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Julie Coiro University of Rhode Island [email_address] Teaching Critical Evaluation  on the Internet:  Blending Strategy Instruction with Collaborative Inquiry (Part 3)


Critically Evaluating Online Information:  Models of Instruction and Assessment  Reflections on the Readings Trying out “The Whole Shebang” Other Issues of Reliability to Consider Instructional Models and Strategy Discussions Five principals of classroom instruction Internet Reciprocal Teaching  Three phases of Instruction (moves from explicit strategy instruction to supported inquiry)  Internet Workshop, Internet Project, Internet Inquiry Measuring the potential benefits of IRT with curriculum-based information challenges Collaborative Inquiry: Try It Out!  Our Agenda for Today


Reflections on last night’s reading… CQ Researcher…Internet Accuracy


Evaluating Relevancy Does it meet my needs?   Evaluating Accuracy Can I verify it (or the opposite)  with another reliable source? Evaluating Reliability Can I trust it?  Evaluating Bias (Perspective) How does the author shape it?   What are the challenges … What can I teach … Recapping central ideas from yesterday’s session Previewing search results / Previewing websites Confirming/disconfirming  and  Considering the context Investigating the author What’s there, how is it shaped, what is its purpose, and what’s missing?


Challenge 7:  Critically evaluating online information - Level 3   Developing an overall healthy skepticism


Challenge 7:  Integrating strategies for evaluating accuracy, reliability & bias Pulling it all together:   Investigate one or more of the websites below while considering the answers to the following questions: * What is the purpose of this site? * Who created the information at this site? * When was the information at this site last updated? * Where can I go to check the accuracy of this information? * Why did this person, or group, put this information on the Internet? * Is there anyone that might be offended or hurt by the information at this site? * Does the website present only one side of the issue, or are multiple perspectives   provided? * How is the information at this site shaped by the stance taken by the creator of    the site?


Challenge 7:  Integrating strategies for evaluating accuracy, reliability, & bias Pulling it all together:   Investigate one or more of the websites below while considering the answers to the questions in your handout (p. 14 and 15): * Athletes.com * National Wildlife Federation * Martin Luther King, Jr: A True Historical Examination * Kids Web Japan * Conservapedia


Recognizing hidden agendas   Real Estate Agent In Toronto!


Recognizing (or perceiving)  hidden agendas


Let’s Begin… Other Issues Associated with Reliability






Questions to Consider… Which entry is more… Interesting?  Comprehensive? Accurate?  Which entry would you rather read?  Why? Which entry would you recommend for students?


Nature (2005) - 4 errors each


How exactly does a wiki work?   http://jonudell.net/udell/2005-01-22-heavy-metal-umlaut-the-movie.html




Neutral Point of View


Revising content based on research-based sources Shall we organize and separate arguments for and against?  Making it more “NPOV” Isn’t this the kind of thinking that we want???


Think carefully about the potential for thinking & learning with Wikipedia


Four Corners - Where do you sit on the issue of Wikipedia in schools?   4. A topic I might explore… 3. Oh … the issues to consider!  2. No Way!  Not for my students… 1. I never realized….


So, how can we teach & support online reading comprehension?  General principles of instruction…


Promising Practices for Supporting  Online Reading Development The effective online literacy teacher: understands and makes explicit for students the unique relationship between offline and online reading strategy use. honors the literacies students bring to school from their daily lives.  explores and clarifies expectations about new classroom roles and relationships embedded in problem-based online collaborations.   allows time for students to develop important dispositions toward learning and communicating with the Internet.  uses self-, peer-, and teacher assessments as inquiry to inform reading strategy use and classroom instruction. Coiro (2009) - see handout p. 18 -  http://uri.academia.edu/JulieCoiro


What, specifically, might classroom instruction look like?  One idea… Internet Reciprocal Teaching


Internet Reciprocal Teaching   Three phases:  Teacher-led basic skills  Collaborative modeling of more complex skills  Independent Inquiry A single phase Skills:  Questioning Locating Critically Evaluating Synthesizing Communicating Skills:  Predicting Questioning Clarifying  Summarizing Greater Student Modeling Greater Teacher Modeling Internet Reciprocal Teaching Reciprocal Teaching


How to Teach with Internet Reciprocal Teaching (IRT) See pages 19-23 in your handouts -  Especially p. 23:  What A Good Online Reader Knows


IRT: Phase I Teacher-led Basic Skills Teacher-led demonstrations of basic Internet use skills and cooperative learning strategies Explicit modeling by teacher Largely whole class instruction Mini-lessons as transition to  Phase II http://newlitinstitute.wikispaces.com/file/view/TICA%20Basic%20Skills.pdf


IRT: Phase II Collaborative modeling  of online reading strategies Students presented with information problems (“information challenges”) to solve. Work in small groups to solve those problems. Exchange strategies as they do so. Debrief at the end of the lesson. Initially:  locating and critically evaluating Later: Synthesis and communicating.


A Phase II Task


IRT: Phase III Inquiry Initially, within the class. Then, with others around the world.


Essential Elements of Internet Reciprocal Teaching We teach the new literacies of online reading comprehension and learning skills We teach by providing “information challenges” within and across content areas that contain the skill we want students to learn.


We are flexible in our grouping strategies, often spending more time in small groups but we also use whole group and paired patterns.  We distribute the lesson’s targeted skill, when it appears in the classroom We expect opportunities to learn from our students. We expect our students to learn from one another.  We hold students accountable. We teach within a 3-stage model. We integrate many online communication tools. Essential Elements of Internet Reciprocal Teaching


We use Apple Remote Desktop for both management and teaching.  We continually practice “Plan B/C/D” We continually conduct informal assessment to determine the next online reading and learning skills to teach We always teach within the central content of our discipline. Essential Elements of Internet Reciprocal Teaching


Measuring the Potential Benefits of IRT (Assessment)  Formative Assessments of Strategy Use (FASEKIT) Curriculum-based Information Challenges  Performance-based Assessments of Online Reading Comprehension Ability (ORCA)  See  http://www.newliteracies.uconn.edu/irt/


Time for Discussion  New ideas? Issues/Concerns?  Questions? Topics to bring back to school with you?


Putting it All Together To Solve A Real Problem….  Find at least one partner.  Take a position (Yes or No) on an issue.  Use the RALI* process to produce an argument that supports this view and challenges other views.  Present your argument to the group in 10 minutes or less. Cite your sources (pros and cons). Be prepared to provide evidence that your sources are (a) accurate; (b) supported by reliable individuals; and (c) representative of more than one perspective.  *RALI = Reading and Learning with Internet Inquiry (Question, Locate, Critically Evaluate, Synthesize, and Communicate)


Putting it All Together To Solve A Real Problem… Possible Issues to Deal With   Should Children Wear Uniforms in School?  Should the Olympics Be Held in China? Should School Recess Be Structured?  Were Japanese Internment Camps Justified? Should Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools? Should Marijuana Be Legalized? Is Pluto A Real Planet? Does Global Warming Really Exist?  Should Animal Experimentation Be Allowed? ???? (Your Question)  *RALI = Reading and Learning with Internet Inquiry (Question, Locate, Critically Evaluate, Synthesize, and Communicate)


Evaluations… 3, 2, 1 Countdown (p. 25) Wrapping Up (next slides)


Goals for the Institute Tuesday:   Strategy Instruction Introductions to Our Community of Learners and to New Literacies Strategies for Developing Aspects of Online Critical Evaluation (Reading to Evaluate Relevancy, Accuracy, Reliability, Perspective)   Wednesday: Collaborative Inquiry Pulling It All Together: Exploring Instructional Models, Related Issues, Assessment Ideas, and…your own application project!


Teaching Critical Evaluation on the Internet:  Blending Strategy Instruction with Collaborative Inquiry What are new literacies (of online reading comprehension)?  Explicit Strategy Instruction   (Challenge 1 and 2)  Evaluating relevancy : Does it meet my needs?  (Challenge 3)  Evaluating accuracy : Can I verify it with another reliable source?  (Challenge 4)  Evaluating reliability : Can I trust the author? (Level 1)  (Challenge 5)  Evaluating reliability : Can I trust the information? (Level 2 ) (Challenge 6)  Evaluating bias : How does the author shape it?  (Challenge 7)  Developing an overall healthy skepticism   Instructional Models  (Internet Reciprocal Teaching)  Collaborative Inquiry Access to website to practice, teach others, and adapt!   Reviewing What We Learned!


Thanks so much for working so hard!   You are the forward thinkers now in your school… Share what you’ve learned,  keep in touch, and let me know how things are going! Julie Coiro [email_address]

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Crit Eval Part 3

  • 1. Julie Coiro University of Rhode Island [email_address] Teaching Critical Evaluation on the Internet: Blending Strategy Instruction with Collaborative Inquiry (Part 3)
  • 2. Critically Evaluating Online Information: Models of Instruction and Assessment Reflections on the Readings Trying out “The Whole Shebang” Other Issues of Reliability to Consider Instructional Models and Strategy Discussions Five principals of classroom instruction Internet Reciprocal Teaching Three phases of Instruction (moves from explicit strategy instruction to supported inquiry) Internet Workshop, Internet Project, Internet Inquiry Measuring the potential benefits of IRT with curriculum-based information challenges Collaborative Inquiry: Try It Out! Our Agenda for Today
  • 3. Reflections on last night’s reading… CQ Researcher…Internet Accuracy
  • 4. Evaluating Relevancy Does it meet my needs? Evaluating Accuracy Can I verify it (or the opposite) with another reliable source? Evaluating Reliability Can I trust it? Evaluating Bias (Perspective) How does the author shape it? What are the challenges … What can I teach … Recapping central ideas from yesterday’s session Previewing search results / Previewing websites Confirming/disconfirming and Considering the context Investigating the author What’s there, how is it shaped, what is its purpose, and what’s missing?
  • 5. Challenge 7: Critically evaluating online information - Level 3 Developing an overall healthy skepticism
  • 6. Challenge 7: Integrating strategies for evaluating accuracy, reliability & bias Pulling it all together: Investigate one or more of the websites below while considering the answers to the following questions: * What is the purpose of this site? * Who created the information at this site? * When was the information at this site last updated? * Where can I go to check the accuracy of this information? * Why did this person, or group, put this information on the Internet? * Is there anyone that might be offended or hurt by the information at this site? * Does the website present only one side of the issue, or are multiple perspectives provided? * How is the information at this site shaped by the stance taken by the creator of the site?
  • 7. Challenge 7: Integrating strategies for evaluating accuracy, reliability, & bias Pulling it all together: Investigate one or more of the websites below while considering the answers to the questions in your handout (p. 14 and 15): * Athletes.com * National Wildlife Federation * Martin Luther King, Jr: A True Historical Examination * Kids Web Japan * Conservapedia
  • 8. Recognizing hidden agendas Real Estate Agent In Toronto!
  • 10. Let’s Begin… Other Issues Associated with Reliability
  • 13. Questions to Consider… Which entry is more… Interesting? Comprehensive? Accurate? Which entry would you rather read? Why? Which entry would you recommend for students?
  • 14. Nature (2005) - 4 errors each
  • 15. How exactly does a wiki work? http://jonudell.net/udell/2005-01-22-heavy-metal-umlaut-the-movie.html
  • 16.  
  • 18. Revising content based on research-based sources Shall we organize and separate arguments for and against? Making it more “NPOV” Isn’t this the kind of thinking that we want???
  • 19. Think carefully about the potential for thinking & learning with Wikipedia
  • 20. Four Corners - Where do you sit on the issue of Wikipedia in schools? 4. A topic I might explore… 3. Oh … the issues to consider! 2. No Way! Not for my students… 1. I never realized….
  • 21. So, how can we teach & support online reading comprehension? General principles of instruction…
  • 22. Promising Practices for Supporting Online Reading Development The effective online literacy teacher: understands and makes explicit for students the unique relationship between offline and online reading strategy use. honors the literacies students bring to school from their daily lives. explores and clarifies expectations about new classroom roles and relationships embedded in problem-based online collaborations. allows time for students to develop important dispositions toward learning and communicating with the Internet. uses self-, peer-, and teacher assessments as inquiry to inform reading strategy use and classroom instruction. Coiro (2009) - see handout p. 18 - http://uri.academia.edu/JulieCoiro
  • 23. What, specifically, might classroom instruction look like? One idea… Internet Reciprocal Teaching
  • 24. Internet Reciprocal Teaching Three phases: Teacher-led basic skills Collaborative modeling of more complex skills Independent Inquiry A single phase Skills: Questioning Locating Critically Evaluating Synthesizing Communicating Skills: Predicting Questioning Clarifying Summarizing Greater Student Modeling Greater Teacher Modeling Internet Reciprocal Teaching Reciprocal Teaching
  • 25. How to Teach with Internet Reciprocal Teaching (IRT) See pages 19-23 in your handouts - Especially p. 23: What A Good Online Reader Knows
  • 26. IRT: Phase I Teacher-led Basic Skills Teacher-led demonstrations of basic Internet use skills and cooperative learning strategies Explicit modeling by teacher Largely whole class instruction Mini-lessons as transition to Phase II http://newlitinstitute.wikispaces.com/file/view/TICA%20Basic%20Skills.pdf
  • 27. IRT: Phase II Collaborative modeling of online reading strategies Students presented with information problems (“information challenges”) to solve. Work in small groups to solve those problems. Exchange strategies as they do so. Debrief at the end of the lesson. Initially: locating and critically evaluating Later: Synthesis and communicating.
  • 28. A Phase II Task
  • 29. IRT: Phase III Inquiry Initially, within the class. Then, with others around the world.
  • 30. Essential Elements of Internet Reciprocal Teaching We teach the new literacies of online reading comprehension and learning skills We teach by providing “information challenges” within and across content areas that contain the skill we want students to learn.
  • 31. We are flexible in our grouping strategies, often spending more time in small groups but we also use whole group and paired patterns. We distribute the lesson’s targeted skill, when it appears in the classroom We expect opportunities to learn from our students. We expect our students to learn from one another. We hold students accountable. We teach within a 3-stage model. We integrate many online communication tools. Essential Elements of Internet Reciprocal Teaching
  • 32. We use Apple Remote Desktop for both management and teaching. We continually practice “Plan B/C/D” We continually conduct informal assessment to determine the next online reading and learning skills to teach We always teach within the central content of our discipline. Essential Elements of Internet Reciprocal Teaching
  • 33. Measuring the Potential Benefits of IRT (Assessment) Formative Assessments of Strategy Use (FASEKIT) Curriculum-based Information Challenges Performance-based Assessments of Online Reading Comprehension Ability (ORCA) See http://www.newliteracies.uconn.edu/irt/
  • 34. Time for Discussion New ideas? Issues/Concerns? Questions? Topics to bring back to school with you?
  • 35. Putting it All Together To Solve A Real Problem…. Find at least one partner. Take a position (Yes or No) on an issue. Use the RALI* process to produce an argument that supports this view and challenges other views. Present your argument to the group in 10 minutes or less. Cite your sources (pros and cons). Be prepared to provide evidence that your sources are (a) accurate; (b) supported by reliable individuals; and (c) representative of more than one perspective. *RALI = Reading and Learning with Internet Inquiry (Question, Locate, Critically Evaluate, Synthesize, and Communicate)
  • 36. Putting it All Together To Solve A Real Problem… Possible Issues to Deal With Should Children Wear Uniforms in School? Should the Olympics Be Held in China? Should School Recess Be Structured? Were Japanese Internment Camps Justified? Should Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools? Should Marijuana Be Legalized? Is Pluto A Real Planet? Does Global Warming Really Exist? Should Animal Experimentation Be Allowed? ???? (Your Question) *RALI = Reading and Learning with Internet Inquiry (Question, Locate, Critically Evaluate, Synthesize, and Communicate)
  • 37. Evaluations… 3, 2, 1 Countdown (p. 25) Wrapping Up (next slides)
  • 38. Goals for the Institute Tuesday: Strategy Instruction Introductions to Our Community of Learners and to New Literacies Strategies for Developing Aspects of Online Critical Evaluation (Reading to Evaluate Relevancy, Accuracy, Reliability, Perspective) Wednesday: Collaborative Inquiry Pulling It All Together: Exploring Instructional Models, Related Issues, Assessment Ideas, and…your own application project!
  • 39. Teaching Critical Evaluation on the Internet: Blending Strategy Instruction with Collaborative Inquiry What are new literacies (of online reading comprehension)? Explicit Strategy Instruction (Challenge 1 and 2) Evaluating relevancy : Does it meet my needs? (Challenge 3) Evaluating accuracy : Can I verify it with another reliable source? (Challenge 4) Evaluating reliability : Can I trust the author? (Level 1) (Challenge 5) Evaluating reliability : Can I trust the information? (Level 2 ) (Challenge 6) Evaluating bias : How does the author shape it? (Challenge 7) Developing an overall healthy skepticism Instructional Models (Internet Reciprocal Teaching) Collaborative Inquiry Access to website to practice, teach others, and adapt! Reviewing What We Learned!
  • 40. Thanks so much for working so hard! You are the forward thinkers now in your school… Share what you’ve learned, keep in touch, and let me know how things are going! Julie Coiro [email_address]