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Neolane Marketing Survey #2

   ►     As a leading cross-channel campaign management solution
         provider, Neolane is in touch with thousands of marketers
         the world over.

   ►     Leveraging this advantageous position, we decided to run
         surveys, questioning marketers about their main
         challenges to gather their insights, analyse these and then
         share results with them.

   ►     Following the first Neolane Marketing Survey that focused
         on social marketing ROI, we looked to analyse how
         marketers personalise their digital interactions today.

   ►     More than 600 marketers participated in the survey.

Copyright Neolane - 2012                                       Neolane confidential   2
About Neolane

   ► Leading     Independent Marketing
       Platform Provider Supporting
       B2B and B2C Organizations
         $ 44 M revenue in 2011
          47% year-over-year growth in 2011
          350 customers
          250 employees
          11 years experience
          Market recognition: Forrester,
            Gartner, Sirius Decisions …
          USA, France, UK, Nordics
            • Customers in 12 countries
                                                Much more than just software:
            • Users in 20 countries             hosting services, e-mail & SMS
                                                routing, and expert services

Copyright Neolane 2011
                  - 2012                                                Neolane confidential   3   3
400 Customers



Copyright Neolane - 2012                                                      Neolane confidential   4
The results, in a nutshell

   ►     22% of marketers personalise their website in real-time
         today… 59% will do within the next 12 months. 3 times

   ►     Only 9% of marketers who do not personalise their website
         because they doubt the potential ROI.

   ►     54% of marketers using web personalisation get a
         significant ROI within months.

         The most efficient data for web personalisation: the whole
         customer profile and purchase behaviour

   ►     The top channels to offer a personalised experience
         beyond the web: social & mobile

Copyright Neolane - 2012                                    Neolane confidential   5
Screenshots of the infographic

Copyright Neolane - 2012                              Neolane confidential   6
Screenshots of the infographic

Copyright Neolane - 2012                              Neolane confidential   7
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Copyright Neolane - 2012   Neolane confidential   15
Detailed results of the survey

Copyright Neolane - 2012                                Neolane confidential   16
Web personalisation, next year gold rush?

     ►     In 2014: 59% of marketers will personalise their website.
           That’s 3 times more than today.

     ►     37% of marketers plan to personalise content and offers on
           their website in real-time. 22% already do it.
                                          Q1 - Do you personalise the content and
                                            offers on your website(s) in real-time?

                           44%                          Planned within the
                                                        next 12 months
                                 37%                    Not planned

Copyright Neolane - 2012                                             Neolane confidential   17
Web personalisation, next year’s gold rush?
  Country specifics

   ►     Nordic countries, UK and Belgium have more planned
         projects than France within the next 12 months.

      100%                                         Q1 - Do you personalise the
                                                    content and offers on your
        90%                                             website(s) in real-time?
        80%                      42%   39%
                           46%               50%
                                                     Nothing planned
        50%                                          Planned within the next 12
        40%                33%         42%           months
        30%                                  44%     Personalise in real time
        20%                                          the website

        10%                21%         19%
          0%                                 6%
                           FR    ND    UK    BE
Copyright Neolane - 2012                                          Neolane confidential   18
Personalisation of the web experience ROI

   ►     Considering people who do not personalise /have planned
         to personalise their website (slide 7):
         Only 9% do not personalise because they think the ROI is
         not achievable.

     Q1 Why? (only for people answering : No, we offer the same content for all
     visitors and have no current plans to adopt this approach) in Q1

                                  9%                               Not confident in the
                                                                   potential of ROI
                                                                   No budget

                                    56%                            Not a priority

Copyright Neolane - 2012                                                     Neolane confidential   19
Website personalisation: main objective is not
  immediate sales but loyalty

   ►     Marketers do not personalise website for immediate
         sales, they focus on loyalty and acquisition first.
                                 Q1 - What do you expect from website personalisation? (only for
57%                              people answering they personalise or they will do it in the 12
56%                              coming months) Multiple choice
52%                        56%
50%                                          53%                  53%
49%                                                                                      51%
            Customer satisfaction Prospect to customers Website visitor to       Cross-sell & upsell
                 & loyalty           conversion rate   prospect conversion
                                        increase          rate increase
Copyright Neolane - 2012                                                             Neolane confidential   20
The most efficient inputs: the whole customer
  profile & purchase history

   ►     Marketers get the most ROI from personalisation based on
         the whole customer profile and purchase behaviour.

                                                 Q2 - Website personalisation techniques that
25%                                              give a significant ROI according to marketers



10%                                                                   19%                19%
  5%                  9%            11%

                Based on       Based on social   Based on web       Based on         Based on
               collaborative       profile         behaviour        purchase      customer profile
                  filtering                                         behaviour

Copyright Neolane - 2012                                                          Neolane confidential   21
Marketers still invest with caution

   ►     29% of marketers invest more than 50K € in website
         personalisation efforts.

   ►     71% are still investing with caution on this field.
                                             Q3 - What budget do you spend or
                                             plan to spend per year for a real-time
                                             web personalisation solution?

                                                    Less than 10 000 €
                                                    10 000 € to 50 000 €
                             26%                    50 000 € to 100 000 €
                                                    More than 100 000 €

Copyright Neolane - 2012                                                 Neolane confidential   22
An extremely quick ROI!

   ►     54% of marketers who had put in place real time web
         personalisation strategies got a ROI within months!

                                       Q4 - Do you think the investment made
                                       on your website to offer a personalised
                                       experience to visitors provides you a

                                 31%                ROI is not yet reached
                                                    Yes, we get ROI within months
                                                    Yes, we get ROI within years

Copyright Neolane - 2012                                            Neolane confidential   23
Beyond the web, there is social & mobile

   ►     Email is the most mature channel in terms of

   ►     Social & Mobile, the top promising channels to personalise
         experiences, beyond the web.
                           Q5 - On which other channels do you or do you               Already do
 50%                       plan to offer a personalised experience?                    Planned
 20%                  38%              40%     40%
                                                                  31%             33%
 10%                                         19%       20%19%         17%
                10%              11%
             Mobile push Mobile app Social media         PoS     Call center   Email

Copyright Neolane - 2012                                                        Neolane confidential   24
Beyond the web, there is social & mobile

                                 Q5 - On which other channels do you or do you plan to
                                 offer a personalised experience?
                                 Answers for Mobile app content
        80%                                           44%
                           51%          51%
        70%                                                         56%

                                                                                Not planned
                                                      43%                       Done
        30%                38%          41%
                           11%          8%            13%
                           FR           ND            UK             BE

Copyright Neolane - 2012                                                    Neolane confidential   25
Beyond the web, there is social & mobile

                                Q5 - On which other channels do you or do you
                                plan to offer a personalised experience?
                                Answers for Mobile push notifications
                       51%                       52%
  70%                             59%
                                                                            Not planned
  50%                                                                       Planned
  40%                                                                       Done
  30%                  37%
                                  32%            42%
                       12%        10%            7%             3%
                           FR     ND             UK             BE
Copyright Neolane - 2012                                                Neolane confidential   26
Beyond the web, there is social & mobile

                                Q5 - On which other channels do you or do you
                                plan to offer a personalised experience?
                                Answers for Email

                       15%        14%            9%
 90%                                                           19%
                                  29%           33%
 70%                   33%
 60%                                                           41%          Not planned
 50%                                                                        Planned
 40%                                                                        Done
 30%                              58%           58%
 20%                                                           41%
                           FR     ND             UK            BE
Copyright Neolane - 2012                                                Neolane confidential   27
Beyond the web, there is social & mobile

                                 Q5 - On which other channels do you or do you
                                 plan to offer a personalised experience?
                                 Answers for Points of Sale
                                     52%           56%
    70%                    65%                                   66%
                                                                            Not planned
    50%                                                                     Planned
    40%                                                                     Done
    30%                              32%           23%
    10%                    22%       16%           21%
                           FR        ND             UK            BE
Copyright Neolane - 2012                                                  Neolane confidential   28
Beyond the web, there is social & mobile

                                Q5 - On which other channels do you or do you
                                plan to offer a personalised experience?
                                Answers for Call Centre
                       50%        53%           51%
  70%                                                          63%
                                                                            Not planned
                       15%                                                  Planned
  40%                                           16%
                                  27%                                       Done
  30%                                                          19%
  20%                  35%                      32%
  10%                             19%                          19%
                           FR     ND             UK            BE
Copyright Neolane - 2012                                                Neolane confidential   29
Beyond the web, there is social & mobile

     Q5 - On which other channels do you or do you plan to offer a
     personalised experience? Answers for Social Marketing
                                 36%         33%
                           47%                              50%
  60%                                                                    Not planned
  50%                                                                    Planned
                                 42%         45%
  40%                                                                    Done
  30%                                                       41%
  10%                      17%   22%         21%
                           FR    ND          UK              BE
Copyright Neolane - 2012                                             Neolane confidential   30
Thank you!
                Fore more information about
             Neolane web personalisation offers:

Copyright Neolane - 2012                     Neolane confidential   31

Copyright Neolane - 2012             Neolane confidential   32
Objectives of the survey

   ►     Understand how marketers personalise digital interactions
         with their prospects and customers

   ►     Share result gathered with our community of customers
         and the market

Copyright Neolane - 2012                                  Neolane confidential   33
Methodology of the survey

            Specificities          Target                Process

    Mayor objective is      Neolane contacts        Emailing:
    creating value added    only, no rented         November -
    content and share it    database                December 2012
    with peers                                      2 waves of email in
                            European:               French and English
    Simplicity:             France, UK, Benelux,
    5 questions             Switzerland, Nordics    2 incentives:
    No panel                (Denmark, Finland, Ic   exclusivity and a
                            eland, Norway and       chance to win an
                            Sweden)                 iPad

Copyright Neolane - 2012                                     Neolane confidential   34

                           ►   The
                               emailing, s
                               ent with

Copyright Neolane - 2012       Neolane confidential   35

                           ►    The

Copyright Neolane - 2012       Neolane confidential   36

More Related Content

Personalised Digital Interaction: What really works according to European marketers?

  • 2. Context ► As a leading cross-channel campaign management solution provider, Neolane is in touch with thousands of marketers the world over. ► Leveraging this advantageous position, we decided to run surveys, questioning marketers about their main challenges to gather their insights, analyse these and then share results with them. ► Following the first Neolane Marketing Survey that focused on social marketing ROI, we looked to analyse how marketers personalise their digital interactions today. ► More than 600 marketers participated in the survey. Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 2
  • 3. About Neolane ► Leading Independent Marketing Platform Provider Supporting B2B and B2C Organizations  $ 44 M revenue in 2011  47% year-over-year growth in 2011  350 customers  250 employees  11 years experience  Market recognition: Forrester, Gartner, Sirius Decisions …  USA, France, UK, Nordics • Customers in 12 countries  Much more than just software: • Users in 20 countries hosting services, e-mail & SMS routing, and expert services Copyright Neolane 2011 - 2012 Neolane confidential 3 3
  • 5. The results, in a nutshell ► 22% of marketers personalise their website in real-time today… 59% will do within the next 12 months. 3 times more! ► Only 9% of marketers who do not personalise their website because they doubt the potential ROI. ► 54% of marketers using web personalisation get a significant ROI within months. ► The most efficient data for web personalisation: the whole customer profile and purchase behaviour ► The top channels to offer a personalised experience beyond the web: social & mobile Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 5
  • 6. Screenshots of the infographic Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 6
  • 7. Screenshots of the infographic Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 7
  • 8. Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 8
  • 9. Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 9
  • 10. Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 10
  • 11. Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 11
  • 12. Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 12
  • 13. Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 13
  • 14. Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 14
  • 15. Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 15
  • 16. Detailed results of the survey Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 16
  • 17. Web personalisation, next year gold rush? ► In 2014: 59% of marketers will personalise their website. That’s 3 times more than today. ► 37% of marketers plan to personalise content and offers on their website in real-time. 22% already do it. Q1 - Do you personalise the content and offers on your website(s) in real-time? Yes 19% 44% Planned within the next 12 months 37% Not planned Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 17
  • 18. Web personalisation, next year’s gold rush? Country specifics ► Nordic countries, UK and Belgium have more planned projects than France within the next 12 months. 100% Q1 - Do you personalise the content and offers on your 90% website(s) in real-time? 80% 42% 39% 46% 50% 70% Nothing planned 60% 50% Planned within the next 12 40% 33% 42% months 44% 30% 44% Personalise in real time 20% the website 10% 21% 19% 14% 0% 6% FR ND UK BE Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 18
  • 19. Personalisation of the web experience ROI ► Considering people who do not personalise /have planned to personalise their website (slide 7): Only 9% do not personalise because they think the ROI is not achievable. Q1 Why? (only for people answering : No, we offer the same content for all visitors and have no current plans to adopt this approach) in Q1 9% Not confident in the potential of ROI 35% No budget 56% Not a priority Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 19
  • 20. Website personalisation: main objective is not immediate sales but loyalty ► Marketers do not personalise website for immediate sales, they focus on loyalty and acquisition first. Q1 - What do you expect from website personalisation? (only for 57% people answering they personalise or they will do it in the 12 56% coming months) Multiple choice 55% 54% 53% 52% 56% 51% 50% 53% 53% 49% 51% 48% 47% Customer satisfaction Prospect to customers Website visitor to Cross-sell & upsell & loyalty conversion rate prospect conversion increase rate increase Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 20
  • 21. The most efficient inputs: the whole customer profile & purchase history ► Marketers get the most ROI from personalisation based on the whole customer profile and purchase behaviour. Q2 - Website personalisation techniques that 25% give a significant ROI according to marketers 20% 15% 10% 19% 19% 14% 5% 9% 11% 0% Based on Based on social Based on web Based on Based on collaborative profile behaviour purchase customer profile filtering behaviour Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 21
  • 22. Marketers still invest with caution ► 29% of marketers invest more than 50K € in website personalisation efforts. ► 71% are still investing with caution on this field. Q3 - What budget do you spend or plan to spend per year for a real-time web personalisation solution? 11% 18% 45% Less than 10 000 € 10 000 € to 50 000 € 26% 50 000 € to 100 000 € More than 100 000 € Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 22
  • 23. An extremely quick ROI! ► 54% of marketers who had put in place real time web personalisation strategies got a ROI within months! Q4 - Do you think the investment made on your website to offer a personalised experience to visitors provides you a ROI? 15% 31% ROI is not yet reached Yes, we get ROI within months Yes, we get ROI within years 54% Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 23
  • 24. Beyond the web, there is social & mobile ► Email is the most mature channel in terms of personalisation. ► Social & Mobile, the top promising channels to personalise experiences, beyond the web. 60% Q5 - On which other channels do you or do you Already do 50% plan to offer a personalised experience? Planned 40% 30% 54% 20% 38% 40% 40% 31% 33% 10% 19% 20%19% 17% 10% 11% 0% Mobile push Mobile app Social media PoS Call center Email content Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 24
  • 25. Beyond the web, there is social & mobile Q5 - On which other channels do you or do you plan to offer a personalised experience? Answers for Mobile app content 100% 90% 80% 44% 51% 51% 70% 56% 60% Not planned 50% Planned 40% 43% Done 30% 38% 41% 38% 20% 10% 11% 8% 13% 6% 0% FR ND UK BE Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 25
  • 26. Beyond the web, there is social & mobile Q5 - On which other channels do you or do you plan to offer a personalised experience? Answers for Mobile push notifications 100% 90% 34% 80% 51% 52% 70% 59% 60% Not planned 50% Planned 40% Done 63% 30% 37% 32% 42% 20% 10% 12% 10% 7% 3% 0% FR ND UK BE Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 26
  • 27. Beyond the web, there is social & mobile Q5 - On which other channels do you or do you plan to offer a personalised experience? Answers for Email 100% 15% 14% 9% 90% 19% 80% 29% 33% 70% 33% 60% 41% Not planned 50% Planned 40% Done 30% 58% 58% 52% 20% 41% 10% 0% FR ND UK BE Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 27
  • 28. Beyond the web, there is social & mobile Q5 - On which other channels do you or do you plan to offer a personalised experience? Answers for Points of Sale 100% 90% 80% 52% 56% 70% 65% 66% 60% Not planned 50% Planned 40% Done 30% 32% 23% 13% 22% 20% 10% 22% 16% 21% 13% 0% FR ND UK BE Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 28
  • 29. Beyond the web, there is social & mobile Q5 - On which other channels do you or do you plan to offer a personalised experience? Answers for Call Centre 100% 90% 80% 50% 53% 51% 70% 63% 60% Not planned 50% 15% Planned 40% 16% 27% Done 30% 19% 20% 35% 32% 10% 19% 19% 0% FR ND UK BE Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 29
  • 30. Beyond the web, there is social & mobile Q5 - On which other channels do you or do you plan to offer a personalised experience? Answers for Social Marketing 100% 90% 36% 33% 80% 47% 50% 70% 60% Not planned 50% Planned 42% 45% 40% Done 36% 30% 41% 20% 10% 17% 22% 21% 9% 0% FR ND UK BE Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 30
  • 31. Thank you! Fore more information about Neolane web personalisation offers: http://bit.ly/NeoInteraction Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 31
  • 32. Annexes Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 32
  • 33. Objectives of the survey ► Understand how marketers personalise digital interactions with their prospects and customers ► Share result gathered with our community of customers and the market Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 33
  • 34. Methodology of the survey Specificities Target Process Mayor objective is Neolane contacts Emailing: creating value added only, no rented November - content and share it database December 2012 with peers 2 waves of email in European: French and English Simplicity: France, UK, Benelux, 5 questions Switzerland, Nordics 2 incentives: No panel (Denmark, Finland, Ic exclusivity and a eland, Norway and chance to win an Sweden) iPad Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 34
  • 35. Emailing ► The emailing, s ent with Neolane Campaign Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 35
  • 36. Questions ► The survey, managed by Neolane Survey Manager Copyright Neolane - 2012 Neolane confidential 36

Editor's Notes

  1. Q1 Do you personalise the content and offers on your website(s) in real-time?
  2. Q1 bisWhy? (only for people answersing : No, we offer the same content for all visitors and have no current plans to adopt this approach) at the Q1
  3. Q1 ter What do you expect from website personalisation? (only for people answering they personalise or they will do it in the 12 coming monthsMultiple choice