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July 2009 | $8.95  Mid-Year Review Top Consulting Companies Interview Tips for New Grads Choosing a Consulting Firm Defending HR in the Days of Penny Pinching Clemson MHRD Program


Nicole Nicole Del Valle Melissa Melissa Genova Jason Jason Harman Scott Scott Sampson 2  Consultant’s Review | July 2009 Welcome to the debut edition of Consultant’s Review, a publication for Human Resource Professionals.  Our mission is to provide  straightforward, guiding information to professionals in any stage of their career.  Our first edition features four highly  influential consulting companies and the factors that have made them successful.  To follow we have included a section aimed at guiding new graduates as they navigate the sea of job searching.  For established professionals we provide an article that guides professionals as they set out to choose a consulting plan as well as how to defend Human Resources during the current  economic downturn.  Last, but certainly not least we cover a ground breaking Master’s Degree Program offered by Clemson University.  We hope you enjoy this first edition and look forward to many more to come!


For Your Business Needs M 2  CONSULTING By Melissa Genova 3  Consultant’s Review | July 2009


M 2  Consulting www.msquared.com “ The M² staff puts a lot of thought and care into understanding the client’s problem and scoping the engagement so the consultant understands the requirements and can deliver against them without false starts.” — William J. Branan, M² Consultant Introduction Headquartered in San Francisco, California, M 2  consulting was founded in 1988 and since that time has grown to serve over 500 clients.  With an impressive 3,000 + projects under their belt, M 2  consulting is unique in their approach to provide targeted solutions to their clients.  Each of the 14,000 M 2  consultants are seasoned experts who are able to provide high level service and solutions to every client they serve. Mission The M 2  mission statement is as follows: “ M² Consulting is a professional services firm whose mission is to help our clients successfully address their critical business issues. We deliver innovative and flexible consulting solutions by combining the talent of our people with the targeted expertise of our proprietary consultant network.” We listen to our clients, deliver the right solution quickly, work in partnership, and focus on execution to drive results. 4  Consultant’s Review | July 2009 http://www.hehd.clemson.edu/ Your Future Starts Here


This approach enables us to guarantee client satisfaction and to build lasting relationships with our clients and consultants, and makes M² a true business partner.” Solutions M 2  offers three specific types of solutions:  individual solutions, team solutions and interim management services.  5  Consultant’s Review | July 2009 Individual Solutions.  When  choosing an individual solution, for a project or initiative, M 2  will provide your organization with a seasoned expert in your particular field.  The average experience of an M 2  consultant is an impressive 15 years. Team Solutions.  M 2  offers team solutions for both short and long term projects.  When choosing a team approach, M 2  will provide your organization with the perfect blend of experienced professionals to drive your initiative. Interim Management Services.   Whether planned or unplanned, many organizations experience loss of leadership. M 2  Consulting will provide an experienced consultant that will step in immediately so that your business can continue smooth operation without interruption. SHRM  e-Learning 2009 Course Topics Include: Workplace Harassment 2009 COBRA, FMLA & HIPPA Updates Wage and Hour Ethics & Code of Conduct Learn more at: www.elearning.shrm.org "Whether I have a key project I need to get done or need interim management help, I always know that M Squared will deliver.“ Martha Smolen, Wells Fargo & Company M 2  Consulting www.msquared.com


6  Consultant’s Review | July 2009 We succeed only when our clients succeed.  We strive to provide tangible value and results through a resolute commitment to client satisfaction. We lead the marketplace in providing innovative and flexible consulting solutions and the proven value this effort delivers to clients and consultants. We are fair and bring integrity to all of our dealings. We support the independent consulting community through great client projects and a commitment to partnership. We foster accountability and ownership for all of our employees and encourage innovative thinking, teamwork, and open communication. We support workplace flexibility and balance in life. We serve our communities, individually and as a company. We strive to sustain a culture of trust and mutual respect while enjoying our colleagues and having some fun. We are passionate about our work because we think the work we do is unique, the value we deliver is real, and our company is cool. M 2  Values M 2  Consulting www.msquared.com


7  Consultant’s Review | July 2009 SOLUTION SPECIFICS It pays to Wherever you go. SM Learn more at  DiscoverNetwork.com M 2  Consulting www.msquared.com


Even for seasoned professionals, interviewing can be a time of high anxiety, however, it is important to remember that confidence is key.  In order to feel confident and sure of yourself, you will need to be very well prepared for your big day.  By Melissa Genova Pre-interview prep. Congratulations!  You’ve landed an interview.  Clearly, you submitted a great resume and have caught the attention of some key players, but remember, the work has only just begun.  Your potential employer knows a little about you, but what do you know about them?  Start with the company website, if available, and make sure you are familiar with the company history, mission statement, values and vision.  During the interview you will want to discuss how you identify with the organization and why you believe you will be a good fit.  If the company does not have a website, come  prepared with specific questions and show interest in learning about the organization. Bring extra copies of your resume. You may be introduced to other employees of the company, so be prepared to wow them with your credentials.  You will also want a copy of your resume that you can refer to.  Do not be late!  In fact, arrive 10-15 minutes early. Send a handwritten thank you note the same day. Dress for success . You are a walking billboard for yourself.  Be sure to dress professionally, carry all loose papers neatly in a portfolio, and ditch the chewing gum.  And don’t forget the most important accessory, your smile.  Now, knock ‘em dead! 8  Consultant’s Review | July 2009 Relax!  And remember, every interview is a learning experience. Colonial Life 1200 Colonial Life Boulevard Columbia, SC 29210 www.ColonialLife.com


Strategic HR Solutions By: Jason Harman 9  Consultant’s Review | July 2009


Strategic HR Inc. The core of every company rests on a solid overarching strategy developed from the company’s overall strategy and a closely aligned HR strategy. This alignment ensures that the most critical resource to the company, “its people,” are linked with the company’s mission, vision, and goals.  An HR Strategy can include:   Strategic Planning  Human Resources Forecasting & Planning  Organizational Performance & Development  Succession Planning  Strategic HR inc. can assist with your HR Strategy by:  Facilitating and developing the business and/or human resources strategic plan Evaluating and aligning your human resources activities with your business strategies Establishing your human resources function Providing an  outsourced HR solution  for all or pieces of the human resources function Conducting a human resources audit to determine compliance and identify areas for improvement Providing interim human resources support Developing succession planning and emerging leader programs Designing a competency based culture tied to business strategies and goals Creating and/or improving your performance management system  10  Consultant’s Review | July 2009


Career Coach: Strategic HR Inc.  Resume Only - $250  This service is ideal for the individual that just needs help developing an effective resume that will help get them in the door for their next job opportunity. This service includes:  Consultant initially discussing your career goals and work history with you to get to know you and your interests.  Consultant will develop a draft resume based on this discussion and any information you provide (i.e. a resume information sheet and/or a copy of your current resume with any additional related information).  Consultant will discuss draft resume with you and make the necessary revisions for your final review.  Coaching Package - $750 This service is ideal for the individual that not only needs a resume but also needs on-going support throughout the job search process. This service includes: Consultant initially discussing your career goals and work history with you to get to know you and your interests.  Career Assessment - $250 Multi-rater Assessment - $1,500 This service is ideal for the individual seeking input from others around them (i.e. supervisor, direct reports, customers, peers, and of course themselves). 11  Consultant’s Review | July 2009


Strategic HR Inc. Strategic HR inc. can assist with your Recruitment by:  Analyzing and recommending improvements to recruitment process and strategies Creating a recruitment plan to ensure the best approach and strategies are used to fill each position Developing retention strategies to reduce turnover and improve retention Outsourcing the recruitment process  to manage all or pieces of the entire recruitment process described above Providing a contract recruiter on a short- or long-term basis Enlisting a contingent recruiter on a placement fee basis to search for top talent  12  Consultant’s Review | July 2009


Testimonials: Strategic HR Inc. "Strategic HR has done many different things for us and they always come prepared and full of creativity. They hosted a leadership team camp that was just wonderful; it was well received by everyone involved. We give them an A++!" Dorothy Jones, M.A. Director of Human Resources and Professional Development Hamilton County Education Service  “ As Crescent Park was growing, we had the need for an interim recruiter. Patti was perfect for the role. She was very professional, hard working and needed no training. She quickly developed a rapport with our supervisors and had the open skilled-labor positions filled in no time. The positions were filled with qualified individuals that are still with us years later.” Dena Brown Director of Human Resources Crescent Park Corporation  “ My Company is a medium-sized Tier I Automotive Manufacturer headquartered in the Cincinnati, Ohio area.  The Corporate HR Manager resigned rather suddenly and unexpectedly.  The Company contacted Robin at Strategic HR, Inc. in hopes that she might know of an experienced HR executive who might be willing to consult and serve as HR Manager until a suitable replacement could be recruited and hired.  Within 24 hours, Strategic HR, Inc. referred a candidate who was available and willing to take on this role.  The Company's President and CEO was well satisfied with Strategic HR's referral.  In fact, within just a few months, the President and CEO convinced this consultant to accept an offer to take the position on a permanent, full time basis.  All parties were well satisfied.  I know---because that candidate was me.  Thank you Strategic HR, Inc.” Thomas A. Barnes Corporate H.R. Manager ThyssenKrupp Bilstein of America, Inc. 13  Consultant’s Review | July 2009


Streamlining is the most popular and effective approach to controlling HR costs, according to a survey conducted by the Institute of Management and Administration.  IOMA, in its just-released HR Management and Cost Control Survey, asked respondents to pinpoint the five categories in which they were most successful in controlling costs. Topping the voting, at 62.8 percent, was streamlining HR processes.  The most popular choice after that, at 54.7 percent, was using the Internet to recruit.  Streamlining occurred on a number of fronts, individual comments from respondents revealed. While one medical company with 56 employees put together packets of all required HR information and made a checklist so nothing gets overlooked, another company, with 949 employees, implemented PeopleSoft.  "Headcount reports passed through five different people seven different times," the HRIS/project manager admitted. "We removed five steps in implementing PeopleSoft, saving us two work days."  Another company melded its training and development functions into the employment function and uses one manager - rather than two - to oversee both functions. A nonprofit association with 1,095 employees, meanwhile, moved a number of processes and related paperwork onto its Internet. "We are more productive because employees can access an on-line policy manual instead of calling HR staff," the group's compensation manager reported.  Internet for hiring/retention   HR managers also focused on the Internet this past year to find and hire employees, IOMA's survey found. Whether mid-sized or large, companies reported saving tremendous money by relying on the Internet rather than recruiters or newspaper ads to hire new employees for their firms.  "Using the Internet for recruiting rather than [using] recruiters has saved hundreds of thousands of dollars," a director of compensation from a Midwest company with 14,000 employees told us.  The Director of HR at a midsize consulting firm added that in the Southeast, "Using Internet-based recruiting has saved approximately $30,000 in recruiting costs in 2001. Implementation involved posting vacancies on Monster.com at about $350 each. Each posting generated about 10 usable resumes."  14  Consultant’s Review | July 2009


Other cost-control strategies   Other strategies that garnered high marks were automating HR functions via HR Internet or Web-based HR applications (41.9 percent overall) and asking staff to take on more responsibilities (39.2 percent).  For the former approach, employers reported moving all time card processes, benefits information, benefits and training enrollment, 401(k) administration, employee data changes and performance evaluations to a Web-based format, saving anywhere from $10,000 to $2.5 million.  Approaches by size   Smaller size companies, those with up to 200 and 251 to 1,000 employees) relied more heavily on the use of the Internet for hiring/recruitment to cut costs. Larger companies with more than 1,000 employees, however, relied on streamlining HR processes and procedures.  Companies with 251 to 1,000 employees are more inclined than other size firms to adopt or change HRIS systems/software to manage their HR department costs (48.6 percent).  Smaller firms with 250 or fewer employees, in turn, favored setting HR staff performance goals/increasing HR staff accountability (39.0 percent), rather than asking staff to take on more responsibilities.  Approaches by industry   Across all industries, firms cited either streamlining HR processes and procedures or using the Internet for hiring/recruitment as the most successful means to controlling HR department costs.  Interestingly, 100 percent of the transportation firms queried cited streamlining, whereas 100 percent of private practice firms cited Internet hiring/recruitment as their most effective technique.  Other interesting variances that occurred:  * 57.1 percent of wholesale/retail companies cited a cutback on staff travel and conferences,  * 66.7 percent of transportation employers noted a reduction in internal HR staff;  * 66.7 percent of transportation employers also cited outsourcing one or several HR functions;  * 47.1 percent of service companies said the adoption or change of HRIS systems or software was one of the most efficient cost-control techniques 15  Consultant’s Review | July 2009


AON Risk Services By:  Scott Sampson 16  Consultant’s Review | July 2009


AON Risk Services “ We are helping TSA recruit and hire highly qualified candidates for critical positions across the country." Kathryn Hayley, chief executive officer of Aon Consulting Introduction With its headquarters in Chicago, Aon Corporation is the leading provider of risk management services, insurance and reinsurance brokerage and human capital and management consulting. One of their advantages is their broad view of the insurance industry. With an employee base of 36,000 people working in 500 offices in more than 120 countries,  they can better anticipate how changes in one sector impact another. Mission Because each of our client groups has unique needs, our professionals—coordinated by strategic account managers, or relationship managers—specialize by product, function and client industry. By truly listening to you and working with you as a partner, we can best develop solutions that work seamlessly with your business. Only in this manner can we help you uncover risks and discover new opportunities to make your business more successful, now and into the future.   17  Consultant’s Review | July 2009


Although Aon is a major leader in virtually every market it serves, size is not our primary goal. We aim to be the world’s most responsive, client-focused insurance and consulting services company.  Solutions AON offers many different solutions. Three of these solutions include Human capital, casualty risk management, and outsourcing. AON Risk Services 18  Consultant’s Review | July 2009 Human Capital.  Every organization makes significant investments in its talent. Success requires visionary leaders, exceptional talent at all levels, and the right strategies to keep that talent current, motivated, and focused. Aon Consulting’s Human Capital Consulting practice drives organizational success through the leadership of talent and mitigation of human capital risk.  Casualty Risk management.  In a constantly changing world, managing casualty-related exposure can be a complex and time consuming process. With Aon’s experience, Aon’s casualty risk management teams help organizations to efficiently identify and effectively manage the risks they face.  Outsourcing.  Aon Consulting delivers dedicated human resources outsourcing including employee benefits, pension, recruitment and employment outsourcing solutions to large and mid-sized organizations across all geographies and industries.  “ Aon Consulting impressed us with their proven ability to effectively communicate the value of a flexible benefits programme to employees . ” Lorna Benton ING Direct Networking is everything!


Looking to get into HR? Take a glimpse into Clemson University’s MHRD Program . 19  Consultant’s Review | July 2009 The Master of Human Resource Development degree is designed for current career-paved professionals who wish to enrich their knowledge within the profession. “Taught by both practitioners and academicians, this unique program provides working professionals with an opportunity to earn an advanced degree from a highly respected institution that is at the forefront of the profession.” The MHRD program requires 36 semester credit hours of course work for completion.  Students are enrolled in the Fall semester and students are expected to complete the course work in a two-year time period. All courses are offered online. Accepted Students must register for two courses each semester. Where HR is today…  Based upon Bureau of Labor Statistics for the period 2002 to 2012, training and development specialists will be among the top 20 hottest career fields.  ·  On average, HRD professionals with a bachelor’s degree earn $45,760, while HRD specialists with a master’s degree earn $54,964.  ·  In May of 2006, the median salary for training and development managers was $88,510. The middle 50% earned between $67,700 and $141,860. Between now and the year 2014, the profession is expected to grow 18 - 26%. Recommended by current MHRD students at Clemson University for an easy, fast, and inexpensive avenue to purchase textbooks.


When your company needs that extra hand Laurdan By: Nicole Del Valle 20  Consultant’s Review | July 2009


A professional and effective Human Resource Consultant will be able to advise companies in a wide range of issues that can help the business to become a more productive and unified company.  Human Resource Consultants utilize a wide range of skills from legal matters to personnel issues, benefits, management and much more.  In this article we are going to look at Laurdan Human Resource Management Consultants.   Laurdan, located in Potomac Maryland has been operating for more than 20 years and has  helped many organizations in many ways.  They not only work with small companies but assist many on a larger scale including many Fortune 500 Companies.  After reading their code of ethics, one would agree that they strive to uphold the highest work ethic and quality possible.  Laurdan has a wide variety of services that they offer to their clients which are listed on their website,  www.laurdan.com .    One key area that they provide service in is creating employment contracts and staff handbooks that include everyone’s rights and responsibilities, as well as procedures when things go wrong.  They also help you comply with the law from the time you start your recruitment process to the time an employee leaves your company.    21  Consultant’s Review | July 2009 In the world of business, managing human capital is an important aspect of being successful.  Many companies keep their costs down by hiring an outside Human Resource Consulting firm to handle complex people matters.  Sourcing and engaging an external consultant or expert for a defined period of project definitely has its advantages.  The benefits of consultants is you can gain highly skilled resources for the period of time required to complete the specific task and there are no residual costs once the task or project is completed.  Recently, Ronald Adler, President –  CEO of  Laurdan wrote a white paper article on HR audits.  Below please  see a glimpse of the article.  For the  Full article please email Nicole at  [email_address] .   “ This white paper reviews the  changes in HR audits, discusses the  external and internal forces  affecting the process and use of HR  audits, and provides information  about the leading HR auditing  process.”


Laurdan's consulting services and products help organizations increase the value of their human resource capital, assess their current and future human resource needs, and reduce their exposure to employment-related claims and lawsuits. In your organization, you may already have an HR manager or HR associate; however, that person may not be knowledgeable in all aspects of HR, as it is a wide spectrum.  Your HR may be able to write a great handbook or a job analysis or description but could they conduct training programs or counsel managers on a wide variety of HR topics?  Could your HR conduct an employee survey and know what to do with the feedback and which steps to take next?  With Laurdan all of this and much more is possible.  They have experts in all areas that can complete the task or assist your HR with the proper tools and coaching to accomplish any tasks.    Laurdan also has a telephone hotline that provides companies day to day HR assistance as well as an outsourced HR department which serves as the HR department for many small businesses.  At Laurdan, they truly focus on the process of effectively utilizing their personnel to obtain the goals of your organization.  According to their website, Laurdan’s employment issues  research has been used by: The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) the Federal Reserve Board, the EEOC, the Maryland Human Relations Commission, Congress and state legislatures, state agencies, and  international organizations.  Laurdan has also served as  a consulting expert on employment issues to: SHRM, the CPCU Society, the M.S. Chamber of Commerce, Maryland Chamber of Commerce,  22  Consultant’s Review | July 2009


“ The ELLA TRAINING TM  program provides hands-on training in HR auditing tools, techniques, and methods and is conducted in individual and group internal audit training sessions, training-the-trainer sessions, and graduate level courses.  ELLA TRAINING TM  has been approved by SHRM for recertification credit.” The Wall Street Journal , BNA, CCH, and numerous other organizations and publications.  This article was written by Nicole Del Valle. 23  Consultant’s Review | July 2009 Search Engines – Internet sites such as Google. Pros – Returns lots of options and provides links to the company website. Cons – Returns lots of options and you need to sort through all of them. Business-to- Business Market Places  Websites such as  www.btobonline.com ,  www. marketing .org ,  and  www.expertmagnet.com .  Pros – ability to post your specific needs, only companies that fit those needs answer so cuts time on searching, and you can remain anonymous during the search process. Con – may take a few days to get responses, need to be specific on what you are looking for. Directories –  Tools such as Yellow Pages. Pros – can sort by location if needed, Cons – In ABC order so the best may not be listed at the beginning. Word of Mouth Pros – People usually tell the good, the bad, and the ugly. Cons – They may not have used the consultant for the same reasons and is not a true comparison.


One day while walking down the street a highly successful Human Resources Manager was tragically hit by a bus and she died. Her soul arrived up in heaven where she was met at the Pearly Gates by St. Peter himself.  "Welcome to Heaven," said St. Peter. "Before you get settled in though, it seems we have a problem. You see, strangely enough, we've never once had a Human Resources Manager make it this far and we're not really sure what to do with you."  "No problem, just let me in," said the woman.  "Well, I'd like to, but I have higher orders. What we're going to do is let you have a day in Hell and a day in Heaven and then you can choose whichever one you want to spend an eternity in."  "Actually, I think I've made up my mind, I prefer to stay in Heaven", said the woman "Sorry, we have rules..." And with that St. Peter put the executive in an elevator and it went down-down-down to hell.  The doors opened and she found herself stepping out onto the putting green of a beautiful golf course. In the distance was a country club and standing in front of her were all her friends - fellow executives that she had worked with and they were well dressed in evening gowns and cheering for her.  They ran up and kissed her on both cheeks and they talked about old times. They played an excellent round of golf and at night went to the country club where she enjoyed ! an excellent steak and lobster dinner. She met the Devil who was actually a really nice guy (kind of cute) and she had a great time telling jokes and dancing. She was having such a good time that before she knew it, it was time to leave. Everybody shook her hand and waved goodbye as she got on the elevator.  The elevator went up-up-up and opened back up at the Pearly Gates and found St.Peter waiting for her. "Now it's time to spend a day in heaven," he said.  So she spent the next 24hours lounging around on clouds and playing the harp and singing. She had great time and before she knew it her 24 hours were up and St. Peter came and got her.  "So, you've spent a day in hell and you've spent a day in heaven. Now you must choose your eternity," The woman paused for a second and then replied, "Well, I never thought I'd say this, I mean, Heaven has been really great and all, but I think I had a better time in Hell."  So St. Peter escorted her to the elevator and again she went down-down-down back to Hell. When the doors of the elevator opened she found herself standing in a desolate wasteland covered in garbage and filth. She saw her friends were dressed in rags ! and were picking up the garbage and putting it in sacks. The Devil came up to her and put his arm around her.  "I don't understand," stammered the woman, "yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and a country club and we ate lobster and we danced and had a great time. Now all there is a wasteland of garbage and all my friends look miserable."  The Devil looked at her smiled and told...  " Yesterday we were recruiting you, today you're an Employee. .." A little something to make you smile!!! Courtesy of: www.y2u.co.uk 24  Consultant’s Review | July 2009


www.msquared.com www.strategichrinc.com www.bnet.com www.aon.com www.hehd.clemson.edu/MHRD www.laurdan.com www.y2u.co.com 25  Consultant’s Review | July 2009

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Consultants Review

  • 1. July 2009 | $8.95 Mid-Year Review Top Consulting Companies Interview Tips for New Grads Choosing a Consulting Firm Defending HR in the Days of Penny Pinching Clemson MHRD Program
  • 2. Nicole Nicole Del Valle Melissa Melissa Genova Jason Jason Harman Scott Scott Sampson 2 Consultant’s Review | July 2009 Welcome to the debut edition of Consultant’s Review, a publication for Human Resource Professionals. Our mission is to provide straightforward, guiding information to professionals in any stage of their career. Our first edition features four highly influential consulting companies and the factors that have made them successful. To follow we have included a section aimed at guiding new graduates as they navigate the sea of job searching. For established professionals we provide an article that guides professionals as they set out to choose a consulting plan as well as how to defend Human Resources during the current economic downturn. Last, but certainly not least we cover a ground breaking Master’s Degree Program offered by Clemson University. We hope you enjoy this first edition and look forward to many more to come!
  • 3. For Your Business Needs M 2 CONSULTING By Melissa Genova 3 Consultant’s Review | July 2009
  • 4. M 2 Consulting www.msquared.com “ The M² staff puts a lot of thought and care into understanding the client’s problem and scoping the engagement so the consultant understands the requirements and can deliver against them without false starts.” — William J. Branan, M² Consultant Introduction Headquartered in San Francisco, California, M 2 consulting was founded in 1988 and since that time has grown to serve over 500 clients. With an impressive 3,000 + projects under their belt, M 2 consulting is unique in their approach to provide targeted solutions to their clients. Each of the 14,000 M 2 consultants are seasoned experts who are able to provide high level service and solutions to every client they serve. Mission The M 2 mission statement is as follows: “ M² Consulting is a professional services firm whose mission is to help our clients successfully address their critical business issues. We deliver innovative and flexible consulting solutions by combining the talent of our people with the targeted expertise of our proprietary consultant network.” We listen to our clients, deliver the right solution quickly, work in partnership, and focus on execution to drive results. 4 Consultant’s Review | July 2009 http://www.hehd.clemson.edu/ Your Future Starts Here
  • 5. This approach enables us to guarantee client satisfaction and to build lasting relationships with our clients and consultants, and makes M² a true business partner.” Solutions M 2 offers three specific types of solutions: individual solutions, team solutions and interim management services. 5 Consultant’s Review | July 2009 Individual Solutions. When choosing an individual solution, for a project or initiative, M 2 will provide your organization with a seasoned expert in your particular field. The average experience of an M 2 consultant is an impressive 15 years. Team Solutions. M 2 offers team solutions for both short and long term projects. When choosing a team approach, M 2 will provide your organization with the perfect blend of experienced professionals to drive your initiative. Interim Management Services. Whether planned or unplanned, many organizations experience loss of leadership. M 2 Consulting will provide an experienced consultant that will step in immediately so that your business can continue smooth operation without interruption. SHRM e-Learning 2009 Course Topics Include: Workplace Harassment 2009 COBRA, FMLA & HIPPA Updates Wage and Hour Ethics & Code of Conduct Learn more at: www.elearning.shrm.org "Whether I have a key project I need to get done or need interim management help, I always know that M Squared will deliver.“ Martha Smolen, Wells Fargo & Company M 2 Consulting www.msquared.com
  • 6. 6 Consultant’s Review | July 2009 We succeed only when our clients succeed. We strive to provide tangible value and results through a resolute commitment to client satisfaction. We lead the marketplace in providing innovative and flexible consulting solutions and the proven value this effort delivers to clients and consultants. We are fair and bring integrity to all of our dealings. We support the independent consulting community through great client projects and a commitment to partnership. We foster accountability and ownership for all of our employees and encourage innovative thinking, teamwork, and open communication. We support workplace flexibility and balance in life. We serve our communities, individually and as a company. We strive to sustain a culture of trust and mutual respect while enjoying our colleagues and having some fun. We are passionate about our work because we think the work we do is unique, the value we deliver is real, and our company is cool. M 2 Values M 2 Consulting www.msquared.com
  • 7. 7 Consultant’s Review | July 2009 SOLUTION SPECIFICS It pays to Wherever you go. SM Learn more at DiscoverNetwork.com M 2 Consulting www.msquared.com
  • 8. Even for seasoned professionals, interviewing can be a time of high anxiety, however, it is important to remember that confidence is key. In order to feel confident and sure of yourself, you will need to be very well prepared for your big day. By Melissa Genova Pre-interview prep. Congratulations! You’ve landed an interview. Clearly, you submitted a great resume and have caught the attention of some key players, but remember, the work has only just begun. Your potential employer knows a little about you, but what do you know about them? Start with the company website, if available, and make sure you are familiar with the company history, mission statement, values and vision. During the interview you will want to discuss how you identify with the organization and why you believe you will be a good fit. If the company does not have a website, come prepared with specific questions and show interest in learning about the organization. Bring extra copies of your resume. You may be introduced to other employees of the company, so be prepared to wow them with your credentials. You will also want a copy of your resume that you can refer to. Do not be late! In fact, arrive 10-15 minutes early. Send a handwritten thank you note the same day. Dress for success . You are a walking billboard for yourself. Be sure to dress professionally, carry all loose papers neatly in a portfolio, and ditch the chewing gum. And don’t forget the most important accessory, your smile. Now, knock ‘em dead! 8 Consultant’s Review | July 2009 Relax! And remember, every interview is a learning experience. Colonial Life 1200 Colonial Life Boulevard Columbia, SC 29210 www.ColonialLife.com
  • 9. Strategic HR Solutions By: Jason Harman 9 Consultant’s Review | July 2009
  • 10. Strategic HR Inc. The core of every company rests on a solid overarching strategy developed from the company’s overall strategy and a closely aligned HR strategy. This alignment ensures that the most critical resource to the company, “its people,” are linked with the company’s mission, vision, and goals. An HR Strategy can include: Strategic Planning Human Resources Forecasting & Planning Organizational Performance & Development Succession Planning Strategic HR inc. can assist with your HR Strategy by: Facilitating and developing the business and/or human resources strategic plan Evaluating and aligning your human resources activities with your business strategies Establishing your human resources function Providing an outsourced HR solution for all or pieces of the human resources function Conducting a human resources audit to determine compliance and identify areas for improvement Providing interim human resources support Developing succession planning and emerging leader programs Designing a competency based culture tied to business strategies and goals Creating and/or improving your performance management system 10 Consultant’s Review | July 2009
  • 11. Career Coach: Strategic HR Inc. Resume Only - $250 This service is ideal for the individual that just needs help developing an effective resume that will help get them in the door for their next job opportunity. This service includes: Consultant initially discussing your career goals and work history with you to get to know you and your interests. Consultant will develop a draft resume based on this discussion and any information you provide (i.e. a resume information sheet and/or a copy of your current resume with any additional related information). Consultant will discuss draft resume with you and make the necessary revisions for your final review. Coaching Package - $750 This service is ideal for the individual that not only needs a resume but also needs on-going support throughout the job search process. This service includes: Consultant initially discussing your career goals and work history with you to get to know you and your interests. Career Assessment - $250 Multi-rater Assessment - $1,500 This service is ideal for the individual seeking input from others around them (i.e. supervisor, direct reports, customers, peers, and of course themselves). 11 Consultant’s Review | July 2009
  • 12. Strategic HR Inc. Strategic HR inc. can assist with your Recruitment by: Analyzing and recommending improvements to recruitment process and strategies Creating a recruitment plan to ensure the best approach and strategies are used to fill each position Developing retention strategies to reduce turnover and improve retention Outsourcing the recruitment process to manage all or pieces of the entire recruitment process described above Providing a contract recruiter on a short- or long-term basis Enlisting a contingent recruiter on a placement fee basis to search for top talent 12 Consultant’s Review | July 2009
  • 13. Testimonials: Strategic HR Inc. "Strategic HR has done many different things for us and they always come prepared and full of creativity. They hosted a leadership team camp that was just wonderful; it was well received by everyone involved. We give them an A++!" Dorothy Jones, M.A. Director of Human Resources and Professional Development Hamilton County Education Service “ As Crescent Park was growing, we had the need for an interim recruiter. Patti was perfect for the role. She was very professional, hard working and needed no training. She quickly developed a rapport with our supervisors and had the open skilled-labor positions filled in no time. The positions were filled with qualified individuals that are still with us years later.” Dena Brown Director of Human Resources Crescent Park Corporation “ My Company is a medium-sized Tier I Automotive Manufacturer headquartered in the Cincinnati, Ohio area.  The Corporate HR Manager resigned rather suddenly and unexpectedly.  The Company contacted Robin at Strategic HR, Inc. in hopes that she might know of an experienced HR executive who might be willing to consult and serve as HR Manager until a suitable replacement could be recruited and hired.  Within 24 hours, Strategic HR, Inc. referred a candidate who was available and willing to take on this role.  The Company's President and CEO was well satisfied with Strategic HR's referral.  In fact, within just a few months, the President and CEO convinced this consultant to accept an offer to take the position on a permanent, full time basis.  All parties were well satisfied.  I know---because that candidate was me.  Thank you Strategic HR, Inc.” Thomas A. Barnes Corporate H.R. Manager ThyssenKrupp Bilstein of America, Inc. 13 Consultant’s Review | July 2009
  • 14. Streamlining is the most popular and effective approach to controlling HR costs, according to a survey conducted by the Institute of Management and Administration. IOMA, in its just-released HR Management and Cost Control Survey, asked respondents to pinpoint the five categories in which they were most successful in controlling costs. Topping the voting, at 62.8 percent, was streamlining HR processes. The most popular choice after that, at 54.7 percent, was using the Internet to recruit. Streamlining occurred on a number of fronts, individual comments from respondents revealed. While one medical company with 56 employees put together packets of all required HR information and made a checklist so nothing gets overlooked, another company, with 949 employees, implemented PeopleSoft. "Headcount reports passed through five different people seven different times," the HRIS/project manager admitted. "We removed five steps in implementing PeopleSoft, saving us two work days." Another company melded its training and development functions into the employment function and uses one manager - rather than two - to oversee both functions. A nonprofit association with 1,095 employees, meanwhile, moved a number of processes and related paperwork onto its Internet. "We are more productive because employees can access an on-line policy manual instead of calling HR staff," the group's compensation manager reported. Internet for hiring/retention HR managers also focused on the Internet this past year to find and hire employees, IOMA's survey found. Whether mid-sized or large, companies reported saving tremendous money by relying on the Internet rather than recruiters or newspaper ads to hire new employees for their firms. "Using the Internet for recruiting rather than [using] recruiters has saved hundreds of thousands of dollars," a director of compensation from a Midwest company with 14,000 employees told us. The Director of HR at a midsize consulting firm added that in the Southeast, "Using Internet-based recruiting has saved approximately $30,000 in recruiting costs in 2001. Implementation involved posting vacancies on Monster.com at about $350 each. Each posting generated about 10 usable resumes." 14 Consultant’s Review | July 2009
  • 15. Other cost-control strategies Other strategies that garnered high marks were automating HR functions via HR Internet or Web-based HR applications (41.9 percent overall) and asking staff to take on more responsibilities (39.2 percent). For the former approach, employers reported moving all time card processes, benefits information, benefits and training enrollment, 401(k) administration, employee data changes and performance evaluations to a Web-based format, saving anywhere from $10,000 to $2.5 million. Approaches by size Smaller size companies, those with up to 200 and 251 to 1,000 employees) relied more heavily on the use of the Internet for hiring/recruitment to cut costs. Larger companies with more than 1,000 employees, however, relied on streamlining HR processes and procedures. Companies with 251 to 1,000 employees are more inclined than other size firms to adopt or change HRIS systems/software to manage their HR department costs (48.6 percent). Smaller firms with 250 or fewer employees, in turn, favored setting HR staff performance goals/increasing HR staff accountability (39.0 percent), rather than asking staff to take on more responsibilities. Approaches by industry Across all industries, firms cited either streamlining HR processes and procedures or using the Internet for hiring/recruitment as the most successful means to controlling HR department costs. Interestingly, 100 percent of the transportation firms queried cited streamlining, whereas 100 percent of private practice firms cited Internet hiring/recruitment as their most effective technique. Other interesting variances that occurred: * 57.1 percent of wholesale/retail companies cited a cutback on staff travel and conferences, * 66.7 percent of transportation employers noted a reduction in internal HR staff; * 66.7 percent of transportation employers also cited outsourcing one or several HR functions; * 47.1 percent of service companies said the adoption or change of HRIS systems or software was one of the most efficient cost-control techniques 15 Consultant’s Review | July 2009
  • 16. AON Risk Services By: Scott Sampson 16 Consultant’s Review | July 2009
  • 17. AON Risk Services “ We are helping TSA recruit and hire highly qualified candidates for critical positions across the country." Kathryn Hayley, chief executive officer of Aon Consulting Introduction With its headquarters in Chicago, Aon Corporation is the leading provider of risk management services, insurance and reinsurance brokerage and human capital and management consulting. One of their advantages is their broad view of the insurance industry. With an employee base of 36,000 people working in 500 offices in more than 120 countries, they can better anticipate how changes in one sector impact another. Mission Because each of our client groups has unique needs, our professionals—coordinated by strategic account managers, or relationship managers—specialize by product, function and client industry. By truly listening to you and working with you as a partner, we can best develop solutions that work seamlessly with your business. Only in this manner can we help you uncover risks and discover new opportunities to make your business more successful, now and into the future. 17 Consultant’s Review | July 2009
  • 18. Although Aon is a major leader in virtually every market it serves, size is not our primary goal. We aim to be the world’s most responsive, client-focused insurance and consulting services company. Solutions AON offers many different solutions. Three of these solutions include Human capital, casualty risk management, and outsourcing. AON Risk Services 18 Consultant’s Review | July 2009 Human Capital. Every organization makes significant investments in its talent. Success requires visionary leaders, exceptional talent at all levels, and the right strategies to keep that talent current, motivated, and focused. Aon Consulting’s Human Capital Consulting practice drives organizational success through the leadership of talent and mitigation of human capital risk. Casualty Risk management. In a constantly changing world, managing casualty-related exposure can be a complex and time consuming process. With Aon’s experience, Aon’s casualty risk management teams help organizations to efficiently identify and effectively manage the risks they face. Outsourcing. Aon Consulting delivers dedicated human resources outsourcing including employee benefits, pension, recruitment and employment outsourcing solutions to large and mid-sized organizations across all geographies and industries. “ Aon Consulting impressed us with their proven ability to effectively communicate the value of a flexible benefits programme to employees . ” Lorna Benton ING Direct Networking is everything!
  • 19. Looking to get into HR? Take a glimpse into Clemson University’s MHRD Program . 19 Consultant’s Review | July 2009 The Master of Human Resource Development degree is designed for current career-paved professionals who wish to enrich their knowledge within the profession. “Taught by both practitioners and academicians, this unique program provides working professionals with an opportunity to earn an advanced degree from a highly respected institution that is at the forefront of the profession.” The MHRD program requires 36 semester credit hours of course work for completion. Students are enrolled in the Fall semester and students are expected to complete the course work in a two-year time period. All courses are offered online. Accepted Students must register for two courses each semester. Where HR is today… Based upon Bureau of Labor Statistics for the period 2002 to 2012, training and development specialists will be among the top 20 hottest career fields. · On average, HRD professionals with a bachelor’s degree earn $45,760, while HRD specialists with a master’s degree earn $54,964. · In May of 2006, the median salary for training and development managers was $88,510. The middle 50% earned between $67,700 and $141,860. Between now and the year 2014, the profession is expected to grow 18 - 26%. Recommended by current MHRD students at Clemson University for an easy, fast, and inexpensive avenue to purchase textbooks.
  • 20. When your company needs that extra hand Laurdan By: Nicole Del Valle 20 Consultant’s Review | July 2009
  • 21. A professional and effective Human Resource Consultant will be able to advise companies in a wide range of issues that can help the business to become a more productive and unified company. Human Resource Consultants utilize a wide range of skills from legal matters to personnel issues, benefits, management and much more. In this article we are going to look at Laurdan Human Resource Management Consultants.   Laurdan, located in Potomac Maryland has been operating for more than 20 years and has helped many organizations in many ways. They not only work with small companies but assist many on a larger scale including many Fortune 500 Companies. After reading their code of ethics, one would agree that they strive to uphold the highest work ethic and quality possible. Laurdan has a wide variety of services that they offer to their clients which are listed on their website, www.laurdan.com .   One key area that they provide service in is creating employment contracts and staff handbooks that include everyone’s rights and responsibilities, as well as procedures when things go wrong. They also help you comply with the law from the time you start your recruitment process to the time an employee leaves your company.   21 Consultant’s Review | July 2009 In the world of business, managing human capital is an important aspect of being successful. Many companies keep their costs down by hiring an outside Human Resource Consulting firm to handle complex people matters. Sourcing and engaging an external consultant or expert for a defined period of project definitely has its advantages. The benefits of consultants is you can gain highly skilled resources for the period of time required to complete the specific task and there are no residual costs once the task or project is completed. Recently, Ronald Adler, President – CEO of Laurdan wrote a white paper article on HR audits. Below please see a glimpse of the article. For the Full article please email Nicole at [email_address] . “ This white paper reviews the changes in HR audits, discusses the external and internal forces affecting the process and use of HR audits, and provides information about the leading HR auditing process.”
  • 22. Laurdan's consulting services and products help organizations increase the value of their human resource capital, assess their current and future human resource needs, and reduce their exposure to employment-related claims and lawsuits. In your organization, you may already have an HR manager or HR associate; however, that person may not be knowledgeable in all aspects of HR, as it is a wide spectrum. Your HR may be able to write a great handbook or a job analysis or description but could they conduct training programs or counsel managers on a wide variety of HR topics? Could your HR conduct an employee survey and know what to do with the feedback and which steps to take next? With Laurdan all of this and much more is possible. They have experts in all areas that can complete the task or assist your HR with the proper tools and coaching to accomplish any tasks.   Laurdan also has a telephone hotline that provides companies day to day HR assistance as well as an outsourced HR department which serves as the HR department for many small businesses. At Laurdan, they truly focus on the process of effectively utilizing their personnel to obtain the goals of your organization. According to their website, Laurdan’s employment issues research has been used by: The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) the Federal Reserve Board, the EEOC, the Maryland Human Relations Commission, Congress and state legislatures, state agencies, and international organizations. Laurdan has also served as a consulting expert on employment issues to: SHRM, the CPCU Society, the M.S. Chamber of Commerce, Maryland Chamber of Commerce, 22 Consultant’s Review | July 2009
  • 23. “ The ELLA TRAINING TM program provides hands-on training in HR auditing tools, techniques, and methods and is conducted in individual and group internal audit training sessions, training-the-trainer sessions, and graduate level courses.  ELLA TRAINING TM has been approved by SHRM for recertification credit.” The Wall Street Journal , BNA, CCH, and numerous other organizations and publications. This article was written by Nicole Del Valle. 23 Consultant’s Review | July 2009 Search Engines – Internet sites such as Google. Pros – Returns lots of options and provides links to the company website. Cons – Returns lots of options and you need to sort through all of them. Business-to- Business Market Places Websites such as www.btobonline.com , www. marketing .org , and www.expertmagnet.com . Pros – ability to post your specific needs, only companies that fit those needs answer so cuts time on searching, and you can remain anonymous during the search process. Con – may take a few days to get responses, need to be specific on what you are looking for. Directories – Tools such as Yellow Pages. Pros – can sort by location if needed, Cons – In ABC order so the best may not be listed at the beginning. Word of Mouth Pros – People usually tell the good, the bad, and the ugly. Cons – They may not have used the consultant for the same reasons and is not a true comparison.
  • 24. One day while walking down the street a highly successful Human Resources Manager was tragically hit by a bus and she died. Her soul arrived up in heaven where she was met at the Pearly Gates by St. Peter himself. "Welcome to Heaven," said St. Peter. "Before you get settled in though, it seems we have a problem. You see, strangely enough, we've never once had a Human Resources Manager make it this far and we're not really sure what to do with you." "No problem, just let me in," said the woman. "Well, I'd like to, but I have higher orders. What we're going to do is let you have a day in Hell and a day in Heaven and then you can choose whichever one you want to spend an eternity in." "Actually, I think I've made up my mind, I prefer to stay in Heaven", said the woman "Sorry, we have rules..." And with that St. Peter put the executive in an elevator and it went down-down-down to hell. The doors opened and she found herself stepping out onto the putting green of a beautiful golf course. In the distance was a country club and standing in front of her were all her friends - fellow executives that she had worked with and they were well dressed in evening gowns and cheering for her. They ran up and kissed her on both cheeks and they talked about old times. They played an excellent round of golf and at night went to the country club where she enjoyed ! an excellent steak and lobster dinner. She met the Devil who was actually a really nice guy (kind of cute) and she had a great time telling jokes and dancing. She was having such a good time that before she knew it, it was time to leave. Everybody shook her hand and waved goodbye as she got on the elevator. The elevator went up-up-up and opened back up at the Pearly Gates and found St.Peter waiting for her. "Now it's time to spend a day in heaven," he said. So she spent the next 24hours lounging around on clouds and playing the harp and singing. She had great time and before she knew it her 24 hours were up and St. Peter came and got her. "So, you've spent a day in hell and you've spent a day in heaven. Now you must choose your eternity," The woman paused for a second and then replied, "Well, I never thought I'd say this, I mean, Heaven has been really great and all, but I think I had a better time in Hell." So St. Peter escorted her to the elevator and again she went down-down-down back to Hell. When the doors of the elevator opened she found herself standing in a desolate wasteland covered in garbage and filth. She saw her friends were dressed in rags ! and were picking up the garbage and putting it in sacks. The Devil came up to her and put his arm around her. "I don't understand," stammered the woman, "yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and a country club and we ate lobster and we danced and had a great time. Now all there is a wasteland of garbage and all my friends look miserable." The Devil looked at her smiled and told... " Yesterday we were recruiting you, today you're an Employee. .." A little something to make you smile!!! Courtesy of: www.y2u.co.uk 24 Consultant’s Review | July 2009
  • 25. www.msquared.com www.strategichrinc.com www.bnet.com www.aon.com www.hehd.clemson.edu/MHRD www.laurdan.com www.y2u.co.com 25 Consultant’s Review | July 2009