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Consumer Perception towards GPS and Promotional Strategies of
A Seminar Report
Submitted by
In partial fulfilment of the award of the degree of
Punjabi University


The project report entitled “consumer behaviour/perception towards Promotional strategies
for brand building” (MapmyIndia) demand a lot of research and methodology to be followed.
For that matter I needed a proper guidance and support to be able to come up with true
picture of the market.
I take the privileged of conveying my heartiest gratitude tro all those, who directly or
indirectly enable me complete my project.
I Rahul Sayal student of M.B.A. II year hereby declare that I have completed this
PROJECT REPORT under the guidance of Mr. Aman Pandey.
Mr. Aman Pandey was always there to listen and give advice. He taught me how to
ask questions and express my ideas. He showed me different ways to approach a problem and
helped me to accomplish my goal.
Further I express my gratitude towards for helping me throughout to make this project
successful. I pay regards for their kind co-operation.
Rahul Sayal


1 Chapter-1 Introduction to Project
 Branding
 Promotion of Band
2 Chapter-2 Introduction to Company
 History
 Board of Directors
 Awards
 Product and Services
 Product Range
 Automobile Partners
 Sales in Particular Areas
 List of Dealers
 Future Plans
3 Chapter-3 Research Methodology
 Review of Literature
 Objectives of the study
4 Chapter-4 Data Analysis and Interpretation
 Finding, Suggestions and Limitations
 SWOT Analysis
5 Chapter-5 Conclusion 83
6 Bibliography 84
7 Questionnaire 85


GPS technology is one of the significant inventions of the twentieth century. GPS has
become a popular device in western countries but has not yet reached the household of the
common man in India. With globalization, GPS and its related technology have been unable
to penetrate the heart of Indian consumers.
This thesis studies what are the factors that prevent GPS from being used widely in India.
The problems faced by GPS/GIS vendors in tapping the GPS market in India are also
addressed through my hypotheses. Appropriate recommendations, made after conducting a
literature review and survey analysis for this research are also included.


Chapter 1
Introduction to Project


The summer training in an organization is an integrated part of MBA program. It exposes
students to the problem areas and provides knowledge as how to face problems and provide
confidence as to how to solve the problem. There is a gap between theory and practice and
the training is aimed at removing this gap and to increase the process of communication
between future manager and industrial sector.
I did eight weeks training with MapmyIndia, CE Info systems Private Limited in Chandigarh.
As we know that in today`s scenario, we have to go to different places/regions for business
purposes in the field of marketing. Marketing is an essential part of all the organizations in
the world to survive in the growing/changing markets. So our company had a device, which
is helpful for the daily passengers or commuters to locate the points of their interest in any
region of the world. They also had a tracking system for vehicles, GPS systems for mobile
phones with or without integrated system, MapmyIndia National Motoring Atlas with
detailed city maps, Geographical Information Systems and GPS devices for cars. The
company has their own software of GPS for navigation, which is also used by other
companies like Delphi and Garmin in their own devices. Company has launched their own
products/gadgets few years back, which still needs awareness to capture market with a good
brand name.
In my project I did Branding Activities like Branding and Promotion of Brand to spread
awareness about the product and build a good brand name of the company. Through this
process I analyzed the consumer`s perception about the product, their actual demand and
SWOT analysis of the company.


What is Branding?
A brand is a product, service, or concept that
is publicly distinguished from other
products, services, or concepts so that it can
be easily communicated and usually
marketed. A brand name is the name of the
distinctive product, service, or concept.
Branding is the process of creating and
disseminating the brand name. Branding can
be applied to the entire corporate identity as
well as to individual product and service
names. Brands are often expressed in the
form of logos, graphic representations of
the brand.
A brand is a product that adds other dimensions, and differentiates it in some way from other
products designed to satisfy the same need. Regardless of the context, a brand has to be
unique and has to provide differentiation at any given point in time in a competitive context.
The time aspect has to be vital to ensure that the brand is always on top of consumers mind.
The time orientation also emphasizes the need for brands to update their offerings.
Ambassador, Fiat, Liberty and some of the brands which lost their pioneering market
dominance in a changing marketing environment. A brand should functionally and
emotionally reassure a consumer on what it stands for- for example L&T housing brand may
reassure about the quality of housing, as well as provide them with emotional security of
trust. A brand could stand for fashion and status (Omega or Rolex). A brand could also stand
for personal grooming style which reinforces the look of an executive (Park Avenue); a brand
could also be associated with, fun adventure, freedom and a feeling of community
belongingness (Harley Davidson).


Brands are decisive instruments in today’s marketing scenario. Enhancing brand image and
awareness is a continuous process which enables the marketers to withstand fierce
competition. Usually brands reflect the goodwill that an organisation enjoys in the market and
the image that it projects.
A brand stands for
 Attributes
 Benefits
 Values
 Culture
 Personality
 The target user
Brands focus on the product attributes to inform the existing customers as well as to
influence the potential customers.
The attributes of a product should be converted into emotional and functional benefits for
the consumers.
Brands communicate human values that eventually reflect the tangible values of the


Brand culture is nothing but cultural dimensions of brands that influence their identity in
the market.
Sometimes, brands also convey a personality trait.
Target users:
Brands define the user segment- upper class, middle class, lower middle class etc.
Marketers see brand as a symbol of trust that helps simplify the complex lives led by today's
consumers. In recent times the word 'brand' has grown to cover more than just products. A
brand is more than a product, a service or an offering. A brand often stands for a lot more. In
simple terms a brand is a 'product + images' or 'product + added values'. In fact, a brand
stands for a complete set of emotions and feelings, a mental mosaic that is in a consumer's
Understanding Brands
How do we attempt to understand brands? Marketing literature is full of various
terminologies, including Brand Architecture, Brand DNA, Brand Print, Brand Mapping,
Brand Personality, Brand Onion, Brand Icon, Brand Essence, Brand Worth, etc.
All these models attempt to define how one brand differs from another, in the consumer's
mind. They give a template to map competing brands to understand the strengths and
weaknesses of one brand versus the other. They also give the marketers an idea of where and
how to move the brand, in terms of product offerings, advertising, services, images, etc.
Prof. David Aaker defines the brand to have three levels, the Brand Essence, the Core and the
Extended. Looking further, he has defined the Brand as a Product, Brand as an Organization,
Brand as a Person and
Brand as a Symbol. If we were to look at an Indian brand like Nirma, we could define the
Essence as 'Value for Money. The Core of the brand will be the various products it offers,
and the extended brand concept could be the images it evokes of music, easy availability and
friendliness. In a critical way the brand's Core may also spell a 'lesser quality product' and its
extended concept may spell 'a brand made for poor people.


While studying brands the following may be a good set of questions to ask:
• What are the product benefits? Functional? Emotional?
• Who are the target consumers? What are their perceptions?
• What are the core values of the brand?
• What is the Brand Positioning?
• What is the advertising strategy? Creative approach? Advertising Positioning Statement?
Studying the consumers and the competition, the internal company records will help us
develop metrics for Brand Loyalty, Brand Awareness, Brand Associations and Perceived
Brand Values.
Importance of Brand Building
It has been said that the single most important role of business is to attract and retain a
customer. If this is done successfully, it leads to profits and sharing of wealth with all the
stakeholders, be they employees, suppliers, distributors or shareholders. The single most
important tool used to build customer base and customer loyalty is through focused brand-
building activities. A strong brand is the ultimate customer glue.
A product attracts a particular price. A brand attracts a premium. The premium leads to
profits. A brand ensures the consumer loyalty that a simple product cannot command. And
brand-loyal customers ensure that the company continues to get its share of the consumer's
wallet month after month, year after year. Any soap vs Lux. Any engine oil vs Castrol. Any
TV vs Sony. The brand almost telegraphically tells the consumer that it is not just a product
he or she is buying. It is a lot more. The brand stands for an assurance of quality, value,
service and price besides offering intangible benefits like glamour, energy, style, and so on.


Brand Loyalty
A brand provided a guarantee of reliability and quality. Its owner had a powerful incentive to
ensure that each pie was as good as the previous one, because that would persuade people to
come back for more while tracing the origins of brands.
One of the biggest functions of brands, with respect to the marketer is to ensure that the
consumers come back and ask for it by name. Marketing practices have proven that it costs
six times more to attract a new customer as against retaining a current customer. So, given the
same marketing efforts, a marketer is better-off retaining as many customers as he can, before
trying to attract more new customers. The single biggest glue is the brand.
From the consumer's standpoint the brand stands for a familiar friend, a symbol that is
trusted. In many ways, a brand plays a role in simplifying the consumer's purchase process,
saving his time and effort. A brand is therefore a welcome sign for the consumers as well.
New theories even say that brands ultimately belong to the customers and not to the
The truth is that people like brands. They not only simplify choices and guarantee quality, but
add fun and interest.


Brand Premium
A brand has the power to command a premium price among customers an a premium stock
price among investors. It can boost earnings and cushic cyclical downturns and now, a
brand's value can be measured.
As societies move from commodities to brands, consumers learn that they get more with the
symbol of the brand. And they learn that they have to more. As Indian consumers moved
from cheap home-made washing soaps to Sunlight and later to Nirma washing powder, they
were willing to pay more for the assurance of quality. In a similar way as consumers moved
from a direct cool refrigerator to a
frost-free Whirlpool, they were
willing to pay more for the new
technology and for the assurance of
the brand's service, quality and
It is, however, difficult to predict
how much extra a brand will be able
to add to the price that a consumer is
willing to pay. In product categories
like cigarettes, the premium could be
a big number. For instance, a smoker
is willing to pay Rs 2.00 for a stick of Wills brand when another filter cigarette brand is
available for half the price. That is the power of brand premium. But in India, there are
several markets where a brand cannot command a big premium. The cooking oil and the tea
markets are two such examples where the large brands, that cater to the masses, have
constantly to keep an eye on the loose commodity prices. If they fail to adjust to the
fluctuations in commodity prices, strategic moments, they can see their brand markets shrink
The willingness of consumers to pay more for brands implies that the marketer can test the
waters with options that offer differing levels of quality, service, etc. at different price points.
The effort can be to bring in consumers with a value offering and then upgrade them to the
better, more premium brands.


Brand Equity
Brand Equity encompasses a set of assets linked to a brand's name and symbol that adds to
the value provided by a product or service to a company's customers. There is always the
underlying expectation that the brand will deliver the satisfaction it has promised. A
consumer expects a certain standard of quality and the manufacturer has to make sure that the
product lives up to that expectation, otherwise the consumer will stop buying the brand.
Simply speaking, brand identities primarily exist in the minds of its consumers. A brand is his
or her evaluation of the performance of that brand. And if this evaluation is positive the
customer is willing to pay more for one particular brand over another similar product. This is
the strength of Brand Equity.
You may well ask why there is such fascination with brands, and what are they worth? The
reasons are many. Firstly, it is because brands create Trust, and trust is the basic precondition
to Loyalty. Ultimately it is loyalty that ensures sustainable income to the companies that own
these brands. It is this relationship, born out of loyalty, that ensures continuous sales, and
therefore profit to the company. Secondly, it is because brands can be shown to be valuable to


Once again, why is Brand Equity important? It is important because a strong Brand Equity
enables the brand to command a premium. The reason customers are prepared to pay a
premium is because of the perceived reliability, trustworthiness, as well as the positive image
of superior quality that the brand commands. As emphasized, the major assets of Brand
Equity can be categorized as:
(1) Brand Awareness: This refers to the strength of a brand's presence in the consumer's
mind. Awareness is measured according to the recognition and recall of the brand.
(2) Perceived Quality: Perceived quality lies at the heart of what customers are buying; and
in that sense, it is the ultimate measure of the impact of a brand.
(3) Brand Loyalty: A brand's value to the company is largely created by the customer
loyalty it commands. Since a company considers loyalty as a major asset, it encourages and
justifies a loyalty building programme which, in turn, helps create and enhance Brand Equity.
In a way, the loyal customer gets emotionally attached to the brand.


What is Brand Building?


Brand-building Tools
Brands are built block-by-block and the best analogy one can give is how a building is
The building of a brand is a three-part process. The first part relates to the idea. Like an
Architect, the Marketing Manager must not only be able to visualise whether there is a
consumer need for a particular product but also in what form. It is only when he has been
able to pinpoint his particular need, that he can proceed further in terms of satisfying that
This leads to the second part. Like construction of a building, he must have certain
ingredients to build up the brand which will satisfy that need. For example, what should be
the physical properties of the product? How is the brand going to be positioned? How will it
look? What should its price be and so on. These are the inputs through which the brand is
The third part relates to the process. In other words, all the ingredients we saw in the second
part—how are we going to use these ingredients to make the brand? This process includes
research, the logic behind the introduction of the brand, creativity in terms of how to project
the brand to the consumer and of course, make sure there is adequate quality control to ensure
that the product delivers what it promises.
Understanding consumers for brand Building
Consumers decide the fate of brands and
of enterprises. Whether the brand is an
FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) like
a toothpaste, a consumer durable like a
washing machine, or a service like a hotel,
it is the consumer who calls the shots. In
the case of organizational selling efforts
like heavy equipment or office automation
products, it is the buying organization, in
a collective form that performs the role of
the buyer/consumer, albeit in a more rational and often a complicated way.


Brand-building has to start and end with the consumer. The best branding theory, discussed in
boardrooms, is of no use if the consumer is not going to buy into it. Can the brand be
extended into a new category? Can a washing powder become a beauty soap? Can a milk
brand become a pizza brand? Or does the milk brand stand not so much for milk as or good
quality and good value?
Understanding consumers has to start and end with a series of questions:
• Who are the consumers for the brand?
• Why should they buy it?
• When will they buy it?
• Where will they buy it from?
• How often will they buy it?
• How much will they pay for it?
• Whom will they consult for advice?
• What are their beliefs about the product category?
• What are the other products that serve the same purpose?
• What is the share of this product category in solving the problem?
• What are their attitudes towards the brand?
• Why are some consumers never using the brand?
• Why are some consumers using the brand regularly?
Finding answers to some, if not all, of these questions is the first step towards successful


Promotion of the Brand
Promotion is one of the four elements of marketing mix (product, price, promotion,
distribution). It is the communication link between sellers and buyers for the purpose of
influencing, informing, or persuading a potential buyer's purchasing decision.
The specification of five elements creates a promotional mix or promotional plan. These
elements are personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, and publicity. A
promotional mix specifies how much attention to pay to each of the five subcategories, and
how much money to budget for each. A promotional plan can have a wide range of
objectives, including: sales increases, new product acceptance, creation of brand
equity, positioning, competitive retaliations, or creation of a corporate image. Fundamentally,
however there are three basic objectives of promotion.
These are:
1) To present information to consumers as well as others
2) To increase demand
3) To differentiate a product.
There are different ways to promote a product in different areas of media. Promoters use
internet advertisement, special events, endorsements, and newspapers to advertise their
product. Many times with the purchase of a product there is an incentive like discounts, free
items, or a contest. This is to increase the sales of a given product.
The term "promotion" is usually an "in" expression used internally by the marketing
company, but not normally to the public or the market - phrases like "special offer" are more


It is not enough for a business to have good products sold at attractive prices. To generate
sales and profits, the benefits of products have to be communicated to customers. In
marketing, this is commonly known as "promotion".
Promotion is all about companies communicating with customers.
A business' total marketing communications programme is called the "promotional mix" and
consists of a blend of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and public relations tools.
In this revision note, we describe the four key elements of the promotional mix in more
It is helpful to define the four main elements of the promotional mix before considering their
strengths and limitations.
(1) Advertising
Any paid form of non-personal communication of ideas or products in the "prime media": i.e.
television, newspapers, magazines, billboard posters, radio, cinema etc. Advertising is
intended to persuade and to inform. The two basic aspects of advertising are the message
(what you want your communication to say) and the medium (how you get your message
(2) Personal Selling
Oral communication with potential buyers of a product with the intention of making a sale.
The personal selling may focus initially on developing a relationship with the potential buyer,
but will always ultimately end with an attempt to "close the sale".
(3) Sales Promotion
Providing incentives to customers or to the distribution channel to stimulate demand for a
(4) Publicity
The communication of a product, brand or business by placing information about it in the
media without paying for the time or media space directly. otherwise known as "public
relations" or PR.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Element of the Promotional Mix
Mix Element Advantages Disadvantages
Advertising Good for building awareness
Effective at reaching a wide audience
Repetition of main brand and product
positioning helps build customer trust
Impersonal - cannot answer all a
customer's questions
Not good at getting customers to
make a final purchasing decision
Personal Selling Highly interactive - lots of
communication between the buyer and
Excellent for communicating complex
/ detailed product information and
Relationships can be built up -
important if closing the sale make take
a long time
Costly - employing a sales force
has many hidden costs in addition
to wages
Not suitable if there are thousands
of important buyers
Sales Promotion Can stimulate quick increases in sales
by targeting promotional incentives on
particular products
Good short term tactical tool
If used over the long-term,
customers may get used to the
Too much promotion may damage
the brand image
Public Relations Often seen as more "credible" - since
the message seems to be coming from
a third party (e.g. magazine,
Cheap way of reaching many
customers - if the publicity is achieved
through the right media
Risk of losing control - cannot
always control what other people
write or say about your product


One of the biggest myths of the Internet is the good old line, "If you build it they will come
..." So many people throw up a website and sit back rubbing their hands with glee convinced
they are going to become supremely wealthy.
Months later they are wringing their hands with regret wondering why they've had five
visitors, four of which were their friends!
A website does not just automatically appear high in the search engine rankings and get
traffic, you have to do some work in order to get this traffic and start making sales. There are
thousands, or even more of sites competing for the same traffic you want - depending on your
niche and keywords, there could be millions of sites!
You need to promote your website and get it noticed - not only in the search engines, but in
other places where you will get targeted traffic who are interested in your website.
Strategy 1 - Directories
There are a whole host of directories on the Internet. Just search for your keyword and
"Directory" or "Link Exchange" or anything similar and you will find hundreds of places to
put your links. Yeah, it is hard work to do this, but you will get links and traffic to your site.
If it's too much like hard work for you - hire someone to do it!
Strategy 2 - Articles
Articles are an excellent way to gain traffic and promote your site. Submitting your article to
directories will get you back links and if they are quality articles, will get you known across
the Internet as an expert. Newsletter and website owners will pick up your articles and use
them as content. This will help to promote your site to a much wider audience.
Strategy 3 - Affiliate Program
Running an affiliate program for your product is an excellent way to promote your site.
Instead of you working on promoting your site, you have all these affiliates doing the work
for you. And the best thing is - you don't pay them a penny unless they make a sale.
Depending on how much you offer as a commission, you could have hundreds of hungry
affiliates aggressively marketing your product all over the Internet.


Strategy 4 - Viral Marketing
Viral marketing is a concept that has been around for some time. It's a very powerful method
of getting traffic to your site. You have all seen those cute or funny emails and videos that
people send to all their friends? That is viral marketing. If you can tap into this through a
book, a video, games or anything people will want to pass on to their friends, suddenly you
have a whole lot of people promoting your site - for free!
Strategy 5 - Forums
Forums are an excellent way to market your website. As you participate in a forum so you
can establish yourself as an authority and trusted expert on your chosen subject, which will
make people come to visit your website to find out more information. Be aware though, that
if you blatantly promote your business without adding value or spam the forums you will do
more harm than good to your reputation and your business.
Promoting your website will get you targeted traffic. It will also allow you to organically
move up the search engine rankings through back links and the use of keywords. If you are
someone who is serious about making money online, then you need to start taking
your website promotion seriously. Remember though - spam and other unethical practises
will harm your business in the long term. Promote your site ethically and responsibly, and
you can be reaping the rewards for years to come.


Promotional Techniques
Strategic plans are devised using a thorough analytical approach to determine your corporate
identity and brand/product positioning goals. Our plan will also list tactics for achieving these
goals. Our experienced strategic planners will study industry specifics to discover your target
audience and the services, products and benefits that appeal to that audience. Your current
position in the marketplace will be analyzed along with a practical goal or objective as to
what can realistically be achieved. Finally a marketing plan will be arranged, outlining the
parameters and steps that should be implemented in order to best achieve that goal or
Our copywriters will write a strategic positioning and messaging analysis outlining the tactics
we have developed along with the reasons for our plan and the parameters that must be
established to best achieve its objectives. This analysis will serve as the framework for
everything we create throughout the production process.
Promotion Service
We offer promotion services to our clients as per their requirements. Our team has the
knowledge and resources to extensively research the news papers and magazine’s
marketplace to ensure that the advertiser reaches the intended market, whatever the focus of
the campaign.
Outdoor Promotion
Press advertisement
Press is a trusted media for the advertising campaign: . We can tap into this loyalty with
communications campaigns at a larger level, which enable the content to be targeted to the
needs of your prospective customers.


From weeklies to monthlies, nationals to regional, the magazine market provides the
opportunity to feature in a targeted medium. Our team has the knowledge and resources to
extensively research the news papers and magazine’s marketplace to ensure that the
advertiser reaches the intended market, whatever the focus of the campaign.
Television Advertisements
Watching television is still the India’sNo.1 leisure activity and is seen as the most enjoyed
activity above and beyond all other media. At Saroj ads, we plan strategically and buy
efficiently. But we also try to think a bit more creatively than just buying spots; we consider
branded content, ad-funded programming and live TV events on behalf of our clients.


Theatre Advertisements
Research shows that cinemagoers are trend-setters and opinion-formers, preferring to
experience films on the big screen rather than waiting to watch them on DVD or television.
For brands with smaller budgets cinema advertising is still an option. We can arrange to
produce and release “Quickys” One minute theatre ad film in chosen theatres for our target
audience. With the supremacy in picture quality and audio quality it will have a greater
Radio Advertisements
Radio enables us to target different types of audiences, and you benefit from the flexibility of
focusing in key market areas and talking to specific demographics. Saroj ads takes a
proactive approach to planning by considering all available advertising formats – not just
high frequency spots, such as sponsorships, promotions and competitions, which are great for
lead generation.


Outdoor Advertisements
Outdoor Advertising provides broad coverage and targeted market reach. It is the most visible
media exposed to everyone who goes outside of the home to work, school, shop or play. The
continuous presence of Outdoor Advertising produces frequency levels unmatched by any
other medium. Not only can you reach mass audiences with Outdoor Advertising, but it also
allows for targeting specific communities, ethnic groups, ages, income levels, etc. Outdoor
Advertising can be situated in locations reaching everyone coming into or leaving your
specific market area. You can pinpoint your prime target areas exactly.


Chapter 2


Company Profile
Executive Summary and Fact Sheet
CE Info Systems (P) Ltd, a New Delhi-based ISO 9001-2000 Company founded in 1992, is
the provider of India’s most comprehensive navigable and GIS map dataset that powers
location based services such as internet mapping applications, mobile navigation, car
navigation, and GIS-based decision support systems. The company has been creating this
repository of proprietary digital map information since 1994 through continuous field surveys
and state-of-the-art mapping technology. In 2004, the company released its internet maps and
directions portal, MapmyIndia.com, and was short listed by NASSCOM as a showcase
company for IT Innovation in India. The company has served over 500 leading enterprise
customers, and is now offering map, direction and navigation services in-car, on the mobile
and over the internet to the consumers.
- Headquarters: New Delhi
- Founded in: 1992
- Founders: Rakesh and Rashmi Verma
- ISO 9001-2000 certified
- Acknowledged by NASSCOM as a showcase company for IT Innovation in India in
- Company size: 150+ employees and 200+ field surveyors
- Investors: Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, Sherpalo Ventures, Nexus India Capital
Figure 1: NASSCOM IT Innovation Showcase


Company History
CE Info Systems is India’s leading navigable map and GIS solutions provider since 1994.
The company was founded in 1992 by entrepreneur couple Rakesh and Rashmi Verma, who
had returned after a 12 year stint in the US working for General Motors and IBM
respectively. The company’s very initial focus was on providing training and solutions on the
IBM mainframe platform. A chance meeting between the promoter couple and
representatives of MapInfo software, a GIS (Geographic Information Systems) tool used for
map creation and analysis, led to CE Info’s decision to get into mapping and GIS. At that
time, digital maps were unavailable for India, and GIS was not a word commonly known. CE
Info became the first distributor for MapInfo in 1994, and set about the massive and
pioneering task of mapping out all of India.
1994 – 2004: Building the base map data, and serving the enterprise GIS market
Over the next 10 years, from 1994 to 2004, the company focused single-mindedly on creating
the complete India map data product. The challenges the company faced in creating this
massive dataset were two-fold: how to bear the large amount of investment needed to build
the data, and how to ensure the huge database stayed relevant and up-to-date. The company’s
strategy to address these challenges was elegant and simple – provide enterprises with GIS
solutions on top of the map data that added significant tangible benefits to their business
operations and planning. In this way, the company was able to generate a revenue stream to
drive future investments into building the map data. And because the enterprises were using it
for their operations on a daily basis, they would provide the necessary feedback to ensure
currency of the data. For example, in 1995 when Coca Cola wanted to re-enter India, the
company provided them help in planning their logistics and distribution of bottles from the
bottling plants to almost every town and village across India. Similarly, in 1996 when Orange
(now Vodafone) was deciding where to place their towers based on demand, CE Info built the
map data and model on top of it to recommend the locations. Thus, the company focused
from 1994 to 2004 in building out the map data set for India and in the process developed a
customer list of over 500 large enterprises.


2004 – Current: Bringing maps to end consumers (MapmyIndia), and making the map
In 2004, the company analyzed the mapping trends and application around the world, and
saw that in US and Europe, maps had become commonly used by individual consumers.
Online map portals such as Yahoo Maps and Mapquest were very popular (Google Maps had
not released then, it came online in Feb 2005) and in Europe people were beginning to get
familiar with GPS navigation devices that could guide a person while driving to his
destination. With a strong desire to place India among the elite countries where maps had
substantially improved the quality of everyday life of people, CE Info decided to introduce
something revolutionary for Indian consumers: MapmyIndia. MapmyIndia.com, launched in
September 2004, became India’s first interactive maps and directions portal. For the first time
users could zoom and move the map across all of India, and search for addresses and points
of interest such as ATMs etc. on the map.
Over the last three years, MapmyIndia.com has taken incredible strides, becoming one of
India’s first web 2.0 portals when it released its AJAX version in September 2006, and with
the latest version release, has helped searching and getting directions from any point to any
point in India very easy, relevant and helpful. MapmyIndia.com has helped map-enable other
portals as well with their store locator (find the nearest) solution, such as MakemyTrip,
MagicBricks, online portals of HDFC Bank, Hyundai, ICICI Bank, Skoda, HDFC Realty and
Bose India etc.
The launch of MapmyIndia.com focused the company’s efforts on building a navigable map,
which could enable key consumer location based services such as navigation, on the internet,
via mobile phones, and even via GPS navigation devices. MapmyIndia released the most
comprehensive navigable map for India in 2006 and brought Yahoo! Maps to India,
supplying them the map data to create their own online portal.
Recently, MapmyIndia’s navigable map also started powering Airtel GPS Navigation on the
Blackberry, with more phones in the offing. MapmyIndia’s comprehensive map coverage of
India, unparalleled in industry, has set the ball rolling to power many more navigation and
location based services coming to India, as MapmyIndia is aggressively inviting and
partnering leading players from India and around the world to tap the vast potential Indian
consumer market.


Board of Directors
Rakesh Verma,
Managing Director, CE Info Systems / MapmyIndia
30 years industry experience, 12 years with General Motors and Saturn
Car Project
MBA Eastern Washington University, Bachelors of Engineering, BITS
Shivalik Prasad,
Vice President, Sales, CE Info Systems / MapmyIndia
IBM Consulting USA for six years in auto and pharmaceutical verticals
Masters of Engineering, Texas A & M University
Rohan Verma,
Head, Marketing, CE Info Systems / MapmyIndia
Creator of MapmyIndia.com portal
Bachelors of Engineering, Stanford University


Ajit Nazre,
Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers (KPCB)
Co-founder of SAP Markets, fully owned company of SAP
MBA, Harvard School, PhD, Technical University of Hanover
Sandeep Murthy,
Partner, Sherpalo Ventures
CEO, Cleartrip, Leading online travel portal, and Director, InfoEdge
that owns the websites Naukri.com, JeevanSaathi.com and 99Acres.com
MBA, Wharton School
Suvir Sujan,
Partner, Nexus India Capital
Co-founder and co-CEO Bazee.com, India online marketplace that
merged with eBay India
MBA, Harvard Business School


Auto Build (India Today) for Best Product/Service 2010
NDTV Car and Bike Awards
Automotive Product of the Year


Corporate Awards for Excellence in Gender Inclusivity 2009!
Gadgets & Gizmos India Today Magazine
PND (personal navigation device) OF THE YEAR 2009!


Stuff Magazine
SAT-NAV (satellite navigator) OF THE YEAR 2009!


Products and Services
Consumer Products - CE Info Systems provides its consumer products and services under
its brand ‘MapmyIndia’:
GPS Navigation – MapmyIndia brings to its consumers a range of GPS-based navigation
products for use on mobile and In-car
In-car Navigation
Want to mark a point on the road? Just touch the screen and mark your point. Drag the map
display to see other interesting points. Touch any of them, choose them as a destination or a
via point and get automatically directed to the new destination.
MapmyIndia Navigator
Hardware Models of MapmyIndia:
1. Road Pilot
2. LX130
3. VX140
4. VX240
5. ZX150 Deluxe
Other hardware partners using our software:
1. Blaupunkt
2. TravelPilot Lucca
3. NavAirS1100
4. Delphi
5. Delphi NAV 200
6. Delphi NAV 30
Gamin Compatible Devices (Automotive)
MapmyIndia maps for Garmin devices have been tested with Nuvi 2xx series of devices. The
MapmyIndia maps for Garmin are compatible with nuvi 2xx, 2xxW and 7xx series of Garmin


In-dash Navigation
With the Navi Box GPS navigation device Bx100 attached to an in-dash entertainment
system, customers can experience turn-by-turn GPS based directions from their dashboard. A
GPS navigation device connects to GPS satellites and offers users an easy way to choose
their destination.
Bx100 In Dash Navi Box
Product Description
Bx100 is an all in one and compact in size GPS navigation solution which is compatible with
Kenwood. With superior features such as a high sensitivity GPS receiver & a Samsung 2440
ARM9 400MHz. processor, Bx100 provides fast time-to-first-fix even in urban canyons and
gives an outstanding navigation experience.
Compatibility with:
Bx100 is compatible with the following in-dash systems
1. Kenwood DDX 5032
2. Kenwood DDX 7034
3. BTKenwood DDX 8034


Navigation software for phone
It is a Windows Mobile, Android, Symbian phone you own, or even the iPhone, the
MapmyIndia Sygic mobile maps offers the same easy-to-use Sygic interface with
MapmyIndia's comprehensive map coverage. MapmyIndia Sygic mobile maps, once
installed, are stored on your phone/SD card. This means that you do not require a GPRS or
data connection to get them working. There are no subscriptions or recurring charges.
Mobile maps for phones
For iPhone For Symbian (Nokia, others)
For Windows Mobile For Android
For Samsung For HTC
And many more
Bluetooth GPS receiver for non GPS integrated phones
Get GPS navigation and maps on your phone, but don't own a mobile phone which comes
with a built-in GPS, MapmyIndia has a solution for you! MapmyIndia's Bluetooth GPS
receiver connects to your mobile phone via bluetooth and transmits your live GPS
coordinates to it continuously, helping you know where you are at all times. MapmyIndia's
Bluetooth GPS receiver works with the iNav navigation software, so you can get turn-by-turn
voice guidance to anywhere and everywhere across India, and feel the comfort of knowing
where you are at all times.


Internet applications
a) Interactive maps, directions, local search
b) Tracking API (Vehicle, Personal, Sales Force etc…)
c) Store Locator APIs (Application Programming Interface )
d) Yellow and white pages search powered by GetIt – Coming Soon
e) SMS search – Coming Soon
Tracking Devices
Know where your vehicle is
A basis for remote vehicle monitoring is a small hardware device VT1 mounted inside the
car, truck or ships. The device is actually an On board Computer with GPS and wireless
communication capabilities that transfers all relevant information from vehicle to the fleet
management centre. It gives you straight answers to the questions like: where did the vehicle
drive for the last, say, 10 days, where did it stop, how fast did it drive, was there over
speeding moments, how many kilometres did it make, and much more.
Real Time Monitoring:
Real-time monitoring of vehicles as they move from place to place, halt for re-fueling and
other stops is among the biggest advantages of vehicle tracking system Speed checks of
vehicles, accurate location, refreshment breaks and other stops by drivers can be tracked as
they occur. So once VT1 is installed in your vehicle you get live update of the movement of
your vehicle on your computer connected to internet and also on your mobile through SMS.


Tracking Advantages:
 Working hour
 Idle time cost
 Fuel costs
 Vehicle thefts
 Insurance expense
Communication with the driver expenses
 Delivery speed
 Level of organization
 Transport reliability
 Accuracy
 Work discipline
 Business productivity
Enterprise Products and Services
GIS-based Decision Support Systems
Retail Site-selection
Logistics and Distribution Planning


MapmyIndia Map Book Series
National Motoring Atlas
Turn on the ignition and get going with the MapmyIndia National Motoring Atlas. The
perfect glove compartment companion it will provide you updated information about roads,
railway networks, towns & villages and also interesting things to see on your way to or
around the destination.
The book contains maps for those who want to explore the lengths and breadths of the
country. Highways, main roads, bypasses are clearly marked for your convenience. Besides
seamless country maps, the book also includes perspective state maps, and detailed city maps.
The maps provide important tourist information such as important points of interest, scenic
routes to drive by, backwater and trekking circuits, religious centres and viewpoints etc.
Travel destination maps for GOA
Want to take a beachy break in Goa but don’t know which beaches to go to? Grab a copy of
the MapmyIndia Goa Map Book which provides not only updated information about roads,
railway network, town points but also about beaches, churches, temples and everything you
need to for a hassle free tour.


The book contains maps for those who wish to travel across the beach state. Highways, main
roads and arterial roads are clearly marked for your convenience. Besides the state maps, the
book also includes detailed city and beach maps with on-page indexing making the search for
local conveniences easy and quick.
Other Types of Wall Maps are:
Road Network Map of India
Tourist Map of India
Tourist Map of India
Golden Quadrilateral Map
Hotels in India
Wildlife Sanctuaries in India
Rail Network Map of India
Air Network Map of India
N-S-E-W Corridor Map


GPS System
Global Positioning System, usually called GPS, is the only fully-functional satellite
navigation system. A constellation of more than two dozen GPS satellites broadcasts precise
timing signals by radio, allowing any GPS receiver (abbreviated to GPSr) to accurately
determine its location (longitude, latitude, and altitude) in any weather, day or night,
anywhere on Earth.
GPS has become a vital global utility, indispensable for modern navigation on land, sea, and
air around the world, as well as an important tool for map-making and land surveying. GPS
also provides an extremely precise time reference, required for telecommunications and some
scientific research, including the study of earthquakes. GPS receivers can also gauge altitude
and speed with a very high degree of accuracy.
The United States Department of Defense developed the system, officially named
NAVSTAR GPS (Navigation Signal Timing and Ranging Global Positioning System), and
launched the first experimental satellite in 1978. The satellite constellation is managed by the
50th Space Wing. Although the cost of maintaining the system is approximately US$400
million per year, including the replacement of aging satellites, GPS is available for free use in
civilian applications as a public good.
A GPS receiver placed in a car can receive signals from these satellites and will calculate the
exact location of the car in terms of latitude and longitude. This data can be sent to a server
that can monitor the location. A GSM modem can be integrated into this project for providing
security and remote control. The current location of the car can be found out by sending an
SMS. The car can also be disabled by sending an SMS.


Your travel in India will never be the same again. After 15 years of mapping India,
MapmyIndia brings to you the future of navigation. MapmyIndia maps drive over 500
enterprises and millions of consumers. Now, with the new, award-winning MapmyIndia
Navigator, they can drive you as well.
The MapmyIndia Navigator will make your travel:
Safe This GPS gadget uses satellites to determine your current location, so you always know
where you are and where you are headed. No need to roll down your window, and ask
strangers for directions.
Convenient Search for your destination across India, by address (city, town, village, locality,
sub-locality, street) or by point of interest (category or name). The MapmyIndia Navigator
will guide you, turn by turn, talking to you and giving instructions on the map.
Smart With lacs of points of interest loaded such as restaurants, ATMs, petrol pumps,
hospitals etc., the MapmyIndia Navigator helps you find any place you are looking for, and
discover new ones too.
Fun And if all that was not enough, you can even load and play movies, music and photos on
your MapmyIndia Navigator's large and bright touch screen as well.
Compared to others offering navigation on phones and devices, MapmyIndia Navigator offers
the most comprehensive, detailed, accurate and user-friendly navigation system for India.
The large screen and dedicated functionality of this portable GPS navigation device, coupled
with MapmyIndia's unparalleled map coverage of India, make it India's premium GPS
navigation product. Maybe that's why it won the 'Geospatial Product of Year 2008' award.


MapmyIndia Navigator: Delphi NAV 200
High-performance navigator
The MapmyIndia Navigator has just got newer with Delphi NAV 200. This is what you now
- New, powerful, easy-to-use navigation system that makes finding and reaching a place a
safe, hassle-free and fun experience.
- The most comprehensive and unparalleled map coverage of India -401 cities at street
level, 4,10,000 towns and villages at national level, and 9,45,000 points of interest for you
to explore and discover.
- New, high performance satellite-connected Delphi NAV 300 hardware, with a large,
bright 3.5" touch screen for easy viewing while driving, built-in speakers for clear voice
instructions, ultra-long battery backup for portable use, fast processor for instant
calculation, and if that was not enough, multimedia for movies, music and photos so you
are never bored on the road.
- Navigation-ready kit with complete set of travel accessories - windshield mount,
dashboard plate, car charger, wall charger.
Enhanced Hardware Features
- Large 3.5" anti-glare colour touch screen for easy viewing.
- Built-in GPS for powerful navigation.
- Double stereo speakers for loud audio playback, even in noisy traffic.
- Full-featured multimedia with movies, music, and photos for entertainment on-the-go.


MapmyIndia Navigator: Delphi NAV 300
High-performance navigation, with Bluetooth for hands-free calling
The MapmyIndia Navigator has just got newer with Delphi NAV 300. This is what you now
- New, powerful, easy-to-use navigation system that makes finding and reaching a place a
safe, hassle-free and fun experience.
- The most comprehensive and unparalleled map coverage of India - 620 cities at street
level, 5,76,000 towns and villages at national level, and 9,45,000 points of interest for you
to explore and discover.
- New, high performance satellite-connected Delphi NAV 300 hardware, with a large,
bright 3.5" touch screen for easy viewing while driving, built-in speakers for clear voice
instructions, ultra-long battery backup for portable use, fast processor for instant
calculation, and if that was not enough, multimedia for movies, music and photos so you
are never bored on the road.
- With new built-in Bluetooth you can use the MapmyIndia Navigator for hands-free
calling as well!
- Navigation-ready kit with complete set of travel accessories - windshield mount,
dashboard plate, car charger, wall charger, hands-free mic and data transfer USB cable.


Enhanced Hardware Features
- Large 3.5" anti-glare colour touch screen for easy viewing.
- Built-in GPS for powerful navigation.
- Double stereo speakers for loud audio playback, even in noisy traffic.
- Bluetooth for hands free calling. So you can talk comfortably and safely while in the car.
- Ultra long battery life, and accelerated hardware performance.
- Full-featured multimedia with movies, music, and photos for entertainment on-the-go.
- Lightweight and pocket able GPS navigation device with built-in rechargeable battery for
portable use. For navigation software features, and detailed map coverage, see below


MapmyIndia Navigator: VX140
Extra large wide 4.3” screen
The MapmyIndia Navigator has just got newer with VX140. This is what you now get:
- New, powerful, easy-to-use navigation system that makes finding and reaching a place a
safe, hassle-free and fun experience.
- The most comprehensive and unparalleled map coverage of India - 401 cities at street
level, 4,10,000 towns and villages at national level, and 9,45,000 points of interest for you
to explore and discover.
- New, high performance satellite-connected VX140 hardware, with an extra large and
wide 4.3" touch screen for easy wide angle viewing while driving, built-in speakers for
clear voice instructions, ultra-long battery backup for portable use, fast processor for
instant calculation, and if that was not enough, multimedia for movies, music and photos
so you are never bored on the road.
- Navigation-ready kit with complete set of travel accessories - windshield mount,
dashboard plate, car charger and wall charger


Enhanced Hardware Features
- Large 4.3" anti-glare colour touch screen for easy viewing.
- Built-in GPS for powerful navigation.
- Mono speaker for loud audio playback, even in noisy traffic.
- Full-featured multimedia with movies, music, and photos for entertainment on-the-go.
- Light weight and pocketable GPS navigation device with built-in rechargeable battery for
portable use.


MapmyIndia iNav turns mobile phone into a full-fledged navigation guide.
It is a Windows Mobile, Android, Symbian phone you own, or even the iPhone, the
MapmyIndia Sygic mobile maps offers the same easy-to-use Sygic interface with
MapmyIndia's comprehensive map coverage. MapmyIndia Sygic mobile maps, once
installed, are stored on your phone/SD card. This means that you do not require a GPRS or
data connection to get them working. There are no subscriptions or recurring charges.
Onetime payment only
MapmyIndia Sygic mobile maps, once installed, are stored on your phone/SD card. This
means that you do not require a GPRS or data connection to get them working. There is no
subscription or recurring charges.
Bluetooth GPS
If you want to get GPS navigation and maps on your phone, but don't own a mobile phone
which comes with a built-in GPS, MapmyIndia has a solution for you!
MapmyIndia's Bluetooth GPS receiver connects to your mobile phone via bluetooth and
transmits your live GPS coordinates to it continuously, helping you know where you are at all
times. MapmyIndia's Bluetooth GPS receiver works with the iNav navigation software, so
you can get turn-by-turn voice guidance to anywhere and everywhere across India, and feel
the comfort of knowing where you are at all times.
With MapmyIndia's Bluetooth GPS receiver, your regular bluetooth mobile phone can be
turned into your personal navigator and trackers, helping you know at all times where you


All New Software, Powerful and Easy-to-use Navigation Software
Imagine the power of being told, with map and voice instructions, exactly where and when to
turn, so that you can reach your destination conveniently. And now imagine, being able to do
that in as simple a manner as unfolding a paper map or flipping through the pages of a map
The new MapmyIndia Navigator does exactly that, marrying the power of high-performance
navigation with brilliant, fully draggable and zoom able maps, and presenting this all to you
in a very simple way.
Enjoy a brand new navigation experience, with the all new MapmyIndia Navigator. Be
warned, this will be addictive. Some of the navigation features are listed below:
- The brand new map experience: With brilliant graphics and fully interactive features,
experience the map like never before. Drag the map in any direction, zoom in and out
smoothly to change scale, make the map 2D or 3D at any angle, and rotate the map to
change your perspective. If that's not enough, change the mode from day to night to see
your city or region in a totally different light!


- Searching made easy: Simply type in the name of the location or point of interest you
are looking for, and you will magically see it appear on the map. To make things easier,
you don't even have to type in the exact spelling or the full name of the location. The
brand new search handles all those for you, so you don't waste time typing and use that in
reaching your destination quickly.
- High-performance navigation: Of course you get real-time "talking" directions, turn-by-
turn, to your destination along with clear map guidance so you can easily reach your
destination. Where the new MapmyIndia Navigator stands out is the speed with which it
calculates your route and starts giving you directions. Simply enter your destination, and
start moving. Even if you miss a turn, it instantly re-calculates and gives you the new
- Points of interest: You can find points of interest (Eg petrol pumps, ATMs, restaurants,
landmarks etc) near your current location, along the way or near the destination. You
even get address and phone numbers for important ones, so you can call to make a
reservation etc. Add POIs to the map itself so as you are driving you can see which ones
you are crossing, and click on them to get details.
- Geopix! Navigate using photographs: Now, wouldn't it be nice if you could see
photographs of places you were crossing, or traveling to. With the new MapmyIndia
Navigator, you can import geo-tagged photographs and see them on the map, navigate to
them, or search for the nearest GeoPix.
- Personalized: Save your favourite locations, routes and GPS logs to acess easily later.
This saves time in entering the same destinations again in future, and also helps you mark
more places on the map for your own reference.


Always the latest, most accurate and updated maps from MapmyIndia
MapmyIndia provides you the best maps for India, so you can travel safely and confidently.
 Our 400 surveyors are continuously walking and driving across India, equipped with
sophisticated GPS devices, collecting new map data from the field.
 MapmyIndia has successfully served over 500 leading enterprises across India who
uses our maps for critical business decisions. Their reliance on us holds us to a very
high standard of accuracy and updation.
Map data can never be perfect, as our cities and country continuously keep changing. Our
enterprise customers and lakhs of consumers on the internet, mobile and in-car continuously
provide us feedback to help us improve. We take this feedback very seriously and try to
incorporate the latest into our next map release after our surveyors have verified those
MapmyIndia Maps offer unparalleled coverage across India
A GPS navigation system can only be so good as the underlying map data. If the maps are not
detailed, accurate and updated, the GPS device is not very useful. Mapmyindia's award-
winning maps have been built over the last 15 years, and have been successfully validated by
over 500 of our enterprise customers and lakhs of individual consumers.
Explore your city like never before
MapmyIndia Navigator provides complete details of streets, localities, sub-localities and
points of interest in 401 cities across India.
Discover lakhs of points of interest
Running out of petrol and looking for the nearest petrol pump? Out of cash and searching for
an ATM? Want to find a new restaurant and need to call it to make a reservation?
MapmyIndia Navigator's built in list of 9,45,000 points of interest among 52 tourist and
business categories lets you easily search for a place, and navigate to it without having to
stop and ask strangers on the road.


Airports, Taxis &
Parking, Petrol Pump &
CNG, Railway station
Ambulance Services,
Fitness & Yoga Centers,
Blood Banks, Medical
Community services
Educational Institutions,
Embassies, Fire stations,
Police Stations, Post
ATMs, Banks, Malls,
Markets, Shops
Hotels & Dining
Hotels, Restaurants,
Pubs and Bars
Cinemas & Theaters,
Clubs & Golf Courses
Tourist Venues, Lakes &
Beaches, National Parks
Buddhist, Christian,
Sikh, Hindu, Islamic,


GPS Based Vehicle Tracking and Security System
MapmyIndia Tracking Solution is a technologically advanced method of remote vehicle
tracking and monitoring.
It helps you manage to keep track of your vehicle by gaining control of travel records and
time and eliminate the time-consuming task of manually completing mileage logs, trying to
track down missing data or verify hand-written information.
MapmyIndia solution allows the enterprise to know about the status, location or vehicles and
assets across the country. It has a unique functionality of reverse geo-coding, i.e. as the
vehicle is passing via an area, and the latitude and longitude are known, the name of the area
can be made to appear on the screen.
Vehicle tracking or asset tracking is being deployed across various retail and logistics
initiatives. MapmyIndia has out of the box solutions that can be customized based on the
customer’s needs. In addition it has readymade API that can be hooked with GPS servers that
various hardware or tracking solution providers have or are deploying. MapmyIndia can
provide these application providers the required platform to build vehicle tracking solutions.


MapmyIndia provides enterprises API and solutions whereby one can track vehicles, children
or any other assets. The concept of tracking is a new phenomenon; as previously such
technologies were not readily available. With the advent of new infrastructure and more
mobile Indian workforce, there is a need to track assets, be it vehicles (trucks, demo cars,
school buses etc) or track the where about of children.
User-friendly and customizable GUI Tracking:
 Current Position on the map
 SMS status information
 Track device group location on a map.
 Multiple days tracking on the map
 Supported several browser
 Live Track
 Multiple tracking option(Distance/time/track angle base)


Trip History:
 Multiple days Trip History
 Trip presentation
 History Status
 Movement reports
 Stoppage summary Report
 Entry Exit Report
 Over speeding alerts
 SMS alert forwarding via Server
 Geo-fencing(IN/OUT) Alerts
 E-mail Alerts
 Create/Modify/Delete Different Geo-fence


APIs for internet/wireless LBS applications
MapmyIndia's complete suite of location APIs allows businesses and developers to build any
location-based service (store locator, vehicle tracking, local search, social mapping, directory
assistance) on any connected platform (Internet, connected client applications on mobile
devices or PCs, SMS, Voice, WAP, MMS etc).
MapmyIndia location APIs make it easy for your software developers to program and
incorporate comprehensive MapmyIndia maps and search functionality without the
difficulties of handling raw vector map data and GIS infrastructure. Available as easy-to-use
web services, businesses/developers can leverage on these APIs to integrate interactive,
zoomable, draggable map mash-ups, generate and display dynamic driving directions, and
execute local searches on MapmyIndia's map data among a wide array of imaginable
location-based services.
Complete suite of location APIs available
Interactive map API - For the internet platform, API allows an interactive (zoomable,
draggable) map of all India to be easily (one or two lines of code) embedded in an internet
portal or web application. Customized overlays such as markers, information bubbles, and
polylines can be placed on top of the map, and responses to specific user input events
(keyboard, mouse etc.) can also be set to make this a completely programmable interactive
Map image/tile API - Specific map tile/image centered around a particular coordinate and at
a particular zoom level can be generated dynamically (on the fly) using this API.
Map search (geocoding) API - Get coordinates of an address (state, city/town/village, street,
locality, sub-locality, landmark etc). For e.g. Marine Drive, Mumbai, OR Block S, Greater
Kailash 2, New Delhi, OR Siwan, Bihar. The MapmyIndia geocoding algorithm is tuned to
India's complex/unorganized address system is intelligently provides relevant best and
alternate matches
Directions search (routing) API - Get optimal route information (coordinates of route, step-
by-step textual instructions, total distance, estimated drive time etc.) between any two
addresses or coordinates. MapmyIndia routing algorithm are localized to Indian consumer


expectations by providing landmarks along the route which are more useful and relevant in
the Indian context.
Local search (points of interest / POIs) API - Get coordinates and information (name,
phone number, address, other attributes) of points of interest in 52 tourist and business
categories (such as ATMs, Restaurants, Hospitals etc.). POIs can be searched near an address,
or within a bounded area.
Reverse geocoding API - Given coordinates, get the address information of a location (state,
city/town/village, locality, street etc.). Typically used for textual/SMS-based reporting
current location of asset (vehicle, child etc.).
 Complete suite of location APIs which can be used as building blocks to build any
location-based service, on any server-connected platform (Internet, Mobile thin client,
SMS, MMS, WAP, Voice)
 Simple to use/integrate web-services access (HTTP request - XML response)
 Access to complete MapmyIndia.com map data and search functionality
 Robust & secure hosting environment
 Comes with full support/API documentation for rapid prototyping and development
 Generate interactive maps, get driving directions, search local points of interest.


Businesses such as banks, travel companies, real estate portals with multiple outlets spread
out across the country, can incorporate MapmyIndia store locator into their online and mobile
portals, allowing their customers to easily search for an outlet nearest to their location and get
driving directions to that outlet. This helps the online or mobile portal of the business drive
customer traffic to their physical locations, and is a tremendous customer service initiative to
offer to existing clientele.
MapmyIndia Store Locator is an easy to deploy end-to-end web solution that gives multi-
outlet businesses the ability to quickly integrate maps, driving directions and search
functionality to the locations of all stores, outlets and offices into the website or mobile
portal. MapmyIndia Maps are customised to display the locations of stores, outlets and
Features and Benefits
1. Displays multiple locations or outlets on a dynamic, interactive (zoomable, pannable),
searchable and highly detailed maps of MapmyIndia.
2. Easily locates the nearest branch of your business in and around any area.
3. Facilitates travel directions from any location, to and fro from your store.
4. Maximizes customer retention by providing valuable information and geographic
5. Expands your online exposure & enhances your brand image.
1. Bose India (Store Finder and distance calculator)
2. Election Commission (Poll Booth Finder)
3. Skoda (Dealer Finder)
4. Make My Trip (Map of the city the person is travelling too)
5. HDFC Realty (Property Search)


All-India GIS map
MapmyIndia has one of the largest acknowledged data sets in India where data is readily
available for 165 cities, 4000 towns, approximately 620,000 villages, encompassing all
districts, and a road network in excess of 2 million kilometres
Over 500 large enterprises - including both corporate and government have been using our
GIS maps for logistics planning, sales territory definitions, distribution and other decision
Decision Support system
MapmyIndia also empowers organizations with GIS-based decision support systems, detailed
analysis and reports that help senior officials to quick make better decisions; be it in the field
of sales and distribution or site selection, marketing, or managing supply chain.
We have one of the best datasets across the country in terms of road network, building data,
points of interest, asset data, demographics, locality data etc.
Geo-spatial site survey and/or analysis is a must in finding the right properties when
organizations are in the process of selecting the right locations for their upcoming site. A
good site is the key between making and breaking of an entity in a new environment. Idea is
to minimize the risk associated with selecting a site for a new store or property; GIS field
mapping helps alleviate some of that risk.
Key clients
Shopper's Stop
 McDonalds
 Yum Foods - Dominos
 Coca-cola
 Municipal Corpoartion of Delhi
 R.K.Foodland
 Raheja Group


Leaders partner with MapmyIndia for GPS navigation
MapmyIndia is the leading supplier of maps and GPS navigation to automotive companies in
MapmyIndia, India’s leader in premium quality digital maps and consumer navigation
services announced its partnership with Ford India to sell MapmyIndia Navigator, India’s
premium GPS navigation device. The MapmyIndia Navigator is now included with the Navi
Gear package of Ford Endeavour. MapmyIndia Navigator is also offered as new accessory
feature available at all authorized Ford dealerships across India, which can be fitted on all
Ford vehicle range, including the Ford Fiesta, Ikon, Fusion and the Endeavour.
Maruti Suzuki:
MapmyIndia Navigator RN1 is a Maruti Genuine Accessory and available for all Maruti
Cars, including SX4, Grand Vitara, Swift, Ritz etc.
Tata Motors:
MapmyIndia GPS products are also available as a Tata Genuine Accessory for all Tata
Motors cars.


MapmyIndia Navigator is Mahindra Genuine Accessory for all Mahindra vehicles like
Scorpio, Bolero, Logan, Xylo, etc.
Leaders partner with us because MapmyIndia's value proposition includes, best-in-class
navigation maps and updates, GPS hardware and software, field sales strength, customer
support, and ISO 9001-2008 excellence standards.
General Motors:
MapmyIndia signs up with General Motors for in-car GPS navigation and Genuine Accessory
for all Chevrolet cars inluding Cruze, Captiva, Optra, Aveo etc.
 GM premium car models to come equipped with MapmyIndia Navigator GPS device
as standard accessory
 GM dealerships all over India to offer MapmyIndia Navigator as GM genuine
 First time ever that all India GPS navigation device is coming equipped as standard
accessory in cars
New Delhi, January 9, 2008: MapmyIndia Navigator, the recently launched in-car GPS
navigation device for all India which has received tremendously positive response and
reviews, will now come equipped as a standard accessory in all variants of General Motors’
premium cars in India.


Sales in Particular Areas


List of Dealers
CITY DEALER NAME Longitude Latitude
Chandigarh Krishna Auto Sales (Skoda) 76°47ʹ48.06" E 30°42ʹ21.62" N
Chandigarh Krishna Automobiles(Bmw) 76°48ʹ08.52" E 30°42ʹ14.27" N
Chandigarh M/s Dynamic Motors(Gm) 76°48ʹ30.66" E 30°42ʹ50.36" N
Chandigarh Audi Chd (Audi) 76°48ʹ00.45" E 30°42ʹ28.90" N
Chandigarh Ultimate( Hyundai) 76°47ʹ59.63" E 30°42ʹ33.44" N
Chandigarh Charisma (Hyundai) 76°48ʹ32.31" E 30°42ʹ48.94" N
Chandigarh Klg (Hyundai) 76°47ʹ29.31" E 30°42ʹ10.04" N
Chandigarh Pioneer Toyota (Toyota) 76°47ʹ50.42" E 30°42ʹ19.26" N
Chandigarh Hind Motors (Tata) 76°48ʹ21.85" E 30°42ʹ47.33" N
Chandigarh Modern Automobiles (Maruti) 76°48ʹ09.49" E 30°42ʹ18.98" N
M/s Swami Automotives Pvt. Ltd
(Mahindra) 76°48ʹ24.02" E 30°42ʹ40.91" N
Chandigarh Premier Motors(Mitsubishi) 76°48ʹ22.01" E 30°42ʹ37.37" N
Chandigarh Empee Motors(YAMAHA) 76°47ʹ51.25" E 30°42ʹ18.44" N
Chandigarh Genuss Motors (Volks Wagon) 76°48ʹ24.02" E 30°42ʹ40.91" N
Chandigarh Berkely Automobiles Limited (Maruti) 76°48ʹ32.18" E 30°42ʹ44.74" N
Chandigarh RHINO 76°48ʹ20.31" E 30°42ʹ34.07" N
Chandigarh HONDA 76°48ʹ31.63" E 30°42ʹ49.66" N
Chandigarh Hero Honda 76°48ʹ32.89" E 30°42ʹ48.56" N
Chandigarh Swami Auto Care Pvt. Ltd. 76°48ʹ32.17" E 30°42ʹ49.00" N
Mohali Bhagat Cars Pvt. Ltd. (Volvo) 76°42ʹ04.02" E 30°43ʹ49.22" N
Mohali Goel Motors Pvt Ltd.(Mahindra) 76°42ʹ29.65" E 30°44'01.20" N
Mohali Bhagat Cars Pvt. Ltd. (Nissan) 76°42ʹ04.02" E 30°43ʹ49.22" N
Mohali Hind Motors (Tata) 76°42ʹ28.94" E 30°43ʹ28.48" N


Future Plans
1. Branding of the device.
2. Standees & other pop materials for accessory shop & OE’s.
3. Incentives to the sales person in OE’s.
4. Make it easy for our dealers to work with us with clear schemes.
5. Buy Back Scheme of product for the customer by local sales team.
6. Add regional languages.
7. At least an area should have a latest demo device.
8. Traveling allowance for our executives.
9. Training for the new gadgets. (e.g. Garmin)
10. Road side Hoardings
11. Newspaper Advt. with the address of our prominent dealers.
12. Participation in Techno Exhibitions and International Trade festival in Amritsar.
13. Accurate Mapping in the region




D. Slesigne and M.Stephenson classified the concept of research, in their words the research
is, “the manipulation of things, concept or symbols for purpose of generating to extend,
corrects or verify knowledge whether that knowledge adds in construction of theory or in the
practice an art”.
Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be
understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. Every researcher has
to design methodology for his problem. To understand the system better and to make
practical suggestions for improvement, it is imperative to think in an innovative manner and
within the constraints imposed by the system. To affect this plan and to get deeper into the
system, the following methodology was adopted:
i. RESEARCH DESIGN: Research design is a framework in which research resides.
The research is Quantitative research. Quantitative research is based on the
measurement of quantity or amount. It is applicable to phenomena that can be
expressed in terms of quantity. So we can use it in our research for collection of all
the numerical data.
ii. SAMPLE DESIGN: A sample is a representative of whole population. Researchers
while conducting research has to draw certain sample for study purpose. A sample
design is a definite plan determined before any data are actually collected for
obtaining samples for the same study. Sample design of research is


iii. SAMPLE SIZE: “This refers to the number of items to be selected from the universe
to constitute a sample” In our research sample size is 100 people who are the user of
the product.
iv. DATA COLLECTION: SECONDARY DATA has been collected for this project
through the websites of company and search engines.
v. ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION: Charts, graphs, tables


Review of Literature
 Kotler (2000) mentions branding as “a major issue in product strategy” (p.404). As
the brand was only part of the product, the communication strategy worked towards
exposing the brand and creating brand image.
 Aaker and Joachimsthaler (2000) mention that within the traditional branding
model the goal was to build brand image; a tactical element that drives short-term
 Kapferer (1997) mentioned that “the brand is a sign -therefore external- whose
function is to disclose the hidden qualities of the product which are inaccessible to
contact” (p. 28).
 The brand served to identify a 2 product and to distinguish it from the competition.
“The challenge today is to create a strong and distinctive image” (Kohli and Thakor
1997, p. 208).
 For David A. Aaker (1991) brand equity is a complex system including a set of
brand fundamental dimensions as brand awareness, brand perceived quality, brand
loyalty and brand associations.
 Urde (1999) presents Brand Orientation as another brand building model that focuses
on brands as strategic resources. “Brand Orientation is an approach in which the
processes of the organization revolve around the creation, development, and
protection of brand identity in an ongoing interaction with target customers with the
aim of achieving lasting competitive advantages in the form of brands” (p. 117-118).




Objective of summer training- The main objective of summer training is to make ourselves
familiar with the practical aspect of the classroom training.
Main objectives of the study:
1. To study the consumer perception towards GPS.
2. To study the Promotional Strategies of MapmyIndia.
3. To access the problems and opportunities of MapmyIndia.
4. To map up the profile of respondent on demographical basis i.e. Profession,
Qualification, Income.




1) What is your Qualification?
a. Below Metric
b. Metric
c. Higher Secondary
d. Graduate
e. Post graduate
As per our survey we got to know that the biggest share of our product used/purchased by
graduates and post graduates, as they feel that the product/gadgets is user friendly and they
need the gadgets.
1% 2%
Below Metric
Higher Secondary
Post Graduate


2) What is your profession?
a. Business
b. Professional
c. Servicemen
Business – Largest user of our product are businessmen because they frequently go out of
stations for their business purpose to increase their business or to buy the products. They find
it easy to find the way of the locations of their interest.
Professional -- Second largest users of our product are Doctors, Advocates and Private
sectors Employees because this segment migrated to the other regions like:-
Doctors and Advocates have their business in different regions of the world, so they find it
useful to find their point of interest.
On the other side, Private sector employees got migrating by the companies in different
regions of the world so they find it very useful for their selves.


Servicemen -- Our product is least used by servicemen because they are doing their regular
jobs as per their schedule. So this category doesn’t find this product useful for them. Some of
them buy this product as per their interest either they got transfer to other locations.


3) What is your level of income?
a. Below 2 lakh
b. 2 lakh to 4 lakh
c. 4 lakh to 8 lakh
d. 8 lakh to 16 lakh
e. Above 16 lakh
As per the survey, we get to know that the largest user of our product are those people who
have their annual income between 4 to 8 Lakh that includes large number of Servicemen,
Professionals and Businessmen.
Second largest users are whose annual income is between 8 to 16 lakh. They are mostly
Businessmen and Professionals.
Third largest users are whose annual income is above 16 lakh. They are mostly Businessmen.
Fourth least users are those whose income is below 4 lakh. This includes most servicemen as
they can’t afford this product or they don’t have much interest in this product.
Below 2 Lac
2 lakh to 4 lac
4 lakh to 8 lac
8 lakh to 16 lac
Above16 lac


4) How many of the following gadgets you are aware of?
a. Mobile with GPS (Global Positioning System)
b. GPS (Global Positioning System)
c. GIS (geographical Information System)
d. VTS (Vehicle Tracking System)
Mobile with GPS: - I intercept that large number of users have knowledge of this gadget
because they are using this product from a long time in their daily life.
GPS: - Most of the people are not aware of this gadget because of less advertising.
VTS:- This product is largely used by Businessmen who have their own transport systems
which helps them to track their vehicles.
GIS: - These are only used by the company’s because this product is used for the navigation
purpose for sites that’s why people are not aware of this gadget.
Mobilewith GPS


5) How often you go out of station per month?
a. Less than 4 times
b. Between 4 to 8 times
c. Between 8 to 12 times
d. More than 12 times
More than 12 times – In this category, most of the Businessmen and Professionals go out of
station for their Business meetings or they are having Business in different regions.
8 to 12 months – In this category, Doctors, Advocates, Professionals and Small Businessmen
use to travel for their business purposes.
4 to 8 months – Small businessmen, professionals and some of the servicemen use to travel
because of their business purposes or official purposes.
Less than 4 – Only servicemen, they use to travel for their official purpose or for outing with
their family on weekends.
Less than 4 Times
Between 4 to 8 Times
Between 8 to 12 Times
Mortethan 12 Times


6) From where you heard about GPS (Global Positioning System)?
a. Newspaper
b. Magazine
c. Broacher
d. Bill Boards
e. Electronic Media
Large numbers of people aware through Electronic Media like TV, Internet i.e. 37%.
There are lots of Bill boards through which 30% of people get awareness.
17% of people get aware through magazines.
16% of people get aware through Newspaper and Broachers.
Bill Board
Electronic Media


7) What kind of problem you are facing using this device?
a. Accuracy of Information
b. Touchpad
c. Battery Backup
d. Software (User friendly)
e. Hardware (Processor)
Battery backup – 42% of the people gets problem of battery backup while using this gadget
i.e. maximum 3 hours.
Software – 23% of user does not feel comfortable with the software of this gadget.
Hardware – 10% of users gets problem in their hardware. It can be because of slow
processing speed.
Accuracy of Information:- 7% of users are uncomfortable with the inaccuracy of the gadget.
Touchpad – 8% of users are uncomfortable with touchpad.
Accuracy of Information
Battery Backup


8) Have u heard any of these brands? (Tick the appropriate option)
a. Delphi
b. MapmyIndia
c. Eclipse
d. Garmin
e. GogoIndia
As Delphi, Garmin and MapmyIndia are using the software of MapmyIndia.
Because of their promotions or Advertisements people are aware of these Gadgets.
Because of no advertising or promotions people are not aware of these gadgets. 2% of people
get aware of this gadget through media like Internet.
Gogo India


9) What do you think about the price?
a. Over Priced
b. Rightly Priced
c. Under Priced
According to 52% of people the gadget is overprice which includes people like Small
Businessmen and Servicemen.
According to 45% of people the gadget is rightly priced which includes post graduates like
According to 3% of people the gadget is under priced which includes high status people like
Businessmen and professional.
Over Priced
Rightly Priced
Under Priced


10) What is your POI (Point Of Interest)?
a. Religious Places
b. Tourist Places
c. Banks/ATM
d. Transport/Health
e. Any Other
Large number of people like Businessmen and Professionals find it difficult to locate
ATM/Banks because they are having business in different regions.
22% of people travel out of station so they need this gadget to locate different places easily
that includes most of Servicemen and professionals.
16% of people need this gadget to find religious place while travelling out of stations or
within their region.
10% of people use this gadget for finding hospitals, airports, bus stands or railway stations
like Businessmen.
20% of people use this for all other purposes like recreation centres, hotels, education places,
community services, shopping places etc. Finding, Suggestions and Limitations
Religious Places
Tourist Places
Any Other


Findings, Suggestions and Limitations
a) MapmyIndia is used by maximum number of educated people.
b) Salary is also a major factor in sale.
c) A large area of consumers is from businessmen’s and professionals who go out of
station frequently because of their work.
d) People are not aware of some gadgets like VTS, phones without integrated GPS
a) Steps have to be taken to increase the awareness about the different products through
advertisement by various means.
b) Give discounts on the gadgets.
c) Give schemes to the corporate sectors.
d) Launch some low price devices.
a) There is lot of bias in sampling.
b) Research was done in Chandigarh and Mohali only, so there are full chances of bias in
c) Questionnaire was filled by the users of the gadgets, so we don’t know about the
perception of the consumers who are not using this gadget.




1. Company has there on software and hardware; so they are not dependent on any
2. MapmyIndia has best maps of India in World.
3. Yahoo is using maps from MapmyIndia.
4. MapmyIndia is selling their software to other big companies like Garmin, Delphi.
5. MapmyIndia is the leading supplier of maps and GPS navigation to automotive
companies in India: Ford, General Motors, Mahindra, and Maruti Suzuki.
1. More than 80% of people do not know the exact/proper use of the Gadgets.
2. Only graduates and post graduates are maximum user of the gadgets. Still there is a
lot more market/segment to cover.
3. A lot of awareness needed through various modes of advertisements like Newspaper,
Banners, Radio, Magazines, TV, and Internet.
1. There is a lot of area to cover in the market.
2. There are a lot more Automotive Dealers in India to cover.
3. Company can sell their products in global market by joint ventures.
1. Other companies can grab the opportunities which are still in the market.
2. Product should be more cost effective.
3. Upgradation of maps is essential


Through this research and survey findings, issues hindering GPS growth in India are
highlighted. Many useful recommendations have been received from different GPS vendors
throughout the country, which will help to improve the GPS industry in India. This will help
in reducing the communication gap between the vendors and GPS policy makers in future. It
is assumed that social awareness of GPS is a very important aspect for successful penetration
of the GPS market in urban India. It is therefore recommended that seminars and workshops
need to be organized to educate officials in different organizations. Such a spread of
awareness is important, because consumers for whom the cost is not the deterring factor can
purchase GPS related items as a luxury commodity only if they know its advantages and uses.
Finally, this study has highlighted the factors inhibiting the growth of GPS technology
in India. Social awareness is found to be the key factor for the growth of the GPS market in
India. The research suggests that India has a potential to become a leading destination for the
multinational GPS companies in Asia. The recommendations provided in this study can help
to achieve this goal.






Respected Sir/Madam
I am Rahul Sayal pursuing MBA from Punjabi University, Patiala. I am undergoing
summer training, under which I have to conduct a small survey of GPS (Global
Positioning System). I request you to please submit your responses in the following
questions. I shall be very thankful to you.
1) What is your Qualification?
a. Metric
b. Higher Secondary
c. Graduate
d. Post Graduate
2) What is your profession?
a. Business
b. Professional
c. Servicemen
d. Any Other
3) What is your level of income?
a. Below 2 lakh
b. 2 lakh to 4 lakh
c. 4 lakh to 8 lakh
d. 8 lakh to 16 lakh
e. Above 16 lakh


4) How many of the following gadgets you are aware of?
a. Mobile with GPS (Global Positioning System)
b. GPS (Global Positioning System)
c. GIS (geographical Information System)
d. VTS (Vehicle Tracking System)
5) How often you go out of station per month?
a. Less than 4 times
b. Between 4 to 8 times
c. Between 8 to 12 times
d. More than 12 times
6) From where you heard about GPS (Global Positioning System)?
a. Newspaper
b. Magazine
c. Broacher
d. Electronic Media
e. Bill Board
7) What kind of problem you are facing using this device?
a. Accuracy of Information
b. Touchpad
c. Battery Backup
d. Software (User friendly)
e. Hardware (Processor)


8) Have u heard any of these brands? (Tick the appropriate option)
a. Delphi
b. MapmyIndia
c. Eclipse
d. Garmin
e. GogoIndia
9) What do you think about the price?
a. Over Priced
b. Rightly Priced
c. Under Priced
10) What is your POI (Point Of Interest)?
a. Religious Places
b. Tourist Places
c. Banks/ATM
d. Transport/Health
e. Any Other
Contact No. (S)……..…………………………

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Consumer Perception towards GPS and Promotional Strategies of MapmyIndia

  • 1. Consumer Perception towards GPS and Promotional Strategies of MapmyIndia A Seminar Report Submitted by RAHUL SAYAL In partial fulfilment of the award of the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION IN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES At Punjabi University Patiala.
  • 2. Acknowledgement The project report entitled “consumer behaviour/perception towards Promotional strategies for brand building” (MapmyIndia) demand a lot of research and methodology to be followed. For that matter I needed a proper guidance and support to be able to come up with true picture of the market. I take the privileged of conveying my heartiest gratitude tro all those, who directly or indirectly enable me complete my project. I Rahul Sayal student of M.B.A. II year hereby declare that I have completed this PROJECT REPORT under the guidance of Mr. Aman Pandey. Mr. Aman Pandey was always there to listen and give advice. He taught me how to ask questions and express my ideas. He showed me different ways to approach a problem and helped me to accomplish my goal. Further I express my gratitude towards for helping me throughout to make this project successful. I pay regards for their kind co-operation. Date: Rahul Sayal
  • 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS SERIAL NO. CONTENTS Page No. 1 Chapter-1 Introduction to Project  Branding  Promotion of Band 1 2 13 2 Chapter-2 Introduction to Company  History  Board of Directors  Awards  Product and Services  Product Range  Automobile Partners  Sales in Particular Areas  List of Dealers  Future Plans 22 24 26 28 31 40 57 59 60 61 3 Chapter-3 Research Methodology  Review of Literature  Objectives of the study 62 65 66 4 Chapter-4 Data Analysis and Interpretation  Finding, Suggestions and Limitations  SWOT Analysis 68 80 81 5 Chapter-5 Conclusion 83 6 Bibliography 84 7 Questionnaire 85
  • 4. Abstract GPS technology is one of the significant inventions of the twentieth century. GPS has become a popular device in western countries but has not yet reached the household of the common man in India. With globalization, GPS and its related technology have been unable to penetrate the heart of Indian consumers. This thesis studies what are the factors that prevent GPS from being used widely in India. The problems faced by GPS/GIS vendors in tapping the GPS market in India are also addressed through my hypotheses. Appropriate recommendations, made after conducting a literature review and survey analysis for this research are also included.
  • 6. INTRODUCTION TO THE SUBJECT (SUMMER TRAINING) The summer training in an organization is an integrated part of MBA program. It exposes students to the problem areas and provides knowledge as how to face problems and provide confidence as to how to solve the problem. There is a gap between theory and practice and the training is aimed at removing this gap and to increase the process of communication between future manager and industrial sector. I did eight weeks training with MapmyIndia, CE Info systems Private Limited in Chandigarh. As we know that in today`s scenario, we have to go to different places/regions for business purposes in the field of marketing. Marketing is an essential part of all the organizations in the world to survive in the growing/changing markets. So our company had a device, which is helpful for the daily passengers or commuters to locate the points of their interest in any region of the world. They also had a tracking system for vehicles, GPS systems for mobile phones with or without integrated system, MapmyIndia National Motoring Atlas with detailed city maps, Geographical Information Systems and GPS devices for cars. The company has their own software of GPS for navigation, which is also used by other companies like Delphi and Garmin in their own devices. Company has launched their own products/gadgets few years back, which still needs awareness to capture market with a good brand name. In my project I did Branding Activities like Branding and Promotion of Brand to spread awareness about the product and build a good brand name of the company. Through this process I analyzed the consumer`s perception about the product, their actual demand and SWOT analysis of the company.
  • 7. What is Branding? A brand is a product, service, or concept that is publicly distinguished from other products, services, or concepts so that it can be easily communicated and usually marketed. A brand name is the name of the distinctive product, service, or concept. Branding is the process of creating and disseminating the brand name. Branding can be applied to the entire corporate identity as well as to individual product and service names. Brands are often expressed in the form of logos, graphic representations of the brand. A brand is a product that adds other dimensions, and differentiates it in some way from other products designed to satisfy the same need. Regardless of the context, a brand has to be unique and has to provide differentiation at any given point in time in a competitive context. The time aspect has to be vital to ensure that the brand is always on top of consumers mind. The time orientation also emphasizes the need for brands to update their offerings. Ambassador, Fiat, Liberty and some of the brands which lost their pioneering market dominance in a changing marketing environment. A brand should functionally and emotionally reassure a consumer on what it stands for- for example L&T housing brand may reassure about the quality of housing, as well as provide them with emotional security of trust. A brand could stand for fashion and status (Omega or Rolex). A brand could also stand for personal grooming style which reinforces the look of an executive (Park Avenue); a brand could also be associated with, fun adventure, freedom and a feeling of community belongingness (Harley Davidson).
  • 8. Brands are decisive instruments in today’s marketing scenario. Enhancing brand image and awareness is a continuous process which enables the marketers to withstand fierce competition. Usually brands reflect the goodwill that an organisation enjoys in the market and the image that it projects. A brand stands for  Attributes  Benefits  Values  Culture  Personality  The target user Attributes: Brands focus on the product attributes to inform the existing customers as well as to influence the potential customers. Benefits: The attributes of a product should be converted into emotional and functional benefits for the consumers. Values: Brands communicate human values that eventually reflect the tangible values of the product.
  • 9. Culture: Brand culture is nothing but cultural dimensions of brands that influence their identity in the market. Personality: Sometimes, brands also convey a personality trait. Target users: Brands define the user segment- upper class, middle class, lower middle class etc. Marketers see brand as a symbol of trust that helps simplify the complex lives led by today's consumers. In recent times the word 'brand' has grown to cover more than just products. A brand is more than a product, a service or an offering. A brand often stands for a lot more. In simple terms a brand is a 'product + images' or 'product + added values'. In fact, a brand stands for a complete set of emotions and feelings, a mental mosaic that is in a consumer's mind. Understanding Brands How do we attempt to understand brands? Marketing literature is full of various terminologies, including Brand Architecture, Brand DNA, Brand Print, Brand Mapping, Brand Personality, Brand Onion, Brand Icon, Brand Essence, Brand Worth, etc. All these models attempt to define how one brand differs from another, in the consumer's mind. They give a template to map competing brands to understand the strengths and weaknesses of one brand versus the other. They also give the marketers an idea of where and how to move the brand, in terms of product offerings, advertising, services, images, etc. Prof. David Aaker defines the brand to have three levels, the Brand Essence, the Core and the Extended. Looking further, he has defined the Brand as a Product, Brand as an Organization, Brand as a Person and Brand as a Symbol. If we were to look at an Indian brand like Nirma, we could define the Essence as 'Value for Money. The Core of the brand will be the various products it offers, and the extended brand concept could be the images it evokes of music, easy availability and friendliness. In a critical way the brand's Core may also spell a 'lesser quality product' and its extended concept may spell 'a brand made for poor people.
  • 10. While studying brands the following may be a good set of questions to ask: • What are the product benefits? Functional? Emotional? • Who are the target consumers? What are their perceptions? • What are the core values of the brand? • What is the Brand Positioning? • What is the advertising strategy? Creative approach? Advertising Positioning Statement? Studying the consumers and the competition, the internal company records will help us develop metrics for Brand Loyalty, Brand Awareness, Brand Associations and Perceived Brand Values. Importance of Brand Building It has been said that the single most important role of business is to attract and retain a customer. If this is done successfully, it leads to profits and sharing of wealth with all the stakeholders, be they employees, suppliers, distributors or shareholders. The single most important tool used to build customer base and customer loyalty is through focused brand- building activities. A strong brand is the ultimate customer glue. A product attracts a particular price. A brand attracts a premium. The premium leads to profits. A brand ensures the consumer loyalty that a simple product cannot command. And brand-loyal customers ensure that the company continues to get its share of the consumer's wallet month after month, year after year. Any soap vs Lux. Any engine oil vs Castrol. Any TV vs Sony. The brand almost telegraphically tells the consumer that it is not just a product he or she is buying. It is a lot more. The brand stands for an assurance of quality, value, service and price besides offering intangible benefits like glamour, energy, style, and so on.
  • 11. Brand Loyalty A brand provided a guarantee of reliability and quality. Its owner had a powerful incentive to ensure that each pie was as good as the previous one, because that would persuade people to come back for more while tracing the origins of brands. One of the biggest functions of brands, with respect to the marketer is to ensure that the consumers come back and ask for it by name. Marketing practices have proven that it costs six times more to attract a new customer as against retaining a current customer. So, given the same marketing efforts, a marketer is better-off retaining as many customers as he can, before trying to attract more new customers. The single biggest glue is the brand. From the consumer's standpoint the brand stands for a familiar friend, a symbol that is trusted. In many ways, a brand plays a role in simplifying the consumer's purchase process, saving his time and effort. A brand is therefore a welcome sign for the consumers as well. New theories even say that brands ultimately belong to the customers and not to the marketers. The truth is that people like brands. They not only simplify choices and guarantee quality, but add fun and interest.
  • 12. Brand Premium A brand has the power to command a premium price among customers an a premium stock price among investors. It can boost earnings and cushic cyclical downturns and now, a brand's value can be measured. As societies move from commodities to brands, consumers learn that they get more with the symbol of the brand. And they learn that they have to more. As Indian consumers moved from cheap home-made washing soaps to Sunlight and later to Nirma washing powder, they were willing to pay more for the assurance of quality. In a similar way as consumers moved from a direct cool refrigerator to a frost-free Whirlpool, they were willing to pay more for the new technology and for the assurance of the brand's service, quality and values. It is, however, difficult to predict how much extra a brand will be able to add to the price that a consumer is willing to pay. In product categories like cigarettes, the premium could be a big number. For instance, a smoker is willing to pay Rs 2.00 for a stick of Wills brand when another filter cigarette brand is available for half the price. That is the power of brand premium. But in India, there are several markets where a brand cannot command a big premium. The cooking oil and the tea markets are two such examples where the large brands, that cater to the masses, have constantly to keep an eye on the loose commodity prices. If they fail to adjust to the fluctuations in commodity prices, strategic moments, they can see their brand markets shrink rapidly. The willingness of consumers to pay more for brands implies that the marketer can test the waters with options that offer differing levels of quality, service, etc. at different price points. The effort can be to bring in consumers with a value offering and then upgrade them to the better, more premium brands.
  • 13. Brand Equity Brand Equity encompasses a set of assets linked to a brand's name and symbol that adds to the value provided by a product or service to a company's customers. There is always the underlying expectation that the brand will deliver the satisfaction it has promised. A consumer expects a certain standard of quality and the manufacturer has to make sure that the product lives up to that expectation, otherwise the consumer will stop buying the brand. Simply speaking, brand identities primarily exist in the minds of its consumers. A brand is his or her evaluation of the performance of that brand. And if this evaluation is positive the customer is willing to pay more for one particular brand over another similar product. This is the strength of Brand Equity. You may well ask why there is such fascination with brands, and what are they worth? The reasons are many. Firstly, it is because brands create Trust, and trust is the basic precondition to Loyalty. Ultimately it is loyalty that ensures sustainable income to the companies that own these brands. It is this relationship, born out of loyalty, that ensures continuous sales, and therefore profit to the company. Secondly, it is because brands can be shown to be valuable to shareholders.
  • 14. Once again, why is Brand Equity important? It is important because a strong Brand Equity enables the brand to command a premium. The reason customers are prepared to pay a premium is because of the perceived reliability, trustworthiness, as well as the positive image of superior quality that the brand commands. As emphasized, the major assets of Brand Equity can be categorized as: (1) Brand Awareness: This refers to the strength of a brand's presence in the consumer's mind. Awareness is measured according to the recognition and recall of the brand. (2) Perceived Quality: Perceived quality lies at the heart of what customers are buying; and in that sense, it is the ultimate measure of the impact of a brand. (3) Brand Loyalty: A brand's value to the company is largely created by the customer loyalty it commands. Since a company considers loyalty as a major asset, it encourages and justifies a loyalty building programme which, in turn, helps create and enhance Brand Equity. In a way, the loyal customer gets emotionally attached to the brand.
  • 15. What is Brand Building?
  • 16. Brand-building Tools Brands are built block-by-block and the best analogy one can give is how a building is constructed. The building of a brand is a three-part process. The first part relates to the idea. Like an Architect, the Marketing Manager must not only be able to visualise whether there is a consumer need for a particular product but also in what form. It is only when he has been able to pinpoint his particular need, that he can proceed further in terms of satisfying that need. This leads to the second part. Like construction of a building, he must have certain ingredients to build up the brand which will satisfy that need. For example, what should be the physical properties of the product? How is the brand going to be positioned? How will it look? What should its price be and so on. These are the inputs through which the brand is built. The third part relates to the process. In other words, all the ingredients we saw in the second part—how are we going to use these ingredients to make the brand? This process includes research, the logic behind the introduction of the brand, creativity in terms of how to project the brand to the consumer and of course, make sure there is adequate quality control to ensure that the product delivers what it promises. Understanding consumers for brand Building Consumers decide the fate of brands and of enterprises. Whether the brand is an FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) like a toothpaste, a consumer durable like a washing machine, or a service like a hotel, it is the consumer who calls the shots. In the case of organizational selling efforts like heavy equipment or office automation products, it is the buying organization, in a collective form that performs the role of the buyer/consumer, albeit in a more rational and often a complicated way.
  • 17. Brand-building has to start and end with the consumer. The best branding theory, discussed in boardrooms, is of no use if the consumer is not going to buy into it. Can the brand be extended into a new category? Can a washing powder become a beauty soap? Can a milk brand become a pizza brand? Or does the milk brand stand not so much for milk as or good quality and good value? Understanding consumers has to start and end with a series of questions: • Who are the consumers for the brand? • Why should they buy it? • When will they buy it? • Where will they buy it from? • How often will they buy it? • How much will they pay for it? • Whom will they consult for advice? • What are their beliefs about the product category? • What are the other products that serve the same purpose? • What is the share of this product category in solving the problem? • What are their attitudes towards the brand? • Why are some consumers never using the brand? • Why are some consumers using the brand regularly? Finding answers to some, if not all, of these questions is the first step towards successful brand-building.
  • 18. Promotion of the Brand Promotion is one of the four elements of marketing mix (product, price, promotion, distribution). It is the communication link between sellers and buyers for the purpose of influencing, informing, or persuading a potential buyer's purchasing decision. The specification of five elements creates a promotional mix or promotional plan. These elements are personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, and publicity. A promotional mix specifies how much attention to pay to each of the five subcategories, and how much money to budget for each. A promotional plan can have a wide range of objectives, including: sales increases, new product acceptance, creation of brand equity, positioning, competitive retaliations, or creation of a corporate image. Fundamentally, however there are three basic objectives of promotion. These are: 1) To present information to consumers as well as others 2) To increase demand 3) To differentiate a product. There are different ways to promote a product in different areas of media. Promoters use internet advertisement, special events, endorsements, and newspapers to advertise their product. Many times with the purchase of a product there is an incentive like discounts, free items, or a contest. This is to increase the sales of a given product. The term "promotion" is usually an "in" expression used internally by the marketing company, but not normally to the public or the market - phrases like "special offer" are more common.
  • 19. PROMOTION - INTRODUCTION TO THE PROMOTIONAL MIX It is not enough for a business to have good products sold at attractive prices. To generate sales and profits, the benefits of products have to be communicated to customers. In marketing, this is commonly known as "promotion". Promotion is all about companies communicating with customers. A business' total marketing communications programme is called the "promotional mix" and consists of a blend of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and public relations tools. In this revision note, we describe the four key elements of the promotional mix in more detail. It is helpful to define the four main elements of the promotional mix before considering their strengths and limitations. (1) Advertising Any paid form of non-personal communication of ideas or products in the "prime media": i.e. television, newspapers, magazines, billboard posters, radio, cinema etc. Advertising is intended to persuade and to inform. The two basic aspects of advertising are the message (what you want your communication to say) and the medium (how you get your message across) (2) Personal Selling Oral communication with potential buyers of a product with the intention of making a sale. The personal selling may focus initially on developing a relationship with the potential buyer, but will always ultimately end with an attempt to "close the sale". (3) Sales Promotion Providing incentives to customers or to the distribution channel to stimulate demand for a product. (4) Publicity The communication of a product, brand or business by placing information about it in the media without paying for the time or media space directly. otherwise known as "public relations" or PR.
  • 20. Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Element of the Promotional Mix Mix Element Advantages Disadvantages Advertising Good for building awareness Effective at reaching a wide audience Repetition of main brand and product positioning helps build customer trust Impersonal - cannot answer all a customer's questions Not good at getting customers to make a final purchasing decision Personal Selling Highly interactive - lots of communication between the buyer and seller Excellent for communicating complex / detailed product information and features Relationships can be built up - important if closing the sale make take a long time Costly - employing a sales force has many hidden costs in addition to wages Not suitable if there are thousands of important buyers Sales Promotion Can stimulate quick increases in sales by targeting promotional incentives on particular products Good short term tactical tool If used over the long-term, customers may get used to the effect Too much promotion may damage the brand image Public Relations Often seen as more "credible" - since the message seems to be coming from a third party (e.g. magazine, newspaper) Cheap way of reaching many customers - if the publicity is achieved through the right media Risk of losing control - cannot always control what other people write or say about your product
  • 21. STRATEGIES OF PROMOTION One of the biggest myths of the Internet is the good old line, "If you build it they will come ..." So many people throw up a website and sit back rubbing their hands with glee convinced they are going to become supremely wealthy. Months later they are wringing their hands with regret wondering why they've had five visitors, four of which were their friends! A website does not just automatically appear high in the search engine rankings and get traffic, you have to do some work in order to get this traffic and start making sales. There are thousands, or even more of sites competing for the same traffic you want - depending on your niche and keywords, there could be millions of sites! You need to promote your website and get it noticed - not only in the search engines, but in other places where you will get targeted traffic who are interested in your website. Strategy 1 - Directories There are a whole host of directories on the Internet. Just search for your keyword and "Directory" or "Link Exchange" or anything similar and you will find hundreds of places to put your links. Yeah, it is hard work to do this, but you will get links and traffic to your site. If it's too much like hard work for you - hire someone to do it! Strategy 2 - Articles Articles are an excellent way to gain traffic and promote your site. Submitting your article to directories will get you back links and if they are quality articles, will get you known across the Internet as an expert. Newsletter and website owners will pick up your articles and use them as content. This will help to promote your site to a much wider audience. Strategy 3 - Affiliate Program Running an affiliate program for your product is an excellent way to promote your site. Instead of you working on promoting your site, you have all these affiliates doing the work for you. And the best thing is - you don't pay them a penny unless they make a sale. Depending on how much you offer as a commission, you could have hundreds of hungry affiliates aggressively marketing your product all over the Internet.
  • 22. Strategy 4 - Viral Marketing Viral marketing is a concept that has been around for some time. It's a very powerful method of getting traffic to your site. You have all seen those cute or funny emails and videos that people send to all their friends? That is viral marketing. If you can tap into this through a book, a video, games or anything people will want to pass on to their friends, suddenly you have a whole lot of people promoting your site - for free! Strategy 5 - Forums Forums are an excellent way to market your website. As you participate in a forum so you can establish yourself as an authority and trusted expert on your chosen subject, which will make people come to visit your website to find out more information. Be aware though, that if you blatantly promote your business without adding value or spam the forums you will do more harm than good to your reputation and your business. Promoting your website will get you targeted traffic. It will also allow you to organically move up the search engine rankings through back links and the use of keywords. If you are someone who is serious about making money online, then you need to start taking your website promotion seriously. Remember though - spam and other unethical practises will harm your business in the long term. Promote your site ethically and responsibly, and you can be reaping the rewards for years to come.
  • 23. Promotional Techniques Strategic plans are devised using a thorough analytical approach to determine your corporate identity and brand/product positioning goals. Our plan will also list tactics for achieving these goals. Our experienced strategic planners will study industry specifics to discover your target audience and the services, products and benefits that appeal to that audience. Your current position in the marketplace will be analyzed along with a practical goal or objective as to what can realistically be achieved. Finally a marketing plan will be arranged, outlining the parameters and steps that should be implemented in order to best achieve that goal or objective. Our copywriters will write a strategic positioning and messaging analysis outlining the tactics we have developed along with the reasons for our plan and the parameters that must be established to best achieve its objectives. This analysis will serve as the framework for everything we create throughout the production process. Promotion Service We offer promotion services to our clients as per their requirements. Our team has the knowledge and resources to extensively research the news papers and magazine’s marketplace to ensure that the advertiser reaches the intended market, whatever the focus of the campaign. Outdoor Promotion Press advertisement Press is a trusted media for the advertising campaign: . We can tap into this loyalty with communications campaigns at a larger level, which enable the content to be targeted to the needs of your prospective customers.
  • 24. From weeklies to monthlies, nationals to regional, the magazine market provides the opportunity to feature in a targeted medium. Our team has the knowledge and resources to extensively research the news papers and magazine’s marketplace to ensure that the advertiser reaches the intended market, whatever the focus of the campaign. Television Advertisements Watching television is still the India’sNo.1 leisure activity and is seen as the most enjoyed activity above and beyond all other media. At Saroj ads, we plan strategically and buy efficiently. But we also try to think a bit more creatively than just buying spots; we consider branded content, ad-funded programming and live TV events on behalf of our clients.
  • 25. Theatre Advertisements Research shows that cinemagoers are trend-setters and opinion-formers, preferring to experience films on the big screen rather than waiting to watch them on DVD or television. For brands with smaller budgets cinema advertising is still an option. We can arrange to produce and release “Quickys” One minute theatre ad film in chosen theatres for our target audience. With the supremacy in picture quality and audio quality it will have a greater impact. Radio Advertisements Radio enables us to target different types of audiences, and you benefit from the flexibility of focusing in key market areas and talking to specific demographics. Saroj ads takes a proactive approach to planning by considering all available advertising formats – not just high frequency spots, such as sponsorships, promotions and competitions, which are great for lead generation.
  • 26. Outdoor Advertisements Outdoor Advertising provides broad coverage and targeted market reach. It is the most visible media exposed to everyone who goes outside of the home to work, school, shop or play. The continuous presence of Outdoor Advertising produces frequency levels unmatched by any other medium. Not only can you reach mass audiences with Outdoor Advertising, but it also allows for targeting specific communities, ethnic groups, ages, income levels, etc. Outdoor Advertising can be situated in locations reaching everyone coming into or leaving your specific market area. You can pinpoint your prime target areas exactly.
  • 28. Company Profile Executive Summary and Fact Sheet CE Info Systems (P) Ltd, a New Delhi-based ISO 9001-2000 Company founded in 1992, is the provider of India’s most comprehensive navigable and GIS map dataset that powers location based services such as internet mapping applications, mobile navigation, car navigation, and GIS-based decision support systems. The company has been creating this repository of proprietary digital map information since 1994 through continuous field surveys and state-of-the-art mapping technology. In 2004, the company released its internet maps and directions portal, MapmyIndia.com, and was short listed by NASSCOM as a showcase company for IT Innovation in India. The company has served over 500 leading enterprise customers, and is now offering map, direction and navigation services in-car, on the mobile and over the internet to the consumers. - Headquarters: New Delhi - Founded in: 1992 - Founders: Rakesh and Rashmi Verma - ISO 9001-2000 certified - Acknowledged by NASSCOM as a showcase company for IT Innovation in India in 2004 - Company size: 150+ employees and 200+ field surveyors - Investors: Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, Sherpalo Ventures, Nexus India Capital Figure 1: NASSCOM IT Innovation Showcase
  • 29. Company History CE Info Systems is India’s leading navigable map and GIS solutions provider since 1994. The company was founded in 1992 by entrepreneur couple Rakesh and Rashmi Verma, who had returned after a 12 year stint in the US working for General Motors and IBM respectively. The company’s very initial focus was on providing training and solutions on the IBM mainframe platform. A chance meeting between the promoter couple and representatives of MapInfo software, a GIS (Geographic Information Systems) tool used for map creation and analysis, led to CE Info’s decision to get into mapping and GIS. At that time, digital maps were unavailable for India, and GIS was not a word commonly known. CE Info became the first distributor for MapInfo in 1994, and set about the massive and pioneering task of mapping out all of India. 1994 – 2004: Building the base map data, and serving the enterprise GIS market Over the next 10 years, from 1994 to 2004, the company focused single-mindedly on creating the complete India map data product. The challenges the company faced in creating this massive dataset were two-fold: how to bear the large amount of investment needed to build the data, and how to ensure the huge database stayed relevant and up-to-date. The company’s strategy to address these challenges was elegant and simple – provide enterprises with GIS solutions on top of the map data that added significant tangible benefits to their business operations and planning. In this way, the company was able to generate a revenue stream to drive future investments into building the map data. And because the enterprises were using it for their operations on a daily basis, they would provide the necessary feedback to ensure currency of the data. For example, in 1995 when Coca Cola wanted to re-enter India, the company provided them help in planning their logistics and distribution of bottles from the bottling plants to almost every town and village across India. Similarly, in 1996 when Orange (now Vodafone) was deciding where to place their towers based on demand, CE Info built the map data and model on top of it to recommend the locations. Thus, the company focused from 1994 to 2004 in building out the map data set for India and in the process developed a customer list of over 500 large enterprises.
  • 30. 2004 – Current: Bringing maps to end consumers (MapmyIndia), and making the map Navigable In 2004, the company analyzed the mapping trends and application around the world, and saw that in US and Europe, maps had become commonly used by individual consumers. Online map portals such as Yahoo Maps and Mapquest were very popular (Google Maps had not released then, it came online in Feb 2005) and in Europe people were beginning to get familiar with GPS navigation devices that could guide a person while driving to his destination. With a strong desire to place India among the elite countries where maps had substantially improved the quality of everyday life of people, CE Info decided to introduce something revolutionary for Indian consumers: MapmyIndia. MapmyIndia.com, launched in September 2004, became India’s first interactive maps and directions portal. For the first time users could zoom and move the map across all of India, and search for addresses and points of interest such as ATMs etc. on the map. Over the last three years, MapmyIndia.com has taken incredible strides, becoming one of India’s first web 2.0 portals when it released its AJAX version in September 2006, and with the latest version release, has helped searching and getting directions from any point to any point in India very easy, relevant and helpful. MapmyIndia.com has helped map-enable other portals as well with their store locator (find the nearest) solution, such as MakemyTrip, MagicBricks, online portals of HDFC Bank, Hyundai, ICICI Bank, Skoda, HDFC Realty and Bose India etc. The launch of MapmyIndia.com focused the company’s efforts on building a navigable map, which could enable key consumer location based services such as navigation, on the internet, via mobile phones, and even via GPS navigation devices. MapmyIndia released the most comprehensive navigable map for India in 2006 and brought Yahoo! Maps to India, supplying them the map data to create their own online portal. Recently, MapmyIndia’s navigable map also started powering Airtel GPS Navigation on the Blackberry, with more phones in the offing. MapmyIndia’s comprehensive map coverage of India, unparalleled in industry, has set the ball rolling to power many more navigation and location based services coming to India, as MapmyIndia is aggressively inviting and partnering leading players from India and around the world to tap the vast potential Indian consumer market.
  • 31. Board of Directors Rakesh Verma, Managing Director, CE Info Systems / MapmyIndia 30 years industry experience, 12 years with General Motors and Saturn Car Project MBA Eastern Washington University, Bachelors of Engineering, BITS Pilani Shivalik Prasad, Vice President, Sales, CE Info Systems / MapmyIndia IBM Consulting USA for six years in auto and pharmaceutical verticals Masters of Engineering, Texas A & M University Rohan Verma, Head, Marketing, CE Info Systems / MapmyIndia Creator of MapmyIndia.com portal Bachelors of Engineering, Stanford University
  • 32. Ajit Nazre, Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers (KPCB) Co-founder of SAP Markets, fully owned company of SAP MBA, Harvard School, PhD, Technical University of Hanover Sandeep Murthy, Partner, Sherpalo Ventures CEO, Cleartrip, Leading online travel portal, and Director, InfoEdge India that owns the websites Naukri.com, JeevanSaathi.com and 99Acres.com MBA, Wharton School Suvir Sujan, Partner, Nexus India Capital Co-founder and co-CEO Bazee.com, India online marketplace that merged with eBay India MBA, Harvard Business School
  • 33. Awards Auto Build (India Today) for Best Product/Service 2010 NDTV Car and Bike Awards Automotive Product of the Year
  • 34. NASSCOM Corporate Awards for Excellence in Gender Inclusivity 2009! Gadgets & Gizmos India Today Magazine PND (personal navigation device) OF THE YEAR 2009!
  • 35. Stuff Magazine SAT-NAV (satellite navigator) OF THE YEAR 2009!
  • 36. Products and Services Consumer Products - CE Info Systems provides its consumer products and services under its brand ‘MapmyIndia’: GPS Navigation – MapmyIndia brings to its consumers a range of GPS-based navigation products for use on mobile and In-car In-car Navigation Want to mark a point on the road? Just touch the screen and mark your point. Drag the map display to see other interesting points. Touch any of them, choose them as a destination or a via point and get automatically directed to the new destination. Product: MapmyIndia Navigator Hardware Models of MapmyIndia: 1. Road Pilot 2. LX130 3. VX140 4. VX240 5. ZX150 Deluxe Other hardware partners using our software: 1. Blaupunkt 2. TravelPilot Lucca 3. NavAirS1100 4. Delphi 5. Delphi NAV 200 6. Delphi NAV 30 Gamin Compatible Devices (Automotive) MapmyIndia maps for Garmin devices have been tested with Nuvi 2xx series of devices. The MapmyIndia maps for Garmin are compatible with nuvi 2xx, 2xxW and 7xx series of Garmin devices.
  • 37. In-dash Navigation With the Navi Box GPS navigation device Bx100 attached to an in-dash entertainment system, customers can experience turn-by-turn GPS based directions from their dashboard. A GPS navigation device connects to GPS satellites and offers users an easy way to choose their destination. Product: Bx100 In Dash Navi Box Product Description Bx100 is an all in one and compact in size GPS navigation solution which is compatible with Kenwood. With superior features such as a high sensitivity GPS receiver & a Samsung 2440 ARM9 400MHz. processor, Bx100 provides fast time-to-first-fix even in urban canyons and gives an outstanding navigation experience. Hardware: Bx100 Compatibility with: Bx100 is compatible with the following in-dash systems 1. Kenwood DDX 5032 2. Kenwood DDX 7034 3. BTKenwood DDX 8034
  • 38. Navigation software for phone It is a Windows Mobile, Android, Symbian phone you own, or even the iPhone, the MapmyIndia Sygic mobile maps offers the same easy-to-use Sygic interface with MapmyIndia's comprehensive map coverage. MapmyIndia Sygic mobile maps, once installed, are stored on your phone/SD card. This means that you do not require a GPRS or data connection to get them working. There are no subscriptions or recurring charges. Mobile maps for phones For iPhone For Symbian (Nokia, others) For Windows Mobile For Android For Samsung For HTC And many more Bluetooth GPS receiver for non GPS integrated phones Get GPS navigation and maps on your phone, but don't own a mobile phone which comes with a built-in GPS, MapmyIndia has a solution for you! MapmyIndia's Bluetooth GPS receiver connects to your mobile phone via bluetooth and transmits your live GPS coordinates to it continuously, helping you know where you are at all times. MapmyIndia's Bluetooth GPS receiver works with the iNav navigation software, so you can get turn-by-turn voice guidance to anywhere and everywhere across India, and feel the comfort of knowing where you are at all times.
  • 39. Internet applications MapmyIndia.com a) Interactive maps, directions, local search b) Tracking API (Vehicle, Personal, Sales Force etc…) c) Store Locator APIs (Application Programming Interface ) d) Yellow and white pages search powered by GetIt – Coming Soon e) SMS search – Coming Soon Tracking Devices Know where your vehicle is A basis for remote vehicle monitoring is a small hardware device VT1 mounted inside the car, truck or ships. The device is actually an On board Computer with GPS and wireless communication capabilities that transfers all relevant information from vehicle to the fleet management centre. It gives you straight answers to the questions like: where did the vehicle drive for the last, say, 10 days, where did it stop, how fast did it drive, was there over speeding moments, how many kilometres did it make, and much more. Real Time Monitoring: Real-time monitoring of vehicles as they move from place to place, halt for re-fueling and other stops is among the biggest advantages of vehicle tracking system Speed checks of vehicles, accurate location, refreshment breaks and other stops by drivers can be tracked as they occur. So once VT1 is installed in your vehicle you get live update of the movement of your vehicle on your computer connected to internet and also on your mobile through SMS.
  • 40. Tracking Advantages: REDUCTION OF  Working hour  Idle time cost  Fuel costs  Vehicle thefts  Insurance expense Communication with the driver expenses INCREASE OF  Delivery speed  Level of organization  Transport reliability  Accuracy  Work discipline  Business productivity Enterprise Products and Services GIS-based Decision Support Systems Retail Site-selection Logistics and Distribution Planning
  • 41. MapmyIndia Map Book Series National Motoring Atlas Turn on the ignition and get going with the MapmyIndia National Motoring Atlas. The perfect glove compartment companion it will provide you updated information about roads, railway networks, towns & villages and also interesting things to see on your way to or around the destination. Maps The book contains maps for those who want to explore the lengths and breadths of the country. Highways, main roads, bypasses are clearly marked for your convenience. Besides seamless country maps, the book also includes perspective state maps, and detailed city maps. The maps provide important tourist information such as important points of interest, scenic routes to drive by, backwater and trekking circuits, religious centres and viewpoints etc. Travel destination maps for GOA Want to take a beachy break in Goa but don’t know which beaches to go to? Grab a copy of the MapmyIndia Goa Map Book which provides not only updated information about roads, railway network, town points but also about beaches, churches, temples and everything you need to for a hassle free tour.
  • 42. Maps The book contains maps for those who wish to travel across the beach state. Highways, main roads and arterial roads are clearly marked for your convenience. Besides the state maps, the book also includes detailed city and beach maps with on-page indexing making the search for local conveniences easy and quick. Other Types of Wall Maps are: Road Network Map of India Tourist Map of India Tourist Map of India Golden Quadrilateral Map Hotels in India Wildlife Sanctuaries in India Rail Network Map of India Air Network Map of India N-S-E-W Corridor Map
  • 43. GPS System Global Positioning System, usually called GPS, is the only fully-functional satellite navigation system. A constellation of more than two dozen GPS satellites broadcasts precise timing signals by radio, allowing any GPS receiver (abbreviated to GPSr) to accurately determine its location (longitude, latitude, and altitude) in any weather, day or night, anywhere on Earth. GPS has become a vital global utility, indispensable for modern navigation on land, sea, and air around the world, as well as an important tool for map-making and land surveying. GPS also provides an extremely precise time reference, required for telecommunications and some scientific research, including the study of earthquakes. GPS receivers can also gauge altitude and speed with a very high degree of accuracy. The United States Department of Defense developed the system, officially named NAVSTAR GPS (Navigation Signal Timing and Ranging Global Positioning System), and launched the first experimental satellite in 1978. The satellite constellation is managed by the 50th Space Wing. Although the cost of maintaining the system is approximately US$400 million per year, including the replacement of aging satellites, GPS is available for free use in civilian applications as a public good. A GPS receiver placed in a car can receive signals from these satellites and will calculate the exact location of the car in terms of latitude and longitude. This data can be sent to a server that can monitor the location. A GSM modem can be integrated into this project for providing security and remote control. The current location of the car can be found out by sending an SMS. The car can also be disabled by sending an SMS.
  • 44. MAKE YOUR TRAVEL SAFE, CONVENIENT, SMART AND FUN. Your travel in India will never be the same again. After 15 years of mapping India, MapmyIndia brings to you the future of navigation. MapmyIndia maps drive over 500 enterprises and millions of consumers. Now, with the new, award-winning MapmyIndia Navigator, they can drive you as well. The MapmyIndia Navigator will make your travel: Safe This GPS gadget uses satellites to determine your current location, so you always know where you are and where you are headed. No need to roll down your window, and ask strangers for directions. Convenient Search for your destination across India, by address (city, town, village, locality, sub-locality, street) or by point of interest (category or name). The MapmyIndia Navigator will guide you, turn by turn, talking to you and giving instructions on the map. Smart With lacs of points of interest loaded such as restaurants, ATMs, petrol pumps, hospitals etc., the MapmyIndia Navigator helps you find any place you are looking for, and discover new ones too. Fun And if all that was not enough, you can even load and play movies, music and photos on your MapmyIndia Navigator's large and bright touch screen as well. Compared to others offering navigation on phones and devices, MapmyIndia Navigator offers the most comprehensive, detailed, accurate and user-friendly navigation system for India. The large screen and dedicated functionality of this portable GPS navigation device, coupled with MapmyIndia's unparalleled map coverage of India, make it India's premium GPS navigation product. Maybe that's why it won the 'Geospatial Product of Year 2008' award.
  • 45. MapmyIndia Navigator: Delphi NAV 200 High-performance navigator The MapmyIndia Navigator has just got newer with Delphi NAV 200. This is what you now get: - New, powerful, easy-to-use navigation system that makes finding and reaching a place a safe, hassle-free and fun experience. - The most comprehensive and unparalleled map coverage of India -401 cities at street level, 4,10,000 towns and villages at national level, and 9,45,000 points of interest for you to explore and discover. - New, high performance satellite-connected Delphi NAV 300 hardware, with a large, bright 3.5" touch screen for easy viewing while driving, built-in speakers for clear voice instructions, ultra-long battery backup for portable use, fast processor for instant calculation, and if that was not enough, multimedia for movies, music and photos so you are never bored on the road. - Navigation-ready kit with complete set of travel accessories - windshield mount, dashboard plate, car charger, wall charger. Enhanced Hardware Features - Large 3.5" anti-glare colour touch screen for easy viewing. - Built-in GPS for powerful navigation. - Double stereo speakers for loud audio playback, even in noisy traffic. - Full-featured multimedia with movies, music, and photos for entertainment on-the-go.
  • 46. MapmyIndia Navigator: Delphi NAV 300 High-performance navigation, with Bluetooth for hands-free calling The MapmyIndia Navigator has just got newer with Delphi NAV 300. This is what you now get: - New, powerful, easy-to-use navigation system that makes finding and reaching a place a safe, hassle-free and fun experience. - The most comprehensive and unparalleled map coverage of India - 620 cities at street level, 5,76,000 towns and villages at national level, and 9,45,000 points of interest for you to explore and discover. - New, high performance satellite-connected Delphi NAV 300 hardware, with a large, bright 3.5" touch screen for easy viewing while driving, built-in speakers for clear voice instructions, ultra-long battery backup for portable use, fast processor for instant calculation, and if that was not enough, multimedia for movies, music and photos so you are never bored on the road. - With new built-in Bluetooth you can use the MapmyIndia Navigator for hands-free calling as well! - Navigation-ready kit with complete set of travel accessories - windshield mount, dashboard plate, car charger, wall charger, hands-free mic and data transfer USB cable.
  • 47. Enhanced Hardware Features - Large 3.5" anti-glare colour touch screen for easy viewing. - Built-in GPS for powerful navigation. - Double stereo speakers for loud audio playback, even in noisy traffic. - Bluetooth for hands free calling. So you can talk comfortably and safely while in the car. - Ultra long battery life, and accelerated hardware performance. - Full-featured multimedia with movies, music, and photos for entertainment on-the-go. - Lightweight and pocket able GPS navigation device with built-in rechargeable battery for portable use. For navigation software features, and detailed map coverage, see below sections.
  • 48. MapmyIndia Navigator: VX140 Extra large wide 4.3” screen The MapmyIndia Navigator has just got newer with VX140. This is what you now get: - New, powerful, easy-to-use navigation system that makes finding and reaching a place a safe, hassle-free and fun experience. - The most comprehensive and unparalleled map coverage of India - 401 cities at street level, 4,10,000 towns and villages at national level, and 9,45,000 points of interest for you to explore and discover. - New, high performance satellite-connected VX140 hardware, with an extra large and wide 4.3" touch screen for easy wide angle viewing while driving, built-in speakers for clear voice instructions, ultra-long battery backup for portable use, fast processor for instant calculation, and if that was not enough, multimedia for movies, music and photos so you are never bored on the road. - Navigation-ready kit with complete set of travel accessories - windshield mount, dashboard plate, car charger and wall charger
  • 49. Enhanced Hardware Features - Large 4.3" anti-glare colour touch screen for easy viewing. - Built-in GPS for powerful navigation. - Mono speaker for loud audio playback, even in noisy traffic. - Full-featured multimedia with movies, music, and photos for entertainment on-the-go. - Light weight and pocketable GPS navigation device with built-in rechargeable battery for portable use.
  • 50. GPS FOR PHONES MapmyIndia iNav turns mobile phone into a full-fledged navigation guide. It is a Windows Mobile, Android, Symbian phone you own, or even the iPhone, the MapmyIndia Sygic mobile maps offers the same easy-to-use Sygic interface with MapmyIndia's comprehensive map coverage. MapmyIndia Sygic mobile maps, once installed, are stored on your phone/SD card. This means that you do not require a GPRS or data connection to get them working. There are no subscriptions or recurring charges. Onetime payment only MapmyIndia Sygic mobile maps, once installed, are stored on your phone/SD card. This means that you do not require a GPRS or data connection to get them working. There is no subscription or recurring charges. Bluetooth GPS If you want to get GPS navigation and maps on your phone, but don't own a mobile phone which comes with a built-in GPS, MapmyIndia has a solution for you! MapmyIndia's Bluetooth GPS receiver connects to your mobile phone via bluetooth and transmits your live GPS coordinates to it continuously, helping you know where you are at all times. MapmyIndia's Bluetooth GPS receiver works with the iNav navigation software, so you can get turn-by-turn voice guidance to anywhere and everywhere across India, and feel the comfort of knowing where you are at all times. With MapmyIndia's Bluetooth GPS receiver, your regular bluetooth mobile phone can be turned into your personal navigator and trackers, helping you know at all times where you are.
  • 51. All New Software, Powerful and Easy-to-use Navigation Software Imagine the power of being told, with map and voice instructions, exactly where and when to turn, so that you can reach your destination conveniently. And now imagine, being able to do that in as simple a manner as unfolding a paper map or flipping through the pages of a map book. The new MapmyIndia Navigator does exactly that, marrying the power of high-performance navigation with brilliant, fully draggable and zoom able maps, and presenting this all to you in a very simple way. Enjoy a brand new navigation experience, with the all new MapmyIndia Navigator. Be warned, this will be addictive. Some of the navigation features are listed below: Features: - The brand new map experience: With brilliant graphics and fully interactive features, experience the map like never before. Drag the map in any direction, zoom in and out smoothly to change scale, make the map 2D or 3D at any angle, and rotate the map to change your perspective. If that's not enough, change the mode from day to night to see your city or region in a totally different light!
  • 52. - Searching made easy: Simply type in the name of the location or point of interest you are looking for, and you will magically see it appear on the map. To make things easier, you don't even have to type in the exact spelling or the full name of the location. The brand new search handles all those for you, so you don't waste time typing and use that in reaching your destination quickly. - High-performance navigation: Of course you get real-time "talking" directions, turn-by- turn, to your destination along with clear map guidance so you can easily reach your destination. Where the new MapmyIndia Navigator stands out is the speed with which it calculates your route and starts giving you directions. Simply enter your destination, and start moving. Even if you miss a turn, it instantly re-calculates and gives you the new route. - Points of interest: You can find points of interest (Eg petrol pumps, ATMs, restaurants, landmarks etc) near your current location, along the way or near the destination. You even get address and phone numbers for important ones, so you can call to make a reservation etc. Add POIs to the map itself so as you are driving you can see which ones you are crossing, and click on them to get details. - Geopix! Navigate using photographs: Now, wouldn't it be nice if you could see photographs of places you were crossing, or traveling to. With the new MapmyIndia Navigator, you can import geo-tagged photographs and see them on the map, navigate to them, or search for the nearest GeoPix. - Personalized: Save your favourite locations, routes and GPS logs to acess easily later. This saves time in entering the same destinations again in future, and also helps you mark more places on the map for your own reference.
  • 53. Always the latest, most accurate and updated maps from MapmyIndia MapmyIndia provides you the best maps for India, so you can travel safely and confidently.  Our 400 surveyors are continuously walking and driving across India, equipped with sophisticated GPS devices, collecting new map data from the field.  MapmyIndia has successfully served over 500 leading enterprises across India who uses our maps for critical business decisions. Their reliance on us holds us to a very high standard of accuracy and updation. Map data can never be perfect, as our cities and country continuously keep changing. Our enterprise customers and lakhs of consumers on the internet, mobile and in-car continuously provide us feedback to help us improve. We take this feedback very seriously and try to incorporate the latest into our next map release after our surveyors have verified those suggestions. MapmyIndia Maps offer unparalleled coverage across India A GPS navigation system can only be so good as the underlying map data. If the maps are not detailed, accurate and updated, the GPS device is not very useful. Mapmyindia's award- winning maps have been built over the last 15 years, and have been successfully validated by over 500 of our enterprise customers and lakhs of individual consumers. Explore your city like never before MapmyIndia Navigator provides complete details of streets, localities, sub-localities and points of interest in 401 cities across India. Discover lakhs of points of interest Running out of petrol and looking for the nearest petrol pump? Out of cash and searching for an ATM? Want to find a new restaurant and need to call it to make a reservation? MapmyIndia Navigator's built in list of 9,45,000 points of interest among 52 tourist and business categories lets you easily search for a place, and navigate to it without having to stop and ask strangers on the road.
  • 54. Transport Airports, Taxis & Parking, Petrol Pump & CNG, Railway station Health Ambulance Services, Fitness & Yoga Centers, Blood Banks, Medical Services Community services Educational Institutions, Embassies, Fire stations, Police Stations, Post Offices Commercial ATMs, Banks, Malls, Markets, Shops Hotels & Dining Hotels, Restaurants, Pubs and Bars Recreation Cinemas & Theaters, Clubs & Golf Courses Tourism Tourist Venues, Lakes & Beaches, National Parks Religious Buddhist, Christian, Sikh, Hindu, Islamic, Jain
  • 55. GPS Based Vehicle Tracking and Security System MapmyIndia Tracking Solution is a technologically advanced method of remote vehicle tracking and monitoring. It helps you manage to keep track of your vehicle by gaining control of travel records and time and eliminate the time-consuming task of manually completing mileage logs, trying to track down missing data or verify hand-written information. MapmyIndia solution allows the enterprise to know about the status, location or vehicles and assets across the country. It has a unique functionality of reverse geo-coding, i.e. as the vehicle is passing via an area, and the latitude and longitude are known, the name of the area can be made to appear on the screen. Vehicle tracking or asset tracking is being deployed across various retail and logistics initiatives. MapmyIndia has out of the box solutions that can be customized based on the customer’s needs. In addition it has readymade API that can be hooked with GPS servers that various hardware or tracking solution providers have or are deploying. MapmyIndia can provide these application providers the required platform to build vehicle tracking solutions.
  • 56. MapmyIndia provides enterprises API and solutions whereby one can track vehicles, children or any other assets. The concept of tracking is a new phenomenon; as previously such technologies were not readily available. With the advent of new infrastructure and more mobile Indian workforce, there is a need to track assets, be it vehicles (trucks, demo cars, school buses etc) or track the where about of children. User-friendly and customizable GUI Tracking:  Current Position on the map  SMS status information  Track device group location on a map.  Multiple days tracking on the map  Supported several browser  Live Track  Multiple tracking option(Distance/time/track angle base)
  • 57. Trip History:  Multiple days Trip History  Trip presentation  History Status Reports:  Movement reports  Stoppage summary Report  Entry Exit Report  Over speeding alerts Geo-fencing:  SMS alert forwarding via Server  Geo-fencing(IN/OUT) Alerts  E-mail Alerts  Create/Modify/Delete Different Geo-fence
  • 58. APIs for internet/wireless LBS applications MapmyIndia's complete suite of location APIs allows businesses and developers to build any location-based service (store locator, vehicle tracking, local search, social mapping, directory assistance) on any connected platform (Internet, connected client applications on mobile devices or PCs, SMS, Voice, WAP, MMS etc). MapmyIndia location APIs make it easy for your software developers to program and incorporate comprehensive MapmyIndia maps and search functionality without the difficulties of handling raw vector map data and GIS infrastructure. Available as easy-to-use web services, businesses/developers can leverage on these APIs to integrate interactive, zoomable, draggable map mash-ups, generate and display dynamic driving directions, and execute local searches on MapmyIndia's map data among a wide array of imaginable location-based services. Complete suite of location APIs available Interactive map API - For the internet platform, API allows an interactive (zoomable, draggable) map of all India to be easily (one or two lines of code) embedded in an internet portal or web application. Customized overlays such as markers, information bubbles, and polylines can be placed on top of the map, and responses to specific user input events (keyboard, mouse etc.) can also be set to make this a completely programmable interactive map. Map image/tile API - Specific map tile/image centered around a particular coordinate and at a particular zoom level can be generated dynamically (on the fly) using this API. Map search (geocoding) API - Get coordinates of an address (state, city/town/village, street, locality, sub-locality, landmark etc). For e.g. Marine Drive, Mumbai, OR Block S, Greater Kailash 2, New Delhi, OR Siwan, Bihar. The MapmyIndia geocoding algorithm is tuned to India's complex/unorganized address system is intelligently provides relevant best and alternate matches Directions search (routing) API - Get optimal route information (coordinates of route, step- by-step textual instructions, total distance, estimated drive time etc.) between any two addresses or coordinates. MapmyIndia routing algorithm are localized to Indian consumer
  • 59. expectations by providing landmarks along the route which are more useful and relevant in the Indian context. Local search (points of interest / POIs) API - Get coordinates and information (name, phone number, address, other attributes) of points of interest in 52 tourist and business categories (such as ATMs, Restaurants, Hospitals etc.). POIs can be searched near an address, or within a bounded area. Reverse geocoding API - Given coordinates, get the address information of a location (state, city/town/village, locality, street etc.). Typically used for textual/SMS-based reporting current location of asset (vehicle, child etc.). Features  Complete suite of location APIs which can be used as building blocks to build any location-based service, on any server-connected platform (Internet, Mobile thin client, SMS, MMS, WAP, Voice)  Simple to use/integrate web-services access (HTTP request - XML response)  Access to complete MapmyIndia.com map data and search functionality  Robust & secure hosting environment  Comes with full support/API documentation for rapid prototyping and development  Generate interactive maps, get driving directions, search local points of interest.
  • 60. STORE LOCATOR Businesses such as banks, travel companies, real estate portals with multiple outlets spread out across the country, can incorporate MapmyIndia store locator into their online and mobile portals, allowing their customers to easily search for an outlet nearest to their location and get driving directions to that outlet. This helps the online or mobile portal of the business drive customer traffic to their physical locations, and is a tremendous customer service initiative to offer to existing clientele. MapmyIndia Store Locator is an easy to deploy end-to-end web solution that gives multi- outlet businesses the ability to quickly integrate maps, driving directions and search functionality to the locations of all stores, outlets and offices into the website or mobile portal. MapmyIndia Maps are customised to display the locations of stores, outlets and offices. Features and Benefits 1. Displays multiple locations or outlets on a dynamic, interactive (zoomable, pannable), searchable and highly detailed maps of MapmyIndia. 2. Easily locates the nearest branch of your business in and around any area. 3. Facilitates travel directions from any location, to and fro from your store. 4. Maximizes customer retention by providing valuable information and geographic content. 5. Expands your online exposure & enhances your brand image. Examples 1. Bose India (Store Finder and distance calculator) 2. Election Commission (Poll Booth Finder) 3. Skoda (Dealer Finder) 4. Make My Trip (Map of the city the person is travelling too) 5. HDFC Realty (Property Search)
  • 61. All-India GIS map MapmyIndia has one of the largest acknowledged data sets in India where data is readily available for 165 cities, 4000 towns, approximately 620,000 villages, encompassing all districts, and a road network in excess of 2 million kilometres Over 500 large enterprises - including both corporate and government have been using our GIS maps for logistics planning, sales territory definitions, distribution and other decision making. Decision Support system MapmyIndia also empowers organizations with GIS-based decision support systems, detailed analysis and reports that help senior officials to quick make better decisions; be it in the field of sales and distribution or site selection, marketing, or managing supply chain. We have one of the best datasets across the country in terms of road network, building data, points of interest, asset data, demographics, locality data etc. Geo-spatial site survey and/or analysis is a must in finding the right properties when organizations are in the process of selecting the right locations for their upcoming site. A good site is the key between making and breaking of an entity in a new environment. Idea is to minimize the risk associated with selecting a site for a new store or property; GIS field mapping helps alleviate some of that risk. Key clients Shopper's Stop  McDonalds  Yum Foods - Dominos  Coca-cola  Municipal Corpoartion of Delhi  R.K.Foodland  Raheja Group
  • 62. Leaders partner with MapmyIndia for GPS navigation MapmyIndia is the leading supplier of maps and GPS navigation to automotive companies in India: Ford: MapmyIndia, India’s leader in premium quality digital maps and consumer navigation services announced its partnership with Ford India to sell MapmyIndia Navigator, India’s premium GPS navigation device. The MapmyIndia Navigator is now included with the Navi Gear package of Ford Endeavour. MapmyIndia Navigator is also offered as new accessory feature available at all authorized Ford dealerships across India, which can be fitted on all Ford vehicle range, including the Ford Fiesta, Ikon, Fusion and the Endeavour. Maruti Suzuki: MapmyIndia Navigator RN1 is a Maruti Genuine Accessory and available for all Maruti Cars, including SX4, Grand Vitara, Swift, Ritz etc. Tata Motors: MapmyIndia GPS products are also available as a Tata Genuine Accessory for all Tata Motors cars.
  • 63. Mahindra: MapmyIndia Navigator is Mahindra Genuine Accessory for all Mahindra vehicles like Scorpio, Bolero, Logan, Xylo, etc. Leaders partner with us because MapmyIndia's value proposition includes, best-in-class navigation maps and updates, GPS hardware and software, field sales strength, customer support, and ISO 9001-2008 excellence standards. General Motors: MapmyIndia signs up with General Motors for in-car GPS navigation and Genuine Accessory for all Chevrolet cars inluding Cruze, Captiva, Optra, Aveo etc.  GM premium car models to come equipped with MapmyIndia Navigator GPS device as standard accessory  GM dealerships all over India to offer MapmyIndia Navigator as GM genuine accessory  First time ever that all India GPS navigation device is coming equipped as standard accessory in cars New Delhi, January 9, 2008: MapmyIndia Navigator, the recently launched in-car GPS navigation device for all India which has received tremendously positive response and reviews, will now come equipped as a standard accessory in all variants of General Motors’ premium cars in India.
  • 64. Sales in Particular Areas 2009
  • 65. List of Dealers CITY DEALER NAME Longitude Latitude Chandigarh Krishna Auto Sales (Skoda) 76°47ʹ48.06" E 30°42ʹ21.62" N Chandigarh Krishna Automobiles(Bmw) 76°48ʹ08.52" E 30°42ʹ14.27" N Chandigarh M/s Dynamic Motors(Gm) 76°48ʹ30.66" E 30°42ʹ50.36" N Chandigarh Audi Chd (Audi) 76°48ʹ00.45" E 30°42ʹ28.90" N Chandigarh Ultimate( Hyundai) 76°47ʹ59.63" E 30°42ʹ33.44" N Chandigarh Charisma (Hyundai) 76°48ʹ32.31" E 30°42ʹ48.94" N Chandigarh Klg (Hyundai) 76°47ʹ29.31" E 30°42ʹ10.04" N Chandigarh Pioneer Toyota (Toyota) 76°47ʹ50.42" E 30°42ʹ19.26" N Chandigarh Hind Motors (Tata) 76°48ʹ21.85" E 30°42ʹ47.33" N Chandigarh Modern Automobiles (Maruti) 76°48ʹ09.49" E 30°42ʹ18.98" N Chandigarh M/s Swami Automotives Pvt. Ltd (Mahindra) 76°48ʹ24.02" E 30°42ʹ40.91" N Chandigarh Premier Motors(Mitsubishi) 76°48ʹ22.01" E 30°42ʹ37.37" N Chandigarh Empee Motors(YAMAHA) 76°47ʹ51.25" E 30°42ʹ18.44" N Chandigarh Genuss Motors (Volks Wagon) 76°48ʹ24.02" E 30°42ʹ40.91" N Chandigarh Berkely Automobiles Limited (Maruti) 76°48ʹ32.18" E 30°42ʹ44.74" N Chandigarh RHINO 76°48ʹ20.31" E 30°42ʹ34.07" N Chandigarh HONDA 76°48ʹ31.63" E 30°42ʹ49.66" N Chandigarh Hero Honda 76°48ʹ32.89" E 30°42ʹ48.56" N Chandigarh Swami Auto Care Pvt. Ltd. 76°48ʹ32.17" E 30°42ʹ49.00" N Mohali Bhagat Cars Pvt. Ltd. (Volvo) 76°42ʹ04.02" E 30°43ʹ49.22" N Mohali Goel Motors Pvt Ltd.(Mahindra) 76°42ʹ29.65" E 30°44'01.20" N Mohali Bhagat Cars Pvt. Ltd. (Nissan) 76°42ʹ04.02" E 30°43ʹ49.22" N Mohali Hind Motors (Tata) 76°42ʹ28.94" E 30°43ʹ28.48" N
  • 66. Future Plans 1. Branding of the device. 2. Standees & other pop materials for accessory shop & OE’s. 3. Incentives to the sales person in OE’s. 4. Make it easy for our dealers to work with us with clear schemes. 5. Buy Back Scheme of product for the customer by local sales team. 6. Add regional languages. 7. At least an area should have a latest demo device. 8. Traveling allowance for our executives. 9. Training for the new gadgets. (e.g. Garmin) 10. Road side Hoardings 11. Newspaper Advt. with the address of our prominent dealers. 12. Participation in Techno Exhibitions and International Trade festival in Amritsar. 13. Accurate Mapping in the region
  • 68. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY D. Slesigne and M.Stephenson classified the concept of research, in their words the research is, “the manipulation of things, concept or symbols for purpose of generating to extend, corrects or verify knowledge whether that knowledge adds in construction of theory or in the practice an art”. Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. Every researcher has to design methodology for his problem. To understand the system better and to make practical suggestions for improvement, it is imperative to think in an innovative manner and within the constraints imposed by the system. To affect this plan and to get deeper into the system, the following methodology was adopted: I. RESEARCH DESIGN II. SAMPLE DESIGN III. SAMPLE SIZE IV. DATA COLLECTION V. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION. i. RESEARCH DESIGN: Research design is a framework in which research resides. The research is Quantitative research. Quantitative research is based on the measurement of quantity or amount. It is applicable to phenomena that can be expressed in terms of quantity. So we can use it in our research for collection of all the numerical data. ii. SAMPLE DESIGN: A sample is a representative of whole population. Researchers while conducting research has to draw certain sample for study purpose. A sample design is a definite plan determined before any data are actually collected for obtaining samples for the same study. Sample design of research is NONPROBABILITY SAMPLING.
  • 69. iii. SAMPLE SIZE: “This refers to the number of items to be selected from the universe to constitute a sample” In our research sample size is 100 people who are the user of the product. iv. DATA COLLECTION: SECONDARY DATA has been collected for this project through the websites of company and search engines. v. ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION: Charts, graphs, tables
  • 70. Review of Literature  Kotler (2000) mentions branding as “a major issue in product strategy” (p.404). As the brand was only part of the product, the communication strategy worked towards exposing the brand and creating brand image.  Aaker and Joachimsthaler (2000) mention that within the traditional branding model the goal was to build brand image; a tactical element that drives short-term results.  Kapferer (1997) mentioned that “the brand is a sign -therefore external- whose function is to disclose the hidden qualities of the product which are inaccessible to contact” (p. 28).  The brand served to identify a 2 product and to distinguish it from the competition. “The challenge today is to create a strong and distinctive image” (Kohli and Thakor 1997, p. 208).  For David A. Aaker (1991) brand equity is a complex system including a set of brand fundamental dimensions as brand awareness, brand perceived quality, brand loyalty and brand associations.  Urde (1999) presents Brand Orientation as another brand building model that focuses on brands as strategic resources. “Brand Orientation is an approach in which the processes of the organization revolve around the creation, development, and protection of brand identity in an ongoing interaction with target customers with the aim of achieving lasting competitive advantages in the form of brands” (p. 117-118).
  • 72. OBJECTIVES OF STUDY Objective of summer training- The main objective of summer training is to make ourselves familiar with the practical aspect of the classroom training. Main objectives of the study: 1. To study the consumer perception towards GPS. 2. To study the Promotional Strategies of MapmyIndia. 3. To access the problems and opportunities of MapmyIndia. 4. To map up the profile of respondent on demographical basis i.e. Profession, Qualification, Income.
  • 74. 1) What is your Qualification? a. Below Metric b. Metric c. Higher Secondary d. Graduate e. Post graduate Interpretation As per our survey we got to know that the biggest share of our product used/purchased by graduates and post graduates, as they feel that the product/gadgets is user friendly and they need the gadgets. 1% 2% 5% 55% 37% Below Metric Metric Higher Secondary Graduate Post Graduate
  • 75. 2) What is your profession? a. Business b. Professional c. Servicemen Interpretation Business – Largest user of our product are businessmen because they frequently go out of stations for their business purpose to increase their business or to buy the products. They find it easy to find the way of the locations of their interest. Professional -- Second largest users of our product are Doctors, Advocates and Private sectors Employees because this segment migrated to the other regions like:- Doctors and Advocates have their business in different regions of the world, so they find it useful to find their point of interest. On the other side, Private sector employees got migrating by the companies in different regions of the world so they find it very useful for their selves. 47% 41% 12% Business Professional Servicemen
  • 76. Servicemen -- Our product is least used by servicemen because they are doing their regular jobs as per their schedule. So this category doesn’t find this product useful for them. Some of them buy this product as per their interest either they got transfer to other locations.
  • 77. 3) What is your level of income? a. Below 2 lakh b. 2 lakh to 4 lakh c. 4 lakh to 8 lakh d. 8 lakh to 16 lakh e. Above 16 lakh Interpretation As per the survey, we get to know that the largest user of our product are those people who have their annual income between 4 to 8 Lakh that includes large number of Servicemen, Professionals and Businessmen. Second largest users are whose annual income is between 8 to 16 lakh. They are mostly Businessmen and Professionals. Third largest users are whose annual income is above 16 lakh. They are mostly Businessmen. Fourth least users are those whose income is below 4 lakh. This includes most servicemen as they can’t afford this product or they don’t have much interest in this product. 0% 6% 60% 22% 12% Below 2 Lac 2 lakh to 4 lac 4 lakh to 8 lac 8 lakh to 16 lac Above16 lac
  • 78. 4) How many of the following gadgets you are aware of? a. Mobile with GPS (Global Positioning System) b. GPS (Global Positioning System) c. GIS (geographical Information System) d. VTS (Vehicle Tracking System) Interpretation Mobile with GPS: - I intercept that large number of users have knowledge of this gadget because they are using this product from a long time in their daily life. GPS: - Most of the people are not aware of this gadget because of less advertising. VTS:- This product is largely used by Businessmen who have their own transport systems which helps them to track their vehicles. GIS: - These are only used by the company’s because this product is used for the navigation purpose for sites that’s why people are not aware of this gadget. 53%37% 0% 10% Mobilewith GPS GPS GIS VTS
  • 79. 5) How often you go out of station per month? a. Less than 4 times b. Between 4 to 8 times c. Between 8 to 12 times d. More than 12 times Interpretation More than 12 times – In this category, most of the Businessmen and Professionals go out of station for their Business meetings or they are having Business in different regions. 8 to 12 months – In this category, Doctors, Advocates, Professionals and Small Businessmen use to travel for their business purposes. 4 to 8 months – Small businessmen, professionals and some of the servicemen use to travel because of their business purposes or official purposes. Less than 4 – Only servicemen, they use to travel for their official purpose or for outing with their family on weekends. 10% 15% 10% 65% Less than 4 Times Between 4 to 8 Times Between 8 to 12 Times Mortethan 12 Times
  • 80. 6) From where you heard about GPS (Global Positioning System)? a. Newspaper b. Magazine c. Broacher d. Bill Boards e. Electronic Media Interpretation Large numbers of people aware through Electronic Media like TV, Internet i.e. 37%. There are lots of Bill boards through which 30% of people get awareness. 17% of people get aware through magazines. 16% of people get aware through Newspaper and Broachers. 6% 17% 10% 30% 37% Newspaper Magzine Broacher Bill Board Electronic Media
  • 81. 7) What kind of problem you are facing using this device? a. Accuracy of Information b. Touchpad c. Battery Backup d. Software (User friendly) e. Hardware (Processor) Interpretation Battery backup – 42% of the people gets problem of battery backup while using this gadget i.e. maximum 3 hours. Software – 23% of user does not feel comfortable with the software of this gadget. Hardware – 10% of users gets problem in their hardware. It can be because of slow processing speed. Accuracy of Information:- 7% of users are uncomfortable with the inaccuracy of the gadget. Touchpad – 8% of users are uncomfortable with touchpad. 7% 8% 42% 23% 10% Accuracy of Information Touchpad Battery Backup Software Hardware
  • 82. 8) Have u heard any of these brands? (Tick the appropriate option) a. Delphi b. MapmyIndia c. Eclipse d. Garmin e. GogoIndia Interpretation As Delphi, Garmin and MapmyIndia are using the software of MapmyIndia. Because of their promotions or Advertisements people are aware of these Gadgets. Because of no advertising or promotions people are not aware of these gadgets. 2% of people get aware of this gadget through media like Internet. 35% 55% 1% 8% 1% Delphi MapmyIndia Eclipse Garmin Gogo India
  • 83. 9) What do you think about the price? a. Over Priced b. Rightly Priced c. Under Priced Interpretation According to 52% of people the gadget is overprice which includes people like Small Businessmen and Servicemen. According to 45% of people the gadget is rightly priced which includes post graduates like professionals. According to 3% of people the gadget is under priced which includes high status people like Businessmen and professional. 52% 45% 3% Over Priced Rightly Priced Under Priced
  • 84. 10) What is your POI (Point Of Interest)? a. Religious Places b. Tourist Places c. Banks/ATM d. Transport/Health e. Any Other Interpretation Large number of people like Businessmen and Professionals find it difficult to locate ATM/Banks because they are having business in different regions. 22% of people travel out of station so they need this gadget to locate different places easily that includes most of Servicemen and professionals. 16% of people need this gadget to find religious place while travelling out of stations or within their region. 10% of people use this gadget for finding hospitals, airports, bus stands or railway stations like Businessmen. 20% of people use this for all other purposes like recreation centres, hotels, education places, community services, shopping places etc. Finding, Suggestions and Limitations 16% 22% 32% 10% 20% Religious Places Tourist Places Banks/ATM Transport/Health Any Other
  • 85. Findings, Suggestions and Limitations FINDINGS a) MapmyIndia is used by maximum number of educated people. b) Salary is also a major factor in sale. c) A large area of consumers is from businessmen’s and professionals who go out of station frequently because of their work. d) People are not aware of some gadgets like VTS, phones without integrated GPS systems. SUGGETIONS a) Steps have to be taken to increase the awareness about the different products through advertisement by various means. b) Give discounts on the gadgets. c) Give schemes to the corporate sectors. d) Launch some low price devices. Limitations a) There is lot of bias in sampling. b) Research was done in Chandigarh and Mohali only, so there are full chances of bias in information. c) Questionnaire was filled by the users of the gadgets, so we don’t know about the perception of the consumers who are not using this gadget.
  • 87. Strength 1. Company has there on software and hardware; so they are not dependent on any company. 2. MapmyIndia has best maps of India in World. 3. Yahoo is using maps from MapmyIndia. 4. MapmyIndia is selling their software to other big companies like Garmin, Delphi. 5. MapmyIndia is the leading supplier of maps and GPS navigation to automotive companies in India: Ford, General Motors, Mahindra, and Maruti Suzuki. Weakness 1. More than 80% of people do not know the exact/proper use of the Gadgets. 2. Only graduates and post graduates are maximum user of the gadgets. Still there is a lot more market/segment to cover. 3. A lot of awareness needed through various modes of advertisements like Newspaper, Banners, Radio, Magazines, TV, and Internet. Opportunities 1. There is a lot of area to cover in the market. 2. There are a lot more Automotive Dealers in India to cover. 3. Company can sell their products in global market by joint ventures. Threats 1. Other companies can grab the opportunities which are still in the market. 2. Product should be more cost effective. 3. Upgradation of maps is essential
  • 88. Conclusion Through this research and survey findings, issues hindering GPS growth in India are highlighted. Many useful recommendations have been received from different GPS vendors throughout the country, which will help to improve the GPS industry in India. This will help in reducing the communication gap between the vendors and GPS policy makers in future. It is assumed that social awareness of GPS is a very important aspect for successful penetration of the GPS market in urban India. It is therefore recommended that seminars and workshops need to be organized to educate officials in different organizations. Such a spread of awareness is important, because consumers for whom the cost is not the deterring factor can purchase GPS related items as a luxury commodity only if they know its advantages and uses. Finally, this study has highlighted the factors inhibiting the growth of GPS technology in India. Social awareness is found to be the key factor for the growth of the GPS market in India. The research suggests that India has a potential to become a leading destination for the multinational GPS companies in Asia. The recommendations provided in this study can help to achieve this goal.
  • 89. Bibliography http://www.biz.mapmyindia.com/store_locator.html http://www.biz.mapmyindia.com/all_india_navigable_map_licensing.html http://www.biz.mapmyindia.com/all_India_gis_vector_map_licensing.html http://www.inav.mapmyindia.com/ http://www.maps.mapmyindia.com/ http://www.mapstore.mapmyindia.com/ http://www.mapmyindia.com/gps/products/car/index.html http://www.mapmyindia.com/press/ http://www.sbinfocanada.about.com/cs/marketing/g/promotion.html http://www.learnmarketing.net/promotion.html http://www.tutor2u.net/business/marketing/promotion_pushpull.asp http://www.cfquesnel.com/userfiles/.../Promotional%20Strategies%20-%2008.pdf http://www.marketing.about.com/od/brandstrategy/tp/brandstrategydev.html http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brand http://www.isb.edu/isbinsight/ISBInsight_March2006.pdf
  • 91. Questionnaire Respected Sir/Madam I am Rahul Sayal pursuing MBA from Punjabi University, Patiala. I am undergoing summer training, under which I have to conduct a small survey of GPS (Global Positioning System). I request you to please submit your responses in the following questions. I shall be very thankful to you. 1) What is your Qualification? a. Metric b. Higher Secondary c. Graduate d. Post Graduate 2) What is your profession? a. Business b. Professional c. Servicemen d. Any Other 3) What is your level of income? a. Below 2 lakh b. 2 lakh to 4 lakh c. 4 lakh to 8 lakh d. 8 lakh to 16 lakh e. Above 16 lakh
  • 92. 4) How many of the following gadgets you are aware of? a. Mobile with GPS (Global Positioning System) b. GPS (Global Positioning System) c. GIS (geographical Information System) d. VTS (Vehicle Tracking System) 5) How often you go out of station per month? a. Less than 4 times b. Between 4 to 8 times c. Between 8 to 12 times d. More than 12 times 6) From where you heard about GPS (Global Positioning System)? a. Newspaper b. Magazine c. Broacher d. Electronic Media e. Bill Board 7) What kind of problem you are facing using this device? a. Accuracy of Information b. Touchpad c. Battery Backup d. Software (User friendly) e. Hardware (Processor)
  • 93. 8) Have u heard any of these brands? (Tick the appropriate option) a. Delphi b. MapmyIndia c. Eclipse d. Garmin e. GogoIndia 9) What do you think about the price? a. Over Priced b. Rightly Priced c. Under Priced 10) What is your POI (Point Of Interest)? a. Religious Places b. Tourist Places c. Banks/ATM d. Transport/Health e. Any Other CONSUMER SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE SCHEDULE Name………………………………………….. Address/Office………..……………………… ………………………………………………… Contact No. (S)……..…………………………