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Contrast Essay Ideas
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Contrast Essay Ideas Contrast Essay Ideas
Effects Of The Reformation In The 16th And 17th Century
I believe the single biggest pressure that caused the most issues for England in the 16th and 17th
century relate to the Reformation. The Reformation effected everyone in the country as they
were forced into a new religion headed by the King. It drastically changed people s lives and it s
no wonder why the change wasn t fully accepted for a long time. Rapid population increase
caused a significant strain on the country as they needed to develop new ways to feed everyone.
The abolishment of common lands in favor of enclosure agriculture strained the poorest people
in the country. All of these created mass amounts of tension and stress within a society
transitioning into an economic power. In 1534, the English Parliament passed the Act of
Supremacy effectively placing Henry the 8th as the head of the English Church. His royal
prerogative was extended to deciding the religion in which the country would follow. The need
of a male heir played a significant role in this decision, along with the opinions of many
throughout the Christian world that Catholic Church was corrupt beyond repair. The event left
the English citizens in a state of disbelief and resentment as their whole lives seemed to be
turned upside down. There would be a number of consequences resulting from the Reformation.
For starters the government began dissolving the monasteries which provided a number of
services to their communities around them, such as education and several acted as hospitals. The
King attempted to compensate for these lost services by establishing public services to his
citizens with the money he was gaining from the land he acquired from the monasteries.
Unfortunately the money was poorly spend and did not adequately replace the services of the
monasteries. Adding on to this a large chunk of the population refused to follow the newly
created church. Several clergymen who didn t recognize Henry as the new head of the church
were executed for not swearing loyalty to him. Furthermore thousands of people would rise up
through the years in rebellion against the state for the reason of religion. The Pilgrimage of Grace
for example rose to 40,000 people demanding the Supremacy Act be reversed as well as punishing
the officials
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Pros And Cons Of Plastic Water Bottles
United States is the leading country on a global scale that produces and consumes millions of
gallons of water annually. Oil, a limited and expensive resource, is used in the process of creating
polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic water bottles which is generally regarded as a safe and
recyclable packaging material. (Palliser, 2010) The process of manufacturing bottled waterto meet
the United Statesdemand uses more than 17 million barrels of oil annually. (Ban the Bottle, 2014)
The following examples will help to visualize how much of valuable, natural resources are used:
in a year, the energy used to produce bottled water is enough to power 190,000 homes and the
millions of barrels of oil used is enough to fuel 1.3 million cars. (Ban... Show more content on
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According to a four year, detailed investigation to evaluate the quality and safety of bottled water
conducted by an environmental advocacy group, the Natural Resources Defense Council
(NRDC), traces of various chemicals (THMs such as chloroform and BDCM, both probable
human carcinogens) and arsenic were discovered in high levels. Another chemical found in PET
plastic bottles is antimony that is harmless in small doses but in larger doses can cause nausea,
vomiting, and death. (Ban the Bottle, 2014) A senior scientist at the NRDC, Dr. Gina Solomon
told The New York Times that there is no reason to believe that bottled water is safer than tap
water. (Ban the Bottle, 2014) Public water in the U.S. is heavily regulated by the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) because they require numerous tests for bacteria daily which are
available to the public. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates bottled water and only
require tests on a weekly basis and does not share their discoveries with neither the public nor EPA.
(Ban the Bottle,
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Why Bother By Michael Pollen Essay
Michael Pollan has recognized that there is an issue in today s society, and that issue is climate
change. Within the article of, Why Bother , by Michael Pollan, he talks about an effect that society
itself may have inflicted upon themselves. But looking at the actual reasoning behind why the
climate is changing is baffling. In the text of Why Bother , Michal Pollen talks about climate change
is on us, yet before reading the text, I assumed that maybe climatechange was just destiny, and
continues to happen because it s due. Yet now I believe that we as a people, have actually caused
climate change to progress quicker than as planned. Pollan explains that we as a people have to be
active in the change we want to see. I can say I concur and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Pollan does a great job in filling in the gaps on feeling the urge to do something and actually
acting upon those feelings. He even shares of ways of how we could be a help and have an
impact on culture. He gave an great example on gardening. Gardening may seem small, yet has
many benefits, such as saving carbon and also we somewhat teaches us to be self sufficient. Rather
than depending on society for every little and big thing, we become reliable on ourselves and begin
to show respect to the climate, mother Earth. Also another big thing is that we are now providing
our own food for ourselves, our families, and others who may even pay to get your produce.
Pollan says, as we began to garden, we will reduce the power of the cheap energy mind by
personally overcoming it s most debilitating weakness: it s helplessness and the fact that it can t
do much of anything that doesn t involve division or subtraction. I believe the big lesson that the
garden teaches us is that as long as the sun is up and we can still plan an even plant, that there are
ways we can accommodate ourselves and not weaken our
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Health Needs Of The Bedford Stuyvesant Community
The Purpose
The aim of this report with the help of various methods and secondary data is to address the health
concerns and needs of the adults living in Bedford Stuyvesant(Bed Sty) community who have type
2 diabetes. Many needs were observed and documented and included barriers, access to health
service challenges, access to affordable healthcare, access to community based support organization
and unavailability of safe parks and other available spaces to exercise. Through this need
assessment proposal, I hope to highlight the health needs, why it is considered a public health issue
for the neighborhood of Central Brooklyn. I will target the group at risk for developing type 2
diabetes, the population at risk as well as local, state and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Introduction: Diabetes as describes by health. NY. GOV is a disease in which blood glucose (blood
sugar) levels are above normal ( Diabetes Basics, 2007). This can lead to a range of serious health
consequences, including vision loss, nerve damage and numbness, high blood pressure, kidney
disease, heart disease and death (DiNapoli, 2015). Diabetes is a growing epidemic in New York City
among all age group but has grown significantly over the years among adults especially African
American and other minority groups. In 2007, data report from the New York City Health
Department reported that diabetes was higher in NYC than in the U.S. overall (9.1% vs 7.5%).
(NYC health data).
The report concentrated on the 5 zip codes that make up Bedford Stuyvesant. The data was taken
from several secondary sources including CDC.
What should be:
The desire status or goal is to reduce the prevalence of diabetes among the adult population of
15% to about 5% in about 10 years. To reduce the number of New Yorkers with diabetes NYSDOH
has been working with other partners with the hope of reversing the epidemic.
Funding from CDC, allows the NYSDOH to support other organizations to develop and implement
a range of diabetes prevention and management activities in community and healthcare settings
(New York State s Approach to Diabetes. (2017, June).
Programs that include support for the LOCAL IMPACT project
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Accomodating the Increasing Inmate Population
Accomodating the Increasing Inmate Population
In August 1994, the California Department of Corrections released its annual five year facilities
master plan for new prison construction. This plan, usually submitted to the Legislature earlier in
the calendar year, was delayed so that the additional need for new prison beds resulting from the
recently enacted Three Strikes and You re Out legislation could be incorporated into the plan. The
facilities plan is based on the department s spring 1994 population estimate that estimated a total
of 246,000 inmates by June 1999. This projection was recently revised to 211,000, 35,000 fewer
inmates. There are several reasons for this reduction, as shown in Figure 1 and discussed below....
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This equals the increase that the state prison system incurred over the past ten years. The state s
prisons, however, fall far short of having space to accommodate this projected growth in inmate
New Prison Needs
The state s existing prisons were designed to house 66,000 inmates (one inmate per prison cell). As
of September 1994, however, the prisons housed 120,000 inmates, resulting in an average
overcrowding level of 182 percent. (Another 5,000 inmates are housed in community correctional
centers that are operated by either private organizations, cities, or counties.) Additional prisons
designed to house 14,000 inmates have been funded and are either under construction or ready for
occupancy. When these new prisons are completed (around 1998) the design capacity of the state s
prisons will total 80,000.
Figure 2 shows recent and projected overcrowding levels in the state prison system based on the
scheduled completion of all authorized prisons. As shown in the figure, prison overcrowding
increased from about 140 percent in June 1983 to around 180 percent in June 1990 and has
remained fairly close to that level over the last four years as additional prisons have been
opened. Based on the CDC s fall 1994 population projections, unless more prisons are built,
overcrowding in the prisons will increase significantly over the next five years and will reach 256
percent in mid 1999 nearly three inmates for each space designed to
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Celiac Disease And Celiacs Disease
Celiacs disease (gluten sensitive enteropathy) is a condition where in some people, gluten cannot be
digested and causes an immune response. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, oats, and rye.
In some people who take in and ingest gluten, an enzyme named transglutaminase transforms the
gluten into a chemical that triggers an immune reaction, causing irritation and inflammation of the
lining of the small intestine (Wedro, 2016). The microvilli that make up the inside surface of the
intestine are destroyed, causing nutirents to pass without being, like our body needs from our diet.
This can cause damage to other organs in the body due to malabsorption. (Wedro, 2016) Organs
that depends the most on nutrients to function properly consist of the liver, bones and the brain.
This is crucial especially in children because malnutrition can lead to abnormal growth and
development. (Wedro, 2016) Celiacs disease can also be known by Coeliac Disease. Roughly 8,000
years after its first appearence, celiacs disease was identified and named. A Greek physician
named Aretaeus of Cappadocia who lived in the first century AD, wrote about The Coeliac
Affection. Also, he called it koiliakos after the Greek word koelia meaning abdomen. (Guandalini,
2007) Another 17 centuries passed, and in the early 19th century Dr. Mathew Baillie, presumably
unaware of Aretaeus, published his observations on a chronic diarrheal disorder regarding adults,
causing malnutrition and characterized by a
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The Cause Of Predestined By God
the cause of predestined, whether predestined is certain, and whether the number of the
predestined is certain. First, whether men are predestined by God? According to Damascene
predestinated is not determined by God. Damascene says it must be borne in mind that God
foreknows but does not predetermine everything, since He foreknows all that is in us, but does
not predetermine it at all. Damascene believes that if human merit and demerit are in us and we
are the masters of our own acts by free willthan it all pertains; therefore, to merit or demerit cannot
be predestined by God making predestined irrelevant. Also, if other creatures cannot be predestined
by God than men can neither be predestined by God. Predestined is also not suitable
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Analysis Of How To Keep Jealousy And Envy From Ruining...
In modern society, one of the major determinants of our sense of wellbeing, in my opinion, is
comparing ourselves to others. While comparison motivates us to learn good qualities, pursue a
brighter future and own a grateful hearts, it also has an adverse effect when we compare our true
inner selves to the pictures of perfect life created by others on social media. To begin with,
Amanda Chan s article How To Keep Jealousy And Envy From Ruining Your Life serves as a
foundation which introduces both positive and negative sides of comparison. On the one hand,
comparison makes us more likely to be occupied by emotions of jealous and envy, which arouses
feelings of inferiority and spite, and thus reduces our happiness. For instance, envy has an
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I Want To Go Back To The 90 s
Have you ever thought about time travel? Time travel would be amazing because you could go
back in time to see people that you never thought you would see. I would want to go back in the
90 s to meet my great grandma and grandpa. This is because of all the wonderful things I have
heard about them. I would still be in Georgia, and I could help with a lot of stuff. Before I reveal
too much, let me tell you why. The first reason I want to go back to the 90 s is to see and meet
my great grandma and grandpa. Meeting them would be a once in a lifetime experience. I could
meet them and see what they are like. My mom has told me stories about them, but not enough to
tell what they are like. I could even help them build the house I live in now.
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Write An Essay On Anthrax
Bacillus anthracis, more widely known as anthrax is an infectious disease that is caused by a gram
positive, bacillus shaped bacteria. See Appendix 2 for an image of the bacteria. It is naturally found
in soil and commonly affects domestic and wild animals. Inhaling or ingesting spores from
contaminated plants, soil, or water is how animals generally get infected. Humans can be infected
in 4 different manners. When anthraxgets inside the body, the spores are activated and they then
multiply, spread throughout the body, and produce toxins that cause severe illness. Anthrax is not
contagious therefor it cannot be caught like the common cold or flu.
Anthrax is considered to have originated in Mesopotamia and Egypt. Some scholars be lieve that
during the 10 plagues of Egypt, the fifth plague was due to anthrax. The sickness that occurred in
the fifth plagued the grazing livestock such as horses, cattle, sheep, camels and oxen. It is even
suggested that anthrax is partially responsible for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Most of the antibiotics for anthrax are administered intravenously in a hospital. When anthrax
spores get inside the body, they will be activated . Once they are activated , the bacteria will
grow and multiply. During the process of growth they produce toxins that are the main cause of
severe illness. When antitoxins are used to treat patients, it must be coupled with other treatment
options. There is a vaccine available for anthrax that comes in a 5 shot grouping over 18 months.
The vaccine is recommended for members of the United States Military, laboratory workers who
come in contact with anthrax and people who handle animals or animal products on a regular
basis such as veterinarians. The vaccine is currently only provided to those who have an
increased risk of coming into contact with anthrax spores. It is not permitted for anyone under the
age of 18 or over the age of 65 as well as during or pregnant
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Indi Sri Lanka
Mr Mathangi Alagiah (42), his wife Priya (38) and their 13 year old son Maha are Sri Lankan
Tamils who spent four years living in a refugee camp in India. They fled to Australia due to the
living conditions in Sri Lanka. In Sri Lanka there has been a dramatic growth in rates throughout
different minority groups especially Tamils. Tamils comprise of approximately 18% of Sri Lankans
population (http://countrystudies.us/sri lanka/25.htm U.S. Library of Congress, (2014). and Tamil
is also one of the Dravidian languages found exclusively in peninsular India.
Tamils are one of the oldest surviving ethnic groups and dates back to 1500bc which is estimated
by the burials found in the Tamil Nadu region, but the literary work of ancient Tamils. Tamils are
also known to value their language to a great extent it is considered as part of their culture and
identity. The Tamil languageis recognized as a classical language by the government of India.
It started existing in South Asia before arrival of people speaking Indo European languages which
was in approximately 1500 B.C. The Tamil literature is of a high quality and has survived for at
least 2,000 years in southern India, and although the Tamil language absorbed many words from
northern Indian languages, in the late twentieth century it retained many forms of Dravidian
speech. Tamil is spoken by at least 40 million people and are systematically and routinely treated as
second class citizens by the majority Sinhalese community.
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George Orwell Politics
In theory, politics exist to balance the various needs of individuals and to moderate conflicts
between diverse interests. However, in reality there are no such ideal decision making system; all
governments have inefficiencies caused by manipulations, corruptions, and bureaucracies. George
Orwell, in , has depicted the non ideality of politics by sketching a highly controlled society in
various dimensions. In this essay, I will investigate how the Party maintains its power, in two
scopes; through its extensive manipulation and its inherent inequality combined with suboptimal
standards of living. First, let s observe how the regime manipulates its population. At the
macroscopic level, the Party has Hate Weeks, produces propagandas, and displays... Show more
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Had the proletariat been equal with other classes, they would have thought and stood for
themselves, which would be a great threat to the Party. Also, outer party members were provided
with low quality goods and had a standard of living only marginally better than the proletariat, to
make small privileges of the inner party appear bigger and to induce loyalty. To realize it, the
Ministry of Plenty and the Ministry of Peace limit the supply of usable goods and exhaust any
surplus, to keep the standard of living low enough to maintain the Party s dictatorship. In
conclusion, the previous investigations shed light to how the Party holds its power; it eliminates
opposition by brainwashing and tight surveillance, and it stabilizes its power by maintaining a
perpetually superior socioeconomic status to its residents, especially the middle and the lower
classes. But still, there is an open question. As Winston said, we know how but we don t know
why . Why the Party craved power and control to such harsh extent? Although O Brien answered
that the object of power is power, pure power, it is not a meaningful answer because he himself is
also brainwashed as an inner party member. Then why such oppressive regimes originate even
though humans strive for peace and equality? It is a fundamental conflict of human nature between
power, violence and equality, peace; which should be solved to leap one step closer to the
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We Re Hot as Hell
We re Hot as Hell
Is global warming a moral dilemma? Is it the public policy problem from hell? In The
Environmental Issue from Hell, Bill McKibben uses many of such phrases en route to arguing for
a new approach to global warming. By discussing hell and morals, the reader s mind is already
equating it with two heavily debated issues. Therefore, we begin to question their existence and
how we should deal with the subjects. McKibben wisely chooses these disputes to represent his
main concerns: the ways in which consumerism affects the global ecosystem, and the impact of
humans on the environment. McKibben presents a solution on how to handle each of these
environmental issues, utilizing both the people and the government.
McKibben s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Mckibben inaugurates his third paragraph suggesting that we make the environmental issues, the
great moral crisis of our time, and the equivalent of the civil rights movement of the 1960s. (747).
He uses this analogy to explain that in his opinion, we are strip mining the present and destroying
all of whom come after it. Thus, leading him to discuss exactly how humans materialistic ways
have impacted the earth. From Bangladesh living three months in thigh high deep water, to polar
bears becoming 20% scrawnier than they were a decade ago (748). The environmentalist writer
goes on to discuss how to deal with global warming since it is indeed creeping up on us.
Mckibben once again articulates his repetitive view that, it s a moral question, finally, if you
think we owe any debt to the future. (748). In many circumstances it is believed that if it had
been done to us, we would dislike the generation that did it, just as how we will one day be
disliked. The solution given in the essay on how to handle these environmental issues is to start a
moral campaign. In other words, ... turn it into a political issue, just as bus boycotts began to make
public the issue of race, forcing the system to respond. (748). As a part of the overall populist
causing these issues, Mckibben understands that the hardest part about starting this moral campaign
is identifying a villain to overcome. Briefly
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Iwt Task 1 Essay
Realism versus Pop Art
In this life, there are many forms of art or art movements to speak of. How we interpret art is a
very subjective thing. What a person sees and feels when looking at art greatly depends on their
upbringing, their values, and even their mood at the time of viewing. Could something dark and
lacking color be art? What about a comic strip in the newspaper or the billboard down the street?
Again, interpretation and taste in art is individual. I elected to explore into the two art movements I
like the least to potentially better understand them, and to potentially link them together.
Realism was painted to depict real life situations. It was developed by artists to create an illustration
of common people and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Realism evoked feeling in its everyday life portrayal. Pop Art is unemotional.
Although Pop art was originally stated to come from the revolt to Abstract Expressionism, and a
jump off of Dadaism, my thoughts are that the similarities between Pop Art and Realism as
extensive. They are related in the fact that they both are based on everyday life scenes. While
Realism delved into everyday society, Pop Art did the same with the everyday mass media market.
Realism was a jump from Romanticism a fight of the unnatural belief that everything must be
romanticized. Pop art was a jump from Abstract Expressionism a fight of the unnatural belief that
everything should spark emotional thought. Pop artists in Germany are referred to as Capitalist
Realism artists and, in France, the Pop Art movement is called Nouveau Realisme, directly
translated as New Realism.
The very famous Mona Lisa was great inspiration for many other art pieces, but none as famous
as itself except for Andy Warhol s silkscreens of the Mona Lisa. It is said that he was so
consumed by the famousness and celebrity that the painting created that he became obsessed
with it for the rest of his life. His creation of his own Mona Lisa pieces, as well as his Jackie series
and his Marilyn series and all the series that Warhol created of the many
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Indiana Unwritten Customs
At Indiana University there are unwritten customs that many student choose to follow. The
unwritten custom can be divided into two approaches Socio Cultural approach and Academic
Institutional approach, but both can be intertwined together in varies ways. The Socio Cultural
approach relates back to Indiana Universityin many way. The main unwritten custom of Indiana
University is partying a lot as a freshmen, and counties throughout the four years of college.
Partying is huge deal at Indiana University, but it begins as a freshmen when everyone in the
residence halls are invited to the first college party of the year. When an individual denies going
out to a party as a freshmen everyone automatically call that individual a good person because the
unwritten customs is to go out... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Also with appearances comes Greek life. At Indiana University Greek life is one of the main
attractions on campus, and it makes Greek life an unwritten customs. From day one ladies and
gentlemen start to think of what organization they want to become a part of, and they start to notice
which organization want them as a member. Even though it might not be a priority to certain
individuals Greek life is all over campus, and starts to tip toe into student s minds. The majority of
ladies and gentlemen want to become members of an Panhellenic or Interfraternity Greek Council
organization, but many student of color do not see themselves in a Panhellenic or Interfraternity
Greek Council and they explore their options with the Multicultural Greek Council or National
Panhellenic Council. Even in those Greek councils they have their own set of unwritten customs
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Magic If Play Analysis
For our directorial focus we decided was the betrayal of family and creating a new dream fits
with our chosen scene as the two young characters in this scene who are portraying this directorial
focus though their dialogue and actions. This led to the two characters in this scene disregarding
their previous dreams and their family to create their own dream to pursue. During the process of
creating this performance, we also learnt about the importance of the Stanislavski method and how
it can ameliorate the performer s actions and dialogue. Some of the Stanislavski techniques that I
have personally used to enhance my character and to fully believe in my performance is the Magic
If technique. Since I have not been in a position such as my... Show more content on
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One of these conventions included the convention of props. In a particular part of the scene.
Johnnie picks up a kewpie doll and messes around with it like an illegitimate souvenir. From this
particular part from this scene. Bubba s concern rises from Johnnie describing the dolls as well
as the summer dream as a joke or an unworthy dream. Another convention that was used was the
convention of realistic language. When the argument breaks out the two character cannot over
exaggerate their voices otherwise it ruins the purpose of realism theatre. Instead the voices had
to be slightly raised in dynamics and in pitch which will make it as realistic as possible. Also the
use of subtext in the scene gave the scene more meaning and it also addressed the concern for my
character as the subtext within the other character shows what he really means. Furthermore
conventions of realism that acknowledged the directorial focus for our scene included the
convention of believable character. To make the scene work under realism theatre, characters
need to be relatable and believable to the audience. Since our directorial focus is the betrayal of
family and creating a new dream the audience must relate to this focus as well as the characters.
Another convention of realism theatre is the convention of a Super Objective. This gives the
characters a deeper purpose to this scene. In my case, my Super Objective
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The Ethics Codes Of Uk
It s trust worthy and reliable to have independent and unbiased auditors confirm that an organization
s claims about its financial position and the process behind these claims are true and independent.
The most important element for the audit report and opinion should be free bias. In order to
achieve this goal, auditors need to be objective. Auditor, as one part of the professional accountancy
bodies, is required to obey the ethics codes, which ensure the auditor to be independent.
Furthermore, the ethics codes of UK utilize a principle based framework approach to outline the
circumstances and assess whether the appropriate safeguard can be carried out to mitigate the
threats in order to achieve acceptable level of independence. ... Show more content on
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However, when the threats are unable to eliminate, the auditor should not carry on reporting auditor
The ethics codes also provide categories of threats of independence. The first one is self interest
threat. This occurs when there is a conflicting between the auditor s financial or other self interest
and the clients . The financial or other interest will inappropriately influence the professional
auditor s judgment or behavior. For instance, if the auditor has close business relationship with the
audit client, that is a self interest threat. Furthermore, a potential engagement with an audit client
and contingent fees relating to audit engagement are also the examples of self interest threat.
The second one is called the self review threat. This threat occurs when there are previous
judgments or products made by other audit or non audit organizations. Then the auditor needs to re
evaluate it to issue a new audit opinion. Furthermore, the self review threat also occurs when the
auditor were previously a member of the auditor s client who made influence over subject matter of
the audit report. Then, self review thread includes preparation of original data used to generate
financial statements or preparation of other records that are the subject matter of the audit
engagement as well. In the question, Transval Ltd requires the auditor to assist with the preparation
of both the company s corporation tax return and the director s personal tax
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Constitutional Reform Research Paper
Our Constitution: Does it need to be reformed? In 1780 one person proposed an idea to reconstruct
our government; Alexander Hamilton proposed a general convention to frame a new constitution
(Beard 3). The Article of Confederation was failing and the several men wanted a change to form a
stronger national government. Some states excelled under the Article of Confederation while others
struggled, there was no whole as a nation only sovereignty for the states. In 1787 the Framers
changed the future of the United Statesof America and formed the constitution; which we still
currently use. It took 9 states to ratify the constitution; 9 who believed in the best for the people.
Still to this day we run our government off of a document made over... Show more content on
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Many things to be amended to change, add on, or reword. One thing that has a huge aspect in
our country is personal rights; way to show the constitution is at flaw is lack of specification in
Amendment 2 on what the Bearing Arms represents. The states if they agreed upon it could
amend this if they were to call a convention. The Failure to specify rights of privacy is another
flaw (2). The constitution does not specify many things but rather only idealizes the general idea.
Framers made the constitution this way. From these flaws and broad controversy s leads us into
prevents us from a rise of a powerful faction. While realizing several things do need to change in
the constitution, there should not be a brand new constitution. If we specified everything there
would be fewer factions which become dangerous in our democracy (Madison 5). Another thing
that should be addressed is the amount of power Congress possesses compared to states; the power
produces lack of trust and hate towards Congress. The reason on why people hate Congress so
much is because the amount of taxes that the citizens of the United States have to pay toward the
national government, some states don t even see back the money they have to invest towards the
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The Effect Of Sound On A Film Scene
Muhaimin R. Moin
Prof. Kimberly Cox
EGL 194
8 March 2015
Effect of Sound on a Film Scene Sound and music in the cinematic context is an effective means of
means of communication. Motion picture soundtrack, sound effects, background music, diegetic
and non diegetic sound can supplement, enhance and expand upon the meaning of the film s
narrative. The overlap and interaction of dialogue, sound effects, atmospheric sound, score music
and silence create a harmonious and synchronized counterpoint to the image of the scene. Music
in a film creates a point of experience for the spectator. Patterns of tension and release
exemplified by the sound of the scene provide a sense of organization, connection and meaning to
the audience. In my short clip from 12 years a Slave I have used music as a part of cinematic
diagesis as well as a means of communication to my audience the psychological drama of the
narrative at the subconscious level.
Sound in a scene can communicate meaning and give life to a moving image. As I created the
music for the scene I had certain intentions as a director and composer which required the
construction of a multifaceted soundtrack to convey the narrative of the scene. The music is
chosen and composed to elicit emotional response and ways in which it can convey the dramatic
intentions of the film narrative. As music can convey the scope of a film, I used music in my
scene to show it as an epic drama. I tried to use sound in my scene is such a way so as to not
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Health Improvement Strategies For Obesity And The Effect...
This essay shall look at the importance of health improvement strategies in relation to obesity
and the effect being obese has on young people. In particular the focus shall be on overcoming
obesity and reducing the risk of problems it could cause for individuals in later life. There are
many health improvement strategies in place for obesity which aim to encourage individuals to
lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I shall be focusing on in particular an app for
smartphones called My Diet Coach (Appendix 1). The app allows individuals to document their
weight loss goals and allows individuals to see how many calories there are in the meals they
are preparing in order for the app to determine how much exercise is needed in proportion to food
intake. It also allows them to see how many calories they are allowed to have day to day based on
their height and weight. Apps are a great way to implement healthimprovement strategies for young
adults as most will own a smartphone themselves.
Obesity is a growing problem not only in adults in the UK but also young adults. Public
Health England (2013) states that in 2007 the overall cost of obesity to the UK economy was
approximately ВЈ15.8 billion per year with ВЈ4.2 billion in cost to the NHS. Obesity is a particular
problem for young adults as it can cause them to be at an increased risk of developing various
serious health problems in later life such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer and
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What Is The Literary Devices In Scene De La Vie De Boheme
One of the two female protagonists of La boheme (1896) is Mimi , a young seamstress and
neighbor of Rodolfo, a poor poet, whom he meets one day seeking a light for her candle. The
libretto, for which Puccini and his two librettists, Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa, drew
inspiration from Henri Murger s novel Scenes de la vie de boheme, tells the story of the love of
two couples Mimi and Rodolfo, and Musetta and Marcello living in poverty in the artistic Latin
Quarter in 19th century Paris. The plot follows the ups and downs of their relationships as their
part and reunite, until, in the final act, Mimi death puts a tragic end to her and Rodolfo s love.
From the moment she enters the stage in the second act, her shyness and vulnerability ... Show more
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During her relationship with Rodolfo, Mimi demonstrates her flirtatious side, as it is implied
that she notices other men: as they are walking towards the cafГ© in act two, Mimi is said to be
watching a group of students, and when Rodolfo asks Chi guardi? , she answers, coquettishly,
Sei geloso? . This is further confirmed in act three, where Mimi confesses to Marcello that
Rodolfo s jealousy makes him suspicious of un passo, un detto,/ un vezzo, un fior , whereas
later on, Rodolfo hilself tells Marcello, con amarezza ironica , that Mimi e una civetta/ che
frascheggia con tutti , and that she encourages Vicount s advances. Mimi also momentarily
reveals her vanity and a more materialistic side, incongruous with the ideal of a modest maiden,
when at the beginning of her relationship with Rodolfo she wants him to buy her a new bonnet.
Andiam per la cuffietta?, asks the girl, and when Rodolfo buys it for her she is eager for
compliments ( Mi sta bene questa cuffietta rosa? ). But the new bonnet satisfies her appetite only
for a moment: Bel vezzo di corallo! , she cries watching the window of a shop, trying to induce
Rodolfo to purchase the necklace for her as
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Solar Energy Industry Indi Problems And Prospects
To meet demand supply gap in the energy sector of India has led Government to tap solar energy
that is sufficient to meet the annual demand of residential, agriculture and residential purposes.
Solar energy sector is driven by demand and supply side factors, and it has the excellent chance to
be World leader in this area if it tackles its challenges efficiently. Government can focus on
establishing mini grids to cater the needs of remote regions, implementation of renewable energy
certificates, carbon trading and supporting more entrepreneurs to boost the growth of solar energy
sector in India.
Total no. of words: 95
Solar Energy industry in India: Problems and Prospects
As per November 2014, India has a total installed power capacity of 255,012 MW. 59% generated
from coal based power plants like Neyveli Lignite Corporation (TN), Singrauli Super Power
Station (UP). 17% produced from Hydel power projects like Sutlej dam, Bhakra Nangal project,
etc. 12% from renewable energy resources like biomass, solar and remaining from nuclear and
natural gas. Due to fast depletion of non renewable fossil fuels like coal most of the countries are
shifting towards renewable energy resources like Solar, the Wind and Hydel power projects.
India has been consistently a power shortage nation with demand and supply gap of 12% of the
total energy demand. With its proximity to the equator, India has a potential of generating 1900
billion units of solar power annually. Solar
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The Effects Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
In a study done 14 months after a natural disaster, depression was found to be prevalent among
first responders who also were local residents of where the disaster took place. The participants
were from three different groups. The first was 610 local municipality workers, the second was
421 medical workers, and the third was 327 firefighters. All were given a self administered
questionnaire. The results indicate that higher levels of depression are more significant in medical
personnel versus firefighters (Sakuma, 2015)
According to research conducted by insert names here, pre employment personality traits can easily
predict posttraumatic stress symptoms among firefighters and military as the symptoms develop.
Job duration and heightened level of emotional stress are also predicting traits among experienced
firefighters. Police officers are considered a high risk group where definite identifying predictors of
post traumatic stress disorder are present. Predictors that were included in the study were the
following variables: intrusions, impairment index, functioning, age and gender (Schutte, 2011).
Intrusions were the significant predictor, as the officers are exposed to high risk trauma repeatedly.
In another study in which 267 participants from a large urban fire department in the southeastern
United States participated, results failed to show that levels of social support can be a predictor of
the onset of PTSD (Farnsworth, 2011). A separate study
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The Change Of Leaf Color
Typically, as nature starts the transformation process from summer to fall, the green leaves on the
trees begin to change into colors of reds, golds, browns, and oranges. Eventually, the leaves fall off
the trees onto the ground. Three factors contribute to the change in leaf color according to USDA s
Northeastern Area Forest Service website, which include leaf pigments, length of night, and
weather. The increasing length of night and other ecological influences such as the temperature,
rainfall, and food supply trigger the biochemical process of the leaves (na.fs.fed.us). Photosynthesis
occurs in the chloroplasts of the leaves. A chloroplast is a type of plant cell organelle known as a
plastid. Plastids support the storing of the needed ingredients for energy production. A chloroplast
contains a green pigment called chlorophyll which is the agent that gives leaves their green color.
Chlorophyll is important to the photosynthesis process as it is the chemical reaction that facilitates
plants to use sunlight to produce sugars for their food (biology.about.com). During the emergent
season, chlorophyll is repetitively produced and broken down, which causes the leaves to appear
green in color. As the nights grow longer, the production of chlorophyll diminishes and eventually
ceases production. Depending on the type of plant, as the chlorophyll becomes dormant, the color
of the leaves begins to change to reds, browns, yellows, and oranges (na.fs.fed.us).
Nature.com describes
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The Importance Of Segregation In America
Halfway There
Segregation has been in America since it was founded, and although it has lessened it is still present
today. Slavery ended in 1865 with the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution; which stated that
slavery was illegal. At the time, most white people were still racist, and African Americans weren t
treated like normal members of society. In 1868, the 14th Amendment stated that everyone born in
America is a citizen. Unfortunately, although many years had past, prejudices on integration still
remained in 1957, when the Little Rock Nine happened.
Desegregation has been difficult for America, and although progress has been made, research shows
that much room for improvement remains.
An event that showed the difficulties of integration was the ordeal of Little Rock Nine. In 1954,
the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the case Brown v. Board of Education that the segregation of
public schools was unconstitutional. On September 4, 1957, (the first day of school) the National
Guard was sent to escort a group of nine African American students into Central High in Little
Rock, Arkansas. This group was called The Little Rock Nine, and they were enrolled in the
previously all white Central High to start integration in schools.
Sixteen year old Ernest Green sounded hopeful later that day. Things would be better if only the
grown ups wouldn t mix in he said. The kids have nothing against us. They hear bad things about us
from their parents . This quote is powerful
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Stump Narrative
As I stood there exhausted, holding a blank stare with my arms to my sides and the sound of
mumbling in the background, I only heard three words of the entire training brief my supervisor
gave us, time for chow! I immediately snapped back to reality and walked in the same direction
as my teammates. As I walked, I looked ahead of the group for the best place to get out of the
103 degree hot Texas sun. I noticed a tree and a stump that would be great to rest my back on and
it had plenty of shade. When I arrived at the stump, I set my rifledown and quickly took off my
training gear that felt like an extra body hanging on my shoulders. At the same moment that I felt
like I could take a break from the training day and let my guard down, I heard... Show more content
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Just like me, most of the other deployed troops had a weird obsession with wanting to eat at a
fast food restaurant again. After spending over 12 hours flying from the Middle East back to
America, we finally landed at Dallas International Airport. This was the first time we were able
to eat real American food in what felt like a lifetime. As we began to get off the plane, emotions
ran high. We finally made it! The sense of joy was almost too hard to handle. All 150 of us
dispersed around the airport looking for the restaurant we wanted. I went off by myself and
walked around aimlessly with a shock and awe feeling. I felt like a foreigner in my own country.
There were so many choices that I could not make up my mind. I went from restaurant to
restaurant looking at all the menus. I was overwhelmed by all the choices and began to get
flustered. As I started to give up on finding a spot due to an uncontrollable anxiety, I heard the
same trainee that tossed the MRE to me yell Taylor! I looked over and he was sitting with some
other troops at a table at TGI Fridays. I went over and sat down with them with a sense of relief.
I ordered a medium rare bacon double cheeseburger with fries. When the food arrived at our table,
the smell of the bacon on top of two cheesy beef patties was heavenly. I was so excited that I
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Active Foot Orthosis
Currently, robotic systems of active foot orthoses consist of PGO, PAGO, Anklebot, MIT AAFO,
AFOUD, KAFO, RGT, Yonsei AAFO, and SUkorpion AR. This kind of technology provides
suitable gait dynamics for rehabilitation cite{daniel2005}. The Powered Gait Orthosis (PGO)
promotes bipedal locomotor performance in the patient who has a physical impairment and the
Pneumatic Active Gait Orthosis (PAGO) uses the electropneumatic circuit to improve locomotor
performance for paraplegic patients cite{ruthenberg1997,belforte2001}. The Anklebot is a
commercial product from Interactive Motion Technologies. The goal of this robot is to recover
stroke patient s ankles cite{roy2007}. This research performs a simple protocol for ankle stiffness
estimation.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Ankle Foot Orthosis at the University of Delaware (AFOUD) contains 2 DOF (inversion
/eversion and dorsiflexion/plantarflexion motion) using an actuator, a spring and a damper to
steadily maintain appropriate foot position of patient cite{agrawal2005}. The Knee Ankle Foot
Orthosis (KAFO) uses artificial pneumatic muscles being a powered orthosis in walking step
cite{sawicki2009}. The study of gait rehabilitation, human motor adaptation and locomotion
energetics were previously done by their work of ankle foot orthosis (AFO). The Robotic Gait
Trainer (RGT) (Figure ref{fig:rgt}) from the Arizona State University presented a walking device
using a tripod mechanism
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The Five Factor Model Of Personality
The five factor model (FFM) is a contemporary construct describing personality. It incorporates
five traits openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism also
referred to as OCEAN. Within each dimension, there are specific personality attributes, for
example, openness includes subcategories of feelings and actions. The FFM was influenced by
Cattell s 16 factor model (1957) and shares traits with many other personality theories such as
Eysenck s PEN model. There has been an ongoing debate discussing how many factors
appropriately represent the brain structure of personality, suggestions have varied from 2 7,
recently Almagor et al. (1995) advocated that a 7 factor model unfolds when evaluative traits are
involved. Costa Mcrae (1992) claim that the FFM is the best theory of personality, however, the
model has received much criticism. Through examining different aspects of the model its
credibility can be explored. Universality is the core basis of a credible theory, studies have been
found to replicate the five factors of personality repeatedly. However, this evidence has been
obtained purely from replications involving urban and literate populations. Gurven et al. (2013)
examined the universality of the theory further by obtaining a sample consisting of 632 Tsimane
forager horticultural inhabitants of Bolivia. The sample was, therefore, illiterate and from a native
society an area of study not previously conducted for the FFM. The
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Erikson s Life Span Theory
Going along with this, Erikson s Life Span Theory presents a lot of ideas that I agree with when
it comes to raising children. Erikson believes that there are eight stages where an individual will
face a crisis. The crisis infants will face is trust or mistrust of their caregiver. I believe this goes
back to nurture, because if you show your child that you are there for them they should develop
trust in you rather than mistrust. The crisis they face during toddlerhood is autonomy or shame
and doubt. This stage is where they begin to develop a sense of self and want to start doing things
more on their own. When beginning to raise my infant, I hope they display personality similarities
to fearless, energetic children. The description of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
So I believe I will certain restrictions when it comes to their media use at this age. According to
our books, a good parent for preschooler needs to display affection, nurturance, guidance and
discipline, and interaction with the child. In order to actually be a good parent, co parenting must be
effective. I want to be involved in my child s life, and during their preschool years is of extreme
importance to remember they are watching your every mood, so remaining a positive influence is
During pre teens years, I believe that parenting becomes even more difficult. For instance,
during this period your child is most likely going through changes and trying to figure out who
they are. With this in mind, I feel like it is important to keep an open communication line open
with your child especially during this age so they feel comfortable enough to come and discuss
worries and problems they may be facing. Media use starts becoming extremely important
during this time, so I would feel the need to set up certain regulations and make sure they are
enforced. I would not allow my child to have a smart phone during this time period either. I had
to wait until I was thirteen, and I think this is the perfect age. I do not think I would mind if they
had a Facebook and Instagram account at this age. However, I would make it a requirement that I
was able to have access to their accounts if I felt the need to check it out.
Finally, once your child reaches adolescents the
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Ethical Issues In Ted Kotcheff s 1971 Film
This essay will provide a discussion of an ethical issue from Ted Kotcheff s 1971 film Wake in
Fright (Galvin, 2010), which is still relevant today; the issue of proper treatment of animals in
films. This essay will discuss the way that both animal rights and animal welfare relate to the case
in question, as well as some other examples.
Ted Kotcheff s film Wake in Fright has been described as the best and most terrifying film about
Australia in existence (Kermode, 2014). It is a film that explores the journey of John Grant, a
teacher who arrives in an outback town of Australia whilst on his way to Sydney. His planned one
night stay stretches out into five days, and he sinks into a self destructive state along the way. The
inhospitable wasteland of Bundanyabba (or the Yabba ) turns... Show more content on
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Director, Ted Kotcheff, has gone on record as saying that [when he] was faced with the
kangaroo hunt ... [he] was totally perplexed about what to do (Sifuentes, 2013). A crewmember
was the one who planted the idea of using real kangaroo hunters, as they were already going to
be hunting that night anyway. Kotcheff only had to place a camera on the back of one of their
trucks, and film them on their hunt. Of the footage captured, Kotcheff goes on to say that he did
not use 75% of what [he] filmed that night as it was too bloody and horrifying (Sifuentes, 2013),
however the footage that did make the film was still horrifyingly graphic. If we use Tom Regan s
Kantian argument that at least some non human animals have moral rights because they are
subjects of a life (Rowlands, 2009), one can argue that the film ignores the rights of the kangaroos,
the right to a life without pain and suffering. It breaks the ethical rule of abstaining from killing.
And it ignores the ethical responsibilities of the filmmakers themselves, people who are supposed
to protect their audience from overtly graphic violence and
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Beauty And External Appearance In Beauty By James Martin
In the play Beauty by James Martin, a conflict arise between the two main character where they
want each other s most admirable quality. Bethany is very intelligent and carla is very attractive.
They both envy one another for each others quality and are unsatisfied with their external
appearances. Carla doesn t like being attractive as guys go crazy over her, while Bethany wants
guys to go crazy over her. After Bethany is granted one more wish she decides to ask carla what
they should wish for. Beauty provides a depiction of the role external appearance plays in the
way people treat one another in modern American society. In light of peoples external appearance
carrying such weight in modern american society, it has become highly important for people to
enhance their external appearance in order to gain status.According to psychology today it is
almost impossible to avoid judging someone on their appearance. research suggests that we may
need to adopt a more cynical attitude. It turns out that a candidate s appearance not beauty, but a
look of competence can generate a significant vote swing. Furthermore, this effect is not only
powerful but also subliminal. Few of us realize that appearance determines our vote, yet for a
significant number of us, it may. (how we are judge by our appearance This means appearance is
still playing a big role and americans should be using this to their advantage. This disproves the
epithet that being pretty is important and shows its
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Collective Bargaining Case Summary
Collective bargaining is the process of negotiating contract terms between the employer and
employee. In 2015, a group of California teachers decided to petition the court and ultimately
collectively bargain against the union s collective bargain. The plaintiffs claim California s
agency shop law is unconstitutional and violates teachers First Amendment rights by forcing
them to pay union dues regardless of whether they support or are a member of the union,
(Bidwell, 2015). The lead plaintiff in this case, Rebecca Friedrichs, has been a teacher for over 25
years. Friedrichs was a member of the union, but felt like her efforts were pointless, as the others
did not listen to her. Now that she, and others, are not members and do not support
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Literary Criticism In Rain Man By Leonore Fleischer
INTRODUCTION Literary criticism is the process of reading , interpretation of and commentary
on a specific texts which have been recognized as literature. Literary criticism usually comes with
certain literary theories that can be found in the text analysed. Literary criticism can be done only
after reading a literature text and one must understand the story to identify a theory that exist in
the story. A good literary criticism should contain a good example with evidence found from the
text. It must also included with some relevant theory of criticism to support it. Rain Man by
Leonore Fleischer is a story about Charlie Babbitt and Raymond Babbitt s adventure after several
years being separated by their father, Sanford Babbitt. There is a... Show more content on
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He is an honest person. He pass Sanford s wills and read his letters to Charlie Babbitt and did not
tell Charlie about the person that gets Sanford s money, as promised to Sanford Babbitt before
his death. Dr. Walter Bruner is the one responsible to look after Raymond Babbitt. He is the one
that Sanford Babbitt ordered to look after Raymond and his money that he had left for
Raymond. Dr. Walter Bruner kept his promised by guarding the money and did not easily give
them as in the case of Charlie Babbitt who keeps on nagging about his rights to have some of his
father s money. Dr. Walter Bruner never give up to get Raymond back from Charlie later in the
story. He went as far as to offer some cash to Charlie Babbitt in order to get Raymond
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Great White Sharks
The great white shark also known by its scientific name, Carcharadon Carcharias is one of the
most feared and dangerous creatures in the world. Great white sharks descended from their
ancestor who was the Megalodon and it was the largest shark/fish that lived during the prehistoric
times. It had a similar appearance to the great white sharkand was three times the size of it. Great
white sharksare blue/grey on top and are white below, there are also one of the biggest shark
species measuring at up to 5 9 metres in length and can weigh up to 5000 pounds. Great white
sharks are known to humans for fatal shark attacks and their ferocious behaviour and appearance.
These sharks also have large teeth measuring up to 7.5cm all positioned in rows... Show more
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These shark s colouring enable it to blend with the ocean and to become camouflaged, this helps
the shark to not be seen by prey and allowing it to have a better chance of attacking its prey. The
great white shark also uses its incredibly fast speed to travel through water and catch prey. They
can reach top speeds of 24 km/h and this is due to their body design similarly being shaped like a
torpedo. These sharks also have a caudal fin, having a large top part and small bottom part. The
design of this caudal fin enables the shark to have balance as they swim through water. Another
adaptation that helps it hunt prey is its great sense of smell. The great white shark has a sharp
sense of smell, which enables it to detect small amounts of blood in water from 5 km distances.
This type of shark is also known to have the best electroreception. The electroreceptors and lateral
line canals are found in the head to the snout of the Great white sharks body. These features enable
sharks to detect the movement of other animals nearby in the water using their electromagnetic
field. These sharks have also learned how to maintain body temperature warmer than the
surrounding water. To achieve this they use nerve fibres called ampullae. All of these adaptations
help these incredible creatures to adapt to their environment they live
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Desegregation Of The United States
The education system in the United States has gone through many changes spanning all the way
from the 1800 s to today. The integration of other races and cultures into our schools have played
in integral part in the historical development of the U.S. educational system. It has also allowed
more access to all students to experience education. The desegregation of schools also started the
conversation about allowing Blacks to have equal access to the same water fountains, public
transportation, restrooms, and public spaces, as Whites. It is important to note the differences
between desegregation and integration. The distinction between these two terms are crucial
because in the constitution law the Supreme Court has never enforced integration, but does
prohibit segregation. Desegregation is defined as provisions articulated in law or practice that
eliminate the isolation of members of a particular group into separate functional units (ASHE
Higher Education Report p.12). Integration is the incorporation of individuals and groups as
equals into society. Desegregation had to take place before integration could even begin to
become a proposal. During the mid to late 1800 s there were several laws and court cases taking
place which slowly led up to the gradual start of the desegregation movement. Black education in
the South was virtually nonexistent before the Civil War and very limited in Northern states. Once
the civil war ended, the Thirteenth Amendment was passed and
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The Death Of A Nurse
The Josie King story is truly unimaginable. I wish I could review her chart to better understand
how she fell through the cracks. It seems hard to believe that the signs of increasing dehydration
went unnoticed or even worse, were viewed as normal . Even more difficult to believe is that the
nurses were unable to create a partnership with the mother. In the story, it seems as if the mom was
dismissed as a partner in the process and felt as if no one was listening to her. Although a family
member may not have the medical knowledge a nursehas, they have knowledge of their child and
that is lost without their help. What would have happened if the nurse spent a moment to
understand where Josie s mother was coming from or called the doctor to communicate her
symptoms? Did she truly believe her symptoms were normal or was she too busy with
something else? It shouldn t be possible to have a child be NPO without IV fluids running.
While it takes children a long time to stop compensating, I m sure there were signs of
dehydration. During a bath, the mom notes how furiously Josie was sucking on a wet washcloth.
If it was known that she was not drinking, how could these signs have been missed? It seems as
though a total breakdown in obvious behavior and team communication is evident. The care
delivery model failed to keep Josie safe. The nurse or team assigned seemed to lack knowledge of
symptoms and the skill sets present did not work to make up for another team members deficits.
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War Plan Orange Plan Essay
War Plan Orange is one of the most extensively outlined plans of military use. It took over forty
years to be perfected. From the early 1900s through World War II, War Plan Orange developed
through different opinions from conflicting groups, the cautionaries and thrusters, and the changing
state of the world. In 1907, Roosevelt asked for a strategy to fight Japan. The General Board
defined the Orange Plan, in which Japan was Orange and the United Stateswas blue. In it, the
geography of Japan determined the strategy of the United States. Japan s remoteness would lead
them to easy victories at first, but then it caused them to be vulnerable to blockade. The United
States problem was how to get to Japan. Thrusters wanted rapid naval offensive across the
Pacific, while cautionaries insisted upon a slow campaign with proper bases. The United States
assumed a three phase war. In the first phase, Japan would strike suddenly. In the second phase,
the US Battle Fleet would move east and set up a blockade of Japanese trade in Guam, the
Philippines, etc., and in the third phase, the United States would create a tight blockade and use
air attacks to force Japan to sue for peace. No land invasion was ever suggested. In the second
period of planning, the Battle Fleet moved to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During the fifth period of planning, 5 Rainbow Plans were drawn. They ended up leading to a
suggested defensive war in the Pacific. In 1941, Rainbow Plan 5 determined that the goal was the
beat Germany first. After Pearl Harbor, Nimitz took over naval operations in the Pacific, leading
to the first offensive in the Marshalls. Late in the war, it began to be suggested to invade Japan,
which was never a part of the Orange Plan. But, Truman dropped the bomb and no invasion
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Health Education Personal Statement
I am interested in doing research that could potentially better the health of my community. I am
interested in mental health, nutrition, and substance abuse. I believe these topics are so important
in our society and need further research.
After college, I want to work as a health educator helping high school students become more
educated on their health. Personally, I feel like high school aged students are at a challenging time
in their life by being exposed to unhealthily life decisions. Whether it is from experimenting with
drugs and alcohol to drinking eight sodas a day, most high school students do not understand the
severity of their unhealthy decisions. I am driven to make a change in this population. I believe I
can make a change in this population because of the high quality of health education I have received
from SIUe and my determination to make a positive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I feel like I would obtain so much knowledge that would benefit me in years to come as a health
educator. I also enjoy analyzing data. For my health education senior class, I had so much fun
going back and tallying all our data from our pre and post tests from our program implementation. I
appreciated going back through the data and seeing how our intervention positively effected our
target population.
I have prior research experience in my health education senior assignment class. My group and I
had to distribute and analysis data. In the process of my senior project, I had to analyze previous
research studies to find successes and failures within the studies to build a successful intervention
based on the findings. I am familiar with finding articles on databases and I know how to
effectively read a journal article study. I have also taken the research methods class offered at
SIUe, which helped me learn how to analyze data and conduct effective research
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The Endocrine System
Starting in the head and neck area one will find the hypothalamus, pineal gland, parathyroid glands,
pituitary gland, and thyroid gland. Some of the functions of the hypothalamus, which is part of the
brain, are to regulate body temperature, thirst, sleep, mood, hunger, and the release of other
hormones in the body. The function pineal gland is to control circadian and circannual rhythms,
and the release of melatonin. The function of the parathyroid glands is to mainly to control calcium
levels in the body. The functions of the pituitary gland secrete various hormones for various
functions. The function of the thyroid gland is to increase the metabolic rate to speed digestion.
Now that the endocrine glands of the head and neck area have been introduced, now the glands of
the upper and lower torso will be introduced and overviewed. The endocrine gland located in the
upper torso is the thymus gland, in the lower torso the adrenal glands, pancreas, and testis/ovaries
can be found. The function of the thymus gland is to stimulate the production and maturation of T
Lymphocytes. The functions of the adrenal glands are the raising of glucose levels, the reabsorption
of sodium and the excretion of potassium, and the stimulating of reproductive organs that bring
about sex characteristics. The function of pancreas is to regulate blood glucose levels. And finally
the function of the testis/ovaries is to stimulate sex characteristics. All of these glands make up the
Endocrine System.
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Des Moines, Iow Case Study
Des Moines, Iowa Why you need Secure Shred Solutions for shredding your confidential
information in Des Moines, IA? With Secure Shred Solutions, we ll protect our customer s
sensitive information by providing the following services: On site shredding Plant based
shredding On call services Drop off Scheduled route Purge/clean out Secure media destruction Free
container use Some businesses prefer to handle this task on their own because they want to save
time and money. However, hiring a professional to handle this task allows you to save more money
and avoid loss from embezzlement, identity theft, and fraud. With identity theft on the rise, you
need to make sure your documents are safely discarded. Your
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Write An Essay On Invasive Species
The northern snakehead is a fish that can grow up to 33 inches and probably bigger. The
snakehead has a long body with skin that looks like snake skin. The northern snakehead can
weigh up to 18.42 pounds Northern. Snakeheads usually live in Ponds, lakes, streams, rivers and
other freshwater areas. They can live out of water for up to four days if kept wet. Also they will
bury themselves in mud during droughts. Northern snakeheads are found in the Potomac River
and invaded in Maryland and Virginia in 2002 they tried many ways to get rid of the fish such
using sand bags to keep the fish in that one pond so it didn t travel over to a nearby body of water
also they used things as electric traps and regular traps to kill the fish but they found... Show more
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Invasive species are one of the number one leading treats to native wild life. There are about
4,300 different invasive species around the world. Usually with invasive species they reproduce
really fast, grow fast, and have had other successful invasions somewhere else. Invasive species
cause such a s treat to the wild life around them because they eat other native animals and have
been known to cause some to extinction, They carry disses form other places that they have
been to or their native land, eat all the other food native species need to eat to survive, And last
Invasive species Prevent the Native species from reproducing or kill their young. They can get
to the place they are invading by latching on to the sides of boats or even inside the boat,
Invasive insects sometimes might crawl into wood or in the crates that are being shipped, Also
some ornamental plants can escape into the wild and become invasive, And last Invasive species
can be intentionally released into a nonnative land or escape from a tank because it was a pet. We
could do many things to try to avoid these invasive species or get them out of where there not
supposed to be. One thing we could do is regularly clean everything such as you re boots
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Damages For Breach Under Indian Conract Act Essay
When a contract has been broken by the party who suffers by such breach1is entitled to receive
from the party who has broken the , contract compensation for any loss or damage caused to him
by whch the natural course of things from such breach or which the parties knew when they made
the contract ,to be likely to result from breach of it , such compensation is not to be given by the
any remote loss or the damage sustained by the reason of breach.
Explanation In estimating2 the loss or damage arising in the breach of the contract the means which
are existed of remedying this inconvenience cause by the non performance of the contract must be
taken into in an account
BREACH OF CONTRACT AND REMEDIES The illustrations to the sections illustrates various
kinds of breaches .There are 3 kinds of breaches upon aa remedies viz. SPECIFIC
PERFORMANCE, INJUCTION 3 DAMAGES . This section deals with the last remedy .this
section is triggered in the event of the breach of the contract and lays down the principle for
asserting damages , the next section deals with the what is known as liquidated damages i.e. the
amount agreed between the parties to pay with the event of breach. The damages contempted in
the section are of pecuniary in nature or of a loss of a property the remote or the indirect damages
which are faced by the party are triggered .the remote or indirect damages such as for the
disappointment ,vexation of mind ,
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American Consumer Culture
Consumer culture can be defined as a free enterprise in which its main focal point is on selling the
consumer goods while spending the consumer money. An individual s way of purchasing
merchandise that reflects their anatomy and appearance. Meanwhile media enables an easier
portrayal of consumer culture by exemplifying an America based on consumerismsince the dawn of
the industrialization. Along comes conspicuous consumption, the act of purchasing the luxury
lifestyle to portray a euphoria of one s being. Many embellish this lifestyle to elicit a better view of
class. In American society, consumer culturehas three major effects; the overspending of the
masses, America s overexposure to advertising, and the systemization of class caused by... Show
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With an ever growing rate of national debt, americans are making more decisions on their
spending rather than in their savings. According to Grayson Bell s article Overspending in
America The Sad Truth publishing statistics on the overspending truth of the american lifestyle
shows that, The average American spends $1.33 for every dollar spent , which is devastating to
the american economical growth of the country. According to the usdebtclock.org, the US owes
$898,235,950,000+ in credit card loans, this is an ever growing debt that the american people have
caused by overspending. Many spend money to embellish a lifestyle that can t be afforded, hence
conspicuous consumption, yet without a strong discipline to control their temptation it has become
a finite between spending and savings. Forgetting the difference between the want and need can
truly affect how americans feel about overspending money. In Kathryn Buschman Vasel s article,
Why we over Spend the reason behind an individual s failure to save money states that almost
everyone will overspend at one point in their life, but some feel like they deserve the same goods
as their peers and that s where the problem lies: not knowing the difference between wanting
something, deserving something, and being entitled to something , many are oblivious about the
obsession of spending on the wants, so the poor decisions continue to arise with an America being
now a consumer and not a
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King Charles V Research Paper
Let s start with Protestants. The time period I m going to be talking about was when King Charles
V was in charge. King Charles V was the Holy Roman Emperor of Spain and many low countries.
While he was ruling, in 1530, many German Princes joined Lutheranism and opposed him. Due to
that he became controlling and many others join Lutheranism as well. Charles V waged war on
Protestant Germany to try and get control back to the catholic churchhe did not do so great. But
there are some other people who came up with new religions as well, like John Calvin who started
Calvinism. Calvin also published a book in 1536 called Institutes of the Christian Religion . King
Henry VIII came up with Englanism because he wanted to divorce his wife.Now to
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Processing A Deer Research Paper
Processing a deer takes many steps and many tools to complete including: cutting, taking hide
off, and deboning. There are about two different types of tools it takes to process a deer and they
are a knifes and a hacksaw. So the question is, how does a hunter properly process a deer?
Processing a deer takes time and patience. If the deerhunter did not take his time and have patience
then the meatthe hunter is trying to preserve then it would not be correctly processed. If the deer
is not correctly preserved then the deer would not have as much meat the hunter would like to
have. Before the hunter skins a deer the hunter needs to properly field dress that deer by taking all
of its insides out and cleaning that specific part. Afterwards when
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Gender Stereotypes In Snow White
When a baby is born they are given a color. Not the color of their skin, but a color for their
gender. Pink is for girls and blue is for boys. Women are chosen with pink colors because the
advertisers want to show women as being delicate and fragile. Men can have different colors of
red, blue, green, yellow, and purple, but not pink. Pink is shown as being fragile and feminine and
not strong and masculine. When you look into the different sections in a store you see that the girls
have unicorns, candy, princesses, dolls, and tiaras and that the boys section have trucks, cars, tools,
and mud. Genderstereotypes make a border for people not to express themselves to the fullest and
their emotions. As a young child seeing this type of stereotyping can put a negative impact on
them. For example, in children s books the good people are always princesses and are beautiful
gets rescued by the prince who often is handsome. The bad people are portrayed as witches, evil
stepmothers and daughter and trolls and unattractive. This sets up an idea that if you re not
attractive than you must be a bad person. This is a wrong idea to project on young children s
minds. Another example is that in the 30 s, Disney released a movie called Snow White. The
average women in the 30 s was a size 8, but in Snow White she was a double 00.(JagJammer21,
YouTube) A lot of children and adolescents in America watch television so much in their lifetime,
that can mimic in their minds that what they see
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Injustice By Japanese Americans
On December 7, 1941, while most American sailors were still asleep in their bunks, Japanese
planes flew over Pearl Harbor bombing every ship on sight. The surprise attack lasted less than
two hours. At that time, 2,400 Americans were killed, including over 1,100 when the battleship
Arizona sank, almost 1,200 were wounded, 20 warships were sunk or severely damaged, and
approximately 150 airplanes were destroyed. Immediately after the attack, all people of Japanese
descent became suspects of being capable of sabotage, and the success of the attack was assumed
to be the result of espionage by Japanese Americans living on the West Coast. President Franklin D.
Rooseveltfearing a second attack issued and signed Executive Order 9066 on February 19,
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What Is The Theme Of Romanticism In Giselle Ou Les Willise
The ballet Giselle ou Les Willis was premiered at the Paris Opera on the 28th of June, 1841. The
ballet follows the protagonist Giselle an innocent peasant who falls in love with Albrecht the Duke
of Silesia, passing as a villager. When Giselle uncovers the truth behind Albrecht deceits she dies of
a broken heart and is transformed into a Willi, a supernaturalbeing that has been left at the alter.
Gisellewas created in the period known as the Romantic Era, which was named due to the influence
of romanticismthroughout Europe in the 1800s. The development of modern Europe begun
between the 1780s and 1849 which was an economic transformation that set the first stages of the
great Industrial Revolution. This period created changes that can be seen throughout the ballet
Giselle with alterations to costuming and theatrical innovations, which changed how the public
perceived dance. Themes symbolic of the time were generated and brought depth and emotion to
previous one dimensional storylines, as well as the development of how the roles of men and
women in dance went against the way of society.
Throughout the Romantic period the ideas of Romanticism in art and literature influenced the
creation of ballets. During this period ballets explored similar key themes of betrayal, love and a
spiritual connection between the living and dead, in which these themes reflected society at the
time. Throughout the romantic period society were facing hardship in which they looked to the
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Yong Scared To Death
According to the passage Scared to Death, Yong analyzes the term landscape of fear in many
different ways. The term landscape of fear is more complicated than one might interpret it (Yong ll
21 22). One might define the term as a geographical location in which there are many predators.
However, Yong approaches it with an entirely different view. Yong emphasizes the term landscape
of fearin a positive way rather than viewing it as something that would hurt ecology.
One reason Yong views the landscape of fear in a positive way is because Yellowstone National
Park specifically is having an elk issue in which they are destroying the park s trees. Elk are prey
to wolves in areas such as the Canadian wilderness. According to the text,
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Pros And Cons Of Tasers
In this current period of time, police men and women have an even bigger target on their backs
compared to times of the past. In the past year, we as students have had a very unique opportunity
as criminal justice majors to see some interesting events unfold, such as the riots in Ferguson,
Missouri, a number of allegedly wrongful deaths done by the polices hands, to the riots in
Baltimore. With all of this happening, I feel that the use of technology and militarization is
beneficial to the men and women across America who serve as police officers. Along with this,
not only is it more beneficial to police, but it could be more beneficial to civilians as well. For
Example, one of the new advances that police use that are beneficial are tasers. Tasers are less
lethal compared to firearms, but are effective enough to subdue a suspect. Of course there are
critics of taser use, but more concrete studies show increased level of suspect resistance are
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Protection of the people is one of the police s most important jobs, and if that means we adopt a
more militaristic style of policing compared to a more community based policing style, then so be
it. For example, a study was done on the Long Beach Police and found the department became
more focused on tactical concerns such as patrol and counter terrorism while abandoning policing
activities such as foot patrol. (Lee, 2010). Now, I am not an expert on the crime patterns in Long
Beach, however, I believe it would be safe to say the crime levels have dropped due to the
militarization, as would be criminals may be more likely to wimp out , knowing the police have
the weapons they need in order to stop them. Finally, with all of the tools available to the police in
this time of militarization, they should be able to handle just about any situation that they may
come into contact with, which is a very good
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Analysis Of The Article Let s Make A Slave
After reading the assigned literature, I have now cast a light on several issues that are currently
causing problems today. The article titled, Let s Make A Slave, was depressing because it almost
forced one to go back in time and feel the plight of Africans Americans before slavery was
outlawed. William Lynch traveled a great ways to inform the people of the Virginia Colony about
slaveryand how it should truly be done. As I was reading, it seemed as though William Lynch was
reading the instructions for a product (and not a human being) but he actually was talking about
people (African Americans). The speech that he prepared was delivered was so much conviction
that it made it very hard to believe that African Americans could have been treated any other way.
The Europeans (during slavery) did not respect Black peopleand regarded to them as uncivilized
niggers (The Black Arcade Liberation Library, 1970,p2) and sought nothing more than to treat them
like the money making machines they were. During the speech, William Lynch was talking about
several topics that are still lingering today (certain aspects have been passed down from generation
to generation). For instance, African Americanmales were used to breed and once that job was done
they were immediately separated from their family (leaving the mother to raise the negro child).
The slave owners sought to pin the dark skinned Blacks against the light skinned Blacks and this
was to ensure that there
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Summary Of The Hunger Of Memory By Sherman Alexie
Many individuals from another culture strive to live the American Dream. In the excerpt from
the novel, The Hunger of Memory by Richard Rodriguez, he leaves Mexico to become a middle
class American man and further his education. Sherman Alexie writes Superman and Me, which
shows how Alexie, a Spokane Indian, teaches himself American literature. Both of these stories
intertwine to show how different cultures step out of their own and try to live the American
Dream. This leads the audience wondering if culture affects how far individuals go in life?
Whereas Alexie describes the ideology of the American Dream as an Indian young boy teaching
himself how to read from comic books, Rodriguez describes the ideology of American Dream by
escaping Mexico to seek higher education in America. Supermanand Me includes the author,
Sherman Alexie as an adolescent boy. Alexie lived in Washington on a Spokane Indian
Reservation where he grew up with parents who lived in debt most of the time, although his
parents, as he states, usually managed to find some minimum wage job or another. The father of
Alexie went to a Catholic school where he read whatever he came into sight with. Alexie looked
up to his father, and therefore, wanted to become an avid reader just like his dad. Before he
could even read, Alexie picked up many books. Although words originally looked foreign to
Alexie, he understood the purpose of a paragraph. He says that he realized that a paragraph was
a fence that held words (Alexie). Everything he came upon, he referred to it as a paragraph.
Living a life inside of a paragraph, Alexie, one day picked up a Superman comic book. This day
became the day he learned how to read American literature. Looking at the pictures in the comic
book, Alexie assumes what he sees. This method ultimately taught him the way of reading
English. In the essay, Alexie states, I was smart. I was arrogant. I was lucky. I read books late into
the night, until I could barely keep my eyes open... Because Alexie outsmarted his class, he could
not answer any questions in class.. Never did he expect that his brilliance would come with
consequences. Is this the kind of American Dream Alexie wanted? Despite all the learning and
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The Locked Door Gladwell Summary
In the second chapter The Locked Door: The Secret Life of Snap Decisions . Gladwell delivered a
story about a retired tennis player. The player realized that every time he watch a tennis game, he
can predict when the server about to double fault. Gladwell explains that the tennis story proves
how important snap judgment is; he believes those snap judgments are extremely quick so that it
can use the smallest slice of experience. But at the same time they are unconscious. Because snap
judgments are unconscious, people often cannot rationalize them and thus do not trust them. It s
one thing to acknowledge the enormous power of snap judgments and thin slices but quite another
to place our trust in something so seemingly mysterious . Gladwell states that the Getty... Show
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Another section in this chapter describes how we rarely understand why our unconscious works
the way it does. Gladwell illustrates with an example of Ted William, the greatest hitter of all
time, when he asked about the secret of his success he answered that he could track the ball right
onto the bat. Later on, when he confronted with the fact that human beings cannot track the ball
onto the bat. He said, Well, I guess it just seemed like I could do that . The author continues with
the conclusion that we have the tendency to explain almost everything, even when we do not
have real explanation. According to Gladwell, this is known as storytelling problem , and
therefore we are better off by saying I do not know more often. In the third chapter The Warren
Harding Error: Why We Fall For Tall, Dark, and Handsome Men . Gladwell uses Warren Harding,
America s 29th President, as an example of the disadvantages of thin slicing. He continues to
describe how handsome and elegant Harding was, and how he was elected president based on
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Roy Adaptation Model
Nursing Theorist: Roy Adaptation Model Jeanette Ratliff, RN Chamberlain College of Nursing
Course Number: Summer 2011 Nursing Theorist: Roy Adaptation Model Sister Callista Roy was
not only a pioneer in the field of nursing, but also a leader. Her dedication to the health community
is inarguable. As serving numerous roles as leader, her thoughts and visions touched many. One
example of her mark in nursing is the Roy Adaptation Model. It is in this model that health is
defined as a state of adaptation that occurs as a result of successfully adapting to stressors. It is a
positive response to an environmental change as well as coping successfully with stressors and
environmental changes. Roy defines the environment in terms of... Show more content on
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There is a zone which shows the correlation between adaptive response and the range of
stimulation. When stimuli fall outside the zone, Roy points out that the individual is without
effective coping skills. Therefore the individual is unable to respond positively. Coping
mechanisms consist of regulator and cognator subsystems. The regulator subsystem is made up of
automatic neural endocrine and chemical activity. The cognator subsystem consists of cognitive
and emotive pathways. These pathways involve information processing, learning, judgment, and
emotions (George, 2002). In the final component of her model Roy address the goal of nursing is
to promote adaptation in each of the four modes. By doing so, promotes a person s health, quality
of life, and dying and dignity. The four models according to Andrews and Roy, (1991) are
physiological, self concept, role function and interdependence. Roy s model includes six steps in
order to carry out the nursing process. These steps are assessment of behavior, assessment of
stimuli, nursing diagnosis, goal setting, interventions, and evaluation. To assess behavior, it is
stressed that behavior is observed and compared to norms and considered either adaptive or
ineffective. The assessment of stimuli involves classifying the stimuli into one of the three stimuli
categories, focal, contextual, and residual, and assessing how the affects
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Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Essay
Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is a surgery that is done when arteries of the heart have
become narrow or blocked. This is usually caused by the buildup of fat called plaques. These
arteries give the heart the oxygen and nutrients it needs to pump blood to your body.
During CABG, a section of blood vessel from another part of the body is taken. This section is
called a graft. The graft is placed where there is narrowing or blocking.
What happens before the procedure?
Staying hydrated
Follow instructions from your doctor about hydration. These may include:
Up to 2 hours before the procedure you may continue to drink clear liquids, such as:
Clear fruit juice.
Black coffee.
Plain tea.
Eating and drinking restrictions
Follow instructions from your doctor about eating and drinking. These may include:
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A cut (incision) will be made down the front of the chest through the breastbone (sternum).
The breastbone will be spread open so your heart can be seen.
You may be placed on a heart lung bypass machine. This machine will give oxygen to your blood
while your heart is being worked on.
If a heart lung bypass machine is needed, your heart will be briefly stopped.
A section of a blood vessel will be taken from another part of your body. It is usually taken from the
chest, arm, or leg. It will be used to go around (bypass) the blocked arteries of your heart.
You will be taken off the heart lung machine if it was used.
If your heart was stopped, it will be restarted.
Your chest will be closed.
A bandage (dressing) will be placed over the cuts.
Tubes will stay in your chest. They will be connected to a suction device. The device will help
drain fluid and reinflate the lungs.
The procedure may vary among doctors and hospitals.
What happens after the procedure?
Your blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, and blood oxygen level will be watched until the
medicines you were given have worn
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Escher and His Use of “Metaphor”-phosis Essays
Escher and His Use of Metaphor phosis
The driving force behind life is the constant process of change. We see the process of
metamorphosis on all levels. We see days turn into nights, babies grow into adults, caterpillars
morph into butterflies, and on an even grander scale, the biological evolution of species. The
process of metamorphosis connects two completely diverse entities, serving as a bridge between
the two. Day and night are connected by evening, the slow sinking of the sun in the sky. In a
typical life cycle, birth and death are bridged by various life stages, including infancy, childhood,
adolescence, adulthood, and finally old age. Black can be morph into white through a series of
graduations of shades of gray. The... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Escher gladly did so, as he had only taken up architecture to please his father. Escher studied
under Jessurum de Mesquita from 1919 until 1922. After he had concluded his studies, he
traveled extensively, mostly in Italy. Escher took up residence in Rome from the early twenties
until the mid thirties. While residing there, he made it a tradition to make a journey to the
Italian countryside every spring. He traveled long distances on foot in many areas of southern
Italy that were not popular for travel at the time. During these explorations, Escher made
drawings of whatever interested him, mainly the Italian countryside and the architecture, which
fascinated him to draw. During the winters, he would convert the drawings and rough sketches
into woodprints. In 1935, the rise of Fascism caused Escher to leave Italy and move to
Switzerland. A year later, he made the last of his long study trips, this time on an ocean freighter
along the coast of Italy to Spain. On this trip, he encountered several prints created in Spain in
the Middle Ages that held a special interest for him and later inspired many of his tessellation
pieces. In 1937, Escher moved to a small town near Brussels, returned to Brussels in 1941, and
moved a final time in 1970, to Laren, located in the Netherlands. After 1937, Escher traveled a
great deal less frequently, leaving home only for vacations, to visit his children living abroad, or on
lecture circuits. His
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Contrast Essay Ideas. Online assignment writing service.
Contrast Essay Ideas. Online assignment writing service.
Contrast Essay Ideas. Online assignment writing service.

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Contrast Essay Ideas. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. Contrast Essay Ideas 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help fromHelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Contrast Essay Ideas Contrast Essay Ideas
  • 2. Effects Of The Reformation In The 16th And 17th Century I believe the single biggest pressure that caused the most issues for England in the 16th and 17th century relate to the Reformation. The Reformation effected everyone in the country as they were forced into a new religion headed by the King. It drastically changed people s lives and it s no wonder why the change wasn t fully accepted for a long time. Rapid population increase caused a significant strain on the country as they needed to develop new ways to feed everyone. The abolishment of common lands in favor of enclosure agriculture strained the poorest people in the country. All of these created mass amounts of tension and stress within a society transitioning into an economic power. In 1534, the English Parliament passed the Act of Supremacy effectively placing Henry the 8th as the head of the English Church. His royal prerogative was extended to deciding the religion in which the country would follow. The need of a male heir played a significant role in this decision, along with the opinions of many throughout the Christian world that Catholic Church was corrupt beyond repair. The event left the English citizens in a state of disbelief and resentment as their whole lives seemed to be turned upside down. There would be a number of consequences resulting from the Reformation. For starters the government began dissolving the monasteries which provided a number of services to their communities around them, such as education and several acted as hospitals. The King attempted to compensate for these lost services by establishing public services to his citizens with the money he was gaining from the land he acquired from the monasteries. Unfortunately the money was poorly spend and did not adequately replace the services of the monasteries. Adding on to this a large chunk of the population refused to follow the newly created church. Several clergymen who didn t recognize Henry as the new head of the church were executed for not swearing loyalty to him. Furthermore thousands of people would rise up through the years in rebellion against the state for the reason of religion. The Pilgrimage of Grace for example rose to 40,000 people demanding the Supremacy Act be reversed as well as punishing the officials ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Pros And Cons Of Plastic Water Bottles United States is the leading country on a global scale that produces and consumes millions of gallons of water annually. Oil, a limited and expensive resource, is used in the process of creating polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic water bottles which is generally regarded as a safe and recyclable packaging material. (Palliser, 2010) The process of manufacturing bottled waterto meet the United Statesdemand uses more than 17 million barrels of oil annually. (Ban the Bottle, 2014) The following examples will help to visualize how much of valuable, natural resources are used: in a year, the energy used to produce bottled water is enough to power 190,000 homes and the millions of barrels of oil used is enough to fuel 1.3 million cars. (Ban... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to a four year, detailed investigation to evaluate the quality and safety of bottled water conducted by an environmental advocacy group, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), traces of various chemicals (THMs such as chloroform and BDCM, both probable human carcinogens) and arsenic were discovered in high levels. Another chemical found in PET plastic bottles is antimony that is harmless in small doses but in larger doses can cause nausea, vomiting, and death. (Ban the Bottle, 2014) A senior scientist at the NRDC, Dr. Gina Solomon told The New York Times that there is no reason to believe that bottled water is safer than tap water. (Ban the Bottle, 2014) Public water in the U.S. is heavily regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) because they require numerous tests for bacteria daily which are available to the public. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates bottled water and only require tests on a weekly basis and does not share their discoveries with neither the public nor EPA. (Ban the Bottle, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Why Bother By Michael Pollen Essay Michael Pollan has recognized that there is an issue in today s society, and that issue is climate change. Within the article of, Why Bother , by Michael Pollan, he talks about an effect that society itself may have inflicted upon themselves. But looking at the actual reasoning behind why the climate is changing is baffling. In the text of Why Bother , Michal Pollen talks about climate change is on us, yet before reading the text, I assumed that maybe climatechange was just destiny, and continues to happen because it s due. Yet now I believe that we as a people, have actually caused climate change to progress quicker than as planned. Pollan explains that we as a people have to be active in the change we want to see. I can say I concur and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Pollan does a great job in filling in the gaps on feeling the urge to do something and actually acting upon those feelings. He even shares of ways of how we could be a help and have an impact on culture. He gave an great example on gardening. Gardening may seem small, yet has many benefits, such as saving carbon and also we somewhat teaches us to be self sufficient. Rather than depending on society for every little and big thing, we become reliable on ourselves and begin to show respect to the climate, mother Earth. Also another big thing is that we are now providing our own food for ourselves, our families, and others who may even pay to get your produce. Pollan says, as we began to garden, we will reduce the power of the cheap energy mind by personally overcoming it s most debilitating weakness: it s helplessness and the fact that it can t do much of anything that doesn t involve division or subtraction. I believe the big lesson that the garden teaches us is that as long as the sun is up and we can still plan an even plant, that there are ways we can accommodate ourselves and not weaken our ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Health Needs Of The Bedford Stuyvesant Community The Purpose The aim of this report with the help of various methods and secondary data is to address the health concerns and needs of the adults living in Bedford Stuyvesant(Bed Sty) community who have type 2 diabetes. Many needs were observed and documented and included barriers, access to health service challenges, access to affordable healthcare, access to community based support organization and unavailability of safe parks and other available spaces to exercise. Through this need assessment proposal, I hope to highlight the health needs, why it is considered a public health issue for the neighborhood of Central Brooklyn. I will target the group at risk for developing type 2 diabetes, the population at risk as well as local, state and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Introduction: Diabetes as describes by health. NY. GOV is a disease in which blood glucose (blood sugar) levels are above normal ( Diabetes Basics, 2007). This can lead to a range of serious health consequences, including vision loss, nerve damage and numbness, high blood pressure, kidney disease, heart disease and death (DiNapoli, 2015). Diabetes is a growing epidemic in New York City among all age group but has grown significantly over the years among adults especially African American and other minority groups. In 2007, data report from the New York City Health Department reported that diabetes was higher in NYC than in the U.S. overall (9.1% vs 7.5%). (NYC health data). The report concentrated on the 5 zip codes that make up Bedford Stuyvesant. The data was taken from several secondary sources including CDC. What should be: The desire status or goal is to reduce the prevalence of diabetes among the adult population of 15% to about 5% in about 10 years. To reduce the number of New Yorkers with diabetes NYSDOH has been working with other partners with the hope of reversing the epidemic. Funding from CDC, allows the NYSDOH to support other organizations to develop and implement a range of diabetes prevention and management activities in community and healthcare settings (New York State s Approach to Diabetes. (2017, June). Programs that include support for the LOCAL IMPACT project ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Accomodating the Increasing Inmate Population Accomodating the Increasing Inmate Population In August 1994, the California Department of Corrections released its annual five year facilities master plan for new prison construction. This plan, usually submitted to the Legislature earlier in the calendar year, was delayed so that the additional need for new prison beds resulting from the recently enacted Three Strikes and You re Out legislation could be incorporated into the plan. The facilities plan is based on the department s spring 1994 population estimate that estimated a total of 246,000 inmates by June 1999. This projection was recently revised to 211,000, 35,000 fewer inmates. There are several reasons for this reduction, as shown in Figure 1 and discussed below.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This equals the increase that the state prison system incurred over the past ten years. The state s prisons, however, fall far short of having space to accommodate this projected growth in inmate population. New Prison Needs The state s existing prisons were designed to house 66,000 inmates (one inmate per prison cell). As of September 1994, however, the prisons housed 120,000 inmates, resulting in an average overcrowding level of 182 percent. (Another 5,000 inmates are housed in community correctional centers that are operated by either private organizations, cities, or counties.) Additional prisons designed to house 14,000 inmates have been funded and are either under construction or ready for occupancy. When these new prisons are completed (around 1998) the design capacity of the state s prisons will total 80,000. Figure 2 shows recent and projected overcrowding levels in the state prison system based on the scheduled completion of all authorized prisons. As shown in the figure, prison overcrowding increased from about 140 percent in June 1983 to around 180 percent in June 1990 and has remained fairly close to that level over the last four years as additional prisons have been opened. Based on the CDC s fall 1994 population projections, unless more prisons are built, overcrowding in the prisons will increase significantly over the next five years and will reach 256 percent in mid 1999 nearly three inmates for each space designed to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Celiac Disease And Celiacs Disease Celiacs disease (gluten sensitive enteropathy) is a condition where in some people, gluten cannot be digested and causes an immune response. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, oats, and rye. In some people who take in and ingest gluten, an enzyme named transglutaminase transforms the gluten into a chemical that triggers an immune reaction, causing irritation and inflammation of the lining of the small intestine (Wedro, 2016). The microvilli that make up the inside surface of the intestine are destroyed, causing nutirents to pass without being, like our body needs from our diet. This can cause damage to other organs in the body due to malabsorption. (Wedro, 2016) Organs that depends the most on nutrients to function properly consist of the liver, bones and the brain. This is crucial especially in children because malnutrition can lead to abnormal growth and development. (Wedro, 2016) Celiacs disease can also be known by Coeliac Disease. Roughly 8,000 years after its first appearence, celiacs disease was identified and named. A Greek physician named Aretaeus of Cappadocia who lived in the first century AD, wrote about The Coeliac Affection. Also, he called it koiliakos after the Greek word koelia meaning abdomen. (Guandalini, 2007) Another 17 centuries passed, and in the early 19th century Dr. Mathew Baillie, presumably unaware of Aretaeus, published his observations on a chronic diarrheal disorder regarding adults, causing malnutrition and characterized by a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. The Cause Of Predestined By God the cause of predestined, whether predestined is certain, and whether the number of the predestined is certain. First, whether men are predestined by God? According to Damascene predestinated is not determined by God. Damascene says it must be borne in mind that God foreknows but does not predetermine everything, since He foreknows all that is in us, but does not predetermine it at all. Damascene believes that if human merit and demerit are in us and we are the masters of our own acts by free willthan it all pertains; therefore, to merit or demerit cannot be predestined by God making predestined irrelevant. Also, if other creatures cannot be predestined by God than men can neither be predestined by God. Predestined is also not suitable ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Analysis Of How To Keep Jealousy And Envy From Ruining... In modern society, one of the major determinants of our sense of wellbeing, in my opinion, is comparing ourselves to others. While comparison motivates us to learn good qualities, pursue a brighter future and own a grateful hearts, it also has an adverse effect when we compare our true inner selves to the pictures of perfect life created by others on social media. To begin with, Amanda Chan s article How To Keep Jealousy And Envy From Ruining Your Life serves as a foundation which introduces both positive and negative sides of comparison. On the one hand, comparison makes us more likely to be occupied by emotions of jealous and envy, which arouses feelings of inferiority and spite, and thus reduces our happiness. For instance, envy has an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. I Want To Go Back To The 90 s Have you ever thought about time travel? Time travel would be amazing because you could go back in time to see people that you never thought you would see. I would want to go back in the 90 s to meet my great grandma and grandpa. This is because of all the wonderful things I have heard about them. I would still be in Georgia, and I could help with a lot of stuff. Before I reveal too much, let me tell you why. The first reason I want to go back to the 90 s is to see and meet my great grandma and grandpa. Meeting them would be a once in a lifetime experience. I could meet them and see what they are like. My mom has told me stories about them, but not enough to tell what they are like. I could even help them build the house I live in now. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Write An Essay On Anthrax Bacillus anthracis, more widely known as anthrax is an infectious disease that is caused by a gram positive, bacillus shaped bacteria. See Appendix 2 for an image of the bacteria. It is naturally found in soil and commonly affects domestic and wild animals. Inhaling or ingesting spores from contaminated plants, soil, or water is how animals generally get infected. Humans can be infected in 4 different manners. When anthraxgets inside the body, the spores are activated and they then multiply, spread throughout the body, and produce toxins that cause severe illness. Anthrax is not contagious therefor it cannot be caught like the common cold or flu. Anthrax is considered to have originated in Mesopotamia and Egypt. Some scholars be lieve that during the 10 plagues of Egypt, the fifth plague was due to anthrax. The sickness that occurred in the fifth plagued the grazing livestock such as horses, cattle, sheep, camels and oxen. It is even suggested that anthrax is partially responsible for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Most of the antibiotics for anthrax are administered intravenously in a hospital. When anthrax spores get inside the body, they will be activated . Once they are activated , the bacteria will grow and multiply. During the process of growth they produce toxins that are the main cause of severe illness. When antitoxins are used to treat patients, it must be coupled with other treatment options. There is a vaccine available for anthrax that comes in a 5 shot grouping over 18 months. The vaccine is recommended for members of the United States Military, laboratory workers who come in contact with anthrax and people who handle animals or animal products on a regular basis such as veterinarians. The vaccine is currently only provided to those who have an increased risk of coming into contact with anthrax spores. It is not permitted for anyone under the age of 18 or over the age of 65 as well as during or pregnant ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Indi Sri Lanka Mr Mathangi Alagiah (42), his wife Priya (38) and their 13 year old son Maha are Sri Lankan Tamils who spent four years living in a refugee camp in India. They fled to Australia due to the living conditions in Sri Lanka. In Sri Lanka there has been a dramatic growth in rates throughout different minority groups especially Tamils. Tamils comprise of approximately 18% of Sri Lankans population (http://countrystudies.us/sri lanka/25.htm U.S. Library of Congress, (2014). and Tamil is also one of the Dravidian languages found exclusively in peninsular India. Tamils are one of the oldest surviving ethnic groups and dates back to 1500bc which is estimated by the burials found in the Tamil Nadu region, but the literary work of ancient Tamils. Tamils are also known to value their language to a great extent it is considered as part of their culture and identity. The Tamil languageis recognized as a classical language by the government of India. It started existing in South Asia before arrival of people speaking Indo European languages which was in approximately 1500 B.C. The Tamil literature is of a high quality and has survived for at least 2,000 years in southern India, and although the Tamil language absorbed many words from northern Indian languages, in the late twentieth century it retained many forms of Dravidian speech. Tamil is spoken by at least 40 million people and are systematically and routinely treated as second class citizens by the majority Sinhalese community. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. George Orwell Politics In theory, politics exist to balance the various needs of individuals and to moderate conflicts between diverse interests. However, in reality there are no such ideal decision making system; all governments have inefficiencies caused by manipulations, corruptions, and bureaucracies. George Orwell, in , has depicted the non ideality of politics by sketching a highly controlled society in various dimensions. In this essay, I will investigate how the Party maintains its power, in two scopes; through its extensive manipulation and its inherent inequality combined with suboptimal standards of living. First, let s observe how the regime manipulates its population. At the macroscopic level, the Party has Hate Weeks, produces propagandas, and displays... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Had the proletariat been equal with other classes, they would have thought and stood for themselves, which would be a great threat to the Party. Also, outer party members were provided with low quality goods and had a standard of living only marginally better than the proletariat, to make small privileges of the inner party appear bigger and to induce loyalty. To realize it, the Ministry of Plenty and the Ministry of Peace limit the supply of usable goods and exhaust any surplus, to keep the standard of living low enough to maintain the Party s dictatorship. In conclusion, the previous investigations shed light to how the Party holds its power; it eliminates opposition by brainwashing and tight surveillance, and it stabilizes its power by maintaining a perpetually superior socioeconomic status to its residents, especially the middle and the lower classes. But still, there is an open question. As Winston said, we know how but we don t know why . Why the Party craved power and control to such harsh extent? Although O Brien answered that the object of power is power, pure power, it is not a meaningful answer because he himself is also brainwashed as an inner party member. Then why such oppressive regimes originate even though humans strive for peace and equality? It is a fundamental conflict of human nature between power, violence and equality, peace; which should be solved to leap one step closer to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. We Re Hot as Hell We re Hot as Hell Is global warming a moral dilemma? Is it the public policy problem from hell? In The Environmental Issue from Hell, Bill McKibben uses many of such phrases en route to arguing for a new approach to global warming. By discussing hell and morals, the reader s mind is already equating it with two heavily debated issues. Therefore, we begin to question their existence and how we should deal with the subjects. McKibben wisely chooses these disputes to represent his main concerns: the ways in which consumerism affects the global ecosystem, and the impact of humans on the environment. McKibben presents a solution on how to handle each of these environmental issues, utilizing both the people and the government. McKibben s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Mckibben inaugurates his third paragraph suggesting that we make the environmental issues, the great moral crisis of our time, and the equivalent of the civil rights movement of the 1960s. (747). He uses this analogy to explain that in his opinion, we are strip mining the present and destroying all of whom come after it. Thus, leading him to discuss exactly how humans materialistic ways have impacted the earth. From Bangladesh living three months in thigh high deep water, to polar bears becoming 20% scrawnier than they were a decade ago (748). The environmentalist writer goes on to discuss how to deal with global warming since it is indeed creeping up on us. Mckibben once again articulates his repetitive view that, it s a moral question, finally, if you think we owe any debt to the future. (748). In many circumstances it is believed that if it had been done to us, we would dislike the generation that did it, just as how we will one day be disliked. The solution given in the essay on how to handle these environmental issues is to start a moral campaign. In other words, ... turn it into a political issue, just as bus boycotts began to make public the issue of race, forcing the system to respond. (748). As a part of the overall populist causing these issues, Mckibben understands that the hardest part about starting this moral campaign is identifying a villain to overcome. Briefly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Iwt Task 1 Essay Realism versus Pop Art In this life, there are many forms of art or art movements to speak of. How we interpret art is a very subjective thing. What a person sees and feels when looking at art greatly depends on their upbringing, their values, and even their mood at the time of viewing. Could something dark and lacking color be art? What about a comic strip in the newspaper or the billboard down the street? Again, interpretation and taste in art is individual. I elected to explore into the two art movements I like the least to potentially better understand them, and to potentially link them together. Realism was painted to depict real life situations. It was developed by artists to create an illustration of common people and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Realism evoked feeling in its everyday life portrayal. Pop Art is unemotional. Although Pop art was originally stated to come from the revolt to Abstract Expressionism, and a jump off of Dadaism, my thoughts are that the similarities between Pop Art and Realism as extensive. They are related in the fact that they both are based on everyday life scenes. While Realism delved into everyday society, Pop Art did the same with the everyday mass media market. Realism was a jump from Romanticism a fight of the unnatural belief that everything must be romanticized. Pop art was a jump from Abstract Expressionism a fight of the unnatural belief that everything should spark emotional thought. Pop artists in Germany are referred to as Capitalist Realism artists and, in France, the Pop Art movement is called Nouveau Realisme, directly translated as New Realism. The very famous Mona Lisa was great inspiration for many other art pieces, but none as famous as itself except for Andy Warhol s silkscreens of the Mona Lisa. It is said that he was so consumed by the famousness and celebrity that the painting created that he became obsessed with it for the rest of his life. His creation of his own Mona Lisa pieces, as well as his Jackie series and his Marilyn series and all the series that Warhol created of the many ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Indiana Unwritten Customs At Indiana University there are unwritten customs that many student choose to follow. The unwritten custom can be divided into two approaches Socio Cultural approach and Academic Institutional approach, but both can be intertwined together in varies ways. The Socio Cultural approach relates back to Indiana Universityin many way. The main unwritten custom of Indiana University is partying a lot as a freshmen, and counties throughout the four years of college. Partying is huge deal at Indiana University, but it begins as a freshmen when everyone in the residence halls are invited to the first college party of the year. When an individual denies going out to a party as a freshmen everyone automatically call that individual a good person because the unwritten customs is to go out... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also with appearances comes Greek life. At Indiana University Greek life is one of the main attractions on campus, and it makes Greek life an unwritten customs. From day one ladies and gentlemen start to think of what organization they want to become a part of, and they start to notice which organization want them as a member. Even though it might not be a priority to certain individuals Greek life is all over campus, and starts to tip toe into student s minds. The majority of ladies and gentlemen want to become members of an Panhellenic or Interfraternity Greek Council organization, but many student of color do not see themselves in a Panhellenic or Interfraternity Greek Council and they explore their options with the Multicultural Greek Council or National Panhellenic Council. Even in those Greek councils they have their own set of unwritten customs individuals ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Magic If Play Analysis For our directorial focus we decided was the betrayal of family and creating a new dream fits with our chosen scene as the two young characters in this scene who are portraying this directorial focus though their dialogue and actions. This led to the two characters in this scene disregarding their previous dreams and their family to create their own dream to pursue. During the process of creating this performance, we also learnt about the importance of the Stanislavski method and how it can ameliorate the performer s actions and dialogue. Some of the Stanislavski techniques that I have personally used to enhance my character and to fully believe in my performance is the Magic If technique. Since I have not been in a position such as my... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of these conventions included the convention of props. In a particular part of the scene. Johnnie picks up a kewpie doll and messes around with it like an illegitimate souvenir. From this particular part from this scene. Bubba s concern rises from Johnnie describing the dolls as well as the summer dream as a joke or an unworthy dream. Another convention that was used was the convention of realistic language. When the argument breaks out the two character cannot over exaggerate their voices otherwise it ruins the purpose of realism theatre. Instead the voices had to be slightly raised in dynamics and in pitch which will make it as realistic as possible. Also the use of subtext in the scene gave the scene more meaning and it also addressed the concern for my character as the subtext within the other character shows what he really means. Furthermore conventions of realism that acknowledged the directorial focus for our scene included the convention of believable character. To make the scene work under realism theatre, characters need to be relatable and believable to the audience. Since our directorial focus is the betrayal of family and creating a new dream the audience must relate to this focus as well as the characters. Another convention of realism theatre is the convention of a Super Objective. This gives the characters a deeper purpose to this scene. In my case, my Super Objective ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Ethics Codes Of Uk 2 It s trust worthy and reliable to have independent and unbiased auditors confirm that an organization s claims about its financial position and the process behind these claims are true and independent. The most important element for the audit report and opinion should be free bias. In order to achieve this goal, auditors need to be objective. Auditor, as one part of the professional accountancy bodies, is required to obey the ethics codes, which ensure the auditor to be independent. Furthermore, the ethics codes of UK utilize a principle based framework approach to outline the circumstances and assess whether the appropriate safeguard can be carried out to mitigate the threats in order to achieve acceptable level of independence. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, when the threats are unable to eliminate, the auditor should not carry on reporting auditor opinions. The ethics codes also provide categories of threats of independence. The first one is self interest threat. This occurs when there is a conflicting between the auditor s financial or other self interest and the clients . The financial or other interest will inappropriately influence the professional auditor s judgment or behavior. For instance, if the auditor has close business relationship with the audit client, that is a self interest threat. Furthermore, a potential engagement with an audit client and contingent fees relating to audit engagement are also the examples of self interest threat. The second one is called the self review threat. This threat occurs when there are previous judgments or products made by other audit or non audit organizations. Then the auditor needs to re evaluate it to issue a new audit opinion. Furthermore, the self review threat also occurs when the auditor were previously a member of the auditor s client who made influence over subject matter of the audit report. Then, self review thread includes preparation of original data used to generate financial statements or preparation of other records that are the subject matter of the audit engagement as well. In the question, Transval Ltd requires the auditor to assist with the preparation of both the company s corporation tax return and the director s personal tax ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Constitutional Reform Research Paper Our Constitution: Does it need to be reformed? In 1780 one person proposed an idea to reconstruct our government; Alexander Hamilton proposed a general convention to frame a new constitution (Beard 3). The Article of Confederation was failing and the several men wanted a change to form a stronger national government. Some states excelled under the Article of Confederation while others struggled, there was no whole as a nation only sovereignty for the states. In 1787 the Framers changed the future of the United Statesof America and formed the constitution; which we still currently use. It took 9 states to ratify the constitution; 9 who believed in the best for the people. Still to this day we run our government off of a document made over... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many things to be amended to change, add on, or reword. One thing that has a huge aspect in our country is personal rights; way to show the constitution is at flaw is lack of specification in Amendment 2 on what the Bearing Arms represents. The states if they agreed upon it could amend this if they were to call a convention. The Failure to specify rights of privacy is another flaw (2). The constitution does not specify many things but rather only idealizes the general idea. Framers made the constitution this way. From these flaws and broad controversy s leads us into prevents us from a rise of a powerful faction. While realizing several things do need to change in the constitution, there should not be a brand new constitution. If we specified everything there would be fewer factions which become dangerous in our democracy (Madison 5). Another thing that should be addressed is the amount of power Congress possesses compared to states; the power produces lack of trust and hate towards Congress. The reason on why people hate Congress so much is because the amount of taxes that the citizens of the United States have to pay toward the national government, some states don t even see back the money they have to invest towards the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Effect Of Sound On A Film Scene Muhaimin R. Moin Prof. Kimberly Cox EGL 194 8 March 2015 Effect of Sound on a Film Scene Sound and music in the cinematic context is an effective means of means of communication. Motion picture soundtrack, sound effects, background music, diegetic and non diegetic sound can supplement, enhance and expand upon the meaning of the film s narrative. The overlap and interaction of dialogue, sound effects, atmospheric sound, score music and silence create a harmonious and synchronized counterpoint to the image of the scene. Music in a film creates a point of experience for the spectator. Patterns of tension and release exemplified by the sound of the scene provide a sense of organization, connection and meaning to the audience. In my short clip from 12 years a Slave I have used music as a part of cinematic diagesis as well as a means of communication to my audience the psychological drama of the narrative at the subconscious level. Sound in a scene can communicate meaning and give life to a moving image. As I created the music for the scene I had certain intentions as a director and composer which required the construction of a multifaceted soundtrack to convey the narrative of the scene. The music is chosen and composed to elicit emotional response and ways in which it can convey the dramatic intentions of the film narrative. As music can convey the scope of a film, I used music in my scene to show it as an epic drama. I tried to use sound in my scene is such a way so as to not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Health Improvement Strategies For Obesity And The Effect... This essay shall look at the importance of health improvement strategies in relation to obesity and the effect being obese has on young people. In particular the focus shall be on overcoming obesity and reducing the risk of problems it could cause for individuals in later life. There are many health improvement strategies in place for obesity which aim to encourage individuals to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I shall be focusing on in particular an app for smartphones called My Diet Coach (Appendix 1). The app allows individuals to document their weight loss goals and allows individuals to see how many calories there are in the meals they are preparing in order for the app to determine how much exercise is needed in proportion to food intake. It also allows them to see how many calories they are allowed to have day to day based on their height and weight. Apps are a great way to implement healthimprovement strategies for young adults as most will own a smartphone themselves. Obesity is a growing problem not only in adults in the UK but also young adults. Public Health England (2013) states that in 2007 the overall cost of obesity to the UK economy was approximately ВЈ15.8 billion per year with ВЈ4.2 billion in cost to the NHS. Obesity is a particular problem for young adults as it can cause them to be at an increased risk of developing various serious health problems in later life such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. What Is The Literary Devices In Scene De La Vie De Boheme One of the two female protagonists of La boheme (1896) is Mimi , a young seamstress and neighbor of Rodolfo, a poor poet, whom he meets one day seeking a light for her candle. The libretto, for which Puccini and his two librettists, Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa, drew inspiration from Henri Murger s novel Scenes de la vie de boheme, tells the story of the love of two couples Mimi and Rodolfo, and Musetta and Marcello living in poverty in the artistic Latin Quarter in 19th century Paris. The plot follows the ups and downs of their relationships as their part and reunite, until, in the final act, Mimi death puts a tragic end to her and Rodolfo s love. From the moment she enters the stage in the second act, her shyness and vulnerability ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During her relationship with Rodolfo, Mimi demonstrates her flirtatious side, as it is implied that she notices other men: as they are walking towards the cafГ© in act two, Mimi is said to be watching a group of students, and when Rodolfo asks Chi guardi? , she answers, coquettishly, Sei geloso? . This is further confirmed in act three, where Mimi confesses to Marcello that Rodolfo s jealousy makes him suspicious of un passo, un detto,/ un vezzo, un fior , whereas later on, Rodolfo hilself tells Marcello, con amarezza ironica , that Mimi e una civetta/ che frascheggia con tutti , and that she encourages Vicount s advances. Mimi also momentarily reveals her vanity and a more materialistic side, incongruous with the ideal of a modest maiden, when at the beginning of her relationship with Rodolfo she wants him to buy her a new bonnet. Andiam per la cuffietta?, asks the girl, and when Rodolfo buys it for her she is eager for compliments ( Mi sta bene questa cuffietta rosa? ). But the new bonnet satisfies her appetite only for a moment: Bel vezzo di corallo! , she cries watching the window of a shop, trying to induce Rodolfo to purchase the necklace for her as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Solar Energy Industry Indi Problems And Prospects Abstract To meet demand supply gap in the energy sector of India has led Government to tap solar energy that is sufficient to meet the annual demand of residential, agriculture and residential purposes. Solar energy sector is driven by demand and supply side factors, and it has the excellent chance to be World leader in this area if it tackles its challenges efficiently. Government can focus on establishing mini grids to cater the needs of remote regions, implementation of renewable energy certificates, carbon trading and supporting more entrepreneurs to boost the growth of solar energy sector in India. Total no. of words: 95 Solar Energy industry in India: Problems and Prospects As per November 2014, India has a total installed power capacity of 255,012 MW. 59% generated from coal based power plants like Neyveli Lignite Corporation (TN), Singrauli Super Power Station (UP). 17% produced from Hydel power projects like Sutlej dam, Bhakra Nangal project, etc. 12% from renewable energy resources like biomass, solar and remaining from nuclear and natural gas. Due to fast depletion of non renewable fossil fuels like coal most of the countries are shifting towards renewable energy resources like Solar, the Wind and Hydel power projects. India has been consistently a power shortage nation with demand and supply gap of 12% of the total energy demand. With its proximity to the equator, India has a potential of generating 1900 billion units of solar power annually. Solar ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The Effects Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder In a study done 14 months after a natural disaster, depression was found to be prevalent among first responders who also were local residents of where the disaster took place. The participants were from three different groups. The first was 610 local municipality workers, the second was 421 medical workers, and the third was 327 firefighters. All were given a self administered questionnaire. The results indicate that higher levels of depression are more significant in medical personnel versus firefighters (Sakuma, 2015) Psychological According to research conducted by insert names here, pre employment personality traits can easily predict posttraumatic stress symptoms among firefighters and military as the symptoms develop. Job duration and heightened level of emotional stress are also predicting traits among experienced firefighters. Police officers are considered a high risk group where definite identifying predictors of post traumatic stress disorder are present. Predictors that were included in the study were the following variables: intrusions, impairment index, functioning, age and gender (Schutte, 2011). Intrusions were the significant predictor, as the officers are exposed to high risk trauma repeatedly. In another study in which 267 participants from a large urban fire department in the southeastern United States participated, results failed to show that levels of social support can be a predictor of the onset of PTSD (Farnsworth, 2011). A separate study ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Change Of Leaf Color Typically, as nature starts the transformation process from summer to fall, the green leaves on the trees begin to change into colors of reds, golds, browns, and oranges. Eventually, the leaves fall off the trees onto the ground. Three factors contribute to the change in leaf color according to USDA s Northeastern Area Forest Service website, which include leaf pigments, length of night, and weather. The increasing length of night and other ecological influences such as the temperature, rainfall, and food supply trigger the biochemical process of the leaves (na.fs.fed.us). Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts of the leaves. A chloroplast is a type of plant cell organelle known as a plastid. Plastids support the storing of the needed ingredients for energy production. A chloroplast contains a green pigment called chlorophyll which is the agent that gives leaves their green color. Chlorophyll is important to the photosynthesis process as it is the chemical reaction that facilitates plants to use sunlight to produce sugars for their food (biology.about.com). During the emergent season, chlorophyll is repetitively produced and broken down, which causes the leaves to appear green in color. As the nights grow longer, the production of chlorophyll diminishes and eventually ceases production. Depending on the type of plant, as the chlorophyll becomes dormant, the color of the leaves begins to change to reds, browns, yellows, and oranges (na.fs.fed.us). Nature.com describes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The Importance Of Segregation In America Halfway There Segregation has been in America since it was founded, and although it has lessened it is still present today. Slavery ended in 1865 with the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution; which stated that slavery was illegal. At the time, most white people were still racist, and African Americans weren t treated like normal members of society. In 1868, the 14th Amendment stated that everyone born in America is a citizen. Unfortunately, although many years had past, prejudices on integration still remained in 1957, when the Little Rock Nine happened. Desegregation has been difficult for America, and although progress has been made, research shows that much room for improvement remains. An event that showed the difficulties of integration was the ordeal of Little Rock Nine. In 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the case Brown v. Board of Education that the segregation of public schools was unconstitutional. On September 4, 1957, (the first day of school) the National Guard was sent to escort a group of nine African American students into Central High in Little Rock, Arkansas. This group was called The Little Rock Nine, and they were enrolled in the previously all white Central High to start integration in schools. Sixteen year old Ernest Green sounded hopeful later that day. Things would be better if only the grown ups wouldn t mix in he said. The kids have nothing against us. They hear bad things about us from their parents . This quote is powerful ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Stump Narrative As I stood there exhausted, holding a blank stare with my arms to my sides and the sound of mumbling in the background, I only heard three words of the entire training brief my supervisor gave us, time for chow! I immediately snapped back to reality and walked in the same direction as my teammates. As I walked, I looked ahead of the group for the best place to get out of the 103 degree hot Texas sun. I noticed a tree and a stump that would be great to rest my back on and it had plenty of shade. When I arrived at the stump, I set my rifledown and quickly took off my training gear that felt like an extra body hanging on my shoulders. At the same moment that I felt like I could take a break from the training day and let my guard down, I heard... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Just like me, most of the other deployed troops had a weird obsession with wanting to eat at a fast food restaurant again. After spending over 12 hours flying from the Middle East back to America, we finally landed at Dallas International Airport. This was the first time we were able to eat real American food in what felt like a lifetime. As we began to get off the plane, emotions ran high. We finally made it! The sense of joy was almost too hard to handle. All 150 of us dispersed around the airport looking for the restaurant we wanted. I went off by myself and walked around aimlessly with a shock and awe feeling. I felt like a foreigner in my own country. There were so many choices that I could not make up my mind. I went from restaurant to restaurant looking at all the menus. I was overwhelmed by all the choices and began to get flustered. As I started to give up on finding a spot due to an uncontrollable anxiety, I heard the same trainee that tossed the MRE to me yell Taylor! I looked over and he was sitting with some other troops at a table at TGI Fridays. I went over and sat down with them with a sense of relief. I ordered a medium rare bacon double cheeseburger with fries. When the food arrived at our table, the smell of the bacon on top of two cheesy beef patties was heavenly. I was so excited that I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Active Foot Orthosis Currently, robotic systems of active foot orthoses consist of PGO, PAGO, Anklebot, MIT AAFO, AFOUD, KAFO, RGT, Yonsei AAFO, and SUkorpion AR. This kind of technology provides suitable gait dynamics for rehabilitation cite{daniel2005}. The Powered Gait Orthosis (PGO) promotes bipedal locomotor performance in the patient who has a physical impairment and the Pneumatic Active Gait Orthosis (PAGO) uses the electropneumatic circuit to improve locomotor performance for paraplegic patients cite{ruthenberg1997,belforte2001}. The Anklebot is a commercial product from Interactive Motion Technologies. The goal of this robot is to recover stroke patient s ankles cite{roy2007}. This research performs a simple protocol for ankle stiffness estimation.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Ankle Foot Orthosis at the University of Delaware (AFOUD) contains 2 DOF (inversion /eversion and dorsiflexion/plantarflexion motion) using an actuator, a spring and a damper to steadily maintain appropriate foot position of patient cite{agrawal2005}. The Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis (KAFO) uses artificial pneumatic muscles being a powered orthosis in walking step cite{sawicki2009}. The study of gait rehabilitation, human motor adaptation and locomotion energetics were previously done by their work of ankle foot orthosis (AFO). The Robotic Gait Trainer (RGT) (Figure ref{fig:rgt}) from the Arizona State University presented a walking device using a tripod mechanism ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Five Factor Model Of Personality The five factor model (FFM) is a contemporary construct describing personality. It incorporates five traits openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism also referred to as OCEAN. Within each dimension, there are specific personality attributes, for example, openness includes subcategories of feelings and actions. The FFM was influenced by Cattell s 16 factor model (1957) and shares traits with many other personality theories such as Eysenck s PEN model. There has been an ongoing debate discussing how many factors appropriately represent the brain structure of personality, suggestions have varied from 2 7, recently Almagor et al. (1995) advocated that a 7 factor model unfolds when evaluative traits are involved. Costa Mcrae (1992) claim that the FFM is the best theory of personality, however, the model has received much criticism. Through examining different aspects of the model its credibility can be explored. Universality is the core basis of a credible theory, studies have been found to replicate the five factors of personality repeatedly. However, this evidence has been obtained purely from replications involving urban and literate populations. Gurven et al. (2013) examined the universality of the theory further by obtaining a sample consisting of 632 Tsimane forager horticultural inhabitants of Bolivia. The sample was, therefore, illiterate and from a native society an area of study not previously conducted for the FFM. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Erikson s Life Span Theory Going along with this, Erikson s Life Span Theory presents a lot of ideas that I agree with when it comes to raising children. Erikson believes that there are eight stages where an individual will face a crisis. The crisis infants will face is trust or mistrust of their caregiver. I believe this goes back to nurture, because if you show your child that you are there for them they should develop trust in you rather than mistrust. The crisis they face during toddlerhood is autonomy or shame and doubt. This stage is where they begin to develop a sense of self and want to start doing things more on their own. When beginning to raise my infant, I hope they display personality similarities to fearless, energetic children. The description of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So I believe I will certain restrictions when it comes to their media use at this age. According to our books, a good parent for preschooler needs to display affection, nurturance, guidance and discipline, and interaction with the child. In order to actually be a good parent, co parenting must be effective. I want to be involved in my child s life, and during their preschool years is of extreme importance to remember they are watching your every mood, so remaining a positive influence is detrimental. During pre teens years, I believe that parenting becomes even more difficult. For instance, during this period your child is most likely going through changes and trying to figure out who they are. With this in mind, I feel like it is important to keep an open communication line open with your child especially during this age so they feel comfortable enough to come and discuss worries and problems they may be facing. Media use starts becoming extremely important during this time, so I would feel the need to set up certain regulations and make sure they are enforced. I would not allow my child to have a smart phone during this time period either. I had to wait until I was thirteen, and I think this is the perfect age. I do not think I would mind if they had a Facebook and Instagram account at this age. However, I would make it a requirement that I was able to have access to their accounts if I felt the need to check it out. Finally, once your child reaches adolescents the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Ethical Issues In Ted Kotcheff s 1971 Film This essay will provide a discussion of an ethical issue from Ted Kotcheff s 1971 film Wake in Fright (Galvin, 2010), which is still relevant today; the issue of proper treatment of animals in films. This essay will discuss the way that both animal rights and animal welfare relate to the case in question, as well as some other examples. Ted Kotcheff s film Wake in Fright has been described as the best and most terrifying film about Australia in existence (Kermode, 2014). It is a film that explores the journey of John Grant, a teacher who arrives in an outback town of Australia whilst on his way to Sydney. His planned one night stay stretches out into five days, and he sinks into a self destructive state along the way. The inhospitable wasteland of Bundanyabba (or the Yabba ) turns... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Director, Ted Kotcheff, has gone on record as saying that [when he] was faced with the kangaroo hunt ... [he] was totally perplexed about what to do (Sifuentes, 2013). A crewmember was the one who planted the idea of using real kangaroo hunters, as they were already going to be hunting that night anyway. Kotcheff only had to place a camera on the back of one of their trucks, and film them on their hunt. Of the footage captured, Kotcheff goes on to say that he did not use 75% of what [he] filmed that night as it was too bloody and horrifying (Sifuentes, 2013), however the footage that did make the film was still horrifyingly graphic. If we use Tom Regan s Kantian argument that at least some non human animals have moral rights because they are subjects of a life (Rowlands, 2009), one can argue that the film ignores the rights of the kangaroos, the right to a life without pain and suffering. It breaks the ethical rule of abstaining from killing. And it ignores the ethical responsibilities of the filmmakers themselves, people who are supposed to protect their audience from overtly graphic violence and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Beauty And External Appearance In Beauty By James Martin In the play Beauty by James Martin, a conflict arise between the two main character where they want each other s most admirable quality. Bethany is very intelligent and carla is very attractive. They both envy one another for each others quality and are unsatisfied with their external appearances. Carla doesn t like being attractive as guys go crazy over her, while Bethany wants guys to go crazy over her. After Bethany is granted one more wish she decides to ask carla what they should wish for. Beauty provides a depiction of the role external appearance plays in the way people treat one another in modern American society. In light of peoples external appearance carrying such weight in modern american society, it has become highly important for people to enhance their external appearance in order to gain status.According to psychology today it is almost impossible to avoid judging someone on their appearance. research suggests that we may need to adopt a more cynical attitude. It turns out that a candidate s appearance not beauty, but a look of competence can generate a significant vote swing. Furthermore, this effect is not only powerful but also subliminal. Few of us realize that appearance determines our vote, yet for a significant number of us, it may. (how we are judge by our appearance This means appearance is still playing a big role and americans should be using this to their advantage. This disproves the epithet that being pretty is important and shows its ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Collective Bargaining Case Summary Collective bargaining is the process of negotiating contract terms between the employer and employee. In 2015, a group of California teachers decided to petition the court and ultimately collectively bargain against the union s collective bargain. The plaintiffs claim California s agency shop law is unconstitutional and violates teachers First Amendment rights by forcing them to pay union dues regardless of whether they support or are a member of the union, (Bidwell, 2015). The lead plaintiff in this case, Rebecca Friedrichs, has been a teacher for over 25 years. Friedrichs was a member of the union, but felt like her efforts were pointless, as the others did not listen to her. Now that she, and others, are not members and do not support ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Literary Criticism In Rain Man By Leonore Fleischer INTRODUCTION Literary criticism is the process of reading , interpretation of and commentary on a specific texts which have been recognized as literature. Literary criticism usually comes with certain literary theories that can be found in the text analysed. Literary criticism can be done only after reading a literature text and one must understand the story to identify a theory that exist in the story. A good literary criticism should contain a good example with evidence found from the text. It must also included with some relevant theory of criticism to support it. Rain Man by Leonore Fleischer is a story about Charlie Babbitt and Raymond Babbitt s adventure after several years being separated by their father, Sanford Babbitt. There is a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He is an honest person. He pass Sanford s wills and read his letters to Charlie Babbitt and did not tell Charlie about the person that gets Sanford s money, as promised to Sanford Babbitt before his death. Dr. Walter Bruner is the one responsible to look after Raymond Babbitt. He is the one that Sanford Babbitt ordered to look after Raymond and his money that he had left for Raymond. Dr. Walter Bruner kept his promised by guarding the money and did not easily give them as in the case of Charlie Babbitt who keeps on nagging about his rights to have some of his father s money. Dr. Walter Bruner never give up to get Raymond back from Charlie later in the story. He went as far as to offer some cash to Charlie Babbitt in order to get Raymond ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Great White Sharks The great white shark also known by its scientific name, Carcharadon Carcharias is one of the most feared and dangerous creatures in the world. Great white sharks descended from their ancestor who was the Megalodon and it was the largest shark/fish that lived during the prehistoric times. It had a similar appearance to the great white sharkand was three times the size of it. Great white sharksare blue/grey on top and are white below, there are also one of the biggest shark species measuring at up to 5 9 metres in length and can weigh up to 5000 pounds. Great white sharks are known to humans for fatal shark attacks and their ferocious behaviour and appearance. These sharks also have large teeth measuring up to 7.5cm all positioned in rows... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These shark s colouring enable it to blend with the ocean and to become camouflaged, this helps the shark to not be seen by prey and allowing it to have a better chance of attacking its prey. The great white shark also uses its incredibly fast speed to travel through water and catch prey. They can reach top speeds of 24 km/h and this is due to their body design similarly being shaped like a torpedo. These sharks also have a caudal fin, having a large top part and small bottom part. The design of this caudal fin enables the shark to have balance as they swim through water. Another adaptation that helps it hunt prey is its great sense of smell. The great white shark has a sharp sense of smell, which enables it to detect small amounts of blood in water from 5 km distances. This type of shark is also known to have the best electroreception. The electroreceptors and lateral line canals are found in the head to the snout of the Great white sharks body. These features enable sharks to detect the movement of other animals nearby in the water using their electromagnetic field. These sharks have also learned how to maintain body temperature warmer than the surrounding water. To achieve this they use nerve fibres called ampullae. All of these adaptations help these incredible creatures to adapt to their environment they live ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Desegregation Of The United States The education system in the United States has gone through many changes spanning all the way from the 1800 s to today. The integration of other races and cultures into our schools have played in integral part in the historical development of the U.S. educational system. It has also allowed more access to all students to experience education. The desegregation of schools also started the conversation about allowing Blacks to have equal access to the same water fountains, public transportation, restrooms, and public spaces, as Whites. It is important to note the differences between desegregation and integration. The distinction between these two terms are crucial because in the constitution law the Supreme Court has never enforced integration, but does prohibit segregation. Desegregation is defined as provisions articulated in law or practice that eliminate the isolation of members of a particular group into separate functional units (ASHE Higher Education Report p.12). Integration is the incorporation of individuals and groups as equals into society. Desegregation had to take place before integration could even begin to become a proposal. During the mid to late 1800 s there were several laws and court cases taking place which slowly led up to the gradual start of the desegregation movement. Black education in the South was virtually nonexistent before the Civil War and very limited in Northern states. Once the civil war ended, the Thirteenth Amendment was passed and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Death Of A Nurse The Josie King story is truly unimaginable. I wish I could review her chart to better understand how she fell through the cracks. It seems hard to believe that the signs of increasing dehydration went unnoticed or even worse, were viewed as normal . Even more difficult to believe is that the nurses were unable to create a partnership with the mother. In the story, it seems as if the mom was dismissed as a partner in the process and felt as if no one was listening to her. Although a family member may not have the medical knowledge a nursehas, they have knowledge of their child and that is lost without their help. What would have happened if the nurse spent a moment to understand where Josie s mother was coming from or called the doctor to communicate her symptoms? Did she truly believe her symptoms were normal or was she too busy with something else? It shouldn t be possible to have a child be NPO without IV fluids running. While it takes children a long time to stop compensating, I m sure there were signs of dehydration. During a bath, the mom notes how furiously Josie was sucking on a wet washcloth. If it was known that she was not drinking, how could these signs have been missed? It seems as though a total breakdown in obvious behavior and team communication is evident. The care delivery model failed to keep Josie safe. The nurse or team assigned seemed to lack knowledge of symptoms and the skill sets present did not work to make up for another team members deficits. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. War Plan Orange Plan Essay War Plan Orange is one of the most extensively outlined plans of military use. It took over forty years to be perfected. From the early 1900s through World War II, War Plan Orange developed through different opinions from conflicting groups, the cautionaries and thrusters, and the changing state of the world. In 1907, Roosevelt asked for a strategy to fight Japan. The General Board defined the Orange Plan, in which Japan was Orange and the United Stateswas blue. In it, the geography of Japan determined the strategy of the United States. Japan s remoteness would lead them to easy victories at first, but then it caused them to be vulnerable to blockade. The United States problem was how to get to Japan. Thrusters wanted rapid naval offensive across the Pacific, while cautionaries insisted upon a slow campaign with proper bases. The United States assumed a three phase war. In the first phase, Japan would strike suddenly. In the second phase, the US Battle Fleet would move east and set up a blockade of Japanese trade in Guam, the Philippines, etc., and in the third phase, the United States would create a tight blockade and use air attacks to force Japan to sue for peace. No land invasion was ever suggested. In the second period of planning, the Battle Fleet moved to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During the fifth period of planning, 5 Rainbow Plans were drawn. They ended up leading to a suggested defensive war in the Pacific. In 1941, Rainbow Plan 5 determined that the goal was the beat Germany first. After Pearl Harbor, Nimitz took over naval operations in the Pacific, leading to the first offensive in the Marshalls. Late in the war, it began to be suggested to invade Japan, which was never a part of the Orange Plan. But, Truman dropped the bomb and no invasion ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Health Education Personal Statement I am interested in doing research that could potentially better the health of my community. I am interested in mental health, nutrition, and substance abuse. I believe these topics are so important in our society and need further research. After college, I want to work as a health educator helping high school students become more educated on their health. Personally, I feel like high school aged students are at a challenging time in their life by being exposed to unhealthily life decisions. Whether it is from experimenting with drugs and alcohol to drinking eight sodas a day, most high school students do not understand the severity of their unhealthy decisions. I am driven to make a change in this population. I believe I can make a change in this population because of the high quality of health education I have received from SIUe and my determination to make a positive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I feel like I would obtain so much knowledge that would benefit me in years to come as a health educator. I also enjoy analyzing data. For my health education senior class, I had so much fun going back and tallying all our data from our pre and post tests from our program implementation. I appreciated going back through the data and seeing how our intervention positively effected our target population. I have prior research experience in my health education senior assignment class. My group and I had to distribute and analysis data. In the process of my senior project, I had to analyze previous research studies to find successes and failures within the studies to build a successful intervention based on the findings. I am familiar with finding articles on databases and I know how to effectively read a journal article study. I have also taken the research methods class offered at SIUe, which helped me learn how to analyze data and conduct effective research ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The Endocrine System Starting in the head and neck area one will find the hypothalamus, pineal gland, parathyroid glands, pituitary gland, and thyroid gland. Some of the functions of the hypothalamus, which is part of the brain, are to regulate body temperature, thirst, sleep, mood, hunger, and the release of other hormones in the body. The function pineal gland is to control circadian and circannual rhythms, and the release of melatonin. The function of the parathyroid glands is to mainly to control calcium levels in the body. The functions of the pituitary gland secrete various hormones for various functions. The function of the thyroid gland is to increase the metabolic rate to speed digestion. Now that the endocrine glands of the head and neck area have been introduced, now the glands of the upper and lower torso will be introduced and overviewed. The endocrine gland located in the upper torso is the thymus gland, in the lower torso the adrenal glands, pancreas, and testis/ovaries can be found. The function of the thymus gland is to stimulate the production and maturation of T Lymphocytes. The functions of the adrenal glands are the raising of glucose levels, the reabsorption of sodium and the excretion of potassium, and the stimulating of reproductive organs that bring about sex characteristics. The function of pancreas is to regulate blood glucose levels. And finally the function of the testis/ovaries is to stimulate sex characteristics. All of these glands make up the Endocrine System. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Des Moines, Iow Case Study Des Moines, Iowa Why you need Secure Shred Solutions for shredding your confidential information in Des Moines, IA? With Secure Shred Solutions, we ll protect our customer s sensitive information by providing the following services: On site shredding Plant based shredding On call services Drop off Scheduled route Purge/clean out Secure media destruction Free container use Some businesses prefer to handle this task on their own because they want to save time and money. However, hiring a professional to handle this task allows you to save more money and avoid loss from embezzlement, identity theft, and fraud. With identity theft on the rise, you need to make sure your documents are safely discarded. Your ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Write An Essay On Invasive Species The northern snakehead is a fish that can grow up to 33 inches and probably bigger. The snakehead has a long body with skin that looks like snake skin. The northern snakehead can weigh up to 18.42 pounds Northern. Snakeheads usually live in Ponds, lakes, streams, rivers and other freshwater areas. They can live out of water for up to four days if kept wet. Also they will bury themselves in mud during droughts. Northern snakeheads are found in the Potomac River and invaded in Maryland and Virginia in 2002 they tried many ways to get rid of the fish such using sand bags to keep the fish in that one pond so it didn t travel over to a nearby body of water also they used things as electric traps and regular traps to kill the fish but they found... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Invasive species are one of the number one leading treats to native wild life. There are about 4,300 different invasive species around the world. Usually with invasive species they reproduce really fast, grow fast, and have had other successful invasions somewhere else. Invasive species cause such a s treat to the wild life around them because they eat other native animals and have been known to cause some to extinction, They carry disses form other places that they have been to or their native land, eat all the other food native species need to eat to survive, And last Invasive species Prevent the Native species from reproducing or kill their young. They can get to the place they are invading by latching on to the sides of boats or even inside the boat, Invasive insects sometimes might crawl into wood or in the crates that are being shipped, Also some ornamental plants can escape into the wild and become invasive, And last Invasive species can be intentionally released into a nonnative land or escape from a tank because it was a pet. We could do many things to try to avoid these invasive species or get them out of where there not supposed to be. One thing we could do is regularly clean everything such as you re boots ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Damages For Breach Under Indian Conract Act Essay PROJECT DAMAGES FOR BREACH UNDER INDIAN CONRACT ACT When a contract has been broken by the party who suffers by such breach1is entitled to receive from the party who has broken the , contract compensation for any loss or damage caused to him by whch the natural course of things from such breach or which the parties knew when they made the contract ,to be likely to result from breach of it , such compensation is not to be given by the any remote loss or the damage sustained by the reason of breach. Explanation In estimating2 the loss or damage arising in the breach of the contract the means which are existed of remedying this inconvenience cause by the non performance of the contract must be taken into in an account BREACH OF CONTRACT AND REMEDIES The illustrations to the sections illustrates various kinds of breaches .There are 3 kinds of breaches upon aa remedies viz. SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE, INJUCTION 3 DAMAGES . This section deals with the last remedy .this section is triggered in the event of the breach of the contract and lays down the principle for asserting damages , the next section deals with the what is known as liquidated damages i.e. the amount agreed between the parties to pay with the event of breach. The damages contempted in the section are of pecuniary in nature or of a loss of a property the remote or the indirect damages which are faced by the party are triggered .the remote or indirect damages such as for the disappointment ,vexation of mind , ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. American Consumer Culture Consumer culture can be defined as a free enterprise in which its main focal point is on selling the consumer goods while spending the consumer money. An individual s way of purchasing merchandise that reflects their anatomy and appearance. Meanwhile media enables an easier portrayal of consumer culture by exemplifying an America based on consumerismsince the dawn of the industrialization. Along comes conspicuous consumption, the act of purchasing the luxury lifestyle to portray a euphoria of one s being. Many embellish this lifestyle to elicit a better view of class. In American society, consumer culturehas three major effects; the overspending of the masses, America s overexposure to advertising, and the systemization of class caused by... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With an ever growing rate of national debt, americans are making more decisions on their spending rather than in their savings. According to Grayson Bell s article Overspending in America The Sad Truth publishing statistics on the overspending truth of the american lifestyle shows that, The average American spends $1.33 for every dollar spent , which is devastating to the american economical growth of the country. According to the usdebtclock.org, the US owes $898,235,950,000+ in credit card loans, this is an ever growing debt that the american people have caused by overspending. Many spend money to embellish a lifestyle that can t be afforded, hence conspicuous consumption, yet without a strong discipline to control their temptation it has become a finite between spending and savings. Forgetting the difference between the want and need can truly affect how americans feel about overspending money. In Kathryn Buschman Vasel s article, Why we over Spend the reason behind an individual s failure to save money states that almost everyone will overspend at one point in their life, but some feel like they deserve the same goods as their peers and that s where the problem lies: not knowing the difference between wanting something, deserving something, and being entitled to something , many are oblivious about the obsession of spending on the wants, so the poor decisions continue to arise with an America being now a consumer and not a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. King Charles V Research Paper Let s start with Protestants. The time period I m going to be talking about was when King Charles V was in charge. King Charles V was the Holy Roman Emperor of Spain and many low countries. While he was ruling, in 1530, many German Princes joined Lutheranism and opposed him. Due to that he became controlling and many others join Lutheranism as well. Charles V waged war on Protestant Germany to try and get control back to the catholic churchhe did not do so great. But there are some other people who came up with new religions as well, like John Calvin who started Calvinism. Calvin also published a book in 1536 called Institutes of the Christian Religion . King Henry VIII came up with Englanism because he wanted to divorce his wife.Now to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Processing A Deer Research Paper Processing a deer takes many steps and many tools to complete including: cutting, taking hide off, and deboning. There are about two different types of tools it takes to process a deer and they are a knifes and a hacksaw. So the question is, how does a hunter properly process a deer? Processing a deer takes time and patience. If the deerhunter did not take his time and have patience then the meatthe hunter is trying to preserve then it would not be correctly processed. If the deer is not correctly preserved then the deer would not have as much meat the hunter would like to have. Before the hunter skins a deer the hunter needs to properly field dress that deer by taking all of its insides out and cleaning that specific part. Afterwards when ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Gender Stereotypes In Snow White When a baby is born they are given a color. Not the color of their skin, but a color for their gender. Pink is for girls and blue is for boys. Women are chosen with pink colors because the advertisers want to show women as being delicate and fragile. Men can have different colors of red, blue, green, yellow, and purple, but not pink. Pink is shown as being fragile and feminine and not strong and masculine. When you look into the different sections in a store you see that the girls have unicorns, candy, princesses, dolls, and tiaras and that the boys section have trucks, cars, tools, and mud. Genderstereotypes make a border for people not to express themselves to the fullest and their emotions. As a young child seeing this type of stereotyping can put a negative impact on them. For example, in children s books the good people are always princesses and are beautiful gets rescued by the prince who often is handsome. The bad people are portrayed as witches, evil stepmothers and daughter and trolls and unattractive. This sets up an idea that if you re not attractive than you must be a bad person. This is a wrong idea to project on young children s minds. Another example is that in the 30 s, Disney released a movie called Snow White. The average women in the 30 s was a size 8, but in Snow White she was a double 00.(JagJammer21, YouTube) A lot of children and adolescents in America watch television so much in their lifetime, that can mimic in their minds that what they see ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Injustice By Japanese Americans On December 7, 1941, while most American sailors were still asleep in their bunks, Japanese planes flew over Pearl Harbor bombing every ship on sight. The surprise attack lasted less than two hours. At that time, 2,400 Americans were killed, including over 1,100 when the battleship Arizona sank, almost 1,200 were wounded, 20 warships were sunk or severely damaged, and approximately 150 airplanes were destroyed. Immediately after the attack, all people of Japanese descent became suspects of being capable of sabotage, and the success of the attack was assumed to be the result of espionage by Japanese Americans living on the West Coast. President Franklin D. Rooseveltfearing a second attack issued and signed Executive Order 9066 on February 19, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. What Is The Theme Of Romanticism In Giselle Ou Les Willise The ballet Giselle ou Les Willis was premiered at the Paris Opera on the 28th of June, 1841. The ballet follows the protagonist Giselle an innocent peasant who falls in love with Albrecht the Duke of Silesia, passing as a villager. When Giselle uncovers the truth behind Albrecht deceits she dies of a broken heart and is transformed into a Willi, a supernaturalbeing that has been left at the alter. Gisellewas created in the period known as the Romantic Era, which was named due to the influence of romanticismthroughout Europe in the 1800s. The development of modern Europe begun between the 1780s and 1849 which was an economic transformation that set the first stages of the great Industrial Revolution. This period created changes that can be seen throughout the ballet Giselle with alterations to costuming and theatrical innovations, which changed how the public perceived dance. Themes symbolic of the time were generated and brought depth and emotion to previous one dimensional storylines, as well as the development of how the roles of men and women in dance went against the way of society. Throughout the Romantic period the ideas of Romanticism in art and literature influenced the creation of ballets. During this period ballets explored similar key themes of betrayal, love and a spiritual connection between the living and dead, in which these themes reflected society at the time. Throughout the romantic period society were facing hardship in which they looked to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Yong Scared To Death According to the passage Scared to Death, Yong analyzes the term landscape of fear in many different ways. The term landscape of fear is more complicated than one might interpret it (Yong ll 21 22). One might define the term as a geographical location in which there are many predators. However, Yong approaches it with an entirely different view. Yong emphasizes the term landscape of fearin a positive way rather than viewing it as something that would hurt ecology. One reason Yong views the landscape of fear in a positive way is because Yellowstone National Park specifically is having an elk issue in which they are destroying the park s trees. Elk are prey to wolves in areas such as the Canadian wilderness. According to the text, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Pros And Cons Of Tasers In this current period of time, police men and women have an even bigger target on their backs compared to times of the past. In the past year, we as students have had a very unique opportunity as criminal justice majors to see some interesting events unfold, such as the riots in Ferguson, Missouri, a number of allegedly wrongful deaths done by the polices hands, to the riots in Baltimore. With all of this happening, I feel that the use of technology and militarization is beneficial to the men and women across America who serve as police officers. Along with this, not only is it more beneficial to police, but it could be more beneficial to civilians as well. For Example, one of the new advances that police use that are beneficial are tasers. Tasers are less lethal compared to firearms, but are effective enough to subdue a suspect. Of course there are critics of taser use, but more concrete studies show increased level of suspect resistance are generally... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Protection of the people is one of the police s most important jobs, and if that means we adopt a more militaristic style of policing compared to a more community based policing style, then so be it. For example, a study was done on the Long Beach Police and found the department became more focused on tactical concerns such as patrol and counter terrorism while abandoning policing activities such as foot patrol. (Lee, 2010). Now, I am not an expert on the crime patterns in Long Beach, however, I believe it would be safe to say the crime levels have dropped due to the militarization, as would be criminals may be more likely to wimp out , knowing the police have the weapons they need in order to stop them. Finally, with all of the tools available to the police in this time of militarization, they should be able to handle just about any situation that they may come into contact with, which is a very good ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Analysis Of The Article Let s Make A Slave After reading the assigned literature, I have now cast a light on several issues that are currently causing problems today. The article titled, Let s Make A Slave, was depressing because it almost forced one to go back in time and feel the plight of Africans Americans before slavery was outlawed. William Lynch traveled a great ways to inform the people of the Virginia Colony about slaveryand how it should truly be done. As I was reading, it seemed as though William Lynch was reading the instructions for a product (and not a human being) but he actually was talking about people (African Americans). The speech that he prepared was delivered was so much conviction that it made it very hard to believe that African Americans could have been treated any other way. The Europeans (during slavery) did not respect Black peopleand regarded to them as uncivilized niggers (The Black Arcade Liberation Library, 1970,p2) and sought nothing more than to treat them like the money making machines they were. During the speech, William Lynch was talking about several topics that are still lingering today (certain aspects have been passed down from generation to generation). For instance, African Americanmales were used to breed and once that job was done they were immediately separated from their family (leaving the mother to raise the negro child). The slave owners sought to pin the dark skinned Blacks against the light skinned Blacks and this was to ensure that there ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Summary Of The Hunger Of Memory By Sherman Alexie Many individuals from another culture strive to live the American Dream. In the excerpt from the novel, The Hunger of Memory by Richard Rodriguez, he leaves Mexico to become a middle class American man and further his education. Sherman Alexie writes Superman and Me, which shows how Alexie, a Spokane Indian, teaches himself American literature. Both of these stories intertwine to show how different cultures step out of their own and try to live the American Dream. This leads the audience wondering if culture affects how far individuals go in life? Whereas Alexie describes the ideology of the American Dream as an Indian young boy teaching himself how to read from comic books, Rodriguez describes the ideology of American Dream by escaping Mexico to seek higher education in America. Supermanand Me includes the author, Sherman Alexie as an adolescent boy. Alexie lived in Washington on a Spokane Indian Reservation where he grew up with parents who lived in debt most of the time, although his parents, as he states, usually managed to find some minimum wage job or another. The father of Alexie went to a Catholic school where he read whatever he came into sight with. Alexie looked up to his father, and therefore, wanted to become an avid reader just like his dad. Before he could even read, Alexie picked up many books. Although words originally looked foreign to Alexie, he understood the purpose of a paragraph. He says that he realized that a paragraph was a fence that held words (Alexie). Everything he came upon, he referred to it as a paragraph. Living a life inside of a paragraph, Alexie, one day picked up a Superman comic book. This day became the day he learned how to read American literature. Looking at the pictures in the comic book, Alexie assumes what he sees. This method ultimately taught him the way of reading English. In the essay, Alexie states, I was smart. I was arrogant. I was lucky. I read books late into the night, until I could barely keep my eyes open... Because Alexie outsmarted his class, he could not answer any questions in class.. Never did he expect that his brilliance would come with consequences. Is this the kind of American Dream Alexie wanted? Despite all the learning and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. The Locked Door Gladwell Summary In the second chapter The Locked Door: The Secret Life of Snap Decisions . Gladwell delivered a story about a retired tennis player. The player realized that every time he watch a tennis game, he can predict when the server about to double fault. Gladwell explains that the tennis story proves how important snap judgment is; he believes those snap judgments are extremely quick so that it can use the smallest slice of experience. But at the same time they are unconscious. Because snap judgments are unconscious, people often cannot rationalize them and thus do not trust them. It s one thing to acknowledge the enormous power of snap judgments and thin slices but quite another to place our trust in something so seemingly mysterious . Gladwell states that the Getty... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Another section in this chapter describes how we rarely understand why our unconscious works the way it does. Gladwell illustrates with an example of Ted William, the greatest hitter of all time, when he asked about the secret of his success he answered that he could track the ball right onto the bat. Later on, when he confronted with the fact that human beings cannot track the ball onto the bat. He said, Well, I guess it just seemed like I could do that . The author continues with the conclusion that we have the tendency to explain almost everything, even when we do not have real explanation. According to Gladwell, this is known as storytelling problem , and therefore we are better off by saying I do not know more often. In the third chapter The Warren Harding Error: Why We Fall For Tall, Dark, and Handsome Men . Gladwell uses Warren Harding, America s 29th President, as an example of the disadvantages of thin slicing. He continues to describe how handsome and elegant Harding was, and how he was elected president based on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. Roy Adaptation Model Nursing Theorist: Roy Adaptation Model Jeanette Ratliff, RN Chamberlain College of Nursing Course Number: Summer 2011 Nursing Theorist: Roy Adaptation Model Sister Callista Roy was not only a pioneer in the field of nursing, but also a leader. Her dedication to the health community is inarguable. As serving numerous roles as leader, her thoughts and visions touched many. One example of her mark in nursing is the Roy Adaptation Model. It is in this model that health is defined as a state of adaptation that occurs as a result of successfully adapting to stressors. It is a positive response to an environmental change as well as coping successfully with stressors and environmental changes. Roy defines the environment in terms of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There is a zone which shows the correlation between adaptive response and the range of stimulation. When stimuli fall outside the zone, Roy points out that the individual is without effective coping skills. Therefore the individual is unable to respond positively. Coping mechanisms consist of regulator and cognator subsystems. The regulator subsystem is made up of automatic neural endocrine and chemical activity. The cognator subsystem consists of cognitive and emotive pathways. These pathways involve information processing, learning, judgment, and emotions (George, 2002). In the final component of her model Roy address the goal of nursing is to promote adaptation in each of the four modes. By doing so, promotes a person s health, quality of life, and dying and dignity. The four models according to Andrews and Roy, (1991) are physiological, self concept, role function and interdependence. Roy s model includes six steps in order to carry out the nursing process. These steps are assessment of behavior, assessment of stimuli, nursing diagnosis, goal setting, interventions, and evaluation. To assess behavior, it is stressed that behavior is observed and compared to norms and considered either adaptive or ineffective. The assessment of stimuli involves classifying the stimuli into one of the three stimuli categories, focal, contextual, and residual, and assessing how the affects ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 56. Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Essay Introduction Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is a surgery that is done when arteries of the heart have become narrow or blocked. This is usually caused by the buildup of fat called plaques. These arteries give the heart the oxygen and nutrients it needs to pump blood to your body. During CABG, a section of blood vessel from another part of the body is taken. This section is called a graft. The graft is placed where there is narrowing or blocking. What happens before the procedure? Staying hydrated Follow instructions from your doctor about hydration. These may include: Up to 2 hours before the procedure you may continue to drink clear liquids, such as: Water. Clear fruit juice. Black coffee. Plain tea. Eating and drinking restrictions Follow instructions from your doctor about eating and drinking. These may include: 8 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A cut (incision) will be made down the front of the chest through the breastbone (sternum). The breastbone will be spread open so your heart can be seen. You may be placed on a heart lung bypass machine. This machine will give oxygen to your blood while your heart is being worked on. If a heart lung bypass machine is needed, your heart will be briefly stopped. A section of a blood vessel will be taken from another part of your body. It is usually taken from the chest, arm, or leg. It will be used to go around (bypass) the blocked arteries of your heart. You will be taken off the heart lung machine if it was used. If your heart was stopped, it will be restarted. Your chest will be closed. A bandage (dressing) will be placed over the cuts. Tubes will stay in your chest. They will be connected to a suction device. The device will help drain fluid and reinflate the lungs. The procedure may vary among doctors and hospitals. What happens after the procedure? Your blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, and blood oxygen level will be watched until the medicines you were given have worn ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 57. Escher and His Use of “Metaphor”-phosis Essays Escher and His Use of Metaphor phosis The driving force behind life is the constant process of change. We see the process of metamorphosis on all levels. We see days turn into nights, babies grow into adults, caterpillars morph into butterflies, and on an even grander scale, the biological evolution of species. The process of metamorphosis connects two completely diverse entities, serving as a bridge between the two. Day and night are connected by evening, the slow sinking of the sun in the sky. In a typical life cycle, birth and death are bridged by various life stages, including infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and finally old age. Black can be morph into white through a series of graduations of shades of gray. The... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Escher gladly did so, as he had only taken up architecture to please his father. Escher studied under Jessurum de Mesquita from 1919 until 1922. After he had concluded his studies, he traveled extensively, mostly in Italy. Escher took up residence in Rome from the early twenties until the mid thirties. While residing there, he made it a tradition to make a journey to the Italian countryside every spring. He traveled long distances on foot in many areas of southern Italy that were not popular for travel at the time. During these explorations, Escher made drawings of whatever interested him, mainly the Italian countryside and the architecture, which fascinated him to draw. During the winters, he would convert the drawings and rough sketches into woodprints. In 1935, the rise of Fascism caused Escher to leave Italy and move to Switzerland. A year later, he made the last of his long study trips, this time on an ocean freighter along the coast of Italy to Spain. On this trip, he encountered several prints created in Spain in the Middle Ages that held a special interest for him and later inspired many of his tessellation pieces. In 1937, Escher moved to a small town near Brussels, returned to Brussels in 1941, and moved a final time in 1970, to Laren, located in the Netherlands. After 1937, Escher traveled a great deal less frequently, leaving home only for vacations, to visit his children living abroad, or on lecture circuits. His ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...