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Continuing Trends
Mobile and Social Commerce

       Steve Groenier
        March 2012
Key Takeaways

• Why Social Media and Mobile Are Important for
• How to Get More Value from Your Social Content
Through Site Search and By Connecting Content
• How to Produce More User Generated Content
• Leverage Like Buttons to Drive Traffic and Improve
• How to Improve Your Mobile Customer Experience
3/22/2012             2
Social Media Adoption

    • 845 Million Active Users
    • Average Facebook User Has 130 Friends
    • Average Facebook Visit Lasts 23 Minutes
    • 425 Million Access on Mobile Devices

3/22/2012               3
Social Media Adoption

SOURCE:BLiNQ Media Infographic (Oct. 2011)
     3/22/2012                               4
Social Media Adoption

    • 127 Million Active Users
    • 54% of Twitter Users Use On Mobile Devices
    • 36% of Twitter Users Tweet At Least Once A Day

3/22/2012               5
The Rise Of Pinterest

SOURCE: Experian Hitwise
     3/22/2012                6
Why Focus On Social Media?

    56% of U.S. consumers feel a stronger
    connection with and better served by
companies when they can interact with them in
        a social media environment.

SOURCE: Cone Inc Study

   3/22/2012             7
Social Media Spending



3/22/2012          8
B2C Companies Spending More

                 Social Media Spending in Next 5 Years
                       23% to 24% of Total Budget

SOURCE: 2012 CMO Survey Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business
     3/22/2012                                           9
Creating a Mountain of Content

3/22/2012    10
Customer Photos on Facebook

3/22/2012   11
Great Blog Comments

3/22/2012          12
YouTube Videos

3/22/2012        13
The Challenge

            Content Silos
3/22/2012       14
The Challenge

            Fresh Gets Focus
3/22/2012         15
The Challenge
                        Your Facebook Content

                  Not Seen

SOURCE: Facebook Marketing Conference 2012

   3/22/2012                                 16
The Challenge

            Land Of Lost Content
3/22/2012           17
The Opportunity

3/22/2012        18
Universal Search

3/22/2012         19
Universal Search - Videos

3/22/2012         20
Universal Search - Images

3/22/2012        21
Universal Search - Blogs

3/22/2012             22
Universal Search – Discussions

3/22/2012    23
Universal Search - Social

3/22/2012             24
Universal Search for Retailers

3/22/2012    25
Connects Customers to Content

3/22/2012   26
Social Content in Search

3/22/2012             27
Video Content in Search

3/22/2012            28
Search Links to Facebook Photo

                    June 29, 2011

 3/22/2012   29
Facebook Photo Links to Blog

3/22/2012   30
Search Links to Tweets

3/22/2012            31
Tweet Links to Blog

                        January 20, 2010

3/22/2012          32
Site Search Amplifies Social

3/22/2012      33
Ask Questions to Create Content

 3/22/2012   34
Answers Appear in Search

3/22/2012       35
Facebook Like Button

     2.7 Billion Likes and Comments Per Day

3/22/2012           36
Like Buttons in Search Results

3/22/2012    37
Social Merchandising in Search

            Sort By Likes

3/22/2012        38
Pin it Buttons in Search

3/22/2012             39
Add Search to Facebook

3/22/2012            40

   • 1.2 billion – The number of active mobile
   broadband subscriptions worldwide in 2011.
   •85 – Percentage of handsets shipped globally
   in 2011 that included a web browser.
   •Holiday Sales from mobile were 3X last year.
   •Mobile drove 10-14% of all holiday web traffic.

SOURCE: Royal.Pingdom.com Internet 2011 in Numbers

    3/22/2012                                    41
Mobile Customer Frustrations

                     41% Frustrated
          #1 Inability to complete transactions
          #2 Search functionality
          #3 User Interface
SOURCE: Tealeaf

   3/22/2012              42
Search On iPhone

            Without Mobile Site
3/22/2012          43
Search On iPhone

              With Mobile Site
3/22/2012          44
Website Search = Mobile Search

       Website Search        Mobile Search

3/22/2012               45
Smart Phones VS Tablets

              3.5 inch
              9.7 inch

3/22/2012                46
Smart Phones VS Tablets

  Smart Phones                  Tablets
   Find Store Location
    Find Store Hours          Browse Products
   Research Products            From Couch

3/22/2012                47
Thank You!

Steve Groenier

More Related Content

Continuing Trends - Mobile and Social Commerce

Editor's Notes

  1. If they can’t find it, they can’t buy it