The document discusses Core Graphics and Core Animation frameworks. It provides an overview and introduction to Core Graphics, which includes Quartz 2D for 2D rendering. It then discusses Core Animation, which handles graphics rendering, projection and animation behind the scenes of any UIView. It provides examples of using both frameworks, including drawing shapes and text, applying transformations, and animating views.
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Core Graphics & Core Animation
1. Core Graphic
Core Animation
Andreas Blick
3. Why?
• User Experience
• Extra polish
• Visual Feedback
• More human, more natural, real life
• User guiding
• Usability
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
4. Quartz2D
• Quartz2D forms part of the Core Graphics
• They are often interchanged synonymously
• 2D text and and graphics rendering library
• C based API
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
5. Architecture
Core Animation
Open GL Core Graphics
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
6. drawRect
• To draw we need a graphics context
• Lazy drawing
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
// Drawing code
[self setNeedsDisplay];
[self setNeedsDisplayInRect:(CGRect)invalidRect;
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
8. Coordinate Sytem
(0,0) x y
frame: (50,50, 75, 75)
bounds: (0, 0, 75, 75)
y (0,0) x
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
9. Drawing
• Drawing is procedural!
• Everything goes in order
• Use grahpic states
• CGPath vs CGContext
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
10. Paths
• Defined shapes
• Lines
• Arcs
• (Bezier) Curves
• Rectangles
• Also used for
• Clipping
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
11. Drawing
• Drawing modes:
• Stroke, fill, ...
• Line cap and join styles
• Round, bevel
CGContextDrawPath(context, kCGPathStroke);
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
12. Context Types
• CGPDFContextCreate
• CGContextRelease
• UIGraphicsBeginImageContext
• UIImagePNGRepresentation
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
13. Demo 2
Draw a text with shadow
- (void)drawTextInRect:(CGRect)rect
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextSetShadowWithColor(context, CGSizeMake(5.0, 2.0), 3.0,
[UIColor grayColor].CGColor);
[super drawTextInRect:rect];
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
15. Text Drawing
• Using Quartz
• Fast but restricted to MacRoman character set
• UIKit Alternative
• Very slow
• Uses UIKit coordinate system!
[myString drawAtPoint:CGPointMake(0.0, 0.0)
withFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:12.0]];
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
17. Pixel aligned drawing
• User space vs device space
• Drawing uses points instead of pixels!
• Float coordinates
• Uses half pixel boundary
• Path inbetween pixels
• Offset half a pixel if necessary
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
19. Pixel aligned drawing
(2.0, 0.0)
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
20. Pixel aligned drawing
(2.0, 0.0)
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
21. Pixel aligned drawing
(2.0, 0.0)
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
22. Pixel aligned drawing
(2.0, 0.0) (4.5, 0.0)
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
23. Pixel aligned drawing
(2.0, 0.0) (4.5, 0.0)
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
24. Pixel aligned drawing
(2.0, 0.0) (4.5, 0.0)
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
25. Pixel aligned drawing
(2.0, 0.0) (4.5, 0.0)
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
26. Pixel aligned drawing
(2.0, 0.0) (4.5, 0.0)
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
27. References
• Quartz2D Programming Guide
• Core Graphics Framework Reference
• Cocoa Drawing Guide
• Drawing and Printing Guide for iOS
• UIKit Function Reference
• NSString (UIKit Additions)
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
28. Core Animation
• Objective C framework for graphics rendering,
proyection and animation
• Behind the scenes of any UIView
• Executed on GPU
• Done in background thread
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
29. UIView Animation
• Core Animation behind the scenes
• Handles all the math
• Animatable properties:
• center, frame, bounds, color, opacity, ...
• Blocks vs. pre iOS4
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
30. Pre iOS 4
• Animate everything that is between begin and
commit methods
• Duration, animation curve
• Repeat count, repeat autoreverse
• Delegate to chain animations
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
31. Demo 4
Pre iOS 4 about view appear
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:2.0];
[UIView setAnimationCurve:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut];
self.aboutView.alpha = 1.0;
self.aboutView.frame = finalFrame;
[UIView commitAnimations];
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
32. Blocks
• One line of code (even though a long line)
• No delegates/callbacks necessary
• Synchronized
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
33. UIView Transitions
• Animations to execute when switching views
• Always need a container view
• They have a meaning: HIG
• Differ from iPad to iPhone
• ModalViewController
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
35. CALayer Animations
• Every UIView is backed by a CALayer
• QuartzCore framework
• No touch support
• Slightly higher performance on iOS
• Same on MacOS as on iOS
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
36. Layer geometry
(0,0) x
anchorPoint (0.5, 0.5)
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
37. Layer geometry
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
38. Layer geometry
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
39. Layer geometry
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
41. CALayer
• Key-value compliant
• Drawing
• Don’t subclass
• Use delegates instead
• Every layer has a presentation layer
• Hit testing to get current position
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
42. Implicit Animations
• Property changes
• Animates automatically
• 1/4 second
• linear
• Exception: UIView layer
• Animation Transaction
• begin, commit
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
43. Explicit Animation
• CABasicAnimation
• CAKeyframeAnimation
• Define animation points and timing
• Keypath animation
• Animate a layer along a drawn path
• CAAnimationGroup
CG & CA 19/11/2011 - Barcelona Develper Conference @aquarioverde
#7: graphics context: canvas on which we do our 2D drawing\nthe only place where we can get this context is in our drawRect method\ncontext is set up automatically!\ncalled by the system when needed\n\nsetNeedsDisplayInRect:(CGRect)invalidRect\n\n
#8: there’s different context: Bitmap, PDF, Printer ...\nContext, Path, Color, Font, Transformation, ...\nUIColor can be easily converted to CGColor\nUIColor is not the best solution. one should cache colors\nCGXXX helper methods\npainter’s model\n
#9: coordinate spaces simplify the drawing code required to create complex interfaces\nthe window represents the base coordinate system\ntransforms convert coordinate systems\nCocoa and Quartz coordinate systems are the same\ndifferent coordinate systems UI & CG\ncoordinate space for CG is flipped\nbounds vs frame\n
#10: one can create path using CGPath or CGContext. CGContext is “one-time”, while CGPath saves the path.\nGraphic states are implemented as a stack. I can push and pop as many as I need.\n
#11: first define the path then draw it!\npath’ can also be used for other operations, e.g. clipping\n
#13: The important part when using contexts that are created is that I have to release them!!!\nimage context can be used for cached and repeated drawing\n
#14: we use “drawTextInRect” because it handles the actual text drawing (color, spacing, ..)\nwe could do it in “drawRect” but then would have to draw the text ourselves\nparams: context, offset size, blur, color\n
#15: use translation for flipping coordinate space\nCTM: current transformation matrix\n
#17: linear gradients and radial gradients\ncan be used for glossy effects\n
#18: vector based drawing model to scale nicely onto the actual pixels of the device\nuser space vs device space \npoints in the user base might not correspond to pixels on the device!\nyou don’t have to care about the device space unless for adjusting anti-aliasing\nscale factor\n\n
#19: vector based drawing model to scale nicely onto the actual pixels of the device\nuser space vs device space \npoints in the user base might not correspond to pixels on the device!\nyou don’t have to care about the device space unless for adjusting anti-aliasing\nscale factor\n\n
#20: vector based drawing model to scale nicely onto the actual pixels of the device\nuser space vs device space \npoints in the user base might not correspond to pixels on the device!\nyou don’t have to care about the device space unless for adjusting anti-aliasing\nscale factor\n\n
#21: vector based drawing model to scale nicely onto the actual pixels of the device\nuser space vs device space \npoints in the user base might not correspond to pixels on the device!\nyou don’t have to care about the device space unless for adjusting anti-aliasing\nscale factor\n\n
#22: vector based drawing model to scale nicely onto the actual pixels of the device\nuser space vs device space \npoints in the user base might not correspond to pixels on the device!\nyou don’t have to care about the device space unless for adjusting anti-aliasing\nscale factor\n\n
#23: vector based drawing model to scale nicely onto the actual pixels of the device\nuser space vs device space \npoints in the user base might not correspond to pixels on the device!\nyou don’t have to care about the device space unless for adjusting anti-aliasing\nscale factor\n\n
#24: vector based drawing model to scale nicely onto the actual pixels of the device\nuser space vs device space \npoints in the user base might not correspond to pixels on the device!\nyou don’t have to care about the device space unless for adjusting anti-aliasing\nscale factor\n\n
#25: vector based drawing model to scale nicely onto the actual pixels of the device\nuser space vs device space \npoints in the user base might not correspond to pixels on the device!\nyou don’t have to care about the device space unless for adjusting anti-aliasing\nscale factor\n\n
#26: vector based drawing model to scale nicely onto the actual pixels of the device\nuser space vs device space \npoints in the user base might not correspond to pixels on the device!\nyou don’t have to care about the device space unless for adjusting anti-aliasing\nscale factor\n\n
#27: vector based drawing model to scale nicely onto the actual pixels of the device\nuser space vs device space \npoints in the user base might not correspond to pixels on the device!\nyou don’t have to care about the device space unless for adjusting anti-aliasing\nscale factor\n\n
#36: Why should we use CALayers instead of UIView Animation\n
#37: frame and bounds as in UIView\nchange of position changes the frame\nif you change the anchor point you’ll move the frame!!\nanchorPoint is the position on which all animation occur\n
#38: frame and bounds as in UIView\nchange of position changes the frame\nif you change the anchor point you’ll move the frame!!\nanchorPoint is the position on which all animation occur\n
#39: frame and bounds as in UIView\nchange of position changes the frame\nif you change the anchor point you’ll move the frame!!\nanchorPoint is the position on which all animation occur\n
#40: CALayer\nCAEAGLLayer \n holds Open GL content\nCATiledLayer \n CALayers have a maximum size\n if you exceed this you can use a CATiledLayer\nCAScrollLayer\n layer for scrolling\n probably never use it because of the powerfulness of UIScrollView\nCAReplicatorLayer\n replicates layers\n use it for particles systems\nCAShapeLayer\n holds a Core Graphics path\n lets you animate between path’ (shapes)\n e.g. used for charts\nCAGradientLayer\n hardware accelerated linear gradients\n fastest way to create a gradient\n \nUIView always returns a CALayer class\nif you want a different kind of layer class you have to overwrite\n\n(Class)layerClass\n{\nreturn [CATiledLayer class];\n}\n\n \n
#41: presentation tree shows what actually is on screen\nlayer.presentationLayer\n