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Communication Skills Essay Pdf
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Communication Skills Essay Pdf Communication Skills Essay Pdf


Comcast Executive Summary
In response to the market trend, the company has introduced some new products. Comcast launched
a constant guard, a security program designed to help protect its high speed internet users from
online threats. Comcast also launched a beta version of Fancast Xfinity TV, its online television
service. The Xfinity service gives subscriber access to hours of content not previously available
online. Comcastalso took the opportunity of the market trend and added to its mobile content. It
released Comcast Mobile app 2.0, which includes a remote DVR programming service. Also, the
company launched COMCAST4U, a mobile SMS text service, which gives customers access to
frequently accessed account functions. All of these new additions will allow Comcast... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
in an attempt to acquire Time Warner, which was largely associated to the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) regulations and policies.
If the company is subject to stringent regulation by federal, state and local governments, which
regularly regulate the video services, internet service and VoIP digital phone service industries.
Then, Comcast s businesses, including Cable and NBCUniversal s businesses are required to
comply to the regulation by federal, state, local and foreign authorities under applicable laws and
regulations, and under agreements it enters into with franchising authorities.
The Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the Communications Act ), and Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) regulations and policies also significantly impact Comcast s
decision on the company s businesses, including cable system and broadcast station ownership,
video services customer rates, carriage of broadcast television stations, broadcast programming
content and advertising, package of programming to customers and other providers, access to cable
system channels by franchising authorities and other parties, the use of utility poles and conduits,
and the offering of high speed internet and phone services (Marketline, 2013). Failure of Comcast s
businesses to comply with the laws and regulations may result in administrative enforcement
actions, fines and civil and criminal liability. In as much that laws, policies and regulations are
much stricter in the U.S. this would present significant risks to the company s businesses which
may affect its operating
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The Limitations Of Contemporary Currency Hegemony And The...
Chapter 4 The Limitations of Contemporary Currency Hegemony and the Transition to
Multipolarity The prevailing presumption amongst currency scholars of the past century is that
issuing a currency that dominates global markets and trading is of overwhelming benefit,
largely interpreted via the gains made by the US as the issuer of the dollar. These benefits have
been both political and economic in nature, as discussed in the previous chapter. However, both
domestic and external factors have begun to detract from the dollar s pinnacle currency gains,
and leads to questions of whether what was once described as an exorbitant privilege is
deteriorating to the extent that it is a burden. While assessing the dollar s evolved role as a
burden appears premature, nonetheless it appears the capacity of the US to use the dollar as a
mechanism for power is under threat. In fact, the US dollar may well be more than just under
threat . It is no longer able to exert influence like it once was, but relies on the benefits it
solidified for itself at the formation of the globes monetary structures. The leverage available to
the United States through the use of dollars is still greater than any rival currency, but it is not
absolute as it was decades before. While much has been written about the euro, and the dollars
other potential replacements at the pinnacle of the currency pyramid, what appears more likely is a
leaderless currency system as Cohen termed it, with no clear
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English Piracy Definition
Very few people today, perhaps those who have stared death in the face, can possibly
comprehend what it would have been like to stand on the gallows at high tide as the executioner
fashioned a noose around the pirate s neck; the last significant act before his final voyage, a short
drop and a quick stop. The English political and legal processes that delivered this defiant captain
and hundreds of others condemned for piracyto their final destination is the focus of this study.
Their contemporaries described them as Robbers, Opposers, and Violators of all Laws, Humane
and Divine. Many viewed themselves as a more selfish reincarnation of Robin Hood, stealing from
wealthy merchants, foreign traders, and abusive captains, and in doing so, threatening ... Show more
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After nearly two decades of anti pirate policies in the colonies, colonial officials no longer
deemed it necessary to aggressively convict anyone suspected of piracy out of fear of losing
their charter, as they had prior to 1705. Furthermore, the defining legal question leading to
extreme ambiguity in the prosecution of pirates during the seventeenth century was at what point
did acting outside of one s commission constitute an act of piracy? The conclusion of Great
Britain s hostilities with France and Spain in 1713 rendered this question irrelevant as the new
wave of pirates targeted primarily British, not neutral or allied ships, clearly defining their
aggression as piracy. The change in targets also reduced the prosecution s need to rely on
accomplice testimony, a source of controversy in civil law proceedings, since attacks occurring off
nearby shores provided easier access to victim testimony. Finally, the increase in colonial
newspapers and the dissemination of their publication of piracy trials reports did assist in reducing
procedural inconsistencies, but not in the way previously suggested. Instead, it was the increased
familiarity with civil law and piracy trial procedures within the reports, combined with
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Dj Kol Herc Hip Hop History
Like any style of music, hip hop has roots in other forms, and its evolution was shaped by many
different artists, but there s a case to be made that it came to life precisely on this day in 1973, at
a birthday party in the recreation room of an apartment building in the west Bronx, New York
City. The location of that birthplace was 1520 Sedgwick Avenue, and the man who presided over
that historic party was the birthday girl s brother, Clive Campbell better known to history as DJ
Kool Herc, founding father of hip hop.
When hip hop music first developed in the late 1970s, not many people knew about it. It was
created in the poorest districts of New York City by African American and Latino teenagers as
part of a hip hop scene that also produced breakdancing and graffiti art. Many of these young
people were unemployed, but some found work as DJs in discos where they learned deejaying
techniques like how to use two turntables and a DJ mixer to play records non stop. Sometimes
they d also deejay at free block parties in their neighbourhoods where they d play funk and disco
tracks non stop and ask a friend to act as their MC. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
New York duo Run DMC also used hooks in their songs but added hard rock guitar to create a
popular style called rap rock, and their 1986 album Raising Hell became hip hop s first top ten
album. When punk rock group Beastie Boys began shouting raps instead of singing, their style also
became very popular and their debut album Licensed To Ill became hip hop s first number one
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A Summary Of The Neutralization Theory
Sykes and Matza introduced the neutralization theory in 1957. This theory explains wrongdoing
and misconduct recommends that criminal conduct be found out as procedure of social
cooperation. This study is concerned with qualities of denounced aggressive behavior at home
guilty parties. Accordingly, there has been much research mirroring the way that after victimized
people break the association with their abuser, ill used victimized people frequently float into
different association with an alternate abuser. Martza states, the law contains the seeds of its own
neutralization (Marta, 1964). For Instance, seeds exist in ideas, for example; understudy, self
protection, craziness, and mischance. Accordingly, the theory of neutralization recommends... Show
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The general strain theory of wrongdoing states strain or anxiety is an important source or criminal
inspiration. For a superior comprehension, this theory contends that wrongdoing is a consequence
of dissatisfaction and annoyance of lower class created by a strain in the middle of desires and
society of living in a center class world and the truth that those desires can t be met. The general
strain theory contracts more with the single person. Robert Agnew distinguished three sorts of
strain that create deviation in an individual: failure to achieve goals, removal of positive stimuli,
and confrontation with negative stimuli. Each type of strain theory improves the probability of
people encountering with one or more aggressive
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`` The Cask Of Amontillado `` By Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne are two American Literature short story writers. Poe s
short stories focused on the gothic and mystery genre while Nathaniel Hawthorne focused his work
on the dark romanticism genre. Both of their works, explored the conflicts between good versus
evil, madness in the human mind and the psychological effects of guilt and sin on a human being.
But the way that these two writers create these effects for the readers is their different approaches
in the way they choose to tell their stories. Edgar Allan Poes short stories are in the first person
point of view where the narrator is the main character while Nathaniel Hawthornes stories are in the
third person point of view where the narrator tells the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This allows the narrator to talk to the audience as if they trust and already know the reader. This
type of narration style allows Poe s stories to create the madness in the human mind where the
narrator is terrorized by his own realizations and the horrors of what human beings are capable of.
For example, The Tell Tale Heart and The Cask of Amontillado. The short storyThe Cask of
Amontillado , is being narrated by the killer Montresor. As the story opens, the narrator talks to
the reader as if he already knows him/her by saying, You, who so well know the nature of my
soul, will not suppose, however, that I gave utterance to a threat. (Poe 289). The reader will now
able to look in Montresor state of mind throughout the story and see his thoughts and intentions.
Montresor talks about his friend Fortunato and how we wants revenge by saying, I must not only
punish, but punish with impunity....A wrong is undressed when the avenger fails to make himself
felt as such to him who has done the wrong. (Poe 289). By Montresor saying this the reader can
see his intentions on what he wants done with Fortunato for doing him wrong. The reader oversees
Montresor s plan to ask Fortunato to have a drink of wine with him down in his families tombs.
While they are down in the tombs, the narrator describes the start of the killing, In an instant he had
reached the extremity of the niche, and finding his progress arrested by the rock..... A moment more
and I had fettered him to the
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Parent Parents And Aladdin s Message In The Little Mermaid
The message delivered by Disney movies is definetily not something children need to learn from.
For example, in the movie The Little Mermaid, we see so many wrong things that are taught to
little girls. First, we see a mermaid who strongly dislikes everything she has just because she
wants to be like a human. We want little girls in this generation to accept who they are, where they
come from, and value their roots, sadly this movie is sending a completely different message.
Secondly, she sacrifices her singing abilities, home, social standards, and her family to be with a
guy she barely knows. Clearly this is teaching girls to run off to the first guy they find handsome
and charming without knowing much about him. Most importantly we want children of the next
generation to know morals.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In Aladdin, he steals and lies just to get on the good side of the princess. If young kids watch
these kind of movies they are going to grow up thinking that this is the only way to impress a
lady. That s not right! We obviously want our kids to grow up with morals and Aladdin is not
teaching this to kids. Even though Disney films are meant for young audience, the people
actually making it just can t help sliding in some cruel adult jokes. In Toy Story 3, the gang
learns how rude the villain Lotso really is when he pulls, off the mouth of Mrs. Potato Head just
to shut her up. As they look stunned, Mr. Potato Head lets Lotso know that only her husband is
allowed to pull that trick, delivering a veiled sex joke in the process. Also wrongly teaching kids
that it is alright to silent and claim a
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Violence In Anil s Ghost
Anil s Ghost Portfolio
Violence is a theme seen throughout the world in all forms of media and literature. As a society
we are exposed to violence so much that people s biggest fears are that they will become fully
desensitized to the violence. Many are at this point where violence is as emotional , but some
forms of violence are still so disturbing they transcend all levels of desensitization. Some examples
are exhibited in Anil s Ghost. By Michael Ondaatje. All forms of violence are disturbing, but some,
even if they seem pretty tame when explained are increasingly disturbing when put into context of
the novel. Though, many see violence against a character who a reader is emotionally invested in is
very disturbing. The most disturbing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The stories ability to paint a picture of the scene, give life to those who are dead, and convey
Anil s thought process makes this story excel. Though, the story does jump around and is hard
to understand the writing style is very concise and is easy to understand. Every sense is
explained, and this adds to the emotion of the story. The extreme detail makes the story
intensely disturbing in some areas. Ondaatje s writing style instill a theme of death in the story
not only relating to the random murders seen throughout the book, but also by giving life to the
bodies that are being examined in the story. There is a scene in the book where a leaf falls into
the ribcage of sailor and represents the beating heart. This small detail helps reinforce the fact
that sailer and the other bodies in the story are real characters and actually effect the story. The
novel only asks for your attention because the story requires a lot of it. Every sentence builds a
scene then it quickly changes. This is also the case when we have a chance to listen to Anil and
Gamini s rambling thoughts, and dialouges where it s mostly medical related each is different, but
it alway involves dark humor. While Anil is visiting Gamini he goes on one of the rambles in the
book by saying, I mean, I know everything about blast weaponry. Mortars, claymores, antipersonnel
mines which
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Advantages Of Mega Trastevere Bed And Breakfast
Mega Trastevere is a charming Bed and Breakfast Solution For Those who want to live the
comfort of a hotel with the price of a bed breakfast in one of the most beautiful city in the world.
Very close to the important and beautiful monuments and squares of the city(Piazza Navona, the
Pantheon,s Campo dei Fiori Square, Santa Maria in Trastevere Square, the Gianicolo hill, Venezia
Square, the Colosseum, the Campidoglio, Portaportese outdoor market, etc.). , the most part of
this sites are reachable on foot and the others just with few bus or tram stops The B B will be run
by Michela and Giovanna in the Sister s newly renovated home. The Mega Trastevere Bed
Breakfast has two competitive advantages that will ensure profitability. The first is sisters s
unrelentless attention to personal service. We recognizes that most important job is to pamper the
guests, allowing... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ages 25 65. Families, young couples, catholic people . An income over $30,000. Enjoys
traveling in a beautiful old city for the sake of seeing antiques things and meeting people . Tend
to use B Bs when traveling instead of hotels. Enjoys Roman atmosphere with typical restaurants
to taste delicious Roman food, and many bars to see the real urban nightlife Market Needs Mega
Trastevere Bed Breakfast provides its customers with a beautiful, relaxing, bed breakfast. The
Mega Trastevere Bed Breakfast seeks to fulfill the following benefits that are important to their
customers Selection: The Mega Trastevere has 3 different rooms, each with its own unique,
breathtaking view of the City . Accessibility: The B B is located within 10 minutes of the city
Centre station, providing accessibility for people from trastevere area to travel in the International
airport Customer Service: The customers will be impressed with the level of attention that they
receive. Competitive Pricing: All rooms will be competitively priced relative to similar B Bs.s.
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Comparison Of Sperm Whales And The Killer Whale
In the article, Sperm Whales and Killer Whales with the Largest Brain of All Toothed Whales
Show Extreme Differences in Cerebellum the author Sam H. Ridgway studies the cerebellums of
the most widest distributed whales in the world. The killer whale and the sperm whale both have
huge brains, but this study suggests why the killer whales have a significantly larger cerebellum
than that of the sperm whale. After collecting, measuring, and preserving the species, the skull was
ready to be chipped away and the brain ready to be taken from the massive cranium. Once
extracted, the brain was measured to determine the cerebellar volume: (length of cerebellum base
Г— width of the base Г— height Г— 1/3). Results showed that the cerebellum of the sperm
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Nature of Thought Paper
Nature of Thought Paper
Sennet Perkins
October 4, 2010
Leigh Clemons
Is thinking a necessity in dealing with or handling issues on a daily basis? Every day we are
faced with situations that will requires us to think on different levels. Thinking is a very
imperative method of how an individual s thoughts when being read by someone else can
generate a comprehensible concept. In this paper, I will explain some of the perceptual blocks
that have some bearing on my views and how I reply to it. The sensing process is a very
significant part to the process of thinking. It would be very hard for an individual to think without
using this process. Being able to hear, smell, touch, taste and see different things in our ... Show
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The best solution could always be determined by the tone of the person s voice, their body
language and their facial expression. All situations will be different and should be handled
individually. Believe what you see and always expect the unexpected.
Anything that stops an individual from finding a helpful explanation when solving a problem is
considered a block. There are several different types of blocks. Perceptual, emotional, intellectual,
expressive, environmental and cultural are some of the various groups of blocks. Perceptual blocks
occur from the way we were thought to recognize information from the world around us.
Emotional blocks occur when our emotional needs contradicts with the situation at hand.
Intellectual blocks are caused by an individual not being able to understand information required to
solve a problem. Expressive blocks occur when an individual is unable to communicate in the way
required to generate an effective solution. Environmental blocks are caused by exterior barrier in
the social or physical environment. Cultural blocks result from our training to agree with what is
expected or typical in a given situation.
The situations we encountered working with the US Census Bureau required us to use one or more
of these blocks. We mainly used the emotional, perceptual and the cultural blocks. Each team
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Life In The Iron Mills
Life in the Iron Mills (1861) by Rebecca Harding Davis invades into the political, social, and
cross cultural life of the country in order to mobilize privilege people for the action. A LOT OF
literary critics have noted a protest character of the text and acknowledged the story of Debora and
Hugh as the social instruction for the audience with no clue about working class life. Even so, the
critical analysis of the narration of the story differs in opinions. In a past couple decades, scholars
committed a significant attention to the reader involvement with the story, arguing why Davis
creates such circumstances. In like manner, Jill Gatlin and Andrew Silver in their essays present
the thesis for the manipulative goal of Rebecca Davis. However,... Show more content on
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By analyzing the specific description of the worker s body such as Janey, her face . . . haggard
and sickly (p. 17), and Hugh, haggard, yellow with consumption (p. 24), later bleeding at the
lungs and weakened with a death cough (p. 52) all these conflicts combat the illusion of smoke
as favorable or beneficial. By bringing pollution into the discourse, Gatlin suggests that critics
should no longer reduce smoke to symbolism alone (215). She overcomes racial, social and
gender boundaries that have been established by previous critics of Davis s work; and presents
additional natural dilemma. Jill Gatlin states that Davis originally explains the degradation of the
working class by the environmental situation around them, particularly by demonstrating to the
audience how Davis s protagonist, laborer Hugh Wolfe, fears that his physical condition has
damaged his moral being (216). Therefore, Hugh s realizes the connection between industrialized
environment and its poisonous effects on his health and his standards of behavior. Davis at
some point extends Henry David Thoreau s critique of commercial, materialist society, and
people who work for commodities. But, unlike Thoreau, she creates the path for privileged ones
to experience the pollution consequences and draws these readers in precisely by acknowledging
their disgust and shaping its revision (218). By doing so, Davis asks her readers not for sympathy
but for the action against pollution, which degrades lives of the working class and violets the
harmony of nature. In the opening scene of the story, Davis purposefully forces her audience to
come right down with me, here, into the thickest of the fog and mud and foul effluvia (Davis).
Again, by obligating the reader to experience the actual worker s life in the
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Hafu Essay
Hafu is the term used in Japan to describe children of half Japanese descent. This term is derived
from the English
Half which, when used in the Japanese language, indicates that a person is only half of the
Japanese culture. According to Hafu Japanese the term Hafu originated in the 1970s and is now
the most commonly used label for half Japanese children (Hafu Japanese, 2010). Being called
half might seem like an insult to some people, in Japan it is not really meant this way. In a
YouTube video Japanese got asked about what image they have about Hafu, most of them
answered that they wanted to be a Hafu as well. Almost all the answers to this question were
positive; they are pretty, they have long legs, they have the best of both worlds. The majority of
the Japanese seem to have positive views on what it is like to be a Hafu, but they might not have
a proper understanding of what it is like to be Hafu. So despite the positive image the Japanese
have, life in Japan is not easy for people with mixed roots (Views from the street on Hafu, 2010).
Japan is a very homogenous country. Research from 2013 shows that foreigners make up 1.5% of
the populace of Japan (Japan Times, 2013). While the number might have risen quite a bit now in
2015, the discrimination against ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the documentary it is shown that children are most likely to experience being different, whereas
adults learn to live with it or choose not to take offense. Many adults reach out to each other, to be
able to open up and to create a community for themselves and their kids, who will grow up in a
respectful, loving community.
One girl in the documentary went to Japan after having lived in Australia for most of her life. The
change of culture, and being treated as a foreigner all the time made her feel like she was not a
part of Japan, even though she is
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A Negative Relationship In Thomas King s Totem
In the short story Totem by Thomas King, it is very evident that the relationship between the totem
pole and the museum workers is a rather negative relationship. The relationship is depicted in Totem
as an overpowering, authoritative, and entitled relationship. The relationship between the totem
pole and the museum workers is depicted through the museum workers such as Mrs. Hill, Walter
Hooton, and the other worker s reaction and constant need to remove the totem pole. Ultimately, the
totem pole is symbolic in the story because it represents the Indigenous people in Canada. In King s
short story, the museum workers are constantly trying to remove the totem pole from the museum
as Walter states that, the totem pole is not part of the show, and we need to move it someplace else
(King 14). This quote accurately demonstrates the controlling nature of the museum workers
because they attempt to remove the totem pole numerous times, but each time is as unsuccessful as
the last. This correlates to Canadian history with the settlers trying to eliminate the Indigenous
people in Canadian Society which was also unsuccessful. Additionally, another example that proves
the controlling nature of the workers is witnessed when Walter attempts to find the owner of the
totem pole instead of just leaving it in the show. Considering this, the whole notion of ownership is
very different in Indigenous and non Indigenous cultures. Indigenous culture believes that
everything is to be shared and no one is an owner of anything. This concept is complete and total
opposite in non Indigenous culture as everything belongs to someone. Further, the museum workers
believe they have authority over the totem pole because it is essentially in the museum which, they
believe, belongs to them. However, in the short story it says that, [the totem pole] goes right
through the floor (King 15). This shows that the totem pole was there before the museum was built
and therefore, the workers do not have the right to remove it. Walter Hooton is one of the main
museum workers trying to get the totem pole out of the museum. His reason for removal is that,
this totem pole is not part of the show, and we need to move it someplace else
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Essay on Code Name Verity by Elizabeth E. Wein
The main character throughout most of the book is Verity , or Julie. She is actually telling the
story of Maddie, however, although her presence seems to still be main focus throughout the
story. Halfway through the book, however, it switched to Maddie s point of view, or Kittyhawk .
With both of the girls, you can see the changes in them. They both develop greatly and you can
see it through them by just looking at what they are afraid of. It mentions once in the story that
Julie once said that she was afraid of growing old, and then she say s later that she could eat her
words: she is now afraid of never growing old. But mainly so very, very stupid. I desperately want
to grow old (114). With Maddie, you can see her ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
connotation the correct training or correct way to be.
Thoroughly embarrassed (236)denotation complete or absolute connotation completely embarrassed
Obsolete code (259)denotation no longer in use or no longer useful connotation useless, or
nonexistent code
Doggedly (305) denotation having or showing the determination of someone who will not stop
trying. connotation with determination
The point of view in Code Name Verity is split into two different points of view. In Part 1, the point
of view is Verity s first person point of view. She is writinga confession for the Gestapo in hopes
of buying herself time to live, and by doing that she is telling the story of her best friend Maddie.
Von Linden said I have two weeks and that I can have as much paper as i need. All I have to do is
cough up everything I can remember about the British War Effort. (4). While the story is written in
First Person point of view, Verity
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The Pros And Cons Of School Uniforms In Public Schools
If it means teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets, then our public schools
should be able to require their students to wear school uniforms. It was a part of President Clinton
s speech in 1996 which provided school uniform movement. In general, we can find school uniform
in almost around the world. The movements towards elementary school has spreads for about a
quarter of its. Experts say, the number of middle schools with uniform is about a half number of
elementary schools. Besides that , there are still pros and cons about uniform. The debate over
uniformsfor public school causing many larger issues beside than simply what children should wear
to school. The debate touches issues of school improvement, freedom,... Show more content on
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It is able to encourage discipline. Wearing school uniform that decided day by day in a week
creates spirit discipline towards students. Uniform schedules are given to the students for what kind
of uniform that they will wear that day indirectly, increase discipline. Students would feel must
wear uniform to school due to the schedules. By wearing uniform both students and parents do not
have to worry about time they spend for searching a match outfit to school. It also decreases
morning debate between parents and students. Everyone knows exactly what the kids need to wear
based on the schedule.
In addition, it also increases student s self confidence. Uniform makes no difference between
students and their environment in school. Students would feel more confident because everyone
wears the same outfit. It can make students keep focused on their education, not their clothes. When
all students are wearing the same outfit, they are less concerned about how they look or how they
friends look so they can concentrate on their school work. By wearing school uniform, students are
given a freedom to conceal their social s status. There would no annoying conversation due to
students look like if they wear
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The Life and Accomplishments of Jacqueline Kozak Thiel
Jacqueline Kozak Thiel learned at an early age that it is her kuleana to get involved and to give all
she has got during her time on this Earth. Born in Pennsylvania, she arrived in Maui in 2003, one
week after graduating from Rochester Institute of Technology in New York with a Bachelors of
Science in Applied Arts and Sciences with concentrations in environmental science, social work,
and philosophy. Last year, she was appointed to the position of State SustainabilityCoordinator and
is intent on translating Hawai`i s sustainability goals enshrined in Act 181 into collaborative action.
Through her interagency position she plans to coordinate across state departments and with
counties, federal agencies, and community partners to support progress on Hawaii s interconnected
sustainability goals. Based on the five goals Way of Life, Economy, Environment and Natural
Resources, Community and Social Well Being, and Kanaka Maoli and Island Values outlined in
Act 181, Ms. Thiel intends to focus her efforts on areas of clean energy transformation, local food
production, natural resourcemanagement, waste reduction, green jobs creation, education, climate
change adaptation, smart growth, cultural vitality and community health.
The State Sustainability Coordinator position puts Ms. Thiel in a unique position. Although hosted
in the Chairperson s Office at the Department of Land and Natural Resources, there is not an
official Office of Sustainability or dedicated staff.
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Similarities Between Harry Potter And The Prizoner Of Azkaban
An adaptation is the act or process of adapting or being adapted; an alteration or modification.
Movie adaptations are no different as they modify the story of the book. In Harry Potter and the
Prizoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling and the film adaptation by Alfonso Cuaron, the two stories
have their own unique interpretations. Rowling s and Cuaron s Prisoner of Azkaban are similar,
however they differ, and their main themes are exceedingly specialized. An adaptation of any kind
should not be expected to be a precise representation of the original. Though the movie is an
adaptation of the book, there are still a great deal of similarities between the two. And then the thing
beneath the hood, whatever it was, drew a long, slow, rattling breath, as though it were trying to
suck some thing more than air from its surrounding. An intense cold swept over them all (Rowling
83). In the filmadaptation of the book, the dementor enters the doorway, everything quickly
freezes, and it causes Harry to pass out as the air makes a sucking motion. This scene is important
in the book and the movie, as it sets up one of the conflicts of the story. The similarities shown
throughout the movie that correlate with the book are kept to keep the main story in... Show more
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Rowling s book was intentionally written to get points across. Rowling s main theme in her book
The Prisoner of Azkaban is friendship. J.K. Rowling illustrates in her novel that no matter how
hard your life becomes or what obstacles cross your path, friendship conquers all. Cuaron s film
was also constructed to express certain points. Cuaron s main point in his film adaptation of The
Prizoner of Azkaban is anger. Alfonso Cuaron illustrates in his film how when one s life is full of
obstacles and misfortunes that person can become angry due to the difficulty. Knowing this is
apparent, the reader and viewer realizes that their main points and themes are quite
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How Did Popular Music Affect The Civil Rights Movement
Music during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960 s Music, and particularly cultural, social,
and political songs, has remained an essential facet of the longstanding tradition of uprisings and
struggle for change in American culture. It is difficult to fathom the passions and
purposefulness of pop culture music in the civil rights movement of the 1960s; thanks to the
freedom songs, whose endeavor was to mobilize and reinforce collective participation in the
civil rights campaigns, demonstrations, and protests (Stefani, 2015). The three songs from this
period that exemplify popular music s role in calling for positive change regarding civil rights
included We Shall Overcome by Southern African American tobacco workers, Ain t Gonna Let
Nobody Turn Me Round by Freedom Singers, and People Get Ready by Curtis Mayfield. We
Shall Overcome , performed by one of the musical ensembles Southern African American tobacco
workers was one of the popular freedom songs during the civil rights movement of 1960s. This
song was emblematic of the civil rights period. Fundamentally, the song accompanied the protests
and explored the labor conditions for Southern African American tobacco workers. The part of the
song s lyrics that states I ll be all right someday is a clear illustration of the hostile working
conditions and thus the hope for a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The song promoted black racial awareness in the journey to freedom. A case in point is where
the first part of the song s lyrics follows: Ain t gonna let nobody, turn me round/ Turn me round
/ Turn me round. / I m gonna keep on walkin , keep on talkin / Walkin into freedom land . From
this part of the lyrics, the idea of remaining strong in the face of hostility is illustrated by the idea
of keeping on walking into freedom
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The Weaver Festival Phenomenon By Yoshimoto Summary
Yoshimoto embraces magic realism to highlight Japanese views on grief by interweaving The
Weaver Festival Phenomenon and the scenic images of this event to convey the sorrowful mood
(Yoshimoto 147). Yoshimoto describes the Weaver Festival Phenomenon as the boundary between
dream and waking blurred (Yoshimoto 140). Yoshimoto utilizes imagery through the observations
of her grieving characters to produce the image of confusion and hesitation exhibited by many
people in a grieving state of mind globally. Yoshimoto s depiction of grief within Japanese society
highlights what Japanese society considers to be out of norm for their social harmony. However,
Yoshimoto contrasts Japanese society s belief that there cannot be any interruption, like grieving the
death of a loved one, in a harmonious Japanese society with The... Show more content on
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Urara and Satsuki experience the phenomenon at the same place and time allowing them to
understand each other in a higher and unspeakable level. Magic realism established in the novella
through the Weaver Festival Phenomenon is explained by Urara as the dimension we re in time,
space, all that stuff is going to move, shift a little (Yoshimoto 144). Yoshimoto s imagery of how
the phenomenon changes the dimension and gravity of where they stand represents the chaos and
whirlwind of emotions that will occur when being with an individual s past. The em dashes
furthers this since Yoshimoto conveys the thought process of Urara as she tries to explain what it
will feel like. The event takes hold by the residual thoughts of a person who has died meet the
sadness of someone left behind, and the vision is produced ; therefore, Yoshimoto utilizes magic
realism to demonstrate the strong energy of grief
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Indie Pop Research Paper
Music Style Name(s):
Music Artist:
Electro Pop/ Indie Pop.
Electro Pop Music was derived from Synth Pop, which focused on the featured instrument called
a synthesizer. To elaborate, it was prominent in the 1970 s to the 1980 s in Japan, Germany, and
the United Kingdom. Ultimately, Electro Pop was differentiated by the focus of a vigorous
electronic sound. Meanwhile, Indie Pop was based from Rock Music in the 1980 s within the
United Kingdom. Furthermore, Indie Pop had a subtle sound compared to the fierce, yet serious
Rock Music.
Instruments utilized in Electro and Indie Pop include electronic or digital synthesizers, drums,
guitars, pianos, keyboards, and loops.
Within Electro/Indie Pop Music well known artists include Charli XCX, Ellie Goulding, Lorde,
Calvin Harris, Sia, Twenty One Pilots, and Halsey.
Full Name:
At what age did ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Originally, she published poetry. Afterwards, she briefly engaged with Rock and Jazz
. Recently,
Naucz Mnie was released from the album Zapomnij Mnie.
Although Sarsa persevered with individual support, a woman named Edyta Gorniak provided
Sarsa with a profound amount of enthusiasm. To elaborate, Sarsa volunteered to perform on The
Voice of Poland where Edyta Gorniak decided to feature Sarsa within a new project. Since Edyta
Gorniak had a successful and relevant career for three decades, Sarsa was honored and delighted.
Therefore, she was persuaded to continue to gain such excellent opportunities.
Unlike numerous singers, Sarsa entered televised or broadcasted contests such as Niemen
Nonstop in 2011, Must Be The Music in 2011, Baltyk Festiwal Media i Sztuka in 2012, along
with Skoda Auto Muzyka in 2013. Previously, she was a member of Fluktua and SarsaParilla.
However, Sarsa s persistence allowed her to enter the half finals of the fifth edition of The Voice of
Poland that exposed the artist to an enormous
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Rhetorical Analysis on Energy Disaster
Dana Trimmer
Rhetorical Analysis In Michael T. Klare s The Coming Era of Energy Disasters, he seems to focus
on the major risks off shore drilling the causes and the effect on the environment. The overall
argument conveys that unless the oil industry and the consumer take an alternative route to
dangerous oil drilling more such calamities are destined to occur (Klare 1). Klare is very vocal in
criticizing of the BP executives concerning the Deepwater Horizon disaster. He proceeds to state the
fact the chief executives of BP chose to call the accident and oversight a fallacious, if not outright
lie (Klare 1). Klare s article offers four scenarios that point to the escalating chances of major
disasters if oil ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
While this is very plausible it has not happened to the Hibernia at the present time. Klare s
persuasive appeal tends to lean more on the readers emotions. His scenarios tend to try to spark
anger by the reader. Klare uses scenario number two to raise the awareness that Nigerians are
already impoverished and are being used by the government unfairly. Klare in one hand has his
audience feeling poorly for the Nigerian workers and in the other suggests, do to the pipeline
vandalism, kidnappings and militant takeovers of oil facilities (Klare 3) that America has reason to
aid the military. Klare has his audience upset and emotionally unsure that simulates his imaginary
scenario. Klare escalates the insurgence of the
Niger Delta region, placing the Nigerian oil output down to a third of its capacity (Klare 3).
Klare angers his readers by having them believe they will be paying $5 per gallon of gasoline in
the United States and convincing them the economy is headed for another deep recession (Klare
3). This is Klare s strategy for all of his scenarios. It is interesting that throughout the article
Klare is very anti oil drilling and uses very harsh examples and words, but finishes his article on a
softer note with a disclaimer. Klare reminds his intended
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Essay on Voting Behavior in the United Kingdom
Voting Behavior in the United Kingdom
When voting, people are usually going to vote for their own personal well being. Although
voters may agree that there should be improved services for everyone, when it comes to voting,
it is likely they will vote for what is best for them personally I.e. lower tax. This is known as issue
voting. E.g. whether a candidate will support a ban on fox hunting. It is agreed that issues do have
an effect on voting but the significance of an issue in contributing to electoral swing depends on
three factors. First, how important the issue is to the voters, second, which party is preferred and
by how much and third how these factors have changed since the last election. ... Show more
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By party identification, political scientists mean a psychological attachment to a party rather than
a rational choice based on the party s aims, promises or practises. It has a lot to do with a party s
public image which is also a big deciding factor amongst non partisan voters.
The media has a lot to do with a party s image, as it is the main and often only way many people
receive information about politics. The media in Britain is free, and is not controlled by the
government, meaning broadcasters are able to decide the content of political broadcasts. However
guidelines issued by the IBA and BBC ensures political balance and impartiality. A channel will
normally present balanced argument by using representatives of different political parties or
groups. How a party is perceived through the media is vital for gaining public support. The
national press often shows strong party bias. Many people read newspapers and until recently many
actively supported the Conservative Party and urged readers to vote Conservative. Tabloid
newspapers tend to be highly partisan with news, opinion and party propaganda mixed together.
Many national newspapers since 1997 have supported labour , one of the biggest shifts being in the
Sun s support.
It is through the media that a party s public image is formed. Voter perceptions of the competence
or personality of a party
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The Great Recession From 2007-2009
The market is a very fluid situation and this is becoming more and more apparent in the past ten
years with the Great Recession from 2007 2009. Therefore, businesses are operating in an
economy where the competition is high and the potential for failure has become significant. Those
two aspects have been and should be on the forefront of every organizations mind. Companies
should have a strong focus on examining and evaluating not only their financial standings, but the
other competitors in their market in order to boost sales and continue on the path to maturity. If a
company is successful in reaching this goal they will have the ability to hold the competitive edge
on their rivals. Major organizations such as Home Depot and Lowes are placing more focus on
increasing that edge, while contending with others in their pool, overall to increase, gain, and retain
a piece of the devoted consumer. In order to understand and conduct a complete financial analysis
of either organization, or any company for that matter, that desires to increase aspects of business,
an analysis becomes fundamental when defining the company s current standings in the market.
This can also be a great way in order to discover new ways for expansion of productivity and
development within the organization. Throughout the execution of a financial analysis of any
business, it is imperative to understand the background of the company and the products they
produce and sell. By understanding these
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Personal and Professional Goals.
Goal The terminal point of race. The end toward which effort is directed. AIM.
The score resulting from such an act (Webster 1972 ). Personal Of related to. Belonging to a person
,private , directed to a single person . (Webster 1972 ) therefore personal goalto my understanding
is aim of a person himself or herself. Aim of the person.My personal goal I would like to divide
into different categories First professional goals. My goals for my family. My Retirement goals. My
short term goal is to complete BSN with University of Phoenix. After BSN I would like to go for
either MSN or master s in education or go for NP as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Another attitude I should have is sacrifice if I keep in mind its going to pay it all in the end be
better job oppurtunities or carrier advancement its going to help me in future . FLEXIBILITY I
have to be very flexible and be available for my team since most my school work is going to done
with my learning team charter. That is only going to be possible if I utilize my time wisely that
time management and organize myself.
POSITIVE ATTITTUDE I could either see the glass is half full or half empty. If I have an attitude
the glass is half full I think I will be successful in my career. I could say one class is done and I
learnt about team communications policies and I have achieved a portion of my goal. I am
approaching closer towards my goal that will give me sense of satisfaction. I will see my self
getting closer and closer to my goal.
My personal goal for my family I would like to spend sometime with my children my goals for
my family is to keep them healthy physical and emotionally. I would like my husband and my
children to be physically active. Adult should participate in at least 30minutes,and children at
least 60 minutes of moderate exercise (such as brisk walking )for five or more days each week.
(http ://www.everybodywalk.org). There are numerous benefits of walking and exercising.
Therefore I will make it a point that all of us get at least half hour walk or some kind of exercise
daily. There s
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EGT1 Task 3
For example, we could calculate the IQ difference for each subject by subtracting their IQ while
taking a placebo from their IQ while taking the new drug. If our sample average was positive, it
would mean that, on average, our subjects had a higher IQ while they were taking the experimental
drug than they had while taking the placebo.
In this case, we might choose these as our hypotheses:
Null hypothesis: The difference between IQ while the subjects were taking the drug and while the
subjects were taking the placebo is 0. (The population average is 0).
Alternative hypothesis: The IQ of the subjects was higher while they were taking the drug than
while they were taking the placebo. (The population average is greater than 0).
From here forward, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You have two separate samples, and each of them were selected randomly.
2.The samples are significantly smaller than the populations they represent.
3.The distributions of the two samples are similar.
4.If the total sample size is under 15, two sample t tests are safe if the data shows no strong
departures from the Normal distribution.
5.If the total sample size is over 15, two sample t tests are safe if there are no outliers and there is
no strong skewness.
6.If the total sample size is over 40, two sample t tests tend to be very safe even if the data is
strongly skewed.
7.Two sample t tests are most robust when the sample sizes are the same.
Again, these are rules of thumb and don t always apply. In fact, two sample t tests are much more
robust than one sample t tests, and can be quite accurate even with a total sample size of 10. Even
so, these rules of thumb are good to follow if you want to be taken seriously.
Performing the test
This test is a bit more complicated, in particular because the degrees of freedom are calculated
from a much more complicated formula. Statistical software packages will handle this part for you
under normal circumstances, but if you need to have the formula, here it
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Old Ben And Fox Hunt Comparison Essay
Some things can be very similar, but also very different. For example, stories can be different.
They have different plots and different authors, but they can also have similar elements and plot
ideas. Some examples of that in a story could be that a character makes a friend, or attempts to
achieve a goal. In this essay, I will be comparing and contrasting Old Ben and Fox Hunt , two
stories with different plots and similar elements. While some similarities are evident between Old
Ben and Fox Hunt , the differences are also distinct.
There are many similarities between Old Ben and Fox Hunt . One of them is the use of
foreshadowing in both narratives. Foreshadowing is when there are indications throughout the
text that hint at events to come. In Old Ben , it is foreshadowed that the snake will die in the end.
In Fox Hunt , it is foreshadowed that Lee is the fox spirit. Another similarity is that the two
stories both have main characters that are either animals, or have animal characteristics, such as
Ben from Old Ben , who is a snake, and Andy, from Fox Hunt , who is part fox. A closing
similarity is that both of the stories use narrative structure. Narrative structure is when a narrative is
arranged in chronological order. Looking at these examples, we ... Show more content on
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Conversely, there are also distinct differences. One of those differences is Fox Hunt using
flashbacks to tell a story. Flashbacks inform you of events that happened in the past. Old Ben does
not use any flashbacks at all. A second differenceis that Old Ben transpires over a longer period of
time; months pass during the story. In Fox Hunt , the story only takes place over a few weeks. A
concluding difference is that Fox Hunt uses fantasy ideas, such as fox spirits, while Old Ben does
not, and only uses real life ideas. Therefore, Old Ben and Fox Hunt are quite different in many
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Family Dynamics Chapter Summary
Reading reaction 2
This chapter tell us about what they called the creator of the family movement Mr. Bowen. In this
chapters the lectors could find the theoretical formulations where some angles are form to describe
the union or functions of the family and how they are connected to each other (e.g., emotional
triangles, process, cutoff, society, genogram, differentiation, etc.) and so forth, (Nichols M. 2017;
pg. 71 87).
Personally as we all grow and learn from each chapter of the book every information is important on
our careers. The information that I most retain in this chapter are the theoretical formulations and
strategies that will help us understand the family dynamics. Chapter five tells us family problem
solving; there is a six steps ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The information that was new to me is the six steps models. As professionals we need to learn all
the information and techniques that we can apply to the benefit of the family.
Chapter six talks about structural theory this is important because every family has a structural base
in place; some concept are boundaries, subsystems, alignments, and complementary which are easy
to apply in therapy. The family structure is how is the interaction of the family, then how they
interact with each other and their own personal boundaries between each other. To be able to
provide an effective outcome in family therapy is imperative to consider the entire family
members. The chapter provide a guideline for structural family assessment as we can observe in
page 120 (Nichols M. 2017).
The information provided in this chapter open the view of observing the interaction within the
family members and how it relates to the conflicts. All the information in this book it is
imperative, however, the family assessment was a good key for us as beginners. Learning all this
material help us grow as professionals in our careers.
PATHFINDER Parenting: Tools for Raising Responsible
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Successful College Students
Many college students have struggle with school, work, and their personal life responsibilities.
Once you become a college student there is a lot of struggles. College students tend to demonstrate
that no matter what they tried to manage their life. Also, you tried to do all things possible to
accomplish school,and have have at least free days or times in their life.There is severals ways
that successful students manage work,school, and their their personal life. To begin with, one
way how successful students manage work is by finding the appropriate time to work. An
example is, I seen many of my colleagues how most of them didn t make it to class or left early
from class to go to work. Either today I haven t had an issue right now with coming late to work.
Collegestudents tend to have a higher expectation to go to work and make it on time. It s
demonstrated that balancing work depends on when you can work while going to school. Most
of college students to be successful at school go to work right after all their classes are done.
Being in a rush to work they tried to get early to have more free time to even start on some
assignments. Finding the appropriate time to work is easy ,but when it comes to school... Show
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College students have responsibilities at home too not only at work and school. Pretty much
most of us have chores at home that we must do or help out. At my house we have split chores
,but since I m the oldest from siblings I have to do all the chores. It s difficult balancing my
chores when I have school ,and work. As soon I get home liked I said I do my assignments to
not worry about them later at night before I do any chores. Sometimes I don t do my
responsibilities due to the fact I have a lot of school work. But at the end , I did all my chores and
had even free time to spend it with my brothers playing
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John Barry The Great Influenza Rhetorical Analysis
John M. Barry s ///The Great Influenza///, about the 1918 flu epidemic, explains how as well as
why scientists commit to their calling. By the end of the excerpt, Barry, through his words, bases
the nature of scientific research on uncertainty, which requires diligence, risk, and exploration out
of exceptional scientists. Using rhetorical strategies, Barry characterizes scientific researchas
mysterious and dangerous, a research done by scientists who are pioneers, in a figurative sense.
Throughout the first few paragraphs, Barry introduces the idea of diligence, which is the scientists
abilities to be careful and persistent in work. In the first few lines of the passage, the author features
repetition, as well as a slight parallel structure; in lines 1 3, when the author is repeating and
comparing certainty and uncertainty , emphasizing the point that certainty and uncertainty are both
equally required within the mind of a scientist; considering the concept that certainty creates
strength and uncertainty creates weakness. Along with this, in line ... Show more content on
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Throughout lines 23 35, Barry uses an extended metaphor, to relate wilderness exploration to the
uncertainty and mystery of science, which better shows the amount of risk that scientists make to
carry out their experiments and ideas. Within these lines, Barry uses an added rhetorical strategy,
juxtaposition, assisted by repetition, in lines 24 26, repeating the phrase among them , grouped
with the words least ambitious and The best to compare the actions of the most and least ambitious
scientists, as well as the effects of their actions. In lines 40 46, Barry uses repetition with the words
would and if , mimicking the behavior of scientists, emphasizing the uncertainty within the concept
of science. These rhetorical strategies support the effect of risk, an important factor in conquering
science s
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Women s Struggle Against Male Dominance
It is not anything new for women to be looked down upon. Women have been seen as inferior to
their male counterparts. Yet, the patriarchy has brainwashed women to believe that they have to
seek out a romantic, male partner. The patriarchy also has brainwashed women to stay quiet when
her romantic partner is speaking negatively towards her or about her. At least, that is what many
people seem to believe. There are women who are trying to fight against the war on male
dominance. Even if these women are catching other women s attention, there is still a long road
until women and men are equals. Some men are still going to speak poorly towards women, and
often those they see as a lover or romance partner. Even Aristotle spoke poorly of women and felt
that men held the dominant role in the relationship. Some heterosexual men speak negatively about
heterosexual women during the dating stage of a relationship because these men feel that they have
to reinforce dominance in the relationship. One thing to consider when talking about modern day
heterosexual women in relation to men is culture. Cultural differences in different countries varies.
Like F. Scott Christopher, liberal arts and Science professor at Arizona State University says, [T]he
rules of relationship and the meaning of aggression in a relationship may vary from culture to
culture (qtd. Goodwin 769). Culture has a major effect on how relationships are conducted. So
what Americans consider is aggressive, may not be
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Essay On Compositional Variation Of Recorded At Room...
The compositional variation of recorded at room temperature is shown in Fig. 13. It is clear that, as
Al concentration increases increase up to its maximum value at x = 0.4 and then decreases. The
initial permeability of ferrite material depends on many factors like reversible domain wall
displacement, domain wall bulging as well as microstructural features viz., average grain size, intra
granular porosity, etc. [35]. According to Globus model [65], the initial permeability is dependent
on the grain size, saturation magnetization, and magnetocrystalline anisotropy, , where , and D are
saturation magnetization, the magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant and the average grain size,
respectively. Generally, the larger grain sizes,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This disturbs the movement of domain walls [66, 67]. When this exaggerated grain growth occurs,
porosity will increase [54, 68]. However, the variation of initial permeability with Al content was
not consistent with the variation of microstructures, saturation magnetization, the bulk density and
the above empirical principle. This phenomenon might be explained by the equation, , where is the
initial permeability, is the saturation magnetization, is the magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant,
О» is the magnetostriction constant, Пѓ is the inner stress and a, b are two constants [69].
According to Nlebedim et al. [70] Al substitution plays a crucial role in the properties of Co
ferrites by reducing magnetostriction effects. This is because substitution of nonmagnetic Al3+
cations for Fe weakening the super exchange interaction between the A sites and B sites which also
lowers the magnetocrystalline anisotropy. It is known that the anisotropy field in ferrites results
from the presence of Fe2+ ions which formed during the sintering process [32]. The change in can
be estimated qualitatively by applying the single ion anisotropy model [55, 71] which shows that
Fe3+ ions in A and B sites contribute to the anisotropy energy. The Fe3+ ion occupying A site has a
positive value of anisotropy constant while the one occupying B site has a negative value twice as
large as
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Violence Against Matthew Shepard Analysis
Many seem to see the violence against Matthew Shepard as a hate crime, which I agree with.
Everything pointed to, from testimonies to evidence, shows that he was attacked due to his sexual
orientation; however, the perpetrators, Aaron McKinney and Russel Henderson, didn t even know
Matt prior to the night of the incident, so how d they know if he was gay or not? They reacted to
his performance in a way that was consistent with their own learned gender performances. This
theme of prejudice was a crime fueled by hate, but facilitated by gender performance. The events
seemed to be documented through theatrical drama, though written in the style of a narrative that
tries to present itself as a true story, through tension. The way Kaufman builds
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Paradigmatic Shift Of System Theory Essay
The paradigmatic shift of system theory is the evolution of systematic thinking which is made
up of two systems; the simple cybernetics (first order) and cybernetics of cybernetics (second
order). The first system of the cybernetics also known as the simple cybernetics is the level in
which we view lives from a perspective in which we observe from a different aspect of the outside
view. I feel as though when it comes to the first order cybernetics, everything such as the personal
view becomes irrelevant to the situation because our focus is on describing what is happening
from a different pattern. As for the second order also known the cybernetics of cybernetics
transform our view where we are no longer viewing from the outside looking in. In the system,
we are now observing the situation from a standpoint which we are involved. In the book, I have
acknowledged that it is best to view things that I can observe from the outside looking in and also
being and participate in a situation which set my viewpoint than how others view certain situations.
In my opinion, in most cases as humans, individuals go through different phases in their lives to
learn, and to experience a different perspective when it comes, a prospect of our lives. When the
book talks about the system theory/cybernetics it is a little frustrating to comprehend from my
understanding and how to connect the theory to a real life situation. As I continue to read I m
trying to think how I would connect the
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Hip Hop And Hip Rap Music
The study of hip hop music has been cited well throughout its growth over time. The purpose of
this paper is intended to discuss hip hop culture and address cultural stereotypes associated with
rap and hip hop music, but also how its original lyrical intentions were forms of expression and
art. It will begin by guiding the reader through how it originated, its influence with the African
Americans with its subculture and popularity in urban areas, its styles of evolving, the
introduction of hip hop and rap to the public, the depiction it gave off with its criticisms from
outsiders. An evaluation of hip hop artists songs by Sugar Hill and the Gang, Run DMC, Queen
Latifah, and N.W.A. Including lyrics from the songs Rappers Delight , King of Rock , Latifah s
Law , and Niggaz4Life . In the conclusion it exposes how hip hop musicis clearly for black
Americans to express themselves freely and in fact did not cause violence.
Hip hop cannot be understood by just examining how the artists might carry themselves or just
their lyrics alone. The uniting of hip hop in to society gave accommodations in an integrated
generation of young Americans and it changed the racial dynamics in the United States. Even
though you might not be born in the 70 s when hip hop was originated, it has become a part of our
generation and has stuck around ever since. This paper is written with the intentions to prove how
the evolution of hip hop or rap music has ultimately made America
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Comparing Mrs. Sommers And A Pair Of Silk Stockings
Irish novelist and screenwriter William John Banville says The past beats inside me like a second
heart. The past influences person to be who they are today, whether their past self is like their
current self. The character Mrs. Sommers from A Pair of Silk Stockings written by Kate Chopin
and the character Aunt Georgina from A Wagner Matinee written by Willa Cather both have a past
self they experience in their stories and does not correlate with their current self. Other than this
they share multiple similarities and also some differences.
Aunt Georgina and Mrs. Sommers have similarities between them despite being in different stories.
They both have a past life they love and miss. Aunt Georgina is a music teacher at the Boston
Conservatory ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Aunt Georgina and Howard move to Nebraska to run a farm. Aunt Georgina shows her love for
music when her nephew, Clark, comes to the farm and would teach him and she seldom talked
about music with [him] (Cather, pg. 673). She misses music and is a part of her past self she
does not want to forget. Mrs. Sommers enjoys finer activities and objects in her past life and the
neighbors talked of certain better days that little Mrs. Sommers had known before she had
thought of being Mrs. Sommers (Chopin, pg. 1). Mrs. Sommers is shopping for her children
when she receives some extra cash and decides to treat herself. She buys new stockings, new
shoes, new gloves and two high priced magazines such as she had been accustomed to read in
the days when she had been accustomed to other pleasant things in life (Chopin, pg. 3). Once she
buys all of this she treats herself to lunch. She walks into a charming restaurant and her
appearance created no surprise, no consternation, as she had half feared it would (Chopin, pg. 3)
Mrs. Sommers did not worry about her appearance in her past life and once again does not worry
about after she pampers herself for a day. Both Mrs. Sommers and Aunt Georgina
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The P5 + 1 Agreement With Iran
Jonathan Conlin
Dr. Currie
American National Government
19 September 2015
An Atrocity of a Deal: The P5+1 Agreement with Iran The P5+1 Agreement, an agreement struck
between Iran, China, Russia, France, United Kingdom, United States, Germany, and the European
Union. But, why, and what does this deal place on Iran, that can limit their nuclear abilities, as
displayed in the past. The deal brings forth rather easy sanctions relief for Iran, limits uranium
enrichment to a certain extent where Iran can still produce nuclear weaponry, and reduces the
enriched uranium stockpile that can be sold for more natural uranium which can be used to produce
more enriched uranium with its ability to still develop advanced centrifuges. The issues lies within
the broad and quite loosely held terms of this agreement. Knowing the terms of this agreement, the
expected result of these provisions, this deal will actually shorten the time to an Iranian nuclear
bomb and allow Iran to produce more nuclear bombs than it currently can construct using enriched
uranium and plutonium fuel stated Fred Fleitz from Fox News. The agreement puts the citizens of
many countries at high risk, and the evidence of this is incontrovertible, as Iran has access to
things that were previously denied of access. The question to ask is, should the senate support this
agreement? Sanction relief is the last thing Iran needs if the United States and the rest of the
countries are going to limit the proliferation of
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Petersel On Peds
Zach Petersel, in his essay, Here s Why Suspensions Won t Deter PED users Like Maria
Sharapova, claims that the risk and rewards of using performing enhancing drugs (PEDs) is
unbalanced and needs to change. He adopts a slight angry tone in order to appeal that big name
athletes caught using PEDs don t face major consequences. He uses this tone to appeal to readers
who might also want change in this topic. This feature should be printed in The Shorthorn because
it will prompt students to look at this issue in a deeper sense and see exactly how important this
issue affects an individual and sport. In this essay, I will talk about how Petersel talked about
Sharapova use of PEDs, how Petersel responds to counterarguments, and how athletes should be
punished for using PEDs.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(2) A incremental change is very small when compared to a rapid exponential change. He contends
that athletes will continue to take PEDs until they are caught. That was the case of Maria Sharapova
. She began taking Meldonium, a PED, before it was banned and continued to use it afterwards
until she got caught for using it. Petersel believes that the suspensions are lousy way to punish
athletes taking dangerous PEDs while they acknowledge the consequences. Throughout his
piece, Petersel uses many reasons to support his claim and evidences to support his reasons. In
the third paragraph, he uses logical appeals by informing that suspensions don t affect the life of
an athlete as it should for taking a PED. He includes that Sharapova made about 30 million last
year and she only lost some sponsors. She already has a business called, Sugarpova, which sells
candies and expects revenue of 20 million by 2018. He includes visual pieces throughout his
article to keep the reader engaged in the writing. In this part Petersel included a picture of
Sharapova holding a Sugarpova candy. Furthermore, he discusses Sharapova case of using
Meldonium. In
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Impact of Foreign Remittances on Economic Growth and...
Remittances typically refer to transfers of money by foreign workers to their home countries.
Remittances are not a new phenomenon in the world, being a normal associated to migration
which has always been a part of human history. Remittances are playing an important role in the
economies of many developing and low income countries. Pakistan is a labour abundant country;
hence, as neoclassical theory shows, if workers are unable to find jobs and/or wages to satisfy
their needs, they will look elsewhere. Pakistan s history provides us with a new trend of emigration
nearly each decade. Remittance is an important source of foreign exchange earnings for Pakistan
since 1970. During the past four decade Pakistan received ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Source: Qayyum et.al (2008).
During the last three decades, Pakistan received a significant amount of worker s remittances,
which are sent by millions of Pakistanis working abroad. For capital deficient countries, like
Pakistan, worker s remittances are considered to be an important source of foreign exchange. These
remittances have a positive impact on Pakistan s economy through improved balance of payments
position and reduced dependence on external borrowing. Significant flows of remittances also
helped Pakistan recover from the adverse effects of oil price shocks, reduced the unemployment
problem, and improved standard of living of recipient households.
Remittances in Pakistan decreased to 3863 USD Million in the fourth quarter of 2013 from
3927 USD Million in the third quarter of 2013. Overseas Pakistani workers remittances grew by
9.46 percent to $7,790.02 million in the first half (July December) of the current fiscal year 2013
14 (FY14) as against $7,116.75 million received during the same period of last fiscal year (July
December FY13), State Bank of Pakistan statistics stated.
To analyze the impact of remittances on poverty and economic growth.
To recommend a policy to improve for economic
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The Role Of Racism And Discrimination In The United States
As an individual with unique life experiences, It s easy to dismiss the societally constructed
struggles of other individuals. The popular phrase for this phenomena is Out of sight=Out of mind .
It s understandable to not immediately accept the struggles of others when they are struggles in
which you have never experienced before. Those sins can be forgiven. However, what is not
forgivable is the refusal to educate oneself to better understand those struggles and fundamentally
accept that other individuals are negatively affected by these unfamiliar experiences. Specifically,
the black community within the United States, who receive a very different experience than the
white community. Racismand discrimination are still a very large part... Show more content on
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The political and economic consequences of racial discrimination have most certainly had an
imbalanced benefit for white communities. However, these benefits are accepted as the standard
for which these communities should be and have been in a sense of status quo. This refusal to
accept the societal discrimination had often been referred to as color blindness. Color blindness
can be defined as the refusal to acknowledge the struggle of non white s by using the success of a
few no white individuals as an example of a fading social racism. A example of this which is often
used, is the election of President Barack Obama (LГіpez, 2004). Through the national election of a
categorized black president, many have felt that this is an example of a race free society. This
community who believe this are often uneducated to contemporary societal structure of our country,
or have personal agenda s in which they feel the need to mask with bold statements. 
It is our
duty, as a plural nation of many ethnicities, to not only educate ourselves on the complexity and
beauty of the different American cultures, but to communicate this acceptance of diversity to the
next generation. It is okay to feel uneducated on racial topics and consequentially uncomfortable
during the initial stages of
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Keivlar Bullet Proof Vest
A bullet proof vest consists of a vest shaped panel made up of advanced plastic polymers that are
composed of many layers of Kevlar or Spectra shield. The layers of Kevlar are sewn together
using Kevlar thread but the nonwoven spectra shield is coated and bonded with resins such as
Kraton and sealed between two sheets of Kevlar. Once all of the panels of Kevlar are sewn
together it is placed inside of a fabric shell that is usually made from polyester and cotton blend or
nylon. A bulletproof vest may also have nylon padding for extra protection. If the bulletproof vest is
intended to be worn in especially dangerous situations puches are built in to hold plates of metal or
ceramic bonded fiberglass.
To make the Kevlar the polymer poly para phenylene
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The Study of Uniformitarianism
The Study of Uniformitarianism The origin of life on Earth is a fundamental scientific question,
but we do not know as much as many biology textbooks would like you to believe. (Pigliucci)
Uniformitarianism is vital to the world of science. It is a geological doctrine. It states that the
same natural laws and processes that operate in the universe now, have always operated in the
universe in the past and apply everywhere in the universe. It assumes that geological processes
have essentially not changed today from those from the past which are unobservable. As present
processes are thought to explain all past events, the Uniformitarian slogan is the present is the key
to the past . Uniformitarianism is a key principle of geology. My... Show more content on
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In Lyell s time, most scientists still believed Earth had been shaped by rare and sudden events
that were unique to the past, so convincing people of his time was extremely difficult. Other
scientists had opinions on the theory of Uniformitarianism as well. In 1963, a geologist named
Reijer Hookyas decided to even further analyze Lyell s work. According to Hookyas, Lyell s
uniformitarianism is a family of four related propositions, not a single idea. None of these
connotations requires another, and they are not all equally inferred by uniformitarianism. The four
related propositions are: Uniformity of Law The laws of nature are constant across time and space.
Uniformity of Methodology The appropriate hypothesis for explaining the geological past are those
with analogy today. Uniformity of Kind Past and present causes are all of the same kind, have the
same energy, and produce the same effects. Uniformity of Degree Geological circumstances have
remained the same over time. Stephen Jay Gould s first scientific paper, Is uniformitarianism
necessary? which was published in 1965, reduced these four interpretations to two, methodological
and substantive uniformitarianism. (Hooykaas) Uniformitarianism was originally proposed in
contrast to catastrophism, which states that the distant past consisted of epochs of paroxysmal and
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Mixing Energy Drinks
People are innately curious beings and experimentation plays a huge part in that curiosity. With that
experimenting comes new and sometimes dangerous trends which seem to take over society and
become a part of the norm. These trends can include everything from the clothes you wear to the
activities you do. One trend that has been particularly troubling has been mixing energy drinks with
alcohol. I remember when energy drinks became popular. You saw your peers drinking them and
even celebrities were photographed drinking them. They became the cool thing to drinkand before
you knew it bartenders were serving these drinks at bars and restaurants. The combination of those
two types of drinks which cause opposing effects on the body with one being an upper and the
other a downer (look up) can have dire consequences on your body.... Show more content on
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According to the Time article (2015) people who consume alcohol mixed with an energy drink
will have more alcoholic beverages than they normally would have had they just drank alcohol
alone. Another issue is that this mixed drink can alter a person s decision making while under
the influence. The Time article states (2015) that the mixed drink makes the person feel as
though they aren t as drunk as they actually are and as a result they are more likely to engage in
dangerous activities such as getting behind the wheel of a car or participate in risky sexual
behavior. The CDC (20105) reports that drinkers who mix the two are twice as likely to report
being taken advantage of sexually or to report taking advantage of someone sexually. A third issue
it the possible association between mixing alcohol with an energy drink and brain damage. Lastly,
according to the CDC (2015) people who consume alcohol mixed with energy drinks are 3 times
more likely to engage in binge
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The New Zealand Essay
The New Zealand (NZ) government essentially operates under the Westminster Parliamentary
system (Palmer, 3). This system was derived from the British structure and adopted in 1947
(Palmer, 4). The defining characteristic of this system include the separation of government into
three branches, the judicatory, legislator and the executive, with each preforming different roles in
the law forming process (Palmer, 5). There is no absolute separation of power between these
different branches, especially between the legislatureand the executive branch of government.
Although, the introduction of the Mixed Member Proportionality (MMP) electoral system has
enhanced this separation through demanding more accountability from the executive branch. While
MMP has improved the system, there are numerous recommendations that could be implemented to
improve this accountability.
The separation of power in the New Zealand parliamentary system is pertinent for an efficient and
democratic government. The different branches of New Zealand government have to be detached
to ensure that one does not act unconstitutionally, nor has undue power over another (New Zealand
Parliament, 2014). Each branch has separate roles and acts as breaks to hold the other sectors
accountable for their decisions (Palmer, 5). The legislator branch consists of members of Select
Committees, Parliament and the Governor General (Palmer, 5). Their role in the system is to
examine, debate and provide scrutiny over drafted
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Stereotypes In Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre is a coming of age novel written by Charlotte BrontГ«. Jane challenges the stereotypes of
women in the Victorian era. Every time she rebels, she is faced with a consequence that helps shape
the person she is later on. The integrity that is reflected through her character shows that the love
she finds in the end is completely worth it, considering she is finally content.
An example of Jane challenging expectations of Victorian women would be when she says, No.
St. John, I will not marry you. I adhere to my resolution. Women were assumed to desire
marriage. . . (British Library 7). An additional Victorian stereotype is that Women are supposed
to be very calm. . . (British Library 8) Jane challenges this stereotype when she is reading a book at
Gateshead Hall. Her cousin John starts a fight and throws a book at her. Jane couldn t take it
anymore and had to stand up for herself. Wicked and cruel boy! I said. You are like a murderer you
are like a slave driver. . . (Bronte 13) You can see that in Jane s character, she is a determined
woman; she won t let the men walk all over her. (Everything Jane Eyre 4) ... Show more content on
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Jane was shown disapproval, but that was what motivated her to keep spreading her belief. The
nature of the consequence modifies the person s tendency to change or repeat the actions in the
future. (Analysis of Jane Eyre 3) After the scene of Jane yelling at her cousin John, she was
locked into the red room which was a remote room of which Mr. Reed died. This room made Jane
realize that if she did not encase her emotions at certain times, she will have to suffer even worse
punishments. But when you see the bigger picture you realize that this consequence leads to the
development of Jane s maturity and her better understanding for her place in
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The Complex Causes Of The Great War
The Great War is a very complex historical period. This war was based on alliances, new
techniques of war, fronts of combat. The causes of the conflict come from a long time ago, in order
to understand why the happened one must study the context, the background, and the conflicts
between the countries who were implied in this war.
The end of the 19th century was marked by an era in which the great European powers were on
expansive missions, in the conquest of new lands. Colonialism exacerbated the struggle between
European industrial powers in search of territories and markets. Imperialism caused the friction
between the powers to overflow the European framework and take place practically anywhere in
the world. Colonialism and imperialism sharpened ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
On the other hand, the Ottoman Empire joined the Central Powers. The Entente Cordiale or the
Allies were: France, Russia, Great Britain, Italy, Japan and the United States, and 22 other countries.
Later, the Central Powers were: Austria Hungary, Germany, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria.
In 1915 and 1916, German submarines sank two ships with American crew, killing dozens of
civilians. So in April 1917, the United States entered the conflict in support of the Allies. Months
later, Russia (in the middle of the Bolshevik Revolution), withdraws from the war by signing an
armistice with the Central Powers, which implies great economic and territorial losses.
The first World War is considered one of the most bloodthirsty of the story died about 20 million
people. Although the United States, which has been present in almost all warlike conflicts in
modern history since World War I, did not have a prominent participation in the First World War, in
fact the total casualties of the US Army are codified in Around 115,000, with hardly any
documented civilian casualties. This lost represent a very large chunk of the world s population back
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What Is The Main Idea Of Alice In Wonderland
Lewis Carroll s Alice s Adventure In Wonderland a tale of a young girl named Alice who sits on
a riverbank one day, reading over her sister s shoulder. She got so bored that she fell asleep, and
in her dream she sees a White Rabbit running through the woods that she followed down a rabbit
hole into a magical world called Wonderland. Alice follows the Rabbit down the hole and
stumbles upon a great hallway filled with different doors.she a table with a tiny golden key, and
a bottle of potion with an attached note that says Drink me. she notices that she is too large to
go through the door so she drinks the potion and shrinks to the size of the door. After Alice
shrinks to the size of the tiny door she realizes that she has left the golden key to the door on the
table that is now very high. She finds a box underneath the table that has a piece of cake that
says Eat me . Alice quickly eats the cake and soon begins to grow tall enough to reach the key.
Alice Alice begins to cry because she realizes that she is to big to enter the small door and her
giant tears form a pool at her feet. The white rabbit appears and Alice decides to ask the rabbit
for help, but he gets scared and drops his gloves and fan and flees. She picks up his gloves and
fan and begins to shrink. While swimming through her puddles of tears, she meets a couple animals
from the world of wonderland. Alice has another encounter with the white rabbit and mistakes her
for a servant and sends her off
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  • 8. Parent Parents And Aladdin s Message In The Little Mermaid The message delivered by Disney movies is definetily not something children need to learn from. For example, in the movie The Little Mermaid, we see so many wrong things that are taught to little girls. First, we see a mermaid who strongly dislikes everything she has just because she wants to be like a human. We want little girls in this generation to accept who they are, where they come from, and value their roots, sadly this movie is sending a completely different message. Secondly, she sacrifices her singing abilities, home, social standards, and her family to be with a guy she barely knows. Clearly this is teaching girls to run off to the first guy they find handsome and charming without knowing much about him. Most importantly we want children of the next generation to know morals.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Aladdin, he steals and lies just to get on the good side of the princess. If young kids watch these kind of movies they are going to grow up thinking that this is the only way to impress a lady. That s not right! We obviously want our kids to grow up with morals and Aladdin is not teaching this to kids. Even though Disney films are meant for young audience, the people actually making it just can t help sliding in some cruel adult jokes. In Toy Story 3, the gang learns how rude the villain Lotso really is when he pulls, off the mouth of Mrs. Potato Head just to shut her up. As they look stunned, Mr. Potato Head lets Lotso know that only her husband is allowed to pull that trick, delivering a veiled sex joke in the process. Also wrongly teaching kids that it is alright to silent and claim a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Violence In Anil s Ghost Anil s Ghost Portfolio Violence is a theme seen throughout the world in all forms of media and literature. As a society we are exposed to violence so much that people s biggest fears are that they will become fully desensitized to the violence. Many are at this point where violence is as emotional , but some forms of violence are still so disturbing they transcend all levels of desensitization. Some examples are exhibited in Anil s Ghost. By Michael Ondaatje. All forms of violence are disturbing, but some, even if they seem pretty tame when explained are increasingly disturbing when put into context of the novel. Though, many see violence against a character who a reader is emotionally invested in is very disturbing. The most disturbing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The stories ability to paint a picture of the scene, give life to those who are dead, and convey Anil s thought process makes this story excel. Though, the story does jump around and is hard to understand the writing style is very concise and is easy to understand. Every sense is explained, and this adds to the emotion of the story. The extreme detail makes the story intensely disturbing in some areas. Ondaatje s writing style instill a theme of death in the story not only relating to the random murders seen throughout the book, but also by giving life to the bodies that are being examined in the story. There is a scene in the book where a leaf falls into the ribcage of sailor and represents the beating heart. This small detail helps reinforce the fact that sailer and the other bodies in the story are real characters and actually effect the story. The novel only asks for your attention because the story requires a lot of it. Every sentence builds a scene then it quickly changes. This is also the case when we have a chance to listen to Anil and Gamini s rambling thoughts, and dialouges where it s mostly medical related each is different, but it alway involves dark humor. While Anil is visiting Gamini he goes on one of the rambles in the book by saying, I mean, I know everything about blast weaponry. Mortars, claymores, antipersonnel mines which ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Advantages Of Mega Trastevere Bed And Breakfast Mega Trastevere is a charming Bed and Breakfast Solution For Those who want to live the comfort of a hotel with the price of a bed breakfast in one of the most beautiful city in the world. Very close to the important and beautiful monuments and squares of the city(Piazza Navona, the Pantheon,s Campo dei Fiori Square, Santa Maria in Trastevere Square, the Gianicolo hill, Venezia Square, the Colosseum, the Campidoglio, Portaportese outdoor market, etc.). , the most part of this sites are reachable on foot and the others just with few bus or tram stops The B B will be run by Michela and Giovanna in the Sister s newly renovated home. The Mega Trastevere Bed Breakfast has two competitive advantages that will ensure profitability. The first is sisters s unrelentless attention to personal service. We recognizes that most important job is to pamper the guests, allowing... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ages 25 65. Families, young couples, catholic people . An income over $30,000. Enjoys traveling in a beautiful old city for the sake of seeing antiques things and meeting people . Tend to use B Bs when traveling instead of hotels. Enjoys Roman atmosphere with typical restaurants to taste delicious Roman food, and many bars to see the real urban nightlife Market Needs Mega Trastevere Bed Breakfast provides its customers with a beautiful, relaxing, bed breakfast. The Mega Trastevere Bed Breakfast seeks to fulfill the following benefits that are important to their customers Selection: The Mega Trastevere has 3 different rooms, each with its own unique, breathtaking view of the City . Accessibility: The B B is located within 10 minutes of the city Centre station, providing accessibility for people from trastevere area to travel in the International airport Customer Service: The customers will be impressed with the level of attention that they receive. Competitive Pricing: All rooms will be competitively priced relative to similar B Bs.s. Market ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Comparison Of Sperm Whales And The Killer Whale In the article, Sperm Whales and Killer Whales with the Largest Brain of All Toothed Whales Show Extreme Differences in Cerebellum the author Sam H. Ridgway studies the cerebellums of the most widest distributed whales in the world. The killer whale and the sperm whale both have huge brains, but this study suggests why the killer whales have a significantly larger cerebellum than that of the sperm whale. After collecting, measuring, and preserving the species, the skull was ready to be chipped away and the brain ready to be taken from the massive cranium. Once extracted, the brain was measured to determine the cerebellar volume: (length of cerebellum base Г— width of the base Г— height Г— 1/3). Results showed that the cerebellum of the sperm ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Nature of Thought Paper Nature of Thought Paper Sennet Perkins PHL/251 October 4, 2010 Leigh Clemons Is thinking a necessity in dealing with or handling issues on a daily basis? Every day we are faced with situations that will requires us to think on different levels. Thinking is a very imperative method of how an individual s thoughts when being read by someone else can generate a comprehensible concept. In this paper, I will explain some of the perceptual blocks that have some bearing on my views and how I reply to it. The sensing process is a very significant part to the process of thinking. It would be very hard for an individual to think without using this process. Being able to hear, smell, touch, taste and see different things in our ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The best solution could always be determined by the tone of the person s voice, their body language and their facial expression. All situations will be different and should be handled individually. Believe what you see and always expect the unexpected. Anything that stops an individual from finding a helpful explanation when solving a problem is considered a block. There are several different types of blocks. Perceptual, emotional, intellectual, expressive, environmental and cultural are some of the various groups of blocks. Perceptual blocks occur from the way we were thought to recognize information from the world around us. Emotional blocks occur when our emotional needs contradicts with the situation at hand. Intellectual blocks are caused by an individual not being able to understand information required to solve a problem. Expressive blocks occur when an individual is unable to communicate in the way required to generate an effective solution. Environmental blocks are caused by exterior barrier in the social or physical environment. Cultural blocks result from our training to agree with what is expected or typical in a given situation. The situations we encountered working with the US Census Bureau required us to use one or more of these blocks. We mainly used the emotional, perceptual and the cultural blocks. Each team member ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Life In The Iron Mills Life in the Iron Mills (1861) by Rebecca Harding Davis invades into the political, social, and cross cultural life of the country in order to mobilize privilege people for the action. A LOT OF literary critics have noted a protest character of the text and acknowledged the story of Debora and Hugh as the social instruction for the audience with no clue about working class life. Even so, the critical analysis of the narration of the story differs in opinions. In a past couple decades, scholars committed a significant attention to the reader involvement with the story, arguing why Davis creates such circumstances. In like manner, Jill Gatlin and Andrew Silver in their essays present the thesis for the manipulative goal of Rebecca Davis. However,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By analyzing the specific description of the worker s body such as Janey, her face . . . haggard and sickly (p. 17), and Hugh, haggard, yellow with consumption (p. 24), later bleeding at the lungs and weakened with a death cough (p. 52) all these conflicts combat the illusion of smoke as favorable or beneficial. By bringing pollution into the discourse, Gatlin suggests that critics should no longer reduce smoke to symbolism alone (215). She overcomes racial, social and gender boundaries that have been established by previous critics of Davis s work; and presents additional natural dilemma. Jill Gatlin states that Davis originally explains the degradation of the working class by the environmental situation around them, particularly by demonstrating to the audience how Davis s protagonist, laborer Hugh Wolfe, fears that his physical condition has damaged his moral being (216). Therefore, Hugh s realizes the connection between industrialized environment and its poisonous effects on his health and his standards of behavior. Davis at some point extends Henry David Thoreau s critique of commercial, materialist society, and people who work for commodities. But, unlike Thoreau, she creates the path for privileged ones to experience the pollution consequences and draws these readers in precisely by acknowledging their disgust and shaping its revision (218). By doing so, Davis asks her readers not for sympathy but for the action against pollution, which degrades lives of the working class and violets the harmony of nature. In the opening scene of the story, Davis purposefully forces her audience to come right down with me, here, into the thickest of the fog and mud and foul effluvia (Davis). Again, by obligating the reader to experience the actual worker s life in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Hafu Essay Hafu is the term used in Japan to describe children of half Japanese descent. This term is derived from the English Half which, when used in the Japanese language, indicates that a person is only half of the Japanese culture. According to Hafu Japanese the term Hafu originated in the 1970s and is now the most commonly used label for half Japanese children (Hafu Japanese, 2010). Being called half might seem like an insult to some people, in Japan it is not really meant this way. In a YouTube video Japanese got asked about what image they have about Hafu, most of them answered that they wanted to be a Hafu as well. Almost all the answers to this question were positive; they are pretty, they have long legs, they have the best of both worlds. The majority of the Japanese seem to have positive views on what it is like to be a Hafu, but they might not have a proper understanding of what it is like to be Hafu. So despite the positive image the Japanese have, life in Japan is not easy for people with mixed roots (Views from the street on Hafu, 2010). Japan is a very homogenous country. Research from 2013 shows that foreigners make up 1.5% of the populace of Japan (Japan Times, 2013). While the number might have risen quite a bit now in 2015, the discrimination against ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the documentary it is shown that children are most likely to experience being different, whereas adults learn to live with it or choose not to take offense. Many adults reach out to each other, to be able to open up and to create a community for themselves and their kids, who will grow up in a respectful, loving community. One girl in the documentary went to Japan after having lived in Australia for most of her life. The change of culture, and being treated as a foreigner all the time made her feel like she was not a part of Japan, even though she is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. A Negative Relationship In Thomas King s Totem In the short story Totem by Thomas King, it is very evident that the relationship between the totem pole and the museum workers is a rather negative relationship. The relationship is depicted in Totem as an overpowering, authoritative, and entitled relationship. The relationship between the totem pole and the museum workers is depicted through the museum workers such as Mrs. Hill, Walter Hooton, and the other worker s reaction and constant need to remove the totem pole. Ultimately, the totem pole is symbolic in the story because it represents the Indigenous people in Canada. In King s short story, the museum workers are constantly trying to remove the totem pole from the museum as Walter states that, the totem pole is not part of the show, and we need to move it someplace else (King 14). This quote accurately demonstrates the controlling nature of the museum workers because they attempt to remove the totem pole numerous times, but each time is as unsuccessful as the last. This correlates to Canadian history with the settlers trying to eliminate the Indigenous people in Canadian Society which was also unsuccessful. Additionally, another example that proves the controlling nature of the workers is witnessed when Walter attempts to find the owner of the totem pole instead of just leaving it in the show. Considering this, the whole notion of ownership is very different in Indigenous and non Indigenous cultures. Indigenous culture believes that everything is to be shared and no one is an owner of anything. This concept is complete and total opposite in non Indigenous culture as everything belongs to someone. Further, the museum workers believe they have authority over the totem pole because it is essentially in the museum which, they believe, belongs to them. However, in the short story it says that, [the totem pole] goes right through the floor (King 15). This shows that the totem pole was there before the museum was built and therefore, the workers do not have the right to remove it. Walter Hooton is one of the main museum workers trying to get the totem pole out of the museum. His reason for removal is that, this totem pole is not part of the show, and we need to move it someplace else ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Essay on Code Name Verity by Elizabeth E. Wein CHARACTERS The main character throughout most of the book is Verity , or Julie. She is actually telling the story of Maddie, however, although her presence seems to still be main focus throughout the story. Halfway through the book, however, it switched to Maddie s point of view, or Kittyhawk . With both of the girls, you can see the changes in them. They both develop greatly and you can see it through them by just looking at what they are afraid of. It mentions once in the story that Julie once said that she was afraid of growing old, and then she say s later that she could eat her words: she is now afraid of never growing old. But mainly so very, very stupid. I desperately want to grow old (114). With Maddie, you can see her ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... connotation the correct training or correct way to be. Thoroughly embarrassed (236)denotation complete or absolute connotation completely embarrassed Obsolete code (259)denotation no longer in use or no longer useful connotation useless, or nonexistent code Doggedly (305) denotation having or showing the determination of someone who will not stop trying. connotation with determination POINT OF VIEW The point of view in Code Name Verity is split into two different points of view. In Part 1, the point of view is Verity s first person point of view. She is writinga confession for the Gestapo in hopes of buying herself time to live, and by doing that she is telling the story of her best friend Maddie. Von Linden said I have two weeks and that I can have as much paper as i need. All I have to do is cough up everything I can remember about the British War Effort. (4). While the story is written in First Person point of view, Verity ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Pros And Cons Of School Uniforms In Public Schools If it means teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets, then our public schools should be able to require their students to wear school uniforms. It was a part of President Clinton s speech in 1996 which provided school uniform movement. In general, we can find school uniform in almost around the world. The movements towards elementary school has spreads for about a quarter of its. Experts say, the number of middle schools with uniform is about a half number of elementary schools. Besides that , there are still pros and cons about uniform. The debate over uniformsfor public school causing many larger issues beside than simply what children should wear to school. The debate touches issues of school improvement, freedom,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is able to encourage discipline. Wearing school uniform that decided day by day in a week creates spirit discipline towards students. Uniform schedules are given to the students for what kind of uniform that they will wear that day indirectly, increase discipline. Students would feel must wear uniform to school due to the schedules. By wearing uniform both students and parents do not have to worry about time they spend for searching a match outfit to school. It also decreases morning debate between parents and students. Everyone knows exactly what the kids need to wear based on the schedule. In addition, it also increases student s self confidence. Uniform makes no difference between students and their environment in school. Students would feel more confident because everyone wears the same outfit. It can make students keep focused on their education, not their clothes. When all students are wearing the same outfit, they are less concerned about how they look or how they friends look so they can concentrate on their school work. By wearing school uniform, students are given a freedom to conceal their social s status. There would no annoying conversation due to students look like if they wear ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Life and Accomplishments of Jacqueline Kozak Thiel Jacqueline Kozak Thiel learned at an early age that it is her kuleana to get involved and to give all she has got during her time on this Earth. Born in Pennsylvania, she arrived in Maui in 2003, one week after graduating from Rochester Institute of Technology in New York with a Bachelors of Science in Applied Arts and Sciences with concentrations in environmental science, social work, and philosophy. Last year, she was appointed to the position of State SustainabilityCoordinator and is intent on translating Hawai`i s sustainability goals enshrined in Act 181 into collaborative action. Through her interagency position she plans to coordinate across state departments and with counties, federal agencies, and community partners to support progress on Hawaii s interconnected sustainability goals. Based on the five goals Way of Life, Economy, Environment and Natural Resources, Community and Social Well Being, and Kanaka Maoli and Island Values outlined in Act 181, Ms. Thiel intends to focus her efforts on areas of clean energy transformation, local food production, natural resourcemanagement, waste reduction, green jobs creation, education, climate change adaptation, smart growth, cultural vitality and community health. The State Sustainability Coordinator position puts Ms. Thiel in a unique position. Although hosted in the Chairperson s Office at the Department of Land and Natural Resources, there is not an official Office of Sustainability or dedicated staff. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Similarities Between Harry Potter And The Prizoner Of Azkaban An adaptation is the act or process of adapting or being adapted; an alteration or modification. Movie adaptations are no different as they modify the story of the book. In Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling and the film adaptation by Alfonso Cuaron, the two stories have their own unique interpretations. Rowling s and Cuaron s Prisoner of Azkaban are similar, however they differ, and their main themes are exceedingly specialized. An adaptation of any kind should not be expected to be a precise representation of the original. Though the movie is an adaptation of the book, there are still a great deal of similarities between the two. And then the thing beneath the hood, whatever it was, drew a long, slow, rattling breath, as though it were trying to suck some thing more than air from its surrounding. An intense cold swept over them all (Rowling 83). In the filmadaptation of the book, the dementor enters the doorway, everything quickly freezes, and it causes Harry to pass out as the air makes a sucking motion. This scene is important in the book and the movie, as it sets up one of the conflicts of the story. The similarities shown throughout the movie that correlate with the book are kept to keep the main story in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Rowling s book was intentionally written to get points across. Rowling s main theme in her book The Prisoner of Azkaban is friendship. J.K. Rowling illustrates in her novel that no matter how hard your life becomes or what obstacles cross your path, friendship conquers all. Cuaron s film was also constructed to express certain points. Cuaron s main point in his film adaptation of The Prizoner of Azkaban is anger. Alfonso Cuaron illustrates in his film how when one s life is full of obstacles and misfortunes that person can become angry due to the difficulty. Knowing this is apparent, the reader and viewer realizes that their main points and themes are quite ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. How Did Popular Music Affect The Civil Rights Movement Music during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960 s Music, and particularly cultural, social, and political songs, has remained an essential facet of the longstanding tradition of uprisings and struggle for change in American culture. It is difficult to fathom the passions and purposefulness of pop culture music in the civil rights movement of the 1960s; thanks to the freedom songs, whose endeavor was to mobilize and reinforce collective participation in the civil rights campaigns, demonstrations, and protests (Stefani, 2015). The three songs from this period that exemplify popular music s role in calling for positive change regarding civil rights included We Shall Overcome by Southern African American tobacco workers, Ain t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Round by Freedom Singers, and People Get Ready by Curtis Mayfield. We Shall Overcome , performed by one of the musical ensembles Southern African American tobacco workers was one of the popular freedom songs during the civil rights movement of 1960s. This song was emblematic of the civil rights period. Fundamentally, the song accompanied the protests and explored the labor conditions for Southern African American tobacco workers. The part of the song s lyrics that states I ll be all right someday is a clear illustration of the hostile working conditions and thus the hope for a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The song promoted black racial awareness in the journey to freedom. A case in point is where the first part of the song s lyrics follows: Ain t gonna let nobody, turn me round/ Turn me round / Turn me round. / I m gonna keep on walkin , keep on talkin / Walkin into freedom land . From this part of the lyrics, the idea of remaining strong in the face of hostility is illustrated by the idea of keeping on walking into freedom ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Weaver Festival Phenomenon By Yoshimoto Summary Yoshimoto embraces magic realism to highlight Japanese views on grief by interweaving The Weaver Festival Phenomenon and the scenic images of this event to convey the sorrowful mood (Yoshimoto 147). Yoshimoto describes the Weaver Festival Phenomenon as the boundary between dream and waking blurred (Yoshimoto 140). Yoshimoto utilizes imagery through the observations of her grieving characters to produce the image of confusion and hesitation exhibited by many people in a grieving state of mind globally. Yoshimoto s depiction of grief within Japanese society highlights what Japanese society considers to be out of norm for their social harmony. However, Yoshimoto contrasts Japanese society s belief that there cannot be any interruption, like grieving the death of a loved one, in a harmonious Japanese society with The... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Urara and Satsuki experience the phenomenon at the same place and time allowing them to understand each other in a higher and unspeakable level. Magic realism established in the novella through the Weaver Festival Phenomenon is explained by Urara as the dimension we re in time, space, all that stuff is going to move, shift a little (Yoshimoto 144). Yoshimoto s imagery of how the phenomenon changes the dimension and gravity of where they stand represents the chaos and whirlwind of emotions that will occur when being with an individual s past. The em dashes furthers this since Yoshimoto conveys the thought process of Urara as she tries to explain what it will feel like. The event takes hold by the residual thoughts of a person who has died meet the sadness of someone left behind, and the vision is produced ; therefore, Yoshimoto utilizes magic realism to demonstrate the strong energy of grief ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Indie Pop Research Paper Music Style Name(s): Origin: Instruments: Music Artist: Electro Pop/ Indie Pop. Electro Pop Music was derived from Synth Pop, which focused on the featured instrument called a synthesizer. To elaborate, it was prominent in the 1970 s to the 1980 s in Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Ultimately, Electro Pop was differentiated by the focus of a vigorous electronic sound. Meanwhile, Indie Pop was based from Rock Music in the 1980 s within the United Kingdom. Furthermore, Indie Pop had a subtle sound compared to the fierce, yet serious Rock Music. Instruments utilized in Electro and Indie Pop include electronic or digital synthesizers, drums, guitars, pianos, keyboards, and loops. Within Electro/Indie Pop Music well known artists include Charli XCX, Ellie Goulding, Lorde, Calvin Harris, Sia, Twenty One Pilots, and Halsey. Full Name: At what age did ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Originally, she published poetry. Afterwards, she briefly engaged with Rock and Jazz . Recently, Naucz Mnie was released from the album Zapomnij Mnie. Although Sarsa persevered with individual support, a woman named Edyta Gorniak provided Sarsa with a profound amount of enthusiasm. To elaborate, Sarsa volunteered to perform on The Voice of Poland where Edyta Gorniak decided to feature Sarsa within a new project. Since Edyta Gorniak had a successful and relevant career for three decades, Sarsa was honored and delighted. Therefore, she was persuaded to continue to gain such excellent opportunities. Unlike numerous singers, Sarsa entered televised or broadcasted contests such as Niemen Nonstop in 2011, Must Be The Music in 2011, Baltyk Festiwal Media i Sztuka in 2012, along with Skoda Auto Muzyka in 2013. Previously, she was a member of Fluktua and SarsaParilla. However, Sarsa s persistence allowed her to enter the half finals of the fifth edition of The Voice of Poland that exposed the artist to an enormous ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Rhetorical Analysis on Energy Disaster Dana Trimmer Rhetorical Analysis In Michael T. Klare s The Coming Era of Energy Disasters, he seems to focus on the major risks off shore drilling the causes and the effect on the environment. The overall argument conveys that unless the oil industry and the consumer take an alternative route to dangerous oil drilling more such calamities are destined to occur (Klare 1). Klare is very vocal in criticizing of the BP executives concerning the Deepwater Horizon disaster. He proceeds to state the fact the chief executives of BP chose to call the accident and oversight a fallacious, if not outright lie (Klare 1). Klare s article offers four scenarios that point to the escalating chances of major disasters if oil ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While this is very plausible it has not happened to the Hibernia at the present time. Klare s persuasive appeal tends to lean more on the readers emotions. His scenarios tend to try to spark anger by the reader. Klare uses scenario number two to raise the awareness that Nigerians are already impoverished and are being used by the government unfairly. Klare in one hand has his audience feeling poorly for the Nigerian workers and in the other suggests, do to the pipeline vandalism, kidnappings and militant takeovers of oil facilities (Klare 3) that America has reason to aid the military. Klare has his audience upset and emotionally unsure that simulates his imaginary scenario. Klare escalates the insurgence of the Niger Delta region, placing the Nigerian oil output down to a third of its capacity (Klare 3). Klare angers his readers by having them believe they will be paying $5 per gallon of gasoline in the United States and convincing them the economy is headed for another deep recession (Klare 3). This is Klare s strategy for all of his scenarios. It is interesting that throughout the article Klare is very anti oil drilling and uses very harsh examples and words, but finishes his article on a softer note with a disclaimer. Klare reminds his intended ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Essay on Voting Behavior in the United Kingdom Voting Behavior in the United Kingdom When voting, people are usually going to vote for their own personal well being. Although voters may agree that there should be improved services for everyone, when it comes to voting, it is likely they will vote for what is best for them personally I.e. lower tax. This is known as issue voting. E.g. whether a candidate will support a ban on fox hunting. It is agreed that issues do have an effect on voting but the significance of an issue in contributing to electoral swing depends on three factors. First, how important the issue is to the voters, second, which party is preferred and by how much and third how these factors have changed since the last election. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By party identification, political scientists mean a psychological attachment to a party rather than a rational choice based on the party s aims, promises or practises. It has a lot to do with a party s public image which is also a big deciding factor amongst non partisan voters. The media has a lot to do with a party s image, as it is the main and often only way many people receive information about politics. The media in Britain is free, and is not controlled by the government, meaning broadcasters are able to decide the content of political broadcasts. However guidelines issued by the IBA and BBC ensures political balance and impartiality. A channel will normally present balanced argument by using representatives of different political parties or groups. How a party is perceived through the media is vital for gaining public support. The national press often shows strong party bias. Many people read newspapers and until recently many actively supported the Conservative Party and urged readers to vote Conservative. Tabloid newspapers tend to be highly partisan with news, opinion and party propaganda mixed together. Many national newspapers since 1997 have supported labour , one of the biggest shifts being in the Sun s support. It is through the media that a party s public image is formed. Voter perceptions of the competence or personality of a party ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Great Recession From 2007-2009 The market is a very fluid situation and this is becoming more and more apparent in the past ten years with the Great Recession from 2007 2009. Therefore, businesses are operating in an economy where the competition is high and the potential for failure has become significant. Those two aspects have been and should be on the forefront of every organizations mind. Companies should have a strong focus on examining and evaluating not only their financial standings, but the other competitors in their market in order to boost sales and continue on the path to maturity. If a company is successful in reaching this goal they will have the ability to hold the competitive edge on their rivals. Major organizations such as Home Depot and Lowes are placing more focus on increasing that edge, while contending with others in their pool, overall to increase, gain, and retain a piece of the devoted consumer. In order to understand and conduct a complete financial analysis of either organization, or any company for that matter, that desires to increase aspects of business, an analysis becomes fundamental when defining the company s current standings in the market. This can also be a great way in order to discover new ways for expansion of productivity and development within the organization. Throughout the execution of a financial analysis of any business, it is imperative to understand the background of the company and the products they produce and sell. By understanding these ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Personal and Professional Goals. PERSONAL GOALS AMINA BHAIDANI HCS/301 SEPTEMBER 14,2011 DR HAROLD VAN ALSTYNE PERSONAL GOALS Goal The terminal point of race. The end toward which effort is directed. AIM. The score resulting from such an act (Webster 1972 ). Personal Of related to. Belonging to a person ,private , directed to a single person . (Webster 1972 ) therefore personal goalto my understanding is aim of a person himself or herself. Aim of the person.My personal goal I would like to divide into different categories First professional goals. My goals for my family. My Retirement goals. My short term goal is to complete BSN with University of Phoenix. After BSN I would like to go for either MSN or master s in education or go for NP as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Another attitude I should have is sacrifice if I keep in mind its going to pay it all in the end be better job oppurtunities or carrier advancement its going to help me in future . FLEXIBILITY I have to be very flexible and be available for my team since most my school work is going to done with my learning team charter. That is only going to be possible if I utilize my time wisely that time management and organize myself. POSITIVE ATTITTUDE I could either see the glass is half full or half empty. If I have an attitude the glass is half full I think I will be successful in my career. I could say one class is done and I learnt about team communications policies and I have achieved a portion of my goal. I am approaching closer towards my goal that will give me sense of satisfaction. I will see my self getting closer and closer to my goal. My personal goal for my family I would like to spend sometime with my children my goals for my family is to keep them healthy physical and emotionally. I would like my husband and my children to be physically active. Adult should participate in at least 30minutes,and children at least 60 minutes of moderate exercise (such as brisk walking )for five or more days each week. (http ://www.everybodywalk.org). There are numerous benefits of walking and exercising. Therefore I will make it a point that all of us get at least half hour walk or some kind of exercise daily. There s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. EGT1 Task 3 For example, we could calculate the IQ difference for each subject by subtracting their IQ while taking a placebo from their IQ while taking the new drug. If our sample average was positive, it would mean that, on average, our subjects had a higher IQ while they were taking the experimental drug than they had while taking the placebo. In this case, we might choose these as our hypotheses: Null hypothesis: The difference between IQ while the subjects were taking the drug and while the subjects were taking the placebo is 0. (The population average is 0). Alternative hypothesis: The IQ of the subjects was higher while they were taking the drug than while they were taking the placebo. (The population average is greater than 0). From here forward, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You have two separate samples, and each of them were selected randomly. 2.The samples are significantly smaller than the populations they represent. 3.The distributions of the two samples are similar. 4.If the total sample size is under 15, two sample t tests are safe if the data shows no strong departures from the Normal distribution. 5.If the total sample size is over 15, two sample t tests are safe if there are no outliers and there is no strong skewness. 6.If the total sample size is over 40, two sample t tests tend to be very safe even if the data is strongly skewed. 7.Two sample t tests are most robust when the sample sizes are the same. Again, these are rules of thumb and don t always apply. In fact, two sample t tests are much more robust than one sample t tests, and can be quite accurate even with a total sample size of 10. Even so, these rules of thumb are good to follow if you want to be taken seriously. Performing the test This test is a bit more complicated, in particular because the degrees of freedom are calculated from a much more complicated formula. Statistical software packages will handle this part for you under normal circumstances, but if you need to have the formula, here it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Old Ben And Fox Hunt Comparison Essay Some things can be very similar, but also very different. For example, stories can be different. They have different plots and different authors, but they can also have similar elements and plot ideas. Some examples of that in a story could be that a character makes a friend, or attempts to achieve a goal. In this essay, I will be comparing and contrasting Old Ben and Fox Hunt , two stories with different plots and similar elements. While some similarities are evident between Old Ben and Fox Hunt , the differences are also distinct. There are many similarities between Old Ben and Fox Hunt . One of them is the use of foreshadowing in both narratives. Foreshadowing is when there are indications throughout the text that hint at events to come. In Old Ben , it is foreshadowed that the snake will die in the end. In Fox Hunt , it is foreshadowed that Lee is the fox spirit. Another similarity is that the two stories both have main characters that are either animals, or have animal characteristics, such as Ben from Old Ben , who is a snake, and Andy, from Fox Hunt , who is part fox. A closing similarity is that both of the stories use narrative structure. Narrative structure is when a narrative is arranged in chronological order. Looking at these examples, we ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Conversely, there are also distinct differences. One of those differences is Fox Hunt using flashbacks to tell a story. Flashbacks inform you of events that happened in the past. Old Ben does not use any flashbacks at all. A second differenceis that Old Ben transpires over a longer period of time; months pass during the story. In Fox Hunt , the story only takes place over a few weeks. A concluding difference is that Fox Hunt uses fantasy ideas, such as fox spirits, while Old Ben does not, and only uses real life ideas. Therefore, Old Ben and Fox Hunt are quite different in many ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Family Dynamics Chapter Summary Reading reaction 2 This chapter tell us about what they called the creator of the family movement Mr. Bowen. In this chapters the lectors could find the theoretical formulations where some angles are form to describe the union or functions of the family and how they are connected to each other (e.g., emotional triangles, process, cutoff, society, genogram, differentiation, etc.) and so forth, (Nichols M. 2017; pg. 71 87). Personally as we all grow and learn from each chapter of the book every information is important on our careers. The information that I most retain in this chapter are the theoretical formulations and strategies that will help us understand the family dynamics. Chapter five tells us family problem solving; there is a six steps ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The information that was new to me is the six steps models. As professionals we need to learn all the information and techniques that we can apply to the benefit of the family. Chapter six talks about structural theory this is important because every family has a structural base in place; some concept are boundaries, subsystems, alignments, and complementary which are easy to apply in therapy. The family structure is how is the interaction of the family, then how they interact with each other and their own personal boundaries between each other. To be able to provide an effective outcome in family therapy is imperative to consider the entire family members. The chapter provide a guideline for structural family assessment as we can observe in page 120 (Nichols M. 2017). The information provided in this chapter open the view of observing the interaction within the family members and how it relates to the conflicts. All the information in this book it is imperative, however, the family assessment was a good key for us as beginners. Learning all this material help us grow as professionals in our careers. PATHFINDER Parenting: Tools for Raising Responsible ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Successful College Students Many college students have struggle with school, work, and their personal life responsibilities. Once you become a college student there is a lot of struggles. College students tend to demonstrate that no matter what they tried to manage their life. Also, you tried to do all things possible to accomplish school,and have have at least free days or times in their life.There is severals ways that successful students manage work,school, and their their personal life. To begin with, one way how successful students manage work is by finding the appropriate time to work. An example is, I seen many of my colleagues how most of them didn t make it to class or left early from class to go to work. Either today I haven t had an issue right now with coming late to work. Collegestudents tend to have a higher expectation to go to work and make it on time. It s demonstrated that balancing work depends on when you can work while going to school. Most of college students to be successful at school go to work right after all their classes are done. Being in a rush to work they tried to get early to have more free time to even start on some assignments. Finding the appropriate time to work is easy ,but when it comes to school... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... College students have responsibilities at home too not only at work and school. Pretty much most of us have chores at home that we must do or help out. At my house we have split chores ,but since I m the oldest from siblings I have to do all the chores. It s difficult balancing my chores when I have school ,and work. As soon I get home liked I said I do my assignments to not worry about them later at night before I do any chores. Sometimes I don t do my responsibilities due to the fact I have a lot of school work. But at the end , I did all my chores and had even free time to spend it with my brothers playing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. John Barry The Great Influenza Rhetorical Analysis John M. Barry s ///The Great Influenza///, about the 1918 flu epidemic, explains how as well as why scientists commit to their calling. By the end of the excerpt, Barry, through his words, bases the nature of scientific research on uncertainty, which requires diligence, risk, and exploration out of exceptional scientists. Using rhetorical strategies, Barry characterizes scientific researchas mysterious and dangerous, a research done by scientists who are pioneers, in a figurative sense. Throughout the first few paragraphs, Barry introduces the idea of diligence, which is the scientists abilities to be careful and persistent in work. In the first few lines of the passage, the author features repetition, as well as a slight parallel structure; in lines 1 3, when the author is repeating and comparing certainty and uncertainty , emphasizing the point that certainty and uncertainty are both equally required within the mind of a scientist; considering the concept that certainty creates strength and uncertainty creates weakness. Along with this, in line ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Throughout lines 23 35, Barry uses an extended metaphor, to relate wilderness exploration to the uncertainty and mystery of science, which better shows the amount of risk that scientists make to carry out their experiments and ideas. Within these lines, Barry uses an added rhetorical strategy, juxtaposition, assisted by repetition, in lines 24 26, repeating the phrase among them , grouped with the words least ambitious and The best to compare the actions of the most and least ambitious scientists, as well as the effects of their actions. In lines 40 46, Barry uses repetition with the words would and if , mimicking the behavior of scientists, emphasizing the uncertainty within the concept of science. These rhetorical strategies support the effect of risk, an important factor in conquering science s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Women s Struggle Against Male Dominance It is not anything new for women to be looked down upon. Women have been seen as inferior to their male counterparts. Yet, the patriarchy has brainwashed women to believe that they have to seek out a romantic, male partner. The patriarchy also has brainwashed women to stay quiet when her romantic partner is speaking negatively towards her or about her. At least, that is what many people seem to believe. There are women who are trying to fight against the war on male dominance. Even if these women are catching other women s attention, there is still a long road until women and men are equals. Some men are still going to speak poorly towards women, and often those they see as a lover or romance partner. Even Aristotle spoke poorly of women and felt that men held the dominant role in the relationship. Some heterosexual men speak negatively about heterosexual women during the dating stage of a relationship because these men feel that they have to reinforce dominance in the relationship. One thing to consider when talking about modern day heterosexual women in relation to men is culture. Cultural differences in different countries varies. Like F. Scott Christopher, liberal arts and Science professor at Arizona State University says, [T]he rules of relationship and the meaning of aggression in a relationship may vary from culture to culture (qtd. Goodwin 769). Culture has a major effect on how relationships are conducted. So what Americans consider is aggressive, may not be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Essay On Compositional Variation Of Recorded At Room... The compositional variation of recorded at room temperature is shown in Fig. 13. It is clear that, as Al concentration increases increase up to its maximum value at x = 0.4 and then decreases. The initial permeability of ferrite material depends on many factors like reversible domain wall displacement, domain wall bulging as well as microstructural features viz., average grain size, intra granular porosity, etc. [35]. According to Globus model [65], the initial permeability is dependent on the grain size, saturation magnetization, and magnetocrystalline anisotropy, , where , and D are saturation magnetization, the magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant and the average grain size, respectively. Generally, the larger grain sizes,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This disturbs the movement of domain walls [66, 67]. When this exaggerated grain growth occurs, porosity will increase [54, 68]. However, the variation of initial permeability with Al content was not consistent with the variation of microstructures, saturation magnetization, the bulk density and the above empirical principle. This phenomenon might be explained by the equation, , where is the initial permeability, is the saturation magnetization, is the magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant, О» is the magnetostriction constant, Пѓ is the inner stress and a, b are two constants [69]. According to Nlebedim et al. [70] Al substitution plays a crucial role in the properties of Co ferrites by reducing magnetostriction effects. This is because substitution of nonmagnetic Al3+ cations for Fe weakening the super exchange interaction between the A sites and B sites which also lowers the magnetocrystalline anisotropy. It is known that the anisotropy field in ferrites results from the presence of Fe2+ ions which formed during the sintering process [32]. The change in can be estimated qualitatively by applying the single ion anisotropy model [55, 71] which shows that Fe3+ ions in A and B sites contribute to the anisotropy energy. The Fe3+ ion occupying A site has a positive value of anisotropy constant while the one occupying B site has a negative value twice as large as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Violence Against Matthew Shepard Analysis Many seem to see the violence against Matthew Shepard as a hate crime, which I agree with. Everything pointed to, from testimonies to evidence, shows that he was attacked due to his sexual orientation; however, the perpetrators, Aaron McKinney and Russel Henderson, didn t even know Matt prior to the night of the incident, so how d they know if he was gay or not? They reacted to his performance in a way that was consistent with their own learned gender performances. This theme of prejudice was a crime fueled by hate, but facilitated by gender performance. The events seemed to be documented through theatrical drama, though written in the style of a narrative that tries to present itself as a true story, through tension. The way Kaufman builds ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Paradigmatic Shift Of System Theory Essay The paradigmatic shift of system theory is the evolution of systematic thinking which is made up of two systems; the simple cybernetics (first order) and cybernetics of cybernetics (second order). The first system of the cybernetics also known as the simple cybernetics is the level in which we view lives from a perspective in which we observe from a different aspect of the outside view. I feel as though when it comes to the first order cybernetics, everything such as the personal view becomes irrelevant to the situation because our focus is on describing what is happening from a different pattern. As for the second order also known the cybernetics of cybernetics transform our view where we are no longer viewing from the outside looking in. In the system, we are now observing the situation from a standpoint which we are involved. In the book, I have acknowledged that it is best to view things that I can observe from the outside looking in and also being and participate in a situation which set my viewpoint than how others view certain situations. In my opinion, in most cases as humans, individuals go through different phases in their lives to learn, and to experience a different perspective when it comes, a prospect of our lives. When the book talks about the system theory/cybernetics it is a little frustrating to comprehend from my understanding and how to connect the theory to a real life situation. As I continue to read I m trying to think how I would connect the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Hip Hop And Hip Rap Music The study of hip hop music has been cited well throughout its growth over time. The purpose of this paper is intended to discuss hip hop culture and address cultural stereotypes associated with rap and hip hop music, but also how its original lyrical intentions were forms of expression and art. It will begin by guiding the reader through how it originated, its influence with the African Americans with its subculture and popularity in urban areas, its styles of evolving, the introduction of hip hop and rap to the public, the depiction it gave off with its criticisms from outsiders. An evaluation of hip hop artists songs by Sugar Hill and the Gang, Run DMC, Queen Latifah, and N.W.A. Including lyrics from the songs Rappers Delight , King of Rock , Latifah s Law , and Niggaz4Life . In the conclusion it exposes how hip hop musicis clearly for black Americans to express themselves freely and in fact did not cause violence. Hip hop cannot be understood by just examining how the artists might carry themselves or just their lyrics alone. The uniting of hip hop in to society gave accommodations in an integrated generation of young Americans and it changed the racial dynamics in the United States. Even though you might not be born in the 70 s when hip hop was originated, it has become a part of our generation and has stuck around ever since. This paper is written with the intentions to prove how the evolution of hip hop or rap music has ultimately made America ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Comparing Mrs. Sommers And A Pair Of Silk Stockings Irish novelist and screenwriter William John Banville says The past beats inside me like a second heart. The past influences person to be who they are today, whether their past self is like their current self. The character Mrs. Sommers from A Pair of Silk Stockings written by Kate Chopin and the character Aunt Georgina from A Wagner Matinee written by Willa Cather both have a past self they experience in their stories and does not correlate with their current self. Other than this they share multiple similarities and also some differences. Aunt Georgina and Mrs. Sommers have similarities between them despite being in different stories. They both have a past life they love and miss. Aunt Georgina is a music teacher at the Boston Conservatory ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Aunt Georgina and Howard move to Nebraska to run a farm. Aunt Georgina shows her love for music when her nephew, Clark, comes to the farm and would teach him and she seldom talked about music with [him] (Cather, pg. 673). She misses music and is a part of her past self she does not want to forget. Mrs. Sommers enjoys finer activities and objects in her past life and the neighbors talked of certain better days that little Mrs. Sommers had known before she had thought of being Mrs. Sommers (Chopin, pg. 1). Mrs. Sommers is shopping for her children when she receives some extra cash and decides to treat herself. She buys new stockings, new shoes, new gloves and two high priced magazines such as she had been accustomed to read in the days when she had been accustomed to other pleasant things in life (Chopin, pg. 3). Once she buys all of this she treats herself to lunch. She walks into a charming restaurant and her appearance created no surprise, no consternation, as she had half feared it would (Chopin, pg. 3) Mrs. Sommers did not worry about her appearance in her past life and once again does not worry about after she pampers herself for a day. Both Mrs. Sommers and Aunt Georgina ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The P5 + 1 Agreement With Iran Jonathan Conlin Dr. Currie American National Government 19 September 2015 An Atrocity of a Deal: The P5+1 Agreement with Iran The P5+1 Agreement, an agreement struck between Iran, China, Russia, France, United Kingdom, United States, Germany, and the European Union. But, why, and what does this deal place on Iran, that can limit their nuclear abilities, as displayed in the past. The deal brings forth rather easy sanctions relief for Iran, limits uranium enrichment to a certain extent where Iran can still produce nuclear weaponry, and reduces the enriched uranium stockpile that can be sold for more natural uranium which can be used to produce more enriched uranium with its ability to still develop advanced centrifuges. The issues lies within the broad and quite loosely held terms of this agreement. Knowing the terms of this agreement, the expected result of these provisions, this deal will actually shorten the time to an Iranian nuclear bomb and allow Iran to produce more nuclear bombs than it currently can construct using enriched uranium and plutonium fuel stated Fred Fleitz from Fox News. The agreement puts the citizens of many countries at high risk, and the evidence of this is incontrovertible, as Iran has access to things that were previously denied of access. The question to ask is, should the senate support this agreement? Sanction relief is the last thing Iran needs if the United States and the rest of the countries are going to limit the proliferation of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Petersel On Peds Zach Petersel, in his essay, Here s Why Suspensions Won t Deter PED users Like Maria Sharapova, claims that the risk and rewards of using performing enhancing drugs (PEDs) is unbalanced and needs to change. He adopts a slight angry tone in order to appeal that big name athletes caught using PEDs don t face major consequences. He uses this tone to appeal to readers who might also want change in this topic. This feature should be printed in The Shorthorn because it will prompt students to look at this issue in a deeper sense and see exactly how important this issue affects an individual and sport. In this essay, I will talk about how Petersel talked about Sharapova use of PEDs, how Petersel responds to counterarguments, and how athletes should be punished for using PEDs.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (2) A incremental change is very small when compared to a rapid exponential change. He contends that athletes will continue to take PEDs until they are caught. That was the case of Maria Sharapova . She began taking Meldonium, a PED, before it was banned and continued to use it afterwards until she got caught for using it. Petersel believes that the suspensions are lousy way to punish athletes taking dangerous PEDs while they acknowledge the consequences. Throughout his piece, Petersel uses many reasons to support his claim and evidences to support his reasons. In the third paragraph, he uses logical appeals by informing that suspensions don t affect the life of an athlete as it should for taking a PED. He includes that Sharapova made about 30 million last year and she only lost some sponsors. She already has a business called, Sugarpova, which sells candies and expects revenue of 20 million by 2018. He includes visual pieces throughout his article to keep the reader engaged in the writing. In this part Petersel included a picture of Sharapova holding a Sugarpova candy. Furthermore, he discusses Sharapova case of using Meldonium. In ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Impact of Foreign Remittances on Economic Growth and... INTRODUCTION: Remittances typically refer to transfers of money by foreign workers to their home countries. Remittances are not a new phenomenon in the world, being a normal associated to migration which has always been a part of human history. Remittances are playing an important role in the economies of many developing and low income countries. Pakistan is a labour abundant country; hence, as neoclassical theory shows, if workers are unable to find jobs and/or wages to satisfy their needs, they will look elsewhere. Pakistan s history provides us with a new trend of emigration nearly each decade. Remittance is an important source of foreign exchange earnings for Pakistan since 1970. During the past four decade Pakistan received ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Source: Qayyum et.al (2008). During the last three decades, Pakistan received a significant amount of worker s remittances, which are sent by millions of Pakistanis working abroad. For capital deficient countries, like Pakistan, worker s remittances are considered to be an important source of foreign exchange. These remittances have a positive impact on Pakistan s economy through improved balance of payments position and reduced dependence on external borrowing. Significant flows of remittances also helped Pakistan recover from the adverse effects of oil price shocks, reduced the unemployment problem, and improved standard of living of recipient households. Remittances in Pakistan decreased to 3863 USD Million in the fourth quarter of 2013 from 3927 USD Million in the third quarter of 2013. Overseas Pakistani workers remittances grew by 9.46 percent to $7,790.02 million in the first half (July December) of the current fiscal year 2013 14 (FY14) as against $7,116.75 million received during the same period of last fiscal year (July December FY13), State Bank of Pakistan statistics stated. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY: To analyze the impact of remittances on poverty and economic growth. To recommend a policy to improve for economic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Role Of Racism And Discrimination In The United States As an individual with unique life experiences, It s easy to dismiss the societally constructed struggles of other individuals. The popular phrase for this phenomena is Out of sight=Out of mind . It s understandable to not immediately accept the struggles of others when they are struggles in which you have never experienced before. Those sins can be forgiven. However, what is not forgivable is the refusal to educate oneself to better understand those struggles and fundamentally accept that other individuals are negatively affected by these unfamiliar experiences. Specifically, the black community within the United States, who receive a very different experience than the white community. Racismand discrimination are still a very large part... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The political and economic consequences of racial discrimination have most certainly had an imbalanced benefit for white communities. However, these benefits are accepted as the standard for which these communities should be and have been in a sense of status quo. This refusal to accept the societal discrimination had often been referred to as color blindness. Color blindness can be defined as the refusal to acknowledge the struggle of non white s by using the success of a few no white individuals as an example of a fading social racism. A example of this which is often used, is the election of President Barack Obama (LГіpez, 2004). Through the national election of a categorized black president, many have felt that this is an example of a race free society. This community who believe this are often uneducated to contemporary societal structure of our country, or have personal agenda s in which they feel the need to mask with bold statements. 
It is our duty, as a plural nation of many ethnicities, to not only educate ourselves on the complexity and beauty of the different American cultures, but to communicate this acceptance of diversity to the next generation. It is okay to feel uneducated on racial topics and consequentially uncomfortable during the initial stages of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Keivlar Bullet Proof Vest A bullet proof vest consists of a vest shaped panel made up of advanced plastic polymers that are composed of many layers of Kevlar or Spectra shield. The layers of Kevlar are sewn together using Kevlar thread but the nonwoven spectra shield is coated and bonded with resins such as Kraton and sealed between two sheets of Kevlar. Once all of the panels of Kevlar are sewn together it is placed inside of a fabric shell that is usually made from polyester and cotton blend or nylon. A bulletproof vest may also have nylon padding for extra protection. If the bulletproof vest is intended to be worn in especially dangerous situations puches are built in to hold plates of metal or ceramic bonded fiberglass. To make the Kevlar the polymer poly para phenylene ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. The Study of Uniformitarianism The Study of Uniformitarianism The origin of life on Earth is a fundamental scientific question, but we do not know as much as many biology textbooks would like you to believe. (Pigliucci) Uniformitarianism is vital to the world of science. It is a geological doctrine. It states that the same natural laws and processes that operate in the universe now, have always operated in the universe in the past and apply everywhere in the universe. It assumes that geological processes have essentially not changed today from those from the past which are unobservable. As present processes are thought to explain all past events, the Uniformitarian slogan is the present is the key to the past . Uniformitarianism is a key principle of geology. My... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Lyell s time, most scientists still believed Earth had been shaped by rare and sudden events that were unique to the past, so convincing people of his time was extremely difficult. Other scientists had opinions on the theory of Uniformitarianism as well. In 1963, a geologist named Reijer Hookyas decided to even further analyze Lyell s work. According to Hookyas, Lyell s uniformitarianism is a family of four related propositions, not a single idea. None of these connotations requires another, and they are not all equally inferred by uniformitarianism. The four related propositions are: Uniformity of Law The laws of nature are constant across time and space. Uniformity of Methodology The appropriate hypothesis for explaining the geological past are those with analogy today. Uniformity of Kind Past and present causes are all of the same kind, have the same energy, and produce the same effects. Uniformity of Degree Geological circumstances have remained the same over time. Stephen Jay Gould s first scientific paper, Is uniformitarianism necessary? which was published in 1965, reduced these four interpretations to two, methodological and substantive uniformitarianism. (Hooykaas) Uniformitarianism was originally proposed in contrast to catastrophism, which states that the distant past consisted of epochs of paroxysmal and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Mixing Energy Drinks People are innately curious beings and experimentation plays a huge part in that curiosity. With that experimenting comes new and sometimes dangerous trends which seem to take over society and become a part of the norm. These trends can include everything from the clothes you wear to the activities you do. One trend that has been particularly troubling has been mixing energy drinks with alcohol. I remember when energy drinks became popular. You saw your peers drinking them and even celebrities were photographed drinking them. They became the cool thing to drinkand before you knew it bartenders were serving these drinks at bars and restaurants. The combination of those two types of drinks which cause opposing effects on the body with one being an upper and the other a downer (look up) can have dire consequences on your body.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to the Time article (2015) people who consume alcohol mixed with an energy drink will have more alcoholic beverages than they normally would have had they just drank alcohol alone. Another issue is that this mixed drink can alter a person s decision making while under the influence. The Time article states (2015) that the mixed drink makes the person feel as though they aren t as drunk as they actually are and as a result they are more likely to engage in dangerous activities such as getting behind the wheel of a car or participate in risky sexual behavior. The CDC (20105) reports that drinkers who mix the two are twice as likely to report being taken advantage of sexually or to report taking advantage of someone sexually. A third issue it the possible association between mixing alcohol with an energy drink and brain damage. Lastly, according to the CDC (2015) people who consume alcohol mixed with energy drinks are 3 times more likely to engage in binge ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. The New Zealand Essay The New Zealand (NZ) government essentially operates under the Westminster Parliamentary system (Palmer, 3). This system was derived from the British structure and adopted in 1947 (Palmer, 4). The defining characteristic of this system include the separation of government into three branches, the judicatory, legislator and the executive, with each preforming different roles in the law forming process (Palmer, 5). There is no absolute separation of power between these different branches, especially between the legislatureand the executive branch of government. Although, the introduction of the Mixed Member Proportionality (MMP) electoral system has enhanced this separation through demanding more accountability from the executive branch. While MMP has improved the system, there are numerous recommendations that could be implemented to improve this accountability. The separation of power in the New Zealand parliamentary system is pertinent for an efficient and democratic government. The different branches of New Zealand government have to be detached to ensure that one does not act unconstitutionally, nor has undue power over another (New Zealand Parliament, 2014). Each branch has separate roles and acts as breaks to hold the other sectors accountable for their decisions (Palmer, 5). The legislator branch consists of members of Select Committees, Parliament and the Governor General (Palmer, 5). Their role in the system is to examine, debate and provide scrutiny over drafted ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Stereotypes In Jane Eyre Jane Eyre is a coming of age novel written by Charlotte BrontГ«. Jane challenges the stereotypes of women in the Victorian era. Every time she rebels, she is faced with a consequence that helps shape the person she is later on. The integrity that is reflected through her character shows that the love she finds in the end is completely worth it, considering she is finally content. An example of Jane challenging expectations of Victorian women would be when she says, No. St. John, I will not marry you. I adhere to my resolution. Women were assumed to desire marriage. . . (British Library 7). An additional Victorian stereotype is that Women are supposed to be very calm. . . (British Library 8) Jane challenges this stereotype when she is reading a book at Gateshead Hall. Her cousin John starts a fight and throws a book at her. Jane couldn t take it anymore and had to stand up for herself. Wicked and cruel boy! I said. You are like a murderer you are like a slave driver. . . (Bronte 13) You can see that in Jane s character, she is a determined woman; she won t let the men walk all over her. (Everything Jane Eyre 4) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jane was shown disapproval, but that was what motivated her to keep spreading her belief. The nature of the consequence modifies the person s tendency to change or repeat the actions in the future. (Analysis of Jane Eyre 3) After the scene of Jane yelling at her cousin John, she was locked into the red room which was a remote room of which Mr. Reed died. This room made Jane realize that if she did not encase her emotions at certain times, she will have to suffer even worse punishments. But when you see the bigger picture you realize that this consequence leads to the development of Jane s maturity and her better understanding for her place in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. The Complex Causes Of The Great War The Great War is a very complex historical period. This war was based on alliances, new techniques of war, fronts of combat. The causes of the conflict come from a long time ago, in order to understand why the happened one must study the context, the background, and the conflicts between the countries who were implied in this war. The end of the 19th century was marked by an era in which the great European powers were on expansive missions, in the conquest of new lands. Colonialism exacerbated the struggle between European industrial powers in search of territories and markets. Imperialism caused the friction between the powers to overflow the European framework and take place practically anywhere in the world. Colonialism and imperialism sharpened ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On the other hand, the Ottoman Empire joined the Central Powers. The Entente Cordiale or the Allies were: France, Russia, Great Britain, Italy, Japan and the United States, and 22 other countries. Later, the Central Powers were: Austria Hungary, Germany, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria. In 1915 and 1916, German submarines sank two ships with American crew, killing dozens of civilians. So in April 1917, the United States entered the conflict in support of the Allies. Months later, Russia (in the middle of the Bolshevik Revolution), withdraws from the war by signing an armistice with the Central Powers, which implies great economic and territorial losses. The first World War is considered one of the most bloodthirsty of the story died about 20 million people. Although the United States, which has been present in almost all warlike conflicts in modern history since World War I, did not have a prominent participation in the First World War, in fact the total casualties of the US Army are codified in Around 115,000, with hardly any documented civilian casualties. This lost represent a very large chunk of the world s population back ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. What Is The Main Idea Of Alice In Wonderland Lewis Carroll s Alice s Adventure In Wonderland a tale of a young girl named Alice who sits on a riverbank one day, reading over her sister s shoulder. She got so bored that she fell asleep, and in her dream she sees a White Rabbit running through the woods that she followed down a rabbit hole into a magical world called Wonderland. Alice follows the Rabbit down the hole and stumbles upon a great hallway filled with different doors.she a table with a tiny golden key, and a bottle of potion with an attached note that says Drink me. she notices that she is too large to go through the door so she drinks the potion and shrinks to the size of the door. After Alice shrinks to the size of the tiny door she realizes that she has left the golden key to the door on the table that is now very high. She finds a box underneath the table that has a piece of cake that says Eat me . Alice quickly eats the cake and soon begins to grow tall enough to reach the key. Alice Alice begins to cry because she realizes that she is to big to enter the small door and her giant tears form a pool at her feet. The white rabbit appears and Alice decides to ask the rabbit for help, but he gets scared and drops his gloves and fan and flees. She picks up his gloves and fan and begins to shrink. While swimming through her puddles of tears, she meets a couple animals from the world of wonderland. Alice has another encounter with the white rabbit and mistakes her for a servant and sends her off ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...