This document presents a comparative seismic analysis of a 20-story reinforced concrete framed structure building with and without shear walls. The analysis found that including shear walls can reduce the maximum story drift by 12-15% in the x-direction and 8-10% in the y-direction under different seismic load combinations. Properly designing and placing shear walls is important for reinforced concrete framed structures in high seismic zones to minimize story drift and improve safety during earthquakes.
IRJET- Design of Earthquake Resistant Structure of Multi-Story RCC BuildingIRJET Journal
This document describes the design of an earthquake resistant G+21 multi-story reinforced concrete building using ETABS software. Key aspects analyzed include seismic analysis using equivalent static, response spectrum, and time history methods per Indian codes. The building is located in Lucknow, India which is a moderate seismic zone. Structural elements like beams, columns, slabs, and foundations are designed according to Indian standards. Analysis considers effects of earthquakes and other lateral loads. The building plan and frame layout are presented along with design assumptions.
Linear Analysis of RCC High-Rise Structures with Multiple Combinations of Out...IRJET Journal
This document discusses a study analyzing the performance of various outrigger structural systems for commercial high-rise buildings under seismic loads. It presents linear analysis methods, namely response spectrum analysis and equivalent static load method, to model and analyze a 54-story building with different outrigger configurations. The results show that a system with two outriggers and a belt truss provides the maximum 18% reduction in top displacement compared to a bare frame structure. Storey drift is also reduced with the use of outriggers. Outriggers help improve stiffness and reduce displacements and stresses in tall buildings under lateral loads like earthquakes.
This document presents a comparative study on the seismic analysis of conventional slab and flat slab structures with and without shear walls using ETABS software. A 12-story building model with a conventional slab, flat slab without shear walls, and flat slab with shear walls at corners is created. The buildings are analyzed for different seismic zones and soil types according to Indian standards. Results for parameters like story displacement, story drift, story stiffness, and natural period are presented in graphs for each model and seismic zone using both the equivalent static method and response spectrum method. The study found that the flat slab structure with shear walls performed best with lower displacement, drift, and higher stiffness. Increasing the seismic zone was found to increase displacement and drift while keeping stiffness
IRJET- Design of Earthquake Resistant Structure of Multi-Story RCC BuildingIRJET Journal
This document discusses the design of an earthquake resistant 21-story reinforced concrete building in Lucknow, India, which is in seismic zone III. The building was designed using ETABS software according to Indian codes for seismic design. Key aspects of the design included analyzing lateral loads from earthquakes and wind, checking for drift forces, displacements, stiffness, and redundancy. The building structure incorporates shear walls, moment frames, and braced frames to resist lateral loads.
Seismic Analysis of RCC Building without and With Shear WallsIRJET Journal
- The document discusses seismic analysis of a 15-story reinforced concrete (RC) building both without and with shear walls.
- A building model with plan dimensions of 36m x 36m and 3.2m floor heights was analyzed using ETABS software. Material properties and section dimensions were specified.
- Models were analyzed using the response spectrum method according to Indian codes for seismic zone III and medium soil. Results for storey shear, moments and drift were compared between models with and without shear walls.
This document analyzes the behavior of a G+10 building with shear walls placed in different positions through modeling and analysis in ETABS software. Six different models are created with shear walls placed: 1) without shear walls, 2) at the building center around the lift cores, 3) along the building periphery, 4) at the building corners, 5) along both longitudinal faces and around lift cores, and 6) along both lateral faces and around lift cores. The models are analyzed and results such as story displacements, drift, and shear are compared. Placing shear walls at the building corners (Model 5) provides about a 90% reduction in maximum story displacement, making it the most efficient configuration for resisting seismic forces.
Performance Based Approach for Seismic Design of Tall Building DiaphragmsIRJET Journal
This document summarizes research on using a performance-based approach for seismic design of tall building diaphragms. It investigates the performance of a tall building model against Service Level Earthquake (SLE) and Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) intensities using linear and nonlinear analysis methods. The study found that nonlinear time history analysis resulted in higher base shear, time period, story drift, shear force and bending moment compared to linear response spectrum analysis. It concluded that a performance-based approach can provide satisfactory seismic performance of tall buildings by considering ground motion characteristics and component-level performance objectives at different hazard levels.
Wind and Seismic Analysis of Building with Bracing System Resting on Sloping ...IRJET Journal
This document summarizes a research study that analyzed the wind and seismic performance of buildings with different bracing systems on sloping ground. The study used ETABS software to model and analyze step back buildings with various bracing types, including X, V, inverted V, and diagonal bracing. Results showed that X bracing provided the best performance in terms of maximum displacement, drift, base shear, and fundamental time period. Step back buildings with X bracing demonstrated superior performance under wind and seismic loads compared to step back setback buildings. The effectiveness of bracing was found to be limited for buildings over 6 stories or with an increased number of bays along the slope. Increasing bays across the slope enhanced building performance with bra
Analysis of High Rise Multistoried Building With and without Shear Wall By Re...IRJET Journal
This document analyzes a 15-story residential building with and without shear walls using response spectrum analysis. It finds that placing symmetrically positioned shear walls improves the building's performance in terms of seismic parameters like story drift, displacement, forces and stiffness compared to a building without shear walls. The building is modeled in ETABS software and seismic parameters are compared for models with and without shear walls in zone 3. Results show that shear walls enhance the building's lateral stiffness and resistance to earthquake forces.
This document discusses a comparative seismic analysis of a multi-storey reinforced concrete structure with and without floating columns located in seismic Zone IV, using computer software ETABS. Four cases are analyzed: Case 1 with no floating columns, and Cases 2-4 with floating columns at different locations on the ground floor. Parameters compared include storey drift, displacement, and shear. Results show that the presence of floating columns increases storey drift and displacement due to discontinuity in load transfer, with interior floating columns performing better than exterior columns. The study seeks to evaluate the impact of floating columns on the structure's seismic performance and response.
This document presents a stiffness-based design methodology for determining preliminary member sizing of reinforced concrete diagrid structures for tall buildings. A 36-story building with a regular floor plan of 36m x 36m is modeled using ETABS software. Both a conventional reinforced concrete structure and a perimeter diagrid structure are analyzed and their performance is compared. Results show the diagrid structure has less top story displacement and drift, indicating it is stiffer. It also has less time period, meaning it is more stable during seismic events. While the diagrid structure requires slightly more concrete, it uses 37% less steel. Overall, the diagrid structure is found to be more economical and efficient for resisting lateral loads in tall buildings.
IRJET- Comparative Analysis of Multi-Storied Building with and without Shear ...IRJET Journal
This document presents a comparative analysis of the seismic behavior of an 11-story building model with and without shear walls. The building model is analyzed using STAADPRO software for different locations and thicknesses of shear walls. Results show that the presence of shear walls, particularly at corner locations and with greater thickness, significantly improves the building's seismic performance by reducing displacements, story drift, and column forces. The study concludes that properly locating shear walls can substantially decrease lateral drift and displacement experienced by the building during an earthquake.
IRJET- Planning, Analyzing and Design of High Rise Building using EtabsIRJET Journal
1) The document discusses planning, analyzing, and designing a 15-story residential building using ETABS software.
2) It describes modeling the building in ETABS, including dimensions of columns, beams, slabs and applying loads like dead, live, and seismic.
3) The analysis involved evaluating bending moments, shear forces, and drift from equivalent static analysis in ETABS to ensure structural integrity under loads.
Static analysis and design of G+10 RCC framed structure by using ETABSIRJET Journal
This document summarizes a study that used the ETABS software to analyze the static behavior of a 10-story reinforced concrete framed structure. Key steps included:
1) Modelling the G+10 building in ETABS and applying appropriate loads like dead, live, and seismic loads.
2) Performing static analysis to evaluate the structure's stability, strength, and performance under various load conditions.
3) Analyzing results like maximum story displacement, drift, shear force, and bending moment to ensure structural integrity and safety compliance.
4) Designing structural elements like beams and columns based on factors like material properties, safety codes, and optimization.
IRJET- Comparative Seismic Evaluation of Response of RC Building with Shear W...IRJET Journal
This document presents a comparative seismic evaluation of a 15-story reinforced concrete building with different bracing systems, including shear walls, X-bracing, V-bracing, and combined V-bracing. Three models are analyzed: an unbraced frame, frames with bracing at corner bays, and frames with bracing at the 3rd and 5th bays. Response spectrum analysis is conducted using ETABS software to determine seismic parameters like maximum displacement, drift, base shear, and time period. Results show that shear walls and bracing systems reduce displacement and drift compared to an unbraced frame, with shear walls performing the best in minimizing seismic response.
IRJET- Impact of Shear Wall to Reduce Torsional Effect for Unsymmetrical R.C....IRJET Journal
This document presents a study on analyzing the torsional effects on symmetrical and unsymmetrical reinforced concrete framed buildings under seismic loading. Time history analysis is performed on 10-storey symmetrical and L-shaped unsymmetrical buildings using MATLAB. The response quantities like base shear, displacement and torsional moment are obtained and compared for bare frame, frame with infill walls and frame with shear walls. The results show that the unsymmetrical bare frame experiences higher base shear, displacement and torsional moment compared to the symmetrical frame. Infill walls and shear walls are found to effectively reduce the torsional effects in the unsymmetrical building by shifting the center of rigidity closer to the center of mass.
IRJET- Study on Rigid and Semi Rigid Diaphragm in Multistoried Structure usin...IRJET Journal
This document presents a study on the seismic analysis of multistory reinforced concrete structures considering rigid and semi-rigid floor diaphragms. The study was carried out using ETABS software to analyze structures with rigid diaphragms, semi-rigid diaphragms, and no diaphragms. Results were collected in terms of base shear, maximum story displacement, and maximum story drift for different soil types and seismic zones. The results showed that structures with rigid diaphragms performed better with less displacement compared to structures with semi-rigid or no diaphragms. Rigid diaphragms increased the base shear but reduced displacement by up to 45% and provided better stiffness. In conclusion, rigid
The document presents a comparative study on the seismic behavior of a 10-storey reinforced concrete building with and without shear walls, and with various percentages of openings (25%, 50%, 75%) in the shear walls. 15 building models were created and analyzed using ETABS software. The analyses investigated parameters like storey displacements, storey drift, time period, and base shear for the building models under equivalent lateral force analysis and response spectrum analysis for seismic zones II, III, and IV. The results show that the model without any openings in the shear wall performed the best in reducing lateral displacements, storey drifts, and increasing the fundamental time period across all seismic zones. Increasing the percentage of openings led to higher displace
This document analyzes and designs high-rise diagrid structures. It studies 48-story rectangular and L-shaped buildings with diagrid systems in seismic zone III. The buildings are modeled and analyzed using ETABS software. Static, response spectrum, and wind analyses are performed to determine optimal diagrid angles. The maximum story displacement and drift are compared for different diagrid modules (2, 4, 6, 8 stories) and angles to identify the most efficient structural configuration for the building shapes.
Analysis of Seismic Behaviors of RC Frame Structure With Bracing System and W...IRJET Journal
This document analyzes the seismic behavior of reinforced concrete frame structures with and without steel bracing systems. A G+23 square building is modeled in Etabs with beam and column dimensions of 300mm x 400mm and 300mm x 500mm respectively. The building is analyzed using response spectrum analysis as per Indian codes for different bracing configurations including no bracing, X bracing, V bracing, inverted V bracing, and eccentric bracing. Results show that maximum storey displacements are lowest for structures with inverted V and V bracing systems, followed by X bracing. The non-braced structure experiences the highest displacements, confirming that bracing systems effectively reduce seismic responses of RC frames.
Analysis of Seismic Behaviors of RC Frame Structure With Bracing System and W...IRJET Journal
The document analyzes the seismic behavior of reinforced concrete frame structures with and without steel bracing systems. A G+23 square building is modeled in Etabs with beam and column dimensions of 300mm x 400mm and 300mm x 500mm respectively. The building is analyzed using response spectrum analysis as per Indian codes for different bracing configurations including no bracing, X bracing, V bracing, inverted V bracing. Storey displacements are compared for each model. The model without bracing showed the highest displacements of 186mm and 282mm in horizontal directions. Displacements were reduced with the addition of bracing systems, with inverted V bracing providing the lowest displacements of 148mm and 186mm. Thus
Planning, Analysis, Design and Detailing of degree college building by adapti...IRJET Journal
This document provides details on the planning, analysis, design, and estimation of a proposed G+1 degree college building using sustainable concepts. The building is planned on a 1-acre plot with a total built-up area of 28,654 square feet. The layout and drafting are done using AutoCAD software. Structural analysis is performed manually as per Indian codes to calculate forces and deflections. Based on the analysis, the dimensioning and reinforcement of structural elements like beams, columns, slabs, and footings are designed manually. Detailing of all elements is done using AutoCAD. Finally, the project cost is estimated using Microsoft Excel. The total estimated cost is around 5 crores following the latest PWD schedule of rates
A Comparitive study on Regular and Irregular configuration of multistorey bui...IRJET Journal
This document compares the structural analysis results of a 9-storey regular and irregular building modeled in ETABS software. For both buildings, the displacements, drifts, and shear forces are reported at each storey. The results show that the irregular building experiences 10-23% lower displacements, drifts, and shear forces compared to the regular building. This is because irregular configurations result in non-uniform distribution of loads throughout the building. The document concludes that structural behavior depends on the shape and type of building, with irregular structures displaying reduced demands under lateral loads.
Pushover Analysis of High Rise Building and Outrigger System With or Without ...IRJET Journal
This document summarizes a research paper that performed pushover analysis on a G+21 high-rise building model with different structural systems, including models with and without a core wall system, outrigger beams, and in-filled masonry walls. The analysis found that the model with a core wall and outrigger beam system had the lowest displacement and highest base shear capacity, indicating improved performance under lateral loads. In-filled masonry walls also helped reduce the building's lateral deflection when combined with the core wall and outrigger system.
IRJET- Performance of Flat Slabs and Flat Plates in High Seismic Zone with Va...IRJET Journal
This document analyzes the seismic performance of flat plate and flat slab structures with varying stiffness. Four models are considered: flat plate with shear walls, flat plate with bracing, flat slab with shear walls, and flat slab with bracing. The structures are analyzed using ETABS software to determine parameters like story displacement, drift, and base shear. The results show that under equivalent static analysis and response spectrum analysis, the flat slab with shear walls performs better than the other models, with minimum displacement and drift. In conclusion, the flat slab with shear walls provides better seismic performance for high seismic zones compared to the other structural configurations analyzed.
IRJET- An Innovative Method of Electricity Generation from Speed-Breakers of ...IRJET Journal
This document summarizes research on analyzing the seismic performance of flat slab and flat plate buildings compared to conventional beam-column buildings. A 10-story building model is analyzed using ETABS software to study the effects of adding steel bracing or shear walls. Previous studies on using different bracing configurations, increasing building height, and replacing columns with shear walls are reviewed. The current study analyzes buildings with flat slabs or plates and variable stiffness by adding bracing or walls at different locations. Response parameters like displacement, drift, shear and period are compared to evaluate the performance of walls versus bracing in improving seismic resistance of flat slab structures.
IRJET- A Review of Seismic Analysis of Shear Wall Optimization for Multi-...IRJET Journal
This document reviews seismic analysis of shear wall optimization in multi-storey buildings. It discusses different positions of shear walls, including at the middle, corners, and center of structures. Studies show shear walls improve structural performance under seismic loads by increasing stiffness and strength. Placing shear walls at the corners provides the highest reliability by minimizing drift, while a central location increases base shear and period. Properly designed and detailed shear walls improve earthquake resistance and are widely used in seismic regions.
IRJET- Study on Shear Wall and Bracing in Irregular Structure and Regular Str...IRJET Journal
This document presents a study on providing expansion joints in irregular and regular structures to improve their seismic performance. A 15-storey building model with an irregular L-shaped plan is created in ETABS software. The model is analyzed using response spectrum analysis for seismic zone V. The behavior of the irregular building is compared to regular models with and without expansion joints. The models include bare frames, shear wall frames, and combinations of shear walls and bracing. Responses such as base shear, story drift, displacement, forces and stiffness are compared between the regular and irregular configurations to evaluate the effectiveness of expansion joints.
Analysis of High Rise Multistoried Building With and without Shear Wall By Re...IRJET Journal
This document analyzes a 15-story residential building with and without shear walls using response spectrum analysis. It finds that placing symmetrically positioned shear walls improves the building's performance in terms of seismic parameters like story drift, displacement, forces and stiffness compared to a building without shear walls. The building is modeled in ETABS software and seismic parameters are compared for models with and without shear walls in zone 3. Results show that shear walls enhance the building's lateral stiffness and resistance to earthquake forces.
This document discusses a comparative seismic analysis of a multi-storey reinforced concrete structure with and without floating columns located in seismic Zone IV, using computer software ETABS. Four cases are analyzed: Case 1 with no floating columns, and Cases 2-4 with floating columns at different locations on the ground floor. Parameters compared include storey drift, displacement, and shear. Results show that the presence of floating columns increases storey drift and displacement due to discontinuity in load transfer, with interior floating columns performing better than exterior columns. The study seeks to evaluate the impact of floating columns on the structure's seismic performance and response.
This document presents a stiffness-based design methodology for determining preliminary member sizing of reinforced concrete diagrid structures for tall buildings. A 36-story building with a regular floor plan of 36m x 36m is modeled using ETABS software. Both a conventional reinforced concrete structure and a perimeter diagrid structure are analyzed and their performance is compared. Results show the diagrid structure has less top story displacement and drift, indicating it is stiffer. It also has less time period, meaning it is more stable during seismic events. While the diagrid structure requires slightly more concrete, it uses 37% less steel. Overall, the diagrid structure is found to be more economical and efficient for resisting lateral loads in tall buildings.
IRJET- Comparative Analysis of Multi-Storied Building with and without Shear ...IRJET Journal
This document presents a comparative analysis of the seismic behavior of an 11-story building model with and without shear walls. The building model is analyzed using STAADPRO software for different locations and thicknesses of shear walls. Results show that the presence of shear walls, particularly at corner locations and with greater thickness, significantly improves the building's seismic performance by reducing displacements, story drift, and column forces. The study concludes that properly locating shear walls can substantially decrease lateral drift and displacement experienced by the building during an earthquake.
IRJET- Planning, Analyzing and Design of High Rise Building using EtabsIRJET Journal
1) The document discusses planning, analyzing, and designing a 15-story residential building using ETABS software.
2) It describes modeling the building in ETABS, including dimensions of columns, beams, slabs and applying loads like dead, live, and seismic.
3) The analysis involved evaluating bending moments, shear forces, and drift from equivalent static analysis in ETABS to ensure structural integrity under loads.
Static analysis and design of G+10 RCC framed structure by using ETABSIRJET Journal
This document summarizes a study that used the ETABS software to analyze the static behavior of a 10-story reinforced concrete framed structure. Key steps included:
1) Modelling the G+10 building in ETABS and applying appropriate loads like dead, live, and seismic loads.
2) Performing static analysis to evaluate the structure's stability, strength, and performance under various load conditions.
3) Analyzing results like maximum story displacement, drift, shear force, and bending moment to ensure structural integrity and safety compliance.
4) Designing structural elements like beams and columns based on factors like material properties, safety codes, and optimization.
IRJET- Comparative Seismic Evaluation of Response of RC Building with Shear W...IRJET Journal
This document presents a comparative seismic evaluation of a 15-story reinforced concrete building with different bracing systems, including shear walls, X-bracing, V-bracing, and combined V-bracing. Three models are analyzed: an unbraced frame, frames with bracing at corner bays, and frames with bracing at the 3rd and 5th bays. Response spectrum analysis is conducted using ETABS software to determine seismic parameters like maximum displacement, drift, base shear, and time period. Results show that shear walls and bracing systems reduce displacement and drift compared to an unbraced frame, with shear walls performing the best in minimizing seismic response.
IRJET- Impact of Shear Wall to Reduce Torsional Effect for Unsymmetrical R.C....IRJET Journal
This document presents a study on analyzing the torsional effects on symmetrical and unsymmetrical reinforced concrete framed buildings under seismic loading. Time history analysis is performed on 10-storey symmetrical and L-shaped unsymmetrical buildings using MATLAB. The response quantities like base shear, displacement and torsional moment are obtained and compared for bare frame, frame with infill walls and frame with shear walls. The results show that the unsymmetrical bare frame experiences higher base shear, displacement and torsional moment compared to the symmetrical frame. Infill walls and shear walls are found to effectively reduce the torsional effects in the unsymmetrical building by shifting the center of rigidity closer to the center of mass.
IRJET- Study on Rigid and Semi Rigid Diaphragm in Multistoried Structure usin...IRJET Journal
This document presents a study on the seismic analysis of multistory reinforced concrete structures considering rigid and semi-rigid floor diaphragms. The study was carried out using ETABS software to analyze structures with rigid diaphragms, semi-rigid diaphragms, and no diaphragms. Results were collected in terms of base shear, maximum story displacement, and maximum story drift for different soil types and seismic zones. The results showed that structures with rigid diaphragms performed better with less displacement compared to structures with semi-rigid or no diaphragms. Rigid diaphragms increased the base shear but reduced displacement by up to 45% and provided better stiffness. In conclusion, rigid
The document presents a comparative study on the seismic behavior of a 10-storey reinforced concrete building with and without shear walls, and with various percentages of openings (25%, 50%, 75%) in the shear walls. 15 building models were created and analyzed using ETABS software. The analyses investigated parameters like storey displacements, storey drift, time period, and base shear for the building models under equivalent lateral force analysis and response spectrum analysis for seismic zones II, III, and IV. The results show that the model without any openings in the shear wall performed the best in reducing lateral displacements, storey drifts, and increasing the fundamental time period across all seismic zones. Increasing the percentage of openings led to higher displace
This document analyzes and designs high-rise diagrid structures. It studies 48-story rectangular and L-shaped buildings with diagrid systems in seismic zone III. The buildings are modeled and analyzed using ETABS software. Static, response spectrum, and wind analyses are performed to determine optimal diagrid angles. The maximum story displacement and drift are compared for different diagrid modules (2, 4, 6, 8 stories) and angles to identify the most efficient structural configuration for the building shapes.
Analysis of Seismic Behaviors of RC Frame Structure With Bracing System and W...IRJET Journal
This document analyzes the seismic behavior of reinforced concrete frame structures with and without steel bracing systems. A G+23 square building is modeled in Etabs with beam and column dimensions of 300mm x 400mm and 300mm x 500mm respectively. The building is analyzed using response spectrum analysis as per Indian codes for different bracing configurations including no bracing, X bracing, V bracing, inverted V bracing, and eccentric bracing. Results show that maximum storey displacements are lowest for structures with inverted V and V bracing systems, followed by X bracing. The non-braced structure experiences the highest displacements, confirming that bracing systems effectively reduce seismic responses of RC frames.
Analysis of Seismic Behaviors of RC Frame Structure With Bracing System and W...IRJET Journal
The document analyzes the seismic behavior of reinforced concrete frame structures with and without steel bracing systems. A G+23 square building is modeled in Etabs with beam and column dimensions of 300mm x 400mm and 300mm x 500mm respectively. The building is analyzed using response spectrum analysis as per Indian codes for different bracing configurations including no bracing, X bracing, V bracing, inverted V bracing. Storey displacements are compared for each model. The model without bracing showed the highest displacements of 186mm and 282mm in horizontal directions. Displacements were reduced with the addition of bracing systems, with inverted V bracing providing the lowest displacements of 148mm and 186mm. Thus
Planning, Analysis, Design and Detailing of degree college building by adapti...IRJET Journal
This document provides details on the planning, analysis, design, and estimation of a proposed G+1 degree college building using sustainable concepts. The building is planned on a 1-acre plot with a total built-up area of 28,654 square feet. The layout and drafting are done using AutoCAD software. Structural analysis is performed manually as per Indian codes to calculate forces and deflections. Based on the analysis, the dimensioning and reinforcement of structural elements like beams, columns, slabs, and footings are designed manually. Detailing of all elements is done using AutoCAD. Finally, the project cost is estimated using Microsoft Excel. The total estimated cost is around 5 crores following the latest PWD schedule of rates
A Comparitive study on Regular and Irregular configuration of multistorey bui...IRJET Journal
This document compares the structural analysis results of a 9-storey regular and irregular building modeled in ETABS software. For both buildings, the displacements, drifts, and shear forces are reported at each storey. The results show that the irregular building experiences 10-23% lower displacements, drifts, and shear forces compared to the regular building. This is because irregular configurations result in non-uniform distribution of loads throughout the building. The document concludes that structural behavior depends on the shape and type of building, with irregular structures displaying reduced demands under lateral loads.
Pushover Analysis of High Rise Building and Outrigger System With or Without ...IRJET Journal
This document summarizes a research paper that performed pushover analysis on a G+21 high-rise building model with different structural systems, including models with and without a core wall system, outrigger beams, and in-filled masonry walls. The analysis found that the model with a core wall and outrigger beam system had the lowest displacement and highest base shear capacity, indicating improved performance under lateral loads. In-filled masonry walls also helped reduce the building's lateral deflection when combined with the core wall and outrigger system.
IRJET- Performance of Flat Slabs and Flat Plates in High Seismic Zone with Va...IRJET Journal
This document analyzes the seismic performance of flat plate and flat slab structures with varying stiffness. Four models are considered: flat plate with shear walls, flat plate with bracing, flat slab with shear walls, and flat slab with bracing. The structures are analyzed using ETABS software to determine parameters like story displacement, drift, and base shear. The results show that under equivalent static analysis and response spectrum analysis, the flat slab with shear walls performs better than the other models, with minimum displacement and drift. In conclusion, the flat slab with shear walls provides better seismic performance for high seismic zones compared to the other structural configurations analyzed.
IRJET- An Innovative Method of Electricity Generation from Speed-Breakers of ...IRJET Journal
This document summarizes research on analyzing the seismic performance of flat slab and flat plate buildings compared to conventional beam-column buildings. A 10-story building model is analyzed using ETABS software to study the effects of adding steel bracing or shear walls. Previous studies on using different bracing configurations, increasing building height, and replacing columns with shear walls are reviewed. The current study analyzes buildings with flat slabs or plates and variable stiffness by adding bracing or walls at different locations. Response parameters like displacement, drift, shear and period are compared to evaluate the performance of walls versus bracing in improving seismic resistance of flat slab structures.
IRJET- A Review of Seismic Analysis of Shear Wall Optimization for Multi-...IRJET Journal
This document reviews seismic analysis of shear wall optimization in multi-storey buildings. It discusses different positions of shear walls, including at the middle, corners, and center of structures. Studies show shear walls improve structural performance under seismic loads by increasing stiffness and strength. Placing shear walls at the corners provides the highest reliability by minimizing drift, while a central location increases base shear and period. Properly designed and detailed shear walls improve earthquake resistance and are widely used in seismic regions.
IRJET- Study on Shear Wall and Bracing in Irregular Structure and Regular Str...IRJET Journal
This document presents a study on providing expansion joints in irregular and regular structures to improve their seismic performance. A 15-storey building model with an irregular L-shaped plan is created in ETABS software. The model is analyzed using response spectrum analysis for seismic zone V. The behavior of the irregular building is compared to regular models with and without expansion joints. The models include bare frames, shear wall frames, and combinations of shear walls and bracing. Responses such as base shear, story drift, displacement, forces and stiffness are compared between the regular and irregular configurations to evaluate the effectiveness of expansion joints.
Practice Head is assembled with Practice Torpedo intended for carrying out exercise firings. It is assembled with Homing Head in the forward section and oxygen flask in the rear section. Practice Head imparts positive buoyancy to the Torpedo at the end of run. The Practice Head is divided into two compartments viz. Ballast Compartment (Houses Light Device, Depth & Roll Recorder, Signal Flare Ejector, Discharge Valve, Stop Cock, Water discharge Valve, Bellow reducing Valve, Release Mechanism, Recess, Bypass Valve, Pressure Equalizer, Float, Sinking Plug etc.) which provides positive buoyancy at the end of run by discharging water (140 ltrs.) filled in the compartment and Instrument compartment (dry), houses (safety & recovery unit and its battery, combined homing and influence exploder equipment, noise maker, bollards & safety valve etc.) The recess in Ballast compartment houses the float which gets inflated at the end of run to provide floatation to the surfaced Torpedo. Several hand holes/recesses are provided on the casing/shell of Practice Head for assembly of the following components:-
a) Signal Flare Ejector Assembly
b) Depth and Roll Recorder Assembly
c) Light Device
d) Pressure equalizer
e) Drain/Discharge Valve assembly
f) Bollard Assembly
g) Holding for Floater/Balloon Assembly
h) Sinking Valve
i) Safety Valve
j) Inspection hand hole
Technical Details:
SrNo Items Specifications
1 Aluminum Alloy (AlMg5)
Casing Body Material: AlMg5
• Larger Outer Diameter of the Casing: 532.4 MM
• Smaller Outer Diameter of the Casing: 503.05 MM
• Total Length: 1204.20 MM
• Thickness: 6-8 mm
• Structural Details of Casing: The casing is of uniform outer dia for a certain distance from rear side and tapered from a definite distance to the front side. (Refer T-DAP-A1828-GADWG-PH- REV 00)
• Slope of the Tapered Portion: 1/8
• Mass of Casing (Without components mounting, but including the ribs and collars on the body): 58.5 kg
• Maximum External Test Pressure: 12 kgf/cm2
• Maximum Internal Test Pressure:-
i. For Ballast Compartment: 2 kgf/cm2
ii. For Instrument Compartment: 1 kgf/cm2
• Innerspace of casing assembly have 2 compartments:-
i. Ballast Compartment and
ii. Instrument Compartment
• Cut outs/ recesses shall be provided for the assembly of following components.
a) Signal Flare Ejector Assembly
b) Depth and Roll Recorder Assembly
c) Light Device
d) Pressure Equalizer
e) Drain/ discharge valve assembly
2 Front Side Collar Material: AlMg5
• Maximum Outer Diameter: 500 MM
• Pitch Circle Diameter: 468 MM
• All Dimensions as per drawing T-DAP-A1828-MDWG-C&R-REV-00
In a torpedo, the ballast components and instrument compartment play crucial roles in maintaining stability, control, and overall operational effectiveness. The ballast system primarily manages buoyancy and trim, ensuring that the torpedo maintains a stable trajectory underwater.
The Golden Gate Bridge a structural marvel inspired by mother nature.pptxAkankshaRawat75
The Golden Gate Bridge is a 6 lane suspension bridge spans the Golden Gate Strait, connecting the city of San Francisco to Marin County, California.
It provides a vital transportation link between the Pacific Ocean and the San Francisco Bay.
Primary User Emulation Attack (PUEA) is one of the major threats to the spectrum sensing in cognitive
radio networks. This paper studies the PUEA using energy detection that is based on the energy of the
received signal. It discusses the impact of increasing the number of attackers on the performance of
secondary user. Moreover, studying how the malicious user can emulate the Primary User (PU) signal is
made. This is the first analytical method to study PUEA under a different number of attackers. The
detection of the PUEA increases with increasing the number of attackers and decreases when changing the
channel from lognormal to Rayleigh fading.
The Science Information Network (SINET) is a Japanese academic backbone network for more than 800
universities and research institutions. The characteristic of SINET traffic is that it is enormous and highly
How to Build a Speed Sensor using Arduino?CircuitDigest
Learn how to measure speed using IR sensors in this simple DIY project. This tutorial cover circuit diagram, Sensor calibration and speed calculations and optimized Arduino code for real time speed measurements.
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The Uni-Bell PVC Pipe Association (PVCPA) has published the first North American industry-wide environmental product declaration (EPD) for water and sewer piping, and it has been verified by NSF Sustainability, a division of global public health organization NSF International.
Mozambique, a country with vast natural resources and immense potential, nevertheless faces several economic challenges, including high unemployment, limited access to energy, and an unstable power supply. Underdeveloped infrastructure has slowed the growth of industry and hampered people’s entrepreneurial ambitions, leaving many regions in the dark—literally and figuratively.