CRM refers to Customer Relationship Management, which is a strategy used by companies to optimize value from customer relationships. It involves acquiring, retaining, and partnering with customers to create value for both the company and customer. CRM uses technologies like databases, customer analytics, and customer service to understand customer needs and provide personalized customer experiences across sales, marketing, and service channels. The goal is to improve customer satisfaction, loyalty, and lifetime value.
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‘You can please some of the people most of the
time and most of the people some of the time,
but can you please all the people all the time’
2. CRM
“Customer Relationship Management is a strategy
for optimizing the value an enterprise derives
through customer relationships”
“CRM is a comprehensive strategy & process of
acquiring, retaining & partnering with selective
customers to create superior value for the
company & the customer”
“CRM is about acquiring, developing and retaining
customers; achieving profitable growth and
creating economic value in a company’s brand’
3. Customer Life Cycle Management
Customer need assessment
& acquisition
Customer development
retention & through
referrals for CRM personalization
new &
customers customization
Cross selling & up selling
4. ACURA Model at (American Express)
Retain Up-sell
6. Operational CRM Analytical CRM
Front office involvement Back office involvement
Aims at bettering the Aims at understanding the
customers experience consumer behavior
Focus on actual customer Focus on analysis of
customer transactions
Depends on operational
Helps to gather
CRM for getting input data
information to be used
for analysis
for analytical
7. Sales Intelligence CRM- is similar to Analytical CRM, but
is intended as a more direct sales tool. Features include
alerts sent to sales staff regarding:
Cross-selling/Up-selling opportunities
Customer drift & trend
Sales performance
Collaborative CRM covers aspects of a company's dealings
with customers that are handled by various departments
within a company, such as sales, technical support and
marketing. Staff members from different departments
can share information collected when interacting with
customers. For example, feedback received by customer
support agents can provide other staff members with
information on the services and features requested by
customers. Collaborative CRM's ultimate goal is to use
information collected by all departments to improve the
quality of services provided by the company.
8. Jones & Sasser- Classification of customers into
four types according to loyalty and satisfaction
S Mercenaries Apostles
i Defectors Hostages
Low Loyalty High
9. Apostles
A loyal customer who is completely satisfied and
keeps returning to the company. They also share
their strong feelings with others
Happy and contended customers who are not loyal
to the company and tend to shop around and
compare. On a lookout for a better opportunity
Customers who are disappointed in their business
relations with the company and tell everybody
about their bad experience and often leave the
services without informing
due to certain exit barriers unable to change their
service provider though dissatisfied
10. Types of Customers on the basis of
Profitability and Loyalty
Butterflies- high profitability and short
term customers
Strangers- Low profitability and Short
term customers
Barnacles- Low Profitability but long term
True Friends- High Profitability and long
term customers
11. Types of Customer Value
Economic Value
Economic Value
Functional Value
Functional Value
12. Types of Customer Value
Economic Value- It is the economic benefit a
customer derives from using a product i.e. the
net monetary advantage from using a product
versus its alternatives over the life of a
product. The economic benefit is derived by
comparing the total lifecycle cost of products
not just initial purchase prices
13. Functional Value- It provides functional
benefit to customers. Here value is provided
by the performance features of a product
like luggage capacity, fuel economy etc
Psychological Value- The economic and
functional values reflect the tangible
benefits of a product or service whereas
psychological values focuses on intangible
aspects like brand name and its association
with customers
14. Types of Customer Value by Barnes
Choice based value
Choices created in how customers
deal with the company
how they can pay for their purchases
how they want them shipped or
how they receive information
Employee based value
Information value
Association Value- Customers derive value from
being associated with a certain product/service
provider with whom they associate positive attributes
or values
15. Relationship Value
Customer Unique Value- This form of
value is created for customers when firms
treat them as individuals like
Experience Value
Product for Price value- This is
characterized by customers who relate
value with price and will switch to the
competition for a lower price
Access or convenience value
16. The Process of Determining Customer Value
What do target customers value
Of all the value dimensions that
target customers want, which are
the most important ?
How well are we doing in
delivering the value that
customers want ?
Are we doing poorly or well on
important value dimensions ?
17. Customer Value Management
Understand what causes customer
purchase and repurchase behavior
Predict the future purchase behavior of
customers and potential customers
18. Customer Value Management phases
Need and value based segmentation
Value proposition development
Integrated channel strategy
Product and service delivery
Customer service
Managing customer relationships
19. CRM Value Chain
Customer portfolio analysis: this involves an analysis
of the actual and potential customer base to identify
which customers you want to serve in the future
Customer intimacy: you will get to know the identity,
profile, history, requirements, expectations and
preferences of the customers that you have chosen to
Network development: you will identify, brief and
manage relationships with your company's network
members. The network can include external members
such as suppliers, partners and owners/investors, as
well as one important internal party, employees
20. Value proposition development: this involves
identifying sources of value for customers and
creating a proposition and experience that meet
their requirements, expectations and preferences
Manage the customer lifecycle: the customer
lifecycle is the customer's journey from 'suspect'
towards 'advocate status'. Managing the lifecycle
requires attention to both process and structure:
23. formation Management/Governance Performance
Planning process
Role specification/
Team Structure
PROGRAMS Communication Satisfaction,
Continuity Mktg Retention
1-TO-1 Mktg
Partnering Employee training /
Programs motivation
Monitoring process
24. The Cog Wheel Process
Designing a CRM Strategy
Strategy Technology
25. Stages Of CRM
Meet customer needs &
respond to complaints.
Satisfaction Reactive Minimal evaluation of
Based customer service
Performance Evaluate customer
perception & identify
Based Proactive customer retention factors
Commitment Evaluate customer needs
& continuous
Based Very Proactive inbound/outbound flow &
26. Role of CRM in Stages of Sales Cycle
Pre-purchase Stage
Purchase Stage
• Easy procedures to purchase
• Provide a complete solution
• Training & Installation
27. Role of CRM in Stages of Sales Cycle
Usage Stage
• Easy access to after sales service
• Easy availability & trouble shooting
• Engaging customers with updated features
Follow up
28. eCRM
Steps in eCRM
Setting the objectives of eCRM
Methodologies for e-Business initiative
IT service providers
Content management
Call Centres
Supply chain integration
Knowledge Management
Evaluating the performance of the eCRM System
29. Analytical Models
Decile Analysis
Deciles are grouping customers and ranking them on the basis of
Purchasing types of products
How frequently purchasing
Going for new services
RFM Model
Recency, Frequency & Monetary Value
The RS Matrix
Customer’s sales Rate
Total time since a customers first purchase
The number of times purchased
31. Transactional Marketing Relationship Marketing
Functional marketing Cross-functional
Focus on a single sale
Focus on customer
Orientation on Product
Orientation to customer
Short time scale Long time scale
Little emphasis on High emphasis on
customer service
customer service
Quality is everyone’s
Quality is a concern of concern
32. The CRM Cycle Process
Assessment Phase
Phase Planning Phase
33. The Assessment phase develops a model of the behavior of target
customers, using a combination of in-house data and external
demographic, psychographic, and other data. Here, marketing will
explore a number of questions, including:
Who are the customers? What are their demographics and
Where do they live?
What are they worth? What is their lifetime value potential?
What and how do they buy?
What are their purchasing patterns?
Is there a model of their profitability or the risk associated
with doing business with them?
How can they be reached? How have they responded to
promotions in the past and through which channels do they
prefer to be contacted?
34. During the Planning Phase, marketing decides how best
to approach the customers defined in the assessment
stage by designing marketing campaigns and strategies
The Execution Phase of the cycle is where an
organization puts all this knowledge to work, using all of
the customer touchpoints available.
35. Framework for building CRM Strategy
The Value Discipline Model
Product The Best Products
Operational Customer
Excellence Intimacy
The Best Total
The Best Total Cost
36. Eight Building Blocks of CRM
CRM Vision
CRM strategy
Valued customer experience
understand requirements
monitor expectations
satisfaction versus competition
collaboration and feedback
customer communication
Organizational collaboration
culture and structure
customer understanding
people skills and competencies
incentives and compensations
employee communication
partners and suppliers
37. CRM processes: customer life cycle and
knowledge management
CRM information: data analysis, one view
across channels
CRM Technology: applications,
CRM Metrics: value, retention,
satisfaction, loyalty, cost to serve
40. Advantages of e-CRM
Lowers the cost
Adaptability and Availability
Helps data construction
Increased customer interaction
Managing data reservoir
Lesser response time
New customer service opportunities
Reach and service personalization
Automatic self documentation
User control
41. Technologies of e-CRM
Voice Portals
These allow the users to access the
content on a website through a cell phone.
Commercial voice portals such as BeVocal,
TellMe and Shoptalk provide voice access to
stock quotes, movie listings and daily news
Web phones
It is also known as Internet Protocol
telephony. Web phone technology supports
voice communications over the internet
42. Technologies of e-CRM
Software Robots or BOTs are used to locate
websites. They use plain english to locate
content on the web and are also used as
conversational engines that work in the real
time or through e-mail messages
Virtual Customer Representative
44. Applications of e-CRM
Customer Interaction Management (CIM)
It is a technology that makes use of the
valuable customer information contained in
CRM applications and takes customer
relationships to a much more personalized level
Customer Relationship Portal
Interactive Relationship Management