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Conventions of A Sci- Fi
          and a Drama
           Question 1, Evaluation Tom Roalfe
   Used by scientist to show their • High Tech Machinery
    beliefs about the future.         unknown to the audience

   The day the earth stood still
                                     • Type of pacing is linked to
                                       the amount of action in
   Narrative is anti government       the narrative.

   Conventional to use quick cuts
    at moments of intensity

List Of Sci- Fi Conventions
   The Sci-Fi genre is often a chance to
    shows belief about the future for example
    what the world will look like.

• However we chose
  not to do this as we
  wanted to shows the
  devastation caused
  by the Nuclear war.

1.Used by scientist to show their
beliefs about the future.
   We have done this but a good example of
    this would be ‘The Day The Earth Stood
    Still’ in I Am Legend. This convention is
    basically the end of the world where
    nothing is left.         Our protagonist is
                             portrayed as being
                             the last person on
                             the planet. Being
                             the last person
                             connotes this
2. The day the earth stood still
   Often the protagonist is anti government
    making the government the antagonist.
We wish to do this   Our Antagonist
                         At The
so we did include    Disequilibrium.
a individual
antagonist in the
opening sequence
but a team of
antagonist in the
actually film.

3.Narrative is anti government
   Quick cuts are used to create intensity or
    to change the mood of the narrative. They
    are also used to create shock .
                         We have used them to
                         distinguish between the
                         flashbacks and the current
                         happenings. It also helped to
                         connote an intense
                         atmosphere where the
                         protagonist was scared.
                         Finally it helped us to build up
                         to the climax.
4. Conventional to use quick cuts
at moments of intensity
   High tech machinery is normally
    something which the audience go :o. for
    example:                   Iconography for the

                               We have included high tech
                               machinery. When the
                               disequilibrium is revealed
                               there is a apple mac
                               computer where the
                               antagonist is watching the
                               protagonist. This is extensive
                               surveillance equipment.

5. High Tech Machinery unknown
to the audience
   Varied pacing can connote different
     things. For example fast paced takes can
     connote a scared character.
We have differentiated
between the pacing of our
clips in order to connote the
calm manner our protagonist
is in when he realises he is the
last man alive and then the
flashback shots from where he
is running to save his life are
faced paced to connote
distress .
6. Type of pacing is linked to the
amount of action in the narrative.
   This will give the effect of the end of the
    world which is the stereotype of what we
    think the world will look like if it ends.
                               We have decided to use
                               low key lighting effect
                               as it connotes a sinister
                               atmosphere. However
                               we have also used a
                               quite bright tinted glow
                               during our flashbacks to
                               connote the effects of
                               the Nuclear war on the
                               atmospheric conditions.

7. Low key lighting with hints of
   It is conventional to use sharp repeating
    sounds as this connotes the extensity of
    the disequilibrium. For example this could
    be a Siren in I Am Legend.
     We have used a diegetic sound
     of repeated bomb blast to
     connote the nuclear war and
     also a bullet like noise with a
     sharp diegetic sound to
     connote the intense
     atmosphere the protagonist is

10. Conventional to include sharp
repeating sounds.
   They are often set in these locations as
    they often follow the narrative structure of
    the end of the world.
                                We have used this
                                establishing shot of an
                                isolated locations to
                                connote the loneliness
                                and seclusion of the
                                protagonist after losing
                                his family in the
                                nuclear war.

11. Sci-Fi are often set in very
remote, isolated locations.
   Exhibits real life situations with   •   Conflict included inner and
    realistic character, setting and         outer struggles
                                         •   Audience can relate to the
                                             character - uses and
   Portrays journeys of a character         gratifications personal
    development                              identity

   Intense social interaction           •   Structured with climaxes
                                             and anti-climax to keep the
   Has a dramatic story line to move        audience emotionally
    the audience emotionally                 attached and to build
   A form of realisation at the end

List Of Drama Conventions
   The audience from this can obtain a sense
     of verisimilitude, therefore they will relate
     to the narrative and characters more.
                                        We kept the setting
 To an extent we have                     real by filming in
    tried to make the                  locations which aren't
   situation real as a                 out of earth like some
   nuclear war could                   Sci-Fi films or CGI but
  happen at any time.                  we filmed in locations
 However we followed                     which our audience
stereotypes as to what                  can relate to a they
 it would look like if it                   probably live
 did as we have never                    somewhere like it.
experienced one before.

1. Exhibits real life situations with
realistic character, setting and
   This journey can be the revealing of the
    narrative. We have done this by using Todorov’s
    equilibrium theory as our character journey
    unveils with the disequilibrium at the end of our
    trailer.                     We

2. Portrays journeys of a character
   Intense social interaction was hard for us
    to portray as we were trying to show our
    protagonist as being isolated so other
    people wouldn’t have connoted this. So
    this is a convention we avoided.

3. Intense social interaction
   We have included this convention as we
    showed sensitive flashbacks of our
    protagonist parting with his family. This
    helped the audience to gain uses and
    gratifications of entertainment.

                and Katz

4. Has a dramatic story line to
move the audience emotionally
   We have included a form of verisimilitude
    at the end of our opening sequence by
    showing that the protagonist isn't the only
    person left on earth, when we show the

                       IS A
                       AT THE

5. A form of realisation at the end
   We have included both
    as he has outer
    struggles which are
    represented by our
    flashbacks and inner
    struggles to cope with
    the devastating
   We chose a male
    protagonist because
    stereotypically males can
    cope more with these

6. Conflict included inner and
outer struggles
   I believe we have avoided this convention as
    it is hard to relate to our protagonist as he is
    in a nuclear war. However some males may
    relate to his emotions as he has lost his
    family. This is also a convention of a drama.

                                    PUT YOURSELF IN

7. Audience can relate to the
character - uses and gratifications
personal identity
   Being honest I believe more than
    anything we wanted to achieve that but
    we didn’t. We tried to achieve it at the
    disequilibrium and when the radio was
    portrayed, however I don’t believe it was
    emotional enough and was a big enough
    climax to keep the audience attached.

8.Structured with climaxes and
anti-climax to keep the audience
emotionally attached and to build
   As we didn’t do this we could of solved
    the problem by having a much more clear
    narrative of showing the actually nuclear
    war happening rather than flashback.
    However this would change the whole
    narrative. We could of also used more
    edits such as quick cuts to build climaxes.

8.Structured with climaxes and
anti-climax to keep the audience
emotionally attached and to build
   Overall I believe we achieved the majority
    of the conventions which we wanted to
    however we couldn’t produce some
    essentials conventions which let us down.


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Conventions of a sci fi and a drama

  • 1. Conventions of A Sci- Fi and a Drama Question 1, Evaluation Tom Roalfe
  • 2. Used by scientist to show their • High Tech Machinery beliefs about the future. unknown to the audience  The day the earth stood still • Type of pacing is linked to the amount of action in  Narrative is anti government the narrative.  Conventional to use quick cuts at moments of intensity List Of Sci- Fi Conventions
  • 3. The Sci-Fi genre is often a chance to shows belief about the future for example what the world will look like. • However we chose not to do this as we wanted to shows the devastation caused by the Nuclear war. 1.Used by scientist to show their beliefs about the future.
  • 4. We have done this but a good example of this would be ‘The Day The Earth Stood Still’ in I Am Legend. This convention is basically the end of the world where nothing is left. Our protagonist is portrayed as being the last person on the planet. Being the last person connotes this stereotype. 2. The day the earth stood still
  • 5. Often the protagonist is anti government making the government the antagonist. We wish to do this Our Antagonist At The so we did include Disequilibrium. a individual antagonist in the opening sequence but a team of antagonist in the actually film. 3.Narrative is anti government
  • 6. Quick cuts are used to create intensity or to change the mood of the narrative. They are also used to create shock . We have used them to distinguish between the flashbacks and the current happenings. It also helped to connote an intense atmosphere where the protagonist was scared. Finally it helped us to build up to the climax. 4. Conventional to use quick cuts at moments of intensity
  • 7. High tech machinery is normally something which the audience go :o. for example: Iconography for the genre. We have included high tech machinery. When the disequilibrium is revealed there is a apple mac computer where the antagonist is watching the protagonist. This is extensive surveillance equipment. 5. High Tech Machinery unknown to the audience
  • 8. Varied pacing can connote different things. For example fast paced takes can connote a scared character. We have differentiated between the pacing of our clips in order to connote the calm manner our protagonist is in when he realises he is the last man alive and then the flashback shots from where he is running to save his life are faced paced to connote distress . 6. Type of pacing is linked to the amount of action in the narrative.
  • 9. This will give the effect of the end of the world which is the stereotype of what we think the world will look like if it ends. We have decided to use low key lighting effect as it connotes a sinister atmosphere. However we have also used a quite bright tinted glow during our flashbacks to connote the effects of the Nuclear war on the atmospheric conditions. 7. Low key lighting with hints of grey.
  • 10. It is conventional to use sharp repeating sounds as this connotes the extensity of the disequilibrium. For example this could be a Siren in I Am Legend. We have used a diegetic sound of repeated bomb blast to connote the nuclear war and also a bullet like noise with a sharp diegetic sound to connote the intense atmosphere the protagonist is in. 10. Conventional to include sharp repeating sounds.
  • 11. They are often set in these locations as they often follow the narrative structure of the end of the world. We have used this establishing shot of an isolated locations to connote the loneliness and seclusion of the protagonist after losing his family in the nuclear war. 11. Sci-Fi are often set in very remote, isolated locations.
  • 12. Exhibits real life situations with • Conflict included inner and realistic character, setting and outer struggles narrative • Audience can relate to the character - uses and  Portrays journeys of a character gratifications personal development identity  Intense social interaction • Structured with climaxes and anti-climax to keep the  Has a dramatic story line to move audience emotionally the audience emotionally attached and to build tension.  A form of realisation at the end List Of Drama Conventions
  • 13. The audience from this can obtain a sense of verisimilitude, therefore they will relate to the narrative and characters more. We kept the setting To an extent we have real by filming in tried to make the locations which aren't situation real as a out of earth like some nuclear war could Sci-Fi films or CGI but happen at any time. we filmed in locations However we followed which our audience stereotypes as to what can relate to a they it would look like if it probably live did as we have never somewhere like it. experienced one before. 1. Exhibits real life situations with realistic character, setting and narrative
  • 14. This journey can be the revealing of the narrative. We have done this by using Todorov’s equilibrium theory as our character journey unveils with the disequilibrium at the end of our trailer. We Used This 2. Portrays journeys of a character development
  • 15. Intense social interaction was hard for us to portray as we were trying to show our protagonist as being isolated so other people wouldn’t have connoted this. So this is a convention we avoided. 3. Intense social interaction
  • 16. We have included this convention as we showed sensitive flashbacks of our protagonist parting with his family. This helped the audience to gain uses and gratifications of entertainment. Blumer and Katz 4. Has a dramatic story line to move the audience emotionally
  • 17. We have included a form of verisimilitude at the end of our opening sequence by showing that the protagonist isn't the only person left on earth, when we show the disequilibrium. OMG THERE IS A PERSON AT THE DOOR. 5. A form of realisation at the end
  • 18. We have included both as he has outer struggles which are represented by our flashbacks and inner struggles to cope with the devastating disasters.  We chose a male protagonist because stereotypically males can cope more with these struggles. 6. Conflict included inner and outer struggles
  • 19. I believe we have avoided this convention as it is hard to relate to our protagonist as he is in a nuclear war. However some males may relate to his emotions as he has lost his family. This is also a convention of a drama. PUT YOURSELF IN THE PROTAGONISTS PLACE 7. Audience can relate to the character - uses and gratifications personal identity
  • 20. Being honest I believe more than anything we wanted to achieve that but we didn’t. We tried to achieve it at the disequilibrium and when the radio was portrayed, however I don’t believe it was emotional enough and was a big enough climax to keep the audience attached. 8.Structured with climaxes and anti-climax to keep the audience emotionally attached and to build tension.
  • 21. As we didn’t do this we could of solved the problem by having a much more clear narrative of showing the actually nuclear war happening rather than flashback. However this would change the whole narrative. We could of also used more edits such as quick cuts to build climaxes. 8.Structured with climaxes and anti-climax to keep the audience emotionally attached and to build tension.
  • 22. Overall I believe we achieved the majority of the conventions which we wanted to however we couldn’t produce some essentials conventions which let us down. Conclusion