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								A	version	of	this	article	appeared	in	Homeland	Security	Today	14(1),	12-13	(2017)	
Compliance	Versus	Security	
Roger	G.	Johnston,	Ph.D.,	CPP	
Right	Brain	Sekurity	
					Effective	security	is	not	the	same	thing	as	complying	with	security	rules	and	regulations.		
Sure,	there	is	a	certain	amount	of	overlap—deliberately	violating	security	requirements	
often	results	in	poor	security.		But	in	my	experience	as	a	vulnerability	assessor,	a	good	rule	
of	thumb	is	that	at	least	a	third	of	security	rules	and	regulations	in	large	organizations	
actually	make	security	worse.		Often,	this	is	because	the	security	requirements	don’t	
adequately	account	for	local	conditions,	human	nature,	organizational	culture,	or	
unrecognized	security	vulnerabilities.	
				Many	security	managers	fully	understand	that	compliance	does	not	necessarily	equate	to	
good	security	(though	the	political	or	legal	need	to	be	in	compliance	may	be	unavoidable).		
Others,	however,	do	not	share	this	view	and	believe	that	they	can	evaluate	the	effectiveness	
of	their	security	primarily	by	auditing	compliance	with	rules	and	regulations.		Nothing	
could	be	further	from	the	truth.


				I’m	often	asked	by	security	managers	who	hold	the	latter	view	for	examples	of	
compliance	harming	security.		This	article	gives	just	a	few	of	many	such	examples.		I	have	
witnessed	the	majority	of	these	first-hand,	often	across	multiple	organizations.		I	have	
heard	about	the	remaining	examples	from	other	security	professionals.	
				Probably	the	most	common	examples	of	compliance	harming	security	include	the	
following:		the	bureaucracy,	paperwork,	records	keeping,	efforts	to	interpret	and	
implement	complex	rules	(sometimes	confusing	and	contradictory),	time	spent	preparing	
for	audits,	“teaching	to	the	test”,	memorizing	trivia,	spending	large	sums	of	money	on	
dubious	and	expensive	security	measures	and	consultants,	etc.	all	result	in	distractions,	
frustrations,	loss	of	focus	and	energy,	and	wasting	of	security	resources.		Particularly	
damaging	can	be	foolish	regulations	or	legislation	imposed	by	naive	bureaucrats,	
regulators,	executives,	or	legislators	as	a	result	of	over-reacting	to	security	incidents.	
				Perhaps	the	second	most	common	example	is	where	all	of	the	above	negative	attributes	
of	a	compliance-based	security	regime	result	in	security	personnel	and	regular	employees	
becoming	highly	cynical	about	security.		They	come	to	view	security	as	merely	stupid	rules	
and	“Security	Theater”	imposed	on	them	arbitrarily	from	above	by	people	who	don’t	
understand	local	conditions	or	what	it	takes	to	get	the	job	done	properly.		Once	this	
happens,	a	healthy	Security	Culture	and	effective	security	are	not	possible.	
				Even	when	cynicism	is	not	engendered	by	compliance-driven	security,	emphasis	on	
compliance	rather	than	real	security	can	create	a	bad	mindset.		Security	becomes	equated	
with	mere	bureaucratic	busywork,	mindless	rule	following,	and	the	idea	that	the	brass	are	
responsible	for	security,	not	me.		This	inhibits	proactive	situational	awareness,	the	use	of	
intuition,	and	taking	of	personal	initiative	and	responsibility	when	it	comes	to	security.		
Poor	security	results.	
				In	addition,	flawed	security	rules	that	needlessly	harm	employee	productivity	and	
morale,	plus	an	emphasis	on	pleasing/conning	the	security	auditors—as	so	often	happens	
in	compliance-based	organizations—creates	an	“us-versus-them”	atmosphere,	“them”	
being	auditors	and	higher-ups.		This	also	leads	to	bad	teamwork	and	a	poor	Security	
				Indeed,	it	is	poor	practice	to	tell	employees	that	security	rules	and	procedures,	which	
they	have	had	zero	input	in	formulating,	must	be	followed	or	they	will	be	disciplined	or	
fired.		The	message	this	sends	to	employees	is	that	higher	ups	and	security	are	their	enemy.		
This	is	bad	for	the	Security	Culture,	and	thus	for	security.		Generally,	security	rules	that	
haven’t	passed	an	employee	sanity	check	are	usually	bad	security	rules.		Ultimately,	all	
security	(like	all	politics)	is	local.	
				Another	kind	of	problem	created	by	compliance	are	rules	that	require	“Security	by	
Obscurity”,	i.e.,	the	idea	that	security	is	maintained	by	keeping	secrets.		In	fact,	people	and	
organizations	are	very	bad	at	keeping	long-term	secrets.		Somewhat	counter-intuitively,	
security	is	usually	better	when	it	is	transparent.		Transparency	allows	for	review,	criticism,	
questioning,	accountability,	understanding,	continuous	improvement,	and	buy-in.		It	also


allows	for	access	to	the	best	people	and	the	best	information.		Moreover,	the	bad	guys,	
whether	insiders	or	outsiders,	usually	understand	the	secrets,	or	at	least	you	have	to	
reasonably	assume	they	do.	
				Many	government	organizations	require	security	clearances.		The	rules	usually	require	
personnel	with	such	clearances	to	report	any	counseling,	even	something	as	minor	as	brief	
marriage	counseling.		As	a	result,	employees	with	security	clearances	often	avoid	getting	
any	professional	help	at	all	with	their	problems	out	of	fear	of	placing	their	security	
clearance	at	risk,	resulting	in	deteriorating	mental	health.		This	may	harm	security.		[It	
should	be	noted,	however,	that	the	role	of	mental	health	in	the	insider	threat	(other	than	
workplace	violence)	is	open	for	debate.		None	of	the	spies	arrested	for	espionage	against	
the	United	States	in	the	last	50	years,	for	example,	were	mentally	ill.		Narcissistic	jerks,	to	
be	sure,	but	that	is	not	a	mental	illness.]	
				Another	common	and	particularly	disturbing	example	of	compliance	hurting	security	is	
when	doing	only	the	minimum	required	by	the	compliance	rules	results	in	not	addressing	
critical	security	risks.		Carried	to	an	extreme	it	means	that	the	minimum	specified	by	the	
compliance	rules	constrains	what	is	allowed.		We	won’t	be	allowed	to	make	a	significant	
security	improvement	not	actually	required	by	the	auditors.		For	example,	federal	
requirements	for	anti-malware	on	SCADA	control	systems	(such	as	used	for	power	utilities)	
mandate	measures	that	are	weaker	than	many	SCADA	security	managers	would	like	to	
implement	but	the	federal	rules	prohibit	a	better	security	solution.			
				I	know	of	many	cases	where	an	organization	had	to	decide	between	a	real	security	
solution	and	the	minimum	standard	established	by	the	compliance	rules.		Guess	which	one	
usually	wins	out?		A	related	problem	is	bureaucrats	and	executives	vetoing	necessary	
security	measures	despite	the	merits	because	they	are	satisfied	with	merely	being	in	
compliance.		Too	often,	compliance	gives	a	false	sense	of	security.			
				Other,	more	concrete	and	less	“cultural”	examples	of	compliance	harming	security	
• An	over-emphasis	in	the	rules/regulations	on	gates,	entry	points,	and	fences	(which	
typically	create	only	a	4.5	to	15	second	access	delay)	leads	to	failure	to	consider	other	
attack	modes	and	vulnerabilities,	resulting	in	bad	security.	
• Overly	rigid	rules,	such	as	requirements	for	predictable	guard	patrols,	routes,	
schedules,	and	shift	changes	make	it	much	easier	for	attackers	to	avoid	or	negate	the	
guard	force.	
• Requiring	access	by	numerous	auditors,	inspectors,	overseers,	micro-managers,	and	
checkers-of-the-checkers	increases	the	insider	threat.	
• Over-classifying	information.		When	everything	is	classified,	nothing	is.		It	is	much	
more	effective	to	focus	on	protecting	only	the	most	critical	sensitive	information,	and	
in	the	most	straightforward	manner	possible.		For	example,	the	federal	government


tends	to	have	so	many	different	kinds	of	classifications	and	security	badges	among	the	
various	agencies	that	it	is	difficult	to	keep	them	all	straight.		(The	situation	has,	
however,	improved	somewhat	in	recent	years.)		
• Mindlessly	banning	new	technology,	rather	than	trying	to	intelligently	accommodate	
it.		We	saw	this	kind	of	“cultural	lag”	(a	term	coined	by	William	F.	Ogburn	in	1922)	
when	thumb	drives	first	came	out.		All	this	does	is	to	make	makes	security	the	enemy	
of	productivity	and	employees,	engenders	cynicism	about	security,	and	encourages	
employees	to	break	this	rule	to	get	things	done—making	later	rules	easier	to	break.		
• Ill-conceived,	overly	formalistic	use	protocols	for	security	devices	(especially	tags	and	
seals)	that	offer	poor	security	and/or	discourage	the	users	of	the	device	to	pay	close	
attention	to	evidence	of	tampering.		
• Requiring	employees	to	sign	at	the	bottom	of	a	form,	swearing	that	all	the	information	
they	have	provided	above	is	true	and	accurate.		This	causes	them	not	to	go	back	and	
correct	inaccuracies,	and	to	continue	on	in	the	future	with	any	lies	that	have	written	
down.		Research	shows	that	having	the	employee	pledge	at	the	top	of	the	form	to	tell	
the	full	truth	results	in	much	greater	honesty.	
• Adherence	to	a	given	security	standard	is	often	used	to	argue	that	an	organization	has	
overall	good	security	and	that	no	extra	security	measures	are	needed	when,	in	fact,	
the	standard	speaks	to	only	a	narrow	subset	of	security	issues.		The	PCI	standard	
(Payment	Card	Industry	Data	Security	Standard)	is	often	used	in	this	way,	even	
though	it	only	really	addresses	security	issues	for	credit	card	procesding,	not	broader	
security	issues.	
•		 Security	standards	and	guidelines	written	by	professional	organizations	are	often	
dominated	by	input	from	manufacturers	and	vendors	of	security	products	in	a	way	
that	helps	their	business	but	compromises	security.		The	ISO	17712	standard	for	
freight	seals	is,	in	my	view,	a	classic	example	of	a	harmful	standard.		See,	for	example,	
RG	Johnston	and	JS	Warner,	“Vulnerability	Assessment	Myths”,		Journal	of	Physical	
Security	7(1),	31-38	(2014),	http://rbsekurity.com/JPS%20Archives/JPS%207(1).pdf	
•		 Control	often	gets	confused	with	security,	to	the	detriment	of	the	latter.		One	form	of	
this	is	when	an	organization	requires	employees	to	only	use	one	kind	of	computer,	
creating	a	monoculture	that	is	highly	susceptible	to	viruses	and	other	malware.		In	the	
2014	Sony	attack,	for	example,	hacked	Windows	PCs	were	down	for	a	long	time,	but	
the	Macs	continued	to	operate	just	fine.	
• The	following	paper	nicely	addresses	other	problems	with	cyber	security	compliance	
(along	with	some	of	the	advantages):		R.	Herold,	“Do	Compliance	Requirements	Help	
or	Hurt	Information	Security”,	http://www.realtimepublishers.com/chapters/1699/esitcv1-13.pdf


				In	thinking	about	compliance	versus	security,	perhaps	the	following	joke	is	illuminating:	
				An	old	married	couple	were	watching	the	news	on	television.		The	weatherman	said	a	
snowstorm	was	coming	and	that	cars	should	be	parked	on	the	odd-numbered	side	of	the	
street	to	facilitate	snow	removal.		“Guess	I	better	move	the	car,”	said	the	husband	has	he	
rose	to	put	on	his	jacket.			
				A	few	days	later,	the	couple	heard	on	television	that	another	storm	was	coming	and	that	
this	time,	cars	were	supposed	to	be	parked	on	the	even-numbered	side	of	the	street.		The	
old	man	got	up	to	move	the	car.	
				Two	weeks	later,	the	couple	was	again	watching	the	weather	report	on	television.		The	
weatherman	was	saying,	“another	huge	blizzard	is	now	bearing	down	on	the	city	and	cars	
must	be	parked	on	the....”,	when	suddenly	the	power	failed	and	the	television	went	blank.		
The	old	man	turned	to	his	wife	and	said,	“Now	what	should	we	do”?		His	wife	said,	“Well,	
dear,	maybe	you	should	just	leave	the	car	in	the	garage	tonight.”			
About	the	Author	
					Roger	G.	Johnston,	Ph.D.,	CPP	is	CEO	and	Chief	Vulnerability	Wrangler	at	Right	Brain	
Sekurity,	a	company	devoted	to	security	consulting	and	vulnerability	assessments.		He	
previously	was	head	of	the	Vulnerability	Assessment	Teams	at	Los	Alamos	and	Argonne	
National	Laboratories	(1992-2007	and	2007-2015).

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