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2010 CSR
The global benchmark in environmental solutions

Veolia Environnement operates in 77 countries around the world, serving
local public authorities and industrial companies. Veolia Environnement’s
clients enjoy access to expertise in four complementary areas: water
cycle management, waste management and resource recovery, energy
management, and travel mobility services. The company designs and
implements tailored solutions for its clients that combine economic
efficiency with control over environmental impacts, thereby helping
to combat climate change, save resources and conserve ecosystems.

Four divisions:
Veolia Water
Veolia Environmental Services
Veolia Energy – Dalkia
Veolia Transport

€34,787 million in consolidated revenue*
€2,056 million in adjusted operating income
317,034 employees in 77 countries (at December 31, 2010)
* Revenue from continuing operations as defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

MANAGING CORPORATE                                                    In the face of major issues concerning the sharing of scarce resources
     RESPONSIBILITY                                                        and access to basic services, being the benchmark in sustainable
5    Committed to sustainable development
7    Structured organization
                                                                           development is a demanding ambition that is based on a shared strategic
11   Assessment and management procedures                                  vision and an efficient, coherent and legible managerial structure.
                                                                           This ambition obliges us to be exemplary and transparent in the eyes
     SOCIETAL PERFORMANCE                                                  of all our stakeholders.
17   Contributing to societal development
     within the framework of contractual services
21   Active social responsibility
                                                                           Innovation, teaching skills, building expertise and measuring performance
23   Partnering with international organizations                           are the foundations that Veolia Environnement relies on to manage
                                                                           its Corporate Social Responsability (CSR) program.
28   Manage environmental performance                                      Preparing company-wide indicators is a difficult and delicate undertaking,
29   Combat climate change                                                 and we take pains to publish pertinent, verifiable and transparent data.
33   Mitigate our impact
35   Conserve ecosystems and biodiversity                                  The aim of this Performance Digest is to bring together in a single
39   Protect natural resources                                             document all the data that form the basis of our company’s CSR approach.
45   Employment trends, a reflection of the company’s business activities
47   Managing employees to reflect local needs
50   Four HR priorities underpinning Corporate Social Responsibility

59   Sustainable purchasing policy
60   Incorporate sustainable development in the purchasing process
61   Sustainable development training and awareness-raising
     for purchasing officers
62   Commit our suppliers to sustainable development
63   Evaluate our suppliers’ CSR commitment and performance

65   Environmental indicators
67   Social indicators
69   Good governance standards



As the world leader in environmental solutions, Veolia Environnement must adapt
its activities to the social and environmental upheaval caused by resource depletion.
This is why sustainable development issues form an integral part of the contract policies
that are incorporated in our day-to-day operations.

In a clear display of commitment at the operating level, we reinforced our Sustainable Development
Department in 2010 so that it could focus on serving the company’s businesses and on providing
all the support needed to ensure that the various facets of sustainable development are factored
into our activities and cater as closely as possible for needs on the ground.
The department’s main activities are:

■ Coordinating management    systems in areas of corporate social responsibility;

■ Supporting the development  of commercial offers that incorporate the three aspects
 of sustainable development, thus ensuring our ability to support our clients’ sustainable
 development strategies;

■ Designing contract
                   models and innovative partnerships in social business, so that disadvantaged
 populations may have access to basic services, notably in emerging countries.

In addition to its commitments, Veolia Environnement has established suitable governance
and measures its performance using relevant indicators.

                                                                              Veolia Environnement — Managing corporate responsibility   4
1       Committed to sustainable development

Whatever the geographical context,                    The “Ethics, Commitment and Responsibility” program                   3. Raise awareness of environmental challenges and the ensuing
Veolia Environnement’s activities must be             In 2003, Veolia Environnement introduced the “Ethics,                 need for behavioral changes among all concerned with our
                                                      Commitment and Responsibility” program to serve as guiding            activities.
carried out in compliance with both national
                                                      principles for all its employees. This program outlines the           4. Adapt our service offers, through dialog, the quality of
standards and the recommendations                     fundamental values our employees share and must reflect in             the advice we provide and our expertise, to meet the needs
of international organizations like the ILO           their behavior under all circumstances. This includes strict          and expectations of clients.
and OECD, in particular as concerns respect           respect for the law in effect in all the countries where we operate,   5. Ensure our employees’ health and safety and help improve
for basic rights, accounting for cultural diversity   loyalty within the company and toward all our stakeholders,           public health.
and protecting the environment.                       social responsibility, risk management, quality company               6. Provide working conditions in which fundamental human
                                                      information and governance, and commitment to sustainable             rights and international labor standards are complied with.
                                                      development.                                                          7. Promote diversity and combat discrimination to guarantee
                                                      For more information please consult the “Ethics, Commitment           equal opportunities.
                                                      and Responsibility Program” report on our website.                    8. Encourage skills development and upward mobility for
                                                                                                                            our employees throughout their career.
                                                      Sustainable Development Charter                                       9. Gradually set our own environmental and social standards
                                                      In line with our “Ethics, Commitment and Responsibility”              to be applied to all our operations around the world.
                                                      Program, in 2006 we outlined our commitment to sustainable            10. Base our corporate governance on transparent
                                                      development in a 12-point Charter:                                    communication, anticipation of risks and the definition of rules
                                                                                                                            for ethical conduct and compliance.
                                                      1. Protect the environment; contribute to conserving natural          11. Contribute to local economic and social development,
                                                      resources and biodiversity, and combat climate change.                and to meeting international goals for access to essential services.
                                                      2. Promote—through innovation, research and development—              12. Encourage partners, subcontractors and suppliers to adhere
                                                      environmental, economic and social solutions that will meet           to our values and make their own contribution to our sustainable
                                                      the needs of future generations.                                      development commitments.

                                                                                  Veolia Environnement — Managing corporate responsibility / Committed to sustainable development              5

                                                                     Veolia Environnement welcomed the official recognition of the Right to Water that was
                                                                     proclaimed when the United Nations General Assembly and Human Rights Council adopted
                                                                     respectively one resolution in 2010. These two resolutions have already contributed to
Our commitment under the Global Compact
                                                                     furthering the cause of water as a vital human right.
Veolia Environnement joined the United Nations Global Compact
on June 12, 2003 as a result of an official decision of its
                                                                     Since 2007, Veolia Environnement has been asked regularly by the Human Rights Council for
governance bodies followed by a declaration of membership
                                                                     its viewpoint on this matter and has always responded and contributed actively to the work
signed by its Senior Executive Vice-President. Since then,
                                                                     that culminated in 2010 with this important declaration. The resolution stipulates that public
a permanent correspondent has been monitoring our close
                                                                     authorities are the guarantors of the effective implementation of the Right to Water and that
relations and contacts with the Global Compact Board
                                                                     they may engage third-party players to provide water and sanitation services while respecting
in New York, which meets regularly with Veolia representatives.
                                                                     the principles of transparency, non-discrimination and empowerment. Given that nearly 1 billion
Our participation in the Global Compact has become a major
                                                                     people do not have access to safe drinking water and 2.6 billion do not have access to sanitation,
consideration in all aspects of our company’s social
                                                                     by clarifying the roles, the resolution will help advance the successful completion of new and
responsibility policy.
                                                                     more ambitious projects that will increase access to these basic services.

Our commitment to human rights
                                                                     Veolia Environnement is a modest contributor given the size of the challenge, but it is a part of
By joining the United Nations Global Compact,
                                                                     the solution to turn the Right to Water into a concrete and effective reality.
Veolia Environnement committed notably to supporting and
respecting the protection of internationally proclaimed human
rights within its sphere of influence and to ensuring that its own
companies were not complicit in human rights abuses.
For several years now, Veolia Environnement has committed
to respecting human rights in both its activities and in the
countries where it operates. For example, tests conducted
in several developing countries (Morocco, Niger, India, Ecuador,
etc.) demonstrate that it is possible to reconcile service quality
and accessibility and to encourage respect for the human rights
of the populations it serves.

                                                                                                 Veolia Environnement — Managing corporate responsibility / Committed to sustainable development   6
2             Structured organization
                                                                           COMPLIANCE                         MANAGEMENT                           ANTICIPATION                   FORWARD THINKING
To anchor sustainable development in the day-                       Legal Department                     Environmental Management            Research, Innovation and            Research and Innovation
                                                                    Ensures that company activities      System                              Sustainable Development             Partnership with universities
to-day operations of its businesses, Veolia                         comply with the regulations          Managed by the Sustainable          Strategy Committee (attached        and programs to drive innovation
                                                                    and provides legal intelligence.     Development Department, which       to the Board of Directors)          in eco-technologies.
Environnement incorporates the concept in its                                                            defines and deploys company          Assesses the company’s R&D
management systems by defining commitments                           IT and Administrative                policy on the environment           and sustainable development         Institut Veolia Environnement
                                                                    Systems Department                   and environmental health.           strategies and policies.            (IVE)
and deploying policies, objectives and procedures.                  Formalizes and deploys internal                                                                              Forecasts economic, environmental
                                                                    control procedures (transposed for   Social reporting                    Ethics Committee (made up           and social trends and challenges,
                                                                    the divisions and business units).   Managed by the Human                of four independent members)        based on the work of a network
                                                                                                         Resources Department, which         Ensures compliance with             of experts. Serves as a forum
Veolia Environnement uses a variety of bodies and methods
                                                                    Internal Audit Department            defines and deploys company          the “Ethics, Commitment             for dialogue with the academic
to ensure its corporate responsibility is actively managed at all   Assesses the company’s risk          policy on human resources.          and Responsibility” program         community and civil society.
                                                                    management, governance                                                   (alert system and ethics audits).   www.institut.veolia.org
stages of the issues affecting the company. The Sustainable                                               Sustainable purchasing
                                                                    and internal control procedures
Development Department, which is directly accountable to            independently and objectively        reporting                           Risk Management                     Independent Sustainable
the Secretary General’s Department, drives and coordinates          and contributes to improving         Managed by the Purchasing           Department                          Development Committee
                                                                    these procedures using               and Sustainable Development         Coordinates the analysis of risks   Helps Veolia Environnement
this process and encourages the adaptation of contract models       a systematic and methodical          Departments.                        that could affect the company’s      move forward in its vision of
                                                                    approach.                                                                activities and implements action    and thinking on sustainable
and commercial offers in order to make sustainable development
                                                                                                         Client reporting                    plans.                              development.
a priority and a lever for value creation. Our sustainable          Fraud reporting                      Managed by the divisions’
                                                                    Information transmitted to           marketing departments.              Research and Innovation
development policy involves a large number of internal                                                                                       (VERI)
                                                                    the heads of internal audit,
stakeholders—functional departments, operating divisions            IT and Administrative Systems        Extra-financial rating               Manages and coordinates R&D
                                                                    Department and to the Accounts       Managed by the Sustainable          programs on priority company
and independent bodies—and therefore requires a structured                                                                                   issues.
                                                                    and Audit Committee to report        Development Department.
approach for managing all the challenges, from compliance           cases of financial fraud.
                                                                                                         Campus Veolia                       European Affairs Department
to forward thinking.                                                                                                                         Plans, coordinates and represents
                                                                                                         Personnel training to meet          the company’s position to the
                                                                                                         company needs.                      French authorities and European
                                                                                                                                             Union institutions.
                                                                                                         Veolia Environnement
                                                                                                         Financial assistance for projects
                                                                                                         and volunteering of skills.

For further information, visit www.annualreport.veolia.com

                                                                                                                   Veolia Environnement — Managing corporate responsibility / Structured organization               7
2.1 Coordinated anticipation of risks

Veolia Environnement’s growth is supported            Overall management of risks                                        Ensuring service continuity
by overall and coordinated management of              A dedicated risk management organization has been rolled           For its clients and customers, risk management allows
                                                      out for the company as a whole and each of its four divisions.     the company to ensure service quality and continuity. Since
the risks associated with its activities. Providing
                                                      We use risk mapping to identify and rank risks and opportunities   2005, the Company has deployed processes for managing alerts
basic services that are essential to community        and then implement the action plans needed. To approve             ans business continuity plans at various levels, ensuring that
life and to industry demands constant vigilance       risk reduction or risk transfer plans and monitor their            service is maintained or resumed following unusual events. These
and preparedness: the management of the risks         implementation, the Risk Management Department works               have proved effective in a number of situations, particularly
delegated to us by our clients is at the heart        with the Risk Management Committee, which comprises                during simulation exercises.
of our company’s expertise.                           the heads of the functional departments at head office
                                                      and in the divisions. Each division also has its own Risk          Company-wide social and environmental guidelines
                                                      Management Committee.                                              Risk management supports our international growth, particularly
                                                                                                                         when it comes to environmental and social best practices.
                                                      Risk management involves close cooperation between the Risk        Our program for putting in place company-wide social and
                                                      Management Department, the Internal Audit Department,              environmental guidelines give us a firm foundation for this.
                                                      the Management Systems and Processes Department,
                                                      and the Sustainable Development Department, which oversee
                                                      the implementation of suitable risk reduction plans and
                                                      adherence to the procedures.

                                                                                                 Veolia Environnement — Managing corporate responsibility / Structured organization    8
2.2 Ethics and governance

In 2010, Veolia Environnement’s executive                                These documents are available on our intranet site and training      In recent years, a member of the Ethics Committee visited Egypt,
management decided that the Secretary                                    courses are also available to supplement them.                       the United Arab Emirates, Norway and Japan. In 2010, as part of
                                                                         Furthermore, control procedures to ensure compliance with            his duties, the chairman of the Ethics Committee visited sites in
General’s Department would be responsible
                                                                         the company’s ethical principles are deployed in the functional      Germany. The Ethics Committee has also conducted an internal
for applying and monitoring the company’s                                departments concerned and by the Internal Control Department.        profile-raising communication campaign aimed especially at the
policy on ethics.                                                        Last, ethical questions have been systematically incorporated in     company’s non-executive employees.
                                                                         the auditing duties of the Internal Audit Department since 2008.
The “Ethics, Commitment and Responsibility” Program                      In 2009, an internal audit was conducted on the implementation       Raising awareness and training employees
Veolia Environnement’s “Ethics, Commitment and Responsibility”           of corruption prevention.                                            Veolia Environnement uses training to ingrain its ethical culture
program(1), introduced in 2003 and translated into nine languages,                                                                            in its employees. In 2004 and 2005, the “Ethics and Business Life”
is binding on all our employees. It is a corporate project designed to   The Ethics Committee                                                 awareness-raising campaign targeted over 400 senior executives
guide the behavior of our employees in their day-to-day activities.      In March 2004, we established an Ethics Committee comprising         in France and other countries. From 2008 over 3,500 managers
Veolia Environnement uses a number of internal mechanisms                independent members to examine any issues pertaining to the          attended the “Competition law compliance” training program,
to reduce the risk of non-compliance with ethical principles:            “Ethics, Commitment and Responsibility” program. It can be           which consisted of seminars, support material and online
■ the “Competition Law Compliance Guide”(1) (published in 2008)          contacted by any employee or can itself take the initiative to       training in France and other countries. Lastly, the new “Preventing
   and the “Guide to Managing and Minimizing Criminal Risk               analyze any issue concerning ethics and conduct visits to check      criminal risk exposure and raising awareness of corruption risks”
   Exposure in Group Operations” (published in 2010) have been           ethics in all of the company’s operations. The Ethics Committee’s    training program was rolled out in France and attended by
   distributed to managers;                                              mission is to make recommendations concerning Veolia                 around 800 managers in 2010. It is being deployed outside
■ we also have mechanisms to ensure strict control over                  Environnement’s fundamental values, either on a subject it has       France in 2011.
   subcontracting. The Purchasing Charter(1) and the Purchasing          analyzed at its own initiative or following questions submitted by
   Code of Conduct have sections describing the ethical practices        others. The Ethics Committee remains the ultimate body to receive
   to be respected and promoted by anyone involved in company            alerts that cannot be communicated to the managers in charge.
   procurement;                                                          The committee reports on this whistleblowing system to
■ our contract model applying to commercial intermediaries and           the Accounts and Audit Committee. The Ethics Committee’s code
   business introducers also contains a detailed “ethics and             of conduct stipulates that it must treat matters with strict
   anticorruption clause” and;                                           impartiality and confidentiality.
■ our sponsorship and patronage activities must follow a special

(1) Documents available on our website.

                                                                                                                    Veolia Environnement — Managing corporate responsibility / Structured organization         9
2.3 Representing our interests

Veolia Environnement contributes to reflection,                          In 2010, Veolia Environnement’s main contributions were as          Last, Veolia Environnement renewed its listing on the register
discussions and work initiated by the French                            follows:                                                            of Interest Representatives of the European Commission.
                                                                                                                                            Our Brussels employees in direct contact with the European
and European government authorities,                                    – European institutions:
                                                                                                                                            Parliament are also accredited lobbyists to it. In France,
professional associations, think-tanks, NGOs                            ■ Revision of directive 86/278/EEC on sewage sludge management.
                                                                                                                                            Veolia Environnement is registered on the public list of interest
                                                                        ■ Development of the EU’s climate policy.
and international institutions on changes in                                                                                                representatives of the French National Assembly and is currently
                                                                        ■ Development of the EU’s energy policy (“Towards a New Energy
the management of environmental solutions.                                                                                                  being added to the French Senate’s list.
                                                                         Strategy for Europe 2011-2020”).
                                                                        ■ Assessment of the regional policy (5th Cohesion Report).
We share our expertise with these stakeholders at their behest          ■ EU Initiative on Concessions.
or on issues that have a direct or indirect impact on our activities.   ■ State aid and the Monti-Kroes package.

Given the importance of the European environmental and                  – The French Parliament, as part of hearings organized by the
internal market regulatory framework, we set up a European              rapporteurs of the information missions and workgroups:
Affairs Department in 2010 to coordinate the representation of           ■ “Treating household waste: what options in the wake of

Veolia Environnement’s interests to French and EU authorities.            the Grenelle Environment Forum?”, French Senate report.
                                                                        ■ “Carbon contribution”, the workgroup of the French Senate’s
                                                                          Commission for the economy, sustainable development and
                                                                          spatial planning.
                                                                        ■ “European cohesion policy after 2013”, French Senate’s
                                                                          European Affairs Commission.
                                                                        ■ “Implementation of the law on guidance and lifelong
                                                                          vocational training”, National Assembly Report.
                                                                        ■ “What can researchers and public authorities do about
                                                                          the influenza A (H1N1) virus and virus mutation?”,
                                                                          the Parliamentary Office of Scientific and Technological
                                                                          Assessment’s Report.

                                                                                                                    Veolia Environnement — Managing corporate responsibility / Structured organization     10
3      Assessment and management procedures

Progress is impossible unless we measure what
has been done and evaluate what remains to
                                                 3.1 Internal procedures                                             ANTICIPATING SUSTAINABLE
                                                                                                                     DEVELOPMENT ISSUES
be done. We have to manage performance
                                                 Environmental reporting
by making ambitious commitments, produce                                                                            At the end of 2009, Veolia Environnement began
                                                 ■ Around 100 indicators monitored since 2001 using
accurate and complete reports and take                                                                              drafting the “Atlas of Responsibilities and Opportunities
                                                  the Environmental Information System (EIS).
into account external views and judgments.                                                                          for Sustainability”. The objective is to use an e-device to
                                                 ■ Procedures defined in the Protocol for the Measurement
                                                                                                                    centralize, region by region, information on external
As a company listed on France’s CAC 40 index,      and Reporting of Environmental Indicators.
                                                                                                                    sustainability factors provided by international
Veolia Environnement is rated for its extra-     ■ Deployed in 2,197 local business units where data are entered.
                                                                                                                    organizations and acknowledged institutional players.
financial performance based on published                                                                             This tool stimulates thinking on the management of
information and statements. In addition, our     Social reporting                                                   our sustainable development strategy. It enables us
                                                 ■ Actual human resources situation measured using 200 social
company can solicit ratings. The Independent                                                                        to improve our understanding of the characteristics of
Sustainable Development Committee also                                                                              the regions where we operate that could affect the
                                                 ■ The scope covers 77 countries where the company operates,
                                                                                                                    implementation of our social and environmental
gives its opinion on the company’s CSR policy.     for a total of 1,239 separate legal entities.
                                                                                                                    responsibility policies. In this way, it supplements
All this information allows us to see where      ■ A network of 700 correspondents to collect annual data using
                                                                                                                    our internal information and helps us identify priority
we stand and serves as a guide for continuous      dedicated software.
                                                                                                                    areas by region and by issue, and also feeds other
improvement of our sustainable development                                                                          mechanisms and financial decision-making procedures
performance.                                     Purchasing reporting                                               with information on sustainable development.
                                                 Tracking of five performance indicators set up gradually
                                                 since 2009 for the following subject areas:
                                                 ■ Sustainable development training and awareness-raising
                                                   of purchasing officers.
                                                 ■ Relations with suppliers.

                                                 Client reporting
                                                 ■ Annual assessment of client relations in each business using
                                                  relevant indicators.
                                                 ■ Procedures defined in the “Client Reporting Procedures” guide.

                                                                          Veolia Environnement — Managing corporate responsibility / Assessment and management procedures         11
3.2 Selection by extra-financial indexes and company rankings

Extra-financial ratings and inclusion          Evaluation by SAM                                                                              ASPI Eurozone (Vigeo)
in specialized stock market indexes provide a In 2010, Veolia Environnement was not selected in the Dow Jones                                The European Index ASPI Eurozone comprises the 120 most
measure of companies’ sustainable development Sustainability Indexes (DJSI). The “best in class” methodology used                            competitive companies in terms of social and environmental
                                              by the agency and applied to the “Water Utilities” sector led this                             responsibility listed in the eurozone. In 2010, Veolia
performance. The principal areas evaluated
                                              year to the selection of only one company even though results of                               Environnement was included once again in the index,
are governance, human resources management,                                                                                                  as it was from 2004 to June 2008.
                                              other companies were good. The rating of Veolia Environnement’s
environmental performance, ethics, human      sustainable development performance remains at a high level
rights, customer care, supplier relations and (71/100). The company’s scores were higher than 2009 for                                       Classified “Prime” by Oekom Research
dialogue with civil society.                  11 criteria out of 20 and received a grade above the average of                                In 2010, Veolia Environnement maintained the “Prime” category
                                                                       the “Water Utilities” sector concerning 17 criteria. In addition,     classification assigned by Oekom Research to companies that are
                                                                       Veolia Environnement received the highest scores in six categories.   among the best in their industry for social and environmental
                                                                       Since 2003, Veolia Environnement has been selected for inclusion      responsibility.
FTSE4Good                                                              in these indexes every year, except for 2005 and 2010.
Veolia Environment has been listed on the FTSE4Good since
                                                                       The Dow Jones Sustainability indexes rate the performance             Carbon disclosure project
2004. It is assessed by Eiris (United Kingdom) and Ethifinance
                                                                       of companies that are leaders in sustainable development. In 2010,                           Veolia Environnement was ranked eighth out
(France). Considering that inclusion criteria are regularly reviewed
                                                                       of the 2,500 largest companies on the Dow Jones Global Total                                  of the 20 leading companies in the Carbon
and tightened, Veolia Environnement’s recurrent inclusion
                                                                       Stock Market Index (DJGTSMI), only 323 were selected for inclusion                            Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI) France
in these indexes is an acknowledgment of the company’s
                                                                       in the DJSI World. Some 163 companies of the DJGTSMI composed                                 in 2010 with a score of 82/100, which
performance and long-term commitment to sustainable
                                                                       the European selection of the DJSI (Dow Jones Sustainability                                  is an improvement on the previous year
development. The FTSE4Good index comprises about
                                                                       Europe Index).                                                        (+6 points). CDLI selects the companies with the best quality
900 companies listed on the FTSE Global Equity indexes.
                                                                                                                                             responses at the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and rewards
These companies are selected on the basis of a series of
                                                                       Ethibel Sustainability Indexes (Vigeo)                                transparent communication on climate change. The CDP’s aim
internationally recognized corporate responsibility and
                                                                       Veolia Environnement’s inclusion in the Ethibel Excellence Europe     is to assist investment decisions so they account for the effects
sustainable development criteria and standards.
                                                                       and Ethibel Excellence Global indexes was confirmed in 2010,           of climate change on companies. The association is supported
                                                                       on the basis of assessments by Vigeo. The Ethibel Sustainability      by several institutional investors with worldwide assets worth
                                                                       indexes offer an overall view of the financial performance of the       $64 billion.
                                                                       world’s largest companies in terms of sustainable development.
                                                                       These two indexes are composed of companies listed in the
                                                                       Excellence Register compiled by the independent organization
                                                                       Forum Ethibel.

                                                                                                 Veolia Environnement — Managing corporate responsibility / Assessment and management procedures           12
3.3 Solicited external ratings

Every year, for the last seven years, Veolia        BMJ Ratings evaluates the company’s activities in its four
Environnement has asked to be evaluated by          divisions and covers the environment, human resources,               2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
BMJ Ratings, an extra-financial rating agency,
                                                    commercial function, purchasing and subcontracting,                  A++ A++ AA+ AA+ AA++ AA++
                                                    relationships with civil society and corporate governance.
so that it has an up-to-date assessment of how
                                                                                                                        Veolia Environnement’s latest rating, updated in 2011
it is meeting its corporate responsibilities. The   Since 2008, targeted audits have been carried out in business       for 2010, shows satisfactory results above the sector
results of these assessments help the company       units in Europe (France, Germany, UK, Ireland, Spain, Estonia and   standards. The overall performance was similar in all CSR
refine its sustainable development policy.           Romania), Asia (China and India), Africa (Morocco), North America   fields analyzed, even though the agency observed a dip
                                                    (USA) and South America (Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina,      in the governance field.
                                                    Mexico, Chile and Venezuela).                                       The agency has maintained its positive rating regarding
                                                                                                                        the incorporation of energy/carbon issues and has noted
                                                                                                                        the energy services division’s commitment to structuring
                                                                                                                        the biomass supply chain. It also noted the formalization
                                                                                                                        of a robust corporate policy in workforce diversity and
                                                                                                                        non-discrimination and the operability of this policy’s
                                                                                                                        deployment in France. The agency observed that
                                                                                                                        the company has stepped up the incorporation of
                                                                                                                        extra-financial criteria in its cross-division purchasing
                                                                                                                        policy and also intensified CSR training and awareness
                                                                                                                        raising for purchasing officers. It also noted increased
                                                                                                                        extra-financial rating of key suppliers.

                                                                             Veolia Environnement — Managing corporate responsibility / Assessment and management procedures        13
3.4 The Independent Sustainable Development Committee’s view
of Veolia Environnement’s sustainable development policy

The Independent Committee (IC) has continued its work                                      The IC has also reviewed the Company’s policies and programs
in advising the company on sustainability and corporate                                    for research and development, in particular the Innovation
responsibility. The new Chairman of the company, Antoine Frérot,                           Accelerator and advances in biotechnology. Through our
has reaffirmed his commitment to the process and to his                                      oversight of this work, we aim to ensure that Veolia retains
involvement in the deliberations of the Committee. In future,                              its leadership as a cutting-edge innovator—particularly
IC will have at least two formal meetings together with regular                            in water technology.
informal updates and advice.                                                               At our meetings in 2011, we would expect to look again at the
The IC has reviewed the work of the Ethics Committee, which                                issues raised by the Jerusalem Tramway (1), consider what lessons
it sees as carrying out an important function in a company with                            should be learned, and make recommendations to management.
so large and diverse a workforce. The IC has made a number                                 We will also consider, among other things, Veolia’s sustainability
of recommendations to improve its workings including an                                    targets and methodology and the company’s involvement
extension of its membership, the strengthening of its local                                and expectations for the World Water Summit in Marseilles
mechanisms, and the particular consideration of protection                                 and Rio+20.
of workers in countries where cultural considerations militate
against filing legitimate complaints. In some countries with
no tradition of whistleblowing, special care needs to be taken
to ensure that management makes itself approachable                                                                                         John Gummer
in a way which is clearly understood by the whole workforce.                                Chairman of the Independent Sustainable Development Committee

(1) Up-to-date information is available on our corporate website: www.veolia.com/en/medias/focus-on/jlrt.htm

                                                                                                                    Veolia Environnement — Managing corporate responsibility / Assessment and management procedures   14

Through the services it provides, Veolia Environnement develops deep roots in local
communities by playing a direct part in their everyday lives.
We feel it is our responsibility to develop trustful relationships with our stakeholders so that
they can help us better meet our contractual obligations and become a better corporate citizen.
Veolia Environnement’s contribution to these communities is a particularly vital one, since
the public services it manages are indispensable to ensuring a quality of life that is satisfactory
and consistent with the UN’s International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
Our expertise and the original support solutions we provide enable us to help increase access
to basic services across a diverse spectrum of contexts and countries and thus meet the needs
of the public authorities that entrust us with the management of their services.

To manage the societal contributions of our activities more effectively, in late 2010
we set up a Social Commitment and Perspective Unit within our Sustainable Development
Department. The unit’s role is, on the one hand, to consolidate and develop our company’s
expertise in the area of social innovation so as to respond more effectively to the needs
and demands of local communities, public authorities and stakeholders for essential services,
and on the other to report on the company’s societal performance internally and externally.

                                                                              Veolia Environnement — Managing societal performance   16
1        Contributing to societal development
         within the framework of contractual services

1.1 Dialogue and support
All of our company’s four divisions develop local initiatives    To accurately assess social costs and benefits, develop
to inform local communities of the services they provide         appropriate solutions and inform and support the families
and promote dialogue. These initiatives include neighborhood     concerned, Veolia Environnement forms special teams locally
meetings, meetings with elected representatives and local        that include employees who have been trained in social
non-profit organizations, visits to sites and “open-house”        expertise. New types of tools are also created to make customers’
events to inform the general public. In Romania, for example,    lives easier and meet their needs, such as:
Veolia Water helped set up an ongoing process to promote         ■ mobile customer service centers near large urban areas
dialogue about its water service with its customers through         that are available at times agreed with local populations,
weekly meetings with “CAB” building-management associations         as is the case in Morocco;
and owner and renter associations. In late 2009, HABITAT,        ■ prepaid solutions for water and energy service;
a Romanian consumers’ association, took over this process        ■ neighborhood meetings to explain projects and take
and via the IDEA system that Veolia Water proposed and              the suggestions and comments of local communities
set up, now provides Veolia Water with innovative suggestions       into account.
submitted by customers to continuously improve service.
                                                                 Providing social support to disadvantaged populations
                                                                 is increasingly becoming a distinct activity for
                                                                 Veolia Environnement.

                                                     Veolia Environnement — Managing societal performance / Contributing to societal development within the framework of contractual services   17
1.2 Enabling access to basic services                                                                                                     1.3 Creating business models
                                                                                                                                          that reflect social and
                                                                                                                                          economic realities
One of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) is to “Halve,        The body of expertise Veolia Water has developed for this              In the developing countries, waste, water, transportation
by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access       purpose is referred to as ACCES and is based on the following          and energy services are often provided by small companies
to safe drinking water and to basic sanitation services”.          eight principles, of which the first five seek to adapt its activities   and individuals, who are sometimes not even formally organized
Veolia Water is the largest private-sector provider of these       provided under public service management contracts to                  and play an important part in the local and economic fabric.
services in the emerging and developing countries. Under public    low-income customers, while the last three directly concern            Modern service systems must therefore take these providers
service management contracts, Veolia Water works with              Veolia Water’s corporate social responsibility:                        into account, by either eliminating the most unacceptable
the authorities that delegate the services to conduct programs     1. Do more with the same infrastructure.                               practices, such as child labor, while providing the social
to provide these basic services to communities that do not have    2. Implement pricing policies that are appropriate and socially        and educational support this requires, or by seeking to find
water supply and sanitation systems. This activity has lead        acceptable.                                                            a balance between conflicting interests.
Veolia Water to adopt a social approach that covers technical,     3. Increase the number of subsidized connections.                      For example, at the Presidente landfill site in Colombia, solid
financial, marketing, communication and legal aspects               4. Create a new collective, secure and personalized way of             waste had traditionally been recovered by rag-collectors.
of its operations and to work with numerous stakeholders           distributing water to people without access to home-service            To improve the situation of this highly disadvantaged population
that offer expertise that is complementary to its own.              pipes.                                                                 while preserving its employment, Proactiva Colombia set up
                                                                   5. Develop customer services that meet the needs of local              a training and social integration program in partnership
                                                                   communities.                                                           with local authorities. It includes a variety of actions: workshops
                                                                   6. Explain how water should be used to optimize the benefits            in health education, projects to create microenterprises, literacy
                                                                   of access to services.                                                 training, efforts to improve self-esteem, and training in various
                                                                   7. Research and Innovation: develop new service models                 occupations such as preparing compost and medicinal plants.
                                                                   for rural environments.
                                                                   8. Assess the impact of actions on the quality of life
                                                                   of local residents.

                                                                   For more information see the document titled “Veolia Water’s
                                                                   ACCES expertise”.

                                                                   Since Veolia Water began operations in Morocco, Gabon, Niger
                                                                   and India, it has provided 2.6 million more people with access
                                                                   to water and 1.3 million with access to sanitation.

                                                       Veolia Environnement — Managing societal performance / Contributing to societal development within the framework of contractual services             18
1.4 Adapting tarifs and prices to local markets

Service charges for the users of water, energy and transportation   In 2006, in the Greater Paris region, Veolia Water’s customer       These programs require innovative marketing, engineering,
services are systematically set by the public authority under       service department set up a special unit to assist customers        financial and legal techniques to meet the needs and capabilities
each service contract. However, Veolia Environnement can            who are having difficulty making their payments. This unit,           of local populations. Achieving these innovations effectively
propose pricing arrangements to make these services more            which works with social workers in the field, handled                requires not only partnership with the public authorities
accessible to the most disadvantaged populations. Particular        1,700 individual cases in 2010. Its work involves helping           and elected representatives, but also with sociologists
care must also be taken to ensure that service charges are          customers pay their bills by providing those who benefit             and other specialists (local neighborhood associations,
aligned with the demand for services and income of local            from subsidized housing payments or are over-indebted with          NGOs and other civil society actors), as well as with social
communities. In some countries, contractual pricing                 information and administrative assistance. This unit also           entrepreneurs and local public services that can provide
commitments can be made under locally established policies          participates in plans to rehabilitate apartment buildings           complementary expertise.
to ensure sustainable development and reduce social disparities.    and closely monitors the situations of buildings that are under     To ensure that the families involved in these programs
                                                                    rehabilitation or in receivership, working closely with community   are able to bear these costs, in accordance with the principle
In Varna, Bulgaria, where households have little disposable         officials, apartment building operators and receivers. In 2010,       of social acceptability Veolia Environnment works with
income in comparison with heating costs, Veolia Energy – Dalkia     some 310 cases involving such buildings were handled.               its partners to design and implement innovative financing
has made a commitment to ensuring long-term price stability.                                                                            mechanisms such as zero-interest loans of up to 10 years,
Efforts to increase energy production and the efficiency               But solidarity is not just a question of the price charged to use   social funds financed from various service revenues,
of facilities have made it possible to reduce energy costs          a service. It sometimes also involves the cost of accessing         and external sources of financing.
and therefore the price charged for heating service. The number     the service, such as the cost of connection to a water or sewer     In Morocco this policy has made it possible to connect
of unpaid bills has been halved and the average time required       pipe or a power cable. In some countries that are experiencing      350,000 people to potable water systems since the first
to collect payments has decreased by three months.                  particularly rapid urban growth, at the request of its public-      contracts were signed in 2002.
In addition to increasing the efficiency of energy production         authority clients Veolia Environnement develops programs
and distribution, Veolia Energy-Dalkia can improve the insulation   to provide subsidized connections to pipe and power systems
of its customers’ buildings and homes and thus help them reduce     in accordance with the local social and economic context.
their energy bills.

                                                        Veolia Environnement — Managing societal performance / Contributing to societal development within the framework of contractual services      19
1.5 Measuring the social impact of the company’s activities

People’s well-being, the smooth functioning of communities
and human development are key concerns at Veolia
Environnement and are at the foundation of everything we do,
covering the entire spectrum of water, transportation, waste
management and energy services, all of which are essential.
This means that the services we provide must gradually improve
the living conditions of local populations and have a positive
impact in general on human development. In some cases,
these improvements are clearly expected by clients and                ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF SUBSIDIZED
are explicit contractual objectives.                                  UTILITY CONNECTIONS IN MOROCCO
Yet we are also quite vigilant about the potential negative social
impacts that our activities may have locally. These negative         In 2006, Veolia Environnement Morocco and its Tangier-based subsidiary Amendis decided to assess
impacts must be systematically controlled and minimized              the actual impact on human development (health, well-being, education, independence, and so on)
in so far as possible.                                               of the subsidized water and sanitation system individual connections it had completed in Tangier
As in the area of environmental performance, Veolia Environnement    since 2002. This assessment was made in conjunction with the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty
considers that it must now measure and evaluate the social           Action Lab (J-PAL), an economic-research laboratory at the Massachussetts Institute of Technology,
impacts of its activities and implement action plans that improve    headed by Esther Duflo, and a leading authority in the assessment of development programs.
the societal performance of the services it provides.                This assessment was conducted in close cooperation with all stakeholders, which include J-PAL,
                                                                     the City of Tangier (elected representatives and municipal services), the Wilaya (prefecture)
                                                                     of Tangier-Tetouan, the Tangier-Assilah Province Health Ministry, Veolia Environnement
                                                                     Morocco and Amendis. This was the first time that the randomized trial method was used
                                                                     for a home-service drinking water program. The measured effects on social integration,
                                                                     increased free time and well-being were clearly positive.
                                                                     For more information see the brochure titled “Evaluation of the Impact of Social Connection

                                                        Veolia Environnement — Managing societal performance / Contributing to societal development within the framework of contractual services   20
2         Active social responsibility

2.1 Contributing to local development
Veolia Environnement contributes to the economic and social          Promoting eco-citizenship and employment                           in these communities. Also participating in this project,
development of the areas it serves, not only due to the inherent     with “MédiaTerre” and “Unis-Cité”                                  which was a joint initiative of Veolia Environmental Services
nature of the services it provides but also through its investment   Through its foundation and its Northwest and Ile-de-France         and the Nantes metropolitan area, are a variety of local actors
in these areas and the direct and indirect jobs its services         Delegations, Veolia Environnement has been working in              that include the Maison de L’Emploi, the social integration
generate.                                                            partnership with the Unis-Cités agency to support the MédiaTerre   associations L’Homme Debout and Océan, and the recycling
                                                                     project, which aims to help lower-income families adopt more       and refurbishing association Ecorev.
The company’s subsidiaries also develop local initiatives            sustainable consumption behavior. This assistance—which            Thanks to the REFLET project, some 15 visits to Veolia
to promote social integration through employment.                    among other things includes promoting the adoption of              Environmental Services’ facilities and various employment
                                                                     eco-friendly behavior to reduce waste and water and energy         and furniture restoration workshops were organized for
Veolia Environnement, a founding member and supporter                                                                                   and by local communities in 2009 and 2010. This project has
                                                                     consumption—is provided by young volunteers as part
of PIMMS                                                             of their civil service. The pilot project conducted                so far enabled eight people with critically low resources to find
In France “Multiservice Mediation and Information Points”,           in 2009-2010 involved 100 volunteers, including 64 in              jobs, including three under permanent employment contracts
known as PIMMS, serve as a liaison between communities               the two Delegations assisting 114 families. These young            at a materials recovery facility, three temporary jobs
that have little access to public services and those who provide     people, who received eco-behavior training from Campus             and two with L’Homme Debout.
these services. Managed by local non-profit organizations,            Veolia Environnement, receive support and guidance in civic
PIMMS have two objectives: helping people have acess to public                                                                          The “100 000 Rencontres Solidaires” back-to-work project
                                                                     education and career planning to ensure that this phase
services more effectively and helping people with limited                                                                                Launched in France, in June 2009, by the Horizons Club
                                                                     of their service will make them better citizens and improve
education and skills find employment.                                                                                                    in partnership with the New Agency for Active Solidarity,
                                                                     their employment prospects.
Veolia Water helped found the PIMMS in Lyons, France, in 1995.                                                                          the “100 000 Rencontres Solidaires” project brings together
Veolia Environnement is now a founding member of UPIMMS,             The “REFLET” project to get people back into society               employees who volunteer their services and recipients of the RSA
the federation of PIMMS that owns the PIMMS trademark                and employment                                                     earned income supplement. Working in small groups in partner
and manages the network of local PIMMS, in partnership               Veolia Environmental Services in central-western France            companies, the RSA recipients have the opportunity to make
with the French government, local authorities and other local        is actively involved in the REFLET project, which seeks to         contacts and get the advice they need to encourage them
actors and stakeholders. The company has played an active role       help people with low employability near Nantes find jobs in         in their search for employment. This project, which was extended
in creating 21 of the 42 PIMMS currently in operation in France      the environment and waste management sectors, thereby              in 2010 to Veolia Energy – Dalkia and Veolia Transport, was
and helps monitor their activities.                                  strengthening social bonds and improving living conditions         perceived very positively by the volunteers and 30 job-seekers alike.

                                                                                                                Veolia Environnement — Managing societal performance / Active social responsibility        21
2.2 Supporting innovation                                               2.3 New business models                                                    2.4 The Veolia
through start-ups                                                       for the most difficult situations                                            Environnement
                                                                                                                                                   commitment in the field
The company-wide Veolia Innovation Accelerator (VIA) program            Goalmari project assessment                                                Since its creation in 2004, the Veolia Environnement
was designed to facilitate the identification, assessment                The Goalmari project, conducted in partnership with Grameen Bank,          Foundation has supported over 1,000 outreach, workforce
and implementation of the eco-technologies capable of most              the winner of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize, continues. Three years after     development and environmental conservation projects
effectively meeting the needs of our clients as well as those of         the creation of a joint subsidiary with Veolia Water, Grameen-Veolia       and has an annal budget of €7.2 million.
the industry as a whole. VIA encourages cooperation between             Water’s first drinking water plant in Bangladesh currently serves
start-ups and investors throughout the innovation process,              two villages with a total population of 40,000. This plant’s objective     Veoliaforce, the Foundation’s network of volunteer
providing access to the network of Veolia researchers and               is to supply drinking water that meets WHO standards to poor rural         employees, stands ready to assist in emergency
research tools, enabling full-scale testing of solutions at 200 pilot   populations that live in areas where groundwater naturally contains        humanitarian and international development aid
industrial facilities, and promoting technological innovations          high concentrations of arsenic.                                            assignments. In 2010, 100 new projects were undertaken
commercially by dissiminating them massively through                    This first social business venture is currently undergoing a sanitary       and Veoliaforce volunteers spent 1,300 days in the field.
the company’s vast network of diverse and geographically                and socioeconomic assessment under a research partnership
extensive operations. Just one year after the VIA program               agreement that Veolia Water signed in early 2010 with the Innovation       For more information see the Veolia Environnement
was launched some 200 applications had been evaluated                   and Social Entrepreneurship Institute of the French business school        Foundation Report.
and five have led to partnerships with start-ups offering                 Essec. The objective is to assess the performance of these first two
the most innovative eco-technologies capable of meeting                 rural water projects and find ways to improve the business model.
the environmental challenges that lie ahead.
                                                                        Support for Agrisud
For more information about Veolia Environnement’s research              Since 1992, NGO Agrisud International has been supporting
endeavors, see the Research & Innovation section of the company’s       the creation of very small family-run farms and agricultural enterprises
website at www.veolia.com for the Research & Innovation Report          in underdeveloped countries, thereby stimulating economic activity
and the eight R&D program booklets (available in French only).          that creates jobs and wealth by meeting local market needs and
                                                                        thus reducing the need to import food. Veolia Environnement provided
                                                                        financial assistance that enabled AgriSud to publish a guidebook
                                                                        on agro-ecological practices in 2010 and is supporting a research
                                                                        program conducted with the University of Antananarivo to try
                                                                        to assess the impact of the very small farm models that Agrisud
                                                                        has been implementing in Africa and Asia on carbon sequestration
                                                                        and emissions.

                                                                                                                    Veolia Environnement — Managing societal performance / Active social responsibility       22
3         Partnerships with international organizations

Veolia Environnement continued to work with major UN agencies         ■ Veolia Environnement has joined the World Urban Campaign          ■ The company has also joined the “R20” Climate Action Coalition
and various civil society organizations to achieve the Millennium      and the “100 Cities” initiative, both launched by UN-Habitat        composed of the world’s 20 largest regions and headed by
Development Goals and meet its commitments as a member                 at the World Urban Forum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in February     the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
of the Global Compact. Through its development partnerships            2010. Veolia Environnement, in partnership with the city            and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP),
Veolia Environnement seeks to foster solidarity between regions        of Rabat, Morocco, is to participate in these initiatives, which    the objective of which is to establish Regional Climate Plans.
and communities by promoting the exchange of experience and            will enable many of the world’s largest cities to improve           For this novel initiative, Veolia Environnement will work with
knowledge between cities and towns and applying methodological         their environmental performance and benefit from the                 the International Chamber of Commerce and the Association
approaches. Here are some examples:                                    exchange of experience and knowledge in a decentralized             of European Regions to provide a comprehensive analysis
                                                                       framework of cooperation between the developing countries.          of the factors that influence climate in a given region.
■ For eight years, Veolia Environnement has served as official           Veolia Environnement sits on the World Urban Campaign
 expert to the UN-Habitat working group that prepared                  Steering Committee, which held its first meeting in Shanghai        ■ Last, Veolia Environnement is regularly invited by the United
 the International Guidelines on Decentralization and Access           in October 2010.                                                    Nations Global Compact to participate in focus and working
 to Basic Services for All (i.e., water, sanitation, transportation                                                                        groups on such issues as water resource management
 and energy services). In 2010, the municipality of Aguascalientes,   ■ For the past eight years, Veolia Environnement has also been       (the Water Mandate), climate disruption (as a member
 Mexico, where ProActiva Medio Ambiente, a joint subsidiary            supporting the program to Strengthen Local Governance               of the Caring for Climate working group at the Seoul conference
 of Veolia Environnement and the Spanish company FCC,                  to Improve the Management of Urban Services, sponsored by           in April 2010), and doing business in conflict zones.
 operates water and sanitation services, served as a pilot site        UNITAR, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research.
 for testing the effectiveness of these guidelines in preventing        Many country managers from the company’s various divisions
 social exclusion. For this project the company developed              contributed their expertise in such areas as urban mobility,
 a methodological evaluation framework that it presented               waste collection and water services management
 at a meeting organized by the French Ministry of Foreign              at 12 seminars organized in 2010.
 and European Affairs in October 2010 and that could serve
 to extend this approach to other regions on other continents.

                                                                                              Veolia Environnement — Managing societal performance / Partnerships with international organizations          23

Veolia Environnement regularly informs the Global Compact of the best practices      ■ A public lighting program in the city of Fortaleza, Brazil, to foster social
it has implemented in the area of sustainable development and has reported 10 best     development and sustainable urbanization by optimizing energy consumption,
practices so far in its “Communication on Progress”. Here are some examples:           decreasing crime and highlighting the city’s architectural heritage; and
                                                                                       two public lighting projects in the cities of Kunming, China, and Sant Fost, Spain,
■ Integrated waste management in Alexandria, Egypt, with the implementation            with specific energy savings targets.
  of a clean development mechanism, in compliance with the Kyoto Protocol.           ■ Integrated water supply and sanitation services in Aguascalientes, Mexico, using
   This project was awarded the UN-Habitat’s Scroll of Honor Award in 2005             a new optimized management model that won the municipality a national prize
   for exemplary cooperation between the public and private sectors and                in 2007 for the efficiency of its water and wastewater systems in meeting
   in particular for the excellent training and employability of waste collection      the needs of the local residents, particularly those of the lowest income families.
   and treatment personnel.                                                          ■ Two environment-friendly wastewater treatment processes: Géolide
■ Integrated management of water and wastewater services in Bucharest,                 (in Marseilles, France) and Organica (in Hungary) that reduce impact on urban
  Romania, with quality performance indicators.                                        environments and help protect biodiversity.
■ A public-private partnership to create and operate a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)       ■ Industrial waste management at ArcelorMittal’s plant in Vega do Sul, Brazil,
  system in Bogotá, Colombia, that facilitates access to and from the city’s           that deals effectively with environmental externalities.
  poorest neighborhoods, ensures faster transportation and significantly reduces
  pollution and the risk of accident. One novel feature of this partnership
  is that Veolia Environnement is a member of a local public transportation
  organization that is composed of seven companies, including several small
  and medium-sized operators.

                                                                                            Veolia Environnement — Managing societal performance / Partnerships with international organizations   24

A reliable, structured system was required to manage the company’s environmental impacts and compliance with
environmental regulations. Since 2002, the Environmental Management System (EMS) has served as the instrument
for improvement in the fields of environment and environmental health. Applied in all divisions and structured
around four levels of responsibility (corporate, division, business units and sites), the EMS enables the evaluation
of environmental impacts, compliance with the regulations and the company’s internal requirements, the setting
of targets and then the implementation of measures and action plans for achieving them.
The guiding principles for the EMS are defined and validated by the Environmental Liaison Committee, which reports
directly to the company’s senior management. The committee ensures overall consistency in the EMS by guaranteeing
a coherent view of the extent to which impacts are controlled and defines the strategic orientations on environmental
management every year. In addition, the EMS is overseen by the Environmental Management Committee, made up
of the environmental managers in each division, which transmits information and coordinates the action plans.
In 2007, the company put together a team of internal auditors with the purpose of ensuring direct control over EMS
deployment, including in particular checking regulatory compliance and the pertinence of the action plans.

                  AND VALIDATION

              Environmental Liaison         Environmental                    Sustainable Development          External data verification
              Committee                     Management Committee             Department, divisions and        by Ernst & Young
                                            (EMC)                            business units                   Sustainable Development

                                                                                                              ISO 9001/14001
                                                                             EMS requirements policy          certification audits
                                                                                                              Divisions and business units
                                                                             Quantified targets
                                                                             Environmental information        Internal EMS audits
                                                                             system                           Environmental Performance

                                  General audit of the Environmental Management System (Internal Auditing Department)

                                                                                                          Veolia Environnement — Managing environmental performance   26
In connection with our 2009-2011 environmental program, we defined quantified targets along with
commitments on trends for 10 key indicators covering the main environmental priorities. The values
set for these targets by the end of 2011 are indicative and may be revised, in particular depending
on changes in the company’s consolidation scope. The environmental indicators will be revised in 2011,
and the targets will be redefined at the end of 2011.

     INDICATOR                                                                                ACHIEVED AT                         TREND                      2011 TARGET
                                                                                              DECEMBER 31, 2010

Environmental Management System (EMS) implementation                                         81%                                                            85%

Environmental evaluation of priority facilities                                              85%                                                            >95%
in the past five years                                                                                                                                       New methodology in 2009

Percentage of renewable and alternative energy                                               26%                                                            >25%
in total energy consumption
Carbon efficiency ratio of Veolia Energy – Dalkia                                              27.1%                                                          >24%
(overall reduction in GHG emissions/total GHG emissions)
Volume of water lost in water distribution networks                                          1,608 million m3                                               <1,615 million m3
                                                                                             (2008 reference scope)                                         (2008 reference scope)(1)

Percentage of the population evaluated with water quality classes                            96.1%                                                          100%

Overall wastewater treatment efficiency for plants                                             83.1%                                                          >80%
with a capacity of over 50,000 equivalent population
Percentage of treated waste disposed of without any energy                                   53.0%                                                          51.5%
or materials recovery
Percentage of waste treated in incinerators                                                  93.4%                                                          >95%
with dioxin emissions lower than 0.1 ng/Nm3 (all sites)
Unit emissions of CO, HC and particle matter (PM)                                            CO: 2.58 g/km                                                  CO: 2.36 g/km
by passenger transportation vehicles                                                         HC: 0.52 g/km                                                  HC: 0.48 g/km
                                                                                             Particles: 0.21 g/km                                           Particles: 0.20 g/km
                                                                                             (2008 reference scope)                                         (2008 reference scope)(2)

(1) The 2009 and 2010 pro forma figures compared with a 2008 base geographic scope are respectively 1,644 and 1,608 million m3.
(2) The 2009 and 2010 figures are compared with a 2008 base geographic scope representing 84% of the fleet of heavy road vehicles (excluding electric vehicles).

                                                                                                                                          Veolia Environnement — Managing environmental performance   27
1           Manage environmental performance

Percentage of EMS implementation (including ISO 14001 certified   In 2010, the percentage implementation of the Environmental Management System (internal EMS and ISO 14001 certifications)
facilities) for the relevant activities*                         increased by 3 percentage points to 81% as a result of improvements in each of the four divisions. Additionally, this change is
                                                                 essentially the result of the implementation of the internal EMS.
                            78%           81%
                                                                 Veolia Environnement’s internal EMS is applied all the way through to business unit level, in accordance with guidelines specific
                                                                 to each division and compliant with company requirements. They are equivalent to ISO 14001 requirements.
                                                                 Locally, ISO 14001 certification provides external assurance that the internal EMS has been implemented in the business units.
                                                                 In 2010, 48.3% of the relevant revenue was covered by ISO 14001 certification.
                                                                 Since 2009, the Environmental Management System implementation criteria have been incorporated into the company’s
                                                                 Environmental Information System (EIS), so that the level of internal EMS implementation can be calculated from the responses
                                                                 entered for each of the standard EMS requirements. Following the methodology change in 2009, a new reporting process has
                                                                 provided a more valid measure of the internal EMS implementation rate in the company. The outreach efforts that are underway will
          2008              2009          2010       2011        be continued to reduce the risk of incorrect interpretation of EMS deployment requirements by operational staff.

Percentage of priority facilities evaluated*                     An environmental evaluation was made of 85% of the total 1,454 priority facilities(1) over the past five years. This evaluation is,
(in the previous five years)                                      within the context of the EMS, an assessment of the regulatory compliance with the applicable environmental texts. The assessment
                                                                 methods are defined for each of the four divisions and so may differ depending on the nature of the activity(2).
                            87%           85%
                                                                 The number of priority facilities has increased slightly (1%), as has the number of evaluations performed in the year (2%). Even so,
                                                                 the percentage of priority facilities assessed since 2006 dropped by 2 percentage points compared with 2009.
                                                                 Not all the facilities due for assessment in 2010 were audited during the year; this was partly because some of the audits performed
                                                                 included sites that had already been audited less than five years ago.

          2008             2009           2010       2011
                                                                 (1) Priority facilities are those facilities with the most sensitive environmental impact for the company.
* Indicator with a quantified Target.                             (2) ISO 14001 certification audits, environmental audits (internal and external), and regulatory environmental assessments are in particular considered to be environmental assessments.

                                                                                                   Veolia Environnement — Managing environmental performance / Manage environmental performance                                                     28
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CSR Performance digest

  • 2. The global benchmark in environmental solutions Veolia Environnement operates in 77 countries around the world, serving local public authorities and industrial companies. Veolia Environnement’s clients enjoy access to expertise in four complementary areas: water cycle management, waste management and resource recovery, energy management, and travel mobility services. The company designs and implements tailored solutions for its clients that combine economic efficiency with control over environmental impacts, thereby helping to combat climate change, save resources and conserve ecosystems. Four divisions: Veolia Water Veolia Environmental Services Veolia Energy – Dalkia Veolia Transport €34,787 million in consolidated revenue* €2,056 million in adjusted operating income 317,034 employees in 77 countries (at December 31, 2010) * Revenue from continuing operations as defined by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). 1
  • 3. MANAGING CORPORATE In the face of major issues concerning the sharing of scarce resources RESPONSIBILITY and access to basic services, being the benchmark in sustainable 5 Committed to sustainable development 7 Structured organization development is a demanding ambition that is based on a shared strategic 11 Assessment and management procedures vision and an efficient, coherent and legible managerial structure. This ambition obliges us to be exemplary and transparent in the eyes MANAGING SOCIETAL PERFORMANCE of all our stakeholders. 17 Contributing to societal development within the framework of contractual services 21 Active social responsibility Innovation, teaching skills, building expertise and measuring performance 23 Partnering with international organizations are the foundations that Veolia Environnement relies on to manage its Corporate Social Responsability (CSR) program. MANAGING ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE 28 Manage environmental performance Preparing company-wide indicators is a difficult and delicate undertaking, 29 Combat climate change and we take pains to publish pertinent, verifiable and transparent data. 33 Mitigate our impact 35 Conserve ecosystems and biodiversity The aim of this Performance Digest is to bring together in a single 39 Protect natural resources document all the data that form the basis of our company’s CSR approach. MANAGING SOCIAL PERFORMANCE 45 Employment trends, a reflection of the company’s business activities 47 Managing employees to reflect local needs 50 Four HR priorities underpinning Corporate Social Responsibility MANAGING RESPONSIBLE PURCHASING 59 Sustainable purchasing policy 60 Incorporate sustainable development in the purchasing process 61 Sustainable development training and awareness-raising for purchasing officers 62 Commit our suppliers to sustainable development 63 Evaluate our suppliers’ CSR commitment and performance REPORTING INDICATORS 65 Environmental indicators 67 Social indicators 69 Good governance standards 71 INDEPENDENT OPINIONS 78 DETAILS OF METHODOLOGY 2
  • 5. As the world leader in environmental solutions, Veolia Environnement must adapt its activities to the social and environmental upheaval caused by resource depletion. This is why sustainable development issues form an integral part of the contract policies that are incorporated in our day-to-day operations. In a clear display of commitment at the operating level, we reinforced our Sustainable Development Department in 2010 so that it could focus on serving the company’s businesses and on providing all the support needed to ensure that the various facets of sustainable development are factored into our activities and cater as closely as possible for needs on the ground. The department’s main activities are: ■ Coordinating management systems in areas of corporate social responsibility; ■ Supporting the development of commercial offers that incorporate the three aspects of sustainable development, thus ensuring our ability to support our clients’ sustainable development strategies; ■ Designing contract models and innovative partnerships in social business, so that disadvantaged populations may have access to basic services, notably in emerging countries. In addition to its commitments, Veolia Environnement has established suitable governance and measures its performance using relevant indicators. Veolia Environnement — Managing corporate responsibility 4
  • 6. 1 Committed to sustainable development Whatever the geographical context, The “Ethics, Commitment and Responsibility” program 3. Raise awareness of environmental challenges and the ensuing Veolia Environnement’s activities must be In 2003, Veolia Environnement introduced the “Ethics, need for behavioral changes among all concerned with our Commitment and Responsibility” program to serve as guiding activities. carried out in compliance with both national principles for all its employees. This program outlines the 4. Adapt our service offers, through dialog, the quality of standards and the recommendations fundamental values our employees share and must reflect in the advice we provide and our expertise, to meet the needs of international organizations like the ILO their behavior under all circumstances. This includes strict and expectations of clients. and OECD, in particular as concerns respect respect for the law in effect in all the countries where we operate, 5. Ensure our employees’ health and safety and help improve for basic rights, accounting for cultural diversity loyalty within the company and toward all our stakeholders, public health. and protecting the environment. social responsibility, risk management, quality company 6. Provide working conditions in which fundamental human information and governance, and commitment to sustainable rights and international labor standards are complied with. development. 7. Promote diversity and combat discrimination to guarantee For more information please consult the “Ethics, Commitment equal opportunities. and Responsibility Program” report on our website. 8. Encourage skills development and upward mobility for our employees throughout their career. Sustainable Development Charter 9. Gradually set our own environmental and social standards In line with our “Ethics, Commitment and Responsibility” to be applied to all our operations around the world. Program, in 2006 we outlined our commitment to sustainable 10. Base our corporate governance on transparent development in a 12-point Charter: communication, anticipation of risks and the definition of rules for ethical conduct and compliance. 1. Protect the environment; contribute to conserving natural 11. Contribute to local economic and social development, resources and biodiversity, and combat climate change. and to meeting international goals for access to essential services. 2. Promote—through innovation, research and development— 12. Encourage partners, subcontractors and suppliers to adhere environmental, economic and social solutions that will meet to our values and make their own contribution to our sustainable the needs of future generations. development commitments. Veolia Environnement — Managing corporate responsibility / Committed to sustainable development 5
  • 7. RECOGNITION OF THE RIGHT TO WATER Veolia Environnement welcomed the official recognition of the Right to Water that was proclaimed when the United Nations General Assembly and Human Rights Council adopted respectively one resolution in 2010. These two resolutions have already contributed to Our commitment under the Global Compact furthering the cause of water as a vital human right. Veolia Environnement joined the United Nations Global Compact on June 12, 2003 as a result of an official decision of its Since 2007, Veolia Environnement has been asked regularly by the Human Rights Council for governance bodies followed by a declaration of membership its viewpoint on this matter and has always responded and contributed actively to the work signed by its Senior Executive Vice-President. Since then, that culminated in 2010 with this important declaration. The resolution stipulates that public a permanent correspondent has been monitoring our close authorities are the guarantors of the effective implementation of the Right to Water and that relations and contacts with the Global Compact Board they may engage third-party players to provide water and sanitation services while respecting in New York, which meets regularly with Veolia representatives. the principles of transparency, non-discrimination and empowerment. Given that nearly 1 billion Our participation in the Global Compact has become a major people do not have access to safe drinking water and 2.6 billion do not have access to sanitation, consideration in all aspects of our company’s social by clarifying the roles, the resolution will help advance the successful completion of new and responsibility policy. more ambitious projects that will increase access to these basic services. Our commitment to human rights Veolia Environnement is a modest contributor given the size of the challenge, but it is a part of By joining the United Nations Global Compact, the solution to turn the Right to Water into a concrete and effective reality. Veolia Environnement committed notably to supporting and respecting the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights within its sphere of influence and to ensuring that its own companies were not complicit in human rights abuses. For several years now, Veolia Environnement has committed to respecting human rights in both its activities and in the countries where it operates. For example, tests conducted in several developing countries (Morocco, Niger, India, Ecuador, etc.) demonstrate that it is possible to reconcile service quality and accessibility and to encourage respect for the human rights of the populations it serves. Veolia Environnement — Managing corporate responsibility / Committed to sustainable development 6
  • 8. 2 Structured organization COMPLIANCE MANAGEMENT ANTICIPATION FORWARD THINKING To anchor sustainable development in the day- Legal Department Environmental Management Research, Innovation and Research and Innovation Ensures that company activities System Sustainable Development Partnership with universities to-day operations of its businesses, Veolia comply with the regulations Managed by the Sustainable Strategy Committee (attached and programs to drive innovation and provides legal intelligence. Development Department, which to the Board of Directors) in eco-technologies. Environnement incorporates the concept in its defines and deploys company Assesses the company’s R&D management systems by defining commitments IT and Administrative policy on the environment and sustainable development Institut Veolia Environnement Systems Department and environmental health. strategies and policies. (IVE) and deploying policies, objectives and procedures. Formalizes and deploys internal Forecasts economic, environmental control procedures (transposed for Social reporting Ethics Committee (made up and social trends and challenges, the divisions and business units). Managed by the Human of four independent members) based on the work of a network Resources Department, which Ensures compliance with of experts. Serves as a forum Veolia Environnement uses a variety of bodies and methods Internal Audit Department defines and deploys company the “Ethics, Commitment for dialogue with the academic to ensure its corporate responsibility is actively managed at all Assesses the company’s risk policy on human resources. and Responsibility” program community and civil society. management, governance (alert system and ethics audits). www.institut.veolia.org stages of the issues affecting the company. The Sustainable Sustainable purchasing and internal control procedures Development Department, which is directly accountable to independently and objectively reporting Risk Management Independent Sustainable the Secretary General’s Department, drives and coordinates and contributes to improving Managed by the Purchasing Department Development Committee these procedures using and Sustainable Development Coordinates the analysis of risks Helps Veolia Environnement this process and encourages the adaptation of contract models a systematic and methodical Departments. that could affect the company’s move forward in its vision of approach. activities and implements action and thinking on sustainable and commercial offers in order to make sustainable development Client reporting plans. development. a priority and a lever for value creation. Our sustainable Fraud reporting Managed by the divisions’ Information transmitted to marketing departments. Research and Innovation development policy involves a large number of internal (VERI) the heads of internal audit, stakeholders—functional departments, operating divisions IT and Administrative Systems Extra-financial rating Manages and coordinates R&D Department and to the Accounts Managed by the Sustainable programs on priority company and independent bodies—and therefore requires a structured issues. and Audit Committee to report Development Department. approach for managing all the challenges, from compliance cases of financial fraud. Campus Veolia European Affairs Department to forward thinking. Plans, coordinates and represents Environnement Personnel training to meet the company’s position to the company needs. French authorities and European Union institutions. Veolia Environnement Foundation Financial assistance for projects and volunteering of skills. www.fondation.veolia.com For further information, visit www.annualreport.veolia.com Veolia Environnement — Managing corporate responsibility / Structured organization 7
  • 9. 2.1 Coordinated anticipation of risks Veolia Environnement’s growth is supported Overall management of risks Ensuring service continuity by overall and coordinated management of A dedicated risk management organization has been rolled For its clients and customers, risk management allows out for the company as a whole and each of its four divisions. the company to ensure service quality and continuity. Since the risks associated with its activities. Providing We use risk mapping to identify and rank risks and opportunities 2005, the Company has deployed processes for managing alerts basic services that are essential to community and then implement the action plans needed. To approve ans business continuity plans at various levels, ensuring that life and to industry demands constant vigilance risk reduction or risk transfer plans and monitor their service is maintained or resumed following unusual events. These and preparedness: the management of the risks implementation, the Risk Management Department works have proved effective in a number of situations, particularly delegated to us by our clients is at the heart with the Risk Management Committee, which comprises during simulation exercises. of our company’s expertise. the heads of the functional departments at head office and in the divisions. Each division also has its own Risk Company-wide social and environmental guidelines Management Committee. Risk management supports our international growth, particularly when it comes to environmental and social best practices. Risk management involves close cooperation between the Risk Our program for putting in place company-wide social and Management Department, the Internal Audit Department, environmental guidelines give us a firm foundation for this. the Management Systems and Processes Department, and the Sustainable Development Department, which oversee the implementation of suitable risk reduction plans and adherence to the procedures. Veolia Environnement — Managing corporate responsibility / Structured organization 8
  • 10. 2.2 Ethics and governance In 2010, Veolia Environnement’s executive These documents are available on our intranet site and training In recent years, a member of the Ethics Committee visited Egypt, management decided that the Secretary courses are also available to supplement them. the United Arab Emirates, Norway and Japan. In 2010, as part of Furthermore, control procedures to ensure compliance with his duties, the chairman of the Ethics Committee visited sites in General’s Department would be responsible the company’s ethical principles are deployed in the functional Germany. The Ethics Committee has also conducted an internal for applying and monitoring the company’s departments concerned and by the Internal Control Department. profile-raising communication campaign aimed especially at the policy on ethics. Last, ethical questions have been systematically incorporated in company’s non-executive employees. the auditing duties of the Internal Audit Department since 2008. The “Ethics, Commitment and Responsibility” Program In 2009, an internal audit was conducted on the implementation Raising awareness and training employees Veolia Environnement’s “Ethics, Commitment and Responsibility” of corruption prevention. Veolia Environnement uses training to ingrain its ethical culture program(1), introduced in 2003 and translated into nine languages, in its employees. In 2004 and 2005, the “Ethics and Business Life” is binding on all our employees. It is a corporate project designed to The Ethics Committee awareness-raising campaign targeted over 400 senior executives guide the behavior of our employees in their day-to-day activities. In March 2004, we established an Ethics Committee comprising in France and other countries. From 2008 over 3,500 managers Veolia Environnement uses a number of internal mechanisms independent members to examine any issues pertaining to the attended the “Competition law compliance” training program, to reduce the risk of non-compliance with ethical principles: “Ethics, Commitment and Responsibility” program. It can be which consisted of seminars, support material and online ■ the “Competition Law Compliance Guide”(1) (published in 2008) contacted by any employee or can itself take the initiative to training in France and other countries. Lastly, the new “Preventing and the “Guide to Managing and Minimizing Criminal Risk analyze any issue concerning ethics and conduct visits to check criminal risk exposure and raising awareness of corruption risks” Exposure in Group Operations” (published in 2010) have been ethics in all of the company’s operations. The Ethics Committee’s training program was rolled out in France and attended by distributed to managers; mission is to make recommendations concerning Veolia around 800 managers in 2010. It is being deployed outside ■ we also have mechanisms to ensure strict control over Environnement’s fundamental values, either on a subject it has France in 2011. subcontracting. The Purchasing Charter(1) and the Purchasing analyzed at its own initiative or following questions submitted by Code of Conduct have sections describing the ethical practices others. The Ethics Committee remains the ultimate body to receive to be respected and promoted by anyone involved in company alerts that cannot be communicated to the managers in charge. procurement; The committee reports on this whistleblowing system to ■ our contract model applying to commercial intermediaries and the Accounts and Audit Committee. The Ethics Committee’s code business introducers also contains a detailed “ethics and of conduct stipulates that it must treat matters with strict anticorruption clause” and; impartiality and confidentiality. ■ our sponsorship and patronage activities must follow a special procedure(1). (1) Documents available on our website. Veolia Environnement — Managing corporate responsibility / Structured organization 9
  • 11. 2.3 Representing our interests Veolia Environnement contributes to reflection, In 2010, Veolia Environnement’s main contributions were as Last, Veolia Environnement renewed its listing on the register discussions and work initiated by the French follows: of Interest Representatives of the European Commission. Our Brussels employees in direct contact with the European and European government authorities, – European institutions: Parliament are also accredited lobbyists to it. In France, professional associations, think-tanks, NGOs ■ Revision of directive 86/278/EEC on sewage sludge management. Veolia Environnement is registered on the public list of interest ■ Development of the EU’s climate policy. and international institutions on changes in representatives of the French National Assembly and is currently ■ Development of the EU’s energy policy (“Towards a New Energy the management of environmental solutions. being added to the French Senate’s list. Strategy for Europe 2011-2020”). ■ Assessment of the regional policy (5th Cohesion Report). We share our expertise with these stakeholders at their behest ■ EU Initiative on Concessions. or on issues that have a direct or indirect impact on our activities. ■ State aid and the Monti-Kroes package. Given the importance of the European environmental and – The French Parliament, as part of hearings organized by the internal market regulatory framework, we set up a European rapporteurs of the information missions and workgroups: Affairs Department in 2010 to coordinate the representation of ■ “Treating household waste: what options in the wake of Veolia Environnement’s interests to French and EU authorities. the Grenelle Environment Forum?”, French Senate report. ■ “Carbon contribution”, the workgroup of the French Senate’s Commission for the economy, sustainable development and spatial planning. ■ “European cohesion policy after 2013”, French Senate’s European Affairs Commission. ■ “Implementation of the law on guidance and lifelong vocational training”, National Assembly Report. ■ “What can researchers and public authorities do about the influenza A (H1N1) virus and virus mutation?”, the Parliamentary Office of Scientific and Technological Assessment’s Report. Veolia Environnement — Managing corporate responsibility / Structured organization 10
  • 12. 3 Assessment and management procedures Progress is impossible unless we measure what has been done and evaluate what remains to 3.1 Internal procedures ANTICIPATING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ISSUES be done. We have to manage performance Environmental reporting by making ambitious commitments, produce At the end of 2009, Veolia Environnement began ■ Around 100 indicators monitored since 2001 using accurate and complete reports and take drafting the “Atlas of Responsibilities and Opportunities the Environmental Information System (EIS). into account external views and judgments. for Sustainability”. The objective is to use an e-device to ■ Procedures defined in the Protocol for the Measurement centralize, region by region, information on external As a company listed on France’s CAC 40 index, and Reporting of Environmental Indicators. sustainability factors provided by international Veolia Environnement is rated for its extra- ■ Deployed in 2,197 local business units where data are entered. organizations and acknowledged institutional players. financial performance based on published This tool stimulates thinking on the management of information and statements. In addition, our Social reporting our sustainable development strategy. It enables us ■ Actual human resources situation measured using 200 social company can solicit ratings. The Independent to improve our understanding of the characteristics of indicators. Sustainable Development Committee also the regions where we operate that could affect the ■ The scope covers 77 countries where the company operates, implementation of our social and environmental gives its opinion on the company’s CSR policy. for a total of 1,239 separate legal entities. responsibility policies. In this way, it supplements All this information allows us to see where ■ A network of 700 correspondents to collect annual data using our internal information and helps us identify priority we stand and serves as a guide for continuous dedicated software. areas by region and by issue, and also feeds other improvement of our sustainable development mechanisms and financial decision-making procedures performance. Purchasing reporting with information on sustainable development. Tracking of five performance indicators set up gradually since 2009 for the following subject areas: ■ Sustainable development training and awareness-raising of purchasing officers. ■ Relations with suppliers. Client reporting ■ Annual assessment of client relations in each business using relevant indicators. ■ Procedures defined in the “Client Reporting Procedures” guide. Veolia Environnement — Managing corporate responsibility / Assessment and management procedures 11
  • 13. 3.2 Selection by extra-financial indexes and company rankings Extra-financial ratings and inclusion Evaluation by SAM ASPI Eurozone (Vigeo) in specialized stock market indexes provide a In 2010, Veolia Environnement was not selected in the Dow Jones The European Index ASPI Eurozone comprises the 120 most measure of companies’ sustainable development Sustainability Indexes (DJSI). The “best in class” methodology used competitive companies in terms of social and environmental by the agency and applied to the “Water Utilities” sector led this responsibility listed in the eurozone. In 2010, Veolia performance. The principal areas evaluated year to the selection of only one company even though results of Environnement was included once again in the index, are governance, human resources management, as it was from 2004 to June 2008. other companies were good. The rating of Veolia Environnement’s environmental performance, ethics, human sustainable development performance remains at a high level rights, customer care, supplier relations and (71/100). The company’s scores were higher than 2009 for Classified “Prime” by Oekom Research dialogue with civil society. 11 criteria out of 20 and received a grade above the average of In 2010, Veolia Environnement maintained the “Prime” category the “Water Utilities” sector concerning 17 criteria. In addition, classification assigned by Oekom Research to companies that are Veolia Environnement received the highest scores in six categories. among the best in their industry for social and environmental Since 2003, Veolia Environnement has been selected for inclusion responsibility. FTSE4Good in these indexes every year, except for 2005 and 2010. Veolia Environment has been listed on the FTSE4Good since The Dow Jones Sustainability indexes rate the performance Carbon disclosure project 2004. It is assessed by Eiris (United Kingdom) and Ethifinance of companies that are leaders in sustainable development. In 2010, Veolia Environnement was ranked eighth out (France). Considering that inclusion criteria are regularly reviewed of the 2,500 largest companies on the Dow Jones Global Total of the 20 leading companies in the Carbon and tightened, Veolia Environnement’s recurrent inclusion Stock Market Index (DJGTSMI), only 323 were selected for inclusion Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI) France in these indexes is an acknowledgment of the company’s in the DJSI World. Some 163 companies of the DJGTSMI composed in 2010 with a score of 82/100, which performance and long-term commitment to sustainable the European selection of the DJSI (Dow Jones Sustainability is an improvement on the previous year development. The FTSE4Good index comprises about Europe Index). (+6 points). CDLI selects the companies with the best quality 900 companies listed on the FTSE Global Equity indexes. responses at the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and rewards These companies are selected on the basis of a series of Ethibel Sustainability Indexes (Vigeo) transparent communication on climate change. The CDP’s aim internationally recognized corporate responsibility and Veolia Environnement’s inclusion in the Ethibel Excellence Europe is to assist investment decisions so they account for the effects sustainable development criteria and standards. and Ethibel Excellence Global indexes was confirmed in 2010, of climate change on companies. The association is supported on the basis of assessments by Vigeo. The Ethibel Sustainability by several institutional investors with worldwide assets worth indexes offer an overall view of the financial performance of the $64 billion. world’s largest companies in terms of sustainable development. These two indexes are composed of companies listed in the Excellence Register compiled by the independent organization Forum Ethibel. Veolia Environnement — Managing corporate responsibility / Assessment and management procedures 12
  • 14. 3.3 Solicited external ratings Every year, for the last seven years, Veolia BMJ Ratings evaluates the company’s activities in its four Environnement has asked to be evaluated by divisions and covers the environment, human resources, 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 BMJ Ratings, an extra-financial rating agency, commercial function, purchasing and subcontracting, A++ A++ AA+ AA+ AA++ AA++ relationships with civil society and corporate governance. so that it has an up-to-date assessment of how Veolia Environnement’s latest rating, updated in 2011 it is meeting its corporate responsibilities. The Since 2008, targeted audits have been carried out in business for 2010, shows satisfactory results above the sector results of these assessments help the company units in Europe (France, Germany, UK, Ireland, Spain, Estonia and standards. The overall performance was similar in all CSR refine its sustainable development policy. Romania), Asia (China and India), Africa (Morocco), North America fields analyzed, even though the agency observed a dip (USA) and South America (Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, in the governance field. Mexico, Chile and Venezuela). The agency has maintained its positive rating regarding the incorporation of energy/carbon issues and has noted the energy services division’s commitment to structuring the biomass supply chain. It also noted the formalization of a robust corporate policy in workforce diversity and non-discrimination and the operability of this policy’s deployment in France. The agency observed that the company has stepped up the incorporation of extra-financial criteria in its cross-division purchasing policy and also intensified CSR training and awareness raising for purchasing officers. It also noted increased extra-financial rating of key suppliers. Veolia Environnement — Managing corporate responsibility / Assessment and management procedures 13
  • 15. 3.4 The Independent Sustainable Development Committee’s view of Veolia Environnement’s sustainable development policy The Independent Committee (IC) has continued its work The IC has also reviewed the Company’s policies and programs in advising the company on sustainability and corporate for research and development, in particular the Innovation responsibility. The new Chairman of the company, Antoine Frérot, Accelerator and advances in biotechnology. Through our has reaffirmed his commitment to the process and to his oversight of this work, we aim to ensure that Veolia retains involvement in the deliberations of the Committee. In future, its leadership as a cutting-edge innovator—particularly IC will have at least two formal meetings together with regular in water technology. informal updates and advice. At our meetings in 2011, we would expect to look again at the The IC has reviewed the work of the Ethics Committee, which issues raised by the Jerusalem Tramway (1), consider what lessons it sees as carrying out an important function in a company with should be learned, and make recommendations to management. so large and diverse a workforce. The IC has made a number We will also consider, among other things, Veolia’s sustainability of recommendations to improve its workings including an targets and methodology and the company’s involvement extension of its membership, the strengthening of its local and expectations for the World Water Summit in Marseilles mechanisms, and the particular consideration of protection and Rio+20. of workers in countries where cultural considerations militate against filing legitimate complaints. In some countries with no tradition of whistleblowing, special care needs to be taken to ensure that management makes itself approachable John Gummer in a way which is clearly understood by the whole workforce. Chairman of the Independent Sustainable Development Committee (1) Up-to-date information is available on our corporate website: www.veolia.com/en/medias/focus-on/jlrt.htm Veolia Environnement — Managing corporate responsibility / Assessment and management procedures 14
  • 17. Through the services it provides, Veolia Environnement develops deep roots in local communities by playing a direct part in their everyday lives. We feel it is our responsibility to develop trustful relationships with our stakeholders so that they can help us better meet our contractual obligations and become a better corporate citizen. Veolia Environnement’s contribution to these communities is a particularly vital one, since the public services it manages are indispensable to ensuring a quality of life that is satisfactory and consistent with the UN’s International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Our expertise and the original support solutions we provide enable us to help increase access to basic services across a diverse spectrum of contexts and countries and thus meet the needs of the public authorities that entrust us with the management of their services. To manage the societal contributions of our activities more effectively, in late 2010 we set up a Social Commitment and Perspective Unit within our Sustainable Development Department. The unit’s role is, on the one hand, to consolidate and develop our company’s expertise in the area of social innovation so as to respond more effectively to the needs and demands of local communities, public authorities and stakeholders for essential services, and on the other to report on the company’s societal performance internally and externally. Veolia Environnement — Managing societal performance 16
  • 18. 1 Contributing to societal development within the framework of contractual services 1.1 Dialogue and support All of our company’s four divisions develop local initiatives To accurately assess social costs and benefits, develop to inform local communities of the services they provide appropriate solutions and inform and support the families and promote dialogue. These initiatives include neighborhood concerned, Veolia Environnement forms special teams locally meetings, meetings with elected representatives and local that include employees who have been trained in social non-profit organizations, visits to sites and “open-house” expertise. New types of tools are also created to make customers’ events to inform the general public. In Romania, for example, lives easier and meet their needs, such as: Veolia Water helped set up an ongoing process to promote ■ mobile customer service centers near large urban areas dialogue about its water service with its customers through that are available at times agreed with local populations, weekly meetings with “CAB” building-management associations as is the case in Morocco; and owner and renter associations. In late 2009, HABITAT, ■ prepaid solutions for water and energy service; a Romanian consumers’ association, took over this process ■ neighborhood meetings to explain projects and take and via the IDEA system that Veolia Water proposed and the suggestions and comments of local communities set up, now provides Veolia Water with innovative suggestions into account. submitted by customers to continuously improve service. Providing social support to disadvantaged populations is increasingly becoming a distinct activity for Veolia Environnement. Veolia Environnement — Managing societal performance / Contributing to societal development within the framework of contractual services 17
  • 19. 1.2 Enabling access to basic services 1.3 Creating business models that reflect social and economic realities One of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) is to “Halve, The body of expertise Veolia Water has developed for this In the developing countries, waste, water, transportation by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access purpose is referred to as ACCES and is based on the following and energy services are often provided by small companies to safe drinking water and to basic sanitation services”. eight principles, of which the first five seek to adapt its activities and individuals, who are sometimes not even formally organized Veolia Water is the largest private-sector provider of these provided under public service management contracts to and play an important part in the local and economic fabric. services in the emerging and developing countries. Under public low-income customers, while the last three directly concern Modern service systems must therefore take these providers service management contracts, Veolia Water works with Veolia Water’s corporate social responsibility: into account, by either eliminating the most unacceptable the authorities that delegate the services to conduct programs 1. Do more with the same infrastructure. practices, such as child labor, while providing the social to provide these basic services to communities that do not have 2. Implement pricing policies that are appropriate and socially and educational support this requires, or by seeking to find water supply and sanitation systems. This activity has lead acceptable. a balance between conflicting interests. Veolia Water to adopt a social approach that covers technical, 3. Increase the number of subsidized connections. For example, at the Presidente landfill site in Colombia, solid financial, marketing, communication and legal aspects 4. Create a new collective, secure and personalized way of waste had traditionally been recovered by rag-collectors. of its operations and to work with numerous stakeholders distributing water to people without access to home-service To improve the situation of this highly disadvantaged population that offer expertise that is complementary to its own. pipes. while preserving its employment, Proactiva Colombia set up 5. Develop customer services that meet the needs of local a training and social integration program in partnership communities. with local authorities. It includes a variety of actions: workshops 6. Explain how water should be used to optimize the benefits in health education, projects to create microenterprises, literacy of access to services. training, efforts to improve self-esteem, and training in various 7. Research and Innovation: develop new service models occupations such as preparing compost and medicinal plants. for rural environments. 8. Assess the impact of actions on the quality of life of local residents. For more information see the document titled “Veolia Water’s ACCES expertise”. Since Veolia Water began operations in Morocco, Gabon, Niger and India, it has provided 2.6 million more people with access to water and 1.3 million with access to sanitation. Veolia Environnement — Managing societal performance / Contributing to societal development within the framework of contractual services 18
  • 20. 1.4 Adapting tarifs and prices to local markets Service charges for the users of water, energy and transportation In 2006, in the Greater Paris region, Veolia Water’s customer These programs require innovative marketing, engineering, services are systematically set by the public authority under service department set up a special unit to assist customers financial and legal techniques to meet the needs and capabilities each service contract. However, Veolia Environnement can who are having difficulty making their payments. This unit, of local populations. Achieving these innovations effectively propose pricing arrangements to make these services more which works with social workers in the field, handled requires not only partnership with the public authorities accessible to the most disadvantaged populations. Particular 1,700 individual cases in 2010. Its work involves helping and elected representatives, but also with sociologists care must also be taken to ensure that service charges are customers pay their bills by providing those who benefit and other specialists (local neighborhood associations, aligned with the demand for services and income of local from subsidized housing payments or are over-indebted with NGOs and other civil society actors), as well as with social communities. In some countries, contractual pricing information and administrative assistance. This unit also entrepreneurs and local public services that can provide commitments can be made under locally established policies participates in plans to rehabilitate apartment buildings complementary expertise. to ensure sustainable development and reduce social disparities. and closely monitors the situations of buildings that are under To ensure that the families involved in these programs rehabilitation or in receivership, working closely with community are able to bear these costs, in accordance with the principle In Varna, Bulgaria, where households have little disposable officials, apartment building operators and receivers. In 2010, of social acceptability Veolia Environnment works with income in comparison with heating costs, Veolia Energy – Dalkia some 310 cases involving such buildings were handled. its partners to design and implement innovative financing has made a commitment to ensuring long-term price stability. mechanisms such as zero-interest loans of up to 10 years, Efforts to increase energy production and the efficiency But solidarity is not just a question of the price charged to use social funds financed from various service revenues, of facilities have made it possible to reduce energy costs a service. It sometimes also involves the cost of accessing and external sources of financing. and therefore the price charged for heating service. The number the service, such as the cost of connection to a water or sewer In Morocco this policy has made it possible to connect of unpaid bills has been halved and the average time required pipe or a power cable. In some countries that are experiencing 350,000 people to potable water systems since the first to collect payments has decreased by three months. particularly rapid urban growth, at the request of its public- contracts were signed in 2002. In addition to increasing the efficiency of energy production authority clients Veolia Environnement develops programs and distribution, Veolia Energy-Dalkia can improve the insulation to provide subsidized connections to pipe and power systems of its customers’ buildings and homes and thus help them reduce in accordance with the local social and economic context. their energy bills. Veolia Environnement — Managing societal performance / Contributing to societal development within the framework of contractual services 19
  • 21. 1.5 Measuring the social impact of the company’s activities People’s well-being, the smooth functioning of communities and human development are key concerns at Veolia Environnement and are at the foundation of everything we do, covering the entire spectrum of water, transportation, waste management and energy services, all of which are essential. This means that the services we provide must gradually improve the living conditions of local populations and have a positive impact in general on human development. In some cases, these improvements are clearly expected by clients and ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF SUBSIDIZED are explicit contractual objectives. UTILITY CONNECTIONS IN MOROCCO Yet we are also quite vigilant about the potential negative social impacts that our activities may have locally. These negative In 2006, Veolia Environnement Morocco and its Tangier-based subsidiary Amendis decided to assess impacts must be systematically controlled and minimized the actual impact on human development (health, well-being, education, independence, and so on) in so far as possible. of the subsidized water and sanitation system individual connections it had completed in Tangier As in the area of environmental performance, Veolia Environnement since 2002. This assessment was made in conjunction with the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty considers that it must now measure and evaluate the social Action Lab (J-PAL), an economic-research laboratory at the Massachussetts Institute of Technology, impacts of its activities and implement action plans that improve headed by Esther Duflo, and a leading authority in the assessment of development programs. the societal performance of the services it provides. This assessment was conducted in close cooperation with all stakeholders, which include J-PAL, the City of Tangier (elected representatives and municipal services), the Wilaya (prefecture) of Tangier-Tetouan, the Tangier-Assilah Province Health Ministry, Veolia Environnement Morocco and Amendis. This was the first time that the randomized trial method was used for a home-service drinking water program. The measured effects on social integration, increased free time and well-being were clearly positive. For more information see the brochure titled “Evaluation of the Impact of Social Connection Programmes”. Veolia Environnement — Managing societal performance / Contributing to societal development within the framework of contractual services 20
  • 22. 2 Active social responsibility 2.1 Contributing to local development Veolia Environnement contributes to the economic and social Promoting eco-citizenship and employment in these communities. Also participating in this project, development of the areas it serves, not only due to the inherent with “MédiaTerre” and “Unis-Cité” which was a joint initiative of Veolia Environmental Services nature of the services it provides but also through its investment Through its foundation and its Northwest and Ile-de-France and the Nantes metropolitan area, are a variety of local actors in these areas and the direct and indirect jobs its services Delegations, Veolia Environnement has been working in that include the Maison de L’Emploi, the social integration generate. partnership with the Unis-Cités agency to support the MédiaTerre associations L’Homme Debout and Océan, and the recycling project, which aims to help lower-income families adopt more and refurbishing association Ecorev. The company’s subsidiaries also develop local initiatives sustainable consumption behavior. This assistance—which Thanks to the REFLET project, some 15 visits to Veolia to promote social integration through employment. among other things includes promoting the adoption of Environmental Services’ facilities and various employment eco-friendly behavior to reduce waste and water and energy and furniture restoration workshops were organized for Veolia Environnement, a founding member and supporter and by local communities in 2009 and 2010. This project has consumption—is provided by young volunteers as part of PIMMS of their civil service. The pilot project conducted so far enabled eight people with critically low resources to find In France “Multiservice Mediation and Information Points”, in 2009-2010 involved 100 volunteers, including 64 in jobs, including three under permanent employment contracts known as PIMMS, serve as a liaison between communities the two Delegations assisting 114 families. These young at a materials recovery facility, three temporary jobs that have little access to public services and those who provide people, who received eco-behavior training from Campus and two with L’Homme Debout. these services. Managed by local non-profit organizations, Veolia Environnement, receive support and guidance in civic PIMMS have two objectives: helping people have acess to public The “100 000 Rencontres Solidaires” back-to-work project education and career planning to ensure that this phase services more effectively and helping people with limited Launched in France, in June 2009, by the Horizons Club of their service will make them better citizens and improve education and skills find employment. in partnership with the New Agency for Active Solidarity, their employment prospects. Veolia Water helped found the PIMMS in Lyons, France, in 1995. the “100 000 Rencontres Solidaires” project brings together Veolia Environnement is now a founding member of UPIMMS, The “REFLET” project to get people back into society employees who volunteer their services and recipients of the RSA the federation of PIMMS that owns the PIMMS trademark and employment earned income supplement. Working in small groups in partner and manages the network of local PIMMS, in partnership Veolia Environmental Services in central-western France companies, the RSA recipients have the opportunity to make with the French government, local authorities and other local is actively involved in the REFLET project, which seeks to contacts and get the advice they need to encourage them actors and stakeholders. The company has played an active role help people with low employability near Nantes find jobs in in their search for employment. This project, which was extended in creating 21 of the 42 PIMMS currently in operation in France the environment and waste management sectors, thereby in 2010 to Veolia Energy – Dalkia and Veolia Transport, was and helps monitor their activities. strengthening social bonds and improving living conditions perceived very positively by the volunteers and 30 job-seekers alike. Veolia Environnement — Managing societal performance / Active social responsibility 21
  • 23. 2.2 Supporting innovation 2.3 New business models 2.4 The Veolia through start-ups for the most difficult situations Environnement Foundation’s commitment in the field The company-wide Veolia Innovation Accelerator (VIA) program Goalmari project assessment Since its creation in 2004, the Veolia Environnement was designed to facilitate the identification, assessment The Goalmari project, conducted in partnership with Grameen Bank, Foundation has supported over 1,000 outreach, workforce and implementation of the eco-technologies capable of most the winner of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize, continues. Three years after development and environmental conservation projects effectively meeting the needs of our clients as well as those of the creation of a joint subsidiary with Veolia Water, Grameen-Veolia and has an annal budget of €7.2 million. the industry as a whole. VIA encourages cooperation between Water’s first drinking water plant in Bangladesh currently serves start-ups and investors throughout the innovation process, two villages with a total population of 40,000. This plant’s objective Veoliaforce, the Foundation’s network of volunteer providing access to the network of Veolia researchers and is to supply drinking water that meets WHO standards to poor rural employees, stands ready to assist in emergency research tools, enabling full-scale testing of solutions at 200 pilot populations that live in areas where groundwater naturally contains humanitarian and international development aid industrial facilities, and promoting technological innovations high concentrations of arsenic. assignments. In 2010, 100 new projects were undertaken commercially by dissiminating them massively through This first social business venture is currently undergoing a sanitary and Veoliaforce volunteers spent 1,300 days in the field. the company’s vast network of diverse and geographically and socioeconomic assessment under a research partnership extensive operations. Just one year after the VIA program agreement that Veolia Water signed in early 2010 with the Innovation For more information see the Veolia Environnement was launched some 200 applications had been evaluated and Social Entrepreneurship Institute of the French business school Foundation Report. and five have led to partnerships with start-ups offering Essec. The objective is to assess the performance of these first two the most innovative eco-technologies capable of meeting rural water projects and find ways to improve the business model. the environmental challenges that lie ahead. Support for Agrisud For more information about Veolia Environnement’s research Since 1992, NGO Agrisud International has been supporting endeavors, see the Research & Innovation section of the company’s the creation of very small family-run farms and agricultural enterprises website at www.veolia.com for the Research & Innovation Report in underdeveloped countries, thereby stimulating economic activity and the eight R&D program booklets (available in French only). that creates jobs and wealth by meeting local market needs and thus reducing the need to import food. Veolia Environnement provided financial assistance that enabled AgriSud to publish a guidebook on agro-ecological practices in 2010 and is supporting a research program conducted with the University of Antananarivo to try to assess the impact of the very small farm models that Agrisud has been implementing in Africa and Asia on carbon sequestration and emissions. Veolia Environnement — Managing societal performance / Active social responsibility 22
  • 24. 3 Partnerships with international organizations Veolia Environnement continued to work with major UN agencies ■ Veolia Environnement has joined the World Urban Campaign ■ The company has also joined the “R20” Climate Action Coalition and various civil society organizations to achieve the Millennium and the “100 Cities” initiative, both launched by UN-Habitat composed of the world’s 20 largest regions and headed by Development Goals and meet its commitments as a member at the World Urban Forum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in February the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) of the Global Compact. Through its development partnerships 2010. Veolia Environnement, in partnership with the city and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), Veolia Environnement seeks to foster solidarity between regions of Rabat, Morocco, is to participate in these initiatives, which the objective of which is to establish Regional Climate Plans. and communities by promoting the exchange of experience and will enable many of the world’s largest cities to improve For this novel initiative, Veolia Environnement will work with knowledge between cities and towns and applying methodological their environmental performance and benefit from the the International Chamber of Commerce and the Association approaches. Here are some examples: exchange of experience and knowledge in a decentralized of European Regions to provide a comprehensive analysis framework of cooperation between the developing countries. of the factors that influence climate in a given region. ■ For eight years, Veolia Environnement has served as official Veolia Environnement sits on the World Urban Campaign expert to the UN-Habitat working group that prepared Steering Committee, which held its first meeting in Shanghai ■ Last, Veolia Environnement is regularly invited by the United the International Guidelines on Decentralization and Access in October 2010. Nations Global Compact to participate in focus and working to Basic Services for All (i.e., water, sanitation, transportation groups on such issues as water resource management and energy services). In 2010, the municipality of Aguascalientes, ■ For the past eight years, Veolia Environnement has also been (the Water Mandate), climate disruption (as a member Mexico, where ProActiva Medio Ambiente, a joint subsidiary supporting the program to Strengthen Local Governance of the Caring for Climate working group at the Seoul conference of Veolia Environnement and the Spanish company FCC, to Improve the Management of Urban Services, sponsored by in April 2010), and doing business in conflict zones. operates water and sanitation services, served as a pilot site UNITAR, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research. for testing the effectiveness of these guidelines in preventing Many country managers from the company’s various divisions social exclusion. For this project the company developed contributed their expertise in such areas as urban mobility, a methodological evaluation framework that it presented waste collection and water services management at a meeting organized by the French Ministry of Foreign at 12 seminars organized in 2010. and European Affairs in October 2010 and that could serve to extend this approach to other regions on other continents. Veolia Environnement — Managing societal performance / Partnerships with international organizations 23
  • 25. COMMUNICATION ON PROGRESS IN IMPLEMENTING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT BEST PRACTICE Veolia Environnement regularly informs the Global Compact of the best practices ■ A public lighting program in the city of Fortaleza, Brazil, to foster social it has implemented in the area of sustainable development and has reported 10 best development and sustainable urbanization by optimizing energy consumption, practices so far in its “Communication on Progress”. Here are some examples: decreasing crime and highlighting the city’s architectural heritage; and two public lighting projects in the cities of Kunming, China, and Sant Fost, Spain, ■ Integrated waste management in Alexandria, Egypt, with the implementation with specific energy savings targets. of a clean development mechanism, in compliance with the Kyoto Protocol. ■ Integrated water supply and sanitation services in Aguascalientes, Mexico, using This project was awarded the UN-Habitat’s Scroll of Honor Award in 2005 a new optimized management model that won the municipality a national prize for exemplary cooperation between the public and private sectors and in 2007 for the efficiency of its water and wastewater systems in meeting in particular for the excellent training and employability of waste collection the needs of the local residents, particularly those of the lowest income families. and treatment personnel. ■ Two environment-friendly wastewater treatment processes: Géolide ■ Integrated management of water and wastewater services in Bucharest, (in Marseilles, France) and Organica (in Hungary) that reduce impact on urban Romania, with quality performance indicators. environments and help protect biodiversity. ■ A public-private partnership to create and operate a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) ■ Industrial waste management at ArcelorMittal’s plant in Vega do Sul, Brazil, system in Bogotá, Colombia, that facilitates access to and from the city’s that deals effectively with environmental externalities. poorest neighborhoods, ensures faster transportation and significantly reduces pollution and the risk of accident. One novel feature of this partnership is that Veolia Environnement is a member of a local public transportation organization that is composed of seven companies, including several small and medium-sized operators. Veolia Environnement — Managing societal performance / Partnerships with international organizations 24
  • 27. A reliable, structured system was required to manage the company’s environmental impacts and compliance with environmental regulations. Since 2002, the Environmental Management System (EMS) has served as the instrument for improvement in the fields of environment and environmental health. Applied in all divisions and structured around four levels of responsibility (corporate, division, business units and sites), the EMS enables the evaluation of environmental impacts, compliance with the regulations and the company’s internal requirements, the setting of targets and then the implementation of measures and action plans for achieving them. The guiding principles for the EMS are defined and validated by the Environmental Liaison Committee, which reports directly to the company’s senior management. The committee ensures overall consistency in the EMS by guaranteeing a coherent view of the extent to which impacts are controlled and defines the strategic orientations on environmental management every year. In addition, the EMS is overseen by the Environmental Management Committee, made up of the environmental managers in each division, which transmits information and coordinates the action plans. In 2007, the company put together a team of internal auditors with the purpose of ensuring direct control over EMS deployment, including in particular checking regulatory compliance and the pertinence of the action plans. TARGET MANAGEMENT OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT EMS DEPLOYMENT CONTROL AND VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION Environmental Liaison Environmental Sustainable Development External data verification Committee Management Committee Department, divisions and by Ernst & Young (EMC) business units Sustainable Development Department ISO 9001/14001 EMS requirements policy certification audits Divisions and business units Quantified targets Environmental information Internal EMS audits system Environmental Performance Department General audit of the Environmental Management System (Internal Auditing Department) Veolia Environnement — Managing environmental performance 26
  • 28. In connection with our 2009-2011 environmental program, we defined quantified targets along with commitments on trends for 10 key indicators covering the main environmental priorities. The values set for these targets by the end of 2011 are indicative and may be revised, in particular depending on changes in the company’s consolidation scope. The environmental indicators will be revised in 2011, and the targets will be redefined at the end of 2011. INDICATOR ACHIEVED AT TREND 2011 TARGET DECEMBER 31, 2010 Environmental Management System (EMS) implementation 81% 85% Environmental evaluation of priority facilities 85% >95% in the past five years New methodology in 2009 Percentage of renewable and alternative energy 26% >25% in total energy consumption Carbon efficiency ratio of Veolia Energy – Dalkia 27.1% >24% (overall reduction in GHG emissions/total GHG emissions) Volume of water lost in water distribution networks 1,608 million m3 <1,615 million m3 (2008 reference scope) (2008 reference scope)(1) Percentage of the population evaluated with water quality classes 96.1% 100% Overall wastewater treatment efficiency for plants 83.1% >80% with a capacity of over 50,000 equivalent population Percentage of treated waste disposed of without any energy 53.0% 51.5% or materials recovery Percentage of waste treated in incinerators 93.4% >95% with dioxin emissions lower than 0.1 ng/Nm3 (all sites) Unit emissions of CO, HC and particle matter (PM) CO: 2.58 g/km CO: 2.36 g/km by passenger transportation vehicles HC: 0.52 g/km HC: 0.48 g/km Particles: 0.21 g/km Particles: 0.20 g/km (2008 reference scope) (2008 reference scope)(2) (1) The 2009 and 2010 pro forma figures compared with a 2008 base geographic scope are respectively 1,644 and 1,608 million m3. (2) The 2009 and 2010 figures are compared with a 2008 base geographic scope representing 84% of the fleet of heavy road vehicles (excluding electric vehicles). Veolia Environnement — Managing environmental performance 27
  • 29. 1 Manage environmental performance Percentage of EMS implementation (including ISO 14001 certified In 2010, the percentage implementation of the Environmental Management System (internal EMS and ISO 14001 certifications) facilities) for the relevant activities* increased by 3 percentage points to 81% as a result of improvements in each of the four divisions. Additionally, this change is essentially the result of the implementation of the internal EMS. 85% 78% 81% 77% Veolia Environnement’s internal EMS is applied all the way through to business unit level, in accordance with guidelines specific to each division and compliant with company requirements. They are equivalent to ISO 14001 requirements. Locally, ISO 14001 certification provides external assurance that the internal EMS has been implemented in the business units. In 2010, 48.3% of the relevant revenue was covered by ISO 14001 certification. Since 2009, the Environmental Management System implementation criteria have been incorporated into the company’s Environmental Information System (EIS), so that the level of internal EMS implementation can be calculated from the responses entered for each of the standard EMS requirements. Following the methodology change in 2009, a new reporting process has provided a more valid measure of the internal EMS implementation rate in the company. The outreach efforts that are underway will 2008 2009 2010 2011 be continued to reduce the risk of incorrect interpretation of EMS deployment requirements by operational staff. Target Percentage of priority facilities evaluated* An environmental evaluation was made of 85% of the total 1,454 priority facilities(1) over the past five years. This evaluation is, (in the previous five years) within the context of the EMS, an assessment of the regulatory compliance with the applicable environmental texts. The assessment methods are defined for each of the four divisions and so may differ depending on the nature of the activity(2). >95% 91% 87% 85% The number of priority facilities has increased slightly (1%), as has the number of evaluations performed in the year (2%). Even so, the percentage of priority facilities assessed since 2006 dropped by 2 percentage points compared with 2009. Not all the facilities due for assessment in 2010 were audited during the year; this was partly because some of the audits performed included sites that had already been audited less than five years ago. 2008 2009 2010 2011 Target (1) Priority facilities are those facilities with the most sensitive environmental impact for the company. * Indicator with a quantified Target. (2) ISO 14001 certification audits, environmental audits (internal and external), and regulatory environmental assessments are in particular considered to be environmental assessments. Veolia Environnement — Managing environmental performance / Manage environmental performance 28