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College Essay Outline: Essay On
University In Dive
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College Essay Outline: Essay On University In Dive College Essay Outline: Essay On University In Dive
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Gps
The Global Positioning System, commonly referred to as the GPS, is one of the greatest innovations
that truly revolutionized the way we function in the 21st century. It s a space based satellite navigation
system that uses 27 satellites and a wide range of networks of powerful computers used to send signals
down to earth. These signals carry a time code and geographical data point that allows the user to
pinpoint their exact position, speed and time anywhere on the planet. Centuries ago, explorers used
clues such as the position of the sun during the day as a means of navigating but these left explorers
helplessly lost.
The GPS is a very powerful tool that was originally invented by the United States Military as a means
of obtaining intelligence during the cold war in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The GPS technology is used widely in climate studies such as earthquake research and accurate daily
weather forecasts.
Corporate companies are using the GPS technology as a useful tool to monitor employee productivity
by keeping record of their clocking times , frequency and duration of lunch breaks.
Commercial airplanes and cargo ships have more accurate readings that help them avoid disasters and
ensures that they can be traced should they get lost at sea.
The commercialisation of the GPS technology has led to the development of hand held GPS
navigation devices that are used for recreational activities such as hiking and outdoor treasure hunting.
4.2 Disadvantages
One of the greatest disadvantage of the GPS technology is that it relies completely on receiving
satellite signals, so it s prone to radio interference and nuclear weapons.
Another issue is accuracy in terms of updating the navigation system, for example, drivers using the
GPS navigation technology can find themselves stuck in traffic due to blocked
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The Woman Warrior Summary
In Maxine Hong Kingston s The Woman Warrior , in chapter 2 White Tigers Kingston says that
Chinese immigrants say things such as better to raise geese than girls . They also say Chinese
executed women who disguised themselves as soldiers or students, no matter how bravely they fought
or how high they scored on the examinations . I argue that in doing this, the texts suggest shockingly,
that Chinese immigrants continue to treat woman as if they are worthless, which is why Maxine Hong
Kingston compares herself to Mulan. She just wants to honor her family and feel accepted. Kingston
wants to honor her family once and for all. In order to do so, Kingston completes fifteen years of
training. At the age of fourteen she wants to save her Brother and Husband but her mentors tell
Kingston she is not ready to fight, that she is too young. What was so intriguing about this situation
was when Kingston said When I could point at the sky and make a sword appear, a silver bolt in the
sunlight, and control its slashing with my mind, the old people said I was ready to leave . This shows
that the sword flying in the air represents Chinese culture. Kingston then continues to say I saw the
baron s messenger leave our house, and my father was saying, This time I must go and fight , taking
her father s place. Kingston then pretends to be a man, becoming a great warrior, wearing male armor
and commanding men who fight under her. What was most shocking
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Liberal Arts College Application Essay Sample
#100 The pluralistic, polyphonic, unclassifiable mass of humanity that is our student body I am not a
woman who believes in solitude, and much of my adolescence has been characterized by a hankering
for community beyond that which may be found in the halls of a public high school. During sleepy
classroom debates, I yearn for boldness, and peers who, like me, are unafraid to jump into the fray;
and in my small town, I wish for a greater diversity of backgrounds, ideas, and people. This
community I desire can only be described as differing. Twice in my young life have I encountered that
sublime feeling of togetherness and separateness alike: my summers with Duke TIP, and my time on
the Florida Key Club District Board. As a TIPster, I learned and lived with budding artists and
intellectuals, not to mention violinists clad in kilts. They taught me the rules of Ultimate Frisbee and
the finer points of social activism, how to cook microwavable macaroni and how ... Show more
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One of the reasons I am most drawn to a liberal arts college is the passion it cultivates, with an added
emphasis on the natural and human sciences. Furthermore, Wellesley s mission to empower female
scientists resonates deeply with me, and assures me of the institutional support I would receive as a
student. However, it is the knowledge that I would be surrounded by countless others of innumerable
talents and dreams that most excites me. Learning and working with other young women who are
steadily chipping away at lofty goals of Eureka! moments and life changing discoveries would be truly
priceless, and simultaneously humbling and motivating. I can think of little more inspiring than to
share the camaraderie of fellow science fiends in a setting so fiercely supportive (both materialistically
and morally) and driven by the desire to advance human
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Factors Influencing The Way Museum Collection
The module leader Dr James Pardoe
Factors influencing the way museum collection is presented Assessment number 1622910 Module
code HI7205
From temples of sacred objects, to repositories of colonial trophies, and from monuments of civility,
to spaces for self expression and empowerment, the shape, the function and the appeal of the museum
trough history and across cultures has been fashioned by the preoccupations and expectations of each
society that has chosen to construct them. Wondrous and monstrous, extraordinary and mysterious.
Wonders of nature, culture and science fruits and spoils of Renaissance age of discovery found their
way into European cabinets of curiosity those days collection included works of art, precious gems,
outlandish fruits, four footed beasts, an Indian lip stone, blood that rained in the Isle of Wight, unicorn
s horns, dragons bones. Cabinets of exotic and rare objects were privately owned by collectors, often
royal or aristocratic. Such cabinets demonstrated the owner s wealth and prestige, on one hand, but on
another level, their intention was to genuinely arouse curiosity and wonder. Then along came the
Enlightenment and the French and American Revolutions. A new museum order responded to, and
even served to make manifest, a new world order. Museums including Louvre, the British Museum
and Peale s Museum, began to open to the public from the mid to late 1700s. Previously private
collections were converted into public exhibitions, an
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Comparison of Eric Liddell and Harold Abraham in Chariots...
Have you ever wondered how two athletes with two different faiths can change their own lives by
their ways of living? Eric Liddell was a Scottish runner and a faithful Christian. On the other hand,
Harold Abraham was a British runner and a Jew who struggled to change other people s thought of
Jews. Both of these men ran in the 1924 Olympics for different purposes. The movie Chariots of Fire
showed how Eric Liddell and Harold Abrahams differed from one another. Eric Liddell and Harold
Abrahams were different in their faith, economic status, and their motivations.
First, Eric Liddell and Harold Abrahams differed in their faith. Eric Liddell was a faithful Christian.
As a faithful Christian, Eric Liddell frequently attended church on Sundays. Not only did he attend
church, but he also preached in different churches. The movie ( Chariots of Fire , Hugh Hudson)
showed a scene where he was preaching and reading a passage from the Bible. On the other hand,
Harold Abrahams was of the Jewish faith. For instance, Jews do not eat pork because in the Old
Testament the Israelites were commanded to abstain from it. Proof that Harold Abrahams followed
this belief was seen in the movie when it showed that his girlfriend Sybil order pork in the restaurant
and Harold felt first offended, and then amused by her mistake. In nineteen twenty four Jews were
frequently disrespected regarded as an inferior race. An example of this was when Rodgers, the
receptionist in Harold s dormitory, called
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The Business Case For The Public Cloud
Enterprises around the world would be wise to heed 50 Cent s mantra Get Rich or Die Tryin when
considering the implications of not getting to the public cloud. We at Cocolevio, an implementation
partner of Mooor Insights Strategy, estimate that over 50% of IT spend will be going to public cloud
vendors such as Amazon Web Services or SaaS vendors like Salesforce.com Inc. by 2019. This means
there is around a $140B opportunity in this space. The cost savings, reduction in capital spending,
speed to market, flexibility and global access derived from public cloud mean those enterprises that
effectively use the public cloud are better positioned to Get Rich than their competitors who have
higher cost structures and less nimble IT platforms. This trend is only set to continue as the business
case for moving to public cloud only becomes more compelling, with the traditional arguments against
public cloud around security and lack of control diminishing. Vendor lock in will continue to be a
concern but we see many companies willing to sacrifice a bit of lock in for the many, many benefits of
public cloud.
With this in mind, it is prudent for any CIO to have a migration strategy to the public cloud. It is now
generally accepted that at least some workload and functions of an organization will need to be moved
in order to be competitive. Recently, the poster child for Amazon Inc., Netflix Inc. announced that
they closed their door on their last datacenter. Although by no
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Traumatic Brain Intelligence
Before moving on to the Modern era of intelligence and the theories behind where it is going, we
should also discuss the physiological/biological theories behind brain development and intelligence.
Why? Because the world we are exposed to now has altered it much. One of the most timeless
arguments of intelligence is, the bigger the brain, the smarter the being! In fact, a physician recited this
time honored theory to me during a recent well child check for my three year old son. Phillip Hunter
explains this theory as resulting from the change in volume size (nearly three times) our brains
experienced over the span of five million years. However, in the last 100,000 years our brain size has
decreased by 10 percent in order to better stabilize brain energy and boost overall performance. Think
of the world s first computer: the size of a mini earth and did very little, especially in light of the
technological advances made available today: they are microscopic and conquering the world. Thomas
Bouchard, writes in the journal of Behavior Genetics ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The result of Traumatic Brain Injury is that if even one component of your brain is altered, it
significantly impairs the body s ability to function, process and interact with the environment (Biawa ,
2015). From this, we conclude that intelligence, while highly potent is a fragile State of mind that
takes our brain to be intact to work properly. Even the slightest concussion can lower your ability to
process and function. Biawa gives an example of how a man who studied bioengineering can no
longer grocery shop due to the complexity of the activity, let alone resume his position as a
bioengineer. Intelligence once lost cannot be
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Concrete Filled Tubular ( Cft ) Column
The steel tube in a concrete filled tubular (CFT) column acts as both lateral and longitudinal
reinforcement, and is thus subjected to hoop tension and biaxial stresses of longitudinal compression.
At the same time, concrete is tri axially stressed. Concrete filled tubular (CFT) column has become
popular as structural member in buildings due to their excellent performance for structural
characteristics, which include high ductility, stiffness, and high strength. The advantages of the
Concrete filled tubular (CFT) column over other composite members are that the filled in concrete
prolongs local buckling of the steel tube wall, the steel tube provides formwork for the concrete, the
tube prevents excessive concrete spalling and composite columns add more stiffness to a frame
compared to old style steel frame construction. According to past study on the concentric compression
behavior of Concrete filled tubular (CFT) columns, the ultimate axial strength of Concrete filled
tubular (CFT) columns is largely affected by the thickness of the steel tube and the shape of its cross
section Although confining effect in square columns show a small increase in axial strength due to
triaxial effects, although it has large wall thicknesses. On the other hand, the axial load and
deformation behavior of columns is remarkably affected by the cross sectional shape, diameter/width
to thickness ratio (D/t) of the steel tube, and the strength of the filled concrete.
1.3 Significance of research
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Physical Properties Of A Compound
The melting point is just one of the physical properties of a compound. The melting point helps
identify a compound and the purity of a compound. If a compound is truly pure, it ll have a higher
melting point than a compound that is mixed with another substance. Also if a substance is truly pure,
it ll have a narrow melting point range. In order to identify a compound, small amount of the
compound is heated in a device that has thermometer, a heating bath and a magnifying glass. The
second the compound or substance starts to melt, that s the first point. The second point is when the
compound or substance is completely melted. These two points makeup the melting point. The
purpose of the experiment is to determine the melting point of different ... Show more content on
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According to Drexel, Trans Cinnamic Acid has a melting point 133 134. The melting points that were
obtained in the lab were very close to the true melting points of each substance. The color ofeach
substance did not change however the state of the substances changed. The substances went from a
solid to a liquid and then back to a solid.The process of using a digimelt to melt different substances
and finding their melting points is a useful technique because it allows chemists to identify substances
and if that substance is pure.This technique could be used when a chemist discovers a compound. The
chemist could use the digimelt to melt the compound and to identify the melting point. The chemist
could thencompare the melting of the compound to a list of compounds. This helps the chemist to
identifywhat compound he found.One way to improve this lab would be to test all the equipment and
make sure it works beforeusing it. By testing all the equipment, like the digimelt, this would prevent
any mistakes or errors in the data. A way to test the digimelt would be to melt a known substance and
see if the melting point obtained from the digimelt matches the melting from a trusted chemical
source.Another way to improve this lab would be to use a new spatula every time a
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Tax Shelter and Tax Haven
Tax Shelter
I. Definition
Any method of decreasing taxable income in a payments to tax collecting entities, including state and
federal government. The most common type of tax shelter is an employer sponsored 401(k)plan.
a. Types of tax shelters
Some tax shelters are questionable or even illegal:
Offshore companies. A company which is incorporated outside the jurisdiction of its primary
operations regardless of whether that jurisdiction is an offshore financial centre. Due to differing tax
rates and legislations in each country, tax benefits can be exploited. Example: If Import Co. buys $1 of
goods from India and sells for $3, Import Co. will pay tax on $2 of taxable income. However, tax
benefits can be exploited if Import Co. is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A similar system is available in the United Kingdom and is known as the Individual Savings Account.
These tax shelters are usually created by the government to promote a certain desirable behavior,
usually a long term investment, to help the economy; in turn, this generates even more tax revenue.
Alternatively, the shelters may be a means to promote social behaviors. In Canada, in order to protect
the Canadian culture from American influence, tax incentives were given to companies that produced
Canadian television programs.
In general, a tax shelter is any organized program in which many individuals, rich or poor, participate
to reduce their taxes due. However, a few individuals stretch the limits of legal interpretation of the
income tax laws. While these actions may be within the boundary of legally accepted practice in
physical form, these actions could be deemed to be conducted in bad faith. Tax shelters were intended
to induce good behaviors from the masses, but at the same time caused a handful to act in the opposite
manner. Tax shelters have therefore often shared an unsavory association with fraud.
Tax shelters are any method of reducing taxable income resulting in a reduction of the payments to tax
collecting entities, including state and federal governments. The methodology can vary depending on
local and international tax laws.
In North America, a tax shelter is generally defined as any method that recovers more than
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Graphophone History
One of the utmost gratifying aspects of collecting vinyl is building an extensive collection of records
from distinct era s and decades. As you read through the history of vinyl you will be presented with
insight magnifying your ability to identify and understand information with regards to vinyl pressings
from as early as the 1900s. This chapter not only riffles through a variety of record facts that will bring
the newbie record collector up to speed, but also contains intriguing knowledge and stories even the
fanatical record collectors are expectedly unaware of. You will undoubtedly at some point put this
book down and head online or out to the record shop to locate obscure and noteworthy finds.
Collecting vinyl requires a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the 1988 McDonald s held a Flexi Disc contest that gave 1 lucky winner a million dollars! Chances
of winning were only 1 in 80,000,000 but this campaign drew momentary attention. Flexi discs were
also common additions to cereal boxes. Kids could cut out an Archie Comic on the back of their Super
Sugar Crisps or a Kiss Flexi with their Kiss Krunch cereal. Regardless of the fact that Flexi Disc
releases can be designed for fun and creative purposes, they are easily worn out, warp and bend and
are therefore were not in reality favored.
Unusual, Obscure and Creative Records Over the years, an abundance of obscure and unique records
have been pressed using strange color combinations and unexpected materials. Here are a few
memorable pressings.
X ray Records
During the 1950s in the Soviet Union x rays were brought about to duplicate banned music. Using X
rays discarded from hospitals, a bootlegger would cut them into circles, create a hole in the center by
burning the x ray with a cigarette, and imprint music onto them. X ray records are an item that is
hunted for and collected by particular vinyl
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Samuel Finley Morse Research Paper
Samuel Finley Breese Morse was born on April 27, 1791 in Charlestown, Massachusetts. He was the
first child of clergyman Jedidiah Morse and Elisabeth Finley Morse and they were both very religious
following the Calvinist faith. His parents were committed in his education and after having a strong
interest in art, his parents sent him to Yale college. Afterwards, he graduated from Yale in 1810 and
wanted to fulfill his career as a painter but his father arranged him as an apprentice at a
bookstore/publisher in Boston, Massachusetts. He continued to pursue his passion for art in England
and returned to America in 1815 to set up a studio in Boston. Shortly after. He married Lucretia
Walker in 1818, and they had three children. In February 1825,
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Allotment Vs Assimilation Era
Understanding the Allotment and Assimilation Era is extremely crucial in being able to understand
todays standings with American Indian policy as well as the current welfare of the Indigenous peoples.
This idea of welfare incorporates societal views, economic well being, social structures, and cultural
standing for American Indians. The Allotment and Assimilation Era is one in which combines two
drastic policies that being, Indian land allotment and assimilation into the American culture. It is
critical to recognize how these previously implemented structures determine the functionality of
society. Understanding why these policies occurred and how they occurred are necessary for
comparing their impacts both then and now. The consequences of ... Show more content on
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At the time, they both seem like radical transformations however, it seems to me like the tribal
communities were more affected by the allotment era. This is fundamentally because the tribal
communities were broken up by family leaders and not just by their offspring like in the assimilation
policy. The tribes could still function and survive without the children, but with the separation of the
elders of the tribes many did not survive. The demise of the tribes was economic and affected the
livelihood of each individual tribe. The splitting up of these people back then had a drastic impact
directly because a lack of technological communication; The tribes could not function as a whole
without their intra tribal communication. Another reason this was more direct was the direct loss of
land. This loss was disastrous for tribes that solely relied on the resources. The boarding schools
policy of this era had a longer lasting legacy on the tribes. Ultimately this is because the assimilation
process took a greater amount of time to fully come into effect and really factor into the lives of the
Indians. The culture loss and language loss is still in effect to some extent today, however there are
methods of trying to reverse this. The oppression the students felt in turn affected their roles into
American society and today their economic situations. The motivations by Pratt to start the
assimilation at a young age was detrimental to their future generations who could not be raised by
traditional methods. The boarding schools has evidently had a greater lasting legacy because we often
learn about them before policy like The General Allotment Act of 1887. The allotment policy was
more impactful at the time; However, the assimilation has had a greater impact overall and
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Vermont Teddy Bear Company (VTBC)
Vermont Teddy Bear Company (VTBC) is a privately owned company founded in 1981 by John
Sorinto. Mr. Sorinto begin his successful business by selling and delivering hand sewn bears or
BearGrams out of a pushcart in the streets of Burlington, Vermont. Since that time, the company s
focus has been to design, manufacture, and direct market the best teddy bears made in America using
quality American materials and labor. Vermont Teddy Bear Company expanded its product base to
include a BearGrams plush toys, PajamaGrams apparel, TastyGram gourmet foods, and Calyx Flowers
floral arrangements. Vermont Teddy Bear Company sells mostly via its online store, printed mail order
catalogs and through a telephone hotline service. Vermont Teddy Bear Company ... Show more
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Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software can help VTBC manage customer data to
determine buying habits, coordinate its marketing strategy, forecast product sales, and interact quickly
with customers. Vermont Teddy Bear Company s marketing strategy is aimed at gift sales for
Valentine s Day, Mother s Day, and Christmas. Their marketing strategy is ineffective during off peak
times. Vermont Teddy Bear Company needs conduct market research and revise their marketing
campaign to capture a broader customer base than just holiday gift shoppers. There is a need for a data
warehouse to store the collected data and for data mining. Data mining can provide information on
customer buying habits, trends and target potential
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How Did Scotland Leave The Uk
Originally believed to have been established as far back as the year 1235, Scotland has had its own
parliament. Originally being made up of what would have been known as a king s council which
included earls, nobles and general people of wealth and power. For centuries this parliament made
decisions in Scotland over things such as taxation, the law, justice and many other areas. This did not
last forever however as after many years the Treaty of the Union was introduced in 1707. This was
essentially the agreement between Scotland and England to establish Westminster as the main political
hub of power at Westminster in London and after the Scottish Parliament being effectively dissolved
on the 28th of April 1707 what is now known ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 2014 however Scotland showed that there was indeed a large amount of voters who believed that
Scotland would benefit from exiting the United Kingdom and since then the debate still continues with
the SNP pushing for a second referendum.
Many believe that Scotland too well economically within the UK for leaving to be a viable option as
Scotland receives much of its funding through what is known as the Barnett Formula. By design this
provides Scotland with £1,500 more per head than the majority of other parts of the UK. This angers
many other parts of the UK as financially Scotland only provides a small part of the overall public
sector revenue created in the UK with £54 billion being made in 2015/16 which equates to only 8% of
public sector revenue. Many believe however that Scotland would be more than capable of supporting
its own economy outside the UK as a result of the North Sea oil. As oil and gas are still the most major
power sources used by the world and with the BBC reporting there being a 15.2% rise in the value of
the North Sea s reserves since 2015/16 it can be argued that with it all being in Scotland s hands there
would be a good financial foundation for Scotland to build upon after leaving the UK.
Currently Scotland has its own parliament in Edinburgh which can deal with chosen devolved issues
from Westminster. Originating mainly from the YES YES campaign in 1999 headed by the Labour
Government. This means that Scotland has control over
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Why Summer is my Favorite Season of the Year Essay
My favorite season of the year is summer because of the warm weather, the school vacation, and the
endless fun. I really enjoy the warm weather because it s the perfect atmosphere to do outdoor
activities. My favorite part about summer has to be the fact that school is closed for two months.
During summer, you re free to do whatever you want, not worrying about curfew or waking up early
for school. Summer time is a great time to relax with friends and family by soaking up the sun at a
beach or simply having dinner together. I love the hot and humid days that makes you want to dive
into a fresh and cold pool. When summer time starts, you can wear lighter clothes, which are much
more comfortable. The weather allows people to go outdoors to ... Show more content on
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The break calls for staying up late and waking up whenever you want to. Everyone works so hard
during the school year, so they deserve that free time. Summer times are stress free, relaxing, and
basically fun. You don t have to worry about homework, projects, and studying for a test. One of my
favorite summer pastimes is staying up late watching movies and eating junk food, and then waking
up late and having brunch. Summer season is the best time for festivals and activities. You can never
get bored on a summer day or night. During the day, there are fun activities such as: swimming,
sports, picnics, and barbeques. Friends and family spend a lot of time together during the summer
time. There is a lot of good food, drinks, and fun music. Everyone is laughing and having a good time.
Summer evenings are the best time for concerts, movies, parties, and relaxing with friends. The
summer evenings are beautiful because of the sparkly and glittery city lights. One of the best events of
the year, July Fourth, happens during summer. The celebration of July fourth is very extravagant and
glamorous. People gather around to celebrate and watch the display of fireworks. The vibrant colors
and the loud sound of the fireworks are amazing. Overall, summer is just a wonderful season with so
much to offer. The best thing about this time of the year is that everyone is so happy, whereas,
compared to the winter, everyone is
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Enchanted Candy Research Paper
In this Enchanted Meadow slot review, stepping into a magical world is easy. Introduced in 2011 by
Play n Go, beautiful is an understated word to describe this fantasy themed video slot machine.
Festive, eye catching graphics welcome you as its set in an enchantingly colored flora and fauna
background, with relaxing music that will captivate you throughout the entire gameplay.
The Enchanted Meadow video slot comes with 5 reels, 15 paylines and a maximum cash prize of
$2,500. The coin range is from 0.01 to 0.25. Symbols represent friendly magical creatures such as
fairies, enchanted tree, mouse, purple flower, golden medallions and playing cards from 9 to Ace.
Plenty of bonus features are offered by this video slot machine:
Wild Once the
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Maria Saloodowska Research Paper
This is a famous quote by Maria Salomea Skłodowska, also known as Marie Curie. Maria was born on
November 7 in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland. She had four older siblings. Both of her parents were
teachers. Sadly, when Maria was ten, her mother passed away due to tuberculosis. Maria lacked the
financial resources to earn a degree, so for five years, she worked as a nanny and a tutor. Any spare
time she had was devoted to reading chemistry, physics, and math. At last, in 1891, Skłodowska
enrolled at the Sorbonne in Paris, France. However, this took a personal toll on her. Skłodowska had
barely enough money to support herself. Her hard work payed off in the end, though. Then, in 1893,
Maria finished her master s degree in physics; the next year,
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Essay on AOL Time Warner
AOL Time Warner On January 10, 2000, one of the largest, most powerful mergers was announced to
the world. Media giant Time Warner will join forces with the Internet superstar, America on Line. The
$183 billion dollar deal is the biggest in history. In the recent past, there has been a wave of merger
mania, both in the United States and in Europe. The merger of the Millennium is between America on
Line and Time Warner. The AOL Time Warner deal represents the joining of the Old Media with the
New Media. Not only is it a marriage of different approaches, the two CEO s are very diverse
individuals. The two companies are quite different, in nearly every aspect. Some of the divisions of
Time Warner have been around since the 1920 s, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Time Warner has played around with their own Internet company, Pathfinder, with little success. The
world of the Internet is so cutting edge that unless a company pays very close attention to it, chances
for success are very low. This fact brings the importance of a joining with an organization such as
AOL into the light for Time Warner. America on Line realizes the value of a company as established
as Time Warner. AOL is a New School organization. Steve Case and Bob Pittman also had the
foresight to see the impact of a joining of their company with Time Warner. They could create the
largest, most powerful service provider in history. America on Line comes into the deal offering it s
cutting edge technologies and the love of the American people. AOL has continually updated its
system to make using the Internet easy for anyone. They have removed the phobias that many
Americans have experienced. AOL has developed its very own vast world where you can find nearly
anything you could possibly want to. AOL s domain is perfectly safe and so simple to navigate. At
present, AOL has over 22 million subscribers. Americans love AOL and all the features it has to offer.
AOL has something called Instant Messenger, which allows you to communicate instantaneously via
your computer with anyone, anywhere. They offer multiple e mail accounts with each dial up account.
What this means is in a household, each member can have their own e mail address at no
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Cinematic Techniques In Mystic River
The film Mystic River uses many concepts in it to get its story across. The use of lighting was crucial
in order to accurately set the mood of the movie. The sound also was important to clue the viewer in to
what was happening and what was about to happen. The constant cuts and flashbacks made it obvious
that Dave s traumatizing past still affects every action and day of his current life.
The lighting in Mystic River plays a big role in setting the mood of the movie. The movie starts off
quite dull and brown in color, but after Dave was taken away by the pedophiles the movie got even
darker and continued to stay brown and depressing until Dave died. The movie had a lot of low key
lighting throughout it, which really helped to build up the suspense. The low key lighting was mostly
around Dave and Jimmy, both were people who had something to hide. Sean was the only mentally
sane one. The cinematographer showed his sanity by making him ... Show more content on
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It can really make or break a scene. Sounds and music can add tense, suspense and can set the mood
for a scene. The scene where Dave is escaping uses sounds to set the frantic mood. It sounds as if
monsters and wolves are chasing him; while it was only men chasing him Dave remembers them as
actual monsters. He refers to them as vampires and wolves throughout the movie. At the Christening
you hear typical church music in the background, but Jimmy couldn t help but be worried about his
daughter that didn t return home last night. You re able to tell something is wrong when you hear the
police sirens in the background and he turns around with a stern expression on his face. If it had just
been the church music in the background him turning around be as significant to the movie.
Suspenseful, tense music plays in the background anytime Dave talks about his past. The music shows
how messed up he is in the head and lets on to how he ll never be able to live a normal
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The Pros And Cons Of Nuclear Reactors
A nuclear reactor works by using a neutron to split an atom. The atom being split is introduced by the
fuel cell which is usually uranium, plutonium, thorium, or actinides. When this reaction takes place it
releases a large amount of energy which is harnessed in the form of steam. This process of harnessing
nuclear energy is a highly controversial topic with many pros and cons. In comparison with fossil
fuels and renewable energies, nuclear reactors are more cost efficient and produce very little harmful
emissions into the atmosphere. Nuclear Generation 4 was formed from an international group,
Generation IV International Forum, also known as GIF, with the aim at developing a clean and
efficient worldwide energy system. Nuclear Generation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are many advancements being made to make nuclear power not only safer for use and the
environment, but also to make it more efficient. There is still a lot of work to be done to accomplish
these goals set forth by the Nuclear Generation 4 project, but the future seems to be very promising.
Only so much work can be done during a phase of research and development. It will take global
cooperation to continue to move forward and be able to conclude the research and start a new phase of
test sites. With the worldwide demand to find more efficient and sustainable energy sources for the
future, nuclear power should remain a front runner for available
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The Crucible Chapter 1-6 Study Guide
Oliver is taken to Mr. Brownlow s house
Oliver goes unconscious for days because of his terrible state
He is being taken care of and is beyond grateful
In a couple of days he regains his strength and everyone is overjoyed.
There is a painting on the side of the room and immediately Oliver connects to this picture of a
Mr. Brownlow sees an unmistakable resemblance between the painting and Oliver so once again
Oliver faints
Chapter 13:
Bates laughs about everything that happened to Oliver, but Dodger is worried about Fagin
Fagin freaks out and starts screaming and the boys slip away
Fagin accidentally hits a newcomer Billy Sikes while aiming for Dodger
Everyone is worried that Oliver will rat on them
They set out to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Bumble freaks out and blames Oliver for demoralizing everyone and punishes Dick by locking him in
the cellar
In London, Mr. Bumble sees an advertisement offering five guineas for Oliver s whereabouts
He heads to Mr. Brownlow s home and explains how awful and how much of a thief Oliver is
Mr. Brownlow pays Mr. Bumble the money and accepts the truth about Oliver.
However Mrs, Bedwin cannot accept that Oliver is a bad child
Oliver s name is forbidden to say
Chapter 18:
Fagin tells Oliver that all the other little boys who ran away were hunged for crimes they did not
commit, and he is scared for this life
However, Oliver does still not want to be a thief
Bates ad Dodger still try and convince Oliver to steal with them
His reason is there will always be pickpockets, so why not them?
Fagin tells stories of stealing, which is making stealing seem fun
New guy, Tom Chitling, just got out of jail
Chapter 19:
Sikes explains to Fagin how the house is not ready to rob, and Fagin flips out
The house can still be robbed, but they would need a small boy, immediately Oliver comes to Fagin s
Nancy says she is fine with it
Sikes thinks Oliver is not experienced enough yet, but he is the perfect
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Rhetorical Analysis Mlk Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay
Martin Luther King s inspiration for writing his, Letter from Birmingham Jail was mainly to appeal to
an undeniable injustice that occurred during his time. His letter was in response tos eight white
clergymen, who objected to King protesting in Birmingham. Dr. King effectively crafted his
counterargument after analyzing the clergymen s unjust proposals and then he was able to present his
rebuttal. Dr. King effectively formed his counterargument by first directly addressing his audience, the
clergymen and then using logos, pathos and egos to present his own perspective on his opponent s
statements. The majority of the sentences in King s letter can be connected to logos, pathos or ethos
and his incorporation of appeals is masterful. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some of his examples are well known such as Hitler while others were not as popular. This appeals to
ethos because it demonstrates King s palate for quality education, proving his credibility. I began
thinking about the fact that I stand in the middle of two opposing forces in the Negro community. One
is a force of complacency, made up in part of Negroes who, as a result of long years of oppression, are
so drained of self respect and a sense of somebodiness that they have adjusted to segregation; and in
part of a few middle class Negroes who, because of a degree of academic and economic security and
because in some ways they profit by segregation, have become insensitive to the problems of the
masses. The other force is one of bitterness and hatred, and it comes perilously close to advocating
violence. It is expressed in the various black nationalist groups that are springing up across the nation,
the largest and best known being Elijah Muhammad s Muslim movement. Nourished by the Negro s
frustration over the continued existence of racial discrimination, this movement is made up of people
who have lost faith in America, who have absolutely repudiated Christianity, and who have concluded
that the white man is an incorrigible devil . In this passage, King s presentation of logos is genius. He
effectively shows the clergymen two sides of the community, the one of complacency and the other of
hatred and cynicism. In this excerpt he does not attempt
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Aristotle s Views On Politics
Politics is a political philosophical work by Aristotle, a fourth century Greek Philosopher, logician and
scientist. Along with his teacher Plato, Aristotle is considered as one of the most influential ancient
thinkers of political theory in western civilization. Therefore, it is important to understand the gist of
his work Politics from our perspective. Influenced by Plato s Republic and Laws, Politics presents
synthesis of lifetime political thoughts and observations. The philosopher attempts to answer many
questions such as; the relation between states and people, harnessing the best life style of citizens, best
education, type of constituents, democracy, inequality and slavery. These are crucial topics in present
world politics as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Becoming biased towards Greek, he supports slavery. Aristotle relates citizenship with holding of
public office and administration of justice. According to him, those are citizens whose parents were
also citizens. This depicts Aristotle being conservative philosopher of Greece where citizenship was
given to only privileged class. He opposed the idea of citizenship to foreigners, slaves and women.
According to him, the latter group of people don t have moral and intellectual skills to hold public
One of the remarkable issues in Politics is about good citizen and good men. According to the work,
good citizen and good men are different things. Good citizen knows how to rule and how to obey. A
good man is one who is suitable to rule. But a good citizen knows how to rule abiding by the
rule.Therefore, for Aristotle, citizenship was a matter of moral training as well.
Another important aspect of Politics is its explanation about constitutions. There are 6 types of
constitutions. Among them, three are just and three are unjust. A constitution becomes just when it
benefits all in the city states while the same becomes unjust if it benefits the ruler only. He considers
the mix of democracy and oligarchy will allow the best constitution.
In Books IV to VI, Aristotle moves towards the practical examination of political institutions. He
found the differences between needs of city states due to differences in wealth , population distribution
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The Self Centered, Me Mentality, A Character Flaw That...
A self centered, me mentality, is a character flaw that many Americans struggle with. Consider the
man that was cautioned by his mother to become financially stable in his life before having children.
He did not heed her advice and created three children before completing college. The choices he made
resulted in him working long hours, paying endless amounts of child support, and having no time for a
social life of his own. He chronically complains and while he created his own storm, he got upset
when it rained (Tagore). While some people wisely accept personal responsibility for the situations
they have created due to choices and decisions they chose to make, others are quick to use self
justification methods and therefore lack the ability to take responsibility for their own lives. According
to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, narcissism is an excessive interest in one s self; or self
centeredness arising from failure to distinguish the self from external objects (Merriam Webster.com).
This is a contributing factor of the growing problem of many Americans whom refuse to acknowledge
their unproductive behaviors. If it seems like responsibility shirking is on the rise, it may not be your
imagination. Narcissism has risen 30% among college students since 1979, and studies show their self
confidence is at an all time high (artofmanliness.com). People are very focused on themselves and do
not care about the consequences of their actions. This is causing major
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Innovament And Industry Implications For The Ford Motor...
Industry implications. ADP is an example of an innovated system that creates innovations for many
companies. ADP specializes in HR, Payroll, Taxes, Time, Talent, Benefits, Retirement and Insurance
which include all aspects of HRM specialties. The implications that not all what ADP has to offer
could be utilized for other companies. Innovating is very important for HR, it always to the company
to grow in many ways. Although there are other companies out there just like ADP, ADP only clients
are on a larger scale, small businesses are still innovating just with lease expensive company.
Global implications. The most important innovation that Ford wanted ADP to create was not only for
the HR department but for their partnership with Lincoln Motors. Ford Motor Company will contract
directly with Ford and Lincoln Dealers for the ACE Program, which includes the ADP developed Ford
specific version of the Vehicle Inspection Application.
We are extremely excited that Ford has chosen ADP Dealer Services to be part of their ACE Program.
With our track record of providing successful, impactful Service solutions for dealers, we know that
we can help our ADP Ford Dealers improve their Service Department processes and take better care of
Ford customers, states Mike Sailor, Senior Vice President, Manufacturer Solutions for ADP.
This takes the innovation global, which can increase globalization, jobs could potentially move
overseas for Ford. This could potentially mean loss of jobs within the US, although the innovation
within the HR advancements were a plus they can also cause some domestic implications.
Organization Overview
Impact of information technology on HR management brings many challenges and growth HR
departments that use technology to have a higher chance of succeeding and becoming competitive
with other organizations that are keeping up with technology. A company that provides that service is
ADP, ADP is an example of innovated service provided to companies, to help innovate a particular
part if their system. ADP services can range from payroll, retirement, training, and recruiting,
History of Organization
Henry Taub founded Automatic Payrolls, Inc. in 1949 as a business that processed payroll for
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Impact Of The Affordable Care Act
Policy Background When the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was enacted on March 23rd, 2010, it
transformed the lives of people all over the US, in states who expanded. It allowed families to qualify
for government programs such as Medicaid, CHIP, and government subsidies, and for young adults to
stay on their parent s insurance until the age of 26. The ACA was a sign of relief and good news for all
but two groups, lawful permanent residents and undocumented immigrants. In 2012, DACA recipients
under the DREAM Act also became part of the groups excluded, leaving more than 6.5 million unable
to access affordable care. In order to make a change, the New Mexico Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham,
from the Democratic party, introduced The Health Equity ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The HEAL for Immigrant Women and Families Act of 2017 is seeking to expand access to health care
services from the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to lawful permanent residents (green card holders) and
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) program recipients (H.R. 2788, 2017). The act is
intended to break down barriers for women and their families by expanding the definition of lawfully
present instituted under the Social Security Act in the Medicaid Section 1903. By amending
subparagraph (A) to expand the definition of lawfully present to include such an individual who is
granted deferred action or other federally authorized presence other than as a nonimmigrant (H.R.
2788, 2017). Currently, from the 6.5 million lawful non citizen women in the US from the ages of 15
to 44, 36% are uninsured in comparison to the 11% uninsured naturalized citizens and 10% the US
born citizen women in the same category (Guttmacher Institute , 2016). When taking a closer look at
these women, researchers found that 51% live below the federal poverty level (FDL) and are often
ineligible for health care programs such as Medicaid (Guttmacher Institute , 2016). By expanding the
definition in the subparagraph (A) of the Social Security Act of 1903, it would expand eligibility for
all federally funded health care programs through the ACA and cause the five year gap to be
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Figure Of Speech In Poem By Knickerbomp
I.1. Background
Language is a means of communication. Everybody in this world needs a
communication to help or share something to each other. Language is the mediator of
people s communication. People also express their thoughts through the language in
written or spoken forms. Song lyrics also being the way to express the thoughts of people
as the development of art in today s life.
Lyric derives from the Greek word for a song sung by the lyre, lyrikos . Song lyric
is a set of words that accompany music, either by spoken or singing. Song lyrics are
abstract, almost unintelligible, and in such cases, their explication ... Show more content on
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1. Simile is a state of comparison of two dissimilar things introduced by the words like
or as .
2. Metaphor is an implied comparison, or an expression that is used in a new sense, on
the basis of similarity between its literal sense and the new thing or situation to which
it is applied, with like or as omitted.
3. Personification is a type of metaphor in which a lifeless object, an animal or abstract
ideas is made to act like a person and thereby gives animation, vividness and nearness
those things which are normally thought of as impersonal ad aloof from human affairs
or giving human characteristics to an object, animal or an abstract idea.
4. Synecdoche is a figure of speech showing the use of part for the whole. Synecdoche
substitutes some significant detail or aspect of an experience for the experience itself.
5. Metonymy is the figure of speech describing one thing by using the term for another
thing closely with
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The Statue of Liberty Lending Credence to the Word...
The Statue of Liberty Lending Credence to the Word Freedom in America The Statue of Liberty is one
of the most recognized artifacts of freedom in the world. It has the ability to create emotions that range
from happiness to anger all at one time. The best way to analyze such a powerful image is to use
Kenneth Burke s idea of pentadic analysis. By using this method of the analysis, we will be able to
answer the rhetorical question: How does the Statue of Liberty lend credence to the word freedom in
America? To begin with, it is necessary to obtain some background on the Statue of Liberty. The
Statue of Liberty was given to the United States in 1886 as a gift from France and dedicated as a
national monument in 1924 (1). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The first requirement is that any action taken must be by choice (4). This is due to the fact that if we
are made to do something, then it is really just a matter of acting mechanically (4). Second is notion
that action has to have a purpose (4). This purpose can be conscious or unconscious, but it has to be
present (4). Finally, action has to have motion (4). The only way to understand this is to reiterate that
motion can exist without action, but action cannot exist without motion (4). From Burke s explanation
of dramatism comes the pentad. The pentad is made up of five major dimensions: act, scene, agent,
agency, and purpose (4). It is a requirement that all of these areas be addressed when describing any
symbolic act (4). The easiest way to approach each of these areas of the pentad is to associate them
with the questions that they aim to answer. Burke clearly identifies what their specific goals are: You
must have some word that names the act (names what took place, in thought or deed), and another that
names the scene (the background of the act, the situation in which it occurred); also you must indicate
what person or kind of person (agent) performed the act, what means or instruments he used (agency),
and the purpose (4). This can
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Funeral s Funeral
On monday I attended his funeral. This was the hardest day in my entire life, I had lost my favorite
person and had to sit in a cold, hard chair, and watch his casket lower into the ground. He had a
beautiful air force ceremony, with the folding of the flag, and farewell son played on the trumpet. Hot
tears streamed down my face as I realized I would never hear his voice again, smell his strong Aramis
cologne, or be able to give him one last hug. No longer will I get to see him pull up to my house in his
cherry red Jaguar, or hear is over exaggerated stories at christmas. I will never be able to cuddle up to
him while eating his beloved spice drops and watching PGA tour, as the burning fire embers die down.
I will always keep my memories of him close to my heart and remember his best days. Living a life
without my grumppop will be one of the hardest journeys I will have to go through but because I live
in the moment and try to remember every single detail of our lives together, I know that he will always
be with me. How I remember all my experiences so vividly because I lived in the moment with him.I
made sure that i wasn t always on my phone when I was around him and made sure I was never
distracted so that I could give all my time to him. I know now more than ever that living in the
moment is so important because now those memories i had with him, are all that I have left and I will
never be able to experience them again. LBI is is an 18 mile island in New Jersey.
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Maurice Wilkins Examples
Francis Crick, Rosalind Franklin, James Watson, and Maurice Wilkins were all examples of scientists
that came together to help form the detailed understanding of the structure of DNA that human
civilization has today. The question that was solved by their work was, how do living organisms pass
on traits to their offspring? The discovery was like a puzzle that was put together over time. Different
scientists over the ages added a piece here and there. An example is Gregor Mendel. He worked with
plants and observed the traits that were passed down from the parents to the offspring. By the 1950s,
biologists found that chromosomes contain proteins along with DNA. This made scientists wonder
how DNA could hold all the information needed to create
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The Physiology of Laughter Essay
Laughter is part of everyday life for every human. Although we do it daily, most people do not know
how it works, nor how it helps us with our health. Something that we do all the time is something that
we do not even think about. We, as humans, take laughter for granted. It might come easy to us, but
laughing is actually very complex. It also helps us physically, mentally, and socially. Although, many
people do not agree on humor, we can all agree on one thing: laughter is important.
Laughter is unique movements of the face and body that are expressed due to amusement and
sometimes contempt or derision. (Websters) But do we not need more than that? Do we not deserve to
know more? Of course. Although laughter is something that we ... Show more content on
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Whenever the voice box is closed, air cannot travel. However, when the larynx is just barely open, it
produces sound. When we hear the sweet music of laughter, is it because we breathed out while our
vocal cords were not open and with the help of our respiratory muscles, we produce the steady sound
of laughter. But, what goes on in the brain whenever we laugh?
Of course, we all know that the brain is one of our major organs and our brains are always in use, but
what goes on in the brain when we laugh? The study of laughter and the affects it has on the body is
called gelotology. Although laughter may come easy and natural to us, our body has to go through a
rather complex process. We don t know much, but researchers have done studies that have shown that
laughter is caused by many parts of the brain. These researchers have done many tests by hooking
subjects up to an electroencephalograph (EEG). An EEG is a record of the our brain s electrical
activity. (2013, Babylon) When doing these tests, researchers realized that the brain made the same
continuous electrical pattern. The subjects were then shown something that was funny. Not even five
tenths of a second after the subject saw the joke, an electrical waved moved through the cerebral
cortex. This part of the brain, the cerebral cortex, determines intelligence, determines personality,
motor functions, planning and organization, and touch sensation. Laughter would result after the wave
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Cost of Quality
Assuming an agreement is made between a supplier and a customer such that the supplier must ensure
that all parts are within tolerance before shipment to the customer, what is the effect on the cost of
quality to the customer? Cost of quality is the cost associated with the quality of a work product. As
defined by Crosby in his Quality Is Free , Cost Of Quality (COQ) has two main components: Cost Of
Conformance and *Cost Of Non Conformance. Another view is that cost of quality is the amount of
money a business loses because its product or service is not done right in the first place. From fixing a
warped piece on the assembly line to having to deal with a lawsuit because of a malfunctioning
machine or a badly performed service, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Each product is different in some way from the one just made prior. There are thousands of variables
that affect thousands of characteristics of a product. In an environment that is constantly changing, it
may not be feasible to measure every characteristic of the product. There are no tools to detect every
characteristic. What is critical is to control the important parameters of the process throughout the
product life cycle. This helps to ensure that the quality is built into the product as it is manufactured.
What most companies do is select a handful of characteristics considered to be important to their
customer. They measure those few to ensure that they meet customer requirements. They perform their
100% inspection, and if the product passes it is shipped to the customer. They are very surprised when
they get a phone call from the customer that their product ruined the customer s lot and not only does
their customer want their money back but they want to be compensated for the losses as well. At that
point the quality manager will retrieve the test results from the product, which shows that the product
passed all quality inspection requirements before shipment. The result is lost customers. Either way
the cost will be substantial to the manufacturer. What went wrong? The 100% inspection was
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A Retrieved Reformation Theme
In the United States, a robbery occurs every one minute and thirty seconds.This equates to 6720 in a
week, 26,880 in a month, and 350,400 in a year. Robbery is a federal crime in which charges can be
applied ranging from $500 up to $1000.In the two short stories, A Retrieved Reformation by O Henry
and Thank You Ma am by Langston Hughes the themes of redemption and second chances are shared
through the main conflicts inflicted by the protagonists.To incorporate the two themes, the authors use
description words and specific details. A Retrieved Reformation and Thank You Ma am are similar
and different through shared themes of second chances and redemption, the different approaches of
the showing the themes, and how the characters develop ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In Thank You Ma am dialogue is used. This piece of text evidence from Thank You Ma am shows how
dialogue is used more. Now, here, take this ten dollars and buy yourself some blue suede shoes. And
next time, do not make the mistake of latching onto my pocketbook nor nobody else s... This piece of
text evidence from A Retrieved Reformation shows that figurative language is used more. In a minute
Jimmy was at work on the door.The significance of the two pieces of text evidence is just to show
parts of the story on how they are different on showing the two themes. Both of the pieces of evidence
showed, are from the parts of the stories where the protagonists are getting their second chances and
using them to their advantages.To help prove the claim that the two short stories use different tactics to
help show two themes in the story. These are two pieces of text evidence from each story to help show
the difference. The first piece of evidence is from A Retrieved Reformation , Jimmy Valentine looked
into her eyes, forgetting at once what he was. He became another man. The second piece is from
Thank You Ma am , You gonna take me to jail? asked the boy, bending over the sink. Not with that
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  • 3. The Woman Warrior Summary In Maxine Hong Kingston s The Woman Warrior , in chapter 2 White Tigers Kingston says that Chinese immigrants say things such as better to raise geese than girls . They also say Chinese executed women who disguised themselves as soldiers or students, no matter how bravely they fought or how high they scored on the examinations . I argue that in doing this, the texts suggest shockingly, that Chinese immigrants continue to treat woman as if they are worthless, which is why Maxine Hong Kingston compares herself to Mulan. She just wants to honor her family and feel accepted. Kingston wants to honor her family once and for all. In order to do so, Kingston completes fifteen years of training. At the age of fourteen she wants to save her Brother and Husband but her mentors tell Kingston she is not ready to fight, that she is too young. What was so intriguing about this situation was when Kingston said When I could point at the sky and make a sword appear, a silver bolt in the sunlight, and control its slashing with my mind, the old people said I was ready to leave . This shows that the sword flying in the air represents Chinese culture. Kingston then continues to say I saw the baron s messenger leave our house, and my father was saying, This time I must go and fight , taking her father s place. Kingston then pretends to be a man, becoming a great warrior, wearing male armor and commanding men who fight under her. What was most shocking ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Liberal Arts College Application Essay Sample #100 The pluralistic, polyphonic, unclassifiable mass of humanity that is our student body I am not a woman who believes in solitude, and much of my adolescence has been characterized by a hankering for community beyond that which may be found in the halls of a public high school. During sleepy classroom debates, I yearn for boldness, and peers who, like me, are unafraid to jump into the fray; and in my small town, I wish for a greater diversity of backgrounds, ideas, and people. This community I desire can only be described as differing. Twice in my young life have I encountered that sublime feeling of togetherness and separateness alike: my summers with Duke TIP, and my time on the Florida Key Club District Board. As a TIPster, I learned and lived with budding artists and intellectuals, not to mention violinists clad in kilts. They taught me the rules of Ultimate Frisbee and the finer points of social activism, how to cook microwavable macaroni and how ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of the reasons I am most drawn to a liberal arts college is the passion it cultivates, with an added emphasis on the natural and human sciences. Furthermore, Wellesley s mission to empower female scientists resonates deeply with me, and assures me of the institutional support I would receive as a student. However, it is the knowledge that I would be surrounded by countless others of innumerable talents and dreams that most excites me. Learning and working with other young women who are steadily chipping away at lofty goals of Eureka! moments and life changing discoveries would be truly priceless, and simultaneously humbling and motivating. I can think of little more inspiring than to share the camaraderie of fellow science fiends in a setting so fiercely supportive (both materialistically and morally) and driven by the desire to advance human ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Factors Influencing The Way Museum Collection The module leader Dr James Pardoe Factors influencing the way museum collection is presented Assessment number 1622910 Module code HI7205 From temples of sacred objects, to repositories of colonial trophies, and from monuments of civility, to spaces for self expression and empowerment, the shape, the function and the appeal of the museum trough history and across cultures has been fashioned by the preoccupations and expectations of each society that has chosen to construct them. Wondrous and monstrous, extraordinary and mysterious. Wonders of nature, culture and science fruits and spoils of Renaissance age of discovery found their way into European cabinets of curiosity those days collection included works of art, precious gems, outlandish fruits, four footed beasts, an Indian lip stone, blood that rained in the Isle of Wight, unicorn s horns, dragons bones. Cabinets of exotic and rare objects were privately owned by collectors, often royal or aristocratic. Such cabinets demonstrated the owner s wealth and prestige, on one hand, but on another level, their intention was to genuinely arouse curiosity and wonder. Then along came the Enlightenment and the French and American Revolutions. A new museum order responded to, and even served to make manifest, a new world order. Museums including Louvre, the British Museum and Peale s Museum, began to open to the public from the mid to late 1700s. Previously private collections were converted into public exhibitions, an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Comparison of Eric Liddell and Harold Abraham in Chariots... Have you ever wondered how two athletes with two different faiths can change their own lives by their ways of living? Eric Liddell was a Scottish runner and a faithful Christian. On the other hand, Harold Abraham was a British runner and a Jew who struggled to change other people s thought of Jews. Both of these men ran in the 1924 Olympics for different purposes. The movie Chariots of Fire showed how Eric Liddell and Harold Abrahams differed from one another. Eric Liddell and Harold Abrahams were different in their faith, economic status, and their motivations. First, Eric Liddell and Harold Abrahams differed in their faith. Eric Liddell was a faithful Christian. As a faithful Christian, Eric Liddell frequently attended church on Sundays. Not only did he attend church, but he also preached in different churches. The movie ( Chariots of Fire , Hugh Hudson) showed a scene where he was preaching and reading a passage from the Bible. On the other hand, Harold Abrahams was of the Jewish faith. For instance, Jews do not eat pork because in the Old Testament the Israelites were commanded to abstain from it. Proof that Harold Abrahams followed this belief was seen in the movie when it showed that his girlfriend Sybil order pork in the restaurant and Harold felt first offended, and then amused by her mistake. In nineteen twenty four Jews were frequently disrespected regarded as an inferior race. An example of this was when Rodgers, the receptionist in Harold s dormitory, called ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. The Business Case For The Public Cloud Enterprises around the world would be wise to heed 50 Cent s mantra Get Rich or Die Tryin when considering the implications of not getting to the public cloud. We at Cocolevio, an implementation partner of Mooor Insights Strategy, estimate that over 50% of IT spend will be going to public cloud vendors such as Amazon Web Services or SaaS vendors like Salesforce.com Inc. by 2019. This means there is around a $140B opportunity in this space. The cost savings, reduction in capital spending, speed to market, flexibility and global access derived from public cloud mean those enterprises that effectively use the public cloud are better positioned to Get Rich than their competitors who have higher cost structures and less nimble IT platforms. This trend is only set to continue as the business case for moving to public cloud only becomes more compelling, with the traditional arguments against public cloud around security and lack of control diminishing. Vendor lock in will continue to be a concern but we see many companies willing to sacrifice a bit of lock in for the many, many benefits of public cloud. With this in mind, it is prudent for any CIO to have a migration strategy to the public cloud. It is now generally accepted that at least some workload and functions of an organization will need to be moved in order to be competitive. Recently, the poster child for Amazon Inc., Netflix Inc. announced that they closed their door on their last datacenter. Although by no ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Traumatic Brain Intelligence Before moving on to the Modern era of intelligence and the theories behind where it is going, we should also discuss the physiological/biological theories behind brain development and intelligence. Why? Because the world we are exposed to now has altered it much. One of the most timeless arguments of intelligence is, the bigger the brain, the smarter the being! In fact, a physician recited this time honored theory to me during a recent well child check for my three year old son. Phillip Hunter explains this theory as resulting from the change in volume size (nearly three times) our brains experienced over the span of five million years. However, in the last 100,000 years our brain size has decreased by 10 percent in order to better stabilize brain energy and boost overall performance. Think of the world s first computer: the size of a mini earth and did very little, especially in light of the technological advances made available today: they are microscopic and conquering the world. Thomas Bouchard, writes in the journal of Behavior Genetics ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The result of Traumatic Brain Injury is that if even one component of your brain is altered, it significantly impairs the body s ability to function, process and interact with the environment (Biawa , 2015). From this, we conclude that intelligence, while highly potent is a fragile State of mind that takes our brain to be intact to work properly. Even the slightest concussion can lower your ability to process and function. Biawa gives an example of how a man who studied bioengineering can no longer grocery shop due to the complexity of the activity, let alone resume his position as a bioengineer. Intelligence once lost cannot be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Concrete Filled Tubular ( Cft ) Column The steel tube in a concrete filled tubular (CFT) column acts as both lateral and longitudinal reinforcement, and is thus subjected to hoop tension and biaxial stresses of longitudinal compression. At the same time, concrete is tri axially stressed. Concrete filled tubular (CFT) column has become popular as structural member in buildings due to their excellent performance for structural characteristics, which include high ductility, stiffness, and high strength. The advantages of the Concrete filled tubular (CFT) column over other composite members are that the filled in concrete prolongs local buckling of the steel tube wall, the steel tube provides formwork for the concrete, the tube prevents excessive concrete spalling and composite columns add more stiffness to a frame compared to old style steel frame construction. According to past study on the concentric compression behavior of Concrete filled tubular (CFT) columns, the ultimate axial strength of Concrete filled tubular (CFT) columns is largely affected by the thickness of the steel tube and the shape of its cross section Although confining effect in square columns show a small increase in axial strength due to triaxial effects, although it has large wall thicknesses. On the other hand, the axial load and deformation behavior of columns is remarkably affected by the cross sectional shape, diameter/width to thickness ratio (D/t) of the steel tube, and the strength of the filled concrete. 1.3 Significance of research ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Physical Properties Of A Compound The melting point is just one of the physical properties of a compound. The melting point helps identify a compound and the purity of a compound. If a compound is truly pure, it ll have a higher melting point than a compound that is mixed with another substance. Also if a substance is truly pure, it ll have a narrow melting point range. In order to identify a compound, small amount of the compound is heated in a device that has thermometer, a heating bath and a magnifying glass. The second the compound or substance starts to melt, that s the first point. The second point is when the compound or substance is completely melted. These two points makeup the melting point. The purpose of the experiment is to determine the melting point of different ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to Drexel, Trans Cinnamic Acid has a melting point 133 134. The melting points that were obtained in the lab were very close to the true melting points of each substance. The color ofeach substance did not change however the state of the substances changed. The substances went from a solid to a liquid and then back to a solid.The process of using a digimelt to melt different substances and finding their melting points is a useful technique because it allows chemists to identify substances and if that substance is pure.This technique could be used when a chemist discovers a compound. The chemist could use the digimelt to melt the compound and to identify the melting point. The chemist could thencompare the melting of the compound to a list of compounds. This helps the chemist to identifywhat compound he found.One way to improve this lab would be to test all the equipment and make sure it works beforeusing it. By testing all the equipment, like the digimelt, this would prevent any mistakes or errors in the data. A way to test the digimelt would be to melt a known substance and see if the melting point obtained from the digimelt matches the melting from a trusted chemical source.Another way to improve this lab would be to use a new spatula every time a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Tax Shelter and Tax Haven Tax Shelter I. Definition Any method of decreasing taxable income in a payments to tax collecting entities, including state and federal government. The most common type of tax shelter is an employer sponsored 401(k)plan. a. Types of tax shelters Some tax shelters are questionable or even illegal: Offshore companies. A company which is incorporated outside the jurisdiction of its primary operations regardless of whether that jurisdiction is an offshore financial centre. Due to differing tax rates and legislations in each country, tax benefits can be exploited. Example: If Import Co. buys $1 of goods from India and sells for $3, Import Co. will pay tax on $2 of taxable income. However, tax benefits can be exploited if Import Co. is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A similar system is available in the United Kingdom and is known as the Individual Savings Account. These tax shelters are usually created by the government to promote a certain desirable behavior, usually a long term investment, to help the economy; in turn, this generates even more tax revenue. Alternatively, the shelters may be a means to promote social behaviors. In Canada, in order to protect the Canadian culture from American influence, tax incentives were given to companies that produced Canadian television programs. In general, a tax shelter is any organized program in which many individuals, rich or poor, participate to reduce their taxes due. However, a few individuals stretch the limits of legal interpretation of the income tax laws. While these actions may be within the boundary of legally accepted practice in physical form, these actions could be deemed to be conducted in bad faith. Tax shelters were intended to induce good behaviors from the masses, but at the same time caused a handful to act in the opposite manner. Tax shelters have therefore often shared an unsavory association with fraud. Tax shelters are any method of reducing taxable income resulting in a reduction of the payments to tax collecting entities, including state and federal governments. The methodology can vary depending on local and international tax laws. In North America, a tax shelter is generally defined as any method that recovers more than ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Graphophone History Introduction One of the utmost gratifying aspects of collecting vinyl is building an extensive collection of records from distinct era s and decades. As you read through the history of vinyl you will be presented with insight magnifying your ability to identify and understand information with regards to vinyl pressings from as early as the 1900s. This chapter not only riffles through a variety of record facts that will bring the newbie record collector up to speed, but also contains intriguing knowledge and stories even the fanatical record collectors are expectedly unaware of. You will undoubtedly at some point put this book down and head online or out to the record shop to locate obscure and noteworthy finds. Collecting vinyl requires a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the 1988 McDonald s held a Flexi Disc contest that gave 1 lucky winner a million dollars! Chances of winning were only 1 in 80,000,000 but this campaign drew momentary attention. Flexi discs were also common additions to cereal boxes. Kids could cut out an Archie Comic on the back of their Super Sugar Crisps or a Kiss Flexi with their Kiss Krunch cereal. Regardless of the fact that Flexi Disc releases can be designed for fun and creative purposes, they are easily worn out, warp and bend and are therefore were not in reality favored. Unusual, Obscure and Creative Records Over the years, an abundance of obscure and unique records have been pressed using strange color combinations and unexpected materials. Here are a few memorable pressings. X ray Records During the 1950s in the Soviet Union x rays were brought about to duplicate banned music. Using X rays discarded from hospitals, a bootlegger would cut them into circles, create a hole in the center by burning the x ray with a cigarette, and imprint music onto them. X ray records are an item that is hunted for and collected by particular vinyl ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Samuel Finley Morse Research Paper Samuel Finley Breese Morse was born on April 27, 1791 in Charlestown, Massachusetts. He was the first child of clergyman Jedidiah Morse and Elisabeth Finley Morse and they were both very religious following the Calvinist faith. His parents were committed in his education and after having a strong interest in art, his parents sent him to Yale college. Afterwards, he graduated from Yale in 1810 and wanted to fulfill his career as a painter but his father arranged him as an apprentice at a bookstore/publisher in Boston, Massachusetts. He continued to pursue his passion for art in England and returned to America in 1815 to set up a studio in Boston. Shortly after. He married Lucretia Walker in 1818, and they had three children. In February 1825, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Allotment Vs Assimilation Era Understanding the Allotment and Assimilation Era is extremely crucial in being able to understand todays standings with American Indian policy as well as the current welfare of the Indigenous peoples. This idea of welfare incorporates societal views, economic well being, social structures, and cultural standing for American Indians. The Allotment and Assimilation Era is one in which combines two drastic policies that being, Indian land allotment and assimilation into the American culture. It is critical to recognize how these previously implemented structures determine the functionality of society. Understanding why these policies occurred and how they occurred are necessary for comparing their impacts both then and now. The consequences of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At the time, they both seem like radical transformations however, it seems to me like the tribal communities were more affected by the allotment era. This is fundamentally because the tribal communities were broken up by family leaders and not just by their offspring like in the assimilation policy. The tribes could still function and survive without the children, but with the separation of the elders of the tribes many did not survive. The demise of the tribes was economic and affected the livelihood of each individual tribe. The splitting up of these people back then had a drastic impact directly because a lack of technological communication; The tribes could not function as a whole without their intra tribal communication. Another reason this was more direct was the direct loss of land. This loss was disastrous for tribes that solely relied on the resources. The boarding schools policy of this era had a longer lasting legacy on the tribes. Ultimately this is because the assimilation process took a greater amount of time to fully come into effect and really factor into the lives of the Indians. The culture loss and language loss is still in effect to some extent today, however there are methods of trying to reverse this. The oppression the students felt in turn affected their roles into American society and today their economic situations. The motivations by Pratt to start the assimilation at a young age was detrimental to their future generations who could not be raised by traditional methods. The boarding schools has evidently had a greater lasting legacy because we often learn about them before policy like The General Allotment Act of 1887. The allotment policy was more impactful at the time; However, the assimilation has had a greater impact overall and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Vermont Teddy Bear Company (VTBC) Vermont Teddy Bear Company (VTBC) is a privately owned company founded in 1981 by John Sorinto. Mr. Sorinto begin his successful business by selling and delivering hand sewn bears or BearGrams out of a pushcart in the streets of Burlington, Vermont. Since that time, the company s focus has been to design, manufacture, and direct market the best teddy bears made in America using quality American materials and labor. Vermont Teddy Bear Company expanded its product base to include a BearGrams plush toys, PajamaGrams apparel, TastyGram gourmet foods, and Calyx Flowers floral arrangements. Vermont Teddy Bear Company sells mostly via its online store, printed mail order catalogs and through a telephone hotline service. Vermont Teddy Bear Company ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software can help VTBC manage customer data to determine buying habits, coordinate its marketing strategy, forecast product sales, and interact quickly with customers. Vermont Teddy Bear Company s marketing strategy is aimed at gift sales for Valentine s Day, Mother s Day, and Christmas. Their marketing strategy is ineffective during off peak times. Vermont Teddy Bear Company needs conduct market research and revise their marketing campaign to capture a broader customer base than just holiday gift shoppers. There is a need for a data warehouse to store the collected data and for data mining. Data mining can provide information on customer buying habits, trends and target potential ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. How Did Scotland Leave The Uk liament Originally believed to have been established as far back as the year 1235, Scotland has had its own parliament. Originally being made up of what would have been known as a king s council which included earls, nobles and general people of wealth and power. For centuries this parliament made decisions in Scotland over things such as taxation, the law, justice and many other areas. This did not last forever however as after many years the Treaty of the Union was introduced in 1707. This was essentially the agreement between Scotland and England to establish Westminster as the main political hub of power at Westminster in London and after the Scottish Parliament being effectively dissolved on the 28th of April 1707 what is now known ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 2014 however Scotland showed that there was indeed a large amount of voters who believed that Scotland would benefit from exiting the United Kingdom and since then the debate still continues with the SNP pushing for a second referendum. Many believe that Scotland too well economically within the UK for leaving to be a viable option as Scotland receives much of its funding through what is known as the Barnett Formula. By design this provides Scotland with £1,500 more per head than the majority of other parts of the UK. This angers many other parts of the UK as financially Scotland only provides a small part of the overall public sector revenue created in the UK with £54 billion being made in 2015/16 which equates to only 8% of public sector revenue. Many believe however that Scotland would be more than capable of supporting its own economy outside the UK as a result of the North Sea oil. As oil and gas are still the most major power sources used by the world and with the BBC reporting there being a 15.2% rise in the value of the North Sea s reserves since 2015/16 it can be argued that with it all being in Scotland s hands there would be a good financial foundation for Scotland to build upon after leaving the UK. Currently Scotland has its own parliament in Edinburgh which can deal with chosen devolved issues from Westminster. Originating mainly from the YES YES campaign in 1999 headed by the Labour Government. This means that Scotland has control over ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Why Summer is my Favorite Season of the Year Essay My favorite season of the year is summer because of the warm weather, the school vacation, and the endless fun. I really enjoy the warm weather because it s the perfect atmosphere to do outdoor activities. My favorite part about summer has to be the fact that school is closed for two months. During summer, you re free to do whatever you want, not worrying about curfew or waking up early for school. Summer time is a great time to relax with friends and family by soaking up the sun at a beach or simply having dinner together. I love the hot and humid days that makes you want to dive into a fresh and cold pool. When summer time starts, you can wear lighter clothes, which are much more comfortable. The weather allows people to go outdoors to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The break calls for staying up late and waking up whenever you want to. Everyone works so hard during the school year, so they deserve that free time. Summer times are stress free, relaxing, and basically fun. You don t have to worry about homework, projects, and studying for a test. One of my favorite summer pastimes is staying up late watching movies and eating junk food, and then waking up late and having brunch. Summer season is the best time for festivals and activities. You can never get bored on a summer day or night. During the day, there are fun activities such as: swimming, sports, picnics, and barbeques. Friends and family spend a lot of time together during the summer time. There is a lot of good food, drinks, and fun music. Everyone is laughing and having a good time. Summer evenings are the best time for concerts, movies, parties, and relaxing with friends. The summer evenings are beautiful because of the sparkly and glittery city lights. One of the best events of the year, July Fourth, happens during summer. The celebration of July fourth is very extravagant and glamorous. People gather around to celebrate and watch the display of fireworks. The vibrant colors and the loud sound of the fireworks are amazing. Overall, summer is just a wonderful season with so much to offer. The best thing about this time of the year is that everyone is so happy, whereas, compared to the winter, everyone is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Enchanted Candy Research Paper In this Enchanted Meadow slot review, stepping into a magical world is easy. Introduced in 2011 by Play n Go, beautiful is an understated word to describe this fantasy themed video slot machine. Festive, eye catching graphics welcome you as its set in an enchantingly colored flora and fauna background, with relaxing music that will captivate you throughout the entire gameplay. The Enchanted Meadow video slot comes with 5 reels, 15 paylines and a maximum cash prize of $2,500. The coin range is from 0.01 to 0.25. Symbols represent friendly magical creatures such as fairies, enchanted tree, mouse, purple flower, golden medallions and playing cards from 9 to Ace. Plenty of bonus features are offered by this video slot machine: Wild Once the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Maria Saloodowska Research Paper This is a famous quote by Maria Salomea Skłodowska, also known as Marie Curie. Maria was born on November 7 in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland. She had four older siblings. Both of her parents were teachers. Sadly, when Maria was ten, her mother passed away due to tuberculosis. Maria lacked the financial resources to earn a degree, so for five years, she worked as a nanny and a tutor. Any spare time she had was devoted to reading chemistry, physics, and math. At last, in 1891, Skłodowska enrolled at the Sorbonne in Paris, France. However, this took a personal toll on her. Skłodowska had barely enough money to support herself. Her hard work payed off in the end, though. Then, in 1893, Maria finished her master s degree in physics; the next year, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Essay on AOL Time Warner AOL Time Warner On January 10, 2000, one of the largest, most powerful mergers was announced to the world. Media giant Time Warner will join forces with the Internet superstar, America on Line. The $183 billion dollar deal is the biggest in history. In the recent past, there has been a wave of merger mania, both in the United States and in Europe. The merger of the Millennium is between America on Line and Time Warner. The AOL Time Warner deal represents the joining of the Old Media with the New Media. Not only is it a marriage of different approaches, the two CEO s are very diverse individuals. The two companies are quite different, in nearly every aspect. Some of the divisions of Time Warner have been around since the 1920 s, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Time Warner has played around with their own Internet company, Pathfinder, with little success. The world of the Internet is so cutting edge that unless a company pays very close attention to it, chances for success are very low. This fact brings the importance of a joining with an organization such as AOL into the light for Time Warner. America on Line realizes the value of a company as established as Time Warner. AOL is a New School organization. Steve Case and Bob Pittman also had the foresight to see the impact of a joining of their company with Time Warner. They could create the largest, most powerful service provider in history. America on Line comes into the deal offering it s cutting edge technologies and the love of the American people. AOL has continually updated its system to make using the Internet easy for anyone. They have removed the phobias that many Americans have experienced. AOL has developed its very own vast world where you can find nearly anything you could possibly want to. AOL s domain is perfectly safe and so simple to navigate. At present, AOL has over 22 million subscribers. Americans love AOL and all the features it has to offer. AOL has something called Instant Messenger, which allows you to communicate instantaneously via your computer with anyone, anywhere. They offer multiple e mail accounts with each dial up account. What this means is in a household, each member can have their own e mail address at no ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Cinematic Techniques In Mystic River The film Mystic River uses many concepts in it to get its story across. The use of lighting was crucial in order to accurately set the mood of the movie. The sound also was important to clue the viewer in to what was happening and what was about to happen. The constant cuts and flashbacks made it obvious that Dave s traumatizing past still affects every action and day of his current life. The lighting in Mystic River plays a big role in setting the mood of the movie. The movie starts off quite dull and brown in color, but after Dave was taken away by the pedophiles the movie got even darker and continued to stay brown and depressing until Dave died. The movie had a lot of low key lighting throughout it, which really helped to build up the suspense. The low key lighting was mostly around Dave and Jimmy, both were people who had something to hide. Sean was the only mentally sane one. The cinematographer showed his sanity by making him ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It can really make or break a scene. Sounds and music can add tense, suspense and can set the mood for a scene. The scene where Dave is escaping uses sounds to set the frantic mood. It sounds as if monsters and wolves are chasing him; while it was only men chasing him Dave remembers them as actual monsters. He refers to them as vampires and wolves throughout the movie. At the Christening you hear typical church music in the background, but Jimmy couldn t help but be worried about his daughter that didn t return home last night. You re able to tell something is wrong when you hear the police sirens in the background and he turns around with a stern expression on his face. If it had just been the church music in the background him turning around be as significant to the movie. Suspenseful, tense music plays in the background anytime Dave talks about his past. The music shows how messed up he is in the head and lets on to how he ll never be able to live a normal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Pros And Cons Of Nuclear Reactors A nuclear reactor works by using a neutron to split an atom. The atom being split is introduced by the fuel cell which is usually uranium, plutonium, thorium, or actinides. When this reaction takes place it releases a large amount of energy which is harnessed in the form of steam. This process of harnessing nuclear energy is a highly controversial topic with many pros and cons. In comparison with fossil fuels and renewable energies, nuclear reactors are more cost efficient and produce very little harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Nuclear Generation 4 was formed from an international group, Generation IV International Forum, also known as GIF, with the aim at developing a clean and efficient worldwide energy system. Nuclear Generation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are many advancements being made to make nuclear power not only safer for use and the environment, but also to make it more efficient. There is still a lot of work to be done to accomplish these goals set forth by the Nuclear Generation 4 project, but the future seems to be very promising. Only so much work can be done during a phase of research and development. It will take global cooperation to continue to move forward and be able to conclude the research and start a new phase of test sites. With the worldwide demand to find more efficient and sustainable energy sources for the future, nuclear power should remain a front runner for available ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The Crucible Chapter 1-6 Study Guide Oliver is taken to Mr. Brownlow s house Oliver goes unconscious for days because of his terrible state He is being taken care of and is beyond grateful In a couple of days he regains his strength and everyone is overjoyed. There is a painting on the side of the room and immediately Oliver connects to this picture of a woman Mr. Brownlow sees an unmistakable resemblance between the painting and Oliver so once again Oliver faints Chapter 13: Bates laughs about everything that happened to Oliver, but Dodger is worried about Fagin Fagin freaks out and starts screaming and the boys slip away Fagin accidentally hits a newcomer Billy Sikes while aiming for Dodger Everyone is worried that Oliver will rat on them They set out to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Bumble freaks out and blames Oliver for demoralizing everyone and punishes Dick by locking him in the cellar In London, Mr. Bumble sees an advertisement offering five guineas for Oliver s whereabouts He heads to Mr. Brownlow s home and explains how awful and how much of a thief Oliver is Mr. Brownlow pays Mr. Bumble the money and accepts the truth about Oliver. However Mrs, Bedwin cannot accept that Oliver is a bad child Oliver s name is forbidden to say Chapter 18: Fagin tells Oliver that all the other little boys who ran away were hunged for crimes they did not commit, and he is scared for this life However, Oliver does still not want to be a thief Bates ad Dodger still try and convince Oliver to steal with them His reason is there will always be pickpockets, so why not them? Fagin tells stories of stealing, which is making stealing seem fun New guy, Tom Chitling, just got out of jail Chapter 19: Sikes explains to Fagin how the house is not ready to rob, and Fagin flips out The house can still be robbed, but they would need a small boy, immediately Oliver comes to Fagin s mind Nancy says she is fine with it Sikes thinks Oliver is not experienced enough yet, but he is the perfect ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Rhetorical Analysis Mlk Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay Martin Luther King s inspiration for writing his, Letter from Birmingham Jail was mainly to appeal to an undeniable injustice that occurred during his time. His letter was in response tos eight white clergymen, who objected to King protesting in Birmingham. Dr. King effectively crafted his counterargument after analyzing the clergymen s unjust proposals and then he was able to present his rebuttal. Dr. King effectively formed his counterargument by first directly addressing his audience, the clergymen and then using logos, pathos and egos to present his own perspective on his opponent s statements. The majority of the sentences in King s letter can be connected to logos, pathos or ethos and his incorporation of appeals is masterful. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some of his examples are well known such as Hitler while others were not as popular. This appeals to ethos because it demonstrates King s palate for quality education, proving his credibility. I began thinking about the fact that I stand in the middle of two opposing forces in the Negro community. One is a force of complacency, made up in part of Negroes who, as a result of long years of oppression, are so drained of self respect and a sense of somebodiness that they have adjusted to segregation; and in part of a few middle class Negroes who, because of a degree of academic and economic security and because in some ways they profit by segregation, have become insensitive to the problems of the masses. The other force is one of bitterness and hatred, and it comes perilously close to advocating violence. It is expressed in the various black nationalist groups that are springing up across the nation, the largest and best known being Elijah Muhammad s Muslim movement. Nourished by the Negro s frustration over the continued existence of racial discrimination, this movement is made up of people who have lost faith in America, who have absolutely repudiated Christianity, and who have concluded that the white man is an incorrigible devil . In this passage, King s presentation of logos is genius. He effectively shows the clergymen two sides of the community, the one of complacency and the other of hatred and cynicism. In this excerpt he does not attempt ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Aristotle s Views On Politics Politics is a political philosophical work by Aristotle, a fourth century Greek Philosopher, logician and scientist. Along with his teacher Plato, Aristotle is considered as one of the most influential ancient thinkers of political theory in western civilization. Therefore, it is important to understand the gist of his work Politics from our perspective. Influenced by Plato s Republic and Laws, Politics presents synthesis of lifetime political thoughts and observations. The philosopher attempts to answer many questions such as; the relation between states and people, harnessing the best life style of citizens, best education, type of constituents, democracy, inequality and slavery. These are crucial topics in present world politics as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Becoming biased towards Greek, he supports slavery. Aristotle relates citizenship with holding of public office and administration of justice. According to him, those are citizens whose parents were also citizens. This depicts Aristotle being conservative philosopher of Greece where citizenship was given to only privileged class. He opposed the idea of citizenship to foreigners, slaves and women. According to him, the latter group of people don t have moral and intellectual skills to hold public offices. One of the remarkable issues in Politics is about good citizen and good men. According to the work, good citizen and good men are different things. Good citizen knows how to rule and how to obey. A good man is one who is suitable to rule. But a good citizen knows how to rule abiding by the rule.Therefore, for Aristotle, citizenship was a matter of moral training as well. Another important aspect of Politics is its explanation about constitutions. There are 6 types of constitutions. Among them, three are just and three are unjust. A constitution becomes just when it benefits all in the city states while the same becomes unjust if it benefits the ruler only. He considers the mix of democracy and oligarchy will allow the best constitution. In Books IV to VI, Aristotle moves towards the practical examination of political institutions. He found the differences between needs of city states due to differences in wealth , population distribution and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The Self Centered, Me Mentality, A Character Flaw That... A self centered, me mentality, is a character flaw that many Americans struggle with. Consider the man that was cautioned by his mother to become financially stable in his life before having children. He did not heed her advice and created three children before completing college. The choices he made resulted in him working long hours, paying endless amounts of child support, and having no time for a social life of his own. He chronically complains and while he created his own storm, he got upset when it rained (Tagore). While some people wisely accept personal responsibility for the situations they have created due to choices and decisions they chose to make, others are quick to use self justification methods and therefore lack the ability to take responsibility for their own lives. According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, narcissism is an excessive interest in one s self; or self centeredness arising from failure to distinguish the self from external objects (Merriam Webster.com). This is a contributing factor of the growing problem of many Americans whom refuse to acknowledge their unproductive behaviors. If it seems like responsibility shirking is on the rise, it may not be your imagination. Narcissism has risen 30% among college students since 1979, and studies show their self confidence is at an all time high (artofmanliness.com). People are very focused on themselves and do not care about the consequences of their actions. This is causing major ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Innovament And Industry Implications For The Ford Motor... Industry implications. ADP is an example of an innovated system that creates innovations for many companies. ADP specializes in HR, Payroll, Taxes, Time, Talent, Benefits, Retirement and Insurance which include all aspects of HRM specialties. The implications that not all what ADP has to offer could be utilized for other companies. Innovating is very important for HR, it always to the company to grow in many ways. Although there are other companies out there just like ADP, ADP only clients are on a larger scale, small businesses are still innovating just with lease expensive company. Global implications. The most important innovation that Ford wanted ADP to create was not only for the HR department but for their partnership with Lincoln Motors. Ford Motor Company will contract directly with Ford and Lincoln Dealers for the ACE Program, which includes the ADP developed Ford specific version of the Vehicle Inspection Application. We are extremely excited that Ford has chosen ADP Dealer Services to be part of their ACE Program. With our track record of providing successful, impactful Service solutions for dealers, we know that we can help our ADP Ford Dealers improve their Service Department processes and take better care of Ford customers, states Mike Sailor, Senior Vice President, Manufacturer Solutions for ADP. This takes the innovation global, which can increase globalization, jobs could potentially move overseas for Ford. This could potentially mean loss of jobs within the US, although the innovation within the HR advancements were a plus they can also cause some domestic implications. Organization Overview Impact of information technology on HR management brings many challenges and growth HR departments that use technology to have a higher chance of succeeding and becoming competitive with other organizations that are keeping up with technology. A company that provides that service is ADP, ADP is an example of innovated service provided to companies, to help innovate a particular part if their system. ADP services can range from payroll, retirement, training, and recruiting, History of Organization Henry Taub founded Automatic Payrolls, Inc. in 1949 as a business that processed payroll for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Impact Of The Affordable Care Act Policy Background When the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was enacted on March 23rd, 2010, it transformed the lives of people all over the US, in states who expanded. It allowed families to qualify for government programs such as Medicaid, CHIP, and government subsidies, and for young adults to stay on their parent s insurance until the age of 26. The ACA was a sign of relief and good news for all but two groups, lawful permanent residents and undocumented immigrants. In 2012, DACA recipients under the DREAM Act also became part of the groups excluded, leaving more than 6.5 million unable to access affordable care. In order to make a change, the New Mexico Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham, from the Democratic party, introduced The Health Equity ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The HEAL for Immigrant Women and Families Act of 2017 is seeking to expand access to health care services from the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to lawful permanent residents (green card holders) and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) program recipients (H.R. 2788, 2017). The act is intended to break down barriers for women and their families by expanding the definition of lawfully present instituted under the Social Security Act in the Medicaid Section 1903. By amending subparagraph (A) to expand the definition of lawfully present to include such an individual who is granted deferred action or other federally authorized presence other than as a nonimmigrant (H.R. 2788, 2017). Currently, from the 6.5 million lawful non citizen women in the US from the ages of 15 to 44, 36% are uninsured in comparison to the 11% uninsured naturalized citizens and 10% the US born citizen women in the same category (Guttmacher Institute , 2016). When taking a closer look at these women, researchers found that 51% live below the federal poverty level (FDL) and are often ineligible for health care programs such as Medicaid (Guttmacher Institute , 2016). By expanding the definition in the subparagraph (A) of the Social Security Act of 1903, it would expand eligibility for all federally funded health care programs through the ACA and cause the five year gap to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Figure Of Speech In Poem By Knickerbomp A SEMANTICS ANALYSIS HYPERBOLE AND PERSONIFICATION ON SONG S LYRICS MAROON V IN ALBUM OVEREXPOSED 1. INRODUCTION I.1. Background Language is a means of communication. Everybody in this world needs a communication to help or share something to each other. Language is the mediator of people s communication. People also express their thoughts through the language in written or spoken forms. Song lyrics also being the way to express the thoughts of people as the development of art in today s life. Lyric derives from the Greek word for a song sung by the lyre, lyrikos . Song lyric is a set of words that accompany music, either by spoken or singing. Song lyrics are abstract, almost unintelligible, and in such cases, their explication ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 1. Simile is a state of comparison of two dissimilar things introduced by the words like or as . 2. Metaphor is an implied comparison, or an expression that is used in a new sense, on the basis of similarity between its literal sense and the new thing or situation to which it is applied, with like or as omitted. 3. Personification is a type of metaphor in which a lifeless object, an animal or abstract ideas is made to act like a person and thereby gives animation, vividness and nearness those things which are normally thought of as impersonal ad aloof from human affairs
  • 30. or giving human characteristics to an object, animal or an abstract idea. 4. Synecdoche is a figure of speech showing the use of part for the whole. Synecdoche substitutes some significant detail or aspect of an experience for the experience itself. 5. Metonymy is the figure of speech describing one thing by using the term for another thing closely with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Statue of Liberty Lending Credence to the Word... The Statue of Liberty Lending Credence to the Word Freedom in America The Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognized artifacts of freedom in the world. It has the ability to create emotions that range from happiness to anger all at one time. The best way to analyze such a powerful image is to use Kenneth Burke s idea of pentadic analysis. By using this method of the analysis, we will be able to answer the rhetorical question: How does the Statue of Liberty lend credence to the word freedom in America? To begin with, it is necessary to obtain some background on the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty was given to the United States in 1886 as a gift from France and dedicated as a national monument in 1924 (1). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first requirement is that any action taken must be by choice (4). This is due to the fact that if we are made to do something, then it is really just a matter of acting mechanically (4). Second is notion that action has to have a purpose (4). This purpose can be conscious or unconscious, but it has to be present (4). Finally, action has to have motion (4). The only way to understand this is to reiterate that motion can exist without action, but action cannot exist without motion (4). From Burke s explanation of dramatism comes the pentad. The pentad is made up of five major dimensions: act, scene, agent, agency, and purpose (4). It is a requirement that all of these areas be addressed when describing any symbolic act (4). The easiest way to approach each of these areas of the pentad is to associate them with the questions that they aim to answer. Burke clearly identifies what their specific goals are: You must have some word that names the act (names what took place, in thought or deed), and another that names the scene (the background of the act, the situation in which it occurred); also you must indicate what person or kind of person (agent) performed the act, what means or instruments he used (agency), and the purpose (4). This can ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Funeral s Funeral On monday I attended his funeral. This was the hardest day in my entire life, I had lost my favorite person and had to sit in a cold, hard chair, and watch his casket lower into the ground. He had a beautiful air force ceremony, with the folding of the flag, and farewell son played on the trumpet. Hot tears streamed down my face as I realized I would never hear his voice again, smell his strong Aramis cologne, or be able to give him one last hug. No longer will I get to see him pull up to my house in his cherry red Jaguar, or hear is over exaggerated stories at christmas. I will never be able to cuddle up to him while eating his beloved spice drops and watching PGA tour, as the burning fire embers die down. I will always keep my memories of him close to my heart and remember his best days. Living a life without my grumppop will be one of the hardest journeys I will have to go through but because I live in the moment and try to remember every single detail of our lives together, I know that he will always be with me. How I remember all my experiences so vividly because I lived in the moment with him.I made sure that i wasn t always on my phone when I was around him and made sure I was never distracted so that I could give all my time to him. I know now more than ever that living in the moment is so important because now those memories i had with him, are all that I have left and I will never be able to experience them again. LBI is is an 18 mile island in New Jersey. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Maurice Wilkins Examples Francis Crick, Rosalind Franklin, James Watson, and Maurice Wilkins were all examples of scientists that came together to help form the detailed understanding of the structure of DNA that human civilization has today. The question that was solved by their work was, how do living organisms pass on traits to their offspring? The discovery was like a puzzle that was put together over time. Different scientists over the ages added a piece here and there. An example is Gregor Mendel. He worked with plants and observed the traits that were passed down from the parents to the offspring. By the 1950s, biologists found that chromosomes contain proteins along with DNA. This made scientists wonder how DNA could hold all the information needed to create ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Physiology of Laughter Essay Laughter is part of everyday life for every human. Although we do it daily, most people do not know how it works, nor how it helps us with our health. Something that we do all the time is something that we do not even think about. We, as humans, take laughter for granted. It might come easy to us, but laughing is actually very complex. It also helps us physically, mentally, and socially. Although, many people do not agree on humor, we can all agree on one thing: laughter is important. Laughter is unique movements of the face and body that are expressed due to amusement and sometimes contempt or derision. (Websters) But do we not need more than that? Do we not deserve to know more? Of course. Although laughter is something that we ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Whenever the voice box is closed, air cannot travel. However, when the larynx is just barely open, it produces sound. When we hear the sweet music of laughter, is it because we breathed out while our vocal cords were not open and with the help of our respiratory muscles, we produce the steady sound of laughter. But, what goes on in the brain whenever we laugh? Of course, we all know that the brain is one of our major organs and our brains are always in use, but what goes on in the brain when we laugh? The study of laughter and the affects it has on the body is called gelotology. Although laughter may come easy and natural to us, our body has to go through a rather complex process. We don t know much, but researchers have done studies that have shown that laughter is caused by many parts of the brain. These researchers have done many tests by hooking subjects up to an electroencephalograph (EEG). An EEG is a record of the our brain s electrical activity. (2013, Babylon) When doing these tests, researchers realized that the brain made the same continuous electrical pattern. The subjects were then shown something that was funny. Not even five tenths of a second after the subject saw the joke, an electrical waved moved through the cerebral cortex. This part of the brain, the cerebral cortex, determines intelligence, determines personality, motor functions, planning and organization, and touch sensation. Laughter would result after the wave ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Cost of Quality Assuming an agreement is made between a supplier and a customer such that the supplier must ensure that all parts are within tolerance before shipment to the customer, what is the effect on the cost of quality to the customer? Cost of quality is the cost associated with the quality of a work product. As defined by Crosby in his Quality Is Free , Cost Of Quality (COQ) has two main components: Cost Of Conformance and *Cost Of Non Conformance. Another view is that cost of quality is the amount of money a business loses because its product or service is not done right in the first place. From fixing a warped piece on the assembly line to having to deal with a lawsuit because of a malfunctioning machine or a badly performed service, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Each product is different in some way from the one just made prior. There are thousands of variables that affect thousands of characteristics of a product. In an environment that is constantly changing, it may not be feasible to measure every characteristic of the product. There are no tools to detect every characteristic. What is critical is to control the important parameters of the process throughout the product life cycle. This helps to ensure that the quality is built into the product as it is manufactured. What most companies do is select a handful of characteristics considered to be important to their customer. They measure those few to ensure that they meet customer requirements. They perform their 100% inspection, and if the product passes it is shipped to the customer. They are very surprised when they get a phone call from the customer that their product ruined the customer s lot and not only does their customer want their money back but they want to be compensated for the losses as well. At that point the quality manager will retrieve the test results from the product, which shows that the product passed all quality inspection requirements before shipment. The result is lost customers. Either way the cost will be substantial to the manufacturer. What went wrong? The 100% inspection was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. A Retrieved Reformation Theme In the United States, a robbery occurs every one minute and thirty seconds.This equates to 6720 in a week, 26,880 in a month, and 350,400 in a year. Robbery is a federal crime in which charges can be applied ranging from $500 up to $1000.In the two short stories, A Retrieved Reformation by O Henry and Thank You Ma am by Langston Hughes the themes of redemption and second chances are shared through the main conflicts inflicted by the protagonists.To incorporate the two themes, the authors use description words and specific details. A Retrieved Reformation and Thank You Ma am are similar and different through shared themes of second chances and redemption, the different approaches of the showing the themes, and how the characters develop ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Thank You Ma am dialogue is used. This piece of text evidence from Thank You Ma am shows how dialogue is used more. Now, here, take this ten dollars and buy yourself some blue suede shoes. And next time, do not make the mistake of latching onto my pocketbook nor nobody else s... This piece of text evidence from A Retrieved Reformation shows that figurative language is used more. In a minute Jimmy was at work on the door.The significance of the two pieces of text evidence is just to show parts of the story on how they are different on showing the two themes. Both of the pieces of evidence showed, are from the parts of the stories where the protagonists are getting their second chances and using them to their advantages.To help prove the claim that the two short stories use different tactics to help show two themes in the story. These are two pieces of text evidence from each story to help show the difference. The first piece of evidence is from A Retrieved Reformation , Jimmy Valentine looked into her eyes, forgetting at once what he was. He became another man. The second piece is from Thank You Ma am , You gonna take me to jail? asked the boy, bending over the sink. Not with that face, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...