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Network System Access Server ( Nas )
The network policy properties permit to indicate whether the strategy is empowered, or whether the
approach concedes or denies access, and whether a particular system association technique, or kind of
network system access server (NAS), is required for association of demands. Our properties
additionally permit to determine whether the dial in properties of client records are disregarded
3. VPN (Virtual private network):
This policy provides the remote access guide lines for our company. This policy is in availability for
all the contractors, employees, and consultants and it is also available for all the third party users and
these should have the valid validation to get connected to the VPN with the available IP address. In
additional there are some important points to get known are.
Employees are responsible for not accessing the internal network third party
At the point when effectively associated with the corporate system, VPNs will constrain all movement
to and from the PC
The network operational employees will setup the ip address and these are managed by those people.
By utilizing VPN innovation with individual, clients must comprehend that their machines are a truly
accessed by the system, and in that position they are liable to the same guidelines and regulations
Any representative found to have disregarded this approach might be liable to disciplinary activity, up
to and including end of work
4. Security server:
Every single server conveyed at our
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Food Deserts
Essay Two: Americans and Food We all have heard the old English proverb An apple a day will keep
the doctor away . Applied in a more general or wide perspective it means that eating nutritious foods
will make you healthier. This is one reason why it is so sad that more than 23 million Americans,
including 6.5 million children, live in low income urban neighborhoods that are more than a mile
away from a supermarket or in urban areas that are more than ten miles in rural (Croft). The USDA
defines food deserts as parts of the country where fresh fruit, vegetables and other healthful whole
foods, are limited usually in impoverished areas. This paper addresses (1) Lack of access to fresh
produce and problems that stem from this lack ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Grasso was able to purchase and use the land to construct Baker s Shopping Center that contains a
ShopRite supermarket. Jeff Brown of Brown Super Stores is part of the ShopRite franchise. He tried a
different approach by asking the community what they wanted in a supermarket. He was educated in
what it takes to change shopping and eating patterns in the food desert The government has programs
to lower costs and encourage companies to try their luck in these food deserts . Brown originally
sought funding from Pennsylvania s Fresh Food Financing Initiative. Brown persuaded the
transportation authority to schedule a bus line near his store. Other services available in store include a
credit union, staff nutritionists, social workers and health clinic.
Food banks are non profit warehouses for food and other products that are distributed to food relief
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Women s Roles In Medieval Japan
1. The geography of Medieval Japan consisted of gardens for tea. The civilians would create burial
grounds for deaths of their leaders. This was similar to the pyramids of Egypt. As for something not
man made is the very mountainous land. There were plenty of rivers as well. These separated the
people apart from each other and kept things more secluded. The seclusion kept people apart so there
were different ideas which at times would cause the government some trouble whilst trying to keep
things under control. The climate in Japan was not very hot or very cold it would snow and there
would be a lot of heat but not all year around, it d change with the seasons. Most of the land also wasn
t fertile for agriculture but they still managed with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There were many religions/philosophy during Medieval Japan. There were eight religions that affected
Ancient Japan and their development. Christianity, Buddhism, Shintoism, are three of the eight that
has shaped Japan s history and as well as examples of religions that we have researched. Christianity
didn t really affect Japan up until the medieval era ended and wasn t brought over until European
peoples traveled to Japan. That leaves Buddhism and Shintoism. Shintoism is known as their first and
official religion. No one really knows where the origin of Shinto came from but it impacted the
development of historical Japan. A tradition that involves the Shinto shrine is after the birth of a baby,
it is named after three days, then after about a month old, and the baby is brought to the Shinto shrine
to officially become the member of the community. Shinto was also known as the way of the gods and
those who worshipped Shintoism seldom asked about existing with the nature or who the world was
formed. In Shinto, there was something known as kami, or god(s); though in some cases kami can also
be translated into appearance where it can be human, nature, or an unmovable object. The men and
women were devoted to the kami. The kami is believed to have formed the earth and has a relationship
with nature. Worshipping Shintoism was rather simple and a family affair; meaning that you were to
worship with your family at the right place (which is usually in shrines) and time, together.
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World War II Project Essay
Kevin Shen Ms. Rosen Period.7 1/19/2015 World War II Project Essay Rommel is well respected for
his tactical skill on the battlefield. Given open terrain and the ability to maneuver, Rommel was a
highly successful commander who was able to outmaneuver or overcome the strengths of his enemies.
This character was shaped by his willingness to put himself in danger, specifically the front line. The
first time he shines is in the Battle of France, his forces were attacked by enemy troops near the town
Arras. The heavily armored British tank were too well protected for the standard German anti tank
weapons of the time. To break the British attack, Rommel established a gun line Flak batteries which
could take out the tanks. In addition, his division moved with such speed and seemed to come out of
nowhere in the battle seemed would earn the division the nickname Ghost Division, His best
campaign was in Africa, where he with a largely Italian troops would drive the British from Benghazi
to El Alamein. Here, with his skills in moving the troops was able to outflank and inflict heavy
casualties on an enemy force that outnumbered him greatly and generally had more high quality troops
available to them than were available to Rommel. In Tunisia, he would also route enemy units in the
Battle of Kasserine Pass and achieved such a military success that he could have broken Eisenhower s
whole army forces in one fell swoop and extend the African campaign by months.
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The Tortula Curtain Analysis
With immigration a hot topic in modern media, novels like T.C. Boyle s The Tortilla Curtain are
helpful texts for discussion. The Tortilla Curtain is a satiric approach to addressing the immigration
problem of the United States, as well as addressing the racism and xenophobia perpetuated by white
Americans living close to the border with Mexico. The novel revolves around two contrasting couples:
white liberals Delaney and Kyra Mossbacher, who lead cushy lives of ignorance and luxury in the
Arroyo Blanco Estates, and Mexican immigrants Cándido and América Rincón, who live in the actual
canyon of Topanga Canyon and struggle to even put food on the table. As the story progresses and the
parallels between these two couples lives become clear, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He recycles, he hikes, and he writes a column for Wide Open Spaces called Pilgrim at Topanga Creek,
in which he details his adventures and even advocates for change. His advocacy grows closer to home,
however, as the prevalence of both coyotes and Mexican immigrants overwhelms him and the rest of
the inhabitants of Arroyo Blanco Estates. Originally very liberal, Delaney s morals are transformed
dramatically by the end of the novel, shifting from idealistic liberalism to gritty conservatism. In The
Tortilla Curtain, the coyotes are a symbol for immigrants and white fragility, jumping their fences and
stealing their handouts. They represent the caricature with which Arroyo Blanco residents associate
immigrants: violent, unpredictable, and wild, tricksters who roam the earth and find resources where
there are none. As the novel progresses, Delaney s antipathy against coyotes corresponds to his
waning sympathy for Mexican
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Hollywood Walk Of Fame Research Paper
The Hollywood Walk of Fame honored another famous celebrity this week and the fans were out in
multitude to celebrate. Kevin Hart received a big welcome on Hollywood Boulevard as his star was
revealed to the world. The opportunity to share his talents on screen and in comedy has the fans in
stitches. Loving what he does, he gives fans a big laugh and a moment away from their everyday lives
as he entertains.
The big celebration had me wondering about the future of the Hollywood Walk of Fame. As many
people know, the elaborate process to be picked and awarded a start takes time and money. Not
everyone will get a star. Of course, not everyone wants a star either. Yet, there are many celebrities
that do. And for all the people who could be chosen
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How X-Rays Interact With Tissue
There are two major ways in which X rays interact with tissue. The first is the photoelectric effect,
where a photon uses all of its energy to eject an electron from an atom; that while the electron moves
around and ionizes neighboring atoms, there are no scatter photons. The second major effect is the
Compton scatter, where a photon hits an atom and ionizes an electron but does not use all of its
energy. The photon then scatters in a different direction with slightly less energy, and the free electron
does damage to the body. Scattered photons can travel back towards the X ray tube, pass through the
patient and hit the detector from any odd angle, or scatter again within the patient. Every time a
photon ejects an electron (ionizes an atom), it creates free radicals that can damage DNA in the ...
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Both of these effects result in decreasing energy deposition from the skin to the back of the patient. In
other words, much of the dose is deposited near the skin. This is why the deterministic effects that are
a large worry for doctors relate to skin injuries. Larger patients, who require higher doses to penetrate
through the larger body parts, are at higher risk of skin injuries. Therefore, it is very important to
understand the intensity of X rays to avoid serious consequences.
Below is an object irradiated by many X rays, with their intensity measured with a detector. The X
rays are passing through an object, and are strongly absorbed so that their intensity is low, while other
X rays are passing through less of the object, and are less strongly absorbed. This makes their intensity
much stronger and higher. This intensity is measured and recorded at the center of the detector. In an
effective manner, the object creates a shadow of the X rays, and from that, its basic dimensions can be
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The Confederate Flag Is A Flag Of Hate
Is the Confederate flag really a flag of hate? Contrary to popular belief, the Confederate flag does not
stand for racism, it stands for freedom. It stands for the men who lost their lives fighting for a doomed
country, white and black. It stands for not letting others push you around and control you. I stands for
the bad side in the Civil War. It is the proof that despite the fact that we boast about being stubborn,
we are ignorant to the fact that all we do is follow the crowd. It represents a piece of history incredibly
rich, yet so full of sorrow, that we are trying to erase. But people do not see this, they only see hate,
and they are too oblivious to truly understand what this symbol of liberty stands for. This is why the ...
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In fact, the Emancipation Proclamation states that only the slaves in the southern states were free,
about 25% of the original slave population was still legally allowed to be enslaved. Lincoln himself
admitted I would do it if I were not afraid that half the officers would fling down their arms and three
more states would rise. Meaning that he feared he would lose half his army (that all were anti slavery )
to the South, and three more states would rebel. This proves that he was more worried about losing the
war (and the base of the Union economy), than slavery continuing. Also, there was a higher mortality
rate for free slaves living in the north, this is why; factory work was one of the only jobs available to
immigrants and former slaves. The conditions were horrendous, and most of them died doing a job
that paid peanuts. If the Union was even more racist than the Confederacy, why did we become biased
against Confederates? Before the war, Nathan Bedford Forrest was one of the wealthiest men in the
south, he was a slave trader and he used slaves to grow and sell cotton. He started as a private in the
Civil War, but soon after joining, his military prowess was recognized and over the course of the war,
he rose to the rank of Lieutenant General. He was very talented, but ruthless, and he hated African
Americans. After the battle of Fort Pillow, he ordered his men to massacre the African American
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How Did Stephen Crane Fight In The Red Badge Of Courage
During the novel The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane, Henry fights alongside his comrades
in the first battle that he had participated in, yet he flees in the second one he participates in. What
caused him to react this way? His reasons for his actions are quite cowardly and dishonorable but
justified nonetheless. Here they come, here they come! yelled one of the soldiers. The first battle
started when Henry shot the first shot. He works the crowd like the soldier he is, feeling like beast,
shooting his rifle, shot after shot after shot. He is confident and strong. He is a part of this regiment
and together they push forward, they helt em back . In the second battle, from his point of view, it
seemed as though
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Use Of Anthropomorphism In Farley Mowat s Never Cry Wolf
Never Cry Wolf , by Farley Mowat, uses a lot of anthropomorphism. We see wolves as bloodthirsty
savages that prey on the weak, cause havoc, and do a lot more evil things just for the fun of it. In
reality, the wolves just do what is needed to survive. Humans hunt mostly for food, but also for
pleasure. The wolves hunt for food, nothing else. The use of anthropomorphism completely adds to
the book by showing how the wolves are not the enemy, more so the humans. In simple terms, Mowat
is not just comparing wolves and humans, but also contrasting. The wolves have a mate as well as the
humans. The wolves mates are for life, unlike the many humans that have gotten divorced. The wolves
are in a pack; humans are in a family. Unlike wolves,
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The Labyrinth
There was continually something about specific parts of The Muppets that frightened me, as much as I
adore them! I particularly recall one portrayal on a VHS called Gonzo s Muppet Weird Stuff that had
Jim Henson and Frank Oz executing as two singing animals using their own mouths flipped around, it
was frightening! There was something unsettling about the passages paving the way to the Gorg s
kingdom in Fraggle Rock . Be that as it may, nothing was more alarming than the introductory
appearance of the trolls in Henson s 1986 film Labyrinth.
With a basic cut from adolescent Sarah advising her infant sibling Toby a bedtime story to a bunch of
trolls surrounded in a tight close up, sat in a dull castle, a hundred bad dreams and an unpreventable
feeling of papanoia was gotten under way. As Sarah leaves the room and the sounds of Toby s crying
are quieted with the light switch we start to find the stowaway where a unending cluster of trolls dash
around the room. It is, for a youngsters film, very dim stuff and still has me somewhat careful about
going into obscured rooms post seeing. Yet in a film ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For me this puts a trades section between Jareth the Goblin King and Sarah into an alternate light, and
makes the effectively abnormal sentimental edge much all the more alarming. Jareth s request at the
peak I request so minimal, simply give me a chance to manage you and you can have all that you
need. Simply fear me, cherish me, do as I say and I will be your slave. is shockingly edgy, similar to
the dream he makes for Sarah inside the poisoned peach in which Bowie sings As The World Falls
Down . An intensely made up Sarah is encompassed by covered artists as Jareth coyly drives Sarah on
a session of find the stowaway, before taking her in his arms for a
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Do They All Or The School For Lovers
Cosi fan Tutte or translated, is: Thus Do They All, or The School for Lovers. It is a play that four
characters, Fiordiligi, Dorabella, Guglielmo, and Ferrando. In a nutshell, the two men have a
competition/a bet of whose fiancée was the most faithful. (As mentioned in Part I of the test,) The four
of them end in a mess, with their relationships ruined forever. An alternative title for this would be
How To Ruin A Relationship (Forever) For Dummies. This title, compared to Thus Do They All or
The School for Lovers is obviously more humorous. The title The School for Lovers is actually what
made me come to the alternative title. The four characters learn that love is not what it always seems,
but in my opinion the story shows that they are too easily tempted by ... Show more content on
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They took love lightly and thought as something to bet. Everything they did seemed like steps for
ruining a relationship. Every scene followed by another made the situation worse and worse. If the
two men wanted to break up their engagement with the women, then perhaps this was the best way to
do so. Thus the title, How To Ruin A Relationship (Forever) For Dummies was born. For the short
story, A Doll s House, I would rename it as House Rules. The story is about Nora Helmer, and her role
as housewife. The plot centers on Nora Helmer s secret that she illegally borrowed money from
Krogstad for the trip to Italy for her husband s health. Even though she acted out of love, it was still
illegal for Nora to borrow money. She lies to Torvald that she got the money from her father. Nora
says that she will repay the debt soon, but never told Torvald because it was illegal for married women
to borrow money. When Torvald finds out in the end, he yells at Nora and
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Case Study Of Bain Company
1 Introduction
The global consulting industry has generated $240 billion revenues in 2015 and as such represents one
of the largest markets within the professional services industry (Consultancy.uk, n.d.). Even if strategy
consulting constitutes solely 12% market share (i.e., $28.8 billion) it is the most prestigious sector
(Consultancy.uk, n.d.). While other sectors of the consulting industry can be delineated rather easily,
strategy consulting occupies a special position. Companies of that sector not solely provide strategy
consulting services, but consulting services of other sectors alike, however from a purely strategic
point of view. Upon closer inspection of the strategy consulting industry, it becomes apparent that the
market is clearly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
While the former constitutes the functional positioning of its organizational units, the latter describes a
pattern of shared basic assumptions that was learned by a group as it solved its problems of external
adaptation and internal integration, that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore,
to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those
problems (Schein, 2004, p. 17).
Due to the characteristics of the business model of strategy consulting, Bain Company s organizational
structure differs significantly from other industries. Although there is a global, albeit confidential,
organizational structure, Bain Company is primarily structured by office whose organizational units
are exhibited in Figure 1. Directed by Office Management, the organizational structure on office level
is divided into two main pillars: Consulting Staff and Consulting Support Services (Bain Company
Inc., n.d. l). While consulting employees are generally not split across the various consulting services
(see Chapter 2.3.1), the particular dynamics of private equity consulting require a temporary
separation of those selected consulting employees. Furthermore, although Executive/Manager
Assistants constitute a consulting support service, the daily interaction with their assigned managers,
principals, and partners (the latter two represent executive organizational levels) creates a strong link
between these organizational
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Essay on The United States and World War I
Describe the events that brought the U.S. into World War I. Explain the conditions of the Treaty of
Versailles. What mistakes were made?
There were many reasons that the U.S. was brought into World War I. With the assassination sparking
the start of World War I, the U.S. didn t enter the war right away. In fact, the U.S. waited about 3 years
to enter the war. They wanted to stay neutral and thought that the war was none of their concern.
Shortly after the start of the war, Woodrow Wilson declared a policy of neutrality. They wouldn t be
involved on any side in the war, but would offer loans, trades, and sell weapons to both sides. The
U.S. stayed neutral up until 1917. They entered the war for many reasons, but some events were the
real ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This was millions of dollars that Germany had to pay. Second, Germany had to reduce the size of their
army. Third, Germany s colonies were to be divided among the Allies. The treaty had many mistakes.
The main mistake was it restricted Germany so much. It made Germany mad and they didn t like the
treaty one bit.
How did new technology in World War I influence warfare? Do you think this was (and continues to
be) a positive or negative influence. Explain your answer with specific examples and details.
New technology that appeared in World War I influenced war in many ways. There were many new
advances in technology in World War I. Major advances were things like aircraft, aircraft carriers,
tanks, and new weapons like the flamethrower. There were also small inventions and advances like
tracer bullets and mobile x ray machines. It influenced the war because it gave new ways to attack
enemies and gave the thought of having more power. With all of the advances in weapons, it
influenced to attack and try to overcome one s enemy. It also gave leaders the thought that they had
even more power with the new advances. I think that it was both a positive and negative influence. I
am more on the positive side because it helped to defeat enemies faster and may have ended the war
quicker. I am also against it because it influenced more war, not less. In today s world, I think that
again it s both positive and negative. I am more on the negative
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Essay on Leadership Vision Statement
My top 5 values are:
1. Integrity: The first and most important trait of a leader. Integrity gives a leader validity to always do
the right thing. I have a deeper meaning stemming from my family that makes it crucial that I keep
integrity first if I desire others to emulate my actions.
2. Loyalty: Loyalty is the trait of a good listener and friend to just be there when needed.
This trait gives superiors a sense of commitment and purpose in making sure you are doing the request
job to the best of your ability. You can hold yourself as you would others. 3. ... Show more content on
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A leader is cultivated and groomed to make the best potential shine through the grimmest picture with
decisiveness. A committed leader will prioritize essential needs and wants, allowing focused results to
steer the mission. A leader embodies the Air Force in every aspect and relays those traits to
subordinates through tough love and determination. A firm hold on the task at hand can make or break
the efforts put forth to complete it. My time in the military has shown me that I have a need for order
and discipline. I want to instill this trait into my subordinates and affectively give them the tools to
succeed and complete the mission both home and abroad. I lead from the front and never leave those
willing to strive for betterment. My plan involves completing my degree and obtaining the knowledge
level needed to effectively take care of and train my replacements in true values, pride in ownership
and family values. A stepping stone is that anyone can learn from anyone, even if it s what not to do. I
challenge myself to right all the wrong styles of leadership that I have experienced throughout my
career and be that exception to the policy/good ole boy club members. The Air Force can change with
assistance from those willing to make the change. I have given blood for my countries ideals and
know I will give my every effort to help produce the most capable and experience airmen for the
purpose set by our CINC. I
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Essay The Stranger
Albert Camus The Stranger, is told by narrarator, Meursault . Our speaker seems to be a person
detached from feelings, he shows no emotion. Neither the external world in which Meursault lives nor
the internal world of his thoughts and attitudes possesses any rational order. He doesn t have reasons
for doing half of the things he does. For these reasons I believe Meursault is determined, but doesn t
know it.
Our protagonist and narrarator, Meursault is completely distant from his surroundings. Significant
emotional events do not even seem to effect him as they would for most people. They don t even make
a dent. He has no sentiment. His mothers death, a marriage proposal, killing ... Show more content on
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Our next main character is Marie Cardona. She is Meursaults woman. She proposes to him but he is
indifferent to the ideas of love and marriage, which doesn t even have a negative effect on her feelings
for him. In fact, it might even attract her a little more to him because of his weirdness. She is
disappointed in him but loves him and still wants to marry him. She is loyal to Meursault and stands
by him through out the trial. She is not on the same level as our protagonist, obviously. She still holds
onto hope in her life. She believes in an upside in things. She shows emotion. For these reasons she is
not like Meursault. She can t just be so indifferent like her lover. They are on different mental levels
and have different views of the world around them. For these reasons I believe that Marie is a free
character. I think that she is a romantic. I think she goes with the flow and does what she wants. I also
think this is part of the reason she likes Meursault. He doesn t question her about what she does when
he is not around(even though its because he doesn t care).
Our final main character is Raymond Sinter. If a person like Meursault could have a friend, this is who
he would be. I use the term friend loosely because with such and indifferent personality, a real friend
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Manners and Etiquette of Pride and Prejudice
Rebekah Johnson
Mrs. Tencza
Late European History
21 November 2012
Do s and Don ts of Pride and Prejudice
In 19th century England, manners played a big role. In her book Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen
portrays many different aspects of English social manners in the 1800s, and these facets of English
etiquette, including traveling etiquette, social propriety, and dancing, greatly affect the plot of the
One aspect of English social etiquette was the set of strict rules for how one was to act to appear as a
socially adept person and therefore a desirable match for marriage. They were for the most part
unspoken rules, but during the 19th century there began to be a growing selection of etiquette books
available, for instance, Dr. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He dances every dance, is very courteous, and pays special attention to Jane (Austen 278 279).
Because of these two characters different behavior at this first ball, they establish their reputations;
Darcy gets a bad reputation as a proud and disagreeable man, and Mr. Bingley gets a reputation as an
amiable man who is fun to be around.
Mr. Bingley through dancing also got an opportunity to show Jane that he cared about her; in the
1800s, if a gentleman asked to dance with a lady twice it usually meant that said gentleman was
interested in the lady. At the first ball, Mr. Bingley danced with [Jane] twice... (Austen 279) and
thereby showed his affection for her, an affection that grows stronger throughout Pride and Prejudice.
Dancing also affects the plot of Pride and Prejudice. During the ball at Netherfield, Darcy dances with
Elizabeth, and two important things happen during this dance. First, Darcy s affection for Elizabeth
begins to flourish. As he is dancing with her, they have a little argument. After the dance, Darcy
begins to be angry at Elizabeth, but ...in Darcy s breast there was a tolerable powerful feeling towards
[Elizabeth], which soon procured her pardon, and directed all his anger against another. Also, during
this dance Elizabeth s view of what happened between Mr. Darcy and Mr. Wickham, that Mr. Darcy
has shamelessly exploited Mr. Wickham, is established in her own mind. Without dancing, the plot of
Pride and
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A Lacanian Analysis of Paul Auster s New York Trilogy
Fragmented selves: A Lacanian Reading of Auster s The New York Trilogy
The concept of fragmented self was first introduced by Freud through his model of three part psyche,
namely ego, id and super ego, and later modified by Jacque Lacan, the famous postmodern
psychoanalyst. The split of subject is one of the most appealing concepts in the postmodern literature.
By assimilating the structure of unconscious to that of language, Lacan bridges between
psychoanalysis and linguistics and hence makes a new interdisciplinary field of study. The splitting of
self that Freud was considered to be merely psycho physical is in Lacanian term an alienation that
occurs in language. This alienation happens as a consequence of the ... Show more content on
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The symbolic order acts on the basis of binary oppositions and differentiation and children learn the
meaning of certain words by differentiating them from other words. They also differentiate between
the male and female and form their identity around the cultural binary oppositions that are reflected in
the language. The realm of language is the realm of separation. Now if the child wants something he/
she has to utter a word to satisfy his/her desire. According to Lacan in the system of language because
the signs do not reach to an ultimate signifier, men never get to the complete and serene (though
unreal) situation of the imaginary order and during his life he is searching for it and tries to fulfill that
lack but the lack is never compensated for. Father stands for norm and social laws of the symbolic
order and these social rules are reflected in the language. The Real order which is the last phase of
Lacan s three part psyche, is full of object petit a, that act as symbols of lack. We can never know the
Real, because it can never be fully represented it is beyond language (Bertens 161). Language
according to Lacan is the cause of our fragmentation and literature is capable of giving joussance
because it takes us back to the imaginary order when there were no binary oppositions and the self
was complete in its own reflection.
The New York Trilogy: A Lacanian Reading Christopher Donovan in his Postmodern Counter
narratives contends
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Rape Myth Acceptance
Rape Myth Acceptance: Maintaining the Status Quo
According to the FBI database, in the year 2013 a rape occurred roughly once every 6.6 minutes. (US
Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2014). This is based on 79,770 reported cases
of rape following an eighty year old definition, which defines rape as carnal knowledge of a female
forcibly and against her will (US Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2014). In
2013 however, the definition of rape was changed, and now reads, Penetration, no matter how slight,
of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another
person, without the consent of the victim (US Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation,
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There are even studies which have found women more likely than men to blame the victim.
(Stromwall, Alfredsson, Landstrom, 2012, p. 255) In a study of first and second year college students
it was also shown that students with a higher sexual knowledge were less likely to accept rape myths.
(Aronowitz, Lambert, Davidoff, 2012, p. 179) The same study also stated that despite the correlation
between a higher sexual knowledge and lower rape myth acceptance (RMA), that increasing
knowledge only will not fix this problem, but it is a necessary piece of the
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Max Ernst, Johannes Hoch, Max Ernst And Johannes Baader
Dadaism came into the world to confuse all the peers that look upon the work of art each person made
to express themselves, this can be for emotion, reaction, love or maybe just because they want to
confuse everyone. It all began in 1915, the movement instantly caught fire and spread practically
everywhere, no matter where you looked there was some sort of DADA to be seen. Sometimes you
didn t even know it! The artist found inside of this essay will be: Max Ernst, Hannah Hoch and finally
Johannes Baader. To begin with the first artist, Max Ernst, was a man who served in the war and soon
enough became terrified of how the real world works. He became the Enemy Alien from the
government saying that max had been a Refugee. Max s work has ... Show more content on
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She had gone to school for glass making, though finding herself even deeper in the art madness that
would soon bring her to her own fame, though since the war had started the school had been shut
down and she had left to join the Red Cross and put her passions aside. Her work had mostly been
seen as cutouts from a newspaper, some eyes being placed upon a new face and so on. Some seem to
have empowered women even. Her work in my opinion was great, just nothing that interests me too
much Johannes had been originally a Masonry, going to school as an apprentice for awhile till he
found himself meeting his future side man in art, Raoul Hausmann. He was fitted as unfit to join the
military when wanting to join, so he had began focusing on art instead. This lead to him making
wonderful pieces of art and even some documents such as books and novels. Most of his work had
been strete performances with his dear friend Raoul Hausmann, which did get some interest through
the crowd with them both working nicely together. His work yet again had been mostly put together
from newspaper clippings, morphing people from simple ink to art. Going through his art in my
opinion had some more interesting things when they weren t filled with newspaper clippings. Dadaism
was definitely a wonderful and intelligent art era that really morphed what art means today. Though
sometimes you don t even mean to see it, at times you ll find yourself looking at a
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Comprehension Is The Purpose Of Reading
According to Thompkins (2016) comprehension is the purpose of reading, students need to understand
and enjoy what they are reading to learn from it. It s the creative process of activating prior
knowledge, to explore and apply what is read. For example, if students need to know how to play a
new board game, they read the instructions for direction. Comprehension implies different levels of
thinking: from literal to inferential, then critical and evaluative. Literal is the first level of
comprehension, where the reader connects with the text, examine it and capturing the details, main
ideas, similarities and differences, is the what, why, who, when, how process. Prior knowledge is
building during this level. Instead the inferential level ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
So, the educator needs to provide books that are at students reading level, use of read aloud for
challenging books, also promote reteach and reread strategies.
Instructional strategies and Activities Per Thompkins (2016), comprehension strategies are careful
conducts that students use to understand what they read and motivate them to be active in the reading
process. Strategies that include thinking are known as cognitive, and strategies that help children
reflect on own thinking are called metacognition. An example of cognitive strategy is prediction as it
is a thinking process, instead monitoring own reading is a metacognition strategy.
Instructional strategies and activities that develops comprehension skills are
Graphic and semantic organizers: they help students organize thoughts of a topic concept to broader
concepts; It will help children understand and connect with the text, it will help also, to be more
organized when writing a summary, and students can use visuals to examine.
Connection strategies that correlate text to background knowledge as of text to self, text to world, and
text to text. Text to self when the content connects with personal life; text to world when the passage
relates to things that are known of world from school or other resources. The last connection, text to
text is a strategy used to make connection with other known books, with challenging critical thinking.
Reciprocal Teaching, a strategy performed during
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Active Learning Reflection
1) Active Learning Small mentions that the best way for students to learn is not through memorization
of facts or procedures, but through group work and problem solving. The article states that through
active learning, students can use math to solve problems, develop their own ideas, and build upon the
ideas of others (Small 4). I agree with Small s thinking, as students do tend to benefit more when they
get the chance to share their ideas with others and observe their classmates work to see how similar or
different their thinking strategies are. This allows students to actively engage with the question (math
problem), learn how to problem solve, understand that there is more than one way to approach a
solution, think outside the box, as well as see how this problem can relate to topics outside the
classroom. I personally, never enjoyed group work. Throughout my experience in public school, my
teachers would always promote group activities, but there was never any guidance or instruction to it,
so the discussions would be unbeneficial and confusing (eg. People choose not to talk, did not know
what they were doing or had the same idea). 2) Using Manipulative s While growing up,
manipulatives were a tool that was commonly used in my classroom. Small states that manipulative
materials concrete representations of mathematical ideas is essential to developing mathematical
understanding (4). I believe that manipulatives are great tools, especially for younger students,
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Essay High-Speed Rail and the Advancement of America
Along with hover boards and flying cars, high speed rail is one of the most iconic futuristic
technologies discussed today. With great success, European and Asian countries such as Germany,
France, Japan and China have been enjoying bullet trains for decades. Japan has been a leading
innovator of high speed trains, and has currently developed a train capable of 315 mph (Shadbolt).
This MagLev is revolutionizing public transport and changing how the world view trains forever. The
average European high speed train can travel at speeds in excess of 220 mph ( The 10 ). The United
States is falling behind in this highly efficient, safe, and environmentally friendly high speed train
race. With the amount of traffic congestion between ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Unfortunately, California still has not started the construction of their high speed rail project, but this
shows, early in the development of the project, that high speed rail will create a plethora of jobs.
While there are a limited number of spots in the grant (Mumma), But there will be thousands of jobs
that we need to get people ready for, Eager added (Sheehan). Lee Ann Eager is the executive director
of the Fresno County Economic Development Corp, and while being interviewed by Sheehan, she
states that there will be many more job opportunities available once construction begins, and then
once the system is up and running, there will be thousands of jobs that need to be created to keep the
rail system up and running safely and efficiently. A maintenance station for example, could house
around 1,500 permanent jobs, and also be a magnet to further development for high speed rail, which
will in turn create more jobs. Jobs for the construction of new power plants needed to power the high
speed rail system will also be available, as well as the jobs created to maintain and use the power
plant. With the need for more environmentally friendly ways of creating electricity, more companies
will need to be created to build and provide maintenance for these new plants, and also for research
for better ways of utilizing the different renewable energies. All of these factors mean more and more
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General George Patton s Blood And Guts
General George Patton, also known as Blood and Guts , was and is known as one of the best there
was. Patton was a highly effective pioneer, advocate, and exponent of modern mechanized warfare as
well as doctrine of highly mobile offensive. (Axelrod, 2006) The soldiers that served under Patton in
the Third and Seventh Army s knew him as a soldier s leader and took his death very hard. They
considered Patton one of the greatest men that ever lived. Patton professed to be a Christian and was
certain that God destined him to military greatness. (Axelrod, 2006) Patton was an incredible leader to
the third and seventh armies, yet he was continuously threatened with being removed from command.
He suffered from dyslexia, deep depression, and episodes of hysteria which made his confidence
levels close to zero. Yet he led armies under him into victories that exuded confidence. There were
mothers that were terrified of Patton s tactics with their sons, but Dwight D. Eisenhower was sure that
those same tactics used by Patton would save those soldier s lives. Patton was a strong leader that led
by example. He fought with his soldiers and was on the front line right beside them. When he spoke,
he may have been feared, but he was also respected. He was a man of his word. He put soldiers in
place that he knew would get the job done. He made sure his soldiers were always on guard and ready
to fire at all times when it was pertinent. He pushed himself and his army to stay
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Dbq Monument
If pictures are worth one million words then a 3 d picture which is a monument is worth one million
stories. The purpose of monuments is to tell a story about an events therefore crital thinking adn
efforts are placed into making monuments. Depending on where the monuemnt is located and how it
is built including its pose and the material it is made up of, it helps the audience live in that moment
with the monuments,making the monument and the sudience one. The position of a monument is very
important because the purpose of it, is to recreate events wether its devestating, or upbring. Therefore,
the making a monument stand, sit, knee, tells three different stories. Like in source B, the photography
of Christopher Columbus, Columbus is standing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Depending on the placement of the monument the importance of the events contues genrations on. For
an example, inorder for placing something of sagnificant value, the holocaust, would be placed
somehwere of sagnifcant value, like a nations capital, but just anywhere in the nations capital.
Eventhough DC is the nations capital placeing the holocaust museum in a mall in DC is disrespectful
and offensive to the people who died and the servivers(source E). Just because its the national capital
doesnt mean a mall in the nations capital is appropreate, besides lives were lost, not material things
being bought. The failure for the creator(s) to think of that stripped the meaning and the pain behind
the holocuast away. The placement of that museum made fun of, or even mocked the holocuast as if it
is important to be remebered by America but not important to petray horrifying details of it. If the
placement of the museum was to be in central DC near the White House, it creates a more important
rule in Americas everyday life, because its near where the prisident lives, its near where people go to
live the American dream. It would reinforce the meaning of the tragidy, the menaing of being saought
out just becuase of you religion, the meaning of being gased alive, the meaning of being torn away
from your family, the meaning of starving in the cold winters, and lastly
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African American Liberation Movement After Ww2
In the end, of World War II, there was an era called the liberation movement that continued through
the twentieth century. There were movements to defeat fascism and end colonial and racial domination
in other places of the world. It took two decades, but most of Africa and Asia had been decolonized.
And so in most cases liberation was peaceful, but other places had a struggle with it. With those
struggles in showed that independence would bring a whole new set of challenges. New African states
had a hard time with developing political systems. Africans were really not happy with the fact that
they had limited gains from colonial reform of 1940. Decolonization was going on in other parts of the
world such as India and elsewhere. Africans
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School Buses Should Have Seatbelts
School Buses Should Have Seatbelts
When you see so many incidents lately on the news regarding the students riding the bus, the lack of
supervision, and sometimes the harmful acts being done to other students; you wonder why these
things are happening. Or perhaps there was an accident involving a bus where a student was severely
hurt. I am for seatbelts being on school buses for the simple fact that anything could happen on a bus
even an accident and the students should be safe. The issue of seatbelts on a bus is not a huge
controversial issue compared to other issues such as whether or not English should be the official
language or abortion, but it is an important issue to be discussed and made a decision on. School bus
transportation is one of the safest forms of transportation in the United States. We require all new
school buses to meet safety requirements over and above those applying to all other passenger
vehicles. These include requirements for improved emergency exits, roof structure, seating and fuel
systems, and bus body joint integrity. These requirements help ensure that school buses are extremely
safe. (National Highway) If these buses are so safe why are children being critically hurt if there is an
accident? If the National Highway Transportation Administration (NHTSA) is comparing the
requirements to other passenger vehicles than they are not meeting those standards as a Dodge
Caravan is a passenger vehicle and is required to have seatbelts
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Monopolies In The 1800s Essay
Throughout history, there have been many problems present in the American life. In the time period
between the 1800s to the 1900s, there were many problems such as, poor living and working
conditions and powerful monopolies. Many reforms were proposed in order to solve these problems.
The grisly living and working conditions, along with overpowered monopolies, were both addressed
with reforms. As immigrants migrated to the United States, cities became cramp, living conditions
were poor, and working conditions were careless. In document one, the image taken by Jacob Riis, in
1890, shows a group of immigrants living in a tiny and filthy room. It is clear that all five of the men
live in that single room because there is a stove, pans, and a bed all in one area. It is also clear that
they have a poor living condition because there are cracks in the wall and dirty clothes. Also, Jacob
Riis is known for his work How ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In document four it shows giant money bags as men, clearly the monopolists. These men are sitting in
a room of senators. The image also shows a door that states Peoples Entrance , which seems to be
closed. This image shows the how monopolists had too much power. Instead of all people having a
say, it was only the monopolists. This problem was resolved by allowing people to select their
senators, The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two senators from each state, elected
by the people thereof, for six years (Document 7). Another problem with monopolies was how they
treated their workers. Document three shows a decrease in child labor from 1890 to 1920. Child labor
was cheap, this was ideal to any monopolist. Many monopolists, such as Rockefeller, were ruthless
and supplied no safety for their workers, and paid them very little. This problem was addressed with
the work by Ida Tarbell, The History of Standard Oil. The powerful monopolists were limited in
power by
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Major Themes In The Fifth Wave By Rick Yancey
The Fifth Wave Theme Essay
The author of the The 5th Wave, Rick Yancey, had several prominent themes. Three were most vital;
first, war cannot change who a person really is at their core, second, people are defined by the choices
they make, and third, family is worth living for. These are the best and most important motifs of The
5th Wave. The first theme, war cannot change who a person really is at their core, recurs during
several incidences which reinstates the significance. For example, Ben tries to make Ringer smile
despite being in the midst of the end of the world. When Cassie and Sammy reunite, he goes back to
his five year old self despite his being in boot camp for months prior, and lastly, Cassie and Evan flirt
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Finally, Cassie had little to no human contact before she was shot in the leg and saved by Evan Walker
but she still did not hesitate to kiss him, cuddle, fight, or anything that a normal couple would do.
After fighting with each other, Evan Walker kisses me. Holding my hand against his chest, his other
hand sliding across my neck... Despite Cassie being shot in the leg by an unknown shooter, aliens
trying to take over the Earth, her brother being taken, and her family being dead, she is still a teenage
girl who enjoys male interaction.
An additional theme heavily shown throughout the book is people are defined by the choices they
make . Ben left his little sister, Sissy, to die, even though he could have made an effort to save her;
because he left her, he now vows not to run from danger or those things which scare him.
Furthermore, Cassie promises Sammy that she will find him and, because she makes that promise, she
will stop at nothing to be with him again.
At the beginning of the arrival, Ben and his family stayed at their house. One night, there are gunshots
and screams heard coming from their neighbors house; Ben s mother demands them to blow out the
candles which lit the rooms and his father told Ben that If anything happens to me, take care of your
mother and baby sister, (Page 117). After that, the door crashes open and Ben s father shoots the male
intruder to no avail his father is then shot in the face and Ben
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Essay On Morley Callaghan
There is same common moral in short stories by Morley Callaghan. And the lesson in his short stories
is that what is near you before you lose it or you surrender yourself regard. Short stories of Callaghan
demonstrate individuals that everyone can commit errors yet they need to know when they roll out
them keeping in mind the end goal to improvement them (MacLeod, pp 426). Callaghan composes
short story tale s to show his perusers morals on the subject of human instinct as well as how people
respond to one another in the public arena. Morley Callaghan is an incredible essayist furthermore a
magnificent person who as composed numerous books, and short stories throughout his life. Morley
Callaghan is surely understood as a stately achiever of Canadian writing, the most unique as well as
over the top author of fiction people of Canada have had in their nation.
On 22nd February Callaghan was born in Toronto Ontario. He was an outstanding student and he had
a passion to write. Callaghan graduated from University of Toronto (MacLeod, pp 426). Callaghan
was very humble person. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Callaghan s profitable era ranges in excess of right around seven decades, until in 1990 when he
passes away. A Girl with Ambition , Callaghan first short story, in 1926 showed up in the Paris diary
This Quarter as well as his primary period of short story composing extends as of the late 1920s to the
mid 1950s (Reznowski, pp 169 176). In spite of the fact that Callaghan, as Knister and Grove, at first
experienced the still immature scholarly base in Canada at the time, he was at that point effective in
his more youthful years, particularly in the USA and Europe. Callaghan was Canada s pioneer
extraordinary internationalist (Hill, pp 5 13), as well as Callaghan soon saw his short exposition
distributed in composed
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How Did King George III Changed Our Lives
America gaining independence from Britain was something fought for in the 1700 s. It is something
we can nowadays take pride in. The American Revolution was a group of event that changed our lives
drastically. There were significant hardships that Britain bestowed upon the colonies. The tyrannical
ways King George III controlled the American colonies and unfair acts such as the Stamp Act, the
Intolerable Act and the Boston Massacre. King George III s reign did not make America represent the
land of opportunity, actually it did the opposite. He was largely portrayed as an oppressor to the
American colonies. Profoundly because of the extreme taxation of the American colonies without
explanation and lack of representation in Parliament. Taxes
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Using Amazon Mechanical Turk ( Https )
METHOD PARTICIPANTS Participants were recruited using Amazon Mechanical Turk
(https://www.mturk.com/), a crowdsourcing Internet marketplace in which workers can complete
Human Intelligence Tasks (HITs) in exchange for gift certificate credit on Amazon.com. Our
workers/participants were limited to adults residing in the US, and all their responses were kept
anonymous. Participants were directed to complete the survey on Qualtrics.com, an online survey tool.
On the Mechanical Turk site participants must reach the end of the survey before they receive a
validation code that they enter into mTurk to receive their compensation. Moreover, participants in our
study are recruited through Amazon s website, and have previously agreed to Amazon ... Show more
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Participants were compensated approximately $__ for their participation, which was the rate
recommended by Amazon s guide to Best Practices for mTurk. We did ask for demographical
information like race, gender, age and receding state. Participants had to be married for at least 3
through 25 years. We only used first time marriage participants in order to reduce any compounding
variables. PROCEDURE Participants were given an informed consent. Random numbers were given
to each participant and were randomly placed in one of the three groups: positive humor, avoidant
humor, and control (somatic features). The manipulation for this study was to prime each group
differently before taking the questionnaires. The positive humor group was asked to think of a moment
when their spouse used positive humor, humor used to reduce tension and bring closeness. The
avoidant humor group was asked to think of a moment when their spouse used avoidant humor, humor
that is used to avoid conflict or change the topic. The control group was then asked to think of their
spouse s somatic features. Each group then had to take two measures the KMS (Kansas Marital
Satisfaction) scale and the CSI (Couples Satisfaction Index). MEASURES KMS In order to measure
marital satisfaction, we used the KMS scale (Schumm, 1986). The KMS is a short 3 item, 7 point
Likert scale. The KMS was used to ask participants their level of marital satisfaction based on their
satisfaction with their marriage, spouse, and the
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Parent Child Relationships In Sandra Cisneros The Help
It is absolutely baffling that the people individuals are surrounded by will determine the type of person
they become. Growing up with a caring family can give a person a sense of kindness that will follow
them throughout their lifetime. That person, in turn, may raise their own children with the same
feelings of affection. In contrast, bad relationships between parents and children will stunt the child s
maturity. These children grow up to project their feelings of low self worth onto other people. One
pessimistic person can create bleak surroundings for everyone around them. Parent child relationships
are significantly important in all aspects because these affiliations provide safety and care for children.
Lack of parental involvement causes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sally ends up living a dreadful future because her father cannot learn from his mistakes. Sally s father
treats her life a lifeless object by repeatedly hitting her.
White Space
Her father s physical assault causes her to rebel and get involved with boys early on in order to live
away from him.
Marin is another character found in The House on Mango Street who struggles as she grows because
her parents are off in another country. The fear that stems from feeling unwanted by her family makes
her crave someone who will want her.
White Space
Her strong desire for a romantic relationship is only one of the reasons she continues to run into
challenges throughout her life. Both Sally and Marin grew up quickly and sought for romantic
relationships they were not patient or mature enough for. Sally experiences a sad future by marrying
early to escape her abusive father. Marin lives forever in a daydream of falling in love with a
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Mats Ek
Mats Ek
Allegra Vianello
English National Ballet School
2nd year
Words Count: 2304
Contents Page
Life and career
Re making of the ballet classics
Stylistic elements of his choreography: clarity and irony
Movement Vocabulary
Influences and Muses
In this essay I will present one of the greatest choreographers of the 20th century, Mats Ek. I will
describe his specific stylistic characteristics, themes and dance vocabulary bringing as examples some
of his most important re adapted works such as Giselle, Swan Lake and Sleeping ... Show more
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Swan Lake
A lonely, somewhat weaker than the average Prince Siegfried, who questions his sexuality (think
Oedipus complex) and his mother s open issues in attempting to marry him to someone just like
herself. The Prince encounters androgynous creatures, swans that waddle through the ground rather
than the graceful water creatures that we know from Petipa/Ivanov.
(http://www.theballetbag.com/2012/07/13/mats ek biography/)
(http://www.criticaldance.com/reviews/2002/cullberg_swanlake 021023.html)
Sleeping Beauty
The teenager Princess Aurora falls in love with the wrong guy and ends up in a drug induced coma.
Carabosse appears as a drug dealer and tempts Aurora into pricking her finger with the needle . At
Aurora s birth the fairies are maternity nurses and later they are pop culture characters out of a TV
show, while the Prince is a spectator.
(http://www.theballetbag.com/2012/07/13/mats ek biography/)
Ek has made an astounding break from the Sleeping Beauty we know and love, leaving not a single
stone of Petipa s edifice standing, renouncing all the choreographic gems cut by the imperial jeweller
of the Tsarist ballet
(Vollmer, Horst. Irreverently Classical: Mats Ek stages Sleeping Beautywith the Hamburg Ballet.
Ballet International,7,1996:19)
Törnrosa GöteborgsOperans Balett
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  • 2. Network System Access Server ( Nas ) The network policy properties permit to indicate whether the strategy is empowered, or whether the approach concedes or denies access, and whether a particular system association technique, or kind of network system access server (NAS), is required for association of demands. Our properties additionally permit to determine whether the dial in properties of client records are disregarded 3. VPN (Virtual private network): This policy provides the remote access guide lines for our company. This policy is in availability for all the contractors, employees, and consultants and it is also available for all the third party users and these should have the valid validation to get connected to the VPN with the available IP address. In additional there are some important points to get known are. Employees are responsible for not accessing the internal network third party At the point when effectively associated with the corporate system, VPNs will constrain all movement to and from the PC The network operational employees will setup the ip address and these are managed by those people. By utilizing VPN innovation with individual, clients must comprehend that their machines are a truly accessed by the system, and in that position they are liable to the same guidelines and regulations Any representative found to have disregarded this approach might be liable to disciplinary activity, up to and including end of work 4. Security server: Every single server conveyed at our ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Food Deserts Essay Two: Americans and Food We all have heard the old English proverb An apple a day will keep the doctor away . Applied in a more general or wide perspective it means that eating nutritious foods will make you healthier. This is one reason why it is so sad that more than 23 million Americans, including 6.5 million children, live in low income urban neighborhoods that are more than a mile away from a supermarket or in urban areas that are more than ten miles in rural (Croft). The USDA defines food deserts as parts of the country where fresh fruit, vegetables and other healthful whole foods, are limited usually in impoverished areas. This paper addresses (1) Lack of access to fresh produce and problems that stem from this lack ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Grasso was able to purchase and use the land to construct Baker s Shopping Center that contains a ShopRite supermarket. Jeff Brown of Brown Super Stores is part of the ShopRite franchise. He tried a different approach by asking the community what they wanted in a supermarket. He was educated in what it takes to change shopping and eating patterns in the food desert The government has programs to lower costs and encourage companies to try their luck in these food deserts . Brown originally sought funding from Pennsylvania s Fresh Food Financing Initiative. Brown persuaded the transportation authority to schedule a bus line near his store. Other services available in store include a credit union, staff nutritionists, social workers and health clinic. Food banks are non profit warehouses for food and other products that are distributed to food relief ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Women s Roles In Medieval Japan 1. The geography of Medieval Japan consisted of gardens for tea. The civilians would create burial grounds for deaths of their leaders. This was similar to the pyramids of Egypt. As for something not man made is the very mountainous land. There were plenty of rivers as well. These separated the people apart from each other and kept things more secluded. The seclusion kept people apart so there were different ideas which at times would cause the government some trouble whilst trying to keep things under control. The climate in Japan was not very hot or very cold it would snow and there would be a lot of heat but not all year around, it d change with the seasons. Most of the land also wasn t fertile for agriculture but they still managed with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There were many religions/philosophy during Medieval Japan. There were eight religions that affected Ancient Japan and their development. Christianity, Buddhism, Shintoism, are three of the eight that has shaped Japan s history and as well as examples of religions that we have researched. Christianity didn t really affect Japan up until the medieval era ended and wasn t brought over until European peoples traveled to Japan. That leaves Buddhism and Shintoism. Shintoism is known as their first and official religion. No one really knows where the origin of Shinto came from but it impacted the development of historical Japan. A tradition that involves the Shinto shrine is after the birth of a baby, it is named after three days, then after about a month old, and the baby is brought to the Shinto shrine to officially become the member of the community. Shinto was also known as the way of the gods and those who worshipped Shintoism seldom asked about existing with the nature or who the world was formed. In Shinto, there was something known as kami, or god(s); though in some cases kami can also be translated into appearance where it can be human, nature, or an unmovable object. The men and women were devoted to the kami. The kami is believed to have formed the earth and has a relationship with nature. Worshipping Shintoism was rather simple and a family affair; meaning that you were to worship with your family at the right place (which is usually in shrines) and time, together. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. World War II Project Essay Kevin Shen Ms. Rosen Period.7 1/19/2015 World War II Project Essay Rommel is well respected for his tactical skill on the battlefield. Given open terrain and the ability to maneuver, Rommel was a highly successful commander who was able to outmaneuver or overcome the strengths of his enemies. This character was shaped by his willingness to put himself in danger, specifically the front line. The first time he shines is in the Battle of France, his forces were attacked by enemy troops near the town Arras. The heavily armored British tank were too well protected for the standard German anti tank weapons of the time. To break the British attack, Rommel established a gun line Flak batteries which could take out the tanks. In addition, his division moved with such speed and seemed to come out of nowhere in the battle seemed would earn the division the nickname Ghost Division, His best campaign was in Africa, where he with a largely Italian troops would drive the British from Benghazi to El Alamein. Here, with his skills in moving the troops was able to outflank and inflict heavy casualties on an enemy force that outnumbered him greatly and generally had more high quality troops available to them than were available to Rommel. In Tunisia, he would also route enemy units in the Battle of Kasserine Pass and achieved such a military success that he could have broken Eisenhower s whole army forces in one fell swoop and extend the African campaign by months. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. The Tortula Curtain Analysis With immigration a hot topic in modern media, novels like T.C. Boyle s The Tortilla Curtain are helpful texts for discussion. The Tortilla Curtain is a satiric approach to addressing the immigration problem of the United States, as well as addressing the racism and xenophobia perpetuated by white Americans living close to the border with Mexico. The novel revolves around two contrasting couples: white liberals Delaney and Kyra Mossbacher, who lead cushy lives of ignorance and luxury in the Arroyo Blanco Estates, and Mexican immigrants Cándido and América Rincón, who live in the actual canyon of Topanga Canyon and struggle to even put food on the table. As the story progresses and the parallels between these two couples lives become clear, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He recycles, he hikes, and he writes a column for Wide Open Spaces called Pilgrim at Topanga Creek, in which he details his adventures and even advocates for change. His advocacy grows closer to home, however, as the prevalence of both coyotes and Mexican immigrants overwhelms him and the rest of the inhabitants of Arroyo Blanco Estates. Originally very liberal, Delaney s morals are transformed dramatically by the end of the novel, shifting from idealistic liberalism to gritty conservatism. In The Tortilla Curtain, the coyotes are a symbol for immigrants and white fragility, jumping their fences and stealing their handouts. They represent the caricature with which Arroyo Blanco residents associate immigrants: violent, unpredictable, and wild, tricksters who roam the earth and find resources where there are none. As the novel progresses, Delaney s antipathy against coyotes corresponds to his waning sympathy for Mexican ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Hollywood Walk Of Fame Research Paper The Hollywood Walk of Fame honored another famous celebrity this week and the fans were out in multitude to celebrate. Kevin Hart received a big welcome on Hollywood Boulevard as his star was revealed to the world. The opportunity to share his talents on screen and in comedy has the fans in stitches. Loving what he does, he gives fans a big laugh and a moment away from their everyday lives as he entertains. The big celebration had me wondering about the future of the Hollywood Walk of Fame. As many people know, the elaborate process to be picked and awarded a start takes time and money. Not everyone will get a star. Of course, not everyone wants a star either. Yet, there are many celebrities that do. And for all the people who could be chosen ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. How X-Rays Interact With Tissue There are two major ways in which X rays interact with tissue. The first is the photoelectric effect, where a photon uses all of its energy to eject an electron from an atom; that while the electron moves around and ionizes neighboring atoms, there are no scatter photons. The second major effect is the Compton scatter, where a photon hits an atom and ionizes an electron but does not use all of its energy. The photon then scatters in a different direction with slightly less energy, and the free electron does damage to the body. Scattered photons can travel back towards the X ray tube, pass through the patient and hit the detector from any odd angle, or scatter again within the patient. Every time a photon ejects an electron (ionizes an atom), it creates free radicals that can damage DNA in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Both of these effects result in decreasing energy deposition from the skin to the back of the patient. In other words, much of the dose is deposited near the skin. This is why the deterministic effects that are a large worry for doctors relate to skin injuries. Larger patients, who require higher doses to penetrate through the larger body parts, are at higher risk of skin injuries. Therefore, it is very important to understand the intensity of X rays to avoid serious consequences. Below is an object irradiated by many X rays, with their intensity measured with a detector. The X rays are passing through an object, and are strongly absorbed so that their intensity is low, while other X rays are passing through less of the object, and are less strongly absorbed. This makes their intensity much stronger and higher. This intensity is measured and recorded at the center of the detector. In an effective manner, the object creates a shadow of the X rays, and from that, its basic dimensions can be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Confederate Flag Is A Flag Of Hate Is the Confederate flag really a flag of hate? Contrary to popular belief, the Confederate flag does not stand for racism, it stands for freedom. It stands for the men who lost their lives fighting for a doomed country, white and black. It stands for not letting others push you around and control you. I stands for the bad side in the Civil War. It is the proof that despite the fact that we boast about being stubborn, we are ignorant to the fact that all we do is follow the crowd. It represents a piece of history incredibly rich, yet so full of sorrow, that we are trying to erase. But people do not see this, they only see hate, and they are too oblivious to truly understand what this symbol of liberty stands for. This is why the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In fact, the Emancipation Proclamation states that only the slaves in the southern states were free, about 25% of the original slave population was still legally allowed to be enslaved. Lincoln himself admitted I would do it if I were not afraid that half the officers would fling down their arms and three more states would rise. Meaning that he feared he would lose half his army (that all were anti slavery ) to the South, and three more states would rebel. This proves that he was more worried about losing the war (and the base of the Union economy), than slavery continuing. Also, there was a higher mortality rate for free slaves living in the north, this is why; factory work was one of the only jobs available to immigrants and former slaves. The conditions were horrendous, and most of them died doing a job that paid peanuts. If the Union was even more racist than the Confederacy, why did we become biased against Confederates? Before the war, Nathan Bedford Forrest was one of the wealthiest men in the south, he was a slave trader and he used slaves to grow and sell cotton. He started as a private in the Civil War, but soon after joining, his military prowess was recognized and over the course of the war, he rose to the rank of Lieutenant General. He was very talented, but ruthless, and he hated African Americans. After the battle of Fort Pillow, he ordered his men to massacre the African American ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. How Did Stephen Crane Fight In The Red Badge Of Courage During the novel The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane, Henry fights alongside his comrades in the first battle that he had participated in, yet he flees in the second one he participates in. What caused him to react this way? His reasons for his actions are quite cowardly and dishonorable but justified nonetheless. Here they come, here they come! yelled one of the soldiers. The first battle started when Henry shot the first shot. He works the crowd like the soldier he is, feeling like beast, shooting his rifle, shot after shot after shot. He is confident and strong. He is a part of this regiment and together they push forward, they helt em back . In the second battle, from his point of view, it seemed as though ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Use Of Anthropomorphism In Farley Mowat s Never Cry Wolf Never Cry Wolf , by Farley Mowat, uses a lot of anthropomorphism. We see wolves as bloodthirsty savages that prey on the weak, cause havoc, and do a lot more evil things just for the fun of it. In reality, the wolves just do what is needed to survive. Humans hunt mostly for food, but also for pleasure. The wolves hunt for food, nothing else. The use of anthropomorphism completely adds to the book by showing how the wolves are not the enemy, more so the humans. In simple terms, Mowat is not just comparing wolves and humans, but also contrasting. The wolves have a mate as well as the humans. The wolves mates are for life, unlike the many humans that have gotten divorced. The wolves are in a pack; humans are in a family. Unlike wolves, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. The Labyrinth There was continually something about specific parts of The Muppets that frightened me, as much as I adore them! I particularly recall one portrayal on a VHS called Gonzo s Muppet Weird Stuff that had Jim Henson and Frank Oz executing as two singing animals using their own mouths flipped around, it was frightening! There was something unsettling about the passages paving the way to the Gorg s kingdom in Fraggle Rock . Be that as it may, nothing was more alarming than the introductory appearance of the trolls in Henson s 1986 film Labyrinth. With a basic cut from adolescent Sarah advising her infant sibling Toby a bedtime story to a bunch of trolls surrounded in a tight close up, sat in a dull castle, a hundred bad dreams and an unpreventable feeling of papanoia was gotten under way. As Sarah leaves the room and the sounds of Toby s crying are quieted with the light switch we start to find the stowaway where a unending cluster of trolls dash around the room. It is, for a youngsters film, very dim stuff and still has me somewhat careful about going into obscured rooms post seeing. Yet in a film ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For me this puts a trades section between Jareth the Goblin King and Sarah into an alternate light, and makes the effectively abnormal sentimental edge much all the more alarming. Jareth s request at the peak I request so minimal, simply give me a chance to manage you and you can have all that you need. Simply fear me, cherish me, do as I say and I will be your slave. is shockingly edgy, similar to the dream he makes for Sarah inside the poisoned peach in which Bowie sings As The World Falls Down . An intensely made up Sarah is encompassed by covered artists as Jareth coyly drives Sarah on a session of find the stowaway, before taking her in his arms for a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Do They All Or The School For Lovers Cosi fan Tutte or translated, is: Thus Do They All, or The School for Lovers. It is a play that four characters, Fiordiligi, Dorabella, Guglielmo, and Ferrando. In a nutshell, the two men have a competition/a bet of whose fiancée was the most faithful. (As mentioned in Part I of the test,) The four of them end in a mess, with their relationships ruined forever. An alternative title for this would be How To Ruin A Relationship (Forever) For Dummies. This title, compared to Thus Do They All or The School for Lovers is obviously more humorous. The title The School for Lovers is actually what made me come to the alternative title. The four characters learn that love is not what it always seems, but in my opinion the story shows that they are too easily tempted by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They took love lightly and thought as something to bet. Everything they did seemed like steps for ruining a relationship. Every scene followed by another made the situation worse and worse. If the two men wanted to break up their engagement with the women, then perhaps this was the best way to do so. Thus the title, How To Ruin A Relationship (Forever) For Dummies was born. For the short story, A Doll s House, I would rename it as House Rules. The story is about Nora Helmer, and her role as housewife. The plot centers on Nora Helmer s secret that she illegally borrowed money from Krogstad for the trip to Italy for her husband s health. Even though she acted out of love, it was still illegal for Nora to borrow money. She lies to Torvald that she got the money from her father. Nora says that she will repay the debt soon, but never told Torvald because it was illegal for married women to borrow money. When Torvald finds out in the end, he yells at Nora and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Case Study Of Bain Company 1 Introduction The global consulting industry has generated $240 billion revenues in 2015 and as such represents one of the largest markets within the professional services industry (Consultancy.uk, n.d.). Even if strategy consulting constitutes solely 12% market share (i.e., $28.8 billion) it is the most prestigious sector (Consultancy.uk, n.d.). While other sectors of the consulting industry can be delineated rather easily, strategy consulting occupies a special position. Companies of that sector not solely provide strategy consulting services, but consulting services of other sectors alike, however from a purely strategic point of view. Upon closer inspection of the strategy consulting industry, it becomes apparent that the market is clearly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While the former constitutes the functional positioning of its organizational units, the latter describes a pattern of shared basic assumptions that was learned by a group as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems (Schein, 2004, p. 17). Due to the characteristics of the business model of strategy consulting, Bain Company s organizational structure differs significantly from other industries. Although there is a global, albeit confidential, organizational structure, Bain Company is primarily structured by office whose organizational units are exhibited in Figure 1. Directed by Office Management, the organizational structure on office level is divided into two main pillars: Consulting Staff and Consulting Support Services (Bain Company Inc., n.d. l). While consulting employees are generally not split across the various consulting services (see Chapter 2.3.1), the particular dynamics of private equity consulting require a temporary separation of those selected consulting employees. Furthermore, although Executive/Manager Assistants constitute a consulting support service, the daily interaction with their assigned managers, principals, and partners (the latter two represent executive organizational levels) creates a strong link between these organizational ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Essay on The United States and World War I Describe the events that brought the U.S. into World War I. Explain the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles. What mistakes were made? There were many reasons that the U.S. was brought into World War I. With the assassination sparking the start of World War I, the U.S. didn t enter the war right away. In fact, the U.S. waited about 3 years to enter the war. They wanted to stay neutral and thought that the war was none of their concern. Shortly after the start of the war, Woodrow Wilson declared a policy of neutrality. They wouldn t be involved on any side in the war, but would offer loans, trades, and sell weapons to both sides. The U.S. stayed neutral up until 1917. They entered the war for many reasons, but some events were the real ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This was millions of dollars that Germany had to pay. Second, Germany had to reduce the size of their army. Third, Germany s colonies were to be divided among the Allies. The treaty had many mistakes. The main mistake was it restricted Germany so much. It made Germany mad and they didn t like the treaty one bit. How did new technology in World War I influence warfare? Do you think this was (and continues to be) a positive or negative influence. Explain your answer with specific examples and details. New technology that appeared in World War I influenced war in many ways. There were many new advances in technology in World War I. Major advances were things like aircraft, aircraft carriers, tanks, and new weapons like the flamethrower. There were also small inventions and advances like tracer bullets and mobile x ray machines. It influenced the war because it gave new ways to attack enemies and gave the thought of having more power. With all of the advances in weapons, it influenced to attack and try to overcome one s enemy. It also gave leaders the thought that they had even more power with the new advances. I think that it was both a positive and negative influence. I am more on the positive side because it helped to defeat enemies faster and may have ended the war quicker. I am also against it because it influenced more war, not less. In today s world, I think that again it s both positive and negative. I am more on the negative ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Essay on Leadership Vision Statement PART I: PERSONAL VALUES My top 5 values are: 1. Integrity: The first and most important trait of a leader. Integrity gives a leader validity to always do the right thing. I have a deeper meaning stemming from my family that makes it crucial that I keep integrity first if I desire others to emulate my actions. 2. Loyalty: Loyalty is the trait of a good listener and friend to just be there when needed. This trait gives superiors a sense of commitment and purpose in making sure you are doing the request job to the best of your ability. You can hold yourself as you would others. 3. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A leader is cultivated and groomed to make the best potential shine through the grimmest picture with decisiveness. A committed leader will prioritize essential needs and wants, allowing focused results to steer the mission. A leader embodies the Air Force in every aspect and relays those traits to subordinates through tough love and determination. A firm hold on the task at hand can make or break the efforts put forth to complete it. My time in the military has shown me that I have a need for order and discipline. I want to instill this trait into my subordinates and affectively give them the tools to succeed and complete the mission both home and abroad. I lead from the front and never leave those willing to strive for betterment. My plan involves completing my degree and obtaining the knowledge level needed to effectively take care of and train my replacements in true values, pride in ownership and family values. A stepping stone is that anyone can learn from anyone, even if it s what not to do. I challenge myself to right all the wrong styles of leadership that I have experienced throughout my career and be that exception to the policy/good ole boy club members. The Air Force can change with assistance from those willing to make the change. I have given blood for my countries ideals and know I will give my every effort to help produce the most capable and experience airmen for the purpose set by our CINC. I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Essay The Stranger Albert Camus The Stranger, is told by narrarator, Meursault . Our speaker seems to be a person detached from feelings, he shows no emotion. Neither the external world in which Meursault lives nor the internal world of his thoughts and attitudes possesses any rational order. He doesn t have reasons for doing half of the things he does. For these reasons I believe Meursault is determined, but doesn t know it. Our protagonist and narrarator, Meursault is completely distant from his surroundings. Significant emotional events do not even seem to effect him as they would for most people. They don t even make a dent. He has no sentiment. His mothers death, a marriage proposal, killing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Our next main character is Marie Cardona. She is Meursaults woman. She proposes to him but he is indifferent to the ideas of love and marriage, which doesn t even have a negative effect on her feelings for him. In fact, it might even attract her a little more to him because of his weirdness. She is disappointed in him but loves him and still wants to marry him. She is loyal to Meursault and stands by him through out the trial. She is not on the same level as our protagonist, obviously. She still holds onto hope in her life. She believes in an upside in things. She shows emotion. For these reasons she is not like Meursault. She can t just be so indifferent like her lover. They are on different mental levels and have different views of the world around them. For these reasons I believe that Marie is a free character. I think that she is a romantic. I think she goes with the flow and does what she wants. I also think this is part of the reason she likes Meursault. He doesn t question her about what she does when he is not around(even though its because he doesn t care). Our final main character is Raymond Sinter. If a person like Meursault could have a friend, this is who he would be. I use the term friend loosely because with such and indifferent personality, a real friend would ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Manners and Etiquette of Pride and Prejudice Rebekah Johnson Mrs. Tencza Late European History 21 November 2012 Do s and Don ts of Pride and Prejudice In 19th century England, manners played a big role. In her book Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen portrays many different aspects of English social manners in the 1800s, and these facets of English etiquette, including traveling etiquette, social propriety, and dancing, greatly affect the plot of the book. One aspect of English social etiquette was the set of strict rules for how one was to act to appear as a socially adept person and therefore a desirable match for marriage. They were for the most part unspoken rules, but during the 19th century there began to be a growing selection of etiquette books available, for instance, Dr. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He dances every dance, is very courteous, and pays special attention to Jane (Austen 278 279). Because of these two characters different behavior at this first ball, they establish their reputations; Darcy gets a bad reputation as a proud and disagreeable man, and Mr. Bingley gets a reputation as an amiable man who is fun to be around. Mr. Bingley through dancing also got an opportunity to show Jane that he cared about her; in the 1800s, if a gentleman asked to dance with a lady twice it usually meant that said gentleman was interested in the lady. At the first ball, Mr. Bingley danced with [Jane] twice... (Austen 279) and thereby showed his affection for her, an affection that grows stronger throughout Pride and Prejudice. Dancing also affects the plot of Pride and Prejudice. During the ball at Netherfield, Darcy dances with Elizabeth, and two important things happen during this dance. First, Darcy s affection for Elizabeth begins to flourish. As he is dancing with her, they have a little argument. After the dance, Darcy begins to be angry at Elizabeth, but ...in Darcy s breast there was a tolerable powerful feeling towards [Elizabeth], which soon procured her pardon, and directed all his anger against another. Also, during this dance Elizabeth s view of what happened between Mr. Darcy and Mr. Wickham, that Mr. Darcy has shamelessly exploited Mr. Wickham, is established in her own mind. Without dancing, the plot of Pride and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. A Lacanian Analysis of Paul Auster s New York Trilogy Fragmented selves: A Lacanian Reading of Auster s The New York Trilogy Abstract: The concept of fragmented self was first introduced by Freud through his model of three part psyche, namely ego, id and super ego, and later modified by Jacque Lacan, the famous postmodern psychoanalyst. The split of subject is one of the most appealing concepts in the postmodern literature. By assimilating the structure of unconscious to that of language, Lacan bridges between psychoanalysis and linguistics and hence makes a new interdisciplinary field of study. The splitting of self that Freud was considered to be merely psycho physical is in Lacanian term an alienation that occurs in language. This alienation happens as a consequence of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The symbolic order acts on the basis of binary oppositions and differentiation and children learn the meaning of certain words by differentiating them from other words. They also differentiate between the male and female and form their identity around the cultural binary oppositions that are reflected in the language. The realm of language is the realm of separation. Now if the child wants something he/ she has to utter a word to satisfy his/her desire. According to Lacan in the system of language because the signs do not reach to an ultimate signifier, men never get to the complete and serene (though unreal) situation of the imaginary order and during his life he is searching for it and tries to fulfill that lack but the lack is never compensated for. Father stands for norm and social laws of the symbolic order and these social rules are reflected in the language. The Real order which is the last phase of Lacan s three part psyche, is full of object petit a, that act as symbols of lack. We can never know the Real, because it can never be fully represented it is beyond language (Bertens 161). Language according to Lacan is the cause of our fragmentation and literature is capable of giving joussance because it takes us back to the imaginary order when there were no binary oppositions and the self was complete in its own reflection. The New York Trilogy: A Lacanian Reading Christopher Donovan in his Postmodern Counter narratives contends ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Rape Myth Acceptance Rape Myth Acceptance: Maintaining the Status Quo According to the FBI database, in the year 2013 a rape occurred roughly once every 6.6 minutes. (US Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2014). This is based on 79,770 reported cases of rape following an eighty year old definition, which defines rape as carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will (US Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2014). In 2013 however, the definition of rape was changed, and now reads, Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim (US Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are even studies which have found women more likely than men to blame the victim. (Stromwall, Alfredsson, Landstrom, 2012, p. 255) In a study of first and second year college students it was also shown that students with a higher sexual knowledge were less likely to accept rape myths. (Aronowitz, Lambert, Davidoff, 2012, p. 179) The same study also stated that despite the correlation between a higher sexual knowledge and lower rape myth acceptance (RMA), that increasing knowledge only will not fix this problem, but it is a necessary piece of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Max Ernst, Johannes Hoch, Max Ernst And Johannes Baader Dadaism came into the world to confuse all the peers that look upon the work of art each person made to express themselves, this can be for emotion, reaction, love or maybe just because they want to confuse everyone. It all began in 1915, the movement instantly caught fire and spread practically everywhere, no matter where you looked there was some sort of DADA to be seen. Sometimes you didn t even know it! The artist found inside of this essay will be: Max Ernst, Hannah Hoch and finally Johannes Baader. To begin with the first artist, Max Ernst, was a man who served in the war and soon enough became terrified of how the real world works. He became the Enemy Alien from the government saying that max had been a Refugee. Max s work has ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She had gone to school for glass making, though finding herself even deeper in the art madness that would soon bring her to her own fame, though since the war had started the school had been shut down and she had left to join the Red Cross and put her passions aside. Her work had mostly been seen as cutouts from a newspaper, some eyes being placed upon a new face and so on. Some seem to have empowered women even. Her work in my opinion was great, just nothing that interests me too much Johannes had been originally a Masonry, going to school as an apprentice for awhile till he found himself meeting his future side man in art, Raoul Hausmann. He was fitted as unfit to join the military when wanting to join, so he had began focusing on art instead. This lead to him making wonderful pieces of art and even some documents such as books and novels. Most of his work had been strete performances with his dear friend Raoul Hausmann, which did get some interest through the crowd with them both working nicely together. His work yet again had been mostly put together from newspaper clippings, morphing people from simple ink to art. Going through his art in my opinion had some more interesting things when they weren t filled with newspaper clippings. Dadaism was definitely a wonderful and intelligent art era that really morphed what art means today. Though sometimes you don t even mean to see it, at times you ll find yourself looking at a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Comprehension Is The Purpose Of Reading According to Thompkins (2016) comprehension is the purpose of reading, students need to understand and enjoy what they are reading to learn from it. It s the creative process of activating prior knowledge, to explore and apply what is read. For example, if students need to know how to play a new board game, they read the instructions for direction. Comprehension implies different levels of thinking: from literal to inferential, then critical and evaluative. Literal is the first level of comprehension, where the reader connects with the text, examine it and capturing the details, main ideas, similarities and differences, is the what, why, who, when, how process. Prior knowledge is building during this level. Instead the inferential level ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So, the educator needs to provide books that are at students reading level, use of read aloud for challenging books, also promote reteach and reread strategies. Instructional strategies and Activities Per Thompkins (2016), comprehension strategies are careful conducts that students use to understand what they read and motivate them to be active in the reading process. Strategies that include thinking are known as cognitive, and strategies that help children reflect on own thinking are called metacognition. An example of cognitive strategy is prediction as it is a thinking process, instead monitoring own reading is a metacognition strategy. Instructional strategies and activities that develops comprehension skills are Graphic and semantic organizers: they help students organize thoughts of a topic concept to broader concepts; It will help children understand and connect with the text, it will help also, to be more organized when writing a summary, and students can use visuals to examine. Connection strategies that correlate text to background knowledge as of text to self, text to world, and text to text. Text to self when the content connects with personal life; text to world when the passage relates to things that are known of world from school or other resources. The last connection, text to text is a strategy used to make connection with other known books, with challenging critical thinking. Reciprocal Teaching, a strategy performed during ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Active Learning Reflection 1) Active Learning Small mentions that the best way for students to learn is not through memorization of facts or procedures, but through group work and problem solving. The article states that through active learning, students can use math to solve problems, develop their own ideas, and build upon the ideas of others (Small 4). I agree with Small s thinking, as students do tend to benefit more when they get the chance to share their ideas with others and observe their classmates work to see how similar or different their thinking strategies are. This allows students to actively engage with the question (math problem), learn how to problem solve, understand that there is more than one way to approach a solution, think outside the box, as well as see how this problem can relate to topics outside the classroom. I personally, never enjoyed group work. Throughout my experience in public school, my teachers would always promote group activities, but there was never any guidance or instruction to it, so the discussions would be unbeneficial and confusing (eg. People choose not to talk, did not know what they were doing or had the same idea). 2) Using Manipulative s While growing up, manipulatives were a tool that was commonly used in my classroom. Small states that manipulative materials concrete representations of mathematical ideas is essential to developing mathematical understanding (4). I believe that manipulatives are great tools, especially for younger students, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Essay High-Speed Rail and the Advancement of America Along with hover boards and flying cars, high speed rail is one of the most iconic futuristic technologies discussed today. With great success, European and Asian countries such as Germany, France, Japan and China have been enjoying bullet trains for decades. Japan has been a leading innovator of high speed trains, and has currently developed a train capable of 315 mph (Shadbolt). This MagLev is revolutionizing public transport and changing how the world view trains forever. The average European high speed train can travel at speeds in excess of 220 mph ( The 10 ). The United States is falling behind in this highly efficient, safe, and environmentally friendly high speed train race. With the amount of traffic congestion between ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Unfortunately, California still has not started the construction of their high speed rail project, but this shows, early in the development of the project, that high speed rail will create a plethora of jobs. While there are a limited number of spots in the grant (Mumma), But there will be thousands of jobs that we need to get people ready for, Eager added (Sheehan). Lee Ann Eager is the executive director of the Fresno County Economic Development Corp, and while being interviewed by Sheehan, she states that there will be many more job opportunities available once construction begins, and then once the system is up and running, there will be thousands of jobs that need to be created to keep the rail system up and running safely and efficiently. A maintenance station for example, could house around 1,500 permanent jobs, and also be a magnet to further development for high speed rail, which will in turn create more jobs. Jobs for the construction of new power plants needed to power the high speed rail system will also be available, as well as the jobs created to maintain and use the power plant. With the need for more environmentally friendly ways of creating electricity, more companies will need to be created to build and provide maintenance for these new plants, and also for research for better ways of utilizing the different renewable energies. All of these factors mean more and more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. General George Patton s Blood And Guts General George Patton, also known as Blood and Guts , was and is known as one of the best there was. Patton was a highly effective pioneer, advocate, and exponent of modern mechanized warfare as well as doctrine of highly mobile offensive. (Axelrod, 2006) The soldiers that served under Patton in the Third and Seventh Army s knew him as a soldier s leader and took his death very hard. They considered Patton one of the greatest men that ever lived. Patton professed to be a Christian and was certain that God destined him to military greatness. (Axelrod, 2006) Patton was an incredible leader to the third and seventh armies, yet he was continuously threatened with being removed from command. He suffered from dyslexia, deep depression, and episodes of hysteria which made his confidence levels close to zero. Yet he led armies under him into victories that exuded confidence. There were mothers that were terrified of Patton s tactics with their sons, but Dwight D. Eisenhower was sure that those same tactics used by Patton would save those soldier s lives. Patton was a strong leader that led by example. He fought with his soldiers and was on the front line right beside them. When he spoke, he may have been feared, but he was also respected. He was a man of his word. He put soldiers in place that he knew would get the job done. He made sure his soldiers were always on guard and ready to fire at all times when it was pertinent. He pushed himself and his army to stay ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Dbq Monument If pictures are worth one million words then a 3 d picture which is a monument is worth one million stories. The purpose of monuments is to tell a story about an events therefore crital thinking adn efforts are placed into making monuments. Depending on where the monuemnt is located and how it is built including its pose and the material it is made up of, it helps the audience live in that moment with the monuments,making the monument and the sudience one. The position of a monument is very important because the purpose of it, is to recreate events wether its devestating, or upbring. Therefore, the making a monument stand, sit, knee, tells three different stories. Like in source B, the photography of Christopher Columbus, Columbus is standing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Depending on the placement of the monument the importance of the events contues genrations on. For an example, inorder for placing something of sagnificant value, the holocaust, would be placed somehwere of sagnifcant value, like a nations capital, but just anywhere in the nations capital. Eventhough DC is the nations capital placeing the holocaust museum in a mall in DC is disrespectful and offensive to the people who died and the servivers(source E). Just because its the national capital doesnt mean a mall in the nations capital is appropreate, besides lives were lost, not material things being bought. The failure for the creator(s) to think of that stripped the meaning and the pain behind the holocuast away. The placement of that museum made fun of, or even mocked the holocuast as if it is important to be remebered by America but not important to petray horrifying details of it. If the placement of the museum was to be in central DC near the White House, it creates a more important rule in Americas everyday life, because its near where the prisident lives, its near where people go to live the American dream. It would reinforce the meaning of the tragidy, the menaing of being saought out just becuase of you religion, the meaning of being gased alive, the meaning of being torn away from your family, the meaning of starving in the cold winters, and lastly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. African American Liberation Movement After Ww2 In the end, of World War II, there was an era called the liberation movement that continued through the twentieth century. There were movements to defeat fascism and end colonial and racial domination in other places of the world. It took two decades, but most of Africa and Asia had been decolonized. And so in most cases liberation was peaceful, but other places had a struggle with it. With those struggles in showed that independence would bring a whole new set of challenges. New African states had a hard time with developing political systems. Africans were really not happy with the fact that they had limited gains from colonial reform of 1940. Decolonization was going on in other parts of the world such as India and elsewhere. Africans ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. School Buses Should Have Seatbelts School Buses Should Have Seatbelts When you see so many incidents lately on the news regarding the students riding the bus, the lack of supervision, and sometimes the harmful acts being done to other students; you wonder why these things are happening. Or perhaps there was an accident involving a bus where a student was severely hurt. I am for seatbelts being on school buses for the simple fact that anything could happen on a bus even an accident and the students should be safe. The issue of seatbelts on a bus is not a huge controversial issue compared to other issues such as whether or not English should be the official language or abortion, but it is an important issue to be discussed and made a decision on. School bus transportation is one of the safest forms of transportation in the United States. We require all new school buses to meet safety requirements over and above those applying to all other passenger vehicles. These include requirements for improved emergency exits, roof structure, seating and fuel systems, and bus body joint integrity. These requirements help ensure that school buses are extremely safe. (National Highway) If these buses are so safe why are children being critically hurt if there is an accident? If the National Highway Transportation Administration (NHTSA) is comparing the requirements to other passenger vehicles than they are not meeting those standards as a Dodge Caravan is a passenger vehicle and is required to have seatbelts ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Monopolies In The 1800s Essay Throughout history, there have been many problems present in the American life. In the time period between the 1800s to the 1900s, there were many problems such as, poor living and working conditions and powerful monopolies. Many reforms were proposed in order to solve these problems. The grisly living and working conditions, along with overpowered monopolies, were both addressed with reforms. As immigrants migrated to the United States, cities became cramp, living conditions were poor, and working conditions were careless. In document one, the image taken by Jacob Riis, in 1890, shows a group of immigrants living in a tiny and filthy room. It is clear that all five of the men live in that single room because there is a stove, pans, and a bed all in one area. It is also clear that they have a poor living condition because there are cracks in the wall and dirty clothes. Also, Jacob Riis is known for his work How ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In document four it shows giant money bags as men, clearly the monopolists. These men are sitting in a room of senators. The image also shows a door that states Peoples Entrance , which seems to be closed. This image shows the how monopolists had too much power. Instead of all people having a say, it was only the monopolists. This problem was resolved by allowing people to select their senators, The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two senators from each state, elected by the people thereof, for six years (Document 7). Another problem with monopolies was how they treated their workers. Document three shows a decrease in child labor from 1890 to 1920. Child labor was cheap, this was ideal to any monopolist. Many monopolists, such as Rockefeller, were ruthless and supplied no safety for their workers, and paid them very little. This problem was addressed with the work by Ida Tarbell, The History of Standard Oil. The powerful monopolists were limited in power by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Major Themes In The Fifth Wave By Rick Yancey The Fifth Wave Theme Essay The author of the The 5th Wave, Rick Yancey, had several prominent themes. Three were most vital; first, war cannot change who a person really is at their core, second, people are defined by the choices they make, and third, family is worth living for. These are the best and most important motifs of The 5th Wave. The first theme, war cannot change who a person really is at their core, recurs during several incidences which reinstates the significance. For example, Ben tries to make Ringer smile despite being in the midst of the end of the world. When Cassie and Sammy reunite, he goes back to his five year old self despite his being in boot camp for months prior, and lastly, Cassie and Evan flirt ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Finally, Cassie had little to no human contact before she was shot in the leg and saved by Evan Walker but she still did not hesitate to kiss him, cuddle, fight, or anything that a normal couple would do. After fighting with each other, Evan Walker kisses me. Holding my hand against his chest, his other hand sliding across my neck... Despite Cassie being shot in the leg by an unknown shooter, aliens trying to take over the Earth, her brother being taken, and her family being dead, she is still a teenage girl who enjoys male interaction. An additional theme heavily shown throughout the book is people are defined by the choices they make . Ben left his little sister, Sissy, to die, even though he could have made an effort to save her; because he left her, he now vows not to run from danger or those things which scare him. Furthermore, Cassie promises Sammy that she will find him and, because she makes that promise, she will stop at nothing to be with him again. At the beginning of the arrival, Ben and his family stayed at their house. One night, there are gunshots and screams heard coming from their neighbors house; Ben s mother demands them to blow out the candles which lit the rooms and his father told Ben that If anything happens to me, take care of your mother and baby sister, (Page 117). After that, the door crashes open and Ben s father shoots the male intruder to no avail his father is then shot in the face and Ben ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Essay On Morley Callaghan There is same common moral in short stories by Morley Callaghan. And the lesson in his short stories is that what is near you before you lose it or you surrender yourself regard. Short stories of Callaghan demonstrate individuals that everyone can commit errors yet they need to know when they roll out them keeping in mind the end goal to improvement them (MacLeod, pp 426). Callaghan composes short story tale s to show his perusers morals on the subject of human instinct as well as how people respond to one another in the public arena. Morley Callaghan is an incredible essayist furthermore a magnificent person who as composed numerous books, and short stories throughout his life. Morley Callaghan is surely understood as a stately achiever of Canadian writing, the most unique as well as over the top author of fiction people of Canada have had in their nation. Discussion On 22nd February Callaghan was born in Toronto Ontario. He was an outstanding student and he had a passion to write. Callaghan graduated from University of Toronto (MacLeod, pp 426). Callaghan was very humble person. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Callaghan s profitable era ranges in excess of right around seven decades, until in 1990 when he passes away. A Girl with Ambition , Callaghan first short story, in 1926 showed up in the Paris diary This Quarter as well as his primary period of short story composing extends as of the late 1920s to the mid 1950s (Reznowski, pp 169 176). In spite of the fact that Callaghan, as Knister and Grove, at first experienced the still immature scholarly base in Canada at the time, he was at that point effective in his more youthful years, particularly in the USA and Europe. Callaghan was Canada s pioneer extraordinary internationalist (Hill, pp 5 13), as well as Callaghan soon saw his short exposition distributed in composed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. How Did King George III Changed Our Lives America gaining independence from Britain was something fought for in the 1700 s. It is something we can nowadays take pride in. The American Revolution was a group of event that changed our lives drastically. There were significant hardships that Britain bestowed upon the colonies. The tyrannical ways King George III controlled the American colonies and unfair acts such as the Stamp Act, the Intolerable Act and the Boston Massacre. King George III s reign did not make America represent the land of opportunity, actually it did the opposite. He was largely portrayed as an oppressor to the American colonies. Profoundly because of the extreme taxation of the American colonies without explanation and lack of representation in Parliament. Taxes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Using Amazon Mechanical Turk ( Https ) METHOD PARTICIPANTS Participants were recruited using Amazon Mechanical Turk (https://www.mturk.com/), a crowdsourcing Internet marketplace in which workers can complete Human Intelligence Tasks (HITs) in exchange for gift certificate credit on Amazon.com. Our workers/participants were limited to adults residing in the US, and all their responses were kept anonymous. Participants were directed to complete the survey on Qualtrics.com, an online survey tool. On the Mechanical Turk site participants must reach the end of the survey before they receive a validation code that they enter into mTurk to receive their compensation. Moreover, participants in our study are recruited through Amazon s website, and have previously agreed to Amazon ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Participants were compensated approximately $__ for their participation, which was the rate recommended by Amazon s guide to Best Practices for mTurk. We did ask for demographical information like race, gender, age and receding state. Participants had to be married for at least 3 through 25 years. We only used first time marriage participants in order to reduce any compounding variables. PROCEDURE Participants were given an informed consent. Random numbers were given to each participant and were randomly placed in one of the three groups: positive humor, avoidant humor, and control (somatic features). The manipulation for this study was to prime each group differently before taking the questionnaires. The positive humor group was asked to think of a moment when their spouse used positive humor, humor used to reduce tension and bring closeness. The avoidant humor group was asked to think of a moment when their spouse used avoidant humor, humor that is used to avoid conflict or change the topic. The control group was then asked to think of their spouse s somatic features. Each group then had to take two measures the KMS (Kansas Marital Satisfaction) scale and the CSI (Couples Satisfaction Index). MEASURES KMS In order to measure marital satisfaction, we used the KMS scale (Schumm, 1986). The KMS is a short 3 item, 7 point Likert scale. The KMS was used to ask participants their level of marital satisfaction based on their satisfaction with their marriage, spouse, and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Parent Child Relationships In Sandra Cisneros The Help It is absolutely baffling that the people individuals are surrounded by will determine the type of person they become. Growing up with a caring family can give a person a sense of kindness that will follow them throughout their lifetime. That person, in turn, may raise their own children with the same feelings of affection. In contrast, bad relationships between parents and children will stunt the child s maturity. These children grow up to project their feelings of low self worth onto other people. One pessimistic person can create bleak surroundings for everyone around them. Parent child relationships are significantly important in all aspects because these affiliations provide safety and care for children. Lack of parental involvement causes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sally ends up living a dreadful future because her father cannot learn from his mistakes. Sally s father treats her life a lifeless object by repeatedly hitting her. White Space Her father s physical assault causes her to rebel and get involved with boys early on in order to live away from him. Marin is another character found in The House on Mango Street who struggles as she grows because her parents are off in another country. The fear that stems from feeling unwanted by her family makes her crave someone who will want her. White Space Her strong desire for a romantic relationship is only one of the reasons she continues to run into challenges throughout her life. Both Sally and Marin grew up quickly and sought for romantic relationships they were not patient or mature enough for. Sally experiences a sad future by marrying early to escape her abusive father. Marin lives forever in a daydream of falling in love with a handsome ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Mats Ek Mats Ek Allegra Vianello English National Ballet School 2nd year Words Count: 2304 23/04/2013 Contents Page Introduction Life and career Re making of the ballet classics Stylistic elements of his choreography: clarity and irony Themes Movement Vocabulary References Influences and Muses Bibliography Introduction In this essay I will present one of the greatest choreographers of the 20th century, Mats Ek. I will describe his specific stylistic characteristics, themes and dance vocabulary bringing as examples some of his most important re adapted works such as Giselle, Swan Lake and Sleeping ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (https://secure.staatsoper.de/) Swan Lake A lonely, somewhat weaker than the average Prince Siegfried, who questions his sexuality (think
  • 36. Oedipus complex) and his mother s open issues in attempting to marry him to someone just like herself. The Prince encounters androgynous creatures, swans that waddle through the ground rather than the graceful water creatures that we know from Petipa/Ivanov. (http://www.theballetbag.com/2012/07/13/mats ek biography/) (http://www.criticaldance.com/reviews/2002/cullberg_swanlake 021023.html) Sleeping Beauty The teenager Princess Aurora falls in love with the wrong guy and ends up in a drug induced coma. Carabosse appears as a drug dealer and tempts Aurora into pricking her finger with the needle . At Aurora s birth the fairies are maternity nurses and later they are pop culture characters out of a TV show, while the Prince is a spectator. (http://www.theballetbag.com/2012/07/13/mats ek biography/) Ek has made an astounding break from the Sleeping Beauty we know and love, leaving not a single stone of Petipa s edifice standing, renouncing all the choreographic gems cut by the imperial jeweller of the Tsarist ballet (Vollmer, Horst. Irreverently Classical: Mats Ek stages Sleeping Beautywith the Hamburg Ballet. Ballet International,7,1996:19) Törnrosa GöteborgsOperans Balett ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...