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Proof Summit 2011


                   September 25, 2011

@tmiya : Coq   ,                        1


                   • Coq

@tmiya : Coq   ,           2
1.                     Coq

                   •         (   )

                   •                      (   )

                   •                 or

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                  3
1.                   Coq


                           INRIA          OCaml
                             CIC = Calculus of Inductive Construction



               Coq             OCaml, Haskell, Scheme

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                        4
2. Coq

Coq                           Coqtop, CoqIDE

       CUI           Coqtop        /   :
       % coqtop
       Welcome to Coq 8.3pl1 (December 2010)

       Coq < Eval compute in (2+3).
            = 5
            : nat

       Coq < Quit.

       CoqIDE             coqide

@tmiya : Coq   ,                               5
2. Coq

Proof General : emacs

       Proof General                    ~/.emacs
       (load-file "***/ProofGeneral/generic/proof-site.el")

       Coq            (*.v)               Proof General

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                              6
3. Coq

       Coq < Definition x := 1.        (* x        *)
       x is defined                    (*        :=               *)
       Coq < Check x.                  (* x                  *)
             : nat                     (*       nat =             *)
       Coq < Print x.                  (* x                            *)
       x = 1
             : nat
       Coq < Definition x := 2.        (* x             *)
       Error: x already exists         (* -->                     *)

                        Reset x.
                                   Module (                       )

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                            7
3. Coq

                                                        1       2

       Coq < Definition f x y := x - y. (*        f       *)
       f is defined
       Coq < Check f.
            : nat -> nat -> nat           (* nat->(nat->nat)   *)
       Coq < Definition f’ := f 3.           (* f’ y = f 3 y   *)
       f’ is defined
       Coq < Check f’.
            : nat -> nat           (* nat           nat         *)
       Coq < Eval compute in (f’ 1).    (* f’ 1 = f 3 1 = 2    *)
            = 2
            : nat

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                     8
3. Coq

       Coq < Check (fun x => 2 * x).           (*      *)
       fun x : nat => 2 * x
            : nat -> nat

       Coq < Eval compute in ((fun x => 2 * x) 3).
            = 6
            : nat

       Coq < Definition double := (fun x => 2 * x).
       double is defined         (*           double   *)

       Coq                                     .

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                            9
3. Coq

       Coq < Definition twice(f:nat->nat):nat->nat :=
       Coq <   fun x => f (f x).
       twice is defined

       Coq < Definition add5(x:nat) := x + 5.
       add5 is defined

       Coq < Definition twice_add5 := twice add5.
       twice_add5 is defined

       Coq < Eval compute in (twice_add5 2).
            = 12
            : nat

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                        10

                                           int, float
                   Coq               nat
               (                                       )

       Coq < Inductive Weekday : Set :=
       Coq < Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thr | Fri | Sat.

       Coq < Check Sun.
       Sun                         (* Sun        *)
            : Weekday              (* Weekday *)

       Coq < Check Weekday.
       Weekday            (*                    *)
            : Set         (* Set *)


@tmiya : Coq   ,                                           11


       Coq < Definition nextday d :=
       Coq < match d with
       Coq < | Sun => Mon
                : (*      *)
       Coq < | Sat => Sun
       Coq < end.
       nextday is defined
       Coq < Check nextday.
       nextday (*                       *)
            : Weekday -> Weekday
       Coq < Eval compute in (nextday Mon).
       (*                 *)
@tmiya : Coq   ,                                  12


       Coq < Inductive Bool : Set :=
       Coq < | tru : Bool
       Coq < | fls : Bool.

       Coq     <   Definition And(b1 b2:Bool):Bool :=
       Coq     <   match b1,b2 with
       Coq     <   | tru,tru => tru
       Coq     <   | _,_ => fls
       Coq     <   end.

                      Or, Not                Eval

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                        13


                               (   ) bool

       Coq     <   Print   bool.
       Coq     <   Print   andb.
       Coq     <   Print   orb.
       Coq     <   Print   negb.

       Coq < Print unit.

@tmiya : Coq   ,                            14

De Morgan                              (1)

       Coq < Theorem De_Morgan_1 : forall b1 b2,
       Coq < Not (And b1 b2) = Or (Not b1) (Not b2).
       1 subgoal

            forall b1 b2 : Bool,
            Not (And b1 b2) = Or (Not b1) (Not b2)

       De_Morgan_1 < intros.
       1 subgoal (* b1 b2                 *)

           b1 : Bool
           b2 : Bool
            Not (And b1 b2) = Or (Not b1) (Not b2)
@tmiya : Coq   ,                                       15

De Morgan                              (2)

       De_Morgan_1 < destruct b1; destruct b2.
       4 subgoals (* b1 b2                               *)

            Not (And tru tru) = Or (Not tru) (Not tru)

       subgoal 2   is:
        Not (And   tru fls) = Or (Not tru) (Not fls)
       subgoal 3   is:
        Not (And   fls tru) = Or (Not fls) (Not tru)
       subgoal 4   is:
        Not (And   fls fls) = Or (Not fls) (Not fls)

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                              16

De Morgan                               (3)
       De_Morgan_1 < simpl.
       4 subgoals (*                    *)

          fls = fls
       (*        *)
       De_Morgan_1 < reflexivity.
       3 subgoals (*      =                              *)

            Not (And tru fls) = Or (Not tru) (Not fls)

       subgoal 2   is:
        Not (And   fls tru) = Or (Not fls) (Not tru)
       subgoal 3   is:
        Not (And   fls fls) = Or (Not fls) (Not fls)

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                              17

De Morgan                                  (4)

       De_Morgan_1 < simpl; reflexivity.
       De_Morgan_1 < simpl; reflexivity.
       De_Morgan_1 < simpl; reflexivity.
       Proof completed.

       De_Morgan_1 < Qed.
       destruct b1; destruct b2.
        simpl in |- *.
        simpl in |- *; reflexivity.
        simpl in |- *; reflexivity.
        simpl in |- *; reflexivity.
       De_Morgan_1 is defined

                   Not (Or b1 b2) = And (Not b1) (Not b2)
@tmiya : Coq   ,                                            18

          1. Yes, Maybe, No                  Bool3
          2. Bool3         And3, Or3, Not3
          3. ( )                             De Morgan

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                         19


                   nat                       (               )
       Coq < Print nat.
       Inductive nat : Set :=
         O : nat
       | S : nat -> nat
       O(                O)   0   S         nat                  nat

       Coq < Eval compute in (S (S (S O))).
            = 3
            : nat
       S (S (S O))                    Coq        3

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                       20

       nat                                         n

       Coq     < Fixpoint add(n m:nat):nat :=
       Coq     < match n with
       Coq     < | O => m
       Coq     < | S n’ => S (add n’ m)
       Coq     < end.
       add     is recursively defined (decreasing on 1st argument)
                                              Fixpoint                 (
                   O)   0           S         nat           1    nat
       Coq < Eval compute in (add (S (S O)) (S O)).
            = 3
            : nat
@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                           21

       nat                                       _,_

       Coq     <   Fixpoint eq_nat(n m:nat):bool :=
       Coq     <   match n,m with
       Coq     <   | O,O => true
       Coq     <   | S n’, S m’ => eq_nat n’ m’
       Coq     <   | _,_ => false
       Coq     <   end.

       Coq < Eval compute in (eq_nat 3 3).

                   le_nat           le_nat n m   n≤m

       (                                    )

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                       22

       Coq                                 (              )

       ({struct n}        Coq                  )
       Coq < Fixpoint add’(n m:nat){struct n} :=
       Coq < match n with
       Coq < | O => m
       Coq < | S n’ => S (add’ n’ m)
       Coq < end.
       add’ is recursively defined (decreasing on 1st argument)
               add’ 2 3         add’
         add’ (S (S O)) 3
       = S (add’ (S O) 3)
       = S (S (add’ O 3)) = S (S 3) = 5.

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                  23

       Coq                                  ( )(
                                 )       Coq
                   Coq                         )

                         (                         )
       (Coq                          )

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                       24

          1.                mul       add
          2. mul                            fact
          3.                sub                          n=0
             sub 0 m = 0
          4.         div3                                      Eval

       Fixpoint div3(n:nat) :=
       match n with
       | S (S (S n’)) => S (div3 n’)
       | _ => O

               div n m                        Coq
                                  (                  )

@tmiya : Coq    ,                                                     25

                           cond c vt vf                c:bool   true
       vt          false        vf        vt, vf          Set     A

       Coq     <   Definition cond{A:Set}(c:bool)(vt vf:A) :=
       Coq     <   match c with
       Coq     <   | true => vt
       Coq     <   | false => vf
       Coq     <   end.

       Coq < Eval compute in (cond true 2 3).
            = 2 : nat
       Coq < Eval compute in (cond false false true).
            = true : bool
       {A:Set}         cond                        A
                               (                   )
       Coq < Eval compute in (@cond nat false 2 3).

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                       26

                        (    )                   null
                                      option   (Haskell   Maybe
           )        (       Coq
            sumor                         )
       Coq < Print option.
       Inductive option (A : Type) : Type :=
         Some : A -> option A
       | None : option A

       Definition option_map {A B:Type} (f:A->B)(o:option A) :=
         match o with
           | Some a => Some (f a)
           | None => None
       Coq < Eval compute in (option_map (fun x => x + 1) (Some 1)).

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                       27

prod                sum
       prod A B           A     B
       prod A B         A * B            ( x , y , .. , z )
                           (pair .. (pair x y) .. z)
       Coq < Check (2,true,3).
       (2, true, 3) : nat * bool * nat
       prod                                          fst, snd

       sum A B                A           B

       Coq     <   Definition test_sum (s:sum nat bool) :=
       Coq     <   match s with
       Coq     <   | inl n => n
       Coq     <   | inr true => 1
       Coq     <   | inr false => 0
       Coq     <   end.
       prod, sum                  Curry-Howard
@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                28


                                 List         List
                                                ::   cons
                                Type    Set           (Check Set.
       Coq < Require Import List.
       Coq < Print list.
       Inductive list (A : Type) : Type :=
           nil : list A
         | cons : A -> list A -> list A
       Coq < Check (1::2::nil).
       1 :: 2 :: nil : list nat

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                    29

       List                                    List   nil   x::xs

       Coq     <   Fixpoint append{A:Type}(xs ys:list A):=
       Coq     <   match xs with
       Coq     <   | nil => ys
       Coq     <   | x::xs’ => x::(append xs’ ys)
       Coq     <   end.
       Coq     <   Eval compute in (append (1::2::nil) (3::4::nil)).

       Coq     <   Fixpoint olast{A:Type}(xs:list A):option A :=
       Coq     <   match xs with
       Coq     <   | nil => None
       Coq     <   | a::nil => Some a
       Coq     <   | _::xs’ => olast xs’
       Coq     <   end.
       Coq     <   Eval compute in (olast (1::2::3::nil)).

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                       30


          1.                           len{A:Type}(xs:list A):nat
                      Eval compute in (len (1::2::3::nil)).

          2. list bool                            true     true
               all_true(xs:list bool):bool                    nil
          3.                   x         Some x
               None             ohead{A:Type}(xs:list A):option A

          4.          s, n        s :: s+1 :: ... :: (s+n-1) :: nil
                        nat_list(s n:nat):list nat
          5.                       reverse{A:Type}(xs:list A):list A

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                       31

               Bool          De Morgan

                         P   Q   ¬(P ∧ Q)   ¬P ∨ ¬Q
                         F   F      T          T
                         F   T      T          T
                         T   F      T          T
                         T   T      F          F

       Bool, nat         Inductive
                                                  (nat          O
       S n                                    )
                   Coq                                   Prop

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                    32

                                                          P            P      ¬P
                                      (   )

                        ab                                      a, b
                              √                                               √     2
          1. a = b =              2            a, b                    ab =       2

                                                               √ √2    √
          2.            ab                    √
                                                           a = √2 , b = 2
                                                                                        a, b
                                          √        2 √2     √ 2 2 √ 2
                                  ab = ( 2         )      = 2       = 2 =2
                   √      2
                        2                      (P)             (~P)
                   ab                                         a, b
                                              ab                               a, b

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                                               33

                                                       (         )

                                                   Modus Ponens
                          A                    A          B
                          B                                  (Γ =    (
           )                                       )
                              Γ   A        Γ A → B (→       )
                                       Γ    B
                   (                          )→

       B               Hab : A → B                  apply Hab.       tactic
                                A                                     Ha : A
                           exact Ha.
@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                               34

       Coq                    tactic
                               tactic    assumption.
                   exact H.          trivial.

       H : A
                                                       exact   .

                                          (       )
                                      Γ A

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                   35
4.1. →

                        A → B (CUI            A -> B        )
                    A                           intro Ha.       tactic
                              Ha : A                      B

                                        Γ, A B
                                                (→          )
                                       Γ A→B

                        H1 → H2 → · · · → Hn → B           intros H1 H2 ... Hn.
                           intro                         intro.   intros.
                               →                         Modus Ponens
                     tactic    apply      .

@tmiya : Coq    ,                                                                 36
4.1. →

               →                            (1)
                         Set                 P                    Prop
                                 P         P        P              p : P
                          (             Set, Prop
       Type                       )
         Section imp_sample.
         Variables P Q R : Prop.
         Theorem imp_sample : (P -> (Q -> R)) -> (P -> Q) -> P -> R.
       1 subgoal

            (P -> Q -> R) -> (P -> Q) -> P -> R

                   ===                                         tactic
                                        →           intro(s)

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                           37
4.1. →

                →                     (2)

               →             intros               tactic

       imp_sample < intros pqr pq p.
       1 subgoal

           pqr : P -> Q -> R
           pq : P -> Q
           p : P

                      R                     pqr
               apply pqr.

@tmiya : Coq    ,                                          38
4.1. →

               →                   (3)
               R            apply pqr.              pqr
       P -> Q ->                   P   Q
       imp_sample < apply pqr.
       2 subgoals

           pqr : P -> Q -> R
           pq : P -> Q
           p : P

       subgoal 2 is:
                    P                      assumption.

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                          39
4.1. →

               →                   (4)

                       P    assumption.   Q

       imp_sample < assumption.
       1 subgoal

           pqr : P -> Q -> R
           pq : P -> Q
           p : P

@tmiya : Coq   ,                              40
4.1. →

               →                    (5)

       imp_sample < apply pq.
       1 subgoal

           pqr : P -> Q -> R
           pq : P -> Q
           p : P

       imp_sample < assumption.
       Proof completed.

       imp_sample < Qed.


@tmiya : Coq   ,                          41
4.2. ∧

∧                         (1)
                    P ∧Q                    P     Q
                      pq : P / Q                    destruct pq as [p q].
               tactic               p : P        q : Q
                 destruct pq.                   p,q         Coq

                    P ∧Q                                 P     Q
                    P ∧Q             split.           tactic
               P / Q                    P, Q

       Coq < Variable P Q R:Prop.
       Coq < Theorem and_assoc : (P/Q)/R -> P/(Q/R).
       1 subgoal

            (P / Q) / R -> P / Q / R

@tmiya : Coq     ,                                                           42
4.2. ∧

∧                      (2)
               intro         →                  ∧

       and_assoc < intro pqr.
       1 subgoal

         pqr : (P / Q) / R
          P / Q / R
       and_assoc < destruct pqr as [[p q] r].
       1 subgoal

           p : P
           q : Q
           r : R
            P / Q / R

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                    43
4.2. ∧

∧                        (3)
           ;    tactic          split

       and_assoc < split.
       2 subgoals
       subgoal 2 is:
        Q / R
       and_assoc < assumption.
       1 subgoal
          Q / R
       and_assoc < split; assumption.
       Proof completed.
       and_assoc < Qed.

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                     44
4.3. ∨

∨                         (1)
                   P ∨Q                P                         Q
                                                             pq : P / Q
                   destruct pq as [pq].—        tactic
       p : P                      q : Q
                     destruct pq.              p,q               Coq

                    P ∨Q                                 P     Q
                       P ∨Q            left.                 right.        tactic
                                       P             Q

       Coq < Variable P Q R:Prop.
       Coq < Theorem or_assoc : (P/Q)/R -> P/(Q/R).
       1 subgoal

            (P / Q) / R -> P / Q / R

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                                    45
4.3. ∨

∨                      (2)

               intro         →                 ∨
       and_assoc < intro pqr.
       or_assoc < destruct pqr as [[p|q]|r].
       3 subgoals

           p : P
            P / Q / R

       subgoal     2 is:
        P / Q     / R
       subgoal     3 is:
        P / Q     / R

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                   46
4.3. ∨

∨                  (3)
       or_assoc < left.
       3 subgoals
         p : P
       or_assoc < assumption.
       2 subgoals
         q : Q
          P / Q / R
       or_assoc < right; left.
       2 subgoals
         q : Q
@tmiya : Coq   ,                                     47
4.4. ¬

¬                        (1)

                        ¬P     P → False               False

       Inductive False : Prop :=

                     ~P          intro p.          p : P
                   H : False                                   elim H.

                   np : ~P                  elim np.
                                     (¬¬P   P      )              (

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                         48
4.4. ¬

¬                  (2)

       Coq < Theorem neg_sample : ~(P / ~P).
       1 subgoal
          ~ (P / ~ P)

       neg_sample < intro.
       1 subgoal
         H : P / ~ P

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                49
4.4. ¬

¬                  (3)

       neg_sample < destruct H as [p np].
       1 subgoal
         p : P
         np : ~ P

       neg_sample < elim np.
         p : P
         np : ~ P

       neg_sample < assumption.
       Proof completed.

@tmiya : Coq   ,                            50
4.4. ¬

       Variable A B C D:Prop.
       Theorem ex4_1 : (A -> C) / (B -> D) / A / B -> C / D.
       Theorem ex4_2 : ~~~A -> ~A.
       Theorem ex4_3 : (A -> B) -> ~B -> ~A.
       Theorem ex4_4 : ((((A -> B) -> A) -> A) -> B) -> B.
       Theorem ex4_5 : ~~(A/~A).

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                   51
5. Curry-Howard

Curry-Howard                 (1)

       Theorem imp_sample’ : (P -> (Q -> R)) -> (P -> Q) -> P -> R.
       imp_sample’ < intros pqr pq p.
       imp_sample’ < Check pq.
            : P -> Q
       imp_sample’ < Check (pq p).
       pq p
            : Q

               pq       P -> Q                     P
                    Q                       pq         p

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                      52
5. Curry-Howard

Curry-Howard                (2)
       pqr, pq, p            R
             exact tactic
       imp_sample’ < Check (pqr p (pq p)).
       pqr p (pq p)
            : R

       imp_sample’ < exact (pqr p (pq p)).
       Proof completed.

                                        imp_sample   Print

       Coq < Print imp_sample.
       imp_sample =
       fun (pqr : P -> Q -> R) (pq : P -> Q) (p : P) => pqr p (pq p)
            : (P -> Q -> R) -> (P -> Q) -> P -> R

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                       53
5. Curry-Howard

Curry-Howard                  (3)

                              P                             P
                             P→Q                          P -> Q
                   Γ   P    ΓP→Q
                                    (→       )               pq p
                         Γ Q
                        Γ, P Q
                                 (→   )                pq (p:P):Q
                       Γ P→Q
                               P ∧Q                  prod { (P,Q)
                                                             inl P
                              P ∨Q                 sum
                                                             inr Q

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                     54
5. Curry-Howard

Curry-Howard             (4)
                                  Coq             (           )
       (P → Q → R) → (P → Q) → P → R
       interface Fun<A,B> {
         public B apply(A a);
       public class P {}
       public class Q {}
       public class R {}
       public class Proof {
         public R imp_sample(Fun<P,Fun<Q,R>> pqr, Fun<P,Q> pq, P p) {
           return pqr.apply(p).apply(pq.apply(p));
                                        (Java          prod   sum
                                                  ¬    Java
@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                    55

                    a:A         P a (∀a : A, P a) : forall (a:A), P a
                   a:A          P a (∃a : A, P a) : exists (a:A), P a

       Coq          P     a:A              P a:Prop
       A -> Prop
                    a:A                            P : A → Prop

       Coq < Definition iszero(n:nat):Prop :=
       Coq < match n with
       Coq < | O => True
       Coq < | _ => False
       Coq < end.
       iszero is defined

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                        56

∀                       (1)
                    forall        intro(s)            forall x:X
               x:X ->
       Coq < Theorem sample_forall : forall (X:Type)(P Q:X->Prop)(x:X),
         P x -> (forall y:X, Q y) -> (P x / Q x).
          forall (X : Type) (P Q : X -> Prop) (x : X),
          P x -> (forall y : X, Q y) -> P x / Q x

       sample_forall < intros X P Q x px Hqy.
         X : Type
         P : X -> Prop
         Q : X -> Prop
         x : X
         px : P x
         Hqy : forall y : X, Q y
          P x / Q x
@tmiya : Coq    ,                                                   57

∀                        (2)
                   forall y:X         y            X

       sample_forall < split. (*          P x           Q x       *)
       sample_forall < assumption. (* P x              px           *)
       1 subgoal

           X : Type
           P : X -> Prop
           Q : X -> Prop
           x : X
           px : P x
           Hqy : forall y : X, Q y
            Q x

       sample_forall < apply (Hqy x).     (* Hqy       y      x          *)
       Proof completed.
@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                              58
6.2. ∃

∃                    (1)

       Coq < Theorem sample_exists : forall (P Q:nat->Prop),
       Coq < (forall n, P n) -> (exists n, Q n) ->
       Coq < (exists n, P n / Q n).

       sample_exists < intros P Q Hpn Hqn.
       1 subgoal

           P : nat -> Prop
           Q : nat -> Prop
           Hpn : forall n : nat, P n
           Hqn : exists n : nat, Q n
            exists n : nat, P n / Q n

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                               59
6.2. ∃

∃                           (2)
                   exists             destruct
       sample_exists < intros P Q Hpn Hqn.
         P : nat -> Prop
         Q : nat -> Prop
         Hpn : forall n : nat, P n
         Hqn : exists n : nat, Q n
          exists n : nat, P n / Q n

       sample_exists < destruct Hqn as [n’ qn’].
         P : nat -> Prop
         Q : nat -> Prop
         Hpn : forall n : nat, P n
         n’ : nat
         qn’ : Q n’
          exists n : nat, P n / Q n
@tmiya : Coq   ,                                   60
6.2. ∃

∃                  (3)
               exists x:X                      x:X
       exists x.
       sample_exists < destruct Hqn as [n’ qn’].
         Hpn : forall n : nat, P n
         n’ : nat
         qn’ : Q n’
          exists n : nat, P n / Q n

       sample_exists < exists n’.
         Hpn : forall n : nat, P n
         n’ : nat
         qn’ : Q n’
          P n’ / Q n’ (*                 *)
@tmiya : Coq   ,                                     61
6.2. ∃

       Theorem ex5_1 : forall (A:Set)(P:A->Prop),
         (~ exists a, P a) -> (forall a, ~P a).
       Theorem ex5_2 : forall (A:Set)(P Q:A->Prop),
         (exists a, P a / Q a) ->
         (exists a, P a) / (exists a, Q a).
       Theorem ex5_3 : forall (A:Set)(P Q:A->Prop),
         (exists a, P a) / (exists a, Q a) ->
         (exists a, P a / Q a).
       Theorem ex5_4 : forall (A:Set)(R:A->A->Prop),
         (exists x, forall y, R x y) -> (forall y, exists x, R x y).
       Theorem ex5_5 : forall (A:Set)(R:A->A->Prop),
         (forall x y, R x y -> R y x) ->
         (forall x y z, R x y -> R y z -> R x z) ->
         (forall x, exists y, R x y) -> (forall x, R x x).

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                       62
6.3. =

=                       (1)
                                              eq (=            )
       Inductive eq (A : Type) (x : A) : A -> Prop :=
         refl_equal : x = x
                         (nat   bool             )
                                       (nat          O    Sn         )
                                          (S m           Sn    m=n       )

            n = n

                          apply (refl_equal n).
       tactic      reflexivity.

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                             63
6.3. =

=                   (2)
                                     plus          Print plus.
                                 tactic   simpl.
       Coq < Theorem plus_0_l : forall n, 0 + n = n.
       plus_0_l < intro n.
         n : nat
          0 + n = n

       plus_0_l < simpl.
         n : nat
          n = n

       plus_0_l < reflexivity.
       Proof completed.

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                 64

                   ∀n : nat, n + 0 = n              simpl.

            n + 0 = n

       plus_0_r < simpl.
          n + 0 = n
                   plus n m     n
          1. n = 0            n+0=n
          2. n = n            n+0=n          n=Sn

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                             65

       n                                   induction n as [|n’].
       induction n.             tactic       Coq               nat_ind
                          (P               )

       Coq < Check nat_ind.
       nat_ind : forall P : nat -> Prop, P 0 ->
         (forall n : nat, P n -> P (S n)) ->
         forall n : nat, P n

               nat_ind    nat                 O : nat   S : nat -> nat
                   bool         bool_ind
       bool_ind : forall P : bool -> Prop,
         P true -> P false ->
         forall b : bool, P b

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                         66

       induction n as [|n’].               n    0   S n’
                               reflexivity.    OK (simpl.
       Coq < Theorem plus_0_r : forall n:nat, n + 0 = n.
       plus_0_r < induction n as [|n’].
       2 subgoals
          0 + 0 = 0
       subgoal 2 is:
        S n’ + 0 = S n’

       plus_0_r < reflexivity.
       1 subgoal
         n’ : nat
         IHn’ : n’ + 0 = n’
          S n’ + 0 = S n’
@tmiya : Coq   ,                                            67

       n = S n’                n = n’                   IHn’

       S n’ + 0 = S n’                simpl.   plus
       S (n’ + 0)= S n’                 IHn’   n’ + 0     n’
                   rewrite IHn’.    rewrite
            S n’ + 0 = S n’

       plus_0_r < simpl.
         IHn’ : n’ + 0 = n’
          S (n’ + 0) = S n’

       plus_0_r < rewrite IHn’.
         IHn’ : n’ + 0 = n’
          S n’ = S n’
@tmiya : Coq   ,                                               68

               :m + n = n + m

       Coq < SearchAbout plus.
       plus_n_O: forall n : nat, n = n + 0
       plus_O_n: forall n : nat, 0 + n = n
       plus_n_Sm: forall n m : nat, S (n + m) = n + S m
       plus_Sn_m: forall n m : nat, S n + m = S (n + m)
       mult_n_Sm: forall n m : nat, n * m + n = n * S m

                                    rewrite               (
       rewrite <- plus_n_Sm n’ m.       rewrite H.            H

       rewrite <- H. )

       Theorem plus_comm : forall m n:nat, m + n = n + m.

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                  69

                                     nat                     list A

       Theorem length_app : forall (A:Type)(l1 l2:list A),
         length (l1 ++ l2) = length l1 + length l2.

       list                cons
       induction l1 as [|a l1’].                     (
       induction l1.)
           (                l2)  intro
          1. intros A l1 l2. induction l1 as [|a l1’].
          2. intros A l1.    induction l1 as [|a l1’].   intro l2.
                                            (Coqtop              Undo.

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                         70

               :                    (1)
       List                          append               reverse

       Require Import List.
       Fixpoint append{A:Type}(l1 l2:list A):=
       match l1 with
       | nil => l2
       | a::l1’ => a::(append l1’ l2)
       Fixpoint reverse{A:Type}(l:list A):=
       match l with
       | nil => nil
       | a::l’ => append (reverse l’) (a::nil)

       Theorem reverse_reverse : forall (A:Type)(l:list A),
         reverse (reverse l) = l.

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                    71

               :                    (2)

       Lemma append_nil : forall (A:Type)(l:list A),
         append l nil = l.
       Lemma append_assoc : forall (A:Type)(l1 l2 l3:list A),
         append (append l1 l2) l3 = append l1 (append l2 l3).
       Lemma reverse_append : forall (A:Type)(l1 l2:list A),
         reverse (append l1 l2) = append (reverse l2) (reverse l1).

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                      72



             nat                           minus(n m:nat)   n≤m
       n−m+m =n                (           )
       Definition sub(m n:nat)(H:le n m) : {x:nat|x+n=m}.

          1.         H   n≤m                       n≤m

          2.              x = m−n             x +n = m
                           (      exists x:nat, x+n=m.

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                  73

                         nat                    Arith
       Require Import Arith. (* Arith              *)
       Definition sub(m n:nat)(H:le n m) : {x:nat|x+n=m}.
         m : nat
         n : nat
         H : n <= m
          {x : nat | x + n = m}
               m, n            intro                    generalize dependent

       sub <   generalize dependent m.
       sub <   generalize dependent n.
          forall n m : nat, n <= m -> {x : nat | x + n = m}

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                               74

                              eapply, erewrite
       apply, rewrite          Qed.         Defined.
       m n     H
         induction n as [|n’].
           (* n=0. m - n = m - 0 = m. exists m       *)
           intros m H. exists m. eapply plus_0_r.
           (* n=S n’ *)
           induction m as [|m’]; intro H.
             (* m=0. m - n = 0 - (S n’) < 0                 *)
             assert(H’: ~(S n’ <= 0)). eapply le_Sn_0.
             elim H’. assumption.
             (* m=S m’. S m’- S n’ = m’ - n’. IHn’         *)
             assert(H’: n’ <= m’). eapply le_S_n. assumption.
             assert(IH: {x:nat|x+n’=m’}). eapply IHn’. assumption.
             destruct IH as [x IH]. exists x.
             erewrite <- plus_n_Sm. rewrite IH. reflexivity.
@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                     75


                         sub     Print sub.
                               sub     OCaml
       Coq     < Extraction sub.
       (**     val sub : nat -> nat -> nat **)
       let     rec sub m = function
         |     O -> m
         |     S n0 ->
                 (match m with
                    | O -> assert false (* absurd case *)
                    | S n1 -> let iH = sub n1 n0 in Obj.magic iH)

       OCaml                              H

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                    76



       Theorem le_2_5 : le 2 5.
       Proof. repeat eapply le_n_S. repeat constructor. Qed.

       Eval compute in (sub 5 2 le_2_5). (*                 *)
       Eval compute in (proj1_sig (sub 5 2 le_2_5)).
                                                   (* = 3:nat *)
       {x|x+n=m}               x

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                   77

               sub           minus

       Definition sub’(m n:nat)(H:le n m) : {x:nat|x+n=m}.
         (* minus                 *)
        1. minus                             minus

          2. minus                          sub’

          3. refine tactic
             (refine                     )
          4. sub

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                             78


                              tactic         (auto, ring, omega   )
                                   (Arith, List, String           )
               Haskell, OCaml
                                 (inversion, refine                   )

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                          79

               Interactive Theorem Proving and Program Development. Coq’Art:
               The Calculus of Inductive Constructions, Yves Berrot and Pierre
               Casteran (Springer-Verlag) :              Coq
               Certified Programming with Dependent Types, Adam Chlipala
               (http://adam.chlipala.net/cpdt/) : Coq

                 2010                                III
               2010_AW/index.html) :               Garrigue
               Coq in a Hurry, Yves Bertot
               58/07/PDF/coq-hurry.pdf) :
               2nd Asian-Pacific Summer School on Formal Methods
               (http://formes.asia/cms/coqschool/2010) :

@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                                 80

Coq                  ProofCafe

                                                       Coq     CPDT

       Coq                                  IT

       Coq         Ruby, Clojure, Scala, Javascript


@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                      81

                        Formal Methods Forum

       Coq                                          (    )
                    (     )
                                                             Google group

       2010             Certified Programming with Dependent Types


                                           Google group


@tmiya : Coq   ,                                                            82

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  • 17. 3.1. De Morgan (3) De_Morgan_1 < simpl. 4 subgoals (* *) ============================ fls = fls (* *) De_Morgan_1 < reflexivity. 3 subgoals (* = *) ============================ Not (And tru fls) = Or (Not tru) (Not fls) subgoal 2 is: Not (And fls tru) = Or (Not fls) (Not tru) subgoal 3 is: Not (And fls fls) = Or (Not fls) (Not fls) @tmiya : Coq , 17
  • 18. 3.1. De Morgan (4) De_Morgan_1 < simpl; reflexivity. De_Morgan_1 < simpl; reflexivity. De_Morgan_1 < simpl; reflexivity. Proof completed. De_Morgan_1 < Qed. intros. destruct b1; destruct b2. simpl in |- *. reflexivity. simpl in |- *; reflexivity. simpl in |- *; reflexivity. simpl in |- *; reflexivity. De_Morgan_1 is defined Not (Or b1 b2) = And (Not b1) (Not b2) @tmiya : Coq , 18
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  • 20. 3.2. nat nat ( ) Coq < Print nat. Inductive nat : Set := O : nat | S : nat -> nat O( O) 0 S nat nat Peano Coq < Eval compute in (S (S (S O))). = 3 : nat S (S (S O)) Coq 3 @tmiya : Coq , 20
  • 21. 3.2. nat n Coq < Fixpoint add(n m:nat):nat := Coq < match n with Coq < | O => m Coq < | S n’ => S (add n’ m) Coq < end. add is recursively defined (decreasing on 1st argument) Fixpoint ( O) 0 S nat 1 nat Peano Coq < Eval compute in (add (S (S O)) (S O)). = 3 : nat (call-by-value) @tmiya : Coq , 21
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  • 26. 3.3. cond c vt vf c:bool true vt false vf vt, vf Set A Coq < Definition cond{A:Set}(c:bool)(vt vf:A) := Coq < match c with Coq < | true => vt Coq < | false => vf Coq < end. Coq < Eval compute in (cond true 2 3). = 2 : nat Coq < Eval compute in (cond false false true). = true : bool {A:Set} cond A ( ) Coq < Eval compute in (@cond nat false 2 3). @tmiya : Coq , 26
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  • 28. 3.3. prod sum prod A B A B prod A B A * B ( x , y , .. , z ) (pair .. (pair x y) .. z) Coq < Check (2,true,3). (2, true, 3) : nat * bool * nat prod fst, snd sum A B A B Coq < Definition test_sum (s:sum nat bool) := Coq < match s with Coq < | inl n => n Coq < | inr true => 1 Coq < | inr false => 0 Coq < end. prod, sum Curry-Howard @tmiya : Coq , 28
  • 29. 3.3. List List List :: cons Type Set (Check Set. ) Coq < Require Import List. Coq < Print list. Inductive list (A : Type) : Type := nil : list A | cons : A -> list A -> list A Coq < Check (1::2::nil). 1 :: 2 :: nil : list nat @tmiya : Coq , 29
  • 30. 3.3. List List List nil x::xs Coq < Fixpoint append{A:Type}(xs ys:list A):= Coq < match xs with Coq < | nil => ys Coq < | x::xs’ => x::(append xs’ ys) Coq < end. Coq < Eval compute in (append (1::2::nil) (3::4::nil)). Coq < Fixpoint olast{A:Type}(xs:list A):option A := Coq < match xs with Coq < | nil => None Coq < | a::nil => Some a Coq < | _::xs’ => olast xs’ Coq < end. Coq < Eval compute in (olast (1::2::3::nil)). @tmiya : Coq , 30
  • 31. 3.3. List 1. len{A:Type}(xs:list A):nat Eval compute in (len (1::2::3::nil)). 2. list bool true true all_true(xs:list bool):bool nil true 3. x Some x None ohead{A:Type}(xs:list A):option A 4. s, n s :: s+1 :: ... :: (s+n-1) :: nil nat_list(s n:nat):list nat 5. reverse{A:Type}(xs:list A):list A append @tmiya : Coq , 31
  • 32. 4. Bool De Morgan P Q ¬(P ∧ Q) ¬P ∨ ¬Q F F T T F T T T T F T T T T F F Bool, nat Inductive (nat O S n ) Coq Prop ( ) @tmiya : Coq , 32
  • 33. 4. P P ¬P ( ) ab a, b √ √ √ 2 1. a = b = 2 a, b ab = 2 √ √2 √ 2. ab √ a = √2 , b = 2 √ a, b √ 2 √2 √ 2 2 √ 2 ab = ( 2 ) = 2 = 2 =2 √ √ 2 2 (P) (~P) ab a, b ab a, b @tmiya : Coq , 33
  • 34. 4. ( ) Modus Ponens A A B B (Γ = ( ) ) Γ A Γ A → B (→ ) Γ B ( )→ Coq B Hab : A → B apply Hab. tactic A Ha : A exact Ha. @tmiya : Coq , 34
  • 35. 4. Coq tactic tactic assumption. exact H. trivial. ... H : A ... ------------------------ A exact . A∈Γ ( ) Γ A @tmiya : Coq , 35
  • 36. 4.1. → → A → B (CUI A -> B ) A intro Ha. tactic Ha : A B Coq ... Γ, A B (→ ) Γ A→B H1 → H2 → · · · → Hn → B intros H1 H2 ... Hn. intro intro. intros. Coq → Modus Ponens tactic apply . @tmiya : Coq , 36
  • 37. 4.1. → → (1) tactic Set P Prop P P P p : P ( Set, Prop Type ) Section imp_sample. Variables P Q R : Prop. Theorem imp_sample : (P -> (Q -> R)) -> (P -> Q) -> P -> R. 1 subgoal ============================ (P -> Q -> R) -> (P -> Q) -> P -> R === tactic → intro(s) @tmiya : Coq , 37
  • 38. 4.1. → → (2) → intros tactic intro(s) imp_sample < intros pqr pq p. 1 subgoal pqr : P -> Q -> R pq : P -> Q p : P ============================ R R pqr apply pqr. @tmiya : Coq , 38
  • 39. 4.1. → → (3) R apply pqr. pqr P -> Q -> P Q imp_sample < apply pqr. 2 subgoals pqr : P -> Q -> R pq : P -> Q p : P ============================ P subgoal 2 is: Q P assumption. @tmiya : Coq , 39
  • 40. 4.1. → → (4) P assumption. Q imp_sample < assumption. 1 subgoal pqr : P -> Q -> R pq : P -> Q p : P ============================ Q Q @tmiya : Coq , 40
  • 41. 4.1. → → (5) imp_sample < apply pq. 1 subgoal pqr : P -> Q -> R pq : P -> Q p : P ============================ P imp_sample < assumption. Proof completed. imp_sample < Qed. Qed. @tmiya : Coq , 41
  • 42. 4.2. ∧ ∧ (1) P ∧Q P Q pq : P / Q destruct pq as [p q]. tactic p : P q : Q destruct pq. p,q Coq P ∧Q P Q P ∧Q split. tactic P / Q P, Q Coq < Variable P Q R:Prop. Coq < Theorem and_assoc : (P/Q)/R -> P/(Q/R). 1 subgoal ============================ (P / Q) / R -> P / Q / R @tmiya : Coq , 42
  • 43. 4.2. ∧ ∧ (2) intro → ∧ and_assoc < intro pqr. 1 subgoal pqr : (P / Q) / R ============================ P / Q / R and_assoc < destruct pqr as [[p q] r]. 1 subgoal p : P q : Q r : R ============================ P / Q / R @tmiya : Coq , 43
  • 44. 4.2. ∧ ∧ (3) assumption ; tactic split assumption and_assoc < split. 2 subgoals ============================ P subgoal 2 is: Q / R and_assoc < assumption. 1 subgoal ============================ Q / R and_assoc < split; assumption. Proof completed. and_assoc < Qed. @tmiya : Coq , 44
  • 45. 4.3. ∨ ∨ (1) P ∨Q P Q pq : P / Q destruct pq as [pq].— tactic p : P q : Q destruct pq. p,q Coq P ∨Q P Q P ∨Q left. right. tactic P Q Coq < Variable P Q R:Prop. Coq < Theorem or_assoc : (P/Q)/R -> P/(Q/R). 1 subgoal ============================ (P / Q) / R -> P / Q / R @tmiya : Coq , 45
  • 46. 4.3. ∨ ∨ (2) intro → ∨ and_assoc < intro pqr. or_assoc < destruct pqr as [[p|q]|r]. 3 subgoals p : P ============================ P / Q / R subgoal 2 is: P / Q / R subgoal 3 is: P / Q / R @tmiya : Coq , 46
  • 47. 4.3. ∨ ∨ (3) assumption or_assoc < left. 3 subgoals p : P ============================ P or_assoc < assumption. 2 subgoals q : Q ============================ P / Q / R or_assoc < right; left. 2 subgoals q : Q ============================ Q OK @tmiya : Coq , 47
  • 48. 4.4. ¬ ¬ (1) ¬P P → False False Inductive False : Prop := ~P intro p. p : P False H : False elim H. np : ~P elim np. P (¬¬P P ) ( ) @tmiya : Coq , 48
  • 49. 4.4. ¬ ¬ (2) Coq < Theorem neg_sample : ~(P / ~P). 1 subgoal ============================ ~ (P / ~ P) neg_sample < intro. 1 subgoal H : P / ~ P ============================ False @tmiya : Coq , 49
  • 50. 4.4. ¬ ¬ (3) neg_sample < destruct H as [p np]. 1 subgoal p : P np : ~ P ============================ False neg_sample < elim np. p : P np : ~ P ============================ P neg_sample < assumption. Proof completed. @tmiya : Coq , 50
  • 51. 4.4. ¬ Variable A B C D:Prop. Theorem ex4_1 : (A -> C) / (B -> D) / A / B -> C / D. Theorem ex4_2 : ~~~A -> ~A. Theorem ex4_3 : (A -> B) -> ~B -> ~A. Theorem ex4_4 : ((((A -> B) -> A) -> A) -> B) -> B. Theorem ex4_5 : ~~(A/~A). @tmiya : Coq , 51
  • 52. 5. Curry-Howard Curry-Howard (1) Theorem imp_sample’ : (P -> (Q -> R)) -> (P -> Q) -> P -> R. imp_sample’ < intros pqr pq p. imp_sample’ < Check pq. pq : P -> Q imp_sample’ < Check (pq p). pq p : Q pq P -> Q P Q pq p Q @tmiya : Coq , 52
  • 53. 5. Curry-Howard Curry-Howard (2) pqr, pq, p R exact tactic imp_sample’ < Check (pqr p (pq p)). pqr p (pq p) : R imp_sample’ < exact (pqr p (pq p)). Proof completed. imp_sample Print Coq < Print imp_sample. imp_sample = fun (pqr : P -> Q -> R) (pq : P -> Q) (p : P) => pqr p (pq p) : (P -> Q -> R) -> (P -> Q) -> P -> R @tmiya : Coq , 53
  • 54. 5. Curry-Howard Curry-Howard (3) P P P→Q P -> Q Γ P ΓP→Q (→ ) pq p Γ Q Γ, P Q (→ ) pq (p:P):Q Γ P→Q P ∧Q prod { (P,Q) inl P P ∨Q sum inr Q Curry-Howard Curry-Howard = Coq @tmiya : Coq , 54
  • 55. 5. Curry-Howard Curry-Howard (4) Coq ( ) Java (P → Q → R) → (P → Q) → P → R interface Fun<A,B> { public B apply(A a); } public class P {} public class Q {} public class R {} public class Proof { public R imp_sample(Fun<P,Fun<Q,R>> pqr, Fun<P,Q> pq, P p) { return pqr.apply(p).apply(pq.apply(p)); } } (Java prod sum ¬ Java ) @tmiya : Coq , 55
  • 56. 6. a:A P a (∀a : A, P a) : forall (a:A), P a a:A P a (∃a : A, P a) : exists (a:A), P a Coq P a:A P a:Prop A -> Prop Coq a:A P : A → Prop Coq < Definition iszero(n:nat):Prop := Coq < match n with Coq < | O => True Coq < | _ => False Coq < end. iszero is defined @tmiya : Coq , 56
  • 57. 6. ∀ (1) forall intro(s) forall x:X x:X -> Coq < Theorem sample_forall : forall (X:Type)(P Q:X->Prop)(x:X), P x -> (forall y:X, Q y) -> (P x / Q x). ============================ forall (X : Type) (P Q : X -> Prop) (x : X), P x -> (forall y : X, Q y) -> P x / Q x sample_forall < intros X P Q x px Hqy. X : Type P : X -> Prop Q : X -> Prop x : X px : P x Hqy : forall y : X, Q y ============================ P x / Q x @tmiya : Coq , 57
  • 58. 6. ∀ (2) forall y:X y X sample_forall < split. (* P x Q x *) sample_forall < assumption. (* P x px *) 1 subgoal X : Type P : X -> Prop Q : X -> Prop x : X px : P x Hqy : forall y : X, Q y ============================ Q x sample_forall < apply (Hqy x). (* Hqy y x *) Proof completed. @tmiya : Coq , 58
  • 59. 6.2. ∃ ∃ (1) Coq < Theorem sample_exists : forall (P Q:nat->Prop), Coq < (forall n, P n) -> (exists n, Q n) -> Coq < (exists n, P n / Q n). sample_exists < intros P Q Hpn Hqn. 1 subgoal P : nat -> Prop Q : nat -> Prop Hpn : forall n : nat, P n Hqn : exists n : nat, Q n ============================ exists n : nat, P n / Q n @tmiya : Coq , 59
  • 60. 6.2. ∃ ∃ (2) exists destruct sample_exists < intros P Q Hpn Hqn. P : nat -> Prop Q : nat -> Prop Hpn : forall n : nat, P n Hqn : exists n : nat, Q n ============================ exists n : nat, P n / Q n sample_exists < destruct Hqn as [n’ qn’]. P : nat -> Prop Q : nat -> Prop Hpn : forall n : nat, P n n’ : nat qn’ : Q n’ ============================ exists n : nat, P n / Q n @tmiya : Coq , 60
  • 61. 6.2. ∃ ∃ (3) exists x:X x:X exists x. sample_exists < destruct Hqn as [n’ qn’]. : Hpn : forall n : nat, P n n’ : nat qn’ : Q n’ ============================ exists n : nat, P n / Q n sample_exists < exists n’. : Hpn : forall n : nat, P n n’ : nat qn’ : Q n’ ============================ P n’ / Q n’ (* *) @tmiya : Coq , 61
  • 62. 6.2. ∃ Theorem ex5_1 : forall (A:Set)(P:A->Prop), (~ exists a, P a) -> (forall a, ~P a). Theorem ex5_2 : forall (A:Set)(P Q:A->Prop), (exists a, P a / Q a) -> (exists a, P a) / (exists a, Q a). Theorem ex5_3 : forall (A:Set)(P Q:A->Prop), (exists a, P a) / (exists a, Q a) -> (exists a, P a / Q a). Theorem ex5_4 : forall (A:Set)(R:A->A->Prop), (exists x, forall y, R x y) -> (forall y, exists x, R x y). Theorem ex5_5 : forall (A:Set)(R:A->A->Prop), (forall x y, R x y -> R y x) -> (forall x y z, R x y -> R y z -> R x z) -> (forall x, exists y, R x y) -> (forall x, R x x). @tmiya : Coq , 62
  • 63. 6.3. = = (1) eq (= ) Inductive eq (A : Type) (x : A) : A -> Prop := refl_equal : x = x Coq (nat bool ) (nat O Sn ) (S m Sn m=n ) ============================ n = n apply (refl_equal n). tactic reflexivity. @tmiya : Coq , 63
  • 64. 6.3. = = (2) plus Print plus. tactic simpl. Coq < Theorem plus_0_l : forall n, 0 + n = n. plus_0_l < intro n. n : nat ============================ 0 + n = n plus_0_l < simpl. n : nat ============================ n = n plus_0_l < reflexivity. Proof completed. @tmiya : Coq , 64
  • 65. 6.4. (1) ∀n : nat, n + 0 = n simpl. ============================ n + 0 = n plus_0_r < simpl. ============================ n + 0 = n plus n m n n 1. n = 0 n+0=n 2. n = n n+0=n n=Sn n+0=n @tmiya : Coq , 65
  • 66. 6.4. (2) n induction n as [|n’]. induction n. tactic Coq nat_ind (P ) Coq < Check nat_ind. nat_ind : forall P : nat -> Prop, P 0 -> (forall n : nat, P n -> P (S n)) -> forall n : nat, P n nat_ind nat O : nat S : nat -> nat Inductive bool bool_ind bool_ind : forall P : bool -> Prop, P true -> P false -> forall b : bool, P b @tmiya : Coq , 66
  • 67. 6.4. (3) induction n as [|n’]. n 0 S n’ reflexivity. OK (simpl. ) Coq < Theorem plus_0_r : forall n:nat, n + 0 = n. plus_0_r < induction n as [|n’]. 2 subgoals ============================ 0 + 0 = 0 subgoal 2 is: S n’ + 0 = S n’ plus_0_r < reflexivity. 1 subgoal n’ : nat IHn’ : n’ + 0 = n’ ============================ S n’ + 0 = S n’ @tmiya : Coq , 67
  • 68. 6.4. (4) n = S n’ n = n’ IHn’ S n’ + 0 = S n’ simpl. plus S (n’ + 0)= S n’ IHn’ n’ + 0 n’ rewrite IHn’. rewrite ============================ S n’ + 0 = S n’ plus_0_r < simpl. IHn’ : n’ + 0 = n’ ============================ S (n’ + 0) = S n’ plus_0_r < rewrite IHn’. IHn’ : n’ + 0 = n’ ============================ S n’ = S n’ @tmiya : Coq , 68
  • 69. 6.4. :m + n = n + m SearchAbout Coq < SearchAbout plus. plus_n_O: forall n : nat, n = n + 0 plus_O_n: forall n : nat, 0 + n = n plus_n_Sm: forall n m : nat, S (n + m) = n + S m plus_Sn_m: forall n m : nat, S n + m = S (n + m) mult_n_Sm: forall n m : nat, n * m + n = n * S m rewrite ( rewrite <- plus_n_Sm n’ m. rewrite H. H rewrite <- H. ) Theorem plus_comm : forall m n:nat, m + n = n + m. @tmiya : Coq , 69
  • 70. 6.4. (5) nat list A Theorem length_app : forall (A:Type)(l1 l2:list A), length (l1 ++ l2) = length l1 + length l2. list cons induction l1 as [|a l1’]. ( induction l1.) induction ( l2) intro 1. intros A l1 l2. induction l1 as [|a l1’]. 2. intros A l1. induction l1 as [|a l1’]. intro l2. IHl1’ (Coqtop Undo. ) @tmiya : Coq , 70
  • 71. 6.4. : (1) List append reverse Require Import List. Fixpoint append{A:Type}(l1 l2:list A):= match l1 with | nil => l2 | a::l1’ => a::(append l1’ l2) end. Fixpoint reverse{A:Type}(l:list A):= match l with | nil => nil | a::l’ => append (reverse l’) (a::nil) end. Theorem reverse_reverse : forall (A:Type)(l:list A), reverse (reverse l) = l. @tmiya : Coq , 71
  • 72. 6.4. : (2) reverse_reverse Lemma append_nil : forall (A:Type)(l:list A), append l nil = l. Lemma append_assoc : forall (A:Type)(l1 l2 l3:list A), append (append l1 l2) l3 = append l1 (append l2 l3). Lemma reverse_append : forall (A:Type)(l1 l2:list A), reverse (append l1 l2) = append (reverse l2) (reverse l1). @tmiya : Coq , 72
  • 73. 7. (1) Coq nat minus(n m:nat) n≤m 0 n−m+m =n ( ) sub Definition sub(m n:nat)(H:le n m) : {x:nat|x+n=m}. 1. H n≤m n≤m 2. x = m−n x +n = m ( exists x:nat, x+n=m. ) @tmiya : Coq , 73
  • 74. 7. (2) Coq exists nat Arith Require Import Arith. (* Arith *) Definition sub(m n:nat)(H:le n m) : {x:nat|x+n=m}. m : nat n : nat H : n <= m ============================ {x : nat | x + n = m} m, n intro generalize dependent sub < generalize dependent m. sub < generalize dependent n. ============================ forall n m : nat, n <= m -> {x : nat | x + n = m} @tmiya : Coq , 74
  • 75. 7. (3) eapply, erewrite apply, rewrite Qed. Defined. m n H induction n as [|n’]. (* n=0. m - n = m - 0 = m. exists m *) intros m H. exists m. eapply plus_0_r. (* n=S n’ *) induction m as [|m’]; intro H. (* m=0. m - n = 0 - (S n’) < 0 *) assert(H’: ~(S n’ <= 0)). eapply le_Sn_0. elim H’. assumption. (* m=S m’. S m’- S n’ = m’ - n’. IHn’ *) assert(H’: n’ <= m’). eapply le_S_n. assumption. assert(IH: {x:nat|x+n’=m’}). eapply IHn’. assumption. destruct IH as [x IH]. exists x. erewrite <- plus_n_Sm. rewrite IH. reflexivity. Defined. @tmiya : Coq , 75
  • 76. 7. (4) sub Print sub. sub OCaml minus Coq < Extraction sub. (** val sub : nat -> nat -> nat **) let rec sub m = function | O -> m | S n0 -> (match m with | O -> assert false (* absurd case *) | S n1 -> let iH = sub n1 n0 in Obj.magic iH) OCaml H @tmiya : Coq , 76
  • 77. 7. (5) H Theorem le_2_5 : le 2 5. Proof. repeat eapply le_n_S. repeat constructor. Qed. Eval compute in (sub 5 2 le_2_5). (* *) Eval compute in (proj1_sig (sub 5 2 le_2_5)). (* = 3:nat *) {x|x+n=m} x proj1_sig @tmiya : Coq , 77
  • 78. 7. minus sub minus Definition sub’(m n:nat)(H:le n m) : {x:nat|x+n=m}. Proof. (* minus *) Defined. Coq 1. minus minus 2. minus sub’ 3. refine tactic (refine ) 4. sub @tmiya : Coq , 78
  • 79. 8. Coq tactic (auto, ring, omega ) (Arith, List, String ) Haskell, OCaml (inversion, refine ) tactic Module @tmiya : Coq , 79
  • 80. 8. Interactive Theorem Proving and Program Development. Coq’Art: The Calculus of Inductive Constructions, Yves Berrot and Pierre Casteran (Springer-Verlag) : Coq Certified Programming with Dependent Types, Adam Chlipala (http://adam.chlipala.net/cpdt/) : Coq 2010 III (http://www.math.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~garrigue/lecture/ 2010_AW/index.html) : Garrigue PDF Coq in a Hurry, Yves Bertot (http://cel.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/47/ 58/07/PDF/coq-hurry.pdf) : 2nd Asian-Pacific Summer School on Formal Methods (http://formes.asia/cms/coqschool/2010) : @tmiya : Coq , 80
  • 81. 8. Coq ProofCafe Coq CPDT Coq IT Coq Ruby, Clojure, Scala, Javascript Coq Coq http://coq.g.hatena.ne.jp/keyword/ProofCafe @tmiya : Coq , 81
  • 82. 8. Formal Methods Forum Coq ( ) ( ) Google group Coq 2010 Certified Programming with Dependent Types Coq Google group (http://groups.google.co.jp/group/fm-forum) Coq @tmiya : Coq , 82