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Solid Assets & Opportunities
Light Oil Focus
Financial Flexibility

November 2011
NAL Energy Corporation Profile

                        TSX Symbol                                                      NAE
                        Market Capitalization1                                          $1.2 Billion
                        Monthly Dividend                                                $0.07/share
                        Current Yield1                                                  10.4%
                        Net Debt2                                                       $376 Million
                        Current Shares Outstanding3                                     150.4 Million
                                                               Convertible Debentures
                        Trading Symbol                                        NAE.DB      NAE.DB.A
                        Coupon                                                6.75%       6.25%
                        Principal Outstanding ($MM)                           80          115
                        Conversion Price ($/Share)                            14.00       16.50
                        Maturity Date                                         31AUG12     31DEC14

Notes: 1) As at 22NOV11; 2) As at 30SEP11; 3) As at 08NOV11.                                            2
Operate Across Western Canada

   British Columbia
% Gas & NGL’s: 100%
% of Production: 14%                 SE Saskatchewan
                                   % Crude Oil: 93%
                                   % of Production: 25%

            % Crude Oil: 45%
            % of Production: 59%

Reserves Profile
        •                P+P reserves: 104 MMBoe – 109% total production replacement
        •                Proved reserves: 68% of total P+P
        •                Current RLI: 9.4 years
        •                Mix: 50% Liquids – 50% Natural gas
        •                3 yr average F&D of $18.80/boe; FD&A of $21.86/boe


                                              Natural Gas
                                                                                                                                         Reserves @ Jan 1 2011
                                              Oil & Liquids
P+P Reserves (Mboe)


                       60,000                                                                                                                32%


Income vs Growth

• Increasing demand for yield

• Dividend payout model fits the WCSB asset base

• Payout ratio 40 – 50% of cash flow

• Growth through acquisitions – strategic/selective

Q3 Highlights

• Volumes up 2,000 boe/d or 7% Q3/11 vs. Q2/11
• Oil volumes up 7%
• Operational highlights
  •   Cardium Lochend performance
  •   Back to business in Saskatchewan
  •   Liquids-rich gas tie-ins
  •   New oil resource play – Sawn Lake

• Cash flow in-line with expectations
• $250 MM available on lines of $550 MM
Q3/11 Performance

                                                                  Q3/11                 Q2/11                   % Change

  Production (boe/d)                                             28,752                  26,758                    7.5

  Funds from operations ($MM)1                                     64.8                    60.4                    7.3

  Funds from operations ($/share)                                  0.44                    0.41                    7.3

  Capital expenditures ($MM)                                       86.9                    36.1                    141

  Revenue ($/boe)2                                                49.30                   53.12                    -7.2

  Operating Netback ($/boe)3                                      28.64                   32.39                   -11.6
1) All figures prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards 1 (“IFRS1”); 2) net of
transportation charges; 3) Before hedging gains/losses.
Maintaining Momentum Through Year-end

                                                                                   December Exit – 29,000 boe/d range
                                      H1/11 Impacts
                      • Facility outages
                      • Availability of services - timing
                      • Wet weather
                                                                           Q3 Actual – 28,752 boe/d


                 Q1 Actual- 28,025 boe/d
                                                                                    Q4 Key Drivers
                                                                      • Saskatchewan recovery/drilling
                                            Q2 Actual- 26,758 boe/d   • Garrington/Lochend Cardium tie-ins
                                                                      • Gas capacity constraints/outages

                            Q1                         Q2                    Q3e                      Q4e


 • On track to complete $240 MM capital program

 • Production forecast in the 28,500 boe/d1 range

 • Oil hedges in place for 51% of volumes for 2011 -
   swaps at US$88/bbl and collars at US$ 90 x 100

Notes: 1) Does not account for unplanned gas facility outages in Q4/11 or volume constraints associated with Star Valley facility fire.   9
2011 Operational Strategy

• Oil drilling - 85% of the capital program

• Focus on ROR and capital efficiency – 95% Hz drills

• Leverage BP and Cochrane partnerships

• Prove-up emerging opportunity inventory

• Farm-out non-core acreage – maintain upside

Capital Program On Track

                    (13 Garrington, 4 Cochrane, 1 Willesden Green)

                                            (15 in greater Hoffer area)

            (Pekisko , Viking, other Carbonates)

        (2 Fireweed , 1 Kakwa, 4 Deep Basin (Wilrich)

Scalable Oil Development:
                                                Cardium West Central AB
                                                                                                             Key Attributes

                                                                                                                  Westward Ho     Cochrane
                                                                     Working Interest (%)                             65             65
                                                                       OOIP/SEC (MMbbl)                            Up to   4.21     2.62
                                                                  Reserves per well (Mboe)                            165         Up to 225
                                                                   DCET Cap (Gross - $MM)                          $3.0 – 3.3     $3.5 – 3.8
                                                                          OPEX ($/boe)                                 8             10
                                                                 Capital Efficiency ($/boe)                         16 – 22         15-24
                                                                       Un-risked ROR (%)                              45             35

                                                            •        Cardium performance - continues to meet
                                                                     or exceed type curves

                                                            •        Successfully implementing water based
                                                                     fracs on all new wells

                                                            •        Approximately 300 gross risked locations
                                                                     in inventory at 2 wells per section

                                                            •        Positive results from downspacing to 3-4
**Resource Halo Areas provided by Canadian Discovery       Notes: 1) Cardium A&B sands; 2) Cardium A sand only;
Advancements in the Cardium

• Completion technique advancements include:
  •   Switch to water-based fracs
  •   Longer lateral section – up to 1,500 metres
  •   Reduced inter-frac spacing to 75 metres
  •   Decreased per frac tonnage to 15 tonnes
• Target DCET costs: $3.0–3.3 MM in Garrington and
  $3.5–3.8 MM at Lochend

Lochend Cardium Exceeding Expectations


                      3-17-027-03     1-17-027-03       1-18-027-03      16-19-027-03       14-20-027-03      16-20-027-03       8-33-027-03

On Production        August 27, 2010 December 1, 2011 November 3, 2011 November 3,2011 September 5, 2011 December 1, 2011 August 6, 2011

30 day IP (boe/d)1        335             2002             3302              3502               770                3502              172

90 day IP (boe/d)         268               -                -                 -                  -                  -               162

Current (boe/d)           189               -              400                617               400                  -               137

Formation              Cardium A       Cardium A        Cardium A         Cardium A          Cardium A          Cardium A        Cardium A

Frac Fluid Type          Water           Water            Water             Water              Water              Water            Water

Number of Fracs            10              15               11                13                 14                 14               12

Lateral length (m)       1082             1179             1024              1260               1132              1276              1000

•     Q4 2011 results set-up active program for 2012
•     Liquids and solution gas handling facilities added in 2011                                                                                14
                                                                      Notes: 1) First full month average post load fluid recovery 2) Forecast
Stratigraphic Oil Plays:
Mississippian – Southeast SK
                                         Key Attributes
                              Working Interest (%)           50
                               OOIP/Sec (MMbbls)          Up to 5

                            Reserves per well (Mboe)      60 – 200
                             DCET Cap (Gross -$MM)        1.6 - 1.8

                            Capital Efficiency ($/boe)       18
                               Un-risked ROR (%)          40 -50%

                      •   Stratigraphic plays laterally

                      •   Positive reservoir

                      •   Over 100 gross risked

                      •   Delineation continuing on

                      •   Multi-zone potential:
                          Ratcliffe, Oungre, Red River,
                          Birdbear and Bakken
Profiling the Mississippian

• No multi-stage fracs – lower cost - $1.7MM DCET

• IP’s enhanced by under-balanced drilling

• New pool royalties at 2.5% on first 100,000 bbls

• New oil battery at Hoffer increases reliability

• Waterflood potential to increase recovery factors

Strong Oil Economics - $85/bbl WTI

                                                             Mississippian - SE Sask   Cardium - Alberta

     Capital Efficiency ($/boe)                                    $16 - $25               $17 - $28

     Operating Netback ($/boe)                                     $60 - $70                 $65

     Recycle Ratio                                                  2x - 3x                 2x - 3x

     Royalties                                                       4.5%*                   12%

     Capital Costs/Well ($MM)                                       1.5 – 2.0              3.0 – 4.0

     Operating Costs ($/boe)                                         10.00                   8.00

     Rates of Return                                             40% - 100% +             Up to 40%

Note: Assuming US$85/bbl ; * On first 37,000/100,000 bbls.                                                 17
Emerging Tight Oil Play:
Sawn Lake – North Central AB
               NAL Land Position:
                • 23 gross sections
                • 50% - 100% WI
                • Slave Point carbonate

               Development Potential:
                • Up to 4 wells per section
                • 75 – 100 locations
                • First well – Q1/12

               Key Offsets1:
               A: 16-35-91-13W5 Horizontal
                  On Production: March 2011
                  Peak Rate:     378 bbls/d @ 7% WC
                  August Rate:   335 bbls/d @11% WC

               B: 1-26-91-13W5 Horizontal
                    On Production: April 2011
                    Peak Rate:     445 bbls/d @ 2% WC
                    August Rate:   445 bbls/d @ 1% WC
              Notes: 1) Source - GeoScout
Liquids-rich Natural Gas Plays
                                 Key Attributes (Wilrich)

                  Working Interest (%)                      70

                   NGL Yield (Bbl/mcf)                      15

                  Gross RGIP (Bcf/well)                     3.7

            Gross Reserves/Well (Mboe)                  Up to 620

                Capital Efficiency ($/boe)                  9.40

                   Un-risked ROR (%)                        40

            •      Wilrich well performance exceeding
                   expectations with an average 30 day
                   IP capability in excess of 7 mmcf/d

            •      Production at Fireweed is in the
                   2,100 boe/d range

            •      Up to 90 gross risked locations in
2012 Guidance Framework

• Guidance to be announced mid-January 2012

• Focus on lower risk operated oil opportunities

• Less proof-of-concept, land & facilities capital

• Commodity prices key driver of cash flow

• 2012 Hedging – 5,000 bbls/d at $97/bbl
Available Credit Lines
                                                     Credit Lines ($MM)
        Bank of Montreal*                                  145        $247 MM of
        Royal Bank of Canada                               110        available as
                                                                      at Sept. 30th
        CIBC                                              87.5
        Bank of Nova Scotia                               87.5
        Alberta Treasury Branch                             40
        National Bank Financial                             40
        Union Bank of California                            40
        Total                                              550
* Includes $15 million of working capital facility
NAL Investment Proposition

• Balanced portfolio of high quality assets

• Focus on light oil

• Strong inventory of opportunities

• Available lines of credit

• Non-taxable for many years

• Attractive valuation and yield

Strategic Partnership with Manulife

 NAL Resources Management    • Direct investor in oil and gas assets since
  (manages 47,000 boe/d)
                             • Long term investment horizon
                             • Desire to increase investment
                           Terms of Administrative Cost Sharing
NAL Energy        Manulife   Agreement:
                             • No management or acquisition fees
 29,000            18,000    • Shared G&A costs
  boe/d            boe/d     • Independently controlled board
                             • Long term contract - 90 day NAL Energy exit
 65% of assets are common
     90% are operated        • Enhanced technical/financial capability
                             • Broad market view & investment discipline
                             • Financial partner in transactions
NAL Shareholder Analysis
                                               Income Focused
        High Canadian Ownership
                                            Institutional Presence
                      Foreign                   Manulife
                        3%                        1%


                                 Canadian       58%

Note: As at September 30, 2011
Cardium Type-Curve
                           NAL’s Drilling Results Validate Type Curve

                     225                                     Typical Horizontal Well

                                                             Typical Vertical Well
Production (boe/d)







                            1   2   3   4    5    6     7    8      9    10     11     12
                                            Months On Production

SE Sask Mississippian Type-Curve
                                   Based on 2006 – 2010 drills

                                                                     1st Month IP: 115 bbls/d
               90                                                    EUR: 110 mboe/well
Rate (bbl/d)








                     0   12   24   36   48   60   72   84   96   108 120 132 144 156 168 180 192 204
Reserves & Capital Efficiency Summary
                                                                                          2010                       2009
Reserves (MMboe)
Proved                                                                                    71.0                        70.91
Proved + Probable (“P+P)                                                                  103.9                      102.21
P+P Reserves/sh (boe/sh)                                                                  0.71                        0.74
RLI (years)
P+P                                                                                        9.4                         9.2
Reserves Replacement Ratio
P+P (excluding A&D)                                                                        90%                        131%
P+P (including A&D)                                                                       109%                        445%
                                                                                                                                                                  Three Year
                                                                                                                                                               Weighted Average
Including Changes in Future Development Capital                                           2010                       2009                    2008                  2008 – 2010
Finding & Development Costs ($/boe)
Proved                                                                                    21.41                      18.52                   14.18                     17.92
P+P                                                                                       22.60                      17.86                   16.24                     18.80
F&D Recycle Ratio(3)
Proved                                                                                     1.4                         1.7                    3.0                       1.9
P+P                                                                                        1.3                         1.8                    2.6                       1.8
Finding, Development & Acquisition Costs ($/boe)
Proved                                                                                    22.37                      27.87                   19.41                     24.77
P+P                                                                                       22.85                      22.33                   19.66                     21.86
Notes: All reserves and production volumes data excludes royalty interest volumes; 1) 2009 reserves have been adjusted for the wind-up of the T&S partnership to be comparable with 2010.
Stable Reserves Per Share Performance

Stable reserves per share performance reinvesting approximately 53% of cash flow

                            1.50                                                                                        200,000



                                                                                                                                  P+P Reserves (Mboe)
         Mboe / 000 units




                            0.50                                                                                        60,000



                            0.00                                                                                        0

                                   2004    2005          2006          2007          2008          2009          2010
Note: DARPU calculated using year-end reserves, net debt, convertibles and units outstanding.                                                           29
      Net debt converted to units using annual average unit price. Converts converted to units at strike price
Conservatively Booked Reserves

       PDP reserves represent a high percentage of total proved

                                                                         85%     86%




       30,000   96%



                2004     2005       2006         2007        2008        2009    2010
Conservatively Booked Reserves
       Probables represent a low percentage of total P+P reserves

                                                                 31%    32%


        80,000                             27%





                 2004   2005   2006        2007           2008   2009   2010
                                      PROVED   PROBABLE
Stable Production Per Share Performance

Stable production per share performance reinvesting approximately 46% of cash flow
                          120                                                                                       35,000



                                                                                                                             Production (boe/d)
              boe / 000 units





                                 0                                                                                  10,000
                                     2006       2007               2008                2009                  2010

                                              P+P Reserves Per Unit                   Annual Average Production
Note: Production per unit calculated using annual average production and annual average units outstanding.                                        32
      This metric is not debt-adjusted given complications in calculating average annual debt figures.
Non-Taxable For Many Years

  Available Tax Pools                          $ MM
  Canadian Exploration Expense                        91
  Canadian Development Expense                       442
  Canadian Oil & Gas Property Expense                417
  Undepreciated Capital Costs                        261
  Other (including loss carry forwards)              328
  Total                                            1,539

Note: as at 30SEP11                                        33
Hedging Programs Manage Risk

• Objective
  •   protect cash flow for the purposes of sustaining
      dividends and maintaining an active capital
• Board approval
  •   maximum of 60% of net production after royalty
• Counterparties
  •   all Canadian chartered banks

Hedging Program Adding Protection

      • Crude oil hedges:
              •       49% of net 2011 liquids volumes - average floor price
                      above US$ 88/bbl
              •       5,000 bbls/d in 2012 hedged at average floor price
                      above US$ 97/bbl
      • Natural gas hedges:
              •       31% of net 2011 gas volumes
              •       Average floor price of approximately C$4.00/GJ
      • Interest rate:
              •       45% of 2011 bank debt @ 1.67%
      • Foreign Exchange:
              •       36% of 2011 US$ exposure @ $1.0328
* Current all in Bank Interest rate 4.7% after Bank Fees; percent of commodity hedged based on mid-point of production guidance range of 29,000 boe/d.
Crude Oil Hedge Positions
                                                                                                   Crude Oil Hedge Contracts as at 11/7/2011

                                                                                   Q4-11             Q1-12             Q2-12              Q3-12                Q4-12

US$ Collar Contracts
$US WTI Collar Volume (b/d)                                                          200              900                900                700                 700

Bought Puts – Average Strike Price ($US/bbl)                                        90.00           101.11             101.11             101.43              101.43

Sold Calls – Average Strike Price ($US/bbl)                                        100.50           117.07             117.07             117.66              117.66

US$ Swap Contracts

$US WTI Swap Volume (b/d)*                                                          5,700            3,450              3,450             3,450                3,450

Average WTI Swap Price ($US/bbl)                                                    88.10            95.38              95.38             95.38                95.38

Cdn$ Collar Contracts

$Cdn WTI Collar Volume (b/d)

Bought Puts – Average Strike Price ($Cdn/bbl)

Sold Calls – Average Strike Price ($Cdn/bbl)

Cdn$ Swap Contracts

$Cdn WTI Swap Volume (b/d)

Average WTI Swap Price ($Cdn/bbl)

Total Volume (b/d)                                                                 5,900            4,350              4,350              4,150                4,150
Note: All counterparties are Canadian banks in our syndicate.
•   Two 500 bbl/d, calendar 2011, swap contracts with an average price of $95.00 contain extendable call options. The extendible call option provides the counterparty with the option
    to extend the contract into calendar 2012 under the same price and volumetric terms. The counterparty can exercise this option any time before December 31, 2011.
•   For calendar 2012, there is a 500 bbl/d and a 250 bb/d swap contract with a price of $87.15 and $100.25 respectively, that contain extendable call options. These options provide
    the counterparty with the right to extend the contract into calendar 2013 under the same price and volumetric terms. The counterparty can exercise this option anytime before 36
    December 31, 2012.
Natural Gas Hedge Positions

                                                         Natural Gas Hedge Contracts as at 11/7/2011
                                                       Q4-11      Q1-12     Q2-12      Q3-12    Q4-12
        Collar Contracts
        AECO Collar Volume (GJ/d)
        Bought Puts – AECO Average Strike
        Price ($Cdn/GJ)
        Sold Calls – AECO Average Strike
        Price ($Cdn/GJ)
        Swap Contracts
        AECO Swap Volume (GJ/d)                        27,000     24,000     5,000     5,000     3,674
        AECO Average Price ($Cdn/GJ)                    3.99       3.98      4.16      4.16      4.17

        Total Volume (GJ/d)                           27,000     24,000     5,000      5,000    3,674

Note: All counterparties are Canadian banks in our syndicate.                                            37
Interest Rate Hedge Positions

                                                                 Financial Interest Rate Swap Contracts as at 11/7/2011

       Remaining Term                            Notional (Cdn $MM)                     Floating Rate                     Fixed Rate
                                                                                          (Receive)                          (Pay)

       Oct 2011 – Dec 2011                                 39                       CAD-BA-CDOR 3 month                    1.5864%

       Oct 2011– Jan 2013                                  22                       CAD-BA-CDOR 3 month                    1.3850%

       Oct 2011– Jan 2014                                  22                       CAD-BA-CDOR 3 month                    1.5100%

       Oct 2011 – Mar 2013                                 14                       CAD-BA-CDOR 3 month                    1.8500%

       Oct 2011 – Mar 2013                                 14                       CAD-BA-CDOR 3 month                    1.8750%

       Oct 2011 – Mar 2014                                 14                       CAD-BA-CDOR 3 month                    1.9300%

       Oct 2011 – Mar 2014                                 14                       CAD-BA-CDOR 3 month                    1.9850%

       Total Notional (Cdn $)                             139*

* Fixed approximately 49% of floating bank debt ($285MM average for 2011e)
Note: All counterparties are Canadian banks in our syndicate.                                                                          38
Foreign Exchange Hedge Positions
                        Fixed Rate             Notional (US)                       Term                           Counterparty Floating Rate
                        (USD/CAD)               per month

                           1.05                   $2.0 MM               Oct 1, 2011 to Dec 31, 2011          BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate

                          1.0608                  $0.5 MM               Oct 1, 2011 to Dec 31, 2011          BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate

                          0.9954                  $2.0 MM               Jan 1, 2011 to Dec 31, 2011          BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate

                          1.0565                  $1.5 MM               Jan 1, 2012 to Dec 31, 2012          BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate

                NAL has a monthly commitment to settle the above fixed rates against the Bank of Canada monthly average noon rate.

                The 1.0565 fixed rate calendar 2012 contract contains the premium from the sale of a 1.05 extendable call option that expires
                December 31, 2011. If exercised the option will be converted to an additional equivalent contract at a fixed rate of 1.05.

                    Option Fixing Range        Notional (US)                       Term                           Counterparty Floating Rate
                        (USD/CAD)               per month

                         .94 - 1.06               $0.5 MM               Oct 1, 2011 to Dec 31, 2011          BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate

                         .95 - 1.07               $0.5 MM               Oct 1, 2011 to Dec 31, 2011          BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate

                         .94 - 1.08               $0.5 MM               Oct 1, 2011 to Dec 31, 2011          BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate

                         .95 - 1.04               $0.5 MM               Oct 1, 2011 to Dec 31, 2011          BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate

                        .95 – 1.0138              $1.0 MM               Oct 1, 2011 to Dec 31, 2012          BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate

                  When the monthly average noon spot foreign exchange rate exceeds the lower fixing rate, NAL is committed to selling the above
                  listed USD’s at the upper fixing rate for that month. To the extent the monthly average noon spot foreign exchange rate is below the
                  lower fixing rate, NAL has no commitment to sell USD.

Note: FX contracts as at 08/09/2011.                                                                                                                     39
Foreign Exchange Hedge Positions
                                                       Notional (US)                      Term                           Counterparty Floating Rate
                        Option Fixing Range             per month

                      1.05 - 1.15                        $1.0 MM                Oct 1, 2011 to Dec 31, 2011         BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate

                      0.97 – 1.04                        $1.0 MM                Jan 1, 2012 to Dec 31, 2012         BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate
      When the monthly average noon spot foreign exchange rate exceeds the fixing range, NAL is committed to selling the above listed USD at the lower fixing rate for that month.
      To the extent the monthly average spot foreign exchange rate is below the lower fixing rate, NAL has a commitment to sell the above listed USD at the lower fixing rate. When
      the monthly average noon spot foreign exchange rate falls within the fixing range, NAL has no commitment to sell USD.

                       Option Payout          Notional (US)                     Term                      Counterparty Floating Rate         Monthly
                           Range               per month                                                                                     Premium
                        (USD/CAD)                                                                                                            Received
                         0.93 - 1.01            $3.0 MM            Oct 1, 2011 to Dec 31, 2011      BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate           CAD $60K
                         0.93 - 1.01            $2.0 MM            Jan 1, 2012 to Jun 30, 2012       BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate           CAD $40K

                         0.90 – 1.15            $1.0 MM            Jan 1, 2013 to Sept 30, 2013      BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate          CAD $40K

      When the monthly average noon spot foreign exchange rate is outside the payout range, the monthly premium is forfeited. NAL is committed to selling the above listed USD at
      the upper payout range value for that month when the average noon spot foreign exchange rate exceeds the payout range.

                  Fade-in Level          Strike Price           Participation Level     Notional (US)               Term                    Counterparty Floating Rate
                   (USD/CAD)             (USD/CAD)                  (USD/CAD)            per month

                      0.92                    0.985                     1.03              $2.0 MM        Jul 1, 2012 to Dec 31, 2012    BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate
                      0.91                    1.0075                    1.05              $1.5 MM        Jan 1, 2012 to Dec 31, 2012    BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate

                      0.935                   1.00                      1.05              $0.5 MM        Oct 1, 2011 to Dec 31, 2011    BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate

                      0.92                    1.012                    1.0625             $0.5 MM        Jan 1, 2012 to Dec 31, 2012    BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate

                      0.92                    0.995                    1.035              $1.0 MM        Jan 1, 2012 to Dec 31, 2012    BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate

                      0.90                    1.065                     1.15              $1.0 MM        Jan 1, 2013 to Sept 30, 2013   BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate

      NAL is fixed to sell USD on a monthly basis at the strike price. If the Bank of Canada monthly average noon rate is below the fade-in level or between the strike and
      participating level, NAL has no commitment to sell USD.

Note: FX contracts as at 08/09/2011.                                                                                                                                                  40
Experienced Management Team
                                                     Andrew Wiswell
                                                     President & CEO

  Keith Steeves       Vacant               Angele Mullins         John Kanik         John Koyanagi     Clayton Paradis
VP Finance & CFO   VP Ops & COO             Director, HR      Director, Marketing   VP Business Dev.     Director, IR

   Tracy Heck                      David Allen                                        Alex Tworo
   Controller                     Director, E&D                                      A&D Geology

                               Jim Van Camp
                              Saskatchewan BU

                                    Lance Berg
                                  Sylvan Lake BU
                                                            Average of 22 years of E&P experience
                                  Darcy Reding
                                   Western BU

                              Tim Brandenborg
                              Non-Operated BU

                                  Darcy Erickson
                                    Drilling &

                                   Deric Orton                                                                           41
                                  Director, Land
Sell-side Research
Analyst                         Firm              Recommendation
Gordon Tait              BMO Capital Markets           Market Perform
Grant Hofer                Barclays Capital               Underweight
Jeremy Kaliel             CIBC World Markets       Sector Outperformer
Kevin C.H. Lo             FirstEnergy Capital          Market Perform
Stacey McDonald             GMP Securities                        Buy
Cristina Lopez            Macquarie Capital                    Neutral
Kyle Preston            National Bank Financial            Outperform
Jeff Martin                  Peters & Co.               Sector Perform
Kristopher Zack            Raymond James               Market Perform
Mark Friesen             RBC Capital Markets            Sector Perform
Gordon Currie              Salman Partners                       Hold
Patrick Bryden              Scotia Capital              Sector Perform
Michael Zuk                 Stifel Nicolaus                       Sell
Roger Serin                  TD Securities                       Hold
Corporate Information

EXECUTIVE TEAM                                       TRUSTEE AND TRANSFER AGENT

Andrew Wiswell       President & CEO                 Computershare Trust Company
                                                     of Canada
Keith Steeves        VP Finance & CFO
John Koyanagi        VP Business Development
                                                     ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS
INVESTOR RELATIONS                                   McDaniel & Associates
Clayton Paradis      Director, Investor Relations    LEGAL COUNSEL
Local: (403) 294-3620                                Bennett Jones LLP
Toll-free: (888) 223.8792                            STOCK EXCHANGE LISTING
E-mail: investor.relations@nal.ca                    & SYMBOL
                                                     Toronto Stock Exchange: NAE

                                  EXECUTIVE OFFICE
                  1000 – 550 6th Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta, T2P 0S2
                            Website: www.nalenergy.com                             43

Forward Looking Statements
This document contains statements that constitute “forward-looking information” within the meaning of applicable securities legislation as to NAL Energy
Corporation’s (“NAL’s”) internal projections, expectations and beliefs relating to future events or future performance. This forward-looking information
includes, among others, statements regarding: NAL’s strategic focus, business strategy and plans and budgets; business plans for drilling, exploration and
development, including drilling locations; estimates of production and operations performance; forecasted commodity price estimates of future sales;
estimated amounts, allocation and timing of capital expenditures; estimates of operating costs and unit operating costs; the estimated timing and results
of new development programs; estimates of anticipated funds from operations, cash flow, netbacks, dividends, working capital and debt levels; estimated
rates of return; the anticipated results of NAL’s divestiture program; various tax matters related to NAL; NAL’s hedging program; NAL’s prospect inventory;
and other expectations, beliefs, plans, goals, objectives, assumptions, information and statements about possible future events, conditions, results of
operations or performance.
Various assumptions were used in drawing the conclusions or making the forecasts and projections contained in the forward-looking information contained
in this presentation including, without limitation, with respect to commodity prices, interest rates, exchange rates, royalty rates, general and
administrative expenses, the success of NAL's drilling programs and the production profile of NAL's oil and natural gas reserves. Forward-looking information
is based on current expectations, estimates and projections that involve a number of risks, which could cause actual results to vary and in some instances
to differ materially from those anticipated by NAL and described in the forward-looking information contained in this document. Undue reliance should
not be placed on forward-looking information. The material risk factors include, but are not limited to: the risks of the oil and gas industry, such as
operational risks in exploring for, developing and producing oil and natural gas, market demand and unpredictable facilities outages; risks and
uncertainties involving the geology of oil and gas deposits; the uncertainty of estimates and projections relating to production, costs and expenses;
potential delays or changes in plans with respect to exploration or development projects or capital expenditures; risk that adequate pipeline capacity to
transport oil and natural gas to market may not be available; fluctuations in oil and gas prices, foreign currency exchange rates and interest rates; the
outcome and effects of any future acquisitions and dispositions; safety and environmental risks; uncertainties as to the availability and cost of financing
and changes in capital markets; competitive actions of other industry participants; changes in general economic and business conditions; the possibility
that government policies or laws may change or governmental approvals may be delayed or withheld; changes in tax laws; changes in royalty rates; the
results of NAL’s risk mitigation strategies, including insurance; and NAL’s ability to implement its business strategy. Readers are cautioned that the
foregoing list of risk factors is not exhaustive. Additional information on these and other factors which could affect NAL’s operations or financial results
are included in NAL’s most recent Annual Information Form and Annual Financial Report. In addition, information is available in NAL’s other filings with
Canadian securities regulatory authorities.
Forward-looking information is based on the estimates and opinions of NAL’s management at the time the information is released.
Boe Conversion
Throughout this press release, the calculation of barrels of oil equivalent (boe) is based on the widely recognized conversion rate of six thousand cubic feet
(mcf) of natural gas for one barrel (bbl) of oil. Boes may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A boe conversion ratio of 6 mcf:1 bbl is based on
an energy equivalence conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value equivalence at the wellhead.
All dollar amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise stated.

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Corporate presentation november_2011_4

  • 1. Solid Assets & Opportunities Light Oil Focus Financial Flexibility November 2011 TSX: NAE
  • 2. NAL Energy Corporation Profile TSX Symbol NAE Market Capitalization1 $1.2 Billion Monthly Dividend $0.07/share Current Yield1 10.4% Net Debt2 $376 Million Current Shares Outstanding3 150.4 Million Convertible Debentures Trading Symbol NAE.DB NAE.DB.A Coupon 6.75% 6.25% Principal Outstanding ($MM) 80 115 Conversion Price ($/Share) 14.00 16.50 Maturity Date 31AUG12 31DEC14 Notes: 1) As at 22NOV11; 2) As at 30SEP11; 3) As at 08NOV11. 2
  • 3. Operate Across Western Canada British Columbia % Gas & NGL’s: 100% % of Production: 14% SE Saskatchewan % Crude Oil: 93% % of Production: 25% Alberta % Crude Oil: 45% % of Production: 59% 3
  • 4. Reserves Profile • P+P reserves: 104 MMBoe – 109% total production replacement • Proved reserves: 68% of total P+P • Current RLI: 9.4 years • Mix: 50% Liquids – 50% Natural gas • 3 yr average F&D of $18.80/boe; FD&A of $21.86/boe 120,000 100,000 Natural Gas Reserves @ Jan 1 2011 Oil & Liquids P+P Reserves (Mboe) 80,000 PROBABLE 60,000 32% PROVED 40,000 PRODUCING 58% 20,000 PUD's 10% 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 4
  • 5. Income vs Growth • Increasing demand for yield • Dividend payout model fits the WCSB asset base • Payout ratio 40 – 50% of cash flow • Growth through acquisitions – strategic/selective 5
  • 6. Q3 Highlights • Volumes up 2,000 boe/d or 7% Q3/11 vs. Q2/11 • Oil volumes up 7% • Operational highlights • Cardium Lochend performance • Back to business in Saskatchewan • Liquids-rich gas tie-ins • New oil resource play – Sawn Lake • Cash flow in-line with expectations • $250 MM available on lines of $550 MM 6
  • 7. Q3/11 Performance Q3/11 Q2/11 % Change Production (boe/d) 28,752 26,758 7.5 Funds from operations ($MM)1 64.8 60.4 7.3 Funds from operations ($/share) 0.44 0.41 7.3 Capital expenditures ($MM) 86.9 36.1 141 Revenue ($/boe)2 49.30 53.12 -7.2 Operating Netback ($/boe)3 28.64 32.39 -11.6 Notes: 1) All figures prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards 1 (“IFRS1”); 2) net of 7 transportation charges; 3) Before hedging gains/losses.
  • 8. Maintaining Momentum Through Year-end 29,500 December Exit – 29,000 boe/d range H1/11 Impacts 29,000 • Facility outages • Availability of services - timing 28,500 • Wet weather Q3 Actual – 28,752 boe/d 28,000 27,500 Boe/d Q1 Actual- 28,025 boe/d 27,000 Q4 Key Drivers • Saskatchewan recovery/drilling 26,500 Q2 Actual- 26,758 boe/d • Garrington/Lochend Cardium tie-ins • Gas capacity constraints/outages 26,000 25,500 Q1 Q2 Q3e Q4e 8
  • 9. Outlook • On track to complete $240 MM capital program • Production forecast in the 28,500 boe/d1 range • Oil hedges in place for 51% of volumes for 2011 - swaps at US$88/bbl and collars at US$ 90 x 100 Notes: 1) Does not account for unplanned gas facility outages in Q4/11 or volume constraints associated with Star Valley facility fire. 9
  • 10. 2011 Operational Strategy • Oil drilling - 85% of the capital program • Focus on ROR and capital efficiency – 95% Hz drills • Leverage BP and Cochrane partnerships • Prove-up emerging opportunity inventory • Farm-out non-core acreage – maintain upside 10
  • 11. Capital Program On Track (13 Garrington, 4 Cochrane, 1 Willesden Green) (15 in greater Hoffer area) (Pekisko , Viking, other Carbonates) (2 Fireweed , 1 Kakwa, 4 Deep Basin (Wilrich) 11
  • 12. Scalable Oil Development: Cardium West Central AB Key Attributes Garrington/ Westward Ho Cochrane Working Interest (%) 65 65 OOIP/SEC (MMbbl) Up to 4.21 2.62 Reserves per well (Mboe) 165 Up to 225 DCET Cap (Gross - $MM) $3.0 – 3.3 $3.5 – 3.8 OPEX ($/boe) 8 10 Capital Efficiency ($/boe) 16 – 22 15-24 Un-risked ROR (%) 45 35 • Cardium performance - continues to meet or exceed type curves • Successfully implementing water based fracs on all new wells • Approximately 300 gross risked locations in inventory at 2 wells per section • Positive results from downspacing to 3-4 wells/sec 12 **Resource Halo Areas provided by Canadian Discovery Notes: 1) Cardium A&B sands; 2) Cardium A sand only;
  • 13. Advancements in the Cardium • Completion technique advancements include: • Switch to water-based fracs • Longer lateral section – up to 1,500 metres • Reduced inter-frac spacing to 75 metres • Decreased per frac tonnage to 15 tonnes • Target DCET costs: $3.0–3.3 MM in Garrington and $3.5–3.8 MM at Lochend 13
  • 14. Lochend Cardium Exceeding Expectations Lochend 3-17-027-03 1-17-027-03 1-18-027-03 16-19-027-03 14-20-027-03 16-20-027-03 8-33-027-03 W5M On Production August 27, 2010 December 1, 2011 November 3, 2011 November 3,2011 September 5, 2011 December 1, 2011 August 6, 2011 30 day IP (boe/d)1 335 2002 3302 3502 770 3502 172 90 day IP (boe/d) 268 - - - - - 162 Current (boe/d) 189 - 400 617 400 - 137 Formation Cardium A Cardium A Cardium A Cardium A Cardium A Cardium A Cardium A Frac Fluid Type Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Number of Fracs 10 15 11 13 14 14 12 Lateral length (m) 1082 1179 1024 1260 1132 1276 1000 • Q4 2011 results set-up active program for 2012 • Liquids and solution gas handling facilities added in 2011 14 Notes: 1) First full month average post load fluid recovery 2) Forecast
  • 15. Stratigraphic Oil Plays: Mississippian – Southeast SK Key Attributes Working Interest (%) 50 OOIP/Sec (MMbbls) Up to 5 Reserves per well (Mboe) 60 – 200 DCET Cap (Gross -$MM) 1.6 - 1.8 Capital Efficiency ($/boe) 18 Un-risked ROR (%) 40 -50% • Stratigraphic plays laterally extensive • Positive reservoir permeability/porosity • Over 100 gross risked locations • Delineation continuing on Neptune/Oungre • Multi-zone potential: Ratcliffe, Oungre, Red River, Birdbear and Bakken 15
  • 16. Profiling the Mississippian • No multi-stage fracs – lower cost - $1.7MM DCET • IP’s enhanced by under-balanced drilling • New pool royalties at 2.5% on first 100,000 bbls • New oil battery at Hoffer increases reliability • Waterflood potential to increase recovery factors 16
  • 17. Strong Oil Economics - $85/bbl WTI Mississippian - SE Sask Cardium - Alberta Capital Efficiency ($/boe) $16 - $25 $17 - $28 Operating Netback ($/boe) $60 - $70 $65 Recycle Ratio 2x - 3x 2x - 3x Royalties 4.5%* 12% Capital Costs/Well ($MM) 1.5 – 2.0 3.0 – 4.0 Operating Costs ($/boe) 10.00 8.00 Rates of Return 40% - 100% + Up to 40% Note: Assuming US$85/bbl ; * On first 37,000/100,000 bbls. 17
  • 18. Emerging Tight Oil Play: Sawn Lake – North Central AB NAL Land Position: • 23 gross sections • 50% - 100% WI • Slave Point carbonate Development Potential: • Up to 4 wells per section • 75 – 100 locations • First well – Q1/12 Key Offsets1: A: 16-35-91-13W5 Horizontal On Production: March 2011 Peak Rate: 378 bbls/d @ 7% WC August Rate: 335 bbls/d @11% WC B: 1-26-91-13W5 Horizontal On Production: April 2011 Peak Rate: 445 bbls/d @ 2% WC August Rate: 445 bbls/d @ 1% WC 18 Notes: 1) Source - GeoScout
  • 19. Liquids-rich Natural Gas Plays Key Attributes (Wilrich) Working Interest (%) 70 NGL Yield (Bbl/mcf) 15 Gross RGIP (Bcf/well) 3.7 Gross Reserves/Well (Mboe) Up to 620 Capital Efficiency ($/boe) 9.40 Un-risked ROR (%) 40 • Wilrich well performance exceeding expectations with an average 30 day IP capability in excess of 7 mmcf/d • Production at Fireweed is in the 2,100 boe/d range • Up to 90 gross risked locations in inventory 19
  • 20. 2012 Guidance Framework • Guidance to be announced mid-January 2012 • Focus on lower risk operated oil opportunities • Less proof-of-concept, land & facilities capital • Commodity prices key driver of cash flow • 2012 Hedging – 5,000 bbls/d at $97/bbl 20
  • 21. Available Credit Lines Credit Lines ($MM) 2011 Bank of Montreal* 145 $247 MM of credit Royal Bank of Canada 110 available as at Sept. 30th CIBC 87.5 Bank of Nova Scotia 87.5 Alberta Treasury Branch 40 National Bank Financial 40 Union Bank of California 40 Total 550 21 * Includes $15 million of working capital facility
  • 22. NAL Investment Proposition • Balanced portfolio of high quality assets • Focus on light oil • Strong inventory of opportunities • Available lines of credit • Non-taxable for many years • Attractive valuation and yield 22
  • 23. Appendix 23
  • 24. Strategic Partnership with Manulife Manulife: NAL Resources Management • Direct investor in oil and gas assets since 1990 (manages 47,000 boe/d) • Long term investment horizon • Desire to increase investment   Terms of Administrative Cost Sharing NAL Energy Manulife Agreement: • No management or acquisition fees 29,000 18,000 • Shared G&A costs boe/d boe/d • Independently controlled board • Long term contract - 90 day NAL Energy exit option 65% of assets are common Benefits: 90% are operated • Enhanced technical/financial capability • Broad market view & investment discipline • Financial partner in transactions 24
  • 25. NAL Shareholder Analysis Income Focused High Canadian Ownership Institutional Presence Foreign Manulife 3% 1% U.S. 22% Institutional 41% Retail Canadian 58% 75% 25 Note: As at September 30, 2011
  • 26. Cardium Type-Curve NAL’s Drilling Results Validate Type Curve 250 225 Typical Horizontal Well 200 Typical Vertical Well 175 Production (boe/d) 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Months On Production 26
  • 27. SE Sask Mississippian Type-Curve Based on 2006 – 2010 drills 120 110 1st Month IP: 115 bbls/d 100 90 EUR: 110 mboe/well 80 Rate (bbl/d) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180 192 204 27 Months
  • 28. Reserves & Capital Efficiency Summary 2010 2009 Reserves (MMboe) Proved 71.0 70.91 Proved + Probable (“P+P) 103.9 102.21 P+P Reserves/sh (boe/sh) 0.71 0.74 RLI (years) P+P 9.4 9.2 Reserves Replacement Ratio P+P (excluding A&D) 90% 131% P+P (including A&D) 109% 445% Three Year Weighted Average Including Changes in Future Development Capital 2010 2009 2008 2008 – 2010 Finding & Development Costs ($/boe) Proved 21.41 18.52 14.18 17.92 P+P 22.60 17.86 16.24 18.80 F&D Recycle Ratio(3) Proved 1.4 1.7 3.0 1.9 P+P 1.3 1.8 2.6 1.8 Finding, Development & Acquisition Costs ($/boe) Proved 22.37 27.87 19.41 24.77 P+P 22.85 22.33 19.66 21.86 28 Notes: All reserves and production volumes data excludes royalty interest volumes; 1) 2009 reserves have been adjusted for the wind-up of the T&S partnership to be comparable with 2010.
  • 29. Stable Reserves Per Share Performance Stable reserves per share performance reinvesting approximately 53% of cash flow 1.50 200,000 180,000 160,000 P+P Reserves (Mboe) Mboe / 000 units 140,000 1.00 120,000 100,000 80,000 0.50 60,000 40,000 20,000 0.00 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Note: DARPU calculated using year-end reserves, net debt, convertibles and units outstanding. 29 Net debt converted to units using annual average unit price. Converts converted to units at strike price
  • 30. Conservatively Booked Reserves PDP reserves represent a high percentage of total proved 80,000 85% 86% 70,000 60,000 94% 95% 50,000 93% 94% Mboe 40,000 30,000 96% 20,000 10,000 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 30 PROVED PRODUCING PROVED NON-PRODUCING & UNDEVELOPED
  • 31. Conservatively Booked Reserves Probables represent a low percentage of total P+P reserves 120,000 31% 32% 100,000 28% 80,000 27% 30% 30% Mboe 60,000 29% 40,000 20,000 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 31 PROVED PROBABLE
  • 32. Stable Production Per Share Performance Stable production per share performance reinvesting approximately 46% of cash flow 120 35,000 100 30,000 80 Production (boe/d) 25,000 boe / 000 units 60 20,000 40 15,000 20 0 10,000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 P+P Reserves Per Unit Annual Average Production Note: Production per unit calculated using annual average production and annual average units outstanding. 32 This metric is not debt-adjusted given complications in calculating average annual debt figures.
  • 33. Non-Taxable For Many Years Available Tax Pools $ MM Canadian Exploration Expense 91 Canadian Development Expense 442 Canadian Oil & Gas Property Expense 417 Undepreciated Capital Costs 261 Other (including loss carry forwards) 328 Total 1,539 Note: as at 30SEP11 33
  • 34. Hedging Programs Manage Risk • Objective • protect cash flow for the purposes of sustaining dividends and maintaining an active capital program • Board approval • maximum of 60% of net production after royalty • Counterparties • all Canadian chartered banks 34
  • 35. Hedging Program Adding Protection • Crude oil hedges: • 49% of net 2011 liquids volumes - average floor price above US$ 88/bbl • 5,000 bbls/d in 2012 hedged at average floor price above US$ 97/bbl • Natural gas hedges: • 31% of net 2011 gas volumes • Average floor price of approximately C$4.00/GJ • Interest rate: • 45% of 2011 bank debt @ 1.67% • Foreign Exchange: • 36% of 2011 US$ exposure @ $1.0328 35 * Current all in Bank Interest rate 4.7% after Bank Fees; percent of commodity hedged based on mid-point of production guidance range of 29,000 boe/d.
  • 36. Crude Oil Hedge Positions Crude Oil Hedge Contracts as at 11/7/2011 Q4-11 Q1-12 Q2-12 Q3-12 Q4-12 US$ Collar Contracts $US WTI Collar Volume (b/d) 200 900 900 700 700 Bought Puts – Average Strike Price ($US/bbl) 90.00 101.11 101.11 101.43 101.43 Sold Calls – Average Strike Price ($US/bbl) 100.50 117.07 117.07 117.66 117.66 US$ Swap Contracts $US WTI Swap Volume (b/d)* 5,700 3,450 3,450 3,450 3,450 Average WTI Swap Price ($US/bbl) 88.10 95.38 95.38 95.38 95.38 Cdn$ Collar Contracts $Cdn WTI Collar Volume (b/d) Bought Puts – Average Strike Price ($Cdn/bbl) Sold Calls – Average Strike Price ($Cdn/bbl) Cdn$ Swap Contracts $Cdn WTI Swap Volume (b/d) Average WTI Swap Price ($Cdn/bbl) Total Volume (b/d) 5,900 4,350 4,350 4,150 4,150 Note: All counterparties are Canadian banks in our syndicate. • Two 500 bbl/d, calendar 2011, swap contracts with an average price of $95.00 contain extendable call options. The extendible call option provides the counterparty with the option to extend the contract into calendar 2012 under the same price and volumetric terms. The counterparty can exercise this option any time before December 31, 2011. • For calendar 2012, there is a 500 bbl/d and a 250 bb/d swap contract with a price of $87.15 and $100.25 respectively, that contain extendable call options. These options provide the counterparty with the right to extend the contract into calendar 2013 under the same price and volumetric terms. The counterparty can exercise this option anytime before 36 December 31, 2012.
  • 37. Natural Gas Hedge Positions Natural Gas Hedge Contracts as at 11/7/2011 Q4-11 Q1-12 Q2-12 Q3-12 Q4-12 Collar Contracts AECO Collar Volume (GJ/d) Bought Puts – AECO Average Strike Price ($Cdn/GJ) Sold Calls – AECO Average Strike Price ($Cdn/GJ) Swap Contracts AECO Swap Volume (GJ/d) 27,000 24,000 5,000 5,000 3,674 AECO Average Price ($Cdn/GJ) 3.99 3.98 4.16 4.16 4.17 Total Volume (GJ/d) 27,000 24,000 5,000 5,000 3,674 Note: All counterparties are Canadian banks in our syndicate. 37
  • 38. Interest Rate Hedge Positions Financial Interest Rate Swap Contracts as at 11/7/2011 Remaining Term Notional (Cdn $MM) Floating Rate Fixed Rate (Receive) (Pay) Oct 2011 – Dec 2011 39 CAD-BA-CDOR 3 month 1.5864% Oct 2011– Jan 2013 22 CAD-BA-CDOR 3 month 1.3850% Oct 2011– Jan 2014 22 CAD-BA-CDOR 3 month 1.5100% Oct 2011 – Mar 2013 14 CAD-BA-CDOR 3 month 1.8500% Oct 2011 – Mar 2013 14 CAD-BA-CDOR 3 month 1.8750% Oct 2011 – Mar 2014 14 CAD-BA-CDOR 3 month 1.9300% Oct 2011 – Mar 2014 14 CAD-BA-CDOR 3 month 1.9850% Total Notional (Cdn $) 139* * Fixed approximately 49% of floating bank debt ($285MM average for 2011e) Note: All counterparties are Canadian banks in our syndicate. 38
  • 39. Foreign Exchange Hedge Positions Fixed Rate Notional (US) Term Counterparty Floating Rate (USD/CAD) per month 1.05 $2.0 MM Oct 1, 2011 to Dec 31, 2011 BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate 1.0608 $0.5 MM Oct 1, 2011 to Dec 31, 2011 BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate 0.9954 $2.0 MM Jan 1, 2011 to Dec 31, 2011 BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate 1.0565 $1.5 MM Jan 1, 2012 to Dec 31, 2012 BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate NAL has a monthly commitment to settle the above fixed rates against the Bank of Canada monthly average noon rate. The 1.0565 fixed rate calendar 2012 contract contains the premium from the sale of a 1.05 extendable call option that expires December 31, 2011. If exercised the option will be converted to an additional equivalent contract at a fixed rate of 1.05. Option Fixing Range Notional (US) Term Counterparty Floating Rate (USD/CAD) per month .94 - 1.06 $0.5 MM Oct 1, 2011 to Dec 31, 2011 BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate .95 - 1.07 $0.5 MM Oct 1, 2011 to Dec 31, 2011 BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate .94 - 1.08 $0.5 MM Oct 1, 2011 to Dec 31, 2011 BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate .95 - 1.04 $0.5 MM Oct 1, 2011 to Dec 31, 2011 BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate .95 – 1.0138 $1.0 MM Oct 1, 2011 to Dec 31, 2012 BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate When the monthly average noon spot foreign exchange rate exceeds the lower fixing rate, NAL is committed to selling the above listed USD’s at the upper fixing rate for that month. To the extent the monthly average noon spot foreign exchange rate is below the lower fixing rate, NAL has no commitment to sell USD. Note: FX contracts as at 08/09/2011. 39
  • 40. Foreign Exchange Hedge Positions Notional (US) Term Counterparty Floating Rate Option Fixing Range per month (USD/CAD) 1.05 - 1.15 $1.0 MM Oct 1, 2011 to Dec 31, 2011 BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate 0.97 – 1.04 $1.0 MM Jan 1, 2012 to Dec 31, 2012 BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate When the monthly average noon spot foreign exchange rate exceeds the fixing range, NAL is committed to selling the above listed USD at the lower fixing rate for that month. To the extent the monthly average spot foreign exchange rate is below the lower fixing rate, NAL has a commitment to sell the above listed USD at the lower fixing rate. When the monthly average noon spot foreign exchange rate falls within the fixing range, NAL has no commitment to sell USD. Option Payout Notional (US) Term Counterparty Floating Rate Monthly Range per month Premium (USD/CAD) Received 0.93 - 1.01 $3.0 MM Oct 1, 2011 to Dec 31, 2011 BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate CAD $60K 0.93 - 1.01 $2.0 MM Jan 1, 2012 to Jun 30, 2012 BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate CAD $40K 0.90 – 1.15 $1.0 MM Jan 1, 2013 to Sept 30, 2013 BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate CAD $40K When the monthly average noon spot foreign exchange rate is outside the payout range, the monthly premium is forfeited. NAL is committed to selling the above listed USD at the upper payout range value for that month when the average noon spot foreign exchange rate exceeds the payout range. Fade-in Level Strike Price Participation Level Notional (US) Term Counterparty Floating Rate (USD/CAD) (USD/CAD) (USD/CAD) per month 0.92 0.985 1.03 $2.0 MM Jul 1, 2012 to Dec 31, 2012 BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate 0.91 1.0075 1.05 $1.5 MM Jan 1, 2012 to Dec 31, 2012 BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate 0.935 1.00 1.05 $0.5 MM Oct 1, 2011 to Dec 31, 2011 BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate 0.92 1.012 1.0625 $0.5 MM Jan 1, 2012 to Dec 31, 2012 BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate 0.92 0.995 1.035 $1.0 MM Jan 1, 2012 to Dec 31, 2012 BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate 0.90 1.065 1.15 $1.0 MM Jan 1, 2013 to Sept 30, 2013 BofC Monthly Average Noon Rate NAL is fixed to sell USD on a monthly basis at the strike price. If the Bank of Canada monthly average noon rate is below the fade-in level or between the strike and participating level, NAL has no commitment to sell USD. Note: FX contracts as at 08/09/2011. 40
  • 41. Experienced Management Team Andrew Wiswell President & CEO Keith Steeves Vacant Angele Mullins John Kanik John Koyanagi Clayton Paradis VP Finance & CFO VP Ops & COO Director, HR Director, Marketing VP Business Dev. Director, IR Tracy Heck David Allen Alex Tworo Controller Director, E&D A&D Geology Jim Van Camp Saskatchewan BU Lance Berg Sylvan Lake BU Average of 22 years of E&P experience Darcy Reding Western BU Tim Brandenborg Non-Operated BU Darcy Erickson Drilling & Completions Deric Orton 41 Director, Land
  • 42. Sell-side Research Analyst Firm Recommendation Gordon Tait BMO Capital Markets Market Perform Grant Hofer Barclays Capital Underweight Jeremy Kaliel CIBC World Markets Sector Outperformer Kevin C.H. Lo FirstEnergy Capital Market Perform Stacey McDonald GMP Securities Buy Cristina Lopez Macquarie Capital Neutral Kyle Preston National Bank Financial Outperform Jeff Martin Peters & Co. Sector Perform Kristopher Zack Raymond James Market Perform Mark Friesen RBC Capital Markets Sector Perform Gordon Currie Salman Partners Hold Patrick Bryden Scotia Capital Sector Perform Michael Zuk Stifel Nicolaus Sell 42 Roger Serin TD Securities Hold
  • 43. Corporate Information EXECUTIVE TEAM TRUSTEE AND TRANSFER AGENT Andrew Wiswell President & CEO Computershare Trust Company of Canada Keith Steeves VP Finance & CFO AUDITOR John Koyanagi VP Business Development KPMG ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS INVESTOR RELATIONS McDaniel & Associates Clayton Paradis Director, Investor Relations LEGAL COUNSEL Local: (403) 294-3620 Bennett Jones LLP Toll-free: (888) 223.8792 STOCK EXCHANGE LISTING E-mail: investor.relations@nal.ca & SYMBOL Toronto Stock Exchange: NAE EXECUTIVE OFFICE 1000 – 550 6th Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta, T2P 0S2 Website: www.nalenergy.com 43
  • 44. Disclaimers Forward Looking Statements This document contains statements that constitute “forward-looking information” within the meaning of applicable securities legislation as to NAL Energy Corporation’s (“NAL’s”) internal projections, expectations and beliefs relating to future events or future performance. This forward-looking information includes, among others, statements regarding: NAL’s strategic focus, business strategy and plans and budgets; business plans for drilling, exploration and development, including drilling locations; estimates of production and operations performance; forecasted commodity price estimates of future sales; estimated amounts, allocation and timing of capital expenditures; estimates of operating costs and unit operating costs; the estimated timing and results of new development programs; estimates of anticipated funds from operations, cash flow, netbacks, dividends, working capital and debt levels; estimated rates of return; the anticipated results of NAL’s divestiture program; various tax matters related to NAL; NAL’s hedging program; NAL’s prospect inventory; and other expectations, beliefs, plans, goals, objectives, assumptions, information and statements about possible future events, conditions, results of operations or performance. Various assumptions were used in drawing the conclusions or making the forecasts and projections contained in the forward-looking information contained in this presentation including, without limitation, with respect to commodity prices, interest rates, exchange rates, royalty rates, general and administrative expenses, the success of NAL's drilling programs and the production profile of NAL's oil and natural gas reserves. Forward-looking information is based on current expectations, estimates and projections that involve a number of risks, which could cause actual results to vary and in some instances to differ materially from those anticipated by NAL and described in the forward-looking information contained in this document. Undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking information. The material risk factors include, but are not limited to: the risks of the oil and gas industry, such as operational risks in exploring for, developing and producing oil and natural gas, market demand and unpredictable facilities outages; risks and uncertainties involving the geology of oil and gas deposits; the uncertainty of estimates and projections relating to production, costs and expenses; potential delays or changes in plans with respect to exploration or development projects or capital expenditures; risk that adequate pipeline capacity to transport oil and natural gas to market may not be available; fluctuations in oil and gas prices, foreign currency exchange rates and interest rates; the outcome and effects of any future acquisitions and dispositions; safety and environmental risks; uncertainties as to the availability and cost of financing and changes in capital markets; competitive actions of other industry participants; changes in general economic and business conditions; the possibility that government policies or laws may change or governmental approvals may be delayed or withheld; changes in tax laws; changes in royalty rates; the results of NAL’s risk mitigation strategies, including insurance; and NAL’s ability to implement its business strategy. Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list of risk factors is not exhaustive. Additional information on these and other factors which could affect NAL’s operations or financial results are included in NAL’s most recent Annual Information Form and Annual Financial Report. In addition, information is available in NAL’s other filings with Canadian securities regulatory authorities. Forward-looking information is based on the estimates and opinions of NAL’s management at the time the information is released. Boe Conversion Throughout this press release, the calculation of barrels of oil equivalent (boe) is based on the widely recognized conversion rate of six thousand cubic feet (mcf) of natural gas for one barrel (bbl) of oil. Boes may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A boe conversion ratio of 6 mcf:1 bbl is based on an energy equivalence conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value equivalence at the wellhead. 44 All dollar amounts in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise stated.