Joakim Ditlev fra Content Marketing DK og forfatter av den første danske boken om innholdsmarkedsføring – Content Marketing Bogen – var på Epic Content Marketing 2015. Joakim går igjennom:
- Hvorfor innholdsmarkedsføring noen ganger mislykkes
- 5 steg til en innholdsmarkedsføringsstrategi
- Hvordan du kan selge innholdsmarkedsføring til dine kolleger
- Hvordan du organiserer ditt content marketing-team mm.
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Content Marketing – strategiseminar av Joakim Ditlev på Epic Content Marketing 2015
2. The agenda
• Why content marketing fails
• 5 steps to a content marketing strategy
• Selling content marketing to your
• Measuring success
• Organizing your content marketing team
• Choose your tactics: ”Juleribba”, Angler,
Curator or Mailbox
• Summing up
3. Who is Joakim Ditlev, anyway?
• Author of Content Marketing Bogen
• 6 years content marketing experience
• I help companies:
– Change the way they act and think about
– Create longterm customer relations
through useful or entertaining content.
6. When we wrote the book we
realized that…
• Some of the best cases is driven by
gut feelings. They don’t call it
”content marketing” themselves.
7. When we wrote the book we
realized that…
• The best cases have one thing in
common: They really want to know
what matters to their customers.
8. When we wrote the book we
realized that…
• Done is better than perfect
9. Frequent content marketing fails
• Content excitement without a
documented strategy
• Focusing on several markets or
business lines at once
• Lack of commitment from the boss
• Lack of focus for distributing content
• Time optimism
15. The 5 steps for your strategy
1. Purpose
2. Business goals
3. Target audience and persona
4. Organization and implementation
5. Content distribution
19. Find your ”why”?
• Ask your neighbor:
”What is your workplace doing?”
• Then ask:
20. Your business goal:
• What kind of business goal are you
trying to achieve?
• Sales
• Savings
• Sunshine
21. Look for actual strategies
• ”Our goal is to increase
sales in offshore by 50%”
• ”We need to cut costs per
customer by 20%”
• ”Our ambition is to
become the most known
brand in the UK market”
23. What you want to say
What your customers want to hear
• But there is an overlap. Find
it by asking:
– How can your content create
value to your customers?
– What matters to the customers
related to your products?
25. From target audience to persona
Persona 1: Persona 2:
Prefered media / devices:
Getting advice from:
26. How to get customer insight
• Surveys
• Focus groups
• Interviews
• Insights from sales / customer
28. How the media is organized
Journalist Photographer Video creator
29. The editor’s role
• Manage the project
• Set deadlines
• Ensure content quality
• Contact to external content providers
• Permission to be annoying…
37. Content Marketing =
Marketing Content
• Spend the same effort promoting as
producing content
• Start with your colleagues
• Your best content
deserves a bit of your
advertising budget
39. Let’s talk!
• Are your colleagues in favor of
content marketing?
• What kind of challenges do you
expect, when rolling out a content
marketing program?
40. You need to get the boss on
board, because
• Lack of buy-in is a main reason, why
content marketing fails
• Easier access to time and knowledge
• Reduce risk of being just another
46. Talk about brand exposure
• How big is the potential target
audience we are focusing on?
• How do we ensure that the target
group recognizes our brand while we
are talking less about ourselves?
48. Talk about the new buying process
• Sales may get less leads, but they
are better educated and easier to
• Focusing on content marketing
doesn’t mean that traditional lead
gen activities end overnight
56. When measuring the results it…
• Is easier to know if you’re on the right track
• Is easier to demonstrate value for the
• Is easier to get rid of vanity metrics
• Feels like you’re earning money for every new
piece of content you publish
57. Chicken and egg
• How do I know the results before I
get started with content marketing?
58. Find the lowest hanging fruits and
demonstrate that it pays off
• Start a pilot project
• Underpromise and
• Use the pilot as a
crowbar to get more
• Expand by 1 market /
business line at the time
59. Time-out: Are we still on track?
• Strategy
– Purpose
– Business goals
– Target audience and persona
– Organization and implementation
– Content distribution
• Boss is ok
• We found a pilot project
• We know what to measure
62. Juleribba-taktikken
1. Create an eBook/guide
about a specific topic (din
2. Create a gated landing
page for your guide.
3. Slice the roast by creating
blog posts of small parts
of the guide. Include the
entire guide as CTA.
4. Create and autoresponder
including tips to everyone
signing op for the guide.
66. The mailbox tactic
1. Collect all incoming questions.
2. Find out what your customers ask
about the most related to your
3. Create a series of blog posts /
videos answering the questions.
4. Keep an eye on SEO
69. The Angler tactic
1. Create infographics /
videos / calculators or
2. Place on your own
3. Spend time ”fishing for
links.” Ask relevant sites
to use and link to your
4. The tactic also works for
PR outreach.
75. Action!
Please write!
1. What is the most important learning
from this session?
2. What is the next thing you have to
do in your content marketing
76. To get content marketing right
you need to
• Make sure your boss
understands how you
content can drive
• Have a documented
content marketing
• Soft launch a pilot
project with just one
tactic / channel