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Construction Safety
Engr. Ali Kamal Mostofa Rubel
MPH in Occupational Health & Safety
Contents Title
01. Introduce
04. Safety Tools
04-1. Pre-task planning
04-2. Permit to work
02. Hot work safety
02-1. Gas cutting
02-2. Arc welding
02-3. Grinding
03. High risk work safety
03-1. Work at height
03-2. Lifting & rigging
03-3. Confined space entry
03-4. Excavation work
03-5. Electrical work
Switch Off Mobile Phones
No Smoking
In Case Of Emergency
Work Stop Authority
1.The lowest standard you set is the highest standard the workforce will meet. You must be a Role Model!
2.Everyone has an obligation to stop work that is unsafe, and has a potential to cause injury to workers.
ALARP (As Low As Reasonably Practicable)
What standard could be regarded as safe enough?
Hot work
02-1. Gas cutting
02-2. Arc welding
02-3. Grinding
Hot work safety
Welding hazards
Occupational hazards Electrical shock
Exposed live parts and cable insulation
are damaged
Note: The arc welding voltage of the
secondary welding of the arc welding
(handle welding) is 60- 90V, which is
not a safe voltage. Therefore, the first
and second wires of the welding
machine should ensure good insulation.
Fume, gas, arc flash, radiation
Flammable materials, spark
Hazard of welding
• Toxic gases
Nitrogen Oxides
• Toxic fumes
Cadmium Oxide
Chromic acid
Copper fumes
Nickel fumes
Vanadium fumes
Zinc Oxide
• Radiation
Hot work safety
Check all equipment for defects prior to use: cables & connection, earth clamps, & electrode holder
, make sure insulation is good.
The machine, cables and connections are in good condition/ clear of water
Do not touch the cable or welding tongs by wet hands..
Remove all inflammable materials from workplace.
Fire blanket and screen to be used to protect others and equipment. And fire watchman a
nd fire extinguisher to be available within the area.
Hot work safety
Use welding fume-extracting device, and keep good ventilation condition
Appropriate PPE to be worn :Shawl , fume respirator(P1) , Welding Helmet, coveralls, welding
gloves, eye protection, safety boots, hearing protection, apron, leg protection.
Safety measure for welding
 When transporting, a suitable hand truck, forklift, or similar handling
device will be used with the cylinder properly secured to the
device and the valve cap on
 Cylinders will not be dragged, dropped, rolled, or struck in
horizontal position, or allowed to strike each other or another
surface violently
 Roll only for short distances, using the curved bottom edge of the
 Do not lift using the protective cap or with a magnet
Handling of gas cylinder
Hot work safety
Gas cutting
 Cylinders will be placed upright with the valve end up, and a steadying device used to
secure them from being knocked over.
 Cylinders should be kept at least 10 meters away from open flames, hot metal, or other
sources of heat. And should be protected from direct sun and weather conditions.
 Compressed gas and oxygen cylinders must not be placed in confined/enclosed or no
ventilated areas
 Empty cylinders will be segregated from other cylinders and labeled or tagged “Empty” or
 Oxygen cylinders not in use must not be stored within 20 feet (6.1 meters) of cylinders
containing flammable gases unless separated by a fire wall at least 5 feet (1.5 meters) tall
and having a fire-resistance rating of at least 1/2 hour
 Oxygen cylinders, fittings, caps, valves, couplings, and regulator hoses must be kept away
from oil, grease, and other combustible/flammable materials.
Hot work safety
Gas cutting
Storage of gas cylinder
 Flashback devices must be installed at both the regulator and
torch end, on both lines, of oxygen/fuel gas systems
 Regulators and hoses will be leak tested immediately after they
are connected
 Cylinders must be kept far away from the welding/cutting
operation to prevent sparks, hot slag, and flames from reaching
 Acetylene cylinder valves will be opened 3/4 of a turn or less;
do not open valves more than 1-1/2 turns
 Do not strike an arc on a cylinder
 Valve protective caps will be kept on except when it is secured
and connected to dispensing equipment
Hot work safety
Gas cutting
Use of gas cylinder
An explosion of oxygen cylinder followed
by a fire occurred in a factory arising fro
m the use of oxyacetylene gas equipme
nt. Four persons were killed and another
two workers were injured in the accident.
 Leaking or damaged hose or hose couplings
 Leaking or damaged fuel-gas pressure regulators and gauges and related
 Leaking or damaged torch heads or shutoff valves and related connections
 Clogged tip openings
 Use a friction flint lighter to ignite gas torch, Never use matches, cigarette
lighters, burning paper, or lit cigarettes to light handpieces
Hot work safety
Gas cutting
Gas welding and cutting equipment must be inspected by the user at the beginning of
each shift to identify any of the following defects:
• Are the basic safety device
• Prevents flash back accidents caused by “reverse
-Flashbacks can cause the most serious accidents
• Check valves can fail because of “dirt”or other
• Flashback arrestors are the ultimate safety device
• Usually have a check valve built into it, but, can also
stop a flame. The Heat sink element will absorb heat
from a fire, The element should also be kept free of
contamination and checked periodically
Check Valves and Flashback Arrestors
Hot work safety
Gas cutting
Wear appropriate PPE as per required, including Helmet, coveralls, safety boots,
gloves, face shield, goggles, respirator, hearing protection etc.
2 Do not use damaged, uninspected or non-color coded grinding machine, check
and make sure the all parts are in good condition i.e.. safety guard, handle, switch
and fastener etc.
3 Check and make sure the cables are not damaged, and connected correctly.
Check and make sure grinding disc is dry, flawless and intact without notch. And m
ake sure grinding disc RPM speed must not lower than the grinding machine RMP.
5 Do not use grinder to cut flexibility or soft materials, i.e.. rope, web-slings, fabricate.
Grinding Operator shall follow the ten principals:
Hot work safety
6 Ensure that only cutting discs are used for cutting and grinding discussed for gri
No grinding at the area existing inflammable materials or gas, Fire blanket an
d screen to be used to protect others and equipment.
8 Ensure suitable work space and work posture, and the work piece must be sec
ured properly. Make sure hold grinding machine with both hands.
9 Do not expose power tools to rain or wet condition.
Grinder is to be unplugged prior to the change out of disks or any maintenance or
work suspended.
Grinding Operator shall follow the ten principals:
Hot work safety
High risk work
03-1. Work at height
03-2. Lifting& rigging
03-3. Confined space entry
03-4. Excavation work
03-5. Electrical work
To prevent incidents from fall, various types of controls shall be identified and risks associated with working
at heights to be considered during the design and execution planning stages shall be evaluated consideri
ng the hierarchy or controls and risk mitigation for the working at heights as follows:
Avoid work at height where you can
Fall protection
Ladder, Fixed/Mobile work
Fall protection
Scaffolding, guardrail system
Protective equipment
Lifeline use, anti-fall net, Roped acc
ess, net Personal anti-drop device
(safety belt, anti-drop device)
Primary protection system
Secondary protection system
Protective Equipment
Falling Protection
Work at height
 A certified full body harness must be worn whilst working above a height of 1.8m
 100% tie off is required when accessing outside the confines of a safe working platform> 1.8m
Tie off must to be a suitable and sufficient anchorage point
Falling Protection
Work at height
Inspect ladder before use, ensure it is in a good condition
Secure ladder and ensure it cannot slip, footed or tied off
Where you can maintain 3 points of contact with the ladder
Ensure ladder angle of 75 degrees (1 unit out for every
4 units up)
Heavy tools & materials is not to be carried up or down a
Do not work from the top 3 rungs
Safety rules for ladders
Work at height
 Tool ties/ tethers must be used for all WAH activities, Secure Equipment & Materials
 Do not throw equipment, materials (from above or from the ground)
 Good housekeeping and storage of materials must be maintained in elevated areas
 Designated and protected material storage areas, lanyards or belts , buckets for small
 Erect barricades and exclusion zones where lifting or works are being conducted
 Protection must be installed – fans, nets and tunnels etc… in areas above pedestrian
Dropped Objects Prevention
Work at height
Only approved signal man to direct crane and comply with approved JSA
for lifting and hoisting.
Do not use uncertified, damaged, uninspected or non-color coded lifting
device or gear and homemade tools.
If weight of load or Working Load Limit(WLL) rating of the lifting gear is
unknown or lifting arrangement is overloaded, then do not lift, ensure the
SWL of lifting gear are visible.
No Lifting overhead of personnel and no lifting in the yard without cordoning
the lifting area.
5 No hoisting of unsecured or unfastened loads.
Lifting Safety
Crane Operator and Signal Man shall follow the ten principals:
Lifting Safety
Crane Operator and Signal Man shall follow the ten principals:
6 Ensure webbing slings are protected from sharp edges and lifting gear
is inspected before use.
7 No hoisting or lifting with inadequate lighting or restricted visibility.
8 No hoisting or lifting when the wind speed is 6Beaufort(30mph) or
higher; or during electrical storm, heavy rain, snow or fog.
Avoid handling the load using your hands,operator must use tag
line or push stick.
Crane must be on level and safe ground and outriggers positioned fully
extended onto outrigger loading mats.
Risk control
设备、吊索具Crane & Lifting gear 人员操作和指挥 Operation
Crane & Lifting gear Human error
Lifting Safety
Safety controls for lifting work
According to statistics, 86% of the lifting accidents are due to human error,
and the remaining 14% are environmental and equipment reasons.
Confined Space Entry
Example 1
• Seven workers were killed in a tank that was undergoing maintenance and
cleaning at a plant in Mexico City. Four victims were maintenance
contractors and three victims were company employees.
• The deaths were due to unspecified toxins. The three company employees
had entered the tank in an effort to rescue the four contract employees.
Example 2
• A roll of duct tape was only 5 feet away, resting inside a reactor
chamber at a refinery. The chamber was being purged with
nitrogen, and cleanliness criteria dictated that all debris be
removed. In an attempt to retrieve the roll of tape, one worker
intentionally went inside and – due to the near-zero oxygen
concentration within the reactor – fell unconscious only to be dead
within minutes.
• The situation, already horrific, then got worse. An onsite foreman
quickly descended the ladder in an apparent attempt to rescue his
co-worker. He never returned.
FACT: Personnel attempting
rescue account for 40% of
all confined space fatalities
Accident case
Confined Space entry
Definition and example of Confined space
Confined Space
Definition Typical Confined Spaces
Large enough and so configured
that an employee can bodily
enter and perform assigned work
Limited or restricted means of entry
Boilers & furnaces
Silo & storage tanks
Not designed for continuous human
Trenches & Excavations
Ducts &Pipelines
Lack of natural ventilation and other
potential hazard
Underground utilities
Process vessels
Mobile waste containers
• Oxygen Concentration
– <19.5% (oxygen deficient) >
23.5% (oxygen enriched) Inert
• Combustibles
– Methane
– Hydrogen
– Acetylene
– Propane
– Gasoline fumes
• Toxic Materials
– Carbon Monoxide
– Hydrogen Sulfide
– Welding fumes
– Corrosives
• Electricity
– Fixed hazards
– Temporary power
• Mechanical Hazards
– Mixers
– Rotating part
• Poor Environment
– Poor lighting
– Insufficient ventilation
– Improper access
• Others
– Engulfing
– Falling
– High Temperature And
Confined Space entry
Potential Hazards
Safety controls for CSE
Through training, system publicity, safety technology disclosure, operation
safety analysis, posting warning signs, and communicating work permit
requirements, operators can understand the relevant hazards and
corresponding safety control measures. Conduct gas detection, prepare for
ventilation and lighting
Process Control
Provide appropriate channels, tools, equipment, and take safety measures to
keep the confined space ventilated, isolated, insulated, emptied, etc., to
ensure that it is always under monitoring
Emergency Rescue
Emergency rescue plan, emergency response and rescue implementation,
emergency rescue equipment. After the operation, clean up the site and close
the restricted space.
07. Housekeeping& task
06. Emergency rescue
05. Safety
04. Ventilation & Gas
1. Awareness& Training
02. Job safety analysis
03. Permit to work
Confined Space Entry
Excavation Safety
The bucket of this back hoe struck a
gas line
These workers are exposed to a fall
of more than 1.8 m without the ben
efit of required fall protection
Equipment is too close to excavation
edges, spoil pile too close, no access,
employee outside support system,
improper support system
Common issue of excavation work
Potential Hazards
Personal protective equipment is the ultimate protection for safety.
EHS Tools
04-1. Pre-task planning
04-2. Permit to work
Controls HAZID
Job Safety Analysis(JSA)
A comprehensive process that identifies
hazards associated with each step of a job
and develops solutions for each hazard
that will either eliminate or control the
hazard. The process involves subject
matter experts and personnel beyond the
front line supervisor. The process occurs
before the task goes to the field.
Pre-task planning
Job safety analysis
No Work Step Identified Hazards Control Measure
01 Preparation
Not competent
Without plan and
Supervisor conduct and complete JSA, and discuss
relevant hazards and controls with all worker.
02 Access to roof Fall from roof
Portable industrial-grade ladders, secured against
movement, pitched at about 75 degrees (1 in 4) and
extending at least 35 inches (90 centimeters) above
the stepping-off point, may be suitable for minor
Work near open
sides roof and near
Fall from roof
Hole and defect roof
Confirm the bearing capacity of roof ,check weak area
04 Materials handling Dropping object 。。。。。。
Example of Job safety analysis
Pre-task planning
Job safety analysis
Pre-task meetings will be conducted prior to each task
Completed pre-task planning documents with
all employees directly involved in the activity
Hazards and control measures
Work scope, Area where
work is performed
Hazards and control measures
Evacuation and emergency procedures
Equipment used
Pre-Task Meetings/Tool box talks
Pre-task planning
Permit to work
Permit to work approval process
For the application and approval process of dangerous operations,
all safety precautions must be clarified and implemented before
the start of dangerous work, and the approval process can be
completed before starting the operation.
Applicant/ Performing Authority
Issuer/ Issuing Authority
Area Authority
Site safety officer
Application Verification Review Approval Communication
Permit to Work
Implement precaution and
Monitoring and inspection
JSA, develop safety control
Issue permit and brief
Permit to work

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Construction Safety Training

  • 1. Construction Safety Engr. Ali Kamal Mostofa Rubel MPH in Occupational Health & Safety alikamalmostofa@gmail.com
  • 2. Contents Title 01. Introduce 04. Safety Tools 04-1. Pre-task planning 04-2. Permit to work 02. Hot work safety 02-1. Gas cutting 02-2. Arc welding 02-3. Grinding 03. High risk work safety 03-1. Work at height 03-2. Lifting & rigging 03-3. Confined space entry 03-4. Excavation work 03-5. Electrical work
  • 3. Switch Off Mobile Phones No Smoking In Case Of Emergency 1
  • 4. 4 Work Stop Authority 1.The lowest standard you set is the highest standard the workforce will meet. You must be a Role Model! 2.Everyone has an obligation to stop work that is unsafe, and has a potential to cause injury to workers. Introduce ALARP (As Low As Reasonably Practicable) What standard could be regarded as safe enough?
  • 5. Hot work 02-1. Gas cutting 02-2. Arc welding 02-3. Grinding 2
  • 6. Hot work safety Welding hazards 6 Occupational hazards Electrical shock Exposed live parts and cable insulation are damaged Note: The arc welding voltage of the secondary welding of the arc welding (handle welding) is 60- 90V, which is not a safe voltage. Therefore, the first and second wires of the welding machine should ensure good insulation. Fume, gas, arc flash, radiation Flammable materials, spark Welding Fire
  • 7. Hazard of welding 7 01 02 03 • Toxic gases Ozone Nitrogen Oxides CO2 • Toxic fumes Cadmium Oxide Chromic acid Copper fumes Nickel fumes Vanadium fumes Zinc Oxide • Radiation Infra-red Ultra-violet Hot work safety Welding
  • 8. 8 Check all equipment for defects prior to use: cables & connection, earth clamps, & electrode holder , make sure insulation is good. The machine, cables and connections are in good condition/ clear of water Do not touch the cable or welding tongs by wet hands.. Remove all inflammable materials from workplace. Fire blanket and screen to be used to protect others and equipment. And fire watchman a nd fire extinguisher to be available within the area. Hot work safety Welding Use welding fume-extracting device, and keep good ventilation condition Appropriate PPE to be worn :Shawl , fume respirator(P1) , Welding Helmet, coveralls, welding gloves, eye protection, safety boots, hearing protection, apron, leg protection. Safety measure for welding
  • 9. 9  When transporting, a suitable hand truck, forklift, or similar handling device will be used with the cylinder properly secured to the device and the valve cap on  Cylinders will not be dragged, dropped, rolled, or struck in horizontal position, or allowed to strike each other or another surface violently  Roll only for short distances, using the curved bottom edge of the cylinder  Do not lift using the protective cap or with a magnet Handling of gas cylinder Hot work safety Gas cutting
  • 10. 10  Cylinders will be placed upright with the valve end up, and a steadying device used to secure them from being knocked over.  Cylinders should be kept at least 10 meters away from open flames, hot metal, or other sources of heat. And should be protected from direct sun and weather conditions.  Compressed gas and oxygen cylinders must not be placed in confined/enclosed or no ventilated areas  Empty cylinders will be segregated from other cylinders and labeled or tagged “Empty” or “MT”  Oxygen cylinders not in use must not be stored within 20 feet (6.1 meters) of cylinders containing flammable gases unless separated by a fire wall at least 5 feet (1.5 meters) tall and having a fire-resistance rating of at least 1/2 hour  Oxygen cylinders, fittings, caps, valves, couplings, and regulator hoses must be kept away from oil, grease, and other combustible/flammable materials. Hot work safety Gas cutting Storage of gas cylinder
  • 11. 11  Flashback devices must be installed at both the regulator and torch end, on both lines, of oxygen/fuel gas systems  Regulators and hoses will be leak tested immediately after they are connected  Cylinders must be kept far away from the welding/cutting operation to prevent sparks, hot slag, and flames from reaching them  Acetylene cylinder valves will be opened 3/4 of a turn or less; do not open valves more than 1-1/2 turns  Do not strike an arc on a cylinder  Valve protective caps will be kept on except when it is secured and connected to dispensing equipment Hot work safety Gas cutting Use of gas cylinder An explosion of oxygen cylinder followed by a fire occurred in a factory arising fro m the use of oxyacetylene gas equipme nt. Four persons were killed and another two workers were injured in the accident.
  • 12. 12  Leaking or damaged hose or hose couplings  Leaking or damaged fuel-gas pressure regulators and gauges and related connections  Leaking or damaged torch heads or shutoff valves and related connections  Clogged tip openings  Use a friction flint lighter to ignite gas torch, Never use matches, cigarette lighters, burning paper, or lit cigarettes to light handpieces Hot work safety Gas cutting Gas welding and cutting equipment must be inspected by the user at the beginning of each shift to identify any of the following defects:
  • 13. 13 • CHECK VALVES • Are the basic safety device • Prevents flash back accidents caused by “reverse flow” -Flashbacks can cause the most serious accidents • Check valves can fail because of “dirt”or other contamination • FLASHBACK ARRESTORS • Flashback arrestors are the ultimate safety device • Usually have a check valve built into it, but, can also stop a flame. The Heat sink element will absorb heat from a fire, The element should also be kept free of contamination and checked periodically Check Valves and Flashback Arrestors Hot work safety Gas cutting
  • 14. 14 1 Wear appropriate PPE as per required, including Helmet, coveralls, safety boots, gloves, face shield, goggles, respirator, hearing protection etc. 2 Do not use damaged, uninspected or non-color coded grinding machine, check and make sure the all parts are in good condition i.e.. safety guard, handle, switch and fastener etc. 3 Check and make sure the cables are not damaged, and connected correctly. 4 Check and make sure grinding disc is dry, flawless and intact without notch. And m ake sure grinding disc RPM speed must not lower than the grinding machine RMP. 5 Do not use grinder to cut flexibility or soft materials, i.e.. rope, web-slings, fabricate. Grinding Operator shall follow the ten principals: Hot work safety
  • 15. 15 6 Ensure that only cutting discs are used for cutting and grinding discussed for gri nding. 7 No grinding at the area existing inflammable materials or gas, Fire blanket an d screen to be used to protect others and equipment. 8 Ensure suitable work space and work posture, and the work piece must be sec ured properly. Make sure hold grinding machine with both hands. 9 Do not expose power tools to rain or wet condition. 10 Grinder is to be unplugged prior to the change out of disks or any maintenance or work suspended. Grinding Operator shall follow the ten principals: Hot work safety
  • 16. High risk work 03-1. Work at height 03-2. Lifting& rigging 03-3. Confined space entry 03-4. Excavation work 03-5. Electrical work 3
  • 17. 17 To prevent incidents from fall, various types of controls shall be identified and risks associated with working at heights to be considered during the design and execution planning stages shall be evaluated consideri ng the hierarchy or controls and risk mitigation for the working at heights as follows: Eliminate Avoid work at height where you can Fall protection Ladder, Fixed/Mobile work platforms Fall protection Scaffolding, guardrail system Protective equipment Lifeline use, anti-fall net, Roped acc ess, net Personal anti-drop device (safety belt, anti-drop device) Elimination Primary protection system Secondary protection system Protective Equipment Falling Protection Work at height
  • 18. 18  A certified full body harness must be worn whilst working above a height of 1.8m  100% tie off is required when accessing outside the confines of a safe working platform> 1.8m Tie off must to be a suitable and sufficient anchorage point Falling Protection Work at height
  • 19. 19 Inspect ladder before use, ensure it is in a good condition Secure ladder and ensure it cannot slip, footed or tied off Where you can maintain 3 points of contact with the ladder Ensure ladder angle of 75 degrees (1 unit out for every 4 units up) Heavy tools & materials is not to be carried up or down a ladder Do not work from the top 3 rungs 1 2 3 4 5 6 Safety rules for ladders Work at height
  • 20. 20  Tool ties/ tethers must be used for all WAH activities, Secure Equipment & Materials  Do not throw equipment, materials (from above or from the ground)  Good housekeeping and storage of materials must be maintained in elevated areas  Designated and protected material storage areas, lanyards or belts , buckets for small materials  Erect barricades and exclusion zones where lifting or works are being conducted overhead  Protection must be installed – fans, nets and tunnels etc… in areas above pedestrian routes Dropped Objects Prevention Work at height
  • 21. 21 1 Only approved signal man to direct crane and comply with approved JSA for lifting and hoisting. 2 Do not use uncertified, damaged, uninspected or non-color coded lifting device or gear and homemade tools. 3 If weight of load or Working Load Limit(WLL) rating of the lifting gear is unknown or lifting arrangement is overloaded, then do not lift, ensure the SWL of lifting gear are visible. 4 No Lifting overhead of personnel and no lifting in the yard without cordoning the lifting area. 5 No hoisting of unsecured or unfastened loads. Lifting Safety Crane Operator and Signal Man shall follow the ten principals:
  • 22. 22 Lifting Safety Crane Operator and Signal Man shall follow the ten principals: 6 Ensure webbing slings are protected from sharp edges and lifting gear is inspected before use. 7 No hoisting or lifting with inadequate lighting or restricted visibility. 8 No hoisting or lifting when the wind speed is 6Beaufort(30mph) or higher; or during electrical storm, heavy rain, snow or fog. 9 Avoid handling the load using your hands,operator must use tag line or push stick. 10 Crane must be on level and safe ground and outriggers positioned fully extended onto outrigger loading mats.
  • 23. 23 Risk control 设备、吊索具Crane & Lifting gear 人员操作和指挥 Operation Crane & Lifting gear Human error Lifting Safety Safety controls for lifting work According to statistics, 86% of the lifting accidents are due to human error, and the remaining 14% are environmental and equipment reasons.
  • 24. 24 Confined Space Entry Example 1 • Seven workers were killed in a tank that was undergoing maintenance and cleaning at a plant in Mexico City. Four victims were maintenance contractors and three victims were company employees. • The deaths were due to unspecified toxins. The three company employees had entered the tank in an effort to rescue the four contract employees. Example 2 • A roll of duct tape was only 5 feet away, resting inside a reactor chamber at a refinery. The chamber was being purged with nitrogen, and cleanliness criteria dictated that all debris be removed. In an attempt to retrieve the roll of tape, one worker intentionally went inside and – due to the near-zero oxygen concentration within the reactor – fell unconscious only to be dead within minutes. • The situation, already horrific, then got worse. An onsite foreman quickly descended the ladder in an apparent attempt to rescue his co-worker. He never returned. FACT: Personnel attempting rescue account for 40% of all confined space fatalities Accident case
  • 25. Confined Space entry Definition and example of Confined space 25 Confined Space Definition Typical Confined Spaces Large enough and so configured that an employee can bodily enter and perform assigned work Limited or restricted means of entry Boilers & furnaces Chimney Manhole Pits Silo & storage tanks Bins/Caissons Not designed for continuous human occupancy Trenches & Excavations sewer Ducts &Pipelines Lack of natural ventilation and other potential hazard Underground utilities Process vessels Mobile waste containers
  • 26. 26 • Oxygen Concentration – <19.5% (oxygen deficient) > 23.5% (oxygen enriched) Inert Gas • Combustibles – Methane – Hydrogen – Acetylene – Propane – Gasoline fumes • Toxic Materials – Carbon Monoxide – Hydrogen Sulfide – Welding fumes – Corrosives • Electricity – Fixed hazards – Temporary power • Mechanical Hazards – Mixers – Rotating part • Poor Environment – Poor lighting – Insufficient ventilation – Improper access • Others – Engulfing – Falling – High Temperature And Humidity Confined Space entry Potential Hazards
  • 27. Safety controls for CSE 27 Preparation Through training, system publicity, safety technology disclosure, operation safety analysis, posting warning signs, and communicating work permit requirements, operators can understand the relevant hazards and corresponding safety control measures. Conduct gas detection, prepare for ventilation and lighting 01 Process Control Provide appropriate channels, tools, equipment, and take safety measures to keep the confined space ventilated, isolated, insulated, emptied, etc., to ensure that it is always under monitoring 02 Emergency Rescue Emergency rescue plan, emergency response and rescue implementation, emergency rescue equipment. After the operation, clean up the site and close the restricted space. 03 07. Housekeeping& task closure 06. Emergency rescue 05. Safety watch/monitoring 04. Ventilation & Gas detection 1. Awareness& Training 02. Job safety analysis 03. Permit to work Confined Space Entry
  • 28. 28 Excavation Safety The bucket of this back hoe struck a gas line These workers are exposed to a fall of more than 1.8 m without the ben efit of required fall protection Equipment is too close to excavation edges, spoil pile too close, no access, employee outside support system, improper support system Common issue of excavation work Potential Hazards
  • 29. PPE Personal protective equipment is the ultimate protection for safety. 29
  • 30. EHS Tools 04-1. Pre-task planning 04-2. Permit to work 4
  • 31. 31 Step Controls HAZID Job Safety Analysis(JSA) A comprehensive process that identifies hazards associated with each step of a job and develops solutions for each hazard that will either eliminate or control the hazard. The process involves subject matter experts and personnel beyond the front line supervisor. The process occurs before the task goes to the field. Pre-task planning Job safety analysis
  • 32. 32 No Work Step Identified Hazards Control Measure 01 Preparation Not competent Without plan and awareness Supervisor conduct and complete JSA, and discuss relevant hazards and controls with all worker. 02 Access to roof Fall from roof Portable industrial-grade ladders, secured against movement, pitched at about 75 degrees (1 in 4) and extending at least 35 inches (90 centimeters) above the stepping-off point, may be suitable for minor works. 03 Work near open sides roof and near edge Fall from roof Hole and defect roof Confirm the bearing capacity of roof ,check weak area 04 Materials handling Dropping object 。。。。。。 Example of Job safety analysis Pre-task planning Job safety analysis
  • 33. Pre-task meetings will be conducted prior to each task 33 Completed pre-task planning documents with all employees directly involved in the activity Hazards and control measures Work scope, Area where work is performed JSA Hazards and control measures PPE Evacuation and emergency procedures Equipment used Pre-Task Meetings/Tool box talks Pre-task planning
  • 34. Permit to work Permit to work approval process 34 PTW For the application and approval process of dangerous operations, all safety precautions must be clarified and implemented before the start of dangerous work, and the approval process can be completed before starting the operation. Applicant/ Performing Authority Supervisor Issuer/ Issuing Authority Area Authority Workforce Site safety officer Application Verification Review Approval Communication
  • 35. 35 Permit to Work Permit to Work Implement precaution and controls Monitoring and inspection JSA, develop safety control measure Issue permit and brief requirement Permit to work