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Contoh Essay Keanekaragaman
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Contoh Essay Keanekaragaman Hayati Contoh Essay Keanekaragaman Hayati
Linear Regressions
This project set out to determine the accuracies of predicting movie box office revenue and
classifying the success. Using various techniques and data from reputable movie sites, we were
able to generate numerous prediction and classification models with their own accuracies
attached. We were guided by what previous literature have covered on the two topics we wanted
to investigate. The literature review gave us a clear pathway to follow in terms of where to
collect data, what type of data to use, what techniques and methods work best and what type of
results to expect. There were a few movie sites that were used that were used regularly by
researchers. The type of data that the researchers collected were wither movie features or social...
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We decided to keep movies in the dataset that were English and from the USA. We also wanted
to only include movies that were released in USA and abroad. The data we did not need was
filtered out and the data features that were not pre release were removed. When it came to
predicting the worldwide box office revenue, we wanted to use linear regression and SVM. This
was because many researchers had used these techniques. When using linear regression we
realised that our data needed transforming as the linear regression assumptions were violated.
The Box Cox transform we used transformed our dependent variables and worked well. The
assumptions of the linear regression were met. The forward selection procedure used helped
identify which variables were good predictors in the models. Linear regression has certain
assumptions, so in order to not violate those assumptions, it is crucial to pick the best variables
for the model. The best model we found using this procedure met all the assumptions and gave
good prediction accuracies. The results obtained from the linear regression and SVM models
indicated that the accuracies all of the models were very high. Linear regression and SVM
achieved similar results with SVM just slightly achieving better accuracy rates As we were
predicting box office revenue using pre release data only, the accuracies of 80% plus were a good
surprise. Transforming the worldwide box office revenue
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The Consequences Of Global Warming
The Consequences of Global Warming
What does someone think of when the topic of global warming is presented? They might think of
the earth warming, or the sun burning up, but do they think of the affects this issue has caused our
Mother Earth or think about what they do on a day to day basis as being the prime contributor to
this environmental problem? Do they realize or even worry about the next generation dying
because of the various factors of global warming? Some may think of global warming as a tale or
publicly over rated, but what they do not realize is that global warming has become one of the top
three environmental problems of the century. Some do not agree that humans are to blame, only
nature going through its natural cycle. Although, scientists around the world are now beginning to
have proof of this cause and effect we have placed on our planet which is beginning to answer the
question of global warming being real. According to the United States Environmental Protection
Agency, The earth s average temperature has risen by 1.4* over the past century, and it is projected
to rise by another 2 to 11.5*F over the next hundred years. Small changes in temps of the planet can
translate to large and potentially dangerous shifts in climate and weather ( Climate Change: Basic
Information ). Because of human activities, global warming has been created, which is the key
component to habitat loss, extinction of species, unpredictable weather patterns, and the chance of
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Ed Boone
Love makes giving up unthinkable and for many autistic children s parents, love is the only thing
that keeps them going ( The Challenges of Raising ). The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night
Time by Mark Haddon is a novel with complex characters who help build Christopher Boone, the
protagonist, into an independent individual. Throughout his life, Christopher has required
specialized assistance in his daily activities due to Aspergers Syndrome, and his father, Ed, is the
only individual who has been with him from the beginning. Ed Boone is a good father whose
mistakes are completely pardonable; what can never be questioned is his unconditional love and
commitment to his son which allows Christopher to grow in spite of the numerous... Show more
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Ed is a very patient and gentle man who does not lose his temper very often, especially not in
matters relating his son. He is constantly under a lot of pressure and sometimes, being a human,
he loses his temper and cannot contain his anger. This is an understandable reaction considering
the circumstances Ed is under, his wife leaving him for another man, him lying to his son,
working all day long, and, most importantly, taking care of Christopher. His son describes him as
a [...] level headed person,[...] he didn t get angry as quickly and he didn t shout as often and
this proves that Ed rarely loses his temper and he does not harm his son, unless he is pushed to
his limit (Haddon 82). Even if Ed does lose his temper, he always apologises after, [...] I know I
lose my rag occasionally. I know I get angry. I know I shout. And I know I shouldn t. But I only
do it because I worry about you, because I don t want to see you getting into trouble, because I don
t want you to get hurt , and being the loving parent that he is, Ed makes sure Christopher knows
how much he loves him (Haddon
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Last Leaf Chapter Summaries
Plot Summary Takes place in a village called Kitammat in British Coloumbia The main
character, Lisa, who is a 19 year old teenager is the narrator of the story The characters are
Haislian, which is a type of an aboriginal culture Book begins with Lisa waking up as her parents
are getting ready to go find Jimmy, Lisa s brother, who has been lost at sea Jimmy was on a
fishing boat with Josh, who is the uncle of his girlfriend Karaoke, when they both disappear Both
Lisa and her parents hope Jimmy survived due to his strong swimming skills Lisa stays back with
her Aunt and she reflects back on her life Lisa narrates stories that consist of natural or supernatural
elements Many stories are told which teach the readers about all the different characters We... Show
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Themes 1)Grief, depression, and Isolation Grief is shown in multiple characters o Mick grieves
for the loss of his wife o Lisa grieves for the loss of Mick and Ma ma oo o Jimmy grieves for not
completing his dream of going to the Olympics Lisa s period of isolation and depression leads
her to a dangerous time in her life 2)Drug Addiction Lisa, Tab, and Mick are all shown to be drug
addicts; especially Lisa Her addiction to drugs caused her to live through tragic incidents such
as her rape This added to her depression 3)Journey Lisa is on a journey of self discovery and she
is lost She is also on a journey to find her brother 4)Identity Lisa does not know who she is in the
world Her gifts have taken away her identity The story explains how she regains her identity
through her journey to find Jimmy 5)Sexual harassment Lisa gets sexually assaulted by Cheese
Karaoke gets sexually assaulted by Josh One of the reasons why women get sexually assaulted is
because of their culture and that is what Robinson was trying to touch upon 6)Revenge Jimmy
finds out that Josh raped his girlfriend and he sets out to have revenge Ends up killing him
Revenge always ends
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The Importance Of Privacy And Law Enforcement Essay
Twenty seven years ago, scientists at The European Organization for Nuclear Research created
the World Wide Web. Because of this, we now live in an interconnected world that has
transformed the way we communicate ( ), the way we do business, the way we live, and the way
criminal activity takes place ( ). Here in the United States where privacy and securityare such an
important part of our national ethos, it is critical that our intelligence and law enforcement (LE)
community confront the dangers as well as producing new evolving tools, for both digital
surveillanceand data collection. I believe privacy is important because it secures our nation from
both internal threats and external threats, as well as protecting our civil liberties; for without
security, we cannot have privacy.
According to our literature, privacy is a common value, a public value, a collective value, and to
some extent, a positive and negative right. However, in times of national security, the
relationship and broader value are the sum of all three values. For instance, in the aftermath of
the September 11, 20001 terrorist attacks, the idea that civil liberties had to be reduced in favor
of national security emerged with renewed vigor. Many have noted the paradox that security
measures intended to protect a liberal democracy can end up eroding the civil liberties at the heart
of liberal democracies ( ). Because of this, it is common to view this problem as a juxtaposition
dealing with the appropriate
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Analysis Of As I Lay Dying
Faulkner s Description of Dewey Dell in As I Lay Dying William Faulkner s phrasing, point of
view, and grammar in his polyphonic novel, As I Lay Dying, strategically employs the miserably
pessimistic yet juvenile voice of Dewey Dell to characterize her as the novel s naГЇve victim. The
only surviving female in the Bundren family, Faulkner presents the hardships that Dewey Dell must
endure. In addition, as an uneducated girl with no guidance, Dewey Dell experiences an uncertainty
in many issues that arise in her life.
Dewey Dell s diction in As I Lay Dying functions to unravel the novel s deeper themes of suffering
and selfishness. Burdened with an illegitimate pregnancy after having sex with Lafe, Dewey
Dell grieves alone as she is isolated in her guilt and shame. She views the world as a sickening
visceral pile of guts, implying that death is her only relief, furthering the theme of mortality. It is
interesting that Dewey Dell also describes her pregnancy as I am a little tub of guts and if there
is not any room for anything else important in a big tub of guts, how can it be room in a little tub
of guts. (Faulkner 58). Which implies the meaning of birth as a miserable duty, rather than a
joyful need. As the novel progresses, Dewey Dell works on past New Hope three miles. That s
what they mean by the womb of time: the agony and the despair of spreading bones, the hard
girdle in which lie the outraged entrails of events. (Faulkner 121). In the efforts to bury Addie in
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George Orwell s Use Of Pathos In Politics And The English...
George Orwell uses pathos in Politics and the English Language. He does this to evoke emotion
from the reader. The author s manner of using pathos is well done. Throughout his paper, the author
uses pathos in examples and specific wording. Throughout the paper s entirety, the paper elicits
feelings of inferiority and stupidity. Whether the author intended this or not is unclear. Yet, it is
clear that the manner in which the author speaks uses pathos a lot. At the start of the paper, there
are many usages of pathos. For instance, the author writes about how a man feels like a failure.
This phrase is an instance of pathos. The phrase provides an example of a feeling. Furthermore, the
author writes that English can be an ugly language. Pathos
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Weighing the Right to Own an Embryo by Mike McKee
Writing to a Legal Audience Mike McKee s article, Weighing the Right to Own an Embryo,
made the front page of the Recorder, a daily legal newspaper published in San Francisco
reporting on legal advice and interests of attorneys and legal practitioners. How did he make his
article such a success? What made it front page worthy in the eyes of this legal audience? McKee
s article, Weighing the Right to Own an Embryo, appeals to a legal audience by presenting an
unbiased framework and evidence. One way McKee achieves this success is by framing his article
as a set of either or propositions. He presents three main issues: To Birth or Not to Birth, Contract v.
Intent, and judicial versus legislative authority. As to the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Kass, a case dealing with one party objecting the use of frozen genetic material to achieve
pregnancy of another party, as an introduction for his article. Providing the facts of this
controversial issue works very well in setting up the content of his article for the interest of his
reader. Other cases he repeatedly refers to are the Hecht v. Superior Court, Davis v. Davis, and
the Buzzanca surrogacy case. By using these court cases as examples, McKee is able to provide
unbiased facts as support in the content of his article. McKee also uses many quotations as
evidence throughout his article. He quotes only lawyers or field specialists qualified to discuss
and comment on the topic. He includes: Justice Earl Johnson, Jr; Yueh ru Chu, a former attorney
at the New York Civil Liberties Union; Leslie Shear, an Encino solo practitioner who specializes
in family law issues; Fourth District Justice David Sills; Joseph Gitlin, co chairman of the
American Bar Assosiation s genetics and reproductive technologies committee; and even the
Tennessee Supreme Court. By these references, he is able to provide the necessary ethos in
addressing his audience of legal practitioners. The ethos a writer brings to an argument is crucial
to the success in connecting with the audience; naturally a writer wants to present himself as
reliable and credible (Lunsford 308). McKee, having the status of an average reporter, quotes legal
professionals in order to build
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A Day At Oakleaf Junior High School
The alarm clock blared as six o clock struck. I groggily climbed out of bed to
begin what I thought was just another day at Oakleaf Junior High School. I followed my usual
routine which included brushing my teeth, taking a shower, and eating my bowl of
delicious Coco Puffs. I gathered my backpack and headed towards the door to begin my
long trek to school when all of a sudden my parents exclaimed, B, you don t have to go
to school today. We re going on vacation! I looked at them with disbelief as she hastily
ushered me out the front door into the already prepared Toyota Highlander. Next thing I
know, I was headed out of Oakleaf to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, with my family for
another action packed vacation.
The monotony ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Once we entered the city, we began the infeasible task of searching for our
luxurious and prominently recognized five star hotel. The ceaseless mazes of intertwined
roadways proved to be an obstruction to our mission. We eventually managed, after
countless stops to request aid from passersby, to find the awe inspiring Coral Beach
Resort Suites. Its magnificent architecture and larger than life appearance took my
breath away. The pure white hotel seamlessly merged with the sandy beach and perfectly
contrasted with the aqua blue sea. In the distance, I could easily see the turquoise
swimming pool that seemed to be as momentous as the ocean itself. After taking in all the
sights, my family and I entered the massive double doors of the hotel and received
countless greetings from the eager hotel staff. They swiftly handed us our room key and
administered directions to our room. We scaled the monstrous building with a unique view
of the beautiful beach through the pristine glass elevator. Within no time, we arrived at our
extravagant and vast suite and were not disappointed with its contents. The enormous
king size beds were so comfortable that it seemed as if I were floating on a cloud.
Furthermore, the limitless space made me feel right at home. After a wonderful night s
sleep, I arose to my parents rushing me into my bathing suit to begin the day s
adventure. As my family
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A Note On B2b Sales Cycle
If you re not using or have given up on landing pages, then you re missing out on a truly integral
component of the sometimes complex B2B sales cycle.
Whether used as part of a lead or sales funnel... integrated into an email, PPC, or direct mail
campaign... a well crafted landing page can really boost your conversion rates.
Now there are potentially hundreds of specific steps you can take in order to get the most out of
them. And there are, of course, various ways to test each page element.
Am I recommending that you ignore all the testing and tweaking? Of course not.
But if you want to get the most bang for your buck, you can t afford to ignore the basics.
So without further ado, here are five steps to creating landing pages that convert.
1. Determine the goal.
The lack of a clearly defined goal is probably the single biggest stumbling block for most people. If
your pages contain six different ideas, all competing for attention, then you re in for a disastrous
conversion experience.
For example, if you ve recently published three white papers, it would be a huge mistake to
design one landing page for all of them. Studies consistently show that vague or competing
themes are a huge factor in the overall success or failure of a landing page. So instead of cramming
multiple ideas onto one page, be sure to create a separate one for each. If you follow this one step
alone, you ll likely see at least a double digit improvement in your conversion rate.
2. Keep
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The Contribution Allport s Influence On The Academic...
The next scholar to contribute was Allport. Allport stated that it is very unlikely that people just
possessed one personality characteristic (Fleming, 2006). He claimed that personality exists in a
psychological matrix meaning within a person, that people possessed traits which can be
categorized into levels, which in turn allows there to be comparison among different individuals
(Liebert, R. M. Spiegler, M. D., 1970, 117). Allport also recognized that it is important to
understand individuals within themselves, and that it is necessary to recognize some
characteristics are not universal/transferable among individuals (Liebert, R. M. Spiegler, M. D.,
1970). To list the all the contributions Allport made to the academic world would be too much, in
short, he among other scholars introduced an extensive list of adjectives that were descriptive of
individual behaviours (Fleming, 2006). Lacking necessary agreement among classifications and
definitions of the many personality traits, the further development of personality theories in the
1960 s was brought to halt. Resuming development, Cattell claimed there to be too many factors
and characteristics in need of analysis (Liebert, R. M. Spiegler, M. D., 1970). He paved the way
by developing factor analytical methods using multivariate trials (Liebert, R. M. Spiegler, M. D.,
1970). Cattell was among the academics that developed the sixteen factor personality test (Fleming,
2006). Building upon Cattell, Eysenck cropped
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Plain View Case Study
One day, Deputy R. Ebel, a rookie on the Cloverville Police Department who was known for not
playing by the rules decided that enough was enough. He paid a visit to the Smith s home when
no one was there and did a little snooping around. Upon pulling up to the Smith s residence in his
patrol vehicle, Ebel first noticed two green plastic garbage bags sitting on the curb propped up
against the Smiths mailbox. Trash pick up was that morning so Ebel knew he had to act quickly
before the garbage was taken. He rummaged through both bags and found several pieces of junk
mail belonging to the Smiths, some baggies containing a white powdery residue, several small
mirrors, and several used razor blades. Ebel deposited the items in his patrol car,... Show more
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The attorney for the Smith s will likely to argue as well the Fruit of the Poisonous Tree which
holds that evidence gathered with the assistance of illegally obtained information must be
excluded from trial. Thus, if an illegal interrogation leads to the discovery of physical evidence,
both the interrogation and the physical evidence may be excluded, the interrogation because of
the exclusionary rule, and the physical evidence because it is the fruit of the illegal interrogation.
This doctrine is subject to three of important exceptions. The evidence will not be excluded (1) if
it was discovered from a source independent of the illegal activity; (2) its discovery was inevitable;
or (3) if there is attenuation between the illegal activity and the discovery of the evidence. (Cornell
University Law School,
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My Dream In My Life
My entire baseball career I had dreamed of playing for my high school, but now that dream was in
jeopardy. I had been playing baseball since I was eligible back in 1st grade. I was never a
spectacular talent, I didn t hit home runs, I wasn t an ace pitcher, and I wasn t particularly fit. I
was just average, and I knew that. So when it came to trying out for the high school baseballteam, I
almost decided not to. I wasn t worthy of being on that team. I had expressed this opinion to my
friends and family, and they didn t approve. However, eventually, they wore me down and
convinced me to at least try out. Reluctantly, I obliged, and when the time came, I signed up for
tryouts and prepared myself for what I expected to be the greatest disappointment of my life.
It was a three day tryout. Three days of grueling work on both the fundamentals and
technicalities of the game. Three days of knowing that they were going to cut me. 40 other
young men surrounded me, and they all wanted the same thing I did. People who I had played with
my whole life. People who I knew to be great ball players. People I knew could outplay me in any
aspect of the game. Dispite this, I gave it my all. It was a dream of mine to play on this team.
I pushed myself to what seemed like a breaking point, and then pushed harder. I had never felt so
fatigued in my life. My thighs ached, my arm screamed in pain, and my thirst was everlasting. All
this, I thought, for what? There s no way they ll take me.
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The Death Of The Author By Roland Barthes And Michel Foucault
Throughout many different mediums such as literature and music there have been many
controversial pieces written in regards to the true meaning and purpose of authorship. Several
French philosophers such as Roland Barthes and Michel Foucault have written essays on the
purpose of authorship. Roland Barthes, writer of The Death of the Author , has a strong belief in
the removal of the author from a piece. Barthes believed that once a book has been written there is
no more author but instead a scriptor and text which are both born simultaneously. Meaning that the
text is a living tissue for the scriptor(reader) to interpret for themselves, leaving a text with multiple
meanings dependent on a scriptors interpretation. On the other hand, French philosopher, Michel
Foucaultbelieved that the author is a key aspect to a written work. He believed that without an
author a work would have no true meaning in essence leaving everything up for debate which
ultimately results in confusion. Foucault also believed that removing the author from a text
serves no purpose and as such, should not be done. Similarly, an author is a very important
aspect in music as well because musicians are able to bridge gaps between them and their
listeners through lyricism. Artists are able to do this by incorporating narratives in their music
allowing them to narrate their lives which may include hardships and difficulties that they have
gone through, which allows for connections to be made between the author and a listener who
has gone through the same experiences. For example, artists such as 21 Savage speak about
gang violence and poverty in their music which allows them to shed light on such issues in
order to raise public awareness. The rap artist 21 Savage, also known as 21, has written many
songs which have very deep lyrical meanings to them. For example 21 Savage wrote the song
Famous in which he describes his life prior to and after his rise to fame. In the song 21 Savage
discusses how he used to be less fortunate but is now doing well by stating the following, Rags to
riches, n***a came from the bottom/Hood rats, now a n***a f***in on models/Ridin in the
foreign, remember ridin on MARTA (21 Savage). In the above lyrics,
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Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn s One Day
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn s One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich explores the man s struggle to
survive in the trying circumstances of a Soviet Gulag. Though the novel leads the reader through
the horrific conditions in one of the work camps, it does not focus on the lack of hope that the
men feel but it focuses on the perseverance and resilience of the prisoners. Shukhov s character
shines through as a prominent example of the courage of the souls in the work camps. Further,
Alyoshka proves to never give up in the face of extreme conditions and is always around to help
his gang. Finally, Tyurin s undying devotion to leadership provides a refreshing look into the
resilience of the prisoners. Solzhenitsyn expertly constructs intricate layers... Show more content on
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Furthermore, the author reveals through Shukhov s actions the determination that mankind
experienced in the gulags. Shukhov takes a job, which could normally be considered a gruelling
task, and turns it into an act of fortitude. As the sole thing he sees is the wall in front of him (97)
and he shouts to not give up yet, boys! (109), he strongly exemplifies the perseverance of the
prisoners. The task that he is given should dishearten him but instead, boosts his morale and thus,
his determination. The character of Shukhov is crafted as a glaring example of the resilience men
have in a gulag, and this is additionally explored through the characterization of Alyoshka.
Solzhenitsyn creates the compelling character of Alyoshka who stays true to himself and to
others in the face of adversity. Staying faithful to his religion gives him the strength he requires
in order to focus on the positive outcomes of the gulags. Contrary to popular opinion, the author
uses Alyoshka s dialogue to exhibit the positivity as he says to [b]e glad [they are] in prison so
that they have time to think about [their] soul[s] (177). He regards his imprisonment as a time to
reflect upon his spirit and the kind of person he is which is a true accomplishment of the human
spirit in the calamity of a gulag. Further, the author uses his actions to display his steadfast nature
that causes him to be of tremendous help to his gang. His want to be helpful is glaringly
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Lavon Julian
Dr. Percy Lavon Julian was a spearheading chemist whose findings enhanced the field of science
and saved many lives. A grandson of a slave, Julian grew up facing a lot of obstacles because of
his skin color (Drew, 1950). African Americans during his time faced a lot of challenges like
racism. Julian rose above this racism and turned out to be among the most influential scientists of
the 20th century and a leader of civil and business rights.
Percy Lavon Julian was born in the year1989. Julian was lucky as his parents were educated and
had an appreciation for education which was not the case for most black Americans. Although his
parents had a great appreciation for education, Julian attended a segregated elementary school.
There was no public high school for black individuals like Lavon. Hence, he had no option but to
enroll in a teacher training school for blacks (Drew, 1950).
In 1916, Julian enrolled at DePauw University having a tenth grade education barely. On his first
day in college, Julian remembers being welcomed and greeted by a white man. He had never
experienced ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One most famous paper was entitled Studies in the Indole Series V. The Complete Synthesis of
Physostigmine . In the paper, Julian and Josef explained how physostigmine is synthesized in the
laboratory (Cobb, 1971). This article is what I think was the most influential publication, Julian ever
Julian s other contribution to plant science was when he was working as a director in Glidden
company. Following his successful research, there was an explosive growth industry for soya
beans (Cobb, 1971). He discovered new functions for the chemicals found in soya beans. This
discovery lessened problems in the world. For example, one protein called Aer o form was used
as fire retardant foam in fire extinguishers. The development helped to save lives of soldiers during
World War
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Chaldean Culture
Sunday nights were reserved for extended family dinners at my grandparent s house. Loud music,
different food and strange dancing were commonplace at these large gatherings. We were Chaldean
a small Catholic minority originating from northern Iraq with ties to ancient Mesopotamia. The
dinners provided me with a gateway, bridging my everyday experience with my ancestral culture.
On Mondays, I would return to school with leftover dolma or beef kafta, which established an
immediate rapport with other Chaldean students and helped to form the basis of many long term
Years later, once I had graduated to the adult table at our Sunday dinners, I noticed a predictable
trend. Sometime after the plates had been cleared, but before the baklava and coffee were served,
the family conversation would shift to a discussion about the Iraq War, eventually giving way to
passionate and lively debates. My relatives would discuss the progress of the American invasion,
important political actors and the policy implications of certain U.S. actions. The nuanced
discussion about tenuous situations and the fervor with which my family spoke ... Show more
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With many devoutly religious and many business owners (approximately 61% of Chaldean
households), many campaigned for Donald Trump, who they saw as the toughest on Islamist
extremism. Recently though, ICE agents, working under presidential directives, began deporting
Chaldeans who have been here for decades. Not only is the community concerned about breaking
up families, but for many Chaldeans, deportation comes with the risk of religious persecution from
members of ISIS or its sympathizers.
I bring with me many experiences I have gained from my community. Experiences that have
shaped my associations, interest in politics and desire to attend law school. I hope that by pursuing
a legal education I can become an effective positive force for my Chaldean
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Synthetic Drugs And Its Effects
Addiction, one of America s number one problems, and when it seems that we ve solved it, it
always seems to rear its ugly head back in some other form. This could be due to the fact the
internet is making a newer class of synthetic designer drugs much more available. (Mycyk, 2012)
Synthetic drugs have been a consistent and ongoing problem for our nation over the past few
years since their creation and introduction to the world. Every day, we see more and more people
hospitalized due to use of synthetic drugs, and the addictive behaviors they creates with in people.
Even with the bans that the Food and Drug Administration have passed on them, we see people
continuing to gain access to these designer drugs. Over the course of this research paper we will
discuss synthetic drugs and what they are, review a few cases of people using these drugs and their
experiences, discuss the issues with addiction, as well as a proposed solution to help those addicted
to these terrible designer drugs as well as ways to help eradicate the remaining amounts on the
streets. Spice, also known as synthetic marijuana, what is it? Spice is a designer drug, more
commonly known as a synthetic drug, this one representing marijuana, which generally has the
ability to avoid drug detection. (Linday, 2012) Spice is a mix of herbs and manmade chemicals
with mind altering effects, it earns its right to be called synthetic marijuana because some of the
chemicals in it are very similar in manner to those in
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Rhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream Speech
Martin Luther King was a civil rights activist and Baptist minister. Dr. King was a leader in the
African American Civil Rights movement. His speech discusses the injustices African American
people were suffering. He says that they must be nonviolent in their fight for justice, an idea which
won him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. Dr. King also states that they must have faith and hope for
the future. (Par. 25)
I Have a Dream was delivered August 28, 1963 in Washington D.C. The African Americans had
been living with segregation laws for many decades, and they wanted to gain the rights they
deserved. Dr. King had lived with segregation and wanted all of God s children to be able to join
together. (Par. 36) It is still important because it shows the people s struggle to get to a better
society where everyone could be treated equally. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He refers to his intended audience as his people in paragraph 8. In the first sentence of paragraph
9, he uses both negro community and us to refer to who he is speaking to. The African American
people know this cause is vital and that they must fight for the rights they deserve. Dr. King wants
to remind them that this is urgent and that they must not use physical force or violence to achieve
their goal.
The purpose behind I Have a Dream is to persuade. Dr. King has several topics in his speech. He
persuades the audience that this is an urgent matter. He argues that they cannot let their protests
degenerate into physical violence (Par. 8). He says that this cannot lead to a distrust of all white
people, because many were there to support their cause. They cannot go back. They must have
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The Joint Commission Visit
The roots of The Joint Commission began in the American College of Surgeons (ACS), founded in
1913, which eventually lead to voluntary onsite inspections of hospitals in 1918. In 1951, The
American College of Physicians, the American Hospital Association, the American Medical
Association, and the Canadian Medical Association joined forces with the ACS to create the Joint
Commissionon Accreditationof Hospitals (JCAH). JCAH was formed as an independent, not for
profit organization whose primary purpose was to provide voluntary accreditation for meeting
established minimum quality standards. It was not until 1970 that the standards of quality were
reformed to represent the highest achievable levels, instead of minimum necessary levels. In 1987,
the company was renamed the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
(JCAHO), which was shortened to today s The Joint Commission after rebranding in 2007.
(Stanberry, 2012)
The Joint Commission evaluates and accredits more than 20,000 health care organizations and
programs in the United States. The Joint Commission also provides certification of more than 1,000
disease specific care programs, primary stroke centers, and health care staffing services. An
independent, not for profit organization, The Joint Commission is the nation s oldest and largest
standards setting and accrediting body in health care. The Mission of the Joint Commission is to
continuously improve health care for the public, in collaboration
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The Ceo Of Apple Products
Steve Paul Jobs, a widely known business man but of all things, are famously known as the CEO of
Apple Computer and the creator of Pixar Animation Studios share an intriguing, inspiring,
motivating and heart felt commencement speech at Standford University on June 12, 2005. If you
have some knowledge of the Apple products, then generally you might have some knowledge of
Steve Jobsand his success. However, most people don t know the origin of his success. In the
speech he delivered to the graduates of Standford University, Jobs gives an inspiring speech that not
only captivates the audience but share stories that all seem too familiar when you re struggling to
make it.
In the beginning of his speech he tells the graduates of Standford ... Show more content on
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That first part says a lot his characteristic s coming from a man who has a multibillion company.
His net worth is estimated to be 10.2 billion to be exact. That strikes to me as a humble man
indeed. Surprisingly, he did not graduate college. We find out that he dropped out after only
attending for six months to only to stay another eighteen months before he actually dropped out.
He goes to further explanation to why he dropped out by giving a back story. His mother who he
characterize as an unwed college graduate student(1 jobs) had a series of problems when trying
to put him for adoption. The description he gave of his mother almost sounds like he feels
indifferent about her. After a series of issues with the adoption, his biological mother finally
convinced a couple that he will go to college one day. Going back to Jobs dropping out of Reed
college after six months, jobs mentioned in his speech that he did not see the value in going to
college and that he have no idea how college was going to help him figure out what he wanted to
do in life. He seems to content in this part of the speech because he said that it was one of his
best decisions and soon after began taking classes that looked interesting to him. It was not all
glamorous because he slept at a friends place on the floor and had to walk seven miles to get a
good meal, as he describes,
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Cats In Ancient Egypt Research Paper
Cats in Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egyptians considered cats to be sacred. Killing a cat, even by accident could be
punishable by death. About 60 BC, Greek historian, Diodorus Siculus, witnessed a Roman
accidentally kill an Egyptian cat. An outraged mob gathered and killed the Roman despite pleas
from their pharaoh. The Greek historian Herodotus wrote that in the event of a fire, men would
guard the fire to make certain that no cats ran into the flame. Herodotus also wrote that when a cat
died, the household would go into mourning as if for a human relative, and would often shave their
eyebrows to signify their loss. The practice of mummification was extended to cats because of the
deep respect the Egyptians had for them.
They worshipped a Cat
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George Eastman Kodak s Effect On The Film And Photography...
In his lifetime, George Eastman once said, Light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it.
Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to
photography ( George ). George Eastman, born in 1854, was an amateur photographer without
much education, who realized the technical potentials of dry plates, which are what photographs
were printed on in 1871. He began experimenting with chemicals for developing photos and
making dry plates in his mother s kitchen, and in 1880, he created an effective formula for dry
plates. In 1888, once he had become more successful, he founded The Eastman Kodak Company,
otherwise known as Eastman Kodak, which was one of the leading competitors of cameraand film
manufacturing... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Beforehand, only skilled photographers were able to take photos due to a complicated process, but
Eastman changed that. In 1888, [George Eastman] addressed the enormously large and previously
untapped mass amateur market by isolating the technical complexities from picture taking (Cooper
329). Isolating the problems of photography made is possible for nearly everyone to take photos,
and not just the professionals. This meant that more people were able to indulge in this hobby
and capture more images for the world to see. Eastman also constructed his own camera and
process to make things less complicated for individuals who wanted to take photographs.
[Eastman] added to the company s established production of photosensitive materials by
designing a simple to operate, highly portable roll film camera, the Kodak, and by providing
factory service that included the unloading and reloading of the camera with film and the
developing and printing of the pictures (Cooper 329). Creating a camera that was mobile made it
possible for more people to easily have a camera with them at most times and take photos
whenever they please, like how most people today carry devices in their pockets that can take
photos with the tap of a button. Not only that, but consumers could effortlessly send their film to
back to Eastman Kodak and have their photos developed, without having to do so themselves as
they would have before. While George Eastman was a significant figure in the department of film, it
was not the only industry that he
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Nightmare Research Papers
Up to 90% of people dream when they fall asleep not only do they dream but also have
nightmares. Not all nightmares will wake a person up or even be remembered but if they are
remembered it usually strikes fear and worry in the dreamers mind. Nightmares and the level of
fear that they possess all depends on the person who is having them because not everyone s fears
are the same thing or are to the same extent. Nevertheless sleep is split into four different stages,
stage one being sleep onset, stage 2 light sleep, stage 3 and 4 deep sleep which can also be known
as the REM (non rapid eye movement) stage which is connected to dreaming. There are different
aspects within a nightmare such as how nightmares come to be and who they effect.
Nightmares ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Nightmares and the brain states that nightmares are most common of those between the ages of
three and six probably due to children being very impressionable at these ages. While touching on
the statement of children being impressionable an assistant Clinic professor at Cambridge Health
Alliance believe children are smaller and are vulnerable to many more treatments than adults,
Nightmares may reflect this vulnerability with this being a very possible idea it would help explain
the reason children are more prone to nightmares than adults (Nightmares and the
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Essay on Substance Abuse Effects on Children
For the purpose of this particular class assignment and with funding not being an
issue, this paper will seek to create a treatment/prevention program for those who
have been affected by the effects of substance abuse/addiction. Additionally, it will seek
to describe a comprehensive model for treating this population. The mission would be to
eliminate the devastating impact of substance abuse on those affected: chemically
dependent individuals, those with a history of substance abuse/misuse, families/children
and communities. The goal is to achieve and sustain abstinence for those addicted to
alcohol and other substances in order for them to develop a recovering lifestyle. Finally,
this paper will attempt ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Drug Use Continuum:
Initial drug/alcohol use can be motivated by a number of factors. Such as, an
individual s inquisitiveness about the drug and it s effect, predisposition, peer pressure,
psychodynamic processes, homelessness, mental health illness and poverty. These can
all offer ample motivation for experimental or circumstantial drug use. If taken
repeatedly, a period of casual drug use often develops. Further usage associated with
more frequent drug administration, higher drug dosages, and/or the use of more effective
routes of administration (switching from intranasal to intravenous use) can lead to
intensive patterns of drug use. Continued, more sustained drug use can then produce
compulsive drug use where the substance has strong motivational properties and appears
to govern much of the individual s behavior. The most extreme case of drug use is the
final progression to addiction.
Substance use, like many human behaviors, occurs along a broad spectrum from
no use to compulsive/extremely heavy use (Abadinsky, 2011). Thus, the likelihood of an
individual experiencing problems emerging from substance use, usually increases as the
rate of use amplifies. The gamut for
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Persuasive Essay On Donating Children
Having a child can be one of the most exciting experiences for a parent. However, bringing a
child into the world can also be a very scary experience. Every parent s wish is to have a healthy
baby, but sadly this is not always a reality. When a child is born with a disease the whole
dynamic of a family changes, doctor visits and medication become the new norm. Sometimes
families are even faced with the difficult decision of life or death for their child, which can only
be cured by using donations from a close match. Depending on the person, the likelihood of finding
your perfect match from the donor list can be slim. With that having been said, many parents turn
to the decision of conceiving another child to be the donor for their already living... Show more
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There are many people who are opposed to conceiving a child to be used as a donor, so it is
important we acknowledge their oppositions. There are three main points against the conception of
children for the use of stem cell donations. The first is explained by Elaine R. Morgan, from an
article titled Having a child to save a sibling, the emotional endangerment of the child because of
the motivation for its conception. (Morgan, ET.AL, 1). Morgan brings up a very valid point,
often times the child who is donating begins donations from birth. As a very young donor, the
child may not fully understand the procedures. It is also a very heavy concept to weigh on a
child, that their sibling could die without their help. Jennifer P. D Auria adds to Morgans
findings on emotional endangerment of a child, in an article titled Through the eyes of young
sibling donors, she described children remembering immense pressure and emotions they felt to
be that perfect match . Although it can be extremely taxing on a child to have life or death
weighing on them, D Auria assessed 44 children and majority felt there was no question in
whether or not they wanted to step up to save their sibling, To me there was no choice. It was you
can either have a brother or you cannot have a brother. That was my choice . Morgan and D Auria
can both agree that there are emotional risks when going through a procedure like this, there is no
guarantee that it will work so if it didn t the child may certainly be emotionally unstable. But what
D Auria explains through the research with many patients, is that the child willingly wants to help
their sibling, they would do anything for them. Every medical procedure has risks and as medical
technology continues to advance, the risk of procedures has been decreasing. When Morgan claims
that children
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Descriptive Speech At The Airport
As soon as my mom, dad, and brother s suitcases rolled into the airport I knew I was in for the
adventure of a lifetime. It was 4:00 am and even though I was exhausted excitement flowed
through my body like a river. As we boarded the plane and found our seats I heard the captain s
microphone come on Ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking we like to welcome
you onboard Delta airline flight to Dallas Fort Worth. The flight duration is around two hours
and we are expecting a fairly smooth flight today. Once again we thank you for choosing to fly
with us and we hope you enjoy your flight My eyes shut as soon as the wheels left the ground. I
woke up to a jolt and the captain saying, Welcome to Dallas Fort Worth! It is partly cloudy and
around 82 degrees. Thank you for choosing Delta and on behalf of the crew we hope you enjoy
your stay. As soon as we entered the airport we were already on our way to the next gate. It was
jam packed with people who all appeared to be in a rush to board their flights. We waited for about
half an hour and then boarded our next flight; this time the destination was MauiHawaii. This flight
lasted 8 hours and little did I know, it would be the longest 8 hours of my entire life. After what
felt like ages, we had finally reached Maui. I opened up my window on the plane and the view was
absolutely breathtaking. Beautiful green land, rolling mountains, and gorgeous blue water covered
the island. As we landed and entered the
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Hbr Solution Unidentified Industries Essay
The Case of the Unidentified Industries 1995
In order to find out the exact firm by analysing the financial structure of typical firms, first we
need to separate those firms which have zero inventory turnover (A, B, F and H) from those
firms which have zero debt ratio which in our case are (E, H and J) and we use the information
to narrow down the possibilities of each firm. In this case there are three groups of companies: 1)
Firms having zero inventory turnover. 2) Firms having zero debt. 3) Firms having all financial ratios
1) Firms having zero inventory turnover:
Under the category of zero inventories, there are four companies. The nature of these companies
show that they are not involved in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Due to high investment in fixed asset the firm also need a high amount of debt in order to cover its
expenses so the smooth run of business.
Firm H. Health Maintenance Organisation:
Health care organisations do business on cash basis. They provide proper medical services to
different people and they receive cash when operation ends and they don t use any debt to finance
their operating activities. The capital structure of this firm shows a zero inventory turnover and a
huge amount of cash from the customers from which partially is used to pay current liabilities and
the remaining is in the form of retain earning.
2) Firms having zero debt:
Under this category there are three firms which have zero debt ratios because the nature of these
firms show that all the financing is done by equity.
Firm E. Retail Drug Chain:
This type of business seems to be sole proprietor and the financial structure of this firm has
maximum number of inventories and zero level of debt financing. Most of the drug retailers
usually have a large amount of inventories due to any emergency situation and demand for the
medicines is usually high. In this case the high asset turnover shows that the firm is effectively
doing business by selling off its assets which in this case is medicines to generate more and more
Firm H. Health Maintenance Organisation:
As mentioned above.
Firm J.
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Examples Of Irony In The Labyrinth
When I first watched the Labyrinth it was like being in a movie. The Labyrinth is a great
example of a literary device called irony to show surprise. There are three types of literary devices
known as irony to show surprise and I am going to show you irony by using the movie Labyrinth
by Jim Henson.
To start with, verbal irony is irony in the form of words, but means the opposite of what is said. In
the Labyrinth Jareth tells Sarah fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave which is an
example of verbal irony. Sarah tells Jareth piece of cake, but means that the Labyrinth is really
hard. Towards the end of the movie sarah says that is how it s done, but needs her friends help.
Additionally, dramatic irony is stuff we know
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The Final English Standard Version Of The ESV Bible
The final English Standard Version (ESV) Bible translation revision regarding gender is potentially
dangerous because of its negative implications, according to a biblical scholar.
In a statement, the Crossway Board of Directors and the ESV Translation Oversight Committee
declared that the 52 words altered in 29 verses are final and will be unchanged throughout the life of
the copyright. However, Northern Seminary New Testament professor Scot McKnight thinks the
revisions carry negative implications, The Christian Post relays.
One of these revisions can be found in Genesis 3:16, which previously read, Your desire shall be
for your husband, and he shall rule over you. The final ESV revision now reads, Your desire shall
be contrary to your husband, but he shall rule over you. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some think they make women rebellious and men authoritarian in response, said McKnight. That is
a sad and potentially dangerous interpretation for it gives the wrong kind of males a ready made
excuse for domination, he added.
Other controversial revisions to the ESV Bible include 1 Kings 8:48, Ephesians 1:5, and James 2:10.
Meanwhile, other Bible translations such as the New International Version and the New Revised
Standard Revision replace man with human beings and brethren with brothers and sisters to reflect
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Across The Atlantic Case Study
At Sea: Across the Atlantic Once the emigrants were aboard the ships that would take them to their
new home, they had to make the most of what was available to them. The ships of the eighteenth
and nineteenth centuries would take several months to reach their destinations, depending on the
weather. This meant that supplies had to be rationed and even then, emigrants might have had to
try and buy food from the crew members on the ships. Even if an emigrant were wealthy enough
to obtain a cabin for himself and or his family, the living conditions were still not very pleasant.
With these conditions in mind it is unlikely that passengers could have performed any religious
rites or ceremonies, such as communion, if such a time came or if a religious... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
The first Lutheran Church in Wisconsin, Trinity Lutheran Church, was built by the first German
Lutherans who arrived in Milwaukee in 1839. New churches continued to be built as more
immigrants settled in Wisconsin, each church built for a specific community of people with similar
ethnic and religious background. In the case of Catholics, there were missionaries in Wisconsin as
early as the seventeenth century and continued to move through the state until the 1730s at which
point the missionary activity stopped. Since this time, Catholic life in Wisconsin has had a German
character to it as more and more German Catholic immigrants came during the peak of German
immigration in the mid nineteenth century. The last of the major religions from Germany, the
Reformed Church, came to Wisconsin through Pennsylvania in 1793. The first German Reformed
Church was organized with the Swiss of New Glarus in 1840 but later shifted to Lippe Detmond
and Sheboygan County. As the generations continued the Churches gained more traction as the
number of parishioners increased. The Churches built schools and seminaries where they educated
people, and hospitals as the field of medicine began to develop on the frontier. The Churches, like
the synods, were a way for settlers to interact and socialize with their community. Church life itself
had not changed too much from the template that Europe had
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Analysis Of To Kill A Mockingbird And The Death Of Innocence
In both the novels To Kill a Mockingbird, by Lee Harper, and The Death of Innocence, by Mamie
Till Mobley, a parallel is evident between the themes of the works, as well as, their courageous
characters. The fictional character Atticus Finch describes fortitude with stating It s when you
know you re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter
what ( Lee 112). His ideals and fearless persona show similarities to that of Mamie Till Mobley,
who, in The Death of Innocence, fights for the civil rights movement after her son is murdered.
Mr.Finch s definition of bravery fits that of the figure Mamie Till.
The unfortunate manslaughter of Emmett Till was the spark that ignited an inferno of civil rights
ideals ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Deceit is no shade of the rainbow, is is a facet of human life. Affirming this fact audibly is brash,
like his choice to give Tom the best defense possible. The lawyer s gallant defense of Tom
Robinson displayed his progressive convictions regarding a colorless courtroom. Mr.Finch is
entirely aware of the prejudice environment surrounding him, and the disgrace his choice to
defend Tom has brought upon his children from their peers. His campaigning attempt for Tom is
long and difficult, and based on the quote above, he is aware victory will not result. His
reasoning is explained when he says, The one place where a man ought to get a square deal is in
a courtroom, be he any color of the rainbow, but people have a way of carrying their resentments
right into a jury box. ( Lee 295 ) Atticus s occupation revolves around the belief that fair trial is
mandatory, and a racially biased jury should not be able to destroy this. Mr. Finch chooses to
make his lifestyle revolve around this idea, and consequently is active in enforcing it in his
community. This aspect of life is similarly mirrored in the way Mamie Till Mobley approached
living after the death of her son. Mamie traveled to various conferences,
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Siddhartha Essay
In the novel Siddhartha by Herman Hesse, the main character experiences many ups and downs
while on his journey to inner peace. First, he decides to live his life as a Samana. Later he
abandons that life in return for a life as a rich man. In the end he decides that his rich life is
unsatisfying and he begins the simple life of a ferryman. Herman Hesse writes about what it takes
to obtain inner peace through his character Siddhartha.
Siddhartha decides the way to obtain peace is by living like a Samana.
Tomorrow at daybreak I will begin the life of the Samanas. (Pg 10) Siddhartha rids his life of all
the things he doesn t need. Then he learns how to control his inner self, but is unable to gain inner
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Later Siddhartha learns that none of these things are helping him gain peace and he no longer wants
to be a Samana.
Then Siddhartha begins to gamble and he gets rich. He becomes addicted to gambling and
begins to put his life in danger. When he gambles, he gains many of the finer things in life like a
garden, rich clothes and a lot of money. The only problem is, none of these things make him
happy. He tries to buy his happiness, but it doesn t work. He staked high and unsparingly, hating
himself, mocking himself. He won thousands, he threw thousands away, lost money . . . (Pg 29)
Siddhartha even considers suicide because he is very unhappy. These problems are making him
very old and sick. Siddhartha decides this life also doesn t make him happy so he decides to move
This time around Siddhartha decides to become a ferryman. He gets rid of all the things that he
doesn t need just like when he was becoming a Samana. He learns a lot through his new friend
Vasudeva. Vasudeva guidesSiddhartha and tells him to listen to what the river tells him. The
River has taught me to listen; you will learn from it too. (Pg 105) Siddhartha learns a lot from
listening to the river. Then Kamala comes back to him with his new son, but then Kamala dies
because she gets bitten by a snake. This brings down Siddhartha s morale. When he runs into
Govinda after many years of not seeing him, he becomes happy
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Homeschooling And Traditional Classroom Education
Compare and Contrast Homeschooling and Traditional Classroom Education
People can choose to get homeschooling or not in the 1970s, some famous writer started write
relative innovation at the same time ( Homeschooling 101 , 2012). There are now more than two
million children being homeschooled in the U.S., with the percentage rapidly increasing by 7
percent to 15 percent each year, according to the National Home Education Research Institute (
Homeschooling 101, 2012). Maybe we can find that homeschooling is becoming more popular than
traditional school, but the truth is, most children still choose to study in traditional school. We
could not ignore that it is hard and laborious for parents to teach their own child at home, although
the child could learn a great deal under the homeschooling. If they send their child to traditional
school, more time could be saved and the parent could improve themselves and be an example for
their child. For instance, participating in the activities with other kids and learning from them for
comparison. Furthermore, attending traditional school could save a ton of money for kids to use it
on other skill learning. Whatever the parent decides to do either the homeschooling or send their
children to the traditional school, there is no denying that children can learn things. From textbook
knowledge, on average, home schoolers score at or above the national average on standardized
measurement. (Distefano,
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Brand Positioning
. POSITIONING Suppose we are asked, who makes the best instant coffee? Next , we are asked,
who makes the next best? there can be a number of brands which are next best, but only one brand
that is the best. In a number of product categories like TVs, cars, personal computers, paints,
razorblades, soaps and so on, we have our favourite brands or marketer. The top slot achieved by
the brandin our mind is called its Positioning. It entered our mind on account of communication
through advertising, word of mouth, product performance and other factors.
Thus, Positioning is the outcome of our perceptions about the brand relative to the competing
Aaker defines brand ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is defined by award winning advertising as well as by the god awful ads that have somehow
slipped through the cracks, got approved, and, not surprisingly, sank into oblivion. It is defined
by the accomplishments of your best employee the shining star in the company who can do no
wrong as well as the mishaps of the worst hire that you ever made. It is also defined by your
receptionist and the music your customers are subjected to when placed on hold. For every grand
and finely worded public statement by the CEO, the brand is also defined by derisory consumer
comments overheard in the hallway or in a chat room on the Internet. Brands are sponges for
content, for images, for fleeting feelings. They become psychological concepts held in the minds of
the public, where they may stay forever. As such you can t entirely control a brand. At best; you
only guide and influence it.
3.3.2 The Brand s Creed
The development of a branding strategy must begin with identifying the brand s (the business ) core
values. These are qualities which an organization deems most important. For instance, an
organization or business may identify its core values to include: honesty, integrity, excellent
communication, and client satisfaction.
Though these values are usually never revealed to the public, they are evident in every aspect of the
organizations business routine, from customer service, to direct marketing, to website design, to
teleconferences, to the
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Comparison Of Sasha Banks And Charlotte Flair
On Sunday night at the Hell In A Cell pay per view, events changed the current landscape of the
WWE and in the process made history as well, I will provide the three most significant matches on
the card as well as the results.
1) Creating history
In wrestling, it is impossible as fans to see something new or innovative that has never been done
before because wrestling has existed for years. However, history was made last night both Sasha
Banks and Charlotte Flair were involved in the main event in a Hell In A Cellmatch. This has
never happened before on this magnitude especially at a pay per view.
I have to give the WWE respect because the entrances of both women were legendary and it just
added to the anticipation of the match. Charlotte was carried out like a queen to the ring on by
men that were dressed in gladiator uniforms. Then it was only right to have The Boss come out last
and she arrived in her hometown in style in an Escalade.
I thought that the beginning of the match was booked perfectly; Charlotte decided to attack Banks
out of nowhere before the unforgiving structure came down. These two rivals battled on the outside,
the fought into the crowd and then at ringside. Then they both fought on the side of the cell.
Charlotte came down the cell but Sasha still hanged onto the Cell itself, Charlotte then connected
with a Powerbomb through the announce table.
Sasha Banks deserved to receive an Oscar award for selling performance which was absolutely
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Kinship In Dr. Gregory Boyle s Tattoos On The Heart
Living in a diverse community while maintaining a state of accord is onerous. It is innate to regard
that one self s unrivaled conduct and notion are factual, which leads society to become perplexed
by that which they deem foreign. Thus, when one denounces another s truth chaos ensues. Fr.
Gregory Boyle offers that compassion and kinshipare necessary to live in harmony yet, kinship
cannot stand alone, and compassion must be present to create unanimity. Kinship implies that
compassion is present, but that is not always correct yet, with compassion a perceived kinship is
always present. To live in a community ridden with diversity can be problematic, but despite the
moments in which the novel s anecdotes were difficult to relate to Tattoos on the Heart informs its
readers about what their responsibilities are when it comes to different ideas.... Show more content
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Boyle recounts the story of Clever who Homeboy Industries hired at their silkscreen shop. On
Clever s first day of work he ran into rival homie, Travieso. It was clear to Fr. Boyle that the
hatred between Clever and Travieso was deep rooted and personal and for that reason Fr. Boyle
enforced that he would fire the homies if they were not civil. Six months later, a rival gang
pulled Travieso into an alley and attacked him. After arriving at the hospital the doctors declared
him brain dead. Clever called Fr. Boyle after Travieso s family removed him from life saving
measures and asked if there was anything he could do for Travieso. Fr. Boyle inquired why Clever
wanted to help his enemy to which Clever replied, He... was...not...my...enemy. He was my friend.
We...worked together. (145) Clever s benevolence displayed to the readers that with compassion for
another, despite personal grievances, society can achieve kinship and
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St. Julian In The Haut MГ©doc Case Study
A RICH LADY IN Bacchus neighborhood was divorcing her husband and had a garage sale of
his large wine collection. Bacchus flew there like a bee towards clover. An older lady had a bottle
of Charmes Chambertin in her hand marked $2 and kept picking it up and putting it down on the
table. Bacchus is too much a gentleman to push over a little old lady, but how he prayed to the wine
god to make the lady choose the THUNDERBIRD, over the CHAMBERTIN. That s exactly what
she did and Bacchus thankfully picked up the Chambertin. Bacchus saw another famous label at
a commercial wine garage sale. He picked up the bottle and there was lots of sticky stuff around
the bottle capsule and the white wine had a brown tinge to it. These are two signs that the wine
had been improperly stored and that it was now maderized. CAVEAT EMPTOR, Youalls.
CHГ‚TEAU BEYCHEVELLE ($80 and up) from St. Julian in the Haut MГ©doc is one of Bacchus
favorite Bordeaux wines. It is classified as a FOURTH GROWTH, but in a good year, it can almost
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This is the greatest of all the great Sauternes. It was a favorite of the Russian Tsars (no wonder
they had a revolution there!) Even democratic Thomas Jefferson loved the wine, and sometimes
you hear of a bottle with the initials TJ on it being found. As a sweet dessert wine, ChГўteau D
Yquem is truly in a class by itself. Full of honey, thick glycerin, and pretty flowers, this wine is a
fantastic value for the unique quality it produces. The Bacchuses walked through nearby vineyards,
and the superiority of the growing grapes, the grounds, and the buildings shout out the royalty of
ChГўteau D Yquem. Great Sauternes and Barsacs are created by noble rot BOTRYTIS CINEREA,
a black mold that grows on the grape skins, sucking the water out of the grapes, thereby
concentrating flavorings, sugars, and other good ingredients of grapes. ChГўteau D Yquem and
plain pound cake make an exquisite
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Axon Brain Case Study
An arriving action potential depolarizes the axon terminal of a presynaptic neuron. Calcium ions
enter the cytosol of the axon terminal, which results in acetylcholine release from the synaptic
vesicles by exocytosis. Ach diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to receptors on the
postsynaptic membrane. Sodium channels open, which produce a graded depolarization. Ach is
broken down into acetate and choline by AChE, which causes depolarization to end. The axon
terminal reabsorbs choline form the synaptic cleft and uses it to resynthesize ACh. B. Differentiate
between the absolute and relative refractory period of an action potential. Be sure to include ion
gates in your discussion.
During absolute refractory period, no action potential
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My Online Community Essay
My Online Community I aimlessly wondered the Internet trying to find a community suitable for
me. I wasn t sure what I was looking for. I have many interests, but I really don t have a strong
passion for something. So I decided to join a community in which I could express myself as a teen
and talk about general issues. I joined the mtv.com community. There I expressed my thoughts on
everything, ranging from music to daily events that shape our world. There I had a chance to share
my opinions and beliefs, as others posted their thoughts and perspectives on certain subjects. Online
communities are rather congruent to offline ones. They are both appealing yet displeasing at the
same time. An online community means... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It was my first time in a community, and I was quite interested in seeing how it was going to be.
On the second day of being a member, I wanted to start posting some of my own thoughts on
certain things. I started to read messages ranging from questions like, what s your favorite
commercial, to questions like, why censor a record that does little more than personalize the
struggles of abortion and prompt a national dialogue on the topic? I clicked on the reply button,
and I started responding to all these messages. I spent more than an hour browsing the site and
responding to all these questions that sparked an interest in me. Some people had great sense of
humors, and others didn t do anything else but criticize anyone who didn t agree with his/her
own opinion. There were several drawbacks in my community. The previous day I had posted
several questions that I wanted people to answer to, but since the community is so large, my
message was lost in the middle of several other messages. I had posted a question on whether
America has too many laws or not, and It took me more than 10 minutes of clicking the next
page button to find it. Several people had responded to it, and it was nice to see that some people
agreed with me. It was also very interesting to see how others disagreed with me and read their
view on the subject. On the third day I passed my time
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Kimball s Argument On Religion, And Cultures
Chad Martin Dr. Eakin Religions, Ethics, Cultures 9 Sept 2016 I can slightly agree and heartily
disagree with different aspects of Kimball s claim that religion becomes dangerous and even evil
when mixed with our own interpretations. I think that when we take our own view as absolute, we
start lording over others, and we start to enter dangerous territory. For example, Kimball mentions
that the most extremist believers will resort to murder and not care about breaking their own
doctrines. People not only start going against their own values and humanity but they also start
taking interpretations so down to the peg that they start lording it over themselves perhaps
forgetting who they are and letting something else take its place. Soon they... Show more content on
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And a long process that would take place over several years. Later on king Philip did all he could
to destroy the order, by 1310 scribed by frale, Philip the fair did all he could to damage their he
had fifty five Templars who were found innocent by the church burn at the stake. Over the
course of the trail the pope stricken, was forced to resign his duty of overseeing the Templars
and left the proceeding the hands of various bishops. Ultimately this lead to the eventual
dissolution of the order in pope Clements dying years, all the damage Philip had done to both the
church and the Templar order. I believe shows the foolishness of the roman church and how
easily they were used by a greedy Philip the fair, to destroy and gain the wealth of the Templars
he coveted so much. So religion is I would say more of used for evil, and not become evil,
equating itself to more foolishness of its practitioners rather than the entity of religion
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Being Vegan Research Paper
Veganism 2nd Essay When people ask me what my favorite food is and I replied, either a burger
or pizza, they then say, doesn t that have meat or dairy in it? This question reflects the social
standard of how the meat and dairy industry has influenced people s perceptions deeply. One
essential aspect of my life is my lifestyle choice of being vegan, in which I learned more about
myself and where I stand without entering a classroom. By educating myself on the effects of the
meatand dairy industry to the animals, my health, and the environment, I expanded my horizons
beyond the what I see on my plate. Raised in a filipino culture, meat, dairy, and fish are an
significant ingredient in the cuisine. When I was younger, I ve never been exposed to a vegan
lifestyle nor have I heard of the word itself! Rather than exaggerating what I ate, I ate without a
thought. About a year ago, I made the choice to transition into a vegan lifestyle, initially based on
ethics. Since then, I ve learned about the heavy burden the meat and dairy industry has on the
environment, which not only affects me but everyone around the world. But before that transition, I
intuitively had a predisposed idea that animals were being killed for the people s taste buds, yet...
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No one forced me to educate myself on this matter; it was all done by my determination to seek
reality. In a world saturated with the looks of a finished product, I saw the journey. I
underestimated the power of a dollar bill that tells meat and dairy industry to continue, so I no
longer let my dollar be the vote. By manifesting my morals into actions, I finally aligned my
morals where my mouth is. I know by doing this, it doesn t reverse the damage I ve already done
to the animal, my health, and the environment. Although I cannot alter what I did before, I still
have an opportunity to create a new
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Decline Of Alaskan Society Essay
With its direct connection with the land removed, Native Alaskan society began to fragment
alarmingly quickly. The regional corporations failure to provide dividends that were adequate
enough to allow people to remain comfortably in their local villages, coupled with the influx of
Western Capitalistic Culture brought by the new corporations, led an increasing number of Native
Alaskans to begin moving from their traditional subsistence lifestyles in rural villages to the
comparatively urban cities of Alaska. Native populations in Anchorage alone doubled between
1970 and 1980. There, the newly urban Alaska Natives were forced to seek out work in a
comparatively individualistic society. The western corporate values of competition eroded... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Thus, they had but two choices: partially assimilate with the hope that they d retain some aspects of
their culture, or resist until the bitter end and fade into obscurity, being remembered only in
Therefore, taken all in all, the ANCSA was not a success; rather, it was a resounding failure. In
all but a few cases, it failed to economically provide for the Alaska Natives, and failed to protect
their vibrant cultures from quietly fading and assimilating into mainstream society, while the rest
of America celebrated the The Me Decade. That s not to say that it didn t accomplish anything
the ASRC and a few other corporations have continued to thrive, and the younger AFN leaders
that negotiated the ANCSA were right in believing that in order to keep their culture alive at all,
they had to partially assimilate, or be lost completely. But what makes the ANCSA such a
disappointment is not that it was, as some people would claim, simply a repackaged Dawes Act
meant to paternalistically decide the fate of Native Tribes, but rather that its very achievable goals
were crippled for years by failure in but a few key junctures. In comparison with previous Federal
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Digital Divide And Stereotypes
Firstly recorded in the report of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration
(NTIA) survey in 1995, (Servon, 2002), the term Digital Divide presents an interesting quandary of
information and communication technologies (ICT) disparities among countries in the world,
especially between developed and developing countries. Many reports even showed that access to
ICT in these information have and have nots countries was unequally even (Bridges.org, 2001;
Fuchs Horak, 2008; Norris, 2001 ; Van Dijk, 2009). Nonetheless, though inequities in access to ICT
are most evident across countries, the same pattern is found within the countries themselves. In the
U.S, for example, the gap in ICT access does exist ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In my poster, I used an image of old lady from Swongled Media (2008) to represent the concept of
digital immigrants. Prensky (2001a, p. 8 ), in his first article Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants
, describes this term as those older generations who were not born into the digital world . After
years of living in pre digital lifestyles (Selwyn, 2009, p. 369 ), the digital immigrants have been
transformed into a group of asylum seekers in digital media world (Byne Ross, 2007, p. 4 ). It
means that these older people are forced to adapt if they really want to be connected. Likewise,
even though some of digital immigrants can use technology, most of them still consider it as
something foreign (Kennedy et al., 2008). Consequently, the digital immigrants may find online
experience anarchic, superficial and/or threatening (Dufresne Bethke, 2005), due to their
entrenched value in traditional discourse of information gathering. O Hara and Steven (2006, p.
88) even claims that the digital immigrants require more attention due to their ICT skills which
are second hand, slightly forced and has to be learned . In other words, digital immigrants are
seen as groups of people who are older and less familiar as well as uncomfortable with technology.
Following to that, the divergent notion of digital immigrants is digital natives. I portrayed this
concept by using an image from Rachel
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  • 10. A Day At Oakleaf Junior High School The alarm clock blared as six o clock struck. I groggily climbed out of bed to begin what I thought was just another day at Oakleaf Junior High School. I followed my usual routine which included brushing my teeth, taking a shower, and eating my bowl of delicious Coco Puffs. I gathered my backpack and headed towards the door to begin my long trek to school when all of a sudden my parents exclaimed, B, you don t have to go to school today. We re going on vacation! I looked at them with disbelief as she hastily ushered me out the front door into the already prepared Toyota Highlander. Next thing I know, I was headed out of Oakleaf to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, with my family for another action packed vacation. The monotony ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Once we entered the city, we began the infeasible task of searching for our luxurious and prominently recognized five star hotel. The ceaseless mazes of intertwined roadways proved to be an obstruction to our mission. We eventually managed, after countless stops to request aid from passersby, to find the awe inspiring Coral Beach Resort Suites. Its magnificent architecture and larger than life appearance took my breath away. The pure white hotel seamlessly merged with the sandy beach and perfectly contrasted with the aqua blue sea. In the distance, I could easily see the turquoise swimming pool that seemed to be as momentous as the ocean itself. After taking in all the sights, my family and I entered the massive double doors of the hotel and received countless greetings from the eager hotel staff. They swiftly handed us our room key and administered directions to our room. We scaled the monstrous building with a unique view
  • 11. of the beautiful beach through the pristine glass elevator. Within no time, we arrived at our extravagant and vast suite and were not disappointed with its contents. The enormous king size beds were so comfortable that it seemed as if I were floating on a cloud. Furthermore, the limitless space made me feel right at home. After a wonderful night s sleep, I arose to my parents rushing me into my bathing suit to begin the day s adventure. As my family ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. A Note On B2b Sales Cycle If you re not using or have given up on landing pages, then you re missing out on a truly integral component of the sometimes complex B2B sales cycle. Whether used as part of a lead or sales funnel... integrated into an email, PPC, or direct mail campaign... a well crafted landing page can really boost your conversion rates. Now there are potentially hundreds of specific steps you can take in order to get the most out of them. And there are, of course, various ways to test each page element. Am I recommending that you ignore all the testing and tweaking? Of course not. But if you want to get the most bang for your buck, you can t afford to ignore the basics. So without further ado, here are five steps to creating landing pages that convert. 1. Determine the goal. The lack of a clearly defined goal is probably the single biggest stumbling block for most people. If your pages contain six different ideas, all competing for attention, then you re in for a disastrous conversion experience. For example, if you ve recently published three white papers, it would be a huge mistake to design one landing page for all of them. Studies consistently show that vague or competing themes are a huge factor in the overall success or failure of a landing page. So instead of cramming multiple ideas onto one page, be sure to create a separate one for each. If you follow this one step alone, you ll likely see at least a double digit improvement in your conversion rate. 2. Keep ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Contribution Allport s Influence On The Academic... The next scholar to contribute was Allport. Allport stated that it is very unlikely that people just possessed one personality characteristic (Fleming, 2006). He claimed that personality exists in a psychological matrix meaning within a person, that people possessed traits which can be categorized into levels, which in turn allows there to be comparison among different individuals (Liebert, R. M. Spiegler, M. D., 1970, 117). Allport also recognized that it is important to understand individuals within themselves, and that it is necessary to recognize some characteristics are not universal/transferable among individuals (Liebert, R. M. Spiegler, M. D., 1970). To list the all the contributions Allport made to the academic world would be too much, in short, he among other scholars introduced an extensive list of adjectives that were descriptive of individual behaviours (Fleming, 2006). Lacking necessary agreement among classifications and definitions of the many personality traits, the further development of personality theories in the 1960 s was brought to halt. Resuming development, Cattell claimed there to be too many factors and characteristics in need of analysis (Liebert, R. M. Spiegler, M. D., 1970). He paved the way by developing factor analytical methods using multivariate trials (Liebert, R. M. Spiegler, M. D., 1970). Cattell was among the academics that developed the sixteen factor personality test (Fleming, 2006). Building upon Cattell, Eysenck cropped ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Plain View Case Study One day, Deputy R. Ebel, a rookie on the Cloverville Police Department who was known for not playing by the rules decided that enough was enough. He paid a visit to the Smith s home when no one was there and did a little snooping around. Upon pulling up to the Smith s residence in his patrol vehicle, Ebel first noticed two green plastic garbage bags sitting on the curb propped up against the Smiths mailbox. Trash pick up was that morning so Ebel knew he had to act quickly before the garbage was taken. He rummaged through both bags and found several pieces of junk mail belonging to the Smiths, some baggies containing a white powdery residue, several small mirrors, and several used razor blades. Ebel deposited the items in his patrol car,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The attorney for the Smith s will likely to argue as well the Fruit of the Poisonous Tree which holds that evidence gathered with the assistance of illegally obtained information must be excluded from trial. Thus, if an illegal interrogation leads to the discovery of physical evidence, both the interrogation and the physical evidence may be excluded, the interrogation because of the exclusionary rule, and the physical evidence because it is the fruit of the illegal interrogation. This doctrine is subject to three of important exceptions. The evidence will not be excluded (1) if it was discovered from a source independent of the illegal activity; (2) its discovery was inevitable; or (3) if there is attenuation between the illegal activity and the discovery of the evidence. (Cornell University Law School, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. My Dream In My Life My entire baseball career I had dreamed of playing for my high school, but now that dream was in jeopardy. I had been playing baseball since I was eligible back in 1st grade. I was never a spectacular talent, I didn t hit home runs, I wasn t an ace pitcher, and I wasn t particularly fit. I was just average, and I knew that. So when it came to trying out for the high school baseballteam, I almost decided not to. I wasn t worthy of being on that team. I had expressed this opinion to my friends and family, and they didn t approve. However, eventually, they wore me down and convinced me to at least try out. Reluctantly, I obliged, and when the time came, I signed up for tryouts and prepared myself for what I expected to be the greatest disappointment of my life. It was a three day tryout. Three days of grueling work on both the fundamentals and technicalities of the game. Three days of knowing that they were going to cut me. 40 other young men surrounded me, and they all wanted the same thing I did. People who I had played with my whole life. People who I knew to be great ball players. People I knew could outplay me in any aspect of the game. Dispite this, I gave it my all. It was a dream of mine to play on this team. I pushed myself to what seemed like a breaking point, and then pushed harder. I had never felt so fatigued in my life. My thighs ached, my arm screamed in pain, and my thirst was everlasting. All this, I thought, for what? There s no way they ll take me. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. The Death Of The Author By Roland Barthes And Michel Foucault Throughout many different mediums such as literature and music there have been many controversial pieces written in regards to the true meaning and purpose of authorship. Several French philosophers such as Roland Barthes and Michel Foucault have written essays on the purpose of authorship. Roland Barthes, writer of The Death of the Author , has a strong belief in the removal of the author from a piece. Barthes believed that once a book has been written there is no more author but instead a scriptor and text which are both born simultaneously. Meaning that the text is a living tissue for the scriptor(reader) to interpret for themselves, leaving a text with multiple meanings dependent on a scriptors interpretation. On the other hand, French philosopher, Michel Foucaultbelieved that the author is a key aspect to a written work. He believed that without an author a work would have no true meaning in essence leaving everything up for debate which ultimately results in confusion. Foucault also believed that removing the author from a text serves no purpose and as such, should not be done. Similarly, an author is a very important aspect in music as well because musicians are able to bridge gaps between them and their listeners through lyricism. Artists are able to do this by incorporating narratives in their music allowing them to narrate their lives which may include hardships and difficulties that they have gone through, which allows for connections to be made between the author and a listener who has gone through the same experiences. For example, artists such as 21 Savage speak about gang violence and poverty in their music which allows them to shed light on such issues in order to raise public awareness. The rap artist 21 Savage, also known as 21, has written many songs which have very deep lyrical meanings to them. For example 21 Savage wrote the song Famous in which he describes his life prior to and after his rise to fame. In the song 21 Savage discusses how he used to be less fortunate but is now doing well by stating the following, Rags to riches, n***a came from the bottom/Hood rats, now a n***a f***in on models/Ridin in the foreign, remember ridin on MARTA (21 Savage). In the above lyrics, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn s One Day Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn s One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich explores the man s struggle to survive in the trying circumstances of a Soviet Gulag. Though the novel leads the reader through the horrific conditions in one of the work camps, it does not focus on the lack of hope that the men feel but it focuses on the perseverance and resilience of the prisoners. Shukhov s character shines through as a prominent example of the courage of the souls in the work camps. Further, Alyoshka proves to never give up in the face of extreme conditions and is always around to help his gang. Finally, Tyurin s undying devotion to leadership provides a refreshing look into the resilience of the prisoners. Solzhenitsyn expertly constructs intricate layers... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Furthermore, the author reveals through Shukhov s actions the determination that mankind experienced in the gulags. Shukhov takes a job, which could normally be considered a gruelling task, and turns it into an act of fortitude. As the sole thing he sees is the wall in front of him (97) and he shouts to not give up yet, boys! (109), he strongly exemplifies the perseverance of the prisoners. The task that he is given should dishearten him but instead, boosts his morale and thus, his determination. The character of Shukhov is crafted as a glaring example of the resilience men have in a gulag, and this is additionally explored through the characterization of Alyoshka. Solzhenitsyn creates the compelling character of Alyoshka who stays true to himself and to others in the face of adversity. Staying faithful to his religion gives him the strength he requires in order to focus on the positive outcomes of the gulags. Contrary to popular opinion, the author uses Alyoshka s dialogue to exhibit the positivity as he says to [b]e glad [they are] in prison so that they have time to think about [their] soul[s] (177). He regards his imprisonment as a time to reflect upon his spirit and the kind of person he is which is a true accomplishment of the human spirit in the calamity of a gulag. Further, the author uses his actions to display his steadfast nature that causes him to be of tremendous help to his gang. His want to be helpful is glaringly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Lavon Julian Dr. Percy Lavon Julian was a spearheading chemist whose findings enhanced the field of science and saved many lives. A grandson of a slave, Julian grew up facing a lot of obstacles because of his skin color (Drew, 1950). African Americans during his time faced a lot of challenges like racism. Julian rose above this racism and turned out to be among the most influential scientists of the 20th century and a leader of civil and business rights. Percy Lavon Julian was born in the year1989. Julian was lucky as his parents were educated and had an appreciation for education which was not the case for most black Americans. Although his parents had a great appreciation for education, Julian attended a segregated elementary school. There was no public high school for black individuals like Lavon. Hence, he had no option but to enroll in a teacher training school for blacks (Drew, 1950). In 1916, Julian enrolled at DePauw University having a tenth grade education barely. On his first day in college, Julian remembers being welcomed and greeted by a white man. He had never experienced ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One most famous paper was entitled Studies in the Indole Series V. The Complete Synthesis of Physostigmine . In the paper, Julian and Josef explained how physostigmine is synthesized in the laboratory (Cobb, 1971). This article is what I think was the most influential publication, Julian ever wrote. Julian s other contribution to plant science was when he was working as a director in Glidden company. Following his successful research, there was an explosive growth industry for soya beans (Cobb, 1971). He discovered new functions for the chemicals found in soya beans. This discovery lessened problems in the world. For example, one protein called Aer o form was used as fire retardant foam in fire extinguishers. The development helped to save lives of soldiers during World War ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Chaldean Culture Sunday nights were reserved for extended family dinners at my grandparent s house. Loud music, different food and strange dancing were commonplace at these large gatherings. We were Chaldean a small Catholic minority originating from northern Iraq with ties to ancient Mesopotamia. The dinners provided me with a gateway, bridging my everyday experience with my ancestral culture. On Mondays, I would return to school with leftover dolma or beef kafta, which established an immediate rapport with other Chaldean students and helped to form the basis of many long term friendships. Years later, once I had graduated to the adult table at our Sunday dinners, I noticed a predictable trend. Sometime after the plates had been cleared, but before the baklava and coffee were served, the family conversation would shift to a discussion about the Iraq War, eventually giving way to passionate and lively debates. My relatives would discuss the progress of the American invasion, important political actors and the policy implications of certain U.S. actions. The nuanced discussion about tenuous situations and the fervor with which my family spoke ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With many devoutly religious and many business owners (approximately 61% of Chaldean households), many campaigned for Donald Trump, who they saw as the toughest on Islamist extremism. Recently though, ICE agents, working under presidential directives, began deporting Chaldeans who have been here for decades. Not only is the community concerned about breaking up families, but for many Chaldeans, deportation comes with the risk of religious persecution from members of ISIS or its sympathizers. I bring with me many experiences I have gained from my community. Experiences that have shaped my associations, interest in politics and desire to attend law school. I hope that by pursuing a legal education I can become an effective positive force for my Chaldean ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Synthetic Drugs And Its Effects Addiction, one of America s number one problems, and when it seems that we ve solved it, it always seems to rear its ugly head back in some other form. This could be due to the fact the internet is making a newer class of synthetic designer drugs much more available. (Mycyk, 2012) Synthetic drugs have been a consistent and ongoing problem for our nation over the past few years since their creation and introduction to the world. Every day, we see more and more people hospitalized due to use of synthetic drugs, and the addictive behaviors they creates with in people. Even with the bans that the Food and Drug Administration have passed on them, we see people continuing to gain access to these designer drugs. Over the course of this research paper we will discuss synthetic drugs and what they are, review a few cases of people using these drugs and their experiences, discuss the issues with addiction, as well as a proposed solution to help those addicted to these terrible designer drugs as well as ways to help eradicate the remaining amounts on the streets. Spice, also known as synthetic marijuana, what is it? Spice is a designer drug, more commonly known as a synthetic drug, this one representing marijuana, which generally has the ability to avoid drug detection. (Linday, 2012) Spice is a mix of herbs and manmade chemicals with mind altering effects, it earns its right to be called synthetic marijuana because some of the chemicals in it are very similar in manner to those in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Rhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream Speech Martin Luther King was a civil rights activist and Baptist minister. Dr. King was a leader in the African American Civil Rights movement. His speech discusses the injustices African American people were suffering. He says that they must be nonviolent in their fight for justice, an idea which won him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. Dr. King also states that they must have faith and hope for the future. (Par. 25) I Have a Dream was delivered August 28, 1963 in Washington D.C. The African Americans had been living with segregation laws for many decades, and they wanted to gain the rights they deserved. Dr. King had lived with segregation and wanted all of God s children to be able to join together. (Par. 36) It is still important because it shows the people s struggle to get to a better society where everyone could be treated equally. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He refers to his intended audience as his people in paragraph 8. In the first sentence of paragraph 9, he uses both negro community and us to refer to who he is speaking to. The African American people know this cause is vital and that they must fight for the rights they deserve. Dr. King wants to remind them that this is urgent and that they must not use physical force or violence to achieve their goal. The purpose behind I Have a Dream is to persuade. Dr. King has several topics in his speech. He persuades the audience that this is an urgent matter. He argues that they cannot let their protests degenerate into physical violence (Par. 8). He says that this cannot lead to a distrust of all white people, because many were there to support their cause. They cannot go back. They must have ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Joint Commission Visit The roots of The Joint Commission began in the American College of Surgeons (ACS), founded in 1913, which eventually lead to voluntary onsite inspections of hospitals in 1918. In 1951, The American College of Physicians, the American Hospital Association, the American Medical Association, and the Canadian Medical Association joined forces with the ACS to create the Joint Commissionon Accreditationof Hospitals (JCAH). JCAH was formed as an independent, not for profit organization whose primary purpose was to provide voluntary accreditation for meeting established minimum quality standards. It was not until 1970 that the standards of quality were reformed to represent the highest achievable levels, instead of minimum necessary levels. In 1987, the company was renamed the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), which was shortened to today s The Joint Commission after rebranding in 2007. (Stanberry, 2012) The Joint Commission evaluates and accredits more than 20,000 health care organizations and programs in the United States. The Joint Commission also provides certification of more than 1,000 disease specific care programs, primary stroke centers, and health care staffing services. An independent, not for profit organization, The Joint Commission is the nation s oldest and largest standards setting and accrediting body in health care. The Mission of the Joint Commission is to continuously improve health care for the public, in collaboration ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The Ceo Of Apple Products Steve Paul Jobs, a widely known business man but of all things, are famously known as the CEO of Apple Computer and the creator of Pixar Animation Studios share an intriguing, inspiring, motivating and heart felt commencement speech at Standford University on June 12, 2005. If you have some knowledge of the Apple products, then generally you might have some knowledge of Steve Jobsand his success. However, most people don t know the origin of his success. In the speech he delivered to the graduates of Standford University, Jobs gives an inspiring speech that not only captivates the audience but share stories that all seem too familiar when you re struggling to make it. In the beginning of his speech he tells the graduates of Standford ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... That first part says a lot his characteristic s coming from a man who has a multibillion company. His net worth is estimated to be 10.2 billion to be exact. That strikes to me as a humble man indeed. Surprisingly, he did not graduate college. We find out that he dropped out after only attending for six months to only to stay another eighteen months before he actually dropped out. He goes to further explanation to why he dropped out by giving a back story. His mother who he characterize as an unwed college graduate student(1 jobs) had a series of problems when trying to put him for adoption. The description he gave of his mother almost sounds like he feels indifferent about her. After a series of issues with the adoption, his biological mother finally convinced a couple that he will go to college one day. Going back to Jobs dropping out of Reed college after six months, jobs mentioned in his speech that he did not see the value in going to college and that he have no idea how college was going to help him figure out what he wanted to do in life. He seems to content in this part of the speech because he said that it was one of his best decisions and soon after began taking classes that looked interesting to him. It was not all glamorous because he slept at a friends place on the floor and had to walk seven miles to get a good meal, as he describes, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Cats In Ancient Egypt Research Paper Cats in Ancient Egypt Ancient Egyptians considered cats to be sacred. Killing a cat, even by accident could be punishable by death. About 60 BC, Greek historian, Diodorus Siculus, witnessed a Roman accidentally kill an Egyptian cat. An outraged mob gathered and killed the Roman despite pleas from their pharaoh. The Greek historian Herodotus wrote that in the event of a fire, men would guard the fire to make certain that no cats ran into the flame. Herodotus also wrote that when a cat died, the household would go into mourning as if for a human relative, and would often shave their eyebrows to signify their loss. The practice of mummification was extended to cats because of the deep respect the Egyptians had for them. They worshipped a Cat ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. George Eastman Kodak s Effect On The Film And Photography... In his lifetime, George Eastman once said, Light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography ( George ). George Eastman, born in 1854, was an amateur photographer without much education, who realized the technical potentials of dry plates, which are what photographs were printed on in 1871. He began experimenting with chemicals for developing photos and making dry plates in his mother s kitchen, and in 1880, he created an effective formula for dry plates. In 1888, once he had become more successful, he founded The Eastman Kodak Company, otherwise known as Eastman Kodak, which was one of the leading competitors of cameraand film manufacturing... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Beforehand, only skilled photographers were able to take photos due to a complicated process, but Eastman changed that. In 1888, [George Eastman] addressed the enormously large and previously untapped mass amateur market by isolating the technical complexities from picture taking (Cooper 329). Isolating the problems of photography made is possible for nearly everyone to take photos, and not just the professionals. This meant that more people were able to indulge in this hobby and capture more images for the world to see. Eastman also constructed his own camera and process to make things less complicated for individuals who wanted to take photographs. [Eastman] added to the company s established production of photosensitive materials by designing a simple to operate, highly portable roll film camera, the Kodak, and by providing factory service that included the unloading and reloading of the camera with film and the developing and printing of the pictures (Cooper 329). Creating a camera that was mobile made it possible for more people to easily have a camera with them at most times and take photos whenever they please, like how most people today carry devices in their pockets that can take photos with the tap of a button. Not only that, but consumers could effortlessly send their film to back to Eastman Kodak and have their photos developed, without having to do so themselves as they would have before. While George Eastman was a significant figure in the department of film, it was not the only industry that he ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Nightmare Research Papers Up to 90% of people dream when they fall asleep not only do they dream but also have nightmares. Not all nightmares will wake a person up or even be remembered but if they are remembered it usually strikes fear and worry in the dreamers mind. Nightmares and the level of fear that they possess all depends on the person who is having them because not everyone s fears are the same thing or are to the same extent. Nevertheless sleep is split into four different stages, stage one being sleep onset, stage 2 light sleep, stage 3 and 4 deep sleep which can also be known as the REM (non rapid eye movement) stage which is connected to dreaming. There are different aspects within a nightmare such as how nightmares come to be and who they effect. Nightmares ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Nightmares and the brain states that nightmares are most common of those between the ages of three and six probably due to children being very impressionable at these ages. While touching on the statement of children being impressionable an assistant Clinic professor at Cambridge Health Alliance believe children are smaller and are vulnerable to many more treatments than adults, Nightmares may reflect this vulnerability with this being a very possible idea it would help explain the reason children are more prone to nightmares than adults (Nightmares and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Essay on Substance Abuse Effects on Children For the purpose of this particular class assignment and with funding not being an issue, this paper will seek to create a treatment/prevention program for those who have been affected by the effects of substance abuse/addiction. Additionally, it will seek to describe a comprehensive model for treating this population. The mission would be to eliminate the devastating impact of substance abuse on those affected: chemically dependent individuals, those with a history of substance abuse/misuse, families/children and communities. The goal is to achieve and sustain abstinence for those addicted to alcohol and other substances in order for them to develop a recovering lifestyle. Finally, this paper will attempt ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Drug Use Continuum: Initial drug/alcohol use can be motivated by a number of factors. Such as, an individual s inquisitiveness about the drug and it s effect, predisposition, peer pressure, psychodynamic processes, homelessness, mental health illness and poverty. These can all offer ample motivation for experimental or circumstantial drug use. If taken repeatedly, a period of casual drug use often develops. Further usage associated with more frequent drug administration, higher drug dosages, and/or the use of more effective routes of administration (switching from intranasal to intravenous use) can lead to intensive patterns of drug use. Continued, more sustained drug use can then produce compulsive drug use where the substance has strong motivational properties and appears to govern much of the individual s behavior. The most extreme case of drug use is the final progression to addiction.
  • 28. Substance use, like many human behaviors, occurs along a broad spectrum from no use to compulsive/extremely heavy use (Abadinsky, 2011). Thus, the likelihood of an individual experiencing problems emerging from substance use, usually increases as the rate of use amplifies. The gamut for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Persuasive Essay On Donating Children Having a child can be one of the most exciting experiences for a parent. However, bringing a child into the world can also be a very scary experience. Every parent s wish is to have a healthy baby, but sadly this is not always a reality. When a child is born with a disease the whole dynamic of a family changes, doctor visits and medication become the new norm. Sometimes families are even faced with the difficult decision of life or death for their child, which can only be cured by using donations from a close match. Depending on the person, the likelihood of finding your perfect match from the donor list can be slim. With that having been said, many parents turn to the decision of conceiving another child to be the donor for their already living... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are many people who are opposed to conceiving a child to be used as a donor, so it is important we acknowledge their oppositions. There are three main points against the conception of children for the use of stem cell donations. The first is explained by Elaine R. Morgan, from an article titled Having a child to save a sibling, the emotional endangerment of the child because of the motivation for its conception. (Morgan, ET.AL, 1). Morgan brings up a very valid point, often times the child who is donating begins donations from birth. As a very young donor, the child may not fully understand the procedures. It is also a very heavy concept to weigh on a child, that their sibling could die without their help. Jennifer P. D Auria adds to Morgans findings on emotional endangerment of a child, in an article titled Through the eyes of young sibling donors, she described children remembering immense pressure and emotions they felt to be that perfect match . Although it can be extremely taxing on a child to have life or death weighing on them, D Auria assessed 44 children and majority felt there was no question in whether or not they wanted to step up to save their sibling, To me there was no choice. It was you can either have a brother or you cannot have a brother. That was my choice . Morgan and D Auria can both agree that there are emotional risks when going through a procedure like this, there is no guarantee that it will work so if it didn t the child may certainly be emotionally unstable. But what D Auria explains through the research with many patients, is that the child willingly wants to help their sibling, they would do anything for them. Every medical procedure has risks and as medical technology continues to advance, the risk of procedures has been decreasing. When Morgan claims that children ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Descriptive Speech At The Airport As soon as my mom, dad, and brother s suitcases rolled into the airport I knew I was in for the adventure of a lifetime. It was 4:00 am and even though I was exhausted excitement flowed through my body like a river. As we boarded the plane and found our seats I heard the captain s microphone come on Ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking we like to welcome you onboard Delta airline flight to Dallas Fort Worth. The flight duration is around two hours and we are expecting a fairly smooth flight today. Once again we thank you for choosing to fly with us and we hope you enjoy your flight My eyes shut as soon as the wheels left the ground. I woke up to a jolt and the captain saying, Welcome to Dallas Fort Worth! It is partly cloudy and around 82 degrees. Thank you for choosing Delta and on behalf of the crew we hope you enjoy your stay. As soon as we entered the airport we were already on our way to the next gate. It was jam packed with people who all appeared to be in a rush to board their flights. We waited for about half an hour and then boarded our next flight; this time the destination was MauiHawaii. This flight lasted 8 hours and little did I know, it would be the longest 8 hours of my entire life. After what felt like ages, we had finally reached Maui. I opened up my window on the plane and the view was absolutely breathtaking. Beautiful green land, rolling mountains, and gorgeous blue water covered the island. As we landed and entered the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Hbr Solution Unidentified Industries Essay The Case of the Unidentified Industries 1995 Solution: In order to find out the exact firm by analysing the financial structure of typical firms, first we need to separate those firms which have zero inventory turnover (A, B, F and H) from those firms which have zero debt ratio which in our case are (E, H and J) and we use the information to narrow down the possibilities of each firm. In this case there are three groups of companies: 1) Firms having zero inventory turnover. 2) Firms having zero debt. 3) Firms having all financial ratios given. 1) Firms having zero inventory turnover: Under the category of zero inventories, there are four companies. The nature of these companies show that they are not involved in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Due to high investment in fixed asset the firm also need a high amount of debt in order to cover its expenses so the smooth run of business. Firm H. Health Maintenance Organisation: Health care organisations do business on cash basis. They provide proper medical services to different people and they receive cash when operation ends and they don t use any debt to finance their operating activities. The capital structure of this firm shows a zero inventory turnover and a huge amount of cash from the customers from which partially is used to pay current liabilities and the remaining is in the form of retain earning. 2) Firms having zero debt: Under this category there are three firms which have zero debt ratios because the nature of these firms show that all the financing is done by equity. Firm E. Retail Drug Chain: This type of business seems to be sole proprietor and the financial structure of this firm has maximum number of inventories and zero level of debt financing. Most of the drug retailers usually have a large amount of inventories due to any emergency situation and demand for the medicines is usually high. In this case the high asset turnover shows that the firm is effectively doing business by selling off its assets which in this case is medicines to generate more and more cash. Firm H. Health Maintenance Organisation: As mentioned above. Firm J. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Examples Of Irony In The Labyrinth When I first watched the Labyrinth it was like being in a movie. The Labyrinth is a great example of a literary device called irony to show surprise. There are three types of literary devices known as irony to show surprise and I am going to show you irony by using the movie Labyrinth by Jim Henson. To start with, verbal irony is irony in the form of words, but means the opposite of what is said. In the Labyrinth Jareth tells Sarah fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave which is an example of verbal irony. Sarah tells Jareth piece of cake, but means that the Labyrinth is really hard. Towards the end of the movie sarah says that is how it s done, but needs her friends help. Additionally, dramatic irony is stuff we know ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Final English Standard Version Of The ESV Bible The final English Standard Version (ESV) Bible translation revision regarding gender is potentially dangerous because of its negative implications, according to a biblical scholar. In a statement, the Crossway Board of Directors and the ESV Translation Oversight Committee declared that the 52 words altered in 29 verses are final and will be unchanged throughout the life of the copyright. However, Northern Seminary New Testament professor Scot McKnight thinks the revisions carry negative implications, The Christian Post relays. One of these revisions can be found in Genesis 3:16, which previously read, Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you. The final ESV revision now reads, Your desire shall be contrary to your husband, but he shall rule over you. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some think they make women rebellious and men authoritarian in response, said McKnight. That is a sad and potentially dangerous interpretation for it gives the wrong kind of males a ready made excuse for domination, he added. Other controversial revisions to the ESV Bible include 1 Kings 8:48, Ephesians 1:5, and James 2:10. Meanwhile, other Bible translations such as the New International Version and the New Revised Standard Revision replace man with human beings and brethren with brothers and sisters to reflect both ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Across The Atlantic Case Study At Sea: Across the Atlantic Once the emigrants were aboard the ships that would take them to their new home, they had to make the most of what was available to them. The ships of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries would take several months to reach their destinations, depending on the weather. This meant that supplies had to be rationed and even then, emigrants might have had to try and buy food from the crew members on the ships. Even if an emigrant were wealthy enough to obtain a cabin for himself and or his family, the living conditions were still not very pleasant. With these conditions in mind it is unlikely that passengers could have performed any religious rites or ceremonies, such as communion, if such a time came or if a religious... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first Lutheran Church in Wisconsin, Trinity Lutheran Church, was built by the first German Lutherans who arrived in Milwaukee in 1839. New churches continued to be built as more immigrants settled in Wisconsin, each church built for a specific community of people with similar ethnic and religious background. In the case of Catholics, there were missionaries in Wisconsin as early as the seventeenth century and continued to move through the state until the 1730s at which point the missionary activity stopped. Since this time, Catholic life in Wisconsin has had a German character to it as more and more German Catholic immigrants came during the peak of German immigration in the mid nineteenth century. The last of the major religions from Germany, the Reformed Church, came to Wisconsin through Pennsylvania in 1793. The first German Reformed Church was organized with the Swiss of New Glarus in 1840 but later shifted to Lippe Detmond and Sheboygan County. As the generations continued the Churches gained more traction as the number of parishioners increased. The Churches built schools and seminaries where they educated people, and hospitals as the field of medicine began to develop on the frontier. The Churches, like the synods, were a way for settlers to interact and socialize with their community. Church life itself had not changed too much from the template that Europe had ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Analysis Of To Kill A Mockingbird And The Death Of Innocence In both the novels To Kill a Mockingbird, by Lee Harper, and The Death of Innocence, by Mamie Till Mobley, a parallel is evident between the themes of the works, as well as, their courageous characters. The fictional character Atticus Finch describes fortitude with stating It s when you know you re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what ( Lee 112). His ideals and fearless persona show similarities to that of Mamie Till Mobley, who, in The Death of Innocence, fights for the civil rights movement after her son is murdered. Mr.Finch s definition of bravery fits that of the figure Mamie Till. The unfortunate manslaughter of Emmett Till was the spark that ignited an inferno of civil rights ideals ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Deceit is no shade of the rainbow, is is a facet of human life. Affirming this fact audibly is brash, like his choice to give Tom the best defense possible. The lawyer s gallant defense of Tom Robinson displayed his progressive convictions regarding a colorless courtroom. Mr.Finch is entirely aware of the prejudice environment surrounding him, and the disgrace his choice to defend Tom has brought upon his children from their peers. His campaigning attempt for Tom is long and difficult, and based on the quote above, he is aware victory will not result. His reasoning is explained when he says, The one place where a man ought to get a square deal is in a courtroom, be he any color of the rainbow, but people have a way of carrying their resentments right into a jury box. ( Lee 295 ) Atticus s occupation revolves around the belief that fair trial is mandatory, and a racially biased jury should not be able to destroy this. Mr. Finch chooses to make his lifestyle revolve around this idea, and consequently is active in enforcing it in his community. This aspect of life is similarly mirrored in the way Mamie Till Mobley approached living after the death of her son. Mamie traveled to various conferences, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Siddhartha Essay Siddhartha In the novel Siddhartha by Herman Hesse, the main character experiences many ups and downs while on his journey to inner peace. First, he decides to live his life as a Samana. Later he abandons that life in return for a life as a rich man. In the end he decides that his rich life is unsatisfying and he begins the simple life of a ferryman. Herman Hesse writes about what it takes to obtain inner peace through his character Siddhartha. Siddhartha decides the way to obtain peace is by living like a Samana. Tomorrow at daybreak I will begin the life of the Samanas. (Pg 10) Siddhartha rids his life of all the things he doesn t need. Then he learns how to control his inner self, but is unable to gain inner ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Later Siddhartha learns that none of these things are helping him gain peace and he no longer wants to be a Samana. Then Siddhartha begins to gamble and he gets rich. He becomes addicted to gambling and begins to put his life in danger. When he gambles, he gains many of the finer things in life like a garden, rich clothes and a lot of money. The only problem is, none of these things make him happy. He tries to buy his happiness, but it doesn t work. He staked high and unsparingly, hating himself, mocking himself. He won thousands, he threw thousands away, lost money . . . (Pg 29) Siddhartha even considers suicide because he is very unhappy. These problems are making him very old and sick. Siddhartha decides this life also doesn t make him happy so he decides to move on. This time around Siddhartha decides to become a ferryman. He gets rid of all the things that he doesn t need just like when he was becoming a Samana. He learns a lot through his new friend Vasudeva. Vasudeva guidesSiddhartha and tells him to listen to what the river tells him. The River has taught me to listen; you will learn from it too. (Pg 105) Siddhartha learns a lot from listening to the river. Then Kamala comes back to him with his new son, but then Kamala dies because she gets bitten by a snake. This brings down Siddhartha s morale. When he runs into Govinda after many years of not seeing him, he becomes happy ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Homeschooling And Traditional Classroom Education Compare and Contrast Homeschooling and Traditional Classroom Education People can choose to get homeschooling or not in the 1970s, some famous writer started write relative innovation at the same time ( Homeschooling 101 , 2012). There are now more than two million children being homeschooled in the U.S., with the percentage rapidly increasing by 7 percent to 15 percent each year, according to the National Home Education Research Institute ( Homeschooling 101, 2012). Maybe we can find that homeschooling is becoming more popular than traditional school, but the truth is, most children still choose to study in traditional school. We could not ignore that it is hard and laborious for parents to teach their own child at home, although the child could learn a great deal under the homeschooling. If they send their child to traditional school, more time could be saved and the parent could improve themselves and be an example for their child. For instance, participating in the activities with other kids and learning from them for comparison. Furthermore, attending traditional school could save a ton of money for kids to use it on other skill learning. Whatever the parent decides to do either the homeschooling or send their children to the traditional school, there is no denying that children can learn things. From textbook knowledge, on average, home schoolers score at or above the national average on standardized measurement. (Distefano, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Brand Positioning . POSITIONING Suppose we are asked, who makes the best instant coffee? Next , we are asked, who makes the next best? there can be a number of brands which are next best, but only one brand that is the best. In a number of product categories like TVs, cars, personal computers, paints, razorblades, soaps and so on, we have our favourite brands or marketer. The top slot achieved by the brandin our mind is called its Positioning. It entered our mind on account of communication through advertising, word of mouth, product performance and other factors. Thus, Positioning is the outcome of our perceptions about the brand relative to the competing brands. 3.1 BRAND POSITIONING Aaker defines brand ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is defined by award winning advertising as well as by the god awful ads that have somehow slipped through the cracks, got approved, and, not surprisingly, sank into oblivion. It is defined by the accomplishments of your best employee the shining star in the company who can do no wrong as well as the mishaps of the worst hire that you ever made. It is also defined by your receptionist and the music your customers are subjected to when placed on hold. For every grand and finely worded public statement by the CEO, the brand is also defined by derisory consumer comments overheard in the hallway or in a chat room on the Internet. Brands are sponges for content, for images, for fleeting feelings. They become psychological concepts held in the minds of the public, where they may stay forever. As such you can t entirely control a brand. At best; you only guide and influence it. 3.3.2 The Brand s Creed The development of a branding strategy must begin with identifying the brand s (the business ) core values. These are qualities which an organization deems most important. For instance, an organization or business may identify its core values to include: honesty, integrity, excellent communication, and client satisfaction. Though these values are usually never revealed to the public, they are evident in every aspect of the organizations business routine, from customer service, to direct marketing, to website design, to teleconferences, to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Comparison Of Sasha Banks And Charlotte Flair On Sunday night at the Hell In A Cell pay per view, events changed the current landscape of the WWE and in the process made history as well, I will provide the three most significant matches on the card as well as the results. 1) Creating history In wrestling, it is impossible as fans to see something new or innovative that has never been done before because wrestling has existed for years. However, history was made last night both Sasha Banks and Charlotte Flair were involved in the main event in a Hell In A Cellmatch. This has never happened before on this magnitude especially at a pay per view. I have to give the WWE respect because the entrances of both women were legendary and it just added to the anticipation of the match. Charlotte was carried out like a queen to the ring on by men that were dressed in gladiator uniforms. Then it was only right to have The Boss come out last and she arrived in her hometown in style in an Escalade. I thought that the beginning of the match was booked perfectly; Charlotte decided to attack Banks out of nowhere before the unforgiving structure came down. These two rivals battled on the outside, the fought into the crowd and then at ringside. Then they both fought on the side of the cell. Charlotte came down the cell but Sasha still hanged onto the Cell itself, Charlotte then connected with a Powerbomb through the announce table. Sasha Banks deserved to receive an Oscar award for selling performance which was absolutely ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Kinship In Dr. Gregory Boyle s Tattoos On The Heart Living in a diverse community while maintaining a state of accord is onerous. It is innate to regard that one self s unrivaled conduct and notion are factual, which leads society to become perplexed by that which they deem foreign. Thus, when one denounces another s truth chaos ensues. Fr. Gregory Boyle offers that compassion and kinshipare necessary to live in harmony yet, kinship cannot stand alone, and compassion must be present to create unanimity. Kinship implies that compassion is present, but that is not always correct yet, with compassion a perceived kinship is always present. To live in a community ridden with diversity can be problematic, but despite the moments in which the novel s anecdotes were difficult to relate to Tattoos on the Heart informs its readers about what their responsibilities are when it comes to different ideas.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Boyle recounts the story of Clever who Homeboy Industries hired at their silkscreen shop. On Clever s first day of work he ran into rival homie, Travieso. It was clear to Fr. Boyle that the hatred between Clever and Travieso was deep rooted and personal and for that reason Fr. Boyle enforced that he would fire the homies if they were not civil. Six months later, a rival gang pulled Travieso into an alley and attacked him. After arriving at the hospital the doctors declared him brain dead. Clever called Fr. Boyle after Travieso s family removed him from life saving measures and asked if there was anything he could do for Travieso. Fr. Boyle inquired why Clever wanted to help his enemy to which Clever replied, He... was...not...my...enemy. He was my friend. We...worked together. (145) Clever s benevolence displayed to the readers that with compassion for another, despite personal grievances, society can achieve kinship and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. St. Julian In The Haut MГ©doc Case Study A RICH LADY IN Bacchus neighborhood was divorcing her husband and had a garage sale of his large wine collection. Bacchus flew there like a bee towards clover. An older lady had a bottle of Charmes Chambertin in her hand marked $2 and kept picking it up and putting it down on the table. Bacchus is too much a gentleman to push over a little old lady, but how he prayed to the wine god to make the lady choose the THUNDERBIRD, over the CHAMBERTIN. That s exactly what she did and Bacchus thankfully picked up the Chambertin. Bacchus saw another famous label at a commercial wine garage sale. He picked up the bottle and there was lots of sticky stuff around the bottle capsule and the white wine had a brown tinge to it. These are two signs that the wine had been improperly stored and that it was now maderized. CAVEAT EMPTOR, Youalls. CHГ‚TEAU BEYCHEVELLE ($80 and up) from St. Julian in the Haut MГ©doc is one of Bacchus favorite Bordeaux wines. It is classified as a FOURTH GROWTH, but in a good year, it can almost ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is the greatest of all the great Sauternes. It was a favorite of the Russian Tsars (no wonder they had a revolution there!) Even democratic Thomas Jefferson loved the wine, and sometimes you hear of a bottle with the initials TJ on it being found. As a sweet dessert wine, ChГўteau D Yquem is truly in a class by itself. Full of honey, thick glycerin, and pretty flowers, this wine is a fantastic value for the unique quality it produces. The Bacchuses walked through nearby vineyards, and the superiority of the growing grapes, the grounds, and the buildings shout out the royalty of ChГўteau D Yquem. Great Sauternes and Barsacs are created by noble rot BOTRYTIS CINEREA, a black mold that grows on the grape skins, sucking the water out of the grapes, thereby concentrating flavorings, sugars, and other good ingredients of grapes. ChГўteau D Yquem and plain pound cake make an exquisite ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Axon Brain Case Study An arriving action potential depolarizes the axon terminal of a presynaptic neuron. Calcium ions enter the cytosol of the axon terminal, which results in acetylcholine release from the synaptic vesicles by exocytosis. Ach diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to receptors on the postsynaptic membrane. Sodium channels open, which produce a graded depolarization. Ach is broken down into acetate and choline by AChE, which causes depolarization to end. The axon terminal reabsorbs choline form the synaptic cleft and uses it to resynthesize ACh. B. Differentiate between the absolute and relative refractory period of an action potential. Be sure to include ion gates in your discussion. During absolute refractory period, no action potential ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. My Online Community Essay My Online Community I aimlessly wondered the Internet trying to find a community suitable for me. I wasn t sure what I was looking for. I have many interests, but I really don t have a strong passion for something. So I decided to join a community in which I could express myself as a teen and talk about general issues. I joined the mtv.com community. There I expressed my thoughts on everything, ranging from music to daily events that shape our world. There I had a chance to share my opinions and beliefs, as others posted their thoughts and perspectives on certain subjects. Online communities are rather congruent to offline ones. They are both appealing yet displeasing at the same time. An online community means... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was my first time in a community, and I was quite interested in seeing how it was going to be. On the second day of being a member, I wanted to start posting some of my own thoughts on certain things. I started to read messages ranging from questions like, what s your favorite commercial, to questions like, why censor a record that does little more than personalize the struggles of abortion and prompt a national dialogue on the topic? I clicked on the reply button, and I started responding to all these messages. I spent more than an hour browsing the site and responding to all these questions that sparked an interest in me. Some people had great sense of humors, and others didn t do anything else but criticize anyone who didn t agree with his/her own opinion. There were several drawbacks in my community. The previous day I had posted several questions that I wanted people to answer to, but since the community is so large, my message was lost in the middle of several other messages. I had posted a question on whether America has too many laws or not, and It took me more than 10 minutes of clicking the next page button to find it. Several people had responded to it, and it was nice to see that some people agreed with me. It was also very interesting to see how others disagreed with me and read their view on the subject. On the third day I passed my time ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Kimball s Argument On Religion, And Cultures Chad Martin Dr. Eakin Religions, Ethics, Cultures 9 Sept 2016 I can slightly agree and heartily disagree with different aspects of Kimball s claim that religion becomes dangerous and even evil when mixed with our own interpretations. I think that when we take our own view as absolute, we start lording over others, and we start to enter dangerous territory. For example, Kimball mentions that the most extremist believers will resort to murder and not care about breaking their own doctrines. People not only start going against their own values and humanity but they also start taking interpretations so down to the peg that they start lording it over themselves perhaps forgetting who they are and letting something else take its place. Soon they... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... And a long process that would take place over several years. Later on king Philip did all he could to destroy the order, by 1310 scribed by frale, Philip the fair did all he could to damage their he had fifty five Templars who were found innocent by the church burn at the stake. Over the course of the trail the pope stricken, was forced to resign his duty of overseeing the Templars and left the proceeding the hands of various bishops. Ultimately this lead to the eventual dissolution of the order in pope Clements dying years, all the damage Philip had done to both the church and the Templar order. I believe shows the foolishness of the roman church and how easily they were used by a greedy Philip the fair, to destroy and gain the wealth of the Templars he coveted so much. So religion is I would say more of used for evil, and not become evil, equating itself to more foolishness of its practitioners rather than the entity of religion ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Being Vegan Research Paper Veganism 2nd Essay When people ask me what my favorite food is and I replied, either a burger or pizza, they then say, doesn t that have meat or dairy in it? This question reflects the social standard of how the meat and dairy industry has influenced people s perceptions deeply. One essential aspect of my life is my lifestyle choice of being vegan, in which I learned more about myself and where I stand without entering a classroom. By educating myself on the effects of the meatand dairy industry to the animals, my health, and the environment, I expanded my horizons beyond the what I see on my plate. Raised in a filipino culture, meat, dairy, and fish are an significant ingredient in the cuisine. When I was younger, I ve never been exposed to a vegan lifestyle nor have I heard of the word itself! Rather than exaggerating what I ate, I ate without a thought. About a year ago, I made the choice to transition into a vegan lifestyle, initially based on ethics. Since then, I ve learned about the heavy burden the meat and dairy industry has on the environment, which not only affects me but everyone around the world. But before that transition, I intuitively had a predisposed idea that animals were being killed for the people s taste buds, yet... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... No one forced me to educate myself on this matter; it was all done by my determination to seek reality. In a world saturated with the looks of a finished product, I saw the journey. I underestimated the power of a dollar bill that tells meat and dairy industry to continue, so I no longer let my dollar be the vote. By manifesting my morals into actions, I finally aligned my morals where my mouth is. I know by doing this, it doesn t reverse the damage I ve already done to the animal, my health, and the environment. Although I cannot alter what I did before, I still have an opportunity to create a new ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Decline Of Alaskan Society Essay With its direct connection with the land removed, Native Alaskan society began to fragment alarmingly quickly. The regional corporations failure to provide dividends that were adequate enough to allow people to remain comfortably in their local villages, coupled with the influx of Western Capitalistic Culture brought by the new corporations, led an increasing number of Native Alaskans to begin moving from their traditional subsistence lifestyles in rural villages to the comparatively urban cities of Alaska. Native populations in Anchorage alone doubled between 1970 and 1980. There, the newly urban Alaska Natives were forced to seek out work in a comparatively individualistic society. The western corporate values of competition eroded... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Thus, they had but two choices: partially assimilate with the hope that they d retain some aspects of their culture, or resist until the bitter end and fade into obscurity, being remembered only in textbooks. Therefore, taken all in all, the ANCSA was not a success; rather, it was a resounding failure. In all but a few cases, it failed to economically provide for the Alaska Natives, and failed to protect their vibrant cultures from quietly fading and assimilating into mainstream society, while the rest of America celebrated the The Me Decade. That s not to say that it didn t accomplish anything the ASRC and a few other corporations have continued to thrive, and the younger AFN leaders that negotiated the ANCSA were right in believing that in order to keep their culture alive at all, they had to partially assimilate, or be lost completely. But what makes the ANCSA such a disappointment is not that it was, as some people would claim, simply a repackaged Dawes Act meant to paternalistically decide the fate of Native Tribes, but rather that its very achievable goals were crippled for years by failure in but a few key junctures. In comparison with previous Federal interactions ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Digital Divide And Stereotypes Introduction Firstly recorded in the report of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) survey in 1995, (Servon, 2002), the term Digital Divide presents an interesting quandary of information and communication technologies (ICT) disparities among countries in the world, especially between developed and developing countries. Many reports even showed that access to ICT in these information have and have nots countries was unequally even (Bridges.org, 2001; Fuchs Horak, 2008; Norris, 2001 ; Van Dijk, 2009). Nonetheless, though inequities in access to ICT are most evident across countries, the same pattern is found within the countries themselves. In the U.S, for example, the gap in ICT access does exist ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In my poster, I used an image of old lady from Swongled Media (2008) to represent the concept of digital immigrants. Prensky (2001a, p. 8 ), in his first article Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants , describes this term as those older generations who were not born into the digital world . After years of living in pre digital lifestyles (Selwyn, 2009, p. 369 ), the digital immigrants have been transformed into a group of asylum seekers in digital media world (Byne Ross, 2007, p. 4 ). It means that these older people are forced to adapt if they really want to be connected. Likewise, even though some of digital immigrants can use technology, most of them still consider it as something foreign (Kennedy et al., 2008). Consequently, the digital immigrants may find online experience anarchic, superficial and/or threatening (Dufresne Bethke, 2005), due to their entrenched value in traditional discourse of information gathering. O Hara and Steven (2006, p. 88) even claims that the digital immigrants require more attention due to their ICT skills which are second hand, slightly forced and has to be learned . In other words, digital immigrants are seen as groups of people who are older and less familiar as well as uncomfortable with technology. Following to that, the divergent notion of digital immigrants is digital natives. I portrayed this concept by using an image from Rachel ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...