This document discusses the Coq proof assistant. It provides examples of defining concepts like booleans, natural numbers, and functions in Coq. It demonstrates tactics for proving properties like De Morgan's laws. It also shows how to define recursive functions over natural numbers like addition and equality testing. The document aims to introduce basic concepts and usage of the Coq system through examples.
6. 2. Coq
Proof General : emacs
Proof General ~/.emacs
(load-file "***/ProofGeneral/generic/proof-site.el")
Coq (*.v) Proof General
@tmiya : Coq , 6
7. 3. Coq
Coq < Definition x := 1. (* x *)
x is defined (* := *)
Coq < Check x. (* x *)
: nat (* nat = *)
Coq < Print x. (* x *)
x = 1
: nat
Coq < Definition x := 2. (* x *)
Error: x already exists (* --> *)
Reset x.
Module ( )
@tmiya : Coq , 7
8. 3. Coq
1 2
Coq < Definition f x y := x - y. (* f *)
f is defined
Coq < Check f.
: nat -> nat -> nat (* nat->(nat->nat) *)
Coq < Definition f’ := f 3. (* f’ y = f 3 y *)
f’ is defined
Coq < Check f’.
: nat -> nat (* nat nat *)
Coq < Eval compute in (f’ 1). (* f’ 1 = f 3 1 = 2 *)
= 2
: nat
@tmiya : Coq , 8
9. 3. Coq
Coq < Check (fun x => 2 * x). (* *)
fun x : nat => 2 * x
: nat -> nat
Coq < Eval compute in ((fun x => 2 * x) 3).
= 6
: nat
Coq < Definition double := (fun x => 2 * x).
double is defined (* double *)
Coq .
@tmiya : Coq , 9
10. 3. Coq
Coq < Definition twice(f:nat->nat):nat->nat :=
Coq < fun x => f (f x).
twice is defined
Coq < Definition add5(x:nat) := x + 5.
add5 is defined
Coq < Definition twice_add5 := twice add5.
twice_add5 is defined
Coq < Eval compute in (twice_add5 2).
= 12
: nat
@tmiya : Coq , 10
11. 3.1.
int, float
Coq nat
( )
Coq < Inductive Weekday : Set :=
Coq < Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thr | Fri | Sat.
Coq < Check Sun.
Sun (* Sun *)
: Weekday (* Weekday *)
Coq < Check Weekday.
Weekday (* *)
: Set (* Set *)
@tmiya : Coq , 11
12. 3.1.
Coq < Definition nextday d :=
Coq < match d with
Coq < | Sun => Mon
: (* *)
Coq < | Sat => Sun
Coq < end.
nextday is defined
Coq < Check nextday.
nextday (* *)
: Weekday -> Weekday
Coq < Eval compute in (nextday Mon).
(* *)
@tmiya : Coq , 12
13. 3.1.
Coq < Inductive Bool : Set :=
Coq < | tru : Bool
Coq < | fls : Bool.
Coq < Definition And(b1 b2:Bool):Bool :=
Coq < match b1,b2 with
Coq < | tru,tru => tru
Coq < | _,_ => fls
Coq < end.
Or, Not Eval
@tmiya : Coq , 13
15. 3.1.
De Morgan (1)
Coq < Theorem De_Morgan_1 : forall b1 b2,
Coq < Not (And b1 b2) = Or (Not b1) (Not b2).
1 subgoal
forall b1 b2 : Bool,
Not (And b1 b2) = Or (Not b1) (Not b2)
De_Morgan_1 < intros.
1 subgoal (* b1 b2 *)
b1 : Bool
b2 : Bool
Not (And b1 b2) = Or (Not b1) (Not b2)
@tmiya : Coq , 15
16. 3.1.
De Morgan (2)
De_Morgan_1 < destruct b1; destruct b2.
4 subgoals (* b1 b2 *)
Not (And tru tru) = Or (Not tru) (Not tru)
subgoal 2 is:
Not (And tru fls) = Or (Not tru) (Not fls)
subgoal 3 is:
Not (And fls tru) = Or (Not fls) (Not tru)
subgoal 4 is:
Not (And fls fls) = Or (Not fls) (Not fls)
@tmiya : Coq , 16
17. 3.1.
De Morgan (3)
De_Morgan_1 < simpl.
4 subgoals (* *)
fls = fls
(* *)
De_Morgan_1 < reflexivity.
3 subgoals (* = *)
Not (And tru fls) = Or (Not tru) (Not fls)
subgoal 2 is:
Not (And fls tru) = Or (Not fls) (Not tru)
subgoal 3 is:
Not (And fls fls) = Or (Not fls) (Not fls)
@tmiya : Coq , 17
18. 3.1.
De Morgan (4)
De_Morgan_1 < simpl; reflexivity.
De_Morgan_1 < simpl; reflexivity.
De_Morgan_1 < simpl; reflexivity.
Proof completed.
De_Morgan_1 < Qed.
destruct b1; destruct b2.
simpl in |- *.
simpl in |- *; reflexivity.
simpl in |- *; reflexivity.
simpl in |- *; reflexivity.
De_Morgan_1 is defined
Not (Or b1 b2) = And (Not b1) (Not b2)
@tmiya : Coq , 18
19. 3.1.
1. Yes, Maybe, No Bool3
2. Bool3 And3, Or3, Not3
3. ( ) De Morgan
@tmiya : Coq , 19
20. 3.2.
nat ( )
Coq < Print nat.
Inductive nat : Set :=
O : nat
| S : nat -> nat
O( O) 0 S nat nat
Coq < Eval compute in (S (S (S O))).
= 3
: nat
S (S (S O)) Coq 3
@tmiya : Coq , 20
21. 3.2.
nat n
Coq < Fixpoint add(n m:nat):nat :=
Coq < match n with
Coq < | O => m
Coq < | S n’ => S (add n’ m)
Coq < end.
add is recursively defined (decreasing on 1st argument)
Fixpoint (
O) 0 S nat 1 nat
Coq < Eval compute in (add (S (S O)) (S O)).
= 3
: nat
@tmiya : Coq , 21
22. 3.2.
nat _,_
Coq < Fixpoint eq_nat(n m:nat):bool :=
Coq < match n,m with
Coq < | O,O => true
Coq < | S n’, S m’ => eq_nat n’ m’
Coq < | _,_ => false
Coq < end.
Coq < Eval compute in (eq_nat 3 3).
le_nat le_nat n m n≤m
( )
@tmiya : Coq , 22
23. 3.2.
Coq ( )
({struct n} Coq )
Coq < Fixpoint add’(n m:nat){struct n} :=
Coq < match n with
Coq < | O => m
Coq < | S n’ => S (add’ n’ m)
Coq < end.
add’ is recursively defined (decreasing on 1st argument)
add’ 2 3 add’
add’ (S (S O)) 3
= S (add’ (S O) 3)
= S (S (add’ O 3)) = S (S 3) = 5.
@tmiya : Coq , 23
25. 3.2.
1. mul add
2. mul fact
3. sub n=0
sub 0 m = 0
4. div3 Eval
Fixpoint div3(n:nat) :=
match n with
| S (S (S n’)) => S (div3 n’)
| _ => O
div n m Coq
( )
@tmiya : Coq , 25
26. 3.3.
cond c vt vf c:bool true
vt false vf vt, vf Set A
Coq < Definition cond{A:Set}(c:bool)(vt vf:A) :=
Coq < match c with
Coq < | true => vt
Coq < | false => vf
Coq < end.
Coq < Eval compute in (cond true 2 3).
= 2 : nat
Coq < Eval compute in (cond false false true).
= true : bool
{A:Set} cond A
( )
Coq < Eval compute in (@cond nat false 2 3).
@tmiya : Coq , 26
27. 3.3.
( ) null
option (Haskell Maybe
) ( Coq
sumor )
Coq < Print option.
Inductive option (A : Type) : Type :=
Some : A -> option A
| None : option A
Definition option_map {A B:Type} (f:A->B)(o:option A) :=
match o with
| Some a => Some (f a)
| None => None
Coq < Eval compute in (option_map (fun x => x + 1) (Some 1)).
@tmiya : Coq , 27
28. 3.3.
prod sum
prod A B A B
prod A B A * B ( x , y , .. , z )
(pair .. (pair x y) .. z)
Coq < Check (2,true,3).
(2, true, 3) : nat * bool * nat
prod fst, snd
sum A B A B
Coq < Definition test_sum (s:sum nat bool) :=
Coq < match s with
Coq < | inl n => n
Coq < | inr true => 1
Coq < | inr false => 0
Coq < end.
prod, sum Curry-Howard
@tmiya : Coq , 28
29. 3.3.
List List
:: cons
Type Set (Check Set.
Coq < Require Import List.
Coq < Print list.
Inductive list (A : Type) : Type :=
nil : list A
| cons : A -> list A -> list A
Coq < Check (1::2::nil).
1 :: 2 :: nil : list nat
@tmiya : Coq , 29
30. 3.3.
List List nil x::xs
Coq < Fixpoint append{A:Type}(xs ys:list A):=
Coq < match xs with
Coq < | nil => ys
Coq < | x::xs’ => x::(append xs’ ys)
Coq < end.
Coq < Eval compute in (append (1::2::nil) (3::4::nil)).
Coq < Fixpoint olast{A:Type}(xs:list A):option A :=
Coq < match xs with
Coq < | nil => None
Coq < | a::nil => Some a
Coq < | _::xs’ => olast xs’
Coq < end.
Coq < Eval compute in (olast (1::2::3::nil)).
@tmiya : Coq , 30
31. 3.3.
1. len{A:Type}(xs:list A):nat
Eval compute in (len (1::2::3::nil)).
2. list bool true true
all_true(xs:list bool):bool nil
3. x Some x
None ohead{A:Type}(xs:list A):option A
4. s, n s :: s+1 :: ... :: (s+n-1) :: nil
nat_list(s n:nat):list nat
5. reverse{A:Type}(xs:list A):list A
@tmiya : Coq , 31
32. 4.
Bool De Morgan
P Q ¬(P ∧ Q) ¬P ∨ ¬Q
Bool, nat Inductive
(nat O
S n )
Coq Prop
@tmiya : Coq , 32
33. 4.
P P ¬P
( )
ab a, b
√ √ 2
1. a = b = 2 a, b ab = 2
√ √2 √
2. ab √
a = √2 , b = 2
a, b
√ 2 √2 √ 2 2 √ 2
ab = ( 2 ) = 2 = 2 =2
√ 2
2 (P) (~P)
ab a, b
ab a, b
@tmiya : Coq , 33
34. 4.
( )
Modus Ponens
B (Γ = (
) )
Γ A Γ A → B (→ )
( )→
B Hab : A → B apply Hab. tactic
A Ha : A
exact Ha.
@tmiya : Coq , 34
35. 4.
Coq tactic
tactic assumption.
exact H. trivial.
H : A
exact .
( )
@tmiya : Coq , 35
36. 4.1. →
A → B (CUI A -> B )
A intro Ha. tactic
Ha : A B
Γ, A B
(→ )
H1 → H2 → · · · → Hn → B intros H1 H2 ... Hn.
intro intro. intros.
→ Modus Ponens
tactic apply .
@tmiya : Coq , 36
37. 4.1. →
→ (1)
Set P Prop
P P P p : P
( Set, Prop
Type )
Section imp_sample.
Variables P Q R : Prop.
Theorem imp_sample : (P -> (Q -> R)) -> (P -> Q) -> P -> R.
1 subgoal
(P -> Q -> R) -> (P -> Q) -> P -> R
=== tactic
→ intro(s)
@tmiya : Coq , 37
38. 4.1. →
→ (2)
→ intros tactic
imp_sample < intros pqr pq p.
1 subgoal
pqr : P -> Q -> R
pq : P -> Q
p : P
R pqr
apply pqr.
@tmiya : Coq , 38
39. 4.1. →
→ (3)
R apply pqr. pqr
P -> Q -> P Q
imp_sample < apply pqr.
2 subgoals
pqr : P -> Q -> R
pq : P -> Q
p : P
subgoal 2 is:
P assumption.
@tmiya : Coq , 39
40. 4.1. →
→ (4)
P assumption. Q
imp_sample < assumption.
1 subgoal
pqr : P -> Q -> R
pq : P -> Q
p : P
@tmiya : Coq , 40
41. 4.1. →
→ (5)
imp_sample < apply pq.
1 subgoal
pqr : P -> Q -> R
pq : P -> Q
p : P
imp_sample < assumption.
Proof completed.
imp_sample < Qed.
@tmiya : Coq , 41
42. 4.2. ∧
∧ (1)
P ∧Q P Q
pq : P / Q destruct pq as [p q].
tactic p : P q : Q
destruct pq. p,q Coq
P ∧Q P Q
P ∧Q split. tactic
P / Q P, Q
Coq < Variable P Q R:Prop.
Coq < Theorem and_assoc : (P/Q)/R -> P/(Q/R).
1 subgoal
(P / Q) / R -> P / Q / R
@tmiya : Coq , 42
43. 4.2. ∧
∧ (2)
intro → ∧
and_assoc < intro pqr.
1 subgoal
pqr : (P / Q) / R
P / Q / R
and_assoc < destruct pqr as [[p q] r].
1 subgoal
p : P
q : Q
r : R
P / Q / R
@tmiya : Coq , 43
45. 4.3. ∨
∨ (1)
P ∨Q P Q
pq : P / Q
destruct pq as [pq].— tactic
p : P q : Q
destruct pq. p,q Coq
P ∨Q P Q
P ∨Q left. right. tactic
Coq < Variable P Q R:Prop.
Coq < Theorem or_assoc : (P/Q)/R -> P/(Q/R).
1 subgoal
(P / Q) / R -> P / Q / R
@tmiya : Coq , 45
46. 4.3. ∨
∨ (2)
intro → ∨
and_assoc < intro pqr.
or_assoc < destruct pqr as [[p|q]|r].
3 subgoals
p : P
P / Q / R
subgoal 2 is:
P / Q / R
subgoal 3 is:
P / Q / R
@tmiya : Coq , 46
47. 4.3. ∨
∨ (3)
or_assoc < left.
3 subgoals
p : P
or_assoc < assumption.
2 subgoals
q : Q
P / Q / R
or_assoc < right; left.
2 subgoals
q : Q
@tmiya : Coq , 47
48. 4.4. ¬
¬ (1)
¬P P → False False
Inductive False : Prop :=
~P intro p. p : P
H : False elim H.
np : ~P elim np.
(¬¬P P ) (
@tmiya : Coq , 48
50. 4.4. ¬
¬ (3)
neg_sample < destruct H as [p np].
1 subgoal
p : P
np : ~ P
neg_sample < elim np.
p : P
np : ~ P
neg_sample < assumption.
Proof completed.
@tmiya : Coq , 50
51. 4.4. ¬
Variable A B C D:Prop.
Theorem ex4_1 : (A -> C) / (B -> D) / A / B -> C / D.
Theorem ex4_2 : ~~~A -> ~A.
Theorem ex4_3 : (A -> B) -> ~B -> ~A.
Theorem ex4_4 : ((((A -> B) -> A) -> A) -> B) -> B.
Theorem ex4_5 : ~~(A/~A).
@tmiya : Coq , 51
52. 5. Curry-Howard
Curry-Howard (1)
Theorem imp_sample’ : (P -> (Q -> R)) -> (P -> Q) -> P -> R.
imp_sample’ < intros pqr pq p.
imp_sample’ < Check pq.
: P -> Q
imp_sample’ < Check (pq p).
pq p
: Q
pq P -> Q P
Q pq p
@tmiya : Coq , 52
53. 5. Curry-Howard
Curry-Howard (2)
pqr, pq, p R
exact tactic
imp_sample’ < Check (pqr p (pq p)).
pqr p (pq p)
: R
imp_sample’ < exact (pqr p (pq p)).
Proof completed.
imp_sample Print
Coq < Print imp_sample.
imp_sample =
fun (pqr : P -> Q -> R) (pq : P -> Q) (p : P) => pqr p (pq p)
: (P -> Q -> R) -> (P -> Q) -> P -> R
@tmiya : Coq , 53
54. 5. Curry-Howard
Curry-Howard (3)
P→Q P -> Q
(→ ) pq p
Γ, P Q
(→ ) pq (p:P):Q
P ∧Q prod { (P,Q)
inl P
P ∨Q sum
inr Q
@tmiya : Coq , 54
55. 5. Curry-Howard
Curry-Howard (4)
Coq ( )
(P → Q → R) → (P → Q) → P → R
interface Fun<A,B> {
public B apply(A a);
public class P {}
public class Q {}
public class R {}
public class Proof {
public R imp_sample(Fun<P,Fun<Q,R>> pqr, Fun<P,Q> pq, P p) {
return pqr.apply(p).apply(pq.apply(p));
(Java prod sum
¬ Java
@tmiya : Coq , 55
56. 6.
a:A P a (∀a : A, P a) : forall (a:A), P a
a:A P a (∃a : A, P a) : exists (a:A), P a
Coq P a:A P a:Prop
A -> Prop
a:A P : A → Prop
Coq < Definition iszero(n:nat):Prop :=
Coq < match n with
Coq < | O => True
Coq < | _ => False
Coq < end.
iszero is defined
@tmiya : Coq , 56
57. 6.
∀ (1)
forall intro(s) forall x:X
x:X ->
Coq < Theorem sample_forall : forall (X:Type)(P Q:X->Prop)(x:X),
P x -> (forall y:X, Q y) -> (P x / Q x).
forall (X : Type) (P Q : X -> Prop) (x : X),
P x -> (forall y : X, Q y) -> P x / Q x
sample_forall < intros X P Q x px Hqy.
X : Type
P : X -> Prop
Q : X -> Prop
x : X
px : P x
Hqy : forall y : X, Q y
P x / Q x
@tmiya : Coq , 57
58. 6.
∀ (2)
forall y:X y X
sample_forall < split. (* P x Q x *)
sample_forall < assumption. (* P x px *)
1 subgoal
X : Type
P : X -> Prop
Q : X -> Prop
x : X
px : P x
Hqy : forall y : X, Q y
Q x
sample_forall < apply (Hqy x). (* Hqy y x *)
Proof completed.
@tmiya : Coq , 58
59. 6.2. ∃
∃ (1)
Coq < Theorem sample_exists : forall (P Q:nat->Prop),
Coq < (forall n, P n) -> (exists n, Q n) ->
Coq < (exists n, P n / Q n).
sample_exists < intros P Q Hpn Hqn.
1 subgoal
P : nat -> Prop
Q : nat -> Prop
Hpn : forall n : nat, P n
Hqn : exists n : nat, Q n
exists n : nat, P n / Q n
@tmiya : Coq , 59
60. 6.2. ∃
∃ (2)
exists destruct
sample_exists < intros P Q Hpn Hqn.
P : nat -> Prop
Q : nat -> Prop
Hpn : forall n : nat, P n
Hqn : exists n : nat, Q n
exists n : nat, P n / Q n
sample_exists < destruct Hqn as [n’ qn’].
P : nat -> Prop
Q : nat -> Prop
Hpn : forall n : nat, P n
n’ : nat
qn’ : Q n’
exists n : nat, P n / Q n
@tmiya : Coq , 60
61. 6.2. ∃
∃ (3)
exists x:X x:X
exists x.
sample_exists < destruct Hqn as [n’ qn’].
Hpn : forall n : nat, P n
n’ : nat
qn’ : Q n’
exists n : nat, P n / Q n
sample_exists < exists n’.
Hpn : forall n : nat, P n
n’ : nat
qn’ : Q n’
P n’ / Q n’ (* *)
@tmiya : Coq , 61
62. 6.2. ∃
Theorem ex5_1 : forall (A:Set)(P:A->Prop),
(~ exists a, P a) -> (forall a, ~P a).
Theorem ex5_2 : forall (A:Set)(P Q:A->Prop),
(exists a, P a / Q a) ->
(exists a, P a) / (exists a, Q a).
Theorem ex5_3 : forall (A:Set)(P Q:A->Prop),
(exists a, P a) / (exists a, Q a) ->
(exists a, P a / Q a).
Theorem ex5_4 : forall (A:Set)(R:A->A->Prop),
(exists x, forall y, R x y) -> (forall y, exists x, R x y).
Theorem ex5_5 : forall (A:Set)(R:A->A->Prop),
(forall x y, R x y -> R y x) ->
(forall x y z, R x y -> R y z -> R x z) ->
(forall x, exists y, R x y) -> (forall x, R x x).
@tmiya : Coq , 62
63. 6.3. =
= (1)
eq (= )
Inductive eq (A : Type) (x : A) : A -> Prop :=
refl_equal : x = x
(nat bool )
(nat O Sn )
(S m Sn m=n )
n = n
apply (refl_equal n).
tactic reflexivity.
@tmiya : Coq , 63
64. 6.3. =
= (2)
plus Print plus.
tactic simpl.
Coq < Theorem plus_0_l : forall n, 0 + n = n.
plus_0_l < intro n.
n : nat
0 + n = n
plus_0_l < simpl.
n : nat
n = n
plus_0_l < reflexivity.
Proof completed.
@tmiya : Coq , 64
65. 6.4.
∀n : nat, n + 0 = n simpl.
n + 0 = n
plus_0_r < simpl.
n + 0 = n
plus n m n
1. n = 0 n+0=n
2. n = n n+0=n n=Sn
@tmiya : Coq , 65
66. 6.4.
n induction n as [|n’].
induction n. tactic Coq nat_ind
(P )
Coq < Check nat_ind.
nat_ind : forall P : nat -> Prop, P 0 ->
(forall n : nat, P n -> P (S n)) ->
forall n : nat, P n
nat_ind nat O : nat S : nat -> nat
bool bool_ind
bool_ind : forall P : bool -> Prop,
P true -> P false ->
forall b : bool, P b
@tmiya : Coq , 66
67. 6.4.
induction n as [|n’]. n 0 S n’
reflexivity. OK (simpl.
Coq < Theorem plus_0_r : forall n:nat, n + 0 = n.
plus_0_r < induction n as [|n’].
2 subgoals
0 + 0 = 0
subgoal 2 is:
S n’ + 0 = S n’
plus_0_r < reflexivity.
1 subgoal
n’ : nat
IHn’ : n’ + 0 = n’
S n’ + 0 = S n’
@tmiya : Coq , 67
68. 6.4.
n = S n’ n = n’ IHn’
S n’ + 0 = S n’ simpl. plus
S (n’ + 0)= S n’ IHn’ n’ + 0 n’
rewrite IHn’. rewrite
S n’ + 0 = S n’
plus_0_r < simpl.
IHn’ : n’ + 0 = n’
S (n’ + 0) = S n’
plus_0_r < rewrite IHn’.
IHn’ : n’ + 0 = n’
S n’ = S n’
@tmiya : Coq , 68
69. 6.4.
:m + n = n + m
Coq < SearchAbout plus.
plus_n_O: forall n : nat, n = n + 0
plus_O_n: forall n : nat, 0 + n = n
plus_n_Sm: forall n m : nat, S (n + m) = n + S m
plus_Sn_m: forall n m : nat, S n + m = S (n + m)
mult_n_Sm: forall n m : nat, n * m + n = n * S m
rewrite (
rewrite <- plus_n_Sm n’ m. rewrite H. H
rewrite <- H. )
Theorem plus_comm : forall m n:nat, m + n = n + m.
@tmiya : Coq , 69
70. 6.4.
nat list A
Theorem length_app : forall (A:Type)(l1 l2:list A),
length (l1 ++ l2) = length l1 + length l2.
list cons
induction l1 as [|a l1’]. (
induction l1.)
( l2) intro
1. intros A l1 l2. induction l1 as [|a l1’].
2. intros A l1. induction l1 as [|a l1’]. intro l2.
(Coqtop Undo.
@tmiya : Coq , 70
71. 6.4.
: (1)
List append reverse
Require Import List.
Fixpoint append{A:Type}(l1 l2:list A):=
match l1 with
| nil => l2
| a::l1’ => a::(append l1’ l2)
Fixpoint reverse{A:Type}(l:list A):=
match l with
| nil => nil
| a::l’ => append (reverse l’) (a::nil)
Theorem reverse_reverse : forall (A:Type)(l:list A),
reverse (reverse l) = l.
@tmiya : Coq , 71
73. 7.
nat minus(n m:nat) n≤m
n−m+m =n ( )
Definition sub(m n:nat)(H:le n m) : {x:nat|x+n=m}.
1. H n≤m n≤m
2. x = m−n x +n = m
( exists x:nat, x+n=m.
@tmiya : Coq , 73
74. 7.
nat Arith
Require Import Arith. (* Arith *)
Definition sub(m n:nat)(H:le n m) : {x:nat|x+n=m}.
m : nat
n : nat
H : n <= m
{x : nat | x + n = m}
m, n intro generalize dependent
sub < generalize dependent m.
sub < generalize dependent n.
forall n m : nat, n <= m -> {x : nat | x + n = m}
@tmiya : Coq , 74
75. 7.
eapply, erewrite
apply, rewrite Qed. Defined.
m n H
induction n as [|n’].
(* n=0. m - n = m - 0 = m. exists m *)
intros m H. exists m. eapply plus_0_r.
(* n=S n’ *)
induction m as [|m’]; intro H.
(* m=0. m - n = 0 - (S n’) < 0 *)
assert(H’: ~(S n’ <= 0)). eapply le_Sn_0.
elim H’. assumption.
(* m=S m’. S m’- S n’ = m’ - n’. IHn’ *)
assert(H’: n’ <= m’). eapply le_S_n. assumption.
assert(IH: {x:nat|x+n’=m’}). eapply IHn’. assumption.
destruct IH as [x IH]. exists x.
erewrite <- plus_n_Sm. rewrite IH. reflexivity.
@tmiya : Coq , 75
76. 7.
sub Print sub.
sub OCaml
Coq < Extraction sub.
(** val sub : nat -> nat -> nat **)
let rec sub m = function
| O -> m
| S n0 ->
(match m with
| O -> assert false (* absurd case *)
| S n1 -> let iH = sub n1 n0 in Obj.magic iH)
OCaml H
@tmiya : Coq , 76
77. 7.
Theorem le_2_5 : le 2 5.
Proof. repeat eapply le_n_S. repeat constructor. Qed.
Eval compute in (sub 5 2 le_2_5). (* *)
Eval compute in (proj1_sig (sub 5 2 le_2_5)).
(* = 3:nat *)
{x|x+n=m} x
@tmiya : Coq , 77
78. 7.
sub minus
Definition sub’(m n:nat)(H:le n m) : {x:nat|x+n=m}.
(* minus *)
1. minus minus
2. minus sub’
3. refine tactic
(refine )
4. sub
@tmiya : Coq , 78
80. 8.
Interactive Theorem Proving and Program Development. Coq’Art:
The Calculus of Inductive Constructions, Yves Berrot and Pierre
Casteran (Springer-Verlag) : Coq
Certified Programming with Dependent Types, Adam Chlipala
( : Coq
2010 III
2010_AW/index.html) : Garrigue
Coq in a Hurry, Yves Bertot
58/07/PDF/coq-hurry.pdf) :
2nd Asian-Pacific Summer School on Formal Methods
( :
@tmiya : Coq , 80
82. 8.
Formal Methods Forum
Coq ( )
( )
Google group
2010 Certified Programming with Dependent Types
Google group
@tmiya : Coq , 82