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Comparison And Contrast Essay Topic
Crafting a comparison and contrast essay can be a challenging endeavor that requires a
thoughtful approach and careful analysis. The difficulty lies not only in selecting a suitable topic
but also in navigating the intricate process of drawing meaningful comparisons and contrasts.
This type of essay demands a keen eye for detail, critical thinking skills, and the ability to
articulate similarities and differences effectively.
One of the primary challenges is finding a topic that offers sufficient material for comparison.
The chosen subjects must share some commonalities yet possess distinct features that allow for a
meaningful contrast. Striking this balance can be a delicate task, as it requires selecting elements
that can be thoroughly examined and compared within the confines of the essay.
Furthermore, organizing the essay poses another hurdle. Structure is crucial in a comparison and
contrast essay to ensure clarity and coherence. The writer must decide whether to adopt a block
method, where each subject is discussed in separate paragraphs, or a point-by-point method,
where specific aspects are compared and contrasted throughout the essay. This decision adds an
additional layer of complexity to the writing process.
Navigating through the research phase can also be challenging, as gathering relevant information
on both subjects necessitates a comprehensive understanding of each. Careful consideration must
be given to sources to ensure credibility and accuracy, contributing to the overall depth of the
In terms of language and style, conveying comparisons and contrasts requires a nuanced use of
language. Transitions between ideas must be smooth, and the writer must avoid superficial
observations, aiming instead for insightful analyses that provide the reader with a deeper
understanding of the subjects.
Despite these challenges, a well-crafted comparison and contrast essay can be a rewarding
intellectual exercise, fostering the development of analytical and communication skills. The
difficulty lies not only in the initial selection of a topic but also in the meticulous process of
research, organization, and expression.
For those facing challenges in writing such essays, there are resources available. Writing
assistance services, like HelpWriting.net, offer support in crafting essays on various topics.
These platforms can provide guidance, examples, and even custom essays tailored to specific
requirements, helping students navigate the complexities of academic writing.
Comparison And Contrast Essay TopicComparison And Contrast Essay Topic
Silent Spring Sparknotes
In Silent Spring, Rachel Carson proves that pesticides do more harm than good.
She details how ineffective most pesticides are, how toxic they ve become, and
how they ve managed to radically alter entire ecosystems by killing off animals
like robins and eagles. Carson begins by noting that attempts to improve the
efficiency of pesticides have merely resulted in their becoming even more toxic. As
those toxins move up the food chain, they increase in potency to the point of
killing many animals, including eagles. Carson also details how pesticides are bad
for humans. The toxins are stored in fat, where they linger around in the system,
causing many problems, including diseases like cancer. This book was written in an
era when pesticides were used with relative abandon: sprayed over entire fields of
crops, and anything nearby. Something had to be done, she believed, especially since
pesticides that were used decades before could still be found in the human body and
in the environment.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She believed that pesticides should be used when absolutely necessary, but that they
weren t the most effective way to control pests. Instead of using chemicals that can
severely harm the applicants and the animals the applicants would be eating, Carson
saw more logic in using the natural environment to her advantage in controlling
pests, which she referred to as a biotic approach. She highly praised the great
potential of using biological controls in place of chemicals, as well as use of natural
products and less toxic chemicals. She pointed out that scientists and government
officials concerns addressed only regular toxicity of pesticides and that no testing was
done on effects to wildlife. Regarding residues in food, she stated that government
protection through the Food and Drug Administration was minimal and that
tolerances provided a false sense of security, because usually, only minimal safety
data were
Beginning String Orchestra
There are several things you should consider when choosing repertoire for beginning
string orchestra. It is important as a teacher to consult several resources to learn
about quality compositions arrangements, and to learn about new works. You can
find lists from publishing companies (i.e. The FKH Music Company Inc., C. Alan
Publications, etc.), magazines such as SBO, state contest lists, and string and
orchestra teacher online groups and forums. You can also find repertoire ideas in the
book Strategies for Teaching Strings by Hamann Gillespie (Oxford Univ. Press) or in
Teaching MusicThrough Performance in Orchestra, 3 Vols. w/ CD (GIA
Publications). You should consider both original works and arrangements of standard
literature, and look... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You should find tricky passages in the piece for each instrument, and come up with
strategies, exercises and other activities to teach these passages and skills to ensure
student success.
10. (10 pts.)You have been asked to adjudicate a local large ensemble festival and
the duty includes providing feedback to several high school orchestras. What are three
specific things that you will look and listen for when the string groups play? Explain
why each of your three points is important for the string ensembles future success.
While adjudicating the ensemble festival, I would, first and foremost, look and listen
for good tone, and the proper technique behind good tone. Individual musicians ability
to produce good tone and play in tune relies heavily on their technique. It is important
for young musicians to develop proper posture and left and right hand technique to be
able to play the instrument properly and to prevent injury. Tone should be uniform,
centered, consistent and well controlled, and the ensemble should be in tune in all
dynamic levels and ranges throughout the performance. Without the proper technique,
tone quality and intonation, a string ensemble cannot be truly
Pearl Harbor Dbq
Q5. The Japanese were attacking everything in their path when it came to the war
in the Pacific. First, they had made the mistake in bombing the United States of
America at Pearl Harbor. After such a bloody attack, the United States would
surely declare war on Japan. However, this did not faze the Japanese as they
continued attacking in Asia and the Pacific. The Japanese drive for a Pacific
Empire was surely beginning. After many Japanese raids, the Allies would
eventually fight back using a specific strategy created by General Douglas
MacArthur, called island hopping. This strategy would prove to be extremely
effective on the Japanese. The Japanese had several victories in the Pacific, it
seemed as if they were unstoppable. For example, Guam
Oscar Wilde Research Paper
Oscar Wilde was born in the height victorian age. His dad was a doctor tell he died.
His mother who wrote under an alias for an irish newspaper called The Nation until it
was raided in 1848 and had to close. He had 5 siblings, Willie Wilde, Mary wilde,
Emile Wilde, Isola Wilde, and Henry Wilde. He has been rich and poor all his life and
today he has been remembered for all the good he did and all the bad. Oscar was at
Trinity College in 1872 and got the highest award getting him to Oxford. Oscars
family was rich until his father died in 1876. Oscars brother helped the family out
until he died in 1877. At that time he was At Oxford doing well in school. In
Oxford he was awarded the Newdigate award for his poem Ravenna. In 1888 he
moved to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Constance was four years younger than Oscar and the daughter of a prominent
barrister who died when she was 16. She was well read, spoke several European
languages and had an outspoken, independent mind. Oscar and Constance had two
sons in quick succession, Cyril in 1885 and Vyvyan in 1886.
In the summer of 1891, Oscar met Lord Alfred Bosie Douglas, the third son of the
Marquis of Queensberry. Bosie was well acquainted with Oscar s novel Dorian
Gray and was an undergraduate at Oxford. They soon became lovers and were
inseparable until Wilde s arrest four years later. In April 1895, Oscar sued Bosie s
father for libel as the Marquis had accused him of homosexuality. Oscar withdrew
his case but was himself arrested and convicted of gross indecency and sentenced to
two years hard labor. Constance took the children to Switzerland and reverted to an
old family name, Holland.
The Ballad of Reading Gaol, a response to the agony he experienced in prison. It
was published shortly before Constance s death in 1898. He and Bosie reunited
briefly, but Oscar mostly spent the last three years of his life wandering Europe,
staying with friends and living in cheap hotels. Sadly, he was unable to rekindle his
creative fires. When a recurrent ear infection became serious several years later,
meningitis set in, and Oscar Wilde died on November 30,
Carolina College Essay
Growing up in South Carolina, there is a lot heard about the Clemson Tigers and
the South Carolina Gamecocks. The biggest college football rivalry of the State.
There are commercials, billboards, and flyers that advertise the big game every year.
The amount of people that show up to the game is incredible. Thousands of people
go to watch these college players duke it out to prove that their college is better than
the other. The event brings in thousands of dollars, yet what most do not understand
is that the same athletes who are bringing in the money aren t getting paid to do their
jobs. South Carolinacollege athletes should have some type of compensation for
playing for the school.
Colleges are basically getting paid to host a game that ... Show more content on
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Jadeveon Clowney, a National Football League and former University of South
Carolina athlete, also believes that the athletes should get some form of
compensation for the money they bring in for the schools. CBS Sports reported,
Unsurprisingly, Clowney also believes that college athletes should be paid and
told Rome as much. I think so, Clowney said. They are selling our jerseys with our
numbers and making money off of ticket sales so I think college athletes should get
paid. ... he certainly has a good case for wanting to receive some compensation for
generating so much money for his school. (Brinson). Given from the numbers of the
revenue, one may say that the University of South Carolina could afford to put aside
at least fifty percent, of the twenty one million dollars made off of ticket sales, to
give college athletes stipends.
Athletes would also possibly stay longer if they were paid. This could be
beneficial to both the player and the college. If an athlete is good enough to play a
pro sport, then they are more likely to only play one year in college due to the one
and done rule. The one and done rule states that a professional athlete must play at
least one year, in college or overseas, before they are able to play a professional sport.
Since athletes aren t getting paid in college, some athletes leave after their first year
in order to support their families. Jadeveon Clowney
Blackface In Minstrel Shows
Blackface is a form of makeup used for theatrical purposes, predominantly used by
non black performers portraying a black person. Blackface was mainly used in
minstrel shows, also known as minstrelsy, in which Americans would charge others
to watch racial and discriminatory performances. Minstrel shows were developed
in the early 19th century, and every show was composed of humoristic plays, skits,
acts and other visual performances that are meant to mock and make fun of people
of African American descent. The shows were performed mainly by Caucasians
using burnt cork as make up for the purpose of trying to represent a black person.
Minstrel shows portrayed black peopleas stupid, silly, lazy, and happy go lucky.
Therefore, these shows were made by racist Caucasians that dehumanized African
Americans and made them seem like they were idiots in which they made profit
from. Frederick Douglass once said that blackfaceperformers were ...the filthy scum
of white society, who have stolen from us a complexion denied them by nature, in
which to make money, and pander to the corrupt taste of their white fellow citizens.
The previous quote perfectly summarizes the whole concept of blackface. Minstrel
shows were the cause from evolved entertainment. In 1828, Thomas Dartmouth
Daddy Rice performed a song and dance routine using ugly, old, tattered clothes, and
blackface in a New York City theatre. He was known as the father of American
minstrelsy. His performance was based on the
India s Economic Impact On India Essay
As previously stated, Britain s economic interest in India had begun in the 1600 s
when the British East India Company set up trading posts in several Indian cities
such as Madras, Bombay, and Calcutta (Age of Imperialism 2012). At first, the
Mughal dynasty which ruled India at the time, had kept European traders under
control. But by 1707, the Mughal dynasty had begun to collapse and many small
states began to break away from under the control of the Mughal dynasty. In 1757,
Robert Clive led the East India Company troops to a swift and decisive victory over
Indian defence forces along with the French at the Battle of Plassey. From then on,
the British East India Company was the leading power in India (Age of Imperialism
Throughout the 18th and 19th century, many events have taken place in the world.
One of these events was the industrial revolution starting in England and then
eventually spreading to other countries in Europe (Chauhan 1989: 109). This
economic impact affected India because of how an English man by the name of
Thomas Stevens managed to motivate four of London s traders to travel to India.
The industrial revolution allowed for Britain to obtain the raw materials for its
monopoly of factories that they were in need of as well as a location to sell their
valuable goods. What occurred after was a struggle of power in 18th century India.
The Mughal empire was declining in forces which gave the British the power to take
full control due to their large
Summary Of Paul David Tripp s Dangerous Calling
A church is a house of worship where Christians gather to worship and offer
sacrifices. Though all churches have a core function to serve God, they have
different doctrines and ways of worship this, therefore, leads to a difference in
preference of the believers as to which church to go to and to move away. For a
church to stand, it has various things that it should practice. Many authors have
different views concerning the same. This work is hence going to give a report on
how to keep the church standing by different authors. The biblical counselor Paul
David Tripp in his book Dangerous Calling addresses the challenges and temptations
that are exclusive to or intensified by pastoral ministry. In his counseling ministry,
Tripp has seen all, too much proof of an actual collapse in... Show more content on
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They require the back up of members of the church; it is, therefore, a necessity that
whoever is called to accomplish a certain task in the ministry should adhere to it so
that everyone has the role to play. It requires prayers and nurturing of talents such as
singing. The church should hence be equipped with instruments so and youths be
trained in their operations such that pastoral ministry and other young ministries in a
church are brought together through various functions to do missions. Stetzer and
Dodson in their book Comeback Churches where they found out that a church grows
exponentially at its beginning, it then enters a plateau stage and finally it begins to
decline. It shows that there is an increasing trend of the un churched people. The book
Comeback Churches outlines the measures that the churches at a plateau stage should
put in place so that they begin to grow again and never decline. The book identifies
five important tools to rejuvenate the church, intentional evangelism, vibrant faith,
leadership, lay ministry and celebrating but orderly worship (Stetzer and Mike
Speech On Lasik Surgery
Good Morning everyone I am in front of you to discuss my topic which is in titled
Lasik Surgery but before that I have a quote here which fit on my topic, We have
hearing aids in order to fix our ear. We have lasik surgery in order to fix our eyes,
People... you can t fix stupid! by Ron White . So let me start, what comes into your
mind when you hear the word lasik? So basically lasik means an eye correct vision
which needs a laserto reshape the inner cornea. There are three types of eye
conditions, the nearsighted, farsighted and astigmatism. So first let us know the
nearsighted or (myopia), basically means that people who are nearsighted they can t
clearly see a text or a thing that is too far from them and they need to move closer
in that certain area, nearsighted people usually experiencing blur vision when they
are far well they can read it but then the text itself will turn into a blur one. It can be
a common cause of having a blur vision. So here is a sample picture of myopia. The
second is farsighted or (hyperopia), basically means that people who are farsighted
they are unable to see things clearly they can see it but it needs to have a good
distance most of them usually imagine or foresight on what will happen on the things
that has been shown in front they can clearly see it because they are... Show more
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The cost of lasik surgery $2151 per eye for wave front guided lasik and laser cut flaps
and $1630 with the older model excimer lasers not guided by wave front technology
. So here is a sample photo a patient having a
The Impact Of Imsi Catchers On Mobile Phone Towers On
IMSI Catchers or Cell Site Simulators are devices that pose as legitimate cell phone
towers on GSM networks in order to either log the IMSI numbers of mobile phones
in a specific area or to intercept mobile phone traffic in a specific area of interest.
IMSI stands for International Mobile Subscriber Identity and is an identifying
number that is unique for every mobile phone. This research paper sets out to
understand how IMSI catchers work, when and in what context their deployment
would be most beneficial to investigators, and the legality of this device.
How IMSI Catchers Work
Cellular Networks
A cellular network is a radio network distributed over land areas called cells . Each
cell is served by one fixed location transceiver, which is called a base station . When
cells are joined together, they provide wireless coverage over a large geographic
area, within which mobile stations or phones can communicate with base stations and
each other. Overlapping coverage areas allows transmission to be maintained even
when mobile stations are moving between cells. Assigning a different set of
frequencies to neighboring cells avoids wireless signal interference.
3G (UMTS and CDMA2000)
...And be most easily described as having 4 network components
1. Mobile Stations (MS)
The mobile stations is a cell phone or mobile device with a Subscriber Identification
Module (SIM) card. Each SIM card is identified by its IMSI number, which consists
of a 3 digits Mobile
Compare And Contrast The Four Ancient Greek
The paper will describe the four ancient government by comparing and contrasting the
forms of Ancient Greek city states namely aristocracy, monarch, democracy and
oligarchy. However, considering the fact that Greece had a number of poleis and such
popular poleis include Athens, Sparta, Corinth, Megara and Argos just to name a few.
The reading literature has so far said lot about Athens and Sparta, but not much has
been mentioned about the other poleis. Much more reference about government
structures will refer to Athens and Sparta in this paper, in particular answering the
questions which of the city states was either monarchy, oligarch, aristocracy and
democracy, and also how were they similar?
Aristocratic cities like Sparta, were oligarchies ... Show more content on
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J (n.d p.10). Sparta was also a military totalitarian and it dictated the lives of its
citizens and its neighbours were turned into slaves called helots. Athens was a
democracy totally different from Sparta, and was pursuing economic, political and
cultural lines which was the birth place of democracy and greatest philosophers, artist
of the classical Greece and playwrights, equally like other Greek states class
conflicts and social disparities bedevil the polis as witnessed when power shifted to
the Athenian people the aristocracy denounced the system as mob rule Brand, P. J
(n.d). the democratic process emerged during archaic period 800 to 500 BCE,
according to Brand, P. J (n.d) as during the period power and wealth was in the
Representation Of Homosexuals
Homosexuality on screen has been a taboo topic since the creation of film in the late
nineteenth century and remained that way until violent protest of the 1970 s sexual
revolution. Continually, the overuse of hateful slurs against the gay community is
still used today as comedic relief. The overall delayment in representation of
homosexuals in the industry paused the long march for equal rights and resulted in
inaccurate stereotypes such as the pansy or villains. The conservative reaction
towards such liberal topics caused filmmakers to conceal queer cinema as production
codes enforced strict laws, but as time progressed so did the involvement of the LGBT
community in the filmindustry, The first glimpse of homosexualityis questionably
Fall Prevention in Hospitalized Patients Essay
Introduction Falls are a big concern for all employees in a hospital setting daily.
The worst thing that can happen to a patient while being hospitalized is a fall, or a
major fall, that could result in skin damage (i.e. wounds, skin tears, or abrasions),
a fracture or break, thus limiting their independence. This student s goal was to
develop a way to educate staff members in ways they can help reduce the number
of falls that occur. Developing a sample Fall Risk Prevention Policy as well as a
Staff in service on fall risk and Prevention achieved this goal. Field of Work:
Prevention of patient falls at NCH Orthopedic Unit Problem: Patient falls have long
been a common and serious problem in hospitals across the nation, causing... Show
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The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported that more than one third of adults
65 and older fall each year. Half of the elderly people, who fall, do so repeatedly.
Aside from the health problems related to falls, nearly $20 billion of direct medical
costs are associated with fatal and non fatal falls (Larson Bergmann, 2008). Noted
and documented falls, NCH Orthopedic Unit from December 2008 to December
2009: Dec 08Jan 08Feb 08Mar 08Apr 08May 08Jun 08Jul 08Aug 08Sept 08Oct
08Nov 08Dec 09 # Of Falls1675628632461 Average number of fall was 4.3 per
month according to NCH s statistical records. Compared to 1,500 senior residents
in Florida who were injured from a fall 2008 and 41,464 Florida residents who
were hospitalized from fall related injuries, females accounted for 51% of fall
related deaths and 73% of fall related hospitalizations (Florida Injury Facts, 2010).
In 2008, the number one leading cause of death in those 65+ was falls, with
approximately 1,511 that year (DOH (2), 2008). Anyone can be at risk for a fall due
to their environment, though some are at a greater risk than others. Someone with
confusion or cognitive impairment for example, is at greater risk for experiencing a
fall both within the community and the home setting. Patients with dementia are
three times more likely to fall than
Geo 509
The purpose of this report is to analyze and illustrate the geographical origins of
eragrostis tef along with details of its global dispersion. The common name of the
crop in Ethiopia is tef. It was chosen for its cultural significance and it s importance
In Ethiopia, about 4.9 million acres of land is devoted to its production every year.
From 2003 2005 production statistics indicated that tef accounted for about 29% of
the land and 20% of the gross grain production of all major cereal cultivation in the
country (National Research Council).
Eragrostis tef belongs to the grass family Poaceae, and is species of Eragrostis. It
contains about 350 species and tef is the only ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The use of tef was quite crucial for the Abyssinians, since the amount of tef seed
required to plant were hundreds of times smaller than that of wheat (Ingram). This
productive potential and minimal time and seed requirements have protected them
from hunger when their food supply was under attack from numerous invaders in the
It was reported by Unger in 1866 that tef seeds were also found in the Egyptian
Pyramid of Dashur in 3359 BC (National Research Council). Dried tef straws were
suggested to have been used in the making of mud bricks used in the Pyramid of
Dashur as well (Seyfu).
The closest wild relative to tef is generally considered to be eragrostis pilosa this
species is recorded as an annual growing weed from Eritrea and Northern regions of
Ethiopia (Ingram).
Vavilov has recognized Ethiopia as the center of origin and variety of tef (National
Research Council). Due to the fact that several widespread and non widespread
species of eragrostis, some of which are considered the wild relatives of tef, are
found in Ethiopia. Since the genetic diversity for tef does not exist anywhere else in
the world except in Ethiopia, confirms that tef originated and was
I Want You For The Us Army Poster Analysis
I Want You for the U.S. Army Posters are splashy, large format images, which are
accompanied by a short text. Usually, the purposes of the posters are to agitate,
advertise, inform, or teach people. Posters from World War I and World War II often
used metaphors, different figures, events, and places. During the First World War
propaganda posters were enormously widespread. Artists used them to agitate people
to conscription, subscriptions to war loans, and aid to the wounded soldiers. One of
the most important posters from World War Iand World War II is I Want You for U.S.
Army by James Mantgomery Flagg. This poster is very influential because of its
figure, the message, and the effect on the people.
The first thing that took my attention
Essay on the setting of there will come soft rains
Essay on the setting of August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains by Ray
Bradbury In August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains , a short story by world
renown author Ray Bradbury, the narrator tells the story of a house in Allendale
California, in the year 2026. The setting in this short story is very particular; it is
set in a post apocalyptic world that most likely illustrates the aftermath of a
devastating nuclear war. The story takes place over the course of one day: August 4,
2026 . The house that is described to the reader is the last house left standing, it s
deserted and surrounded by rubbles but it s still technologically intact. The setting in
this story takes a major role, it provides insight into the story, it facilitates... Show
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The house s efficiency and helpfulness seem to make it cold and emotionless and
the fact that it lives on after its inhabitants have passed just proves how the house is
only a machine that is unable to love, this house will always be a house but it will
never be a home. While the plot and the theme are always very significant, a reader
should never forget the importance of the setting in a story. This short story is a
perfect example of the importance of the setting, since it is through it that the reader
is able to truly understand the author s message and intensions. It is through the
description of a post apocalyptic world, a city in ruins and the last house standing,
that the reader is able to truly understand the
Descriptive Essay About Snow
It was a cold day, so cold that your arms start to sting as if a needle is impaling the
surface of your skin. The wind applies a force which feels as if your face is oozing
with thick crimson red blood. The gray puffy clouds covered the sky and dropped
small snowflakes onto the road s surface. A man stood there, freezing, clearing the
coat of thick white snowfrom the concrete road. His nose runs with a river of snot
that floods out when the cold windstrikes. His sense of smell is heavily clogged by
the slimy snot, but he can still smell the scent of the steamy hot chocolate which
sits on the top of his snow covered car. His feet start to numb because of the cold
flood which soaks through his boots to his white, silky socks. His feet feel as if he
stepped into the freezing cold ocean. As if he fell through ice and he was stuck
standing there. The vast pile of the ice white snow feels almost like a quicksand
around his black rubber boot. Foggy figures of people shovel the big piles of snow
off the sidewalks. They scrape and pick at the glossy white ice which sticks to the
sidewalk like a little boy clinging to his mother s side. His feet still sting as if he
was stepping on pins and needles. His hands are damp with sweat from grasping
the curved metal shaft attached to a socket which holds the blade. The blade cuts
holes into the thick powdered snow which is removed from the endless pile. The jet
black shovel is filled with slushy snow and crystal shards of ice. The end of
Eng 101
Violence in Music Videos and Music Lyrics has a negative impact on children.
Music videos that expose profanity and sexuality are inappropriate and leave a
negative impression on young children. Violence in music videos can cause health
problem. Music videos that promote negative lyrics are affecting young children.
Music lyrics with vulgar languages affect the development and well being of young
children. For example, the study author (Stone, 2009) found that music with explicit
references to drugs, sex or violencecan be associated with negative effects on school
work behavior and emotions (p. 2). Media violence not only provokes violence
among children, it provokes sexual behaviors. However, Music videos add
reinforcement... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(White, 2009, p. 2) Video games also cause children to develop social problems.
Their empathy decreases and they are less willing to help others. Children become
antisocial spending less and less time interacting with family members, friends, and
playing. They are controlled by what is occurring on the screen in front of them,
locking themselves up in their rooms, or away from others just to play endless
hours of video games. Video games have progressed over recent years becoming far
more violent, sophisticated, and addictive. Studies have shown that the effects of
video games and aggressive behavior follow almost the same pattern as that of studies
with violent media such as cartoons.
Cartoon violence also leaves a negative impact on children. After the Columbine
School shooting, attention shifted from television to other media, such as cartoons.
Cartoons in America, generally for children, also form a surprisingly large source of
violence. (Clark, 2009) stated HIGH levels of violence in cartoons such as Scooby
Doo can make children more aggressive. This behavior includes verbal and psychical
aggression. (Clark, 2009) Also found that children copied at school the verbal
aggression they had seen on T.V. (p. 2) (2nd ed). Watching cartoon increase real life
aggression in children. Children become aggressive toward their classmates by
Edgar Allan Poe s Limitless
Edgar Allan Poe Reading Edgar Allan Poe is what originally got me interested in
writing. I remember being 13 years old, just entering middle school, and reading
Annabelle Lee for the first time. When I read the words But our love it was
stronger by far than the love, Of those who were older than we... my whole body
came down with the chills. After that, I read his complete works and quickly fell
in love. Gublernation Matthew Gray Gubler is the actor who portrays Dr. Spencer
Reid on the TV show Criminal Minds. He has acted in so much more than that
though, he played in the movie Life After Beth, How to Be a Serial Killer, Suburban
Gothic, and is the Voice of Simon in the Alvin and the Chipmunks movie series. He
is also an artist, model, and has quit the witty sense of humor. He has quite the
following on Tumblr and other social media sites, me included.... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
We watched the movie and both thought it was fantastic. In 2015 it was announced
that they would be doing a spin off in the form of a TV show. The first season just
ended and I spent every episode on the edge of my seat wondering what was going
to happen next. Many people in the Limitless fandom are lovingly calling
themselves The Bruntouchables, due to a reference to this in one of the episodes. I
can t wait for next season to start and won t be surprised if this show gains a larger
fan base. Mythical
I Am A Roger Or Anita Radcliffe
In a world where you want to be a Roger or Anita Radcliffe, most of us end up being
a Cruella De Vil without even knowing it. 101 Dalmatians is a perfect example of
why we should spay or neuter our pet(s). Most of us know this cute, somewhat
terrifying, Disney movie where 15 innocent puppies get stolen by the evil Cruella
De Vil for their furs. They end up escaping, along with the rest of the pups stolen
from other homes, to find one loving home. But imagine this, imagine if the place
they ended up going to wasn t an old abandon house but an animal shelter in your
neighborhood. Imagine if they didn t escape or get adopted into a loving home but
they were put down because there are too many pups and not enough people or
homes. 15 puppies can turn into 225 puppies if each pup in the first generation had a
litter. Think about it, are all of those dogs going to find homes? Spaying or neuteringa
single pair of unsterilized cats or dogs will literally save the lives of thousands of
unwanted kittens and puppies Spaying and Neutering Information . There are many
many problems caused from not spaying or neutering your pet including
overpopulation, health problems, and behavioral issues. To help end this nationwide
problem we need to examine the causes and effects that come when you don t spay
or neuter your pet and go over the solutions to fix it.
Animal overpopulation is a huge problem and you, and every other human,
contributes to this problem when you don t spay or neuter
Epic Of Gilgamesh Historical Flood
Perhaps you may be familiar with the flood story of Genesis but not the flood that
occurs in the Epic of Gilgamesh. In both stories, a very important historical flood
happens. Both share multiple differences and similarities while describing the
flood in different ways. The Flood story in Genesis is way more believable. The
world is more likely to flood if it rains forty days and forty nights than it raining for
six days and six nights.
In the Epic of Gilgamesh it tells a story about a young man named Gilgamesh. He is
the king of Uruk that appeared to be two thirds divine and one third human. Yet, he
was very vicious with an overbearing behavior. This story takes you on a journey as
you read it leading Gilgamesh to finding out his true self. The gods created a man
named Enkidu hoping to distract Gilgamesh. When Gilgamesh figures this out ...
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Gilgamesh and Enkidu get into a brawl. They both become best friends after the
battle. With both Enkidu and Gilgamesh wanting to win fame they take part in
harmful adventures which leads to Enkidu being killed. With Gilgamesh fearing
death, he then decides to find immortality and finds Utnapishtim. Utnapishtim then
tells Gilgamesh the story of the flood. Enlil, the god of winds, calls for a flood that
will kill all mankind. Ea, the god of wisdom and magic, tells Utnapishtim in a
dream, O Man of Shuruppak, son of Ubar Tutu, Wreck house, build boat, Forsake
possessions and seek life, Belongings reject and save life! Take aboard the boat
seed of all living things. The boat you shall build, let her dimensions be measured
out: let her width be equal, roof her over like the watery depths (Pg.81 lines 24 31).
To emphasize, Utnapishtim need to tear down his house and build a boat that will
save living creatures and the boat should be equal length with a roof. According to
the text Utnapishtim build the boat, One full acre was her deck
Miss Essay example
BUSINESS ECONOMICS Assignment 1 Case study: Mintel batteries report a)
What happened to sales of batteries in the period 2004 8? Provide a quantitative
estimate. How do you explain the fact that over that period the amount of batteries
sold increased whereas the value of sales declined? From figure 20 we can see that
the volume of sold batteries from 2004 (584 million batteries) to 2008 (611 million
batteries) has increased by 27 million batteries. During that period of time the
volume has slightly raised, where in 2006 was the highest volume of batteries sold
620 million batteries. Being a difference the value at 2004 to 2008 prises has
decrease, started... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Situation for the figure 21, which presents purchasing of batteries events, is almost
the same. Figure 24. The average spending on batteries per battery buyer based on
adults started with 49.44 in 2005 and has grown to 50.64 in 2008. The average
spending for batteries per buyer stood almost the same during the period from
2005 to 2008, it was 10.6 in 2005 and felt down to 10.00 in 2008. The number of
buyers of batteries started with 38.96 in 2005 and reached to 41.18 in the
following year , kept falling down in 2007 (40.05) till reaching almost its starting
point (38.89) in 2008. Figure 26 we can see over the volume sales of batteries by
type. We can see that Recharge cells batteries have growth rapidly independently
by the small segment of the market. In 2005 they started with 1.5 % of market
volume sales and reached to 2.3% for 2008, and growth with 56% since 2005.
However, alkaline batteries accounted for 79% of value sales, are the biggest segment
of the market. In 2006 value of sales was ВЈ326m and felt down to ВЈ307m in 2008.
There is no visible change in volume of sales for alkaline batteries, the difference is
1%. The value sales of Zink carbon batteries have decrease from 2005 to 2008 with
14 million and the volume of sales has fallen down from 13.4% in 2005 to 10.6% in
2008. Specialists hold their own. The value sales of this type of batteries have
decreased slightly with ВЈ3 from 2005 to 2008, there has no change in percentages,
and the
An Exploration of British Injustice in Shooting an...
. By the type of language and the choice of words that the author used to write his
essay, it is very likely that it was written for the British people, to make them aware
of the injustice and cruelty of Imperialism in the colonies. The author s aim is to
make the reader feel disturbed and uneasy by describing in detail his negative
experiences in India. This rhetorical analysis explores the success of the author in
portraying the negative impact that Imperialism had on those being governed under
it, but also on the impact on those in power. The way Orwell used the words for
describing the scene of shooting the elephant, his aim was to get the reader s mind to
understand the injustice of Britain s rule over the natives. While Shooting an... Show
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With the use of the words white man and tyrant, it is obvious Orwell was referring
to one of the sides of Imperialism, the side that has the power. They are becoming
the puppets of the natives: A sahib has got to act like a sahib (Orwell, 410). With
the use of this phrase Orwell uses the word sahib as a symbol of tyrant or master.
This phrase shows not only how the people oppressed by the Imperialism suffer,
but the tyrant itself by giving up his freedom. Through the way Orwell arrange this
paragraph the audience can now truly understand Orwell s argument about how
Imperialism has negative effects on those in the power, and how ironically it is
for Orwell to gain power and dominance over others, just to lose freedom and
dominance over yourself. Through the essay, with the use of particular emotional
words and sentences, the audience can perceive Orwell s feelings and emotions, by
the memorable amount of pathos over his essay. Orwell goes on describing the
cruel reality the Burmese people lived in by describing, with the use of dramatic and
lively words, the terrible situations, and consequences of Imperialism. Giving more
reasons for his logos, Orwell at the same time uses pathos to emotionally involve
Xerxes Invasion
Xerxes invasion of Greece was unsuccessful due to myriad causes. Being a son of a
great King Darius, he was coerced to live up to his Father s name and be as a
mighty sovereign as King Darius was. Xerxes failure evolved around his
mannerisms, as he was a man who was irresolute and need persuasion. Only after he
was given that assertiveness, was he able to go forth with decisions. His tactics that
he performed during the Battle of Thermopylaeand the Battle of Salamisalso portray
Xerxes defeat of the invasion of Greece.
King Xerxes I was the son of King Darius the Great, arguably the greatest monarch in
all of the ancient world 1. Unlike his more successful father Darius, Xerxes actions
did not strengthen the Persian Empire, but led ... Show more content on
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The Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies. 1998.
Though Xerxes had a huge army, in that small space he could only use a fraction of
his men at a time. Xerxes sent group after group of Persian warriors into the pass.
The Greeks, who had better armor and longer spears (Sacks 246), slaughtered each
group of fighters. Even Xerxes elite legion of Immortals
The Battle of Thermopylae was very important as a delay tactic and because it
made the Persians overly confident. It allowed the Athenians time to evacuate their
city and send the elderly citizens and the city s treasure to the island of Salamis and
the women and children to safety in Troezen while preparing the men for a naval
battle (Pomeroy et al 194). After Thermopylae, Xerxes was so confident that when
the Greeks sent him a message through a slave of Persian descent, he took their bait
and fought a naval battle that he was not prepared for (Baker 89). A storm at
Artemisium had badly damaged his fleet during the Battle of Thermopylae.
Xerxes was so confident with himself, that when the Greeks sent him a message
through a slave of Persian descent , he took their bait and fought a naval battle that
he was not prepared for (Baker 89). Despite a storm occurring at Artemisium, which
had badly damaged his fleet during the Battle of Thermopylae, he still sent his ships
to the narrow straits at Salamis (Pomeroy et al 196).
Xerxes was
The Causes Of Drug Abuse In Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde
The plot of the Robert Louis Stevenson s book Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde exposes
more than just a suspense novel. It also exposes the use and side effects of drugs.
The book in such presents the eerie feeling that went along with the history of drug
abuse in the 19th century as well as the afflictions the drug abuser and his
companions suffer through. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde don t just belong to the past of
the 19th and early 20th century. It is as still relevant in modern times as it was and
past, possibly even more so. The decades and centuries of drug abuse have been a
mystery to some of the reason why some humans put themselves through the horrors
of addiction. The ideas and theories are numerous, but the root cause differs... Show
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Jekyll is the story of so many of the desperate souls who get hooked on the line
called addiction. In the book of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the struggle between
sanity and insanity becomes all too real. The story depicts how Dr. Jekyll
experimented on himself with an experimental drug of his own concoction and
continues to self administrate it to his person. He becomes two different people,
both in mentality and otherwise (Stevenson). He goes from being a gentleman to a
wicked, malicious monster of Mr. Hyde. The man highly respected among his
friends becomes their nightmare. He causes them much grief; in some cases, their
shocking death. The doctor is so dependent on the drug he steals, lies, and deceives
all who care for him. When it is finally realized among his loved ones about his
condition it is too late. His addiction is his death like so many in life. Robert Louis
Stevenson the author of this novel was widely speculated to have his own habit but it
was never proven. He based this story of what was most likely happening in
Edinburgh and London around the turn of the century going in 20th and out of the
19th (McLeod). He used his stories as reflections of the times in which he was born
and grew up in. His stories connected and entertained readers with drama and horrors
as well as relevancy ( ProQuest) (ProQuest). The book of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are
still relevant today. It has affected and exposed readers to drug abuse of past and
Using Alternative Fuels For Cars
There are many different types of alternate fuels for cars at our disposal, such as
Ethanol, Natural Gas, Electricity, and Hydrogen Fuels. We can use these fuels
instead of normal gasoline fuels that pollute our air and contribute to destroying
our environment. Many of these alternative fuels may be less convenient to use,
because they are less accessible. However, if people decide to use these fuels then
they can make our world a green friendly world. There this a ton of upside to using
alternative fuels, according to Larry West s article on the top eight alternative fuels,
as they can help nations become more energy independent. In addition, there are
several downsides or challenges associated with alternative fuels for cars, such as...
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At its low price it s much more affordable then most fuels making it a good option.
There a lot of positive sides to using ethanol but there an also a few negative things it
can produce when used or even made.
Ethanol is a good alternative fuel but there is negative things that come with it.
Ethanol requires a bunch of corn, barley, and wheat to make (Meyers, 2014).
Which in turn could be used to feed starving people all over the world. Using corn,
barley, and wheat hinders food availability and even the prices of the food. The new
York times has stated that using ethanol actually decreases gas mileage. Ethanol
gives you 2 3 miles less than normal gasoline (West, 2014). Ethanol can also break
down faster than normal gasoline. Meaning that ethanol can cause rust of the car
engine. Making ethanol can actually pollute the air a bunch because of all the
gasoline it requires to power the tractors and machines that gather the required
material to make it. Ethanol has negative impacts on our environment but overall it
has more positives then negatives and makes a good alternative fuel.
Natural Gas is another alternative fuel option that has a bunch of positive sides to it.
Using natural gas produces lower negative emissions that pollute the air. Natural gas
produces less smog then your normal gasoline that everyone uses. Natural gas is
helping America as a nation to use clean environmental friendly energy sources.
Using natural gas can reduce the probability of
Urban Schools
Urban and suburban schools are different in many ways including funding, teacher
quality, and student performance. Low income, inner city schools often have more
disadvantaged students then their richer suburban neighbor schools. When analyzing
the differences in school funding, and the dropout rate of students as well as
teachers, it becomes apparent that real change is needed to help bridge the gap
between urban and suburban schools. Most would agree that all kids should have
access to a quality educationand that where students live should not determine
whether they learn. Today s education system is failing thousands of children based
on their geographic location and is in major need of reform.
It is widely believed that education is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Urban schools often do not have the funds to pay qualified teachers as much as
they deserve, so schools must hire teachers with less experience and fewer skills.
There are major teacher shortages in most low income, urban schools. A shortage is
caused when the demand for teachers is greater than the supply of teachers willing
and able to teach in an urban school. Therefore, a teacher shortage in urban districts
makes it hard to hire qualified teachers so...teachers who are hired are often less
qualified than teachers in suburban districts (Jacobs). These shortages are especially
noticeable in the subjects of math and science. Urban schools had 34.7 percent
difficulty filling teacher vacancies in math and 27.2 percent difficulty in science
while suburban schools had only 25.1 percent difficulty in math and 17.4 percent
difficulty in science (Jacobs). In addition, urban schools were substantially more
likely [than suburban schools] to fill these vacancies by hiring a substitute (42.4
percent versus 30.0 percent) or hiring a less than fully qualified teacher (19.2 percent
versus 14.4 percent) (Jacobs). This means that students in urban districts are being
taught by highly unqualified teachers while suburban students benefit from teachers
who have vast experiences and
Nat King Cole s Vocal Style
Today, 66 years after the peak of his career, Nat King Cole remains to be a
household name. Most anyone you ask will recognize his iconic baritone vocals.
Although he is best known for his vocal style, Cole was also an extremely talented
piano player. Along with his elegant presence, Cole was able to break the strong
barriers of racism in the 1960s, leaving a legacy for artists behind him. Cole was
raised in an extremely religious household outside of Chicago. His mother was the
choir director of the church, and his father a Pastor. Cole began learning pianoaround
age four, which would lead to him dropping out of school at 15 to pursue a career
in music. Cole s first band was called the Royal Dukes. In 1936, he left home at age
17 to perform with the national tour of Shuffle Along. Cole s piano technique was
greatly influenced by Earl Hines. Cole himself once said that he owed everything to
that man ( Nat King ColeJazzPianist ).
Over the years Cole developed his own piano style, he became known for its
syncopated left hand, and his ability to quickly move from octave to octave. Cole
also had an ability to play with a more freedom, as he often played without a
drummer. This allowed him to create his own personal style, known for its modern
rhythms ( Nat King Cole: The Pianist ). Cole s stage presence was said to be
extremely strong, facing the audience as he played. In 1937, Cole formed the King
Cole Trio, consisting of himself on the piano, Oscar Moore on the
Theoretical Perspectives Used By Sociologists
There are five theoretical perspectives used by sociologists in their research: symbolic
interaction, rational choice, structural functionalism, social conflict, and feminist.
Actions of the family members in Family Dinner Date video can be explained by
each of these theories.
According to the symbolic interaction theory, people behave and communicate in a
particular group in a proper way, the way that is suitable for that group. Moreover,
they do not only communicate and act in response to the environment, but play an
important role in a process of creating and changing their own environments and their
own groups. Based on social communication and performing functions, people act in
ways that appropriate for any given situation. In the video, members of the family
carry out their roles in ways that they have learned and practiced over years.
Daughter decorates a table for the dinner, mother helps her in the kitchen, son gets
ready by finishing his homework, and father comes home and looks forward to the
dinner. They already know what to expect from each other and use symbols their
actions and conversations in order to communicate with each other. As it was
mentioned above, symbolic theory explains that they not only react to the current
environment, such as preparation for dinner, but also create their own environment;
in this setting it is creating a positive atmosphere and excitement before and during
dinner. Everyone is focused on this event and does everything possible
Examining Themes in Heart of Darkness Essay
Joseph Conrad wrote the book, Heart of Darkness, in 1898. He wrote this book
touching on many different themes such as imperialism and commerce, darkness
imagery, dream and nightmare, isolation, mental and physical illness, truth, and
journey. Although all the themes are important to make Heart of Darkness complete,
three prevail overall: imperialism and commerce, truth, and journey. Being the author
of the book, Joseph Conradhad a personal connection to it. He took his own journey
down the Congo River and like Marlow, said that as a child his dreams were to
grow up and explore the heart of Africa. A family member also recommended
Conrad to a company. Joseph Conrad experienced the heart of darkness, that could be
a reason why his book... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The company was corrupt, and with its power and control over the natives,
operated entirely for the sole purpose of obtaining ivory. Marlow told of a time
when the civilized world was discovering the untamed British Isles, and in
comparison of how the British are now discovering the unexplored areas of the
world. Thinking from the point of view of a commander, Marlow explains the
feelings of trying to conquer and over power swinish land.
In some inland post feel savagery, the utter savagery, had closed round him, all that
mysterious life of the wilderness that stirs in the forest, in the jungles, in the hearts of
wild men. There is no initiation either into such mysteries. He has to live in the midst
of the incomprehensible, which is also detestable. And it has a fascination, too, which
goes to work upon him. The fascination of the abomination you know, imagine the
growing regrets, the longing to escape, the powerless disgust, the surrender, the hate.
Part 1, page 31
All through Marlow s journey he encounters many accounts of torture, cruelty, and
slavery mainly pertaining to the natives.
It is no accident that the narrator introduced the reader to Marlow while on a
journey. The story Marlow unravels also takes place on a journey. Marlow s apparent
journey takes him from his childhood, as a boy dreaming of filling empty spaces on
maps, to the middle of Africa. An intimate possession to understand the secrets of the
unknown pushes him down
Drugs in United States Essay examples
Drugs in United States
Drugs are a complex problem with widespread political, economic and social
implications for producing, transit, and consumer nations. In the area of foreign
policy, political and economic instability in drug producing areas around the world
and particularly in Latin America is an epidemic that cannot be ignored. The
objective of this paper is to asses the past issues, current status, and future prospects
of the US war on drugs in Latin America specifically Panama. It begins with a brief
overview of the basic problems of drug use in America, and examines how the
United States has handled the specific situation of General Noriega and the
Panamanians. Finally, I will examine an array of policy options ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Drugs are a problem of epidemic proportions. They kill and destroy lives. In the 5
years leading up to the trial of Manual Antonio Noriega, cocaine related deaths
increased nationwide by 500 percent, and heroin related deaths in the United States
increased 64 percent[4]. Drugs are also a major cause of infant fatalities and birth
defects. A study of 95 children who died before the age of 5 shows that in three
quarters of those cases, at least one of the parent?s abuse drugs. In 1987, the New
York?s Harlem Hospital, one of the few hospitals in New York Sate to keep
detailed figures declared that over 400 babies tested positive for drugs at birth[5].
In addition, it was estimated that in one day, 5,000 Americans will use cocaine or
crack for the very first time and at least 20 million Americans have already tried
cocaine while at least 1 million Americans are addicts.
As a result of statistics such as those presented above, President Reagan declared a
?war on drugs? in the early 1980?s. In 1983, Congress enacted the Rangel Gilman
Hawkins amendment. This amendment requires the State Department annually to
report on the efforts of major drug exporting countries. In theory, these reports would
act to curtail production. If a country fails to make reasonable efforts at curtailment,
the sanction is the loss of economic aid. In March of 1988, the State Department
reported to the President as the act required, however, the report only recommended
The Marquis De Sades Attitude Toward Women
The Marquis de Sade s Attitude Towards Women
The Marquis de Sade was an author in France in the late 1700s. His works were
infamous in their time, giving Sade a reputation as an adulterer, a debaucher, and a
sodomite. One of the more common misrepresentations concerning Sade was his
attitude toward women. His attitude was shown in his way of life and in two of his
literary characters, Justine and Julliette.
The Marquis de Sade was said to be the first and only philosopher of vice because of
his atheistic and sadistic activities. He held the common woman in low regard. He
believed that women dressed provocatively because they feared men would take no
notice of them if they were naked. He cared little for forced sex. Rape is not a crime,
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He urges women to copulate as actively as they can, so that, quot;powered by their
hitherto untapped sexual energy they will be able to fuck their way into history, and,
in doing so, change it quot; (Carter 27).
Women see themselves in the reflection form Sade s looking glass of misanthropy.
Critics say that Sade offers male fantasies about women in great variety, along with a
number of startling insights. He is said to put pornography in the service of women
(Carter 36).
The Justine series, consisting of six editions, was one of the most infamous and well
known series written by Sade. While the series had several editions, the storyline
remained basically the same throughout, though becoming more verbose in each
Two characters emerge from the Justine novels: Justine and Juliette, who are sisters
orphaned at an early age. These two characters represent the opposite poles of
womanhood in Sade s mind. Justine is the innocent, naive type who gets mistreated
throughout her life. Juliette is Sade s ideal woman, being uninhibited in her sexual
conduct and in her life, murdering and copulating at whim. She, naturally, does well
in life (Lynch 41 42).
Crime Rates In Prison Case Study
A.Sample: 268 incarcerated male adult offenders in five federal prisons in Quebec.
B.Strong: a random sample from the five prisons was selected, so no biases present.
Variation in the type of federal prison also allows for a wider range of participants
rather than focusing solely on prisoners in minimum or maximum security prison.
Focused on inmates who were involved in money orientated crimes so it targets a
specific population of the prison population.
C.Weak: Only male offenders who were incarcerated are in sample, so males who
committed crimes after being mentored, and who were not caught are not accounted
for in the sample. Only five prisons were selected so the data is not generalizable to
the country, maybe generalizable to the province. ... Show more content on
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Cynical Streets: Neighborhood Social Processes and Perceptions of Criminal Injustice
A.Sample: 689 African Americans from 39 neighborhoods and this sample was taken
from data collected by the Family and Community Health Study in Iowa and Georgia.
B.Strong: Specific characteristics such as economic level and racial composition
were desired and the people in the sample are representative of who the study aimed
to look at. 72% of families in Iowa contributed to the study.
C.Weak: It is not stated how the Family and Community Health Study went about
getting their sample. Only two states data was looked at and only a few locations
within those states so the generalizability is extremely limited. Only around 60% of
families contributed to the study in Georgia. I personally believe the compensation
for participating in the study was particularly high, so people may have participated
solely for the compensation therefore not taking the study seriously. Only examines
African Americans so the findings only apply to one racial group, but the findings are
not generalizable to all African Americans in similar economic and demographic
situations because the sample size is only
Confucius s A Perfect Government
A perfect government does not exist in this world, but a just one is always
welcomed. The literary work Analects by Confucius shows the perspective of a
philosopher and his version of an ideal China. Confucius is a philosopher that wrote
his philosophy based on the world that surrounds him, and influence from the Zhou
dynasty. One of the major subjects Confucianism addresses is Chinas politics and
government during Confucius s time. Confucius tries to offer solutions through his
philosophy to better China and its people. Confucius s Analects is a critique of the
dire rulers and China s government, and tries to provide solutions to better China.
Confucius lived in China during the Spring and Autumn period, which is 571 449
BCE. During this period China s government and its rulers were corrupt, and because
of this Confucius s philosophy heavily revolves at trying to fix the current problem
his society faces by trying to issue solutions within his philosophy. One of the major
themes that Confucius always goes back to when talking about how China can
become better is to go back to tradition. Tradition to Confucius meant not following
mystical entities or abstract ideas, but to follow a simple system like the times of
early China. Confucius thinks that the emperors such as Yao and Shun are examples
of great leaders of the past, and the current government should follow their example
(Christian Violatti, cited in Ancient History Encyclopedia 2013). These rulers ruled
The United States And The Federal Government
Multigenerational covers over seventy years from birth till present employing over
one hundred and fifty eight million in the year 2011 were in the workforce based on
the United States, Bureau of Labor Statistics a federal agencies reporting to the
Office of Personal Management, known as the federal government. The federal
governmentis a perfect snapshot of how four different generations collaborate and
work together, supporting and running our federal government. I think about 911
quite often; my company lost eleven victims was in the office at the World Trade
Center. Back then, if the Department of Homeland Security collaborated such as the
Federal Bureau of Investigation, Immigration Customs Enforcement, Customs and
Border... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A good majority of the federal employees are great savers, and planned nicely over
their thirty year career and are prepared for retirement financially, not all, however, a
good portion.
Internally at my place of employment, there are fourteen states and within the
fourteen states there are a team of twenty four account representatives ranging
from 20 something to my guess 60 something. We too are enriched with diversity
regards to ethnic, religious, education levels, and family units. In addition to our
characteristics we have the common personality trait of strong personalities,
hardworking, dedicated, and most important we are emotionally dedicated to our
clients. The cohesiveness took several years for us to get our Groove On and have
learned not everything works overall quite efficiently. Taking time to have a better
understanding with each era, such as their values, upbringing, and lives lessons,
could provide management and colleagues a more cohesive workplace and
retaining valuable employees. Typically in the sales arena and corporate America,
there is a shelf life for many reasons which are not addressed at least on paper.
Beginning with salaries and health care benefit costs the Boomer population cost
companies more money, the impacting the profit and bottom dollar. For profit verses
not for profit varies greatly and hope for profit corporations would find the value in
Warfare In The Aztec Society
When one mentions the Aztecs, the first image that pops into most people s minds
is of barbaric people that participated in human sacrifice. It s simple to see this
ancient society as barbaric and inhumane. It s simple to stay narrow minded and
refuse to view them as anything else. In reality, the Aztec society was complex. Their
beliefs, festivities, innovations, trainings, and social class structures all points toward
a sophisticated civilization. The foundation that each of these examples were built
upon was warfare. From midwives yelling war cries to welcome the newborn future
warriors, to the special paradise designated for warriors after death, war dominated
the Aztecs lives from birth until death (Clendinnen 56, 84).
Despite the impressive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Aztecs employed flank and encirclement tactics, so they could surround their
enemy and debilitate them by individually knocking them unconscious. The main
weapons that contributed to their goal was the slingshot, which could knock
enemies unconscious from a distance and the maquahuitl (also known as the
macana) which was an oak club that was edged with obsidian or flint blades and
had a flat edge (Daniel 190). The Aztecs main goal in warfare was to capture as
many enemy soldiers, so they could later use them as sacrifices to appease their god;
hence, knocking them unconscious instead of using a killing blow to a vital body
part (Isaac
Case Study of an Eighteen Month Old Toddler In
As a respiratory therapist at a local hospital, I was called to the Emergency
Department to await the arrival by ambulance of a 32 lb. (14.54 kg.), eighteen
month old male toddler with a history of coughing, congestion, fever, and runny
nose for the previous five days. He is currently taking prescribed medication, by his
pediatrician, consisting of acetaminophen to control fever as well as cough syrup to
lessen his cough, congestion and runny nose. He has been on this medication for the
past two days but suddenly, within the past hour, has developed an audible wheeze
and cyanosis around his lips. This change in condition alarmed his mother and she
called 911 to have an ambulance come to her home. While in route to the hospital, the
EMS... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I would choose pressure controlled continuous mandatory ventilation (PC CMV)
for this patient. I would set up the ventilator with the following settings: initial PIP of
20 cm H2O and once patient is attached, I would adjust the PIP to 10 cm H2O above
the determined plateau pressure, tidal volume at 90 ml (patient s IBW is 14.5 kg and
the recommended VT is 5 8 ml/kg), frequency at 30 (recommended is 20 35 for a
toddler), FiO2 at 100%, PEEP at the recommended pressure of +5 cm H2O, and
inspiratory time of 0.6 seconds (recommended is 0.6 0.7) (Walsh 335). I would also
add heated humidity to the circuit via a heated pass over humidifier set at 37 degrees
Celsius. The alarm settings would be the following: humidifier high temperature
alarm at 38 degrees C. and low temperature alarm at 30 degrees C., high pressure
alarm set to 10 cm H2O above PIP and low pressure alarm set to 5 10 cm H2O below
PIP, low exhaled tidal volume alarm set to 80 ml (10 15% below set tidal volume),
high PEEP set to 7 cm H20 and low PEEP alarm set to 3 cm H2O (2 3 cm H2O above
and below set PEEP), high respiratory rate alarm set to 42 and low respiratory rate
set to 18 (40% above and below the set rate) (Cairo 106 109). To assess the
appropriateness of the ventilator settings, I would first assess the patient by listening
to breath sounds, monitoring heart rate, respiratory
Training Base And As A Relief Centre For Natural
This report evaluates the options available for the three waters servicing of the
redevelopment of the key facilities at Burnham Military Camp (NZS_BHM).
Despite NZS_BHM being long neglected, it will now be redeveloped as New
Zealand s major military training base and as a relief centre for natural disasters.
This means the in camp population is going to increase from 1500 to 3000 by 2030,
placing more demand on the camps already deteriorating infrastructure (NZDF,
personal communication).
Due to Burnham becoming New Zealand s major military training base it is required
to remain fully operational in the face of any natural hazards. Therefore the
redevelopment must be both resilient in the face of natural disasters and sustainable.
This brings many constraints and engineering challenges to the project when
considering the redevelopment of the water supply, wastewater management and
stormwater drainage at NZS_BHM.
This report identifies the possible options NZDF has to redevelop and improve its
current water, wastewater and stormwater systems. The issues with each option will
be identified as well as the regulatory requirements that the NZDF will need to adhere
to during the redevelopment.
1.2Legislation and Jurisdiction
The Resource Management Act (RMA) is the governing statute that controls all new
land development, including water supply, stormwater drainage, and wastewater
disposal, all new developments must meet RMA requirements. The redevelopment
must also meet the
Right To Due Process Analysis
Right to due process for government employees exists when the employee has a
property interest. The legislation requires that every employee is given a fair
procedural process before they get fired if the reason for being fired relates to a
property right. However, the government has set guidelines that guide the
termination in such a case. An employee is deemed to have a property interest in his
or her job if the employee has a reasonable expectation to be in that job in future. The
property right is not in the constitution, but they stem from rules or gentlemen
agreement from an independent source such as state law (Bajo, 2015). The following
also can guarantee an employee the property right: employers manual that requires
the employees to be given just treatment before being fired a collective bargaining
can establish can also create such an expectation. The due process, however, does not
mean that the employees are guaranteed to keep... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
One important thing about the non standard employment to the human resource
systems is the practice helps the department to reduce the cost of labor. The
organization gets the best specialized talents at a very low cost. However, most of
the workers employed under the system tend not to be loyal to the company; the
employees turn over in the organization that applies the method of employment is
very high. High employee s turnover affects the performance of the company, as the
company loses very performing workers and the cost of employing others is also a
concern. Moreover, the employees who depart might join a rival company and give
the secrets of the company to the competitor. Employee s loyalty is essential to every
organization; human resource faces this challenge trying to maintain quality workers
in organizations applying the non standard employment (Bajo,
An Argument For Non Violence
generations of extreme violence from the state, and logical decisions about what
kind of actions require political result. As an African American male I am outraged
by the pervasive slandering of protesters in Baltimore, simply because they did not
remain peaceful. Take the bad apple analogy and incorporate it into this. In saying
that you would say that some are demonstrating protest in the right way, as their
constitutional right. Then there are only a few that are disrupting the peace, giving
the movement a bad name. That should be disregarded, I say that because the media
blackout of any action happening on the ground, particularly this is crazy. Equally, it
makes no sense to cite the constitution in any demonstration of black civil rights. Go
back in history that document was not written for us, correct? Lets not forge that the
state breaks its own laws everyday when we see oppression on a daily basis.... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Going to media with the #BlackLivesMatter protest, as well as the emergence of the
non violence or peaceful slogan. I would not say that I completely do not advocate
non violence particularly in a moment like the one we currently face. I think that
we should look at the non violent aspect as a tactic not a philosophy. Non violence
is a political performance to raise awareness and win over sympathy for those who
have privilege. The white, wealthy, able bodied on the outside of the struggle have
demonstrated repeatedly that they do not care, are not going to step in the line of
fire, and are not invested. This political strategy of non violent does nothing more
then put the oppressed people in the further danger of violence then they already were
The Brown Burro and Nature Essay
I breathed a sigh of relief finding everything in our camp as we had left it. Time
seemed to have stood still in this part of the world; I felt as though we had been
gone for ages when actually it was only three and a half days. I showered Frog
with affection, and gave him the last of our cookies and chips. That night, Satan
and Puss slept with me in my trailer. Frog kept me awake with his constant
stomping and braying. Snow had fallen during our absence. Only patches of thin
crust remained at Harry s camp. The hills beyond were covered with a blanket of
mushroom like beauty glistening in the desert sun, which notwithstanding its angle in
the sky, would wreak havoc with the snow before the day was done. I drove up the
canyon in my Jeep... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The two burros stood glaring at one another, and then they pawed the earth, and
charged. I heard the sound of the impact and they arced in the air like colliding
locomotives, their loud, echoing blasts resounding across the canyons, and they
bit at one another in a most vicious manner, which resulted in bloody lacerations
about their bodies, then abruptly they stopped their combat and began grazing;
and all was peaceful. The Jennies, close by, some accompanied by nursing
yearlings, and older burros, regarded the two battling males with what appeared to
me as casual regard; then the black one trotted over to the herd, and mounted one
of the Jennies; and the entire herd let out a combined burro chant and charged as
one, down the slope in my direction, the coupled pair leading the way! There I
stood in awe, camera with telescope lens dangling at my side. I looked around for a
route of escape, or some kind of protection, and thought of running to my Jeep, but
it was too far away, and the slope was barren of tree or boulder; I was trapped,
doomed to be trampled to death by a raging herd of wild burros. Then suddenly, as
if on command, the charging herd split and stormed by me in a thundering roar of
dust and dirt, and disappeared down a draw; and all was silent as though they had
not been there, and what I had experienced but a dream. I sat down on the ground,
buried my head in my arms. An overwhelming sensation of fear gripped me and I

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Comparison And Contrast Essay Topic.pdf

  • 1. Comparison And Contrast Essay Topic Crafting a comparison and contrast essay can be a challenging endeavor that requires a thoughtful approach and careful analysis. The difficulty lies not only in selecting a suitable topic but also in navigating the intricate process of drawing meaningful comparisons and contrasts. This type of essay demands a keen eye for detail, critical thinking skills, and the ability to articulate similarities and differences effectively. One of the primary challenges is finding a topic that offers sufficient material for comparison. The chosen subjects must share some commonalities yet possess distinct features that allow for a meaningful contrast. Striking this balance can be a delicate task, as it requires selecting elements that can be thoroughly examined and compared within the confines of the essay. Furthermore, organizing the essay poses another hurdle. Structure is crucial in a comparison and contrast essay to ensure clarity and coherence. The writer must decide whether to adopt a block method, where each subject is discussed in separate paragraphs, or a point-by-point method, where specific aspects are compared and contrasted throughout the essay. This decision adds an additional layer of complexity to the writing process. Navigating through the research phase can also be challenging, as gathering relevant information on both subjects necessitates a comprehensive understanding of each. Careful consideration must be given to sources to ensure credibility and accuracy, contributing to the overall depth of the essay. In terms of language and style, conveying comparisons and contrasts requires a nuanced use of language. Transitions between ideas must be smooth, and the writer must avoid superficial observations, aiming instead for insightful analyses that provide the reader with a deeper understanding of the subjects. Despite these challenges, a well-crafted comparison and contrast essay can be a rewarding intellectual exercise, fostering the development of analytical and communication skills. The difficulty lies not only in the initial selection of a topic but also in the meticulous process of research, organization, and expression. For those facing challenges in writing such essays, there are resources available. Writing assistance services, like HelpWriting.net, offer support in crafting essays on various topics. These platforms can provide guidance, examples, and even custom essays tailored to specific requirements, helping students navigate the complexities of academic writing. Comparison And Contrast Essay TopicComparison And Contrast Essay Topic
  • 2. Silent Spring Sparknotes In Silent Spring, Rachel Carson proves that pesticides do more harm than good. She details how ineffective most pesticides are, how toxic they ve become, and how they ve managed to radically alter entire ecosystems by killing off animals like robins and eagles. Carson begins by noting that attempts to improve the efficiency of pesticides have merely resulted in their becoming even more toxic. As those toxins move up the food chain, they increase in potency to the point of killing many animals, including eagles. Carson also details how pesticides are bad for humans. The toxins are stored in fat, where they linger around in the system, causing many problems, including diseases like cancer. This book was written in an era when pesticides were used with relative abandon: sprayed over entire fields of crops, and anything nearby. Something had to be done, she believed, especially since pesticides that were used decades before could still be found in the human body and in the environment.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She believed that pesticides should be used when absolutely necessary, but that they weren t the most effective way to control pests. Instead of using chemicals that can severely harm the applicants and the animals the applicants would be eating, Carson saw more logic in using the natural environment to her advantage in controlling pests, which she referred to as a biotic approach. She highly praised the great potential of using biological controls in place of chemicals, as well as use of natural products and less toxic chemicals. She pointed out that scientists and government officials concerns addressed only regular toxicity of pesticides and that no testing was done on effects to wildlife. Regarding residues in food, she stated that government protection through the Food and Drug Administration was minimal and that tolerances provided a false sense of security, because usually, only minimal safety data were
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  • 9. Summary Of Paul David Tripp s Dangerous Calling A church is a house of worship where Christians gather to worship and offer sacrifices. Though all churches have a core function to serve God, they have different doctrines and ways of worship this, therefore, leads to a difference in preference of the believers as to which church to go to and to move away. For a church to stand, it has various things that it should practice. Many authors have different views concerning the same. This work is hence going to give a report on how to keep the church standing by different authors. The biblical counselor Paul David Tripp in his book Dangerous Calling addresses the challenges and temptations that are exclusive to or intensified by pastoral ministry. In his counseling ministry, Tripp has seen all, too much proof of an actual collapse in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They require the back up of members of the church; it is, therefore, a necessity that whoever is called to accomplish a certain task in the ministry should adhere to it so that everyone has the role to play. It requires prayers and nurturing of talents such as singing. The church should hence be equipped with instruments so and youths be trained in their operations such that pastoral ministry and other young ministries in a church are brought together through various functions to do missions. Stetzer and Dodson in their book Comeback Churches where they found out that a church grows exponentially at its beginning, it then enters a plateau stage and finally it begins to decline. It shows that there is an increasing trend of the un churched people. The book Comeback Churches outlines the measures that the churches at a plateau stage should put in place so that they begin to grow again and never decline. The book identifies five important tools to rejuvenate the church, intentional evangelism, vibrant faith, leadership, lay ministry and celebrating but orderly worship (Stetzer and Mike
  • 10. Speech On Lasik Surgery Good Morning everyone I am in front of you to discuss my topic which is in titled Lasik Surgery but before that I have a quote here which fit on my topic, We have hearing aids in order to fix our ear. We have lasik surgery in order to fix our eyes, People... you can t fix stupid! by Ron White . So let me start, what comes into your mind when you hear the word lasik? So basically lasik means an eye correct vision which needs a laserto reshape the inner cornea. There are three types of eye conditions, the nearsighted, farsighted and astigmatism. So first let us know the nearsighted or (myopia), basically means that people who are nearsighted they can t clearly see a text or a thing that is too far from them and they need to move closer in that certain area, nearsighted people usually experiencing blur vision when they are far well they can read it but then the text itself will turn into a blur one. It can be a common cause of having a blur vision. So here is a sample picture of myopia. The second is farsighted or (hyperopia), basically means that people who are farsighted they are unable to see things clearly they can see it but it needs to have a good distance most of them usually imagine or foresight on what will happen on the things that has been shown in front they can clearly see it because they are... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The cost of lasik surgery $2151 per eye for wave front guided lasik and laser cut flaps and $1630 with the older model excimer lasers not guided by wave front technology . So here is a sample photo a patient having a
  • 11. The Impact Of Imsi Catchers On Mobile Phone Towers On Gsm... Introduction IMSI Catchers or Cell Site Simulators are devices that pose as legitimate cell phone towers on GSM networks in order to either log the IMSI numbers of mobile phones in a specific area or to intercept mobile phone traffic in a specific area of interest. IMSI stands for International Mobile Subscriber Identity and is an identifying number that is unique for every mobile phone. This research paper sets out to understand how IMSI catchers work, when and in what context their deployment would be most beneficial to investigators, and the legality of this device. How IMSI Catchers Work Cellular Networks A cellular network is a radio network distributed over land areas called cells . Each cell is served by one fixed location transceiver, which is called a base station . When cells are joined together, they provide wireless coverage over a large geographic area, within which mobile stations or phones can communicate with base stations and each other. Overlapping coverage areas allows transmission to be maintained even when mobile stations are moving between cells. Assigning a different set of frequencies to neighboring cells avoids wireless signal interference. 3G (UMTS and CDMA2000) GSM ...And be most easily described as having 4 network components 1. Mobile Stations (MS) The mobile stations is a cell phone or mobile device with a Subscriber Identification Module (SIM) card. Each SIM card is identified by its IMSI number, which consists of a 3 digits Mobile
  • 12. Compare And Contrast The Four Ancient Greek Government The paper will describe the four ancient government by comparing and contrasting the forms of Ancient Greek city states namely aristocracy, monarch, democracy and oligarchy. However, considering the fact that Greece had a number of poleis and such popular poleis include Athens, Sparta, Corinth, Megara and Argos just to name a few. The reading literature has so far said lot about Athens and Sparta, but not much has been mentioned about the other poleis. Much more reference about government structures will refer to Athens and Sparta in this paper, in particular answering the questions which of the city states was either monarchy, oligarch, aristocracy and democracy, and also how were they similar? Aristocratic cities like Sparta, were oligarchies ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... J (n.d p.10). Sparta was also a military totalitarian and it dictated the lives of its citizens and its neighbours were turned into slaves called helots. Athens was a democracy totally different from Sparta, and was pursuing economic, political and cultural lines which was the birth place of democracy and greatest philosophers, artist of the classical Greece and playwrights, equally like other Greek states class conflicts and social disparities bedevil the polis as witnessed when power shifted to the Athenian people the aristocracy denounced the system as mob rule Brand, P. J (n.d). the democratic process emerged during archaic period 800 to 500 BCE, according to Brand, P. J (n.d) as during the period power and wealth was in the
  • 13. Representation Of Homosexuals Homosexuality on screen has been a taboo topic since the creation of film in the late nineteenth century and remained that way until violent protest of the 1970 s sexual revolution. Continually, the overuse of hateful slurs against the gay community is still used today as comedic relief. The overall delayment in representation of homosexuals in the industry paused the long march for equal rights and resulted in inaccurate stereotypes such as the pansy or villains. The conservative reaction towards such liberal topics caused filmmakers to conceal queer cinema as production codes enforced strict laws, but as time progressed so did the involvement of the LGBT community in the filmindustry, The first glimpse of homosexualityis questionably
  • 14. Fall Prevention in Hospitalized Patients Essay Introduction Falls are a big concern for all employees in a hospital setting daily. The worst thing that can happen to a patient while being hospitalized is a fall, or a major fall, that could result in skin damage (i.e. wounds, skin tears, or abrasions), a fracture or break, thus limiting their independence. This student s goal was to develop a way to educate staff members in ways they can help reduce the number of falls that occur. Developing a sample Fall Risk Prevention Policy as well as a Staff in service on fall risk and Prevention achieved this goal. Field of Work: Prevention of patient falls at NCH Orthopedic Unit Problem: Patient falls have long been a common and serious problem in hospitals across the nation, causing... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported that more than one third of adults 65 and older fall each year. Half of the elderly people, who fall, do so repeatedly. Aside from the health problems related to falls, nearly $20 billion of direct medical costs are associated with fatal and non fatal falls (Larson Bergmann, 2008). Noted and documented falls, NCH Orthopedic Unit from December 2008 to December 2009: Dec 08Jan 08Feb 08Mar 08Apr 08May 08Jun 08Jul 08Aug 08Sept 08Oct 08Nov 08Dec 09 # Of Falls1675628632461 Average number of fall was 4.3 per month according to NCH s statistical records. Compared to 1,500 senior residents in Florida who were injured from a fall 2008 and 41,464 Florida residents who were hospitalized from fall related injuries, females accounted for 51% of fall related deaths and 73% of fall related hospitalizations (Florida Injury Facts, 2010). In 2008, the number one leading cause of death in those 65+ was falls, with approximately 1,511 that year (DOH (2), 2008). Anyone can be at risk for a fall due to their environment, though some are at a greater risk than others. Someone with confusion or cognitive impairment for example, is at greater risk for experiencing a fall both within the community and the home setting. Patients with dementia are three times more likely to fall than
  • 15. Geo 509 Introduction The purpose of this report is to analyze and illustrate the geographical origins of eragrostis tef along with details of its global dispersion. The common name of the crop in Ethiopia is tef. It was chosen for its cultural significance and it s importance Background In Ethiopia, about 4.9 million acres of land is devoted to its production every year. From 2003 2005 production statistics indicated that tef accounted for about 29% of the land and 20% of the gross grain production of all major cereal cultivation in the country (National Research Council). Eragrostis tef belongs to the grass family Poaceae, and is species of Eragrostis. It contains about 350 species and tef is the only ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The use of tef was quite crucial for the Abyssinians, since the amount of tef seed required to plant were hundreds of times smaller than that of wheat (Ingram). This productive potential and minimal time and seed requirements have protected them from hunger when their food supply was under attack from numerous invaders in the past. It was reported by Unger in 1866 that tef seeds were also found in the Egyptian Pyramid of Dashur in 3359 BC (National Research Council). Dried tef straws were suggested to have been used in the making of mud bricks used in the Pyramid of Dashur as well (Seyfu). The closest wild relative to tef is generally considered to be eragrostis pilosa this species is recorded as an annual growing weed from Eritrea and Northern regions of Ethiopia (Ingram). Vavilov has recognized Ethiopia as the center of origin and variety of tef (National Research Council). Due to the fact that several widespread and non widespread species of eragrostis, some of which are considered the wild relatives of tef, are found in Ethiopia. Since the genetic diversity for tef does not exist anywhere else in the world except in Ethiopia, confirms that tef originated and was
  • 16. I Want You For The Us Army Poster Analysis I Want You for the U.S. Army Posters are splashy, large format images, which are accompanied by a short text. Usually, the purposes of the posters are to agitate, advertise, inform, or teach people. Posters from World War I and World War II often used metaphors, different figures, events, and places. During the First World War propaganda posters were enormously widespread. Artists used them to agitate people to conscription, subscriptions to war loans, and aid to the wounded soldiers. One of the most important posters from World War Iand World War II is I Want You for U.S. Army by James Mantgomery Flagg. This poster is very influential because of its figure, the message, and the effect on the people. The first thing that took my attention
  • 17. Essay on the setting of there will come soft rains Essay on the setting of August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains by Ray Bradbury In August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains , a short story by world renown author Ray Bradbury, the narrator tells the story of a house in Allendale California, in the year 2026. The setting in this short story is very particular; it is set in a post apocalyptic world that most likely illustrates the aftermath of a devastating nuclear war. The story takes place over the course of one day: August 4, 2026 . The house that is described to the reader is the last house left standing, it s deserted and surrounded by rubbles but it s still technologically intact. The setting in this story takes a major role, it provides insight into the story, it facilitates... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The house s efficiency and helpfulness seem to make it cold and emotionless and the fact that it lives on after its inhabitants have passed just proves how the house is only a machine that is unable to love, this house will always be a house but it will never be a home. While the plot and the theme are always very significant, a reader should never forget the importance of the setting in a story. This short story is a perfect example of the importance of the setting, since it is through it that the reader is able to truly understand the author s message and intensions. It is through the description of a post apocalyptic world, a city in ruins and the last house standing, that the reader is able to truly understand the
  • 18. Descriptive Essay About Snow It was a cold day, so cold that your arms start to sting as if a needle is impaling the surface of your skin. The wind applies a force which feels as if your face is oozing with thick crimson red blood. The gray puffy clouds covered the sky and dropped small snowflakes onto the road s surface. A man stood there, freezing, clearing the coat of thick white snowfrom the concrete road. His nose runs with a river of snot that floods out when the cold windstrikes. His sense of smell is heavily clogged by the slimy snot, but he can still smell the scent of the steamy hot chocolate which sits on the top of his snow covered car. His feet start to numb because of the cold flood which soaks through his boots to his white, silky socks. His feet feel as if he stepped into the freezing cold ocean. As if he fell through ice and he was stuck standing there. The vast pile of the ice white snow feels almost like a quicksand around his black rubber boot. Foggy figures of people shovel the big piles of snow off the sidewalks. They scrape and pick at the glossy white ice which sticks to the sidewalk like a little boy clinging to his mother s side. His feet still sting as if he was stepping on pins and needles. His hands are damp with sweat from grasping the curved metal shaft attached to a socket which holds the blade. The blade cuts holes into the thick powdered snow which is removed from the endless pile. The jet black shovel is filled with slushy snow and crystal shards of ice. The end of
  • 19. Eng 101 Violence in Music Videos and Music Lyrics has a negative impact on children. Music videos that expose profanity and sexuality are inappropriate and leave a negative impression on young children. Violence in music videos can cause health problem. Music videos that promote negative lyrics are affecting young children. Music lyrics with vulgar languages affect the development and well being of young children. For example, the study author (Stone, 2009) found that music with explicit references to drugs, sex or violencecan be associated with negative effects on school work behavior and emotions (p. 2). Media violence not only provokes violence among children, it provokes sexual behaviors. However, Music videos add reinforcement... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (White, 2009, p. 2) Video games also cause children to develop social problems. Their empathy decreases and they are less willing to help others. Children become antisocial spending less and less time interacting with family members, friends, and playing. They are controlled by what is occurring on the screen in front of them, locking themselves up in their rooms, or away from others just to play endless hours of video games. Video games have progressed over recent years becoming far more violent, sophisticated, and addictive. Studies have shown that the effects of video games and aggressive behavior follow almost the same pattern as that of studies with violent media such as cartoons. Cartoon violence also leaves a negative impact on children. After the Columbine School shooting, attention shifted from television to other media, such as cartoons. Cartoons in America, generally for children, also form a surprisingly large source of violence. (Clark, 2009) stated HIGH levels of violence in cartoons such as Scooby Doo can make children more aggressive. This behavior includes verbal and psychical aggression. (Clark, 2009) Also found that children copied at school the verbal aggression they had seen on T.V. (p. 2) (2nd ed). Watching cartoon increase real life aggression in children. Children become aggressive toward their classmates by causing
  • 20. Edgar Allan Poe s Limitless Edgar Allan Poe Reading Edgar Allan Poe is what originally got me interested in writing. I remember being 13 years old, just entering middle school, and reading Annabelle Lee for the first time. When I read the words But our love it was stronger by far than the love, Of those who were older than we... my whole body came down with the chills. After that, I read his complete works and quickly fell in love. Gublernation Matthew Gray Gubler is the actor who portrays Dr. Spencer Reid on the TV show Criminal Minds. He has acted in so much more than that though, he played in the movie Life After Beth, How to Be a Serial Killer, Suburban Gothic, and is the Voice of Simon in the Alvin and the Chipmunks movie series. He is also an artist, model, and has quit the witty sense of humor. He has quite the following on Tumblr and other social media sites, me included.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We watched the movie and both thought it was fantastic. In 2015 it was announced that they would be doing a spin off in the form of a TV show. The first season just ended and I spent every episode on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next. Many people in the Limitless fandom are lovingly calling themselves The Bruntouchables, due to a reference to this in one of the episodes. I can t wait for next season to start and won t be surprised if this show gains a larger fan base. Mythical
  • 21. I Am A Roger Or Anita Radcliffe In a world where you want to be a Roger or Anita Radcliffe, most of us end up being a Cruella De Vil without even knowing it. 101 Dalmatians is a perfect example of why we should spay or neuter our pet(s). Most of us know this cute, somewhat terrifying, Disney movie where 15 innocent puppies get stolen by the evil Cruella De Vil for their furs. They end up escaping, along with the rest of the pups stolen from other homes, to find one loving home. But imagine this, imagine if the place they ended up going to wasn t an old abandon house but an animal shelter in your neighborhood. Imagine if they didn t escape or get adopted into a loving home but they were put down because there are too many pups and not enough people or homes. 15 puppies can turn into 225 puppies if each pup in the first generation had a litter. Think about it, are all of those dogs going to find homes? Spaying or neuteringa single pair of unsterilized cats or dogs will literally save the lives of thousands of unwanted kittens and puppies Spaying and Neutering Information . There are many many problems caused from not spaying or neutering your pet including overpopulation, health problems, and behavioral issues. To help end this nationwide problem we need to examine the causes and effects that come when you don t spay or neuter your pet and go over the solutions to fix it. Animal overpopulation is a huge problem and you, and every other human, contributes to this problem when you don t spay or neuter
  • 22. Epic Of Gilgamesh Historical Flood Perhaps you may be familiar with the flood story of Genesis but not the flood that occurs in the Epic of Gilgamesh. In both stories, a very important historical flood happens. Both share multiple differences and similarities while describing the flood in different ways. The Flood story in Genesis is way more believable. The world is more likely to flood if it rains forty days and forty nights than it raining for six days and six nights. In the Epic of Gilgamesh it tells a story about a young man named Gilgamesh. He is the king of Uruk that appeared to be two thirds divine and one third human. Yet, he was very vicious with an overbearing behavior. This story takes you on a journey as you read it leading Gilgamesh to finding out his true self. The gods created a man named Enkidu hoping to distract Gilgamesh. When Gilgamesh figures this out ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Gilgamesh and Enkidu get into a brawl. They both become best friends after the battle. With both Enkidu and Gilgamesh wanting to win fame they take part in harmful adventures which leads to Enkidu being killed. With Gilgamesh fearing death, he then decides to find immortality and finds Utnapishtim. Utnapishtim then tells Gilgamesh the story of the flood. Enlil, the god of winds, calls for a flood that will kill all mankind. Ea, the god of wisdom and magic, tells Utnapishtim in a dream, O Man of Shuruppak, son of Ubar Tutu, Wreck house, build boat, Forsake possessions and seek life, Belongings reject and save life! Take aboard the boat seed of all living things. The boat you shall build, let her dimensions be measured out: let her width be equal, roof her over like the watery depths (Pg.81 lines 24 31). To emphasize, Utnapishtim need to tear down his house and build a boat that will save living creatures and the boat should be equal length with a roof. According to the text Utnapishtim build the boat, One full acre was her deck
  • 23. Miss Essay example BUSINESS ECONOMICS Assignment 1 Case study: Mintel batteries report a) What happened to sales of batteries in the period 2004 8? Provide a quantitative estimate. How do you explain the fact that over that period the amount of batteries sold increased whereas the value of sales declined? From figure 20 we can see that the volume of sold batteries from 2004 (584 million batteries) to 2008 (611 million batteries) has increased by 27 million batteries. During that period of time the volume has slightly raised, where in 2006 was the highest volume of batteries sold 620 million batteries. Being a difference the value at 2004 to 2008 prises has decrease, started... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Situation for the figure 21, which presents purchasing of batteries events, is almost the same. Figure 24. The average spending on batteries per battery buyer based on adults started with 49.44 in 2005 and has grown to 50.64 in 2008. The average spending for batteries per buyer stood almost the same during the period from 2005 to 2008, it was 10.6 in 2005 and felt down to 10.00 in 2008. The number of buyers of batteries started with 38.96 in 2005 and reached to 41.18 in the following year , kept falling down in 2007 (40.05) till reaching almost its starting point (38.89) in 2008. Figure 26 we can see over the volume sales of batteries by type. We can see that Recharge cells batteries have growth rapidly independently by the small segment of the market. In 2005 they started with 1.5 % of market volume sales and reached to 2.3% for 2008, and growth with 56% since 2005. However, alkaline batteries accounted for 79% of value sales, are the biggest segment of the market. In 2006 value of sales was ВЈ326m and felt down to ВЈ307m in 2008. There is no visible change in volume of sales for alkaline batteries, the difference is 1%. The value sales of Zink carbon batteries have decrease from 2005 to 2008 with 14 million and the volume of sales has fallen down from 13.4% in 2005 to 10.6% in 2008. Specialists hold their own. The value sales of this type of batteries have decreased slightly with ВЈ3 from 2005 to 2008, there has no change in percentages, and the
  • 24. An Exploration of British Injustice in Shooting an... . By the type of language and the choice of words that the author used to write his essay, it is very likely that it was written for the British people, to make them aware of the injustice and cruelty of Imperialism in the colonies. The author s aim is to make the reader feel disturbed and uneasy by describing in detail his negative experiences in India. This rhetorical analysis explores the success of the author in portraying the negative impact that Imperialism had on those being governed under it, but also on the impact on those in power. The way Orwell used the words for describing the scene of shooting the elephant, his aim was to get the reader s mind to understand the injustice of Britain s rule over the natives. While Shooting an... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With the use of the words white man and tyrant, it is obvious Orwell was referring to one of the sides of Imperialism, the side that has the power. They are becoming the puppets of the natives: A sahib has got to act like a sahib (Orwell, 410). With the use of this phrase Orwell uses the word sahib as a symbol of tyrant or master. This phrase shows not only how the people oppressed by the Imperialism suffer, but the tyrant itself by giving up his freedom. Through the way Orwell arrange this paragraph the audience can now truly understand Orwell s argument about how Imperialism has negative effects on those in the power, and how ironically it is for Orwell to gain power and dominance over others, just to lose freedom and dominance over yourself. Through the essay, with the use of particular emotional words and sentences, the audience can perceive Orwell s feelings and emotions, by the memorable amount of pathos over his essay. Orwell goes on describing the cruel reality the Burmese people lived in by describing, with the use of dramatic and lively words, the terrible situations, and consequences of Imperialism. Giving more reasons for his logos, Orwell at the same time uses pathos to emotionally involve
  • 25. Xerxes Invasion Xerxes invasion of Greece was unsuccessful due to myriad causes. Being a son of a great King Darius, he was coerced to live up to his Father s name and be as a mighty sovereign as King Darius was. Xerxes failure evolved around his mannerisms, as he was a man who was irresolute and need persuasion. Only after he was given that assertiveness, was he able to go forth with decisions. His tactics that he performed during the Battle of Thermopylaeand the Battle of Salamisalso portray Xerxes defeat of the invasion of Greece. King Xerxes I was the son of King Darius the Great, arguably the greatest monarch in all of the ancient world 1. Unlike his more successful father Darius, Xerxes actions did not strengthen the Persian Empire, but led ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... CAIS The Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies. 1998. Though Xerxes had a huge army, in that small space he could only use a fraction of his men at a time. Xerxes sent group after group of Persian warriors into the pass. The Greeks, who had better armor and longer spears (Sacks 246), slaughtered each group of fighters. Even Xerxes elite legion of Immortals The Battle of Thermopylae was very important as a delay tactic and because it made the Persians overly confident. It allowed the Athenians time to evacuate their city and send the elderly citizens and the city s treasure to the island of Salamis and the women and children to safety in Troezen while preparing the men for a naval battle (Pomeroy et al 194). After Thermopylae, Xerxes was so confident that when the Greeks sent him a message through a slave of Persian descent, he took their bait and fought a naval battle that he was not prepared for (Baker 89). A storm at Artemisium had badly damaged his fleet during the Battle of Thermopylae. SALAMIS WAR Xerxes was so confident with himself, that when the Greeks sent him a message through a slave of Persian descent , he took their bait and fought a naval battle that he was not prepared for (Baker 89). Despite a storm occurring at Artemisium, which had badly damaged his fleet during the Battle of Thermopylae, he still sent his ships to the narrow straits at Salamis (Pomeroy et al 196). Xerxes was
  • 26. The Causes Of Drug Abuse In Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde The plot of the Robert Louis Stevenson s book Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde exposes more than just a suspense novel. It also exposes the use and side effects of drugs. The book in such presents the eerie feeling that went along with the history of drug abuse in the 19th century as well as the afflictions the drug abuser and his companions suffer through. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde don t just belong to the past of the 19th and early 20th century. It is as still relevant in modern times as it was and past, possibly even more so. The decades and centuries of drug abuse have been a mystery to some of the reason why some humans put themselves through the horrors of addiction. The ideas and theories are numerous, but the root cause differs... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jekyll is the story of so many of the desperate souls who get hooked on the line called addiction. In the book of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the struggle between sanity and insanity becomes all too real. The story depicts how Dr. Jekyll experimented on himself with an experimental drug of his own concoction and continues to self administrate it to his person. He becomes two different people, both in mentality and otherwise (Stevenson). He goes from being a gentleman to a wicked, malicious monster of Mr. Hyde. The man highly respected among his friends becomes their nightmare. He causes them much grief; in some cases, their shocking death. The doctor is so dependent on the drug he steals, lies, and deceives all who care for him. When it is finally realized among his loved ones about his condition it is too late. His addiction is his death like so many in life. Robert Louis Stevenson the author of this novel was widely speculated to have his own habit but it was never proven. He based this story of what was most likely happening in Edinburgh and London around the turn of the century going in 20th and out of the 19th (McLeod). He used his stories as reflections of the times in which he was born and grew up in. His stories connected and entertained readers with drama and horrors as well as relevancy ( ProQuest) (ProQuest). The book of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are still relevant today. It has affected and exposed readers to drug abuse of past and
  • 27. Using Alternative Fuels For Cars There are many different types of alternate fuels for cars at our disposal, such as Ethanol, Natural Gas, Electricity, and Hydrogen Fuels. We can use these fuels instead of normal gasoline fuels that pollute our air and contribute to destroying our environment. Many of these alternative fuels may be less convenient to use, because they are less accessible. However, if people decide to use these fuels then they can make our world a green friendly world. There this a ton of upside to using alternative fuels, according to Larry West s article on the top eight alternative fuels, as they can help nations become more energy independent. In addition, there are several downsides or challenges associated with alternative fuels for cars, such as... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At its low price it s much more affordable then most fuels making it a good option. There a lot of positive sides to using ethanol but there an also a few negative things it can produce when used or even made. Ethanol is a good alternative fuel but there is negative things that come with it. Ethanol requires a bunch of corn, barley, and wheat to make (Meyers, 2014). Which in turn could be used to feed starving people all over the world. Using corn, barley, and wheat hinders food availability and even the prices of the food. The new York times has stated that using ethanol actually decreases gas mileage. Ethanol gives you 2 3 miles less than normal gasoline (West, 2014). Ethanol can also break down faster than normal gasoline. Meaning that ethanol can cause rust of the car engine. Making ethanol can actually pollute the air a bunch because of all the gasoline it requires to power the tractors and machines that gather the required material to make it. Ethanol has negative impacts on our environment but overall it has more positives then negatives and makes a good alternative fuel. Natural Gas is another alternative fuel option that has a bunch of positive sides to it. Using natural gas produces lower negative emissions that pollute the air. Natural gas produces less smog then your normal gasoline that everyone uses. Natural gas is helping America as a nation to use clean environmental friendly energy sources. Using natural gas can reduce the probability of
  • 28. Urban Schools Urban and suburban schools are different in many ways including funding, teacher quality, and student performance. Low income, inner city schools often have more disadvantaged students then their richer suburban neighbor schools. When analyzing the differences in school funding, and the dropout rate of students as well as teachers, it becomes apparent that real change is needed to help bridge the gap between urban and suburban schools. Most would agree that all kids should have access to a quality educationand that where students live should not determine whether they learn. Today s education system is failing thousands of children based on their geographic location and is in major need of reform. It is widely believed that education is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Urban schools often do not have the funds to pay qualified teachers as much as they deserve, so schools must hire teachers with less experience and fewer skills. There are major teacher shortages in most low income, urban schools. A shortage is caused when the demand for teachers is greater than the supply of teachers willing and able to teach in an urban school. Therefore, a teacher shortage in urban districts makes it hard to hire qualified teachers so...teachers who are hired are often less qualified than teachers in suburban districts (Jacobs). These shortages are especially noticeable in the subjects of math and science. Urban schools had 34.7 percent difficulty filling teacher vacancies in math and 27.2 percent difficulty in science while suburban schools had only 25.1 percent difficulty in math and 17.4 percent difficulty in science (Jacobs). In addition, urban schools were substantially more likely [than suburban schools] to fill these vacancies by hiring a substitute (42.4 percent versus 30.0 percent) or hiring a less than fully qualified teacher (19.2 percent versus 14.4 percent) (Jacobs). This means that students in urban districts are being taught by highly unqualified teachers while suburban students benefit from teachers who have vast experiences and
  • 29. Nat King Cole s Vocal Style Today, 66 years after the peak of his career, Nat King Cole remains to be a household name. Most anyone you ask will recognize his iconic baritone vocals. Although he is best known for his vocal style, Cole was also an extremely talented piano player. Along with his elegant presence, Cole was able to break the strong barriers of racism in the 1960s, leaving a legacy for artists behind him. Cole was raised in an extremely religious household outside of Chicago. His mother was the choir director of the church, and his father a Pastor. Cole began learning pianoaround age four, which would lead to him dropping out of school at 15 to pursue a career in music. Cole s first band was called the Royal Dukes. In 1936, he left home at age 17 to perform with the national tour of Shuffle Along. Cole s piano technique was greatly influenced by Earl Hines. Cole himself once said that he owed everything to that man ( Nat King ColeJazzPianist ). Over the years Cole developed his own piano style, he became known for its syncopated left hand, and his ability to quickly move from octave to octave. Cole also had an ability to play with a more freedom, as he often played without a drummer. This allowed him to create his own personal style, known for its modern rhythms ( Nat King Cole: The Pianist ). Cole s stage presence was said to be extremely strong, facing the audience as he played. In 1937, Cole formed the King Cole Trio, consisting of himself on the piano, Oscar Moore on the
  • 30. Theoretical Perspectives Used By Sociologists There are five theoretical perspectives used by sociologists in their research: symbolic interaction, rational choice, structural functionalism, social conflict, and feminist. Actions of the family members in Family Dinner Date video can be explained by each of these theories. According to the symbolic interaction theory, people behave and communicate in a particular group in a proper way, the way that is suitable for that group. Moreover, they do not only communicate and act in response to the environment, but play an important role in a process of creating and changing their own environments and their own groups. Based on social communication and performing functions, people act in ways that appropriate for any given situation. In the video, members of the family carry out their roles in ways that they have learned and practiced over years. Daughter decorates a table for the dinner, mother helps her in the kitchen, son gets ready by finishing his homework, and father comes home and looks forward to the dinner. They already know what to expect from each other and use symbols their actions and conversations in order to communicate with each other. As it was mentioned above, symbolic theory explains that they not only react to the current environment, such as preparation for dinner, but also create their own environment; in this setting it is creating a positive atmosphere and excitement before and during dinner. Everyone is focused on this event and does everything possible
  • 31. Examining Themes in Heart of Darkness Essay Joseph Conrad wrote the book, Heart of Darkness, in 1898. He wrote this book touching on many different themes such as imperialism and commerce, darkness imagery, dream and nightmare, isolation, mental and physical illness, truth, and journey. Although all the themes are important to make Heart of Darkness complete, three prevail overall: imperialism and commerce, truth, and journey. Being the author of the book, Joseph Conradhad a personal connection to it. He took his own journey down the Congo River and like Marlow, said that as a child his dreams were to grow up and explore the heart of Africa. A family member also recommended Conrad to a company. Joseph Conrad experienced the heart of darkness, that could be a reason why his book... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The company was corrupt, and with its power and control over the natives, operated entirely for the sole purpose of obtaining ivory. Marlow told of a time when the civilized world was discovering the untamed British Isles, and in comparison of how the British are now discovering the unexplored areas of the world. Thinking from the point of view of a commander, Marlow explains the feelings of trying to conquer and over power swinish land. In some inland post feel savagery, the utter savagery, had closed round him, all that mysterious life of the wilderness that stirs in the forest, in the jungles, in the hearts of wild men. There is no initiation either into such mysteries. He has to live in the midst of the incomprehensible, which is also detestable. And it has a fascination, too, which goes to work upon him. The fascination of the abomination you know, imagine the growing regrets, the longing to escape, the powerless disgust, the surrender, the hate. Part 1, page 31 All through Marlow s journey he encounters many accounts of torture, cruelty, and slavery mainly pertaining to the natives. It is no accident that the narrator introduced the reader to Marlow while on a journey. The story Marlow unravels also takes place on a journey. Marlow s apparent journey takes him from his childhood, as a boy dreaming of filling empty spaces on maps, to the middle of Africa. An intimate possession to understand the secrets of the unknown pushes him down
  • 32. Drugs in United States Essay examples Drugs in United States Drugs are a complex problem with widespread political, economic and social implications for producing, transit, and consumer nations. In the area of foreign policy, political and economic instability in drug producing areas around the world and particularly in Latin America is an epidemic that cannot be ignored. The objective of this paper is to asses the past issues, current status, and future prospects of the US war on drugs in Latin America specifically Panama. It begins with a brief overview of the basic problems of drug use in America, and examines how the United States has handled the specific situation of General Noriega and the Panamanians. Finally, I will examine an array of policy options ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Drugs are a problem of epidemic proportions. They kill and destroy lives. In the 5 years leading up to the trial of Manual Antonio Noriega, cocaine related deaths increased nationwide by 500 percent, and heroin related deaths in the United States increased 64 percent[4]. Drugs are also a major cause of infant fatalities and birth defects. A study of 95 children who died before the age of 5 shows that in three quarters of those cases, at least one of the parent?s abuse drugs. In 1987, the New York?s Harlem Hospital, one of the few hospitals in New York Sate to keep detailed figures declared that over 400 babies tested positive for drugs at birth[5]. In addition, it was estimated that in one day, 5,000 Americans will use cocaine or crack for the very first time and at least 20 million Americans have already tried cocaine while at least 1 million Americans are addicts. As a result of statistics such as those presented above, President Reagan declared a ?war on drugs? in the early 1980?s. In 1983, Congress enacted the Rangel Gilman Hawkins amendment. This amendment requires the State Department annually to report on the efforts of major drug exporting countries. In theory, these reports would act to curtail production. If a country fails to make reasonable efforts at curtailment, the sanction is the loss of economic aid. In March of 1988, the State Department reported to the President as the act required, however, the report only recommended three
  • 33. The Marquis De Sades Attitude Toward Women The Marquis de Sade s Attitude Towards Women The Marquis de Sade was an author in France in the late 1700s. His works were infamous in their time, giving Sade a reputation as an adulterer, a debaucher, and a sodomite. One of the more common misrepresentations concerning Sade was his attitude toward women. His attitude was shown in his way of life and in two of his literary characters, Justine and Julliette. The Marquis de Sade was said to be the first and only philosopher of vice because of his atheistic and sadistic activities. He held the common woman in low regard. He believed that women dressed provocatively because they feared men would take no notice of them if they were naked. He cared little for forced sex. Rape is not a crime, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He urges women to copulate as actively as they can, so that, quot;powered by their hitherto untapped sexual energy they will be able to fuck their way into history, and, in doing so, change it quot; (Carter 27). Women see themselves in the reflection form Sade s looking glass of misanthropy. Critics say that Sade offers male fantasies about women in great variety, along with a number of startling insights. He is said to put pornography in the service of women (Carter 36). The Justine series, consisting of six editions, was one of the most infamous and well known series written by Sade. While the series had several editions, the storyline remained basically the same throughout, though becoming more verbose in each edition. Two characters emerge from the Justine novels: Justine and Juliette, who are sisters orphaned at an early age. These two characters represent the opposite poles of womanhood in Sade s mind. Justine is the innocent, naive type who gets mistreated throughout her life. Juliette is Sade s ideal woman, being uninhibited in her sexual conduct and in her life, murdering and copulating at whim. She, naturally, does well in life (Lynch 41 42). The
  • 34. Crime Rates In Prison Case Study A.Sample: 268 incarcerated male adult offenders in five federal prisons in Quebec. B.Strong: a random sample from the five prisons was selected, so no biases present. Variation in the type of federal prison also allows for a wider range of participants rather than focusing solely on prisoners in minimum or maximum security prison. Focused on inmates who were involved in money orientated crimes so it targets a specific population of the prison population. C.Weak: Only male offenders who were incarcerated are in sample, so males who committed crimes after being mentored, and who were not caught are not accounted for in the sample. Only five prisons were selected so the data is not generalizable to the country, maybe generalizable to the province. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cynical Streets: Neighborhood Social Processes and Perceptions of Criminal Injustice A.Sample: 689 African Americans from 39 neighborhoods and this sample was taken from data collected by the Family and Community Health Study in Iowa and Georgia. B.Strong: Specific characteristics such as economic level and racial composition were desired and the people in the sample are representative of who the study aimed to look at. 72% of families in Iowa contributed to the study. C.Weak: It is not stated how the Family and Community Health Study went about getting their sample. Only two states data was looked at and only a few locations within those states so the generalizability is extremely limited. Only around 60% of families contributed to the study in Georgia. I personally believe the compensation for participating in the study was particularly high, so people may have participated solely for the compensation therefore not taking the study seriously. Only examines African Americans so the findings only apply to one racial group, but the findings are not generalizable to all African Americans in similar economic and demographic situations because the sample size is only
  • 35. Confucius s A Perfect Government A perfect government does not exist in this world, but a just one is always welcomed. The literary work Analects by Confucius shows the perspective of a philosopher and his version of an ideal China. Confucius is a philosopher that wrote his philosophy based on the world that surrounds him, and influence from the Zhou dynasty. One of the major subjects Confucianism addresses is Chinas politics and government during Confucius s time. Confucius tries to offer solutions through his philosophy to better China and its people. Confucius s Analects is a critique of the dire rulers and China s government, and tries to provide solutions to better China. Confucius lived in China during the Spring and Autumn period, which is 571 449 BCE. During this period China s government and its rulers were corrupt, and because of this Confucius s philosophy heavily revolves at trying to fix the current problem his society faces by trying to issue solutions within his philosophy. One of the major themes that Confucius always goes back to when talking about how China can become better is to go back to tradition. Tradition to Confucius meant not following mystical entities or abstract ideas, but to follow a simple system like the times of early China. Confucius thinks that the emperors such as Yao and Shun are examples of great leaders of the past, and the current government should follow their example (Christian Violatti, cited in Ancient History Encyclopedia 2013). These rulers ruled without
  • 36. The United States And The Federal Government Multigenerational covers over seventy years from birth till present employing over one hundred and fifty eight million in the year 2011 were in the workforce based on the United States, Bureau of Labor Statistics a federal agencies reporting to the Office of Personal Management, known as the federal government. The federal governmentis a perfect snapshot of how four different generations collaborate and work together, supporting and running our federal government. I think about 911 quite often; my company lost eleven victims was in the office at the World Trade Center. Back then, if the Department of Homeland Security collaborated such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Immigration Customs Enforcement, Customs and Border... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A good majority of the federal employees are great savers, and planned nicely over their thirty year career and are prepared for retirement financially, not all, however, a good portion. Internally at my place of employment, there are fourteen states and within the fourteen states there are a team of twenty four account representatives ranging from 20 something to my guess 60 something. We too are enriched with diversity regards to ethnic, religious, education levels, and family units. In addition to our characteristics we have the common personality trait of strong personalities, hardworking, dedicated, and most important we are emotionally dedicated to our clients. The cohesiveness took several years for us to get our Groove On and have learned not everything works overall quite efficiently. Taking time to have a better understanding with each era, such as their values, upbringing, and lives lessons, could provide management and colleagues a more cohesive workplace and retaining valuable employees. Typically in the sales arena and corporate America, there is a shelf life for many reasons which are not addressed at least on paper. Beginning with salaries and health care benefit costs the Boomer population cost companies more money, the impacting the profit and bottom dollar. For profit verses not for profit varies greatly and hope for profit corporations would find the value in keeping
  • 37. Warfare In The Aztec Society When one mentions the Aztecs, the first image that pops into most people s minds is of barbaric people that participated in human sacrifice. It s simple to see this ancient society as barbaric and inhumane. It s simple to stay narrow minded and refuse to view them as anything else. In reality, the Aztec society was complex. Their beliefs, festivities, innovations, trainings, and social class structures all points toward a sophisticated civilization. The foundation that each of these examples were built upon was warfare. From midwives yelling war cries to welcome the newborn future warriors, to the special paradise designated for warriors after death, war dominated the Aztecs lives from birth until death (Clendinnen 56, 84). Despite the impressive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Aztecs employed flank and encirclement tactics, so they could surround their enemy and debilitate them by individually knocking them unconscious. The main weapons that contributed to their goal was the slingshot, which could knock enemies unconscious from a distance and the maquahuitl (also known as the macana) which was an oak club that was edged with obsidian or flint blades and had a flat edge (Daniel 190). The Aztecs main goal in warfare was to capture as many enemy soldiers, so they could later use them as sacrifices to appease their god; hence, knocking them unconscious instead of using a killing blow to a vital body part (Isaac
  • 38. Case Study of an Eighteen Month Old Toddler In Respiratory... As a respiratory therapist at a local hospital, I was called to the Emergency Department to await the arrival by ambulance of a 32 lb. (14.54 kg.), eighteen month old male toddler with a history of coughing, congestion, fever, and runny nose for the previous five days. He is currently taking prescribed medication, by his pediatrician, consisting of acetaminophen to control fever as well as cough syrup to lessen his cough, congestion and runny nose. He has been on this medication for the past two days but suddenly, within the past hour, has developed an audible wheeze and cyanosis around his lips. This change in condition alarmed his mother and she called 911 to have an ambulance come to her home. While in route to the hospital, the EMS... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I would choose pressure controlled continuous mandatory ventilation (PC CMV) for this patient. I would set up the ventilator with the following settings: initial PIP of 20 cm H2O and once patient is attached, I would adjust the PIP to 10 cm H2O above the determined plateau pressure, tidal volume at 90 ml (patient s IBW is 14.5 kg and the recommended VT is 5 8 ml/kg), frequency at 30 (recommended is 20 35 for a toddler), FiO2 at 100%, PEEP at the recommended pressure of +5 cm H2O, and inspiratory time of 0.6 seconds (recommended is 0.6 0.7) (Walsh 335). I would also add heated humidity to the circuit via a heated pass over humidifier set at 37 degrees Celsius. The alarm settings would be the following: humidifier high temperature alarm at 38 degrees C. and low temperature alarm at 30 degrees C., high pressure alarm set to 10 cm H2O above PIP and low pressure alarm set to 5 10 cm H2O below PIP, low exhaled tidal volume alarm set to 80 ml (10 15% below set tidal volume), high PEEP set to 7 cm H20 and low PEEP alarm set to 3 cm H2O (2 3 cm H2O above and below set PEEP), high respiratory rate alarm set to 42 and low respiratory rate set to 18 (40% above and below the set rate) (Cairo 106 109). To assess the appropriateness of the ventilator settings, I would first assess the patient by listening to breath sounds, monitoring heart rate, respiratory
  • 39. Training Base And As A Relief Centre For Natural Disasters... This report evaluates the options available for the three waters servicing of the redevelopment of the key facilities at Burnham Military Camp (NZS_BHM). Despite NZS_BHM being long neglected, it will now be redeveloped as New Zealand s major military training base and as a relief centre for natural disasters. This means the in camp population is going to increase from 1500 to 3000 by 2030, placing more demand on the camps already deteriorating infrastructure (NZDF, personal communication). Due to Burnham becoming New Zealand s major military training base it is required to remain fully operational in the face of any natural hazards. Therefore the redevelopment must be both resilient in the face of natural disasters and sustainable. This brings many constraints and engineering challenges to the project when considering the redevelopment of the water supply, wastewater management and stormwater drainage at NZS_BHM. This report identifies the possible options NZDF has to redevelop and improve its current water, wastewater and stormwater systems. The issues with each option will be identified as well as the regulatory requirements that the NZDF will need to adhere to during the redevelopment. 1.2Legislation and Jurisdiction The Resource Management Act (RMA) is the governing statute that controls all new land development, including water supply, stormwater drainage, and wastewater disposal, all new developments must meet RMA requirements. The redevelopment must also meet the
  • 40. Right To Due Process Analysis Right to due process for government employees exists when the employee has a property interest. The legislation requires that every employee is given a fair procedural process before they get fired if the reason for being fired relates to a property right. However, the government has set guidelines that guide the termination in such a case. An employee is deemed to have a property interest in his or her job if the employee has a reasonable expectation to be in that job in future. The property right is not in the constitution, but they stem from rules or gentlemen agreement from an independent source such as state law (Bajo, 2015). The following also can guarantee an employee the property right: employers manual that requires the employees to be given just treatment before being fired a collective bargaining can establish can also create such an expectation. The due process, however, does not mean that the employees are guaranteed to keep... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One important thing about the non standard employment to the human resource systems is the practice helps the department to reduce the cost of labor. The organization gets the best specialized talents at a very low cost. However, most of the workers employed under the system tend not to be loyal to the company; the employees turn over in the organization that applies the method of employment is very high. High employee s turnover affects the performance of the company, as the company loses very performing workers and the cost of employing others is also a concern. Moreover, the employees who depart might join a rival company and give the secrets of the company to the competitor. Employee s loyalty is essential to every organization; human resource faces this challenge trying to maintain quality workers in organizations applying the non standard employment (Bajo,
  • 41. An Argument For Non Violence generations of extreme violence from the state, and logical decisions about what kind of actions require political result. As an African American male I am outraged by the pervasive slandering of protesters in Baltimore, simply because they did not remain peaceful. Take the bad apple analogy and incorporate it into this. In saying that you would say that some are demonstrating protest in the right way, as their constitutional right. Then there are only a few that are disrupting the peace, giving the movement a bad name. That should be disregarded, I say that because the media blackout of any action happening on the ground, particularly this is crazy. Equally, it makes no sense to cite the constitution in any demonstration of black civil rights. Go back in history that document was not written for us, correct? Lets not forge that the state breaks its own laws everyday when we see oppression on a daily basis.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Going to media with the #BlackLivesMatter protest, as well as the emergence of the non violence or peaceful slogan. I would not say that I completely do not advocate non violence particularly in a moment like the one we currently face. I think that we should look at the non violent aspect as a tactic not a philosophy. Non violence is a political performance to raise awareness and win over sympathy for those who have privilege. The white, wealthy, able bodied on the outside of the struggle have demonstrated repeatedly that they do not care, are not going to step in the line of fire, and are not invested. This political strategy of non violent does nothing more then put the oppressed people in the further danger of violence then they already were
  • 42. The Brown Burro and Nature Essay I breathed a sigh of relief finding everything in our camp as we had left it. Time seemed to have stood still in this part of the world; I felt as though we had been gone for ages when actually it was only three and a half days. I showered Frog with affection, and gave him the last of our cookies and chips. That night, Satan and Puss slept with me in my trailer. Frog kept me awake with his constant stomping and braying. Snow had fallen during our absence. Only patches of thin crust remained at Harry s camp. The hills beyond were covered with a blanket of mushroom like beauty glistening in the desert sun, which notwithstanding its angle in the sky, would wreak havoc with the snow before the day was done. I drove up the canyon in my Jeep... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The two burros stood glaring at one another, and then they pawed the earth, and charged. I heard the sound of the impact and they arced in the air like colliding locomotives, their loud, echoing blasts resounding across the canyons, and they bit at one another in a most vicious manner, which resulted in bloody lacerations about their bodies, then abruptly they stopped their combat and began grazing; and all was peaceful. The Jennies, close by, some accompanied by nursing yearlings, and older burros, regarded the two battling males with what appeared to me as casual regard; then the black one trotted over to the herd, and mounted one of the Jennies; and the entire herd let out a combined burro chant and charged as one, down the slope in my direction, the coupled pair leading the way! There I stood in awe, camera with telescope lens dangling at my side. I looked around for a route of escape, or some kind of protection, and thought of running to my Jeep, but it was too far away, and the slope was barren of tree or boulder; I was trapped, doomed to be trampled to death by a raging herd of wild burros. Then suddenly, as if on command, the charging herd split and stormed by me in a thundering roar of dust and dirt, and disappeared down a draw; and all was silent as though they had not been there, and what I had experienced but a dream. I sat down on the ground, buried my head in my arms. An overwhelming sensation of fear gripped me and I