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BarCharts, Inc.®                                                     WORLD’S #1 QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE

            BASIC SHORTCUT KEYS                                                     WORD® SHORTCUT KEYS                                          EXCEL® SHORTCUT KEYS
Alt + F      File menu options in current program                   Ctrl + A         Select all contents of the page              F2               Edit the selected cell
Alt + E      Edit options in current program                        Ctrl + B         Bold highlighted selection                   F5               Go to a specific cell
F1           Universal help (for all programs)                      Ctrl + C         Copy selected text                           F7               Spell check selected text and/or document
Ctrl + A     Select all text                                                                                                      F11              Create chart
                                                                    Ctrl + X         Cut selected text
Ctrl + X     Cut selected item                                                                                                    Ctrl + Shift + ; Enter the current time
                                                                    Ctrl + N         Open new/blank document                      Ctrl + ;         Enter the current date
Shift + Del  Cut selected item
                                                                    Ctrl + O         Open options                                 Alt + Shift + F1 Insert new worksheet
Ctrl + C     Copy selected item
                                                                    Ctrl + P         Open the print window                        Shift + F3       Open the Excel® formula window
Ctrl + Ins   Copy selected item
                                                                    Ctrl + F         Open find box                                Shift + F5       Bring up search box
Ctrl + V     Paste
                                                                    Ctrl + I         Italicize highlighted selection              Ctrl + A         Select all contents of worksheet
Shift + Ins  Paste
                                                                    Ctrl + K         Insert link                                  Ctrl + B         Bold highlighted selection
Home         Go to beginning of current line                                                                                      Ctrl + I         Italicize highlighted selection
Ctrl + Home Go to beginning of document                             Ctrl + U         Underline highlighted selection
                                                                                                                                  Ctrl + C         Copy selected text
End          Go to end of current line                              Ctrl + V         Paste
                                                                                                                                  Ctrl + V         Paste
Ctrl + End   Go to end of document                                  Ctrl + Y         Redo the last action performed               Ctrl + D         Fill
Shift + Home Highlight from current position to beginning of line   Ctrl + Z         Undo last action                             Ctrl + K         Insert link
Shift + End Highlight from current position to end of line          Ctrl + G         Find and replace options                     Ctrl + F         Open find and replace options
Ctrl +       Move one word to the left at a time                    Ctrl + H         Find and replace options                     Ctrl + G         Open go-to options
Ctrl +       Move one word to the right at a time                   Ctrl + J         Justify paragraph alignment                  Ctrl + H         Open find and replace options
                                                                    Ctrl + L         Align selected text or line to the left      Ctrl + U         Underline highlighted selection
                                                                                                                                  Ctrl + Y         Underline selected text
 MICROSOFT® WINDOWS® SHORTCUT KEYS                                  Ctrl + Q         Align selected paragraph to the left
                                                                                                                                  Ctrl + 5         Strikethrough highlighted selection
Alt + Tab        Switch between open applications                   Ctrl + E         Align selected text or line to the center
                                                                                                                                  Ctrl + O         Open options
Alt +            Switch backwards between open                      Ctrl + R         Align selected text or line to the right     Ctrl + N         Open new document
Shift + Tab applications                                            Ctrl + M         Indent the paragraph                         Ctrl + P         Open print dialog box
Alt + Print      Create screen shot for current program             Ctrl + T         Hanging indent                               Ctrl + S         Save
                                                                    Ctrl + D         Font options                                 Ctrl + Z         Undo last action
Ctrl + Alt + Del Reboot/Windows® task manager                                                                                     Ctrl + F9        Minimize current window
                                                                    Ctrl + Shift + F Change the font
Ctrl + Esc       Bring up start menu                                                                                              Ctrl + F10       Maximize currently selected window
                                                                    Ctrl + Shift + > Increase selected font +1
Alt + Esc        Switch between applications on taskbar                                                                           Ctrl + F6        Switch between open workbooks/windows
F2               Rename selected icon                               Ctrl + ]         Increase selected font +1
                                                                                                                                  Ctrl + Page up Move between Excel® worksheets in the
F3               Start find from desktop                            Ctrl + Shift + < Decrease selected font -1                    & Page Down same document
F4               Open the drive selection when browsing             Ctrl + [         Decrease selected font -1                    Ctrl + Tab       Move between two or more open Excel® files
F5               Refresh contents                                   Ctrl + Shift + * View or hide non printing characters         Alt + =          Create formula to sum all of above cells
Alt + F4         Close current open program                         Ctrl +           Move one word to the left                    Ctrl + ‘         Insert value of above cell into current cell
Ctrl + F4        Close window in program                            Ctrl +           Move one word to the right                   Ctrl + Shift + ! Format number in comma format
Ctrl + Plus      Automatically adjust widths of all columns         Ctrl +           Move to beginning of the line or paragraph   Ctrl + Shift + $ Format number in currency format
Key              in Windows Explorer                                                                                              Ctrl + Shift + # Format number in date format
                                                                    Ctrl +           Move to the end of the paragraph
                 Open properties window of selected icon                                                                          Ctrl + Shift + % Format number in percentage format
Alt + Enter                                                         Ctrl + Del       Delete word to right of cursor
                 or program                                                                                                       Ctrl + Shift + ^ Format number in scientific format
                                                                    Ctrl + Backspace Delete word to left of cursor                Ctrl + Shift + @ Format number in time format
Shift + F10 Simulate right-click on selected item
                                                                    Ctrl + End       Move cursor to end of document               Ctrl +           Move to next section of text
Shift + Del      Delete programs/files permanently
                                                                    Ctrl + Home Move cursor to beginning of document              Ctrl + Space Select entire column
Holding Shift Boot safe mode or bypass system files
During Bootup                                                       Ctrl + Space Reset highlighted text to default font           Shift + Space Select entire row
                                                                    Ctrl + 1         Single-space lines                           Ctrl + W         Close document
Holding Shift When putting in an audio CD, will prevent
During Bootup CD Player from playing                                Ctrl + 2         Double-space lines
                                                                    Ctrl + 5         1.5-line spacing                                         OUTLOOK® SHORTCUT KEYS
                                                                    Ctrl + Alt + 1 Change text to heading 1                       Alt + S          Send the email
                                                                    Ctrl + Alt + 2 Change text to heading 2                       Ctrl + C         Copy selected text
WINKEY + D    Bring desktop to the top of other windows
                                                                                                                                  Ctrl + X         Cut selected text
WINKEY + M    Minimize all windows                                  Ctrl + Alt + 3 Change text to heading 3
                                                                                                                                  Ctrl + P         Open print dialog box
WINKEY +      Undo the minimize done by WINKEY + M                  F1               Open help
                                                                                                                                  Ctrl + K         Complete name/email typed in address bar
SHIFT + M     and WINKEY + D                                        Shift + F3       Change case of selected text                 Ctrl + B         Bold highlighted selection
WINKEY + E    Open Microsoft Explorer                               Shift + Insert Paste                                          Ctrl + I         Italicize highlighted selection
WINKEY + Tab Cycle through open programs on taskbar                 F4               Repeat last action performed (Word 2000+)    Ctrl + U         Underline highlighted selection
WINKEY + F    Display the Windows® Search/Find feature              F7               Spell check selected text and/or document    Ctrl + R         Reply to an email
WINKEY +      Display the search for computers window               Shift + F7       Activate the thesaurus                       Ctrl + F         Forward an email
CTRL + F                                                                                                                          Ctrl + N         Create a new email
                                                                    F12              Save as
WINKEY + F1 Display the Microsoft® Windows® help                                                                                  Ctrl + Shift + A Create a new appointment to your calendar
WINKEY + R    Open the run window                                   Ctrl + S         Save
                                                                                                                                  Ctrl + Shift + O Open the outbox
                                                                    Shift + F12      Save                                         Ctrl + Shift + I Open the inbox
WINKEY +      Open the system properties window
Pause /Break                                                        Alt + Shift + D Insert the current date                       Ctrl + Shift + K Add a new task
WINKEY + U    Open utility manager                                  Alt + Shift + T Insert the current time                       Ctrl + Shift + C Create a new contact
WINKEY + L    Lock the computer (Windows XP® & later)               Ctrl + W         Close document                               Ctrl + Shift+ J Create a new journal entry
  a          b          c          d          e           f         g              h           i          j          k           l         m              n
   A          B          C          D          E          F          G              H          I          J          K           L          M              N

  o          p          q           r         s           t         u              v          w           x          y           z          A             B
   O          P          Q          R          S          T          U              V          W          X          Y           Z        Shift+A       Shift+B

  C          D          E          F          G          H           I             J          K          L          M           N          O              P
Shift+C    Shift+D    Shift+E    Shift+F    Shift+G    Shift+H     Shift+I       Shift+J    Shift+K    Shift+L     Shift+M    Shift+N     Shift+O       Shift+P

  Q          R          S          T          U          V          W              X          Y          Z           1           2          3             4
Shift+Q    Shift+R    Shift+S    Shift+T    Shift+U    Shift+V    Shift+W        Shift+X    Shift+Y    Shift+Z       1           2           3             4

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   (          )          ,          .          ;          :          -              /         ?           ‘          “           ¡          ¿             –
Shift+9    Shift+0       ,          .          ;       Shift+;       -              /       Shift+/        ‘       Shift+’    Alt+0161   Alt+0191       Alt+0173

  +                     ÷          =          ±          <          >               [          ]          {          }           ‘          ’             “
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Alt+0183   Alt+0149   Alt+0228   Alt+0226   Alt+0225   Alt+0224   Alt+0227       Alt+0229   Alt+0235   Alt+0234   Alt+0233    Alt+0232   Alt+0239       Alt+0238

   í          ì         ö          ô          ó          ò          õ              ü          û          ú           ù          Ä           Â             Á
Alt+0237   Alt+0236   Alt+0246   Alt+0244   Alt+0243   Alt+0242   Alt+0245       Alt+0252   Alt+0251   Alt+0250   Alt+0249    Alt+0196   Alt+0194       Alt+0193

  À          Ã          Å          Ë          Ê          É          È               Ï          Î          Í          Ì          Ö          Ô              Ó
Alt+0192   Alt+0195   Alt+0197   Alt+0203   Alt+0202   Alt+0201   Alt+0200       Alt+0207   Alt+0206   Alt+0205   Alt+0204    Alt+0214   Alt+0212       Alt+0211

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Alt+0210   Alt+0213   Alt+0220   Alt+0219   Alt+0218   Alt+0217   Alt+0231       Alt+0199   Alt+0241   Alt+0209   Alt+0248    Alt+0216   Alt+0223       Alt+0230

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Alt+0163   Alt+0165   Alt+0131   Alt+0162   Alt+0164   Alt+0169   Alt+0174       Alt+0153   Alt+0137   Alt+0181   Alt+0167    Alt+0134   Alt+0135       Alt+0182

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  • 1. BarCharts, Inc.® WORLD’S #1 QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE BASIC SHORTCUT KEYS WORD® SHORTCUT KEYS EXCEL® SHORTCUT KEYS Alt + F File menu options in current program Ctrl + A Select all contents of the page F2 Edit the selected cell Alt + E Edit options in current program Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection F5 Go to a specific cell F1 Universal help (for all programs) Ctrl + C Copy selected text F7 Spell check selected text and/or document Ctrl + A Select all text F11 Create chart Ctrl + X Cut selected text Ctrl + X Cut selected item Ctrl + Shift + ; Enter the current time Ctrl + N Open new/blank document Ctrl + ; Enter the current date Shift + Del Cut selected item Ctrl + O Open options Alt + Shift + F1 Insert new worksheet Ctrl + C Copy selected item Ctrl + P Open the print window Shift + F3 Open the Excel® formula window Ctrl + Ins Copy selected item Ctrl + F Open find box Shift + F5 Bring up search box Ctrl + V Paste Ctrl + I Italicize highlighted selection Ctrl + A Select all contents of worksheet Shift + Ins Paste Ctrl + K Insert link Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection Home Go to beginning of current line Ctrl + I Italicize highlighted selection Ctrl + Home Go to beginning of document Ctrl + U Underline highlighted selection Ctrl + C Copy selected text End Go to end of current line Ctrl + V Paste Ctrl + V Paste Ctrl + End Go to end of document Ctrl + Y Redo the last action performed Ctrl + D Fill Shift + Home Highlight from current position to beginning of line Ctrl + Z Undo last action Ctrl + K Insert link Shift + End Highlight from current position to end of line Ctrl + G Find and replace options Ctrl + F Open find and replace options Ctrl + Move one word to the left at a time Ctrl + H Find and replace options Ctrl + G Open go-to options Ctrl + Move one word to the right at a time Ctrl + J Justify paragraph alignment Ctrl + H Open find and replace options Ctrl + L Align selected text or line to the left Ctrl + U Underline highlighted selection Ctrl + Y Underline selected text MICROSOFT® WINDOWS® SHORTCUT KEYS Ctrl + Q Align selected paragraph to the left Ctrl + 5 Strikethrough highlighted selection Alt + Tab Switch between open applications Ctrl + E Align selected text or line to the center Ctrl + O Open options Alt + Switch backwards between open Ctrl + R Align selected text or line to the right Ctrl + N Open new document Shift + Tab applications Ctrl + M Indent the paragraph Ctrl + P Open print dialog box Alt + Print Create screen shot for current program Ctrl + T Hanging indent Ctrl + S Save Screen Ctrl + D Font options Ctrl + Z Undo last action Ctrl + Alt + Del Reboot/Windows® task manager Ctrl + F9 Minimize current window Ctrl + Shift + F Change the font Ctrl + Esc Bring up start menu Ctrl + F10 Maximize currently selected window Ctrl + Shift + > Increase selected font +1 Alt + Esc Switch between applications on taskbar Ctrl + F6 Switch between open workbooks/windows F2 Rename selected icon Ctrl + ] Increase selected font +1 Ctrl + Page up Move between Excel® worksheets in the F3 Start find from desktop Ctrl + Shift + < Decrease selected font -1 & Page Down same document F4 Open the drive selection when browsing Ctrl + [ Decrease selected font -1 Ctrl + Tab Move between two or more open Excel® files F5 Refresh contents Ctrl + Shift + * View or hide non printing characters Alt + = Create formula to sum all of above cells Alt + F4 Close current open program Ctrl + Move one word to the left Ctrl + ‘ Insert value of above cell into current cell Ctrl + F4 Close window in program Ctrl + Move one word to the right Ctrl + Shift + ! Format number in comma format Ctrl + Plus Automatically adjust widths of all columns Ctrl + Move to beginning of the line or paragraph Ctrl + Shift + $ Format number in currency format Key in Windows Explorer Ctrl + Shift + # Format number in date format Ctrl + Move to the end of the paragraph Open properties window of selected icon Ctrl + Shift + % Format number in percentage format Alt + Enter Ctrl + Del Delete word to right of cursor or program Ctrl + Shift + ^ Format number in scientific format Ctrl + Backspace Delete word to left of cursor Ctrl + Shift + @ Format number in time format Shift + F10 Simulate right-click on selected item Ctrl + End Move cursor to end of document Ctrl + Move to next section of text Shift + Del Delete programs/files permanently Ctrl + Home Move cursor to beginning of document Ctrl + Space Select entire column Holding Shift Boot safe mode or bypass system files During Bootup Ctrl + Space Reset highlighted text to default font Shift + Space Select entire row Ctrl + 1 Single-space lines Ctrl + W Close document Holding Shift When putting in an audio CD, will prevent During Bootup CD Player from playing Ctrl + 2 Double-space lines Ctrl + 5 1.5-line spacing OUTLOOK® SHORTCUT KEYS Ctrl + Alt + 1 Change text to heading 1 Alt + S Send the email WINKEY SHORTCUTS Ctrl + Alt + 2 Change text to heading 2 Ctrl + C Copy selected text WINKEY + D Bring desktop to the top of other windows Ctrl + X Cut selected text WINKEY + M Minimize all windows Ctrl + Alt + 3 Change text to heading 3 Ctrl + P Open print dialog box WINKEY + Undo the minimize done by WINKEY + M F1 Open help Ctrl + K Complete name/email typed in address bar SHIFT + M and WINKEY + D Shift + F3 Change case of selected text Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection WINKEY + E Open Microsoft Explorer Shift + Insert Paste Ctrl + I Italicize highlighted selection WINKEY + Tab Cycle through open programs on taskbar F4 Repeat last action performed (Word 2000+) Ctrl + U Underline highlighted selection WINKEY + F Display the Windows® Search/Find feature F7 Spell check selected text and/or document Ctrl + R Reply to an email WINKEY + Display the search for computers window Shift + F7 Activate the thesaurus Ctrl + F Forward an email CTRL + F Ctrl + N Create a new email F12 Save as WINKEY + F1 Display the Microsoft® Windows® help Ctrl + Shift + A Create a new appointment to your calendar WINKEY + R Open the run window Ctrl + S Save Ctrl + Shift + O Open the outbox Shift + F12 Save Ctrl + Shift + I Open the inbox WINKEY + Open the system properties window Pause /Break Alt + Shift + D Insert the current date Ctrl + Shift + K Add a new task WINKEY + U Open utility manager Alt + Shift + T Insert the current time Ctrl + Shift + C Create a new contact WINKEY + L Lock the computer (Windows XP® & later) Ctrl + W Close document Ctrl + Shift+ J Create a new journal entry 1
  • 2. SPECIAL CHARACTERS a b c d e f g h i j k l m n A B C D E F G H I J K L M N o p q r s t u v w x y z A B O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Shift+A Shift+B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Shift+C Shift+D Shift+E Shift+F Shift+G Shift+H Shift+I Shift+J Shift+K Shift+L Shift+M Shift+N Shift+O Shift+P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 Shift+Q Shift+R Shift+S Shift+T Shift+U Shift+V Shift+W Shift+X Shift+Y Shift+Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ! @ # $ % ^ & * 5 6 7 8 9 0 Shift+1 Shift+2 Shift+3 Shift+4 Shift+5 Shift+6 Shift+7 Shift+8 ( ) , . ; : - / ? ‘ “ ¡ ¿ – Shift+9 Shift+0 , . ; Shift+; - / Shift+/ ‘ Shift+’ Alt+0161 Alt+0191 Alt+0173 + ÷ = ± < > [ ] { } ‘ ’ “ Shift+= Alt+0215 Alt+0247 = Alt+0177 Shift+, Shift+. [ ] Shift+[ Shift+] Alt+0145 Alt+0146 Alt+0147 ” ‹ › « » ‚ „ — ~ | _ … ° Alt+0148 Alt+0139 Alt+0155 Alt+0171 Alt+0187 Alt+0130 Alt+0132 Alt+0151 Shift+` Shift+ Shift+ - Alt+0133 Alt+0176 · • ä â á à ã å ë ê é è ï î Alt+0183 Alt+0149 Alt+0228 Alt+0226 Alt+0225 Alt+0224 Alt+0227 Alt+0229 Alt+0235 Alt+0234 Alt+0233 Alt+0232 Alt+0239 Alt+0238 í ì ö ô ó ò õ ü û ú ù Ä Â Á Alt+0237 Alt+0236 Alt+0246 Alt+0244 Alt+0243 Alt+0242 Alt+0245 Alt+0252 Alt+0251 Alt+0250 Alt+0249 Alt+0196 Alt+0194 Alt+0193 À Ã Å Ë Ê É È Ï Î Í Ì Ö Ô Ó Alt+0192 Alt+0195 Alt+0197 Alt+0203 Alt+0202 Alt+0201 Alt+0200 Alt+0207 Alt+0206 Alt+0205 Alt+0204 Alt+0214 Alt+0212 Alt+0211 Ò Õ Ü Û Ú Ù ç Ç ñ Ñ ø Ø ß æ Alt+0210 Alt+0213 Alt+0220 Alt+0219 Alt+0218 Alt+0217 Alt+0231 Alt+0199 Alt+0241 Alt+0209 Alt+0248 Alt+0216 Alt+0223 Alt+0230 Æ œ Œ ÿ Ÿ ª º ¨ ˆ ´ ` ˜ ¯ ¸ Alt+0198 Alt+0156 Alt+0140 Alt+0255 Alt+0159 Alt+0170 Alt+0186 Alt+0168 Alt+0136 Alt+0180 ` Alt+0152 Alt+0175 Alt+0184 £ ¥ ƒ ¢ © ® ™ ‰ µ § † ‡ ¶ Alt+0163 Alt+0165 Alt+0131 Alt+0162 Alt+0164 Alt+0169 Alt+0174 Alt+0153 Alt+0137 Alt+0181 Alt+0167 Alt+0134 Alt+0135 Alt+0182 Get the Answers You Need . . . Get the Do a Laminated Reference Guides Skills You Need with Computer Based Training • Help your Career • Get a New Job • Prepare as a Student • Get Down to Business Solutions for you or your employees Browse Over 300 Titles • For school, computers, home, office and more • www.quickstudy.com 2