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Gujarat Technological University
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
FAQs related to Comprehensive Project for MBA Sem III & IV

1   How many students can undertake CP in a Group?
Ans There should be a group of two students only for one project report. However,
    considering the significance of the research topic or indispensability of the
    institute, in exceptional case the institute may allow one student or a group of
    three students for one project.
2   Is it mandatory to be associated / work with any organization / company for CP?
Ans Since the Comprehensive Project is a part of Research, it can be a part of any
    specific organisation / company / Industry. But it is not necessary to work in the
    company/organisation. But, the student is excepted to visit the
    company/organisation for data collection purpose.
3   As per the guidelines mentioned in the MBA Syllabus, is it mandatory to identify
    the problem of the company / industry and try to solve it as a part of CP like in
    engineering courses?
Ans In MBA course, problems identification is not mandatory. But the students have to
    find out the general / specific problems of company / organisation / industry and
    give practical suggestions to overcome these problems.
4   Whether obtaining the Formal Certificate from the Industry to attach with the CP is
Ans NO. It is not mandatory for CP however, it is mandatory for SIP.
5   Upto what level or part of the CP work they are supposed to complete within Sem-
Ans The students have to select topic, industry/company/ organisation and submit
    research proposal to allotted guide by the Institute and get it approved.

      Student have to prepare the plan of action (time-table), prepare the final
      questionnaire / schedule for data collection and start to collect the secondary data
      and primary data as per the guidance of the faculty guide.

      Complete the work as per the schedule suggested by the faculty guide. Pl see the

6   How the CP work will be evaluated at the end of Sem-III?
Ans There will be Performance Evaluation Committee constituted at the Institute
    headed by Director/Principal/HoD. One senior faculty and One Industry Expert
    faculty guide will be the members of Evaluation Committee.
      The committee will review the performance of the work done by the students at the
      end of the semester-III, as per the schedule / date suggested by the GTU.
7     What information is required to submit to GTU at the end of Sem-III?


Ans The internal marks of the CP allotted by the Evaluation Committee are to be
    submitted to the GTU in hard copy and the same marks have to be submitted on
    line along with the internal marks of other subjects.
8   What marks does it carry in Sem.-III and Sem-IV?
Ans In Sem-III, there will be internal Evaluation by Evaluation Committee and will
    have weightate of 50 marks, which will be the part of continuous evaluation and
    not counted in SPI/CPI.
      In semester IV, the Evaluation of CP will be made by the panel comprising of
      External Examiner as well as Internal Examiner. The final evaluation will have
      weightage of 200 Marks divided proportionately as 70:30 and will be counted in





“ _________________________________________”

                  Submitted to
                 (Institute Name)


    Gujarat Technological University


   Faculty Guide              Company Guide (If Any)
Name and Designation          Name and Designation

                 Submitted by
               (STUDENT NAME)
    [Batch : 2010-12, Enrollment No.:____]
             MBA SEMESTER III/IV

                 (Institute Name)
                MBA PROGRAMME
  Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University
                    Month, Year


Company Certificate
      (in case of CP based on Industry Defined Problem Identification)
                            (On separate page)

“This is certified that Mr./ Ms…………… and Mr/Ms.……………….. from
………….Institute,       have carried out the research on the subject titled
“……………… ……………” at this company/organisation under the
supervision of ………… ……………..from ……. To……........                       I also
certify that, the above mentioned students have carried the research work

                        Students’ Declaration
                            (On separate page)

We, __________________________________, hereby declare that the
report for Comprehensive Project entitled “________________________
is a result of our own work and our indebtedness to other work publications,
references, if any, have been duly acknowledged.

Place : ……..                                             (Signature)
Date :                                                (Name of Student)
                         Institute’s Certificate
                            (On separate page)

“Certified that this Comprehensive Project Report Titled “………………
……………” is the bonafide work of Mr./ Ms……… ……………………..
(Enrollment No………..), who carried out the research under my


supervision. I also certify further, that to the best of my knowledge the work
reported herein does not form part of any other project report or dissertation
on the basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier occasion
on this or any other candidate.

                          Signature of the Faculty Guide
                         (Name and Designation of Guide)

                (Certificate is to be countersigned by the Director/HoD)


                        (SEPARATE PAGE)


                       (SEPARATE PAGE)



General Model Format For CP Project
                       [Option 1: If project is based on Research]

                SR.                  PARTICULARS                              Total        Semester
                                                                             No. of
                      PART – I GENERAL INFORMATION                          3 to 5            III

      1               About the Company / Industry / Sector                 8 to 12           III
                      Overview of World Market
                      Overview of Indian / Gujarat Market
                      Growth of the Company / industry / Sector
            2         About major Companies in the Industry                 5 to 10           III
            3         Product Profile (Major Products)                      Upto 5            III
                      PART – II PRIMARY STUDY
            4         Introduction of the Study                                               III
                         4.1 Literature Review                              4 to 6
                         4.2 Background of the Study                        2 to 3
                         4.3 Problem Statement /Rationale / of              1 to 2
                             the Study
                         4.4 Objectives of the Study                        Upto 1
                         4.5 Hypothesis                                     Upto 1
            5         Research Methodology                                  10 to 15          III
                         5.1 Research Design
                         5.2 Source/s of Data
                         5.3 Data Collection Method
                         5.4 Population
                         5.5 Sampling Method
                         5.6 Sampling Frame
                         5.7 Date Collection Instrument
                      Data Collection Work to be commenced in                            III & IV
                      Sem. III and continue in Sem-IV also.
            6         Data Analysis and Interpretation                      30 to 50     IV
            7         Results and Findings                                  5 to 10      IV
            8         Limitations of the Study                              1 to 2       IV
            9         Conclusion/Suggestions                                2 to 3       IV
(No. of pages suggested above are a part of model guidelines & they may increase / decrease, depending
                    on the scope of the research work and guidance of faculty guide)
  o Annexure
  o Bibliography


General Model Format For CP Project
    [Option 2: If project is based on Industry study / Industry Defined Problems]

o            Preface
o            Acknowledgement
o            Declaration
o            Executive Summary
    SR. NO.                             PARTICULARS                                       No of        Semester
                 PART – I Industry Study                                                               III
        1        Growth and Evolution of Industry in India                             2 to 3          III

        2        Product Profile                                                       2 to 3          III
        3        Demand determination of the Industry                                  2 to 3          III
        4        Players in the Industry                                               2 to 3          III
        5        Distribution channel in the Industry                                  2 to 3          III
        6        Key Issues and Current Trends                                         2 to 3          III
        7        PESTEL Analysis (depends on nature of study, as per the 5 to 10                       III
                 guide’s suggestions)
                 PART – II Company Study
        8        Financial Analysis of Chosen Industry (depends on nature 10 to 15                     IV
                 of study, as per the guide’s suggestions)
        9        Industry Analysis : Michel Porter’s Five Force Model 7 to 10                          IV
                 (depends on nature of study, as per the guide’s
       10        Future outlook                                           3 to 5                       IV
       11        Company Information and Product Profile                               5 to 10         IV
       12        Organisational Structure and Functional Departments                   5 to 10         IV
       13        SWOT Analysis                                                         10 to 15        IV
       14        Problem/s Identification, Analysis of Situation and                   5 to 10         IV
                 Suggestive Measures to overcome the problems (if CP is
                 based on Industry Defined Problems)
               1 Future Outlook/Conclusion/Suggestion                                  5 to 10         IV
            (No. of pages suggested above are a part of model guidelines & may increase / decrease, depending
                         on the scope of the research work and guidance of faculty guide)
o Annexure
o Bibliography


             (If the project is based on Industry Study )
                                   Part I
1.     Growth and Evolution of Industry in India
2.     Product Profile
3.     Demand determination of the Industry
       • Price
       • Income of targeted customers
       • Penetration level
       • Availability of Finance
       • Replacement Demand
       • Promotion Schemes
       • Excise duty structures
4.     Players in the Industry
       • Number of Players
       • Market Share of Various Brands/Firms
5.     Distribution channel in the Industry
6.     Key Issues and Current Trends
       • Product Quality/Technology
       • Customer Service
       • Pricing
       • Promotion
       • Company specific marketing strategies
       • Segmentation and Positioning
       • Current trends in the industry
7.     PESTEL Analysis
       • Import duties on Components and finished goods
       • Taxes and Levies
       • Non Tariff Barriers
8.     Future outlook/Comments
9.     Suggestions
10.    Conclusion


Part II
 1. Company Information
           Introduction and company profile
           Growth of the company
 2. Product Profile
3. Functional Departments
       - Production Department
       - Marketing Department
           (Product, Price, Distribution, Promotion, Segmentation, Targeting
       - Finance Department
           (Ratio Analysis, Du-Pont analysis, ROI analysis, Leverage analysis,
           Working Capital analysis)
       - Human Resource Department
       - Information Technology
       - Others
4. SWOT Analysis
5. Financial Analysis of Chosen Industry
       • ROI
       • Dupont Analysis
       • Leverage Analysis
       • Working Capital Management Analysis
       • Any other Financial Analysis
11.    Industry Analysis : Michel Porter’s Five Force Model
12.    Problems Identification, Problems Analysis and Remedial Measures
13.    Future Outlook/Conclusion/Suggestion


        Option 3: If CP is based on a Project feasibility study

Executive Summary

SR. NO.                     PARTICULARS                   Work to be
                                                         done in Sem.
             PART – I Industry Study                     III
   1         Growth and Evolution of Industry in India   III
   2         Product Profile (Major Products)            III
   3         Players in the Industry                     III
   4         Demand determination of the Industry        III
   5         Future Prospects                            III
             PART – II Feasibility Study                 IV
   5         Introduction                                IV
   6         Marketing Feasibility                       IV
   7         Technical Feasibility                       IV
   8         Financial Feasibility                       IV
   9         Human Resource Requirement                  IV
   10        Conclusion (Overall Viability)              IV



                       (SEPARATE PAGE)*




                           TABLE TITLE
                            TABLE NO.

     SOURCE: (Font Size – 10)



1    Paper Size                  A4
2    Margins                     Left Side - 1.5 cm
                                 Right Side - 1 cm
                                 Top           - 1 cm
                                 Bottom        - 1 cm
3    Line Spacing                1.5 Lines
4    Paragraph Spacing           Double Lines
5    Page Numbers                At bottom – Centre (Middle)
6    Font Type                   Arial
7    Font Size (FS)              For normal – 12
8    Bold / Italic / Underline   Should be used for specific purposes only
9    Alignment                   Page Justify
10   Heading                     Upper case, Bold, Centre, FS – 14
     Subhead                     Bold, Left Aligned, FS- 12, No Colon (:)
11   Tables/ Graphs/ Diagrams    Title, No. and Source
12   Borders / Shades            No Borders , Headers , Footers
13   Word Breaking               No word Breaking
14   Chapter Name                On Separate Page – Before the start of
                                 the Chapter
                                 Centre Aligned on the Page
                                 No page Numbers on it
                                 Next page start the Chapter – do not
                                 repeat the title on the next page
15   Report Binding              Hard Bound
     (Semester IV only)          Cover – Black Plastic coated
                                 Writing –Golden color only
16   Copies of the Report        Hard : Total 2 Copy
     (Semester III)              For Institute – 01 (Spiral Binding)
                                 For Student – 01 (Spiral) (Optional)
                                 Soft : 01 Copy
                                 CD should have following information in
                                 Word format:
                                 Name of the Student
                                 Enrollment No.
                                 CP Title
                                 Guide Name
16   Copies of the Report        Hard : Total 2 Copy
     (Semester IV)               For Institute – 01 (Hard Binding – Black)
                                 For Student – 01 (Spiral) (Optional)
                                 Soft : 01 Copy
                                 CD should have following information:
                                 Name of the Student


Enrollment No.
                                   CP Title
                                   Guide Name
17   No. of pages for the report   30 – 40 Pages approx.
     (Semester III)
     No. of pages for the report   Not more 100 to 125 Pages (combine of
     (Semester IV)                 Sem-III and IV)

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Comprehensive project

  • 1. Gujarat Technological University Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) FAQs related to Comprehensive Project for MBA Sem III & IV 1 How many students can undertake CP in a Group? Ans There should be a group of two students only for one project report. However, considering the significance of the research topic or indispensability of the institute, in exceptional case the institute may allow one student or a group of three students for one project. 2 Is it mandatory to be associated / work with any organization / company for CP? Ans Since the Comprehensive Project is a part of Research, it can be a part of any specific organisation / company / Industry. But it is not necessary to work in the company/organisation. But, the student is excepted to visit the company/organisation for data collection purpose. 3 As per the guidelines mentioned in the MBA Syllabus, is it mandatory to identify the problem of the company / industry and try to solve it as a part of CP like in engineering courses? Ans In MBA course, problems identification is not mandatory. But the students have to find out the general / specific problems of company / organisation / industry and give practical suggestions to overcome these problems. 4 Whether obtaining the Formal Certificate from the Industry to attach with the CP is necessary? Ans NO. It is not mandatory for CP however, it is mandatory for SIP. 5 Upto what level or part of the CP work they are supposed to complete within Sem- III? Ans The students have to select topic, industry/company/ organisation and submit research proposal to allotted guide by the Institute and get it approved. Student have to prepare the plan of action (time-table), prepare the final questionnaire / schedule for data collection and start to collect the secondary data and primary data as per the guidance of the faculty guide. Complete the work as per the schedule suggested by the faculty guide. Pl see the guidelines. 6 How the CP work will be evaluated at the end of Sem-III? Ans There will be Performance Evaluation Committee constituted at the Institute headed by Director/Principal/HoD. One senior faculty and One Industry Expert faculty guide will be the members of Evaluation Committee. The committee will review the performance of the work done by the students at the end of the semester-III, as per the schedule / date suggested by the GTU. 7 What information is required to submit to GTU at the end of Sem-III?
  • 2. Ans The internal marks of the CP allotted by the Evaluation Committee are to be submitted to the GTU in hard copy and the same marks have to be submitted on line along with the internal marks of other subjects. 8 What marks does it carry in Sem.-III and Sem-IV? Ans In Sem-III, there will be internal Evaluation by Evaluation Committee and will have weightate of 50 marks, which will be the part of continuous evaluation and not counted in SPI/CPI. In semester IV, the Evaluation of CP will be made by the panel comprising of External Examiner as well as Internal Examiner. The final evaluation will have weightage of 200 Marks divided proportionately as 70:30 and will be counted in CPI/SPI.
  • 3. A COMPREHENSIVE PROJECT REPORT ON “ _________________________________________” Submitted to (Institute Name) IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT OF THE AWARD FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ASMINISTRATION In Gujarat Technological University UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Faculty Guide Company Guide (If Any) Name and Designation Name and Designation Submitted by (STUDENT NAME) [Batch : 2010-12, Enrollment No.:____] MBA SEMESTER III/IV (Institute Name) MBA PROGRAMME Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University Ahmedabad Month, Year
  • 4. Company Certificate (in case of CP based on Industry Defined Problem Identification) (On separate page) “This is certified that Mr./ Ms…………… and Mr/Ms.……………….. from ………….Institute, have carried out the research on the subject titled “……………… ……………” at this company/organisation under the supervision of ………… ……………..from ……. To……........ I also certify that, the above mentioned students have carried the research work satisfactory. ----------------------------------------------------------- Students’ Declaration (On separate page) We, __________________________________, hereby declare that the report for Comprehensive Project entitled “________________________ ____________________________________________________________” is a result of our own work and our indebtedness to other work publications, references, if any, have been duly acknowledged. Place : …….. (Signature) Date : (Name of Student) Institute’s Certificate (On separate page) “Certified that this Comprehensive Project Report Titled “……………… ……………” is the bonafide work of Mr./ Ms……… …………………….. (Enrollment No………..), who carried out the research under my
  • 5. supervision. I also certify further, that to the best of my knowledge the work reported herein does not form part of any other project report or dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any other candidate. Signature of the Faculty Guide (Name and Designation of Guide) (Certificate is to be countersigned by the Director/HoD) _______________________________________________________ PREFACE (SEPARATE PAGE) __________________________________________________ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (SEPARATE PAGE) ________________________________________________________ o TABLE OF CONTENTS o LIST OF TABLES o LIST OF FIGURES o LIST OF SYMBOLS, ABBREVIATIONS OR NOMENCLATURE (OPTIONAL) o ABSTRACT / EXECUTIVE SUMMERY o CHAPTERS o APPENDICES / ANNEXURES o REFERENCES / BIBLIOGRAPHY
  • 6. General Model Format For CP Project [Option 1: If project is based on Research] SR. PARTICULARS Total Semester No. of NO. Pages. PART – I GENERAL INFORMATION 3 to 5 III 1 About the Company / Industry / Sector 8 to 12 III Overview of World Market Overview of Indian / Gujarat Market Growth of the Company / industry / Sector 2 About major Companies in the Industry 5 to 10 III 3 Product Profile (Major Products) Upto 5 III PART – II PRIMARY STUDY 4 Introduction of the Study III 4.1 Literature Review 4 to 6 4.2 Background of the Study 2 to 3 4.3 Problem Statement /Rationale / of 1 to 2 the Study 4.4 Objectives of the Study Upto 1 4.5 Hypothesis Upto 1 5 Research Methodology 10 to 15 III 5.1 Research Design 5.2 Source/s of Data 5.3 Data Collection Method 5.4 Population 5.5 Sampling Method 5.6 Sampling Frame 5.7 Date Collection Instrument Data Collection Work to be commenced in III & IV Sem. III and continue in Sem-IV also. 6 Data Analysis and Interpretation 30 to 50 IV 7 Results and Findings 5 to 10 IV 8 Limitations of the Study 1 to 2 IV 9 Conclusion/Suggestions 2 to 3 IV (No. of pages suggested above are a part of model guidelines & they may increase / decrease, depending on the scope of the research work and guidance of faculty guide) o Annexure o Bibliography
  • 7. General Model Format For CP Project [Option 2: If project is based on Industry study / Industry Defined Problems] o Preface o Acknowledgement o Declaration o Executive Summary SR. NO. PARTICULARS No of Semester Pages PART – I Industry Study III 1 Growth and Evolution of Industry in India 2 to 3 III 2 Product Profile 2 to 3 III 3 Demand determination of the Industry 2 to 3 III 4 Players in the Industry 2 to 3 III 5 Distribution channel in the Industry 2 to 3 III 6 Key Issues and Current Trends 2 to 3 III 7 PESTEL Analysis (depends on nature of study, as per the 5 to 10 III guide’s suggestions) PART – II Company Study 8 Financial Analysis of Chosen Industry (depends on nature 10 to 15 IV of study, as per the guide’s suggestions) 9 Industry Analysis : Michel Porter’s Five Force Model 7 to 10 IV (depends on nature of study, as per the guide’s suggestions) 10 Future outlook 3 to 5 IV 11 Company Information and Product Profile 5 to 10 IV 12 Organisational Structure and Functional Departments 5 to 10 IV 13 SWOT Analysis 10 to 15 IV 14 Problem/s Identification, Analysis of Situation and 5 to 10 IV Suggestive Measures to overcome the problems (if CP is based on Industry Defined Problems) 1 Future Outlook/Conclusion/Suggestion 5 to 10 IV (No. of pages suggested above are a part of model guidelines & may increase / decrease, depending on the scope of the research work and guidance of faculty guide) o Annexure o Bibliography
  • 8. MODEL GUIDELINES ABOUT THE CONTENTS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PROJECT (If the project is based on Industry Study ) Part I 1. Growth and Evolution of Industry in India 2. Product Profile 3. Demand determination of the Industry • Price • Income of targeted customers • Penetration level • Availability of Finance • Replacement Demand • Promotion Schemes • Excise duty structures 4. Players in the Industry • Number of Players • Market Share of Various Brands/Firms 5. Distribution channel in the Industry 6. Key Issues and Current Trends • Product Quality/Technology • Customer Service • Pricing • Promotion • Company specific marketing strategies • Segmentation and Positioning • Current trends in the industry 7. PESTEL Analysis • Import duties on Components and finished goods • Taxes and Levies • Non Tariff Barriers 8. Future outlook/Comments 9. Suggestions 10. Conclusion
  • 9. Part II 1. Company Information Introduction and company profile Growth of the company 2. Product Profile 3. Functional Departments - Production Department - Marketing Department (Product, Price, Distribution, Promotion, Segmentation, Targeting Positioning) - Finance Department (Ratio Analysis, Du-Pont analysis, ROI analysis, Leverage analysis, Working Capital analysis) - Human Resource Department - Information Technology - Others 4. SWOT Analysis 5. Financial Analysis of Chosen Industry • ROI • Dupont Analysis • Leverage Analysis • Working Capital Management Analysis • Any other Financial Analysis 11. Industry Analysis : Michel Porter’s Five Force Model 12. Problems Identification, Problems Analysis and Remedial Measures 13. Future Outlook/Conclusion/Suggestion
  • 10. MODEL GUIDELINES ABOUT THE CONTENTS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PROJECT Option 3: If CP is based on a Project feasibility study Preface Acknowledgement Declaration Executive Summary SR. NO. PARTICULARS Work to be done in Sem. PART – I Industry Study III 1 Growth and Evolution of Industry in India III 2 Product Profile (Major Products) III 3 Players in the Industry III 4 Demand determination of the Industry III 5 Future Prospects III PART – II Feasibility Study IV 5 Introduction IV 6 Marketing Feasibility IV 7 Technical Feasibility IV 8 Financial Feasibility IV 9 Human Resource Requirement IV 10 Conclusion (Overall Viability) IV Annexure Bibliography
  • 12. SPECIFICATIONS FOR COMPREHENSIVE REPORT 1 Paper Size A4 2 Margins Left Side - 1.5 cm Right Side - 1 cm Top - 1 cm Bottom - 1 cm 3 Line Spacing 1.5 Lines 4 Paragraph Spacing Double Lines 5 Page Numbers At bottom – Centre (Middle) 6 Font Type Arial 7 Font Size (FS) For normal – 12 8 Bold / Italic / Underline Should be used for specific purposes only 9 Alignment Page Justify 10 Heading Upper case, Bold, Centre, FS – 14 Subhead Bold, Left Aligned, FS- 12, No Colon (:) 11 Tables/ Graphs/ Diagrams Title, No. and Source 12 Borders / Shades No Borders , Headers , Footers 13 Word Breaking No word Breaking 14 Chapter Name On Separate Page – Before the start of the Chapter Centre Aligned on the Page No page Numbers on it Next page start the Chapter – do not repeat the title on the next page 15 Report Binding Hard Bound (Semester IV only) Cover – Black Plastic coated Writing –Golden color only 16 Copies of the Report Hard : Total 2 Copy (Semester III) For Institute – 01 (Spiral Binding) For Student – 01 (Spiral) (Optional) Soft : 01 Copy CD should have following information in Word format: Name of the Student Enrollment No. CP Title Year Guide Name 16 Copies of the Report Hard : Total 2 Copy (Semester IV) For Institute – 01 (Hard Binding – Black) For Student – 01 (Spiral) (Optional) Soft : 01 Copy CD should have following information: Name of the Student
  • 13. Enrollment No. CP Title Year Guide Name 17 No. of pages for the report 30 – 40 Pages approx. (Semester III) No. of pages for the report Not more 100 to 125 Pages (combine of (Semester IV) Sem-III and IV)