Ocean alone and the first many flying records for women.
A lot of experiences Amelia had in her early life set her up to become one of the first successful
women pilots. At the age of twenty Amelia went to visit her sister in Toronto ... Show more content on
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Amelia passed the test for her transport license with flying colors she was only the fourth woman to
achieve it at the time.This was an amazing example for the up and coming generation that you can do
anything and you are not limited by your gender.
She also showed the world women could do what men do . Amelia is one of the half dozen women
among hundreds of men in the aviation hall of fame. Amelia being in the aviation hall of fame is yet
another one of her great accomplishments that proves yet again that she was an amazing pilot which
was something that women were told was not for them. She opened many doors for women with her
amazing accomplishments and just as well she opened the eyes of men , showing them that just
because men do it doesn t mean that women can t do it just as well
Amelia Earhart s early life lead to her becoming an american icon, aviation pioneer, author, and the
first women to fly across the Atlantic Ocean alone and the first many flying records for women.She set
multiple records that were unthought of for women of her time and even when her record were passed
up by a men she was determined to set a new record, and she did. She changed the world for women
and anyone that ever wanted to do anything that they were told they could
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WGU JGT Task #1 Essay
To be successful in an expanding world market, Shuzworld must be innovative in addressing
challenges using sound management principles and decision analysis to determine the best options for
Asian Workflow
Workflow improvement in the Chinese factories has been identified as an area of opportunity for
Shuzworld in Shanghai. After meeting with Alistair Wu, Production Manager who is responsible for
all three Shuzworld facilities in China, the assembly line process was reviewed for efficiency of the
production of the Rugged Work Wear® boot product. Since these boots are steel tipped, production is
more complex and take longer to produce than other standard Shuzworld products.
Catherine Pang, Line Manager, provided an existing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
New Product Line Development
Cost Analysis
Shuzworld is developing a new line for sales in California and southwest United States. Although it is
projected that there will be significant demand once created, Shuzworld must first determine whether
or not the new Maui Sandal line will be profitable to the company prior to production.
After meeting with Alistair Wu and the Shanghai line management team, it has been determined that
the Maui Sandal will possibly be the newest project for Shuzworld. Hetty Tarbox was present to
present market research data and associated metrics. The goal is to set up for batches of 10,000 units
in the Shanghai factories.
Catherine Pang presented her estimates on the new service line. She predicts that the first batch will
take 1,000 labor hours to produce the first units of
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The Question Of Why The Term Son Of Man Was Used By Jesus
For the believer, the question of why the term Son of Man was used by Jesus to represent himself at
face value remains curious. Particularly intriguing is Jesus use of this identification Son of Man since
God s attributes are not fully comprehended in scope or nature in their entirety, save what has been
revealed to us in Scripture therefore it is humbling to realize that Jesus makes such a firm association
with mankind. Combined with Jesus humanity there still remains a distinctive from His title by the
means which He uses to address (Moule, 1978) Himself.
1 among those who still believe that it is Dan. 7 that gives it, in the Gospel tradition. its decisive
colour. And what confirms me in this conclusion is. among other things. ... Show more content on
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There is some dispute over the nature of Jesus mission with how (Van Aarde, 2005) future events
would be shaped by Christ.
Scholars have divided themselves into three camps. Some say Jesus was a wisdom teacher and,
according to these scholars understanding 5, it seems that wisdom excludes an apocalyptic mind set.
Others disagree 6. But there is also a third option 7. According to these scholars, both presence
(immanence) and future (eschatology) exist within the spectrum of Jesus vision. This complexity is
interwoven with the problem pertaining to the continuity and/or discontinuity of the son of man
sayings by Jesus and those by the Jesus groups after his death.
I believe that the Daniel 7 linkage to Jesus use of Son of Man will justify an apocalyptic inclusion,
these facts do not disbar Jesus present or future activities.
Aramaic, Hebrew or Greek?
The case of whether or not Hebrew or Aramaic was used by Jesus in the utterance of Son of Man is
difficult to ascertain, since Hebrew was used simultaneously in worship while Aramaic was used in
other daily living areas. Aramaic is considered to be the common language evidenced by the findings
of documents or fragments which proved to be items of textual contracts plus other written documents
of everyday life.
All of these findings have been found to be written in Aramaic. Bar enasha is further qualified by
Haupt, who gives the meaning to
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The Impact of Declining Nokia Market
Introduction 1.1 Literature Review 1.2 Objective Of The Study 2. Research Methodology 2.1 The
Study 2.2 Sample 2.3 Tools For Data Collection 2.4 Tools For Data Analysis 2. References 3.
Questionnaire Introduction Nokia has come a long way to evolve from a paper mill founded in 1865 to
a world renowned mobile phone manufacturer and one of the most powerful brands in the world. In
1992 Nokia appointed Jorma Ollila as the new CEO and concentrated its focus on
telecommunications. Throughout the 1990 s Nokia was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Data Analysis The data analysis of the survey results started with a general analysis of the averages
and apparent trends. It was followed by the identification of significant regional differences between
the responses with the help of cross tabulations. QUESTIONNAIRE Smart Phone Brand Perception
Survey REFERENCES Arnould, Eric, Linda Price, and George Zinkhan. Consumers. 2nd ed. New
York: McGraw Hill/Irwin,2004. Print. Barrett, Larry. Palm, Nokia Smartphone Users Most Likely to
Switch: Survey. Enterprise Mobile Today. Internet.com, 19 Jan. 2011. Web. 24 Apr. 2011. . Best
Global Brands Ranking for 2010. Interbrand, n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2011. . Business Source Complete.
Web. 14 Apr. 2011. . Christodoulides, George, and Leslie De Chernatony. Consumer based brand
equity conceptualization and measurement. International Journal of Market Research 52.1 (2010): 43
66. EBSCO Business Source Complete. Web. 13 Apr. 2011. . Drobis, David R. Integrated Marketing
Communications Redefined. Journal of
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Teddy Roosevelt Essays
Theodore Roosevelt, born October 27, 1858, was the United States twenty sixth President. Roosevelt
was born into a wealthy and socially dominant family. Though he was a quick thinker and very bright,
he was not very physically fit; Roosevelt had severe asthma attacks as a youth. (Andrews) Roosevelt
attended Harvard College starting with a science major, but his eventual majors were law and politics.
After graduating Harvard in 1880, Roosevelt married his first wife, had his first child, and lost his
wife two weeks after the birth of their daughter on Valentines day 1884. He had also begun his career
in politics, joining the Republican Party when they were treated like a private organization, having
few ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Roosevelt had stated, If I wanted anything to eat it was wise to carry it with me. He also suggested, I
would earnestly advise the men of every volunteer organization always to proceed upon the belief that
their supplies will not turn up. (Roosevelt)
In June of 1898 at the battle of San Juan Hill, Roosevelt was given notification that there might be
orders to fall back. After seeing his men fight, he told General Joseph Wheeler that he did not know if
he could follow those orders. Roosevelt and his men were often told that the battles would take place
at night and it so happened that one Saturday morning there were shots fired and by morning there
was artillery being fired at the regiment. (Roosevelt)
After the battle at San Juan Hill, the men were exhausted and hungry. They had managed to gain
control of some of the Spanish s supplies and provisions. (Jeffers)
Despite the Rough Riders accomplishments during the Spanish American War, Washington was given
the option to withdraw their troops from Cuba, but the proposal was vetoed. Allowing the men to
fulfill their patriotic duty, but also caused a huge increase in sickness and fatigue. (Roosevelt) Even
though Roosevelt and his men were always eager to fight, three fourths of the men had either died,
became sick with
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Unauthorized Immigration
Currently, the problem of unauthorized immigration divides Congress along political party lines.
Many politicians who are anti immigrant and pro immigrant seek for ways by which they can impact
their political base. As research shows, politicians and anti immigrant groups take advantage of the
mass media in order to persuade their constituency. The media uses quantitative data analysis of the
unauthorized population to create a media spectacle, by the portrayal of unauthorized immigrants as
criminals (Correa Cabrera 2012). This media spectacle serves to exploit the fears of many Americans
who oppose legalization. As a result, many people feel encouraged to contact their local
representatives to stand against the legalization of the unauthorized population.
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
First, it is important to present a historical context of unauthorized immigration to understand the
current dilemma. In order to change discriminatory immigration policies, the Immigration and
Nationality Act of 1965 was signed into law. After the 1965 act, immigration from Asia and Latin
America increased dramatically. However, for Latin America countries, the legislation restricted the
number of legal entries into the United States. Since the bill allowed for visas through family
reunification, the number of immigrants from Latin American countries increased, thus exhausting the
available visas. The result of these events created chain migration which caused unauthorized
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Case 3.2 Sonoma Essay
The problem is to be formulated as two integer programming problems, one for the first year and the
other for the second year.
I Year Problem
Total fund available = $10,000
For convenience rename the brand Petite Sirah as Brand I and brand Sauvignon Blanc as Brand II
For Brand I the cost for grape is $0.80 per bottle and for Brand II the cost for grape is $0.70 per bottle.
It is given that one dollar spent for promoting Brand I produce a demand for 5 bottles and one dollar
spent for promoting Brand II produce a demand for 8 bottles . This means the advertisement cost per
bottle for Brand I is $0.20 and the advertisement cost per bottle for Brand II is $0.125.
The cost profit structure of the two brands during the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
cost |Total cost |Selling Price |Profit |
|Brand I |$0.75 |$0.167 |$0.917 |$8.25 |$7.333 |
|Brand II |$0.85 |$0.100 |$0.950 |$7.00 |$6.050 |
Suppose George decide to produce X bottles of Brand I and Y bottles of Brand II
Then the total profit function to be maximised is [pic]
Total amount required is [pic].
Hence the constraint on the funds becomes C1: [pic]
Further it is given that the proportion of Brand I should be between 40% and 60%. The corresponding
constraint becomes [pic] This can be expressed as two constraints as follows
C2: [pic]
C3: [pic]
Thus the second year problem can be expressed as the following integer programming problem.
Maximize [pic]
Subject to [pic] [pic] [pic] X and Y non negative integers
Solution of the problem using Solver of MS Excel is as follows
| |X |Y |Function |limits |
| |62440.00 |26760.00 | | |
|Objective fn |7.333 |6.050 |619770.520 | |
|Constraint1 |0.917 |0.950 |82679.480 |82681.000 |
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Post General Education Classes
Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think (Albert Einstein). There are
different types of teachers or instructors, those who tell, those who coach, and those who mentor their
students; just as there are different types of schools and classes. Each person chooses their path and
education, either with or with or without support. The teachers in general education classes typically
are more proficient in one specific subject but can generally teach basics of all the traditional studies;
they are not specialized or experts in any one course. Class sizes are generally too large for teachers to
give each individual the needed attention needed to excel. Meanwhile in vocational or CTE classes the
mentors or instructors are certified in their areas of expertise. The classes are compiled of students
who want to be further taught skills needed for a profession and learn better in a more hands on
Secondary or post general education is usually necessary to gain even basic skills needed to be
proficient in the workplace. Graduates from basic required education are seldom capable of going
straight from school into the workplace, the foundation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In CTE classes they include these basic teachings, but offer much more hands on learning, and are
expected to possess real world experience in their field. Vocational school or skill specific technical
schools can often much more easily serve a more diverse student population because they are able to
tailor programs and student services to fit the needs of the participants. CTE courses focus on job skill
sets such as critical thinking, teamwork, research, and problem solving; for group projects or simple
collaboration in the workplace these skills set people apart from the general
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Mexican And Mexican Americans During The War Of Texas And...
The Unit explains the hardships many Mexican and Mexican Americans have carried and continue to
carry till this day due to their ethnicity and roots. The inequality and struggles rooted from the
invasion of Texas and the wrongful won over Mexican territory by the Euro centric American who
then expanded their border down south unjustly colonizing the Northwest of Mexico. Along with land
many Mexicans who resided in this land were now living in among a strange new government and
environment that was once their land. This began the expectation of having Mexican Americans being
able to assimilate into the Euro Centric culture. These assimilations they were presume to make
caused for many to lose touch of their own culture. Mexican Americans continued to be oppressed
even when serving their own country. Many young Mexican Americans turned to joining the military
due to financial hardships, like many due this day. Although these young men were risking their life
they were still wrongfully treated and racially discriminated while in service. Having men risking their
life for a country and still be discriminated because of their ethnicity shows how progressed the hatred
for Mexicans was developed. The recognition and triumph of many Mexican American soldiers went
unacknowledged due to their ethnicity. Mexican Americans were also labeled as criminals and
murders due to media and their portrayal of Mexicans. Also, the meaning of being called a Chicano/a
is also included and
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Richard III Foreshadowing Analysis
Shakespeare uses foreshadowing in Richard III, to show the reader the fate of each characters. For
every character we see some type of foreshadowing that predicts their future. We see foreshadowing in
Margaret s curses, Anne s curses, Richard and Richmond s dreams, and the prophetic dream of
Clarence. Shakespeare uses curses as a big part of foreshadowing. He uses Margaret s and Anne s
curses to foreshadow the fate of the main characters. Almost every character in Richard III falls to the
fate of Margaret s curses. In Act 1 of the play Margaret curses King Edward, Queen Elizabeth, Edward
Prince of Wales, Rivers, Dorset, Lord Hastings, and finally Richard of Gloucester. Margaret curses
King Edward with death due to eating too much, Rivers, Dorset, and Lord Hastings are cursed with
death by an unexpected accident, Edward Prince of Wales is cursed with death, and Queen Elizabeth is
cursed with living a miserable life like Margaret. All of these curses foreshadow the fate of these
characters. Margaret concludes her curses on the York s with Richard saying:
The worm of conscience still begnaw thy soul.
Thy friends suspect for traitors while thou liv st,
And take deep traitors for thy dearest friends.
No sleep close up that deadly eye of thine,
Unless it be while some tormenting dream
Affrights thee with a hell of ugly devils.
Thou elvish marked, abortive, rooting hog,
Thou that wast ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The night before Clarence is murdered; he has a dream of Richard pushing him overboard a ship to his
death. Even though, that is not how Clarence is murdered, he is murdered by two men that were hired
by Richard. Also, after they stab him, they place him in a barrel of wine. In his dream he dreamt that
he died by drowning and that is sort of what happened. Shakespeare once again uses foreshadowing to
give readers a clue about what is going to happen to the character,
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Collaboration And Introversion
Abstract This analysis examines the differences of introversion and extroversion and how many
people place negative connotations associated with being an introvert. Also examined is the
importance of introverts in society and how powerful introverts really are despite what many believe.
Introduction Section How will you spend your Friday night? Will you spend it in a crowded restaurant
or on the couch reading a good book? Maybe your answer to this question is obvious to you or you
might find yourself somewhere in the middle between the two. Whatever your answer may be, the
origin of your feelings may lie in how your brain responds to day to day activities. Depending on if
you are an introvert or an extrovert, the way you deal with and ... Show more content on
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According to Organizational Behavior: Emerging Knowledge, Global Reality, Introverts do not
necessarily lack social skills. Rather, they are more inclined to direct their interests to ideas than to
social events. Introverts feel quite comfortable being alone, whereas extroverts do not (McShane Von
Glinow, 2015, p. 41). The Roosevelt s, Franklin and Eleanor, were two of the most influential people
in American history during the twentieth century. However, when it comes to their leadership styles,
they are completely different. Franklin was what people would call an extrovert. He was outgoing, he
didn t mind big crowds, and loved mingling with others. On the other hand, Eleanor was what most
people would call an introvert. She was very timid and shy, she didn t like crowds, nor did she like
socializing or mingling much with others. Over time; however, Eleanor grew to like social events and
often spoke out publically proclaiming her beliefs and opinions on political issues of the time. In the
third part of Quiet: The Power of Introverts, Cain informs readers that despite what Western cultures
believe, not all cultures share the same way of thinking in regards to extroversion. Extroversion is not
necessarily an ideal characteristic in cultures such as China or Japan, for example.
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Death Penalty And Ethical Analysis
Understanding Ethics as a whole in its definition seems pretty simple. By that assumption, the
application of ethics should also be pretty simple. Should. There are numerous circumstances where
ethics of certain individuals can be and are called into question.
While perusing the internet, and other available resources for specific examples, an article that
sparked interest was written in regards to medical professionals participating in executions. This
raised a number of different questions oriented toward ethics. Is the death penalty morally, or ethically
acceptable? If so, why is it not more widely or wholly accepted across the United States? Is it
acceptable for a medical professional to participate in an execution if the American Medical ... Show
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Can or should the State or Federal government mandate medical professional involvement? Is it
ethical if it directly goes against a Doctor s Hippocratic Oath? Is it already spelled out in the Eighth
Amendment? According to a different article from the New England Journal of Medicine The
Supreme Court did not and cannot solve this medical ethics problem for America s physicians. State
legislatures continue to have the authority under the Constitution to determine whether or not to
require executions by lethal injection, and physicians continue to have the legal freedom to determine
whether placing their medical skills at the service of the state to execute condemned prisoners is
consistent with medical ethics. In this regard, physicians could again come to the rescue of the law by
helping corrections officials make executions by lethal injection less risky, less cruel, and more
medicalized, routinized, and sanitized (Annas, 2008, p 1517). In all, the debate still remains on
whether or not it is ethical for a medical professional to participate in a legal death penalty execution.
Arguably, understanding ethics and the application of ethics varies in every
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Dirt Biking
When you drive the powerful dirt bike you feel a vibration and you feel pressure that if you crash it s
over. Dirt Biking is exciting. Innumerable teens love extreme sports. Which are skateboarding,
mountain biking, dirt biking....etc. Many parents feel that extreme sports are not okay because there
children might get hurt a bit. I believe many teens should be able to succeed in extreme sports. Several
kids are drawn to extreme sports. Teens take risks. Scientists have learned that some teens crave
different experiences and they have a high tolerance for risk. Some studies show that risk increases
dopamine in the brain isha most effective in teens. Dopamine creates a feeling of pleasure in the brain.
Also, it is an absolute thrill every time
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Authoritarism in Argentina in the Last Fifty Years Essay
Latin America politics in the past 50 years have been regarded as being unstable with military
regimes, authoritarian rule, and violent. Latin America has been considered an authoritarian region
with rulers either military or civilian directed. 3 governments are important to stabilize countries with
tension of nation crisis by eliminating the popular sector in the national politics. In Argentina the
prevalence of authoritarian changed the principal lines of the former government in their social,
economic, and political ideas. Argentina in the early 1930s was led by a populist government, which
was the dominant national political coalition, then converted to an authoritarianism government with
alternative economic strategies, and improved ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Not all Latin America countries had the same rules and policies when they were authoritarian. Several
differences between regimes are the role of leadership; intersect groups or coalitions in supporting
their government. Latin countries had different strategies in how a government should move forwards
towards the future. Similarities that regimes had were interest representation based on enforces limited
pluralism (Malloy, James M, pages 4). When viewing Latin Americas perspective on authoritarian rule
can be broken down into three levels (1) regime type authoritarianism running from old fashioned
caudillo, (2) overarching subtypes corporation structural and organizational principles, (3) leaders,
supporting coalitions and policy strategies. (Malloy, James M, pages 3). Overall different countries
had differences authoritarian rule but there similarities in structure and organization in principles were
still the identical. Colonel Juan D. Peron merged rapidly as a political figure and a person that could
take over the country. Peron was closely associated with General Edelmiro Farrell, who became
president. With the backing of the new president Peron had his target the vice presidency, also the
ministry of war Peron was gaining power in the military and the citizens of Argentina. Peron was
becoming popular rapidly as prominent political figure. He
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Argumentative Essay About Babysitting
Giselle is a 14 year old who leaves everyone speechless with her personality. Even her name story can
surprise you, she was named after an actress on Despierta America! Her friends call her Gigi, and they
all describe her as a loud, extremely talkative, funny, and a person who is shy at first.
She loves listening to music and babysits in her free time. Talking about babysitting, she believes to
have a talent at scaring little children into doing what they need to do. She truly desires to be gifted at
sports though, its always been her desire. Giselle enjoys most kinds of music but mostly rap, hip hop,
and Mexican style too. Living with her Mexican family she has grown to adore Mexican food, but
who could blame her? It s delicious! Really her
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My I Chose Electrical Engineering
Well here it is, the senior project. The thing dreaded by everyone, however the thing that must be
completed in order to graduate. With that in mind, I have been giving much thought and research into
what I want to do post high school, and I believe that in my research I have found a career that I find
fascinating. I plan to pursue this career and give it my all. In this paper I will explain my chosen
career, why I chose it, and what my plan is for the scary thing that is the future
First things first, I chose electrical engineering as my career, mostly because of my love of computers
and physics. As an electrical engineer I ll design, develop, test, and maintain electrical and electronic
devices; use computers and engineering software to design devices; work in a team to build the items
that we designed; and test and provide maintenance as needed for these items. I might design items
like an electric motor, a radar system, a navigation system, a communications system, or power
generation equipment. (idcis.org, Electrical and Electronics Engineers )
The working conditions work for me. There isn t much moving around, mostly sitting at a computer
for about a 40 hour work week. The job does include some social interaction between co workers to
ensure everyone knows their job and that everything is accurate and not going to explode. I have to be
extremely careful and pay especial attention to detail because the smallest mistake can endanger
people who use the products I
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Financial Analysis for J.C Penney and Target Essay
Running head: Financial Analysis 1
Financial Analysis for J.C. Penney and Target
Sabrina Earnest
Columbia College
Author Note
This paper was prepared for Business Finance 350, taught by Professor Campbell.
Running head: Financial Analysis 2
Running head: Financial Analysis 3
Working Capital Ratio
Working capital is the measure of a company s efficiency and operating liquidity. The working capital
is usually calculated by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It subtracts inventories from current assets before dividing that number into liabilities. Quick ratios
show how well current liabilities are covered by cash and by items with a ready cash value. To find the
Quick Ratio, find the Current Assets, Inventory, and Current Liabilities
Running head: Financial Analysis 5
on a balance sheet. Next, subtract your Current Assets from Inventory (Current Assets Inventory) then
divide by Current Liabilities. The higher the quick ratio is the better position that the company is in.
In the past five years, the Quick Ratio for J.C. Penney has been: In 2012, the Quick Ratio so far is 0.7.
In 2011, the Quick Ratio was 1.1. In 2010, the Quick Ratio was 1.1. In 2009, the Quick Ratio was 1.0.
In 2008, the Quick Ratio was 0.9.
In the past five years, the Quick Ratio for Target Corporation has been: In 2012, the Quick Ratio so far
is 0.5. In 2011, the Quick Ratio was 0.9. In 2010, the Quick Ratio was 0.9. In 2009, the Quick Ratio
was 1.0. In 2008, the Quick Ratio was 1.0.
This information for J.C. Penney and Target s Quick Ratio tells me that this current year has been the
lowest for both companies. For J.C. Penney, in 2008 through 2011 the Quick Ratio was continually
getting higher until in fell off this year. Target s
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What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Participatory...
What should be named in the report
size of study area sampling design (e.g., use of spatial or temporal blocks) number of stations spacing
between stations or station density method of estimating effective trapping area (e.g., size of buffer
width) objective method of identifying individuals sampling period occasion length used for analysis
(Foster Harmsen 2012) camera types and settings (e.g. Kelly et al. 2008)
trap effort (number of trap‐nights; see text box 1) number of pictures obtained (in total and of your
focal species) the level of trap failure, and whether this failure was accounted for in the population
model If you are looking into distribution and related issues, the number of sample sites your ... Show
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By increasing the number of observers in the study/field activities, this approach allows a greater
survey effort. Through empowerment, the approach can produce high‐level conservation management
intervention. It is a major tool to raise awareness about environmental issues.
Disadvantages of participatory monitoring (Ancrenaz et al. 2012):
It requires time to initiate a strong capacity building process over a long and continuous period of time
As monitoring is difficult to standardize completely, participatory monitoring is often less accurate
and results can be difficult to compare. Fortunately, camera trapping is can be standardized more
easily than many other monitoring methods. Pragmatically, local communities need to be involved at
all phases of a project (design, planning and implementation) to achieve significant results (Borrini‐
Feyerabend et al., 2004; Berkes, 2004; Ancrenaz et al., 2007).
Some crucial factors that will determine the success or failure of a monitoring program will include
for example (Danielsen et al., 2003): Involvement of representatives of the local communities in
developing the local application of the
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Does the Canadian Charter Effectively Protect our Human...
Apart from the other laws in Canada s constitution, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is
an important law that affects every Canadian s rights and freedoms. It was created in 1981 by former
Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau to provide legal protection for the most important rights and freedoms.
These rights include fundamental freedoms, democratic rights, mobility rights, and legal rights. Most
but not all articles included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are protected in the
constitution. However, if a Canadian feels that their rights are violated, they can challenge laws and
unfair actions using the justice system. In my opinion, I believe the Canadian Charter of Human
Rights somewhat protects Canadians rights and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
To prove that the Charter protects some rights but not all, a court case that involved Dr Henry
Morgentaler and the Supreme Court of Canada was successful after trials. Before this case, women
were only allowed to have an abortion after proper certification of approval from a hospital s
Therapeutic Abortion Committee. Three doctors including Morgentaler set up an abortion clinic that
allowed women to have an abortion without a certification of approval. He was later charged with
illegal abortion under section 251 of the Criminal Code. Morgentaler argued that women had full right
on deciding whether or not they wanted an abortion. This law was struck down as unconstitutional as
it violated a woman s right according to section 7 on the Charter.
Another example to support my statement involves the case R. V. Big M Drug Mart. Before this case,
the Lord s Day Act prevented people from opening shops on Sundays because that day was for
Christian people to go to church and spend time with their family. Big M Drug Mart was charged in
Calgary for unlawfully opening their store on a Sunday. They disagreed to the Lord s Day Act because
not every Canadian citizen had to have a religion. This case was later released and the law was struck
down due to violation in section 2 in the Canadian Charter, which protected fundamental rights.
In contrast, a case study involving Omar Khadr, the United
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Ethics And Moral Philosophies
Ethics and Moral Philosophies
The majority of organizations have an obligation to build and operate their business with strong moral
principles. Leaders should have the confidence and be comfortable with their decision to move their
organization in a particular direction. Whether your company is taking a new direction or not, one of
the many moral philosophies to apply is that of privacy. To be accountable by rules and concepts that
prevent others access to employee actions and communication. To be certain that private information
is never exposed to the public, without the rule of law. Any organization that builds upon a reputation
of privacy, will eventually be recognized as having an ethical and moral philosophy. Another moral
obligation for organizations is to fire, or train poorly performing managers. It s rare that any major
transformation effort goes perfectly smoothly, as people start along the learning curve, progress will
follow. Poorly trained and poorly performing managers only prevent your organization and moral
philosophies from advancing.
Ordinarily, when a company focuses upon a quality initiative, it results in some improvements.
However, employees must be assured that they will not be punished for trying and not succeeding in a
new initiative. For this writing, ethical and moral philosophies are applied for organizations in
transformation. Organization s leaders are struggling with many of the same issues of learning new
ways and
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Case Analysis Aqualisa Quartz
Every company dreams that one day they can bring something unique and very competitive, and use it
to dominate the market. But things might not be as easy as they thought. In Aqualisa case, Harry
Rawlinson, managing director of Aqualisa, gives us an example that even with new significant shower
product Quartz, which seems to be perfect in every aspect, they cannot make a relative progress in
U.K. shower market. Quartz is designed to solve all the troubles that exist in U.K. showers. It provides
efficient and reliable water pressure and temperature, needs less space in bathroom, has a stylish
looking and is easy to use and install. Although Quartz leaps all other showers, the initial sales results
turned to be gloomy, as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
And we notice that Aquavalve Value, which is in value segment, and Aquaforce 1.0/1.5 Bar, which is
in Standard segment, have higher Rate of return, but these product sold well in lower segments. Thus
Quartz cannot be blamed for overprice, at least it was no more expensive than Aqualisa s other
product. Besides, if we consider the installation cost that saved by Quartz (2 days to half day, with 40
80/hour), Quartz is even cheaper. So either the price was not the reason, or the price was
misunderstood. Consumer could be blinded by Quartz s high retail price and ignore its relatively high
produce cost. Besides, Aqualisa was generally recognized as having top quality showers, a premium
brand, and great service , that reputation could make consumers form the idea that Quartz is just
another premium product which is not
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Both Physicians And Patients Rely On The Pharmaceutical
Both physicians and patients rely on the Pharmaceutical industry to adequately provide medication to
address public health concerns ranging from depression to obesity, to name a few. An increased
reliance on medication leads to the creation of one of the largest and most profitable pharmaceutical
corporations to exist across the world. However, because pharmaceutical companies profit from the
drugs they sell, they have incentives to influence the public into buying the drugs they produce; the
main objective of pharmaceutical companies then becomes primarily to maximize profits through the
selling of drugs, while disregarding the well being of the population (Moynihan and Mintzes 2010, 2).
Thus, Pharmaceutical drug marketing leads to the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In this way, many commercials promote the quick and easy digestibility of the pill/quick relief, which
allows them to serve as ideal consumer items (421). The following ad of Alka Seltzer exemplifies the
easy ingestibilty/immediate relief of the pill: Down, down, down the stomach...with Alka Seltzer you
re sure to say, relief is just a swallow away (421). Hence, the pills embody healing potencies, which
leads people to get prescriptions from doctors because they believe they have similar symptoms to
illnesses portrayed in advertisements. As Leder and Krucoff talk about the role of pills in the public
imagination, from what I understand, they are referring to how through the media/advertisements, the
pill becomes an accepted means to cure virtually any illness, in other words it medicalizes all of life s
ills. For example, many individuals take pills for the duration of their lives either through multi
vitamins, B complex vitamins, and so forth because advertisements dictate that following a vitamin
rich regime will prevent future health problems. While, the aim of the article, is not to demonize all
pills, the effectiveness of pills is not mentioned.
Aside from media central marketing tactics, in Big Bad Pharma..., Amanda Connors argues that
pharmaceutical marketing tactics also operate through their free sample distributions in order to
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Caso 5 Deutsch Casella
For the exclusive use of c. muller, 2015.
The Deutsch Casella Joint Venture and
[ yellow tail ]® Wines: Trading Up or
Trading Down?
Armand Gilinsky, Jr., Sonoma State University
Raymond H. Lopez, Pace University
We should be very proud of our portfolio of wine brands, but we admit that the [ yellow tail ]® story
has redefined and refocused our firm over the last decade. While the current economic environment
creates uncertainty for most businesses, we must be confident of our ability to navigate uncharted
waters and continue to compete in global markets.
Bill Deutsch
These were the words of Bill Deutsch, founder and chairman of W. J. Deutsch
Sons, a New York based importer, to his son, Peter. W. J. Deutsch Sons was joint ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
This demographic segment was not only aging, but also increasing in spending power, and thus
willing to spend its disposable income on wine, at least up until the global financial crisis began in
Wine consumption in the United States increased every year from 2000 2008, according to the U.S.
Department of Commerce and Adams Wine Handbook, the latter an industry trade publication, as
shown in the analysis presented in Exhibit 1. Domestically produced wine, predominantly from
California, made some inroads into the
United States market. From 2000 2008, the consumption of domestically produced table wine grew 22
percent, while over the same period inroads made by wine imports led to expansion in that category
approximately 74 percent. By comparison, however, imported table wine, which accounted for 10.3
percent of total United States wine consumption in 1991, accounted for 23.5 percent by 2008. Also,
share of imports by volume, which was 14.5 percent in 1991, grew to 25.6 percent in 2008, according
to the U.S. Department of Commerce and Adams Wine Handbook.
Exhibit 2 presents an analysis of wine imports from 2003 2008 by country of origin, showing that
Italy and Australia led in total exports to the United States. Exhibit 3 shows the analysis of sales and
market shares of the twenty five largest wine brands imported to the United States from the
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Influence Of Organizational Culture On Corporate Performance
support the proposition that organizational culture is found to be a filter through which leadership
influences various performance outcomes.
Human Resource Management Organizational culture affects corporate performance. Corporate
culture is a deeply embedded form of social control that influences employee decisions and behavior.
Culture is persistent and operates unintentionally. It is an automatic pilot directing employees in ways
that are consistent with organizational expectations. Corporate culture assists the sense making
process. It helps employee understand organizational events. Employee can communicate more
efficiently and reach higher level of cooperation with each other because they share common mental
models of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Human Resource requires administrator to compare job titles, skill levels together with the culture of
work and remuneration to determine the contributions employees with different jobs and titles make
towards accomplishing company objectives. Human resources management considers internal
consistency when determining pay rates for employees who do the same work and employees who do
different works in accordance with the culture on ground in the organization. The internal consistency
depends on how a company is structures reflect the structure and culture of the organization. The pay
structure of an organization is its range of pay rates for different jobs and skill levels within the
organization (Barney, 1986). Company s culture factors are social customs, job requirements,
employee acceptance, employee knowledge and skills. The social customs of an organization do not
determine wages only but the current notion of federally mandated minimum which evolve from the
employee demanding a just wage which always go with the remuneration culture of the organization.
The organizational culture has a positive relationship with the human resource management. However,
the job requirements factors determines some jobs may require greater skills, knowledge or experience
than others, this will reflect a higher pay rate. Employee acceptance employee expects fair pay rates
and compares their wages with their co workers and supervisor s rate of pay. Employee
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The Women In Beowulf
In the book Beowulf, the women played significant roles at this period of time. It was actually a time
when women were well respected. Some women were even referred to as a noble lady, like
Wealtheow. So, why were the roles of the women in the story of Beowulf important? What did they do
and how did they do it? Finally, did they offer an alternate prospective to the poetic story? Yes, all the
women in the story of Beowulf, like Wealtheow, Hygd, Hildeburh, and Grendal s mother had roles
that offered an alternate prospective of the story.
The most important role that the women had was their partnerships with their husbands. In the
marriage women were the much more productive ones in the relationship. During this time period the
Beowulf women were considered equal to men and were able to make huge decisions. For instance,
women were able to choose whether they wanted war or peace. Some women like Hildeburh were sent
as gifts to other kingdoms which symbolized there peace. So, one of the great character traits the
women had in the story was being a peacemaker. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The story showed that Wealtheow s words meant a lot as she gave speeches in the court that carried
weight. Wealtheow, Hygd, and Hildeburh were all peacemakers and wise leaders. Hildeburh also made
political appearances in court to help bring about peace among the people of Hrothga. Grendal s
mother had a different character trait and perspective about Beowulf. Grendal s mother showed her
protective side, so she wanted to take revenge against Beowulf for her son s death. She obviously
eschewed the peaceful character trait that the rest of women showed. She did what she could to make
sure the people of Hrothga would not be
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  • 6. Comparing Beowulf And The Fellowship Of The Ring The Fellowship of the Ring is a story written by author J. R. R. Tolkien. His story loosely based around Anglo Saxon mythology much like the epic of Beowulf. Beowulf is a much older story than The Fellowship of the Ring, but they share some key details. Furthermore, one could easily compare the two stories for their epic like elements. Both stories contain epic elements, but how does The Fellowship of the ring fit the definition of an epic? Where does it lack? If you watch the film, the first example of an epic element is presented when Bilbo Baggins and Gandalf the the Grey are in Bilbo s home (Jackson, The Fellowship of the Ring). The element is presented after Gandalf finds out that Bilbo s been harboring the ring for a long time (Jackson, The Fellowship of the Ring). When this is revealed, Bilbo gives a long speech about the ring s powers and how it has been affecting him in a great way. Notably, the ring brings many good things to Bilbo, like youth and health. In fact, outwardly he hasn t aged for sixty years, but he humbly recognizes there s an underlying darkness to the ring that brings great temptation to the bearer (Jackson, The Fellowship of the Ring). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He leaves everything he owns, including the ring, in his adopted heirs possession. Bilbo s departure provokes the next epic element, which is a long and dangerous journey. After Bilbo leaves, Gandalf clearly states the dangers of the rings to Frodo, the heir of Bilbo s possessions (Jackson, The Fellowship of the Ring). Gandalf tells Frodo to leave with the ring immediately and it ends up being a very long journey. Frodo has no idea that this journey will result in him crossing multiple nations, which is also an epic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Amelia Earhart Accomplishments Amelia Earhart was more than just a female pilot, she did a lot of stuff for history that people do not realize to this day. She set many record in flying in her short career and she proved that women can do more than just be homemakers.She also inspired a whole new generation of aviators and dreamers , she helped them see that they did not have to stick to the status quo.Amelia Earhart s early life lead to her becoming an american icon, aviation pioneer, author, and the first women to fly across the Atlantic Ocean alone and the first many flying records for women. A lot of experiences Amelia had in her early life set her up to become one of the first successful women pilots. At the age of twenty Amelia went to visit her sister in Toronto ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Amelia passed the test for her transport license with flying colors she was only the fourth woman to achieve it at the time.This was an amazing example for the up and coming generation that you can do anything and you are not limited by your gender. She also showed the world women could do what men do . Amelia is one of the half dozen women among hundreds of men in the aviation hall of fame. Amelia being in the aviation hall of fame is yet another one of her great accomplishments that proves yet again that she was an amazing pilot which was something that women were told was not for them. She opened many doors for women with her amazing accomplishments and just as well she opened the eyes of men , showing them that just because men do it doesn t mean that women can t do it just as well Amelia Earhart s early life lead to her becoming an american icon, aviation pioneer, author, and the first women to fly across the Atlantic Ocean alone and the first many flying records for women.She set multiple records that were unthought of for women of her time and even when her record were passed up by a men she was determined to set a new record, and she did. She changed the world for women and anyone that ever wanted to do anything that they were told they could ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. WGU JGT Task #1 Essay To be successful in an expanding world market, Shuzworld must be innovative in addressing challenges using sound management principles and decision analysis to determine the best options for operations. Asian Workflow Workflow improvement in the Chinese factories has been identified as an area of opportunity for Shuzworld in Shanghai. After meeting with Alistair Wu, Production Manager who is responsible for all three Shuzworld facilities in China, the assembly line process was reviewed for efficiency of the production of the Rugged Work Wear® boot product. Since these boots are steel tipped, production is more complex and take longer to produce than other standard Shuzworld products. Catherine Pang, Line Manager, provided an existing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... New Product Line Development Cost Analysis Shuzworld is developing a new line for sales in California and southwest United States. Although it is projected that there will be significant demand once created, Shuzworld must first determine whether or not the new Maui Sandal line will be profitable to the company prior to production. After meeting with Alistair Wu and the Shanghai line management team, it has been determined that the Maui Sandal will possibly be the newest project for Shuzworld. Hetty Tarbox was present to present market research data and associated metrics. The goal is to set up for batches of 10,000 units in the Shanghai factories. Catherine Pang presented her estimates on the new service line. She predicts that the first batch will take 1,000 labor hours to produce the first units of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Question Of Why The Term Son Of Man Was Used By Jesus For the believer, the question of why the term Son of Man was used by Jesus to represent himself at face value remains curious. Particularly intriguing is Jesus use of this identification Son of Man since God s attributes are not fully comprehended in scope or nature in their entirety, save what has been revealed to us in Scripture therefore it is humbling to realize that Jesus makes such a firm association with mankind. Combined with Jesus humanity there still remains a distinctive from His title by the means which He uses to address (Moule, 1978) Himself. 1 among those who still believe that it is Dan. 7 that gives it, in the Gospel tradition. its decisive colour. And what confirms me in this conclusion is. among other things. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There is some dispute over the nature of Jesus mission with how (Van Aarde, 2005) future events would be shaped by Christ. Scholars have divided themselves into three camps. Some say Jesus was a wisdom teacher and, according to these scholars understanding 5, it seems that wisdom excludes an apocalyptic mind set. Others disagree 6. But there is also a third option 7. According to these scholars, both presence (immanence) and future (eschatology) exist within the spectrum of Jesus vision. This complexity is interwoven with the problem pertaining to the continuity and/or discontinuity of the son of man sayings by Jesus and those by the Jesus groups after his death. I believe that the Daniel 7 linkage to Jesus use of Son of Man will justify an apocalyptic inclusion, these facts do not disbar Jesus present or future activities. Aramaic, Hebrew or Greek? The case of whether or not Hebrew or Aramaic was used by Jesus in the utterance of Son of Man is difficult to ascertain, since Hebrew was used simultaneously in worship while Aramaic was used in other daily living areas. Aramaic is considered to be the common language evidenced by the findings of documents or fragments which proved to be items of textual contracts plus other written documents of everyday life. All of these findings have been found to be written in Aramaic. Bar enasha is further qualified by Haupt, who gives the meaning to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Impact of Declining Nokia Market PRESTIGE INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCH SESSION 2012 2014 Minor Research Project Synopsis THE IMPACT OF DECLINING NOKIA MARKET CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1.1 Literature Review 1.2 Objective Of The Study 2. Research Methodology 2.1 The Study 2.2 Sample 2.3 Tools For Data Collection 2.4 Tools For Data Analysis 2. References 3. Questionnaire Introduction Nokia has come a long way to evolve from a paper mill founded in 1865 to a world renowned mobile phone manufacturer and one of the most powerful brands in the world. In 1992 Nokia appointed Jorma Ollila as the new CEO and concentrated its focus on telecommunications. Throughout the 1990 s Nokia was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Data Analysis The data analysis of the survey results started with a general analysis of the averages and apparent trends. It was followed by the identification of significant regional differences between the responses with the help of cross tabulations. QUESTIONNAIRE Smart Phone Brand Perception Survey REFERENCES Arnould, Eric, Linda Price, and George Zinkhan. Consumers. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw Hill/Irwin,2004. Print. Barrett, Larry. Palm, Nokia Smartphone Users Most Likely to Switch: Survey. Enterprise Mobile Today. Internet.com, 19 Jan. 2011. Web. 24 Apr. 2011. . Best Global Brands Ranking for 2010. Interbrand, n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2011. . Business Source Complete. Web. 14 Apr. 2011. . Christodoulides, George, and Leslie De Chernatony. Consumer based brand equity conceptualization and measurement. International Journal of Market Research 52.1 (2010): 43 66. EBSCO Business Source Complete. Web. 13 Apr. 2011. . Drobis, David R. Integrated Marketing Communications Redefined. Journal of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Teddy Roosevelt Essays Theodore Roosevelt, born October 27, 1858, was the United States twenty sixth President. Roosevelt was born into a wealthy and socially dominant family. Though he was a quick thinker and very bright, he was not very physically fit; Roosevelt had severe asthma attacks as a youth. (Andrews) Roosevelt attended Harvard College starting with a science major, but his eventual majors were law and politics. After graduating Harvard in 1880, Roosevelt married his first wife, had his first child, and lost his wife two weeks after the birth of their daughter on Valentines day 1884. He had also begun his career in politics, joining the Republican Party when they were treated like a private organization, having few ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Roosevelt had stated, If I wanted anything to eat it was wise to carry it with me. He also suggested, I would earnestly advise the men of every volunteer organization always to proceed upon the belief that their supplies will not turn up. (Roosevelt) In June of 1898 at the battle of San Juan Hill, Roosevelt was given notification that there might be orders to fall back. After seeing his men fight, he told General Joseph Wheeler that he did not know if he could follow those orders. Roosevelt and his men were often told that the battles would take place at night and it so happened that one Saturday morning there were shots fired and by morning there was artillery being fired at the regiment. (Roosevelt) After the battle at San Juan Hill, the men were exhausted and hungry. They had managed to gain control of some of the Spanish s supplies and provisions. (Jeffers) Despite the Rough Riders accomplishments during the Spanish American War, Washington was given the option to withdraw their troops from Cuba, but the proposal was vetoed. Allowing the men to fulfill their patriotic duty, but also caused a huge increase in sickness and fatigue. (Roosevelt) Even though Roosevelt and his men were always eager to fight, three fourths of the men had either died, became sick with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Unauthorized Immigration Currently, the problem of unauthorized immigration divides Congress along political party lines. Many politicians who are anti immigrant and pro immigrant seek for ways by which they can impact their political base. As research shows, politicians and anti immigrant groups take advantage of the mass media in order to persuade their constituency. The media uses quantitative data analysis of the unauthorized population to create a media spectacle, by the portrayal of unauthorized immigrants as criminals (Correa Cabrera 2012). This media spectacle serves to exploit the fears of many Americans who oppose legalization. As a result, many people feel encouraged to contact their local representatives to stand against the legalization of the unauthorized population. Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 First, it is important to present a historical context of unauthorized immigration to understand the current dilemma. In order to change discriminatory immigration policies, the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 was signed into law. After the 1965 act, immigration from Asia and Latin America increased dramatically. However, for Latin America countries, the legislation restricted the number of legal entries into the United States. Since the bill allowed for visas through family reunification, the number of immigrants from Latin American countries increased, thus exhausting the available visas. The result of these events created chain migration which caused unauthorized ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Case 3.2 Sonoma Essay Answer The problem is to be formulated as two integer programming problems, one for the first year and the other for the second year. I Year Problem Total fund available = $10,000 For convenience rename the brand Petite Sirah as Brand I and brand Sauvignon Blanc as Brand II For Brand I the cost for grape is $0.80 per bottle and for Brand II the cost for grape is $0.70 per bottle. It is given that one dollar spent for promoting Brand I produce a demand for 5 bottles and one dollar spent for promoting Brand II produce a demand for 8 bottles . This means the advertisement cost per bottle for Brand I is $0.20 and the advertisement cost per bottle for Brand II is $0.125. The cost profit structure of the two brands during the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... cost |Total cost |Selling Price |Profit | |Brand I |$0.75 |$0.167 |$0.917 |$8.25 |$7.333 | |Brand II |$0.85 |$0.100 |$0.950 |$7.00 |$6.050 | Suppose George decide to produce X bottles of Brand I and Y bottles of Brand II Then the total profit function to be maximised is [pic] Total amount required is [pic]. Hence the constraint on the funds becomes C1: [pic] Further it is given that the proportion of Brand I should be between 40% and 60%. The corresponding constraint becomes [pic] This can be expressed as two constraints as follows C2: [pic] C3: [pic] Thus the second year problem can be expressed as the following integer programming problem. Maximize [pic] Subject to [pic] [pic] [pic] X and Y non negative integers Solution of the problem using Solver of MS Excel is as follows | |X |Y |Function |limits | | |62440.00 |26760.00 | | | |Objective fn |7.333 |6.050 |619770.520 | | |Constraint1 |0.917 |0.950 |82679.480 |82681.000 |
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  • 15. Post General Education Classes Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think (Albert Einstein). There are different types of teachers or instructors, those who tell, those who coach, and those who mentor their students; just as there are different types of schools and classes. Each person chooses their path and education, either with or with or without support. The teachers in general education classes typically are more proficient in one specific subject but can generally teach basics of all the traditional studies; they are not specialized or experts in any one course. Class sizes are generally too large for teachers to give each individual the needed attention needed to excel. Meanwhile in vocational or CTE classes the mentors or instructors are certified in their areas of expertise. The classes are compiled of students who want to be further taught skills needed for a profession and learn better in a more hands on atmosphere. Secondary or post general education is usually necessary to gain even basic skills needed to be proficient in the workplace. Graduates from basic required education are seldom capable of going straight from school into the workplace, the foundation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In CTE classes they include these basic teachings, but offer much more hands on learning, and are expected to possess real world experience in their field. Vocational school or skill specific technical schools can often much more easily serve a more diverse student population because they are able to tailor programs and student services to fit the needs of the participants. CTE courses focus on job skill sets such as critical thinking, teamwork, research, and problem solving; for group projects or simple collaboration in the workplace these skills set people apart from the general ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Mexican And Mexican Americans During The War Of Texas And... The Unit explains the hardships many Mexican and Mexican Americans have carried and continue to carry till this day due to their ethnicity and roots. The inequality and struggles rooted from the invasion of Texas and the wrongful won over Mexican territory by the Euro centric American who then expanded their border down south unjustly colonizing the Northwest of Mexico. Along with land many Mexicans who resided in this land were now living in among a strange new government and environment that was once their land. This began the expectation of having Mexican Americans being able to assimilate into the Euro Centric culture. These assimilations they were presume to make caused for many to lose touch of their own culture. Mexican Americans continued to be oppressed even when serving their own country. Many young Mexican Americans turned to joining the military due to financial hardships, like many due this day. Although these young men were risking their life they were still wrongfully treated and racially discriminated while in service. Having men risking their life for a country and still be discriminated because of their ethnicity shows how progressed the hatred for Mexicans was developed. The recognition and triumph of many Mexican American soldiers went unacknowledged due to their ethnicity. Mexican Americans were also labeled as criminals and murders due to media and their portrayal of Mexicans. Also, the meaning of being called a Chicano/a is also included and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Richard III Foreshadowing Analysis Shakespeare uses foreshadowing in Richard III, to show the reader the fate of each characters. For every character we see some type of foreshadowing that predicts their future. We see foreshadowing in Margaret s curses, Anne s curses, Richard and Richmond s dreams, and the prophetic dream of Clarence. Shakespeare uses curses as a big part of foreshadowing. He uses Margaret s and Anne s curses to foreshadow the fate of the main characters. Almost every character in Richard III falls to the fate of Margaret s curses. In Act 1 of the play Margaret curses King Edward, Queen Elizabeth, Edward Prince of Wales, Rivers, Dorset, Lord Hastings, and finally Richard of Gloucester. Margaret curses King Edward with death due to eating too much, Rivers, Dorset, and Lord Hastings are cursed with death by an unexpected accident, Edward Prince of Wales is cursed with death, and Queen Elizabeth is cursed with living a miserable life like Margaret. All of these curses foreshadow the fate of these characters. Margaret concludes her curses on the York s with Richard saying: The worm of conscience still begnaw thy soul. Thy friends suspect for traitors while thou liv st, And take deep traitors for thy dearest friends. No sleep close up that deadly eye of thine, Unless it be while some tormenting dream Affrights thee with a hell of ugly devils. Thou elvish marked, abortive, rooting hog, Thou that wast ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The night before Clarence is murdered; he has a dream of Richard pushing him overboard a ship to his death. Even though, that is not how Clarence is murdered, he is murdered by two men that were hired by Richard. Also, after they stab him, they place him in a barrel of wine. In his dream he dreamt that he died by drowning and that is sort of what happened. Shakespeare once again uses foreshadowing to give readers a clue about what is going to happen to the character, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Collaboration And Introversion Abstract This analysis examines the differences of introversion and extroversion and how many people place negative connotations associated with being an introvert. Also examined is the importance of introverts in society and how powerful introverts really are despite what many believe. Introduction Section How will you spend your Friday night? Will you spend it in a crowded restaurant or on the couch reading a good book? Maybe your answer to this question is obvious to you or you might find yourself somewhere in the middle between the two. Whatever your answer may be, the origin of your feelings may lie in how your brain responds to day to day activities. Depending on if you are an introvert or an extrovert, the way you deal with and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to Organizational Behavior: Emerging Knowledge, Global Reality, Introverts do not necessarily lack social skills. Rather, they are more inclined to direct their interests to ideas than to social events. Introverts feel quite comfortable being alone, whereas extroverts do not (McShane Von Glinow, 2015, p. 41). The Roosevelt s, Franklin and Eleanor, were two of the most influential people in American history during the twentieth century. However, when it comes to their leadership styles, they are completely different. Franklin was what people would call an extrovert. He was outgoing, he didn t mind big crowds, and loved mingling with others. On the other hand, Eleanor was what most people would call an introvert. She was very timid and shy, she didn t like crowds, nor did she like socializing or mingling much with others. Over time; however, Eleanor grew to like social events and often spoke out publically proclaiming her beliefs and opinions on political issues of the time. In the third part of Quiet: The Power of Introverts, Cain informs readers that despite what Western cultures believe, not all cultures share the same way of thinking in regards to extroversion. Extroversion is not necessarily an ideal characteristic in cultures such as China or Japan, for example. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Death Penalty And Ethical Analysis Understanding Ethics as a whole in its definition seems pretty simple. By that assumption, the application of ethics should also be pretty simple. Should. There are numerous circumstances where ethics of certain individuals can be and are called into question. While perusing the internet, and other available resources for specific examples, an article that sparked interest was written in regards to medical professionals participating in executions. This raised a number of different questions oriented toward ethics. Is the death penalty morally, or ethically acceptable? If so, why is it not more widely or wholly accepted across the United States? Is it acceptable for a medical professional to participate in an execution if the American Medical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Can or should the State or Federal government mandate medical professional involvement? Is it ethical if it directly goes against a Doctor s Hippocratic Oath? Is it already spelled out in the Eighth Amendment? According to a different article from the New England Journal of Medicine The Supreme Court did not and cannot solve this medical ethics problem for America s physicians. State legislatures continue to have the authority under the Constitution to determine whether or not to require executions by lethal injection, and physicians continue to have the legal freedom to determine whether placing their medical skills at the service of the state to execute condemned prisoners is consistent with medical ethics. In this regard, physicians could again come to the rescue of the law by helping corrections officials make executions by lethal injection less risky, less cruel, and more medicalized, routinized, and sanitized (Annas, 2008, p 1517). In all, the debate still remains on whether or not it is ethical for a medical professional to participate in a legal death penalty execution. Arguably, understanding ethics and the application of ethics varies in every ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Dirt Biking When you drive the powerful dirt bike you feel a vibration and you feel pressure that if you crash it s over. Dirt Biking is exciting. Innumerable teens love extreme sports. Which are skateboarding, mountain biking, dirt biking....etc. Many parents feel that extreme sports are not okay because there children might get hurt a bit. I believe many teens should be able to succeed in extreme sports. Several kids are drawn to extreme sports. Teens take risks. Scientists have learned that some teens crave different experiences and they have a high tolerance for risk. Some studies show that risk increases dopamine in the brain isha most effective in teens. Dopamine creates a feeling of pleasure in the brain. Also, it is an absolute thrill every time ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Authoritarism in Argentina in the Last Fifty Years Essay Latin America politics in the past 50 years have been regarded as being unstable with military regimes, authoritarian rule, and violent. Latin America has been considered an authoritarian region with rulers either military or civilian directed. 3 governments are important to stabilize countries with tension of nation crisis by eliminating the popular sector in the national politics. In Argentina the prevalence of authoritarian changed the principal lines of the former government in their social, economic, and political ideas. Argentina in the early 1930s was led by a populist government, which was the dominant national political coalition, then converted to an authoritarianism government with alternative economic strategies, and improved ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Not all Latin America countries had the same rules and policies when they were authoritarian. Several differences between regimes are the role of leadership; intersect groups or coalitions in supporting their government. Latin countries had different strategies in how a government should move forwards towards the future. Similarities that regimes had were interest representation based on enforces limited pluralism (Malloy, James M, pages 4). When viewing Latin Americas perspective on authoritarian rule can be broken down into three levels (1) regime type authoritarianism running from old fashioned caudillo, (2) overarching subtypes corporation structural and organizational principles, (3) leaders, supporting coalitions and policy strategies. (Malloy, James M, pages 3). Overall different countries had differences authoritarian rule but there similarities in structure and organization in principles were still the identical. Colonel Juan D. Peron merged rapidly as a political figure and a person that could take over the country. Peron was closely associated with General Edelmiro Farrell, who became president. With the backing of the new president Peron had his target the vice presidency, also the ministry of war Peron was gaining power in the military and the citizens of Argentina. Peron was becoming popular rapidly as prominent political figure. He ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Argumentative Essay About Babysitting Giselle is a 14 year old who leaves everyone speechless with her personality. Even her name story can surprise you, she was named after an actress on Despierta America! Her friends call her Gigi, and they all describe her as a loud, extremely talkative, funny, and a person who is shy at first. She loves listening to music and babysits in her free time. Talking about babysitting, she believes to have a talent at scaring little children into doing what they need to do. She truly desires to be gifted at sports though, its always been her desire. Giselle enjoys most kinds of music but mostly rap, hip hop, and Mexican style too. Living with her Mexican family she has grown to adore Mexican food, but who could blame her? It s delicious! Really her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. My I Chose Electrical Engineering Well here it is, the senior project. The thing dreaded by everyone, however the thing that must be completed in order to graduate. With that in mind, I have been giving much thought and research into what I want to do post high school, and I believe that in my research I have found a career that I find fascinating. I plan to pursue this career and give it my all. In this paper I will explain my chosen career, why I chose it, and what my plan is for the scary thing that is the future First things first, I chose electrical engineering as my career, mostly because of my love of computers and physics. As an electrical engineer I ll design, develop, test, and maintain electrical and electronic devices; use computers and engineering software to design devices; work in a team to build the items that we designed; and test and provide maintenance as needed for these items. I might design items like an electric motor, a radar system, a navigation system, a communications system, or power generation equipment. (idcis.org, Electrical and Electronics Engineers ) The working conditions work for me. There isn t much moving around, mostly sitting at a computer for about a 40 hour work week. The job does include some social interaction between co workers to ensure everyone knows their job and that everything is accurate and not going to explode. I have to be extremely careful and pay especial attention to detail because the smallest mistake can endanger people who use the products I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Financial Analysis for J.C Penney and Target Essay Running head: Financial Analysis 1 Financial Analysis for J.C. Penney and Target Sabrina Earnest Columbia College Author Note This paper was prepared for Business Finance 350, taught by Professor Campbell. Running head: Financial Analysis 2 Abstract Running head: Financial Analysis 3 Working Capital Ratio Working capital is the measure of a company s efficiency and operating liquidity. The working capital is usually calculated by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It subtracts inventories from current assets before dividing that number into liabilities. Quick ratios show how well current liabilities are covered by cash and by items with a ready cash value. To find the Quick Ratio, find the Current Assets, Inventory, and Current Liabilities Running head: Financial Analysis 5 on a balance sheet. Next, subtract your Current Assets from Inventory (Current Assets Inventory) then divide by Current Liabilities. The higher the quick ratio is the better position that the company is in. In the past five years, the Quick Ratio for J.C. Penney has been: In 2012, the Quick Ratio so far is 0.7. In 2011, the Quick Ratio was 1.1. In 2010, the Quick Ratio was 1.1. In 2009, the Quick Ratio was 1.0. In 2008, the Quick Ratio was 0.9. In the past five years, the Quick Ratio for Target Corporation has been: In 2012, the Quick Ratio so far is 0.5. In 2011, the Quick Ratio was 0.9. In 2010, the Quick Ratio was 0.9. In 2009, the Quick Ratio was 1.0. In 2008, the Quick Ratio was 1.0. This information for J.C. Penney and Target s Quick Ratio tells me that this current year has been the lowest for both companies. For J.C. Penney, in 2008 through 2011 the Quick Ratio was continually getting higher until in fell off this year. Target s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Participatory... What should be named in the report Methods size of study area sampling design (e.g., use of spatial or temporal blocks) number of stations spacing between stations or station density method of estimating effective trapping area (e.g., size of buffer width) objective method of identifying individuals sampling period occasion length used for analysis (Foster Harmsen 2012) camera types and settings (e.g. Kelly et al. 2008) Results trap effort (number of trap‐nights; see text box 1) number of pictures obtained (in total and of your focal species) the level of trap failure, and whether this failure was accounted for in the population model If you are looking into distribution and related issues, the number of sample sites your ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By increasing the number of observers in the study/field activities, this approach allows a greater survey effort. Through empowerment, the approach can produce high‐level conservation management intervention. It is a major tool to raise awareness about environmental issues. Disadvantages of participatory monitoring (Ancrenaz et al. 2012): It requires time to initiate a strong capacity building process over a long and continuous period of time As monitoring is difficult to standardize completely, participatory monitoring is often less accurate and results can be difficult to compare. Fortunately, camera trapping is can be standardized more easily than many other monitoring methods. Pragmatically, local communities need to be involved at all phases of a project (design, planning and implementation) to achieve significant results (Borrini‐ Feyerabend et al., 2004; Berkes, 2004; Ancrenaz et al., 2007). Some crucial factors that will determine the success or failure of a monitoring program will include for example (Danielsen et al., 2003): Involvement of representatives of the local communities in developing the local application of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Does the Canadian Charter Effectively Protect our Human... Apart from the other laws in Canada s constitution, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is an important law that affects every Canadian s rights and freedoms. It was created in 1981 by former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau to provide legal protection for the most important rights and freedoms. These rights include fundamental freedoms, democratic rights, mobility rights, and legal rights. Most but not all articles included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are protected in the constitution. However, if a Canadian feels that their rights are violated, they can challenge laws and unfair actions using the justice system. In my opinion, I believe the Canadian Charter of Human Rights somewhat protects Canadians rights and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To prove that the Charter protects some rights but not all, a court case that involved Dr Henry Morgentaler and the Supreme Court of Canada was successful after trials. Before this case, women were only allowed to have an abortion after proper certification of approval from a hospital s Therapeutic Abortion Committee. Three doctors including Morgentaler set up an abortion clinic that allowed women to have an abortion without a certification of approval. He was later charged with illegal abortion under section 251 of the Criminal Code. Morgentaler argued that women had full right on deciding whether or not they wanted an abortion. This law was struck down as unconstitutional as it violated a woman s right according to section 7 on the Charter. Another example to support my statement involves the case R. V. Big M Drug Mart. Before this case, the Lord s Day Act prevented people from opening shops on Sundays because that day was for Christian people to go to church and spend time with their family. Big M Drug Mart was charged in Calgary for unlawfully opening their store on a Sunday. They disagreed to the Lord s Day Act because not every Canadian citizen had to have a religion. This case was later released and the law was struck down due to violation in section 2 in the Canadian Charter, which protected fundamental rights. In contrast, a case study involving Omar Khadr, the United ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Ethics And Moral Philosophies Ethics and Moral Philosophies The majority of organizations have an obligation to build and operate their business with strong moral principles. Leaders should have the confidence and be comfortable with their decision to move their organization in a particular direction. Whether your company is taking a new direction or not, one of the many moral philosophies to apply is that of privacy. To be accountable by rules and concepts that prevent others access to employee actions and communication. To be certain that private information is never exposed to the public, without the rule of law. Any organization that builds upon a reputation of privacy, will eventually be recognized as having an ethical and moral philosophy. Another moral obligation for organizations is to fire, or train poorly performing managers. It s rare that any major transformation effort goes perfectly smoothly, as people start along the learning curve, progress will follow. Poorly trained and poorly performing managers only prevent your organization and moral philosophies from advancing. Ordinarily, when a company focuses upon a quality initiative, it results in some improvements. However, employees must be assured that they will not be punished for trying and not succeeding in a new initiative. For this writing, ethical and moral philosophies are applied for organizations in transformation. Organization s leaders are struggling with many of the same issues of learning new ways and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Case Analysis Aqualisa Quartz Introduction: Every company dreams that one day they can bring something unique and very competitive, and use it to dominate the market. But things might not be as easy as they thought. In Aqualisa case, Harry Rawlinson, managing director of Aqualisa, gives us an example that even with new significant shower product Quartz, which seems to be perfect in every aspect, they cannot make a relative progress in U.K. shower market. Quartz is designed to solve all the troubles that exist in U.K. showers. It provides efficient and reliable water pressure and temperature, needs less space in bathroom, has a stylish looking and is easy to use and install. Although Quartz leaps all other showers, the initial sales results turned to be gloomy, as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... And we notice that Aquavalve Value, which is in value segment, and Aquaforce 1.0/1.5 Bar, which is in Standard segment, have higher Rate of return, but these product sold well in lower segments. Thus Quartz cannot be blamed for overprice, at least it was no more expensive than Aqualisa s other product. Besides, if we consider the installation cost that saved by Quartz (2 days to half day, with 40 80/hour), Quartz is even cheaper. So either the price was not the reason, or the price was misunderstood. Consumer could be blinded by Quartz s high retail price and ignore its relatively high produce cost. Besides, Aqualisa was generally recognized as having top quality showers, a premium brand, and great service , that reputation could make consumers form the idea that Quartz is just another premium product which is not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Both Physicians And Patients Rely On The Pharmaceutical Both physicians and patients rely on the Pharmaceutical industry to adequately provide medication to address public health concerns ranging from depression to obesity, to name a few. An increased reliance on medication leads to the creation of one of the largest and most profitable pharmaceutical corporations to exist across the world. However, because pharmaceutical companies profit from the drugs they sell, they have incentives to influence the public into buying the drugs they produce; the main objective of pharmaceutical companies then becomes primarily to maximize profits through the selling of drugs, while disregarding the well being of the population (Moynihan and Mintzes 2010, 2). Thus, Pharmaceutical drug marketing leads to the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In this way, many commercials promote the quick and easy digestibility of the pill/quick relief, which allows them to serve as ideal consumer items (421). The following ad of Alka Seltzer exemplifies the easy ingestibilty/immediate relief of the pill: Down, down, down the stomach...with Alka Seltzer you re sure to say, relief is just a swallow away (421). Hence, the pills embody healing potencies, which leads people to get prescriptions from doctors because they believe they have similar symptoms to illnesses portrayed in advertisements. As Leder and Krucoff talk about the role of pills in the public imagination, from what I understand, they are referring to how through the media/advertisements, the pill becomes an accepted means to cure virtually any illness, in other words it medicalizes all of life s ills. For example, many individuals take pills for the duration of their lives either through multi vitamins, B complex vitamins, and so forth because advertisements dictate that following a vitamin rich regime will prevent future health problems. While, the aim of the article, is not to demonize all pills, the effectiveness of pills is not mentioned. Aside from media central marketing tactics, in Big Bad Pharma..., Amanda Connors argues that pharmaceutical marketing tactics also operate through their free sample distributions in order to produce ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Caso 5 Deutsch Casella For the exclusive use of c. muller, 2015. NA0302 The Deutsch Casella Joint Venture and [ yellow tail ]® Wines: Trading Up or Trading Down? Armand Gilinsky, Jr., Sonoma State University Raymond H. Lopez, Pace University We should be very proud of our portfolio of wine brands, but we admit that the [ yellow tail ]® story has redefined and refocused our firm over the last decade. While the current economic environment creates uncertainty for most businesses, we must be confident of our ability to navigate uncharted waters and continue to compete in global markets. Bill Deutsch These were the words of Bill Deutsch, founder and chairman of W. J. Deutsch Sons, a New York based importer, to his son, Peter. W. J. Deutsch Sons was joint ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This demographic segment was not only aging, but also increasing in spending power, and thus willing to spend its disposable income on wine, at least up until the global financial crisis began in 2008. Wine consumption in the United States increased every year from 2000 2008, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce and Adams Wine Handbook, the latter an industry trade publication, as shown in the analysis presented in Exhibit 1. Domestically produced wine, predominantly from California, made some inroads into the United States market. From 2000 2008, the consumption of domestically produced table wine grew 22 percent, while over the same period inroads made by wine imports led to expansion in that category approximately 74 percent. By comparison, however, imported table wine, which accounted for 10.3 percent of total United States wine consumption in 1991, accounted for 23.5 percent by 2008. Also, share of imports by volume, which was 14.5 percent in 1991, grew to 25.6 percent in 2008, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce and Adams Wine Handbook. Exhibit 2 presents an analysis of wine imports from 2003 2008 by country of origin, showing that Italy and Australia led in total exports to the United States. Exhibit 3 shows the analysis of sales and market shares of the twenty five largest wine brands imported to the United States from the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Influence Of Organizational Culture On Corporate Performance support the proposition that organizational culture is found to be a filter through which leadership influences various performance outcomes. Human Resource Management Organizational culture affects corporate performance. Corporate culture is a deeply embedded form of social control that influences employee decisions and behavior. Culture is persistent and operates unintentionally. It is an automatic pilot directing employees in ways that are consistent with organizational expectations. Corporate culture assists the sense making process. It helps employee understand organizational events. Employee can communicate more efficiently and reach higher level of cooperation with each other because they share common mental models of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Human Resource requires administrator to compare job titles, skill levels together with the culture of work and remuneration to determine the contributions employees with different jobs and titles make towards accomplishing company objectives. Human resources management considers internal consistency when determining pay rates for employees who do the same work and employees who do different works in accordance with the culture on ground in the organization. The internal consistency depends on how a company is structures reflect the structure and culture of the organization. The pay structure of an organization is its range of pay rates for different jobs and skill levels within the organization (Barney, 1986). Company s culture factors are social customs, job requirements, employee acceptance, employee knowledge and skills. The social customs of an organization do not determine wages only but the current notion of federally mandated minimum which evolve from the employee demanding a just wage which always go with the remuneration culture of the organization. The organizational culture has a positive relationship with the human resource management. However, the job requirements factors determines some jobs may require greater skills, knowledge or experience than others, this will reflect a higher pay rate. Employee acceptance employee expects fair pay rates and compares their wages with their co workers and supervisor s rate of pay. Employee ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The Women In Beowulf In the book Beowulf, the women played significant roles at this period of time. It was actually a time when women were well respected. Some women were even referred to as a noble lady, like Wealtheow. So, why were the roles of the women in the story of Beowulf important? What did they do and how did they do it? Finally, did they offer an alternate prospective to the poetic story? Yes, all the women in the story of Beowulf, like Wealtheow, Hygd, Hildeburh, and Grendal s mother had roles that offered an alternate prospective of the story. The most important role that the women had was their partnerships with their husbands. In the marriage women were the much more productive ones in the relationship. During this time period the Beowulf women were considered equal to men and were able to make huge decisions. For instance, women were able to choose whether they wanted war or peace. Some women like Hildeburh were sent as gifts to other kingdoms which symbolized there peace. So, one of the great character traits the women had in the story was being a peacemaker. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The story showed that Wealtheow s words meant a lot as she gave speeches in the court that carried weight. Wealtheow, Hygd, and Hildeburh were all peacemakers and wise leaders. Hildeburh also made political appearances in court to help bring about peace among the people of Hrothga. Grendal s mother had a different character trait and perspective about Beowulf. Grendal s mother showed her protective side, so she wanted to take revenge against Beowulf for her son s death. She obviously eschewed the peaceful character trait that the rest of women showed. She did what she could to make sure the people of Hrothga would not be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...