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Conclusion In Research Format
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Conclusion In Research Format Conclusion In Research Format
Catherine De Medici The Main Cause Of The Saint...
Was Catherine de Medici the main cause of The Saint Bartholomew s Massacre? Catherine was an
Italian woman who married a French King, Henry II. They had ten children of which three were boys:
Francis II, Charles IX and Henry III would later rule as king. Catherine enjoyed her role as Queen and
mother and had no involvement with the King s affairs. It wasn t until after the King s death that she
made her presence known. There are a few reason s why The Saint Bartholomew s Day Massacre
occurred. Could it have began with the Huguenots assuming the Spanish were planning to destroy
them, and decided to attack first. Catherine may not have had any intention on starting the second war
against the Huguenots but her being in the right place with the wrong person did. It was only because
of Catherine s visit to her daughter Queen Elizabeth of Spain while in the presence of a catholic and
military leader, Duke of Alba, did the Huguenots leaders think the Spanish were plotting an attack
against them. The Huguenots attempted and failed to kidnap King Charles IX, which proved to be a
bad decision that started the second war. This action caused Catherine, as Regent to Charles IX, to
drop her policy of tolerating the Huguenots and siding with the Catholics. She issued an edict
withdrawing all freedom of worship for Huguenots and ordered all Huguenot ministers to leave the
country (History). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This was according to a Noble French Roman Catholic family. Yet, this was not the reason she wanted
Coligny arrested. His closeness and influence over her son Charles IX didn t sit well with her. She
feared his influence on her son would have France start a war with
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Military Strategies
The other side argues that violent media in particular is causing children to act out on the actions seen
within violent media. According to Leo ...the games are often played by unstable youngsters unsure
about the difference (Leo). The evidence, while partially true, fails to explain that only some children
exposed to violent media are acting out on what they see. In addition, this shows that there is no
causation apparent, as only a small percentage of children actually exhibit behaviors as a result of
violent media. The opposition also asserts that the forms of media that are being exposed to children
mainly involve violence. Leo states that A widely cited survey of 900 fourth through eighth grade
students found that almost half of the children said their favorite electronic games involve violence ...
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The adversary also contends that violent media, in particular shooting games are training children to
kill people. Leo affirms that Psychologist David Gross of Arkansas State University, a retired Army
officer, thinks point and shoot video games have the same effect as military strategies used to break
down a soldier s aversion to killing (Leo). There are several problems with this evidence however,
including the fact that the comparison between military strategies and violence in the media is not the
same. Military strategies have a purpose to actually remove their soldier s aversion to killing whereas
the media s purpose is to entertain someone. The other side states that said media, specifically video
games, are targeting people to want to kill innocent people. Leo contests that One ad for a Sony game
says: Get in touch with your gun toting, testosterone pumping, cold blooded murdering side (Leo).
However the problem with this evidence is that an advertisement doesn t actually cause violent
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The Various Religions in Africa and Religions...
The Various Religions in Africa and Religions African Americans Preach
My assignment is to write about the various religions that are situated in Africa and religions African
Americans preach. There are many different religions in Africa because there are various regions and
countries in Africa. Also Africa and its inhabitants have been around for many, many years. One
reason that there are so many different religions. The first and most widespread religion I am going to
talk about is Christianity. Christianity was introduced into Northern Africa in the first century. It later
spread to the regions of Ethiopia and Sudan around the fourth century. Christianity was able to survive
in Ethiopia because of the Coptic Church but in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Swedish are established in the Italian colony of Erythracea and the Norwegians have an important
mission in Betsileo. The English though, have had a long history of missions in Africa. Some of the
more important ones are: The London Missionary Society, which was established in 1795. This church
was primarily felt in South Africa with Moffat and Dr. Livingstone. Also was the Universities Mission
Society, which was based in Zanzibar. The French Protestants were successful in the Northeastern
Cape Colony, and in the French Congo where the replaced the American Presbyterians in 1892. Lets
not forget America though; the Methodist Episcopal Church, The Baptist church and the Presbyterian
Church are all in Africa from America. The Methodists began the colony of Liberia in 1820 but was
only able to establish a permanent Bishopric there until 1858. The Baptists have missions in
Monrovia, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Lagos. Presbyterians are very influential also. In Egypt almost
every village on the Nile is not without one of their schools. In light of this, you can see that Christian
Religions from all parts of the world flourished in Africa. The second most widespread religion in
Africa is Islam. Islam was introduced to Northern Africa in the seventh century. In the following
centuries it
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All Quiet On The Western Front Summary
The story All Quiet on the Western Front is centered around the German war front during World War I.
Paul Baumer, our narrator, is a young soldier within the German infantry along with a group of his
friends. Baumer and his friends were urged to enlist in the war by their patriotic teacher who glorified
the fighting and how they would be saving their homeland. Our story starts out on the front lines
where Paul and a group of his friends are fighting for their survival. Due to all the death and mayhem
surrounding them they have become disillusioned by the war. They have quickly learned that it s not
the generals or captains out risking their lives, but the ordinary men, like themselves, who die and
suffer through the gloom of the war. They ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
At home again, he recognizes that the war has changed him. He feel uncomfortable in civilian closes
and feel like he doesn t know how to interact with non serviceman. Paul begins to resent how
everyone in hi hometown act as if the war is a great and wonderful thing, a game even. He is upset
because no one there quite understands the true horrors of war time and how they probably never will.
While he is away, Paul and his go for a swim and end up coming together with a group of French girls.
This is the first time Paul actually begins to feel that the enemy are just normal people. Near the end of
his leave, Paul sends some time at a training camp near a group of Russian war time prisoners. Paul
again feels sympathy for the enemy ; he doesn t understand how war could make an enemies of people
who have never met. Before long, Paul is reunited with his friends when he is sent back his company.
While his back, the Kaiser (German Emperor), visits the front line to try and boost esprit de corps.
However, Paul and then men are all very disappointed because it become clear to them that the Kaiser
is merely a small man with a weak
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Bartleby The Scrivener Symbolism Essay
Melville s Bartleby, The Scrivener is an example of romance by using symbols and evoking emotions
felt by the lawyer to bring the reader to a different place and time. Melville s symbols are not as
obvious as Hawthorne s; non the less, they are present. If we dig deep into the symbols of the story we
see reality; however, the story may seem a bit farfetched. Melville s symbols are not as obvious as
Hawthorne s; non the less, they are present. Melville also takes a different approach to creating
emotion with his reader. Instead of using colorful words to paint a picture, Melville uses feelings of
frustration, anger, and sadness to make us feel what the lawyer and Bartleby is feeling. The remaining
paragraphs will elaborate on the symbols and emotions Melville presents in his story. ... Show more
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Melville uses Bartleby s screen as well as walls to symbolize his isolation, depression, and even death.
Other symbols that represent Bartleby s untimely death is revealed to us after the fact when we learn
of his previous job at the Dead Letter Office. On three occasions Melville notes the dead brick wall
that Bartleby looks out at, that for long periods he would stand looking out, at his pale window behind
the screen, upon the dead brick wall , the next day I noticed the Bartleby did nothing ut stand at his
window in his dead wall revery , and Bartleby remained standing at his window in one of his
profoundest dead wall reveries . The mention of the dead wall and Bartleby s screen can be seen to
represent Bartleby s isolation, loneliness, and eventually
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Group 1 Bee Sting Final Fall 2014 Essay
BIOL 2010, Anatomy and Physiology I
Group 1
Tammy Bohanan, Hannah Thompson, and Hannah Grigsby
Bee Sting,
Fall 2014
The Case: It s a warm Fourth of July and you are walking across the park to your favorite picnic spot.
You are allergic to and highly phobic about bee stings. While walking, you hear a buzzing sound to
your right. You turn your head and see a large bee hovering over your right shoulder. You reach with
your left hand to swat the bee, but just as you make contact, it stings you anyway. You notice that you
are sweating and your skin turns red. You realize that your Epi pen was left in the car, so you panic
and begin sprinting back to the car to get it.
The Assignment: Name and describe all of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
CO2 is released as a waste product. The 2 carbon acetyl group binds to coenzyme A. At this point, the
process starts to move into the mitochondria and the Krebs Cycle is initiated. There is a net gain of 2
ATP and 2 molecules of NADH produced.
During Krebs Cycle, the acetyl CoA breaks down further into two molecules of carbon dioxide during
each turn of the cycle. In the process, the molecules FAD and NAD are reduced to FADH2 and
NADH. 2 ATP is generated during the Krebs Cycle.
The reduced FADH2 and NADH enter the Electron Transport System where they are re oxidized to
FAD and NAD. These electrons release energy which forms 32 ATP molecules.
During aerobic respiration, there is a total net gain of 36 ATP.
2. (6 pts) Turn your head to the right. (Create a table* that describes which muscles move which bones
across which joints under the control of which nerves)
Turn head right:
Rotation to the shoulder of opposite side
Manubrium of Sternum and Clavicle
Mastoid Process of temporal bone and the occipital bone
Accessory Nerve
Flexion and slight rotation of the head
(scalenus anterior, scalenus medius, and scalenus posterior)
Transverse processes of clavicle vertebrae
First two ribs
Cervical nerves (C3 C6)
3. (10 points) Trace the image of the bee to perception. (Include all focusing, transduction,
transmission and perception processes and structures)
The ear receives
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The Thing Around Your Neck
The women show courage and intelligence even though they are culturally suppressed. Discuss. The
Thing Around Your Neck by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie highlights the often challenging lives of
Nigerian women living in Africa, but also abroad in the United States. It is however, not the
difficulties which Adichie is ultimately focusing on, but the courage and intelligence of women who
are able to make small victories , overcoming various attempts of cultural oppression. Adichie s
characters are subject to cultural suppression in several of the short stories. This is most pronounced in
The Arrangers of Marriage where Chinaza is forced by her husband to assimilate to her new
surroundings by ridding herself of all signs of being Nigerian, ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
This includes the courage shown by the unnamed narrator in Cell One to stand up and cause damage
to her parent s windshield so they could not go and visit Nnamabia for a day, a little victory to the less
favored sibling. Likewise, Ukamaka, in The Shivering is courageous enough to apologise to Chinedu
and repair their friendship, whilst in The Arrangers of Marriage Chinaza returns to her husband.
Despite his various attempts to strip her of her cultural identity and not know[ing] him she returns and
opens herself to climb[ing] up to love . Perhaps true courage is most evident in A Private Experience
where a Hausa Muslim and Igbo Christian hide together in a store while outside their respective ethnic
groups are engaged hacking down...with machetes, clubbing...with stones . To risk the possibility of
being seen together, alongside the friendship they develop is a truly courageous act. Adichie therefore
demonstrates that ultimately human kindness trumps any religious lines, whilst the women are capable
of actions that put themselves in harm s way. Furthermore, the characters are intelligent and
determined. In Jumping Monkey Hill Ujunwa is well educated and a capable writer, invited to a
prestigious writing workshop. She is also intelligent enough to question Edward s sexual advanced
and proclaim that this
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Quality Function Deployment
operatıons management project report
Cost management through product design: target costing approach, Yasemin Zengin and Erhan Ada
In this paper, target costing tool combined with other management techniques, namely Quality
Function Deployment (QFD) and Value Engineering (VE), has been focused with a case study. In this
case study, QFD TC (Target Costing) methodology has been executed in a SME (Small and medium
enterprises) and it is showed that, integrating target costing with QFD and VE techniques is highly
effective on managing the costs of product and overall production process.
Introduction / Motivation
In today s world, customers demand increased functionality and quality with ... Show more content on
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Using the target costing module, the cost of a hydrostatic testing unit was calculated as E1.799,26.
With a mark up of 20%, the unit selling price of the Company totalled up approximately E2.160,00,
more than the price of the domestic producer.
Step 3: Target Costing
According to customer survey results, the selling price was calculated to be E1.803,75 per testing unit
and it was decided to set a market price for testing unit that was 7.5%, but which included a 20%
profit for the company.
Step 4: Cost breakdown on cost drivers and Step 5: target costing through product design.
After determining a target cost, according to customer feedbacks, company s different teams work
together to reduce cost to target cost. After considering QFD analysis and main cost drivers, the
production team listed the following additional components illustrated in Table 1.
The optimal product was designed by keeping the balance of the survival tripod. In Table 2, the items
and the costs of the new design are given. The new design of the product resulted in a total cost of
E1.490,29 per unit.
Step 6: Continuous improvement.
Regardless of whether a target cost is achieved, efforts for continuous improvement should be
provided to maintain the profitability and market position of the product.
Pros and cons in the implementation of QFD TC process
* Company realised a considerable cost reduction for the
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##versical Dilemmas, And Peter Singer s The Singer...
The subject of suffering has been a discussion of debate among numerous philosophers for many
decades. In the article, The Singer Solution to World Poverty, Peter Singer forms two theoretical
scenarios to encourage readers to consider their obligations in aiding children in need; in the poem
Musee des Beaux Arts, by W.H. Auden, employs the use of two paintings to illustrate the indifference
of humanity to individual suffering. At first, readers will say that both pieces are noticeably different
in terms of selflessness, but a thorough inspection of both works uncovers a misleading truth that
imply controversial opinions on the issue. The usage of imaginary incidents in both writings contain
problems of distortion of actuality. The inaccurate evidence will likely trigger readers to be inclined to
reach deceptive assumptions in regards to the author s proposed solutions.
First, in The Singer Solution to World Poverty, Singer deceives actuality when he generates two events
in which an individual is faced with an ethical dilemma whether to save a child or sacrifice his or her
luxuries. In the second scenario offered by Singer, Bob faces the choice of either turning the switch on
the railroad to save a child or letting the train destroy his life savings, a Bugatti. Furthermore, people
will condemn Bob for not freeing the child. Though, Singer argues as there is no distinct line amongst
the situation and the real life issue of donating money to children in need, wealthy
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Multithreading
threads to work.
Also , this is a generation where almost everyone has a smartphone and hence many of us confuse
multithreading and multitasking as similar.
Almost all mobiles are Dual Core or Quad Core and this therefore means that the mobile has either 2
or 4 CPU s which are capable of executing different instructions at the same time.
The different threads can hereby run in parallel on different CPUs which can help execute instructions
faster and accurately.
Multi threading is not the same as multi tasking, multi tasking is the ability to run multiple programs
at the same time; while multi threading is the ability to execute different portions of the same program
at the same time.
In very easy language multi threading in Operating System ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
We ll consider threads as kid methods that share the parent process resources however execute
severally. Multiple threads of one method will share the CPU in an exceedingly single CPU system or
(purely) run in parallel in an exceedingly data processing system. A multitasking system will have
multi rib processes wherever totally different processes share the CPU and at identical time every has
its own threads.
The question is why we want to possess multiple threads of execution among one method context. Let
s consider an example wherever it s additional convenient to possess a multi rib application. Suppose
that we simply have a UI application wherever you would like to issue a command that need while to
end let s consider a mathematical computation. Unless you run this command in an exceedingly
separate execution thread you ll not be able to move with the most application user interface (for
example change a progress bar) as a result of its attending to be not responding whereas the
calculation is
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Prince Suicide
Did prince committed suicide because he had aids?
On April 21, 2016 Prince Rogers Nelson aka music popstar prince had been discovered unconscious in
his million dollar home. When police were called to the scene he had been discovered pronounced
dead. There are more who believed he was diagnosed HIV/AIDS and was tired of hiding for pleasing
his fans and for his life. One theory is Prince committed suicide because he had AIDs. Prince had been
diagnosed with full blown aids. ``AIDS weakened prince enough for the flu or the zika virus to kill
him, or get back on drugs knowing he was dying anyways according to fansidded.com. The rumors is
popping up, thanks to National Enquirer. A publication known for blowing things out of proportion ...
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Because back in the 90s rumors spread saying he has HIV and AIDS but the way he was going back
then he may have AIDS and also HIV. His crazy sex life his battles of addiction. And the fact his
family cremated him as soon as they pronounced him dead they didn t want people to discover he had
AIDS/ HIV. But he had scars on his hip and his lower leg he can get the pills by saying his leg hurts so
he can get the stronger acting pills and plan the overdose. And commit suicide in his home in
Chanhassen MN, on April 21
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Jeannette Winterson Weight Essay
In Jeanette Winterson s novel Weight, the author demonstrates how myths have modern personal
relevancies and can encourage each reader to investigate the three main subject matters in their lives;
boundaries, freedom, and guilt. The numerous references to walls throughout the novel signify the
boundaries, which make Atlas strive for freedom. Winterson s Weight, is a modern rewrite on an old
myth of Atlas and Heracles, and the challenges they endure can be interpreted by individual readers
for personal relevancies. Atlas, a father of daughters, is faced with the burden of carrying the world on
his shoulders. This can represent a feeling as if one is carrying a world of stress and guilt on one s
shoulders and conscience. Heracles, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Atlas constantly is escaping into the limitless of his imagination, where he is not punished for wanting
the forbidden. The Gods hoped that by punishing Atlas to be trapped in his body under the weight of
the world that they would contain his mind, and they were mistaken. This can be interpreted as the
strength and perseverance from within an individual. The wall that Atlas builds around the Garden of
Hesperides is constructed in such a way that it explains freedom and nothingness that can sometimes
be unappreciated. Winterson writes, I built a walled garden, a temenos, a sacred space. I lifted the
huge stones with my own hands and piled them carefully, as a goatherd would, leaving tiny gaps to let
the wind through. A solid wall is easily collapsed. My mother stirring in her sleep could do as much. A
wall well built with invisible spaces will allow the winds that rage against it to pass through. When the
earth underneath it trembles, the spaces make room for movement and settlement. The wall stands.
The wall s strength is not in the stones but in the spaces between the stones. It s a joke against me I
think, that for all my strength and labour, the wall relies on nothing .Write it more substantially
NOTHING. (p. 16). On the contrary, carrying the world doesn t only make one feel trapped, it also
feels as if one is carrying stress and guilt on their conscience, which
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Mass Shootings And Gun Violence In The United States
After the Newtown, Connecticut elementary school mass shooting, on June 10, 2014, President
Barack Obama stated: My biggest frustration so far is the fact that this society has not been willing to
take some basic steps to keep guns out of the hands of people who can do just unbelievable damage.
We re the only developed country on Earth where this happens....And it happens once a week. And it s
a one day story....The country has to do some soul searching on this. Every day there seems to be
another story in the news regarding a shooting, ranging from small to large scale. Has something
within ourselves changed that s caused the increased violence? I fear that the situation is only going to
get worse as time goes on. There has been an increase in mass shootings over the last decade. Perhaps
the increase is partly due to the popularity of media and social media. In order to prevent the mass
shootings and gun violence in general, we need to put stricter policies in place for background checks
and weapons allowed for purchase and ownership. Other countries around the world, with stricter gun
laws, do not have mass shootings like the United States does.
Putting stricter gun laws in place to regulate what types of guns and ammunition citizens can buy is
regulated by the Second Amendment and the National Firearms Act of 1934. The purchasing of semi
automatic weapons and automatic weapons, manufactured prior to 1986, are legal in most states
(http://www.dw.com/en/8 facts about gun control in the us/a 40816418). However, recent events point
to the government needing to regulate what types of weapons are allowed to be lawfully owned in this
country. In the last 10 years, five of the deadliest shootings have occurred in the U.S. Dating back to
1949, of the 30 deadliest shootings, 18 have been within the last 10 years
(http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/13/health/mass shootings in america in charts and graphs
trnd/index.html). The use of AR 15 rifles has become increasingly popular during mass shooting
events however, semi automatic handguns are also used (http://www.politifact.come/truth o
meter/article/2017/nov/08/facts mass shootings united states/). Not allowing citizens to acquire certain
types of weapons
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Chirp 1 Ap Chapter 1
So let s say this is Zephyr running around terrorizing the town and supposedly kill two people what
are we supposed to do? Zay asked. What are you getting at? Todrick implied as he shifted through his
parents drawers grabbing anything that he knew was silver. Well I mean what if he s gone? Todrick
stopped what he was doing and looked at Zay. He didn t know what to say as it wasn t something he
had thought about. I mean I know it s a scary thought but come on Tod, he killed two people. Even if
we somehow managed to get him back he did things that ll get him put up. Zay continued. I see where
you re coming from but we have to at least try to save him. It s the least i owe him for turning him into
this and then abandoning him. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The boys jumped back and Todrick lost his footing, falling back. Zay tried to grab him but the wolf
snapped his teeth in his direction. Zay quickly fell back and Todrick just sat there face to face with the
wolf. Zephyr? Todrick said softly. The wolf snarled. Zephyr if that is you please listen to me. I m so
sorry, Todrick started, I abandoned you when you needed me most but i didn t know what to do. I
thought i had lost you and I didn t know how i was going to recover. I didn t know what to tell anyone
and I hated the thought of working so hard for something that not only failed but took my best friend.
The wolf continued advancing toward Todrick. Whatever happens I completely deserve but if there is
any chance of helping you and turning you back then I want to help you. He finished. The wolf
stopped just inches away from Todrick. Suddenly sirens erupted around the corner and swarmed
around Todrick and the wolf. The wolf quickly turned his attention to the cars that screeched to a stop.
Men in padded uniforms stepped out with weapons that ordinary police officers didn t carry around.
Todrick got up quickly, Sir step away we have animal control here ready to put this beast down.
Todrick quickly stepped in front of the wolf, unaware of how close he was until he felt the hot breath
down his back. Wait, don t shoot! Todrick called out holding up both of his hands. I know this is all
out of the ordinary
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Postpartum Psychosis
You carry it with you for nine months. After those nine months, what you produced is a beautiful baby.
Though you are happy with the thought of spending the next eighteen years watching this tiny person
grow, you can t help but feel like something is missing. There are many different types of depression
in the world. The feeling of emptiness as described above could contribute to the diagnosis of
postpartum depression. After having depression for several weeks, some mothers experience the sister
disorder psychosis. Psychiatrist Leslie Tam states that the term postpartum distress (PPD) is just an
umbrella term for postpartum mental disorders. Subjects under this category are the well know baby
blues (depression), anxiety, and in worst ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These hormones can cause a wide range of symptoms. Most the time, mothers with postpartum
psychosis do not have control of their own emotions, making them very harmful to themselves and to
others. Psychology Today writer Mark Levy explains that though PPD is serious, the severity of this
type of psychosis has a predominant symptom which is a break with reality a loss of the ability to
discern what is real from what is not (Levy, 2002). Mothers with psychosis may hear voices, have
hallucinations or delusions. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services Research have determined that
Postpartum women with obsessional thoughts have been noted to have aggressive obsessions to harm
their infants (Coates, 2004). Osvaldo Mejia, who had a personal experience with this illness involving
his wife, explains his encounter: She complained that she was tired but could not sleep and ate little.
She told him she was scared but could not explain why (Black, 2013). Soon after, Mejia realized that
his wife must have been suffering from postpartum psychosis when he found his nine month old baby
boy stabbed in his crib. Many people think that psychosis and bipolar disorder are connected in some
ways. Many research has proven that there might be a relationship between the two disorders, and
even some misdiagnoses. To date, research on bipolar disorder and postpartum illness
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Similarities Between Animal Farm And Mouseland
Honore de Balzac once said Equality may perhaps be a right, but no power on it can ever turn it into a
fact. This quote connects to the theme With power there s never true equality. Because although
equality should be a given, while there is power present in society, it will never happen. Animal Farm
by George Orwell is a novel about a farm that is overtaken by its animals. They assign one pig,
Napoleon, to power. He began to only benefit the pigs and the other animals were often oppressed.
Mouseland by Tommy Douglas is a story about cats leading a town of mice, and making rules that
only benefitted the cat, and endangered the mice. The common theme in both these stories is similar to
the theme the quote presented, With power there s never true equality. The authors of both Animal
Farm and Mouseland use the narrative techniques of conflict and characterization to illustrate political
messages about power and equality.
The first narrative technique used to illustrate the theme was conflict. One example of theme being
illustrated through conflict was in Animal Farm when the pigs stole all the milk and apples from the
other animals. On page 36 of the novel it says It is for your sake that we drink that milk and eat those
apples. Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed out duty? Jones would come back! This
quote shows the pigs manipulating the other animals into believing that them taking the milk and
apples is benefitting them by saying if they didn t eat
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Brumberg s The Body Project
The thesis of The Body Project is that girls today make the body into an all consuming project in ways
young women of the past did not. (Brumberg pg. xvii) This basically means that our culture has
granted girls and women more freedom in how much of their bodies they can bare, and in their
sexuality, that girls and young women have become more obsessed with their bodies than women of
the past have. In chapter 1 the focus is on the timetable of menarche and how this timetable has
changed from the early 1900s to present day. Girls today start maturing faster than girls in the past.
The author states that in the past menarche was a beginning interlude of special guidance and support
from other women, but today menarche is just another step ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Brumberg reveals that throughout the years the external control of young girls by parents, doctors, and
other authority figures has become almost non existent. The catch is that girls today have essentially
turned their bodies into projects. Girls today are more focused on their outer appearance instead of
focusing on their character as girls of the Victorian age did. Women today have a new sense of
freedom compared to women in the Victorian age. Instead of worrying about corsets, today s women
worry about dieting and their physical appearance. This allusion of appearance being the only
important thing has taken its toll on men as well as women. Young men tend to only applaud young
women s autonomy when it leads to sexual availability, not when it leads to the decision to postpone
sex. Young men have grown up with the idea that the only important thing is physical appearance and
so they only look at a girl s physical appearance. Brumberg wants to alleviate the problem of too much
focus on physical appearance, by teaching girls that physical appearance isn t the only thing that is
important. We need to teach young girls that they have so much more to offer than just their physical
appearance. I think that this would be really affective if you could actually get girls to understand
beauty isn t the only thing that is important. The way the society views beauty today I think this would
be extremely
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The Perks Of Being A Wallflower Belonging Analysis
Close Viewing The Perks Of Being a Wallflower. In the film the perks of being a wallflower directed
by Stephen Chbosky in the final scene uses lighting, music and sound, camera angles and shots and
visual and settings throughout the film to show the love and friendship in the characters lives. Stephen
uses lighting in this scene which is bright and golden, creating a joyful mood and evoking happiness
in the audience. The tunnel the friends drive through is lit up brightly, symbolising their growth in
friendship and as characters throughout the film, having finally reached the end of their journey.
Charlie, Sam and Patrick s faces are lit up brightly, which allows the audience to connect with the
happiness they are feeling and their reflections on how they ve changed. This lighting creates an
image of hope and reflects the importance of their friendship. It also shows the idea of heading toward
the light at the end of the tunnel. Charlie narrates the scene as he does most of the film, as if he was
writing a letter to the audience. This background music behind the narration is light and twinkling and
compliments the narration perfectly. At the end of the narration Charlie s voice cuts out and Davie
Bowies Heros swells as the friends exit the tunnel. Heros is the anthem for the friends and the whole
film, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This give the audience and insight to what the characters are feeling and how much the tunnel means
to them and their friendship. As the friends drive through the tunnel, the camera pans out to reveal a
long shot of the tunnel. This symbolises the characters journeys throughout the film and points
towards the bright futures ahead of them, now they gave each other. This shot creates a sense of hope
in viewers and is inspiring. This scene is perfect for the end of the film showing the friends finally
reaching the light at the end of the
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My Writing A Wrong Note By Giovanni Battista Viotti
To play a wrong note is insignificant; To play without passion is inexcusable (Ludwig Van
Beethoven). This year I have made many realizations and improvements to my musical abilities.
Between practicing hard for County Orchestra, District Orchestra, and just regular orchestra, I have
made many discoveries and improvements to my talents. Also, I have grown as a person from the
struggles and obstacles that I have had to overcome. While at times frustrating, it taught me valuable
life lessons while still being enjoyable.
This was the first year that I had tried out for District Orchestra. The piece was Concerto No. 23 in G
Major, by Giovanni Battista Viotti. This was by far the most difficult piece that I have ever had to
learn. One thing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Instead, my friend instructed me that playing down at the frog gives you the most control over your
bow s movements. Once I applied this to my music, things started to come together. On audition day, I
was extremely nervous. The fact that I had no idea what to expect also made my nerves frayed as well.
I walked into the scales room and at first I forgot what I was supposed to play. But then for a moment,
I closed my eyes and pretended that I was back at home in my room, just myself and my violin. I
opened my eyes and realized I wasn t all that nervous. I played the scales and then proceeded on to the
other rooms. I performed the best that I ever had. Of course out of 123 violins they took only the top
percent. I was not in that top percent, but that s okay because for me it was more of a learning
experience. That day is when I learned how to calm myself down in a stressful situation. I did that by
remember why I was there. I wasn t there to be number one, I was there because I love music.
This was my second year for county orchestra, and I was competitive. I had not made it in last year,
and I really enjoyed the piece that we were playing this year. I determined that I was just as good as
anyone else auditioning. This of course does not mean that I didn t have any issues learning to play it.
Introduction and Polonaise by Carl Bohm had its own set of trials that I had to learn to overcome.
Introduction and Polonaise taught me the importance of bow markings. I
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Faden Vs Disney Essay
The purpose of copyright law is to protect a creator and their original work from being used without
appropriate reasoning falling under fair use, as well as being used without permission from the creator.
Fair use can be defined as a doctrine that allows portions of a copyrighted work to be used without the
creator s permission as long as it is only for commentary, parody, criticization, or educational
In the fictional case of Professor Faden versus Walt Disney Studios, I have decided to take the side of
Professor Faden. Professor Faden claims fair use in this case. He claims the purpose of his video,
containing small portions of Disney s copyrighted movies, to be a display of education and remix.
Those two, do, in fact, fall under ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
To determine a case of fair use, all of those factors must be taken into consideration before the judge
may make a final ruling.
When looking into the first factor of fair use, purpose and character used, Faden states his point that
his video is used for educational purposes. When you actually go back and watch the video for
yourself, you see immediately that the video is clearly made in good character with good intentions, as
well as that the nature of the work is educationally based, which brings us to the second factor in
determining the fair use of a copyright case.
The second factor in the determination of fair use is indeed the nature of the copyrighted work, as
mentioned previously. As Professor Fade stated, the nature of his video was for educational purposes,
which can be observed rather obviously. He also stated that his video could fall into the category of
remix. A remix is a new version or rendition of a previously existing work, most common in the music
industry. Professor Faden s Fair(y) Use Tale, may comprehensively be seen to be a remix, proving to
obey the second factor of fair use
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Use Of Light In Blanche Dubois
Blanche DuBois manipulates lighting and shadows in a room to hide her true identity. She is
constantly concealed by shadows, avoiding direct light which may reveal her mysterious secret past
that is metaphorically hidden in her face. In the play, Blanche is regularly mentioning light, and the
significance of it. Although this is a film with no colour, the use of light is very visually prominent.
The use of light appears as a deceiving disguise that Blanche uses to shape her image. She aspires to
be an elegant, youthful person when in fact, her beauty is fading, and she has lost all sense of reality.
The film has a major emphasis on the use of light in scene nine, where Mitch rushes into Blanches
apartment with the intent of an interrogation.
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Comparing Debt Financing and Equity Financing Essay
There are two basic ways of financing for a business: Debt financing and equity financing. Debt
financing is defined as borrowing money that is to be repaid over a period of time, usually with
interest (Financing Basics, 1). The lender does not gain any ownership in the business that is
borrowing. Equity financing is described as an exchange of money for a share of business ownership
(Financing Basics, 1). This form of financing allows the business to obtain funds without having to
repay a specific amount of money at any particular time. There are also a few different instruments
that could be defined as either debt or equity. One such instrument is stock options that an employee
can exercise after so many years with the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Now I will discuss the pros and cons of the alternative decision, which is a combination of the debt
and equity methods. A positive of this method is that the instrument is split between debt and equity.
The company could just split it up 50/50 between the two methods. Also if they had too much debt,
they could account for the instrument with 20% as debt and 80% as equity. This would make it look as
if they do not have too much debt or too much equity. This method would be an advantage, if the
company were looking to get more financing in the future.
A negative aspect of this method is how the instrument is split between debt and equity. An example
would be if the company split an instrument 50/50 between the two methods. This may seem fair
when first accounting for it, but what if the split did not represent the actual split of the instrument. Let
s say that it turns out that 90% of the instrument ends up being equity, and 10% ends up debt. The
books would be off by quite a bit, and creditors my not be happy with the company when they learn of
Now that I have discussed pros and cons of each method, I will now explain the instrument that I will
be using as an example. I will be using stock options as the instrument. Stock options are offered by
many businesses to employees that stay with the company for a specified length of time. It is offered
by the company as an
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The Broken Promise of Reconstruction the Need for...
Sheldon Teicher
HIST 367
Hunter College
Spring 2013
8 May 2013
The Civil War is the most widely written about event in American history and Reconstruction is the
most mis understood and least appreciated subject within this wider issue. Most people would prefer
to escape into the heroic exploits of the battles that were fought than deal with the difficult social
problems that the former enslaved population had to deal with.
I am offering this essay since I believe that the African Americans have been done a great disservice
by the Nation. As a people they were forcibly brought to this land, they were ... Show more content on
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After twenty years, ordinances legitimizing enslavement were commonplace in almost every colony
and the practice had morphed into bondage for life, or more properly, chattel slavery.5 These practices
were immoral; they had no place in a respectable society.
The pernicious tendency to view the Africans through the white supremacist lens quickly became
dominant and was a concomitant of this chattel slavery. This was punctuated by the knowledge that
Europeans were never enslaved while most enslaved people were Africans.6 The skin color of the
enslaved became a facile marker that fit in well with the culturally supremacist view of the European
colonists. IMPORTATION
In this section I try to show how the African Slave System, after gaining a foothold went on to become
the most important part of the economy of the new Nation:
As the profitability of the colonists agricultural enterprises quickly rose, it was essential to procure a
sufficient number of workers since labor shortages were a constant headache.7 Enslavement of the
Indigenous Peoples had become steadily more problematic and by the 1750 s this practice had ceased
altogether.8 European workers were both expensive and tended to leave their employers to start
plantations of their own, or to return home. Therefore, a more reliable source of economically viable
labor became a necessity, and that baleful need coincided with the rise of the Trans Atlantic Slave
Trade from Africa.
This phenomenon was
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Hedda Gabler, by Henrik Ibsen and Madame Bovary, by...
Often times many authors depict their characters inner lives as well as their actions within their
literary works. Other instances authors exemplify their probing of social problems, and the limitations
society holds on its residents. In the two literary works, Ibsen s Hedda Gabler and Gustave Flaubert s
Madame Bovary, they share a common portrayal: the main heroine faces the complications of societal
restraints. The novella by Ibsen and Flaubert s novel emphasize upon women that struggle with what
can and cannot be done in their society. The protagonists Hedda Gabler in Ibsen s Hedda Gabler and
Emma Bovary of Flaubert s Madame Bovary are estranged individuals thwarted by society. Many of
Ibsen s plays highlight a character s need for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During this era, divorce was unheard of; people were expected to love their spouse, in sickness and in
health, no matter what the circumstances. Hedda understands those circumstances which is why she
says, Oh yes, Judge I was going to say, you make your bed and then you lie in it (255). It implies that
she distinguishes her place in society and even though she is unhappy she just has to cope with it.
Society plays a major part in marriages back in the day, by creating barriers and limits that some
woman could not handle, such as Emma Bovary. In Flaubert s Madame Bovary, Emma Bovary is
confined to an unhappy life as a result of the society she dwelled in. Social status was imperative
during the time period; the more money one had, the higher up they in class. Throughout the novel it
mentioned about Bourgeois ways because of Charles and Emma. They are put into that social class
because of how much money they possess as well as expend. The story revolves around Emma buying
and selling luxurious items either to give them to her lovers of her numerous liaisons or to pay for her
debt. Knowing what type of person Emma is, she possibly would never be happy with whoever she
settled with, but she did not chose to marry Charles. Her father had decided her future with Charles
because during the time, parents had the authority of choosing their children s spouses. Similar to
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Under The Cope Of Heaven Analysis
Patricia Bonomi s Under the Cope of Heaven: Religion, Society, and Politics in Colonial America was
not only well written, but also a very interesting read. She kept the writing style easy to comprehend,
but not excessively simple while keeping a good grasp on the subject at hand. Bonomi gives us her
view on not only religious argumentation, but also the religious events that kindled the flames of the
American Revolution. She discredits the past historiography of the eighteenth century, in which there
was a theorized religious decline, placing a rationalist century between the seventeenth century ruled
by Puritans and the eighteenth century that revolved around Revivalists, which wouldn t make sense.
While Bonomi relies on many local studies
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William Bradford and Thomas Morton
In the New World Bradford and Morton were both important men of our history. The stories of both
great men give us an insight into the way religion and influence affected Puritan life.
William Bradford said he believed, Plymouth people were the chosen people to live out their last days
in the earthly church (Daly pg 560). Puritan settlers came to the new world seeking a better life and to
get away from the rule of the Catholic Church they wanted to become a primitive Baptist church like
in the Old Testament. The Puritans wanted to live their lives in Old Testament biblical way of life;
when the settlers came to the, New England they thought they had landed in God s country (Callicott).
They thought they were the chosen ones the new ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After reading various papers on the Puritans it is hard to imagine just how against any showing of
sexual pleasure was even forbidden between man and wife, much less frolicking with Indian women.
Although that was probably not something that was widely accepted, it was not against the law.
Morton called the drinking and songs with the red and whites harmless and Bradford called the pagan
Morton felt that Bradford s, accusations were more from fear of what he did not know and understand
and was not truly backed up by fact (Daly pg 564). Could you imagine the kind of world we would
have today if everyone spend this much time and effort on who slept with who? I am not saying that
people should just sleep around with people like trying on clothes, but unless you are hurting someone
just go your own way.
Bradford felt that Morton was an enemy against God (Daly pg 565). Bradford called Morton s conduct
Lord of misrule , and Morton felt like it was harmless fun (Schoenberg). His maypole festivities
smacked of folk superstitions and pagan practices; his consorting with Indian lasses violated their
sexual and racial taboos; his hospitality to indentured servants threatened their labor supply and social
order; and his trading of guns for furs not only stole the beaver and deerskin trade away but it also
armed their deadly enemies, who became a terror unto them, who
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Fracking Of The United States
Alexi Taylor Monday, December 1, 2014 Dr. Gray Final Paper Fracking in the United States
Hydraulic fracking in the United States is a current environmental hazard that has to be addressed by
the American people and by the federal government. Fracking in America has opened up millions of
acres of lands that were once not economically viable to produce oil and gas. While the Bureau of land
Management has paved the way for hydraulic fracturing on public lands, there is a need for retaliation.
Fracking is a dirty method of extracting gases and oils at the price of numerous environmental, safety,
and health hazards. The environment is not a means of income when rather it is the capital for future
generations. Currently fracking is being disputed at state and federal levels. Farmers around the
country have been affected by this issue where fracking companies disturb the surrounding
environment to a point that nearby neighbors are affected so much where their drinking water
becomes contaminated and undrinkable. Who becomes responsible to support these everyday farmers
to contend against these well off oil fracking companies? In some cases these farmers don t have the
resources to win the legal disputes against these large fracking barons. Small family farms are
disappearing at a fast rate, and one more variable thrown in will make these small family farm
disappear that much faster. Even if the victims were to triumph in one court case what happens after
when they plug
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Motifs In No Country For Old Men
Ethan Coen and Joel Coen s film No Country For Old Men depicts a world that truly is no place for an
old man. The film presents two motifs the first being that times have changed and the world isn t what
it used to be. The second motif is that the three main characters don t belong or fit in with the world
they live in. The two main motifs are present through the character of Ed Tom Bell. Bell is an old
police officer who can t grasp his head around the idea that the world he lives in has changed. He
struggles the most trying to follow a case that has ruthless murders for no apparent reason. Leaving
Bell questioning what has happened to the world and wondering where he fist in. The Coen brothers
explore these motifs through costume design, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Through the mis en scene of costumes, the motif of good and evil, and the non sequential time line it
can be seen that the world the main characters live in truly is no place for old men. The character of
Ed Tom Bell is the main vehicle for the Coen brothers to present the two motifs. The costuming of
dark clothing on Chigur helps present the motif of not belonging and Moss s light clothing that blends
in with the dessert presents the motif of that the dessert is where he belongs but that motif is thrown
out the window when he leaves the dessert. The motif of good and evil is presented by the Coen
brothers to progress Ed Tom Bell s character into seeing what is wrong with the world he lives in.
Lastly the non sequential timeline ties the whole film together by giving Ed Tom Bell a place to vent
his true feeling about the world he lives in. These three things prove the the universe the film takes
place in really is no country for old
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Financial statement analysis and report
ACFI 1001 Accounting for Decision Makers Individual Project (15%)
Financial Statement Analysis and Report
Apply theory in practice
Conduct analysis of financial statement to look beyond the numbers
Experience formal report writing.
REQUIRED: Written report (a soft copy on blackboard via turnitin and printed copy to tutors is
1. Obtain the most recent annual report for two companies in any of the industries on the Australian
Stock Market (for example, mining, retail, manufacturing, construction, service, transport). The
reports should contain at least three years of income statement data and two years of balance sheet
data. Use one of the chosen companies as your base company and the other ... Show more content on
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11.25 12.75 marks: The paper generally is well written but may have minor grammatical or other
writing errors or lack smooth transitions. The report addresses the issues specified in the requirements,
demonstrates understanding, and focuses mainly on important items, but does not fully synthesize the
material being discussed, and/or does not integrate the annual report data with the narrative.
9.75 11.25 marks: The paper does not have excessive grammatical or other writing errors. The report
addresses the issues specified in the requirements, but demonstrates only moderate understanding,
and/or lacks integration.
7.5 9.75 marks: The paper does not have excessive grammatical or other writing errors. The report
addresses the issues specified in the requirements but demonstrates only minimal understanding of one
or more of the issues.
0 7.5 marks: The paper fails to meet the basic requirements, has excessive composition errors, and/or
fails to demonstrate understanding of the requirements.
Guide to understand and find annual report of companies:
Most public companies have made their annual reports available at company websites.
A company s annual reports are often located under the Investor Information section at the company
You can use the Company Search http://www.asx.com.au/research/company research.htm function to
find the Internet addresses and other details of Australian companies listed on
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Speech By Florence Kelley
In the middle of the speech, Florence Kelley states the situation regarding the legality of child labor in
many states, using firm facts, doleful repetition, and ironic diction to arouse within the audience a
sympathetic response to want the children removed from their harmful situations along with the
logical response of wanting to repeal the laws associated with allowing children in damaging
manufacturing industries. Kelley employs several examples of different laws in different states
allowing children to work long hours at young ages. One example given describes even the lack of
restrictions on child labor whatsoever. In Georgia there is no restriction whatever! A girl of six or
seven years...may work eleven hours by day or by night. Utilizing ... Show more content on
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But, before she brings this up, she first convinces her audience just how excruciatingly terrible child
labor is. Kelley focuses on children working long hours through the night, saying, tonight while we
sleep...working all night long. She then goes on to repeat the phrases, while we sleep, and, all night
long, various times throughout the core of her speech. The emphasis on children working through the
night appeals to the audience s pathos; it includes the listeners in the force enslaving children, making
them accountable. While the audience sleeps in the comfort of their homes, young girls spend all night
working to make products for them to enjoy. The sorrowful repetition gains the listener s sympathy for
the speaker s cause. Lastly, Florence Kelley demonstrates ironic diction in her attempt to persuade her
spectators to ally with her campaign. The speaker says, boys and girls...enjoy the pitiful privilege, to
describe young children going off to their jobs instead of to their playdates. The use of the
contradictory phrase pitiful privilege, reminds the audience that the privilege of having a job, earning
a living, becomes a burden when forced on these young
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Learning Experience Reflection Paper
We learn something new everyday, we are always growing until the day we die said by Bill Vaughan.
Learning is a lesson that is always changing we each learn new things we are proud of. However,
when trying to gain a ability to do something, we have to keep trying. Giving up before getting
anywhere is not an option. Do or do not there is no try said by Yoda from Star Wars . I have had many
important experiences in my life, but I have the fondest memory of one specific learning moment that
greatly affected my life. I will now show everyone a time where I learned how to swim. At first, it was
a couple of years back around the time when I was five years old. I mean of course I had been in a
pool before that, but I had to wear floaties since my parents would be scared to death if something
awful occurred. When I finally turned five; however, my parents thought it was time for the floaties to
come off and I thought so too. I was ecstatic at the thought of the floaties finally coming off after all
this time. There was not a glance of fear through my mind until I got to the pool. However, at that first
glance looking back into my past I remember the first thought that crossed my mind as I looked
towards the pool. This is going to be easy I thought. I was delusional I had no idea how wrong I was
until I took those first steps into the deep end of the pool. After a couple of days, I can remember this
part clearly; I was so scared of going back into the pool thinking
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What Are The Negative Effects Of Colonizing Australia
The Impact Britain had and a negative side and a positive but we can say that they had more of a
negative impact When colonizing Australia they were introduced with to new plants, animals and
many more new undiscovered things. In some cases they had a devastating effect. Destruction an
deforestation occurred during when Britain colonized Australia, most habitats were cleared for
settlements which impacted negatively. Colonisation by the British had an lasting effect on the
Aborigines, their culture, way of life, freedom and their future. When the British conquered the
Aborigines were disposed from their land and goods. The Aborigines were forced out of their
hunting grounds and stayed away from the coastal area where they possessed a lot
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A Humanistic Counselling Approach For Self Knowledge And...
Introduction As a humanistic counselling approach, person centred therapy emphasises the potential
for self knowledge and personal growth (Corey, 2009). It views the deviation from one s inherent
goodness as a source of psychological problems, in turn aiming to increase one s self awareness to
help them direct their life in more satisfying ways (Cooper, 2003). With the person centred approach
being more an attitude than a set of definitive techniques, a better understanding of its process is
formed through connecting theory and practice. As such, this case study aims to apply the person
centred approach to a fictional client based around Lester Burnham from American Beauty (Cohen,
Jinks Mendes, 1999). Initially, an introduction to the client will be presented, followed by the
assumptions, assessment, and goals formed when working with him from a person centred
perspective. Several hypothetical helping sessions will then be presented. The Presenting Problem
Lester is a 40 year old man referred to me for counselling by his doctor. He is currently married and
lives with his wife, Carolyn, and their 16 year old daughter Jane. He is employed as a fast food
attendant (Cohen, Jinks Mendes, 1999). At the initial examination Lester dresses untidily and
unshaven, and avoids eye contact. Lester reports an overall feeling of unhappiness (Cohen, Jinks
Mendes, 1999). He stated that he has become reckless and self destructive and worried about some of
his recent life decisions.
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Esomeprazole
Nexium or esomeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) prescribed to people who are suffering from
gastroesophageal reflux disease or in short, GERD. This is a type of chronic digestive disease where
the stomach s content comes back up into the esophagus because the lower esophageal sphincter
(LES) improperly relaxes. The LES is responsible for preventing the food to return to the esophagus
but when a person is suffering from GERD, it causes the LES to be weak thus ...
Though Nexium played an important role in the treatment of this very common disease, more and
more people are still looking for other alternatives. This is because of the side effects that it may cause
especially if taking Nexium for long term. These side effects range from the common ones like
diarrhea, vomiting, headache ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Chamomile is derived from the two Greek words kamai melon meaning ground apple because of its
apple like aroma and because this herb grows near the ground. Studies show that drinking German
chamomile tea does not only promote general relaxation, it also helps in lessening the severity of
digestive problems such as stomach pain, diarrhea, cramps, nausea and acid reflux if taken at least
three times a day. Other uses of German chamomile include soothing burns and skin rashes, alleviate
sleeping disorder (insomnia) and heal mouth sores and prevent gum disease. Though this soothing
plant s common form is tea, it is also available in capsule, tincture, essential oil, cream and ointment
forms. Whether this gentle herb is used internally or topically, the side effect is very uncommon that s
why it is very safe to be used by both adult and children. German chamomile is even included in the
list of substances Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) in the United States. But for those who are
allergic to ragweed, daisies and the likes should avoid taking this
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Living With Anxiety Support Group For Men
Living with anxiety support group for men.
Support groups can play an essential role in coping with stressful events in life. Organising and
maintaining an active support group does take time and effort. Support groups can be distinguished
from others teams due to the strategies of the primary goals. This kind of group is characterised for
emphasises on helping members to share collective experiences. the purpose of our human service
organisation is to meet the needs and contribute to the wellbeing our customers. These are the key
elements to be addressed in the development our support group.
The main aim of this essay is to create a support group for men living with anxiety, which it discusses
a plan how to run an effective support group for individuals facing stress and anxiety. The essay will
critically analyse different aspects that could influence the initial plan and stages of the group.
Our aim is to help men who are facing anxiety due at the significant impact that in some cases work
related stress causes on the mental health of the employees. meanwhile depression, anxiety is linked
with work related stress, it is important to highlight depression and anxiety are medical conditions, but
stress is not. Despite, prolonged or excessive job stress could be a risk factor for mental health issues
and lead to depression in workers. Beyond blue (2015) explained that anxiety conditions have a
significant impact not
only on the individual but also on their
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An Unmanned Aircraft System ( Uas )
On Saturdays in the fall, more than 50,000 people pack themselves into Bill Snyder Family Stadium to
watch the Kansas State University Wildcats play football. More fans occupy the parking lot
surrounding the stadium, and even more can be found in satellite parking lots farther from the stadium
(K State Athletics). Game day at K State is busy for local law enforcement members. Police must
remain on high alert for any kind of suspicious activity in order to keep the public safe. With so many
people in such a large area, it can become difficult to for officers monitor everything. One possible
answer to the human problem of not being able to be everywhere at once includes an inhuman object.
An unmanned aircraft system (UAS) or a drone ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
From 20,000 feet, ARGUS can magnify something as tiny as six inches on the ground. It has the
potential to recognize faces and record license plates. Memory space is no issue, as ARGUS has the
ability to record up to 5,000 hours of footage (Koerner 2015). This type of drone surveillance would
capture a drug dealer making a sale to some tailgaters, locate the parking stall where a man needs
medical attention after indulging in too many jalapeno poppers or track a pickpocket through a crowd.
As far as crowd surveillance goes, the use of drones appears to be a no brainer. But this type of
surveillance can also be a gateway into privacy concerns.
According to Black (2013), today s rapidly changing drone technology carries the potential to violate
the privacy rights of an individual. Numerous drones also carry the potential to threaten privacy in
society as a whole. (Black 2013).
Moving beyond crowd surveillance, drones are raising a lot of questions in reference to the Fourth
Amendment that protects citizens and their houses, papers and effects from unreasonable searches and
seizures (U.S. Const. amend IV). As drones have the potential to become important tools in police
investigations, there are many situations presented that fall outside of the Fourth Amendment s
regulation but fit in well enough to raise it as an issue (Koerner 2015).
The concern centers on everything even a simple drone is capable of. The Parrot AR 2.0 come
equipped with a camera capable of
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The Dangers Of Bottled Water
One day, someone, somewhere decided tap water wasn t enough; so they put it in a bottle. Most
people laughed at the idea of bottled water because water is almost free from the tap, why would
someone pay for it? People laughed at the idea of bottled water and asked if bottled air would be for
sale next. The plastic of the bottles litters the planet, there isn t a dramatic taste difference, bottled
water is more expensive, and tap water is more closely monitored ( The Story ).
Plastic bottles are one of the most common litter issues. Plastic bottles litter the land and waters of
Earth. More than half a billion bottles of water are purchased in the U.S. every week, this is enough to
circle the globe five times. Oil is used to make plastic bottles and ship them across the world. Enough
oil is used making plastic bottles each year to fuel one million cars. Then, eighty percent of the bottles
end up in landfills where they sit for thousands of years. Some of the bottles we think are being
recycled are actually just being shipped to other countries and thrown in their backyards ( The Story ).
By reducing the amount of plastic bottles used, this would clean up our environment and preserve our
Many people may claim bottled water tastes better than tap water. Water can taste very different and
some people may be more sensitive to the taste ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
To put this into perspective, a gallon of water is eighty nine cents more than a gallon of gasoline. With
that fact stated it leads to the question; why doesn t anyone ever gripe about the price of bottled water
(Bastasch)? Around the world, there are 2.6 billion people lacking sanitation and more than one billion
people lack clean drinking water (Standage). Although, there are cities spending billions of dollars
dealing with plastic bottles. This money could easily be used to better the world and provide clean
drinking water for everyone ( The
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Fight Club Satire Analysis
Mcdonalds, the latest style, or some random toiletries, it doesn t matter what it is we ve all bought
some pointless nonsense at some point. I s that our American dream? To mindlessly spend money on
junk we don t need to satisfy urges we don t want? That is our unknown narrator s plight in the
grotesque satire that is the masterpiece of Fight Club. First, what is Satire? It s much more than a
scene from Snl, it is a story driven joke meant to push in an idea in a comical way. But fight club is
just a misogynistic tale about a whole bunch of man children terrorists beating eachother up just
because they lost themselves somewhere along the path. No, Fight Club is so much more than that.
Fight Club is a satire about The pointless spending surrounding American economy, about social
expectations and the way everyone else thinks you should be, It s also a satire on healthy social
relationships and a distorted view of brotherhood. American consumerism is a trade of nonsense, it s a
fake piece of paper that controls the world and you trade it for something that you truly don t need.
When we first meet the Narrator, he is a robot just buying things to fill his hole that is his emotions.
We ve all been raised on television that one day we d all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock
stars,but we don t and we re slowly figuring that out and we are very, very mad about it. This is Tyler
Durden, a confidant that helps the Narrator out of his shell, and gives him freedom . Tyler
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Gary Snyder Essay
Gary (Sherman) Snyder was born in San Francisco on May 8 in 1930 to the parents of Harold Alton
and Lois (Wilkie) Snyder. When Gary Snyder was growing up, he lived in west part of the United
States surrounded by nature. While he was living there, the destruction of the Pacific Northwestern
forests began, even at such a young age it still caused him sorrow ( Gary Snyder ). While growing up
in such a rural area, where Snyder had a farm with chickens and cows and even an outhouse as a
bathroom; he thought that this was just another way of living. Gary Snyder is okay with living in the
city as well, even though he prefers living in a highly rural area (Martin). He started to examine and
appreciate the American Indian culture around him. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He was one of the first members of the Beat Generation, along with his friend and fellow writer Allen
Ginsberg ( Gary Snyder ).
One day, he visited the Seattle Art Museum and it showed him a whole knew world; the world of
Chinese architecture and landscape painting. Snyder was so astonished by the artwork and how each
of the civilizations had attachments to their surrounding nature. Following that he attended University
of California at Berkeley for the next three years where he preformed a graduate study in Oriental
Languages; subsequently, Snyder is fluent in many language. While also going to college, in Snyder s
free time he would work as a lumberjack, trail maker, and a firewatcher, which consequently were all
jobs working in the woods. As well as being part of the Beat Generation, Gary Snyder was also part of
the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, The United Nations Conference on the
Human environment, and a former chair member of the California Arts Council ( Gary Snyder ).
Since Snyder started writing poetry in 1950s he has been able to manufacture pieces of work that not
only become close too you in a social way but also in spiritual manner in each one of his works.
Which helps him have a different style then most poets. A big influence was Zen Buddhism; it was
already a big part of his life and helped influence his poetry about
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  • 11. ##versical Dilemmas, And Peter Singer s The Singer... The subject of suffering has been a discussion of debate among numerous philosophers for many decades. In the article, The Singer Solution to World Poverty, Peter Singer forms two theoretical scenarios to encourage readers to consider their obligations in aiding children in need; in the poem Musee des Beaux Arts, by W.H. Auden, employs the use of two paintings to illustrate the indifference of humanity to individual suffering. At first, readers will say that both pieces are noticeably different in terms of selflessness, but a thorough inspection of both works uncovers a misleading truth that imply controversial opinions on the issue. The usage of imaginary incidents in both writings contain problems of distortion of actuality. The inaccurate evidence will likely trigger readers to be inclined to reach deceptive assumptions in regards to the author s proposed solutions. First, in The Singer Solution to World Poverty, Singer deceives actuality when he generates two events in which an individual is faced with an ethical dilemma whether to save a child or sacrifice his or her luxuries. In the second scenario offered by Singer, Bob faces the choice of either turning the switch on the railroad to save a child or letting the train destroy his life savings, a Bugatti. Furthermore, people will condemn Bob for not freeing the child. Though, Singer argues as there is no distinct line amongst the situation and the real life issue of donating money to children in need, wealthy ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Multithreading threads to work. Also , this is a generation where almost everyone has a smartphone and hence many of us confuse multithreading and multitasking as similar. Almost all mobiles are Dual Core or Quad Core and this therefore means that the mobile has either 2 or 4 CPU s which are capable of executing different instructions at the same time. The different threads can hereby run in parallel on different CPUs which can help execute instructions faster and accurately. Multi threading is not the same as multi tasking, multi tasking is the ability to run multiple programs at the same time; while multi threading is the ability to execute different portions of the same program at the same time. In very easy language multi threading in Operating System ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We ll consider threads as kid methods that share the parent process resources however execute severally. Multiple threads of one method will share the CPU in an exceedingly single CPU system or (purely) run in parallel in an exceedingly data processing system. A multitasking system will have multi rib processes wherever totally different processes share the CPU and at identical time every has its own threads. The question is why we want to possess multiple threads of execution among one method context. Let s consider an example wherever it s additional convenient to possess a multi rib application. Suppose that we simply have a UI application wherever you would like to issue a command that need while to end let s consider a mathematical computation. Unless you run this command in an exceedingly separate execution thread you ll not be able to move with the most application user interface (for example change a progress bar) as a result of its attending to be not responding whereas the calculation is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Prince Suicide Did prince committed suicide because he had aids? On April 21, 2016 Prince Rogers Nelson aka music popstar prince had been discovered unconscious in his million dollar home. When police were called to the scene he had been discovered pronounced dead. There are more who believed he was diagnosed HIV/AIDS and was tired of hiding for pleasing his fans and for his life. One theory is Prince committed suicide because he had AIDs. Prince had been diagnosed with full blown aids. ``AIDS weakened prince enough for the flu or the zika virus to kill him, or get back on drugs knowing he was dying anyways according to fansidded.com. The rumors is popping up, thanks to National Enquirer. A publication known for blowing things out of proportion ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Because back in the 90s rumors spread saying he has HIV and AIDS but the way he was going back then he may have AIDS and also HIV. His crazy sex life his battles of addiction. And the fact his family cremated him as soon as they pronounced him dead they didn t want people to discover he had AIDS/ HIV. But he had scars on his hip and his lower leg he can get the pills by saying his leg hurts so he can get the stronger acting pills and plan the overdose. And commit suicide in his home in Chanhassen MN, on April 21 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Jeannette Winterson Weight Essay In Jeanette Winterson s novel Weight, the author demonstrates how myths have modern personal relevancies and can encourage each reader to investigate the three main subject matters in their lives; boundaries, freedom, and guilt. The numerous references to walls throughout the novel signify the boundaries, which make Atlas strive for freedom. Winterson s Weight, is a modern rewrite on an old myth of Atlas and Heracles, and the challenges they endure can be interpreted by individual readers for personal relevancies. Atlas, a father of daughters, is faced with the burden of carrying the world on his shoulders. This can represent a feeling as if one is carrying a world of stress and guilt on one s shoulders and conscience. Heracles, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Atlas constantly is escaping into the limitless of his imagination, where he is not punished for wanting the forbidden. The Gods hoped that by punishing Atlas to be trapped in his body under the weight of the world that they would contain his mind, and they were mistaken. This can be interpreted as the strength and perseverance from within an individual. The wall that Atlas builds around the Garden of Hesperides is constructed in such a way that it explains freedom and nothingness that can sometimes be unappreciated. Winterson writes, I built a walled garden, a temenos, a sacred space. I lifted the huge stones with my own hands and piled them carefully, as a goatherd would, leaving tiny gaps to let the wind through. A solid wall is easily collapsed. My mother stirring in her sleep could do as much. A wall well built with invisible spaces will allow the winds that rage against it to pass through. When the earth underneath it trembles, the spaces make room for movement and settlement. The wall stands. The wall s strength is not in the stones but in the spaces between the stones. It s a joke against me I think, that for all my strength and labour, the wall relies on nothing .Write it more substantially NOTHING. (p. 16). On the contrary, carrying the world doesn t only make one feel trapped, it also feels as if one is carrying stress and guilt on their conscience, which ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Mass Shootings And Gun Violence In The United States After the Newtown, Connecticut elementary school mass shooting, on June 10, 2014, President Barack Obama stated: My biggest frustration so far is the fact that this society has not been willing to take some basic steps to keep guns out of the hands of people who can do just unbelievable damage. We re the only developed country on Earth where this happens....And it happens once a week. And it s a one day story....The country has to do some soul searching on this. Every day there seems to be another story in the news regarding a shooting, ranging from small to large scale. Has something within ourselves changed that s caused the increased violence? I fear that the situation is only going to get worse as time goes on. There has been an increase in mass shootings over the last decade. Perhaps the increase is partly due to the popularity of media and social media. In order to prevent the mass shootings and gun violence in general, we need to put stricter policies in place for background checks and weapons allowed for purchase and ownership. Other countries around the world, with stricter gun laws, do not have mass shootings like the United States does. Putting stricter gun laws in place to regulate what types of guns and ammunition citizens can buy is regulated by the Second Amendment and the National Firearms Act of 1934. The purchasing of semi automatic weapons and automatic weapons, manufactured prior to 1986, are legal in most states (http://www.dw.com/en/8 facts about gun control in the us/a 40816418). However, recent events point to the government needing to regulate what types of weapons are allowed to be lawfully owned in this country. In the last 10 years, five of the deadliest shootings have occurred in the U.S. Dating back to 1949, of the 30 deadliest shootings, 18 have been within the last 10 years (http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/13/health/mass shootings in america in charts and graphs trnd/index.html). The use of AR 15 rifles has become increasingly popular during mass shooting events however, semi automatic handguns are also used (http://www.politifact.come/truth o meter/article/2017/nov/08/facts mass shootings united states/). Not allowing citizens to acquire certain types of weapons ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Chirp 1 Ap Chapter 1 So let s say this is Zephyr running around terrorizing the town and supposedly kill two people what are we supposed to do? Zay asked. What are you getting at? Todrick implied as he shifted through his parents drawers grabbing anything that he knew was silver. Well I mean what if he s gone? Todrick stopped what he was doing and looked at Zay. He didn t know what to say as it wasn t something he had thought about. I mean I know it s a scary thought but come on Tod, he killed two people. Even if we somehow managed to get him back he did things that ll get him put up. Zay continued. I see where you re coming from but we have to at least try to save him. It s the least i owe him for turning him into this and then abandoning him. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The boys jumped back and Todrick lost his footing, falling back. Zay tried to grab him but the wolf snapped his teeth in his direction. Zay quickly fell back and Todrick just sat there face to face with the wolf. Zephyr? Todrick said softly. The wolf snarled. Zephyr if that is you please listen to me. I m so sorry, Todrick started, I abandoned you when you needed me most but i didn t know what to do. I thought i had lost you and I didn t know how i was going to recover. I didn t know what to tell anyone and I hated the thought of working so hard for something that not only failed but took my best friend. The wolf continued advancing toward Todrick. Whatever happens I completely deserve but if there is any chance of helping you and turning you back then I want to help you. He finished. The wolf stopped just inches away from Todrick. Suddenly sirens erupted around the corner and swarmed around Todrick and the wolf. The wolf quickly turned his attention to the cars that screeched to a stop. Men in padded uniforms stepped out with weapons that ordinary police officers didn t carry around. Todrick got up quickly, Sir step away we have animal control here ready to put this beast down. Todrick quickly stepped in front of the wolf, unaware of how close he was until he felt the hot breath down his back. Wait, don t shoot! Todrick called out holding up both of his hands. I know this is all out of the ordinary ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Postpartum Psychosis You carry it with you for nine months. After those nine months, what you produced is a beautiful baby. Though you are happy with the thought of spending the next eighteen years watching this tiny person grow, you can t help but feel like something is missing. There are many different types of depression in the world. The feeling of emptiness as described above could contribute to the diagnosis of postpartum depression. After having depression for several weeks, some mothers experience the sister disorder psychosis. Psychiatrist Leslie Tam states that the term postpartum distress (PPD) is just an umbrella term for postpartum mental disorders. Subjects under this category are the well know baby blues (depression), anxiety, and in worst ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These hormones can cause a wide range of symptoms. Most the time, mothers with postpartum psychosis do not have control of their own emotions, making them very harmful to themselves and to others. Psychology Today writer Mark Levy explains that though PPD is serious, the severity of this type of psychosis has a predominant symptom which is a break with reality a loss of the ability to discern what is real from what is not (Levy, 2002). Mothers with psychosis may hear voices, have hallucinations or delusions. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services Research have determined that Postpartum women with obsessional thoughts have been noted to have aggressive obsessions to harm their infants (Coates, 2004). Osvaldo Mejia, who had a personal experience with this illness involving his wife, explains his encounter: She complained that she was tired but could not sleep and ate little. She told him she was scared but could not explain why (Black, 2013). Soon after, Mejia realized that his wife must have been suffering from postpartum psychosis when he found his nine month old baby boy stabbed in his crib. Many people think that psychosis and bipolar disorder are connected in some ways. Many research has proven that there might be a relationship between the two disorders, and even some misdiagnoses. To date, research on bipolar disorder and postpartum illness ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Similarities Between Animal Farm And Mouseland Honore de Balzac once said Equality may perhaps be a right, but no power on it can ever turn it into a fact. This quote connects to the theme With power there s never true equality. Because although equality should be a given, while there is power present in society, it will never happen. Animal Farm by George Orwell is a novel about a farm that is overtaken by its animals. They assign one pig, Napoleon, to power. He began to only benefit the pigs and the other animals were often oppressed. Mouseland by Tommy Douglas is a story about cats leading a town of mice, and making rules that only benefitted the cat, and endangered the mice. The common theme in both these stories is similar to the theme the quote presented, With power there s never true equality. The authors of both Animal Farm and Mouseland use the narrative techniques of conflict and characterization to illustrate political messages about power and equality. The first narrative technique used to illustrate the theme was conflict. One example of theme being illustrated through conflict was in Animal Farm when the pigs stole all the milk and apples from the other animals. On page 36 of the novel it says It is for your sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples. Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed out duty? Jones would come back! This quote shows the pigs manipulating the other animals into believing that them taking the milk and apples is benefitting them by saying if they didn t eat ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Brumberg s The Body Project The thesis of The Body Project is that girls today make the body into an all consuming project in ways young women of the past did not. (Brumberg pg. xvii) This basically means that our culture has granted girls and women more freedom in how much of their bodies they can bare, and in their sexuality, that girls and young women have become more obsessed with their bodies than women of the past have. In chapter 1 the focus is on the timetable of menarche and how this timetable has changed from the early 1900s to present day. Girls today start maturing faster than girls in the past. The author states that in the past menarche was a beginning interlude of special guidance and support from other women, but today menarche is just another step ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Brumberg reveals that throughout the years the external control of young girls by parents, doctors, and other authority figures has become almost non existent. The catch is that girls today have essentially turned their bodies into projects. Girls today are more focused on their outer appearance instead of focusing on their character as girls of the Victorian age did. Women today have a new sense of freedom compared to women in the Victorian age. Instead of worrying about corsets, today s women worry about dieting and their physical appearance. This allusion of appearance being the only important thing has taken its toll on men as well as women. Young men tend to only applaud young women s autonomy when it leads to sexual availability, not when it leads to the decision to postpone sex. Young men have grown up with the idea that the only important thing is physical appearance and so they only look at a girl s physical appearance. Brumberg wants to alleviate the problem of too much focus on physical appearance, by teaching girls that physical appearance isn t the only thing that is important. We need to teach young girls that they have so much more to offer than just their physical appearance. I think that this would be really affective if you could actually get girls to understand beauty isn t the only thing that is important. The way the society views beauty today I think this would be extremely ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Perks Of Being A Wallflower Belonging Analysis Close Viewing The Perks Of Being a Wallflower. In the film the perks of being a wallflower directed by Stephen Chbosky in the final scene uses lighting, music and sound, camera angles and shots and visual and settings throughout the film to show the love and friendship in the characters lives. Stephen uses lighting in this scene which is bright and golden, creating a joyful mood and evoking happiness in the audience. The tunnel the friends drive through is lit up brightly, symbolising their growth in friendship and as characters throughout the film, having finally reached the end of their journey. Charlie, Sam and Patrick s faces are lit up brightly, which allows the audience to connect with the happiness they are feeling and their reflections on how they ve changed. This lighting creates an image of hope and reflects the importance of their friendship. It also shows the idea of heading toward the light at the end of the tunnel. Charlie narrates the scene as he does most of the film, as if he was writing a letter to the audience. This background music behind the narration is light and twinkling and compliments the narration perfectly. At the end of the narration Charlie s voice cuts out and Davie Bowies Heros swells as the friends exit the tunnel. Heros is the anthem for the friends and the whole film, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This give the audience and insight to what the characters are feeling and how much the tunnel means to them and their friendship. As the friends drive through the tunnel, the camera pans out to reveal a long shot of the tunnel. This symbolises the characters journeys throughout the film and points towards the bright futures ahead of them, now they gave each other. This shot creates a sense of hope in viewers and is inspiring. This scene is perfect for the end of the film showing the friends finally reaching the light at the end of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. My Writing A Wrong Note By Giovanni Battista Viotti To play a wrong note is insignificant; To play without passion is inexcusable (Ludwig Van Beethoven). This year I have made many realizations and improvements to my musical abilities. Between practicing hard for County Orchestra, District Orchestra, and just regular orchestra, I have made many discoveries and improvements to my talents. Also, I have grown as a person from the struggles and obstacles that I have had to overcome. While at times frustrating, it taught me valuable life lessons while still being enjoyable. This was the first year that I had tried out for District Orchestra. The piece was Concerto No. 23 in G Major, by Giovanni Battista Viotti. This was by far the most difficult piece that I have ever had to learn. One thing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Instead, my friend instructed me that playing down at the frog gives you the most control over your bow s movements. Once I applied this to my music, things started to come together. On audition day, I was extremely nervous. The fact that I had no idea what to expect also made my nerves frayed as well. I walked into the scales room and at first I forgot what I was supposed to play. But then for a moment, I closed my eyes and pretended that I was back at home in my room, just myself and my violin. I opened my eyes and realized I wasn t all that nervous. I played the scales and then proceeded on to the other rooms. I performed the best that I ever had. Of course out of 123 violins they took only the top percent. I was not in that top percent, but that s okay because for me it was more of a learning experience. That day is when I learned how to calm myself down in a stressful situation. I did that by remember why I was there. I wasn t there to be number one, I was there because I love music. This was my second year for county orchestra, and I was competitive. I had not made it in last year, and I really enjoyed the piece that we were playing this year. I determined that I was just as good as anyone else auditioning. This of course does not mean that I didn t have any issues learning to play it. Introduction and Polonaise by Carl Bohm had its own set of trials that I had to learn to overcome. Introduction and Polonaise taught me the importance of bow markings. I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Faden Vs Disney Essay The purpose of copyright law is to protect a creator and their original work from being used without appropriate reasoning falling under fair use, as well as being used without permission from the creator. Fair use can be defined as a doctrine that allows portions of a copyrighted work to be used without the creator s permission as long as it is only for commentary, parody, criticization, or educational purposes. In the fictional case of Professor Faden versus Walt Disney Studios, I have decided to take the side of Professor Faden. Professor Faden claims fair use in this case. He claims the purpose of his video, containing small portions of Disney s copyrighted movies, to be a display of education and remix. Those two, do, in fact, fall under ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To determine a case of fair use, all of those factors must be taken into consideration before the judge may make a final ruling. When looking into the first factor of fair use, purpose and character used, Faden states his point that his video is used for educational purposes. When you actually go back and watch the video for yourself, you see immediately that the video is clearly made in good character with good intentions, as well as that the nature of the work is educationally based, which brings us to the second factor in determining the fair use of a copyright case. The second factor in the determination of fair use is indeed the nature of the copyrighted work, as mentioned previously. As Professor Fade stated, the nature of his video was for educational purposes, which can be observed rather obviously. He also stated that his video could fall into the category of remix. A remix is a new version or rendition of a previously existing work, most common in the music industry. Professor Faden s Fair(y) Use Tale, may comprehensively be seen to be a remix, proving to obey the second factor of fair use ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Use Of Light In Blanche Dubois Blanche DuBois manipulates lighting and shadows in a room to hide her true identity. She is constantly concealed by shadows, avoiding direct light which may reveal her mysterious secret past that is metaphorically hidden in her face. In the play, Blanche is regularly mentioning light, and the significance of it. Although this is a film with no colour, the use of light is very visually prominent. The use of light appears as a deceiving disguise that Blanche uses to shape her image. She aspires to be an elegant, youthful person when in fact, her beauty is fading, and she has lost all sense of reality. The film has a major emphasis on the use of light in scene nine, where Mitch rushes into Blanches apartment with the intent of an interrogation. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Comparing Debt Financing and Equity Financing Essay There are two basic ways of financing for a business: Debt financing and equity financing. Debt financing is defined as borrowing money that is to be repaid over a period of time, usually with interest (Financing Basics, 1). The lender does not gain any ownership in the business that is borrowing. Equity financing is described as an exchange of money for a share of business ownership (Financing Basics, 1). This form of financing allows the business to obtain funds without having to repay a specific amount of money at any particular time. There are also a few different instruments that could be defined as either debt or equity. One such instrument is stock options that an employee can exercise after so many years with the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Now I will discuss the pros and cons of the alternative decision, which is a combination of the debt and equity methods. A positive of this method is that the instrument is split between debt and equity. The company could just split it up 50/50 between the two methods. Also if they had too much debt, they could account for the instrument with 20% as debt and 80% as equity. This would make it look as if they do not have too much debt or too much equity. This method would be an advantage, if the company were looking to get more financing in the future. A negative aspect of this method is how the instrument is split between debt and equity. An example would be if the company split an instrument 50/50 between the two methods. This may seem fair when first accounting for it, but what if the split did not represent the actual split of the instrument. Let s say that it turns out that 90% of the instrument ends up being equity, and 10% ends up debt. The books would be off by quite a bit, and creditors my not be happy with the company when they learn of this. Now that I have discussed pros and cons of each method, I will now explain the instrument that I will be using as an example. I will be using stock options as the instrument. Stock options are offered by many businesses to employees that stay with the company for a specified length of time. It is offered by the company as an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Broken Promise of Reconstruction the Need for... TERM PAPER HISTORY 367 CIVIL WAR and RECONSTRUCTION Sheldon Teicher HIST 367 Hunter College Spring 2013 8 May 2013 THE BROKEN PROMISE OF RECONSTRUCTION amp; THE NEED FOR RESTITUTION The Civil War is the most widely written about event in American history and Reconstruction is the most mis understood and least appreciated subject within this wider issue. Most people would prefer to escape into the heroic exploits of the battles that were fought than deal with the difficult social problems that the former enslaved population had to deal with. I am offering this essay since I believe that the African Americans have been done a great disservice by the Nation. As a people they were forcibly brought to this land, they were ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After twenty years, ordinances legitimizing enslavement were commonplace in almost every colony and the practice had morphed into bondage for life, or more properly, chattel slavery.5 These practices were immoral; they had no place in a respectable society. The pernicious tendency to view the Africans through the white supremacist lens quickly became dominant and was a concomitant of this chattel slavery. This was punctuated by the knowledge that Europeans were never enslaved while most enslaved people were Africans.6 The skin color of the enslaved became a facile marker that fit in well with the culturally supremacist view of the European colonists. IMPORTATION In this section I try to show how the African Slave System, after gaining a foothold went on to become the most important part of the economy of the new Nation: As the profitability of the colonists agricultural enterprises quickly rose, it was essential to procure a sufficient number of workers since labor shortages were a constant headache.7 Enslavement of the Indigenous Peoples had become steadily more problematic and by the 1750 s this practice had ceased altogether.8 European workers were both expensive and tended to leave their employers to start plantations of their own, or to return home. Therefore, a more reliable source of economically viable labor became a necessity, and that baleful need coincided with the rise of the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade from Africa. This phenomenon was
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  • 27. Hedda Gabler, by Henrik Ibsen and Madame Bovary, by... Often times many authors depict their characters inner lives as well as their actions within their literary works. Other instances authors exemplify their probing of social problems, and the limitations society holds on its residents. In the two literary works, Ibsen s Hedda Gabler and Gustave Flaubert s Madame Bovary, they share a common portrayal: the main heroine faces the complications of societal restraints. The novella by Ibsen and Flaubert s novel emphasize upon women that struggle with what can and cannot be done in their society. The protagonists Hedda Gabler in Ibsen s Hedda Gabler and Emma Bovary of Flaubert s Madame Bovary are estranged individuals thwarted by society. Many of Ibsen s plays highlight a character s need for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During this era, divorce was unheard of; people were expected to love their spouse, in sickness and in health, no matter what the circumstances. Hedda understands those circumstances which is why she says, Oh yes, Judge I was going to say, you make your bed and then you lie in it (255). It implies that she distinguishes her place in society and even though she is unhappy she just has to cope with it. Society plays a major part in marriages back in the day, by creating barriers and limits that some woman could not handle, such as Emma Bovary. In Flaubert s Madame Bovary, Emma Bovary is confined to an unhappy life as a result of the society she dwelled in. Social status was imperative during the time period; the more money one had, the higher up they in class. Throughout the novel it mentioned about Bourgeois ways because of Charles and Emma. They are put into that social class because of how much money they possess as well as expend. The story revolves around Emma buying and selling luxurious items either to give them to her lovers of her numerous liaisons or to pay for her debt. Knowing what type of person Emma is, she possibly would never be happy with whoever she settled with, but she did not chose to marry Charles. Her father had decided her future with Charles because during the time, parents had the authority of choosing their children s spouses. Similar to Hedda ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Under The Cope Of Heaven Analysis Patricia Bonomi s Under the Cope of Heaven: Religion, Society, and Politics in Colonial America was not only well written, but also a very interesting read. She kept the writing style easy to comprehend, but not excessively simple while keeping a good grasp on the subject at hand. Bonomi gives us her view on not only religious argumentation, but also the religious events that kindled the flames of the American Revolution. She discredits the past historiography of the eighteenth century, in which there was a theorized religious decline, placing a rationalist century between the seventeenth century ruled by Puritans and the eighteenth century that revolved around Revivalists, which wouldn t make sense. While Bonomi relies on many local studies ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. William Bradford and Thomas Morton In the New World Bradford and Morton were both important men of our history. The stories of both great men give us an insight into the way religion and influence affected Puritan life. William Bradford said he believed, Plymouth people were the chosen people to live out their last days in the earthly church (Daly pg 560). Puritan settlers came to the new world seeking a better life and to get away from the rule of the Catholic Church they wanted to become a primitive Baptist church like in the Old Testament. The Puritans wanted to live their lives in Old Testament biblical way of life; when the settlers came to the, New England they thought they had landed in God s country (Callicott). They thought they were the chosen ones the new ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After reading various papers on the Puritans it is hard to imagine just how against any showing of sexual pleasure was even forbidden between man and wife, much less frolicking with Indian women. Although that was probably not something that was widely accepted, it was not against the law. Morton called the drinking and songs with the red and whites harmless and Bradford called the pagan ways. Morton felt that Bradford s, accusations were more from fear of what he did not know and understand and was not truly backed up by fact (Daly pg 564). Could you imagine the kind of world we would have today if everyone spend this much time and effort on who slept with who? I am not saying that people should just sleep around with people like trying on clothes, but unless you are hurting someone just go your own way. Bradford felt that Morton was an enemy against God (Daly pg 565). Bradford called Morton s conduct Lord of misrule , and Morton felt like it was harmless fun (Schoenberg). His maypole festivities smacked of folk superstitions and pagan practices; his consorting with Indian lasses violated their sexual and racial taboos; his hospitality to indentured servants threatened their labor supply and social order; and his trading of guns for furs not only stole the beaver and deerskin trade away but it also armed their deadly enemies, who became a terror unto them, who ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Fracking Of The United States Alexi Taylor Monday, December 1, 2014 Dr. Gray Final Paper Fracking in the United States Hydraulic fracking in the United States is a current environmental hazard that has to be addressed by the American people and by the federal government. Fracking in America has opened up millions of acres of lands that were once not economically viable to produce oil and gas. While the Bureau of land Management has paved the way for hydraulic fracturing on public lands, there is a need for retaliation. Fracking is a dirty method of extracting gases and oils at the price of numerous environmental, safety, and health hazards. The environment is not a means of income when rather it is the capital for future generations. Currently fracking is being disputed at state and federal levels. Farmers around the country have been affected by this issue where fracking companies disturb the surrounding environment to a point that nearby neighbors are affected so much where their drinking water becomes contaminated and undrinkable. Who becomes responsible to support these everyday farmers to contend against these well off oil fracking companies? In some cases these farmers don t have the resources to win the legal disputes against these large fracking barons. Small family farms are disappearing at a fast rate, and one more variable thrown in will make these small family farm disappear that much faster. Even if the victims were to triumph in one court case what happens after when they plug ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Motifs In No Country For Old Men Ethan Coen and Joel Coen s film No Country For Old Men depicts a world that truly is no place for an old man. The film presents two motifs the first being that times have changed and the world isn t what it used to be. The second motif is that the three main characters don t belong or fit in with the world they live in. The two main motifs are present through the character of Ed Tom Bell. Bell is an old police officer who can t grasp his head around the idea that the world he lives in has changed. He struggles the most trying to follow a case that has ruthless murders for no apparent reason. Leaving Bell questioning what has happened to the world and wondering where he fist in. The Coen brothers explore these motifs through costume design, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Through the mis en scene of costumes, the motif of good and evil, and the non sequential time line it can be seen that the world the main characters live in truly is no place for old men. The character of Ed Tom Bell is the main vehicle for the Coen brothers to present the two motifs. The costuming of dark clothing on Chigur helps present the motif of not belonging and Moss s light clothing that blends in with the dessert presents the motif of that the dessert is where he belongs but that motif is thrown out the window when he leaves the dessert. The motif of good and evil is presented by the Coen brothers to progress Ed Tom Bell s character into seeing what is wrong with the world he lives in. Lastly the non sequential timeline ties the whole film together by giving Ed Tom Bell a place to vent his true feeling about the world he lives in. These three things prove the the universe the film takes place in really is no country for old ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Financial statement analysis and report ACFI 1001 Accounting for Decision Makers Individual Project (15%) Financial Statement Analysis and Report Objectives Apply theory in practice Conduct analysis of financial statement to look beyond the numbers Experience formal report writing. REQUIRED: Written report (a soft copy on blackboard via turnitin and printed copy to tutors is compulsory) 1. Obtain the most recent annual report for two companies in any of the industries on the Australian Stock Market (for example, mining, retail, manufacturing, construction, service, transport). The reports should contain at least three years of income statement data and two years of balance sheet data. Use one of the chosen companies as your base company and the other ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 11.25 12.75 marks: The paper generally is well written but may have minor grammatical or other writing errors or lack smooth transitions. The report addresses the issues specified in the requirements, demonstrates understanding, and focuses mainly on important items, but does not fully synthesize the material being discussed, and/or does not integrate the annual report data with the narrative. 9.75 11.25 marks: The paper does not have excessive grammatical or other writing errors. The report addresses the issues specified in the requirements, but demonstrates only moderate understanding, and/or lacks integration. 7.5 9.75 marks: The paper does not have excessive grammatical or other writing errors. The report addresses the issues specified in the requirements but demonstrates only minimal understanding of one or more of the issues. 0 7.5 marks: The paper fails to meet the basic requirements, has excessive composition errors, and/or fails to demonstrate understanding of the requirements. Guide to understand and find annual report of companies: Most public companies have made their annual reports available at company websites. A company s annual reports are often located under the Investor Information section at the company website.
  • 33. You can use the Company Search http://www.asx.com.au/research/company research.htm function to find the Internet addresses and other details of Australian companies listed on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Rhetorical Analysis Of Speech By Florence Kelley In the middle of the speech, Florence Kelley states the situation regarding the legality of child labor in many states, using firm facts, doleful repetition, and ironic diction to arouse within the audience a sympathetic response to want the children removed from their harmful situations along with the logical response of wanting to repeal the laws associated with allowing children in damaging manufacturing industries. Kelley employs several examples of different laws in different states allowing children to work long hours at young ages. One example given describes even the lack of restrictions on child labor whatsoever. In Georgia there is no restriction whatever! A girl of six or seven years...may work eleven hours by day or by night. Utilizing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But, before she brings this up, she first convinces her audience just how excruciatingly terrible child labor is. Kelley focuses on children working long hours through the night, saying, tonight while we sleep...working all night long. She then goes on to repeat the phrases, while we sleep, and, all night long, various times throughout the core of her speech. The emphasis on children working through the night appeals to the audience s pathos; it includes the listeners in the force enslaving children, making them accountable. While the audience sleeps in the comfort of their homes, young girls spend all night working to make products for them to enjoy. The sorrowful repetition gains the listener s sympathy for the speaker s cause. Lastly, Florence Kelley demonstrates ironic diction in her attempt to persuade her spectators to ally with her campaign. The speaker says, boys and girls...enjoy the pitiful privilege, to describe young children going off to their jobs instead of to their playdates. The use of the contradictory phrase pitiful privilege, reminds the audience that the privilege of having a job, earning a living, becomes a burden when forced on these young ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Learning Experience Reflection Paper We learn something new everyday, we are always growing until the day we die said by Bill Vaughan. Learning is a lesson that is always changing we each learn new things we are proud of. However, when trying to gain a ability to do something, we have to keep trying. Giving up before getting anywhere is not an option. Do or do not there is no try said by Yoda from Star Wars . I have had many important experiences in my life, but I have the fondest memory of one specific learning moment that greatly affected my life. I will now show everyone a time where I learned how to swim. At first, it was a couple of years back around the time when I was five years old. I mean of course I had been in a pool before that, but I had to wear floaties since my parents would be scared to death if something awful occurred. When I finally turned five; however, my parents thought it was time for the floaties to come off and I thought so too. I was ecstatic at the thought of the floaties finally coming off after all this time. There was not a glance of fear through my mind until I got to the pool. However, at that first glance looking back into my past I remember the first thought that crossed my mind as I looked towards the pool. This is going to be easy I thought. I was delusional I had no idea how wrong I was until I took those first steps into the deep end of the pool. After a couple of days, I can remember this part clearly; I was so scared of going back into the pool thinking ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. What Are The Negative Effects Of Colonizing Australia The Impact Britain had and a negative side and a positive but we can say that they had more of a negative impact When colonizing Australia they were introduced with to new plants, animals and many more new undiscovered things. In some cases they had a devastating effect. Destruction an deforestation occurred during when Britain colonized Australia, most habitats were cleared for settlements which impacted negatively. Colonisation by the British had an lasting effect on the Aborigines, their culture, way of life, freedom and their future. When the British conquered the Aborigines were disposed from their land and goods. The Aborigines were forced out of their hunting grounds and stayed away from the coastal area where they possessed a lot ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. A Humanistic Counselling Approach For Self Knowledge And... Introduction As a humanistic counselling approach, person centred therapy emphasises the potential for self knowledge and personal growth (Corey, 2009). It views the deviation from one s inherent goodness as a source of psychological problems, in turn aiming to increase one s self awareness to help them direct their life in more satisfying ways (Cooper, 2003). With the person centred approach being more an attitude than a set of definitive techniques, a better understanding of its process is formed through connecting theory and practice. As such, this case study aims to apply the person centred approach to a fictional client based around Lester Burnham from American Beauty (Cohen, Jinks Mendes, 1999). Initially, an introduction to the client will be presented, followed by the assumptions, assessment, and goals formed when working with him from a person centred perspective. Several hypothetical helping sessions will then be presented. The Presenting Problem Lester is a 40 year old man referred to me for counselling by his doctor. He is currently married and lives with his wife, Carolyn, and their 16 year old daughter Jane. He is employed as a fast food attendant (Cohen, Jinks Mendes, 1999). At the initial examination Lester dresses untidily and unshaven, and avoids eye contact. Lester reports an overall feeling of unhappiness (Cohen, Jinks Mendes, 1999). He stated that he has become reckless and self destructive and worried about some of his recent life decisions. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Esomeprazole Nexium or esomeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) prescribed to people who are suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease or in short, GERD. This is a type of chronic digestive disease where the stomach s content comes back up into the esophagus because the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) improperly relaxes. The LES is responsible for preventing the food to return to the esophagus but when a person is suffering from GERD, it causes the LES to be weak thus ... Though Nexium played an important role in the treatment of this very common disease, more and more people are still looking for other alternatives. This is because of the side effects that it may cause especially if taking Nexium for long term. These side effects range from the common ones like diarrhea, vomiting, headache ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Chamomile is derived from the two Greek words kamai melon meaning ground apple because of its apple like aroma and because this herb grows near the ground. Studies show that drinking German chamomile tea does not only promote general relaxation, it also helps in lessening the severity of digestive problems such as stomach pain, diarrhea, cramps, nausea and acid reflux if taken at least three times a day. Other uses of German chamomile include soothing burns and skin rashes, alleviate sleeping disorder (insomnia) and heal mouth sores and prevent gum disease. Though this soothing plant s common form is tea, it is also available in capsule, tincture, essential oil, cream and ointment forms. Whether this gentle herb is used internally or topically, the side effect is very uncommon that s why it is very safe to be used by both adult and children. German chamomile is even included in the list of substances Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) in the United States. But for those who are allergic to ragweed, daisies and the likes should avoid taking this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Living With Anxiety Support Group For Men Living with anxiety support group for men. Support groups can play an essential role in coping with stressful events in life. Organising and maintaining an active support group does take time and effort. Support groups can be distinguished from others teams due to the strategies of the primary goals. This kind of group is characterised for emphasises on helping members to share collective experiences. the purpose of our human service organisation is to meet the needs and contribute to the wellbeing our customers. These are the key elements to be addressed in the development our support group. The main aim of this essay is to create a support group for men living with anxiety, which it discusses a plan how to run an effective support group for individuals facing stress and anxiety. The essay will critically analyse different aspects that could influence the initial plan and stages of the group. Purpose Our aim is to help men who are facing anxiety due at the significant impact that in some cases work related stress causes on the mental health of the employees. meanwhile depression, anxiety is linked with work related stress, it is important to highlight depression and anxiety are medical conditions, but stress is not. Despite, prolonged or excessive job stress could be a risk factor for mental health issues and lead to depression in workers. Beyond blue (2015) explained that anxiety conditions have a significant impact not only on the individual but also on their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. An Unmanned Aircraft System ( Uas ) On Saturdays in the fall, more than 50,000 people pack themselves into Bill Snyder Family Stadium to watch the Kansas State University Wildcats play football. More fans occupy the parking lot surrounding the stadium, and even more can be found in satellite parking lots farther from the stadium (K State Athletics). Game day at K State is busy for local law enforcement members. Police must remain on high alert for any kind of suspicious activity in order to keep the public safe. With so many people in such a large area, it can become difficult to for officers monitor everything. One possible answer to the human problem of not being able to be everywhere at once includes an inhuman object. An unmanned aircraft system (UAS) or a drone ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... From 20,000 feet, ARGUS can magnify something as tiny as six inches on the ground. It has the potential to recognize faces and record license plates. Memory space is no issue, as ARGUS has the ability to record up to 5,000 hours of footage (Koerner 2015). This type of drone surveillance would capture a drug dealer making a sale to some tailgaters, locate the parking stall where a man needs medical attention after indulging in too many jalapeno poppers or track a pickpocket through a crowd. As far as crowd surveillance goes, the use of drones appears to be a no brainer. But this type of surveillance can also be a gateway into privacy concerns. According to Black (2013), today s rapidly changing drone technology carries the potential to violate the privacy rights of an individual. Numerous drones also carry the potential to threaten privacy in society as a whole. (Black 2013). Moving beyond crowd surveillance, drones are raising a lot of questions in reference to the Fourth Amendment that protects citizens and their houses, papers and effects from unreasonable searches and seizures (U.S. Const. amend IV). As drones have the potential to become important tools in police investigations, there are many situations presented that fall outside of the Fourth Amendment s regulation but fit in well enough to raise it as an issue (Koerner 2015). The concern centers on everything even a simple drone is capable of. The Parrot AR 2.0 come equipped with a camera capable of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Dangers Of Bottled Water One day, someone, somewhere decided tap water wasn t enough; so they put it in a bottle. Most people laughed at the idea of bottled water because water is almost free from the tap, why would someone pay for it? People laughed at the idea of bottled water and asked if bottled air would be for sale next. The plastic of the bottles litters the planet, there isn t a dramatic taste difference, bottled water is more expensive, and tap water is more closely monitored ( The Story ). Plastic bottles are one of the most common litter issues. Plastic bottles litter the land and waters of Earth. More than half a billion bottles of water are purchased in the U.S. every week, this is enough to circle the globe five times. Oil is used to make plastic bottles and ship them across the world. Enough oil is used making plastic bottles each year to fuel one million cars. Then, eighty percent of the bottles end up in landfills where they sit for thousands of years. Some of the bottles we think are being recycled are actually just being shipped to other countries and thrown in their backyards ( The Story ). By reducing the amount of plastic bottles used, this would clean up our environment and preserve our Earth. Many people may claim bottled water tastes better than tap water. Water can taste very different and some people may be more sensitive to the taste ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To put this into perspective, a gallon of water is eighty nine cents more than a gallon of gasoline. With that fact stated it leads to the question; why doesn t anyone ever gripe about the price of bottled water (Bastasch)? Around the world, there are 2.6 billion people lacking sanitation and more than one billion people lack clean drinking water (Standage). Although, there are cities spending billions of dollars dealing with plastic bottles. This money could easily be used to better the world and provide clean drinking water for everyone ( The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Fight Club Satire Analysis Mcdonalds, the latest style, or some random toiletries, it doesn t matter what it is we ve all bought some pointless nonsense at some point. I s that our American dream? To mindlessly spend money on junk we don t need to satisfy urges we don t want? That is our unknown narrator s plight in the grotesque satire that is the masterpiece of Fight Club. First, what is Satire? It s much more than a scene from Snl, it is a story driven joke meant to push in an idea in a comical way. But fight club is just a misogynistic tale about a whole bunch of man children terrorists beating eachother up just because they lost themselves somewhere along the path. No, Fight Club is so much more than that. Fight Club is a satire about The pointless spending surrounding American economy, about social expectations and the way everyone else thinks you should be, It s also a satire on healthy social relationships and a distorted view of brotherhood. American consumerism is a trade of nonsense, it s a fake piece of paper that controls the world and you trade it for something that you truly don t need. When we first meet the Narrator, he is a robot just buying things to fill his hole that is his emotions. We ve all been raised on television that one day we d all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars,but we don t and we re slowly figuring that out and we are very, very mad about it. This is Tyler Durden, a confidant that helps the Narrator out of his shell, and gives him freedom . Tyler ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Gary Snyder Essay Gary (Sherman) Snyder was born in San Francisco on May 8 in 1930 to the parents of Harold Alton and Lois (Wilkie) Snyder. When Gary Snyder was growing up, he lived in west part of the United States surrounded by nature. While he was living there, the destruction of the Pacific Northwestern forests began, even at such a young age it still caused him sorrow ( Gary Snyder ). While growing up in such a rural area, where Snyder had a farm with chickens and cows and even an outhouse as a bathroom; he thought that this was just another way of living. Gary Snyder is okay with living in the city as well, even though he prefers living in a highly rural area (Martin). He started to examine and appreciate the American Indian culture around him. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He was one of the first members of the Beat Generation, along with his friend and fellow writer Allen Ginsberg ( Gary Snyder ). One day, he visited the Seattle Art Museum and it showed him a whole knew world; the world of Chinese architecture and landscape painting. Snyder was so astonished by the artwork and how each of the civilizations had attachments to their surrounding nature. Following that he attended University of California at Berkeley for the next three years where he preformed a graduate study in Oriental Languages; subsequently, Snyder is fluent in many language. While also going to college, in Snyder s free time he would work as a lumberjack, trail maker, and a firewatcher, which consequently were all jobs working in the woods. As well as being part of the Beat Generation, Gary Snyder was also part of the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, The United Nations Conference on the Human environment, and a former chair member of the California Arts Council ( Gary Snyder ). Since Snyder started writing poetry in 1950s he has been able to manufacture pieces of work that not only become close too you in a social way but also in spiritual manner in each one of his works. Which helps him have a different style then most poets. A big influence was Zen Buddhism; it was already a big part of his life and helped influence his poetry about ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...