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Metaphors of Organizations
Metaphors of Organizations
All theories of organization and management are based on implicit images or metaphors that persuade
us to see, understand, and imagine situations in partial ways. Metaphors create insight. But they also
distort. They have strengths. But they also have limitations. In creating ways of seeing, they create
ways of not seeing. Hence there can be no single theory or metaphor that gives an all purpose point of
view. There can be no correct theory for structuring everything we do.
If you are a consultant, facilitator or manager interested in organizations and how they do and don t
work, then Gareth Morgan s books, Images of Organization and Imaginization are a must read . An
abstract can be found here. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
An ongoing process of reality construction, which allows people to see and understand particular
events, actions, objects, comments and situations in distinctive ways. Keywords are: Society, values,
beliefs, laws, ideology, rituals, diversity, traditions, history, service, shared vision and mission,
understanding, qualities, families * Political Systems; Organizations as systems of political activity,
with patterns of competing interests, conflict and power. Keywords are: interests and rights, power,
hidden agendas and back room deals, authority, alliances, party line, censorship, gatekeepers, leaders,
conflict management * Psychic Prisons; Organizations as systems that get trapped in their own
thoughts and actions; and in which obsessions, mind traps, narcissism, strong emotions, illusions of
control, anxieties and defense mechanisms become the focus of attention. Keywords are: conscious
unconscious processes, repression regression, ego, denial, projection, coping defense mechanisms,
pain pleasure principle, dysfunction, workaholics * Flux and Transformation; Organizations as
expressions of deeper processes of transformation and change. Keywords are: constant change,
dynamic equilibrium, flow, self organization, systemic wisdom, attractors, chaos, complexity, butterfly
effect, emergent
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American Community Colleges And The American Association...
The American Community Colleges were established in the twentieth century to address the needs of
the workforce development (The American Association of Community College, 2015). Moreover,
skilled workers were critical to the economic growth and strength of America s society (American
Association of Community College, 2015). Although the community college s mission has not
changed, employment skills have changed. In order to yield tangible economic benefits to the
community, community colleges have to start to think more creatively (Rockefeller Institute of
Government, 2010). For over thirty years, community colleges has been the go to reference for their
role in economic development and services rendered to the community (American Community
College, 2014). Because of the substantial need for industries to obtain and maintain skilled workers,
the community college system is pursuing strategies to help employers attract the preferred worker.
This is done through education, training, management counseling, and other initiatives (Rockefeller
Institute of Government, 2010). Consequently, knowledge is power; higher education s primary role
and contribution to economic development remains in its traditional obligation: creating an educated
society. In addition to that, the current economy has caused the conventional academic mission to be
extremely significant (Rockefeller Institute of Government, 2010). The paradigm shift in the twenty
first century is more knowledge
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First Day In High School Essay
On the first day of school I was a mess. I didn t sleep well the night prior so I was running on
approximately two and a half hours of sleep. The limited bit of sleep I achieve entailed vivid dreams
of me dying in two different situations while at the high school. The first time I died due to a glass
object being broken in the science room and I was being stabbed to death. In the second dream I fell
from the top floor to the basement because a junior pushed me over the railing in their rush to arrive at
class on time. Given the fact I had such low standards, the first day was not horrible. I miss having the
blissful first week of school that we had in middle and elementary school. It was also kind of nice
having friends in some of my classes. For me personally everything went downhill on day three. That
was the day we started going over our summer assignment for math with Professor Snape. Professor
Snape s class consists of calling on his students the entire time! Once he started calling on people I
became nervous. I knew I was bound to be called on at some point. The first time he called on me I
already had the answer written down so I did not mind as much. I said c: as loudly as I could, which
honestly was not much louder than a whisper. The second time I did not have the answer and I
panicked. I could not even speak I was so scared. I ended up being called on a third time and I had the
same reaction. My other classes are great though, Professor Flitwick is boring, but
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Immigration Is A Foreign Policy Hot Topic
Immigration according to definitions online is the movement of people into a destination country to
which they are not native or do not possess its citizenship in order to settle or reside there, especially
as permanent residents or naturalized citizens, or to take up employment as a migrant worker or
temporarily as a foreign worker. However, in order to understand why immigration has become a
foreign policy hot topic, we must understand the history of immigration.
Since the initial settlers arrived in North America, immigration has filled the American experience.
Undeniably, many of the principles that unite Americans as a nation are tied to immigration.
Historically, immigration has not only outlined our visualization of the United States role around the
world, but immigration has also trickled into our interpretation of human nature. One great
Philosopher, and the leader of the transcendentalist movement of the Mid 19th century; Ralph
Emerson saw it best. Emerson viewed immigration as a marvel that will build a new race, a new
religion, a new state, and a new literature in the United States (www.foreignpolicy infocus.org). The
idealism surrounding immigration clarifies in part the profound feelings immigration induces in the
public policy field. These feelings have shoved with anxieties about the economy, ethnic relations and
many other issues. In recent years, however, the discussion over immigration has prolonged to
integrate a wide array of foreign policy issues
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Essay on Analysis of Penelope as Moral Agent in Homer’s...
In her essay Penelope as Moral Agent, Helene Foley attempts to discuss Penelope, a major character
in Homer s the Odyssey, in terms of Classical Athenian portrayals of women and, as her title suggests,
in terms of what she calls a moral agent. In her introductory paragraph she lays out guidelines as set
down by Aristotle and his contemporaries that constitute a moral agent: the character must make an
ethical and moral decision on which the actions turns...without critical knowledge of the
circumstances (Foley 93). To this end, Foley ultimately decides that Penelope meets these standards
and adds that her social, familial and personal responsibilities play integral roles in making that
decision. Foley s examples and her in depth ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Direct connections she makes between the Odyssey and the outside texts are nominal. She neglects to
explain why she would compare Penelope to Aristotle s ideas on the woman s role in society, or in
what respect the biological findings of Hippocrates could have possibly have influenced or been
influenced by Homer s epic. The only hint the reader is exposed to is when, on page 94 she asks, To
what degree does the world of the Odyssey prefigure popular Classical Athenian assumptions about
women as moral agents? The keyword here is prefigure and it indicates to me that Homer wrote before
the classical writers that Foley uses as her basis of understanding the term moral agent. That the reader
must figure that out based on one word out of a twenty page essay instead of being exposed to at least
a small discussion of the chronology of when the authors and philosophers in question lived and wrote
also detracts from the essay as a whole.
Because Foley is trying to establish a framework based on historical and cultural ideas, that
framework must be imbedded in a sufficient understanding of history itself in order to validate its
meaning. In addition, I cannot but be aware of the fact that there is little direct comparison between
Homer s epic poem and the outside works Foley uses, and especially by Aristotle. In fact, whenever
she does make a direct comparison is when she discounts the relevance of the outside source. One of
the few times the philosophies
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The Theory Of A Paradigm Shift
Traditionally, the scientific community viewed progress developing cumulatively within a framework
of accepted facts. However in The Structure of Scientific Revolution, Thomas S. Kuhn argues science
also advances episodically rather than only continuously. Kuhn creates the concept of paradigm shifts
that changed science by transforming fundamental structures. Although Kuhn only attributes
paradigms shifts to natural sciences, many have applied this idea to other fields. In Discipline and
Punish, Michel Foucault analyzes the rapid shifts in penal systems and the larger social implications
of such change. Foucault attributes the rise of prisons due to modifications in perceptions about
punishment and power. These reformations mirror paradigm shifts, since they fundamentally change
existing frameworks. Both Kuhn and Foucault demonstrate the importance of structural changes in the
history of ideas. To prove this claim, I will explain Kuhn s idea of a paradigm shift and relate it to
Foucault s analysis of how modern prisons emerged. In order to understand paradigm shifts, one must
look at normal science and how its impact on the scientific community. Kuhn defines normal science
as research firmly based upon one or more past scientific achievements, achievements that some
particular scientific community acknowledges for a time as supplying the foundation for its further
practice (Kuhn 10). Normal science builds facts and knowledge within a set of guidelines, or
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The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman
Ernest J. Gaines book, The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, used many historical events to
connect to the characters story. The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman was published by Bantam
Books in 1972 and has 259 pages. The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman is a classic fictional book.
The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman is the story if a women s life told when she was over one
hundred years old. The novel goes over 3 main periods of time: war years, reconstruction, and slavery.
In The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman it is the time of reconstruction and the novel really
connects with the history of the time. The novel starts the story at when Jane was a young slave. The
Emancipation Proclamation was a decree announced my ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When slavery was abolished conditions for black people got worse. Many slaves where beat and
treated cruelly during slavery but because they where property and useful they were spared their lives.
When slavery was abolished many black people were killed because they where no longer anyone s
In the story Jane talked about how many former slaves as well as herself do not cry much anymore
because they have seen so much death and tragedy that it has become a normal thing. Nate, a small
boy Jane had to take care of in the story, knew not to make any noise while in the bushes hiding from
the patrollers because even at a young age he knew death was not far away and did not cry when his
family was killed. Many white people killed black people throughout the story and did not get
punished for it.
Jane and Ned, stops traveling to Ohio and finds work on a plantation. The difference for Jane now, as
for many black people, they could get paid for their labor. By the late 1870s, most former slaves in the
rural South had been drawn into a subservient position in a new labor system called sharecropping
(Abbott et al. 441). When Jane gets older she becomes involved in a relationship with a man that takes
their family off the plantation to become a sharecropper.
The premise of this system was relatively simple: The landlord furnished the sharecroppers with a
house, a plot of land to work, seed, some farm animals, and farm
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Heroin In The 1960s
Fernanda Robledo
Composition 10
October 31, 2016
Heroin Research Paper Heroin has been around since the 1960s . It was first used as a cure for
tuberculosis and soon became a bigger problem. Many people have died from the use of Heroin
because of the fact that they do not know how much heroin can affect hem. Sure it will make the feel
good the first time they take, but once your body becomes dependent it can be a very time consuming
and painful experience. Crime rates have and are slightly increasing because of the use of Heroin.
Heroin should not be used due to the fact that it affects your mental and physical health, and it has the
ability to lead to many horrible symptoms due to it.
Someone with a hard core heroin habit may ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
People should know what they are getting themselves in if they are going to choose to go through this
bumpy road in life. There are so many consequences that can come from heroin so make sure you are
ready to face them. You are harming yourself and the people around you so make sure you inform
yourself on what can come from heroin. Heroin is an opioid drug that is synthesized from morphine.
Morphine is a type of pain medication which heroin comes from. Heroin comes from opium. Opium
goes way back to the industrialization era. Europeans used opium also known currently as heroin to
drug the chinese and one of the biggest drug dealers was queen Victoria. They drugged the chinese
because they wanted to get what they needed from them, but they did it in a very unfair and dangerous
way. They put the life of so many chinese in danger and cause them to create an addiction to
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The Challenges Of Benq And Siemens Company From German...
BenQ and Siemens come from two different backgrounds and cultures. BenQ Company from Taiwan
culture, and Siemens Company from German culture. However, each of these two cultures differs
from the other, since in Germany several agencies monitor the managers and workers so the German
companies pay full attention for the staff and for their families before themselves. Also, if they dismiss
the workers from the job they are looking for another job, these laws and procedures of the German
government. Moreover, in contrast to the Taiwan Company BenQ there is no control at all and that
employee and companies take care only for their personal benefit and this negatively affects their
partnership. There are four challenges developed by Hofstede might ... Show more content on
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This is why BenQ is acquiring this company because it has expertise and a different culture. Also,
these two companies faced problems from critics and governments, but they did not despair, but they
worked in partnership and benefited from some, but eventually they lost and the German government
tried the Japanese company BenQ and forced them to improve their position and reduce losses
because many employees They lost their jobs and must provide them with alternative jobs for their
lost jobs. In addition to that, when they started to engage, they did not plan for future situations, and
they are known about BenQ that they are reckless in making decisions and lacking planning and
management. In conclusion, the German Siemens and the Taiwanese BenQ were quite different, from
their national cultures to organizational cultures. Where the failure of the acquisition provided a
valuable lesson for companies seeking to create their own global brand. Therefore, companies from
different cultures need to develop a strategy to clearly define goals and expectations and to avoid the
information gap with future
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Apple Company Strategy Essay
Apple Company is one of the most successful companies in electronic industry and is one of the most
important valuable companies in the world .its sales and makes value increased for the past ten years.
Apple Company has used many different strategies to become successful in the market. The Apple
strategy is essential determinant of advantages towards with other companies such us, Samsung, LG,
and BlackBerry. It used Porter s model strategy and this strategy is the key to achieving this generic
strategy and supporting Apple s success. Apple general strategy focuses on key features which is
differentiate the company and its products from competitors and which is essential .for example, it
focus on elegant design and branding. The Apple ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is due to several reasons and the most reason is the Nokia don t used the good strategies to
developed the products. Nokia Company was acclaimed for its marketing and was seen as the
company that had best figured out how to turn mobile phones into fashion accessories. It s more
accurate to say that Nokia was at its heart a hardware company rather than a software company. Nokia
failed to recognize the increasing importance of software strategy also there was another mistake
which is Nokia have overestimated the strength of its brand and believed that even if it was late to the
smartphone game it would be able to catch up quickly. Long after the iPhones release, in fact, Nokia
continued to insist that its superior hardware designs would win over users. Even today, there are
people who claim that if Nokia had stuck with its own operating systems, instead of embracing the
windows Phone in 2011, it could have succeeded. But even though the windows Phone has been a
flop, the truth is that by 2010 Nokia had already introduction too many disappointing phones because
Nokia Company don t used successful strategy to developing the product. (James Surowiecki,
September 3, 2013). As a market firm for over a decade, Nokia Company didn t really excellent plan
for the future as it seemed a bit complacent with
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Essay on Compare and Contrast Chinese and Japanese Mythology
Chinese and Japanese Mythology in Life Classic Chinese and classic Japanese mythology are quite
similar, in fact, they have more commonalities than differences. As examples, one can compare and
contrast the two mythologies in terms of characters, form and structure, creation myths, and
mythology s relevance to life. Animals and dragons also appear repeatedly in Chinese and Japanese
mythology. In this paper it will be shown that Chinese and Japanese mythologies are more similar than
different. The characters in both Chinese and Japanese myths have similar personalities and reactions.
For example, heroes in both mythologies use tricks, cunning schemes, and intelligence in general
achieve their goals, instead of just force and wit. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
And although Chinese dragons are powerful fighters, they choose not to fight. Chinese mythology has
several distinctive qualities, one of the most individual is the fact that Chinese myths are very concise:
a single myth might only be one page long, but tells a story that could take up two or more pages. For
example, the sentence, The Wise Old Man at the River Bend stopped the foolish old man shows an
entire short scene. Japanese myths, on the other hand, are more story like in their structure, and they
are told simply. In fact, the Japanese myths are told so simply and this author believes that they can be
understood by children. Also Japanese myths have more of a definite beginning, middle, and end.
Chinese creation myth
In the beginning, the universe was a black egg where heaven and earth were mixed together, and in
this egg was contained Pangu. He felt suffocated, so he cracked the egg with a broadax, and the light,
clear part of the egg floated up to form Heaven while the cold, heavy part stayed down and formed
Earth. Pangu stood in the middle, and he and the egg s two parts grew and grew until he was nine
million li in height.
When Pangu died, his breath became the wind and clouds, his voice the rolling thunder, and his eyes
the sun and the moon. His hair and beard became the stars in the sky, the flowers and trees from his
skin, the marrow in his bones became jade and pearls, and his sweat the good rain
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Thomas Aquinas Five Proofs For God s Existence
Thomas Aquinas offered 5 proofs for God s existence (Aquinas Five Ways, 2009). In Aquinas time,
his works were considered very controversial and included some that were condemned as heretical by
the bishop of Paris (Archie, 2006). Since then, Aquinas has come to be regarded as the greatest
theologian and philosopher in the Church s history (Archie, 2006). Further supporting Aquinas proof,
many find Creative Evolution attractive (Lewis, 2014). This gives a person much of the emotional
comfort of believing in God, and none of the less pleasant consequences (Lewis, 2014).
The Aristotelian Background includes the argument for the existence of God from the nature of
efficient cause (Aquinas Five Ways, 2009). Within this argument lies the key premise that Aquinas
idea is that nothing can be the efficient cause of itself or own existence (Aquinas Five Ways, 2009).,
that nothing can be the cause of its own existence, which Aquinas expresses the chain of causes of
things which come into existence cannot be infinite (Aquinas Five Ways, 2009). Therefore, God is the
first cause because nothing can be the cause of its own existence, or be responsible for its own
existence (Archie, 2006). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Moreover, the cause of the existence of things, which was not itself caused to exist, justifies the
existence of God (Aquinas Five Ways, 2009). Finally, Aquinas makes the assertion, in which I agree,
To take away the cause is to take away the effect , holding for an infinite regress of causes since there
is no cause taken away (Archie,
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Stormbreaker Movie Analysis
Once the world of entertainment began, there were a limited number of books that became movies. As
time progressed, more and more books were finally produced. The reason for this change is because
books have been considered old fashioned ; however, their plots are sometimes worthy of being
produced. As more books became movies, an argument ensued. Many viewers and critics have placed
reading a book and watching the movie against each other. A great way to analyze the aspects of this
argument is to dissect the movie and book, Stormbreaker by author Anthony Horowitz and director
Geoffrey Sax. Reading the book and watching the movie have many similarities such as the appeal to
the readers/viewers, the overall plot or theme, the structure, and characters; however, these two
entertainment options have many differences as well including details and time consumption. One
way that books and movies are alike includes appeasement. In the entertainment world, appeasement
is sought after by many artists, musicians, movie directors, and authors. These individuals desire to
appeal to their viewers taste. The object of appeasing is to hook your intended audience. This is very
essential in both movies and books. Both authors and movie directors focus on details that will draw a
reader or viewer in. Their attention to the particular book or movie brings satisfaction and monetary
rewards to these authors and movie directors. The overall story of Stormbreaker uses a genre that
appeals to
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Public Relations Essay
Public Relations
Good public relations is key to the success of any business. A company must strive to make itself
stand out in its particular field. The media can be a very effective public relations tool if it is used
A twenty first century company is not only going to need the ability to please their customers, but to
delight them. In order to accomplish this goal, employees need to understand who the company is, and
what it stands for. Not only do they need to understand these values, but an employee needs to be
committed to upholding them on an everyday basis. Every employee represents their company
individually, and the impression that they give the customer is the ... Show more content on
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On one hand, communicators need to get their messages out. The media also needs news to report.
When communicators have a story that they want to get out, they want the media to give them as
much attention as possible. There is another side to this story though. The media reports on subjects
that are considered newsworthy. This includes stories that not only could be beneficial to business, but
they also report on subjects that put companies in a negative light. This is where the hate relationship
comes in. Negative publicity is the last thing that any company wants, and it causes them to put up
their defenses against the media.
Even though media can have a negative impact on a company, if it is used to its full advantage, it can
be a very effective way of getting publicity. Newspapers are always looking for people and things to
write about. Radio and television stations are always looking for people to interview and things to talk
about. These stories are free of charge, and are of greater value than a commercial would be. People
know that a commercial is paid for and designed under the companies own perspective of itself.
People are more likely to pay attention to what a newspaper article, or a television interview gets
across to them than a commercial. The reason for this is because the information is coming from a
source outside of the company, and is therefore more trustworthy. This is not to
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Boo Radley Suspicion Quotes
In the story To Kill a Mockingbird a man who is wrongly put under suspicion by a group of kids
shows he isn t bad at all, but a kind man. This is because Boo doesn t like to be in the spotlight.
Staying inside all day having no one to see you raises suspicion. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Miss
Maudie gives the reader a famous quote: Mockingbirds don t do one thing except making music for us
to enjoy. They don t eat up people s gardens, don t nest in corncribs, they don t do one thing but sing
their hearts out for us (p #) Boo Radley can be seen as a Mockingbird to the reader because he stays
away from everyone, he s only seen is helping and being kind, and takes care of the Finch children
like a bird would. Boo Radley can be seen as a Mockingbird to the reader because he stays away from
everyone like the mockingbird doesn t bother anyone. He wants to stay away from people like in this
quote scout figures out ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This quote shows the when scout companies Boo to Mayella Ewell show they are locked away so long
She was even lonelier than Boo Radley, who had not been out of the house in twenty five years.(n.p)
Boo Radley can be seen as a Mockingbird to the reader because the only time he is seen is helping and
being kind like the mockingbird only sings beautiful music. He gives toys to Scout and Jem shows
that he is kind to them. I show this in this quote from Scout that says Jem and I were trotting in our
orbit one mild October afternoon when our knot hole stopped us again. Something white was at this
time. Jem let me do the honors: I pulled out two small images carved in soap. One was the figure of a
boy, the other wore a crude dress.. Another point is, the boo puts a blanket around Scout at the fire.
You re right. We d better keep this and the blanket to ourselves. Someday, maybe, Scout can thank him
for covering her up. Thank who? I
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The Ways Of Human Life
Life can be expressed in many different ways. It can be be expressed through song or word. But life in
general is all expressed by human beings the same way; by living, people express who they are and
what they stand for. People express their lives day by day without even knowing. People are all born,
people all live, and people all die. But the things in between are what make life yours. This is how
people live; this is how people exist. Thornton Wilder expresses the ways of human life and existence
in Our Town, and these perspectives can be linked into other poems, songs, or movies. In Lucinda
Matlock, Masters says this line that seems to tie into the ways of human life: And then I found David.
Life is just happening and along the way, you can meet people who change your life completely. They
can steal your heart and change your life and you as a person. It is very crazy of how one single
person can just come in and change your life like that, but it happens all the time. It can happen
anytime, anywhere. This can relate this back to Our Town by the scene where George and Emily are in
the ice cream parlor. They had been neighbors forever but had never seen each other in any other way.
But in that day, they went from just friends to being in love. After that, their lives were entirely
different. I m just an ordinary person. And that s OK. This is a quote from Hope Floats. This means
that you have to love and accept yourself to be able to live life to the
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Tommy Douglas and Health Care System Essay
Tommy Douglas and Health Care System One man can save the lives of millions of people with one
idea. An idea that
separates Canada from any other country in the world. Tommy Douglas is the reason we
have our health care system and without this man many Canadians would have lost their
lives. Tommy Douglas revolutionized the Canadian health care system and without his
efforts and initiatives the medical care of all Canadians would have been at a considerable
disadvantage. Tommy Douglas had spent his life searching for ways to help others.
Canada s health care ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The surgery saved Douglas s leg , quite possibly
his life and would serve as an inspiration for his dream of universally accessible medical
care (The Greatest Canadian,2004, paragraph 4) As Douglas was growing up he
experienced many different types of occupations before settling at the liberal arts college.
After Douglas s graduation he made the move to politics in 1935 when he was elected as
a Member of Parliament in the CCF. (The Greatest Canadian,2004paragraph 5) Douglas
was in the House of Commons for nine years before he was elected the leader of
provincial CCF in Saskatchewan. Douglas became an instant celebrity leading Canada s
first ever socialist government. The fame did not discourage Douglas s efforts to
revolutionize Canada and its medical care. Douglas introduced his dream of universal
Medical care but not before introducing paved roads, sewage systems, car insurance and
labour reforms. An anti medicare campaign by Saskatchewan s medical professionals,
helped to deal him his first significant defeat in the 1961 federal election. ( The Greatest
Canadian,2004,paragraph 9) Although Douglas faced a significant defeat he continued to
promote his policy s. Lester B.
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The Importance Of The Electronic Communications Privacy Act
The Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) is a United States government statute that denies
an outsider from blocking or uncovering interchanges without approval.
Foundation: The Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the Stored Wire Electronic
Communications Act are generally alluded together as the Electronic Communications Privacy Act
(ECPA) of 1986. The ECPA refreshed the Federal Wiretap Act of 1968, which tended to block attempt
of discussions utilizing hard phone lines, yet did not make a difference to interference of PC and other
computerized and electronic correspondences. A few resulting bits of enactment, including The USA
PATRIOT Act, elucidate and refresh the ECPA to keep pace with the development of new interchanges
advancements and techniques, including facilitating confinements on law requirement access to put
away correspondences at times.
In the same line EU Parliament Releases Draft Report on ePrivacy Directive: The European
Parliament s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice, and Home Affairs has released a draft report on
regulations for privacy and electronic communications. The draft contains several proposals to
strengthen online privacy, including end to end encryption in all electronic communications and a ban
on encryption backdoors. Protecting the privacy of communications is an essential condition for the
respect of other related fundamental rights and freedoms, according to the report. EPIC has urged the
FCC to follow developments
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The Between Heat And Energy
The term thermodynamics is known as the branch of physics that covers the relationship between heat
or temperature and all the forms of energy, including mechanical, electrical, or chemical.
Thermodynamics is a combination of four laws, which are known as zeroth law of thermodynamics,
first law of thermodynamics, second law of thermodynamics, and third law of thermodynamics.
According to Wolfram, The relation between heat and energy was important for the development of
steam engines, and in 1824 Sadi Carnot had captured some of the ideas of thermodynamics in his
discussion of the efficiency of an idealized engine (1019). After this statement was made, scientist
developed its laws. The term thermal equilibrium is when two bodies are at the same temperature.
Therefore, the zeroth law of thermodynamics states that if two bodies are in thermal equilibrium with
a third body, they are all in thermal equilibrium. In other words, they are all have the same
temperature. Joseph Black was one of the first scientist and physic known as founder of the zeroth law
of thermodynamics in the late 18th century.
The first law of thermodynamics states that heat energy can not be created or destroyed. It can be just
transformed into other forms or transferred into another location. Rudolf Clausius and William
Rankine were the first physics that made a full statement of the first law of thermodynamics in 1850.
It is also known as another version of the law of conservation of energy.
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Homeland Security Department and the Importance of...
Homeland security is a state agency that is entrusted with ensuring that the local population within the
USA borders is all safe at all times and this includes adequate preparation for any emergency, safety of
each member of the community during and after an emergency. The jurisdiction of the Homeland
security is quite wide, ranging from border security, aviation safety, emergency response, cyber
security as well as chemical facility safety among many others. There are a wide range of duties
within this department. But the goal is one, that of keeping America safe (U.S Department of
Homeland Security, 2011). This has been and will continue to be one of the core concerns of America
in the next five or so years. Without the safety of the American population during disasters, then the
homeland security shall have failed in executing their duties.
To advance the aspect of homeland security, the department has and will continue to implement
internal measures like Homeland security department through Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) has undertaken to develop a matrix that guides employers at work places that
would significantly reduce their vulnerability to terrorist attacks as well as reduce the effect of the
explosion if any arises hence increasing the internal security of each employee within the premises
(Counter Terrorism, 2011).
The homeland security department has also undertaken to educate people about disasters and how to
manage the aftermaths even
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Power In A Tale Of Two Cities
Power is the Silent Assassin Charles Dickens, a prosperous author by the age of twenty five, was born
in Portsmouth, England, on February 7, 1812. A Tale of Two Cities, written by Charles Dickens in
1859, is considered to be one of the darkest of the major books that he wrote. The novel is considered
dark because its takes place in England and France before and throughout the French Revolution. The
French Revolution was a ten year revolt of the peasants against the nobles that resulted in the deaths
of tens of thousands of people. In Dickens A Tale of Two Cities, imagery is used to change the reader s
attitude about the French Revolution by the characters use of revenge through the state of the peasants,
the cruelty of the French nobility, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The peasants have changed the laws since the French Revolution started, which is very hypocritical
considering one of the reasons for the war was to fight for justice against the nobles unjust court
system, and now they are doing the exact same thing to the nobles, even the innocent ones, for
revenge. An officer immediately jails Charles Darnay, an honorable man, into solitary confinement in
a prison named La Force because he is accused of being an emigrant. When the officer asserts,
Without doubt. You are consigned, Evremonde, to the prison of La Force (195), Darnay exclaims,
Under what law, and for what offence? showing the unexpectedness of his imprisonment. In this
novel, emigrants are nobles who have fled from their homes, and though Darnay denounced his family
name years before, he belongs to the Evremonde family, and therefore, must die. During the French
Revolution, the peasants commonly made vulgar jokes about the Guillotine, which was a new weapon
used to behead its victims. They laughed about the weapon and how they killed many people with it,
saying, it was the best cure for headache (212). We can conclude the reader no longer supports the
peasants nor wants the French Revolution to occur due to their inhumane behavior during the
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The Duchess of Malfi
The princely powers of the Duchess of Malfi
The Tragedy of the Dutchesse of Malfy, originally published under this name in 1623, is a Jacobean
drama written by John Webster in 1612 13. The play starts off as a love story with the Duchess
secretly marrying the steward of the household Antonio; a man beneath her class who she has fallen in
love with. This marriage immediately shows the Duchess princely powers by defying the wishes of
her brothers, Ferdinand and the Cardinal, to not marry again after being widowed. The Duchess of
Malfi is ostensibly a story of resistance of a wilful widow who actively defies her brothers wishes and
refuses to be constrained by (male) authority (Bartels 420). Webster portrays her brother Ferdinand s
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Another significant part of the play is the theme of confinement and entrapment. The Duchess of
Malfi is trapped and the only way to liberate her soul is through death. Bosola is hired to keep track on
the Duchess actions, Ferdinand and the Cardinal set a trap for the Duchess which will lead to her
death. Ferdinand warns her what will happen Your darkest actions, nay, your privatest thoughts, will
come to light. when she gets caught she will be killed (Webster 1580). The spying activities by Bosola
take years to come up with the results that the brothers of the Duchess want, but they have a prompt
effect on the life of the Duchess. Her emotions and movements are restricted and her secret marriage
is indeed the entrance into some prison (Webster 1580). She is not only restricted in this, but also
trapped in her class role we are forced to woo, because none dare woo us (Webster 1583). Furthermore
the theme of betrayal is present in the play, through brutal entrapment, when Antonio s recognizes that
Bosola is trying to sabotage him. This happens after the birth of his first child, a baby so fragile it is
opposite to a soul being imprisoned in the body. Which is reflected in Ferdinand s outburst Foolish
men, That e er will trust their honor in a bark made of so slight weak bulrush as is woman, apt every
minute to sink it! (Webster 1597).
The theme of the Duchess being caged as a
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The Omnivore s Dilemma By Michael Pollan
Food dominates the lives of people. It is used as comfort and fuel. But the controversy is, what should
people consume? Burkhard Bilger s piece, Nature s Spoils, explores the abnormal way of eating,
which is the fermentation of food. It is usually a safe practice, and also produces vitamins in the
making. The Omnivore s Dilemma by Michael Pollan expresses the problem of how humans select
food. In How Do We Choose What to Eat? by Susan Bowerman she points out the influences on
people s life that affects their eating habits. By using Bowerman s article as the keystone, Nature s
Spoils and The Omnivore s Dilemma can be compared and contrasted. Since the food that people
consume daily can affect them in the future, it must be chosen carefully.
In Nature s Spoils by Burkhard Bilger, he follows Katz Sanders, who is a lover of sauerkraut and
fermented food. The biography that Bilger includes of Sanders from goes back to when Sanders he
was a political activist in 1972 before becoming a fermentation fetisht to where he was tested H.I.V.
positive around 1991. One of the places they spent most was in Hickory Knoll, where Sanders spent a
majority of his time experimenting with fermented foods. Along one of the stops during their road trip,
they met a man named, Garth. Garth tells them of his story of eating raw milk and other food that hasn
t been processed, and how it had only made him feel stronger, which brings up the controversy of
what is risky or beneficial to eat. As
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Abuse of vulnerable adults
Within the care sector there are many individuals who rely and depend on the help and support of
others such as nurses, social workers and support workers. When this level of trust and responsibility
exists it is important that these individuals are able to feel safe and confident and not at risk to abuse.
It is therefore our responsibility as carers to ensure there are safeguarding procedures in place to
protect all individuals from any form of abuse at all times. In order to effectively safeguard against
abuse within health and social care settings it is first important to identify types of abuse so as to see
how the risk of abuse can be restricted and also ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This could be an individual missing meals or medication because staff fail to realise these needs have
not been met. In situations where staffing levels are insufficient this type of abuse is more likely to
arise as staff may be unable to cover the work load depriving individuals of care or support. It is also
essential to maintain high levels of staff communication to ensure information such as medicinal
requirements or hygiene routines are carried out, particularly with individuals who may have
communication difficulties or are non verbal. If an individual is displaying signs of poor hygiene, dirty
clothes or other visual indications that they are not being properly supported it is important to
investigate why and ensure this is not due to staff negligence. Discriminatory Discriminatory abuse
can be any form of abuse that has arisen from prejudice towards a person s beliefs, race, sexuality,
gender, disability, age etc. This is a very personal form of abuse and can be avoided by staff working
as a team and being aware of any personal problems/differences or conflicts of interest. It is important
to identify if abuse has occurred in a discriminatory manner as this can help identify if abuse is likely
to occur again. Some individuals may have religious beliefs that require support or may restrict diet
therefore it is important for staff to be aware of any individuals requirements. Institutional This form
of abuse can perhaps be more
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The Cultural Impact Of Electricity And The World We Live
In today s world nothing is more important than the gadgets we use on a every day to day basis. What
we take for granted sometimes is the thing we use most and most importantly we use to charge
everything most of the time is some type of electricity. I hope to provide a clear and concise paper that
details and gives the cultural impact of electricity and the world we live. This paper will hit on three
topics reconstruction to the beginning of where man first began to harness electricity, how man used
this electricity to change the course of history as we know it, and the positives as well as the negatives
of electricity and the world we live in.
Electricity is a form of energy involving the flow of electrons. All matter is made up of atoms, and an
atom has a center, called a nucleus. The nucleus contains positively charged particles called protons
and uncharged particles called neutrons (Joseph, 2002)The nucleus of an atom is surrounded by
negatively charged particles called electrons. The negative charge of an electron is equal to the
positive charge of a proton, and the number of electrons in an atom is usually equal to the number of
protons (Joseph, 2002).When the balancing force between protons and electrons is upset by an outside
force, an atom may gain or lose an electron. When electrons are lost from an atom, the free movement
of these electrons constitutes an electric current (Joseph, 2002). To understand electricity one must
know that it is not an invention but a
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Population Of The Aging Workforce
Executive Summary
Population of the aging workforce will continue to increase and it is important to understand the
advantages of older workers in an oragnisation and the implications (Bockman Sirotnik, 2008). Many
employers regard older workers as hinders or obstacles to growth and development of organisations
(Kunze, Boehem Bruch, 2013). This report firstly introduces the perceptions of older workers and
discuses the stereotypes that older workers are less productive than younger workers. This report
addresses the common issues of the aging population in the workforce and its misconceptions of older
workers in a telecommunication oragnisation that callout and call ins customers and door to door
sales. In addition, demonstrates possible solutions and implications to reduce misconception and poor
performance from older workers by creating supportive and encouraging environments that also
allows older workers to participate in learning, training and development. The findings of this report
revealed that the misconception of younger workers were more productive and performed better than
older workers were proven false. Furthermore, the results revealed that older workers were as capable
in performing as effectively as younger workers. Further recommendations were needed to ensure that
practical implementation and methods are taken to improve the quality of the work environment for
older workers by following the S.M.A.R.T principle.
The aging
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Essay on Diversity in the Workplace
Diversity in the workplace is a subject that has gained increased attention in the workplace over the
past few years. After all, the impact of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity programs
on the nation s work force is undeniable. Women and minorities were the first to dramatically alter the
face of the economic mainstream, while gays, persons with disabilities and senior citizens followed
not far behind. The result is a diverse American labor force representing a microcosm of our society
yet one that continues to struggle with its identity. Diversity as a social condition is not new to
America. We were founded as a nation of Diversity. America has always been a merger of cultures
and, as such, has undergone periods of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Mentoring and on the job training of less skilled workers through courses, assistant programs, and
continuing education programs may even the gap between different employees. However, it is
important to recognize potential and use the skills already at hand to create a more efficient team
environment where each member s contribution carries some value and contributes to the organization
s goals. Economic status is as important an issue as is education. Various employees come from
different economic background. Their views and manners may differ, along with their expectations
and motivations in daily routine and overall purpose. Nevertheless, they have to work together. There
are potential problems and differences of conduct, motivation, and initiative. Managers have to get to
know their people and develop ways of using their differences for the benefit of the organization. The
focus should be on the positive aspects of individuals, and on merging the best qualities people have
to form effective teams. Managing conflict is also very important. One thing managers should
recognize is that there will always be a potential for conflict and their job is to intervene and resolve
diversity issues early and quickly. Statistics show the extent of diversity in the workplace. Eighty five
percent of those currently entering the American workforce are minorities and
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The Theme Of Friendship In Harry Potter And Goblet Of Fire
Joanne Kathleen Rowling has captured the hearts of millions of readers around the world with Harry
Potter s series, and she comes back to the fourth book.The series is mostly about a boy, whose parents
were killed by an evil sorcerer, who was called as One whom one can not call. This provides hours of
pleasant and enjoyable reading.This book is a thriller, a comedy, and a school life story. In Harry
Potter and Goblet of Fire, the author shows the importance of friendship, combines several themes
such as power, fear, good vs. evil, youth, and tells how to survive in the witchcraft world.
The Triwizard Tournament almost ruined the friendship between three best friends: Hermione
Granger, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. First, there were many things going on in Hogwarts while the
tournament: Voldemort is back, each character has personal issues, Harry cannot focus on competition
and cannot handle the conflict between Hermione and Ron. Ron is jealous of Viktor Krum because he
went with Hermione to the ball. As I understood, Ron has feelings for Hermione but does not show it
by fighting and arguing with her, and acting silly, however, Harry notices that. Well,[Ron] spluttered,
looking thunderstruck, well that just proves completely missed the point
Harry didn t say anything. He liked being back on speaking terms with Ron too much to speak his
mind right now but he somehow thought that Hermione had got the point much better than Ron had.
(432) Just because it s taken
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College Shuttle Bus Research Paper
Lisbeth Riera
On September 19, 2016 I took the Queens College Shuttle busses. I took one in the morning around
8:00 am near the LIRR stop in Jamaica. When getting on the bus I wasn t required to show my ID
card. I sat around the middle section and I notice there wasn t as much students as I thought there
would be. The route of the bus would go on Main street makes a stop at Queens Hall then go around
the campus to Kissena blvd and enter campus from the Student Union.
While sitting on the bus I was overhearing students conversation. Two individuals were discussing and
stated, at least this is the only good thing Queens College did . From this I assumed that their reaction
about having the shuttle bus was positive. They either used the bus daily
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Leadership and Motivation Essay
In this essay I will set upon doing the following two questions:
1) Explain in detail one of the theories of motivation and assess its value in the current business
2) Explain one of the contingency theories of leadership.
1) The one theory of motivation that I will be explaining in the first question is Abraham Maslow s
needs hierarchy; some may call it his content theory of motivation aswell. The theory was based
around nine needs that Maslow found out through research that effected people motivation in work.
The nine different needs are listed below.
1) Biological needs: These are basic needs for human life to survive, for example the need for food
water rest an oxygen
2) Safety needs: These are needs for the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These are the needs that are required by every employee and they are also the easiest for the
organisation to provide. The top need is the desire for self actualization; this is also the hardest need to
provide for the employee. Maslow s thoughts were that self actualized people are rare. Maslow s
theory is very popular among HR departments in companies across the world; however many feel that
the theory has flaws aswell. It would be very rare for people at any given time to be striving for the
same need. This would be a problem for the manager, how would he/she provide all the different
motivators at the one time to cater to the needs of their staff. The hierarchical structure of the needs
may not be correct for every individual aswell, they may not feel has if one need dominates all the
others. Humans will have mixed emotions and needs, the may require more than one need being
fulfilled at one time. All people aswell do not satisfy there higher order needs just through work, many
my find this through hobbies and different activities they do outside of work. It also does not take into
account that different situations can affect these needs; it is maybe not as simple as the hierarchy
makes it out to be. The simplicity of the hierarchy does not reflect the reality that behaviour in the real
world is shaped by situational pressures and controls that are often beyond a person s individual
control (Management
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Essay about Anti-War Movement in the United States
Anti War Movement in the United States
During the late 60s and early 70s, anti war movement was steadily progressing in the United States.
The peace movement was directed to stop all forms of war. As the sixties wore on many anti war
groups began to form in the United States to protest for peace. These included the Black Panthers, the
SDS, Woodstock, music and flower power, and the Hippy Movement. The anti war movement
attracted people from college campuses, middle class suburbs, labour unions and government
institutions. Pacifists were also against the war on moral and religious grounds as they believed all war
is wrong because it is against Christian teaching. By the end of the sixties, ... Show more content on
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The source portrays a negative image for the war in Vietnam as it shows young children running from
their homes which have just been bombed. This may have been one of the reasons for the anti war
movement because the distraught faces of the innocent children brought a feeling of guilt to the
American people. However this source is biased and may have been used as propaganda to try and
persuade the American people that taking part in the war would result in the loss of many innocent
Source C is by Richard Hamer, an American journalist, writing in 1970 about the widespread
opposition to the American presence in Vietnam. This is a primary source which explores the
difficulties of fighting guerrillas. Should you kill of them or none of them? This suggests the
American soldiers weren t killing the people they wanted to. The source is very negative towards U.S
involvement in Vietnam and suggests reasons for the anti war movement. A couple of guys are dead,
others are screaming in agony with a leg or arm blown off, or their guts hanging out . This is a
shocking sentence which made American people feel that the U.S involvement in Vietnam was
resulting in many gruesome and pointless deaths. This source is fairly reliable, however it may have
been biased if the journalist Richard Hamer supported the anti war movement and wanted to persuade
the American public into not
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Analysis of Super Size Me Essay examples
Analysis of Super Size Me
Morgan Spurlock decided to make this documentary to investigate the fast food companies, and the
effects of certain fast food chains products, particularly McDonalds, on the health of society. This
Documentary explores the United States growing epidemic of obesity and diabetes as well. Morgan
decides to eat nothing but McDonald s food for thirty days. He must eat one of everything on the
menu at least once, and when asked to super size his meal he must do so. Another stipulation of
Morgan s experiment is that he can only take 5,000 steps a day to replicate the exercise that most
average Americans get on a daily basis. He must also eat three meals a day, no exceptions and if
McDonalds doesn t serve it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Morgan constantly complained of a stomach ache during the experiment, throwing up once after a
meal Super Sized Meal. Mentally, Morgan experienced irregular mood swings. Overall Morgan
gained 24.5 Lbs. and his cholesterol rose 65 points from the thirty day binge. The doctors told Morgan
that he was ruining his liver and that he had doubled his risk for coronary heart disease which was
proven with a weekly blood test. He was told that he might do permanent damage to his liver due to
having to metabolize all of the excess fat in his new diet. Not to my surprise, McDonalds did not want
to participate in this documentary whatsoever and did not ever give Morgan the interview that he
sought after, even after over 15 telephone calls.
In a sense that obesity is a growing epidemic I think that the documentary was fairly realistic, but who
actually eats McDonalds three times a day? Morgan did say that 22% of all McDonald?s consumers
were known as super heavy users, which means that they eat McDonald?s food 3 times a week or
more. I think Morgan conveyed his negative opinions about the fast food chains, particularly
McDonalds very well although there may have been some dramatization. The people who are most
affected by McDonalds marketing and pricing practices are definitely kids and/or lower budget
people. The cheap food that supposedly fills you up for longer due to the long list of ingredients in
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Catholic Death Rituals Essay
Death rituals are an important part of concluding a person s life in nearly all faiths, so the person can
be remembered in a special way as he/she parts the world from his/her family and friends. This report
will explore death rituals in both Catholic and Islamic faiths. The writer will discuss the belief of the
death ritual through celebration, belonging, symbols, purification and the transition into a new
existence. As the report continues, theorists of Arnold van Gennep, Victor Turner and Terence Lovat
will applied throughout the report which all will be related to the hypotheses accuracy.
2.0 Investigating
Throughout this report, the writer has conducted and gathered a number of primary and secondary
sources to reflect and validate the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These events are taken to extreme measure, making sure every step is taken with care. Theorist
Terence Lovat s theory of the five step approach can be delivered in a Islamic death ritual through the
series of events in the lead up and post of the funeral. The preparation of the funeral happens before
the death of the person. When the Muslim is dying, someone must firmly but gently prompt the person
dying to say the holy declaration prayer, this is called the Shahaada. People can then offer their
condolences to the relatives and friends of the deceased, this in Islam is an important act of kindness.
The next important factor is the physical cleansing of the body. The bathing of the corpse is an
important part of Sunnah the Prophet , this is a part of the Islamic Shari ah. The method, the style and
the accessories that are used may vary from time to time and from place to place. After the body has
been cleansed, the corpse is then wrapped in a plain simple cloth, this cloth is called Kafan and the
process called Takfeen . The main factor while wrapping the body is to respectfully cover the private
part, so they aren t visible to others. Islam traditions state that the cloth must be a material must be a
gaudy style as well as the cloth not being too flashy, it is for this reason that most muslims pick a
white cotton cloth. Perfume is often used on the cloth (Amjad,
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Essay About Samba
( FUNCTION OF MUSIC ) SAMBA Samba is the one of most popular and dance music from the
Brazil. Back to the future, samba dance originaly was from Africa and brought to the country by
members samba from Africa. After being brought into the brazil, Samba dance was popular and also
become a folk song. Brazil s largest cities are mostly found along the coastline and include Rio de
Janiero,Sau Paulo and Salvador. The country was colonized by the Portuguese, who began arriving in
the region around 1500. Since 1935, Samba dance will be performed for any Brazil carnaval for the
example Carnaval Rio de Janiero . At Rio carnaval was a big carnaval in the world and performed
every year.The driving samba beat conjures up images of revelers parading through the streets of Rio
de Janeiro in frenetic celebration. That shows many supporters and tourism were like to know about
Samba. In addition,they are also not only to perform but they also want to convey a massage in their
performance, so that it can open the minds of people that the Samba this os one of the great folk
music. Samba is strongly Afro Brazillian, meaning that its musical characteristics are primarily drawn
fr.om African ingredients but have a unique Brizilian flavour. Samba music makes you move from the
bottom of your feet to the top of your head. Although, Samba is origin Africa its better known as a
symbol of country of Brazil and has been recognized by UNESCO as a cultural heritage of Brazil.
Samba de Roda from Bahia, which is a world ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Rebana is measures 40 cm wide and 20 cm in height. The power of sound waves hit the Rebana
influenced the dance. To make the sound is very louded they were more vigorous blow dancers
performed dances. That is the membranaphone
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Medicare Reform Summary
Article Review #3: Geography and the Debate over Medicare Reform The Health Affairs published an
article in about a proposed Medicare reform regarding the high levels of use of Medicare although
there was little impact on individuals. Though this article dates back to 2002, the issue still remains
true to this day. In this article, the authors explain that the high level of Medicare spending was mostly
due to the increase number of physician visits, specialist consultations, and hospital stays, especially
among those that had chronic illnesses. Although the spending is higher among such Medicare
patients, this did not mean better effective care or health care outcomes. On the contrary, according to
the article, more than 20% of the total ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Overall, there are still inequalities on the spending of the same condition between different regions.
For example, mammograms, which were used to measure effective care, were done by 21 to 77% of
individuals. The authors suggested to improve the quality of care through a series of goals that the
Medicare program should complete. Through these guidelines and goals, the Medicare program would
be restructured to make high quality health care to all Medicare enrollees and to reduce the costs of
As a whole, the authors of the articles shed light to the inequality of medical care among Medicare
recipients depending on the region. Not only inequality, but even with those individuals that received
large care, there was no notable difference of their overall health with those that spent least. In other
words, the amount spent on Medicare patients has no correlation with better health or higher quality of
life. On the contrary, Medicare patients that received the most benefits were deemed to have life
threatening conditions. Although the uncovered such information, they suggested new approaches to
improve the Medicare program, focusing on a population based approach and accountability for all
hospitals and
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Essay on Crooks Transformation in John Steninbeck s Of...
Chapter Four of John Steinbeck s emotionally moving, but bleak, novel, Of Mice and Men, is devoted
to the character of Crooks. The chapter begins and ends with this recluse character applying liniment,
a medicinal fluid rubbed into the skin to soothe pain or relieve stiffness, to his crooked back. One of
the first impressions given to readers is of his physical pain which presumable parallels his emotional,
or spiritual pain. More to the point, however, the first five words of the chapter, Crooks, the negro
stable buck.. (66), characterize the key element driving this characters particular shade of lonliness.
For in contrast to the lonliness of Candy or of Curly s wife, Crooks is devided from the world by his
race. So, on one level, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Of coarse, the opening is symbolic not only of the physical, but of the emotional gaps in Crooks.
Lennie Small, the strong but mentally challenged laborer, is often the only character that can fill the
void for others, such as his friend, George. It is only someone like Lennie that can earnestly ask
Crooks why he is not wanted in the bunk house, which Crooks explains is Cause I m Black. They play
cards in there, but I can t play because I m black. They say I stink. Well, I tell you, you all of you stink
to me (68). Clearly, he is bitter towards his oppressors. Lennie continues to remain in the annoyed
prescence of Crooks explaining George and Lennie s plan to get a little place an live on the fatta the
lan (69). At this point, Crooks becomes the oppressor, and the weak revenges himself by pickig on the
weaker, and questions whether George, Lennie s friend and guardian, will come back from a night out
with the boys. The childlike mind but giant strength of Lennie is troubled to the point of anger. Once
Crooks ends his torture because he saw the danger as it approached him, Crookes begins his speech
about of his hopless lonliness: Crooks said gently, Maybe you can see now. You got George. You
know he s gin to come back. Spose you ddin t have nobody. S pose you couldn t go into the bunk
house and play rummy `cause you was black. How d yo like that? S pose you had to sit out here an
read books. Sure you coul play oreshous till it got
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Tay-Sachs Syndrome
Some of the general symptoms of the disease can be characterized by hind limb spasticity, weight loss,
tremors, abnormal posture with lordosis, and possibility of visual impairment. Muscle weakness,
clasping of the limbs, and myoclonic twitches of the head that can be onset late in the disease.
Research of the GM2 ganglioside has revealed that storage of the fatty substance varies a large
Tay Sachs Disease2 amount in different regions, but the majority resides in the pyriform cortex,
hippocampus (CA3 field, subiculum), amygdala, hypothalamus (paraventricular supraoptic,
ventromedial and arcuate nuclei, and mammillary body), and the somatosensory cortex (layer V).
Most symptoms of the disease often display the first signs of the disease at ... Show more content on
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There are multiple treatment options including medication, respiratory care, feeding tubes and
physical therapy. Some medications are available and can help with seizures. Both respiratory care
and feeding tubes help to avoid infections of the lungs. Breathing problems and mucus build up are
common symptoms of Tay Sachs. Physical therapy is very
Tay Sachs Disease3 effective at keeping movement within the joints possible and helps to relieve
stiffness of the patients ( Tay Sachs disease , 2016). There are a few experimental treatments
developing. The first is Tay Sachs Gene Therapy, this treatment includes introducing genes into
diseased cells to try and correcting the mutations such as lysosomal defects (Cachon Gonzlez, et al.,
226. Effective Gene Therapy in an Authentic Mouse Model of Tay Sachs Related Diseases , 2006).
Cross correction mechanism is the proposed mechanism of action.
Social, Political, Economic
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Being A Woman Of Color Skin
Being a woman means you don t have enough power from birth and during all your life you need to
prove that you are as strong as a man. Being a woman of color is even more difficult. You don t get
privileges as white color skin gives you. During all their lives, women of color often fight for their
rights for education, health care, religion, and etc. The racism in the US has a long history. It started
with African slavery, Asian immigration, and opening America by Christopher Columbus. White
Americans had benefits of having slaves, cheap workers, and silent servants. Knowledge is a main
source of information. Nowadays, we have all sources of information, such as books, newspapers,
magazines, Internet, TV, social media, and radio. In the past, the only things people had were
newspapers, magazines, and books. It is so much easier to know something new and get involved into
some political or cultural events through the web.
Discrimination leads to economic inequality that gives lack of opportunities. The problems are still on
both sides of a boat. Due to Foster, only white people have institutional power an maintain the
capacity to exercise oppression People of other races can mistreat white people, but they don t have
the power to practice racism (Deborah Foster A Guide to White Privilege for White People Who think
they ve never had any). Why do women of color have problems with education? I will try to analyze
this problem in my paper. Due to Foster, teachers expect less
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The American Of The British Empire
In marked contrast to the monarchy and the dispute about the rights of succession and control over the
Spanish Empire, the American colonies sought independence from the British monarchy and
government. The Americans wanted a completely new government, without a King or any form of
monarchy. While the Spanish crisis was one of leadership, connection to other empires, a desire to
avoid partition. The American crisis in government came about through the actions of the King, and
the colonists questioning the authority of the British Parliament to rule over them.
The American colonies served an important role in the British Empire during the first half of the 1700
s. King George III ascended to the throne in 1760, and took control of the empire and its vast
territories. The British Constitution provided for the monarchial rule, and two representative bodies
the House of Lords, and the House of Commons. None of the British colonies had representation in
these houses, and this proved to be the issue with the American colonies. The colonies administration
technically fell under the Privy Council and Secretary of State. Parliament made policy regarding the
colonies, and defined the economic relationship between England and the colonies. Governors acted
locally in the King s name and enforced the laws. The colonies also had their own political institutions
in the form of local assemblies, legislatures, and county, city and town governments. Most of the
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Child Prostitution And Domestic Violence
This is supposed to be a free country. We the people are supposed to have the right to make decisions
in our own individual lives that will benefit our future. But in this country the government puts so
much restraint on an individual when they want an abortion, maybe an individual wants to clone for
personal reasons, use contraceptive, or die under their own will. Those choices are an individual s own
morality and should not be judged when living in a free country. What about Child Prostitution or
Domestic Violence that are not individual choices? Why do those two phenomenon s seem to be
looked over and the court doesn t have a strong hand in developing a solution in such resilient issues?
Child Prostitution is one of the most overlooked injustice for children. These poor kids live in a
country where the courts are more worried about individual rights instead of the well being of children
who have lost their innocence. The trade of human beings, most commonly for the purpose of sexual
slavery or forced labor is known as Human Trafficking. This type of trade for sex is a very lucrative
industry, coming second to drug trafficking as the most profitable illegal industry in the world. When
most Americans hear the words sex trafficking, they think Thailand, Africa, and Eastern Europe. This
systematical belief that the United States does not endure such behavior is a communal afterthought
and considered incredulous to many citizens. Nevertheless, prostitution is a growing
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My Reflection Of Me
I don t know about you, but I don t often star at myself in the mirror, studying my own face. Does
anybody? The longest amount of time I spend looking at myself is when I m shaving, and even then, I
m just concentrating on not being a klutz and cutting myself open. I m not being down on myself or
looking for attention or any such nonsense like that. I mean, I don t even have a Facebook. It s just
that, gazing upon my reflection is just not something I do. I get out of the shower, I shave, brush my
teeth, and I m gone, on to whatever the day has in store for me. Another thing I m not used to is the
clarity of the face.
I should back up a moment, so you understand. I have, for the better part of a month, been having a
recurring dream that unsettles me. In it, I am staring at myself in a mirror and it is devoid of the dream
quality one expects from the images in their brain. In dreams, whenever I see someone who is
supposed to be me or someone I have known for years, the face is different, sometimes subtly, other
times it is completely different. But in this mirror, in this reflection that comes through in my reverie,
it is my face, perfectly so, no blur or changes or oddly shaped parts. The eyes are the same dull blue
that they ve always been, my nose, slightly long but not weirdly so, although there is a curve at the
bridge where I broke it falling from my bike when I was twelve. My ears are normal looking, my
eyebrows a tad bushy but otherwise fine with no unibrow,
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Violence In The Oresteia
In the trilogy The Oresteia, Aeschylus shows the never ending cycle of violence within the house of
Atreus. The cycle acts as a net entrapping Agamemnon, Clytemnestra, Orestes, and many other
characters and producing actions throughout the play that provoke the audience to contemplate right
versus wrong, self help justice (in the form of revenge) versus justice by trial, and honor versus
dignity. Although the events taking place throughout the play are outlandish, the audience can still
look at the character s actions and thoughts and see that they are genuinely understandable human
encounters. From this, a sense of humanity that we all have certain concerns and duties and we must
respond to them whether that be with good or bad can be noted ... Show more content on
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While Clytemnestra turned on Agamemnon in order to avenge her daughter s death an action that most
people can understand the chorus decides to turn on Clytemnestra due to her outrageous crime. The
chorus concern does not lie within loyalty to the family though, it lies within the loyalty of seeking
justice for wrong doings. The chorus states that, The plunderer plundered, the killer pays the price, (L
1590) leading the audience to believe that the chorus views Agamemnon s death as justifiable
considering that Clytemnestra is only murdering the murderer. Instead, the chorus believes that
Agamemnon s death is a huge loss to the community due to his status as a war hero. Therefore, the
chorus views the sacrifice of Iphigenia as a necessary price to pay in order to do the greater good,
which in this case was fighting the war. The valor that emerges from a successful war is something to
be proud of, especially in the context of the play, which is why the audience could also rationalize the
chorus point of view one death in order to continue on in a war that could save thousands of people
from dying is quite miniscule. By continuing the war efforts, countrymen began to accept
Agamemnon acceptance being an integral part of human nature. In this case, the audience can
understand wanting to have the acceptance of his country rather than the acceptance of his wife, thus
further making this scene seem even more
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  • 12. Essay on Compare and Contrast Chinese and Japanese Mythology Chinese and Japanese Mythology in Life Classic Chinese and classic Japanese mythology are quite similar, in fact, they have more commonalities than differences. As examples, one can compare and contrast the two mythologies in terms of characters, form and structure, creation myths, and mythology s relevance to life. Animals and dragons also appear repeatedly in Chinese and Japanese mythology. In this paper it will be shown that Chinese and Japanese mythologies are more similar than different. The characters in both Chinese and Japanese myths have similar personalities and reactions. For example, heroes in both mythologies use tricks, cunning schemes, and intelligence in general achieve their goals, instead of just force and wit. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... And although Chinese dragons are powerful fighters, they choose not to fight. Chinese mythology has several distinctive qualities, one of the most individual is the fact that Chinese myths are very concise: a single myth might only be one page long, but tells a story that could take up two or more pages. For example, the sentence, The Wise Old Man at the River Bend stopped the foolish old man shows an entire short scene. Japanese myths, on the other hand, are more story like in their structure, and they are told simply. In fact, the Japanese myths are told so simply and this author believes that they can be understood by children. Also Japanese myths have more of a definite beginning, middle, and end. Chinese creation myth In the beginning, the universe was a black egg where heaven and earth were mixed together, and in this egg was contained Pangu. He felt suffocated, so he cracked the egg with a broadax, and the light, clear part of the egg floated up to form Heaven while the cold, heavy part stayed down and formed Earth. Pangu stood in the middle, and he and the egg s two parts grew and grew until he was nine million li in height. When Pangu died, his breath became the wind and clouds, his voice the rolling thunder, and his eyes the sun and the moon. His hair and beard became the stars in the sky, the flowers and trees from his skin, the marrow in his bones became jade and pearls, and his sweat the good rain ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Thomas Aquinas Five Proofs For God s Existence Thomas Aquinas offered 5 proofs for God s existence (Aquinas Five Ways, 2009). In Aquinas time, his works were considered very controversial and included some that were condemned as heretical by the bishop of Paris (Archie, 2006). Since then, Aquinas has come to be regarded as the greatest theologian and philosopher in the Church s history (Archie, 2006). Further supporting Aquinas proof, many find Creative Evolution attractive (Lewis, 2014). This gives a person much of the emotional comfort of believing in God, and none of the less pleasant consequences (Lewis, 2014). The Aristotelian Background includes the argument for the existence of God from the nature of efficient cause (Aquinas Five Ways, 2009). Within this argument lies the key premise that Aquinas idea is that nothing can be the efficient cause of itself or own existence (Aquinas Five Ways, 2009)., that nothing can be the cause of its own existence, which Aquinas expresses the chain of causes of things which come into existence cannot be infinite (Aquinas Five Ways, 2009). Therefore, God is the first cause because nothing can be the cause of its own existence, or be responsible for its own existence (Archie, 2006). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Moreover, the cause of the existence of things, which was not itself caused to exist, justifies the existence of God (Aquinas Five Ways, 2009). Finally, Aquinas makes the assertion, in which I agree, To take away the cause is to take away the effect , holding for an infinite regress of causes since there is no cause taken away (Archie, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Stormbreaker Movie Analysis Once the world of entertainment began, there were a limited number of books that became movies. As time progressed, more and more books were finally produced. The reason for this change is because books have been considered old fashioned ; however, their plots are sometimes worthy of being produced. As more books became movies, an argument ensued. Many viewers and critics have placed reading a book and watching the movie against each other. A great way to analyze the aspects of this argument is to dissect the movie and book, Stormbreaker by author Anthony Horowitz and director Geoffrey Sax. Reading the book and watching the movie have many similarities such as the appeal to the readers/viewers, the overall plot or theme, the structure, and characters; however, these two entertainment options have many differences as well including details and time consumption. One way that books and movies are alike includes appeasement. In the entertainment world, appeasement is sought after by many artists, musicians, movie directors, and authors. These individuals desire to appeal to their viewers taste. The object of appeasing is to hook your intended audience. This is very essential in both movies and books. Both authors and movie directors focus on details that will draw a reader or viewer in. Their attention to the particular book or movie brings satisfaction and monetary rewards to these authors and movie directors. The overall story of Stormbreaker uses a genre that appeals to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Public Relations Essay Public Relations Good public relations is key to the success of any business. A company must strive to make itself stand out in its particular field. The media can be a very effective public relations tool if it is used right. A twenty first century company is not only going to need the ability to please their customers, but to delight them. In order to accomplish this goal, employees need to understand who the company is, and what it stands for. Not only do they need to understand these values, but an employee needs to be committed to upholding them on an everyday basis. Every employee represents their company individually, and the impression that they give the customer is the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On one hand, communicators need to get their messages out. The media also needs news to report. When communicators have a story that they want to get out, they want the media to give them as much attention as possible. There is another side to this story though. The media reports on subjects that are considered newsworthy. This includes stories that not only could be beneficial to business, but they also report on subjects that put companies in a negative light. This is where the hate relationship comes in. Negative publicity is the last thing that any company wants, and it causes them to put up their defenses against the media. Even though media can have a negative impact on a company, if it is used to its full advantage, it can be a very effective way of getting publicity. Newspapers are always looking for people and things to write about. Radio and television stations are always looking for people to interview and things to talk about. These stories are free of charge, and are of greater value than a commercial would be. People know that a commercial is paid for and designed under the companies own perspective of itself. People are more likely to pay attention to what a newspaper article, or a television interview gets across to them than a commercial. The reason for this is because the information is coming from a source outside of the company, and is therefore more trustworthy. This is not to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Boo Radley Suspicion Quotes In the story To Kill a Mockingbird a man who is wrongly put under suspicion by a group of kids shows he isn t bad at all, but a kind man. This is because Boo doesn t like to be in the spotlight. Staying inside all day having no one to see you raises suspicion. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Miss Maudie gives the reader a famous quote: Mockingbirds don t do one thing except making music for us to enjoy. They don t eat up people s gardens, don t nest in corncribs, they don t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us (p #) Boo Radley can be seen as a Mockingbird to the reader because he stays away from everyone, he s only seen is helping and being kind, and takes care of the Finch children like a bird would. Boo Radley can be seen as a Mockingbird to the reader because he stays away from everyone like the mockingbird doesn t bother anyone. He wants to stay away from people like in this quote scout figures out ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This quote shows the when scout companies Boo to Mayella Ewell show they are locked away so long She was even lonelier than Boo Radley, who had not been out of the house in twenty five years.(n.p) Boo Radley can be seen as a Mockingbird to the reader because the only time he is seen is helping and being kind like the mockingbird only sings beautiful music. He gives toys to Scout and Jem shows that he is kind to them. I show this in this quote from Scout that says Jem and I were trotting in our orbit one mild October afternoon when our knot hole stopped us again. Something white was at this time. Jem let me do the honors: I pulled out two small images carved in soap. One was the figure of a boy, the other wore a crude dress.. Another point is, the boo puts a blanket around Scout at the fire. You re right. We d better keep this and the blanket to ourselves. Someday, maybe, Scout can thank him for covering her up. Thank who? I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Ways Of Human Life Life can be expressed in many different ways. It can be be expressed through song or word. But life in general is all expressed by human beings the same way; by living, people express who they are and what they stand for. People express their lives day by day without even knowing. People are all born, people all live, and people all die. But the things in between are what make life yours. This is how people live; this is how people exist. Thornton Wilder expresses the ways of human life and existence in Our Town, and these perspectives can be linked into other poems, songs, or movies. In Lucinda Matlock, Masters says this line that seems to tie into the ways of human life: And then I found David. Life is just happening and along the way, you can meet people who change your life completely. They can steal your heart and change your life and you as a person. It is very crazy of how one single person can just come in and change your life like that, but it happens all the time. It can happen anytime, anywhere. This can relate this back to Our Town by the scene where George and Emily are in the ice cream parlor. They had been neighbors forever but had never seen each other in any other way. But in that day, they went from just friends to being in love. After that, their lives were entirely different. I m just an ordinary person. And that s OK. This is a quote from Hope Floats. This means that you have to love and accept yourself to be able to live life to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Tommy Douglas and Health Care System Essay Tommy Douglas and Health Care System One man can save the lives of millions of people with one idea. An idea that separates Canada from any other country in the world. Tommy Douglas is the reason we have our health care system and without this man many Canadians would have lost their lives. Tommy Douglas revolutionized the Canadian health care system and without his efforts and initiatives the medical care of all Canadians would have been at a considerable disadvantage. Tommy Douglas had spent his life searching for ways to help others. Canada s health care ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The surgery saved Douglas s leg , quite possibly his life and would serve as an inspiration for his dream of universally accessible medical care (The Greatest Canadian,2004, paragraph 4) As Douglas was growing up he experienced many different types of occupations before settling at the liberal arts college. After Douglas s graduation he made the move to politics in 1935 when he was elected as a Member of Parliament in the CCF. (The Greatest Canadian,2004paragraph 5) Douglas was in the House of Commons for nine years before he was elected the leader of provincial CCF in Saskatchewan. Douglas became an instant celebrity leading Canada s first ever socialist government. The fame did not discourage Douglas s efforts to revolutionize Canada and its medical care. Douglas introduced his dream of universal Medical care but not before introducing paved roads, sewage systems, car insurance and labour reforms. An anti medicare campaign by Saskatchewan s medical professionals, helped to deal him his first significant defeat in the 1961 federal election. ( The Greatest
  • 19. Canadian,2004,paragraph 9) Although Douglas faced a significant defeat he continued to promote his policy s. Lester B. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Importance Of The Electronic Communications Privacy Act The Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) is a United States government statute that denies an outsider from blocking or uncovering interchanges without approval. Foundation: The Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the Stored Wire Electronic Communications Act are generally alluded together as the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) of 1986. The ECPA refreshed the Federal Wiretap Act of 1968, which tended to block attempt of discussions utilizing hard phone lines, yet did not make a difference to interference of PC and other computerized and electronic correspondences. A few resulting bits of enactment, including The USA PATRIOT Act, elucidate and refresh the ECPA to keep pace with the development of new interchanges advancements and techniques, including facilitating confinements on law requirement access to put away correspondences at times. In the same line EU Parliament Releases Draft Report on ePrivacy Directive: The European Parliament s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice, and Home Affairs has released a draft report on regulations for privacy and electronic communications. The draft contains several proposals to strengthen online privacy, including end to end encryption in all electronic communications and a ban on encryption backdoors. Protecting the privacy of communications is an essential condition for the respect of other related fundamental rights and freedoms, according to the report. EPIC has urged the FCC to follow developments ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Between Heat And Energy The term thermodynamics is known as the branch of physics that covers the relationship between heat or temperature and all the forms of energy, including mechanical, electrical, or chemical. Thermodynamics is a combination of four laws, which are known as zeroth law of thermodynamics, first law of thermodynamics, second law of thermodynamics, and third law of thermodynamics. According to Wolfram, The relation between heat and energy was important for the development of steam engines, and in 1824 Sadi Carnot had captured some of the ideas of thermodynamics in his discussion of the efficiency of an idealized engine (1019). After this statement was made, scientist developed its laws. The term thermal equilibrium is when two bodies are at the same temperature. Therefore, the zeroth law of thermodynamics states that if two bodies are in thermal equilibrium with a third body, they are all in thermal equilibrium. In other words, they are all have the same temperature. Joseph Black was one of the first scientist and physic known as founder of the zeroth law of thermodynamics in the late 18th century. The first law of thermodynamics states that heat energy can not be created or destroyed. It can be just transformed into other forms or transferred into another location. Rudolf Clausius and William Rankine were the first physics that made a full statement of the first law of thermodynamics in 1850. It is also known as another version of the law of conservation of energy. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Homeland Security Department and the Importance of... Homeland security is a state agency that is entrusted with ensuring that the local population within the USA borders is all safe at all times and this includes adequate preparation for any emergency, safety of each member of the community during and after an emergency. The jurisdiction of the Homeland security is quite wide, ranging from border security, aviation safety, emergency response, cyber security as well as chemical facility safety among many others. There are a wide range of duties within this department. But the goal is one, that of keeping America safe (U.S Department of Homeland Security, 2011). This has been and will continue to be one of the core concerns of America in the next five or so years. Without the safety of the American population during disasters, then the homeland security shall have failed in executing their duties. To advance the aspect of homeland security, the department has and will continue to implement internal measures like Homeland security department through Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has undertaken to develop a matrix that guides employers at work places that would significantly reduce their vulnerability to terrorist attacks as well as reduce the effect of the explosion if any arises hence increasing the internal security of each employee within the premises (Counter Terrorism, 2011). The homeland security department has also undertaken to educate people about disasters and how to manage the aftermaths even ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Power In A Tale Of Two Cities Power is the Silent Assassin Charles Dickens, a prosperous author by the age of twenty five, was born in Portsmouth, England, on February 7, 1812. A Tale of Two Cities, written by Charles Dickens in 1859, is considered to be one of the darkest of the major books that he wrote. The novel is considered dark because its takes place in England and France before and throughout the French Revolution. The French Revolution was a ten year revolt of the peasants against the nobles that resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of people. In Dickens A Tale of Two Cities, imagery is used to change the reader s attitude about the French Revolution by the characters use of revenge through the state of the peasants, the cruelty of the French nobility, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The peasants have changed the laws since the French Revolution started, which is very hypocritical considering one of the reasons for the war was to fight for justice against the nobles unjust court system, and now they are doing the exact same thing to the nobles, even the innocent ones, for revenge. An officer immediately jails Charles Darnay, an honorable man, into solitary confinement in a prison named La Force because he is accused of being an emigrant. When the officer asserts, Without doubt. You are consigned, Evremonde, to the prison of La Force (195), Darnay exclaims, Under what law, and for what offence? showing the unexpectedness of his imprisonment. In this novel, emigrants are nobles who have fled from their homes, and though Darnay denounced his family name years before, he belongs to the Evremonde family, and therefore, must die. During the French Revolution, the peasants commonly made vulgar jokes about the Guillotine, which was a new weapon used to behead its victims. They laughed about the weapon and how they killed many people with it, saying, it was the best cure for headache (212). We can conclude the reader no longer supports the peasants nor wants the French Revolution to occur due to their inhumane behavior during the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The Duchess of Malfi The princely powers of the Duchess of Malfi The Tragedy of the Dutchesse of Malfy, originally published under this name in 1623, is a Jacobean drama written by John Webster in 1612 13. The play starts off as a love story with the Duchess secretly marrying the steward of the household Antonio; a man beneath her class who she has fallen in love with. This marriage immediately shows the Duchess princely powers by defying the wishes of her brothers, Ferdinand and the Cardinal, to not marry again after being widowed. The Duchess of Malfi is ostensibly a story of resistance of a wilful widow who actively defies her brothers wishes and refuses to be constrained by (male) authority (Bartels 420). Webster portrays her brother Ferdinand s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Another significant part of the play is the theme of confinement and entrapment. The Duchess of Malfi is trapped and the only way to liberate her soul is through death. Bosola is hired to keep track on the Duchess actions, Ferdinand and the Cardinal set a trap for the Duchess which will lead to her death. Ferdinand warns her what will happen Your darkest actions, nay, your privatest thoughts, will come to light. when she gets caught she will be killed (Webster 1580). The spying activities by Bosola take years to come up with the results that the brothers of the Duchess want, but they have a prompt effect on the life of the Duchess. Her emotions and movements are restricted and her secret marriage is indeed the entrance into some prison (Webster 1580). She is not only restricted in this, but also trapped in her class role we are forced to woo, because none dare woo us (Webster 1583). Furthermore the theme of betrayal is present in the play, through brutal entrapment, when Antonio s recognizes that Bosola is trying to sabotage him. This happens after the birth of his first child, a baby so fragile it is opposite to a soul being imprisoned in the body. Which is reflected in Ferdinand s outburst Foolish men, That e er will trust their honor in a bark made of so slight weak bulrush as is woman, apt every minute to sink it! (Webster 1597). The theme of the Duchess being caged as a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Omnivore s Dilemma By Michael Pollan Food dominates the lives of people. It is used as comfort and fuel. But the controversy is, what should people consume? Burkhard Bilger s piece, Nature s Spoils, explores the abnormal way of eating, which is the fermentation of food. It is usually a safe practice, and also produces vitamins in the making. The Omnivore s Dilemma by Michael Pollan expresses the problem of how humans select food. In How Do We Choose What to Eat? by Susan Bowerman she points out the influences on people s life that affects their eating habits. By using Bowerman s article as the keystone, Nature s Spoils and The Omnivore s Dilemma can be compared and contrasted. Since the food that people consume daily can affect them in the future, it must be chosen carefully. In Nature s Spoils by Burkhard Bilger, he follows Katz Sanders, who is a lover of sauerkraut and fermented food. The biography that Bilger includes of Sanders from goes back to when Sanders he was a political activist in 1972 before becoming a fermentation fetisht to where he was tested H.I.V. positive around 1991. One of the places they spent most was in Hickory Knoll, where Sanders spent a majority of his time experimenting with fermented foods. Along one of the stops during their road trip, they met a man named, Garth. Garth tells them of his story of eating raw milk and other food that hasn t been processed, and how it had only made him feel stronger, which brings up the controversy of what is risky or beneficial to eat. As ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Abuse of vulnerable adults PRINCIPLES OF SAFEGUARDING AND PROTECTION IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Within the care sector there are many individuals who rely and depend on the help and support of others such as nurses, social workers and support workers. When this level of trust and responsibility exists it is important that these individuals are able to feel safe and confident and not at risk to abuse. It is therefore our responsibility as carers to ensure there are safeguarding procedures in place to protect all individuals from any form of abuse at all times. In order to effectively safeguard against abuse within health and social care settings it is first important to identify types of abuse so as to see how the risk of abuse can be restricted and also ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This could be an individual missing meals or medication because staff fail to realise these needs have not been met. In situations where staffing levels are insufficient this type of abuse is more likely to arise as staff may be unable to cover the work load depriving individuals of care or support. It is also essential to maintain high levels of staff communication to ensure information such as medicinal requirements or hygiene routines are carried out, particularly with individuals who may have communication difficulties or are non verbal. If an individual is displaying signs of poor hygiene, dirty clothes or other visual indications that they are not being properly supported it is important to investigate why and ensure this is not due to staff negligence. Discriminatory Discriminatory abuse can be any form of abuse that has arisen from prejudice towards a person s beliefs, race, sexuality, gender, disability, age etc. This is a very personal form of abuse and can be avoided by staff working as a team and being aware of any personal problems/differences or conflicts of interest. It is important to identify if abuse has occurred in a discriminatory manner as this can help identify if abuse is likely to occur again. Some individuals may have religious beliefs that require support or may restrict diet therefore it is important for staff to be aware of any individuals requirements. Institutional This form of abuse can perhaps be more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The Cultural Impact Of Electricity And The World We Live In today s world nothing is more important than the gadgets we use on a every day to day basis. What we take for granted sometimes is the thing we use most and most importantly we use to charge everything most of the time is some type of electricity. I hope to provide a clear and concise paper that details and gives the cultural impact of electricity and the world we live. This paper will hit on three topics reconstruction to the beginning of where man first began to harness electricity, how man used this electricity to change the course of history as we know it, and the positives as well as the negatives of electricity and the world we live in. Electricity is a form of energy involving the flow of electrons. All matter is made up of atoms, and an atom has a center, called a nucleus. The nucleus contains positively charged particles called protons and uncharged particles called neutrons (Joseph, 2002)The nucleus of an atom is surrounded by negatively charged particles called electrons. The negative charge of an electron is equal to the positive charge of a proton, and the number of electrons in an atom is usually equal to the number of protons (Joseph, 2002).When the balancing force between protons and electrons is upset by an outside force, an atom may gain or lose an electron. When electrons are lost from an atom, the free movement of these electrons constitutes an electric current (Joseph, 2002). To understand electricity one must know that it is not an invention but a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Population Of The Aging Workforce Executive Summary Population of the aging workforce will continue to increase and it is important to understand the advantages of older workers in an oragnisation and the implications (Bockman Sirotnik, 2008). Many employers regard older workers as hinders or obstacles to growth and development of organisations (Kunze, Boehem Bruch, 2013). This report firstly introduces the perceptions of older workers and discuses the stereotypes that older workers are less productive than younger workers. This report addresses the common issues of the aging population in the workforce and its misconceptions of older workers in a telecommunication oragnisation that callout and call ins customers and door to door sales. In addition, demonstrates possible solutions and implications to reduce misconception and poor performance from older workers by creating supportive and encouraging environments that also allows older workers to participate in learning, training and development. The findings of this report revealed that the misconception of younger workers were more productive and performed better than older workers were proven false. Furthermore, the results revealed that older workers were as capable in performing as effectively as younger workers. Further recommendations were needed to ensure that practical implementation and methods are taken to improve the quality of the work environment for older workers by following the S.M.A.R.T principle. Introduction The aging ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Essay on Diversity in the Workplace Diversity in the workplace is a subject that has gained increased attention in the workplace over the past few years. After all, the impact of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity programs on the nation s work force is undeniable. Women and minorities were the first to dramatically alter the face of the economic mainstream, while gays, persons with disabilities and senior citizens followed not far behind. The result is a diverse American labor force representing a microcosm of our society yet one that continues to struggle with its identity. Diversity as a social condition is not new to America. We were founded as a nation of Diversity. America has always been a merger of cultures and, as such, has undergone periods of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Mentoring and on the job training of less skilled workers through courses, assistant programs, and continuing education programs may even the gap between different employees. However, it is important to recognize potential and use the skills already at hand to create a more efficient team environment where each member s contribution carries some value and contributes to the organization s goals. Economic status is as important an issue as is education. Various employees come from different economic background. Their views and manners may differ, along with their expectations and motivations in daily routine and overall purpose. Nevertheless, they have to work together. There are potential problems and differences of conduct, motivation, and initiative. Managers have to get to know their people and develop ways of using their differences for the benefit of the organization. The focus should be on the positive aspects of individuals, and on merging the best qualities people have to form effective teams. Managing conflict is also very important. One thing managers should recognize is that there will always be a potential for conflict and their job is to intervene and resolve diversity issues early and quickly. Statistics show the extent of diversity in the workplace. Eighty five percent of those currently entering the American workforce are minorities and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Theme Of Friendship In Harry Potter And Goblet Of Fire Joanne Kathleen Rowling has captured the hearts of millions of readers around the world with Harry Potter s series, and she comes back to the fourth book.The series is mostly about a boy, whose parents were killed by an evil sorcerer, who was called as One whom one can not call. This provides hours of pleasant and enjoyable reading.This book is a thriller, a comedy, and a school life story. In Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire, the author shows the importance of friendship, combines several themes such as power, fear, good vs. evil, youth, and tells how to survive in the witchcraft world. The Triwizard Tournament almost ruined the friendship between three best friends: Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. First, there were many things going on in Hogwarts while the tournament: Voldemort is back, each character has personal issues, Harry cannot focus on competition and cannot handle the conflict between Hermione and Ron. Ron is jealous of Viktor Krum because he went with Hermione to the ball. As I understood, Ron has feelings for Hermione but does not show it by fighting and arguing with her, and acting silly, however, Harry notices that. Well,[Ron] spluttered, looking thunderstruck, well that just proves completely missed the point Harry didn t say anything. He liked being back on speaking terms with Ron too much to speak his mind right now but he somehow thought that Hermione had got the point much better than Ron had. (432) Just because it s taken ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. College Shuttle Bus Research Paper Lisbeth Riera On September 19, 2016 I took the Queens College Shuttle busses. I took one in the morning around 8:00 am near the LIRR stop in Jamaica. When getting on the bus I wasn t required to show my ID card. I sat around the middle section and I notice there wasn t as much students as I thought there would be. The route of the bus would go on Main street makes a stop at Queens Hall then go around the campus to Kissena blvd and enter campus from the Student Union. While sitting on the bus I was overhearing students conversation. Two individuals were discussing and stated, at least this is the only good thing Queens College did . From this I assumed that their reaction about having the shuttle bus was positive. They either used the bus daily ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Leadership and Motivation Essay In this essay I will set upon doing the following two questions: 1) Explain in detail one of the theories of motivation and assess its value in the current business environment 2) Explain one of the contingency theories of leadership. 1) The one theory of motivation that I will be explaining in the first question is Abraham Maslow s needs hierarchy; some may call it his content theory of motivation aswell. The theory was based around nine needs that Maslow found out through research that effected people motivation in work. The nine different needs are listed below. 1) Biological needs: These are basic needs for human life to survive, for example the need for food water rest an oxygen 2) Safety needs: These are needs for the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These are the needs that are required by every employee and they are also the easiest for the organisation to provide. The top need is the desire for self actualization; this is also the hardest need to provide for the employee. Maslow s thoughts were that self actualized people are rare. Maslow s theory is very popular among HR departments in companies across the world; however many feel that the theory has flaws aswell. It would be very rare for people at any given time to be striving for the same need. This would be a problem for the manager, how would he/she provide all the different motivators at the one time to cater to the needs of their staff. The hierarchical structure of the needs may not be correct for every individual aswell, they may not feel has if one need dominates all the others. Humans will have mixed emotions and needs, the may require more than one need being fulfilled at one time. All people aswell do not satisfy there higher order needs just through work, many my find this through hobbies and different activities they do outside of work. It also does not take into account that different situations can affect these needs; it is maybe not as simple as the hierarchy makes it out to be. The simplicity of the hierarchy does not reflect the reality that behaviour in the real world is shaped by situational pressures and controls that are often beyond a person s individual control (Management ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Essay about Anti-War Movement in the United States Anti War Movement in the United States During the late 60s and early 70s, anti war movement was steadily progressing in the United States. The peace movement was directed to stop all forms of war. As the sixties wore on many anti war groups began to form in the United States to protest for peace. These included the Black Panthers, the SDS, Woodstock, music and flower power, and the Hippy Movement. The anti war movement attracted people from college campuses, middle class suburbs, labour unions and government institutions. Pacifists were also against the war on moral and religious grounds as they believed all war is wrong because it is against Christian teaching. By the end of the sixties, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The source portrays a negative image for the war in Vietnam as it shows young children running from their homes which have just been bombed. This may have been one of the reasons for the anti war movement because the distraught faces of the innocent children brought a feeling of guilt to the American people. However this source is biased and may have been used as propaganda to try and persuade the American people that taking part in the war would result in the loss of many innocent lives. Source C is by Richard Hamer, an American journalist, writing in 1970 about the widespread opposition to the American presence in Vietnam. This is a primary source which explores the difficulties of fighting guerrillas. Should you kill of them or none of them? This suggests the American soldiers weren t killing the people they wanted to. The source is very negative towards U.S involvement in Vietnam and suggests reasons for the anti war movement. A couple of guys are dead, others are screaming in agony with a leg or arm blown off, or their guts hanging out . This is a shocking sentence which made American people feel that the U.S involvement in Vietnam was resulting in many gruesome and pointless deaths. This source is fairly reliable, however it may have been biased if the journalist Richard Hamer supported the anti war movement and wanted to persuade the American public into not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Analysis of Super Size Me Essay examples Analysis of Super Size Me Morgan Spurlock decided to make this documentary to investigate the fast food companies, and the effects of certain fast food chains products, particularly McDonalds, on the health of society. This Documentary explores the United States growing epidemic of obesity and diabetes as well. Morgan decides to eat nothing but McDonald s food for thirty days. He must eat one of everything on the menu at least once, and when asked to super size his meal he must do so. Another stipulation of Morgan s experiment is that he can only take 5,000 steps a day to replicate the exercise that most average Americans get on a daily basis. He must also eat three meals a day, no exceptions and if McDonalds doesn t serve it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Morgan constantly complained of a stomach ache during the experiment, throwing up once after a meal Super Sized Meal. Mentally, Morgan experienced irregular mood swings. Overall Morgan gained 24.5 Lbs. and his cholesterol rose 65 points from the thirty day binge. The doctors told Morgan that he was ruining his liver and that he had doubled his risk for coronary heart disease which was proven with a weekly blood test. He was told that he might do permanent damage to his liver due to having to metabolize all of the excess fat in his new diet. Not to my surprise, McDonalds did not want to participate in this documentary whatsoever and did not ever give Morgan the interview that he sought after, even after over 15 telephone calls. In a sense that obesity is a growing epidemic I think that the documentary was fairly realistic, but who actually eats McDonalds three times a day? Morgan did say that 22% of all McDonald?s consumers were known as super heavy users, which means that they eat McDonald?s food 3 times a week or more. I think Morgan conveyed his negative opinions about the fast food chains, particularly McDonalds very well although there may have been some dramatization. The people who are most affected by McDonalds marketing and pricing practices are definitely kids and/or lower budget people. The cheap food that supposedly fills you up for longer due to the long list of ingredients in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Catholic Death Rituals Essay Death rituals are an important part of concluding a person s life in nearly all faiths, so the person can be remembered in a special way as he/she parts the world from his/her family and friends. This report will explore death rituals in both Catholic and Islamic faiths. The writer will discuss the belief of the death ritual through celebration, belonging, symbols, purification and the transition into a new existence. As the report continues, theorists of Arnold van Gennep, Victor Turner and Terence Lovat will applied throughout the report which all will be related to the hypotheses accuracy. 2.0 Investigating Throughout this report, the writer has conducted and gathered a number of primary and secondary sources to reflect and validate the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These events are taken to extreme measure, making sure every step is taken with care. Theorist Terence Lovat s theory of the five step approach can be delivered in a Islamic death ritual through the series of events in the lead up and post of the funeral. The preparation of the funeral happens before the death of the person. When the Muslim is dying, someone must firmly but gently prompt the person dying to say the holy declaration prayer, this is called the Shahaada. People can then offer their condolences to the relatives and friends of the deceased, this in Islam is an important act of kindness. The next important factor is the physical cleansing of the body. The bathing of the corpse is an important part of Sunnah the Prophet , this is a part of the Islamic Shari ah. The method, the style and the accessories that are used may vary from time to time and from place to place. After the body has been cleansed, the corpse is then wrapped in a plain simple cloth, this cloth is called Kafan and the process called Takfeen . The main factor while wrapping the body is to respectfully cover the private part, so they aren t visible to others. Islam traditions state that the cloth must be a material must be a gaudy style as well as the cloth not being too flashy, it is for this reason that most muslims pick a white cotton cloth. Perfume is often used on the cloth (Amjad, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Essay About Samba SYAMIM BIN SAWALLUDIN GROUP 3A WORLD MUSIC ASSIGMENT ( FUNCTION OF MUSIC ) SAMBA Samba is the one of most popular and dance music from the Brazil. Back to the future, samba dance originaly was from Africa and brought to the country by members samba from Africa. After being brought into the brazil, Samba dance was popular and also become a folk song. Brazil s largest cities are mostly found along the coastline and include Rio de Janiero,Sau Paulo and Salvador. The country was colonized by the Portuguese, who began arriving in the region around 1500. Since 1935, Samba dance will be performed for any Brazil carnaval for the example Carnaval Rio de Janiero . At Rio carnaval was a big carnaval in the world and performed every year.The driving samba beat conjures up images of revelers parading through the streets of Rio de Janeiro in frenetic celebration. That shows many supporters and tourism were like to know about Samba. In addition,they are also not only to perform but they also want to convey a massage in their performance, so that it can open the minds of people that the Samba this os one of the great folk music. Samba is strongly Afro Brazillian, meaning that its musical characteristics are primarily drawn fr.om African ingredients but have a unique Brizilian flavour. Samba music makes you move from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head. Although, Samba is origin Africa its better known as a symbol of country of Brazil and has been recognized by UNESCO as a cultural heritage of Brazil. Samba de Roda from Bahia, which is a world ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Rebana is measures 40 cm wide and 20 cm in height. The power of sound waves hit the Rebana influenced the dance. To make the sound is very louded they were more vigorous blow dancers performed dances. That is the membranaphone ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Medicare Reform Summary Article Review #3: Geography and the Debate over Medicare Reform The Health Affairs published an article in about a proposed Medicare reform regarding the high levels of use of Medicare although there was little impact on individuals. Though this article dates back to 2002, the issue still remains true to this day. In this article, the authors explain that the high level of Medicare spending was mostly due to the increase number of physician visits, specialist consultations, and hospital stays, especially among those that had chronic illnesses. Although the spending is higher among such Medicare patients, this did not mean better effective care or health care outcomes. On the contrary, according to the article, more than 20% of the total ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Overall, there are still inequalities on the spending of the same condition between different regions. For example, mammograms, which were used to measure effective care, were done by 21 to 77% of individuals. The authors suggested to improve the quality of care through a series of goals that the Medicare program should complete. Through these guidelines and goals, the Medicare program would be restructured to make high quality health care to all Medicare enrollees and to reduce the costs of Medicare. As a whole, the authors of the articles shed light to the inequality of medical care among Medicare recipients depending on the region. Not only inequality, but even with those individuals that received large care, there was no notable difference of their overall health with those that spent least. In other words, the amount spent on Medicare patients has no correlation with better health or higher quality of life. On the contrary, Medicare patients that received the most benefits were deemed to have life threatening conditions. Although the uncovered such information, they suggested new approaches to improve the Medicare program, focusing on a population based approach and accountability for all hospitals and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Essay on Crooks Transformation in John Steninbeck s Of... Chapter Four of John Steinbeck s emotionally moving, but bleak, novel, Of Mice and Men, is devoted to the character of Crooks. The chapter begins and ends with this recluse character applying liniment, a medicinal fluid rubbed into the skin to soothe pain or relieve stiffness, to his crooked back. One of the first impressions given to readers is of his physical pain which presumable parallels his emotional, or spiritual pain. More to the point, however, the first five words of the chapter, Crooks, the negro stable buck.. (66), characterize the key element driving this characters particular shade of lonliness. For in contrast to the lonliness of Candy or of Curly s wife, Crooks is devided from the world by his race. So, on one level, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Of coarse, the opening is symbolic not only of the physical, but of the emotional gaps in Crooks. Lennie Small, the strong but mentally challenged laborer, is often the only character that can fill the void for others, such as his friend, George. It is only someone like Lennie that can earnestly ask Crooks why he is not wanted in the bunk house, which Crooks explains is Cause I m Black. They play cards in there, but I can t play because I m black. They say I stink. Well, I tell you, you all of you stink to me (68). Clearly, he is bitter towards his oppressors. Lennie continues to remain in the annoyed prescence of Crooks explaining George and Lennie s plan to get a little place an live on the fatta the lan (69). At this point, Crooks becomes the oppressor, and the weak revenges himself by pickig on the weaker, and questions whether George, Lennie s friend and guardian, will come back from a night out with the boys. The childlike mind but giant strength of Lennie is troubled to the point of anger. Once Crooks ends his torture because he saw the danger as it approached him, Crookes begins his speech about of his hopless lonliness: Crooks said gently, Maybe you can see now. You got George. You know he s gin to come back. Spose you ddin t have nobody. S pose you couldn t go into the bunk house and play rummy `cause you was black. How d yo like that? S pose you had to sit out here an read books. Sure you coul play oreshous till it got ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Tay-Sachs Syndrome Some of the general symptoms of the disease can be characterized by hind limb spasticity, weight loss, tremors, abnormal posture with lordosis, and possibility of visual impairment. Muscle weakness, clasping of the limbs, and myoclonic twitches of the head that can be onset late in the disease. Research of the GM2 ganglioside has revealed that storage of the fatty substance varies a large Tay Sachs Disease2 amount in different regions, but the majority resides in the pyriform cortex, hippocampus (CA3 field, subiculum), amygdala, hypothalamus (paraventricular supraoptic, ventromedial and arcuate nuclei, and mammillary body), and the somatosensory cortex (layer V). Most symptoms of the disease often display the first signs of the disease at ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are multiple treatment options including medication, respiratory care, feeding tubes and physical therapy. Some medications are available and can help with seizures. Both respiratory care and feeding tubes help to avoid infections of the lungs. Breathing problems and mucus build up are common symptoms of Tay Sachs. Physical therapy is very Tay Sachs Disease3 effective at keeping movement within the joints possible and helps to relieve stiffness of the patients ( Tay Sachs disease , 2016). There are a few experimental treatments developing. The first is Tay Sachs Gene Therapy, this treatment includes introducing genes into diseased cells to try and correcting the mutations such as lysosomal defects (Cachon Gonzlez, et al., 226. Effective Gene Therapy in an Authentic Mouse Model of Tay Sachs Related Diseases , 2006). Cross correction mechanism is the proposed mechanism of action. Social, Political, Economic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Being A Woman Of Color Skin Being a woman means you don t have enough power from birth and during all your life you need to prove that you are as strong as a man. Being a woman of color is even more difficult. You don t get privileges as white color skin gives you. During all their lives, women of color often fight for their rights for education, health care, religion, and etc. The racism in the US has a long history. It started with African slavery, Asian immigration, and opening America by Christopher Columbus. White Americans had benefits of having slaves, cheap workers, and silent servants. Knowledge is a main source of information. Nowadays, we have all sources of information, such as books, newspapers, magazines, Internet, TV, social media, and radio. In the past, the only things people had were newspapers, magazines, and books. It is so much easier to know something new and get involved into some political or cultural events through the web. Discrimination leads to economic inequality that gives lack of opportunities. The problems are still on both sides of a boat. Due to Foster, only white people have institutional power an maintain the capacity to exercise oppression People of other races can mistreat white people, but they don t have the power to practice racism (Deborah Foster A Guide to White Privilege for White People Who think they ve never had any). Why do women of color have problems with education? I will try to analyze this problem in my paper. Due to Foster, teachers expect less ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The American Of The British Empire In marked contrast to the monarchy and the dispute about the rights of succession and control over the Spanish Empire, the American colonies sought independence from the British monarchy and government. The Americans wanted a completely new government, without a King or any form of monarchy. While the Spanish crisis was one of leadership, connection to other empires, a desire to avoid partition. The American crisis in government came about through the actions of the King, and the colonists questioning the authority of the British Parliament to rule over them. The American colonies served an important role in the British Empire during the first half of the 1700 s. King George III ascended to the throne in 1760, and took control of the empire and its vast territories. The British Constitution provided for the monarchial rule, and two representative bodies the House of Lords, and the House of Commons. None of the British colonies had representation in these houses, and this proved to be the issue with the American colonies. The colonies administration technically fell under the Privy Council and Secretary of State. Parliament made policy regarding the colonies, and defined the economic relationship between England and the colonies. Governors acted locally in the King s name and enforced the laws. The colonies also had their own political institutions in the form of local assemblies, legislatures, and county, city and town governments. Most of the colonies ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Child Prostitution And Domestic Violence This is supposed to be a free country. We the people are supposed to have the right to make decisions in our own individual lives that will benefit our future. But in this country the government puts so much restraint on an individual when they want an abortion, maybe an individual wants to clone for personal reasons, use contraceptive, or die under their own will. Those choices are an individual s own morality and should not be judged when living in a free country. What about Child Prostitution or Domestic Violence that are not individual choices? Why do those two phenomenon s seem to be looked over and the court doesn t have a strong hand in developing a solution in such resilient issues? Child Prostitution is one of the most overlooked injustice for children. These poor kids live in a country where the courts are more worried about individual rights instead of the well being of children who have lost their innocence. The trade of human beings, most commonly for the purpose of sexual slavery or forced labor is known as Human Trafficking. This type of trade for sex is a very lucrative industry, coming second to drug trafficking as the most profitable illegal industry in the world. When most Americans hear the words sex trafficking, they think Thailand, Africa, and Eastern Europe. This systematical belief that the United States does not endure such behavior is a communal afterthought and considered incredulous to many citizens. Nevertheless, prostitution is a growing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. My Reflection Of Me I don t know about you, but I don t often star at myself in the mirror, studying my own face. Does anybody? The longest amount of time I spend looking at myself is when I m shaving, and even then, I m just concentrating on not being a klutz and cutting myself open. I m not being down on myself or looking for attention or any such nonsense like that. I mean, I don t even have a Facebook. It s just that, gazing upon my reflection is just not something I do. I get out of the shower, I shave, brush my teeth, and I m gone, on to whatever the day has in store for me. Another thing I m not used to is the clarity of the face. I should back up a moment, so you understand. I have, for the better part of a month, been having a recurring dream that unsettles me. In it, I am staring at myself in a mirror and it is devoid of the dream quality one expects from the images in their brain. In dreams, whenever I see someone who is supposed to be me or someone I have known for years, the face is different, sometimes subtly, other times it is completely different. But in this mirror, in this reflection that comes through in my reverie, it is my face, perfectly so, no blur or changes or oddly shaped parts. The eyes are the same dull blue that they ve always been, my nose, slightly long but not weirdly so, although there is a curve at the bridge where I broke it falling from my bike when I was twelve. My ears are normal looking, my eyebrows a tad bushy but otherwise fine with no unibrow, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Violence In The Oresteia In the trilogy The Oresteia, Aeschylus shows the never ending cycle of violence within the house of Atreus. The cycle acts as a net entrapping Agamemnon, Clytemnestra, Orestes, and many other characters and producing actions throughout the play that provoke the audience to contemplate right versus wrong, self help justice (in the form of revenge) versus justice by trial, and honor versus dignity. Although the events taking place throughout the play are outlandish, the audience can still look at the character s actions and thoughts and see that they are genuinely understandable human encounters. From this, a sense of humanity that we all have certain concerns and duties and we must respond to them whether that be with good or bad can be noted ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While Clytemnestra turned on Agamemnon in order to avenge her daughter s death an action that most people can understand the chorus decides to turn on Clytemnestra due to her outrageous crime. The chorus concern does not lie within loyalty to the family though, it lies within the loyalty of seeking justice for wrong doings. The chorus states that, The plunderer plundered, the killer pays the price, (L 1590) leading the audience to believe that the chorus views Agamemnon s death as justifiable considering that Clytemnestra is only murdering the murderer. Instead, the chorus believes that Agamemnon s death is a huge loss to the community due to his status as a war hero. Therefore, the chorus views the sacrifice of Iphigenia as a necessary price to pay in order to do the greater good, which in this case was fighting the war. The valor that emerges from a successful war is something to be proud of, especially in the context of the play, which is why the audience could also rationalize the chorus point of view one death in order to continue on in a war that could save thousands of people from dying is quite miniscule. By continuing the war efforts, countrymen began to accept Agamemnon acceptance being an integral part of human nature. In this case, the audience can understand wanting to have the acceptance of his country rather than the acceptance of his wife, thus further making this scene seem even more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...