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                      (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)


To Understand the Basics of The Computer

Hello! Students, in today’s information age, computers are Being used in every
occupation. They are used by people of all age and profession, in their work as well as
their leisure. This new social age have changed the basic concept of’ computing’.
Computing, in today’s information age, is no more limited to computer programmers and
computer engineers. Rather than knowing how to program a computer, most computer
users simply need to understand how computer functions so in this lecture I will be
discussing with you about this versatile tool, why is it so powerful and useful, its history
and you will also be briefed about the classification of computers its devices in my
today’s lecture. What is a Computer? A computer is an electronic machine that accepts
information, stores it until the information is needed, processes the information according
to the instructions provided by the user, and finally returns the results to the user. The
computer can store and manipulate large quantities of data at very high speed, but a
computer cannot think. A computer makes decisions based on simple comparisons such
as one number being larger than another. Although the computer can help solve a
tremendous variety of problems, it is simply a machine. It can not solve problems on its

Computer Tasks
     1 Input
     2 Storage
     3 Processing
     4 Output
When a computer is asked to do a job, it handles the task in a very special way.
1. It accepts the information from the user. This is called input.
2. It stored the information until it is ready for use. The computer has memory chips,
which are designed to hold information until it is needed.
3. It processes the information. The computer has an electronic brain called the Central
Processing Unit, which is responsible for processing all data and instructions given to the
4. It then returns the processed information to the user. This is called output. Every
computer has special parts to do each of the jobs listed above. Whether it is a multi-
million dollar mainframe or a thousand dollar personal computer, it has the following
four Components, Input, Memory, Central Processing, and Output. The central
processing unit is made up of many components, but two of them are worth mentioning at
this point. These are the arithmetic and logic unit and the control unit. The control unit
controls the electronic flow of information around the computer. The arithmetic and logic
unit, ALU, is responsible for mathematical calculations and logical comparisons. Input

                      (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
                                       SEC-7, DWARKA
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   1   · Keyboard
   2   · Mouse
   3   · Scanner
   4   · Microphone
   5   · CD-ROM
   6   · Joystick


A program that acts as an intermediary between a user of a computer and the computer

Operating system goals:

   1. Execute user programs and make solving user problems easier.
   2. Make the computer system convenient to use
   3. Use the computer hardware in an efficient manner.


Computer system can be divided into four components

   1. Hardware – provides basic computing resources
          a. CPU, memory, I/O devices
   2. Operating system
          b. Controls and coordinates use of hardware among various applications and
   3. Application programs – define the ways in which the system resources are used
      to solve the computing problems of the users
          c. Word processors, compilers, web browsers, database systems, video
   4. Users
          d. People, machines, other computers

                     (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
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OS is a resource allocator

           1. Manages all resources.
           2. Decides between conflicting requests for efficient and fair resource use.

OS is a control program
           1. Controls execution of programs to prevent errors and improper use of the


Bootstrap program is loaded at power-up or reboot-

           1. Typically stored in ROM or EPROM, generally known as firmware.
           2. Initialized all aspects of system.
           3. Loads operating system kernel and starts execution.

Computer-system operation-

   1. One or more CPUs, device controllers connect through common bus providing
      access to shared memory
   2. Concurrent execution of CPUs and devices competing for memory cycles


   1.   I/O devices and the CPU can execute concurrently.
   2.   Each device controller is in charge of a particular device type.
   3.   Each device controller has a local buffer.
   4.   CPU moves data from/to main memory to/from local buffers
   5.   I/O is from the device to local buffer of controller.
   6.   Device controller informs CPU that it has finished its operation by causing an

Multiprogramming needed for efficiency-

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   1. Single user cannot keep CPU and I/O devices busy at all times.
   2. Multiprogramming organizes jobs (code and data) so CPU always has one to
   3. A subset of total jobs in system is kept in memory.
   4. One job selected and run via job scheduling.
   5. When it has to wait (for I/O for example), OS switches to another job.

Timesharing (multitasking) is logical extension in which CPU switches jobs so
frequently that users can interact with each job while it is running, creating interactive

   1.   Response time should be < 1 second.
   2.   Each user has at least one program executing in memory process.
   3.   If several jobs ready to run at the same time CPU scheduling.
   4.   If processes don’t fit in memory, swapping moves them in and out to run.
   5.   Virtual memory allows execution of processes not completely in memory.


1. A process is a program in execution. It is a unit of work within the system. Program is
   a passive entity, process is an active entity.
2. Process needs resources to accomplish its task
       • CPU, memory, I/O, files
       • Initialization data
3. Process termination requires reclaim of any reusable resources
4. Single-threaded process has one program counter specifying location of next
   instruction to execute
       • Process executes instructions sequentially, one at a time, until completion
5. Multi-threaded process has one program counter per thread
6. Typically system has many processes, some user, some operating system running
   concurrently on one or more CPUs
       • Concurrency by multiplexing the CPUs among the processes / threads


1. All data in memory before and after processing.
2. All instructions in memory in order to execute.
3. Memory management determines what is in memory when.
       • Optimizing CPU utilization and computer response to users.
4. Memory management activities-
       • Keeping track of which parts of memory are currently being used and by
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       •    Deciding which processes (or parts thereof) and data to move into and out of
       •    Allocating and deallocating memory space as needed.


OS provides uniform, logical view of information storage-
       • Abstracts physical properties to logical storage unit - file
       • Each medium is controlled by device (i.e., disk drive, tape drive)
       • Varying properties include access speed, capacity, and data-transfer rate,
           access method (sequential or random)
File-System management-
       • Files usually organized into directories
       • Access control on most systems to determine who can access what
       • OS activities include.
       • Creating and deleting files and directories.
       • Primitives to manipulate files and dirs.
             • Mapping files onto secondary storage.
             • Backup files onto stable (non-volatile) storage media.


1. Operating System Services
2. User Operating System Interface
3. System Calls
4. Types of System Calls
5. System Programs
6. Operating System Design and Implementation
7. Operating System Structure
8. Virtual Machines
9. Operating System Generation
10. System Boot


One set of operating-system services provides functions that are helpful to the user:
User interface - Almost all operating systems have a user interface (UI)Varies between
Command-Line (CLI), Graphics User Interface (GUI).

Program execution - The system must be able to load a program into memory and to run
that program, end execution, either normally or abnormally (indicating error)

I/O operations - A running program may require I/O, which may involve a file or an I/O
                              (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
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File-system manipulation - The file system is of particular interest. Obviously,
programs need to read and write files and directories, create and delete them, search
them, list file Information, permission management.

Communications – Processes may exchange information, on the same computer or
between computers over a network
Communications may be via shared memory or through message passing (packets moved
by the OS)

Error detection – OS needs to be constantly aware of possible errors. May occur in the
CPU and memory hardware, in I/O devices, in user program. For each type of error, OS
should take the appropriate action to ensure correct and consistent computing
Debugging facilities can greatly enhance the user’s and programmer’s abilities to
efficiently use the system. Another set of OS functions exists for ensuring the efficient
operation of the system itself via resource sharing.

Resource allocation - When multiple users or multiple jobs running concurrently,
resources must be allocated to each of them.
Many types of resources - Some (such as CPU cycles, main memory, and file storage)
may have special allocation code, others (such as I/O devices) may have general request
and release code.

Accounting - To keep track of which users use how much and what kinds of computer

Protection and security - The owners of information stored in a multi-user or networked
computer system may want to control use of that information, concurrent processes
should not interfere with each other. Protection involves ensuring that all access to
system resources is controlled. Security of the system from outsiders requires user
authentication, extends to defending external I/O devices from invalid access attempts
If a system is to be protected and secure, precautions must be instituted throughout it. A
chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

Operating system must be made available to hardware so hardware can start it
       • Small piece of code – bootstrap loader, locates the kernel, loads it into
            memory, and starts it
       • Sometimes two-step process where boot block at fixed location loads
           bootstrap loader
       • When power initialized on system, execution starts at a fixed memory

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                •   Firmware used to hold initial boot code.

DOS stands for Disk Operating System. DOS controls the computer’s hardware and
provides an environment for programs to run. This system program must always be
present when working with your computer.
Why You Need DOS
There are a variety of reasons why you need DOS. A few of them are listed below to
satisfy your curiosity.
1. DOS controls the flow of information between you and the computer (translator).
2. DOS allows you to store information on your computer.
3. DOS allows you to retrieve information stored on your computer.
4. DOS interprets and translates the software you have on your computer.
5. DOS gives you access to all its function (i.e. saving, copying, and printing files).
Set the Date and Time
Most computers on campus have an internal clock that will automatically set the date and
time for you when you turn the computer on. However, if your computer does not have
this feature or your computer has two floppy drives, you will need to do the following
steps to set the date and time.
1. Type the date like this: 1-15-97
2. Press the return key (enter key).
3. Type the time like this: 8:46
4. Press return.
5. Notice that the C:> prompt will appear.
DOS marks the date and time on everything you do. It is important to periodically check
the date and time if you have an internal clock to see if it is correct. If you have a two
floppy system, it is important to enter the correct date and time when you turn the
computer on.
. Check the Date and Time
DOS will let you check or change the date and time once it has been set. The procedure
to do this is as follows:
1. Type: date and press return.
2. If the correct date is displayed, simply press return. If the date is incorrect, type the
correct date and press return.
3. Type: time and press return.
4. If the correct time is displayed, simply press return. If the time is incorrect, type the
correct time and press return.
                      (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
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Directory Command
The DIRECTORY command is like a table of contents in a book. This directory will list
the following information:
        •     Filenames
        •     File extensions
        •     Size of each file
        •     Date and time the file was last updated.
1. At the C :> type: dir and press return.
2. The list of files will scroll up and off the screen.
NOTE: At the end of the listing, there is a line that shows the number of bytes free on the
hard drive.

Scroll through the Directory Listing
When you type the DIR command and press return, the files begin to scroll vertically on
your screen. If you have a lot of files it is difficult to read each one. By holding down the
Control Key (CTRL) and the letter S at the same time, you are able to freeze the listing
to view your files. When you are finished, press the spacebar for the list to continue.
NOTE: You must return to the C :> before entering your next command.
Pause a Directory Listing
You can add a PAUSE command to your directory command which will allow you to
view your directory one screen at a time.
1. Type: dir/p and press return.
2. The screen freezes after it fills the screen with the files that are listed first in the
 3. Press the spacebar to continue listing you files.
 4. Continue to press the spacebar until you return back to the C:> prompt.
View a Wide Listing of Files
When you need to quickly view your files, you can add a /W to the directory command.
This will display your files into five columns on the screen.
 1. Type: dir/w and press return.
 2. DOS will list only the name of you file and the file extension on the screen.
 NOTE: Use this command when you are not concerned with looking at the file size or
the date it was created.
Recall a DOS Command

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The F3 function key can be used to recall the last DOS command you typed in. If you
would like to retrieve a previously entered command, you can also press the up arrow
key continuously until you reach the desired command you were looking for.
NOTE: You can also type out each letter in your last command by using the right arrow
key or the right cursor key. After you use the F3 key to recall a command, you can use
the backspace key to edit any part of the command or add to your command.
Print a Directory Listing
You can print a list of your files in your directory by instructing DOS to send the
information to your printer.

 1. Type: dir>prn and press return.
 2. The > symbol stands for output. The PRN stands for printer.
NOTE: You can print a wide listing of your files by typing dir/w>prn
Laser jet printers and other sheet feeder printers will not eject the page after the dir>prn
command. You must take the printer off-line and press the form feed button. Remember
to press the on-line button when you are done in order to continue using the printer.
Check for a Single File
Instead of using the directory command to look for one particular file, you can type the
name of the file after the DIR command at the C:> prompt.
1. Make sure that you are at your C:> prompt.
2. Type: dir format.com (filename. extension) and press return.
3. The screen will display a listing of the file or a file not found message.
Check for a Group of Files
The * symbol is referred to as a wildcard and stands for any character or group of
characters. This is helpful when you want to list files that start with a particular letter or
1. Type: dir c* and press return.
2. All filenames that begin with the letter C will be listed.
3. Press the F3 key.
4. Backspace twice and replace C* with A* and press return.
5. All filenames that begin with the letter A are listed.
List Files with the Same Extensions
You can also use the wildcard character * to look for a group of files with the same
                      (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
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1. Type: dir *.bat and press return.
2. All files with the .bat extension are listed.
3. Press the F3 key.
4. Backspace three times and replace the .bat extension with the .sys extension and press
5. All files with the .sys extension should now be listed.
Clear the Screen
When the screen get full of information, you may want to clear it. To do this, type CLS at
the C:> prompt and press return.
Create a File with DOS
1. Type: copy con Quick.ltr and press return.
2. Type this message in the following format:
Sales are up 15%.
Good Job!
3. Press the F6 function key (^Z) and press return.
4. DOS gives you a message that 1 File(s) has been copied.
5. Type: dir q* and press return.
6. Now you can see the list of files beginning with the letter Q.
NOTE: You can also use the COPY command to print a file by typing: copy quick.ltr
prn and press return.
Copy a File
You can use the COPY command to copy one file to another.
1. Type: copy quick.ltr quick2.ltr and press return.
2. DOS will tell you one file has been copied.
3. Type: dir q* and press return.
4. You should have two files listed with different names.
NOTE: Filenames cannot be more than eight characters in length. File extensions cannot
be more than three characters in length.
Copy a File with a New Extension
                      (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
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You can also use the COPY command to copy the file with a different filename
1. Type: copy quick.ltr quick.bac and press return.
2. Type: dir q* and press return.
3. Three files should be listed.
Type a File with DOS
If you need to check the contents of a particular file or any DOS file, you will need to use
the TYPE command.
1. Type: type quick2.ltr and press return.
2. DOS prints the contents of the file.
NOTE: Never use the TYPE command with files that have the .com, .exe, .sys, and .bas
extensions. These are program files and will only display junk on the screen.
Rename a File
The RENAME command lets you rename a previous file with a new name.
1. Type: ren quick2.ltr sales.ltr and press return.
2. Type: dir *.ltr and press return.
3. DOS lists only two files that have the .ltr extension: quick.ltr and sales.ltr.
Rename a Group of Files
With the wildcard character *, you can also use the RENAME command to change a
group of files.
1. Type: ren *.ltr *.bob and press return.
2. Type: dir *.bob and press return.
3. You should have two files listed with a .bob extension.
4. Type: dir *.ltr and press return.
5. There should be no files found with .ltr extensions.
NOTE: You can also rename a group of files that have the same name but different
extensions. Type the RENAME command then the filename followed by the dot and the
wildcard, space and then type the new filename followed by a dot and the wildcard
character. It will look like this: filename.* newfilename.*
Create a Subdirectory
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To create a subdirectory, you will need to use the MAKE DIRECTORY command,
a.k.a. MD. The MD command is useful for organizing files on your hard drive. With
subdirectories, you can create and store related files together. For example, one
subdirectory could be used to store all word processing files and another for all
spreadsheet files.
1. Type: md info and press return.
2. Type: dir *. and press return.
3. Notice the *. will list only the subdirectories.
Move to a Subdirectory
Once you have created a subdirectory, to move to that directory, you will use the
CHANGE DIRECTORY command, a.k.a. CD.
1. Type: cd info and press return.
2. Type: cd and press return.
3. The name of the directory is listed.
Set the DOS Prompt
You can set or change the standard system prompt to display the name of the directory or
subdirectory you are currently working in.
1. Type: prompt $p $g and press return.
2. The DOS prompt tells you that you are working in the C directory (drive) and in the
Info subdirectory.
3. Type: dir and press return.
4. The single dot stands for the current directory. The double dots stand for the parent
directory (root). The dots are often referred to as place markers.
Move to the Parent Directory
DOS has a quick way to move from the current directory back to the parent directory.
 1. Type: cd.. and press return.
 2. You will return back to the C:> prompt.
Copy a File into a Subdirectory
The COPY command lets you copy files from one directory to another.

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1. Type: copy sales.bob info and press return.
2. Type: dir info and press return.
3. Notice that a copy of Sales.bob is copied into the subdirectory Info. The original file is
also in the root directory.
Copy a Group of Files into a Subdirectory
When copying a group of files from the root directory into a subdirectory, it is necessary
to use the wildcard character * along with the COPY command.
1. Type: copy quick.* info and press return.
2. DOS will list the files being copied.
3. Type: dir info and press return.
4. Three files should be listed in the Info subdirectory.
List Files in a Subdirectory
The CHANGE DIRECTORY, a.k.a. CD, command will let you list files in your
subdirectory from your hard drive.
1. Type: cd info and press return.
2. Type: dir and press return.
3. All files in the Info subdirectory are listed.

List Files in the Root from a Subdirectory
The DIRECTORY command is also used to get a listing of all the files in the root
directory while in a subdirectory. The backslash character  represents the root directory.
1. Type: dir  and press return.
2. All the files in the root directory are listed.
Select the Directory List
To look for a specific filename extension, you can use the SELECTED DIRECTORY
1. Type: dir *.bat and press return.
2. Only the files with the .bat extensions are listed.
3. Press the F3 key.

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4. Backspace three times.
5. Type: sys and press return.
6. Now only the files with the .sys extensions are listed.
List Subdirectories
1. Type: dir *. and press return.
2. All the subdirectories are listed.
NOTE: The backslash character  directs DOS to read from the root directory. The *.
Requests the listing of the subdirectories.
Delete a Single File
Periodically it is a good idea to delete files from the hard disk which are no longer needed
or used. DOS makes it easy to remove these files with the DELETE command, a.k.a.
1. Type: cd.. And press return.
2. The prompt shows you that you are back in the root directory.
3. Type: del sales.bob and press return.
4. Type: dir Sales.bob and press return.
5. Sales.bob is no longer listed because it has been deleted.
Delete a Group of Files
By using the wildcard character * you can delete a group of files from you hard drive.
1. Type: del quick.* and press return.
2. Type: dir quick.* and press return.
3. All Quick files have been deleted.
Delete all Files in a Subdirectory
There are two rules you will need to follow before removing a subdirectory.
RULE 1: All files in the subdirectory must be deleted.
NOTE: Never type DEL *.* when you are in the root directory. It will destroy all
DOS files that are necessary to boot and operate the computer.
1. Type: cd info and press return.
2. Type: dir and press return.
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3. Three files should be listed.
4. Type: del *.* and press return.
5. DOS will ask you if you are sure? (Y/N)
 6. Type: Y and press enter.
 Now that your subdirectory is empty, you can delete the subdirectory (see rule 2 below).
Remove a Subdirectory
RULE 2: You cannot be in the subdirectory that you wish to remove. You will need to
return to the root directory (C:> prompt).
 1. Type: cd.. and press return.
 2. You should be back in the root directory.
 3. Type: rd info and press return.
 4. Type: dir *. and press return.
 5. Notice that the Info subdirectory is no longer listed.
Format a Floppy Disk
Before you can use a disk, you must format it.
1. At the C:> prompt type: format a:
2. The A drive will be the drive that you insert your disk into; hence, the a: after the
Format command and press return.
3. You will be prompted with the message: "Insert new diskette for drive A: and press
enter when ready."
4. Now insert the disk you wish to format and press return.
5. Once this formatting process is done, the following message will appear: "Format
Completed." Then you will be prompted for a volume label. Simply press return again.
6. Now you will be asked if you would like to format another disk (Y/N)? Press N.
NOTE: If you receive a message like: "Track 0 bad" or "Disk unusable," your disk may
be the wrong capacity. You can get help with this error message by typing:
Help Format.
Change the Default Drive
To change from your hard drive to a floppy drive, you will need to indicate this change as
1. Put a floppy disk into drive A.
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2. Type: a: and press return.
3. Your prompt should change to A:>
4. Type: dir and press return.
5. You are now able to see all the files on the floppy.
6. To change back to your hard drive, you will need to reverse this procedure.
7. Type: c: and press return. Now your prompt should be C:>
Diskcopy Command
Sometimes there is a need to copy all the files on one floppy diskette to another floppy.
First you will need a blank formatted disk (refer to section on formatting disks.)
 1. Type: diskcopy a: a: and press return.
 2. When asked to put in the source disk, put in the diskette that has the information you
want to copy into drive A and press return.
3. Wait a few seconds. When asked to insert a target disk, take out the diskette from drive
A and insert the blank floppy disk and press return.
4. Once this process is complete, you will be prompted to write to another duplicate
diskette (Y/N). Press N.
5. Then you will be prompted to copy another disk (Y/N)? Press N.
NOTE: If your machine has two floppy disk drives, insert the original (source) disk into
drive A and the blank (target) disk into drive B. Then type: DISKCOPY A: B:
Copying a File from the Hard Drive to a Floppy Disk
Sometimes there is a need to copy a file from the hard drive onto a floppy disk. This is
helpful if you would like to have an extra copy of a certain file as a backup or to transport
the copied file to another computer.
1. Type: copy <insert filename here> a: and press return.
2. Wait for a few seconds; notice the red light on the floppy drive. Never attempt to
remove a disk from the disk drive while this red light is on.
3. To check to see if the file was copied, type a: at the C:> prompt and press return.
4. Type: dir and press return.
The PC BIOS is as old as the PC itself, while the acronym BIOS is even older, dating
back to the CP/M operating system. BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) were one of the
three primary components of CP/M, the other two being BDOS (Basic Disk Operating
System) and CCP (Console Command Processor). Firmware may be defined as software
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residing in (or embedded in) hardware, such as some kind of a programmable read-only
memory. Thus, typical BIOS is also a firmware, but every firmware is not considered a
BIOS. We shall use the term BIOS for PC firmware. Here may be several pieces of
firmware in a computer system, including "really low-level" ones that execute before the
user-visible firmware. In a simplified view, we consider the firmware to be the one that is
user-visible. We can think of this firmware as sitting atop the hardware. Both the boot
loader and the operating system (for certain purposes, at least) interact with the firmware.




                      (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
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                      (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)

Let us consider an office scene. Many letters are typed in the office. The officer dictates a
letter. The typist first types a draft copy of the letter. The officer goes through it to check
mistakes regarding spelling errors, missing words, etc. and suggests corrections. The
typist changes the letter as suggested by the officer. This is a simple example of word
processing. There are many software packages to do the job of word processing. Some of
them work in DOS environment. Examples are WordStar, Word Perfect and Professional
Write. But in these days working in WINDOWS is becoming more and more popular. So
let us consider software for word processing which works in WINDOWS. Our choice is
MS-WORD because it is the most popular software in these days. MS-WORD is a part of
the bigger package called MS OFFICE, which can do much more than word processing.
In fact when you open up MS OFFICE you will find four main components in it. They
are MS-WORD (for word processing), MS EXCEL (for spreadsheet), MS ACCESS (for
database management) and MS POWERPOINT (for presentation purposes). However,
we will limit ourselves to MS-WORD only in this lesson.


Word Processor is a Software package that enables you to create, edit, print and save
documents for future retrieval and reference. Creating a document involves typing by
using a keyboard and saving it. Editing a document involves correcting the spelling
mistakes, if any, deleting or moving words sentences or paragraphs.

(a) Advantages of Word Processing -

One of the main advantages of a word processor over a conventional typewriter is that a
word processor enables you to make changes to a document without retyping the entire

(b) Features of Word Processing -

Most Word Processor available today allows more than just creating and editing
documents. They have wide range of other tools and functions, which are used in
formatting the documents. The following are the main features of a Word Processor

i) Text is typing into the computer, which allows alterations to be made easily.
ii) Words and sentences can be inserted, amended or deleted.
iii) Paragraphs or text can be copied /moved throughout the document.
iv) Margins and page length can be adjusted as desired.

v) Spelling can be checked and modified through the spell check facility.
vi) Multiple document/files can be merged.
vii) Multiple copies of letters can be generated with different addresses through

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the mail-merge facility.

A word processor (more formally known as document preparation system) is a
computer application used for the production (including composition, editing, formatting,
and possibly printing) of any sort of printable material. Word processor may also refer to
an obsolete type of stand-alone office machine, popular in the 1970s and 80s, combining
the keyboard text-entry and printing functions of an electric typewriter with a dedicated
computer for the editing of text. Although features and design varied between
manufacturers and models, with new features added as technology advanced, word
processors for several years usually featured a monochrome display and the ability to
save documents on memory cards or diskettes. Later models introduced innovations such
as spell-checking programs, increased formatting options, and dot-matrix printing. As the
more versatile combination of a personal computer and separate printer became
commonplace, the word processor disappeared.
Word processors are descended from early text formatting tools (sometimes called text
justification tools, from their only real capability). Word processing was one of the
earliest applications for the personal computer in office productivity.
Although early word processors used tag-based markup for document formatting, most
modern word processors take advantage of a graphical user interface providing some
form of What You See Is What You Get editing. Most are powerful systems consisting of
one or more programs that can produce any arbitrary combination of images, graphics
and text, the latter handled with type-setting capability.
Microsoft Word is the most widely used computer word processing system; Microsoft
estimates over five hundred million people use the Office suite, which includes Word.
There are also many other commercial word processing applications, such as
WordPerfect, which dominated the market from the mid-1980s to early-1990s,
particularly for machines running Microsoft's MS-DOS operating system. Open-source
applications such as Abiword, KWord, LyX and OpenOffice.org Writer are rapidly
gaining in popularity.[citation needed] Online word processors such as Google Docs are a
relatively new category.
A spreadsheet is a computer application that simulates a paper worksheet. It displays
multiple cells that together make up a grid consisting of rows and columns, each cell
containing either alphanumeric text or numeric values. A spreadsheet cell may
alternatively contain a formula that defines how the contents of that cell is to be
calculated from the contents of any other cell (or combination of cells) each time any cell
is updated. Spreadsheets are frequently used for financial information because of their
ability to re-calculate the entire sheet automatically after a change to a single cell is made.


We have already told you that for working in Ms-Word you should be familiar with
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WINDOWS. If you have not covered WINDOWS so far then read that first and then go
through MS-WORD. By now you must be aware of the fact that a software package is
improved from time to time. These improvements are sold in the market as new versions
of the same software. Thus you will find many versions of MS-WORD being used in
different offices. In this lesson we will cover the version MS-WORD 97, which is latest
in the market and contain many improvements over the older versions. However, you do
not have to worry if you have an older version such as WORD 6.0 or WORD 95. All the
commands available in these older versions are also available in WORD 97 and they are
While working in MS-WORD you have to work with a mouse. Also one can work, to
some extent, through the keyboard. The use of mouse is simpler as it is fully menu
driven. In MS-WORD every command is available in the form of ‘icons’.
You can go inside MS-WORD by the following way
1. Take the mouse pointer to START button on the task bar. Click the left mouse button.
    The monitor will show like as follows:

                 START button         TASK BAR        click here clock

                                   Screen Layout

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Menus -
When you begin to explore Word 2000, you will notice a significant change in the menu
structure if you are familiar with previous versions of Word. The menus in Word 2000
display only the commands you have recently used. To view all options in each menu,
you must click the double arrows at the bottom of the menu. The images below show the
Format menu collapsed (left) and expanded (right) after the double arrows at the bottom
of the menu were clicked:

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Follow the steps below to display menus similar to previous versions of Word with all the
choices listed initially:

   1 Select View|Toolbars|Customize from the menu bar.
   2 Click on the Options tab.
   3 Uncheck the Menus show recently used commands first check box.

Shortcut Menus –
These features allow you to access various Word commands faster than using the options
on the menu bar. View shortcut menus by right-clicking with the mouse. The options on
this menu will vary depending on the element that was right-clicked. For example, the
shortcut menu below is produced by right-clicking on a bulleted list.

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Actions such as "Decrease Indent" and "Increase Indent" are only applicable to lists and
therefore only appear on the list shortcut menu. The shortcut menus are helpful because
they only display the options that can be applied to the item that was right-clicked and,
therefore, prevent searching through the many menu options.

Many toolbars displaying shortcut buttons are also available to make editing and
formatting quicker and easier. Select View|Toolbars from the menu bar to select the
toolbars. The toolbars that are already displayed on the screen are checked. Add a toolbar
simply by clicking on the name.

Customizing Toolbars
There may be certain actions on a toolbar that you do not use and there may also be
commands that you execute often but that are not located on any toolbar. Word toolbars
can be customized so these commands can be added and deleted.
Select View|Toolbars|Customize and click the Commands tab.

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   By highlighting the command categories in the Categories box, the choices will
      change in the Commands box to the right.
      • Select the command you would like to add to the toolbar by selecting it in the
          Commands box.
      • Drag the command with the mouse to the desired location on the toolbar and
          release the mouse button.
      • Remove a button from the toolbar by clicking and dragging the button off the

Creating and Opening Documents
There are several ways to create new documents, open existing documents, and save
documents in Word:
Create a New Document
   1 Click the New Document button on the menu bar.
   2 Choose File|New from the menu bar.
   3 Press CTRL+N (depress the CTRL key while pressing "N") on the keyboard.

Open an Existing Document
1Click the Open File button on the menu bar.
2Choose File|Open from the menu bar.
3Press CTRL+O on the keyboard.
4Each method will show the Open dialog box. Choose the file and click the Open button.

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Save a Document
   1 Click the Save button on the menu bar.
   2 Select File|Save from the menu bar.
   3 Press CTRL+S on the keyboard.

Renaming Documents
To rename a Word document while using the program, select File|Open and find the file
you want to rename. Right-click on the document name with the mouse and select
Rename from the shortcut menu. Type the new name for the file and press the ENTER

Working on Multiple Documents -
Several documents can be opened simultaneously if you are typing or editing multiple

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documents at once. All open documents are listed under the Window menu as shown
below. The current document has a checkmark beside the file name. Select another name
to view another open document or click the button on the Windows taskbar at the bottom
of the screen.

Close a Document
Close the current document by selecting File|Close or click the Close icon if it's visible
on the Standard Toolbar.


Typing and Inserting Text
To enter text, just start typing! The text will appear where the blinking cursor is located.
Move the cursor by using the arrow buttons on the keyboard or positioning the mouse
and clicking the left button. The keyboard shortcuts listed below are also helpful when
moving through the text of a document:

Selecting Text
To change any attributes of text it must be highlighted first. Select the text by dragging
the mouse over the desired text while keeping the left mouse button depressed, or hold
down the SHIFT key on the keyboard while using the arrow buttons to highlight the text.
The following table contains shortcuts for selecting a portion of the text:
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Deselect the text by clicking anywhere outside of the selection on the page or press an
arrow key on the keyboard.

Deleting Text
Use the BACKSPACE and DELETE keys on the keyboard to delete text. Backspace
will delete text to the left of the cursor and Delete will erase text to the right. To delete a
large selection of text, highlight it using any of the methods outlined above and press the
Formatting Text -
The formatting toolbar is the easiest way to change many attributes of text. If the toolbar
as shown below isn't displayed on the screen, select View|Toolbars and choose

    Style Menu - Styles are explained in detail later in this tutorial.
    Font Face - Click the arrowhead to the right of the font name box to view the list of
       fonts available. Scroll down to the font you want and select it by clicking on the
       name once with the mouse. A serif font (one with "feet" circled in the illustration
       below) is recommended for paragraphs of text that will be printed on paper as
       they are most readable. The following graphic demonstrates the difference
       between serif (Times New Roman on the left) and sans-serif ("no feet", Arial on
       the right) fonts.

    Font Size - Click on the white part of the font size box to enter a value for the font
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          size or click the arrowhead to the right of the box to view a list of font sizes
          available. Select a size by clicking on it once. A font size of 10 or 12 is best for
          paragraphs of text.
   Font Style - Use these buttons to bold, italicize, and underline text.
   Alignment - Text can be aligned to the left, center, or right side of the page or it can
    be justified across the page.
    Numbered and Bulleted Lists - Lists are explained in detail later in this tutorial.
    Increase/Decrease Indent - Change the indentation of a paragraph in relation to the
          side of the page.
     Outside Border - Add a border around a text selection.
      Highlight Color - Use this option to change the color behind a text selection. The
          color shown on the button is the last color used. To select a different color, click
          the arrowhead next to the image on the button.
      Text Color - This option changes the color of the text. The color shown on the button
          is the last color chosen. Click the arrowhead next to the button image to select
          another color. The Font dialog box allows you to choose from a larger selection
          of formatting options. Select Format|Font from the menu bar to access the box

Format Painter
A handy feature for formatting text is the Format Painter located on the standard
toolbar. For example, if you have formatting a paragraph heading with a certain font face,
size, and style and you want to format another heading the same way, you do not need to
manually add each attribute to the new headline. Instead, use the Format Painter by
following these steps:

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   •  Place the cursor within the text that contains the formatting you want to copy.
   •  Click the Format Painter button in the standard toolbar. Notice that your pointer
      now has a paintbrush beside it.
   • Highlight the text you want to add the same format to with the mouse and release
      the mouse button.
    To add the formatting to multiple selections of text, double-click the Format
    Painter button instead of clicking once. The format painter then stays active until
    you press the ESC key to turn it off.

Feel free to experiment with various text styles. You can always undo your last action by
clicking the Undo button on the standard toolbar or selecting Edit|Undo... from the menu
bar. Click the Redo button on the standard toolbar or select Edit|Redo... to erase the
undo action.


 Paragraph Attributes Format a paragraph by placing the cursor within the paragraph
               and selecting Format|Paragraph from the menu.bar

Moving (Cutting) Text
Highlight the text that will be moved and select Edit|Cut from the menu bar, click the
Cut button on the standard tool bar, or press CTRL+X at once. This will move the text to
a clipboard.
To move a small amount of text a short distance, the drag-and-drop method may be
quicker. Highlight the text you want to move, click the selection with the mouse, drag the
selection to the new location, and release the mouse button.
Copying Text
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To copy text, choose Edit|Copy, click the Copy button on the standard toolbar, or press
CTRL+C to copy the text to the clipboard.
Paste Text
To paste cut or copied text, move the cursor to the location you want to move the text to
and select Edit|Paste from the menu bar, click the Paste button on the standard toolbar,
or press CTRL+V.
The Clipboard
The last 12 elements that were cut or copied are placed onto Word's clipboard. You can
view the elements on the clipboard by selecting View|Toolbars|Clipboard from the
menu bar.

Place the mouse arrow over each element in the clipboard to view the contents of each
item and click on an element to add its contents to the document. Click Paste All to add
all of the items to the document at once. Click the Clear Clipboard button (the icon with
an "X" over the clipboard image) to clear the contents of the clipboard.

For more column options, select Format|Columns from the menu bar. The Columns
dialog box allows you to choose the properties of the columns. Select the number and
width of the columns from the dialog box.

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Drop Caps
A drop cap is a large letter that begins a paragraph and drops through several lines of text
as shown below.

Add a drop cap to a paragraph by following these steps:

   1 Place the cursor within the paragraph whose first letter will be dropped.
   2 Select Format Drop Cap from the menu bar.
   3 The Drop Cap dialog box allows you to select the position of the drop cap, the
       font, the number of lines to drop, and the distance from the body text.
   Click OK when all selections have been made.
   To modify a drop cap, select Format|Drop Cap again to change the attributes, or
       click on the letter and use the handles to move and resize the letter.

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Word automatically corrects many commonly misspelled words and punctuation marks
with the AutoCorrect feature. To view the list of words that are automatically corrected,
select Tools Autocorrect. This may be a hidden feature so click the double arrows at the
bottom of the Tools menu listing if the AutoCorrect choice is not listed.

Many options including the accidental capitalization of the first two letters of a word and
capitalization of the first word of the sentence can be automatically corrected from this
page. If there are words you often misspell, enter the wrong and correct spellings in the
Replace and With fields.

Spelling and Grammar Check
Word will automatically check for spelling and grammar errors as you type unless you
turn this feature off. Spelling errors are noted in the document with a red underline.
Grammar errors are indicated by a green underline. To disable this feature, select
Tools|Options from the menu bar and click the Spelling and Grammar tab on the
dialog box. Uncheck "Check spelling as you type" and "Check grammar as you
type", and click OK.

To use the spelling and grammar checker, follow these steps:
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   •   Select Tools|Spelling and Grammar from the menu bar.
   •   The Spelling and Grammar dialog box will notify you of the first mistake in the
       document and misspelled words will be highlighted in red.

the word appears more than once in the document.
    • If the word is spelled incorrectly, choose one of the suggested spellings in the
       Suggestions box and click the Change button or Change All button to correct all
       occurrences of the word in the document. If the correct spelling is not suggested,
       enter the correct spelling in the Not In Dictionary box and click the Change

   •     If the word is spelled correctly and will appear in many documents you type
       (such as your name), click the Add button to add the word to the dictionary so it
       will no longer appear as a misspelled word.
   •    As long as the Check Grammar box is checked in the Spelling and Grammar
       dialog box, Word will check the grammar of the document in addition to the
       spelling. If you do not want the grammar checked, remove the checkmark from
       this box. Otherwise, follow these steps for correcting grammar:
   •   If Word finds a grammar mistake, it will be shown in the box as the spelling
       errors. The mistake is highlighted in green text.

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Several suggestions may be given in the Suggestions box. Select the correction that best
applies and click Change.

If no correction is needed (Word is often wrong more than it is right), click the Ignore

Word 2000 has a new feature for finding synonyms. Simply right-click on the word and
select Synonyms from the shortcut menu. From the list of suggested words, highlight the
word you would like to use or click Thesaurus... for more options.

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To use the thesaurus, select Tools|Language|Thesaurus from the menu bar or select it
from the Synonyms shortcut menu as detailed above.

A list of meanings and synonyms are given on the windows. Double-click on the words
in the Meanings box or click the Look Up button to view similar words. Double-click
words in the Replace with Synonym box to view synonyms of those words. Highlight
the word you would like to add and click the Replace button.
The use of styles in Word will allow you to quickly format a document with a consistent
and professional look. Paragraph and character styles can be saved for use in many

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Applying a Style

   1 Place the cursor in the paragraph where the style will be applied.
   2 Click the Style drop-down menu on the Formatting toolbar and select a style by
     clicking on it.
   3 To apply the same style to multiple paragraphs, double click the Format Painter
     button on the standard toolbar and click in all the paragraphs that the style should
     be applied to. Press the ESC key to disable the Format Painter.

Apply a Style from the Style Dialog Box
Choose from a larger selection of styles from the Style dialog box.

   1    Click in the paragraph you want to add a style to.
   2    Select Format|Style... from the menu bar.
   3     From the List drop-down menu, choose All styles to view all the styles available.
   4   The styles are displayed in the Styles list. Preview each style by clicking once on
        the name. Paragraph styles are preceded by the paragraph symbol () and character
        styles are preceded by an "a" icon (). A pointer arrow is located next to the current
        style. Highlight the style you want to apply to the paragraph and click Apply.

Create a New Style from a Model
To create a style from text that is already formatted in a document, follow these steps:
   1 Place the cursor in the paragraph you would like to set as a new style.
   2 Click the Style box on the formatting toolbar so the style name is highlighted.
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Create a Simple Style from the Style Dialog Box

Select Format|Style... from the menu bar and click the New button on the Style dialog
    box to access the New Style dialog box.

       •    Type the name for the new style in the Name field.
       •    Select "Paragraph" or "Character" from the Style type drop-down menu.
       •    Click the Format button at the bottom of the window and choose the
             paragraph element that will be formatted for the style. Continue to make
             changes from the options from the Format button menu, making changes to
             the dialog boxes for each element you choose.

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       •  Click OK to set the style and close the New Style dialog box.
       •  Click Apply on the Style dialog box to apply the new style to the current
Modify or Rename a Style
  • An existing style can be changed from the Style dialog box.
  • Select Format|Style... from the menu bar.
  • Highlight the style from the Styles list that you want to modify and click the
      Modify button.

Delete a Style
Preset styles created by Word cannot be deleted, but to delete a style you have made,
follow these steps:
    1 Select Format|Style... from the menu bar
    2 Highlight the style from the Styles list that you want to delete.
    3 Click the Delete button.
    4 You will be asked if you really want to delete the style. Click Yes.
    5  Click Close on the dialog box.

To create a bulleted or numbered list, use the list features provided by Word.
Bulleted and Numbered Lists
1Click the Bulleted List button or Numbered List button on the formatting toolbar.
2 Type the first entry and press ENTER. This will create a new bullet or number on the
next line. If you want to start a new line without adding another bullet or number, hold
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down the SHIFT key while pressing ENTER.
3 Continue to typing entries and press ENTER twice when you are finished typing to end
the list.
4 Use the Increase Indent and Decrease Indent buttons on the formatting toolbar to create
lists of multiple levels.
NOTE: You can also type the text first, highlight the section, and press the Bulleted List
or Numbered List buttons to add the bullets or numbers.
 Nested Lists
  To create a nested list, such as a numbered list inside of a bulleted list, follow these
4Type the list and increase the indentation of the items that will make up the nested list
by clicking the Increase Indent button for each item.

Formatting Lists
The bullet image and numbering format can be changed by using the Bullets and
Numbering dialog box.
5Highlight the entire list to change all the bullets or numbers, or Place the cursor on one
line within the list to change a single bullet.
6Access the dialog box by selecting Format|Bullets and Numbering from the menu bar
or by right-clicking within the list and selecting Bullets and Numbering from the
    shortcut menu.

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   •   Select the list style from one of the seven choices given, or click the Picture...
        button to choose a different icon. Click the Numbered tab to choose a numbered
        list style.
   •   Click OK when finished.

Adding Clip Art
To add a clip art image from the Microsoft library to a document, follow these steps:

   Select Insert|Picture|Clip Art from the menu bar.

1To find an image, click in the white box following Search for clips. Delete the words
"Type one or more words. . ." and enter keywords describing the image you want to use. -
OR - Click one of the category icons.

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1Click once on the image you want to add to the document and the following popup
menu will appear:

1Insert Clip to add the image to the document.

1Preview Clip to view the image full-size before adding it to the document. Drag the
bottom, right corner of the preview window to resize the image and click the

2"x" close button to end the preview

Add Clip to Favorites will add the selected image to your favorites directory that can be
chosen from the Insert ClipArt dialog box.

1Find Similar Clips will retrieve images similar to the one you have chosen.

1 Continue selecting images to add to the document and click the Close button in the top,
right corner of the Insert ClipArt window to stop adding clip art to the document.
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2Add An Image from a File
3Follow these steps to add a photo or graphic from an existing file:
4 Select Insert|Picture|From File on the menu bar.
5 Click the down arrow button on the right of the Look in: window to find the image on
your computer.
6 Highlight the file name from the list and click the Insert button

Editing A Graphic
Activate the image you wish to edit by clicking on it once with the mouse. Nine handles
will appear around the graphic. Click and drag these handles to resize the image. The
handles on the corners will resize proportionally while the handles on the straight lines
will stretch the image. More picture effects can be changed using the Picture toolbar. The
Picture toolbar should appear when you click on the image. Otherwise, select
View|Toolbars|Picture from the menu bar to activate it.

Insert Picture will display the image selection window and allows you to change the
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1 Image Control allows to to make the image grayscale, black and white, or a watermark.
2More/Less Contrast modifies the contrast between the colors of the image.
3 More/Less Brightness will darken or brighten the image.
4Click Crop and drag the handles on the activated image to delete outer portions of the
5 Line Style will add a variety of borders to the graphic.
6Text wrapping will modify the way the document text wraps around the graphic.
7Format Picture displays all the image properties in a separate window.
8 Reset Picture will delete all the modifications made to the image.
9Auto Shapes
10The AutoShapes toolbar will allow you to draw many different geometrical shapes,
arrows, flow chart symbols, stars, and banners on the document. Activate the AutoShapes
toolbar by selecting Insert|Picture|AutoShapes or View|Toolbars|AutoShapes from the
menu bar, or clicking the AutoShapes button on the Drawing toolbar. Click each button
on the toolbar to view the options for drawing the shape.

   Lines - After clicking the Lines button on the AutoShapes toolbar, draw a straight
      line, arrow, or double-ended arrow from the first row of options by clicking the
      respective button. Click in the document where you would like the line to begin
      and click again where it should end. To draw a curved line or freeform shape,
      select curved lines from the menu (first and second buttons of second row), click
      in the document where the line should appear, and click the mouse every time a
      curve should begin. End creating the graphic by clicking on the starting end or
      pressing the ESC key. To scribble, click the last button in the second row, click
      the mouse in the document and hold down the left button while you draw the
      design. Let go of the mouse button to stop drawing.

   Basic Shapes - Click the Basic Shapes button on the AutoShapes toolbar to select
       from many two- and three-dimensional shapes, icons, braces, and brackets.
       Use the drag-and-drop method to draw the shape in the document. When the
       shape has been made, it can be resized using the open box handles and other

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       adjustments specific to each shape can be modified using the yellow diamond

Block Arrows - Select Block Arrows to choose from many types of two- and three-
dimensional arrows. Drag-and-drop the arrow in the document and use the open box and
yellow diamond handles to adjust the arrowheads. Each AutoShape can also be rotated by
first clicking the Free Rotate button on the drawing toolbar . Click and drag the green
handles around the image to rotate it. The tree image below was created from an arrow
rotated 90 degrees.

Flow Chart - Choose from the flow chart menu to add flow chart elements to the
document and use the line menu to draw connections between the elements.

1Stars and Banners - Click the button to select stars, bursts, banners, and scrolls.
2Call Outs - Select from the speech and thought bubbles, and line call outs. Enter the call
out text in the text box that is made.
3More AutoShapes - Click this button to choose from a list of clip art categories.
4 Each of the submenus on the AutoShapes toolbar can become a separate toolbar. Just
  click and drag the gray bar across the top of the submenus off of the toolbar and it will
  become a separate floating toolbar.

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Page Margins
The page margins of the document can be changed using the rulers on the page and the
Page Setup window. The ruler method is discussed first:
Move the mouse over the area where the white ruler changes to gray.

When the cursor becomes a double-ended arrow, click with the mouse and drag the
margin indicator to the desired location.

1Release the mouse when the margin is set.
2The margins can also be changed using the Page Setup dialog box:
3Select File|Page Setup and choose the Margins tab in the dialog box.

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                     (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)

Enter margin values in the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right boxes. The Preview window will
reflect the changes.
1If the document has Headers and/or Footers, the distance this text appears from the edge
of the page can be changed.
2 Click OK when finished.

Page Size and Orientation

1Change the orientation page within the Page Setup dialog box.
2Select File|Page Setup and choose the Paper Size tab.

                     (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
                                     SEC-7, DWARKA
                     (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)

Select the proper paper size from the drop-down menu.

Change the orientation from Portrait or Landscape by checking the corresponding radio

Headers and Footers

A header is text that is added to the top margin of every page such as a document title or
page number and footer is text added to the bottom margin. Follow these steps to add or
edit headers and footers in the document:

Select View|Header and Footer from the menu bar. The Header and Footer toolbar will
appear and the top of the page will be highlighted as shown below.

   1 Type the heading in the Header box. You may use many of the standard text
     formatting options such as font face, size, bold, italics, etc.

   1 Click the Insert AutoText button to view a list of quick options available.

   2 Use the other options on the toolbar to add page numbers, the current date and

                     (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
                                      SEC-7, DWARKA
                     (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
   3 To edit the footer; click the Switch between Header and Footer button on the

   4 When you are finished adding headers and footers, click the Close button on the
Page Numbers

Follow these instructions for another way to add page numbers to a document.
    ���Select Insert|Page Numbers from the menu bar and the following dialog box will

Select the position of the page numbers by choosing "Top of page" or "Bottom of page"
from the Position drop-down menu.

1 Select the alignment of the page numbers in the Alignment drop-down menu.
2 If you do not want the page number to show on the first page (if it is a title page, for
example), uncheck the Show number of first page box.
3 Click OK when finished.

Print Preview and Printing

Preview your document by clicking the Print Preview button on the standard toolbar or
by selecting File|Print Preview. When the document is ready to print, click the Print
button from the Print Preview screen or select File Print.


Tables are used to display data and there are several ways to build them in Word. Begin
by placing the cursor where you want the table to appear in the document and choose one
of the following methods.
Insert a Table
There are two ways to add a table to the document using the Insert feature:
                               (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
                                      SEC-7, DWARKA
                     (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
1Click the Insert Table button on the standard toolbar. Drag the mouse along the grid,
highlighting the number of rows and columns for the table.

Or, select Table|Insert|Table from the menu bar. Select the number of rows and columns
for the table and click OK.

                     (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
                                    SEC-7, DWARKA
                     (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)

Draw the Table
A table can also be drawn onto the document:

1Draw the table by selecting Table|Draw Table from the menu bar. The cursor is now the
image of a pencil and the Tables and Borders toolbar has appeared.

2Button and drag the mouse over the area to be deleted.
3 To draw more cells, click on the Draw Table button.

Inserting Rows and Columns

Once the table is drawn, insert additional rows by placing the cursor in the row you want
to be adjacent to. Select Table|Insert|Rows Above or Rows Below. Or, select an entire
row and right-click with the mouse. Choose Insert Rows from the shortcut menu. Much
like inserting a row, add a new column by placing the cursor in a cell adjacent to where
the new column will be added. Select Table|Insert|Columns to the Left or Columns to the
Right. Or, select the column, right-click with the mouse, and select Insert Columns.

Moving and Resizing a Table

A four-sided moving arrow and open box resizing handle will appear on the corners of
the table if the mouse is placed over the table. Click and drag the four-ended arrow to
move the table and release the mouse button when the table is positioned where you want
it. Click and drag the open box handle to resize the table. Change the column widths and
row heights by clicking the cell dividers and dragging them with the mouse.

                     (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
                                     SEC-7, DWARKA
                     (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)

Tables and Borders Toolbar

The Tables and Borders toolbar allows you to add border styles, shading, text effects,
alignment, and more options to your table. Access the toolbar by clicking Table|Draw
Table or View|Toolbars|Tables and Borders.

You will need to highlight the cells of the table you want to format. Click and drag the
mouse over the cells, or use the following shortcuts:

Table Properties
                     (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
                                     SEC-7, DWARKA
                     (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)

Use the Table Properties dialog box to modify the alignment of the table with the body
text and the text within the table. Access the box by selecting Tables|Table Properties

Size - Check the Preferred width box and enter a value if the table should be an exact

Alignment - Highlight the illustration that represents the alignment of the table in
relation to the text of the document.

Text wrapping - Highlight "None" if the table should appear on a separate line from
the text or choose "Around" if the text should wrap around the table.

   Borders and Shading –

   Select from a number of border styles, colors, and widths. Click the Shading tab to
                     (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
                                     SEC-7, DWARKA
                     (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
   change the background color and pattern.

Options - Click the Options button on the Table Properties window. To change the
spacing between the document text and the table borders under Default cell margins.
Check the Allow spacing between cells box and enter a value to add space between the
table cells.

                     (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
                                    SEC-7, DWARKA
                     (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)


Word will automatically create a Table of Contents page if a document is designed using
Heading and Paragraph styles (see the Styles section). Follow the steps on this page to
create a Table of Contents.
Mark Table of Contents Entries

   1 Highlight a heading that you would like to appear in the Table of Contents (TOC).

   1 Press ALT+SHIFT+O and the Mark Table of Contents Entry box will appear.

Entry - Rename the entry if you would like a different heading to appear in the TOC.

   7 Table identifier - Select "C".

   8 Level - Choose "1" for first-level heading, "2" for second-level heading, etc.

   9 Click the Mark button.

   10 The document will be toggled to "reveal codes" view and notice the TOC field
      code. To hide all codes click the Show/Hide codes button on the standard toolbar.

   11 Select another heading to add to the TOC, or click the Close button on the Mark
      Table of Contents Entry dialog box.
   12 Generate a Table of Contents
   13 After you have marked all the headings for your TOC, follow these steps to
      generate the Table of Contents.

   14 Place the cursor where you would like the TOC to appear in the document.

                     (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
                                      SEC-7, DWARKA
                      (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
    15 Select Insert|Index and Tables from the menu bar.


Customize the appearance of the TOC from the Table of Contents tab. You may choose a
preset design from the Formats drop-down menu. A preview of each design will be
shown in the Print Preview window.

    1 Check the Show page numbers box if you would like page numbers to show on
      the TOC. Check the Right align page numbers box if the page numbers should
      appear on the right side, then select the Tab leader between the heading and the
      page number. Uncheck the box if the page numbers should appear right next to
      the heading.

    2 Click OK.


Macros are advanced features that can speed up editing or formatting you may perform
often in a Word document. They record sequences of menu selections that you choose so
that a series of actions can be completed in one step.
Recording A Macro
To record a macro, follow these steps:

                      (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
                                      SEC-7, DWARKA
                     (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)

Click Tools|Macro|Record New Macro on the menu bar.

Name the macro in the Macro name field. This name cannot contain spaces and or begin
with a number.

   1 From the Store macro in drop-down box, select the document you would like the
     macro to be associated with or choose "All Documents" be able to use the macro
     in any document.

   2    Enter a description of the macro in the Description field. This is for your
       reference only so you remember what the macro does.

   3    Click OK to begin recording.

   4    Select options from the drop-down menus and Word will record the options you
       choose from the dialog boxes, such as changing the margins on the Page Setup
       window. Select only options that modify the document. Word will not record
       toggle actions such as View|Toolbars that have no effect on the document itself.

   5 The recording toolbar will allow you to stop, pause, and resume recording.

Click the Stop button the recording toolbar. The macro is now saved.

                     (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
                                       SEC-7, DWARKA
                     (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)

Running A Macro

To run an existing macro, follow these steps.

       1 Select Tools|Macro|Macros from the menu bar.

       2 From the Macros window, highlight the Macro name in the list and click

If the macro is long and you want to stop it while it is running, press BREAK (hold
CTRL and press PAUSE).

Mail Merge

Creating the Data Source for Merges


This lesson begins with a brief discussion of why you would want to use the mail merge
feature in Microsoft Word 2000. However, the bulk of the lesson addresses creating the
data source document, entering information using the "Data Form" dialog box, how to
                               (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
                                      SEC-7, DWARKA
                      (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
locate records to edit and delete them, and how to sort information in the data source.
You will also look briefly at working with the data in the main document window as a
Why Use the Mail Merge Feature
If you need to send similar (or identical) letters to a group of people, or need to create a
list of people who will receive a newsletter or flier, you will probably want to use the
mail merge feature. You might be sending out thank you letters for people who helped
with a workshop or meeting; composing "rejection" letters at the end of a search process;
creating a file of people who will receive monthly mailings during the course of a project;
or printing name tags for a conference.
Basically, to merge you need to create a data source document and a related form, called
the mail merge main document. The main document can be a letter, envelope, mailing
label, or another type of document which references the data source. The last step is to
combine or merge these two documents into a new document. Even if you are sending a
similar letter to a unique list of people who you will not need to contact again, it is faster
to use the mail merge feature. The alternative—to write one letter, print it, change the
address, print the second letter, and so forth—is a rather time consuming task. Also, most
offices and professionals have a clientele list that is used many times throughout the year,
or from one year to the next. This certainly is a job for the mail merge feature.

Comments on the Information Used in a Data Source File

The information used in a merge—the names and addresses used to produce the form
letter or the mailing labels—is stored in a document called the data source. The term data
source comes from database type of software, like dBase, Access, or Paradox. Data
means information. The data source is made up of records—a group of related
information like information about one person. Each record, in turn, is made up of fields,
like a person's name, address, and phone number.
The first row in a data source is called the header row. The header row is made up of a
list of field names. Word provides a list of commonly used field names; you can add or
remove names from that list to develop the header row for your data source.

For most of the exercises in this three-part workshop, we will tell you what fields and
field names to use, so everyone will be working with the same data source. This is the
data source structure you will use with this lesson series:

FirstName                                           First and last names must be separate so you
                                                   can sort by last name and use the first name by
                                                   itself in the salutation.
Company                                            This field can be blank.
Address1                                           Mailing address.
                      (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
                                        SEC-7, DWARKA
                     (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
State                                            We will be using the two letter state
PostalCode                                       This could be a 5 digit zip code, but where
                                                possible, start collecting the zip+4 codes in your
                                                own files. At some point you may be required by
                                                the United States Postal Service to use the zip+4
                                                on your mailings.
Subject                                          This will be a field in which you enter a
                                                'keyword," appropriate to your area of work.
                                                With this field you can store all the contacts in
                                                one file, since sometimes you mail to everyone,
                                                but other times target those people who might be
                                                interested in a special topic.

To create the data source, click on the [Create] button. A drop-down list appears with four
options: Form Letters, Mailing Labels, Envelopes and Catalog.

4. Select the type of main document you eventually intend to create. You may change your
selection later if you plan to use the data source for more than one type of merged document.

5. Select [Active Window] to use the current screen.

                     (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
                                      SEC-7, DWARKA
                      (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)

Create The Data Source

The next step is to identify or create the data source. Click on the [Get Data] button in the Mail
Merge Helper and, for now, choose Create Data Source. If you already have a data source, you
can open it, or you can use data from address book entries (ex. Outlook).
In the "Create Data Source" dialog box, the "Field Names in Header Row" window lists
commonly used field names. Remember, each field is a category of information. If you do not
want to use the default field names, you may either delete listed fields or add new ones.
To remove a field from the given listing, highlight the field name and click on [Remove Field
To add a field not in the default listing, type the new field name in the "Field Name" window and
click on [Add Field Name]. Field names must be one word. When you add a new field name it is
placed at the end of the list. To reposition it in the list, highlight the field name, then click the up
and down arrows you see at the right of the field names list.

 Exercise 1

 Click the [New] button on the standard toolbar or select FILE, New and choose Blank
 Document to get a new document window. Select TOOLS, Mail Merge, and click once on
 the [Create] button. Choose Form Letters from the drop-down list and click on [Active
 Window] to work with the existing blank screen. Now click on [Get Data] and choose
 Create Data Source.
 The "Create Data Source" dialog box appears. Add and remove fields from the field name
 list provided so that your list contains only the following field names. For example, the
 first listed field is "Title." Highlight that in the list of fields, and then click [Remove Field].
 Go down to "JobTitle" and highlight that field, and again click [Remove Field]. Continue
 deleting until you have this listing:

                      (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
                                         SEC-7, DWARKA
                      (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)

To add the last field, type in the field name in the "Field Name" window and then click on
[Add Field Name]. NOTE: Field names must be less than 40 characters, cannot contain
spaces or begin with a number. No two fields may have the same name nor may they
contain characters that you cannot put in a filename, such as periods, commas, slashes,
backslashes or colons. If you enter an invalid character, the [Add Field Name] button will
remain inoperable until the error is corrected.
Click on the [OK] button. The "Save As" dialog box immediately appears. Name the file
"2001 contacts" and click [Save]. This file will be saved with the default extension ".doc."
The default folder that will be used is My Documents. It is okay to use this folder or place
your files in any folder area of your choice.
The next screen gives you the option of entering data or working on the main document
form. Click on [Edit Data Source] so that you can view the "Data Form" dialog box while
you read the next section.

                      (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
                                       SEC-7, DWARKA
                      (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)

Using the Data Entry Form
Immediately after you save the header list you prepared in the "Create Data Source" dialog box,
you may choose [Edit Data Source] to enter data. The "Data Form" dialog box that opens is
essentially an attempt to make your word processor look more like a database program. Using
this data entry form, it is easy to remember what data goes where.
You will see the field names at the left of the window. Type in each piece of data in the
appropriate window. You can press <Enter> or <Tab> to go to the next field. If you make a
mistake, use your normal keystrokes to correct it, or drag the field with the mouse to select it, and
type over the incorrect data.
If you press <Enter> after typing the information for the last field in one record, a blank data
entry form appears. You can also click on the [Add New] button to go to a blank form.
The United States Post Office (USPS) is getting increasingly fussy about how addresses are
displayed on envelopes and mailing labels, because of automatic scanners. For example, they do
not want any punctuation marks and they want all uppercase letters. However, since we want to
create a letter as one of the forms, we cannot capitalize all letters as we type. In Lesson 2, you
will learn an easy way to capitalize all letters on envelopes and labels. We are using USPS
approved abbreviations for street designators; a complete list of these will be posted separately.

Exercise 2
Using the "Data Form" dialog box, type in these records. If you press <Enter> to go from field to
field, Word will go to a new form screen after the last field.
Record 1
FirstName Mary
LastName Peterson
Company Kodak Fruit and Vegetables
Address1 715 N Park Ave
City Tucson
State AZ
PostalCode 85719-5037

                      (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY)
                                       SEC-7, DWARKA
Computer system and peripherals
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Computer system and peripherals

  • 1. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) Unit-1 To Understand the Basics of The Computer Hello! Students, in today’s information age, computers are Being used in every occupation. They are used by people of all age and profession, in their work as well as their leisure. This new social age have changed the basic concept of’ computing’. Computing, in today’s information age, is no more limited to computer programmers and computer engineers. Rather than knowing how to program a computer, most computer users simply need to understand how computer functions so in this lecture I will be discussing with you about this versatile tool, why is it so powerful and useful, its history and you will also be briefed about the classification of computers its devices in my today’s lecture. What is a Computer? A computer is an electronic machine that accepts information, stores it until the information is needed, processes the information according to the instructions provided by the user, and finally returns the results to the user. The computer can store and manipulate large quantities of data at very high speed, but a computer cannot think. A computer makes decisions based on simple comparisons such as one number being larger than another. Although the computer can help solve a tremendous variety of problems, it is simply a machine. It can not solve problems on its own. Computer Tasks 1 Input 2 Storage 3 Processing 4 Output When a computer is asked to do a job, it handles the task in a very special way. 1. It accepts the information from the user. This is called input. 2. It stored the information until it is ready for use. The computer has memory chips, which are designed to hold information until it is needed. 3. It processes the information. The computer has an electronic brain called the Central Processing Unit, which is responsible for processing all data and instructions given to the Computer. 4. It then returns the processed information to the user. This is called output. Every computer has special parts to do each of the jobs listed above. Whether it is a multi- million dollar mainframe or a thousand dollar personal computer, it has the following four Components, Input, Memory, Central Processing, and Output. The central processing unit is made up of many components, but two of them are worth mentioning at this point. These are the arithmetic and logic unit and the control unit. The control unit controls the electronic flow of information around the computer. The arithmetic and logic unit, ALU, is responsible for mathematical calculations and logical comparisons. Input Devices EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF1PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 1
  • 2. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) 1 · Keyboard 2 · Mouse 3 · Scanner 4 · Microphone 5 · CD-ROM 6 · Joystick OPERATING SYSTEM A program that acts as an intermediary between a user of a computer and the computer hardware. Operating system goals: 1. Execute user programs and make solving user problems easier. 2. Make the computer system convenient to use 3. Use the computer hardware in an efficient manner. COMPUTER SYSTEM STRUCTURE Computer system can be divided into four components 1. Hardware – provides basic computing resources a. CPU, memory, I/O devices 2. Operating system b. Controls and coordinates use of hardware among various applications and users 3. Application programs – define the ways in which the system resources are used to solve the computing problems of the users c. Word processors, compilers, web browsers, database systems, video games 4. Users d. People, machines, other computers EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF2PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 2
  • 3. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) COMPUTER SYSTEM DEFINATION OS is a resource allocator 1. Manages all resources. 2. Decides between conflicting requests for efficient and fair resource use. OS is a control program 1. Controls execution of programs to prevent errors and improper use of the computer. COMPUTERSYSTEM SATRTUP Bootstrap program is loaded at power-up or reboot- 1. Typically stored in ROM or EPROM, generally known as firmware. 2. Initialized all aspects of system. 3. Loads operating system kernel and starts execution. COMPUTER SYSTEM ORGANIZATION Computer-system operation- 1. One or more CPUs, device controllers connect through common bus providing access to shared memory 2. Concurrent execution of CPUs and devices competing for memory cycles COMPUTER SYSTEM OPERATION 1. I/O devices and the CPU can execute concurrently. 2. Each device controller is in charge of a particular device type. 3. Each device controller has a local buffer. 4. CPU moves data from/to main memory to/from local buffers 5. I/O is from the device to local buffer of controller. 6. Device controller informs CPU that it has finished its operation by causing an interrupt. OPERATING SYSTEM STRUCTURE Multiprogramming needed for efficiency- EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF3PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 3
  • 4. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) 1. Single user cannot keep CPU and I/O devices busy at all times. 2. Multiprogramming organizes jobs (code and data) so CPU always has one to execute. 3. A subset of total jobs in system is kept in memory. 4. One job selected and run via job scheduling. 5. When it has to wait (for I/O for example), OS switches to another job. Timesharing (multitasking) is logical extension in which CPU switches jobs so frequently that users can interact with each job while it is running, creating interactive computing. 1. Response time should be < 1 second. 2. Each user has at least one program executing in memory process. 3. If several jobs ready to run at the same time CPU scheduling. 4. If processes don’t fit in memory, swapping moves them in and out to run. 5. Virtual memory allows execution of processes not completely in memory. PROCESS MANAGEMENT 1. A process is a program in execution. It is a unit of work within the system. Program is a passive entity, process is an active entity. 2. Process needs resources to accomplish its task • CPU, memory, I/O, files • Initialization data 3. Process termination requires reclaim of any reusable resources 4. Single-threaded process has one program counter specifying location of next instruction to execute • Process executes instructions sequentially, one at a time, until completion 5. Multi-threaded process has one program counter per thread 6. Typically system has many processes, some user, some operating system running concurrently on one or more CPUs • Concurrency by multiplexing the CPUs among the processes / threads MEMORY MANAGEMENT 1. All data in memory before and after processing. 2. All instructions in memory in order to execute. 3. Memory management determines what is in memory when. • Optimizing CPU utilization and computer response to users. 4. Memory management activities- • Keeping track of which parts of memory are currently being used and by whom. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF4PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 4
  • 5. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) • Deciding which processes (or parts thereof) and data to move into and out of memory • Allocating and deallocating memory space as needed. STORAGE MANAGEMENT OS provides uniform, logical view of information storage- • Abstracts physical properties to logical storage unit - file • Each medium is controlled by device (i.e., disk drive, tape drive) • Varying properties include access speed, capacity, and data-transfer rate, access method (sequential or random) File-System management- • Files usually organized into directories • Access control on most systems to determine who can access what • OS activities include. • Creating and deleting files and directories. • Primitives to manipulate files and dirs. • Mapping files onto secondary storage. • Backup files onto stable (non-volatile) storage media. OPERATING-SYSTEM STRUCTURES 1. Operating System Services 2. User Operating System Interface 3. System Calls 4. Types of System Calls 5. System Programs 6. Operating System Design and Implementation 7. Operating System Structure 8. Virtual Machines 9. Operating System Generation 10. System Boot SERVICES OF OPERATING SYSTEM One set of operating-system services provides functions that are helpful to the user: User interface - Almost all operating systems have a user interface (UI)Varies between Command-Line (CLI), Graphics User Interface (GUI). Program execution - The system must be able to load a program into memory and to run that program, end execution, either normally or abnormally (indicating error) I/O operations - A running program may require I/O, which may involve a file or an I/O EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF5PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 5
  • 6. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) device. File-system manipulation - The file system is of particular interest. Obviously, programs need to read and write files and directories, create and delete them, search them, list file Information, permission management. Communications – Processes may exchange information, on the same computer or between computers over a network Communications may be via shared memory or through message passing (packets moved by the OS) Error detection – OS needs to be constantly aware of possible errors. May occur in the CPU and memory hardware, in I/O devices, in user program. For each type of error, OS should take the appropriate action to ensure correct and consistent computing Debugging facilities can greatly enhance the user’s and programmer’s abilities to efficiently use the system. Another set of OS functions exists for ensuring the efficient operation of the system itself via resource sharing. Resource allocation - When multiple users or multiple jobs running concurrently, resources must be allocated to each of them. Many types of resources - Some (such as CPU cycles, main memory, and file storage) may have special allocation code, others (such as I/O devices) may have general request and release code. Accounting - To keep track of which users use how much and what kinds of computer resources Protection and security - The owners of information stored in a multi-user or networked computer system may want to control use of that information, concurrent processes should not interfere with each other. Protection involves ensuring that all access to system resources is controlled. Security of the system from outsiders requires user authentication, extends to defending external I/O devices from invalid access attempts If a system is to be protected and secure, precautions must be instituted throughout it. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. SYSTEM BOOT Operating system must be made available to hardware so hardware can start it • Small piece of code – bootstrap loader, locates the kernel, loads it into memory, and starts it • Sometimes two-step process where boot block at fixed location loads bootstrap loader • When power initialized on system, execution starts at a fixed memory location EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF6PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 6
  • 7. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) • Firmware used to hold initial boot code. INRODUCTION TO DOS DOS stands for Disk Operating System. DOS controls the computer’s hardware and provides an environment for programs to run. This system program must always be present when working with your computer. Why You Need DOS There are a variety of reasons why you need DOS. A few of them are listed below to satisfy your curiosity. 1. DOS controls the flow of information between you and the computer (translator). 2. DOS allows you to store information on your computer. 3. DOS allows you to retrieve information stored on your computer. 4. DOS interprets and translates the software you have on your computer. 5. DOS gives you access to all its function (i.e. saving, copying, and printing files). Set the Date and Time Most computers on campus have an internal clock that will automatically set the date and time for you when you turn the computer on. However, if your computer does not have this feature or your computer has two floppy drives, you will need to do the following steps to set the date and time. Directions: 1. Type the date like this: 1-15-97 2. Press the return key (enter key). 3. Type the time like this: 8:46 4. Press return. 5. Notice that the C:> prompt will appear. DOS marks the date and time on everything you do. It is important to periodically check the date and time if you have an internal clock to see if it is correct. If you have a two floppy system, it is important to enter the correct date and time when you turn the computer on. . Check the Date and Time DOS will let you check or change the date and time once it has been set. The procedure to do this is as follows: Directions: 1. Type: date and press return. 2. If the correct date is displayed, simply press return. If the date is incorrect, type the correct date and press return. 3. Type: time and press return. 4. If the correct time is displayed, simply press return. If the time is incorrect, type the correct time and press return. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF7PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 7
  • 8. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) Directory Command The DIRECTORY command is like a table of contents in a book. This directory will list the following information: • Filenames • File extensions • Size of each file • Date and time the file was last updated. Directions: 1. At the C :> type: dir and press return. 2. The list of files will scroll up and off the screen. NOTE: At the end of the listing, there is a line that shows the number of bytes free on the hard drive. Scroll through the Directory Listing When you type the DIR command and press return, the files begin to scroll vertically on your screen. If you have a lot of files it is difficult to read each one. By holding down the Control Key (CTRL) and the letter S at the same time, you are able to freeze the listing to view your files. When you are finished, press the spacebar for the list to continue. NOTE: You must return to the C :> before entering your next command. Pause a Directory Listing You can add a PAUSE command to your directory command which will allow you to view your directory one screen at a time. Directions: 1. Type: dir/p and press return. 2. The screen freezes after it fills the screen with the files that are listed first in the directory. 3. Press the spacebar to continue listing you files. 4. Continue to press the spacebar until you return back to the C:> prompt. View a Wide Listing of Files When you need to quickly view your files, you can add a /W to the directory command. This will display your files into five columns on the screen. Directions: 1. Type: dir/w and press return. 2. DOS will list only the name of you file and the file extension on the screen. NOTE: Use this command when you are not concerned with looking at the file size or the date it was created. Recall a DOS Command EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF8PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 8
  • 9. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) The F3 function key can be used to recall the last DOS command you typed in. If you would like to retrieve a previously entered command, you can also press the up arrow key continuously until you reach the desired command you were looking for. NOTE: You can also type out each letter in your last command by using the right arrow key or the right cursor key. After you use the F3 key to recall a command, you can use the backspace key to edit any part of the command or add to your command. Print a Directory Listing You can print a list of your files in your directory by instructing DOS to send the information to your printer. Directions: 1. Type: dir>prn and press return. 2. The > symbol stands for output. The PRN stands for printer. NOTE: You can print a wide listing of your files by typing dir/w>prn Laser jet printers and other sheet feeder printers will not eject the page after the dir>prn command. You must take the printer off-line and press the form feed button. Remember to press the on-line button when you are done in order to continue using the printer. Check for a Single File Instead of using the directory command to look for one particular file, you can type the name of the file after the DIR command at the C:> prompt. Directions: 1. Make sure that you are at your C:> prompt. 2. Type: dir format.com (filename. extension) and press return. 3. The screen will display a listing of the file or a file not found message. Check for a Group of Files The * symbol is referred to as a wildcard and stands for any character or group of characters. This is helpful when you want to list files that start with a particular letter or group. Directions: 1. Type: dir c* and press return. 2. All filenames that begin with the letter C will be listed. 3. Press the F3 key. 4. Backspace twice and replace C* with A* and press return. 5. All filenames that begin with the letter A are listed. List Files with the Same Extensions You can also use the wildcard character * to look for a group of files with the same extension. Directions: EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF9PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 9
  • 10. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) 1. Type: dir *.bat and press return. 2. All files with the .bat extension are listed. 3. Press the F3 key. 4. Backspace three times and replace the .bat extension with the .sys extension and press return. 5. All files with the .sys extension should now be listed. Clear the Screen When the screen get full of information, you may want to clear it. To do this, type CLS at the C:> prompt and press return. Create a File with DOS Directions: 1. Type: copy con Quick.ltr and press return. 2. Type this message in the following format: Bob Sales are up 15%. Good Job! Craig 3. Press the F6 function key (^Z) and press return. 4. DOS gives you a message that 1 File(s) has been copied. 5. Type: dir q* and press return. 6. Now you can see the list of files beginning with the letter Q. NOTE: You can also use the COPY command to print a file by typing: copy quick.ltr prn and press return. Copy a File You can use the COPY command to copy one file to another. Directions: 1. Type: copy quick.ltr quick2.ltr and press return. 2. DOS will tell you one file has been copied. 3. Type: dir q* and press return. 4. You should have two files listed with different names. NOTE: Filenames cannot be more than eight characters in length. File extensions cannot be more than three characters in length. Copy a File with a New Extension 10 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 10
  • 11. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) You can also use the COPY command to copy the file with a different filename extension. Directions: 1. Type: copy quick.ltr quick.bac and press return. 2. Type: dir q* and press return. 3. Three files should be listed. Type a File with DOS If you need to check the contents of a particular file or any DOS file, you will need to use the TYPE command. Directions: 1. Type: type quick2.ltr and press return. 2. DOS prints the contents of the file. NOTE: Never use the TYPE command with files that have the .com, .exe, .sys, and .bas extensions. These are program files and will only display junk on the screen. Rename a File The RENAME command lets you rename a previous file with a new name. Directions: 1. Type: ren quick2.ltr sales.ltr and press return. 2. Type: dir *.ltr and press return. 3. DOS lists only two files that have the .ltr extension: quick.ltr and sales.ltr. Rename a Group of Files With the wildcard character *, you can also use the RENAME command to change a group of files. Directions: 1. Type: ren *.ltr *.bob and press return. 2. Type: dir *.bob and press return. 3. You should have two files listed with a .bob extension. 4. Type: dir *.ltr and press return. 5. There should be no files found with .ltr extensions. NOTE: You can also rename a group of files that have the same name but different extensions. Type the RENAME command then the filename followed by the dot and the wildcard, space and then type the new filename followed by a dot and the wildcard character. It will look like this: filename.* newfilename.* Create a Subdirectory 11 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 11
  • 12. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) To create a subdirectory, you will need to use the MAKE DIRECTORY command, a.k.a. MD. The MD command is useful for organizing files on your hard drive. With subdirectories, you can create and store related files together. For example, one subdirectory could be used to store all word processing files and another for all spreadsheet files. Directions: 1. Type: md info and press return. 2. Type: dir *. and press return. 3. Notice the *. will list only the subdirectories. Move to a Subdirectory Once you have created a subdirectory, to move to that directory, you will use the CHANGE DIRECTORY command, a.k.a. CD. Directions: 1. Type: cd info and press return. 2. Type: cd and press return. 3. The name of the directory is listed. Set the DOS Prompt You can set or change the standard system prompt to display the name of the directory or subdirectory you are currently working in. Directions: 1. Type: prompt $p $g and press return. 2. The DOS prompt tells you that you are working in the C directory (drive) and in the Info subdirectory. 3. Type: dir and press return. 4. The single dot stands for the current directory. The double dots stand for the parent directory (root). The dots are often referred to as place markers. Move to the Parent Directory DOS has a quick way to move from the current directory back to the parent directory. Directions: 1. Type: cd.. and press return. 2. You will return back to the C:> prompt. Copy a File into a Subdirectory The COPY command lets you copy files from one directory to another. Directions: 12 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 12
  • 13. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) 1. Type: copy sales.bob info and press return. 2. Type: dir info and press return. 3. Notice that a copy of Sales.bob is copied into the subdirectory Info. The original file is also in the root directory. Copy a Group of Files into a Subdirectory When copying a group of files from the root directory into a subdirectory, it is necessary to use the wildcard character * along with the COPY command. Directions: 1. Type: copy quick.* info and press return. 2. DOS will list the files being copied. 3. Type: dir info and press return. 4. Three files should be listed in the Info subdirectory. List Files in a Subdirectory The CHANGE DIRECTORY, a.k.a. CD, command will let you list files in your subdirectory from your hard drive. Directions: 1. Type: cd info and press return. 2. Type: dir and press return. 3. All files in the Info subdirectory are listed. List Files in the Root from a Subdirectory The DIRECTORY command is also used to get a listing of all the files in the root directory while in a subdirectory. The backslash character represents the root directory. Directions: 1. Type: dir and press return. 2. All the files in the root directory are listed. Select the Directory List To look for a specific filename extension, you can use the SELECTED DIRECTORY command. Directions: 1. Type: dir *.bat and press return. 2. Only the files with the .bat extensions are listed. 3. Press the F3 key. 13 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 13
  • 14. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) 4. Backspace three times. 5. Type: sys and press return. 6. Now only the files with the .sys extensions are listed. List Subdirectories Directions: 1. Type: dir *. and press return. 2. All the subdirectories are listed. NOTE: The backslash character directs DOS to read from the root directory. The *. Requests the listing of the subdirectories. Delete a Single File Periodically it is a good idea to delete files from the hard disk which are no longer needed or used. DOS makes it easy to remove these files with the DELETE command, a.k.a. DEL. Directions: 1. Type: cd.. And press return. 2. The prompt shows you that you are back in the root directory. 3. Type: del sales.bob and press return. 4. Type: dir Sales.bob and press return. 5. Sales.bob is no longer listed because it has been deleted. Delete a Group of Files By using the wildcard character * you can delete a group of files from you hard drive. Directions: 1. Type: del quick.* and press return. 2. Type: dir quick.* and press return. 3. All Quick files have been deleted. Delete all Files in a Subdirectory There are two rules you will need to follow before removing a subdirectory. RULE 1: All files in the subdirectory must be deleted. NOTE: Never type DEL *.* when you are in the root directory. It will destroy all DOS files that are necessary to boot and operate the computer. Directions: 1. Type: cd info and press return. 2. Type: dir and press return. 14 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 14
  • 15. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) 3. Three files should be listed. 4. Type: del *.* and press return. 5. DOS will ask you if you are sure? (Y/N) 6. Type: Y and press enter. Now that your subdirectory is empty, you can delete the subdirectory (see rule 2 below). Remove a Subdirectory RULE 2: You cannot be in the subdirectory that you wish to remove. You will need to return to the root directory (C:> prompt). Directions: 1. Type: cd.. and press return. 2. You should be back in the root directory. 3. Type: rd info and press return. 4. Type: dir *. and press return. 5. Notice that the Info subdirectory is no longer listed. Format a Floppy Disk Before you can use a disk, you must format it. Directions: 1. At the C:> prompt type: format a: 2. The A drive will be the drive that you insert your disk into; hence, the a: after the Format command and press return. 3. You will be prompted with the message: "Insert new diskette for drive A: and press enter when ready." 4. Now insert the disk you wish to format and press return. 5. Once this formatting process is done, the following message will appear: "Format Completed." Then you will be prompted for a volume label. Simply press return again. 6. Now you will be asked if you would like to format another disk (Y/N)? Press N. NOTE: If you receive a message like: "Track 0 bad" or "Disk unusable," your disk may be the wrong capacity. You can get help with this error message by typing: Help Format. Change the Default Drive To change from your hard drive to a floppy drive, you will need to indicate this change as follows: Directions: 1. Put a floppy disk into drive A. 15 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 15
  • 16. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) 2. Type: a: and press return. 3. Your prompt should change to A:> 4. Type: dir and press return. 5. You are now able to see all the files on the floppy. 6. To change back to your hard drive, you will need to reverse this procedure. 7. Type: c: and press return. Now your prompt should be C:> Diskcopy Command Sometimes there is a need to copy all the files on one floppy diskette to another floppy. First you will need a blank formatted disk (refer to section on formatting disks.) Directions: 1. Type: diskcopy a: a: and press return. 2. When asked to put in the source disk, put in the diskette that has the information you want to copy into drive A and press return. 3. Wait a few seconds. When asked to insert a target disk, take out the diskette from drive A and insert the blank floppy disk and press return. 4. Once this process is complete, you will be prompted to write to another duplicate diskette (Y/N). Press N. 5. Then you will be prompted to copy another disk (Y/N)? Press N. NOTE: If your machine has two floppy disk drives, insert the original (source) disk into drive A and the blank (target) disk into drive B. Then type: DISKCOPY A: B: Copying a File from the Hard Drive to a Floppy Disk Sometimes there is a need to copy a file from the hard drive onto a floppy disk. This is helpful if you would like to have an extra copy of a certain file as a backup or to transport the copied file to another computer. Directions: 1. Type: copy <insert filename here> a: and press return. 2. Wait for a few seconds; notice the red light on the floppy drive. Never attempt to remove a disk from the disk drive while this red light is on. 3. To check to see if the file was copied, type a: at the C:> prompt and press return. 4. Type: dir and press return. PC FIRMWARE- The PC BIOS is as old as the PC itself, while the acronym BIOS is even older, dating back to the CP/M operating system. BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) were one of the three primary components of CP/M, the other two being BDOS (Basic Disk Operating System) and CCP (Console Command Processor). Firmware may be defined as software 16 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 16
  • 17. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) residing in (or embedded in) hardware, such as some kind of a programmable read-only memory. Thus, typical BIOS is also a firmware, but every firmware is not considered a BIOS. We shall use the term BIOS for PC firmware. Here may be several pieces of firmware in a computer system, including "really low-level" ones that execute before the user-visible firmware. In a simplified view, we consider the firmware to be the one that is user-visible. We can think of this firmware as sitting atop the hardware. Both the boot loader and the operating system (for certain purposes, at least) interact with the firmware. Unit-2 MICROSOFT-WORD INTRODUCTION WORD PROCESSING WORD PROCESSING - 17 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 17
  • 18. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) Let us consider an office scene. Many letters are typed in the office. The officer dictates a letter. The typist first types a draft copy of the letter. The officer goes through it to check mistakes regarding spelling errors, missing words, etc. and suggests corrections. The typist changes the letter as suggested by the officer. This is a simple example of word processing. There are many software packages to do the job of word processing. Some of them work in DOS environment. Examples are WordStar, Word Perfect and Professional Write. But in these days working in WINDOWS is becoming more and more popular. So let us consider software for word processing which works in WINDOWS. Our choice is MS-WORD because it is the most popular software in these days. MS-WORD is a part of the bigger package called MS OFFICE, which can do much more than word processing. In fact when you open up MS OFFICE you will find four main components in it. They are MS-WORD (for word processing), MS EXCEL (for spreadsheet), MS ACCESS (for database management) and MS POWERPOINT (for presentation purposes). However, we will limit ourselves to MS-WORD only in this lesson. WHAT IS WORD-PROCESSING? Word Processor is a Software package that enables you to create, edit, print and save documents for future retrieval and reference. Creating a document involves typing by using a keyboard and saving it. Editing a document involves correcting the spelling mistakes, if any, deleting or moving words sentences or paragraphs. (a) Advantages of Word Processing - One of the main advantages of a word processor over a conventional typewriter is that a word processor enables you to make changes to a document without retyping the entire document. (b) Features of Word Processing - Most Word Processor available today allows more than just creating and editing documents. They have wide range of other tools and functions, which are used in formatting the documents. The following are the main features of a Word Processor i) Text is typing into the computer, which allows alterations to be made easily. ii) Words and sentences can be inserted, amended or deleted. iii) Paragraphs or text can be copied /moved throughout the document. iv) Margins and page length can be adjusted as desired. v) Spelling can be checked and modified through the spell check facility. vi) Multiple document/files can be merged. vii) Multiple copies of letters can be generated with different addresses through 18 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 18
  • 19. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) the mail-merge facility. A word processor (more formally known as document preparation system) is a computer application used for the production (including composition, editing, formatting, and possibly printing) of any sort of printable material. Word processor may also refer to an obsolete type of stand-alone office machine, popular in the 1970s and 80s, combining the keyboard text-entry and printing functions of an electric typewriter with a dedicated computer for the editing of text. Although features and design varied between manufacturers and models, with new features added as technology advanced, word processors for several years usually featured a monochrome display and the ability to save documents on memory cards or diskettes. Later models introduced innovations such as spell-checking programs, increased formatting options, and dot-matrix printing. As the more versatile combination of a personal computer and separate printer became commonplace, the word processor disappeared. Word processors are descended from early text formatting tools (sometimes called text justification tools, from their only real capability). Word processing was one of the earliest applications for the personal computer in office productivity. Although early word processors used tag-based markup for document formatting, most modern word processors take advantage of a graphical user interface providing some form of What You See Is What You Get editing. Most are powerful systems consisting of one or more programs that can produce any arbitrary combination of images, graphics and text, the latter handled with type-setting capability. Microsoft Word is the most widely used computer word processing system; Microsoft estimates over five hundred million people use the Office suite, which includes Word. There are also many other commercial word processing applications, such as WordPerfect, which dominated the market from the mid-1980s to early-1990s, particularly for machines running Microsoft's MS-DOS operating system. Open-source applications such as Abiword, KWord, LyX and OpenOffice.org Writer are rapidly gaining in popularity.[citation needed] Online word processors such as Google Docs are a relatively new category. A spreadsheet is a computer application that simulates a paper worksheet. It displays multiple cells that together make up a grid consisting of rows and columns, each cell containing either alphanumeric text or numeric values. A spreadsheet cell may alternatively contain a formula that defines how the contents of that cell is to be calculated from the contents of any other cell (or combination of cells) each time any cell is updated. Spreadsheets are frequently used for financial information because of their ability to re-calculate the entire sheet automatically after a change to a single cell is made. GETTING STARTED WITH MS-WORD We have already told you that for working in Ms-Word you should be familiar with 19 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 19
  • 20. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) WINDOWS. If you have not covered WINDOWS so far then read that first and then go through MS-WORD. By now you must be aware of the fact that a software package is improved from time to time. These improvements are sold in the market as new versions of the same software. Thus you will find many versions of MS-WORD being used in different offices. In this lesson we will cover the version MS-WORD 97, which is latest in the market and contain many improvements over the older versions. However, you do not have to worry if you have an older version such as WORD 6.0 or WORD 95. All the commands available in these older versions are also available in WORD 97 and they are compatible. While working in MS-WORD you have to work with a mouse. Also one can work, to some extent, through the keyboard. The use of mouse is simpler as it is fully menu driven. In MS-WORD every command is available in the form of ‘icons’. You can go inside MS-WORD by the following way 1. Take the mouse pointer to START button on the task bar. Click the left mouse button. The monitor will show like as follows: START button TASK BAR click here clock Screen Layout 20 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 20
  • 21. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) Menus - When you begin to explore Word 2000, you will notice a significant change in the menu structure if you are familiar with previous versions of Word. The menus in Word 2000 display only the commands you have recently used. To view all options in each menu, you must click the double arrows at the bottom of the menu. The images below show the Format menu collapsed (left) and expanded (right) after the double arrows at the bottom of the menu were clicked: 21 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 21
  • 22. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) Follow the steps below to display menus similar to previous versions of Word with all the choices listed initially: 1 Select View|Toolbars|Customize from the menu bar. 2 Click on the Options tab. 3 Uncheck the Menus show recently used commands first check box. Shortcut Menus – These features allow you to access various Word commands faster than using the options on the menu bar. View shortcut menus by right-clicking with the mouse. The options on this menu will vary depending on the element that was right-clicked. For example, the shortcut menu below is produced by right-clicking on a bulleted list. 22 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 22
  • 23. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) Actions such as "Decrease Indent" and "Increase Indent" are only applicable to lists and therefore only appear on the list shortcut menu. The shortcut menus are helpful because they only display the options that can be applied to the item that was right-clicked and, therefore, prevent searching through the many menu options. Toolbars Many toolbars displaying shortcut buttons are also available to make editing and formatting quicker and easier. Select View|Toolbars from the menu bar to select the toolbars. The toolbars that are already displayed on the screen are checked. Add a toolbar simply by clicking on the name. Customizing Toolbars There may be certain actions on a toolbar that you do not use and there may also be commands that you execute often but that are not located on any toolbar. Word toolbars can be customized so these commands can be added and deleted. Select View|Toolbars|Customize and click the Commands tab. 23 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 23
  • 24. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) By highlighting the command categories in the Categories box, the choices will change in the Commands box to the right. • Select the command you would like to add to the toolbar by selecting it in the Commands box. • Drag the command with the mouse to the desired location on the toolbar and release the mouse button. • Remove a button from the toolbar by clicking and dragging the button off the toolbar 2. FILES Creating and Opening Documents There are several ways to create new documents, open existing documents, and save documents in Word: Create a New Document 1 Click the New Document button on the menu bar. 2 Choose File|New from the menu bar. 3 Press CTRL+N (depress the CTRL key while pressing "N") on the keyboard. Open an Existing Document 1Click the Open File button on the menu bar. 2Choose File|Open from the menu bar. 3Press CTRL+O on the keyboard. 4Each method will show the Open dialog box. Choose the file and click the Open button. 24 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 24
  • 25. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) Save a Document 1 Click the Save button on the menu bar. 2 Select File|Save from the menu bar. 3 Press CTRL+S on the keyboard. Renaming Documents To rename a Word document while using the program, select File|Open and find the file you want to rename. Right-click on the document name with the mouse and select Rename from the shortcut menu. Type the new name for the file and press the ENTER key. Working on Multiple Documents - Several documents can be opened simultaneously if you are typing or editing multiple 25 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 25
  • 26. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) documents at once. All open documents are listed under the Window menu as shown below. The current document has a checkmark beside the file name. Select another name to view another open document or click the button on the Windows taskbar at the bottom of the screen. Close a Document Close the current document by selecting File|Close or click the Close icon if it's visible on the Standard Toolbar. TEXT Typing and Inserting Text To enter text, just start typing! The text will appear where the blinking cursor is located. Move the cursor by using the arrow buttons on the keyboard or positioning the mouse and clicking the left button. The keyboard shortcuts listed below are also helpful when moving through the text of a document: Selecting Text To change any attributes of text it must be highlighted first. Select the text by dragging the mouse over the desired text while keeping the left mouse button depressed, or hold down the SHIFT key on the keyboard while using the arrow buttons to highlight the text. The following table contains shortcuts for selecting a portion of the text: 26 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 26
  • 27. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) Deselect the text by clicking anywhere outside of the selection on the page or press an arrow key on the keyboard. Deleting Text Use the BACKSPACE and DELETE keys on the keyboard to delete text. Backspace will delete text to the left of the cursor and Delete will erase text to the right. To delete a large selection of text, highlight it using any of the methods outlined above and press the DELETE key. Formatting Text - The formatting toolbar is the easiest way to change many attributes of text. If the toolbar as shown below isn't displayed on the screen, select View|Toolbars and choose Formatting. Style Menu - Styles are explained in detail later in this tutorial. Font Face - Click the arrowhead to the right of the font name box to view the list of fonts available. Scroll down to the font you want and select it by clicking on the name once with the mouse. A serif font (one with "feet" circled in the illustration below) is recommended for paragraphs of text that will be printed on paper as they are most readable. The following graphic demonstrates the difference between serif (Times New Roman on the left) and sans-serif ("no feet", Arial on the right) fonts. Font Size - Click on the white part of the font size box to enter a value for the font 27 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 27
  • 28. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) size or click the arrowhead to the right of the box to view a list of font sizes available. Select a size by clicking on it once. A font size of 10 or 12 is best for paragraphs of text. Font Style - Use these buttons to bold, italicize, and underline text. Alignment - Text can be aligned to the left, center, or right side of the page or it can be justified across the page. Numbered and Bulleted Lists - Lists are explained in detail later in this tutorial. Increase/Decrease Indent - Change the indentation of a paragraph in relation to the side of the page. Outside Border - Add a border around a text selection. Highlight Color - Use this option to change the color behind a text selection. The color shown on the button is the last color used. To select a different color, click the arrowhead next to the image on the button. Text Color - This option changes the color of the text. The color shown on the button is the last color chosen. Click the arrowhead next to the button image to select another color. The Font dialog box allows you to choose from a larger selection of formatting options. Select Format|Font from the menu bar to access the box Format Painter A handy feature for formatting text is the Format Painter located on the standard toolbar. For example, if you have formatting a paragraph heading with a certain font face, size, and style and you want to format another heading the same way, you do not need to manually add each attribute to the new headline. Instead, use the Format Painter by following these steps: 28 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 28
  • 29. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) • Place the cursor within the text that contains the formatting you want to copy. • Click the Format Painter button in the standard toolbar. Notice that your pointer now has a paintbrush beside it. • Highlight the text you want to add the same format to with the mouse and release the mouse button. To add the formatting to multiple selections of text, double-click the Format Painter button instead of clicking once. The format painter then stays active until you press the ESC key to turn it off. Undo Feel free to experiment with various text styles. You can always undo your last action by clicking the Undo button on the standard toolbar or selecting Edit|Undo... from the menu bar. Click the Redo button on the standard toolbar or select Edit|Redo... to erase the undo action. FORMATTING PARAGRAPHS Paragraph Attributes Format a paragraph by placing the cursor within the paragraph and selecting Format|Paragraph from the menu.bar Moving (Cutting) Text Highlight the text that will be moved and select Edit|Cut from the menu bar, click the Cut button on the standard tool bar, or press CTRL+X at once. This will move the text to a clipboard. To move a small amount of text a short distance, the drag-and-drop method may be quicker. Highlight the text you want to move, click the selection with the mouse, drag the selection to the new location, and release the mouse button. Copying Text 29 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 29
  • 30. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) To copy text, choose Edit|Copy, click the Copy button on the standard toolbar, or press CTRL+C to copy the text to the clipboard. Paste Text To paste cut or copied text, move the cursor to the location you want to move the text to and select Edit|Paste from the menu bar, click the Paste button on the standard toolbar, or press CTRL+V. The Clipboard The last 12 elements that were cut or copied are placed onto Word's clipboard. You can view the elements on the clipboard by selecting View|Toolbars|Clipboard from the menu bar. Place the mouse arrow over each element in the clipboard to view the contents of each item and click on an element to add its contents to the document. Click Paste All to add all of the items to the document at once. Click the Clear Clipboard button (the icon with an "X" over the clipboard image) to clear the contents of the clipboard. For more column options, select Format|Columns from the menu bar. The Columns dialog box allows you to choose the properties of the columns. Select the number and width of the columns from the dialog box. 30 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 30
  • 31. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) Drop Caps A drop cap is a large letter that begins a paragraph and drops through several lines of text as shown below. Add a drop cap to a paragraph by following these steps: 1 Place the cursor within the paragraph whose first letter will be dropped. 2 Select Format Drop Cap from the menu bar. 3 The Drop Cap dialog box allows you to select the position of the drop cap, the font, the number of lines to drop, and the distance from the body text. Click OK when all selections have been made. To modify a drop cap, select Format|Drop Cap again to change the attributes, or click on the letter and use the handles to move and resize the letter. 31 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 31
  • 32. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SPELLING AND GRAMMAR AutoCorrect Word automatically corrects many commonly misspelled words and punctuation marks with the AutoCorrect feature. To view the list of words that are automatically corrected, select Tools Autocorrect. This may be a hidden feature so click the double arrows at the bottom of the Tools menu listing if the AutoCorrect choice is not listed. Many options including the accidental capitalization of the first two letters of a word and capitalization of the first word of the sentence can be automatically corrected from this page. If there are words you often misspell, enter the wrong and correct spellings in the Replace and With fields. Spelling and Grammar Check Word will automatically check for spelling and grammar errors as you type unless you turn this feature off. Spelling errors are noted in the document with a red underline. Grammar errors are indicated by a green underline. To disable this feature, select Tools|Options from the menu bar and click the Spelling and Grammar tab on the dialog box. Uncheck "Check spelling as you type" and "Check grammar as you type", and click OK. To use the spelling and grammar checker, follow these steps: 32 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 32
  • 33. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) • Select Tools|Spelling and Grammar from the menu bar. • The Spelling and Grammar dialog box will notify you of the first mistake in the document and misspelled words will be highlighted in red. the word appears more than once in the document. • If the word is spelled incorrectly, choose one of the suggested spellings in the Suggestions box and click the Change button or Change All button to correct all occurrences of the word in the document. If the correct spelling is not suggested, enter the correct spelling in the Not In Dictionary box and click the Change button. • If the word is spelled correctly and will appear in many documents you type (such as your name), click the Add button to add the word to the dictionary so it will no longer appear as a misspelled word. • As long as the Check Grammar box is checked in the Spelling and Grammar dialog box, Word will check the grammar of the document in addition to the spelling. If you do not want the grammar checked, remove the checkmark from this box. Otherwise, follow these steps for correcting grammar: • If Word finds a grammar mistake, it will be shown in the box as the spelling errors. The mistake is highlighted in green text. 33 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 33
  • 34. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) Several suggestions may be given in the Suggestions box. Select the correction that best applies and click Change. If no correction is needed (Word is often wrong more than it is right), click the Ignore button. Synonyms Word 2000 has a new feature for finding synonyms. Simply right-click on the word and select Synonyms from the shortcut menu. From the list of suggested words, highlight the word you would like to use or click Thesaurus... for more options. Thesaurus 34 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 34
  • 35. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) To use the thesaurus, select Tools|Language|Thesaurus from the menu bar or select it from the Synonyms shortcut menu as detailed above. A list of meanings and synonyms are given on the windows. Double-click on the words in the Meanings box or click the Look Up button to view similar words. Double-click words in the Replace with Synonym box to view synonyms of those words. Highlight the word you would like to add and click the Replace button. STYLES The use of styles in Word will allow you to quickly format a document with a consistent and professional look. Paragraph and character styles can be saved for use in many documents. 35 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 35
  • 36. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) Applying a Style 1 Place the cursor in the paragraph where the style will be applied. 2 Click the Style drop-down menu on the Formatting toolbar and select a style by clicking on it. 3 To apply the same style to multiple paragraphs, double click the Format Painter button on the standard toolbar and click in all the paragraphs that the style should be applied to. Press the ESC key to disable the Format Painter. Apply a Style from the Style Dialog Box Choose from a larger selection of styles from the Style dialog box. 1 Click in the paragraph you want to add a style to. 2 Select Format|Style... from the menu bar. 3 From the List drop-down menu, choose All styles to view all the styles available. 4 The styles are displayed in the Styles list. Preview each style by clicking once on the name. Paragraph styles are preceded by the paragraph symbol () and character styles are preceded by an "a" icon (). A pointer arrow is located next to the current style. Highlight the style you want to apply to the paragraph and click Apply. Create a New Style from a Model To create a style from text that is already formatted in a document, follow these steps: 1 Place the cursor in the paragraph you would like to set as a new style. 2 Click the Style box on the formatting toolbar so the style name is highlighted. 36 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 36
  • 37. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) 2 Create a Simple Style from the Style Dialog Box Select Format|Style... from the menu bar and click the New button on the Style dialog box to access the New Style dialog box. • Type the name for the new style in the Name field. • Select "Paragraph" or "Character" from the Style type drop-down menu. • Click the Format button at the bottom of the window and choose the paragraph element that will be formatted for the style. Continue to make changes from the options from the Format button menu, making changes to the dialog boxes for each element you choose. 37 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 37
  • 38. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) • Click OK to set the style and close the New Style dialog box. • Click Apply on the Style dialog box to apply the new style to the current paragraph. Modify or Rename a Style • An existing style can be changed from the Style dialog box. • Select Format|Style... from the menu bar. • Highlight the style from the Styles list that you want to modify and click the Modify button. Delete a Style Preset styles created by Word cannot be deleted, but to delete a style you have made, follow these steps: 1 Select Format|Style... from the menu bar 2 Highlight the style from the Styles list that you want to delete. 3 Click the Delete button. 4 You will be asked if you really want to delete the style. Click Yes. 5  Click Close on the dialog box. LISTS To create a bulleted or numbered list, use the list features provided by Word. Bulleted and Numbered Lists 1Click the Bulleted List button or Numbered List button on the formatting toolbar. 2 Type the first entry and press ENTER. This will create a new bullet or number on the next line. If you want to start a new line without adding another bullet or number, hold 38 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 38
  • 39. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) down the SHIFT key while pressing ENTER. 3 Continue to typing entries and press ENTER twice when you are finished typing to end the list. 4 Use the Increase Indent and Decrease Indent buttons on the formatting toolbar to create lists of multiple levels. NOTE: You can also type the text first, highlight the section, and press the Bulleted List or Numbered List buttons to add the bullets or numbers. Nested Lists To create a nested list, such as a numbered list inside of a bulleted list, follow these steps: 4Type the list and increase the indentation of the items that will make up the nested list by clicking the Increase Indent button for each item. Formatting Lists The bullet image and numbering format can be changed by using the Bullets and Numbering dialog box. 5Highlight the entire list to change all the bullets or numbers, or Place the cursor on one line within the list to change a single bullet. 6Access the dialog box by selecting Format|Bullets and Numbering from the menu bar or by right-clicking within the list and selecting Bullets and Numbering from the shortcut menu. 39 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 39
  • 40. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) • Select the list style from one of the seven choices given, or click the Picture... button to choose a different icon. Click the Numbered tab to choose a numbered list style. • Click OK when finished. GRAPHICS Adding Clip Art To add a clip art image from the Microsoft library to a document, follow these steps: Select Insert|Picture|Clip Art from the menu bar. 1To find an image, click in the white box following Search for clips. Delete the words "Type one or more words. . ." and enter keywords describing the image you want to use. - OR - Click one of the category icons. 40 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 40
  • 41. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) 1Click once on the image you want to add to the document and the following popup menu will appear: 1Insert Clip to add the image to the document. 1Preview Clip to view the image full-size before adding it to the document. Drag the bottom, right corner of the preview window to resize the image and click the 2"x" close button to end the preview Add Clip to Favorites will add the selected image to your favorites directory that can be chosen from the Insert ClipArt dialog box. 1Find Similar Clips will retrieve images similar to the one you have chosen. 1 Continue selecting images to add to the document and click the Close button in the top, right corner of the Insert ClipArt window to stop adding clip art to the document. 41 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 41
  • 42. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) 2Add An Image from a File 3Follow these steps to add a photo or graphic from an existing file: 4 Select Insert|Picture|From File on the menu bar. 5 Click the down arrow button on the right of the Look in: window to find the image on your computer. 6 Highlight the file name from the list and click the Insert button Editing A Graphic Activate the image you wish to edit by clicking on it once with the mouse. Nine handles will appear around the graphic. Click and drag these handles to resize the image. The handles on the corners will resize proportionally while the handles on the straight lines will stretch the image. More picture effects can be changed using the Picture toolbar. The Picture toolbar should appear when you click on the image. Otherwise, select View|Toolbars|Picture from the menu bar to activate it. Insert Picture will display the image selection window and allows you to change the 42 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 42
  • 43. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) image. 1 Image Control allows to to make the image grayscale, black and white, or a watermark. 2More/Less Contrast modifies the contrast between the colors of the image. 3 More/Less Brightness will darken or brighten the image. 4Click Crop and drag the handles on the activated image to delete outer portions of the image. 5 Line Style will add a variety of borders to the graphic. 6Text wrapping will modify the way the document text wraps around the graphic. 7Format Picture displays all the image properties in a separate window. 8 Reset Picture will delete all the modifications made to the image. 9Auto Shapes 10The AutoShapes toolbar will allow you to draw many different geometrical shapes, arrows, flow chart symbols, stars, and banners on the document. Activate the AutoShapes toolbar by selecting Insert|Picture|AutoShapes or View|Toolbars|AutoShapes from the menu bar, or clicking the AutoShapes button on the Drawing toolbar. Click each button on the toolbar to view the options for drawing the shape. Lines - After clicking the Lines button on the AutoShapes toolbar, draw a straight line, arrow, or double-ended arrow from the first row of options by clicking the respective button. Click in the document where you would like the line to begin and click again where it should end. To draw a curved line or freeform shape, select curved lines from the menu (first and second buttons of second row), click in the document where the line should appear, and click the mouse every time a curve should begin. End creating the graphic by clicking on the starting end or pressing the ESC key. To scribble, click the last button in the second row, click the mouse in the document and hold down the left button while you draw the design. Let go of the mouse button to stop drawing. Basic Shapes - Click the Basic Shapes button on the AutoShapes toolbar to select from many two- and three-dimensional shapes, icons, braces, and brackets. Use the drag-and-drop method to draw the shape in the document. When the shape has been made, it can be resized using the open box handles and other 43 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 43
  • 44. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) adjustments specific to each shape can be modified using the yellow diamond handles. Block Arrows - Select Block Arrows to choose from many types of two- and three- dimensional arrows. Drag-and-drop the arrow in the document and use the open box and yellow diamond handles to adjust the arrowheads. Each AutoShape can also be rotated by first clicking the Free Rotate button on the drawing toolbar . Click and drag the green handles around the image to rotate it. The tree image below was created from an arrow rotated 90 degrees. Flow Chart - Choose from the flow chart menu to add flow chart elements to the document and use the line menu to draw connections between the elements. 1Stars and Banners - Click the button to select stars, bursts, banners, and scrolls. 2Call Outs - Select from the speech and thought bubbles, and line call outs. Enter the call out text in the text box that is made. 3More AutoShapes - Click this button to choose from a list of clip art categories. 4 Each of the submenus on the AutoShapes toolbar can become a separate toolbar. Just click and drag the gray bar across the top of the submenus off of the toolbar and it will become a separate floating toolbar. 44 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 44
  • 45. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) PAGE FORMATTING Page Margins The page margins of the document can be changed using the rulers on the page and the Page Setup window. The ruler method is discussed first: Move the mouse over the area where the white ruler changes to gray. When the cursor becomes a double-ended arrow, click with the mouse and drag the margin indicator to the desired location. 1Release the mouse when the margin is set. 2The margins can also be changed using the Page Setup dialog box: 3Select File|Page Setup and choose the Margins tab in the dialog box. 45 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 45
  • 46. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) Enter margin values in the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right boxes. The Preview window will reflect the changes. 1If the document has Headers and/or Footers, the distance this text appears from the edge of the page can be changed. 2 Click OK when finished. Page Size and Orientation 1Change the orientation page within the Page Setup dialog box. 2Select File|Page Setup and choose the Paper Size tab. 46 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 46
  • 47. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) Select the proper paper size from the drop-down menu. Change the orientation from Portrait or Landscape by checking the corresponding radio button. Headers and Footers A header is text that is added to the top margin of every page such as a document title or page number and footer is text added to the bottom margin. Follow these steps to add or edit headers and footers in the document: Select View|Header and Footer from the menu bar. The Header and Footer toolbar will appear and the top of the page will be highlighted as shown below. 1 Type the heading in the Header box. You may use many of the standard text formatting options such as font face, size, bold, italics, etc. 1 Click the Insert AutoText button to view a list of quick options available. 2 Use the other options on the toolbar to add page numbers, the current date and time. 47 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 47
  • 48. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) 3 To edit the footer; click the Switch between Header and Footer button on the toolbar. 4 When you are finished adding headers and footers, click the Close button on the toolbar. Page Numbers Follow these instructions for another way to add page numbers to a document. ���Select Insert|Page Numbers from the menu bar and the following dialog box will appear. Select the position of the page numbers by choosing "Top of page" or "Bottom of page" from the Position drop-down menu. 1 Select the alignment of the page numbers in the Alignment drop-down menu. 2 If you do not want the page number to show on the first page (if it is a title page, for example), uncheck the Show number of first page box. 3 Click OK when finished. Print Preview and Printing Preview your document by clicking the Print Preview button on the standard toolbar or by selecting File|Print Preview. When the document is ready to print, click the Print button from the Print Preview screen or select File Print. TABLES Tables are used to display data and there are several ways to build them in Word. Begin by placing the cursor where you want the table to appear in the document and choose one of the following methods. Insert a Table There are two ways to add a table to the document using the Insert feature: 48 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 48
  • 49. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) 1Click the Insert Table button on the standard toolbar. Drag the mouse along the grid, highlighting the number of rows and columns for the table. Or, select Table|Insert|Table from the menu bar. Select the number of rows and columns for the table and click OK. 49 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 49
  • 50. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) Draw the Table A table can also be drawn onto the document: 1Draw the table by selecting Table|Draw Table from the menu bar. The cursor is now the image of a pencil and the Tables and Borders toolbar has appeared. 2Button and drag the mouse over the area to be deleted. 3 To draw more cells, click on the Draw Table button. Inserting Rows and Columns Once the table is drawn, insert additional rows by placing the cursor in the row you want to be adjacent to. Select Table|Insert|Rows Above or Rows Below. Or, select an entire row and right-click with the mouse. Choose Insert Rows from the shortcut menu. Much like inserting a row, add a new column by placing the cursor in a cell adjacent to where the new column will be added. Select Table|Insert|Columns to the Left or Columns to the Right. Or, select the column, right-click with the mouse, and select Insert Columns. Moving and Resizing a Table A four-sided moving arrow and open box resizing handle will appear on the corners of the table if the mouse is placed over the table. Click and drag the four-ended arrow to move the table and release the mouse button when the table is positioned where you want it. Click and drag the open box handle to resize the table. Change the column widths and row heights by clicking the cell dividers and dragging them with the mouse. 50 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 50
  • 51. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) Tables and Borders Toolbar The Tables and Borders toolbar allows you to add border styles, shading, text effects, alignment, and more options to your table. Access the toolbar by clicking Table|Draw Table or View|Toolbars|Tables and Borders. You will need to highlight the cells of the table you want to format. Click and drag the mouse over the cells, or use the following shortcuts: Table Properties 51 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 51
  • 52. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) Use the Table Properties dialog box to modify the alignment of the table with the body text and the text within the table. Access the box by selecting Tables|Table Properties Size - Check the Preferred width box and enter a value if the table should be an exact width. Alignment - Highlight the illustration that represents the alignment of the table in relation to the text of the document. Text wrapping - Highlight "None" if the table should appear on a separate line from the text or choose "Around" if the text should wrap around the table. Borders and Shading – Select from a number of border styles, colors, and widths. Click the Shading tab to 52 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 52
  • 53. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) change the background color and pattern. Options - Click the Options button on the Table Properties window. To change the spacing between the document text and the table borders under Default cell margins. Check the Allow spacing between cells box and enter a value to add space between the table cells. 53 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 53
  • 54. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) TABLE OF CONTENTS Word will automatically create a Table of Contents page if a document is designed using Heading and Paragraph styles (see the Styles section). Follow the steps on this page to create a Table of Contents. Mark Table of Contents Entries 1 Highlight a heading that you would like to appear in the Table of Contents (TOC). 1 Press ALT+SHIFT+O and the Mark Table of Contents Entry box will appear. Entry - Rename the entry if you would like a different heading to appear in the TOC. 7 Table identifier - Select "C". 8 Level - Choose "1" for first-level heading, "2" for second-level heading, etc. 9 Click the Mark button. 10 The document will be toggled to "reveal codes" view and notice the TOC field code. To hide all codes click the Show/Hide codes button on the standard toolbar. 11 Select another heading to add to the TOC, or click the Close button on the Mark Table of Contents Entry dialog box. 12 Generate a Table of Contents 13 After you have marked all the headings for your TOC, follow these steps to generate the Table of Contents. 14 Place the cursor where you would like the TOC to appear in the document. 54 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 54
  • 55. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) 15 Select Insert|Index and Tables from the menu bar. ��� Customize the appearance of the TOC from the Table of Contents tab. You may choose a preset design from the Formats drop-down menu. A preview of each design will be shown in the Print Preview window. 1 Check the Show page numbers box if you would like page numbers to show on the TOC. Check the Right align page numbers box if the page numbers should appear on the right side, then select the Tab leader between the heading and the page number. Uncheck the box if the page numbers should appear right next to the heading. 2 Click OK. MACROS Macros are advanced features that can speed up editing or formatting you may perform often in a Word document. They record sequences of menu selections that you choose so that a series of actions can be completed in one step. Recording A Macro To record a macro, follow these steps: 55 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 55
  • 56. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) Click Tools|Macro|Record New Macro on the menu bar. Name the macro in the Macro name field. This name cannot contain spaces and or begin with a number. 1 From the Store macro in drop-down box, select the document you would like the macro to be associated with or choose "All Documents" be able to use the macro in any document. 2 Enter a description of the macro in the Description field. This is for your reference only so you remember what the macro does. 3 Click OK to begin recording. 4 Select options from the drop-down menus and Word will record the options you choose from the dialog boxes, such as changing the margins on the Page Setup window. Select only options that modify the document. Word will not record toggle actions such as View|Toolbars that have no effect on the document itself. 5 The recording toolbar will allow you to stop, pause, and resume recording. Click the Stop button the recording toolbar. The macro is now saved. 56 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 56
  • 57. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) Running A Macro To run an existing macro, follow these steps. 1 Select Tools|Macro|Macros from the menu bar. 2 From the Macros window, highlight the Macro name in the list and click Run. If the macro is long and you want to stop it while it is running, press BREAK (hold CTRL and press PAUSE). Mail Merge Creating the Data Source for Merges Description This lesson begins with a brief discussion of why you would want to use the mail merge feature in Microsoft Word 2000. However, the bulk of the lesson addresses creating the data source document, entering information using the "Data Form" dialog box, how to 57 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 57
  • 58. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) locate records to edit and delete them, and how to sort information in the data source. You will also look briefly at working with the data in the main document window as a table. Why Use the Mail Merge Feature If you need to send similar (or identical) letters to a group of people, or need to create a list of people who will receive a newsletter or flier, you will probably want to use the mail merge feature. You might be sending out thank you letters for people who helped with a workshop or meeting; composing "rejection" letters at the end of a search process; creating a file of people who will receive monthly mailings during the course of a project; or printing name tags for a conference. Basically, to merge you need to create a data source document and a related form, called the mail merge main document. The main document can be a letter, envelope, mailing label, or another type of document which references the data source. The last step is to combine or merge these two documents into a new document. Even if you are sending a similar letter to a unique list of people who you will not need to contact again, it is faster to use the mail merge feature. The alternative—to write one letter, print it, change the address, print the second letter, and so forth—is a rather time consuming task. Also, most offices and professionals have a clientele list that is used many times throughout the year, or from one year to the next. This certainly is a job for the mail merge feature. Comments on the Information Used in a Data Source File The information used in a merge—the names and addresses used to produce the form letter or the mailing labels—is stored in a document called the data source. The term data source comes from database type of software, like dBase, Access, or Paradox. Data means information. The data source is made up of records—a group of related information like information about one person. Each record, in turn, is made up of fields, like a person's name, address, and phone number. The first row in a data source is called the header row. The header row is made up of a list of field names. Word provides a list of commonly used field names; you can add or remove names from that list to develop the header row for your data source. For most of the exercises in this three-part workshop, we will tell you what fields and field names to use, so everyone will be working with the same data source. This is the data source structure you will use with this lesson series: FirstName First and last names must be separate so you can sort by last name and use the first name by itself in the salutation. LastName Company This field can be blank. Address1 Mailing address. City 58 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 58
  • 59. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) State We will be using the two letter state abbreviation. PostalCode This could be a 5 digit zip code, but where possible, start collecting the zip+4 codes in your own files. At some point you may be required by the United States Postal Service to use the zip+4 on your mailings. WorkPhone Subject This will be a field in which you enter a 'keyword," appropriate to your area of work. With this field you can store all the contacts in one file, since sometimes you mail to everyone, but other times target those people who might be interested in a special topic. To create the data source, click on the [Create] button. A drop-down list appears with four options: Form Letters, Mailing Labels, Envelopes and Catalog. 4. Select the type of main document you eventually intend to create. You may change your selection later if you plan to use the data source for more than one type of merged document. 5. Select [Active Window] to use the current screen. 59 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 59
  • 60. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) Create The Data Source The next step is to identify or create the data source. Click on the [Get Data] button in the Mail Merge Helper and, for now, choose Create Data Source. If you already have a data source, you can open it, or you can use data from address book entries (ex. Outlook). In the "Create Data Source" dialog box, the "Field Names in Header Row" window lists commonly used field names. Remember, each field is a category of information. If you do not want to use the default field names, you may either delete listed fields or add new ones. To remove a field from the given listing, highlight the field name and click on [Remove Field Name]. To add a field not in the default listing, type the new field name in the "Field Name" window and click on [Add Field Name]. Field names must be one word. When you add a new field name it is placed at the end of the list. To reposition it in the list, highlight the field name, then click the up and down arrows you see at the right of the field names list. Exercise 1 Click the [New] button on the standard toolbar or select FILE, New and choose Blank Document to get a new document window. Select TOOLS, Mail Merge, and click once on the [Create] button. Choose Form Letters from the drop-down list and click on [Active Window] to work with the existing blank screen. Now click on [Get Data] and choose Create Data Source. The "Create Data Source" dialog box appears. Add and remove fields from the field name list provided so that your list contains only the following field names. For example, the first listed field is "Title." Highlight that in the list of fields, and then click [Remove Field]. Go down to "JobTitle" and highlight that field, and again click [Remove Field]. Continue deleting until you have this listing: FirstName LastName Company Address1 City State PostalCode WorkPhone Subject 60 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 60
  • 61. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) To add the last field, type in the field name in the "Field Name" window and then click on [Add Field Name]. NOTE: Field names must be less than 40 characters, cannot contain spaces or begin with a number. No two fields may have the same name nor may they contain characters that you cannot put in a filename, such as periods, commas, slashes, backslashes or colons. If you enter an invalid character, the [Add Field Name] button will remain inoperable until the error is corrected. Click on the [OK] button. The "Save As" dialog box immediately appears. Name the file "2001 contacts" and click [Save]. This file will be saved with the default extension ".doc." The default folder that will be used is My Documents. It is okay to use this folder or place your files in any folder area of your choice. The next screen gives you the option of entering data or working on the main document form. Click on [Edit Data Source] so that you can view the "Data Form" dialog box while you read the next section. 61 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 61
  • 62. EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) Using the Data Entry Form Immediately after you save the header list you prepared in the "Create Data Source" dialog box, you may choose [Edit Data Source] to enter data. The "Data Form" dialog box that opens is essentially an attempt to make your word processor look more like a database program. Using this data entry form, it is easy to remember what data goes where. You will see the field names at the left of the window. Type in each piece of data in the appropriate window. You can press <Enter> or <Tab> to go to the next field. If you make a mistake, use your normal keystrokes to correct it, or drag the field with the mouse to select it, and type over the incorrect data. If you press <Enter> after typing the information for the last field in one record, a blank data entry form appears. You can also click on the [Add New] button to go to a blank form. The United States Post Office (USPS) is getting increasingly fussy about how addresses are displayed on envelopes and mailing labels, because of automatic scanners. For example, they do not want any punctuation marks and they want all uppercase letters. However, since we want to create a letter as one of the forms, we cannot capitalize all letters as we type. In Lesson 2, you will learn an easy way to capitalize all letters on envelopes and labels. We are using USPS approved abbreviations for street designators; a complete list of these will be posted separately. Exercise 2 Using the "Data Form" dialog box, type in these records. If you press <Enter> to go from field to field, Word will go to a new form screen after the last field. Record 1 FirstName Mary LastName Peterson Company Kodak Fruit and Vegetables Address1 715 N Park Ave City Tucson State AZ PostalCode 85719-5037 62 EDUPROZ INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES (YOUR EDUCATION YOUR WAY) SEC-7, DWARKA 62