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Corporate Governance

     Why and What

   Anand Subramaniam
“There has been in recent years excessive
     emphasis on a citizen's rights and
 inadequate stress put upon his duties and

                                - Paxton Blair

 Corporate Governance – Overview

 Corporate Governance – Pillars

 Corporate Governance - Elements

Corporate Governance - Overview
Why Corporate Governance?
 Better access to external finance

 Lower costs of capital – interest rates on loans

 Improved company performance – sustainability

 Higher firm valuation and share performance

 Reduced risk of corporate crisis and scandals
Corporate Governance - Parties

 Share-                            Manager
                                   Who use the
                  Guardians of     Company’s
Those that own   the Company’s       assets
 the company      assets for the

Corporate Governance vs. Management

               and                              Corporate
           Supervision                           Corporate
            Supervision                        Governance


          Executive Mgmt.                       Corporate
           Executive Mgmt.                       Corporate
       -Decision and Control-                  Management
        - Decision and Control -                Management
         Operational Mgmt.
          Operational Mgmt.

                                               Source: Robert Tricker,Corporate Governance, 1984
                          Source: Robert I. Tricker, Corporate Governance, 1984

Corporate Governance is NOT..
 Corporate governance ≠ corporate /
  financial management

 Corporate governance ≠ corporate social
  responsibility or business ethics

What is Corporate Governance?

If management is about running
    the business, corporate
governance is about seeing that
       it is run properly.

All companies need managing
       and governing.
Corporate Governance - Pillars


                      Corporate Governance - Pillars

 Ensure that management is accountable
  to the Board

 Ensure that the Board is accountable to

 Protect Shareholders rights

 Treat all shareholders including minorities,

 Provide effective redress for violations

 Ensure timely, accurate disclosure on all
  material matters, including the financial
  situation, performance, ownership and
  corporate governance

 Procedures and structures are in place so
  as to minimise, or avoid completely
  conflicts of interest

 Independent Directors and Advisers i.e.
  free from the influence of others

Corporate Governance - Elements
Corporate Governance - Elements
             Good                 defined
            Board                 share-
           practices              holder

Control                                        Board
Environ-               Elements               commit-
 ment                                          ment

                                  P/E Ratio

Good Board Practices
 Clearly defined roles and authorities

 Duties and responsibilities of Directors understood

 Board is well structured

 Appropriate composition and mix of skills

 Appropriate Board procedures

 Director Remuneration in line with best practice

 Board self-evaluation and training conducted
Control Environment
 Internal control procedures     Independent audit committee
 Risk management framework
  present                         Internal Audit Function

 Disaster recovery systems in    Management Information
  place                            systems established

 Media management                Compliance Function
  techniques in use                established

 Business continuity             Independent external auditor
  procedures in place              conducts audit

Transparent Disclosure
 Financial Information disclosed

 Non-Financial Information disclosed

 Financials prepared according to International
  Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

 Companies Registry filings up to date

 High-Quality annual report published

 Web-based disclosure
Well-Defined Shareholder Rights
 Minority shareholder rights formalised

 Well-organised shareholder meetings conducted

 Policy on related party transactions

 Policy on extraordinary transactions

 Clearly defined and explicit dividend policy
Board Commitment
   The Board discusses corporate governance issues and has created a
    corporate governance committee

   The company has a corporate governance champion

   A corporate governance improvement plan has been created

   Appropriate resources are committed to corporate governance initiatives

   Policies and procedures have been formalised and distributed to relevant

   A corporate governance code has been developed

   A code of ethics has been developed

   The company is recognised as a corporate governance leader

“When a man says he approves of
something in principle, it means he hasn't
the slightest intention of carrying it out in

                             - Otto von Bismarck

Good Luck


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Corporate Governance

  • 1. Corporate Governance Why and What Anand Subramaniam
  • 2. “There has been in recent years excessive emphasis on a citizen's rights and inadequate stress put upon his duties and responsibilities.” - Paxton Blair 2
  • 3. Highlights  Corporate Governance – Overview  Corporate Governance – Pillars  Corporate Governance - Elements 3
  • 5. Why Corporate Governance?  Better access to external finance  Lower costs of capital – interest rates on loans  Improved company performance – sustainability  Higher firm valuation and share performance  Reduced risk of corporate crisis and scandals 5
  • 6. Corporate Governance - Parties Share- Manager Directors holders Who use the Guardians of Company’s Those that own the Company’s assets the company assets for the Shareholders 6
  • 7. Corporate Governance vs. Management Accountability Accountability and and Corporate Supervision Corporate Supervision Governance Governance Strategic Strategic Management Management Executive Mgmt. Corporate Executive Mgmt. Corporate -Decision and Control- Management - Decision and Control - Management Operational Mgmt. Operational Mgmt. Source: Robert Tricker,Corporate Governance, 1984 Source: Robert I. Tricker, Corporate Governance, 1984 7
  • 8. Corporate Governance is NOT..  Corporate governance ≠ corporate / financial management  Corporate governance ≠ corporate social responsibility or business ethics 8
  • 9. What is Corporate Governance? If management is about running the business, corporate governance is about seeing that it is run properly. All companies need managing and governing. 9
  • 11. Accountability Fairness Transparency Corporate Governance - Pillars Independence 11
  • 12. Accountability  Ensure that management is accountable to the Board  Ensure that the Board is accountable to shareholders 12
  • 13. Fairness  Protect Shareholders rights  Treat all shareholders including minorities, equitably  Provide effective redress for violations 13
  • 14. Transparency  Ensure timely, accurate disclosure on all material matters, including the financial situation, performance, ownership and corporate governance 14
  • 15. Independence  Procedures and structures are in place so as to minimise, or avoid completely conflicts of interest  Independent Directors and Advisers i.e. free from the influence of others 15
  • 17. Corporate Governance - Elements Well- Good defined Board share- practices holder rights Control Board Environ- Elements commit- ment ment Trans- parent P/E Ratio disclo- sure 17
  • 18. Good Board Practices  Clearly defined roles and authorities  Duties and responsibilities of Directors understood  Board is well structured  Appropriate composition and mix of skills  Appropriate Board procedures  Director Remuneration in line with best practice  Board self-evaluation and training conducted 18
  • 19. Control Environment  Internal control procedures  Independent audit committee established  Risk management framework present  Internal Audit Function  Disaster recovery systems in  Management Information place systems established  Media management  Compliance Function techniques in use established  Business continuity  Independent external auditor procedures in place conducts audit 19
  • 20. Transparent Disclosure  Financial Information disclosed  Non-Financial Information disclosed  Financials prepared according to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)  Companies Registry filings up to date  High-Quality annual report published  Web-based disclosure 20
  • 21. Well-Defined Shareholder Rights  Minority shareholder rights formalised  Well-organised shareholder meetings conducted  Policy on related party transactions  Policy on extraordinary transactions  Clearly defined and explicit dividend policy 21
  • 22. Board Commitment  The Board discusses corporate governance issues and has created a corporate governance committee  The company has a corporate governance champion  A corporate governance improvement plan has been created  Appropriate resources are committed to corporate governance initiatives  Policies and procedures have been formalised and distributed to relevant staff  A corporate governance code has been developed  A code of ethics has been developed  The company is recognised as a corporate governance leader 22
  • 23. “When a man says he approves of something in principle, it means he hasn't the slightest intention of carrying it out in practice.” - Otto von Bismarck 23