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International Journal of Academic Research and Development 
International Journal of Academic Research and Development
ISSN: 2455-4197, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.22
Volume 1; Issue 5; May 2016; Page No. 13-16
Computer literacy among B.Ed teacher trainees’ – An exploratory study
Deivam M
Ph.D Scholar, Department of Education, Gandhigram Rural Institute – Deemed University, Gandhigram, Dindigul district, India.
Computer literacy is the ability to use computers and related technology efficiently, with a range of skills covering levels from
elementary use to programming and advanced problem solving. Computer Literacy is must for every individual in the digital age.
The main objective of the study to explore the computer literacy among B.Ed Teacher Trainees’; the investigator has used the
survey method to collect the data. The Sample consists of 50 Student teachers were selected from Sri Ragavendara College of
Education in Dindigul district by using Simple Random Sampling technique. Findings of the study reveals that, there was no
significant difference of means score of computer literacy among male and female students teachers. There was significant
difference of mean score of computer literacy among Tamil and English medium student teachers. There was significant
difference of mean score of computer literacy among Arts and Science Subject student teachers. Hence, B.Ed students teachers
had moderate level of computer literacy.
Keywords: Computer Basics, Computer Literacy, and B.Ed Teacher Trainees
Literacy is not just the ability to read and write. It extends to
effective application of all those activities in which literacy is
normally assumed (Abimbade, 1996) [2]
. Such application
could be on computer, hence the terminology, ‘computer
literacy’. According to the Psychology Wiki, the definition of
computer literacy varies from group to group and could mean
the knowledge and ability to use computers and technology
efficiently; the comfort level someone has with using
computer programmes and other applications that are
associated with computers; knowing how computers work and
operate; or having basic computer skills.
Computer is a machine which can be used by everyone and at
any time of day, in the office, institutions, factories,
companies, agencies, malls, etc. Even routine activities like
paying monthly bills, shopping, swiping bank cards involve
computers. Today computers are found everywhere; it has
become a tool for the people to access and provide
information and communication with others all around the
With the popularity of computer and its peripheral devices,
many vocabularies came into existence like, memory. Memory
is now a word which is more associated with the computer
rather than mental ability; storage is now used to store data,
rather than a place to store things, and communication is the
act of exchanging opinion and information through writing,
speaking or signs.
Nowadays, these and many other words have taken a new
meaning and become part of the common terminology used to
describe computers and their uses. Initially computers were
found in the workplace and were used to create business
letters, memos and other correspondence, calculate payroll,
track inventory, or generate invoices. But later on computer
entered in all the fields; even fortune tellers, match makers,
horoscope makers, vaastu experts, etc. belonging to
unscientific fields also started using computer because of its
perfection and efficiency.
Computers are available in various shapes and sizes, it is not
at all necessary that a computer should have a system unit,
monitor, or speakers. Any device, which contains a
microprocessor, is called as computer. At home, for instance,
electronic, cameras, etc., are some or other variety of
computer. Even a car is equipped with computers that operate
the electrical system, control the temperature, run
sophisticated anti-theft devices and controls other activities.
Computers are also there in the form of Automatic Teller
Machines (ATMs), which is used to deposit or withdraw
money. When a person buy groceries, a computer tracks his
purchases, calculates the bill and sometimes generates
coupons customized to your buying patterns (Imran R. Shaikh,
2013) [8]
Review of Related Literature
Swe swe Nyunt and Thida wai (2010) [14]
, the study of the
computer literacy M.Ed students in Yangon Institute of
Education; The aim of the study investigation the computer
literacy of the M.Ed students. A sample consist of 140 M.Ed
students teacher were selected by using cluster sampling
technique (different age under 25 and above 25). The finding
of the study reveals that, there was no significant difference
between those two groups. Both the group had equal computer
competency level.
Jeong-Bae Son, Thomas Robb, Indra Charismiadi (2012) [13]
, a
study conducted on Computer Literacy and competency: A
survey of Indonesian Teachers of English as Foreign
Language. The main objectives of the study was to find out
computer literacy of group of Indonesian Language Teachers;
Finding of the study reveals that, half of the Indonesian
language teachers had Basic computer literacy.
Achuonye keziah Akuoma (2012) [1]
. A comparative study of
computer literacy in Urban and Rural Primay Schools in
Rivers state of Nigeria; The aim of the study to comparatively
investigate factors affecting computer literacy in urban and
rural primary schools in Nigeria; A sample consist of 480
primary school teachers were drawn from the four local
Government areas. Finding of the study reveals that, urban
primary schools have more computers than the rural schools,
hence the study shown urban schools had computer literacy
International Journal of Academic Research and Development 
than the rural schools.
Need & Significance
Computer literacy is defined as the ability to use computers at
an adequate level for creation, communication and
collaboration in a literate society. In language teacher
education, it involves the development of knowledge and
skills for using general computer applications, language-
specific software programs and Internet tools confidently and
competently. It comprises a number of aspects, including
technological awareness, technical vocabulary, components of
a computer, concepts of data and programs, ways of
computing, working on files, documents and pictures, working
with multimedia, evaluating resources and communicating
with others. Therefore it has felt imperative on the part of
teachers, to keep themselves abreast with latest development
in their subjects and develop skills in utilizing computers and
technology for effective teaching.
Statement of the problems
Now-a-days computer literacy is inevitable, without computer
literacy students and teachers cannot survive in the present
digital world. Teachers are knowledge disseminator of the
world if teachers acquired computer literacy, he / she can ICT-
Pedagogically sound and ability to collect material from
internet. Computer Literacy is the order of the day in the
information age. Hence the present study entitled “Computer
Literacy among B.Ed Teacher Trainees – An Exploratory
Computer Literacy as an Independent variable and B. Ed
Teacher Trainees’ as a dependent variable.
 To explore the Computer literacy among the B.Ed.,
teacher trainees.
 To find out the mean score of B.Ed., teacher trainees on
Computer literacy.
 To find out the significant difference between Arts &
Science subject B.Ed Teacher trainees’ on Computer
 To find out the significant difference between Tamil &
English medium B.Ed Teacher trainees’ on Computer
 There is no significant difference between the mean
scores of computer literacy among male and female
teacher trainees’.
 There is no significant difference between the mean
scores of computer literacy among Tamil and English
language teacher trainees’.
 There is no significant difference between the mean
scores of computer literacy among Arts and Science
teacher trainees.
The investigator has used the survey method to collect the
data. The researcher has selected 50 teacher trainees studying
in B.Ed., course at Sri Ragavendara College of Education in
Dindigul district.
The Sample consists of 50 Student teachers selected from Sri
Ragavendara College of Education in Dindigul district by
using Simple Random Sampling technique.
Fig 1: Sampling design
Computer Literacy test was conducted among B.Ed teacher
trainees. Question consist of 50 multiple choice items,
covering the following dimensions.
 Input device
 Output device
 Memory device
 Computer Organization
 MS Windows
 MS Word
 MS Excel
 MS PowerPoint
Each correct response one marks and wrong response zero
The investigator contacted and obtained permission from the
principal B.Ed., colleges. The willingness and co-operation of
International Journal of Academic Research and Development 
the respective teacher trainees are also sought. The data were
collected personally by the investigator, from the randomly
selected 50 students, proper instructions were given to the
teacher trainees before starting to fill the question. Computer
literacy question was given to each teacher trainees and
answer sheet with personal detail form.
Table 1: Scoring Criteria
Criteria (Mean Score) Quality measures
35-50 High
20-35 Moderate (Total mean score 31.16)
10-20 Low
Results & Interpretation
Hypothesis 1: There is no significant difference in the mean
score of computer literacy among male and female teachers
Table 2
N Mean S.D df t value
Male 20 31.65 2.94
48 1.02 NS*
Female 30 30.67 3.57
*NS – Not Significant at 0.05 level
The calculated ‘t’ value is not significant at 0.05 level. It is
concluded that the male and female teacher trainees do not
differ in their mean score of computer literacy. Hence, above
null hypothesis was accepted.
Hypothesis 2: There is no significant difference in the mean
scores of computer literacy among Tamil and English
language teacher trainees’.
Table 3
N Mean S.D df t value
Tamil 27 30.30 3.18
48 1.79 S*
English 23 31.96 3.36
S* - Significant at 0.05 level
The calculated ‘t’ value is significant at 0.05 level. It is
concluded that, there was significant difference between the
Tamil and English medium teacher trainees differ in their
mean scores of computer literacy. Hence, above null
hypothesis was rejected.
Hypothesis 3: There is no significant difference between the
mean scores of computer literacy among Arts and Science
teacher trainees’.
Table 4
N Mean S.D df t value
Arts 21 29.81 3.14
48 2.35 S*
Science 29 31.97 3.23
S* - Significant at 0.05 level
The calculated ‘t’ value is significant at 0.05 level. It is
concluded that, there was significant difference between the
Tamil and English medium teacher trainees’ differ in their
mean scores of computer literacy. Hence, above null
hypothesis was rejected.
Major Finding
 There was no significant difference between means scores
of computer literacy among male and female teacher
 There was significant difference between mean scores of
computer literacy among Tamil and English medium
teacher trainees’.
 There was significant difference between mean scores of
computer literacy among Arts and Science Subject
teacher trainees’.
 B.Ed Teacher Trainees had moderate level of Computer
Educational Implication
 Computer literacy will make our budding teacher trainees
confident in facing the challenges of new age teaching.
 Computer literacy will help the teacher trainees’ in the
teaching and learning process.
 Computer literacy will enhance in retrieving many web
 Computer literacy develops quality teachers.
 Computer based training courses for wider exposition and
later acquaintance with latest development in the
respective fields and allied ones.
 Computer based orientation courses giving advanced
knowledge and skills for better performance.
Teaching progression is not only to provided knowledge and
information available in the text books, but he has to collect
information from various sources like reference books,
journals, encyclopedias, and more recently, electronic mass
media as it has become a store house of information. In a less
time teacher can collect detailed information on any subject or
topic from internet. There is no significant difference of means
score of computer literacy among male and female students
teachers. The study reveals that, there was significant
difference of mean score of computer literacy among Tamil
and English medium teacher trainees. There was significant
difference of mean score of computer literacy among Arts and
Science Subject teacher trainees. Hence, B.Ed teacher trainees
had moderate level of computer literacy.
1. Achuonye keziah Akuoma. A comparative study of
computer literacy in Urban and Rural Primay Schools
in Rivers state of Nigeria. Journal of Sociological
Research. 2012; 2(2):563-578.
2. Abimbade A. Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) and
the teachers. In: Abimbade A, (ed.) Nigeria Journal
of Computer Literacy, Niyi Printers, Ibadan. 1996;
3. Atan H, Azli N, Rahman Z, Idrus R. Computers in
distance education: Gender differences in self-
perceived computer competencies. Journal of Educational
Media. 2002; 27(3):123-135.
4. Ballantine J, McCourt Larres P, Cyelere P. Computer
usage and the validity of self- assessed computer
competence among first year business students.
Computers and Education. 2007; 49:976-990
International Journal of Academic Research and Development 
5. Begum Jahitha A. ICT in Teaching and Learning. New
Delhi: APH Publishing House, 2011.
6. Deivam M, Teaching of Computer Science. Germany:
Lambert Academic Publishing, 2016.
7. Evagelin Arulselvi. Teaching of Computer Science.
Chennai: Saradha Publication, 2009.
8. Imran R Shaikh. Introduction to Educational Technology
and ICT. New Delhi: McGraw Hill Education, 2013.
9. Kulandaivel C. ICT Literacy in B.Ed students in Madurai.
M.Ed Dissertation, Dept. of Education, Gandhigram
Rural Institute – Deemed University, Dindigul district,
Tamilnadu, India, 2011.
10. Roblyer, Edwards, Havriluk MD. Integrating Educational
Technology into Teaching, Merrill, Upper Saddle
river, NJ, 1997.
11. Sivakumar A. Development, Validation and Effectiveness
of Blended Learning Modules on Teaching of Science at
B.Ed Level. Dept. of Educational Technology,
Bharathidasan University, 2011.
12. Sharma RA. Information Communication Technology.
Meerut: R. Lall Book Depot, 2008.
13. Jeong-Bae Son, Thomas Robb, Indra Charismiadi.
Computer Literacy and competency: A survey of
Indonesian Teachers of English as Foreign Language.
Journal of Computer Assisted Language Learning. 2012;
14. Swe swe Nyunt, Thida wai. The study of the computer
literacy M.Ed students in Yangon Institute of
Education. Yangon Institute of Education Research
Journal. 2010; 2(1):1-6.
15. Tavalin F, Gibson D. New insights on technology
adoption in Schools. T.H.E. Journal. 2000; 27(7):43-
16. Willis J, Thompson A, Sadera W. Research on technology
and teacher education:Current status and future directions.
Educational Technology research and Development,
1999; 47(4):29-45.

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Computer literacy among B.Ed teacher trainees’ – An exploratory study

  • 1.   International Journal of Academic Research and Development  13    International Journal of Academic Research and Development ISSN: 2455-4197, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.22 www.newresearchjournal.com/academic Volume 1; Issue 5; May 2016; Page No. 13-16 Computer literacy among B.Ed teacher trainees’ – An exploratory study Deivam M Ph.D Scholar, Department of Education, Gandhigram Rural Institute – Deemed University, Gandhigram, Dindigul district, India. Abstract Computer literacy is the ability to use computers and related technology efficiently, with a range of skills covering levels from elementary use to programming and advanced problem solving. Computer Literacy is must for every individual in the digital age. The main objective of the study to explore the computer literacy among B.Ed Teacher Trainees’; the investigator has used the survey method to collect the data. The Sample consists of 50 Student teachers were selected from Sri Ragavendara College of Education in Dindigul district by using Simple Random Sampling technique. Findings of the study reveals that, there was no significant difference of means score of computer literacy among male and female students teachers. There was significant difference of mean score of computer literacy among Tamil and English medium student teachers. There was significant difference of mean score of computer literacy among Arts and Science Subject student teachers. Hence, B.Ed students teachers had moderate level of computer literacy. Keywords: Computer Basics, Computer Literacy, and B.Ed Teacher Trainees Introduction Literacy is not just the ability to read and write. It extends to effective application of all those activities in which literacy is normally assumed (Abimbade, 1996) [2] . Such application could be on computer, hence the terminology, ‘computer literacy’. According to the Psychology Wiki, the definition of computer literacy varies from group to group and could mean the knowledge and ability to use computers and technology efficiently; the comfort level someone has with using computer programmes and other applications that are associated with computers; knowing how computers work and operate; or having basic computer skills. Computer is a machine which can be used by everyone and at any time of day, in the office, institutions, factories, companies, agencies, malls, etc. Even routine activities like paying monthly bills, shopping, swiping bank cards involve computers. Today computers are found everywhere; it has become a tool for the people to access and provide information and communication with others all around the world. With the popularity of computer and its peripheral devices, many vocabularies came into existence like, memory. Memory is now a word which is more associated with the computer rather than mental ability; storage is now used to store data, rather than a place to store things, and communication is the act of exchanging opinion and information through writing, speaking or signs. Nowadays, these and many other words have taken a new meaning and become part of the common terminology used to describe computers and their uses. Initially computers were found in the workplace and were used to create business letters, memos and other correspondence, calculate payroll, track inventory, or generate invoices. But later on computer entered in all the fields; even fortune tellers, match makers, horoscope makers, vaastu experts, etc. belonging to unscientific fields also started using computer because of its perfection and efficiency. Computers are available in various shapes and sizes, it is not at all necessary that a computer should have a system unit, monitor, or speakers. Any device, which contains a microprocessor, is called as computer. At home, for instance, electronic, cameras, etc., are some or other variety of computer. Even a car is equipped with computers that operate the electrical system, control the temperature, run sophisticated anti-theft devices and controls other activities. Computers are also there in the form of Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs), which is used to deposit or withdraw money. When a person buy groceries, a computer tracks his purchases, calculates the bill and sometimes generates coupons customized to your buying patterns (Imran R. Shaikh, 2013) [8] . Review of Related Literature Swe swe Nyunt and Thida wai (2010) [14] , the study of the computer literacy M.Ed students in Yangon Institute of Education; The aim of the study investigation the computer literacy of the M.Ed students. A sample consist of 140 M.Ed students teacher were selected by using cluster sampling technique (different age under 25 and above 25). The finding of the study reveals that, there was no significant difference between those two groups. Both the group had equal computer competency level. Jeong-Bae Son, Thomas Robb, Indra Charismiadi (2012) [13] , a study conducted on Computer Literacy and competency: A survey of Indonesian Teachers of English as Foreign Language. The main objectives of the study was to find out computer literacy of group of Indonesian Language Teachers; Finding of the study reveals that, half of the Indonesian language teachers had Basic computer literacy. Achuonye keziah Akuoma (2012) [1] . A comparative study of computer literacy in Urban and Rural Primay Schools in Rivers state of Nigeria; The aim of the study to comparatively investigate factors affecting computer literacy in urban and rural primary schools in Nigeria; A sample consist of 480 primary school teachers were drawn from the four local Government areas. Finding of the study reveals that, urban primary schools have more computers than the rural schools, hence the study shown urban schools had computer literacy
  • 2.   International Journal of Academic Research and Development  14    than the rural schools. Need & Significance Computer literacy is defined as the ability to use computers at an adequate level for creation, communication and collaboration in a literate society. In language teacher education, it involves the development of knowledge and skills for using general computer applications, language- specific software programs and Internet tools confidently and competently. It comprises a number of aspects, including technological awareness, technical vocabulary, components of a computer, concepts of data and programs, ways of computing, working on files, documents and pictures, working with multimedia, evaluating resources and communicating with others. Therefore it has felt imperative on the part of teachers, to keep themselves abreast with latest development in their subjects and develop skills in utilizing computers and technology for effective teaching. Statement of the problems Now-a-days computer literacy is inevitable, without computer literacy students and teachers cannot survive in the present digital world. Teachers are knowledge disseminator of the world if teachers acquired computer literacy, he / she can ICT- Pedagogically sound and ability to collect material from internet. Computer Literacy is the order of the day in the information age. Hence the present study entitled “Computer Literacy among B.Ed Teacher Trainees – An Exploratory study’. Variables Computer Literacy as an Independent variable and B. Ed Teacher Trainees’ as a dependent variable. Objectives  To explore the Computer literacy among the B.Ed., teacher trainees.  To find out the mean score of B.Ed., teacher trainees on Computer literacy.  To find out the significant difference between Arts & Science subject B.Ed Teacher trainees’ on Computer Literacy.  To find out the significant difference between Tamil & English medium B.Ed Teacher trainees’ on Computer Literacy. Hypotheses  There is no significant difference between the mean scores of computer literacy among male and female teacher trainees’.  There is no significant difference between the mean scores of computer literacy among Tamil and English language teacher trainees’.  There is no significant difference between the mean scores of computer literacy among Arts and Science teacher trainees. Methodology The investigator has used the survey method to collect the data. The researcher has selected 50 teacher trainees studying in B.Ed., course at Sri Ragavendara College of Education in Dindigul district. Sample The Sample consists of 50 Student teachers selected from Sri Ragavendara College of Education in Dindigul district by using Simple Random Sampling technique. Fig 1: Sampling design Tools Computer Literacy test was conducted among B.Ed teacher trainees. Question consist of 50 multiple choice items, covering the following dimensions.  Input device  Output device  Memory device  Computer Organization  MS Windows  MS Word  MS Excel  MS PowerPoint Each correct response one marks and wrong response zero marks. Procedures The investigator contacted and obtained permission from the principal B.Ed., colleges. The willingness and co-operation of
  • 3.   International Journal of Academic Research and Development  15    the respective teacher trainees are also sought. The data were collected personally by the investigator, from the randomly selected 50 students, proper instructions were given to the teacher trainees before starting to fill the question. Computer literacy question was given to each teacher trainees and answer sheet with personal detail form. Table 1: Scoring Criteria Criteria (Mean Score) Quality measures 35-50 High 20-35 Moderate (Total mean score 31.16) 10-20 Low Results & Interpretation Hypothesis 1: There is no significant difference in the mean score of computer literacy among male and female teachers trainees’. Table 2 N Mean S.D df t value Male 20 31.65 2.94 48 1.02 NS* Female 30 30.67 3.57 *NS – Not Significant at 0.05 level The calculated ‘t’ value is not significant at 0.05 level. It is concluded that the male and female teacher trainees do not differ in their mean score of computer literacy. Hence, above null hypothesis was accepted. Hypothesis 2: There is no significant difference in the mean scores of computer literacy among Tamil and English language teacher trainees’. Table 3 N Mean S.D df t value Tamil 27 30.30 3.18 48 1.79 S* English 23 31.96 3.36 S* - Significant at 0.05 level The calculated ‘t’ value is significant at 0.05 level. It is concluded that, there was significant difference between the Tamil and English medium teacher trainees differ in their mean scores of computer literacy. Hence, above null hypothesis was rejected. Hypothesis 3: There is no significant difference between the mean scores of computer literacy among Arts and Science teacher trainees’. Table 4 N Mean S.D df t value Arts 21 29.81 3.14 48 2.35 S* Science 29 31.97 3.23 S* - Significant at 0.05 level The calculated ‘t’ value is significant at 0.05 level. It is concluded that, there was significant difference between the Tamil and English medium teacher trainees’ differ in their mean scores of computer literacy. Hence, above null hypothesis was rejected. Major Finding  There was no significant difference between means scores of computer literacy among male and female teacher trainees’.  There was significant difference between mean scores of computer literacy among Tamil and English medium teacher trainees’.  There was significant difference between mean scores of computer literacy among Arts and Science Subject teacher trainees’.  B.Ed Teacher Trainees had moderate level of Computer Literacy. Educational Implication  Computer literacy will make our budding teacher trainees confident in facing the challenges of new age teaching.  Computer literacy will help the teacher trainees’ in the teaching and learning process.  Computer literacy will enhance in retrieving many web resources  Computer literacy develops quality teachers.  Computer based training courses for wider exposition and later acquaintance with latest development in the respective fields and allied ones.  Computer based orientation courses giving advanced knowledge and skills for better performance. Conclusion Teaching progression is not only to provided knowledge and information available in the text books, but he has to collect information from various sources like reference books, journals, encyclopedias, and more recently, electronic mass media as it has become a store house of information. In a less time teacher can collect detailed information on any subject or topic from internet. There is no significant difference of means score of computer literacy among male and female students teachers. The study reveals that, there was significant difference of mean score of computer literacy among Tamil and English medium teacher trainees. There was significant difference of mean score of computer literacy among Arts and Science Subject teacher trainees. Hence, B.Ed teacher trainees had moderate level of computer literacy. References 1. Achuonye keziah Akuoma. A comparative study of computer literacy in Urban and Rural Primay Schools in Rivers state of Nigeria. Journal of Sociological Research. 2012; 2(2):563-578. 2. Abimbade A. Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) and the teachers. In: Abimbade A, (ed.) Nigeria Journal of Computer Literacy, Niyi Printers, Ibadan. 1996; 1(1):74. 3. Atan H, Azli N, Rahman Z, Idrus R. Computers in distance education: Gender differences in self- perceived computer competencies. Journal of Educational Media. 2002; 27(3):123-135. 4. Ballantine J, McCourt Larres P, Cyelere P. Computer usage and the validity of self- assessed computer competence among first year business students. Computers and Education. 2007; 49:976-990
  • 4.   International Journal of Academic Research and Development  16    5. Begum Jahitha A. ICT in Teaching and Learning. New Delhi: APH Publishing House, 2011. 6. Deivam M, Teaching of Computer Science. Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2016. 7. Evagelin Arulselvi. Teaching of Computer Science. Chennai: Saradha Publication, 2009. 8. Imran R Shaikh. Introduction to Educational Technology and ICT. New Delhi: McGraw Hill Education, 2013. 9. Kulandaivel C. ICT Literacy in B.Ed students in Madurai. M.Ed Dissertation, Dept. of Education, Gandhigram Rural Institute – Deemed University, Dindigul district, Tamilnadu, India, 2011. 10. Roblyer, Edwards, Havriluk MD. Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching, Merrill, Upper Saddle river, NJ, 1997. 11. Sivakumar A. Development, Validation and Effectiveness of Blended Learning Modules on Teaching of Science at B.Ed Level. Dept. of Educational Technology, Bharathidasan University, 2011. 12. Sharma RA. Information Communication Technology. Meerut: R. Lall Book Depot, 2008. 13. Jeong-Bae Son, Thomas Robb, Indra Charismiadi. Computer Literacy and competency: A survey of Indonesian Teachers of English as Foreign Language. Journal of Computer Assisted Language Learning. 2012; 12(2):26-42. 14. Swe swe Nyunt, Thida wai. The study of the computer literacy M.Ed students in Yangon Institute of Education. Yangon Institute of Education Research Journal. 2010; 2(1):1-6. 15. Tavalin F, Gibson D. New insights on technology adoption in Schools. T.H.E. Journal. 2000; 27(7):43- 46. 16. Willis J, Thompson A, Sadera W. Research on technology and teacher education:Current status and future directions. Educational Technology research and Development, 1999; 47(4):29-45.