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Table of Contents
Chapter 1:
Courage Basics
Chapter 2:
Know Your Strengths
Chapter 3:
Think Positively
Chapter 4:
Look At All Points of View
Chapter 5:
Have Persistence
Chapter 6:
Step Outside Of Your Comfort Zone
Chapter 7:
Connect Spiritually
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“One isn't necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential.
Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency.
We can't be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.”-- Maya Angelou
Not all people have the courage to face every challenge in life. Lucky are
those who surpass all the obstacles by taking risks bravely. Courage, as
others said, is not innate. But, everyone is equipped with a certain amount
of this, which allows them to face their fears and take risks without losing
faith and try to continue living even if it is tough.
Courage is what everybody wants. It is an attribute of good character that
makes anyone worthy of respect. In this book, you will learn everything
about developing courage and how you can use it to face challenges in life.
So, grab this chance to know more about courage and discover the perks of
developing enough courage to win any battle.
Courage Commando
Develop Enough Courage To Win In Any Battle
Chapter 1:
Courage Basics
Everyone is afraid of something. But, being courageous can let you face or
overcome your fears in life even if it means you should sacrifice or take
risks. If you think you don’t have the courage to surpass all the challenges
in life, well you are wrong. Life will never run out of challenges. They are
already part of anyone’s lives. That is the reason why each one of you is
equipped with courage to win any battles in life. You may know about the
existence of courage in your system, but think about how you face every
fear in your life since you were just a little? Isn’t it courage or just your
Courage Defined
Courage is one’s ability to confront pain, fear, uncertainty, intimidation or
danger. There are different types of courage, which may range from
endurance and physical strength to mental stamina and innovation. Some
of the types of courage are:
 Physical Courage
This is the courage when facing hardship, physical pain, threat of
death or death.
 Moral Courage
This is the ability of a person to act rightly when facing popular
opposition, scandal, discouragement or shame.
In several traditions, courage has the same meaning as fortitude. In
Western tradition, the notable thoughts on courage came from
philosophers including Aquinas, Aristotle, and Kierkegaard. In Eastern
tradition, several thoughts on courage were provided by Tao Te Ching.
Recently, courage was explored by the psychology’s discipline.
6 Attributes of Courage
Courage is what everybody wants. Most of you have heard or seen it in
numerous stories or even movies. In fact, history books have taught
everyone how to be brave and courageous. There may different types of
courage. But, you should develop more of it as this can give you an edge and
may lead you to success. If you think you don’t have enough courage, then
spend some time knowing the different attributes of courage. These
 Feeling Fear Yet You Choose to Act
Many people are afraid of something yet most of you choose to act
instead of letting fear eat you. Courage is not actually the absence of
fear. But, it is overcoming your fears. Keep in mind that true courage
facing danger whenever you are afraid.
 Following Your Heart
Achieving all of your dreams may be impossible. But, in this world,
your time is limited and you need to follow your heart and this is what
you call courage.
 Standing Up For What Is Right
Not all have the courage to speak against injustice. That is why it
takes a lot of courage to stand up and speak for what is right. Courage
will also taught you when is the right time to sit and listen.
There are other attributes of courage. If you want to be more courageous,
then you start today. Everyone has the power to level up their courage. You
too can develop courage, which you can use as your greatest tool when
beating your enemies and other things that block your way.
It may take your brain months, or even years, of disciplined training,
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Chapter 2:
Know Your Strengths
For you to accomplish or succeed at anything, you need to have strengths. If
you don’t know your strengths, you might not be able to have courage to
face the challenges in this life. Strengths are not the things you think you
are good at. Just because you are good at a particular think, this does not
mean that it is your strength. For it to be your strength, it should your
passion too. This is what qualifies for it to be considered as your strength.
But, what are the ways to know your strengths?
Ways to Know Your Strengths
Your strengths will serve as your fuel to develop courage. Strength will let
you feel strong. If you are confused between your strengths and
weaknesses, then here are some of the ways you may consider:
 List Down What You Think You Are Good At
Listing down the things you think you are good at can help you
determine your strengths. Even if you hate doing it yet you excel at it,
this can be your strength. So, make sure to list down everything that
you are good at because this will help you in the long run.
 When Knowing Your Strengths, Don’t Ask Opinions from
Other People
When knowing your strengths, it is not a good idea to ask opinions
from other people. Even if others have clues about your strengths, you
are the one who knows yourself better. Therefore, don’t let others
influenced you when you are discovering your strengths because your
real strength lies deep in you. That’s why you should be the one to
know your strengths not others.
There are many reasons why you should not ask opinions from other
people. One of these is that others may just see that you are good at
something physically. But, they don’t have any clue about what you
feel when you are doing it.
 What Makes You Excited
Everyone has his or her excitements in life. So, what makes you
excited? Being excited at something you plan to do can be your
strengths. You have to take note that you should have passion with
what you do for it to be a strength. If you like what you are doing and
you excel at it, then it is your strength.
 Take Some Self-Assessment Activities
A good way to know your strengths is by taking some self-assessment
activities. There are numerous experts or professionals who offer such
activities for free. You can try any self-assessment activity you want.
Just make sure that this would allow you to know your strengths.
Taking these activities may be a waste of time for others. But, for
some who are confused and don’t know where to get started may
consider these activities. Other than knowing one’s strengths, self-
assessment activities could also allow you to determine your
weaknesses, which you can improve in the long run for it to be one of
your strengths. Keep in mind that there are some weaknesses that can
be the key for you to succeed at something. You just need how to use
it wisely.
Signs of Strength
Another way to know your strength is to be aware of its signs and these
 Success
This shows that you are effective in the activity you are doing.
 Instincts
Find things that you instinctively look forward to. Then, capitalize on
 Growth
You are growing once you have the ability to concentrate on a
particular activity and time flies by.
 Needs
Several activities could make you tired, but they will give you
Once you have determined your strengths, the next thing that you need to
do is to nurture your skills at it. Your strengths will only strength if you will
continue nurturing it. If you will take it for granted, this might be your
weakness in the long run.
For you to nurture your strengths, there are different things you can do.
One of these is to be involved on activities wherein you can use your skills.
With this, you will not just be able to learn more, but also you will have the
opportunity to improve your strengths even more especially if you have
competitors who you think are better than you. So, don’t waste time on
something that would not value your strengths. Nurture your strengths and
reap its offered benefits.
It may take your brain months, or even years, of disciplined training,
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Chapter 3:
Think Positively
Staying positive is not really a simple job. More often than not, others
encourage negative thoughts especially if they are emotional and could not
handle the things rightly. But, what they don’t know is that negative
thinking will just complicate things and will never lead anyone to the right
path. Every problem is like the subject of Mathematics, there is always a
solution and it’s maybe just around the corner. Thinking positively, on the
contrary, can keep you going. This will give you courage to win in any
battles no matter how tough they are.
How to Think Positively If Things Go Wrong in Life
For you to be happier, you will need to think positively even when it seems
your life is falling apart. Have you tried looking at someone who is always
happy and wondered how did they do it? Their positive attitude and
positive outlook on life are what draws them from others. Thinking
positively can help you attain your goals in life. This will also make your life
much easier.
Below are some of the tips you can consider to keep a positive attitude
when things went wrong:
 Don’t Just Exist, But Learn to Live Your Life. Live daily like it
will be your last. Passion and positive outlook for life are actually
contagious. If you will stay upbeat, you will find that some people
want to be around you.
 Don’t React, But Rather Just Act. Do not wait until things go
wrong. Be proactive and you should make things happen for yourself.
Being reactive on your situation will not let get going. Life is what you
make. You only one try. So, take life as it comes. Then, make the most
of it.
 Regardless of the Situation’s Outcome, Don’t Stop Believing
as Everything Happens for A Reason. Each situation has the
potential for good even if it seems bad at that particular moment.
Draw strengths from your misfortune. Thinking positively even if
things gone bad will help you get through it.
 Be Thankful for What You Have. Those who are successful know
that gratitude will get them further than dissatisfaction. There is
nothing wrong with ambition. However, don’t forget to thank for
what you have right now. People who are not contented or satisfied
will end up thinking that they will never have the chance to get what
they really want.
 When Opportunities Come Along, Seize Them. Do not neglect
your responsibilities for you to chase your dreams, but do not pass on
the opportunities that perfectly fit your life.
 Have Sense of Humor. People want to be around with people who
have a sense of humor even during their unfortunate moments. Part
of thinking positively is learning how to smile or laugh at yourself.
 Remember That You Are the One Who Control Your
Destiny. No one may deny your dreams except you. There is hope as
long as you are not dead. You have unlimited potentials even if you
are not doing something in your life. So, why not jump in? Then,
make it the life you desire.
It is not a doubt that positive thinking is a hard task especially when things
are not going right. But, it is not impossible to do. Just keep in mind those
tips above and you will be heading to the right path.
Other Tips to Help You Think More Positively
There are other tips that can help you think more positively and these
 Set Clear Goals
If you don’t know what you want to aim in life, then you will never
where your journey is going. But, if you will set clear goals, then you
will be able to give yourself fulfillment. So, set your goals and set a
positive attitude.
 Form a Mental Picture of Your Success
Forming a mental of your success may be ridiculous. But, this can
actually give you an inspiration to achieve all your goals. You will also
be motivated to reach what you desire in life.
 Take Responsibility and Ownership for Your Life
Do not blame others or challenges. Do not be a victim. You are your
boat’s captain and you are the one deciding where it goes. If you are
not happy with your life, then make another plan and take action at
the soonest date.
 Fake Your Failures
If everything else fails, then consider faking it. If you are really
nervous, worried or doubtful, you can pretend that you are self-
assured and confident. Smile and act as though you’re professional,
successful, and positive. You can fool others and your brain. With
this, you will be able to be confident to be a positive person because
you already know how it feels to be positive at anything.
 Eliminate the Negative
Consider using positive self-talk for overcoming the negative thoughts
and doubts that creep into your mind. Eliminate your worries about
obstacles and difficulties by thinking positively. You should not
ignore problems. You should face them for you to have the courage.
Negative thinking may be an easy option because it’s more comfortable and
provides less challenge. Don’t fall into this trap. Think positively as this can
be your key for boosting your courage.
It may take your brain months, or even years, of disciplined training,
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Chapter 4:
Look At All Points Of View
One’s point of view is his or her own perspective about a particular story.
Everyone has their own views in life. Point of view may differ depending on
how an individual grew or what experiences you acquire from the past. For
instance, if you are always surrounded by people with positive attitude and
never embrace negative thoughts when troubles strike, you will become an
optimistic person. However, if you grew with an opposite environment, you
will likely be a person who is always negative about every step you take. In
such scenarios, the difference of people’s point of view matters. To be
courageous, looking at all points of view is important.
Why Looking at All Points of View is Important to Develop
Facing the day to day challenges in life can be difficult. You need to have
enough amount of courage to fight and surpass such obstacles. Every
person has different point of view and looking at points of view is important
for you to develop courage. But, why should you look at all points of view if
you are the one who is facing the obstacle and not them?
There are many reasons why you should look at all points of view. One of
these reasons is that not all points of view are the same. Some situations in
life may be easy for you while other scenarios may be tough for you even if
people around you think it’s simple. This difference is what draws you from
others. So, if you think you are struggling in your current situation, then
think how other people have done just to get through it.
The importance of points of view to develop courage is that this allows you
to see the brighter side of the situation even though others think that it is
already the end of the world for them. Instead of losing faith, you will be
motivated and inspired to surpass the situation because you believe that
you have the ability to succeed.
The Perks behind Looking at All Points of View
You may think that looking at all points of view may not be worthy of your
time. But, there are actually benefits you could experience once you have
done it:
 Be Able to Differentiate Your Current Situation with Others
One of the best advantages of looking at all points of view is that you
will be able to differentiate your current situation with others. People
with different walks of life have different situations to deal with. Some
are tough while others can be easy. But, once you are in a certain
situation and you think you can’t do it, then better think twice and
compare your situation with others who are also going through your
situation as this can give you a difference.
 Perspective of Other People Can Serve As Your Motivation
or Inspiration
Another benefit of taking a look at all points of view is that you can
use other’s perspectives as your inspiration or motivation. If you
think you don’t have courage, then think of those who do their best to
win their battles in life and fight against any injustice. Rather than
losing hope, why not use some points of view to be motivated and
inspired? Whether it is your first time or second time to deal with a
certain circumstance, no one can beat you if you have courage.
You may think that it is hard to make other’s points of view as your
motivation or inspiration. But, actually, the process is easy. You don’t
have to change yourself just to be courageous like others. What you
only need to do is to be like them. By imposing their good character in
your system, you will be able to be as courageous as they are.
 You Will be Aware of the Things You Should or Should Not
Looking at all points of view can also give you the chance to be aware
of things you should or should not do. If you think your situation is a
hopeless case, then learn from other people’s experiences. With this,
you will determine which things you should prioritize.
 Better Understanding about You’re Going Through
More often than not, people think they are at their worst if they are
facing some challenges. It is because they don’t have better
understanding about they are going through. You have to remember
that everything happens for a reason and you need courage to face
any challenge that may come into your way.
 Being Able to Take Action Wisely
Being able to take action wisely is the common problem for some
because at the first place, they don’t have any idea when or where to
get started. By taking a look at all points of view, anyone can be able
to take action wisely as they already have clues on how others do their
best to face the obstacles.
 Lets You Think Positively
Even if you things went wrong, looking at all points of view will give
you a realization. You will realize that life can offer you something
better only if you have the courage to take risks and keep moving
forward without thinking about any negative thoughts. Through the
past experiences of some people, you will be able to think positively,
which can lead you to the right direction.
There are perks behind looking at points of view. So, if you want to develop
enough courage, then don’t forget to bear in mind those things above
because they can make a huge difference.
Chapter 5:
Have Persistence
Persistence is probably one of admirable characters that a person may
possess. This is the ability to be determined or achieve something no matter
what hindrances they are facing. Having persistence will give you the
courage to succeed even if others already quit in the middle of their
journey. There are may be different reasons why people quit, but regardless
of these, their courage and persistence have driven them toward their goals.
But, how can you have persistence?
“No great achievement is possible without persistent work.” –
Bertrand Russell
It may take your brain months, or even years, of disciplined training,
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Developing Persistence
Being persistent is one of the characteristics you should develop if you want
to reach your goals, get what you desire, and may even be the means by
which you assert yourself in face of difficult or stubborn people. The
application of persistence on various tasks, goals or interactions is often
what set apart those who are fail and successful in life.
Many people have the capacity to set their plans and goals toward success.
However, only few succeeds as only some stick to work on their goals or
plans until these are accomplished. Most of them stop even before they take
a step. Often, they let fears or doubts paralyze them from moving
persistently. But, sometimes, others have motivation that are not firm
enough for their goals to work.
If you want to be persistent, here are some ways to develop persistence:
1. Determine Your Wants and Desires
If you do not have any idea on where you are going, then you will
probably end in somewhere else. Before you can successfully develop
persistence and achieve success, you have to identify first your desires
or wants. You can do this by writing down specifically all the things
you like to accomplish or have. List down all your wants and desires
even if some are impossible to achieve at the moment.
2. Know Your Motivation
Motivation comes from your deep reason why you want to achieve or
obtain something. If you know why you are doing what you are doing,
this provides you more energy to keep moving. For example, you may
like to publish a book. Creating books will take you time and patience.
If you do not have enough motivation or a reason why you should
publish it, you will probably never finish this. However, if you are
motivated by the thought of teaching and influencing millions of
readers through your words, only then you will push yourself hard to
finish your book.
3. Outline Your Action Step
Determining your desires or wants speaks of what you really want to
achieve. Knowing your motivation will give you the reason why you
want to attain your goals. Outlining your action step is important for
knowing how you will be able to acquire what you want.
If you know how to acquire what you really want, this will make it
much easier to achieve. For you to know the steps, you should make
some research and plan the things that should be done. Be specific on
every step you want to take.
4. Keeping a Positive Attitude
The road to success is always under construction. It challenging to
achieve success. This is the main reason why only some succeeds.
There will be many times that you will face failures especially if you
are weak and your thoughts are full of doubts and fears.
For you to develop persistence and succeed in your journey, always
keep a positive attitude no matter what the situation is. Keep your
thoughts concentrated on taking some actions toward your goals.
Avoid negative thoughts as well as feelings for this will just ruin your
persistence and concentration.
5. Build Your Own Group of Masterminds
This group of individuals can help you succeed towards your goal.
Pick carefully who you will trust because this may matter. If possible,
include those who can offer you unbiased judgments and has positive
attitude. You cannot afford to waste your time listening to the
pessimist individuals and cynical advices. These persons will never
help you succeed. But rather, they will drown your energy, which can
lead you to failure.
6. Develop Habit and Discipline
All your planning and goal-setting will be just wasted if you will not
be able to develop good habit and discipline. There will be tons of
hindrance that will stop you from moving forward and without
discipline, it won’t be easy for you to sail away. Developing good
habits and discipline can help you stay on the right track no matter
what difficulties you are experiencing.
Chapter 6:
Step Outside Of Your Comfort Zone
Developing courage will require you to step outside of your comfort zone.
This may seem easy, yet once you get there, coming out of your comfort
zone is a bit challenging. However, the rewards are awesome in the end as it
shows you a whole new world. Aside from giving you courage, this will help
you find numerous exciting and new experiences, which can let you
improve your life. Do not be a creature of habit every time because you will
not be able to invigorate your body and mind. What you have to do is to
step out of your comfort zone and don’t forget to live your life to the fullest.
Ways to Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone
There are many ways to step outside of your comfort zone and these
 Do Several Scary Things
It does not mean that you should spend some time alone on the
cemetery. However, it is important to do something unusual. You
might wanted to do many things or you have dreamt of numerous
actions. The only issue is that you don’t have the courage. If you want
to be courageous, try extreme sports and scary stuffs. This will give
you courage.
 Learn Something New
Being in your comfort zone will limit your personal growth and
development. Once you acquire new skills and have learned
interesting stuffs, you can have the chance to broaden your horizons.
If you will learn another language, this can let you compete with other
individuals. With this, you will be able to meet other people from the
different parts of the world.
 Travel
If you want something new, then try travelling. It is always a good and
wonderful opportunity to come out of your comfort zone. This will
enrich your life with your experience from other places. Travelling
could also let you try different lifestyles, religious views, and cultures.
So, try breaking out of your shell. Then, embrace new cultures. This
will let you live in a whole new life.
 Do Things Alone
Doing things alone can be a great way for you to go outside your
comfort zone. Being alone may sound strange, but this is normal. This
will let you develop will and courage. This can also improve your
Stepping outside of your comfort zone may be difficult at first. But, consider
taking small steps no matter what your experiences in life. Sooner or later,
you will realize that you already have what you desire in life.
It may take your brain months, or even years, of disciplined training,
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Chapter 7:
Connect Spiritually
Having a courage to face any trials in your life can let you stay on the track
despite of the difficulties. But, without spirituality, most of you might lose
faith to fight. This is the main reason why for you to have true courage you
should also pay importance to the value of spirituality. Spiritualism is the
search for something sacred and an important thing that people should
take for consideration. People approach the realm of spirituality by
meditation, religion, personal reflection or yoga.
Reasons Why Spirituality Is Needed to Be Courageous
Others don’t believe that spirituality has something to do with developing
courage. But, what they don’t know that without this, a successful person
can never be whole. That is why it is important to connect spiritually.
Below are the reasons why spirituality is needed to be courageous:
 Spiritual Individuals Are Gracious. Psychology demonstrated
that expressing gratitude is connected with numerous positive
emotions like overall vitality, being generous with resources and time,
and optimism. Spirituality also encourages everyone to be positive
that may be expressed in various life practices.
 Spiritual Individuals Are Compassionate. Experiencing
compassion toward some people is one of things that people from
living with a spiritual life. A variety of pro-social or positive emotions
have strong links with spiritualism like letting one feel great about
some things in life.
 Spiritual Individuals Flourish. Many said that spirituality is
linked to numerous aspects of human like. Those who are spiritual
have positive relationships, optimistic, have high self-esteem and
have purpose and meaning in life.
 Spiritual Individuals Self-Actualize. People who have high level
of spirituality strive to get a better life. They also consider fulfillment
and personal growth as their central goal. Spirituality is also
considered as a path toward self-actualization. The reason behind it is
that this requires everyone to focus on the internal values and wok to
be a better individual.
 Spiritual Individuals Take Time for Savoring Life
Experiences. People who value spirituality take time to reflect on
their every day activities and build lasting memories of their
experiences. Since spiritual individuals are more conscious about
their activities, they learn to be contented from the small pleasures in
Being spiritual may be hard for some people. However, if you want to face
this crazy world, you will need courage and spirituality to succeed.
It may take your brain months, or even years, of disciplined
training, Here is a solution
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Courage commando spiritual

  • 1. 1
  • 2. 2 Table of Contents Foreword Chapter 1: Courage Basics Chapter 2: Know Your Strengths Chapter 3: Think Positively Chapter 4: Look At All Points of View Chapter 5: Have Persistence Chapter 6: Step Outside Of Your Comfort Zone Chapter 7: Connect Spiritually
  • 3. 3 Terms and Conditions LEGAL NOTICE The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional. In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly. This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting and finance fields. You are encouraged to print this book for easy reading.
  • 4. 4 Foreword “One isn't necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can't be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.”-- Maya Angelou Not all people have the courage to face every challenge in life. Lucky are those who surpass all the obstacles by taking risks bravely. Courage, as others said, is not innate. But, everyone is equipped with a certain amount of this, which allows them to face their fears and take risks without losing faith and try to continue living even if it is tough. Courage is what everybody wants. It is an attribute of good character that makes anyone worthy of respect. In this book, you will learn everything about developing courage and how you can use it to face challenges in life. So, grab this chance to know more about courage and discover the perks of developing enough courage to win any battle. Courage Commando Develop Enough Courage To Win In Any Battle
  • 5. 5 Chapter 1: Courage Basics Synopsis Everyone is afraid of something. But, being courageous can let you face or overcome your fears in life even if it means you should sacrifice or take risks. If you think you don’t have the courage to surpass all the challenges in life, well you are wrong. Life will never run out of challenges. They are already part of anyone’s lives. That is the reason why each one of you is equipped with courage to win any battles in life. You may know about the existence of courage in your system, but think about how you face every fear in your life since you were just a little? Isn’t it courage or just your instinct?
  • 6. 6 Courage Defined Courage is one’s ability to confront pain, fear, uncertainty, intimidation or danger. There are different types of courage, which may range from endurance and physical strength to mental stamina and innovation. Some of the types of courage are:  Physical Courage This is the courage when facing hardship, physical pain, threat of death or death.  Moral Courage This is the ability of a person to act rightly when facing popular opposition, scandal, discouragement or shame. In several traditions, courage has the same meaning as fortitude. In Western tradition, the notable thoughts on courage came from philosophers including Aquinas, Aristotle, and Kierkegaard. In Eastern tradition, several thoughts on courage were provided by Tao Te Ching. Recently, courage was explored by the psychology’s discipline. 6 Attributes of Courage Courage is what everybody wants. Most of you have heard or seen it in numerous stories or even movies. In fact, history books have taught everyone how to be brave and courageous. There may different types of courage. But, you should develop more of it as this can give you an edge and may lead you to success. If you think you don’t have enough courage, then spend some time knowing the different attributes of courage. These include:
  • 7. 7  Feeling Fear Yet You Choose to Act Many people are afraid of something yet most of you choose to act instead of letting fear eat you. Courage is not actually the absence of fear. But, it is overcoming your fears. Keep in mind that true courage facing danger whenever you are afraid.  Following Your Heart Achieving all of your dreams may be impossible. But, in this world, your time is limited and you need to follow your heart and this is what you call courage.  Standing Up For What Is Right Not all have the courage to speak against injustice. That is why it takes a lot of courage to stand up and speak for what is right. Courage will also taught you when is the right time to sit and listen. There are other attributes of courage. If you want to be more courageous, then you start today. Everyone has the power to level up their courage. You too can develop courage, which you can use as your greatest tool when beating your enemies and other things that block your way. It may take your brain months, or even years, of disciplined training, Here is a solution "Blockbuster Personal Development Hit: 15 Minute..." Click here for More INFO...
  • 8. 8 Chapter 2: Know Your Strengths Synopsis For you to accomplish or succeed at anything, you need to have strengths. If you don’t know your strengths, you might not be able to have courage to face the challenges in this life. Strengths are not the things you think you are good at. Just because you are good at a particular think, this does not mean that it is your strength. For it to be your strength, it should your passion too. This is what qualifies for it to be considered as your strength. But, what are the ways to know your strengths?
  • 9. 9 Ways to Know Your Strengths Your strengths will serve as your fuel to develop courage. Strength will let you feel strong. If you are confused between your strengths and weaknesses, then here are some of the ways you may consider:  List Down What You Think You Are Good At Listing down the things you think you are good at can help you determine your strengths. Even if you hate doing it yet you excel at it, this can be your strength. So, make sure to list down everything that you are good at because this will help you in the long run.  When Knowing Your Strengths, Don’t Ask Opinions from Other People When knowing your strengths, it is not a good idea to ask opinions from other people. Even if others have clues about your strengths, you are the one who knows yourself better. Therefore, don’t let others influenced you when you are discovering your strengths because your real strength lies deep in you. That’s why you should be the one to know your strengths not others. There are many reasons why you should not ask opinions from other people. One of these is that others may just see that you are good at something physically. But, they don’t have any clue about what you feel when you are doing it.  What Makes You Excited
  • 10. 10 Everyone has his or her excitements in life. So, what makes you excited? Being excited at something you plan to do can be your strengths. You have to take note that you should have passion with what you do for it to be a strength. If you like what you are doing and you excel at it, then it is your strength.  Take Some Self-Assessment Activities A good way to know your strengths is by taking some self-assessment activities. There are numerous experts or professionals who offer such activities for free. You can try any self-assessment activity you want. Just make sure that this would allow you to know your strengths. Taking these activities may be a waste of time for others. But, for some who are confused and don’t know where to get started may consider these activities. Other than knowing one’s strengths, self- assessment activities could also allow you to determine your weaknesses, which you can improve in the long run for it to be one of your strengths. Keep in mind that there are some weaknesses that can be the key for you to succeed at something. You just need how to use it wisely. Signs of Strength Another way to know your strength is to be aware of its signs and these include:  Success This shows that you are effective in the activity you are doing.  Instincts
  • 11. 11 Find things that you instinctively look forward to. Then, capitalize on them.  Growth You are growing once you have the ability to concentrate on a particular activity and time flies by.  Needs Several activities could make you tired, but they will give you fulfillment. Once you have determined your strengths, the next thing that you need to do is to nurture your skills at it. Your strengths will only strength if you will continue nurturing it. If you will take it for granted, this might be your weakness in the long run. For you to nurture your strengths, there are different things you can do. One of these is to be involved on activities wherein you can use your skills. With this, you will not just be able to learn more, but also you will have the opportunity to improve your strengths even more especially if you have competitors who you think are better than you. So, don’t waste time on something that would not value your strengths. Nurture your strengths and reap its offered benefits. It may take your brain months, or even years, of disciplined training, Here is a solution "Blockbuster Personal Development Hit: 15 Minute..." Click here for More INFO...
  • 12. 12 Chapter 3: Think Positively Synopsis Staying positive is not really a simple job. More often than not, others encourage negative thoughts especially if they are emotional and could not handle the things rightly. But, what they don’t know is that negative thinking will just complicate things and will never lead anyone to the right path. Every problem is like the subject of Mathematics, there is always a solution and it’s maybe just around the corner. Thinking positively, on the contrary, can keep you going. This will give you courage to win in any battles no matter how tough they are.
  • 13. 13 How to Think Positively If Things Go Wrong in Life For you to be happier, you will need to think positively even when it seems your life is falling apart. Have you tried looking at someone who is always happy and wondered how did they do it? Their positive attitude and positive outlook on life are what draws them from others. Thinking positively can help you attain your goals in life. This will also make your life much easier. Below are some of the tips you can consider to keep a positive attitude when things went wrong:  Don’t Just Exist, But Learn to Live Your Life. Live daily like it will be your last. Passion and positive outlook for life are actually contagious. If you will stay upbeat, you will find that some people want to be around you.  Don’t React, But Rather Just Act. Do not wait until things go wrong. Be proactive and you should make things happen for yourself. Being reactive on your situation will not let get going. Life is what you make. You only one try. So, take life as it comes. Then, make the most of it.  Regardless of the Situation’s Outcome, Don’t Stop Believing as Everything Happens for A Reason. Each situation has the potential for good even if it seems bad at that particular moment.
  • 14. 14 Draw strengths from your misfortune. Thinking positively even if things gone bad will help you get through it.  Be Thankful for What You Have. Those who are successful know that gratitude will get them further than dissatisfaction. There is nothing wrong with ambition. However, don’t forget to thank for what you have right now. People who are not contented or satisfied will end up thinking that they will never have the chance to get what they really want.  When Opportunities Come Along, Seize Them. Do not neglect your responsibilities for you to chase your dreams, but do not pass on the opportunities that perfectly fit your life.  Have Sense of Humor. People want to be around with people who have a sense of humor even during their unfortunate moments. Part of thinking positively is learning how to smile or laugh at yourself.  Remember That You Are the One Who Control Your Destiny. No one may deny your dreams except you. There is hope as long as you are not dead. You have unlimited potentials even if you are not doing something in your life. So, why not jump in? Then, make it the life you desire.
  • 15. 15 It is not a doubt that positive thinking is a hard task especially when things are not going right. But, it is not impossible to do. Just keep in mind those tips above and you will be heading to the right path. Other Tips to Help You Think More Positively There are other tips that can help you think more positively and these include:  Set Clear Goals If you don’t know what you want to aim in life, then you will never where your journey is going. But, if you will set clear goals, then you will be able to give yourself fulfillment. So, set your goals and set a positive attitude.  Form a Mental Picture of Your Success Forming a mental of your success may be ridiculous. But, this can actually give you an inspiration to achieve all your goals. You will also be motivated to reach what you desire in life.  Take Responsibility and Ownership for Your Life Do not blame others or challenges. Do not be a victim. You are your boat’s captain and you are the one deciding where it goes. If you are not happy with your life, then make another plan and take action at the soonest date.
  • 16. 16  Fake Your Failures If everything else fails, then consider faking it. If you are really nervous, worried or doubtful, you can pretend that you are self- assured and confident. Smile and act as though you’re professional, successful, and positive. You can fool others and your brain. With this, you will be able to be confident to be a positive person because you already know how it feels to be positive at anything.  Eliminate the Negative Consider using positive self-talk for overcoming the negative thoughts and doubts that creep into your mind. Eliminate your worries about obstacles and difficulties by thinking positively. You should not ignore problems. You should face them for you to have the courage. Negative thinking may be an easy option because it’s more comfortable and provides less challenge. Don’t fall into this trap. Think positively as this can be your key for boosting your courage. It may take your brain months, or even years, of disciplined training, Here is a solution "Blockbuster Personal Development Hit: 15 Minute..." Click here for More INFO...
  • 17. 17 Chapter 4: Look At All Points Of View Synopsis One’s point of view is his or her own perspective about a particular story. Everyone has their own views in life. Point of view may differ depending on how an individual grew or what experiences you acquire from the past. For instance, if you are always surrounded by people with positive attitude and never embrace negative thoughts when troubles strike, you will become an optimistic person. However, if you grew with an opposite environment, you will likely be a person who is always negative about every step you take. In such scenarios, the difference of people’s point of view matters. To be courageous, looking at all points of view is important.
  • 18. 18 Why Looking at All Points of View is Important to Develop Courage? Facing the day to day challenges in life can be difficult. You need to have enough amount of courage to fight and surpass such obstacles. Every person has different point of view and looking at points of view is important for you to develop courage. But, why should you look at all points of view if you are the one who is facing the obstacle and not them? There are many reasons why you should look at all points of view. One of these reasons is that not all points of view are the same. Some situations in life may be easy for you while other scenarios may be tough for you even if people around you think it’s simple. This difference is what draws you from others. So, if you think you are struggling in your current situation, then think how other people have done just to get through it. The importance of points of view to develop courage is that this allows you to see the brighter side of the situation even though others think that it is already the end of the world for them. Instead of losing faith, you will be motivated and inspired to surpass the situation because you believe that you have the ability to succeed. The Perks behind Looking at All Points of View You may think that looking at all points of view may not be worthy of your time. But, there are actually benefits you could experience once you have done it:  Be Able to Differentiate Your Current Situation with Others One of the best advantages of looking at all points of view is that you will be able to differentiate your current situation with others. People
  • 19. 19 with different walks of life have different situations to deal with. Some are tough while others can be easy. But, once you are in a certain situation and you think you can’t do it, then better think twice and compare your situation with others who are also going through your situation as this can give you a difference.  Perspective of Other People Can Serve As Your Motivation or Inspiration Another benefit of taking a look at all points of view is that you can use other’s perspectives as your inspiration or motivation. If you think you don’t have courage, then think of those who do their best to win their battles in life and fight against any injustice. Rather than losing hope, why not use some points of view to be motivated and inspired? Whether it is your first time or second time to deal with a certain circumstance, no one can beat you if you have courage. You may think that it is hard to make other’s points of view as your motivation or inspiration. But, actually, the process is easy. You don’t have to change yourself just to be courageous like others. What you only need to do is to be like them. By imposing their good character in your system, you will be able to be as courageous as they are.  You Will be Aware of the Things You Should or Should Not Do Looking at all points of view can also give you the chance to be aware of things you should or should not do. If you think your situation is a hopeless case, then learn from other people’s experiences. With this, you will determine which things you should prioritize.
  • 20. 20  Better Understanding about You’re Going Through More often than not, people think they are at their worst if they are facing some challenges. It is because they don’t have better understanding about they are going through. You have to remember that everything happens for a reason and you need courage to face any challenge that may come into your way.  Being Able to Take Action Wisely Being able to take action wisely is the common problem for some because at the first place, they don’t have any idea when or where to get started. By taking a look at all points of view, anyone can be able to take action wisely as they already have clues on how others do their best to face the obstacles.  Lets You Think Positively Even if you things went wrong, looking at all points of view will give you a realization. You will realize that life can offer you something better only if you have the courage to take risks and keep moving forward without thinking about any negative thoughts. Through the past experiences of some people, you will be able to think positively, which can lead you to the right direction. There are perks behind looking at points of view. So, if you want to develop enough courage, then don’t forget to bear in mind those things above because they can make a huge difference.
  • 21. 21 Chapter 5: Have Persistence Synopsis Persistence is probably one of admirable characters that a person may possess. This is the ability to be determined or achieve something no matter what hindrances they are facing. Having persistence will give you the courage to succeed even if others already quit in the middle of their journey. There are may be different reasons why people quit, but regardless of these, their courage and persistence have driven them toward their goals. But, how can you have persistence? “No great achievement is possible without persistent work.” – Bertrand Russell It may take your brain months, or even years, of disciplined training, Here is a solution "Blockbuster Personal Development Hit: 15 Minute..." Click here for More INFO...
  • 22. 22 Developing Persistence Being persistent is one of the characteristics you should develop if you want to reach your goals, get what you desire, and may even be the means by which you assert yourself in face of difficult or stubborn people. The application of persistence on various tasks, goals or interactions is often what set apart those who are fail and successful in life. Many people have the capacity to set their plans and goals toward success. However, only few succeeds as only some stick to work on their goals or plans until these are accomplished. Most of them stop even before they take a step. Often, they let fears or doubts paralyze them from moving persistently. But, sometimes, others have motivation that are not firm enough for their goals to work. If you want to be persistent, here are some ways to develop persistence: 1. Determine Your Wants and Desires If you do not have any idea on where you are going, then you will probably end in somewhere else. Before you can successfully develop persistence and achieve success, you have to identify first your desires or wants. You can do this by writing down specifically all the things you like to accomplish or have. List down all your wants and desires even if some are impossible to achieve at the moment. 2. Know Your Motivation
  • 23. 23 Motivation comes from your deep reason why you want to achieve or obtain something. If you know why you are doing what you are doing, this provides you more energy to keep moving. For example, you may like to publish a book. Creating books will take you time and patience. If you do not have enough motivation or a reason why you should publish it, you will probably never finish this. However, if you are motivated by the thought of teaching and influencing millions of readers through your words, only then you will push yourself hard to finish your book. 3. Outline Your Action Step Determining your desires or wants speaks of what you really want to achieve. Knowing your motivation will give you the reason why you want to attain your goals. Outlining your action step is important for knowing how you will be able to acquire what you want. If you know how to acquire what you really want, this will make it much easier to achieve. For you to know the steps, you should make some research and plan the things that should be done. Be specific on every step you want to take. 4. Keeping a Positive Attitude The road to success is always under construction. It challenging to achieve success. This is the main reason why only some succeeds. There will be many times that you will face failures especially if you are weak and your thoughts are full of doubts and fears.
  • 24. 24 For you to develop persistence and succeed in your journey, always keep a positive attitude no matter what the situation is. Keep your thoughts concentrated on taking some actions toward your goals. Avoid negative thoughts as well as feelings for this will just ruin your persistence and concentration. 5. Build Your Own Group of Masterminds This group of individuals can help you succeed towards your goal. Pick carefully who you will trust because this may matter. If possible, include those who can offer you unbiased judgments and has positive attitude. You cannot afford to waste your time listening to the pessimist individuals and cynical advices. These persons will never help you succeed. But rather, they will drown your energy, which can lead you to failure. 6. Develop Habit and Discipline All your planning and goal-setting will be just wasted if you will not be able to develop good habit and discipline. There will be tons of hindrance that will stop you from moving forward and without discipline, it won’t be easy for you to sail away. Developing good habits and discipline can help you stay on the right track no matter what difficulties you are experiencing.
  • 25. 25 Chapter 6: Step Outside Of Your Comfort Zone Synopsis Developing courage will require you to step outside of your comfort zone. This may seem easy, yet once you get there, coming out of your comfort zone is a bit challenging. However, the rewards are awesome in the end as it shows you a whole new world. Aside from giving you courage, this will help you find numerous exciting and new experiences, which can let you improve your life. Do not be a creature of habit every time because you will not be able to invigorate your body and mind. What you have to do is to step out of your comfort zone and don’t forget to live your life to the fullest.
  • 26. 26 Ways to Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone There are many ways to step outside of your comfort zone and these include:  Do Several Scary Things It does not mean that you should spend some time alone on the cemetery. However, it is important to do something unusual. You might wanted to do many things or you have dreamt of numerous actions. The only issue is that you don’t have the courage. If you want to be courageous, try extreme sports and scary stuffs. This will give you courage.  Learn Something New Being in your comfort zone will limit your personal growth and development. Once you acquire new skills and have learned interesting stuffs, you can have the chance to broaden your horizons. If you will learn another language, this can let you compete with other individuals. With this, you will be able to meet other people from the different parts of the world.  Travel If you want something new, then try travelling. It is always a good and wonderful opportunity to come out of your comfort zone. This will enrich your life with your experience from other places. Travelling could also let you try different lifestyles, religious views, and cultures.
  • 27. 27 So, try breaking out of your shell. Then, embrace new cultures. This will let you live in a whole new life.  Do Things Alone Doing things alone can be a great way for you to go outside your comfort zone. Being alone may sound strange, but this is normal. This will let you develop will and courage. This can also improve your confidence. Stepping outside of your comfort zone may be difficult at first. But, consider taking small steps no matter what your experiences in life. Sooner or later, you will realize that you already have what you desire in life. It may take your brain months, or even years, of disciplined training, Here is a solution "Blockbuster Personal Development Hit: 15 Minute..." Click here for More INFO...
  • 28. 28 Chapter 7: Connect Spiritually Synopsis Having a courage to face any trials in your life can let you stay on the track despite of the difficulties. But, without spirituality, most of you might lose faith to fight. This is the main reason why for you to have true courage you should also pay importance to the value of spirituality. Spiritualism is the search for something sacred and an important thing that people should take for consideration. People approach the realm of spirituality by meditation, religion, personal reflection or yoga.
  • 29. 29 Reasons Why Spirituality Is Needed to Be Courageous Others don’t believe that spirituality has something to do with developing courage. But, what they don’t know that without this, a successful person can never be whole. That is why it is important to connect spiritually. Below are the reasons why spirituality is needed to be courageous:  Spiritual Individuals Are Gracious. Psychology demonstrated that expressing gratitude is connected with numerous positive emotions like overall vitality, being generous with resources and time, and optimism. Spirituality also encourages everyone to be positive that may be expressed in various life practices.  Spiritual Individuals Are Compassionate. Experiencing compassion toward some people is one of things that people from living with a spiritual life. A variety of pro-social or positive emotions have strong links with spiritualism like letting one feel great about some things in life.  Spiritual Individuals Flourish. Many said that spirituality is linked to numerous aspects of human like. Those who are spiritual have positive relationships, optimistic, have high self-esteem and have purpose and meaning in life.
  • 30. 30  Spiritual Individuals Self-Actualize. People who have high level of spirituality strive to get a better life. They also consider fulfillment and personal growth as their central goal. Spirituality is also considered as a path toward self-actualization. The reason behind it is that this requires everyone to focus on the internal values and wok to be a better individual.  Spiritual Individuals Take Time for Savoring Life Experiences. People who value spirituality take time to reflect on their every day activities and build lasting memories of their experiences. Since spiritual individuals are more conscious about their activities, they learn to be contented from the small pleasures in life. Being spiritual may be hard for some people. However, if you want to face this crazy world, you will need courage and spirituality to succeed. It may take your brain months, or even years, of disciplined training, Here is a solution "Blockbuster Personal Development Hit: 15 Minute..." Click here for More INFO...