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Conventions of NME Magazine
                                                                            NME magazine claim
                                                                            themselves to be ‘the longest
                                                                            running music magazine. ‘
                                                                            Unlike Kerrang! Magazine the
                                                                            layout of NME magazine is a
                                                                            lot less busier. NME’s
                                                                            masthead is red with a white
                                                                            outline written in capitol
                                                                            letters, simple but effective as
                                                                            this will catch the readers eye.
Frequently NME only uses one main image that links with the main story which can be an exclusive that
will attract the readers attention this is because by having exclusives on the front cover, this is giving the
magazine a unique selling point as no other magazine has covered this exclusive cover story. The main
image normally covers the whole page so is also part of the background of the magazine. Having the main
image in the middle of the magazine makes it the main focal point of the magazine. NME only sometimes
use smaller images on their front covers as secondary leads, however a lot of the time they don’t bother.
Apart from the masthead, the next text that gets the readers attention in the main coverline, this is
normally in capitol letters with a pull line underneath it to grasp the attention of the reader and get them
to buy the magazine to read the rest of the article. Along the sides of the magazine are various box outs
and kickers that are making the reader aware of other articles and features included in the magazine. Also
normally at the top or the bottom of the magazine, there is always normally a banner with names of
artists and bands also included in the magazine.
This is the masthead of NME magazine. The colours and text
are simple but very bold and bright, the masthead is always in
the top corner of the magazine as this is the first thing that the
readers will see when the magazines are stocked on the shelf.
Red is a very powerful colour that can sometimes mean anger,                         Again, a feature frequently used by
which could therefore reflect the music that this magazine is                        NME on their front covers are
based on.                                                                            exclusives which gives them a
The main image on the front                                                          unique selling point as they
cover takes up the whole of                                                          interview artist and bands that
the page with all of the text                                                        other music magazines haven't
brought to the front, this                                                           been able to. This exclusive also
makes the main image the                                                             has a small image to back up the
focal point of the front cover.                                                      text written with it.

This is the main cover line, the
cover line for NME normally
consists of the artists or bands
name that the main story is                                                           This is a competition ad in the form
about.                                                                                of a box out which will persuade the
                                                                                      readers to get more involved with
This is the pull line that is                                                         the magazine.
taken from the main story and
put on the front page in order                                                        This is another kicker that again
to get the readers interest in                                                        gives the readers some
reading the rest of the article.                                                      interesting information on the
This is a box out with a small                                                        features included in the
image and a small secondary                                                           magazine.
lead that also allows the          This is a kicker which again is another
reader to gather information       article included in the magazine, has a sub This is the barcode and price of the
on another article included in     headline instead of a picture and a page    magazine, which is a legal requirement for
the magazine.                      number to the readers know where to         all magazines.
                                   find the article.
This is a subheading in the contents       The masthead is consistent throughout          This is the heading of the page which
page which is the title basically for      the magazine, however in this case the         is a different colour from the
the list of bands that are included in     masthead has been incorporated with            masthead, but also has a different
that particular issue of the               the heading of the page.                       colour background so it stands out.
                                                                                                    These are subheadings of
                                                                                                    the different types of
                                                                                                    features and articles
                                                                                                    available by NME. They
                                                                                                    sub headings are in the
This is a list of all the bands and                                                                 same colour and font as
artists that are included in the                                                                    the heading, only smaller.
magazine along with the page                                                                        These section up the
numbers specific bands and                                                                          contents page to make it
artists are in the magazine. This is                                                                easier for the reader to
a good feature to have as if a                                                                      find what they are looking
reader is specifically interested in                                                                for in the magazine.
one band they will be able to find
                                                                                                  These are the lists of articles
them a lot quicker.
                                                                                                  and the page numbers they
                                                                                                  are on. As you can see the
                                                                                                  text is very small after the
This is the main focal point of                                                                   main name of each article
the page as it has an image in                                                                    there is smaller writing to
the centre a long with a heading                                                                  give a little description on
and some information. This is a                                                                   what each article is about.
small article in order to keep                                                                     This is a box out giving
the readers                                                                                        readers information on
interested, sometimes these            This is a box out which has an advertisement in it to
                                       subscribe to NME magazine. By putting this                  a specific feature and
will be only a section of an                                                                       where to find it.
article and the full article will      advertisement on the contents page, the readers have
be further on in the magazine.         been able to see all the different features and articles
                                       available and on offer to read in NME magazine.
This is the
introduction to the                                                On this double page spread, this is the main image of the
main article, this text                                            spread, as you will see, it is also the only image on the double
is slightly bigger as                                              page spread. The image takes up the whole of one of the
this is the first part of                                          pages to attract the readers attention, also the picture being
the article that the                                               in black and white gives the image a rocky edge.
magazine wants the                                                                                             This is the head line of
readers to read,                                                                                               the double page
therefore needs to                                                                                             spread . It is the
capture their                                                                                                  largest text on all the
attention. The text                                                                                            page to ensure it
written in red are key                                                                                         stands out. Also the
words that the                                                                                                 colours of the text
magazine wanted to                                                                                             have also been
emphasise on for                                                                                               chosen to ensure the
maximum reader                                                                                                 headline stands out,
attention.                                                                                                     which includes black
                                                                                                               writing on a white
This is the main                                                                                               background and red
text of the article is                                                                                         writing on top of the
the smallest text                                                                                              main image. The font
on the page, also                                                                                              used is clear and bold
the font is very                                                                                               and written in
simple and bold,                                                                                               capitols which has
the writing is also         This is a pull quote, which is a quote These are page numbers, their sole been chosen in order
black so it would           that has been taken from the article. purpose is to show the readers what to make the headline
stand out from the          This pull quote is slightly bigger than page their on in the magazine and to stand out.
background this is          the main text and is in a slightly       keep the magazine in order, the page
to make it as easy          different font and colour, this has      numbers are always in very small
as possible for the         most likely been put in place to pick numbers in the bottom corners of the
readers to read the         out interesting parts of the article to magazine pages.
article.                    keep the audience interested.

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Conventions of nme magazine

  • 1. Conventions of NME Magazine NME magazine claim themselves to be ‘the longest running music magazine. ‘ Unlike Kerrang! Magazine the layout of NME magazine is a lot less busier. NME’s masthead is red with a white outline written in capitol letters, simple but effective as this will catch the readers eye. Frequently NME only uses one main image that links with the main story which can be an exclusive that will attract the readers attention this is because by having exclusives on the front cover, this is giving the magazine a unique selling point as no other magazine has covered this exclusive cover story. The main image normally covers the whole page so is also part of the background of the magazine. Having the main image in the middle of the magazine makes it the main focal point of the magazine. NME only sometimes use smaller images on their front covers as secondary leads, however a lot of the time they don’t bother. Apart from the masthead, the next text that gets the readers attention in the main coverline, this is normally in capitol letters with a pull line underneath it to grasp the attention of the reader and get them to buy the magazine to read the rest of the article. Along the sides of the magazine are various box outs and kickers that are making the reader aware of other articles and features included in the magazine. Also normally at the top or the bottom of the magazine, there is always normally a banner with names of artists and bands also included in the magazine.
  • 2. This is the masthead of NME magazine. The colours and text are simple but very bold and bright, the masthead is always in the top corner of the magazine as this is the first thing that the readers will see when the magazines are stocked on the shelf. Red is a very powerful colour that can sometimes mean anger, Again, a feature frequently used by which could therefore reflect the music that this magazine is NME on their front covers are based on. exclusives which gives them a The main image on the front unique selling point as they cover takes up the whole of interview artist and bands that the page with all of the text other music magazines haven't brought to the front, this been able to. This exclusive also makes the main image the has a small image to back up the focal point of the front cover. text written with it. This is the main cover line, the cover line for NME normally consists of the artists or bands name that the main story is This is a competition ad in the form about. of a box out which will persuade the readers to get more involved with This is the pull line that is the magazine. taken from the main story and put on the front page in order This is another kicker that again to get the readers interest in gives the readers some reading the rest of the article. interesting information on the This is a box out with a small features included in the image and a small secondary magazine. lead that also allows the This is a kicker which again is another reader to gather information article included in the magazine, has a sub This is the barcode and price of the on another article included in headline instead of a picture and a page magazine, which is a legal requirement for the magazine. number to the readers know where to all magazines. find the article.
  • 3. This is a subheading in the contents The masthead is consistent throughout This is the heading of the page which page which is the title basically for the magazine, however in this case the is a different colour from the the list of bands that are included in masthead has been incorporated with masthead, but also has a different that particular issue of the the heading of the page. colour background so it stands out. magazine. These are subheadings of the different types of features and articles available by NME. They sub headings are in the This is a list of all the bands and same colour and font as artists that are included in the the heading, only smaller. magazine along with the page These section up the numbers specific bands and contents page to make it artists are in the magazine. This is easier for the reader to a good feature to have as if a find what they are looking reader is specifically interested in for in the magazine. one band they will be able to find These are the lists of articles them a lot quicker. and the page numbers they are on. As you can see the text is very small after the This is the main focal point of main name of each article the page as it has an image in there is smaller writing to the centre a long with a heading give a little description on and some information. This is a what each article is about. small article in order to keep This is a box out giving the readers readers information on interested, sometimes these This is a box out which has an advertisement in it to subscribe to NME magazine. By putting this a specific feature and will be only a section of an where to find it. article and the full article will advertisement on the contents page, the readers have be further on in the magazine. been able to see all the different features and articles available and on offer to read in NME magazine.
  • 4. This is the introduction to the On this double page spread, this is the main image of the main article, this text spread, as you will see, it is also the only image on the double is slightly bigger as page spread. The image takes up the whole of one of the this is the first part of pages to attract the readers attention, also the picture being the article that the in black and white gives the image a rocky edge. magazine wants the This is the head line of readers to read, the double page therefore needs to spread . It is the capture their largest text on all the attention. The text page to ensure it written in red are key stands out. Also the words that the colours of the text magazine wanted to have also been emphasise on for chosen to ensure the maximum reader headline stands out, attention. which includes black writing on a white This is the main background and red text of the article is writing on top of the the smallest text main image. The font on the page, also used is clear and bold the font is very and written in simple and bold, capitols which has the writing is also This is a pull quote, which is a quote These are page numbers, their sole been chosen in order black so it would that has been taken from the article. purpose is to show the readers what to make the headline stand out from the This pull quote is slightly bigger than page their on in the magazine and to stand out. background this is the main text and is in a slightly keep the magazine in order, the page to make it as easy different font and colour, this has numbers are always in very small as possible for the most likely been put in place to pick numbers in the bottom corners of the readers to read the out interesting parts of the article to magazine pages. article. keep the audience interested.