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Conservation Biotechnology: DNA and Tissue Bank, DNA Barcoding
, DNA fingerprint
Submitted by: Dewaka Poudel Submitted to: Department of B.Tech in Biotechnology
Course code: BT447BT Himalayan White House International College
Semester: 8th semester Purbanchal University
B.Tech in Biotechnology
Date of Submission: 14/04/2080 1
Table of Content:
1. Conservation Biotechnology: Preserving Biodiversity and
Restoring Our Environment
- Objective, strategies , application
2. DNA and Tissue Bank
- Introduction , examples
3. DNA Barcoding
- Introduction, process, application
4. DNA fingerprinting
- Introduction, process, application
5. References
Why Conservation Biotechnology matters?
Conservation Biotechnology: Preserving Biodiversity and Restoring
Our Environment
 Specialized field within biotechnology
 focuses on utilizing biological techniques to address biodiversity
conservation and environmental challenges.
 Seeks to use the knowledge of genetics, molecular biology, and other
biological sciences
 aid in the preservation and restoration of endangered species,
ecosystems, and natural resources
Conservation Biotechnology
In situ conservation
(Protected Area Network)
Ex situ conservation
1.DNA and
Tissue Banking
1.Seed Gene
2.Field Gene
1.In vitro (Plant
Tissue culture,
Slow Growth
Different Strategies for Biodiversity Conservation
Figure 1. Schematic representation of different conservation strategies with focus on conventional and biotechnological-based techniques
Involvement of genetics and biotechnology in breeding of medicinal
• • Androgenesis
• • Gynogenesis
• • Wide
• PTC (directly and
• • PGRs •
Additives •
Bioreactors •
Elicitors • Hairy
roots •
(Agrobacterium) •
engineering •
Genome editing
Chemical profile
• PTC (directly
and indirectly)
• • PGRs &
Additives &
• • Metabolite
• • Ploidy
• • Genome
• • In-situ
and Ex-situ
• •Cryoprese
rvation •
esis (direct
• • Somatic
esis (direct
Assess the genetic and
transcriptom information
• NGS-based
• • DNA-
barcoding •
RNA-seq •
RAD-seq •
mapping •
markers •
Fig. 1 Different applications of next-generation sequencing (NGS) and plant tissue culture (PTC) techniques in improvement of medicinal plants. CENH3
centromere histone H3, COSTREL combinatorial super transformation of transplastomic recipient lines, CRISPR clus- tered regularly interspaced short
palindromic repeats, Cas CRISPR-associated, GWAS genome-wide association, PGRs plant growth regulators, TALENs transcription activator-like effector
nucleases, TILLING targeting-induced local lesions in genomes, ZFNs zinc-fin- ger nucleases) 6
Importance of Conservation Biotechnology
of Plant
Control and
DNA and Tissue Bank
 A specialized facility that collects, stores, and manages samples of DNA, tissues,
and other biological materials
 From various organisms, including humans, animals, plants, and microorganisms
 Serve as valuable resources for researchers, scientists, and conservationists
 Provide a repository of genetic material for a wide range of applications
 Objective: To preserve and provide access to valuable genetic resources for
advancements in various fields of study.
: Save Your Money
: Save Your DNA
Types of Biological Samples Stored
 DNA: Genetic material extracted from blood, saliva, tissues, or
other sources, providing valuable genomic information.
 Tissues: Organ and tissue samples, crucial for studying diseases,
genetics, and regenerative medicine.
 Cells: Cultured cell lines used in research, such as cancer studies
and drug testing
DNA and Tissue Bank: Some images
1. Human Tissue Sample,
2. DNA and Tissue Bank, @kewgardens
3. Samples of Plant DNA ,@kewgardens 4. Arden Tissue Bank, based at University Hospital Coventry
Global DNA and Tissue Banks
S/N DNA and Tissue Bank Location Website
1. UK Biobank United Kingdom www.ukbiobank.ac.uk/
2. Coriell Institute for Medical Research United States www.coriell.org/
3. American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) United States www.atcc.org/
4. National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cancer Human Biobank
United States www.cancer.gov/about-
5. German National Cohort Biorepository (GNC) Germany www.nako.de/en/
6. China National GeneBank (CNGB) China www.cngb.org
7. Estonian Biobank (Estonian Genome Center) Estonia www.geenivaramu.ee/en
8. Norwegian Mother, Father, and Child Cohort Study (MoBa)
Norway www.fhi.no/en/studies/moba
9. Qatar Biobank Qatar www.qatarbiobank.org.qa/
10 Canadian Tissue Repository Network (CTRNet Canada www.ctrnet.ca/
Collection and Storage Process
3. Secure Storage:
DNA and tissue banks use specialized facilities with strict temperature and
security controls.
2. Sample Processing:
Techniques such as cryopreservation or formalin fixation maintain sample
quality for long-term storage
1. Sample Collection:
Ethical and standardized procedures ensure sample integrity and donor
Applications of DNA and Tissue Banks
1. Genetic Research
• The banked samples serve as valuable resources for genetic studies, understanding disease mechanisms, and
identifying genetic markers.
2. Translational Medicine
• Tissue banks support the development of new therapies and medical interventions.
3. Forensic Science
• DNA banks aid in criminal investigations and missing persons identification.
4. Biodiversity Conservation:
DNA and tissue banks contribute to preserving genetic diversity in endangered species, supporting
conservation efforts.
5. Medical Research:
The stored samples aid in medical research, leading to breakthroughs in diagnostics, drug development, and
personalized medicine 13
Challenges and Ethical Considerations
 Sample Quality: Ensuring high-quality samples to maintain their usability over extended periods.
 Informed Consent: Ethical guidelines govern the collection and use of samples, respecting donor rights
and privacy.
 Data Security: Protecting sensitive genetic information from unauthorized access or breaches.
 a form of optical representation of data
 uses a series of black and white lines (bars) of
varying widths
 represent alphanumeric characters and
 The specific pattern of bars and spaces
corresponds to a unique code for each
product, which can be read and interpreted
by barcode scanners or readers.
DNA Barcoding: Intro
 DNA barcoding is a molecular technique used for identifying and classifying organisms based on short standardized
DNA sequences.
 The method involves analyzing a specific region of the organism's genome, often a portion of the mitochondrial DNA,
which is highly conserved within species but varies between different species.
 This DNA barcode acts like a unique genetic signature for each species, enabling quick and accurate identification.
Why DNA Barcoding is Important?
Paul Hebert - The Father of DNA Barcoding
Dr Paul D.N Hebert
Founder of DNA barcoding
 Paul Hebert, a Canadian scientist, introduced the concept of
DNA barcoding.
 He is often referred to as the "father of DNA barcoding."
 Hebert and his team published the foundational paper on DNA
barcoding in 2003.
 The Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) and
Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL) were
established to organize and promote DNA barcoding research.
How It All Started In 2003
Propose a CO1 based ( 650bp of the 5 end) global
identification system in animals, show the success(
96.4- 100%) of assigning test specimens to the
correct phyla, order and species (lepidoptera from
Guelph) through a CO1- profile)
ability of COI sequences to diagnose species in certain
taxonomic groups, the present study extends these
analyses across the animal kingdom.
The COI Gene - Universal Barcode for Animals
 DNA barcoding targets a specific gene region for identification.
 The cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene was chosen as the
universal barcode for animals.
 COI exhibits enough genetic variation between species and remains
highly conserved within species.
DNA Barcoding: Steps
Step 1 Step 2
Step 4
Step 3 21
DNA barcode
DNA- Four nucleotide bases
1. Adenine-
2. Thymine-
3. Guanine-
4. Cytosine -
Application Areas
1. Biodiversity
2. Conservation
3. Food Safety
4. Forensic
5. Pharmaceutical
6. Aquatic
7. Invasive
8. Pest
11. Plant and
Animal Breeding
12. Medicinal
May Be In Future
Data in seconds to minutes
Pennies per sample
Link to reference database
A taxonomic GPS
Usable by non-specialists
What is DNA fingerprinting?
 Sir Alec Jeffreys discovered DNA fingerprinting in 1984 to
solve the issue related to crime, paternity.
 It is a laboratory technique/chemical test that shows genetic
makeup of a person.
 Principle: It involves identifying differences in some specific
regions in DNA sequence
Techniques for DNA fingerprinting
Applications of DNA Fingerprinting
1.Forensic Investigations: Identify suspects, victims, and link individuals to crime scenes.
2.Paternity and Relationship Testing: Establish biological relationships between individuals.
3.Missing Persons and Disaster Victim Identification: Help identify missing persons and victims of mass casualties.
4.Immigration and Asylum Seekers: Verify family relationships in immigration cases.
5.Personalized Medicine: Predict individual responses to medications and treatments.
6.Conservation Biology: Protect endangered species and monitor wildlife populations.
7.Agriculture and Livestock Breeding: Improve crop varieties and select genetically valuable animals.
8.Historical and Archaeological Studies: Study ancient human populations and remains.
9.Genealogy and Ancestry Testing: Trace genetic heritage and family history.
10.Disease Risk Assessment: Identify genetic predispositions to certain diseases.
DNA Fingerprinting in Forensics
 In criminal investigations, DNA
fingerprinting is a powerful tool to match
suspects to crime scene evidence.
 It has revolutionized the justice system by
aiding in solving cold cases and exonerating
innocent individuals.
1."Use of DNA in Identification". Accessexcellence.org. Archived from the original on 26 April 2008. Retrieved 3 April 2010.
2. Butler JM (2005). Forensic DNA typing: biology, technology, and genetics of STR markers (2nd ed.). Amsterdam: Elsevier
Academic Press. ISBN 978-0080470610. OCLC 123448124.
3.Image by Mikael Häggström, MD, using following source image: Figure 1 - available via license: Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International", from the following article:
4.Roberta Sitnik, Margareth Afonso Torres, Nydia Strachman Bacal, João Renato Rebello Pinho (2006). "Using PCR for
molecular monitoring of post-transplantation chimerism". Einstein (Sao Paulo). 4 (2).
5. "Combined DNA Index System (CODIS)". Federal Bureau of Investigation. Archived from the original on 29 April 2017.
Retrieved 20 April 2017.
6. "What is DNA Barcoding?". iBOL. Retrieved 2019-03-26.
7. Kress, W. John; Erickson, David L., eds. (2012). DNA Barcodes: Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology.
Vol. 858. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press. doi:10.1007/978-1-61779-591-6. ISBN 978-1-61779-590-9. S2CID 3668979.
8.Hebert, Paul D. N.; Cywinska, Alina; Ball, Shelley L.; deWaard, Jeremy R. (2003-02-07). "Biological identifications through
DNA barcodes". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 270 (1512): 313–
321. doi:10.1098/rspb.2002.2218. ISSN 1471-2954. PMC 1691236. PMID 12614582.
9. Folmer, O.; Black, M.; Hoeh, W.; Lutz, R.; Vrijenhoek, R. (October 1994). "DNA primers for amplification of mitochondrial
cytochrome c oxidase subunit I from diverse metazoan invertebrates". Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology. 3 (5): 294–
299. ISSN 1053-6426. PMID 7881515.
10.Soulé, Michael E. (1986). "What is Conservation Biology?" (PDF). BioScience. American Institute of Biological
Sciences. 35 (11): 727–34. doi:10.2307/1310054. JSTOR 1310054.
11.Jump up to:a b Soule, Michael E. (1986). Conservation Biology: The Science of Scarcity and Diversity. Sinauer Associates.
p. 584. ISBN 978-0-87893-795-0.
12. Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i j Hunter, Malcolm L. (1996). Fundamentals of conservation biology. Oxford: Blackwell
Science. ISBN 978-0-86542-371-8.
13. Jump up to:a b c d Meffe, Gary K.; Martha J. Groom (2006). Principles of conservation biology (3rd ed.). Sunderland, Mass:
Sinauer Associates. ISBN 978-0-87893-518-5.
14.Coelho, N., Gonçalves, S., & Romano, A. (2020). Endemic plant species conservation: Biotechnological
approaches. Plants, 9(3), 345.
15.Yu, J., Wu, X. I., Liu, C., Newmaster, S., Ragupathy, S., & Kress, W. J. (2021). Progress in the use of DNA barcodes in the
identification and classification of medicinal plants. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 208, 111691.
16. Niazian, M. (2019). Application of genetics and biotechnology for improving medicinal plants. Planta, 249, 953-973.
17.Grant, D. M., Brodnicke, O. B., Evankow, A. M., Ferreira, A. O., Fontes, J. T., Hansen, A. K., ... & Ekrem, T. (2021). The
future of DNA barcoding: reflections from early career researchers. Diversity, 13(7), 313.
18.Jordan, D., & Mills, D. (2021). Past, present, and future of DNA typing for analyzing human and non-human forensic
samples. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, 646130.
Conservation Biotechnology: DNA and Tissue Bank, DNA Barcoding, DNA fingerprint
Conservation Biotechnology: DNA and Tissue Bank, DNA Barcoding, DNA fingerprint

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Conservation Biotechnology: DNA and Tissue Bank, DNA Barcoding , DNA fingerprint

  • 1. Conservation Biotechnology: DNA and Tissue Bank, DNA Barcoding , DNA fingerprint Submitted by: Dewaka Poudel Submitted to: Department of B.Tech in Biotechnology Course code: BT447BT Himalayan White House International College Semester: 8th semester Purbanchal University B.Tech in Biotechnology Date of Submission: 14/04/2080 1
  • 2. Table of Content: 2 1. Conservation Biotechnology: Preserving Biodiversity and Restoring Our Environment - Objective, strategies , application 2. DNA and Tissue Bank - Introduction , examples 3. DNA Barcoding - Introduction, process, application 4. DNA fingerprinting - Introduction, process, application 5. References
  • 4. Conservation Biotechnology: Preserving Biodiversity and Restoring Our Environment  Specialized field within biotechnology  focuses on utilizing biological techniques to address biodiversity conservation and environmental challenges.  Seeks to use the knowledge of genetics, molecular biology, and other biological sciences  aid in the preservation and restoration of endangered species, ecosystems, and natural resources 4
  • 5. Conservation Biotechnology In situ conservation (Protected Area Network) 1.1.National Parks 2.2.Wildlife Sanctuaries 1.Biosphere Reserves a-Terrestrial b-Marine 1-Sacred Groves 2-Sacred Lakes Ex situ conservation 1.DNA and Tissue Banking 1.Seed Gene Bank 2.Field Gene Bank, 1.In vitro (Plant Tissue culture, Slow Growth Cultures) 1.Cryopreserva tion Different Strategies for Biodiversity Conservation Figure 1. Schematic representation of different conservation strategies with focus on conventional and biotechnological-based techniques 5
  • 6. Involvement of genetics and biotechnology in breeding of medicinal plants Haploidy Induction • PTC • • Androgenesis • • Gynogenesis • • Wide hybridization • CENH3 Over- production • PTC (directly and indirectly) • • PGRs • Additives • Bioreactors • Elicitors • Hairy roots • Overexpression (Agrobacterium) • Ploidy engineering • COSTREL • TILLING • Genome editing CRISPR/Cas9 TALENs ZFNs Chemical profile alteration • PTC (directly and indirectly) • • PGRs & Additives & Elicitors • • Metabolite engineering • • Ploidy engineering • • TILLING • • Genome editing CRISPR/Cas9 TALENs ZFNs Conservation • PTC (directly and indirectly) • • In-situ and Ex-situ conservatio n • •Cryoprese rvation • Synthetic seeds Proliferation • PTC (directly and indirectly) • Organogen esis (direct and indirect) • • Somatic embryogen esis (direct and indirect) Assess the genetic and transcriptom information • NGS-based methods • • DNA- barcoding • RNA-seq • RAD-seq • QTL mapping • GWAS • SNP markers • Microarray Fig. 1 Different applications of next-generation sequencing (NGS) and plant tissue culture (PTC) techniques in improvement of medicinal plants. CENH3 centromere histone H3, COSTREL combinatorial super transformation of transplastomic recipient lines, CRISPR clus- tered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats, Cas CRISPR-associated, GWAS genome-wide association, PGRs plant growth regulators, TALENs transcription activator-like effector nucleases, TILLING targeting-induced local lesions in genomes, ZFNs zinc-fin- ger nucleases) 6
  • 7. Importance of Conservation Biotechnology 1.Biodiversity Preservation 2.Endangered Species Protection 3.Ecosystem Restoration 4.Conservation of Plant Diversity 5.Sustainable Resource Management 6.Disease Control and Management 7
  • 8. DNA and Tissue Bank  A specialized facility that collects, stores, and manages samples of DNA, tissues, and other biological materials  From various organisms, including humans, animals, plants, and microorganisms  Serve as valuable resources for researchers, scientists, and conservationists  Provide a repository of genetic material for a wide range of applications  Objective: To preserve and provide access to valuable genetic resources for advancements in various fields of study. : Save Your Money : Save Your DNA 8
  • 9. Types of Biological Samples Stored  DNA: Genetic material extracted from blood, saliva, tissues, or other sources, providing valuable genomic information.  Tissues: Organ and tissue samples, crucial for studying diseases, genetics, and regenerative medicine.  Cells: Cultured cell lines used in research, such as cancer studies and drug testing 9
  • 10. DNA and Tissue Bank: Some images 1. Human Tissue Sample, https://www.reprocell.com/human-tissue-samples 2. DNA and Tissue Bank, @kewgardens 3. Samples of Plant DNA ,@kewgardens 4. Arden Tissue Bank, based at University Hospital Coventry 10
  • 11. Global DNA and Tissue Banks S/N DNA and Tissue Bank Location Website 1. UK Biobank United Kingdom www.ukbiobank.ac.uk/ 2. Coriell Institute for Medical Research United States www.coriell.org/ 3. American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) United States www.atcc.org/ 4. National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cancer Human Biobank (caHUB) United States www.cancer.gov/about- nci/organization/ccct/cahub 5. German National Cohort Biorepository (GNC) Germany www.nako.de/en/ 6. China National GeneBank (CNGB) China www.cngb.org 7. Estonian Biobank (Estonian Genome Center) Estonia www.geenivaramu.ee/en 8. Norwegian Mother, Father, and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) Biobank Norway www.fhi.no/en/studies/moba 9. Qatar Biobank Qatar www.qatarbiobank.org.qa/ 10 Canadian Tissue Repository Network (CTRNet Canada www.ctrnet.ca/ 11
  • 12. Collection and Storage Process 3. Secure Storage: DNA and tissue banks use specialized facilities with strict temperature and security controls. 2. Sample Processing: Techniques such as cryopreservation or formalin fixation maintain sample quality for long-term storage 1. Sample Collection: Ethical and standardized procedures ensure sample integrity and donor consent 12
  • 13. Applications of DNA and Tissue Banks 1. Genetic Research • The banked samples serve as valuable resources for genetic studies, understanding disease mechanisms, and identifying genetic markers. 2. Translational Medicine • Tissue banks support the development of new therapies and medical interventions. 3. Forensic Science • DNA banks aid in criminal investigations and missing persons identification. 4. Biodiversity Conservation: DNA and tissue banks contribute to preserving genetic diversity in endangered species, supporting conservation efforts. 5. Medical Research: The stored samples aid in medical research, leading to breakthroughs in diagnostics, drug development, and personalized medicine 13
  • 14. Challenges and Ethical Considerations  Sample Quality: Ensuring high-quality samples to maintain their usability over extended periods.  Informed Consent: Ethical guidelines govern the collection and use of samples, respecting donor rights and privacy.  Data Security: Protecting sensitive genetic information from unauthorized access or breaches. 14
  • 15. Barcodes  a form of optical representation of data  uses a series of black and white lines (bars) of varying widths  represent alphanumeric characters and symbols.  The specific pattern of bars and spaces corresponds to a unique code for each product, which can be read and interpreted by barcode scanners or readers. 15
  • 16. DNA Barcoding: Intro  DNA barcoding is a molecular technique used for identifying and classifying organisms based on short standardized DNA sequences.  The method involves analyzing a specific region of the organism's genome, often a portion of the mitochondrial DNA, which is highly conserved within species but varies between different species.  This DNA barcode acts like a unique genetic signature for each species, enabling quick and accurate identification. 16
  • 17. 17 Why DNA Barcoding is Important?
  • 18. Paul Hebert - The Father of DNA Barcoding Dr Paul D.N Hebert Founder of DNA barcoding  Paul Hebert, a Canadian scientist, introduced the concept of DNA barcoding.  He is often referred to as the "father of DNA barcoding."  Hebert and his team published the foundational paper on DNA barcoding in 2003.  The Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) and Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL) were established to organize and promote DNA barcoding research. 18
  • 19. How It All Started In 2003 Propose a CO1 based ( 650bp of the 5 end) global identification system in animals, show the success( 96.4- 100%) of assigning test specimens to the correct phyla, order and species (lepidoptera from Guelph) through a CO1- profile) ability of COI sequences to diagnose species in certain taxonomic groups, the present study extends these analyses across the animal kingdom. 19
  • 20. The COI Gene - Universal Barcode for Animals  DNA barcoding targets a specific gene region for identification.  The cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene was chosen as the universal barcode for animals.  COI exhibits enough genetic variation between species and remains highly conserved within species. 20
  • 21. DNA Barcoding: Steps Step 1 Step 2 Step 4 Step 3 21
  • 22. DNA barcode DNA- Four nucleotide bases 1. Adenine- 2. Thymine- 3. Guanine- 4. Cytosine - 22
  • 23. Application Areas DNA Barcode 1. Biodiversity Research 2. Conservation Biology 3. Food Safety and Authentication 4. Forensic Sciences 5. Pharmaceutical Industry 6. Aquatic Ecosystem Management 7. Invasive Species Detection 8. Pest Management 9. Paleontological Studies 10. Environmental DNA (eDNA) Studies 11. Plant and Animal Breeding 12. Medicinal Plant Authentication 23
  • 24. May Be In Future Data in seconds to minutes Pennies per sample Link to reference database A taxonomic GPS Usable by non-specialists 24
  • 25. What is DNA fingerprinting?  Sir Alec Jeffreys discovered DNA fingerprinting in 1984 to solve the issue related to crime, paternity.  It is a laboratory technique/chemical test that shows genetic makeup of a person.  Principle: It involves identifying differences in some specific regions in DNA sequence 25
  • 26. Techniques for DNA fingerprinting 26
  • 27. Applications of DNA Fingerprinting 1.Forensic Investigations: Identify suspects, victims, and link individuals to crime scenes. 2.Paternity and Relationship Testing: Establish biological relationships between individuals. 3.Missing Persons and Disaster Victim Identification: Help identify missing persons and victims of mass casualties. 4.Immigration and Asylum Seekers: Verify family relationships in immigration cases. 5.Personalized Medicine: Predict individual responses to medications and treatments. 6.Conservation Biology: Protect endangered species and monitor wildlife populations. 7.Agriculture and Livestock Breeding: Improve crop varieties and select genetically valuable animals. 8.Historical and Archaeological Studies: Study ancient human populations and remains. 9.Genealogy and Ancestry Testing: Trace genetic heritage and family history. 10.Disease Risk Assessment: Identify genetic predispositions to certain diseases. 27
  • 28. DNA Fingerprinting in Forensics  In criminal investigations, DNA fingerprinting is a powerful tool to match suspects to crime scene evidence.  It has revolutionized the justice system by aiding in solving cold cases and exonerating innocent individuals. 28
  • 29. References 1."Use of DNA in Identification". Accessexcellence.org. Archived from the original on 26 April 2008. Retrieved 3 April 2010. 2. Butler JM (2005). Forensic DNA typing: biology, technology, and genetics of STR markers (2nd ed.). Amsterdam: Elsevier Academic Press. ISBN 978-0080470610. OCLC 123448124. 3.Image by Mikael Häggström, MD, using following source image: Figure 1 - available via license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International", from the following article: 4.Roberta Sitnik, Margareth Afonso Torres, Nydia Strachman Bacal, João Renato Rebello Pinho (2006). "Using PCR for molecular monitoring of post-transplantation chimerism". Einstein (Sao Paulo). 4 (2). 5. "Combined DNA Index System (CODIS)". Federal Bureau of Investigation. Archived from the original on 29 April 2017. Retrieved 20 April 2017. 6. "What is DNA Barcoding?". iBOL. Retrieved 2019-03-26. 7. Kress, W. John; Erickson, David L., eds. (2012). DNA Barcodes: Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology. Vol. 858. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press. doi:10.1007/978-1-61779-591-6. ISBN 978-1-61779-590-9. S2CID 3668979. 29
  • 30. References 8.Hebert, Paul D. N.; Cywinska, Alina; Ball, Shelley L.; deWaard, Jeremy R. (2003-02-07). "Biological identifications through DNA barcodes". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 270 (1512): 313– 321. doi:10.1098/rspb.2002.2218. ISSN 1471-2954. PMC 1691236. PMID 12614582. 9. Folmer, O.; Black, M.; Hoeh, W.; Lutz, R.; Vrijenhoek, R. (October 1994). "DNA primers for amplification of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I from diverse metazoan invertebrates". Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology. 3 (5): 294– 299. ISSN 1053-6426. PMID 7881515. 10.Soulé, Michael E. (1986). "What is Conservation Biology?" (PDF). BioScience. American Institute of Biological Sciences. 35 (11): 727–34. doi:10.2307/1310054. JSTOR 1310054. 11.Jump up to:a b Soule, Michael E. (1986). Conservation Biology: The Science of Scarcity and Diversity. Sinauer Associates. p. 584. ISBN 978-0-87893-795-0. 12. Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i j Hunter, Malcolm L. (1996). Fundamentals of conservation biology. Oxford: Blackwell Science. ISBN 978-0-86542-371-8. 13. Jump up to:a b c d Meffe, Gary K.; Martha J. Groom (2006). Principles of conservation biology (3rd ed.). Sunderland, Mass: Sinauer Associates. ISBN 978-0-87893-518-5. 30
  • 31. References 14.Coelho, N., Gonçalves, S., & Romano, A. (2020). Endemic plant species conservation: Biotechnological approaches. Plants, 9(3), 345. 15.Yu, J., Wu, X. I., Liu, C., Newmaster, S., Ragupathy, S., & Kress, W. J. (2021). Progress in the use of DNA barcodes in the identification and classification of medicinal plants. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 208, 111691. 16. Niazian, M. (2019). Application of genetics and biotechnology for improving medicinal plants. Planta, 249, 953-973. 17.Grant, D. M., Brodnicke, O. B., Evankow, A. M., Ferreira, A. O., Fontes, J. T., Hansen, A. K., ... & Ekrem, T. (2021). The future of DNA barcoding: reflections from early career researchers. Diversity, 13(7), 313. 18.Jordan, D., & Mills, D. (2021). Past, present, and future of DNA typing for analyzing human and non-human forensic samples. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, 646130. 31