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Chapter 9:

(a) The boots and shoes are size 11.
    The boots are as large as the shoes.

(b) The chef cuts the onion as finely as he can.
Making Comparisons with as…as

 used to say that two parts of a comparison are
  equal or the same in some way
 Form:
   as + adjective + as    Note: Use the base form of the
                            adjective or adverb. Don’t
   as + adverb + as                 change it.
 Examples:
   Tina is as old as Sam. (They are the same age.)
   Mike came as quickly as he could. (He went the speed
    equal to his capability.)
Make a sentence about each
         situation. Use as…as.
 John can run a mile in 5 minutes. Lisa can run a
 mile in 5 minutes.
    John can run as fast as Lisa. / Lisa can run as fast as John.

 Ben is 5 years old. Tina is 5 years old.
           Ben is as old as Tina. / Tina is as old as Ben.
 Jerry’s house is 1200 square feet. Nancy’s house
 is 1200 square feet.
  Jerry’s house is as big as Nancy’s. / Nancy’s house is as big as

(c) Annapurna is not as high as Everest.
(d) Annapurna isn’t quite as high as Everest.

  Everest - 8,848 m.        Annapurna – 8,091 m.

(e) Fuji isn’t nearly as high as Everest.

  Everest - 8,848 m.        Fuji – 3,776 m.
Making Comparisons with not as…as

 used to show that two things are not equal (one is
  less and one is more)
 used with quite and nearly
   not quite as…as (small difference)
   not nearly as…as (big difference)
 Examples:
   Ted is not as old as Tina. (Ted is younger than Tina.)
   Ted isn’t quite as old as Tina. (Ted is a bit younger than
   Amy isn’t nearly as old as Tina. (Amy is much younger.)
Make sentences about these people.
Use not as…as (and quite or nearly)

   Tina     Pedro   Mark
    17       12      18

Possible Answers:
•Tina isn’t quite as old as Mark.
•Pedro isn’t nearly as old as Tina.
•Pedro isn’t nearly as old as Mark.
Making Comparisons with as…as and
        just, nearly, almost
 used to modify the comparison
 just = exactly
    Sam is just as old as Tina. (They are exactly the same
 nearly/almost = very close, but still less
   Ted is nearly as old as Tina.
   Ted is almost as old as Tina.
   (Ted is slightly younger than Tina.)

An antelope can run ___ fast ___ a cheetah.

                        Cheetah 95
  Antelope 95

                   nearly as       as
A leopard can run ______ ___ fast ___ a

 Leopard 90            Cheetah 95
 kph                   kph

A leopard can’t run _______ ___ fast ___
                     quite   as       as
a cheetah.

Leopard 90           Cheetah 95
kph                  kph
Exercise 2, page 249

 Complete the sentences with one of the following:
   just as…as
   almost as…as
   not quite as…as
   not nearly as…as
   as…as
Let’s Check…

2. not nearly as
3. just as
4. almost as / not quite as
5. not nearly as
6. just as
7. almost as / not quite as
Complete the sentences with your
   own words. (Tell your partner.)
 …just as important as…
 …just as good as…
 …almost as good as…
 …just as nutritious as…
 …not as easy as it looks.
                               Share with
                                the class
                               when you
                              are finished.
Exercise 3, page 249 - 250

 Use the given words, complete the sentences with
 Use a negative if appropriate.
Let’s Check

3. A lake isn’t (nearly) as big as an ocean.
4. Honey is just as sweet as sugar.
5. Money isn’t (nearly) as important as good health.
6. Children usually aren’t as…adults.
7. A solar system isn’t (nearly) as…a galaxy.
8. People aren’t (nearly) as…monkeys.
9. reading a novel is just as / isn’t nearly
   as…listening to music
Close your books. Put your pens
 Take turns with your partner completing the
 Examples:
   I need you right away! Please come ____________can
                                         as fast as you

   We can’t go any farther. This is _______________.
                                       as far as we can go
I can’t work any faster.
I’m working ___________________.
               as fast as I can
An orange is sweeter than a lemon. In other
words, an orange is not not as sour as a
A stream is usually much narrower than a river.
        In other words, a stream isn’t
            as wide as a river
I had expected the test to be difficult, and it
     was. In other words, the test was
                as difficult as I expected
It’s important to use your English every
   day. You should practice speaking
         English ________________.
                   as often as you can
You’re only old if you feel old. You
are _______________young ____________.
         as                 as you feel
You might think it’s easy to do, but
 it’s not quite ____________________.
                 as easy as you think
It takes an hour to drive to the airport. It
 takes an hour to fly to Chicago. In other
  words, it takes _________________________.
                     just as long to fly as to
What do you think?
 Which food is…?
   more delicious
   better
   worse
   healthier
   cheaper
What do you think?

 Which food is…?
   the most delicious
   the most expensive
   the cheapest
   the best
   the worst
   the healthiest
   the least healthy
Compare these apples…

Compare these people…

                                        short/tall bars
     1      2       3         4
                BAR 1 is taller than BAR 3.
                BAR 3 is taller than BAR 2.
                BAR 1 is shorter than _____. 4

            BAR 2 is the shortest one of all.

Number your paper from 1 to 30

 The teacher will say an adjective.

 Write the comparative and superlative for each

 For example: “strong”
   stronger     the strongest
Open your books to page 247

 Exercise 1
   Use the given words to make
   1. short/long lines
                                     these and
   2. happy/sad look on his face
   3. large/small country
                                      with your
   4. easy/difficult questions
   5. good/bad handwriting
                                     group. No

A feather is lighter than a brick.


(b) Bricks are lighter than horses.
(c) Horses are more beautiful than trucks.


(a) A feather is lighter than a brick.
(b) Feathers are lighter than horses.
(c) A horse is more beautiful than a truck.

             comparative + than

Comparative Adjectives:
         comparing only 2 things
 1 syllable  add –er
   big  bigger
 2 syllables, ends with y  add –ier
   friendly  friendlier
 2 syllables  more + adj.
   famous  more famous
 3 syllables or more  more + adj.
   exciting  more exciting

 irregular  see chart in book (better, worse)
What’s the comparative?

 old                 older
 big                 bigger
 pretty              prettier
 healthy             healthier
 nutritious          more nutritious
 beautiful           more beautiful
 generous            more generous
 bad                 worse
 good                better

(d) The purple box is the longest of all the boxes.
(e) The brown box is the biggest box in the group.

       superlative         one of a group
                              (3 or more)


(f) Everest is the most massive mountain in
      the world.

Everest - 8,848 m.

      superlative           -est or most

                the + superlative
Superlative Adjectives:
       comparing 3 or more things
 1 syllable  the –est
   big  the biggest
 2 syllables, ends in y  the –iest
   friendly  the friendliest
 2 syllables  the most + adj.
   famous  the most famous
 3 syllables or more  the most + adj.
   exciting  the most exciting

 irregular  see chart in book (the worst, the best)
What’s the superlative?

 old                   the oldest
 big                   the biggest
 pretty                the prettiest
 healthy               the healthiest
 nutritious            the most nutritious
 beautiful             the most beautiful
 generous              the most generous
 bad                   the worst
 good                  the best

           CORRECT        ?     YES
Jazz is the more beautiful music in New Orleans.


         CORRECT ?         YES
The most famous jazz in the world is from
New Orleans.


       CORRECT ?           YES
I like jazz more better than rap or salsa.



               Greta is messy, but

               Oscar is even _______.


The market is four miles from

Rosa’s house and five miles

                      farther (or further)
from my house. I live _______________

from the market than Rosa does.


I have many pleasant

memories from childhood.

    most pleasant
The _____ _________

memory is going to the

zoo with my grandfather.

Close your books.
                Pens down.
 Look at each sentence with your partner.

 Figure out what’s wrong. Where’s the mistake?
Alaska is larger than Texas.

 Alaska is large than Texas.
Alaska is the largest state in the
            United States.
 Alaska is largest state in the United States.
Texas is larger than France in land
 Texas is the larger than France in land area.
Old shoes are usually more
     comfortable than new shoes.
 Old shoes are usually more comfortable to new
I like Chinese food better than
               French food.
 I like Chinese food more better than French food.
A pillow is softer than a rock.

 A pillow is more soft from a rock.
I am younger than my brother. My sister is
    the youngest person in our family.

 My brother is 22. I am 20. My sister is 18. I am the
 youngest than my brother. My sister is the younger
 person in our family.
Use comparatives/superlatives

 Look around the classroom to make comparative
 and superlative sentences with these adjectives:
  big/small
  light/heavy
  cheap/expensive
Exercise 9, page 254

 Review comparative and superlative forms
Let’s Check…

1. higher, the highest     10. more common, the
2. better, the best          most common
3. lazier, the laziest     11. friendlier, the
4. hotter, the hottest
5. neater, the neatest
                           12. more careful, the
                             most careful
6. later, the latest
                           13. worse, the worst
7. happier, the happiest
                           14. farther/further, the
8. more dangerous, the
                             farthest/the furthest
   most dangerous
9. more slowly, the most
Exercise 10, page 254

 Complete each sentence with the correct
 comparative form (-er / more).
Farther or Further?

 farther and further  physical distance
   I walked farther/further than my friend.

 further  additional
   I need further information.
   I need farther information. (XXX wrong XXX)
Exercise 11, page 255

 farther or further

 Some can use both.
 Some can only use further.
Let’s check…

3. farther/further
4. further
5. farther/further
6. further
Ask/Answer questions…

 A: Is a mouse big?
 B: Not really, but at least it’s bigger than a flea.
 A: Is this room large?
 B: Not really, but at least…
 A: Is your desk comfortable?
 B: Not really, but at least…
 A: Is an elephant intelligent?
 B: Not really, but at least…
 A: Was the last exercise easy?
 B: Not really, but at least…
 A: Is the floor clean?
 B: Not really, but at least…
 A: Is a pen expensive?
 B: Not really, but at least…
 A: Is this book heavy?
 B: Not really, but at least…
 A: Is blue a bright color?
 B: Not really, but at least…
Ask your partner…

 How much taller/shorter are you than the teacher?
   a little taller
   a lot taller

  a little bit shorter
  much shorter
Modifying Comparatives

 very
 much                 much / a lot / far: modify
                        Note:Tom isis NOT used to
                                  Very very
 a lot                a little / a little bit: modify
                              modify comparative
                                    (modifies old)
 far                               adjectives.
                    Tom is much older than I am.
 a little               Ann drives very carefully.
                    Ben is a little older older Ithan I
                        Ex: Tom is very than am.
                     Tom is a lot older than I am.
 a little bit                           am.
                                  (modifies carefully)
                  Ben is a little bit older than I am.
                  Ann drives far more carefully than
                                     I do.
Modify these sentences…

 It’s hot today. 
                       It’s very hot today.

 It’s hotter today than yesterday. 

                      It’s much hotter today
                          than yesterday.
An airplane is very fast.

 An airplane is fast.
Taking an airplane is much
         faster than driving.
 Taking an airplane is faster than driving.
Learning a second language is
  very difficult for many people.
 Learning a second language is difficult for many
Learning a second language is a lot more
difficult than learning chemistry formulas.

 Learning a second language is more difficult than
 learning chemistry formulas.
Ask your partner…

 What is one of the largest cities you know?

 Who is the most generous person you have ever

 What was the least difficult class in school?

 What is one of the nicest restaurants in Houston?
I Seoul, Korea is one of the largest cities in
  read grandfatherthis summer. Harry Potter
  I hadfour books last week. The math test
    My three tests was the most generous
     Tokyo Using Superlativesworld.
           is the largest city in the
          personthe least difficult.
           was thehave ever known.
            was Ithe world. of all.
                    best book
 superlative + noun + in a place
    the largest city in the world                        Chart on
                                                           p. 256
 superlative + noun + present perfect
    the most generous person I have ever known

 superlative + noun + of all
    the best book of all
 the least + adjective (opposite of the most)
    the least difficult                               are only used
                                                        to compare 3
 one of + superlative + plural noun + singular verb       or more
    One of the best students in this class is Ali.    things. (not 2)
Close your books.

 Try to complete each sentence with your partner.
the laziest
 Jack is lazy. He is _____________________

 student _______ the class.
 Mike and Julie were nervous, but Amanda was

  the most nervous of
 ________________________ all.
 Costa Rica is beautiful. It is one of

  the most beautiful                  in
 ________________________ countries ________

 the world.
 Scott got a bad score on the test. It was one of

  the worst                       in
 _____________________ scores ___________

 the whole school.
Exercise 24, page 265

 Complete:
   3 – 10

 We’ll check as a class.
Let’s Check…

3. the most beautiful…in
4. the worst…in
5. the farthest/furthest …in
6. the best…of
7. the biggest…in
8. the oldest…in
9. the most comfortable…in
10. the most exhausted runner of
Ask your partner…

 Ask each question.
 Then switch.

 Answer with a superlative.

 Example:
   Q: There are many beautiful countries in the world. What
    is one of them?
   A: One of the most beautiful countries in the world is

 There are many famous people in the world. Who
  is one of the most famous?
 What is one of the best movies you’ve seen
 What is one of the most exciting things you’ve ever
 There are a lot of interesting animals in the world.
  What is one of them?
 Who is one of the most important people in the
  history of your country?

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  • 2. 9-1 MAKING COMPARISONS WITH AS… AS (a) The boots and shoes are size 11. The boots are as large as the shoes.
  • 3. 9-1 MAKING COMPARISONS WITH AS… AS (b) The chef cuts the onion as finely as he can.
  • 4. Making Comparisons with as…as  used to say that two parts of a comparison are equal or the same in some way  Form:  as + adjective + as Note: Use the base form of the adjective or adverb. Don’t  as + adverb + as change it.  Examples:  Tina is as old as Sam. (They are the same age.)  Mike came as quickly as he could. (He went the speed equal to his capability.)
  • 5. Make a sentence about each situation. Use as…as.  John can run a mile in 5 minutes. Lisa can run a mile in 5 minutes. John can run as fast as Lisa. / Lisa can run as fast as John.  Ben is 5 years old. Tina is 5 years old. Ben is as old as Tina. / Tina is as old as Ben.  Jerry’s house is 1200 square feet. Nancy’s house is 1200 square feet. Jerry’s house is as big as Nancy’s. / Nancy’s house is as big as Jerry’s.
  • 6. 9-1 MAKING COMPARISONS WITH AS… AS (c) Annapurna is not as high as Everest. (d) Annapurna isn’t quite as high as Everest. Everest - 8,848 m. Annapurna – 8,091 m.
  • 7. 9-1 MAKING COMPARISONS WITH AS… AS (e) Fuji isn’t nearly as high as Everest. Everest - 8,848 m. Fuji – 3,776 m.
  • 8. Making Comparisons with not as…as  used to show that two things are not equal (one is less and one is more)  used with quite and nearly  not quite as…as (small difference)  not nearly as…as (big difference)  Examples:  Ted is not as old as Tina. (Ted is younger than Tina.)  Ted isn’t quite as old as Tina. (Ted is a bit younger than Tina.)  Amy isn’t nearly as old as Tina. (Amy is much younger.)
  • 9. Make sentences about these people. Use not as…as (and quite or nearly) Tina Pedro Mark 17 12 18 Possible Answers: •Tina isn’t quite as old as Mark. •Pedro isn’t nearly as old as Tina. •Pedro isn’t nearly as old as Mark.
  • 10. Making Comparisons with as…as and just, nearly, almost  used to modify the comparison  just = exactly  Sam is just as old as Tina. (They are exactly the same age.)  nearly/almost = very close, but still less  Ted is nearly as old as Tina.  Ted is almost as old as Tina.  (Ted is slightly younger than Tina.)
  • 11. 9-1 LET’S PRACTICE as An antelope can run ___ fast ___ a cheetah. as Cheetah 95 kph Antelope 95 kph
  • 12. 9-1 LET’S PRACTICE nearly as as A leopard can run ______ ___ fast ___ a cheetah. Leopard 90 Cheetah 95 kph kph
  • 13. 9-1 LET’S PRACTICE A leopard can’t run _______ ___ fast ___ quite as as a cheetah. Leopard 90 Cheetah 95 kph kph
  • 14. Exercise 2, page 249  Complete the sentences with one of the following:  just as…as  almost as…as  not quite as…as  not nearly as…as  as…as
  • 15. Let’s Check… 2. not nearly as 3. just as 4. almost as / not quite as 5. not nearly as 6. just as 7. almost as / not quite as
  • 16. Complete the sentences with your own words. (Tell your partner.)  …just as important as…  …just as good as…  …almost as good as…  …just as nutritious as…  …not as easy as it looks. Share with the class when you are finished.
  • 17. Exercise 3, page 249 - 250  Use the given words, complete the sentences with as…as  Use a negative if appropriate.
  • 18. Let’s Check 3. A lake isn’t (nearly) as big as an ocean. 4. Honey is just as sweet as sugar. 5. Money isn’t (nearly) as important as good health. 6. Children usually aren’t as…adults. 7. A solar system isn’t (nearly) as…a galaxy. 8. People aren’t (nearly) as…monkeys. 9. reading a novel is just as / isn’t nearly as…listening to music
  • 19. Close your books. Put your pens down.  Take turns with your partner completing the sentences.  Examples:  I need you right away! Please come ____________can as fast as you  We can’t go any farther. This is _______________. as far as we can go
  • 20. I can’t work any faster. I’m working ___________________. as fast as I can
  • 21. An orange is sweeter than a lemon. In other words, an orange is not not as sour as a _____________________. lemon
  • 22. A stream is usually much narrower than a river. In other words, a stream isn’t ________________________. as wide as a river
  • 23. I had expected the test to be difficult, and it was. In other words, the test was just_____________________. as difficult as I expected
  • 24. It’s important to use your English every day. You should practice speaking English ________________. as often as you can
  • 25. You’re only old if you feel old. You are _______________young ____________. as as you feel
  • 26. You might think it’s easy to do, but it’s not quite ____________________. as easy as you think
  • 27. It takes an hour to drive to the airport. It takes an hour to fly to Chicago. In other words, it takes _________________________. just as long to fly as to drive
  • 28. What do you think?  Which food is…?  more delicious  better  worse  healthier  cheaper
  • 29. What do you think?  Which food is…?  the most delicious  the most expensive  the cheapest  the best  the worst  the healthiest  the least healthy
  • 32. PREVIEW 40 30 short/tall bars 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 BAR 1 is taller than BAR 3. BAR 3 is taller than BAR 2. BAR 1 is shorter than _____. 4 BAR BAR 2 is the shortest one of all. _____ 32
  • 33. Number your paper from 1 to 30  The teacher will say an adjective.  Write the comparative and superlative for each adjective.  For example: “strong”  stronger the strongest
  • 34. Open your books to page 247  Exercise 1  Use the given words to make comparisons Discuss  1. short/long lines these and make  2. happy/sad look on his face sentences  3. large/small country with your  4. easy/difficult questions partner/small  5. good/bad handwriting group. No writing please!
  • 35. 9-2 COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE A feather is lighter than a brick. 35
  • 36. 9-2 COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE (b) Bricks are lighter than horses. (c) Horses are more beautiful than trucks. 36
  • 37. 9-2 COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE (a) A feather is lighter than a brick. (b) Feathers are lighter than horses. (c) A horse is more beautiful than a truck. comparative + than 37
  • 38. Comparative Adjectives: comparing only 2 things  1 syllable  add –er  big  bigger  2 syllables, ends with y  add –ier  friendly  friendlier  2 syllables  more + adj.  famous  more famous  3 syllables or more  more + adj.  exciting  more exciting  irregular  see chart in book (better, worse)
  • 39. What’s the comparative?  old  older  big  bigger  pretty  prettier  healthy  healthier  nutritious  more nutritious  beautiful  more beautiful  generous  more generous  bad  worse  good  better
  • 40. 9-2 COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE (d) The purple box is the longest of all the boxes. (e) The brown box is the biggest box in the group. superlative one of a group (3 or more) 40
  • 41. 9-2 COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE (f) Everest is the most massive mountain in the world. Everest - 8,848 m. superlative -est or most the + superlative 41
  • 42. Superlative Adjectives: comparing 3 or more things  1 syllable  the –est  big  the biggest  2 syllables, ends in y  the –iest  friendly  the friendliest  2 syllables  the most + adj.  famous  the most famous  3 syllables or more  the most + adj.  exciting  the most exciting  irregular  see chart in book (the worst, the best)
  • 43. What’s the superlative?  old  the oldest  big  the biggest  pretty  the prettiest  healthy  the healthiest  nutritious  the most nutritious  beautiful  the most beautiful  generous  the most generous  bad  the worst  good  the best
  • 44. 9-2 LET’S PRACTICE CORRECT ? YES NO most Jazz is the more beautiful music in New Orleans. 44
  • 45. 9-2 LET’S PRACTICE CORRECT ? YES NO The most famous jazz in the world is from New Orleans. 45
  • 46. 9-2 LET’S PRACTICE CORRECT ? YES NO I like jazz more better than rap or salsa. 46
  • 47. 9-3 LET’S PRACTICE Greta Greta is messy, but Oscar is even _______. messier Oscar 47
  • 48. 9-3 LET’S PRACTICE The market is four miles from Rosa’s house and five miles farther (or further) from my house. I live _______________ from the market than Rosa does. 48
  • 49. 9-3 LET’S PRACTICE I have many pleasant memories from childhood. most pleasant The _____ _________ memory is going to the zoo with my grandfather. 49
  • 50. Close your books. Pens down.  Look at each sentence with your partner.  Figure out what’s wrong. Where’s the mistake?
  • 51. Alaska is larger than Texas.  Alaska is large than Texas.
  • 52. Alaska is the largest state in the United States.  Alaska is largest state in the United States.
  • 53. Texas is larger than France in land area.  Texas is the larger than France in land area.
  • 54. Old shoes are usually more comfortable than new shoes.  Old shoes are usually more comfortable to new shoes.
  • 55. I like Chinese food better than French food.  I like Chinese food more better than French food.
  • 56. A pillow is softer than a rock.  A pillow is more soft from a rock.
  • 57. I am younger than my brother. My sister is the youngest person in our family.  My brother is 22. I am 20. My sister is 18. I am the youngest than my brother. My sister is the younger person in our family.
  • 58. Use comparatives/superlatives  Look around the classroom to make comparative and superlative sentences with these adjectives:  big/small  light/heavy  cheap/expensive
  • 59. Exercise 9, page 254  Review comparative and superlative forms
  • 60. Let’s Check… 1. higher, the highest 10. more common, the 2. better, the best most common 3. lazier, the laziest 11. friendlier, the 4. hotter, the hottest friendliest 5. neater, the neatest 12. more careful, the most careful 6. later, the latest 13. worse, the worst 7. happier, the happiest 14. farther/further, the 8. more dangerous, the farthest/the furthest most dangerous 9. more slowly, the most
  • 61. Exercise 10, page 254  Complete each sentence with the correct comparative form (-er / more).
  • 62. Farther or Further?  farther and further  physical distance comparison  I walked farther/further than my friend.  further  additional  I need further information.  I need farther information. (XXX wrong XXX)
  • 63. Exercise 11, page 255  farther or further  Some can use both.  Some can only use further.
  • 64. Let’s check… 3. farther/further 4. further 5. farther/further 6. further
  • 65. Ask/Answer questions…  A: Is a mouse big?  B: Not really, but at least it’s bigger than a flea.
  • 66.  A: Is this room large?  B: Not really, but at least…
  • 67.  A: Is your desk comfortable?  B: Not really, but at least…
  • 68.  A: Is an elephant intelligent?  B: Not really, but at least…
  • 69.  A: Was the last exercise easy?  B: Not really, but at least…
  • 70.  A: Is the floor clean?  B: Not really, but at least…
  • 71.  A: Is a pen expensive?  B: Not really, but at least…
  • 72.  A: Is this book heavy?  B: Not really, but at least…
  • 73.  A: Is blue a bright color?  B: Not really, but at least…
  • 74. Ask your partner…  How much taller/shorter are you than the teacher?  a little taller  a lot taller  a little bit shorter  much shorter
  • 75. Modifying Comparatives  very  much much / a lot / far: modify Note:Tom isis NOT used to Very very comparativesold.  a lot a little / a little bit: modify modify comparative (modifies old) comparatives  far adjectives. Tom is much older than I am.  a little Ann drives very carefully. Ben is a little older older Ithan I Ex: Tom is very than am. Tom is a lot older than I am.  a little bit am. (modifies carefully) Ben is a little bit older than I am. Ann drives far more carefully than I do.
  • 76. Modify these sentences…  It’s hot today.  It’s very hot today.  It’s hotter today than yesterday.  It’s much hotter today than yesterday.
  • 77. An airplane is very fast.  An airplane is fast.
  • 78. Taking an airplane is much faster than driving.  Taking an airplane is faster than driving.
  • 79. Learning a second language is very difficult for many people.  Learning a second language is difficult for many people.
  • 80. Learning a second language is a lot more difficult than learning chemistry formulas.  Learning a second language is more difficult than learning chemistry formulas.
  • 81. Ask your partner…  What is one of the largest cities you know?  Who is the most generous person you have ever known?  What was the least difficult class in school?  What is one of the nicest restaurants in Houston?
  • 82. I Seoul, Korea is one of the largest cities in read grandfatherthis summer. Harry Potter I hadfour books last week. The math test My three tests was the most generous Tokyo Using Superlativesworld. is the largest city in the personthe least difficult. was thehave ever known. was Ithe world. of all. best book  superlative + noun + in a place  the largest city in the world Chart on p. 256  superlative + noun + present perfect  the most generous person I have ever known  superlative + noun + of all  the best book of all Remember:  the least + adjective (opposite of the most) Superlatives  the least difficult are only used to compare 3  one of + superlative + plural noun + singular verb or more  One of the best students in this class is Ali. things. (not 2)
  • 83. Close your books.  Try to complete each sentence with your partner.
  • 84. the laziest  Jack is lazy. He is _____________________ in student _______ the class.
  • 85.  Mike and Julie were nervous, but Amanda was the most nervous of ________________________ all.
  • 86.  Costa Rica is beautiful. It is one of the most beautiful in ________________________ countries ________ the world.
  • 87.  Scott got a bad score on the test. It was one of the worst in _____________________ scores ___________ the whole school.
  • 88. Exercise 24, page 265  Complete:  3 – 10  We’ll check as a class.
  • 89. Let’s Check… 3. the most beautiful…in 4. the worst…in 5. the farthest/furthest …in 6. the best…of 7. the biggest…in 8. the oldest…in 9. the most comfortable…in 10. the most exhausted runner of
  • 90. Ask your partner…  Ask each question.  Then switch.  Answer with a superlative.  Example:  Q: There are many beautiful countries in the world. What is one of them?  A: One of the most beautiful countries in the world is Italy.
  • 91. Questions…  There are many famous people in the world. Who is one of the most famous?  What is one of the best movies you’ve seen recently?  What is one of the most exciting things you’ve ever done?  There are a lot of interesting animals in the world. What is one of them?  Who is one of the most important people in the history of your country?