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A Project Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the 
degree of Master of Business Administration 
K. R. Sapkal College of Management Studies 
Sapkal Knowledge Hub, Kalyani Hills. 
Anjaneri-Wadholi, Trimbakeshwar Road. 
Nashik-422213.Tel-(02594) 220165.Fax-(02594)220166 
Pune University -Pune -411007 
Year 2012-2014
D E C L A R A T I O N 
I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the project report entitled “SIGNIFICANCE 
AUTOMOBILES PVT. LTD.” written & submitted by me to the University of Pune, in 
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Masters of business administration 
under the guidance of Prof. AJEET WAGH is my original work & the conclusions drawn 
therein are based on the material collected by myself. 
I further declare that the personal data & information received from any respondent 
during survey has not been shared with any one and is used for academic purpose only. 
K.R.Sapkal College of Management Studies Name and Signature of the student 
Sapkal Knowledge Hub, Kalyani Hills. (ABHAYPRATAP S. SINGH) 
Anjaneri-Wadholi, TrimbakeshwarRoad. 
Nashik-422213.Tel-(02594) 220165. 
This is to certify that Mr. AbhaypratapSangram Singh has completed project report 
on “Significance of extended 3 P’s of marketing with reference to Shreekripa 
Automobiles Pvt. Ltd.” under my guidance and supervision, and submitted the Report as 
laid down by Pune University, Pune. The material that has been obtained from other sources 
is duly acknowledged in the Report. It is further certified that the work or its part has not 
been submitted to any other University for examination under my supervision. I consider this 
work worthy for the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration. 
K.R.Sapkal College of Management Studies Name and Signature of Guide 
Sapkal Knowledge Hub, Kalyani Hills. Prof. Ajeet Wagh 
Anjaneri-Wadholi, Trimbakeshwar Road. Date: 
Nashik-422213.Tel-(02594) 220165. 
It is a fact that none of the human being in this world is 100% perfect and in order to 
gain some perfectness in itself an individual surely needs a helping hand. The same was with 
me with respect to the project that I was undergoing during this session of 2 months. As I too 
was illiterate with this research topic that I selected for my research at the initial stages, I got 
acquainted with it slowly and steadily through efforts and surely from various intelligent and 
helpful personalities. I would like to extend my heartily thanks to all of them through this 
It is a great pleasure to me in acknowledging my deep sense of gratitude to all those 
who have helped me in completing this project successfully. 
First of all I would like to thank DR. B. B. RAYATE for providing me an 
opportunity to undertake a project as a partial fulfillment of master in business 
I would like to thank our Project Guide Prof. AJEET WAGH whose valuable 
guidance and encouragement at every phase of the project has helped to prepare this project 
It gives me a pleasure to express my sincere gratitude to words of thank to 
VINODMATERE (General Manager) and YUSUF KHAN (Sales Manager) of 
SHREEKRIPA AUTOMOBILES PVT. LTD. For Providing me the concrete exposure in 
field of marketing. He always motivated to teach me practical concept of international 
I am also thankful for MRS. TEJASWITA MAM (HR Manager) and Mr. AMOL 
VYAWAHARE (VW Finance Manager) for guiding during project. I would like to thank 
rest of the staff member of Shreekripa Automobiles Pvt. Ltd. 
Last but not the least, my special thanks to my parents, without whose support and 
blessings, I would not have been successful in completed my project work.
No. Particular Page no. 
I. Executive summary 
Sr. no Particulars Page no.
Sr. no Particulars Page no.
Chapter 1:- Introduction to Project 
1.1 Object of the Project 
1.2 Selection of the topic 
1.3 Objectives of the study 
1.4 Scope of the study 
1.5 Rationale of the study 
1.6 Limitation of the study
1.1 Object of the Project 
As per the MBA curriculum, at the end of the first year, the students are required to 
undergo a summer project for a span of min 50 days and max 60 days. This summer training 
is an integral part of the MBA course and its successful completion is a pre-requisite for the 
fulfillment of the post graduate degree in management. 
This summer training is undertaken with the aim of fulfilling the following objectives: 
 To get an opportunity of real life business and actions taking experience. 
 To able to apply theoretical knowledge obtained at the institute in a practical manner 
in the actual business environment. 
 To understand the real organizational problems, perceptions and challenges 
 To get an opportunity to communicate with the people working at different levels in 
the organization and to get acquainted with their authorities and responsibilities. 
 It also gives the chance for students to apply logic in practically solving the recurring 
problems in business unit. 
 A project work always has a social relevance. 
Apart from these objectives the other objectives are to study certain fundamentals, 
commercial and environmental aspects of the company.
1.2 Selection of the topic 
Topic selection is the one of the most important aspects of the project. As it decide the 
course of action to be taken. The topic selected should be such that it helps in understanding 
the marketing concepts clearly. 
The researcher has joined Shreekripa Automobiles Pvt. Ltd. as a summer trainee on 25th 
May 2013. This has been first chance in the market place. 
Researcher training at dealership was that of sales and marketing, which gave enough 
training, experience and exposure to the market place which any of the management training 
has given enough opportunity to brush up various skills like communication skill, analytical 
skills etc, it also helped a lot to practically implement the theoretical knowledge which 
researcher has gained in course curriculum till now. 
Each and every day of training in Shreekripa Automobiles Pvt. Ltd was a learning 
experience for researcher. For time and again researcher had experienced both success and 
failure, success acted as an encouragement to fight against all the odds, each mistake and 
failure bought with itself the Lesson to learn, and never repeat the act. 
The main objective behind selection this project topic is to conduct the significance of 
services in automobile sector for Volkswagen for the service provided at the dealership and 
recording, analyzing and interpreting the wants and expectations of customers. 
For the company, it is essential to know whether customers are satisfied by the quality of 
service provided by the employees at the dealership.
1.3 Objectives of the study 
Primary Objective:- 
 To know the impact of extended 3 P’s of marketing (People, Process and Physical 
evidence) for selling VOLKSWAGEN CARS. 
Secondary objective:- 
 To analyse impact of dealership infrastructure of on customer. 
 To study and analyse the quality of services available at dealership. 
 To know which kind of services can attract the new customers. 
 To find the area to be improved. 
 To know whether the SPARSH component of Volkswagen are followed at the dealer.
The extended mix help company in knowing the needs, wants and expectations of the 
customer it also helps to collect feedback about the product this will assist company to 
built the good image in the minds of customer. 
The scope of project work was restricted to the extended mix i.e people, process and 
physical evidence of Shreekripa Automobiles Pvt. Ltd. Nashik. 
The study was conducted in automobile sector. The study was done on sales and 
service of VW car at Shreekripa Automobiles Pvt. Ltd. Nashik. 
The study was conducted for Nashik city and area under dealership of Shreekripa.
The project work is justified by its usefulness to the student, to the organization & to the 
 Utility to the Researcher:- 
 This project work has helped researcher in gaining practical knowledge. 
 This study will help researcher in future job perspective. 
 This study has helped researcher to boost his confidence level and self motivation. 
 While doing this project researcher learns how to interact with the customers. 
 If researcher get an opportunity to work in Automobile sector, this experience will 
help him in sales and marketing field and how to deal it. 
 Utility to organization and Society:- 
 They will get idea, in which area they have to improve. 
 It creates a positive image of the company in the society. 
 The project work will help to improve efficiency and effectiveness of an 
 This study will act as a source of secondary data for society. 
 The suggestions can be useful to similar other organizations also. 
 This research work will also useful for other researcher.
1.6 Limitation of the study 
Every study or work, which we carried out, is full of information but there are certain 
limitations because of which we are unable to get the information. The limitations can be – 
 The information system is confidential and hence the company’s records were 
not fully disclosed. 
 Some of the information lacked accuracy due to which approximated values 
were used for the analysis. Hence the result also reveals approximated values. 
 The responses may vary as some people did not want to come up with real 
 The people were busy in their own work so they might not have given actual 
Research is the process of systematic and in depth study or search for any particular 
topic, subject or area of investigation backed by collection, compilation, presentation and 
interpretation of relevant details or data. It is a careful search or inquiry into any subject or 
subject matter which is an endeavor to discover or find out valuable facts which would be 
useful for further application or utilization. 
Research is sufficiently objective and systematic to make possible classification, 
generalization and verification of the data observed. 
Research is essentially a systematic inquiry seeking facts through objective verifiable 
methods in order to discover the relationship among them and to deduce from them broad 
principle or laws. 
Need for Research:- 
Research provides an analytical framework for the subject matter of investigation. It 
establishes the relationship between different variables, especially the relationship of 
dependent variables with independent variables. The cause-effect relationship between 
different variables can also be identified, leading to valuable observations, generalizations 
and conclusions. 
It has been observed that research is of extensive use for manager in planning, 
forecasting, Coordinating, controlling, motivating, decision making etc. 
The purpose of research is to discover answers to questions through the application of 
scientific procedures. The main aim of research is to find out the truth which is hidden and 
which has not been discovered as yet. 
1. To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it. 
2. To portray accurately the characteristic of a particular individual, situation or 
3. To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is 
associated with something else. 
Research design is mainly of three types: 
1. Exploratory research 
2. Descriptive research 
3. Experimental research 
It is often the initial stage in the series of studies designed to supply information for 
decision making. The main purpose of this research is for formulating the problem for more 
precise investigation or of developing a working hypothesis from an operational point of 
view. The major emphasis in such studies is on the discovery of ideas & insights. 
It includes surveys & fact finding enquiries. The descriptive research is typically 
concerned with determining the frequencies with which something occurs or determining the 
degree to which variables is associated. Descriptive research designs help provide answers to 
the questions of who, what, when, where, and how associated with a particular research 
problem; a descriptive study cannot conclusively ascertain answers to why. 
In this some variables are manipulated to observe their effect on other variables. 
Experimentation is defined as a process where events occur in a setting at the discretion of 
the experiment & controls are used to identify the sources of variants in the subject. Thus 
they are those where the researcher tests the hypothesis of the casual relationship between 
Descriptive research design includes survey & fact finding inquiries of different kinds. 
The major purpose of descriptive research is description of state of affairs as it exists at 
Problem Identification 
Defining Marketing Problem 
Defining the Marketing Sub-problems 
Hypothesis Generation 
Objectives and Areas of Enquiry 
Sample Design and Size 
Methods of Data Collection 
Analysis of Data Collected 
Recommendations & Suggestions 
Data Report & Decision Making
A sampling is a selection of units from the entire group is called population. In 
marketing, a sample is a particular segment or part of the market & it is the focus for taking 
marketing decisions which can be applied to entire market. It must be random, representative, 
proportional & adequate. 
“Sampling is the selection of certain percentage of a group of items according to a 
predetermined plan” 
Sampling is used to collect primary data. Sampling is the integral part of data 
collection process. The way of selecting a sample is known as sample design. It is the 
definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. It may as well lay down the 
number of items to be included in the sample i.e. the size of sample. Sample design is 
determined before data are collected. 
A total of 100 Respondents were interviewed. 
Sample size existing customer 
walk-in enquiry 
Sampling method Simple random sampling 
Sampling area Nasik city
For the above study samples of respondents were selected by using convenience 
sampling technique of sampling after finalizing the sample size the structured questionnaire 
was prepared and accordingly the required data were collected from the respondents. 
In dealing with any real life problem, it is often found that data at hand is inadequate 
and hence, it becomes necessary to collect data that is appropriate. These are several ways of 
collecting the appropriate data which differ considerably in context of money costs, time and 
other resources at the disposal of the researcher. The task of data collection begins after a 
project objective has been defined and research design/ plan chalked out. While deciding 
about the method of data collection to be used for the project, the researcher should keep in 
mind two types of data viz. 
1. Primary Data 
2. Secondary Data 
Primary data Secondary data 
1. Primary data is collected fresh and for 
the first time, primary data is also called 
as basic data or original data 
Method :- survey 
1. Secondary data means data that is 
already is available in various reports, 
diaries, letters, books, periodicals. 
2.Tools of Data collection:- 
a) Questionnaire 
 open ended 
 Close ended 
2. Tools of Data collection:- 
1. Primary data was collected through:- 
Primary data are those which are collected fresh and for the first time and thus 
Happen to be original in chapters. I have collected my data through phone calling and 
through direct communication with respondents in one form or another or through 
personal interviews. Through observation method I was able to record the natural 
behaviour of the group. Sometimes I verify the truth of statements made by 
informants in the context of a questionnaire. 
Questionnaire from the existing customers and walk-in customers. 
The Questionnaire included objective type question & descriptive question 
The data was collected by two separate questionnaire:- 
1) Enquiry (prospective customer): the separate questionnaire for people and 
physical evidence were made for the walk-in enquiries of the prospective 
2) Existing customer: the separate questionnaire was prepared on the process and 
documentation of the Shreekripa Automobiles Pvt. Ltd. 
2. Secondary data collection: - 
The secondary data are those which have already collected and stored. 
Secondary data easily get those secondary data from records, journals, annual reports 
of the company etc. It will save the time, money and efforts to collect the data. 
Secondary data also made available through trade magazines, balance sheets, books 
The secondary data is collected through various sources as follows 
A) Internet websites like Google, Wikipedia. 
B) Company records, Magazines, journals, newspapers, prospectus, CSS Reports. 
Marketing Management- Philip Kotler( 13thEdition) 
Research Methodology- C.R.Khotari (2nd Edition) 
Service Marketing- K. Rama Mohana Rao (2nd Edition) 
Magazines & Journals:- 
Referred magazines & journals printed by Volkswagen and Sparsh. 
Research Instrument:- 
Questionnaire was used as it helped to cover all the target areas. Also collecting the 
data through questionnaire was very time saving and cost factor was also reduced. The 
questionnaire consisted of both open ended and close ended questions.
Statistical/Data Presentation Tools 
Descriptive statistics enable us to understand data through summary values and 
graphical presentations. Summary values not only include the average, but also the spread, 
median, mode, range, and standard deviation. It is important to look at summary statistics 
along with the data set to understand the entire picture, as the same summary statistics may 
describe very different data sets. Descriptive statistics can be illustrated in an understandable 
fashion by presenting them graphically using statistical and data presentation tools. 
When creating graphic displays, keep in mind the following questions: 
• What the researcher is trying to communicate? 
• Who is the audience? 
• What might prevent them from understanding this display? 
• Does the display tell the entire story? 
Several types of statistical/data presentation tools exist, including: (a) charts displaying 
frequencies (bar, pie, and Pareto charts), (b) charts displaying trends (run and control charts), 
(c) charts displaying distributions (histograms), and (d) charts displaying associations (scatter 
Different types of data require different kinds of statistical tools. There are two types 
of data. Attribute data are countable data or data that can be put into categories: e.g., the 
number of people willing to pay, the number of complaints, percentage who want 
blue/percentage who want red/percentage who want yellow. Variable data are measurement 
data, based on some continuous scale: e.g., length, time, cost.
Choosing Data Display Tools 
To Show Use Data Needed 
Frequency of occurance: Simple 
percentages or comparisons of magnitude 
Tallies by category (data can be attribute 
data or variable data divided into 
Figure no.:01 Figure no.:02 
(3rd Sept, 1875-30 Apl,1951) (17 Apl, 1937,Vienna, Austria) 
Volkswagen is Europe’s and one of the world’s leading car manufacturer with a 
presence in over 153 countries around the world, One of the world’s most recognized and 
respected brands. Volkswagen literally translated from German as ‘People’s Car’ has 
constantly pushed the envelope in the automobile industry, and has created some of the most 
loved and respected cars of our times. As the industry evolves, Volkswagen is at the forefront 
of driving this evolution, and has, in a sense become synonymous with “The Car” or “Das 
Auto” which is the tagline. 
Today, the Volkswagen group Is Europe’s largest car manufacturer. And one of the 
world’s leading car maker. Volkswagen’s list of achievement is impressive and its vision for 
the future is ambitious with a rich heritage and strong fundamentals the company is poised to 
script the future of the global automobile industry.
Background information:- 
Beginning in the late 1930s, Volkswagen created tanks and driving equipment for 
Nazi Germany during World War II. After the war, Great Britain had the choice to either 
destroy the Volkswagen plant or continue production. They saw potential in Volkswagen and 
decided to allow it to continue to manufacturer vehicles. 
Volkswagen grew during the next few decades; acquiring new brands and expanding 
the brands it had with new vehicles to fit the growing demand of consumers Today, 
Volkswagen is recognized as a unique and distinct car brand. It is recognized through its one 
of-a-kind vehicles like the Beetle and the Tiguan as well as for its innovative advertising. 
Volkswagen is not afraid to take risks and stand out from the crowd. They are one of the only 
automotive manufacturers to work with clean diesel and have a strategy plan to build and sell 
an electric car for each customer group they serve. They firmly believe in the responsibility 
they have to better the environment and, because of this, wrote an 80-page sustainability 
report with goals and objectives for the future of that their company both through 
environmental decisions and responsibilities to promote education and stability in their local 
communities. From its troubled beginnings to its slow and steady rise to the top of the 
automotive world, Volkswagen has never forgotten what its sole purpose was: to be the 
people’s car. No matter what has happened, Volkswagen has always put the customer first 
and designed and sold vehicles for them.
Figure no.:03 (Chakan plant, Pune—source google) 
Volkswagen entered the Indian market in 2007 with the launch of its globally 
acclaimed sedan, The Passat. In 2008 Volkswagen expanded in India portfolio by offering the 
global Best seller Jetta for sale in the Indian market. 
Volkswagen committed to the Indian market and establishing a long term presence in 
the Indian automobile market is a key element of its strategy. In line with this objective 
Volkswagen set up a Greenfield facility near Pune at an investment of over 3800 cr. This 
investment is the largest made by a German corporation in India to date and this is evidence 
of Volkswagen commitment to the Indian market. The new Volkswagen plant in Chakan near 
Pune, Maharashtra went on stream on December 12, 2009 and began manufacturing ‘The 
POLO’ the company’s first launch in the high volume and competitive Hatchback segment. 
With the launch of POLO and VENTO in 2010, Volkswagen is making rapid inroads 
into the lucrative volume segment India. Importantly, Volkswagen has established itself as an 
inspirational brand- one that the Indian car buyer wants to own. On the back of an aggressive 
growth plan in India, Volkswagen aims to capture 10% market share in the very near future.
Figure no.: 04 (VW Headquarter-source:-Google) 
Headquarter: - Wolfsburg, Germany 
Founded: - 28 May 1937 
Industry: - Automotive 
Area served: - Worldwide 
Products: - Cars 
Website: - www.volkswagen.com 
Type of 
Organization: - Public
Mission Statement:- 
The mission statement of the Volkswagen Group focuses the VW leaders on 
responsible business and the benefits of it to consumers. 
The Mission Statement of the Volkswagen Group: The internal mission statement of the 
Volkswagen group is not available to the public, but on November 25, 2010, the Volkswagen 
Group joined 21 German companies in agreeing to a “mission statement for responsible 
actions in business”, which serves as a national mission for the VW group and focuses the 
Volkswagen leaders on the benefits to consumers. The six principles of this shared mission 
statement are: 
 Business must serve the good of the people 
 Business that serves the good of the people requires competition. 
 Business that serves the good of the people is based on merit. 
 Business that serves the good of the people takes place globally 
 Business that serves the good of the people must be sustainable 
 Business that serves the good of the people demands responsible. 
Vision statement:- 
Volkswagen brand vision is to become a most innovative high volume manufacturer 
offering the best quality in the respective class.
Volkswagen Brand Pillars 
Volkswagen is one of the most recognized loved and respected brands around the world. 
The Brands values are:- 
 Valuable:- 
 Innovative:- 
 Responsible:- 
These values define the care of wheel. They promise to offer to customer through their 
interactions with Products and Brands. 
1. Valuable: - 
The Volkswagen Brands express an indispensable quality in the car market. It 
promises to satisfy customer’s basic rational and emotional needs. 
This is an extremely important faced in acquiring customers for the Volkswagen 
brand all over the market. 
2. Innovative:- 
Volkswagen seeks to differentiate itself from competition in car market across the 
world. The Innovative brand values communicate Volkswagen’s commitment to 
innovation. Volkswagen’s Endeavour is to differentiate itself in a sustainable manner 
through innovative products, technologies and services. 
3. Responsible:- 
As the automobile industry evolves there is growing emphasis on the industry’s 
responsibility towards the environment. Volkswagen is at forefront of this change as a 
responsible global player in an important industry. Volkswagen takes the 
responsibility for people, the environment and initiatives.
VOLKSWAGEN NASHIK (Dealer’s profile) 
Figure no.:05 (Source of data primary) 
Name: - Shreekripa Automobiles Pvt. Ltd. 
Address: - P11/1, Ambad,MIDC, New Mumbai Agra Road Ambad, Nashik, 
Phone: - 0253-2380622/666/555/333 
Email: - Info@Vw-Shreekripa.co.in
Organization Structure 
General Manager 
Accounts HRM Spare 
TL Corporate 
TL upcountry 
TL Vento 
TL Polo 
Sales consultants 
Sales consultants 
Sales consultants 
Sales consultants 
Body Spare 
Service Dept. 
CRM Sales 
CRM Service 
Other Bank 
Shreekripa Automobiles Private Limited is the authorized dealership for 
VOLKWAGEN CARS. It was established in 2009 by Shah Group. Shreekripa has been 
dedicated to servicing the needs of the auto-enthusiasts by providing them with a range of 
cars from the smaller segment to the luxury cars. In addition to an exciting offering of luxury 
cars, we also cater to our esteemed clientele & customers by attending to their requirements 
with impeccable after sales service and genuine spare parts for all the vehicles sold through 
the dealership. We always aspire to give 100% to our customers. Be it Sales or after Sales. 
What sets us apart from the others is our team spirit and team work. Over the last three years, 
Shreekripa group has invested in building up a dedicated team of professionals to look after 
the demanding needs of luxury vehicle owners. Each individual is valued for distinctive 
abilities, experience and perspective they bring. We believe in ourselves and the people 
working with us, together as a family, we work towards one common goal across all 
functions, i.e. customer delight. At Shreekripa, we believe in providing the best to all our 
customers, be it services during sales, after-sales services or support functions. 
Corporate Goals and Vision:- 
Our mission is being the best automotive retail organization with a very high level of 
customer satisfaction. In order to achieve this mission, we at Shreekripa have made concerted 
efforts to develop certain core strengths to become successful in the business of car sales and 
Our strengths are as follows: 
 Up-to-date & modern showrooms equipped with Customer lounge & comfort 
zones for customers to be at ease while making their buying purchases. 
 Well-trained team capable of handling the demanding needs of the customers and 
their cars. 
 Good quality of systems and procedures which ensures timeliness. 
 Well equipped workshop(s) having sophisticated tools and diagnostic 
 An extensive satisfied customer base. 
 Promoters and Core Management. 
Achievements and Awards:- 
SAPL has been awarded with numerous awards and a few of them are listed below 
Figure no.: 06 Figure no.:07 
Polo Specification:- 
Particulars Petrol Diesel Polo GT 
Dimensions & Weight 
Length 3970 mm 3970 mm 3970 mm 
Width 1682 mm 1682 mm 1682 mm 
Height 1453 mm 1453 mm 1453 mm 
Wheelbase 2456 mm 2456 mm 2456 mm 
Ground Clearance 168 mm 168 mm 168 mm 
Kerb Weight 1055 kg 1055 kg 1140 kg 
Fuel Tank Capacity 45 liters 45 liters 45 liters 
Engine & Transmission 
Engine Type 3 cylinder inline 3 cylinder inline 4 Cylinder 
Displacement 1198 cc 1199 cc 1197 cc 
Fuel Type Petrol Diesel Petrol 
Max Power 74 bhp @ 5400 
74 bhp @ 4200 
103 bhp @ 5000 
Max Torque 
110 Nm @ 3750 
180 Nm @ 2000 
175 Nm @ 1500 
Mileage (ARAI) 16.47 kmpl 22.04 kmpl 
Transmission Type Manual Manual Automatic 
No of gears 5 Gears 5 Gears 7 Gears 
Front & Rear Tyres 185 / 60 R15 185 / 60 R15 185 / 60 R15 
Front & Rear Brake Type Disc/ Drum Disc/ Drum Disc/ Drum
c)The VENTO 
Figure no.: 08 
Vento Specification:- 
Particulars Petrol Diesel 
Dimensions & Weight 
Length 4384 mm 4384 mm 
Width 1699 mm 1699 mm 
Height 1466 mm 1466 mm 
Wheelbase 2552 mm 2552 mm 
Ground Clearance 168 mm 168 mm 
Kerb Weight 1130 kg 1220 kg 
Fuel Tank Capacity 55 liters 55 liters 
Engine & Transmission 
Engine Type 4 cylinder inline 4 cylinder inline 
Displacement 1598 cc 1598 cc 
Fuel Type Petrol Diesel 
Max Power 103 bhp @ 5250 RPM 
103 bhp @ 4400 
Max Torque 153 Nm @ 3800 RPM 
250 Nm @ 1500 
Mileage (ARAI) 15.04 kmpl 20.5 kmpl 
Transmission Type Manual Manual 
No of gears 5 Gears 5 Gears 
Front Brake Type Disc Disc 
Rear Brake Type Drum Drum 
Steering Type 
Electronic Power 
Electronic Power 
Front Tyres 185 / 60 R15 185 / 60 R15 
Rear Tyres 185 / 60 R15 185 60 R15
d) The Jetta:- 
Figure no.: 09 
Jetta specification:- 
Particulars MT AT 
Dimensions & Weight 
Length 4644 mm 4644 mm 
Width 1778 mm 1778 mm 
Height 1453 mm 1453 mm 
Wheelbase 2633 mm 2633 mm 
Ground Clearance 159 mm 159 mm 
Kerb Weight 1445 kg 1445 kg 
Fuel Tank Capacity 55 liters 55 liters 
Engine & Transmission 
Engine Type 4 cylinder inline 4 cylinder inline 
Displacement 1968 cc 1968 cc 
Fuel Type Diesel Diesel 
Max Power 138 bhp @ 4200 RPM 
138 bhp @ 4200 
Max Torque 320 Nm @ 1750 RPM 
320 Nm @ 1750 
Mileage (ARAI) 19.33 kmpl 19.33 kmpl 
Suspension Front 
Coil spring with shock 
absorbers and 
suspension stabilizer 
Coil spring with 
shock absorbers and 
suspension stabilizer 
Front & Rear Brake Type Disc Disc 
Steering Type 
Electronic Power 
Electronic Power 
Front Tyres 205 / 55 R16 205 55 R16
e) The PASSAT:- 
Figure no.: 10 
The Passat specifications:- 
Particulars MT AT 
Dimensions & Weight 
Length 4769 mm 4769 mm 
Width 1820 mm 1820 mm 
Height 1470 mm 1470 mm 
Wheelbase 2711 mm 2711 mm 
Ground Clearance 150 mm 150 mm 
Kerb Weight 1555 kg 1555 kg 
Fuel Tank Capacity 70 liters 70 liters 
Engine & Transmission 
Engine Type 
4 Cylinder Common rail 
diesel engine 
4 Cylinder Common 
rail diesel engine 
Displacement 1968 cc 1968 cc 
Fuel Type Diesel Diesel 
Max Power 168 bhp @ 4200 RPM 
168 bhp @ 4200 
Max Torque 350 Nm @ 1750 RPM 
350 Nm @ 1750 
Mileage (ARAI) 18.78 kmpl 18.78 kmpl 
Transmission Type Manual Automatic 
No of gears 6 Gears 6 Gears 
Front & rear Brake Type Disc Disc 
Steering Type Power Steering Power Steering 
Front & Rear Tyres 215 / 55 R16 215 / 55 R16
The Volkswagen Family:- 
Volkswagen Group is far more than just a carmaker. A wide variety of 
mobility related services round off their portfolio. Uniting a wide variety of brands 
and companies with all their individual characteristics and focuses under one umbrella 
is a great challenge, especially as the Volkswagen Group is committed to maintaining 
their individual identities. 
Figure no. 11 
 Nutzfahrzeuge 
 MAN 
Corporate functions and practices at dealership:- 
The dealer is engaged with various kinds of service some of them are mentioned 
 After delivery of car a congratulation letter send to the customer within 24 
hours by courier. 
 After that delivery of car 3rd day follow up is taken by the Customer Relation 
Executive (CRE) at the dealership. 
 The sales consultant visit the customer on 7th day for follow up and take 
feedback of the customer about the experience perceived by the customer at 
the time of delivery. 
 The last follow up is taken by Volkswagen team from the customer about the 
services offered at dealership. 
 Apart from this there are various other activities done by the dealer such as 
giving free pass of sport rally to the premium customer, informing about the 
new finance schemes and discount of the loyal and premium customer to 
generate more enquiry and reference for Volkswagen car. 
 The dealer is also engaged with organising corporate events as well as other 
events in the city and outside city.
Chapter 4:- Review of Literature 
4.1 Meaning and concepts of the topic 
4.2 Basic Theories of the topic 
4.3 Review of research on the selected topic
4.1 Meaning and concepts of the topic:- 
The service marketing mix is also known as an extended marketing mix and is an 
integral part of a service blueprint design. The service marketing mix consists of 7P’s as 
compared to the 4 P’s of a product marketing mix. Simply said, the service marketing mix 
assumes the service as a product itself. However it adds 3 more P’s which are required for 
optimum service delivery. 
Product Price Promotions Place 
People Process Physical evidence 
Definitions: - 
Product marketing 
The service has been defined by several marketing analysis and associations. The 
study of such definitions provides an understanding of the direction of evolution of the 
concept of services. It also provides the changing perception of service by the society in 
general and business concerns in particular. 
1. American Marketing Association defines services as- 
“Activities, benefits and satisfactions, which are offered for sale or are 
provided in connection with the sale of goods”. 
2. P, Kotlar and P. N. Bloom defined a service as- 
“Any activities or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially 
intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. Its production may 
or may not be tied to a physical product”.
The basic questions that confront everyone are: 
Why should there be a separate learning on service marketing? Are the marketing 
concepts and techniques developed for the manufacturing sector not applicable to services? 
Do services require distinctive strategies in marketing? The answers to these questions 
provide the basic platform for an understanding of service marketing. 
A different marketing approach is necessary for services marketing because services 
differ from goods in many respects. The following are the differences between physical 
goods and services. 
 Services are intangible, Goods are tangible. 
 Services are heterogeneous whereas goods are homogeneous. 
 Services are produced in buyer-seller interactions. Goods are produced in a factory. 
 Production, distribution and consumption take place simultaneously in the case of 
services. In the case of goods, the three are separate and independent functions. 
 Consumers are co-producers in services. Consumers do not generally participate in 
the production of goods. 
 Services cannot be stored. Goods can be stored. 
 In the sale of services, the transfer of ownership does not take place, whereas in the 
case of goods, it does take place. 
4.2 Basic Theories of the topic:- 
The New 3 P’s in Service Marketing:- 
Traditional 4P’s marketing is adapt to products marketing, but in service management 
something new are needed. Booms and Bitner advise three new P’s to service marketing: 
people, physical evidence and process 
People are the most important elements in any service or experience. Since in separability 
and variability lead to a customer experience, which, we say, one of the aspects of expected 
performance, are often altered to meet the individual needs of person consuming it. Then we 
can imagine the situation that people always buy from people that they like, so that the skills, 
attitude, appearance of staff go up to the top class. There are several ways in which people
add value to an experience: first is training, personnel developed or educated to obtain a high 
quality of personal service; second is personal selling, a tough work and creative skill; and 
third is customer service, a team who provide expertise, technical support and some customer 
Physical Evidence 
The intangibility of service brings the difficulties of unclear, untouchable, and even doubtful 
sometimes. Strictly speaking there are no physical attributes in service, so a consumer often 
relies on those tangible evidences for confidence. Here we consider football match, which is 
typically packed full of physical evidence. A ticket often has the logo of home team, and 
plays in a same team are wearing uniforms. The stadium is impressive and has an electrifying 
atmosphere. Audience can have a comfortable seat and be close to store. All that an audience 
needs to do is to enjoy the game and to shout encouragement. 
There are several kinds of perceptions within business and literature about process. Some see 
process as a means to achieve a goal, for example, a 15% rise of stock share price. Some 
others argue that there are processes integrated to create an overall marketing, like 
telemarketing and internet marketing can be integrated. A further view is that process is to 
control marketing, such as measuring achievement objectives. All these views are not 
particularly customer focused. In service business, process is an element that appreciates 
customer experiencing as an organizational offering. It’s viewed as something that customer 
participates in at different point. Again we can see the importance of interaction with 
customers. It requires a proper encounter, a proper communication, a proper action and a 
proper resolution, in which process has a progression of inputs, throughputs and outputs, 
where service marketing value is added. 
Service has basically six characteristic that greatly affect the design of marketing 
programmes. They are:- 
1) Intangibility 
2) Inseparability 
3) Variability 
4) Perishability 
5) Customer participation 
6) Lack of ownership.
4.3 Review of research on the selected topic:- 
SPARSH The Volkswagen Touch:- 
Sparsh the Volkswagen touch has been designed to be a way of life and guiding 
philosophy for Volkswagen dealership in India. It embodies Volkswagen brand values and is 
a powerful means to enable our dealership offer a distinct customer experience. 
Objectives of Sparsh:- 
 To code the knowledge and intelligence in the system inform that is systematic easy 
to use and quick to refer. 
 To define the business language of the Volkswagen dealership with reference to the 
terms tools and templates. 
 To evolve as the comprehensive go to document within the dealership sales 
organization the basis of which dealership business operations decision are taken. 
Sparsh Components:- 
 Dealership Infrastructure:- 
Corporate identity standards defined by Volkswagen for various interior and exterior 
infrastructure elements of our dealership process system and tools required for managing and 
maintaining the dealership infrastructure also fall within the preview of the infrastructure 
 Dealership Human resources:- 
People are central to the business of the dealership as well as the consistent delivery of 
benchmark customer experience of our dealership. This includes recruiting, engaging and 
motivating people as well as the processes and tools required to make dealership a great place 
to work. 
The Assessment Centre has been especially developed as a comprehensive 
recruitment process to enable dealerships identifies and recruits the right talent. Assessment 
Centre is conducted for Sales Consultants / Team Leaders and Head Sales Operations.
 Dealership sales operations :- 
The operations contains processes, tools, and enables to help you manage your 
dealership sales function effectively and transform it into a streamlined, high performance 
success machine that drives the business of dealership. This manual is designed to assist 
dealership teams in working in line with recommended processes. The information is 
presented in a format that will enable easy navigation through document. All templates, 
formats and important Information is presented in easy to read manner. The cross-reference 
to sections has been detailed out to make sure Usergets complete perspective of objective, 
process steps involved, role holders and tool and templates.It is expected that dealership 
teams will use this manual as a reference guide to get answers to their questions about day-to-day 
dealership operations. The abbreviations & glossary of terms given at the end of book 
will provide necessary reference to the key terms and concepts.
Sales process chart:- 
_--The prospect entering the showroom is offered with 
refreshment and made comfortable to sit. Till then the 
the receptionist call some to attend him. 
--The salesperson when meets the prospect introduce 
himself to the prospect and talk in general with the 
prospect and make the prospect feel free to talk. 
--The need analysis is done by the salesperson about the 
requirement of the prospect. 
--After analyzing the requirement of the prospect the car 
is shown to the prospect as per his requirement or 
--Test drive is offered by the salesperson to the 
prospect to check all the feature of the car and 
all doubts related to purchase decision. 
--After all the queries and doubts of the customer the 
salesperson peach the prospect to purchase new car. 
--Trade services are offer in case when the customer 
wants to sales his current car. 
--The Volkswagen finance is offered to the prospects 
in case he is not satisfied then other banks finance is 
is offered 
--The timely follow is taken by the sales person the 
know the customer is interested or not or else has 
some other requirement 
First personal contact 
Need analysis 
Car presentation 
Test drive 
New car offer 
Trade-in offer 
Finance services offer 
Follow up
--The sales closure is done smartly after all the queries 
are solved and the prospect is convinced. 
--The car is made ready after the all the formalities are 
over and deliver to the respective customer. 
--The customer is happy and satisfied will leads in 
customer retention. 
(Sources: - Volkswagen Sparsh guidelines) 
Sales closure 
Customer retention
International Journal of Sales & Marketing Management 
Research and Development (IJSMMRD) 
ISSN 2249-6939 
Vol. 3, Issue 1, Mar 2013, 53-60 
The intensifying competitive environment in the banking sector forcing the public 
sector banks to become more and more customer focused in their operations. The quality and 
adequacy of the physical facilities at bank branches plays an important role in customer 
satisfaction and quality perceptions of the customers. Recognizing this, many banks 
redesigned their branch structures to create better ambiance, comforts and facilities to the 
visiting customers. The banks however need to know to what extent the physical 
infrastructure provided at bank branches could create quality perceptions to customers. This 
paper is an attempt to study the customers’ perceptions on physical facilities provided by SBI 
at its branches and customer interactions with bank employees based on survey research. 
Professor, Dept. of Commerce and Management 
Studies, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India 
Lecturer, School of Management Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru 
Technological University, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India)
Managing the Expanded Marketing Mix (EMM): 
A critical Perspective Approach, (From 4Ps to 7Ps). 
Published in 
The African Journal of Finance and Management (2005) 
The research paper address issues of Marketing Mix in a more expanded form, from a 
managerial emphasis. The traditional Marketing Mix has been known and operational for a 
long time. However, this is mainly applicable in the manufacturing sector. The case of the 
service sector needs more than that. The paper addresses aspects of services marketing from a 
service management perspective. Issues of service Competition will also be considered. The 
additional 3 P’s to the commonly known 4 P’s will be discussed to get the expanded 
marketing mix, which consists of 7 P’s. The Three additional P’s are People, Physical 
aspects and Process information. The Relationship of service quality gap with the need of 
managing the gaps using the Additional three Ps will be also discussed. Therefore, the 
Service Quality (SRVQUAL) model by Parasuraman, will form part of the discussion of the 
paper. It Is imperative to understand that there is a need to appreciate the existence of the gap 
And manage them. The optimal position is to manage the service system in such a way that 
the gaps will not be occurring. The best approach to achieve this is by involving The 
customers in the expanded marketing mix design so that so much they form part of the 
delivery system. In conclusion, it is hoped that coordination of the Expanded Marketing Mix 
(EMM) will always lead companies and practitioners to a higher level of satisfying the 
customers hence a sustainable competitive Advantage. 
(Prof. Elisante ole Gabriel (PhD, Marketing) 
Lecturer – Mzumbe University 
Faculty of Commerce, P O Box 6, Mzumbe, Morogoro, Tanzania)
The data collection is based on questionnaire of walk-in customers (Sample size 60) 
1) Please rate the following from your own experience. About the employees at the 
STATEMENTS Poor Average good excellent Total 
Employees uniform 
from tip to toe 
0 0 15 45 60 
0 0 13 47 60 
Meet and greet 0 2 16 42 60 
Friendliness of the 
0 6 14 40 60 
Availability of 
employees at place 
of requirement 
0 0 9 51 60 
25% 22% 25% 
0%0% 0%0% 0%3% 0% 0% 6% 
Availability of 
employees at 
place of 
(Source- primary data) 
uniform from 
tip to toe 
Meet and greet Friendliness of 
the employees 
From the above information, It is observed that customer are happy with the 
appearance of the employees and their product knowledge and so majority of customers has 
rated excellent and rest has rated good, there are very customers who has rated average. 
From the above information we can analyse that the employees working at the dealership 
follows the norms of Sparsh component and are very much professional. 
75% 78% 
80% 81% 
Poor Average good excellent
2) How satisfied are you with the demonstration provided by salesperson. 
Rating Scale Frequency Percentage 
-4 Not satisfied 0 0 0% 
2 Satisfied 23 46 38% 
4 Extremely satisfied 37 148 62% 
Total 60 194 100% 
Not satisfied 
Extremely satisfied 
From the above information, it is observed that, 62% of are extremely satisfied by the 
demonstration and 38% are satisfied customers there is no customer who is dissatisfied by the 
demonstration of the salesperson. 
By using Likert Scaling Technique it is observed that the mean 3.22, here it can be 
analyse that the majority of customers are satisfied with the demonstration of the car.
3) How will you rate salesperson’s responsiveness to meet your needs? 
Rating Scale Frequency Percentage 
1 Poor 0 0 0 
2 Average 4 8 6% 
3 Good 40 120 67% 
4 Excellent 16 64 27% 
Total 60 192 100% 
From the above information, it is observed that, 67% of customer are happy with the 
sales person’s responsiveness and 27% of customer have rated good for the salesperson 
response. And 6% of customer does notice. 
By using Likert Scaling Technique it is observed that the mean is 3.2, here it can be 
analyse that the majority of customers are meet with the information in their purchase 
4) How satisfied are with the sales person’s punctuality. 
No Scale Frequency Percentage 
1 Totally dissatisfied 0 0% 
2 Dissatisfied 0 0% 
3 Satisfied 9 15% 
4 Totally satisfied 51 85% 
Total 60 100% 
From the above information, it is observed that, 85% of customers are totally satisfied 
with the sales person’s punctuality and 15% of customer have rated satisfied for the 
salesperson response. There is no customer who is dissatisfied by the salesperson’s 
0% 0% 
Totally dissatisfied 
Totally satisfied
5) How was the knowledge of the finance person with respect to loans and other 
No Scale Frequency Percentage 
1 Poor 0 17% 
2 Fair 2 80% 
3 Good 48 3% 
4 Excellent 10 0 
Total 60 100% 
0 3% 
From the above information, it is observed that, 80% of customers have rated good for 
the finance person knowledge and 17% have rated excellent for the information and schemes 
providing the customer a good deal for purchasing the car. Whereas 3% of customers have 
rated fair.
6) How will you rate visibility of Shreekripa Automobiles showroom? /Grade the 
No Scale Frequency Percentage 
1 Poor 0 0% 
2 Average 0 0% 
3 Good 47 78% 
4 Excellent 13 22% 
Total 60 100% 
0% 0% 
From the above information, it is observed that, 22% of customer rated excellent for 
visibility of shreekripa showroom and 78% have rated good and there is no customer who 
found it difficult in searching the showroom.
7) How will you rate with the following statements? 
STATEMENTS Poor Average Good Excellent Total 
Welcome and 
Cleanliness at entry 
0 0 41 19 60 
Availability of 
parking place 
0 9 41 10 60 
Welcome at 
0 4 13 43 60 
Display of graphics 0 2 30 28 60 
Display of 
0 0 46 14 60 
at entry gate 
Axis Title 
of parking 
Chart Title 
Welcome at 
Display of 
Display of 
Axis Title 
From the above information, it is observed that, very less customers have rated fair for 
the welcome at reception and parking space and most of the customer have rated good for the 
cleanliness and parking space and display of accessories. And the average customer have 
rated excellent for the above facilities of the dealer.
8) Have you got to see the variant you were looking for at the display? 
(Varients like polo, vento, jetta, passat) 
No Scale Frequency Percentage 
1 Yes 55 100% 
2 No 5 0% 
Total 60 100% 
Series 1 
Series 1 
Yes No 
From the above information, it is observed that, 95% of customers are happy with to 
see the variant they were looking for whereas 5% of customer were able to see the variant 
they were looking for.
9) How will you rate for the availability of variants of polo, vento, jetta andf passat at 
Shreekripa automobiles pvt. Ltd. 
No Scale Frequency Percentage 
1 Poor 0 0% 
2 Average 7 12% 
3 Good 53 88% 
4 Excellent 0 0% 
Total 60 100% 
From the above information, it is observed that, 88% of customers have rated good for 
the availability of variant at dealership and 12% customers given average remark.
10) The literature available at Shreekripa automobiles pvt. Ltd. 
Available Press material is 
60 0 60 
Television at dealership is in 
working condition 
60 0 60 
Availability of brochures 
and magazines 
60 0 60 
Availability of business card 60 0 60 
Percentage 100% 0% 100% 
Chart Title 
Yes No 
100% 100% 100% 100% 
0 0 0 0 
Available Press 
material is 
Television at 
dealership is in 
working condition 
Availability of 
brochures and 
Availability of 
business card 
From the above information, it is observed that, 100% of customers are happy with 
the literature such as press material, entertainment, brochures, etc available at the dealership.
11) Do you agree with the following statement of services available at Shreekripapvt ltd 
Agree Disagree Totally 
Services of housekeeping 
is quick 
4 56 0 0 60 
Availability of customer 
and driver lounge is 
specious and comfortable 
7 52 1 0 60 
Availability of 
machinery in service 
department are upgraded 
0 60 0 0 60 
Interior color is pleasant 
and furnishing also good 
0 60 0 0 60 
Employees performance 
chart is updated 
3 57 0 0 60 
Services of 
housekeeping is 
Chart Title 
Totally Agree Agree Disagree Totally disagree 
From the above information, it is observed that, every customer is happy with the 
service the dealership. 
Availability of 
customer and 
driver lounge is 
specious and 
Availability of 
machinery in 
department are 
Interior color is 
pleasant and 
furnishing also 
chart is 
7% 11% 
0 0 5% 
100% 100% 95% 
0 0 3% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The data interpretation is based on questionnaire collected by existing customers 
Sample size:- 40 
1) How will you rate the employees at dealer based on parameters as per your 
STATEMENTS Poor Average Good Excellent Total 
The staff is kind and 
0 3 26 11 40 
Exhibiting the models is 
up to the expectations 
0 0 22 18 40 
The staff is proficient 0 0 32 8 40 
Purchasing car is easy 0 0 38 2 40 
The staff is kind and 
0 0 34 6 40 
0 0 0 0 0 
The staff is kind 
and helpful 
Exhibiting the 
models is up to 
The staff is 
Purchasing car 
is easy 
From the above information, it is observed more than 76% of customers have rated 
good for the staff at the dealers at the time of purchase of car. 22% of customer have 
excellent to the staff. 
2) Was the demonstration was given by sales person? 
The staff is kind 
and helpful 
0 0 0 0 
Chart Title 
poor average good excellent
No Scale Frequency Percentage 
1 Yes 40 100% 
2 No 0 0% 
Total 40 100% 
Yes No 
From the above information, it is observed that, all the customer are provide 
demonstration by sales person. 
3) Did the sales person solve your all queries at the time of demonstration?
No Scale Frequency Percentage 
1 Not satisfactory 0 0% 
2 Partially 6 15% 
3 Completely 34 85% 
Total 40 100% 
Not satisfactory Partially Completely 
From the above information, it is observed that, 85% of customers get their queries 
solved and satisfied whereas 15% of customers are partially satisfied. 
4) Was test drive offered by the salesperson? 
Series 1 
Series 1
Scale Frequency Percentage 
1 Yes 40 100% 
2 No 0 0% 
Total 40 100% 
From the above information, it is observed that, 100% of customers have 
opportunities for test drive. 
5) How will you rate your experience of demonstration and test drive? 
No Scale Frequency Percentage 
1 Poor 0 0% 
2 Average 16 40% 
3 Good 24 60% 
4 best 0 0% 
Total 40 100% 
From the above information, it is observed that, 60% of customers have rated good for 
experience of test drive and for demonstration. And 40% of customer have rated average for 
the demonstration.
6) Does Volkswagen finance offered by the sales person? 
Scale Frequency Percentage 
1 Yes 40 100% 
2 No 0 0% 
Total 40 100% 
From the above information, it is observed that, 100% of customers were offered 
Volkswagen finance. 
7) If Yes, then how satisfied are you with the information and schemes of VW finance. 
No Scale Frequency Percentage 
1 Not satisfied 0 0% 
2 Satisfied 37 92% 
3 Extremely satisfied 3 8% 
Total 40 100% 
Not satisfied 
Extremely satisfied 
From the above information, it is observed that, 92% of customers are satisfied by the 
Volkswagen finance advisors and schemes, 8% of customer are extremely satisfied. And are 
offered a good deal for purchasing a new car.
8) How will you rate the delivery process at the dealership? 
STATEMENTS Poor Average Good Excellent Total 
The car ready as per the 
scheduled time 
0 0 37 3 40 
how was the handover of 
document process 
0 0 40 0 40 
was the car ready with 
the accessories you 
0 0 40 0 40 
was the car neat and 
clean at the time of test 
0 2 38 0 40 
how was the delivery 
ceremony i.e. pooja 
0 0 36 4 40 
Chart Title 
Poor Average Good Excellent 
100% 100% 95% 90% 
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5% 0 0 
The car ready 
as per the 
scheduled time 
0 0 0 
how was the 
handover of 
was the car 
ready with the 
accessories you 
was the car 
neat and clean 
at the time of 
test drive 
how was the 
ceremony i.e. 
From the above information, it is observed that, 95% of customers have rated good 
for the schedule, documentation and cleanliness of the car at the time of delivery. Whereas 
the rest 5% of customer have rate excellent and average.
9) Were you introduced the CRM head at the time of delivery of car? 
Scale Frequency Percentage 
1 Yes 40 100% 
2 No 0 0% 
Total 40 100% 
From the above information, it is observed that, every customers was introduced to 
Customer Relation Manager (CRM) at the time of delivery of car. 
10) How satisfied were you with the CRM’S instruction about your vehicle. 
No Scale Frequency Percentage 
1 Not satisfied 0 0% 
2 Satisfied 38 95% 
3 Extremely satisfied 2 5% 
Total 40 100% 
Not satisfied 
Extremely satisfied 
From the above information, it is observed that, 95% of customers satisfied and 5% 
are extremely satisfied with the information of after sales services, road side assistance and 
warranty schemes.
11) How will you rate the delivery process at the dealership? 
No Scale Frequency Percentage 
1 1 0 0% 
2 2 2 5% 
3 3 6 7% 
4 4 26 65% 
5 5 6 23% 
Total 40 100% 
5% 7% 
1 2 3 4 5 
From the above information, it is observed that 5% of customers have rated 2 marks, 
7% rated 3 marks, and majority of the customer have rated (i.e. 65%) for overall delivery 
process of the dealer.
12) How will you rate the overall delivery process of your car. 
No Scale Frequency Percentage 
1 Not satisfied 0 0% 
2 Satisfied 5 12% 
3 Extremely satisfied 35 88% 
Total 40 100% 
Not satisfied 
Extremely satisfied 
From the above information, it is observed that, 88% of customers are extremely 
satisfied from the delivery process of the dealer and 12% of customers are satisfied.
13) Did you receive the congratulation letter after the delivery of the vehicle? 
Scale Frequency Percentage 
1 Yes 36 90% 
2 No 4 10% 
Total 40 100% 
From the above information, it is observed that, 90% of customers have received 
congratulation letter within 24 hours of delivery and 10% of customer have not received the 
14) How satisfied are you with the following statement . 
satisfied Extremely 
Received the congratulation 
letter after the delivery of 
the vehicle 
0 40 0 40 
3rd day follow up was taken 
by SAPL 
0 37 3 40 
Sales Consultants follow up 
after 7 days 
0 34 6 40 
Follow up by VW for 
0 40 0 40 
0 0 0 0 
Received the 
letter after the 
delivery of the 
Observation: - 
3rd day follow up 
was taken by SAPL 
Sales Consultants 
follow up after 7 
From the above information, it is observed that, 76% of customers are satisfied after 
delivery follow ups taken by the dealer and Volkswagen team. 
Follow up by VW 
for satisfaction 
100% 96% 
0 4% 
Chart Title 
Not satisfied satisfied Extremely satisfied
15) Starting from your experience would you say your opinion of the following statement? 
Disagree Agreed Totally 
The quality of work at the 
top level. 
0 0 40 0 40 
The equipment is at 
technical department is of 
high level 
0 0 34 6 40 
The duration of repair is 
0 0 31 9 40 
The cost of repair is 
calculated correctly. 
0 0 33 7 40 
Chart Title 
Totally disagree Disagree Agreed Totally agreed 
80% 84% 
20% 16% 
0 0 0 
0 0 0 0 0 0 
The quality of work 
at the top level. 
Observation: - 
The equipment is at 
department is of 
high level 
The duration of 
repair is short 
The cost of repair is 
From the above information, it is observed that, 70% of customers agreed to the 
services provided by the dealer whereas the 30% of customer totally agreed and appreciates 
the services of the dealer.
It is observed that:- 
 The prospective segment is from the business and premium class. 
 The customer highest priority is for the price. 
 Customer are highly satisfied with the service which help in customer retention 
 Company has created goodwill among the customers which will help them to 
recommend car to friends and relatives. 
 The dealer needs to educate the sales consultant about every product it offers and the 
market scenario and the competition of the competiting brand.
After conducting the survey and knowing the market, the researcher has realized that: 
 Company should improve/upgrades its employee’s product knowledge, market 
situation, and its competitor’s knowledge by giving proper training to employee. 
 The Company should not only concentrate on the customer satisfaction but also 
the company led to monitor their competitor’s performance in their areas of 
 The Company should make changes according to the other competitors & 
according to the customer’s expectations. 
 Volkswagen should continue to maintain the standard of the service. 
 Volkswagen should focus on the maintenance cost. 
 The company continue the loan schemes like fully loaded, EMI maintenance 
on cost etc. 
 More promotional activities like holding poster, banners, contest, etc. 
 The company can come up with small range car. 
 Maintenance cost should be maintained according to price strategies 
implemented by Competitors. 
 The service facility should be provided at other places in the city.
1) Please rate the following from your own experience. About the employees at the dealer. 
• Employees uniform from tip to toe 
• Employees knowledge 
• Meet and greet 
• Friendliness of the employees 
• Availability of employees at place of 
2) In your opinion sales person's appearance was. 
Very good Good Bad Worst 
3) Do you agree with the salesperson’s product knowledge? 
Totally disagree Agree Totally agree 
4) How satisfied are you with the demonstration provided by salesperson. 
Not satisfied Satisfied Extremely satisfied 
5) How will you rate salesperson’s responsiveness to meet your needs? 
Poor Average Good Excellent 
6) How satisfied are with the sales person’s punctuality. 
Totally dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Totally satisfied
7) Do you agree with finance advisor about the information and schemes? 
Totally agree Agree Disagree Totally disagree 
8) How will you rate visibility of Shreekripa Automobiles pvt. Ltd. /Grade the infrastructure. 
Poor Average Good Excellent 
9) How will you rate with the following statements? 
Statement Poor Average Good Excellent 
• Welcome and Cleanliness at entry gate 
• Availability of parking place 
• Welcome at reception 
• Display of graphics 
• Display of accessories 
10) Have you got to see the variant you were looking for at the display? 
Yes No 
11) How will you rate the availability of variants at Shreekripa automobiles pvt. Ltd. 
Poor Average Good Excellent 
12) The literature available at Shreekripa automobiles pvt. Ltd 
Yes No 
• Available Press material is updated 
• Television at dealership is in working condition 
• Availability of brochures and magazines 
• Availability of business card
13) How will you rate the location, parking and ambience at dealer? 
Poor Average Good Excellent 
14) Do you agree with the following statement of services available at Shreekripa pvt ltd 
Statement Totally 
Agree Disagree Totally 
• services of housekeeping is quick 
• availability of customer and driver lounge is 
specious and comfortable 
• availability of machinery in service 
department are upgraded 
• Interior color is pleasant and furnishing 
also good 
• Employees performance chart is updated 
15) Starting from your experience what changes will you like to do? 
1) Mode / source of enquiry. 
• walk-in 
• telephone 
• event/road shows 
• refences enquiry 
• cold calls 
• email 
• corporate 
• exiting VW customer 
• VW referrals/ programs 
2) How will you rate the employees at dealer based on parameters as per your experience. 
Statements Poor Average Good Excellent 
• The staff is kind and helpful 
• exhibiting the models is up to the 
• The staff is proficient 
• Purchasing car is easy
3) Did the demonstration was given sales person. 
Yes No 
4) Did the sales person solve your all queries at the time of demonstration? 
Not satisfactory Partially completely 
5) Was test drive offered by the sales consultant? 
Yes No 
6) How will you rate your experience of demonstration and test drive? 
Poor Average Good Best 
7) Does VW finance was offered by sales person. 
Yes No 
8) If Yes, then how satisfied are you with the information and schemes of VW finance. 
Not satisfied Satisfied Extremely satisfied 
9) How will you rate the delivery process at the dealership? 
Statements Poor Average Good Excellent 
• The car ready as per the scheduled time 
• how was the handover of document 
• was the car ready with the accessories you 
• was the car neat and clean at the time of 
test drive 
• how was the delivery ceremony i.e. pooja 
Yes No
10) Were you introduced to CRM department at the time of 
delivery of your vehicle? 
11) How satisfied were you with the CRM’S instruction about your vehicle. 
Not satisfied Satisfied Extremely satisfied 
12) How will you rate the delivery process at the dealership? 
1 2 3 4 5 
13) How will you rate the overall delivery process of your car. 
Not satisfied Satisfied Extremely satisfied 
14) Did you receive the congratulation letter after the delivery of the vehicle? 
Yes No 
15) How satisfied are you with the following statement . 
Statement Not 
Satisfied Extremely 
• received the 
congratulation letter after 
the delivery of the vehicle 
• 3rd day follow up 
was taken by SAPL 
• Sales Consultants follow up 
after 7 days 
• follow up by VW for 
16) Starting from your experience would you say your opinion of the following statement?
Statements Totally 
Disagree Agreed Totally 
• The quality of work at the top 
• The equipment is at technical 
department is of high level 
• The duration of repair is 
• The cost of repair is calculated 
17) From your experience would you like suggest other people buy Volkswagen car from the 
18) Any suggestion or change would you like to mention 
Yes No

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  • 1. A PROJECT REPORT ON SIGNIFICANCE OF EXTENDED 3 P’S WITH REFERENCE TO SHREEKIPA AUTOMOBILES PVT. LTD. NASIK A Project Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administration By Mr. ABHAYPRATAP SANGRAM SINGH K. R. Sapkal College of Management Studies Sapkal Knowledge Hub, Kalyani Hills. Anjaneri-Wadholi, Trimbakeshwar Road. Nashik-422213.Tel-(02594) 220165.Fax-(02594)220166 Guide Prof. AJEET WAGH To Pune University -Pune -411007 Year 2012-2014
  • 2. D E C L A R A T I O N I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the project report entitled “SIGNIFICANCE OF EXTENDED 3 P’S OF MARKETING WITH REFERENCE TO SHREEKEEPA AUTOMOBILES PVT. LTD.” written & submitted by me to the University of Pune, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Masters of business administration under the guidance of Prof. AJEET WAGH is my original work & the conclusions drawn therein are based on the material collected by myself. I further declare that the personal data & information received from any respondent during survey has not been shared with any one and is used for academic purpose only. K.R.Sapkal College of Management Studies Name and Signature of the student Sapkal Knowledge Hub, Kalyani Hills. (ABHAYPRATAP S. SINGH) Anjaneri-Wadholi, TrimbakeshwarRoad. Nashik-422213.Tel-(02594) 220165. Fax-(02594)220166
  • 3. CERTIFICATE BY THE GUIDE This is to certify that Mr. AbhaypratapSangram Singh has completed project report on “Significance of extended 3 P’s of marketing with reference to Shreekripa Automobiles Pvt. Ltd.” under my guidance and supervision, and submitted the Report as laid down by Pune University, Pune. The material that has been obtained from other sources is duly acknowledged in the Report. It is further certified that the work or its part has not been submitted to any other University for examination under my supervision. I consider this work worthy for the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration. K.R.Sapkal College of Management Studies Name and Signature of Guide Sapkal Knowledge Hub, Kalyani Hills. Prof. Ajeet Wagh Anjaneri-Wadholi, Trimbakeshwar Road. Date: Nashik-422213.Tel-(02594) 220165. Fax-(02594)220166
  • 4. ACKNOLEDGEMENT It is a fact that none of the human being in this world is 100% perfect and in order to gain some perfectness in itself an individual surely needs a helping hand. The same was with me with respect to the project that I was undergoing during this session of 2 months. As I too was illiterate with this research topic that I selected for my research at the initial stages, I got acquainted with it slowly and steadily through efforts and surely from various intelligent and helpful personalities. I would like to extend my heartily thanks to all of them through this acknowledgement It is a great pleasure to me in acknowledging my deep sense of gratitude to all those who have helped me in completing this project successfully. First of all I would like to thank DR. B. B. RAYATE for providing me an opportunity to undertake a project as a partial fulfillment of master in business administration. I would like to thank our Project Guide Prof. AJEET WAGH whose valuable guidance and encouragement at every phase of the project has helped to prepare this project successfully. It gives me a pleasure to express my sincere gratitude to words of thank to VINODMATERE (General Manager) and YUSUF KHAN (Sales Manager) of SHREEKRIPA AUTOMOBILES PVT. LTD. For Providing me the concrete exposure in field of marketing. He always motivated to teach me practical concept of international business. I am also thankful for MRS. TEJASWITA MAM (HR Manager) and Mr. AMOL VYAWAHARE (VW Finance Manager) for guiding during project. I would like to thank rest of the staff member of Shreekripa Automobiles Pvt. Ltd. Last but not the least, my special thanks to my parents, without whose support and blessings, I would not have been successful in completed my project work.
  • 6. LIST OF TABLE AND GRAPH Sr. no Particulars Page no.
  • 7. LIST OF FIGURE Sr. no Particulars Page no.
  • 8. Chapter 1:- Introduction to Project 1.1 Object of the Project 1.2 Selection of the topic 1.3 Objectives of the study 1.4 Scope of the study 1.5 Rationale of the study 1.6 Limitation of the study
  • 9. 1.1 Object of the Project As per the MBA curriculum, at the end of the first year, the students are required to undergo a summer project for a span of min 50 days and max 60 days. This summer training is an integral part of the MBA course and its successful completion is a pre-requisite for the fulfillment of the post graduate degree in management. This summer training is undertaken with the aim of fulfilling the following objectives:  To get an opportunity of real life business and actions taking experience.  To able to apply theoretical knowledge obtained at the institute in a practical manner in the actual business environment.  To understand the real organizational problems, perceptions and challenges  To get an opportunity to communicate with the people working at different levels in the organization and to get acquainted with their authorities and responsibilities.  It also gives the chance for students to apply logic in practically solving the recurring problems in business unit.  A project work always has a social relevance. Apart from these objectives the other objectives are to study certain fundamentals, commercial and environmental aspects of the company.
  • 10. 1.2 Selection of the topic Topic selection is the one of the most important aspects of the project. As it decide the course of action to be taken. The topic selected should be such that it helps in understanding the marketing concepts clearly. The researcher has joined Shreekripa Automobiles Pvt. Ltd. as a summer trainee on 25th May 2013. This has been first chance in the market place. Researcher training at dealership was that of sales and marketing, which gave enough training, experience and exposure to the market place which any of the management training has given enough opportunity to brush up various skills like communication skill, analytical skills etc, it also helped a lot to practically implement the theoretical knowledge which researcher has gained in course curriculum till now. Each and every day of training in Shreekripa Automobiles Pvt. Ltd was a learning experience for researcher. For time and again researcher had experienced both success and failure, success acted as an encouragement to fight against all the odds, each mistake and failure bought with itself the Lesson to learn, and never repeat the act. The main objective behind selection this project topic is to conduct the significance of services in automobile sector for Volkswagen for the service provided at the dealership and recording, analyzing and interpreting the wants and expectations of customers. For the company, it is essential to know whether customers are satisfied by the quality of service provided by the employees at the dealership.
  • 11. 1.3 Objectives of the study Primary Objective:-  To know the impact of extended 3 P’s of marketing (People, Process and Physical evidence) for selling VOLKSWAGEN CARS. Secondary objective:-  To analyse impact of dealership infrastructure of on customer.  To study and analyse the quality of services available at dealership.  To know which kind of services can attract the new customers.  To find the area to be improved.  To know whether the SPARSH component of Volkswagen are followed at the dealer.
  • 12. 1.4 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT The extended mix help company in knowing the needs, wants and expectations of the customer it also helps to collect feedback about the product this will assist company to built the good image in the minds of customer. The scope of project work was restricted to the extended mix i.e people, process and physical evidence of Shreekripa Automobiles Pvt. Ltd. Nashik. The study was conducted in automobile sector. The study was done on sales and service of VW car at Shreekripa Automobiles Pvt. Ltd. Nashik. The study was conducted for Nashik city and area under dealership of Shreekripa.
  • 13. 1.5 RATIONALE OF THE STUDY The project work is justified by its usefulness to the student, to the organization & to the society.  Utility to the Researcher:-  This project work has helped researcher in gaining practical knowledge.  This study will help researcher in future job perspective.  This study has helped researcher to boost his confidence level and self motivation.  While doing this project researcher learns how to interact with the customers.  If researcher get an opportunity to work in Automobile sector, this experience will help him in sales and marketing field and how to deal it.  Utility to organization and Society:-  They will get idea, in which area they have to improve.  It creates a positive image of the company in the society.  The project work will help to improve efficiency and effectiveness of an organization.  This study will act as a source of secondary data for society.  The suggestions can be useful to similar other organizations also.  This research work will also useful for other researcher.
  • 14. 1.6 Limitation of the study Every study or work, which we carried out, is full of information but there are certain limitations because of which we are unable to get the information. The limitations can be –  The information system is confidential and hence the company’s records were not fully disclosed.  Some of the information lacked accuracy due to which approximated values were used for the analysis. Hence the result also reveals approximated values.  The responses may vary as some people did not want to come up with real answers.  The people were busy in their own work so they might not have given actual responses
  • 16. 2.1 METHOD OF STUDY Introduction:- Research is the process of systematic and in depth study or search for any particular topic, subject or area of investigation backed by collection, compilation, presentation and interpretation of relevant details or data. It is a careful search or inquiry into any subject or subject matter which is an endeavor to discover or find out valuable facts which would be useful for further application or utilization. Research is sufficiently objective and systematic to make possible classification, generalization and verification of the data observed. Research is essentially a systematic inquiry seeking facts through objective verifiable methods in order to discover the relationship among them and to deduce from them broad principle or laws. Need for Research:- Research provides an analytical framework for the subject matter of investigation. It establishes the relationship between different variables, especially the relationship of dependent variables with independent variables. The cause-effect relationship between different variables can also be identified, leading to valuable observations, generalizations and conclusions. It has been observed that research is of extensive use for manager in planning, forecasting, Coordinating, controlling, motivating, decision making etc. OBJECTIVES OF RESEARCH:- The purpose of research is to discover answers to questions through the application of scientific procedures. The main aim of research is to find out the truth which is hidden and which has not been discovered as yet. 1. To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it. 2. To portray accurately the characteristic of a particular individual, situation or group.
  • 17. 3. To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is associated with something else. TYPES OF RESEARCH DESIGN:- Research design is mainly of three types: 1. Exploratory research 2. Descriptive research 3. Experimental research 1. EXPLORATORY RESEARCH:- It is often the initial stage in the series of studies designed to supply information for decision making. The main purpose of this research is for formulating the problem for more precise investigation or of developing a working hypothesis from an operational point of view. The major emphasis in such studies is on the discovery of ideas & insights. 2. DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH:- It includes surveys & fact finding enquiries. The descriptive research is typically concerned with determining the frequencies with which something occurs or determining the degree to which variables is associated. Descriptive research designs help provide answers to the questions of who, what, when, where, and how associated with a particular research problem; a descriptive study cannot conclusively ascertain answers to why. 3. EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH:- In this some variables are manipulated to observe their effect on other variables. Experimentation is defined as a process where events occur in a setting at the discretion of the experiment & controls are used to identify the sources of variants in the subject. Thus they are those where the researcher tests the hypothesis of the casual relationship between variables.
  • 18. RESEARCH DESIGN:- THE TYPE OF RESEARCH IS DISCRIPTIVE Descriptive research design includes survey & fact finding inquiries of different kinds. The major purpose of descriptive research is description of state of affairs as it exists at present. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Problem Identification Defining Marketing Problem Defining the Marketing Sub-problems Hypothesis Generation Objectives and Areas of Enquiry Sample Design and Size Methods of Data Collection Analysis of Data Collected Recommendations & Suggestions Data Report & Decision Making
  • 19. 2.1 SAMPLING:- A sampling is a selection of units from the entire group is called population. In marketing, a sample is a particular segment or part of the market & it is the focus for taking marketing decisions which can be applied to entire market. It must be random, representative, proportional & adequate. DEFINITION OF SAMPLING:- “Sampling is the selection of certain percentage of a group of items according to a predetermined plan” SAMPLE DESIGN:- Sampling is used to collect primary data. Sampling is the integral part of data collection process. The way of selecting a sample is known as sample design. It is the definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. It may as well lay down the number of items to be included in the sample i.e. the size of sample. Sample design is determined before data are collected. SAMPLE SIZE:- A total of 100 Respondents were interviewed. Sample size existing customer 40 walk-in enquiry 60 Sampling method Simple random sampling Sampling area Nasik city
  • 20. SAMPLING METHOD:- For the above study samples of respondents were selected by using convenience sampling technique of sampling after finalizing the sample size the structured questionnaire was prepared and accordingly the required data were collected from the respondents. 2.3 DATA COLLECTION:- In dealing with any real life problem, it is often found that data at hand is inadequate and hence, it becomes necessary to collect data that is appropriate. These are several ways of collecting the appropriate data which differ considerably in context of money costs, time and other resources at the disposal of the researcher. The task of data collection begins after a project objective has been defined and research design/ plan chalked out. While deciding about the method of data collection to be used for the project, the researcher should keep in mind two types of data viz. 1. Primary Data 2. Secondary Data Primary data Secondary data 1. Primary data is collected fresh and for the first time, primary data is also called as basic data or original data Method :- survey 1. Secondary data means data that is already is available in various reports, diaries, letters, books, periodicals. 2.Tools of Data collection:- a) Questionnaire Type:-  open ended  Close ended 2. Tools of Data collection:- a)internet b)letters c)books
  • 21. 1. Primary data was collected through:- Primary data are those which are collected fresh and for the first time and thus Happen to be original in chapters. I have collected my data through phone calling and through direct communication with respondents in one form or another or through personal interviews. Through observation method I was able to record the natural behaviour of the group. Sometimes I verify the truth of statements made by informants in the context of a questionnaire. Questionnaire Questionnaire from the existing customers and walk-in customers. The Questionnaire included objective type question & descriptive question The data was collected by two separate questionnaire:- 1) Enquiry (prospective customer): the separate questionnaire for people and physical evidence were made for the walk-in enquiries of the prospective customer. 2) Existing customer: the separate questionnaire was prepared on the process and documentation of the Shreekripa Automobiles Pvt. Ltd. 2. Secondary data collection: - The secondary data are those which have already collected and stored. Secondary data easily get those secondary data from records, journals, annual reports of the company etc. It will save the time, money and efforts to collect the data. Secondary data also made available through trade magazines, balance sheets, books etc. The secondary data is collected through various sources as follows A) Internet websites like Google, Wikipedia. B) Company records, Magazines, journals, newspapers, prospectus, CSS Reports. Websites: www.volkswagen.com
  • 22. www.volkswagenindia.com www.wikipedia.com www.google.com Books: Marketing Management- Philip Kotler( 13thEdition) Research Methodology- C.R.Khotari (2nd Edition) Service Marketing- K. Rama Mohana Rao (2nd Edition) Magazines & Journals:- Referred magazines & journals printed by Volkswagen and Sparsh. Research Instrument:- Questionnaire was used as it helped to cover all the target areas. Also collecting the data through questionnaire was very time saving and cost factor was also reduced. The questionnaire consisted of both open ended and close ended questions.
  • 23. 2.4 PRESENTATION OF DATA, TOOLS OF ANALYSIS AND INTREPRETATION Statistical/Data Presentation Tools Descriptive statistics enable us to understand data through summary values and graphical presentations. Summary values not only include the average, but also the spread, median, mode, range, and standard deviation. It is important to look at summary statistics along with the data set to understand the entire picture, as the same summary statistics may describe very different data sets. Descriptive statistics can be illustrated in an understandable fashion by presenting them graphically using statistical and data presentation tools. When creating graphic displays, keep in mind the following questions: • What the researcher is trying to communicate? • Who is the audience? • What might prevent them from understanding this display? • Does the display tell the entire story? Several types of statistical/data presentation tools exist, including: (a) charts displaying frequencies (bar, pie, and Pareto charts), (b) charts displaying trends (run and control charts), (c) charts displaying distributions (histograms), and (d) charts displaying associations (scatter diagrams). Different types of data require different kinds of statistical tools. There are two types of data. Attribute data are countable data or data that can be put into categories: e.g., the number of people willing to pay, the number of complaints, percentage who want blue/percentage who want red/percentage who want yellow. Variable data are measurement data, based on some continuous scale: e.g., length, time, cost.
  • 24. Choosing Data Display Tools To Show Use Data Needed Frequency of occurance: Simple percentages or comparisons of magnitude Bar chart Pie chart Pyramid Tallies by category (data can be attribute data or variable data divided into categories)
  • 26. 3.1 HISTORY AND GENERAL INFORMATION Figure no.:01 Figure no.:02 FERDINAND PORSCHE FERDINAND PIECH FOUNDER CHAIRMAN (3rd Sept, 1875-30 Apl,1951) (17 Apl, 1937,Vienna, Austria) GENERAL INFORMATION:- Volkswagen is Europe’s and one of the world’s leading car manufacturer with a presence in over 153 countries around the world, One of the world’s most recognized and respected brands. Volkswagen literally translated from German as ‘People’s Car’ has constantly pushed the envelope in the automobile industry, and has created some of the most loved and respected cars of our times. As the industry evolves, Volkswagen is at the forefront of driving this evolution, and has, in a sense become synonymous with “The Car” or “Das Auto” which is the tagline. Today, the Volkswagen group Is Europe’s largest car manufacturer. And one of the world’s leading car maker. Volkswagen’s list of achievement is impressive and its vision for the future is ambitious with a rich heritage and strong fundamentals the company is poised to script the future of the global automobile industry.
  • 27. Background information:- Beginning in the late 1930s, Volkswagen created tanks and driving equipment for Nazi Germany during World War II. After the war, Great Britain had the choice to either destroy the Volkswagen plant or continue production. They saw potential in Volkswagen and decided to allow it to continue to manufacturer vehicles. Volkswagen grew during the next few decades; acquiring new brands and expanding the brands it had with new vehicles to fit the growing demand of consumers Today, Volkswagen is recognized as a unique and distinct car brand. It is recognized through its one of-a-kind vehicles like the Beetle and the Tiguan as well as for its innovative advertising. Volkswagen is not afraid to take risks and stand out from the crowd. They are one of the only automotive manufacturers to work with clean diesel and have a strategy plan to build and sell an electric car for each customer group they serve. They firmly believe in the responsibility they have to better the environment and, because of this, wrote an 80-page sustainability report with goals and objectives for the future of that their company both through environmental decisions and responsibilities to promote education and stability in their local communities. From its troubled beginnings to its slow and steady rise to the top of the automotive world, Volkswagen has never forgotten what its sole purpose was: to be the people’s car. No matter what has happened, Volkswagen has always put the customer first and designed and sold vehicles for them.
  • 28. HISTORY IN INDIA Figure no.:03 (Chakan plant, Pune—source google) Volkswagen entered the Indian market in 2007 with the launch of its globally acclaimed sedan, The Passat. In 2008 Volkswagen expanded in India portfolio by offering the global Best seller Jetta for sale in the Indian market. Volkswagen committed to the Indian market and establishing a long term presence in the Indian automobile market is a key element of its strategy. In line with this objective Volkswagen set up a Greenfield facility near Pune at an investment of over 3800 cr. This investment is the largest made by a German corporation in India to date and this is evidence of Volkswagen commitment to the Indian market. The new Volkswagen plant in Chakan near Pune, Maharashtra went on stream on December 12, 2009 and began manufacturing ‘The POLO’ the company’s first launch in the high volume and competitive Hatchback segment. With the launch of POLO and VENTO in 2010, Volkswagen is making rapid inroads into the lucrative volume segment India. Importantly, Volkswagen has established itself as an inspirational brand- one that the Indian car buyer wants to own. On the back of an aggressive growth plan in India, Volkswagen aims to capture 10% market share in the very near future.
  • 29. 3.2 ORGANISATION Figure no.: 04 (VW Headquarter-source:-Google) NAME: - VOLKSWAGEN Headquarter: - Wolfsburg, Germany Founded: - 28 May 1937 Industry: - Automotive Area served: - Worldwide Products: - Cars Website: - www.volkswagen.com Type of Organization: - Public
  • 30. Mission Statement:- The mission statement of the Volkswagen Group focuses the VW leaders on responsible business and the benefits of it to consumers. The Mission Statement of the Volkswagen Group: The internal mission statement of the Volkswagen group is not available to the public, but on November 25, 2010, the Volkswagen Group joined 21 German companies in agreeing to a “mission statement for responsible actions in business”, which serves as a national mission for the VW group and focuses the Volkswagen leaders on the benefits to consumers. The six principles of this shared mission statement are:  Business must serve the good of the people  Business that serves the good of the people requires competition.  Business that serves the good of the people is based on merit.  Business that serves the good of the people takes place globally  Business that serves the good of the people must be sustainable  Business that serves the good of the people demands responsible. Vision statement:- Volkswagen brand vision is to become a most innovative high volume manufacturer offering the best quality in the respective class.
  • 31. Volkswagen Brand Pillars Volkswagen is one of the most recognized loved and respected brands around the world. The Brands values are:-  Valuable:-  Innovative:-  Responsible:- These values define the care of wheel. They promise to offer to customer through their interactions with Products and Brands. 1. Valuable: - The Volkswagen Brands express an indispensable quality in the car market. It promises to satisfy customer’s basic rational and emotional needs. This is an extremely important faced in acquiring customers for the Volkswagen brand all over the market. 2. Innovative:- Volkswagen seeks to differentiate itself from competition in car market across the world. The Innovative brand values communicate Volkswagen’s commitment to innovation. Volkswagen’s Endeavour is to differentiate itself in a sustainable manner through innovative products, technologies and services. 3. Responsible:- As the automobile industry evolves there is growing emphasis on the industry’s responsibility towards the environment. Volkswagen is at forefront of this change as a responsible global player in an important industry. Volkswagen takes the responsibility for people, the environment and initiatives.
  • 32. VOLKSWAGEN NASHIK (Dealer’s profile) Figure no.:05 (Source of data primary) Name: - Shreekripa Automobiles Pvt. Ltd. Address: - P11/1, Ambad,MIDC, New Mumbai Agra Road Ambad, Nashik, Maharashtra,422010 Phone: - 0253-2380622/666/555/333 9689807866 Email: - Info@Vw-Shreekripa.co.in
  • 33. Organization Structure CHAIRMAN CEO General Manager Sales Manager Accounts HRM Spare Parts Service Manager Registration department CRM TL Corporate TL upcountry TL Vento TL Polo Sales consultants Sales consultants Sales consultants Finance Adviser Sales consultants Body Spare Service Dept. CRM Sales CRM Service VW Finance Adviser Other Bank Finance Advisor
  • 34. SHREEKRIPA AUTOMOBILE PVT. LTD HISTORY Shreekripa Automobiles Private Limited is the authorized dealership for VOLKWAGEN CARS. It was established in 2009 by Shah Group. Shreekripa has been dedicated to servicing the needs of the auto-enthusiasts by providing them with a range of cars from the smaller segment to the luxury cars. In addition to an exciting offering of luxury cars, we also cater to our esteemed clientele & customers by attending to their requirements with impeccable after sales service and genuine spare parts for all the vehicles sold through the dealership. We always aspire to give 100% to our customers. Be it Sales or after Sales. What sets us apart from the others is our team spirit and team work. Over the last three years, Shreekripa group has invested in building up a dedicated team of professionals to look after the demanding needs of luxury vehicle owners. Each individual is valued for distinctive abilities, experience and perspective they bring. We believe in ourselves and the people working with us, together as a family, we work towards one common goal across all functions, i.e. customer delight. At Shreekripa, we believe in providing the best to all our customers, be it services during sales, after-sales services or support functions. Corporate Goals and Vision:- Our mission is being the best automotive retail organization with a very high level of customer satisfaction. In order to achieve this mission, we at Shreekripa have made concerted efforts to develop certain core strengths to become successful in the business of car sales and service. Our strengths are as follows:  Up-to-date & modern showrooms equipped with Customer lounge & comfort zones for customers to be at ease while making their buying purchases.  Well-trained team capable of handling the demanding needs of the customers and their cars.  Good quality of systems and procedures which ensures timeliness.  Well equipped workshop(s) having sophisticated tools and diagnostic equipments.
  • 35.  An extensive satisfied customer base.  Promoters and Core Management. Achievements and Awards:- SAPL has been awarded with numerous awards and a few of them are listed below  ASSOCIATION AWARD – ICICI Lombard.  ACCESSORIES TARGET ACHIVEMENT AWARD – Volkswagen.  OUTSTANDING VENTO RETAIL AWARD – VOLKSWAGEN.
  • 36. 3.3 PRODUCTS/ACTIVITIES a) POLO b) POLO GT Figure no.: 06 Figure no.:07 Polo Specification:- Particulars Petrol Diesel Polo GT Dimensions & Weight Length 3970 mm 3970 mm 3970 mm Width 1682 mm 1682 mm 1682 mm Height 1453 mm 1453 mm 1453 mm Wheelbase 2456 mm 2456 mm 2456 mm Ground Clearance 168 mm 168 mm 168 mm Kerb Weight 1055 kg 1055 kg 1140 kg Fuel Tank Capacity 45 liters 45 liters 45 liters Engine & Transmission Engine Type 3 cylinder inline 3 cylinder inline 4 Cylinder Displacement 1198 cc 1199 cc 1197 cc Fuel Type Petrol Diesel Petrol Max Power 74 bhp @ 5400 RPM 74 bhp @ 4200 RPM 103 bhp @ 5000 RPM Max Torque 110 Nm @ 3750 RPM 180 Nm @ 2000 RPM 175 Nm @ 1500 RPM Mileage (ARAI) 16.47 kmpl 22.04 kmpl Transmission Type Manual Manual Automatic No of gears 5 Gears 5 Gears 7 Gears Front & Rear Tyres 185 / 60 R15 185 / 60 R15 185 / 60 R15 Front & Rear Brake Type Disc/ Drum Disc/ Drum Disc/ Drum
  • 37. c)The VENTO Figure no.: 08 Vento Specification:- Particulars Petrol Diesel Dimensions & Weight Length 4384 mm 4384 mm Width 1699 mm 1699 mm Height 1466 mm 1466 mm Wheelbase 2552 mm 2552 mm Ground Clearance 168 mm 168 mm Kerb Weight 1130 kg 1220 kg Fuel Tank Capacity 55 liters 55 liters Engine & Transmission Engine Type 4 cylinder inline 4 cylinder inline Displacement 1598 cc 1598 cc Fuel Type Petrol Diesel Max Power 103 bhp @ 5250 RPM 103 bhp @ 4400 RPM Max Torque 153 Nm @ 3800 RPM 250 Nm @ 1500 RPM Mileage (ARAI) 15.04 kmpl 20.5 kmpl Transmission Type Manual Manual No of gears 5 Gears 5 Gears Front Brake Type Disc Disc Rear Brake Type Drum Drum Steering Type Electronic Power Steering Electronic Power Steering Front Tyres 185 / 60 R15 185 / 60 R15 Rear Tyres 185 / 60 R15 185 60 R15
  • 38. d) The Jetta:- Figure no.: 09 Jetta specification:- Particulars MT AT Dimensions & Weight Length 4644 mm 4644 mm Width 1778 mm 1778 mm Height 1453 mm 1453 mm Wheelbase 2633 mm 2633 mm Ground Clearance 159 mm 159 mm Kerb Weight 1445 kg 1445 kg Fuel Tank Capacity 55 liters 55 liters Engine & Transmission Engine Type 4 cylinder inline 4 cylinder inline Displacement 1968 cc 1968 cc Fuel Type Diesel Diesel Max Power 138 bhp @ 4200 RPM 138 bhp @ 4200 RPM Max Torque 320 Nm @ 1750 RPM 320 Nm @ 1750 RPM Mileage (ARAI) 19.33 kmpl 19.33 kmpl Suspension Front Coil spring with shock absorbers and suspension stabilizer Coil spring with shock absorbers and suspension stabilizer Front & Rear Brake Type Disc Disc Steering Type Electronic Power Steering Electronic Power Steering Front Tyres 205 / 55 R16 205 55 R16
  • 39. e) The PASSAT:- Figure no.: 10 The Passat specifications:- Particulars MT AT Dimensions & Weight Length 4769 mm 4769 mm Width 1820 mm 1820 mm Height 1470 mm 1470 mm Wheelbase 2711 mm 2711 mm Ground Clearance 150 mm 150 mm Kerb Weight 1555 kg 1555 kg Fuel Tank Capacity 70 liters 70 liters Engine & Transmission Engine Type 4 Cylinder Common rail diesel engine 4 Cylinder Common rail diesel engine Displacement 1968 cc 1968 cc Fuel Type Diesel Diesel Max Power 168 bhp @ 4200 RPM 168 bhp @ 4200 RPM Max Torque 350 Nm @ 1750 RPM 350 Nm @ 1750 RPM Mileage (ARAI) 18.78 kmpl 18.78 kmpl Transmission Type Manual Automatic No of gears 6 Gears 6 Gears Front & rear Brake Type Disc Disc Steering Type Power Steering Power Steering Front & Rear Tyres 215 / 55 R16 215 / 55 R16
  • 40. 3.4 CORPORATE AND FUNCTIONAL PRACTICES The Volkswagen Family:- Volkswagen Group is far more than just a carmaker. A wide variety of mobility related services round off their portfolio. Uniting a wide variety of brands and companies with all their individual characteristics and focuses under one umbrella is a great challenge, especially as the Volkswagen Group is committed to maintaining their individual identities. Figure no. 11  VOLKSWAGEN COMMERCIAL VEHICLE  AUDI  SEAT  SKODA  BENTLEY  BUGATTI  LAMBORGHINI  PORSCHE  Nutzfahrzeuge  SCANIA  MAN  DUCATI
  • 41. Corporate functions and practices at dealership:- The dealer is engaged with various kinds of service some of them are mentioned below:-  After delivery of car a congratulation letter send to the customer within 24 hours by courier.  After that delivery of car 3rd day follow up is taken by the Customer Relation Executive (CRE) at the dealership.  The sales consultant visit the customer on 7th day for follow up and take feedback of the customer about the experience perceived by the customer at the time of delivery.  The last follow up is taken by Volkswagen team from the customer about the services offered at dealership.  Apart from this there are various other activities done by the dealer such as giving free pass of sport rally to the premium customer, informing about the new finance schemes and discount of the loyal and premium customer to generate more enquiry and reference for Volkswagen car.  The dealer is also engaged with organising corporate events as well as other events in the city and outside city.
  • 42. Chapter 4:- Review of Literature 4.1 Meaning and concepts of the topic 4.2 Basic Theories of the topic 4.3 Review of research on the selected topic
  • 43. 4.1 Meaning and concepts of the topic:- Meaning:- The service marketing mix is also known as an extended marketing mix and is an integral part of a service blueprint design. The service marketing mix consists of 7P’s as compared to the 4 P’s of a product marketing mix. Simply said, the service marketing mix assumes the service as a product itself. However it adds 3 more P’s which are required for optimum service delivery. Product Price Promotions Place People Process Physical evidence Definitions: - Product marketing mix Services marketing The service has been defined by several marketing analysis and associations. The study of such definitions provides an understanding of the direction of evolution of the concept of services. It also provides the changing perception of service by the society in general and business concerns in particular. 1. American Marketing Association defines services as- “Activities, benefits and satisfactions, which are offered for sale or are provided in connection with the sale of goods”. 2. P, Kotlar and P. N. Bloom defined a service as- “Any activities or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. Its production may or may not be tied to a physical product”.
  • 44. WHY SERVICE MARKETING? The basic questions that confront everyone are: Why should there be a separate learning on service marketing? Are the marketing concepts and techniques developed for the manufacturing sector not applicable to services? Do services require distinctive strategies in marketing? The answers to these questions provide the basic platform for an understanding of service marketing. A different marketing approach is necessary for services marketing because services differ from goods in many respects. The following are the differences between physical goods and services.  Services are intangible, Goods are tangible.  Services are heterogeneous whereas goods are homogeneous.  Services are produced in buyer-seller interactions. Goods are produced in a factory.  Production, distribution and consumption take place simultaneously in the case of services. In the case of goods, the three are separate and independent functions.  Consumers are co-producers in services. Consumers do not generally participate in the production of goods.  Services cannot be stored. Goods can be stored.  In the sale of services, the transfer of ownership does not take place, whereas in the case of goods, it does take place. 4.2 Basic Theories of the topic:- The New 3 P’s in Service Marketing:- Traditional 4P’s marketing is adapt to products marketing, but in service management something new are needed. Booms and Bitner advise three new P’s to service marketing: people, physical evidence and process People People are the most important elements in any service or experience. Since in separability and variability lead to a customer experience, which, we say, one of the aspects of expected performance, are often altered to meet the individual needs of person consuming it. Then we can imagine the situation that people always buy from people that they like, so that the skills, attitude, appearance of staff go up to the top class. There are several ways in which people
  • 45. add value to an experience: first is training, personnel developed or educated to obtain a high quality of personal service; second is personal selling, a tough work and creative skill; and third is customer service, a team who provide expertise, technical support and some customer interface. Physical Evidence The intangibility of service brings the difficulties of unclear, untouchable, and even doubtful sometimes. Strictly speaking there are no physical attributes in service, so a consumer often relies on those tangible evidences for confidence. Here we consider football match, which is typically packed full of physical evidence. A ticket often has the logo of home team, and plays in a same team are wearing uniforms. The stadium is impressive and has an electrifying atmosphere. Audience can have a comfortable seat and be close to store. All that an audience needs to do is to enjoy the game and to shout encouragement. Process There are several kinds of perceptions within business and literature about process. Some see process as a means to achieve a goal, for example, a 15% rise of stock share price. Some others argue that there are processes integrated to create an overall marketing, like telemarketing and internet marketing can be integrated. A further view is that process is to control marketing, such as measuring achievement objectives. All these views are not particularly customer focused. In service business, process is an element that appreciates customer experiencing as an organizational offering. It’s viewed as something that customer participates in at different point. Again we can see the importance of interaction with customers. It requires a proper encounter, a proper communication, a proper action and a proper resolution, in which process has a progression of inputs, throughputs and outputs, where service marketing value is added. Characteristics:- Service has basically six characteristic that greatly affect the design of marketing programmes. They are:- 1) Intangibility 2) Inseparability 3) Variability 4) Perishability 5) Customer participation 6) Lack of ownership.
  • 46. 4.3 Review of research on the selected topic:- SPARSH The Volkswagen Touch:- Sparsh the Volkswagen touch has been designed to be a way of life and guiding philosophy for Volkswagen dealership in India. It embodies Volkswagen brand values and is a powerful means to enable our dealership offer a distinct customer experience. Objectives of Sparsh:-  To code the knowledge and intelligence in the system inform that is systematic easy to use and quick to refer.  To define the business language of the Volkswagen dealership with reference to the terms tools and templates.  To evolve as the comprehensive go to document within the dealership sales organization the basis of which dealership business operations decision are taken. Sparsh Components:-  Dealership Infrastructure:- Corporate identity standards defined by Volkswagen for various interior and exterior infrastructure elements of our dealership process system and tools required for managing and maintaining the dealership infrastructure also fall within the preview of the infrastructure handbook.  Dealership Human resources:- People are central to the business of the dealership as well as the consistent delivery of benchmark customer experience of our dealership. This includes recruiting, engaging and motivating people as well as the processes and tools required to make dealership a great place to work. The Assessment Centre has been especially developed as a comprehensive recruitment process to enable dealerships identifies and recruits the right talent. Assessment Centre is conducted for Sales Consultants / Team Leaders and Head Sales Operations.
  • 47.  Dealership sales operations :- The operations contains processes, tools, and enables to help you manage your dealership sales function effectively and transform it into a streamlined, high performance success machine that drives the business of dealership. This manual is designed to assist dealership teams in working in line with recommended processes. The information is presented in a format that will enable easy navigation through document. All templates, formats and important Information is presented in easy to read manner. The cross-reference to sections has been detailed out to make sure Usergets complete perspective of objective, process steps involved, role holders and tool and templates.It is expected that dealership teams will use this manual as a reference guide to get answers to their questions about day-to-day dealership operations. The abbreviations & glossary of terms given at the end of book will provide necessary reference to the key terms and concepts.
  • 48. Sales process chart:- _--The prospect entering the showroom is offered with refreshment and made comfortable to sit. Till then the the receptionist call some to attend him. --The salesperson when meets the prospect introduce himself to the prospect and talk in general with the prospect and make the prospect feel free to talk. --The need analysis is done by the salesperson about the requirement of the prospect. --After analyzing the requirement of the prospect the car is shown to the prospect as per his requirement or choice. --Test drive is offered by the salesperson to the prospect to check all the feature of the car and all doubts related to purchase decision. --After all the queries and doubts of the customer the salesperson peach the prospect to purchase new car. --Trade services are offer in case when the customer wants to sales his current car. --The Volkswagen finance is offered to the prospects in case he is not satisfied then other banks finance is is offered --The timely follow is taken by the sales person the know the customer is interested or not or else has some other requirement Acquisition First personal contact Need analysis Car presentation Test drive New car offer Trade-in offer Finance services offer Follow up
  • 49. --The sales closure is done smartly after all the queries are solved and the prospect is convinced. --The car is made ready after the all the formalities are over and deliver to the respective customer. --The customer is happy and satisfied will leads in customer retention. (Sources: - Volkswagen Sparsh guidelines) Sales closure Delivery Customer retention
  • 50. International Journal of Sales & Marketing Management Research and Development (IJSMMRD) ISSN 2249-6939 Vol. 3, Issue 1, Mar 2013, 53-60 CUSTOMERS’ PERCEPTION ON PHYSICAL FACILITIES AND PROCESSES IN BANKS - A CASE STUDY OF STATE BANK OF INDIA The intensifying competitive environment in the banking sector forcing the public sector banks to become more and more customer focused in their operations. The quality and adequacy of the physical facilities at bank branches plays an important role in customer satisfaction and quality perceptions of the customers. Recognizing this, many banks redesigned their branch structures to create better ambiance, comforts and facilities to the visiting customers. The banks however need to know to what extent the physical infrastructure provided at bank branches could create quality perceptions to customers. This paper is an attempt to study the customers’ perceptions on physical facilities provided by SBI at its branches and customer interactions with bank employees based on survey research. (By:- K. RAMA MOHANA RAO Professor, Dept. of Commerce and Management Studies, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India S. GANGADHARA RAMA RAO Lecturer, School of Management Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India)
  • 51. Managing the Expanded Marketing Mix (EMM): A critical Perspective Approach, (From 4Ps to 7Ps). Published in The African Journal of Finance and Management (2005) The research paper address issues of Marketing Mix in a more expanded form, from a managerial emphasis. The traditional Marketing Mix has been known and operational for a long time. However, this is mainly applicable in the manufacturing sector. The case of the service sector needs more than that. The paper addresses aspects of services marketing from a service management perspective. Issues of service Competition will also be considered. The additional 3 P’s to the commonly known 4 P’s will be discussed to get the expanded marketing mix, which consists of 7 P’s. The Three additional P’s are People, Physical aspects and Process information. The Relationship of service quality gap with the need of managing the gaps using the Additional three Ps will be also discussed. Therefore, the Service Quality (SRVQUAL) model by Parasuraman, will form part of the discussion of the paper. It Is imperative to understand that there is a need to appreciate the existence of the gap And manage them. The optimal position is to manage the service system in such a way that the gaps will not be occurring. The best approach to achieve this is by involving The customers in the expanded marketing mix design so that so much they form part of the delivery system. In conclusion, it is hoped that coordination of the Expanded Marketing Mix (EMM) will always lead companies and practitioners to a higher level of satisfying the customers hence a sustainable competitive Advantage. (Prof. Elisante ole Gabriel (PhD, Marketing) Lecturer – Mzumbe University Faculty of Commerce, P O Box 6, Mzumbe, Morogoro, Tanzania)
  • 53. The data collection is based on questionnaire of walk-in customers (Sample size 60) 1) Please rate the following from your own experience. About the employees at the dealer. STATEMENTS Poor Average good excellent Total Employees uniform from tip to toe 0 0 15 45 60 Employees knowledge 0 0 13 47 60 Meet and greet 0 2 16 42 60 Friendliness of the 0 6 14 40 60 employees Availability of employees at place of requirement 0 0 9 51 60 25% 22% 25% 14% 0%0% 0%0% 0%3% 0% 0% 6% 0% Availability of employees at place of requirement (Source- primary data) Employees uniform from tip to toe Observation:- Employees knowledge Meet and greet Friendliness of the employees From the above information, It is observed that customer are happy with the appearance of the employees and their product knowledge and so majority of customers has rated excellent and rest has rated good, there are very customers who has rated average. Interpretation:- From the above information we can analyse that the employees working at the dealership follows the norms of Sparsh component and are very much professional. 9% 75% 78% 72% 80% 81% responses Poor Average good excellent
  • 54. 2) How satisfied are you with the demonstration provided by salesperson. Rating Scale Frequency Percentage -4 Not satisfied 0 0 0% 2 Satisfied 23 46 38% 4 Extremely satisfied 37 148 62% Total 60 194 100% Observation: 0 responses 38% 62% Not satisfied Satisfied Extremely satisfied From the above information, it is observed that, 62% of are extremely satisfied by the demonstration and 38% are satisfied customers there is no customer who is dissatisfied by the demonstration of the salesperson. Interpretation:- By using Likert Scaling Technique it is observed that the mean 3.22, here it can be analyse that the majority of customers are satisfied with the demonstration of the car.
  • 55. 3) How will you rate salesperson’s responsiveness to meet your needs? Rating Scale Frequency Percentage 1 Poor 0 0 0 2 Average 4 8 6% 3 Good 40 120 67% 4 Excellent 16 64 27% Total 60 192 100% Observation: 0 responses 6% 67% 27% Poor Average Good Excellent From the above information, it is observed that, 67% of customer are happy with the sales person’s responsiveness and 27% of customer have rated good for the salesperson response. And 6% of customer does notice. Interpretation:- By using Likert Scaling Technique it is observed that the mean is 3.2, here it can be analyse that the majority of customers are meet with the information in their purchase decision.
  • 56. 4) How satisfied are with the sales person’s punctuality. No Scale Frequency Percentage 1 Totally dissatisfied 0 0% 2 Dissatisfied 0 0% 3 Satisfied 9 15% 4 Totally satisfied 51 85% Total 60 100% Observation: From the above information, it is observed that, 85% of customers are totally satisfied with the sales person’s punctuality and 15% of customer have rated satisfied for the salesperson response. There is no customer who is dissatisfied by the salesperson’s punctuality. Interpretation:- 0% 0% 15% 85% responses Totally dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Totally satisfied
  • 57. 5) How was the knowledge of the finance person with respect to loans and other schemes? No Scale Frequency Percentage 1 Poor 0 17% 2 Fair 2 80% 3 Good 48 3% 4 Excellent 10 0 Total 60 100% Observation: responses 0 3% 80% 17% poor fair good excellent From the above information, it is observed that, 80% of customers have rated good for the finance person knowledge and 17% have rated excellent for the information and schemes providing the customer a good deal for purchasing the car. Whereas 3% of customers have rated fair.
  • 58. 6) How will you rate visibility of Shreekripa Automobiles showroom? /Grade the infrastructure. No Scale Frequency Percentage 1 Poor 0 0% 2 Average 0 0% 3 Good 47 78% 4 Excellent 13 22% Total 60 100% Observation: 0% 0% Sales 78% 22% Poor Average Good Excellent From the above information, it is observed that, 22% of customer rated excellent for visibility of shreekripa showroom and 78% have rated good and there is no customer who found it difficult in searching the showroom.
  • 59. 7) How will you rate with the following statements? STATEMENTS Poor Average Good Excellent Total Welcome and Cleanliness at entry gate 0 0 41 19 60 Availability of parking place 0 9 41 10 60 Welcome at reception 0 4 13 43 60 Display of graphics 0 2 30 28 60 Display of 0 0 46 14 60 accessories 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Welcome and Cleanliness at entry gate Axis Title Observation: Availability of parking place Chart Title Welcome at reception Display of graphics Display of accessories Axis Title Poor Average Good Excellent From the above information, it is observed that, very less customers have rated fair for the welcome at reception and parking space and most of the customer have rated good for the cleanliness and parking space and display of accessories. And the average customer have rated excellent for the above facilities of the dealer.
  • 60. 8) Have you got to see the variant you were looking for at the display? (Varients like polo, vento, jetta, passat) No Scale Frequency Percentage 1 Yes 55 100% 2 No 5 0% Total 60 100% Observation: 95% Series 1 Series 1 Yes No 5% From the above information, it is observed that, 95% of customers are happy with to see the variant they were looking for whereas 5% of customer were able to see the variant they were looking for.
  • 61. 9) How will you rate for the availability of variants of polo, vento, jetta andf passat at Shreekripa automobiles pvt. Ltd. No Scale Frequency Percentage 1 Poor 0 0% 2 Average 7 12% 3 Good 53 88% 4 Excellent 0 0% Total 60 100% Observation: Sales 0% 12% 88% 0% Poor Average Good Excellent From the above information, it is observed that, 88% of customers have rated good for the availability of variant at dealership and 12% customers given average remark.
  • 62. 10) The literature available at Shreekripa automobiles pvt. Ltd. STATEMENTS Yes No Total Available Press material is updated 60 0 60 Television at dealership is in working condition 60 0 60 Availability of brochures and magazines 60 0 60 Availability of business card 60 0 60 Percentage 100% 0% 100% Chart Title Yes No 100% 100% 100% 100% 0 0 0 0 Available Press material is updated Observation: Television at dealership is in working condition Availability of brochures and magazines Availability of business card From the above information, it is observed that, 100% of customers are happy with the literature such as press material, entertainment, brochures, etc available at the dealership.
  • 63. 11) Do you agree with the following statement of services available at Shreekripapvt ltd STATEMENTS Totally Agree Agree Disagree Totally disagree Total Services of housekeeping is quick 4 56 0 0 60 Availability of customer and driver lounge is specious and comfortable 7 52 1 0 60 Availability of machinery in service department are upgraded 0 60 0 0 60 Interior color is pleasant and furnishing also good 0 60 0 0 60 Employees performance chart is updated 3 57 0 0 60 Services of housekeeping is quick Observation: Chart Title Totally Agree Agree Disagree Totally disagree From the above information, it is observed that, every customer is happy with the service the dealership. Availability of customer and driver lounge is specious and comfortable Availability of machinery in service department are upgraded Interior color is pleasant and furnishing also good Employees performance chart is updated 7% 11% 0 0 5% 93% 86% 100% 100% 95% 0 0 3% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  • 65. The data interpretation is based on questionnaire collected by existing customers Sample size:- 40 1) How will you rate the employees at dealer based on parameters as per your experience. STATEMENTS Poor Average Good Excellent Total The staff is kind and helpful 0 3 26 11 40 Exhibiting the models is up to the expectations 0 0 22 18 40 The staff is proficient 0 0 32 8 40 Purchasing car is easy 0 0 38 2 40 The staff is kind and 0 0 34 6 40 helpful 0 0 0 0 0 The staff is kind and helpful Observation: Exhibiting the models is up to the expectations The staff is proficient Purchasing car is easy From the above information, it is observed more than 76% of customers have rated good for the staff at the dealers at the time of purchase of car. 22% of customer have excellent to the staff. 2) Was the demonstration was given by sales person? The staff is kind and helpful 8.00% 0 0 0 0 66.00% 55% 80% 95% 85% 26% 45% 20% 5% 15% Chart Title poor average good excellent
  • 66. No Scale Frequency Percentage 1 Yes 40 100% 2 No 0 0% Total 40 100% Observation: 100% demonstration Yes No 0% From the above information, it is observed that, all the customer are provide demonstration by sales person. 3) Did the sales person solve your all queries at the time of demonstration?
  • 67. No Scale Frequency Percentage 1 Not satisfactory 0 0% 2 Partially 6 15% 3 Completely 34 85% Total 40 100% 0 15% Not satisfactory Partially Completely Observation: From the above information, it is observed that, 85% of customers get their queries solved and satisfied whereas 15% of customers are partially satisfied. 4) Was test drive offered by the salesperson? 85% Series 1 Series 1
  • 68. Scale Frequency Percentage 1 Yes 40 100% 2 No 0 0% Total 40 100% Observation: 100 80 60 40 20 0 yess no Sales From the above information, it is observed that, 100% of customers have opportunities for test drive. 5) How will you rate your experience of demonstration and test drive? Sales
  • 69. No Scale Frequency Percentage 1 Poor 0 0% 2 Average 16 40% 3 Good 24 60% 4 best 0 0% Total 40 100% Observation: Sales 0% 40% 60% 0% Poor Average Good best From the above information, it is observed that, 60% of customers have rated good for experience of test drive and for demonstration. And 40% of customer have rated average for the demonstration.
  • 70. 6) Does Volkswagen finance offered by the sales person? Scale Frequency Percentage 1 Yes 40 100% 2 No 0 0% Total 40 100% 100 Observation: 80 60 40 20 0 From the above information, it is observed that, 100% of customers were offered Volkswagen finance. yess no Sales Sales
  • 71. 7) If Yes, then how satisfied are you with the information and schemes of VW finance. No Scale Frequency Percentage 1 Not satisfied 0 0% 2 Satisfied 37 92% 3 Extremely satisfied 3 8% Total 40 100% Observation: 0% Sales 92% 8% Not satisfied Satisfied Extremely satisfied From the above information, it is observed that, 92% of customers are satisfied by the Volkswagen finance advisors and schemes, 8% of customer are extremely satisfied. And are offered a good deal for purchasing a new car.
  • 72. 8) How will you rate the delivery process at the dealership? STATEMENTS Poor Average Good Excellent Total The car ready as per the scheduled time 0 0 37 3 40 how was the handover of document process 0 0 40 0 40 was the car ready with the accessories you required 0 0 40 0 40 was the car neat and clean at the time of test drive 0 2 38 0 40 how was the delivery ceremony i.e. pooja ceremony 0 0 36 4 40 90% Chart Title Poor Average Good Excellent 100% 100% 95% 90% 10% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5% 0 0 The car ready as per the scheduled time Observation: 0 0 0 how was the handover of document process was the car ready with the accessories you required was the car neat and clean at the time of test drive 10% how was the delivery ceremony i.e. pooja ceremony From the above information, it is observed that, 95% of customers have rated good for the schedule, documentation and cleanliness of the car at the time of delivery. Whereas the rest 5% of customer have rate excellent and average.
  • 73. 9) Were you introduced the CRM head at the time of delivery of car? Scale Frequency Percentage 1 Yes 40 100% 2 No 0 0% Total 40 100% 100 Observation: 80 60 40 20 0 yess no Sales From the above information, it is observed that, every customers was introduced to Customer Relation Manager (CRM) at the time of delivery of car. Sales
  • 74. 10) How satisfied were you with the CRM’S instruction about your vehicle. No Scale Frequency Percentage 1 Not satisfied 0 0% 2 Satisfied 38 95% 3 Extremely satisfied 2 5% Total 40 100% Observation: 0% 95% 5% Sales Not satisfied Satisfied Extremely satisfied From the above information, it is observed that, 95% of customers satisfied and 5% are extremely satisfied with the information of after sales services, road side assistance and warranty schemes.
  • 75. 11) How will you rate the delivery process at the dealership? No Scale Frequency Percentage 1 1 0 0% 2 2 2 5% 3 3 6 7% 4 4 26 65% 5 5 6 23% Total 40 100% 0 percentage percentage 5% 7% 65% 23% 1 2 3 4 5 Observation: From the above information, it is observed that 5% of customers have rated 2 marks, 7% rated 3 marks, and majority of the customer have rated (i.e. 65%) for overall delivery process of the dealer.
  • 76. 12) How will you rate the overall delivery process of your car. No Scale Frequency Percentage 1 Not satisfied 0 0% 2 Satisfied 5 12% 3 Extremely satisfied 35 88% Total 40 100% Observation: 0% Sales 12% 88% Not satisfied Satisfied Extremely satisfied From the above information, it is observed that, 88% of customers are extremely satisfied from the delivery process of the dealer and 12% of customers are satisfied.
  • 77. 13) Did you receive the congratulation letter after the delivery of the vehicle? Scale Frequency Percentage 1 Yes 36 90% 2 No 4 10% Total 40 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Observation:- yess no Sales From the above information, it is observed that, 90% of customers have received congratulation letter within 24 hours of delivery and 10% of customer have not received the letter.
  • 78. 14) How satisfied are you with the following statement . STATEMENTS Not satisfied satisfied Extremely satisfied Total Received the congratulation letter after the delivery of the vehicle 0 40 0 40 3rd day follow up was taken by SAPL 0 37 3 40 Sales Consultants follow up after 7 days 0 34 6 40 Follow up by VW for satisfaction 0 40 0 40 0 0 0 0 Received the congratulation letter after the delivery of the vehicle Observation: - 3rd day follow up was taken by SAPL Sales Consultants follow up after 7 days From the above information, it is observed that, 76% of customers are satisfied after delivery follow ups taken by the dealer and Volkswagen team. Follow up by VW for satisfaction 100% 96% 85% 100% 0 4% 15% 0 Chart Title Not satisfied satisfied Extremely satisfied
  • 79. 15) Starting from your experience would you say your opinion of the following statement? STATEMENTS Totally Disagree Disagree Agreed Totally Agreed Total The quality of work at the top level. 0 0 40 0 40 The equipment is at technical department is of high level 0 0 34 6 40 The duration of repair is short 0 0 31 9 40 The cost of repair is calculated correctly. 0 0 33 7 40 100% Chart Title Totally disagree Disagree Agreed Totally agreed 85% 80% 84% 15% 20% 16% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The quality of work at the top level. Observation: - The equipment is at technical department is of high level The duration of repair is short The cost of repair is calculated correctly. From the above information, it is observed that, 70% of customers agreed to the services provided by the dealer whereas the 30% of customer totally agreed and appreciates the services of the dealer.
  • 81. 7.1 FINDING It is observed that:-  The prospective segment is from the business and premium class.  The customer highest priority is for the price.  Customer are highly satisfied with the service which help in customer retention  Company has created goodwill among the customers which will help them to recommend car to friends and relatives.  The dealer needs to educate the sales consultant about every product it offers and the market scenario and the competition of the competiting brand.
  • 82. 7.2 SUGGESTIONS/ RECOMMENDATIONS:- After conducting the survey and knowing the market, the researcher has realized that:  Company should improve/upgrades its employee’s product knowledge, market situation, and its competitor’s knowledge by giving proper training to employee.  The Company should not only concentrate on the customer satisfaction but also the company led to monitor their competitor’s performance in their areas of operations.  The Company should make changes according to the other competitors & according to the customer’s expectations.  Volkswagen should continue to maintain the standard of the service.  Volkswagen should focus on the maintenance cost.  The company continue the loan schemes like fully loaded, EMI maintenance on cost etc.  More promotional activities like holding poster, banners, contest, etc.  The company can come up with small range car.  Maintenance cost should be maintained according to price strategies implemented by Competitors.  The service facility should be provided at other places in the city.
  • 83. CUSTOMER FEEDBACK NAME:- ADD:- MOBILE NO:- 1) Please rate the following from your own experience. About the employees at the dealer. STATEMENTS • Employees uniform from tip to toe • Employees knowledge • Meet and greet • Friendliness of the employees • Availability of employees at place of requirement 2) In your opinion sales person's appearance was. Poor Average good excellent Very good Good Bad Worst 3) Do you agree with the salesperson’s product knowledge? Totally disagree Agree Totally agree 4) How satisfied are you with the demonstration provided by salesperson. Not satisfied Satisfied Extremely satisfied 5) How will you rate salesperson’s responsiveness to meet your needs? Poor Average Good Excellent 6) How satisfied are with the sales person’s punctuality. Totally dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Totally satisfied
  • 84. 7) Do you agree with finance advisor about the information and schemes? Totally agree Agree Disagree Totally disagree 8) How will you rate visibility of Shreekripa Automobiles pvt. Ltd. /Grade the infrastructure. Poor Average Good Excellent 9) How will you rate with the following statements? Statement Poor Average Good Excellent • Welcome and Cleanliness at entry gate • Availability of parking place • Welcome at reception • Display of graphics • Display of accessories 10) Have you got to see the variant you were looking for at the display? Yes No 11) How will you rate the availability of variants at Shreekripa automobiles pvt. Ltd. Poor Average Good Excellent 12) The literature available at Shreekripa automobiles pvt. Ltd Yes No • Available Press material is updated • Television at dealership is in working condition • Availability of brochures and magazines • Availability of business card
  • 85. . 13) How will you rate the location, parking and ambience at dealer? Poor Average Good Excellent 14) Do you agree with the following statement of services available at Shreekripa pvt ltd Statement Totally Agree Agree Disagree Totally disagree • services of housekeeping is quick • availability of customer and driver lounge is specious and comfortable • availability of machinery in service department are upgraded • Interior color is pleasant and furnishing also good • Employees performance chart is updated 15) Starting from your experience what changes will you like to do? …………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………….. Signature
  • 86. CUSTOMER FEEDBACK NAME:- ADD:- MOBILE NO.:- CURRENT CAR:- 1) Mode / source of enquiry. • walk-in • telephone • event/road shows • refences enquiry • cold calls • email • corporate • DSA/DMA • exiting VW customer • VW referrals/ programs 2) How will you rate the employees at dealer based on parameters as per your experience. Statements Poor Average Good Excellent • The staff is kind and helpful • exhibiting the models is up to the expectations • The staff is proficient • Purchasing car is easy
  • 87. 3) Did the demonstration was given sales person. Yes No 4) Did the sales person solve your all queries at the time of demonstration? Not satisfactory Partially completely 5) Was test drive offered by the sales consultant? Yes No 6) How will you rate your experience of demonstration and test drive? Poor Average Good Best 7) Does VW finance was offered by sales person. Yes No 8) If Yes, then how satisfied are you with the information and schemes of VW finance. Not satisfied Satisfied Extremely satisfied 9) How will you rate the delivery process at the dealership? Statements Poor Average Good Excellent • The car ready as per the scheduled time • how was the handover of document process • was the car ready with the accessories you required • was the car neat and clean at the time of test drive • how was the delivery ceremony i.e. pooja ceremony Yes No
  • 88. 10) Were you introduced to CRM department at the time of delivery of your vehicle? 11) How satisfied were you with the CRM’S instruction about your vehicle. Not satisfied Satisfied Extremely satisfied 12) How will you rate the delivery process at the dealership? 1 2 3 4 5 Grade 13) How will you rate the overall delivery process of your car. Not satisfied Satisfied Extremely satisfied 14) Did you receive the congratulation letter after the delivery of the vehicle? Yes No 15) How satisfied are you with the following statement . Statement Not satisfied Satisfied Extremely satisfied • received the congratulation letter after the delivery of the vehicle • 3rd day follow up was taken by SAPL • Sales Consultants follow up after 7 days • follow up by VW for satisfaction 16) Starting from your experience would you say your opinion of the following statement?
  • 89. Statements Totally Disagree Disagree Agreed Totally Agreed • The quality of work at the top level. • The equipment is at technical department is of high level • The duration of repair is short • The cost of repair is calculated correctly. 17) From your experience would you like suggest other people buy Volkswagen car from the dealer. 18) Any suggestion or change would you like to mention ……………………………………………………………………………………. ........................................................................................ Signature Yes No